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Wall Boilers

Caldaie Murali - CaldaieMurali
Reliable heating with wall mounted boilers. Compact design, energy efficiency and optimal performance for the comfort of your home. Choose from a wide range of wall mounted boilers and secure an efficient and affordable heating system. Buy your wall mounted boiler today!

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  • immagine-1-ferroli-area-occasioni-caldaia-a-condensazione-ferroli-divacondens-d-plus-f24-metano-low-nox-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-new-erp

    Ferroli AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia a Condensazione Ferroli DIVACONDENS D PLUS F24 Metano LOW NOx Completa di kit scarico fumi - NEW ErP

     ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA BOZZATURE SULLA PARTE FRONTALE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) ATTENZIONE ! La caldaia verrà fornita a metano, per il funzionamento a GPL bisogna rivolgersi al Centro Assistenza Autorizzato di zona. Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : Divacondens D Plus Potenza Termica nominale : 24 kW Alimentazione : Metano Specifiche Efficienza Energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Classe Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : B Efficienza Energetica Stagionale per il Riscaldamento d'ambiente : 89% Performance Portata Termica Riscaldamento : 7,5 ~ 25,0 kW Potenza Termica Riscaldamento : 7,2 ~ 24,2 kW Rendimento Termico Ultile 30% Pmin : 100,1 % Produzione Acqua Calda Sanitaria 25°C ?t 30°C : 13,9 ~ 11,6 l/min Emissioni NOx 6 Dimensioni e Peso Dimesioni (LxHxP) : 400x700x330 mm Peso : 35 Kg Caldaia Ferroli Divacondens D Plus La Soluzione Più Semplice Per Una Caldaia a Condensazione   DIVACONDENS D PLUS è il generatore di calore a condensazione per i sistemi di riscaldamento tradizionali. La collaudata tecnologia Ferroli nel campo delle caldaie murali tradizionali è stata arricchita incrementando le prestazioni del prodotto nel modo più semplice, con l’utilizzo di un robusto recuperatore che preriscalda il circuito primario utilizzando il calore residuo dei fumi di scarico e di un nuovo bruciatore raffreddato a basse emissioni di NOx. La Gamma Divacondens D Plus è proposta in un unico modello per riscaldamento e produzione istantanea di acqua calda sanitaria Caratteristiche> Caldaia a condensazione per il riscaldamento di impianti ad alta temperatura e produzione di acqua calda sanitaria. Non risulta idonea all’abbinamento con mandata diretta ad impianti con pannelli radianti a bassa temperatura > Scambiatore primario a geometria compatta > Produzione istantanea di acqua calda sanitaria con scambiatore a piastre dedicato > Post-recuperatore del calore latente di condensazione, in funzione di pre-riscaldo del circuito primario > Caldaia a camera stagna e tiraggio forzato, con bruciatore atmosferico raffreddato ad acqua a basse emissioni di NOx > By-pass idraulico automatico di serie > Minime emissioni inquinanti (classe 6 secondo EN 15502-1) > Circolatore alta efficienza a basso consumo (ErP - Classe A) con sistema antibloccaggio tramite attivazione per alcuni secondi ogni 24 ore di inattività > Abbinabile al cronocomando remoto modulante > Pannello comandi semplice e completo, interfaccia utente a display, con tasti di impostazione > Robusto post-condensatore alimentato dal circuito chiuso del primario. Lo scambio termico con i fumi avviene all’interno di passaggi d’acqua di grande diametro. > Generatore dal funzionamento semplice e razionale > Funzione ECO in sanitario per un maggior risparmio nel periodo di scarso utilizzo di acqua calda > Predisposizione impianti solari: predisposta per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria combinata con impianti a pannelli solari > Luogo di installazione: anche per esterno in luogo parzialmente protetto fino a -5°C di serie > Funzionamento certificato anche ad aria propanata (50% aria - 50% G31) mediante apposita trasformazione da richiedere al Centro Assistenza Autorizzato > Funzionamento anche a GPL con l’utilizzo di un apposito kit di conversione da richiedere al Centro Assistenza AutorizzatoControllo in caldaia La centralina di controllo di DIVACONDENS D PLUS consiste in un’interfaccia facile da usare con display retroilluminato. Tramite i pulsanti è possibile regolare facilmente la temperatura di mandata riscaldamento, il setpoint dell’acqua calda sanitaria, accendere / spegnere il generatore o attivare la funzione confort, monitorando lo stato della caldaia. Il pannello di controllo è completato da un manometro tradizionale che può controllare in qualsiasi momento la pressione dell’impianto.Le performanceClassificazione energetica Profilo di carico sanitario (massima portata alla corrispondente efficienza dichiarata in sanitario) Efficienza nella produzione di acqua calda sanitaria PER CALDAIE COMBINATE Il pacchetto “clima-energia 20/20/20” prevede ambiziosi obiettivi di riduzione dell’emissione di gas serra, dei consumi energetici nonché l’incremento dell’uso di energie rinnovabili, corrispondenti ad una percentuale del 20% da raggiungere entro il 2020. In questo ambito, il regolamento europeo ErP (Energy Related Products) introduce una classificazione energetica anche per i generatori di acqua calda ai fini del riscaldamento d’ambiente e dell’acqua calda sanitaria. Tale classificazione si traduce in una etichetta energetica che deve obbligatoriamente accompagnare tutti i prodotti interessati dal Regolamento, introdotti nel mercato dal 26 settembre 2015. L’etichettatura costituisce una facile guida per il consumatore, che può scegliere - tramite indicazioni standardizzate ed oggettive - il prodotto più efficiente. In questo modo la scelta sarà la più parca nei consumi a vantaggio dell’utente, ma anche la più virtuosa per gli equilibri energetici e di conseguenza, per l’ambiente. I parametri più significativi indicati nell’etichetta sono l’indice di efficienza stagionale in riscaldamento e di efficienza nell’eventuale produzione di acqua calda sanitaria, secondo una scala che nel caso del prodotto singolo caldaia si attesta dalla A alla G*. Inoltre per le caldaie combinate viene indicato un profilo di carico corrispondente alla portata sanitaria dell’apparecchio misurata in una serie di prelievi-tipo, garantendo almeno l’efficienza in sanitario dichiarata. Tale indice viene identificato con una lettera/”taglia” (S, M …XXL).Integrazione circuito solareDIVACONDENS D PLUS vanta una elettronica che semplifica l’integrazione con sistemi solari termici, sia a circolazione naturale sia forzata. Il microprocessore controlla la temperatura dell’acqua proveniente dal circuito solare attraverso il sensore di acqua calda sanitaria e accende il bruciatore solo in caso di necessità. Per il raggiungimento della temperatura desiderata, SUN EASY permette un notevole risparmio anche durante le stagioni più fredde, sfruttando e integrando anche il più piccolo contributo solare, altrimenti perso. In caso di irraggiamento insufficiente e quindi un preriscaldo modesto dell’acqua sanitaria, la caldaia contribuirà con il calore necessario per raggiungere la temperatura di setpoint richiesta. Qualora il sole e il sistema solare assolvano al loro “dovere” non sarà necessaria nessuna integrazione da parte della caldaia, l’acqua calda verrà convogliata al rubinetto, senza necessità di dispositivi addizionali, con la miscelazione delle valvole termostatiche.Sicurezza e comfortANTIGELO Nell’eventualità che la temperatura in caldaia scenda a 5°C, il bruciatore si accende automaticamente e il circolatore si attiva al fine di preservare l’apparecchio dai danni causati dal gelo. Tale funzione è attiva con la caldaia alimentata dal circuito gas e sotto tensione elettrica. POST-CIRCOLAZIONE Questa funzione permette di recuperare tutto il calore fornito per inerzia termica dello scambiatore e trasferirlo al sistema di riscaldamento, e di conseguenza ai locali da riscaldare. Si tratta di una funzione timer (di durata personalizzabile) ed è attiva dopo che il bruciatore si spegne in modalità di riscaldamento. FUNZIONAMENTO IN TEMPERATURA SCORREVOLE Con l’installazione del kit “Sonda esterna” è possibile far funzionare la caldaia in temperatura scorrevole. Ciò significa che senza agire sui tasti di regolazione della temperatura di impianto, la caldaia si autoregolerà in funzione delle variazioni delle temperature esterne. Tutto questo si traduce in risparmio energetico pur garantendo il massimo comfort all’utente. EASY CONTROL La scheda elettronica di DIVACONDENS D PLUS adotta il protocollo Opentherm. Esso permette l’integrazione di altre centraline periferiche come, ad esempio, il cronocomando remoto ROMEO. Lo standard Opentherm infatti è stato appositamente studiato per condividere le logiche e gli algoritmi di funzionamento della caldaia con altre centraline aggiuntive. In quanto protocollo digitale, consente una totale integrazione tra caldaia e satellite, con il pieno controllo delle funzioni dalla caldaia e similmente dal suo satellite. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-junkers-bosch-area-occasioni-caldaia-junkers-bosch-condens-2200-w-gc2200w-2423-c-24-kw-a-condensazione-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-metano-o-gpl-classe-a-cod.-7736901846-new-erp

    Junkers Bosch AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia Junkers Bosch CONDENS 2200 W GC2200W 24/23 C 24 kW a condensazione completa di kit scarico fumi Metano o GPL classe A cod. 7736901846 - NEW ERP

     ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA UN'AMMACCATURA LUNGO IL BORDO DEL COPERCHIO DELLA CALDAIA, PARTE INFERIORE GRAFFIATA E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE)  ATTENZIONE  LA CALDAIA VIENE FORNITA A METANO. PER LA TRASFORMAZIONE A GPL, RIVOLGERSI PREVENTIVAMENTE AL SERVIZIO ASSISTENZA AUTORIZZATO Caldaia Junkers Bosch CONDENS 2200 W GC2200W 24/23 C 24 kW a condensazione completa di kit scarico fumi Metano o GPL classe A - NEW ERP Caratteristiche Tecniche Profilo di carico dichiarato XL  Classe di efficienza energetica A  Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell'acqua A  Potenza termica nominale Prated kW 24  Consumo annuo di energia QHE GJ 49  Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d'ambiente ?S % 94  Efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell'acqua ?wh % 85  Dimensioni Altezza (cm) :71 Larghezza (cm) :40 Profondità (cm) :30 Peso (kg) :35,00 Condens 2200 W Condens 2200 W è la nuova caldaia murale a condensazione compatta e versatile per riscaldamento e produzione di acqua calda sanitaria Massima affidabilità La nuova caldaia Condens 2200 W si distingue non solo per le dimensioni ridotte, ma anche per l'elevata robustezza, garantita dallo scambiatore primario in lega di alluminio Al-Si WB6 Grande efficienza in poco spazio La compattezza e versatilità della nuova caldaia Condens 2200 W la rendono la soluzione ideale in caso di sostituzione, perché in grado di adattarsi a qualunque ambiente domestico Elevate prestazioni in classe A+ La nuova Condens 2200 W garantisce un rendimento stagionale pari al 94%, il massimo ottenibile da una caldaia a condensazione. Se abbinata ad un termoregolatore modulante con funzione climatica è inoltre in grado di raggiungere la Classe A+ Dimensioni ridotte e nuovo design arrotondato Elevato risparmio energetico grazie al rendimento stagionale pari al 94% Ideale per gli interventi di sostituzione Range di modulazione fino a 1:5  Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Caldaia Beretta Ciao At 25 Csi A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Metano - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Beretta Ciao At 25 Csi Condensing Boiler Complete With Methane Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    NB: in the absence of the ciao at, the NEW CIAO AT 25 LN LOW NOX model will be sent BERETTA CIAO AT 25 CSI CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ErP Product code: 20113788 Characteristics: Energy efficiency in heating: B Energy efficiency Sanitary: A Sanitary load profile: XL Nominal heat input: 25 kW Electric Power: 129W Supply voltage/frequency: 230/50 Volt/Hz Electrical protection degree: X5D ip Dimensions HxWxD: 780 x 400 x 338 ; 40 Kg Gas version available: METHANE Warm-up exercise: Maximum pressure and temperatures: 3/90 bar/°C Heating temperature selection range: 40/80 °C Pump: pump head available for the system: 266 m/bar Expansion tank capacity: 8 l Healthcare exercise: Maximum pressure: 6 bars Minimum pressure: 0.15 bar Quantity of hot water with ∆t=25°C: 14.3 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min DHW temperature selection range: 37 - 60 °C Beretta HELLO AT Hi AT, ideal for replacement in systems with radiators. Ciao AT is the innovative condensing boiler specifically designed by Beretta for traditional high temperature systems (radiators and radiators). The boiler is equipped with a heat recovery unit on the fumes and combustion in a sealed chamber; this allows to obtain very high performance in terms of efficiency and therefore a significant energy saving. High performance and low consumption In the Ciao AT boiler, the water in the primary circuit passes through an additional exchanger, which allows you to recover energy that would otherwise be wasted. This process makes it possible to recover latent heat and therefore to further increase the performance of the boiler. The energy saving offered by a boiler is greater the higher its efficiency: Ciao AT therefore allows you to reduce gas consumption compared to a boiler without an additional exchanger. Management: The electronic panel is the interface for managing the boiler. Simple and intuitive, it allows you to adjust the boiler parameters and activate the numerous functions. The liquid crystal display provides information on the status of the device and the diagnostic codes. By turning the knobs, the heating water and domestic hot water temperature can be set easily and intuitively. The panel integrates the Sistema Clima Amico function. The Ciao AT technology makes use of the condensing exchanger which recovers the latent heat of the fumes, the same principle used by condensing boilers. The exchanger, located at the top left, is connected directly to the fan which pushes the fumes inside it, before they are definitively expelled. The difference in the temperature of the fumes between the ~140°C inlet and the ~65°C outlet of the condensing exchanger is indicative of the amount of heat recovered from them. The return from the system first passes through the condensing exchanger which recovers the heat from the fumes, and then passes through the primary exchanger, where it receives the remaining heat in order to reach the required flow temperature. The water then recovers part of the heat from the fumes, which would otherwise be expelled into the atmosphere, thus giving rise to less waste and consequently greater savings for the user. Outdoor installation: Ciao AT is designed to also be installed outdoors in partially protected places thanks to the dedicated accessories (bottom cover kit and top cover kit) and board anti-freeze protection down to 0 °C. In colder temperatures it is possible to extend the protection down to -10 °C using the special antifreeze heater kit with which the lower cover is required. Up to 17 meters of Ø 60 ducting with the Ciao AT boiler: With Ciao AT it is possible to comfortably duct even the most "difficult" flues thanks to the approval for Ø 60mm flue systems which is added to the traditional Ø 80 mm ducting flue system. The main 60mm flue ducts are available in the Beretta price list catalogue, while the boiler manuals provide indications of the maximum length, which differ according to the boiler power. TECHNICAL FEATURES: Specific for systems with radiators and radiators (at high temperature) Condensing post exchanger in aluminum alloy Possibility of outdoor installation with antifreeze heater kit (optional) IPX5D electrical protection degree Environmental Self-Regulation System (SARA) Low consumption circulator 6 m (EEI≤0.20) Hydraulic connections cover (optional) Condensate collection neutralizer drawer kit (optional) Template, hydraulic fittings, gas and sanitary taps (optional) For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Vaillant Ecotec Pro A Condensazione Vmw 286/5-3+ Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Low Nox Metano - CaldaieMurali

    VAILLANT Vaillant Ecotec Pro Condensing Boiler Vmw 286/5-3+ Complete With Low Nox Methane Fume Exhaust Kit

    VAILLANT ecoTEC PRO CONDENSING VMW 286/5-3+ COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT -ErP NOx 5 Technical features For heating and domestic hot water production Forced draft sealed chamber Nominal thermal power 24.0 kW ErP energy class (Heating and DHW): Class A DHW nominal heat input 28.6 kW Nominal heat input in heating mode 24.5 kW Water content in the generator 2.2 l Expansion vessel capacity 10 l Domestic hot water production (ΔT = 30K) 13.4 lt Dimensions (hxpxl) mm 720 x 338 x 440 ; 36kg Version: CNG General characteristics Vaillant condensing boiler EcoTEC PRO The wall mounted boiler that offers the right balance between performance and comfort. The ecoTEC pro VMW (heating and DHW production) are available in power ratings of 19 and 24 kW. ecoTEC pro was born as the natural evolution of Vaillant's consolidated technology and experience in condensing technology. ecoTEC pro has been designed to offer the right balance between performance and comfort both in heating and in the production of domestic hot water. Its simplicity of regulation makes it the ideal boiler for all users. ecoTEC pro is equipped with an extremely simple interface with plain text and backlit display. The small dimensions of ecoTEC pro VMW 70cm high, 44cm wide and 35cm deep (identical to the previous version) allow installation in any environment. A new high-efficiency pump and new electronics allow ecoTEC pro to consume very little electricity, guaranteeing considerable savings throughout the year. Instant DHW production Intuitive user interface Simplicity of management ****Efficiency in heating Modulation 1:5 Modulating pump (Class A) Steel primary exchanger 10 l expansion vessel transfer kit from methane to propane or propane air code 0020160884 Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Ferroli A Condensazione Bluehelix Hitech Rrt 28 C Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Low Nox Metano O Gpl - Novità - CaldaieMurali

    Ferroli Ferroli Condensing Boiler Bluehelix Hitech Rrt 28 C Complete With Low Nox Methane Or LPG Flue Kit - New

    Ferroli condensing boiler Bluehelix HiTech RRT 28 C complete with low NOx methane or LPG fume exhaust kit - New Heating ERP class A Healthcare ERP Class A XL load profile Heating capacity max / min kW 24.5 / 3.5 Max DHW heat input (Hi) kW 28.5 Max / min DHW thermal power kW 28.0 / 3.4 Yield 30% % 109.7 NOx emission class (EN 15502-1) - 6 Heating expansion vessel capacity 8 litres Sanitary flow rate ?t 25°C l/min 16.1 Protection degree (IEC 60529) IP X4D Dimensions HxWxD mm 700x420x320 Bluehelix HiTech RRT The new user interface with «capsense» technology, without mechanical keys and equipped with a 2.8'' graphic display, allows the user to interact with the product easily and extremely simply. Thanks to the energy efficiency of the space heating ηs 94% among the highest in the category (Class A ErP, scale from G to A++) and to the combination with the Connect remote control, able to read the outside temperature directly from the internet, reaches the system energy class A+ (scale from G to A+++). Easily adapts to load conditions thanks to the wide modulation range which can reach up to 1:10 (1:10 mod. 34 C, 1:9 mod. 28 C, 1:7 mod 24 C). Thanks to the "Hydrogen plug-in" system, one of its most important innovations, it is already able to self-regulate to work with mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen, which will soon arrive in Europe, to combat global warming. Designed to fully satisfy the requests for a "robust" product from every point of view thanks to the high-passage primary exchanger capable of guaranteeing maximum efficiency and reliability over time also, and not only, as a replacement for old generators in particularly dirty systems . Silence at the top The particularly careful design of BLUEHELIX HITECH RRT has made it possible to achieve significant values ​​in terms of silence and acoustic comfort, so much so that it could almost be difficult to distinguish the background noise of a home from the noise produced by the boiler during normal operation. It will be difficult to realize whether the boiler is on or off from its noise, as on older generations of boilers, because even the on/off transients have been optimized according to acoustic comfort. The planning also took care of the design, creating a precious mantle in 3 removable pieces, which descends to cover the pipe connections Characteristics Boiler with thick stainless steel primary exchanger , with increased passages (at the top of the category) to guarantee durability and reduced maintenance, it maintains high efficiency even on old systems with oxidation and dirt thanks to the combination with the CONNECT modulating remote control and the reading of the external temperature directly from the internet, it reaches the maximum energy efficiency A+ (scale from G to A+++) Class 6 NOx: already in line with the provisions of the ErP regulation from 26.09.2018 (NOx emissions < 56mg/kWh) MC2: Multi Combustion Control, new combustion system with patented gas-adaptive technology of industrial origin for better adaptability of use to varying conditions of the gas network (e.g. fluctuations or reduced pressures) MGR: Methane LPG Ready, through a simple configuration the boiler is able to operate on both methane and LPG without the use of additional conversion kits Exclusive exchanger-burner system with self-cooled door (without insulators): simplifies maintenance and reduces its cost thanks to fewer perishable parts Instantaneous production of DHW with dedicated DHW plate heat exchanger (only for version C) Hydraulic connections covered by the boiler casing Large backlit multifunction graphic display for easy and correct parameter setting Standard by-pass Easily adapts to load conditions thanks to the wide modulation range which can reach up to 1:10 (1:10 mod. 34 C, 1:9 mod. 28 C, 1:7 mod 24 C). Particularly suitable for operation in flues that require "heavy" ducting thanks to the approval for operation with 50mm diameter flue pipes FPS: Smoke Protection System. The flue clapet valve inserted as standard on the boiler allows easy connection to pressurized collective flue systems (e.g. in renovations), in accordance with the UNI 7129 standard Designed to simplify and facilitate normal maintenance and cleaning operations Predisposition for solar systems: prepared for the production of domestic hot water combined with solar panel systems ECO function in DHW for greater savings in the period of low use of hot water (only for version C) Digital flame control with three re-ignition attempts in the event of malfunction due to lack of flame detection (only for methane operation) Place of installation: also for outdoors in a partially protected place up to -5°C as standard and up to -15°C with the aid of the optional antifreeze heater kit Boiler control The new user interface with ''capsense'' technology, without mechanical keys and equipped with a 2.8'' graphic display, allows the user to interact with the product easily and extremely simply, customizing the operation of the appliance in so as to manage the environmental comfort according to one's needs. Thanks to the remote connection via bus, this can also be done directly from the CONNECT remote control, even via smartphone. The boiler is also set up to connect a second room thermostat to dedicated terminals to manage multi-zone systems. TOP EFFICIENCY Even on old systems (replacements) The BLUEHELIX HITECH RRT heat exchanger THERMOBALANCE™ (fig. A) compared to the more classic and widespread steel exchanger (fig. B) also used in the past by the Ferroli Group exclusively on a small series of boilers produced for the market English, and then immediately abandoned in favor of the evolution towards the proprietary steel exchanger used in the Bluehelix models (2012 -> ). This geometry allows the heat exchanger of the THERMOBALANCE heating unit to operate almost at maximum design efficiency even in conditions of partial blockage, while with the same amount of deposits and sediments (e.g. due to installation on old systems) the exchanger in fig . B tends to block up much faster in the part in contact with the flame due to the reduced passage area of ​​the fluid, in which a real barrier of deposits * is formed which hinder the heat exchange and reduce the efficiency beyond below the nominal values MC2 Multi Combustion Control The electronics control the flame ionization current in order to ensure optimal combustion as the air density or gas quality varies. The relationship between the air/gas ratio (λ) and the flame ionization signal is used to control the air-gas ratio itself and therefore the combustion. MC2 : Multi Combustion Control, the new combustion system with patented gas-adaptive technology improves the adaptability of use as the conditions of the gas network vary (e.g. fluctuations or reduced pressures). EASY MAINTENANCE Trouble-free maintenance At the time of the first maintenance, the technician can see the care with which every detail has been designed to facilitate his work. Thanks to the maximum accessibility of the main components, the "Thermobalance"TM thermal group allows maintenance to be carried out with maximum precision and speed. Some examples: Internal accessibility is favored by the 3-piece mantle with removable side panels. The electrical box of the electronic card can be easily extracted from the chassis leaving free access to the internal parts. - The fan, offset from the burner and placed underneath, must not be disassembled to access the steel burner-exchanger unit. The burner door is totally self-air-cooled and therefore does not require an insulating panel, avoiding the risk that this could be damaged or broken during disassembly for cleaning. The burner can be disassembled by loosening just 3 bolts leaving free access to the stainless steel exchanger. The exchanger with extra-large passages is designed to challenge the hardest waters and is easy to clean thanks to the non-collectorised single-pipe circuit. The domestic hot water inlet filter can be extracted very easily directly from the inside without having to remove the boiler hydraulic connections. Any disassembly and replacement of the plate heat exchanger takes place simply by removing the two Allen bolts accessible from the front Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Condensazione Ferroli Bluehelix Tech Rrt 24c Low Nox Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    Ferroli Ferroli Bluehelix Tech Rrt 24c Low Nox LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit

    ATTENTION Natural gas, LPG, Propane air Ready through a simple configuration the boiler is able to operate on natural gas, LPG and propane air without the use of additional conversion kits. For info, contact the local authorized assistance center in advance IN THE ABSENCE OF THIS ITEM, THE BLUEHELIX ALPHA 24 MODEL WILL BE SHIPPED Technical features Model : Bluehelix Tech RRT 24C Energy rating Heating energy efficiency class: A DHW energy efficiency class: A ACS profile : XL Performance Heating thermal capacity: 5.0 ~ 20.4 kW Heating thermal power 80°C / 60°C : 4,9 ~ 20,0 kW Heating thermal power 50°C / 30°C : 4,9 ~ 20,0 kW DHW thermal capacity: 5 ~ 25.0 kW Sanitary thermal power: 4.9 ~ 24.5 kW Minimum efficiency 80°C / 60°C : 97.8% Maximum efficiency 80°C / 60°C : 98.0% Minimum efficiency 50°C / 30°C : 107.5% Maximum efficiency 50°C / 30°C : 106.1% G20 gas pressure : 20 bar G31 gas pressure : 37 bar NOx emission class : 6 Heating operating pressure: 0.8 ~ 3 bar Maximum heating temperature: 90°C Heating expansion vessel capacity: 8 litres DHW operating pressure: 0.3 ~ 9 bar Domestic water flow rate ∆t 25°C : 14 l/min Domestic water flow rate ∆t 30°C : 11.7 l/min Degree of protection : IP X5D Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 700x420x250 mm Empty weight: 28.0 kg 5 years without worries Ferroli BLUEHELIX TECH RRT boiler Ecological wall-hung condensing boilers with Ferroli Thermobalance™ combustion cell The evolution continues.. The range of generators is equipped with the tested AISI 304 stainless steel exchanger. Designed and built according to the new ErP directives for eco-compatible design and labelling, BLUEHELIX TECH RRT is at the top of its category. BLUEHELIX TECH RRT achieves one of the highest energy efficiency of space heating in the boiler category: ηs 94% . Furthermore, when combined with the external probe and the Romeo remote timer control, it reaches system energy class A+ Extended warranty with the "5 YEARS WORRY-FREE" formula The quality of Bluehelix TECH RRT is unquestionable, and Ferroli is ready to put it to the test by offering its customers extended warranty coverage which also ensures periodic maintenance and legal checks TOP efficiency even on old systems The exchanger of the THERMOBALANCE™ thermal group by Bluehelix TECH RRT compared with the more classic and widespread steel exchanger used in the past also by the Ferroli Group exclusively on a small series of boilers produced for the English market, and then immediately abandoned in favor of the evolution towards the proprietary steel exchanger used in Bluehelix models This geometry allows the heat exchanger of the THERMOBALANCE heating unit to operate almost at maximum design efficiency even in conditions of partial blockage, while with the same amount of deposits and sediments, for example due to installation on old systems, the exchanger tends to blockage much faster in the part in contact with the flame due to the reduced passage area of ​​the fluid, in which a real barrier of deposits is formed which hinder the heat exchange and reduce the efficiency below the nominal values . Product plus > Boiler with thick stainless steel primary exchanger, with increased passages (at the top of the category) to guarantee durability and reduced maintenance, it maintains high efficiency even on old systems with oxidation and dirt > It reaches one of the highest seasonal space heating efficiency in its category: ηs 94% and in combination with the modulating remote control and the optional external probe it reaches the top efficiency class > Class 6 NOx : already in line with the provisions of the ErP regulation, NOx emissions < 56mg/kWh. > MC 2 : M ulti C ombustion C ontrol, new combustion system with patented gas-adaptive technology of industrial origin for better adaptability of use to varying conditions of the gas network, such as fluctuations or reduced pressures. > MGR : Methane LPG R eady, through a simple configuration the boiler is able to operate on both methane and LPG without the use of additional conversion kits > Exclusive exchanger-burner system with self-cooled door without insulators: it simplifies maintenance and reduces its cost thanks to a smaller number of perishable parts. > Instantaneous production of domestic hot water with dedicated plate domestic heat exchanger > Hydraulic connections covered by the boiler shell > Large backlit multifunction graphic display for easy and correct parameter setting > Standard by-pass > Particularly suitable for operation in flues that require "heavy" ducting thanks to the approval for operation with 50mm diameter flue pipes > FPS : Fumes Protection System . The flue clapet valve fitted as standard on the boiler allows easy connection to pressurized collective flue systems > Designed to simplify and facilitate normal maintenance and cleaning operations > Predisposition for solar systems : prearranged for the production of domestic hot water combined with solar panel systems > ECO function in DHW for greater savings in the period of low use of hot water > 3-star certified comfort in sanitary manufacturing according to EN 13203 > Sliding temperature operation via optional external probe > Low consumption modulating heating circulator > Digital flame control with three re-ignition attempts in the event of blocking due to lack of flame detection, only for methane operation > Place of installation : also for outdoors in a partially protected place up to -5°C as standard and up to -15°C with the help of the optional antifreeze heater kit Innovative Ferroli THERMOBALANCE TM heating unit in its 5 elements Ferroli has oriented the design of the combustion cell and of the Bluehelix TECH RRT exchanger in order to maximize the functional advantages and the constructive sturdiness, as well as the simplicity of maintenance: the single-circuit design means that any air bubbles in the system do not remain trapped in the exchanger, and facilitates cleaning with chemical washing as much as possible, unlike spiral exchangers with double parallel circuit in which if only one of the circuits gets blocked, chemical washing is much more laborious. High flow single circuit stainless steel heat exchanger, resistant to clogging and easy to clean Self-cooled burner door without insulating panel Exclusive special stainless steel hemispherical burner with long-life gasket Intelligent “ Gas-adaptive ” system derived from industrial boilers, which monitors and self-stabilises combustion as the gas + flue conditions vary Offset fan, to facilitate maintenance of the thermal group without disassembly. Integrated smoke anti-reflux clapper for connection to CCS The engine Combustion cell The tube that makes up the BLUEHELIX TECH RRT exchanger is made of AISI 304 stainless steel , a material that allows for the creation of an extremely smooth surface , therefore less susceptible to encrusting agents and deposits. TOP quietness The new design for comfort The particularly careful design of BLUEHELIX TECH RRT has made it possible to achieve significant values ​​in terms of silence and acoustic comfort, so much so that it could almost be difficult to distinguish the background noise of a home from the noise produced by the boiler during normal operation. Even the boiler on/off transients have been optimized as a function of acoustic comfort, so that the customer will no longer have the hassle of understanding whether the boiler is on or off from its noise as with older generations of boilers. The planning also took care of the design, creating a precious mantle in 3 removable pieces, which descends to cover the pipe connections. Remote control Environment and climate BLUEHELIX TECH RRT can be combined with a wide range of remote timer controls that allow remote control and control of the appliance. The ROMEO series is made up of several models, with weekly or daily comfort programming and with the possibility of choosing between wired or wireless connection for both With the connection to the external probe, BLUEHELIX TECH RRT is able to vary the system temperature according to the external temperature measured on the basis of configurable climatic curves, guaranteeing the user greater comfort as the external climatic conditions vary. This function is internal to the electronic board of the boiler and therefore does not require the presence of the remote control , making the configuration operations easier in case of replacement. The ROMEO modulating function allows boiler output to be modulated as the set room temperature value is reached. This improves the quality of comfort by eliminating heat peaks with consequent energy savings Boiler control Control panel and functions The control and management electronics allow the user to customize the operation of the appliance in order to manage the environmental comfort according to one's needs . The key control panel and the simple LCD display make the programming operations for the production of hot water, both for domestic hot water and for heating, extremely easy and intuitive. Thanks to the remote connection via bus, this can also be done directly from the Romeo remote control. The card is protected by an easily accessible fuse thanks to the dedicated flap and the electrical connections benefit from a robust and large box, with easily accessible connectors and numerous cable ties. The boiler is also set up to connect a second room thermostat to the dedicated terminals to manage multi-zone mixing systems MC 2 Multi Combustion Control The electronics control the flame ionization current in order to ensure optimal combustion as the air density or gas quality varies. The relationship between the air/gas ratio and the flame ionization signal is used to control the air-gas ratio itself and therefore the combustion. MC 2 : Multi Combustion Control , the new combustion system with patented gas-adaptive technology improves the adaptability of use as the conditions of the gas network vary Easy Maintenance Hassle-free maintenance At the time of the first maintenance, the technician can appreciate the care with which every detail has been designed to facilitate his work. Thanks to the maximum accessibility of the main components, the "Thermobalance" tm thermal group allows maintenance to be carried out with maximum precision and speed. Some examples: - Internal accessibility is favored by the 3-piece shell with removable side panels. - The electrical box of the electronic card can be easily extracted from the chassis and hooked laterally, leaving free access to the internal parts - The fan, offset from the burner and placed underneath, must not be disassembled to access the steel burner-exchanger unit - The burner door is totally self-cooled by air and therefore does not require an insulating panel, avoiding the risk that this could be damaged or broken during disassembly for cleaning. - The burner can be disassembled by loosening just 3 bolts leaving free access to the stainless steel exchanger. - The exchanger with extra-large passages is designed to challenge the hardest waters and is easy to clean thanks to the non-collectorised single-pipe circuit. - The domestic hot water inlet filter can be extracted very easily directly from the inside without having to remove the boiler hydraulic connections . - Any disassembly and replacement of the plate heat exchanger takes place simply by removing the two Allen bolts accessible from the front Simplified replacement Smoke outlet ø 50 mm The new boiler can also be installed with 50mm diameter ducting outlets. Particularly important in the replacement market in the frequent case of collective flues that require "heavy" ducting where it is necessary to have a high fume expulsion capacity even with reduced diameters. FPS .: Fumes Protection System . The flue clapet valve allows easy connection to pressurized collective flue systems . For installers, the solution of the collective pressure pipe is cheaper Comfort & Safety The designers have thought of a series of functions capable of guaranteeing the quality of the domestic water, the best delivery of power to the heating system combined with a longer life of the appliance Stop And Go function With the use of sanitary taps with mixing, short or very short dispensing for quick rinses involves the start of the boiler ignition procedure which usually ends immediately. The continuation of these " false starts " can, in the long run, compromise the average life of the product. For this reason BLUEHELIX TECH RRT provides an electronic parameter through which it is possible to delay the ignition of the burner by activating it only in the face of actual withdrawals of domestic hot water Sun Easy function BLUEHELIX TECH RRT has been designed to be easily inserted into systems made with the latest technologies. The SUN EASY system makes use of electronics that simplify the combination with solar panels with both natural and forced circulation. Through a sensor placed on the DHW circuit, it continuously monitors the temperature of the water preheated by the solar panels, foreseeing the ignition of the burner only if the latter falls below the level necessary to guarantee optimal comfort for the user Sanitary Eco-Comfort function In ECO operation, the production of domestic hot water takes place according to traditional standards, allowing for energy savings during periods of non-use. In COMFORT mode, thanks to the particular heat exchanger temperature maintenance system, the delivery of domestic hot water becomes even faster and more comfortable . Reaching maximum comfort certified 3 stars. The efficiency and load profiles according to the ErP directive are at the top of the category External installation and antifreeze function To make the most of the available space, the new BLUEHELIX TECH RRT 24C boiler can be installed recessed into the wall using the special kit. For more critical installations, in completely uncovered places not protected from the elements, the "painted cabinet" kit is also available. In the event that the temperature in the boiler drops to 5°C, the burner automatically lights up and the circulator is activated in order to protect the appliance from damage caused by frost . This function is active with the boiler powered by the gas circuit and under electrical voltage Product Guarantee : All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Immergas A Condensazione Victrix Omnia 25 Kw Completa Di Kit Per Scarico Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    IMMERGAS Immergas Condensing Boiler Victrix Omnia 25 Kw Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit

    VICTRIX OMNIA 25 KW IMMERGAS CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT TECHNICAL DATA Useful heating power kW 20.2 DHW useful power kW 25 Dimensions (HxWxD) mm 738 x 400 x 247 Instant type Modulation range 20 - 100 % Hot water production (∆t 30 °C) l/min 12.5 Gas type: adjustable through the assistance centre. Low consumption: the low-consumption circulator allows for considerable savings in electricity. Standard: the cover of the water connections improves the aesthetics in domestic environments. COMFORT Ease of use: practical buttons and a backlit display allow you to easily manage and view the boiler setting. DOMINUS app : simple and intuitive, it allows you to check the functioning and temperature of the boiler, turn it on and off from anywhere via smartphone or tablet. Options. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY Eco-friendly technology: complies with the European ErP and ELD Directives, allows you to achieve high energy efficiency classes in heating and hot water production. Ecological class 6 (European Standards UNI 297 and 483): the best for reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX). Simplicity: the boiler has the same DIN-type hydraulic and gas connections as the old generators, which makes replacement installation easier, reducing assembly times. Positioning: approved to operate indoors, outdoors in partially protected places and recessed. IPX5D electrical protection. Standard antifreeze down to -5 °C. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Ariston A Condensazione Alteas One+ Net 30 Kw A+ Wi-Fi Integrato Metano O Gpl Controllo Vocale Sensys Hd Di Serie - Novita' Wifi - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Condensing Boiler Alteas One+ Net 30 Kw A+ Integrated Wi-Fi Methane Or LPG Voice Control Sensys HD Standard - New Wifi

    CAUTION Natural gas, LPG and propane air operation without the need for a kit. The transformation takes place thanks to the combustion control by selecting the type of gas from the technical menu. For info, contact the local authorized assistance center in advance Ariston ALTEAS ONE NET+ 30 kW A+ condensing boiler with Integrated Wi-Fi Methane or LPG Technical features Nominal heat input in heating max/min PCI 28.3 Nominal heat input in DHW max/min PCI kW 30/3 Combustion efficiency (flue gas) % 97.9 Efficiency at 30% at 30°C PCI % 109.5 NOx class Class 6 Maximum heating pressure 3 bar Expansion vessel capacity l 8 Min/max DHW temperature °C 36 / 60 Specific flow rate in DHW (10 min. with ΔT=30°C) l/min 14.3 Supply voltage/frequency V/Hz 230/50 Total absorbed electric power 83 Minimum ambient temperature of use 2 °C > 0° Degree of protection of the electrical system IP X5D Energy class A+ (Achievable with standard thermoregulation accessory and web reference for external temperature) Energy class in sanitary A XL withdrawal profile Dimensions WxHxD mm 400x745x385 ALTEAS ONE NET+ Latest generation condensing boiler with integrated Wi-Fi and voice control. Compatible with hydrogen blends up to 20%. Voice Control With Alteas one net+ your voice is enough to manage the comfort of your home thanks to the integration of the Ariston Smart NET with Google Home and Alexa. H2Ready Compatible with hydrogen blends up to 20%. Ariston's important commitment to introduce hydrogen in heating. Class A+ Thanks to the integration of the standard SENSYS HD, it is possible to reach class A+ guaranteeing energy savings. Characteristics Patented XtraTech™ high head stainless steel heat exchanger Modulation ratio 1:10 Low NOx levels (24 mg/kWh) Silent operation (only 46 db(A) Mod. 24kW) Compatibility with natural gas, LPG and propane air without the use of kits Ignition Control System+, stable and safe performance Hydro Sensor System, constant monitoring of system pressure Flow Control System+, optimal balance of flow and comfort Integrated Wi-Fi and ARISTON NET connectivity as standard Tempered and scratch resistant glass panel Large LCD display with touch interface Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Beretta Ciao X 25 C A Condensazione Low Nox 6 Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Gpl - Novita' Erp Cod. 20197877 Wi-Fi Optional - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Beretta Ciao X 25 CA Condensing Low Nox 6 Boiler Complete With LPG Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp Cod. 20197877 Wi-Fi Optional

    Beretta CIAO X 25 C low NOx 6 condensing boiler complete with LPG flue exhaust kit - NEW ErP cod. 20197877 Optional Wi-Fi Technical features Code: 20197875 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Seasonal heating energy efficiency class A Energy efficiency class of the sanitary fixture A Heating thermal capacity (max-min) 20.0 - 3.1 kw Nominal DHW heat input (max-min) 25.0 - 3.1 kw Supply voltage V-Hz 230 - 50 IP degree of protection IPX5D NOx class 6 LPG supply HEATING Max pressure-temperature bar-°C 3-90 Membrane expansion vessel l 8 SANITARY Max pressure bar 8 DHW production at ?T= 25 °C / 30 °C / 35 °C l/min 14.3/11.9/10.2 Minimum DHW flow l/min 2 DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT Boiler dimensions (HxWxD) mm 700x400x275 HELLO X, the comfort you deserve CIAO, ONE OF THE BEST-SELLING WALL-MOUNTED BOILERS EVER IN THE BERETTA PORTFOLIO, HAS BEEN COMPLETELY REDESIGNED, CREATING A NEW CONDENSING RANGE WITH MANY INNOVATIVE FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES: CIAO X The new Beretta range retains the distinctive characteristics of the previous models of the same name in terms of reliability and ease of use, adding many other important and innovative features: from the new primary heat exchanger in stainless steel , to the innovative touchpad interface up to the DIN standard hydraulic connections. With CIAO X, Beretta enhances the search for comfort and innovation with respect for the environment, which represents one of the strengths of the brand, starting from its origins. This renewed energy awareness translates into high efficiency, low consumption and a high modulation ratio (1:8), which combined with installation flexibility, compact dimensions and low weight, allow CIAO X to be placed at the top of its category. But there's more. HELLO X looks forward to future generations. The new range can already process a mixture of hydrogen up to 20%, the source of sustainable energy that will be the real ecological turning point in the coming years THE RANGE Ciao X is available in a complete range of 5 models, to meet the various needs of heating: CIAO X 25 C (combined, with dedicated codes for methane and LPG) CIAO X 30 C (combined) CIAO X 15 R (heating only) CIAO X 25 R (heating only) The compact dimensions and low weight of CIAO X allow it to be installed practically anywhere in the home, even in a wall unit in the kitchen. The product can also be installed outside the home (recessed in a BOX or in a partially protected place). CHECK YOUR COMFORT WITH A TOUCH One of the distinctive features of the new CIAO X is the digital touchpad interface, which combines design and innovation with ease of use. With a simple touch on 7 points of the panel, you can intuitively access all the settings and the boiler and system parameters. Each touch activates a buzzer, which generates acoustic feedback to confirm the operation. The LCD display communicates with the user and the installer through icons, without using texts, in order to allow an immediate understanding of the displayed function. EVERYWHERE HELLO X The soft and essential lines of the innovative touch control give CIAO X a modern and pleasant character, which facilitates integration into any context. The compact dimensions and low weight allow the boiler to be easily installed practically everywhere, not only inside the home, but also outside (recessed in a box or in a partially protected place). CIAO X is therefore ideal for replacing old boilers, both with DIN and Beretta connection sequences, thanks to the availability of accessory kits that simplify conversion. A wide range of accessories completes the CIAO X offer: flue kits, compact water filters (softener and magnetic) and cover of the hydraulic connections, facilitating their installation and harmonizing their integration, both indoors and outdoors. NEW STAINLESS STEEL CONDENSING EXCHANGER CIAO X is equipped with a new primary exchanger in stainless steel , with a smooth tube with a large section, to ensure excellent efficiency and cleanliness over time. Stainless steel, in addition to the high resistance to the corrosive action of acid condensate, prevents the internal formation of oxides and other electrochemical phenomena typical in installation on old systems. The single wrapped coil geometry (hydraulic circuit in series) ensures constant flow in all sections of the exchanger and intrinsically prevents clogging phenomena. Front access facilitates periodic maintenance and cleaning of the combustion chamber NEW FUNCTIONS FOR GREATER COMFORT IN SANITARY In the combined models, the high-performance plate exchanger, connected to the primary hot water circuit, allows domestic hot water to be heated instantaneously, without the need for an external boiler. The new sanitary exchanger has been optimized by Beretta to obtain high performance and maximum comfort for the end user in terms of temperature stability and reduced waiting times. These pluses, which place CIAO X at the top of the reference category, ultimately translate into water and energy saving, for greater respect for the environment. Here are some of the special functions of CIAO X: The PREHEATING function and its evolution in PREHEATING SMART have been designed to further reduce water and gas consumption. In fact, these functions make it possible to keep the water warm inside the new high-efficiency plate exchanger, produced in our factories, while reducing waiting times. The TOUCH & GO function allows you to activate instant pre-heating, only for a specific request. Other special functions such as DOMESTIC DELAY, ANTI-OSCILLATION, SMART FAN allow to improve the performance of the boiler in particularly difficult operating conditions, such as for example in the case of very low or very high inlet water temperature, or a very shallow water HI, COMFORT YOUR COMFORT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS CIAO X* IS COMPATIBLE WITH HI, COMFORT, THE NEW IOT SOLUTION PLATFORM BY BERETTA, WHICH ALLOWS TO MANAGE COMFORT IN A SIMPLE AND INTUITIVE WAY The end user can manage the home climate with the traditional HI, COMFORT T100 thermostat control, via the new HI, COMFORT App, which can be connected to the thermostat via the Wi-Fi box. The new App can be downloaded free of charge for Android and iOS systems and allows you to monitor the status, remotely set the domestic hot water temperature and define the boiler settings in a simple and safe. Furthermore, installing HI, COMFORT T100 is quick and easy and, in case of replacement of an old thermostat, does not require interventions on the electrical system of the house. HI, COMFORT T100, battery powered, also allows "wireless" installation, if the system is equipped with a radio frequency receiver SMART KEY K100 The new CIAO X range was created ready for the K100 Smart Key, an accessory designed for the latest generation Beretta condensing boilers, which marks their evolution towards increasingly eco-sustainable comfort. The Smart Key K100, through the App proprietary HI, COMFORT, allows you to know the operating status of the boiler, change its parameters and much more, all remotely. The various functions of the Smart Key K100 are certainly of interest to the user: from the "Bottle Function", to protect children and non-self-sufficient users from the risk of burns, to the "Booster Function", to maximize speed heating the environment, up to the "Wellness Function", to maintain a constant hot water temperature for maximum comfort and much more, all to be discovered. And for users who are increasingly attentive to the environment, it is possible, through the HI, COMFORT App, to monitor and manage the use of energy in their heating system, saving up to 15%* of consumption and avoiding unnecessary waste. For a sustainable future CIAO X is born ready to work with mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen - up to a maximum of 20% - a first important step towards achieving the objectives of environmental sustainability and the path of decarbonization initiated by the European Union. Availability in huge quantities Producibility using low-impact methods and in a sustainable way from renewable sources, such as wind energy, photovoltaics and biomass Reduction of polluting emissions in the percentage relative to its use Real opportunity for change to start the decarbonization process, fight global climate change, improve air and life quality Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Ariston A Condensazione Per Esterni Genus One Net Ext 25 Metano O Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Condensing Boiler For Outdoors Genus One Net Ext 25 Methane Or LPG Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit

    Ariston Condensing boiler for outdoor use GENUS ONE NET EXT 25 Methane complete with flue gas exhaust kit Product code: 3301225 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency (A+ achieved thanks to thermoregulation) Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Max/min nominal heat input (heating) PCI: 22-2.5 kW Nominal heat input max/min (sanitary) PCI: 26-2.5 kW Max/min useful heat output (heating): 21.5-2.3 kW Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C) PCI: 97.7% Efficiency at nominal heat input (30/50°C) PCI: 106.7% Efficiency at 30% (30°C) PCI: 109.7% Max/min heating temperature (high temperature): 82-35°C Max/min heating temperature (low temperature): 45-20°C DHW max/min temperature: 60-36°C Quantity of hot water (deltaT 25°C): 15.4 l/min Quantity of hot water (deltaT 35°C): 11 l/min Specific flow rate (first 10' with deltaT 30°C): 12.8 l/min minimum operating temperature (-20°C with antifreeze kit) -15°C Power supply voltage/frequency V/Hz 230-50 Total absorbed electric power: 84,7W Degree of protection of the electrical system IP X5D Dimensions mm (HxWxD) 770 x 505 x 240 External installation Power supply: methane Functionality: XtraTech™ stainless steel Standard connectivity: with the Sensys NET thermostat Thermoregulation included: Sensys NET system manager + external probe Functions: AUTO, Comfort, CARE Operation CNG, LPG and propane air without the need for kits. The transformation takes place thanks to the combustion control by selecting the type of gas from the technical menu GENUS ONE NET EXT XtraTech™ heat exchanger in exclusive Ariston stainless steel, with high head Exchanger passage sections +142% compared to the previous version Ignition system, electronic combustion control Gas transformation from the technical menu Modulation ratio 1:10 Ariston Net connectivity included with Sensys Net BusBridgeNet® communication protocol AUTO and Comfort function Class A+ in heating thanks to the Sensys NET system manager and standard external probe Minimum operating temperature down to -20°C* Semi automatic filling Electro-galvanized coat for outdoors Smoke outlet 80, 60, 50 mm Comfort function It speeds up hot water dispensing in two modes: Comfort Plus Mode (always hot water in just 5") and Comfort Mode (hot water for 30' after the last tap). Auto function Maximum comfort, efficiency and energy savings based on automatic analysis of the environmental conditions, connected external devices and required performance. System management New communication protocol designed to ensure complete system management. High efficiency Product characterized by high energy performance, reduction of consumption and polluting emissions. Extra small size Extremely small footprint to adapt to any space problem. Made in Italy Made entirely in Italy. Modulating circulation Modulating circulator for optimizing consumption and maximizing performance. Outdoor installation Possibility of outdoor installation thanks to all the weather protection devices. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Junkers Bosch Boiler Model Condens 7000i Gc7000iw 35 Kw Methane Condensing + Smoke Kit - White - Erp

    Junkers Bosch Junkers Bosch Boiler Model Condens 7000i Gc7000iw 35 Kw Methane Condensing + Smoke Kit - White - Erp

    NB: PRODUCT AVAILABLE ON ORDER JUNKERS BOILER BOSCH mod. CONDENS 7000i GC7000iW 35 kW METHANE CONDENSING + FLUE KIT - WHITE - ErP Heat and DHW energy efficiency class (ErP) A For heating and domestic hot water production Declared load profile XL Nominal heat output: 28.0 kW Max nominal heat input: 29.0 kW Nominal thermal power in domestic hot water (PnW) [kW] 35.1 Seasonal space heating energy efficiencies ηs % 93.0 Useful efficiency (Hi - 50/30 °C) % 102.7 Degree of protection X4D The boiler can be transformed by means of electronic modulation NOx class 6 Net weight Kg 43 Dimensions 350x440x840 CONDENS 7000i W Design and innovation love at first sight. Ask her for the best, she will give it to you. Aesthetics, innovation and savings. The new Condens 7000i W wall-hung gas condensing boiler has a refined and exclusive design, with a black or white titanium tempered glass shell, and a heart full of technological innovations. Simple to use, it guarantees you high savings and low consumption. Condens 7000i W is available in several versions to satisfy all your heating and hot water needs: heating only version (with power of 14 and 24 kW) and combined version to also produce domestic hot water (with power of 24, 28 and 35 kW). Designed to offer you excellence Whether you want to modernize your heating system or you are looking for a boiler for your new home, the advantages of Condens 7000i W are a guarantee: by choosing this boiler you can ensure only the best under every point of view. Consumption only according to your needs Condens 7000i W automatically adjusts power and consumption to your real domestic comfort and hot water needs, reducing waste. Furthermore, the condensing technique makes it possible to exploit the heat of the exhaust gases, increasing the efficiency of the boiler. Control your system via the dedicated App Condens 7000i W is perfectly compatible, in the case of single-zone heating systems, with the Bosch CT100 digital thermostat . This refined and elegant thermostat allows you to adjust the heating based on your presence in the house and allows you, thanks to the Bosch Control app*, to control your boiler wherever you are and at any time. Only the best for you: quality is Bosch Thanks to the use of top quality components, such as the aluminum-silicon alloy heat exchanger designed, patented, built and guaranteed by Bosch, the reliability of this boiler over time is a certainty you can always count on. White or Black: a matter of style Choosing it is a real pleasure Condens 7000i W is the optimal choice for those looking for beauty and innovation. The refined and captivating design, with titanium tempered glass casing with rounded corners, available in the white or black version, is ideal for adapting to all domestic environments, even the most modern and sophisticated. This innovative material gives your boiler many advantages: it is robust, unbreakable, easy to clean and does not show signs of ageing. Thanks to the elegant and refined look, the boiler is transformed into a real piece of furniture. Condens 7000i W is designed to simplify installation and maintenance operations by specialized technical personnel as much as possible. Once opened, Condens 7000i W will never cease to amaze you. Quick and easy installation Condens 7000i W includes the pre-installation plate as an accessory to facilitate assembly; it is also compatible with the connections of previous models of Junkers Bosch wall boilers , so as to be able to use the existing water and gas connections and save time. Quick and easy maintenance The internal design of the Condens 7000i W allows easy access to all components, which are clearly recognizable at first glance. The industrial design of this boiler means that it is assembled in a modular and orderly manner, guaranteeing speed and precision in maintenance operations. All-round reliability Bosch carefully selects all components, focusing on quality. The electronics are developed by Bosch; the heart of the boiler, the aluminum-silicon alloy exchanger, is also developed, produced, certified and guaranteed directly by Bosch. The aluminum-silicon alloy resists temperature swings, giving the exchanger qualities of lightness, sturdiness, efficiency and silence. It adapts to every need The wide continuous modulation of the power of Condens 7000i W, with a range up to 1:8, will allow to satisfy all comfort and consumption needs. The wide modulation is allowed by the Venturi tube, an innovation that makes the boiler highly efficient. Furthermore, the choice between LPG and methane is simplified to minimize setting operations. Intuitive and fast programming The circular and backlit display of Condens 7000i W allows fast and intuitive programming thanks to the easily understandable menu. Furthermore, the integrated climatic thermoregulation further simplifies the commissioning of the boiler. The boiler can be transformed by means of electronic modulation Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Condenazione Baxi Luna Duo-Tec E 24 + Mago Metano/Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    BAXI Baxi Luna Duo-Tec E 24 Condensing Boiler + Methane/LPG Wizard Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit

    ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. LPG OPERATION THROUGH ADJUSTMENT BY AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER. FOR INFO, CONTACT BAXI ASSISTANCE IN ADVANCE Technical features Model : Luna Duo-Tec E 24 + Magician Nominal heat input 24 kW DHW nominal heat input: 24.7 kW Nominal heating heat input: 20.6 kW Heating energy efficiency class: A DHW energy efficiency class: A Load profile : XL Auxiliary electricity consumption: 0.013 ~ 0.030 kW Rated Electric Power: 85W Minimum operating temperature: -5°C Expansion vessel capacity: 8 lire Heating circuit water temperature adjustment: 25° ~ 80° C Sanitary water temperature adjustment: 35° ~ 60° C Specific flow rate according to EN 13203-1 : 11.5 l/min Sanitary water production ∆T 25 : 13.8 l/min DHW circuit minimum water flow rate: 2 l/min Heating circuit water pressure: 0.5 ~ 8 bar Sound power level : 49 dB(A) Degree of Protection : IPX5D Maximum length Ø 60/100 concentric exhaust-intake pipe: 10 m Maximum length of Ø 80 split exhaust-intake pipe: 80 m Maximum flue gas temperature: 80° C Power supply: CNG / LPG Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 763x450x345 mm Weight : 38.5Kg Features Baxi Magician Model: Baxi Magician Maximum cable length for the Baxi Mago bus: 50 m Maximum cable resistance: 2 x 5 ohms Operating conditions : 0°C ~ 60°C Temperature control area : 10° ~ 30° C Dimensions (WxHxD): 120x90x27 mm Baxi Luna Duo-Tec boiler + Mago as standard The ideal condensation both for new buildings and for the replacement of an old generator Aesthetics can change, not performance The already well-known Baxi boilers are presented today with a renewed aesthetic , increasingly modern and attentive to new design trends, which allows them to be inserted in any living context The control panel has also been completely renewed and is equipped with a new backlit LCD display that is even clearer and simpler to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys The boilers, even more beautiful and modern thanks to the restyling , still keep intact the characteristics that have always distinguished the Duo-tec range Reliability Robustness, durability and reliable performance Efficiency and savings . The reduction of the on/off cycles translates into significant benefits in terms of energy savings and lower emissions Completeness of the range Models for heating only, with instantaneous DHW production, and also the compact version with the possibility of outdoor installation . The range has been further enriched with the new models equipped as standard with the Baxi Mago modulating chronothermostat with integrated WI-FI The ideal boiler for new builds and for replacement The Duo-tec E range of gas-fired condensing boilers has been specifically designed in compliance with the requirements of the Ecodesign and Labeling Directives, to make it particularly suitable both for new builds and for replacing an old generator . The energy class, identified by a letter, expresses a range of efficiency values ​​within which the one expressed by the product in question resides. The label was created for the final consumer, so that, through real and comparable data, he can make informed choices by targeting high-efficiency products Comfort management with Baxi Mago The Luna Duo-tec E 24/33 Mago and Duo-tec Compact E 24 Mago boilers are equipped AS STANDARD with the Baxi Mago, the modulating chronothermostat with integrated WI-FI designed to simplify the lives of installers, service centers and end users, as allows you to manage domestic comfort directly from an App , via the Wi-Fi connection. By downloading the dedicated App on your smartphone or tablet, it will be possible to connect to the Baxi Mago to control the temperature, manage programming, view the consumption graph, read any error messages, set the holiday mode, etc. An innovative tool with a unique design, which combines extreme practicality with a modern, captivating aesthetic with a strong appeal. The Duo-tec E range is compatible with the Baxi Mago available as an accessory , for remote boiler control Baxi Mago simplifies your life • Beautiful to look at and easy to use thanks to the comfortable rotary knob and the backlit color screen with large, easy-to-read numbers. Baxi Mago is now also available in the wireless version (wireless) therefore for its installation it is not necessary to drill the wall • Allows automatic and fast programming based on the user's schedule and habits • Allows management from different smartphones and tablets , so that every member of the family can interact • Follows your programs by creating five different daily scenarios linked to multiple temperature requirements ("daytime", "nighttime", "evening", "away from home" scenario, etc.) • It saves you money and you can consult energy consumption graphs with weekly, monthly or yearly trends Digital control panel The Duo-tec E range of boilers is equipped with a new digital control panel with backlit LCD display that is even clearer and simpler to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys for regulating the temperature of the domestic hot water and heating. The display allows you to view all the information and set the operating parameters in an intuitive and immediate way Exchanger preheating function The boilers of the Duo-tec E range are equipped with the exchanger pre-heating function which guarantees the immediate production of domestic hot water at the set comfort temperature. In fact, the sanitary water passing through the plates of the preheated exchanger is already supplied at the desired temperature without waiting times . The function can be easily activated/deactivated by a specific boiler parameter Fully modulating pump with de-aeration The circulation pump can operate at maximum speed, minimum speed or in "automatic" mode: in the latter case, the speed (min./max) will be selected so that the delivery/return ∆T in heating remains constant at 20 °C thus ensuring a significant reduction in pump consumption and, given the lower mechanical stresses (compared to a pump that always runs at maximum speed), also in maintenance costs Efficiency and savings Wide modulation range • Greater efficiency given by less switching on and off: with a high modulation ratio, the reduction of continuous switching on/off cycles leads to a significant reduction in consumption (by 8-10%) and an equal reduction in polluting emissions • Adjustment of the thermal power produced to the dissipated power thus avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the premises GAC Gas Adaptive Control It is an innovative system which, thanks to a new control electronics and a new electronic gas valve, guarantees automatic control of combustion to constantly maintain maximum efficiency values Advantages • No manual intervention - reduced measuring, calibration or nozzle changing • With this system, the boiler self-adapts to the quality of the gas and the length of the flue gas pipes, keeping efficiency constant • The boiler also constantly regulates itself to maintain the maximum efficiency values, favoring a reduction in gas consumption and generating less pollution thanks to the continuous control of emissions Guidelines in case of replacement of a conventional boiler with a new condensing one There are two main problems that can be encountered: • FLUES AND FUME EXHAUST DUCT • CONDENSATE DRAIN To remedy the above it is recommended: the use of a Ø50 mm exhaust pipe Baxi has in fact developed a system that allows easy ducting in existing flues (for 24kW models). For condensing boilers, the novelty is brought about by the low temperatures of the fumes which allow the use of specific plastic materials; however, in the presence of existing 316 stainless steel flues, installed correctly and with gaskets suitable for receiving damp fumes, there are no problems and they can easily be reconnected to the new boilers while it is absolutely not compliant with the use of aluminum flues or smoke pipes . In fact, aluminum is a metal that is not resistant to the acid condensates present in the fumes Each Ø50 mm diameter bend decreases the length of the drain by 4m the use of the condensate drain pump Baxi has designed this kit to collect the condensate produced by condensing boilers for domestic use: the pump allows the creation of condensate drainage systems in the absence of natural drainage near the boiler. The operation of condensing boilers determines the formation of condensate, due to the principle of condensation. This water therefore needs to be disposed of through special drains. If there is no adequate slope and therefore it is not possible to dispose of the condensate by gravity, it is necessary to install a pump that conveys it towards the drains. The pumps used are also equipped with special non-return valves to avoid bacterial contamination due to any stagnation and return of the waste water. The use of these devices also makes it possible to respect the aesthetics of the buildings by avoiding the use of annoying pipes. Main Features Luna Duo-Tec E • Modern and elegant design for the whole range • Baxi Mago STANDARD: Dedicated app for smartphones and tablets for remote control of the boiler (for Luna Duo-tec E 24/33 Mago models); accessory on request for all the other models • Wide modulation range up to 1:7 (1:6 mod. 1.12) greater efficiency and silence • GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control • Digital control panel with large backlit LCD display • Arrangement for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system • Connection to rigid and flexible Ø50 mm exhaust pipe: solution for restoring flues - for mod. 24 kW total length 40 meters (intake+exhaust) Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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