icon Stoves and fireplaces | CaldaieMurali

Stoves and fireplaces

Stufe e Camini
Add a touch of warmth and charm to your home with our stoves and fireplaces. Elegant design, efficient performance and welcoming atmosphere. Choose from our selection of stoves and fireplaces to create a lovely focal point and warm up your space in style.

417 products

  • Bidone Aspiratutto Black & Decker B+D 30 Litri 1600 W Cod. Bxvc30xtde - CaldaieMurali

    BLACK & DECKER Black & Decker B+D 30 Liters 1600 W Vacuum Cleaner Cod. Bxvc30xtde

    Black & Decker B+D 30 liters 1600 W vacuum cleaner cod. BXVC30XTDE Mod. BXVC 30 XTDE Power 1600W 30 l stainless steel drum Power tool socket. Exhaust valve. Blower function. For solids and liquids. B+D The Black & Decker BXVC30XTDE wet/dry vacuum cleaner with base equipped with pivoting wheels for movement. Ideal product for hobby use. The wet/dry vacuum cleaner is a product with an innovative design and excellent quality. The steel bin ensures greater strength and durability. Powerful, reliable, with an innovative design, easy to handle, simple to use and compact in size, but above all safe, compliant with European standards and approved by the most important certification bodies. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-accoroni-radiatore-a-gas-accoroni-ghibli-5-elite-elettronico-437-kw-metano-o-gpl

    Accoroni Accoroni Ghibli 5 Elite Electronic Gas Radiator 4.37 Kw Methane Or LPG

    Accoroni Ghibli 5 Elite gas radiator electronic 4,37 kW Methane or LPG Thermal power 4.37 kW Fan air flow 180 m3h Gas supply diameter G 3/8" Feed diameter air/flue gas outlet mm 65 Power supply 230V/1/50Hz Absorbed power W 80 Sound level at 3m dBA 29.5/31.5 Dimensions WxHxD 807x366x624 THE SUPPLY INCLUDES: LPG conversion kit, intake/exhaust pipe, dehumidification tray, exhaust terminal, gas cock. Ghibli The cover is made of epoxy powder coated steel sheet, with side panels in heat-resistant nylon. The two grilles for air intake and delivery are located respectively in the lower area and in the upper area of ​​the casing. The control panel is located on the front of the appliance, which includes: - the on/off switch - the convection fan speed switch (models 5 and 6) - the release button of the burner command and control box - the block status (red) and heat request (green) light signaling LEDs - the room thermostat adjustment knob In the back you will find: - the connection for the combustion air inlet and combustion products evacuation duct - the holes for fixing the appliance to the wall Inside the appliance you will find: - the combustion chamber and the finned heat exchanger with the fume extraction fan located downstream of the circuit - the atmospheric burner with axial flame development complete with ignition and flame detection electrode - the tangential convection fan in the GHIBLI 4 Elite model and the centrifugal type with double impeller and central motor in the Ghibli 5 and 6 Elite models - the fan control and safety thermostat - the electrical panel including the burner control equipment, the gas unit and the room thermostat The GHIBLI ELITE gas radiator is ideal for heating or integrating space heating, even for occasional use in buildings to be renovated and holiday homes. ELITE IN SAFETY The special steel combustion chamber is completely sealed and in depression, with the fan placed downstream of the combustion circuit, to make the appliance extremely safe. 1) Sealed combustion circuit with respect to the environment 2) Circuit under depression with respect to the environment 3) The combustion circuit of the appliance, thanks to the fumes extraction fan placed upstream, is constantly under depression with respect to the environment in which it is installed. In this way, any deterioration in the tightness of the circuit (due exclusively to anomalous operating conditions) will never cause the release of unburnt or toxic gases into the internal environment. ELITE IN CONSTRUCTION The nickel-plated exchanger is equipped with special fins to increase the efficiency of the heat exchange. The particular design of the burner allows a low value of polluting emissions of both CO and NOx. The suitably studied geometry of the shell allows for external contact temperatures (even accidental) in line with the strictest regulations. The chamber made entirely of steel with a nickel-plating treatment makes the Ghibli Elite gas radiator extremely resistant, long-lasting and pleasing to the eye. Thanks to the use of high air flow rate fans with reduced number of revolutions, a comfortable air outlet temperature and good silence are obtained, without the danger of getting burned if the external covering mantle is accidentally touched. ELITE IN DIMENSIONS The dimensions are the most compact ever among the products on the market. The very low height allows easy installation under the window. SPLITTER With the splitter it is possible to solve the problems due to the positioning of the smoke outlet. The intake and exhaust ducts are separated and can cover distances of up to 3m each. Using the 90° bends it is possible to bring the ducts sideways. For each bend it will be necessary to reduce the total length of the 3 m air duct by 50 cm. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-tartak-pellet-di-legno-in-sacchi-da-10-kg-marca-tartak-picchio-legno-conifere-pedana-da-12-sacchi.

    TARTAK Wood Pellets In Bags Of 10 Kg Brand Tartak "Picchio" (Coniferous Wood) Platform Of 12 Bags.

    ( Illustrative image in order to show packing method ) Platform for 6 bags                                                                           Wood Pellets in 10 kg Bags Brand Tartak "Picchio" (Coniferous Wood) Platform of 6 Bags. TECHNICAL FEATURES: - Calorific value MJ/KG. >/= 18.36; - Humidity < 8%; - Mechanical durability 98%; - Ash residue 0.39% - Conifer essence; - Diameter 6mm;. Coniferous wood PRODUCT CERTIFICATIONS: -En Plus A1: - DIN Plus; - FSC


  • Last stock! immagine-1-anselmo-cola-stufa-a-pellet-anselmo-cola-modello-smart-697-kw-colore-bordeaux-disponibile-in-vari-colori-in-acciaio-maiolica-ean-99462932

    Anselmo Cola Stufa a Pellet Ventilata Anselmo Cola SMART 6,97 kW in Acciaio-Maiolica - Disponibile in Vari Colori

    NB: PER L'ACQUISTO DELLE STUFE IN CONTRASSEGNO E' RICHIESTO UN ACCONTO DEL 10% Caratteristiche Tecniche  Rivestimento in acciaio verniciato - Struttura: acciaio e maiolica Camera di combustione: Acciaio, ghisa e vermiculite Potenza introdotta [Pi] - ridotta [Pi.r.] 7,61 - 2,70 Potenza termica nominale [Pnom] - ridotta [Prid] 6,97 - 2,58 Combustibile / Consumo orario alla Pnom - Prid 1,61 - 0,57 Tiraggio canna fumaria 10 - 14 Alimentazione elettrica 230 V - 50 Hz - 2A  Capacità serbatoio 17 Kg Peso 75 Kg Volume riscaldabile* 199 m³ COLORE DELLA STUFA : BORDEAUX . *N.B. PRIMA ACCENSIONE ESCLUSA ! Caratteristiche Generali STUFE A PELLET Non servono i normali tronchetti di legno che tutti siamo abituati a vedere, ma minuscoli prodotti precompressi (pellets), si tratta di combustibili ecologici ad altissimo rendimento calorico, ricavati dalla pressatura di residui e frammenti del miglior legno, senza aggiunta di collanti; basti pensare che il rendimento reale degli stessi è vicino al 90%. Caratteristiche delle stufe a pellet BRACIEREil braciere è facilmente estraibile per la pulizia giornaliera ELETTRONICAnuova elettronica in grado di prevedere le programmazioni settimanali di accensione e spegnimento TELECOMANDOtelecomando multifunzione dal design nuovo, con schermo LCD SCAMBIATORE TERMICOscambiatore termico a fascio tubiero per aumentare le prestazioni termiche. Le dimensioni dei tubi sono ridotte per evitare turbolenze e rumori CONVEZIONE SECONDARIAnella camera di combustione è presente una convezione secondaria per migliorare la combustione del pellet CAMERA DI COMBUSTIONEpareti in acciaio smontabili per facilitare la pulizia del residuo della combustione del pellet VETRO PULITOemissione di aria in prossimità del vetro per evitare che si sporchi GRIGLIAIl serbatoio è dotato di griglia protettiva in modo da impedire il contatto con i meccanismi di caricamento pellet CASSETTO RACCOGLI CENEREcassetto posto sotto al braciere per raccogliere la cenere prodotta dalla combustione SICUREZZAstufa completa di sonde temperatura per monitorare il buon funzionamento in sicurezza VENTILATORIsilenziosità della stufa anche alla massima potenza di lavoro PRESSOSTATOdispositivo di sicurezza che segnala eventuali ostruzioni dello scarico fumi STUFA SMART Alte prestazioni Stufa a pellet con perdisposizione per presa aria di combustione esterna Telecomando di serie per operazioni a distanza Stufa a pellet con riscaldamento ad aria Pulizia automatica del sistema braciere/porta braciere in ghisa brevettato Cola Stufa a pellet con top con profili in ceramica, rivestimento in acciaio verniciato, aria comburente preriscaldata, 3 ventilatori tangeziali, braciere in ghisa con post combustione, cassetto cenere estraibile porta in ghisa interamente verniciata, telecomando e maniglia estraibile  IL RISPARMIO DEL PELLET Il principale risparmio energetico nell’utilizzo di una stufa a pellet rispetto ad una stufa a legna tradizionale deriva dal differente potere calorifico. A questo aggiungiamo poi che il pellet è più conveniente anche dei normali combustibili di origine petrolifera in quanto il costo in euro per kW del pellet è più basso di quello del metano e del gasolio. Un rendimento più alto si trasforma in un notevole risparmio. Ad esempio: Stufa Cola con resa del 90% VS Stufa concorrente con resa del 80% = € 18,65 di Risparmio Mensile* Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Last stock! immagine-1-fondital-area-occasioni-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-gazelle-evo-7000-gpl-da-588-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio

    FONDITAL AREA OCCASIONI Radiatore a Gas Stufa Convettiva Fondital GAZELLE EVO 7000 Gpl da 5,88 kW kit fumi in omaggio

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA BOZZATURE ED UNA AMMACCATURA SULLA PARTE FRONTALE, GRIGLIA SUPERIORE DANNEGGIATA, PANNELLO DI COMANDO NON CENTRATO E L'IMBALLO È USURATO (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : Gazelle Evo 7000 Tipologia : Radiatore a gas Potenza nominale :5,88 kW Potenza minima : 4,2 kW Potenza massima assorbita : 30 W Efficienza utile alla potenza termica nominale : 91,8% Efficienza utile alla potenza termica minima : 94% Portata termica nominale : 6400 W Portata termica ridotta : 4500 W Potenza termica nominale : 5880 W Potenza termica ridotta : 4230 W Classe di emissioni NOx : 5 Classe energetica : A Alimentazione : GPL Tensione/Frequenza di alimentazione : 230 - 50 V/Hz Camera di combustione : Tiraggio forzato Grado di protezione elettrico : 20 IP Diametro esterno tubazioni scarico dritto (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm Diametro esterno tubazioni sdoppiate (C53) : 35 o 60 mm Diametro attacco gas : G 1/2 M pollici Colore : bianco Dimensione LxHxP : 772 x 550 x 195 Peso : 28 Kg N.B.* Con 2 x 55/2 ci si riferisce a n2 tubi ( uno per l'aspirazione dell'aria e uno per lo scarico dei fumi ) ciascuno di forma uguale ad un semicerchio di diametro pari a 55 mm Caratteristiche Generali NOVITA' GAZELLE EVO La Forza Dell' EVOluzione La singola stufa convettiva a gas di portata termica inferiore ai 5 Kw non è considerata impianto termico pertanto si potrebbe pensare che non esistano obblighi legislativi per effettuarne una manutenzione periodica annuale. In realtà anche quando la stufa convettiva a gas non è considerata impianto termico, cade solamente l’obbligo del controllo di efficienza energetica ma rimangono valide tutte le prescrizione riportate sul libretto di istruzione del fornitore che da sempre prescrive una manutenzione annuale da parte di personale qualificato. La manutenzione permette di far lavorare la macchina nelle migliori condizioni di efficienza e sicurezza, consentendo quindi un risparmio di combustibile, un migliore benessere ambientale e prolungando la vita della macchina. Alla manutenzione periodica va inoltre aggiunta una straordinaria, in caso di rottura o usura del dispositivo. Secondo quanto prescritto dal D.M. n.37 del 22 gennaio 2008 l’installazione e manutenzione degli apparecchi deve essere effettuata soltanto da professionisti esperti che obbligatoriamente rilascino la dichiarazione di conformità del prodotto stesso. Con personale professionalmente qualificato s’intende quello avente specifica competenza tecnica nel settore dei componenti d’impianti di riscaldamento ad uso civile, ovvero qualificato secondo la legislazione vigente. Per garantire la massima efficienza e la sicurezza dell’apparecchio si raccomanda, dunque, di far compilare il certificato di controllo da parte di un Centro Assistenza Tecnica (CAT) autorizzato. In riferimento all’installazione è bene considerare alcune linee guida: • L’apparecchio deve essere installato su pareti direttamente comunicanti con l’esterno, in alternativa devono essere predisposte installazioni alternative sempre nel rispetto delle norme vigenti. • Deve essere rispettata la corretta distanza dagli altri elementi circostanti come riportato di seguito: Le stufe convettive a gas, come Gazelle Evo, sono un’ottima soluzione in termini di efficienza e sicurezza per il riscaldamento degli ambienti domestici e industriali ma, come qualsiasi altro prodotto, devono essere utilizzate e mantenute con cura e precisione. Affidandoti a uno dei nostri esperti potrai dunque beneficiare di tutti i vantaggi dei nostri prodotti nella sicurezza della propria abitazione. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-fondital-area-occasioni-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-gazelle-evo-3000-gpl-da-272-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio

    FONDITAL AREA OCCASIONI Radiatore a Gas Stufa Convettiva Fondital GAZELLE EVO 3000 Gpl da 2,72 kW kit fumi in omaggio

    ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA UNA BOZZATURA SULLA PARTE FRONTALE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : Gazelle Evo 3000 Tipologia : Radiatore a gas Potenza nominale : 2,72 kW Potenza minima : 1,9 kW Potenza massima assorbita : 24 W Efficienza utile alla potenza termica nominale : 93,7% Efficienza utile alla potenza termica minima : 94,5% Portata termica nominale : 2900 W Portata termica ridotta : 2000 W Potenza termica nominale : 2720 W Potenza termica ridotta : 1890 W Classe di emissioni NOx : 5 Classe energetica : A Alimentazione : GPL Tensione/Frequenza di alimentazione : 230 - 50 V/Hz Camera di combustione : Tiraggio forzato Grado di protezione elettrico : 20 IP Diametro esterno tubazioni scarico dritto (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm Diametro esterno tubazioni sdoppiate (C53) : 35 o 60 mm Diametro attacco gas : G 1/2 M pollici Colore : bianco Dimensione LxHxP : 547 x 550 x 195 Peso : 20 Kg N.B.* Con 2 x 55/2 ci si riferisce a n2 tubi ( uno per l'aspirazione dell'aria e uno per lo scarico dei fumi ) ciascuno di forma uguale ad un semicerchio di diametro pari a 55 mm Caratteristiche Generali NOVITA' GAZELLE EVO La Forza Dell' EVOluzione La singola stufa convettiva a gas di portata termica inferiore ai 5 Kw non è considerata impianto termico pertanto si potrebbe pensare che non esistano obblighi legislativi per effettuarne una manutenzione periodica annuale. In realtà anche quando la stufa convettiva a gas non è considerata impianto termico, cade solamente l’obbligo del controllo di efficienza energetica ma rimangono valide tutte le prescrizione riportate sul libretto di istruzione del fornitore che da sempre prescrive una manutenzione annuale da parte di personale qualificato. La manutenzione permette di far lavorare la macchina nelle migliori condizioni di efficienza e sicurezza, consentendo quindi un risparmio di combustibile, un migliore benessere ambientale e prolungando la vita della macchina. Alla manutenzione periodica va inoltre aggiunta una straordinaria, in caso di rottura o usura del dispositivo. Secondo quanto prescritto dal D.M. n.37 del 22 gennaio 2008 l’installazione e manutenzione degli apparecchi deve essere effettuata soltanto da professionisti esperti che obbligatoriamente rilascino la dichiarazione di conformità del prodotto stesso. Con personale professionalmente qualificato s’intende quello avente specifica competenza tecnica nel settore dei componenti d’impianti di riscaldamento ad uso civile, ovvero qualificato secondo la legislazione vigente. Per garantire la massima efficienza e la sicurezza dell’apparecchio si raccomanda, dunque, di far compilare il certificato di controllo da parte di un Centro Assistenza Tecnica (CAT) autorizzato. In riferimento all’installazione è bene considerare alcune linee guida: • L’apparecchio deve essere installato su pareti direttamente comunicanti con l’esterno, in alternativa devono essere predisposte installazioni alternative sempre nel rispetto delle norme vigenti. • Deve essere rispettata la corretta distanza dagli altri elementi circostanti come riportato di seguito: Le stufe convettive a gas, come Gazelle Evo, sono un’ottima soluzione in termini di efficienza e sicurezza per il riscaldamento degli ambienti domestici e industriali ma, come qualsiasi altro prodotto, devono essere utilizzate e mantenute con cura e precisione. Affidandoti a uno dei nostri esperti potrai dunque beneficiare di tutti i vantaggi dei nostri prodotti nella sicurezza della propria abitazione. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-la-nordica-stufa-a-pellet-canalizzata-la-nordica-extraflame-modello-giusy-plus-evo-8-kw-disponibile-in-vari-colori-bianca

    La Nordica Ducted Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Model Giusy Plus Evo 8 Kw - Available In Various Colors White

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features Efficiency 87.7% Dimensions (LHP)498x1022x504 mm Net Weight90 kg Hourly consumption06-1.9 Kg/h Smoke outlet diameter 80 mm Total tank capacity ~ 15 kg Energy class A+ Environmental Certification DM1864 STARS PELLET STOVES You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. The innovative LA NORDICA EXTRAFLAME pellet stoves have been added to the already traditional wood-burning stoves on the market. The control panel allows automatic ignition and setting of the heating power, establishing the desired temperature thanks to the built-in room thermostat GIUSY PLUS EVO Coating in painted steel and majolica top Forced ventilation Ash drawer Removable cast iron hearth Safety thermostat Internal thermostat Weekly programmer Channeling up to 6 meters. via 1 Ø80 rear outlet (thermostable) Possibility to connect the rear or upper smoke outlet 1st and 2nd air self-balancing Electronically balanced primary and secondary air for optimal combustion and thermal efficiency. Glass cleaning system It is a system which effectively avoids the formation of deposits on the glass of the fire door through a specific path of preheated air Cast iron doors The doors of the products made of high quality cast iron are unalterable over time and guarantee a constant seal. Self-regulation of the fume extractor (encoder) It keeps the fume engine revolutions constant to ensure correct combustion of the product. Tank safety thermostat It always guarantees a high standard of safety by avoiding overheating of the product in the event of an anomaly. Clean combustion It increases the efficiency of the combustion and the duration of the parts subject to wear and, at the same time, it decreases the ordinary cleaning of the brazier. Room thermostat The presence of the room probe optimizes comfort and leads to a significant reduction in consumption. Flue safety pressure switch It verifies the correct evacuation of the fumes and, if necessary, blocks the loading of the pellets, avoiding problems on the generator. Removable brazier for easy cleaning The construction system of the brazier allows easy extraction for quick and complete cleaning. Product Guarantee : All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase

    €1.599,00 - €1.718,43

  • immagine-1-king-termostufa-a-pellet-king-idro-24-kw-bordeaux-cod.-17376-con-telecomando-ean-8055776918235

    King King Idro Pellet Heating Stove 24 Kw Bordeaux Cod. 17376 With Remote Control

    Technical features Overall power (max-min): 23.6 - 5.4 kW Rated power (max-min): 22.14 - 5.1 kW Power delivered to water (max-min): 18.1 - 3.9 kW Power delivered to the environment (max-min): 3.8 - 1.8 kW Hourly pellet consumption (max-min): 4.04 - 1.2 kg-h Efficiency (max-min): 95.4 - 93.8% Fumes exhaust duct: 80 ø mm Pellet tank capacity: 64.6 - 42 litres-kg Autonomy (max-min): 39 - 9 h Operating electric power: 140 - 350 W Dimensions (WxDxH): 611x671x1266 mm Weight: 230kg With remote control and room fan General characteristics PELLET THERMOSTOVES The wood or pellet thermo-products make use of technologically advanced design solutions which allow the thermal power of the fire to be exploited both to heat the room and to produce hot water which feeds the traditional radiator system of the whole house. This double use makes the thermo-products unique in their kind and allows an optimal thermal yield and considerable savings. The thermo-products are particular devices designed for connection to the home heating system (for example the radiators or the underfloor system), they can be easily integrated into the existing boiler or to a solar thermal system for the production of domestic hot water . The choice of the appliance to be installed must be made according to specific individual needs, thus evaluating the overall thermal power required and the method with which the thermo-stove will be connected to the system. Why Wood or Pellet? The need to use alternative energy sources arises spontaneously. Using wood is nothing more than the rediscovery of the primordial source of heating, focusing on a Renewable Energy. In fact, wood and pellets are among the renewable sources and the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted for the production of energy does not increase that present in the environment, but is the same that the plants first absorbed to develop and which would into the atmosphere through the normal decomposition processes of wood at the end of their life cycle. The use of wood and pellets therefore puts carbon dioxide C02 into the atmosphere making it available again to plants which will absorb it through the process of chlorophyll photosynthesis. The thermal energy produced from wood or pellets is an intelligent eco-sustainable and at the same time economic alternative if compared to fossil fuels since the purchase price is 50/60% lower. Absolute convenience using wood or pellets. Those who heat with wood become independent of traditional energy sources and the supply of wood is always guaranteed. Heating with wood means heating following the natural cycle of CO2 (carbon dioxide). During combustion, the wood is released into the atmosphere a quantity of CO2 equal to that which a tree would develop after being felled, in the decomposition phase; the same amount that a healthy shrub could absorb anyway. For this reason, the use of energy obtainable from wood is to be considered neutral from the point of view of CO2 emissions and does not contribute in the least to the increase in the greenhouse effect; on the contrary, for every liter of fuel replaced by wood, significant quantities of CO2 emissions are avoided. The use of wood and pellet stoves reduce costs while increasing the heat output. Features of pellet stoves: BRAZIER the brazier is easily removable for daily cleaning ELECTRONICS new electronics capable of predicting the weekly switch-on and switch-off schedules REMOTE CONTROL New design multi-function remote control, with LCD screen HEAT EXCHANGER shell and tube heat exchanger to increase thermal performance. Pipe sizes are reduced to avoid turbulence and noise SECONDARY CONVECTION in the combustion chamber there is a secondary convection to improve the combustion of the pellets COMBUSTION CHAMBER removable steel walls to facilitate cleaning of pellet combustion residue CLEAN GLASS air emission near the glass to prevent it from getting dirty GRILL The tank is equipped with a protective grid to prevent contact with the pellet loading mechanisms ASH COLLECTOR DRAWER drawer placed under the brazier to collect the ash produced by combustion SAFETY stove complete with temperature probes to monitor correct operation in safety FANS silence of the stove even at maximum working power PRESSURE SWITCH safety device that signals any obstructions in the smoke outlet


  • immagine-1-la-nordica-stufa-a-pellet-la-nordica-extraflame-modello-ketty-evo-65-kw-colore-pergamena-telecomando-optional

    La Nordica Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Model Ketty Evo 6.5 Kw Parchment Color Remote Control Optional

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. Technical features Model: Ketty Evo Nominal Thermal Power: 6.5 kW 186 m 3 Heatable Color : Parchment Efficiency : 88.3% Hourly consumption : 06-1.5 Kg/h Smoke outlet diameter: Ø 80 mm Total tank capacity ~ 15 kg Energy Class: A+ DM186 Environmental Certification: 4 STARS Optional remote control Dimensions and weight : Dimensions (LxHxP): 456x884x507 mm Net Weight : 6 9 kg KETTY EVO Ventilated pellet stove with painted steel cladding • Coating in painted steel • Forced ventilation • Ash drawer • Removable cast iron hearth • Safety thermostat • Internal thermostat • Weekly programmer Clean Air, the new culture of fire The La Nordica-Extraflame group has joined the Aria Pulita voluntary certification, the new quality certification for wood and pellet-fired domestic heating products This project calls for a Certification Committee made up of ENEA, LEGA AMBIENTE, NATIONAL CONSUMERS UNION coordinated by AIEL, the Italian Agroforestry Energies Association. The provided indication, very simple and intuitive thanks to the use of an increasing classification from 1 to 5 stars based on the performance of the products in terms of greater efficiency and lower emissions, will allow each user to recognize the qualities of the stove he buys in the full compliance with the most restrictive technical parameters and indications on emissions into the environment. Aria Pulita is therefore not a mere response to the temporary contingencies of exceeding the emission limits in a limited period of the year in a specific area or region, but it is a concrete guarantee for consumers throughout Italy that certified products contribute to improving air quality, health and the environment based on the cornerstones of transparency, objectivity and clarity. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase


  • immagine-1-la-nordica-stufa-a-pellet-la-nordica-extraflame-modello-ketty-evo-65-kw-colore-bordeaux-telecomando-optional

    La Nordica Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Model Ketty Evo 6.5 Kw Bordeaux Color Remote Control Optional

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. Technical features Model: Ketty Evo Nominal Thermal Power: 6.5 kW 186 m 3 Heatable Color : Bordeaux Efficiency : 88.3% Hourly consumption : 06-1.5 Kg/h Smoke outlet diameter: Ø 80 mm Total tank capacity ~ 15 kg Energy Class: A+ DM186 Environmental Certification: 4 STARS Optional remote control Dimensions and weight : Dimensions (LxHxP): 456x884x507 mm Net weight : 6 9 kg KETTY EVO Ventilated pellet stove with painted steel cladding • Coating in painted steel • Forced ventilation • Ash drawer • Removable cast iron hearth • Safety thermostat • Internal thermostat • Weekly programmer Clean Air, the new culture of fire The La Nordica-Extraflame group has joined the Aria Pulita voluntary certification, the new quality certification for wood and pellet-fired domestic heating products This project calls for a Certification Committee made up of ENEA, LEGA AMBIENTE, NATIONAL CONSUMERS UNION coordinated by AIEL, the Italian Agroforestry Energies Association. The provided indication, very simple and intuitive thanks to the use of an increasing classification from 1 to 5 stars based on the performance of the products in terms of greater efficiency and lower emissions, will allow each user to recognize the qualities of the stove he buys in the full compliance with the most restrictive technical parameters and indications on emissions into the environment. Aria Pulita is therefore not a mere response to the temporary contingencies of exceeding the emission limits in a limited period of the year in a specific area or region, but it is a concrete guarantee for consumers throughout Italy that certified products contribute to improving air quality, health and the environment based on the cornerstones of transparency, objectivity and clarity. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase


  • immagine-1-la-nordica-stufa-a-legna-in-ghisa-la-nordica-extraflame-mod.-rossella-r1-88-kw-bordeaux-cod.-37284

    La Nordica Cast Iron Wood Stove La Nordica Extraflame Mod. Rossella R1 8.8 Kw Bordeaux Cod. 37284

    NB: PRODUCT AVAILABLE FROM DECEMBER 2021 Technical features Dimensions : 578x915x586 mm Net weight : 155 / mod. PT 170kg Fire mouth dimensions: 315x285 mm Fireplace dimensions: 377x395x415 mm Smoke outlet diameter: 130 mm Sup Hearth : Cast iron heated m3 : 252 m3 Nominal thermal power useful : 8.8 kW Regulated primary air : Yes Secondary air reg. : Yes Efficiency : 80% Hourly consumption: 2.5 kg/h Forced ventilation: optional General characteristics WOOD STOVES The particular attention aimed at protecting the environment and total respect for the ecosystem were the inputs that prompted La NORDICA-EXTRAFLAME to make large investments in product research and development, thus allowing for very high yields and low consumption, using only wood , fuel that is produced by nature and which returns to it through a perpetual circular flow. Our country has large wooded areas, and is therefore able to offer a varied quantity of wood. By using this resource, you can reap significant benefits: Environmental plan: In nature, it has been proven that wood, when it completes the decomposition cycle, releases a quantity of CO2 (carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere which is then used for the regrowth and development of new plants. Economic plan: 2.3Kg of dry wood have a calorific value equal to 1lt of diesel or 1m3 of natural gas. Given the equal benefit, only the cost varies, which for the purchase of wood will be 50-60% lower than for other fuels. ROSSELLA R1 Cast iron hearth with post combustion system External cladding in majolica or natural stone Doors and headboard in enamelled cast iron Ceramic glass resistant up to 750° Wood stove technologies: POST COMBUSTION SYSTEM the combustion system developed by La Nordica-Extraflame allows, thanks to a secondary/tertiary air system, a post-combustion capable of drastically reducing emissions and therefore complying with the most restrictive European regulations RESISTANT DOOR AT THE TIME the doors of La Nordica-Extraflame products are made of high quality cast iron. This material, even if subjected to strong thermal stresses, does not undergo expansion or alteration of its shape. CLEAN GLASS CONTROL it is a system which effectively avoids the formation of deposits on the glass of the fire door through a specific path of preheated air. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-la-nordica-stufa-a-pellet-la-nordica-extraflame-modello-ketty-evo-65-kw-colore-bianca-telecomando-optional

    La Nordica Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Model Ketty Evo 6.5 Kw White Color Remote Control Optional

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. Technical features Model: Ketty Evo Nominal Thermal Power: 6.5 kW 186 m 3 Heatable Color : White Efficiency : 88.3% Hourly consumption : 06-1.5 Kg/h Smoke outlet diameter: Ø 80 mm Total tank capacity ~ 15 kg Energy Class: A + DM186 Environmental Certification: 4 STARS Optional remote control Dimensions and weight : Dimensions (LxHxP): 456x884x507 mm Net Weight : 6 9 kg KETTY EVO Ventilated pellet stove with painted steel cladding • Coating in painted steel • Forced ventilation • Ash drawer • Removable cast iron hearth • Safety thermostat • Internal thermostat • Weekly programmer Clean Air, the new culture of fire The La Nordica-Extraflame group has joined the Aria Pulita voluntary certification , the new quality certification for wood and pellet-fired domestic heating products This project calls for a Certification Committee made up of ENEA, LEGA AMBIENTE, NATIONAL CONSUMERS UNION coordinated by AIEL, the Italian Agroforestry Energies Association. The provided indication, very simple and intuitive thanks to the use of an increasing classification from 1 to 5 stars based on the performance of the products in terms of greater efficiency and lower emissions, will allow each user to recognize the qualities of the stove he buys in the full compliance with the most restrictive technical parameters and indications on emissions into the environment. Aria Pulita is therefore not a mere response to the temporary contingencies of exceeding the emission limits in a limited period of the year in a specific area or region, but it is a concrete guarantee for consumers throughout Italy that certified products contribute to improving air quality, health and the environment based on the cornerstones of transparency, objectivity and clarity. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase


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