icon Wall-mounted Fan Coil Fan Coils | CaldaieMurali

Wall-mounted Fan Coil Fan Coils

Get personalized comfort with wall mounted Fan Coils. Elegant design, efficient performance and precise temperature control. Choose from our selection of wall mounted Fan Coils for efficient and quiet heating and cooling.

214 products

  • immagine-1-ferroli-area-occasioni-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-ferroli-top-fan-plus-mod-vm-b-100

    Ferroli AREA OCCASIONI Ventilconvettore Fan Coil Ferroli Top Fan Plus Mod VM-B 100

     ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA VITI NON DI SERIE ALL'INTERNO DI UNO SPORTELLO SULLA PARTE SUPERIORE IN PLASTICA, BOZZATURE SULLA PARTE FRONTALE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). VENTILCONVETTORE FAN COIL FERROLI TOP FAN PLUS mod. VM-B 100   Potenza frigorifera max-min: 6100-4400 W Potenza termica max-min: 14900-9600 W Deumidificazione: 2100 g/h Portata aria max-min: 1200-670 m3/h Ventilatori nr: 2 Potenza sonora max-min: 61-49 db(A) Pressione sonora max-min: 52-40 db(A) Attacchi batteria principale 3R: 3/4" Attacchi batteria supplementare 1R: 1/2 " Contenuto d'acqua batt.3R: 2.42 l Contenuto d'acqua batt.1R: 0.64 l Alimentazione: 230-1-50 [V-F-Hz] Dimensioni (HxLxP): 554+100 x 1440 x 220 mm ; 34 kg Note: Riscaldamento: temp. Aria Ambiente: 20°C; temp. Acqua in ingresso: 70°C, Δt acqua 10°C alla massima velocità ventilatore; per media e minima velocità ventilatore, portata acqua come nella massima velocità.  Raffreddamento: temp. Aria Ambiente: 27°C D.B. 19°C W.B.temp. Acqua in ingresso: 7°C, Δt acqua 5°C alla massima velocità ventilatore; per media e minima velocità ventilatore, portata acqua come nella massima velocità. TOP FAN PLUS   Costituiti da un ventilatore, da un elemento di scambio di calore e da un filtro, i ventilconvettori sono macchine ideali per la climatizzazione estiva ed il riscaldamento invernale della casa e di qualsiasi locale.Alimentati con acqua refrigerata proveniente da un refrigeratore rendono l'aria del locale fresca, asciutta e pulita in brevissimo tempo e con grande efficienza energetica; alimentati con acqua calda proveniente da una pompa di calore o da una caldaia forniscono il caldo pulito ed economico durante la stagione invernale.  Serie con ventilatore centrifugo, disponibile in 9 grandezze e tre versioni: VM-B con mantello per installazione verticale e orizzontale e aspirazione dal basso VM-F con mantello per installazione verticale e orizzontale e aspirazione frontale VN senza mantello per installazione verticale e orizzontale  Caratteristiche: Mobile di copertura ottenuto mediante integrazione di parti in materiale plastico e parti in lamiera zincata, verniciata a forno con polveri epossidiche Struttura portante in acciaio zincato  Batteria di scambio termico a pacco alettato con alette in alluminio e tubi in rame, collettori in ottone appositamente disegnati per garantire basse perdite di carico Filtro aria di facile estrazione e pulizia, rigenerabile mediante lavaggio o soffiatura Gruppo ventilante con motore a tre velocità e ventole in alluminio  Ampia gamma di controlli sia da installare a bordo macchina, che remoti a parete COMMUTATORE: Dispone di un selettore per la funzione Estate / Off / Inverno, mentre il secondo  seleziona la velocità del ventilatore Min / Med / Max. Disponibile in due diverse versioni: - per installazione a mobiletto CM-F - per installazione remoto CMR-F Sono disponibili due serie di pannelli per questa tipologia di installazione: BORDO MACCHINA per installazione del fan coil a pavimento (modelli VM-B, VM-F), REMOTA A MURO per installazione del fan coil a soffitto (modelli VM-B, VM-F) o controsoffitto (modello VN). Ognuna delle serie comprende tre tipologie di comando, commutatore, termostato base e termostato evoluto.   NOVITA' (OPTIONAL)   TELECOMANDO Telecomando a raggi infrarossi (per tutte le grandezze e versioni) con display a cristalli liquidi completo di staffa di supporto per fissaggio a parete, che permette le seguenti funzioni: AccensioneSpegnimento Modalità di funzionamento (Caldo/Freddo/AutoChange Over/Sola ventilazione - richiesta presenza di valvole-) Velocità del ventilatore (Max/Med/Min/Auto) Temperatura di Set-Point Impostazione Timer Impostazione scala temperatura °C o °F RICEVITORE A VISTA Posizionato sul pannello frontale dell’unità, è completo di led Timer (giallo), led di funzionamento (verde) e tasto per ON/OFF di emergenza e zona di ricezione. Il sistema si completa con la scheda all’interno dell’unità. Il sistema viene fornito già installato e collaudato in azienda.   RICEVITORE A PARETE (DA INCASSO) Il ricevitore viene fornito nel caso di unità ad incasso e si posiziona a vista sul controsoffitto. È completo di led Timer (giallo), led di funzionamento (verde) e tasto per ON/OFF di emergenza e zona di ricezione. Viene fornito con cavo multipolare (lunghezza max 0,8 metri) per la rapida connessione e con la scheda elettronica da installare a bordo unità. È remotabile rispetto la macchina; il collaudo del sistema avviene in azienda mentre il posizionamento del ricevitore è di competenza dell’installatore. Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-ferroli-area-occasioni-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-ferroli-top-fan-plus-mod-vm-b-80

    Ferroli AREA OCCASIONI Ventilconvettore Fan Coil Ferroli Top Fan Plus Mod VM-B 80

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: SEGNI DI RIPARAZIONE E VITE NON DI SERIE AD UNO SPORTELLO SULLA PARTE SUPERIORE VITI NON DI SERIE PER IL FISSAGGIO DELLA GRIGLIA POSTA ALLA PARTE INFERIORE IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). VENTILCONVETTORE FAN COIL FERROLI TOP FAN PLUS mod. VM-B 80 + commutatore CM-F omaggio   Potenza frigorifera max-min: 4900-3600 W Potenza termica max-min: 12500-8300 W Deumidificazione: 1600 g/h Portata aria max-min: 1050-570 m3/h Ventilatori nr: 2 Potenza sonora max-min: 62-48 db(A) Pressione sonora max-min: 53-39 db(A) Attacchi batteria principale 3R: 3/4" Attacchi batteria supplementare 1R: 1/2 " Contenuto d'acqua batt.3R: 1.88 l Contenuto d'acqua batt.1R: 0.50 l Alimentazione: 230-1-50 [V-F-Hz] Dimensioni (HxLxP): 554+100 x 1190 x 220 mm ; 27 kg Note: Riscaldamento: temp. Aria Ambiente: 20°C; temp. Acqua in ingresso: 70°C, Δt acqua 10°C alla massima velocità ventilatore; per media e minima velocità ventilatore, portata acqua come nella massima velocità.  Raffreddamento: temp. Aria Ambiente: 27°C D.B. 19°C W.B.temp. Acqua in ingresso: 7°C, Δt acqua 5°C alla massima velocità ventilatore; per media e minima velocità ventilatore, portata acqua come nella massima velocità. TOP FAN PLUS   Costituiti da un ventilatore, da un elemento di scambio di calore e da un filtro, i ventilconvettori sono macchine ideali per la climatizzazione estiva ed il riscaldamento invernale della casa e di qualsiasi locale.Alimentati con acqua refrigerata proveniente da un refrigeratore rendono l'aria del locale fresca, asciutta e pulita in brevissimo tempo e con grande efficienza energetica; alimentati con acqua calda proveniente da una pompa di calore o da una caldaia forniscono il caldo pulito ed economico durante la stagione invernale.  Serie con ventilatore centrifugo, disponibile in 9 grandezze e tre versioni: VM-B con mantello per installazione verticale e orizzontale e aspirazione dal basso VM-F con mantello per installazione verticale e orizzontale e aspirazione frontale VN senza mantello per installazione verticale e orizzontale  Caratteristiche: Mobile di copertura ottenuto mediante integrazione di parti in materiale plastico e parti in lamiera zincata, verniciata a forno con polveri epossidiche Struttura portante in acciaio zincato  Batteria di scambio termico a pacco alettato con alette in alluminio e tubi in rame, collettori in ottone appositamente disegnati per garantire basse perdite di carico Filtro aria di facile estrazione e pulizia, rigenerabile mediante lavaggio o soffiatura Gruppo ventilante con motore a tre velocità e ventole in alluminio  Ampia gamma di controlli sia da installare a bordo macchina, che remoti a parete COMMUTATORE: Dispone di un selettore per la funzione Estate / Off / Inverno, mentre il secondo  seleziona la velocità del ventilatore Min / Med / Max. Disponibile in due diverse versioni: - per installazione a mobiletto CM-F - per installazione remoto CMR-F Sono disponibili due serie di pannelli per questa tipologia di installazione: BORDO MACCHINA per installazione del fan coil a pavimento (modelli VM-B, VM-F), REMOTA A MURO per installazione del fan coil a soffitto (modelli VM-B, VM-F) o controsoffitto (modello VN). Ognuna delle serie comprende tre tipologie di comando, commutatore, termostato base e termostato evoluto.   NOVITA' (OPTIONAL)   TELECOMANDO Telecomando a raggi infrarossi (per tutte le grandezze e versioni) con display a cristalli liquidi completo di staffa di supporto per fissaggio a parete, che permette le seguenti funzioni: AccensioneSpegnimento Modalità di funzionamento (Caldo/Freddo/AutoChange Over/Sola ventilazione - richiesta presenza di valvole-) Velocità del ventilatore (Max/Med/Min/Auto) Temperatura di Set-Point Impostazione Timer Impostazione scala temperatura °C o °F RICEVITORE A VISTA Posizionato sul pannello frontale dell’unità, è completo di led Timer (giallo), led di funzionamento (verde) e tasto per ON/OFF di emergenza e zona di ricezione. Il sistema si completa con la scheda all’interno dell’unità. Il sistema viene fornito già installato e collaudato in azienda.   RICEVITORE A PARETE (DA INCASSO) Il ricevitore viene fornito nel caso di unità ad incasso e si posiziona a vista sul controsoffitto. È completo di led Timer (giallo), led di funzionamento (verde) e tasto per ON/OFF di emergenza e zona di ricezione. Viene fornito con cavo multipolare (lunghezza max 0,8 metri) per la rapida connessione e con la scheda elettronica da installare a bordo unità. È remotabile rispetto la macchina; il collaudo del sistema avviene in azienda mentre il posizionamento del ricevitore è di competenza dell’installatore. Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Sale -5% immagine-1-ferroli-area-occasioni-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-ferroli-top-fan-plus-mod-vm-b-80

    Ferroli AREA OCCASIONI Ventilconvettore Fan Coil Ferroli Top Fan Plus Mod VM-B 80

    ATTENZIONE, IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) VENTILCONVETTORE FAN COIL FERROLI TOP FAN PLUS mod. VM-B 80 + commutatore CM-F omaggio   Potenza frigorifera max-min: 4900-3600 W Potenza termica max-min: 12500-8300 W Deumidificazione: 1600 g/h Portata aria max-min: 1050-570 m3/h Ventilatori nr: 2 Potenza sonora max-min: 62-48 db(A) Pressione sonora max-min: 53-39 db(A) Attacchi batteria principale 3R: 3/4" Attacchi batteria supplementare 1R: 1/2 " Contenuto d'acqua batt.3R: 1.88 l Contenuto d'acqua batt.1R: 0.50 l Alimentazione: 230-1-50 [V-F-Hz] Dimensioni (HxLxP): 554+100 x 1190 x 220 mm ; 27 kg Note: Riscaldamento: temp. Aria Ambiente: 20°C; temp. Acqua in ingresso: 70°C, Δt acqua 10°C alla massima velocità ventilatore; per media e minima velocità ventilatore, portata acqua come nella massima velocità.  Raffreddamento: temp. Aria Ambiente: 27°C D.B. 19°C W.B.temp. Acqua in ingresso: 7°C, Δt acqua 5°C alla massima velocità ventilatore; per media e minima velocità ventilatore, portata acqua come nella massima velocità. TOP FAN PLUS   Costituiti da un ventilatore, da un elemento di scambio di calore e da un filtro, i ventilconvettori sono macchine ideali per la climatizzazione estiva ed il riscaldamento invernale della casa e di qualsiasi locale.Alimentati con acqua refrigerata proveniente da un refrigeratore rendono l'aria del locale fresca, asciutta e pulita in brevissimo tempo e con grande efficienza energetica; alimentati con acqua calda proveniente da una pompa di calore o da una caldaia forniscono il caldo pulito ed economico durante la stagione invernale.  Serie con ventilatore centrifugo, disponibile in 9 grandezze e tre versioni: VM-B con mantello per installazione verticale e orizzontale e aspirazione dal basso VM-F con mantello per installazione verticale e orizzontale e aspirazione frontale VN senza mantello per installazione verticale e orizzontale  Caratteristiche: Mobile di copertura ottenuto mediante integrazione di parti in materiale plastico e parti in lamiera zincata, verniciata a forno con polveri epossidiche Struttura portante in acciaio zincato  Batteria di scambio termico a pacco alettato con alette in alluminio e tubi in rame, collettori in ottone appositamente disegnati per garantire basse perdite di carico Filtro aria di facile estrazione e pulizia, rigenerabile mediante lavaggio o soffiatura Gruppo ventilante con motore a tre velocità e ventole in alluminio  Ampia gamma di controlli sia da installare a bordo macchina, che remoti a parete COMMUTATORE: Dispone di un selettore per la funzione Estate / Off / Inverno, mentre il secondo  seleziona la velocità del ventilatore Min / Med / Max. Disponibile in due diverse versioni: - per installazione a mobiletto CM-F - per installazione remoto CMR-F Sono disponibili due serie di pannelli per questa tipologia di installazione: BORDO MACCHINA per installazione del fan coil a pavimento (modelli VM-B, VM-F), REMOTA A MURO per installazione del fan coil a soffitto (modelli VM-B, VM-F) o controsoffitto (modello VN). Ognuna delle serie comprende tre tipologie di comando, commutatore, termostato base e termostato evoluto.   NOVITA' (OPTIONAL)   TELECOMANDO Telecomando a raggi infrarossi (per tutte le grandezze e versioni) con display a cristalli liquidi completo di staffa di supporto per fissaggio a parete, che permette le seguenti funzioni: AccensioneSpegnimento Modalità di funzionamento (Caldo/Freddo/AutoChange Over/Sola ventilazione - richiesta presenza di valvole-) Velocità del ventilatore (Max/Med/Min/Auto) Temperatura di Set-Point Impostazione Timer Impostazione scala temperatura °C o °F RICEVITORE A VISTA Posizionato sul pannello frontale dell’unità, è completo di led Timer (giallo), led di funzionamento (verde) e tasto per ON/OFF di emergenza e zona di ricezione. Il sistema si completa con la scheda all’interno dell’unità. Il sistema viene fornito già installato e collaudato in azienda.   RICEVITORE A PARETE (DA INCASSO) Il ricevitore viene fornito nel caso di unità ad incasso e si posiziona a vista sul controsoffitto. È completo di led Timer (giallo), led di funzionamento (verde) e tasto per ON/OFF di emergenza e zona di ricezione. Viene fornito con cavo multipolare (lunghezza max 0,8 metri) per la rapida connessione e con la scheda elettronica da installare a bordo unità. È remotabile rispetto la macchina; il collaudo del sistema avviene in azienda mentre il posizionamento del ricevitore è di competenza dell’installatore. Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Area Occasioni Ventilconvettore Fan Coil Galletti Estro F4a 2,16 Kw - CaldaieMurali

    Galletti Occasions Area Fan Coil Fan Coil Galletti Estro F4a 2,16 Kw

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND 100% WORKING, BUT IT HAS VARIOUS PLASTIC PARTS AND THE FIN HOOKS ARE REPAIRED AND THE PACKAGING IS WORN (SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) GALLETTI ESTRO F4A FAN COIL FAN COIL 2,16 kW Model : ESTRO F4A Fan coils for exposed wall installation with cover cabinet with inclined air outlet. Dimensions: 774 x 556 x 228mm Product pluses: 3/6 speed motor Built-in ionizer Can be integrated with ERGO Eurovent certification Steel / ABS cabinet Can be installed in niche Reversible hydraulic connections Centrifugal fans in ABS (E) = EUROVENT certified performance, an independent body recognized at European level, which ensures total reliability and transparency of performance and sound level Cockerels Estro ESTRO is the widest range of Fan Coils on the market. In carrying out the project for the ESTRO fan coils, high quality materials were chosen which, together with the great care and attention given to the assembly of the main construction components, qualify ESTRO in the field of performance reliability and acoustic comfort. The cover cabinet is made up of a sheet steel panel, side panels and delivery grille in ABS. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. High efficiency heat exchange coil, in copper tube and aluminum fins. Double intake centrifugal fans, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules. Electric motor with 3 or 6 speeds, mounted on anti-vibration supports. Regenerable air filter that can be easily removed for maintenance operations. Control panels, available as an accessory. Estrus FA Visible wall installation with cover cabinet. The inclined air outlet on the front makes the ESTRO FA version particularly suitable for insertion in recesses up to 150 mm deep. ESTRO FA is available in 19 models. Centrifugal fan Supervision ergo Vertical installation 4-pipe system 2-pipe system Technical characteristics of the main components: Mobile Of coverage composed of a thick steel sheet panel (10/10 mm); side panels and delivery grille (adjustable by 180°) are made of ABS . The side doors allow access to the technical compartments. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. Structure in thick galvanized steel sheet (up to 15/10 mm), insulated with class 1 self-extinguishing thermal insulating panels. The FU – FB – FC – FF and FBC versions are equipped with a double tray for collecting the condensate. High efficiency heat exchange coil , in copper pipe and aluminum fins locked to the pipes by mechanical expansion, it is equipped with brass manifolds and vent valve. The battery, normally mounted with connections on the left, can be rotated by 180°. Motor electric with three or six speeds mounted on anti-vibration supports, with permanently inserted capacitor and thermal protection of the windings. Fans centrifuges double suction, statically and dynamically balanced and coupled directly to the electric motor, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules Filter air regenerable in honeycomb polypropylene, mounted on a galvanized sheet frame with a safety net, which can be easily removed for maintenance operations. The filter is locked to the cover cabinet by means of 1/4 turn screws (model 12 excluded). Panels control , available as an accessory, for controlling and regulating the temperature by means of a microprocessor system, which automatically adjusts the operation of the fan coil as the ambient conditions change. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-ferroli-area-occasioni-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-ferroli-top-fan-plus-mod-vm-b-100-commutatore-cm-f

    Ferroli Area Occasioni Fan Coil Fan Coil Ferroli Top Fan Plus Mod Vm-B 100 + Commutator Cm-F

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND 100% WORKING, BUT HAS VARIOUS REPAIRED PLASTIC PARTS AND FRONT DENT, THE PACKAGING WORN (SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) FAN COIL FAN COIL FERROLI TOP FAN PLUS mod. VM-B 100 + free CM-F switch Max-min cooling capacity: 6100-4400 W Max-min heat output: 14900-9600W Dehumidification: 2100g/h Max-min air flow: 1200-670 m3/h No. of fans: 2 Max-min sound power: 61-49 db(A) Max-min sound pressure: 52-40 db(A) 3R main battery connections: 3/4" 1R extra battery connections: 1/2 " Water content batt.3R: 2.42 l Water content batt.1R: 0.64 l Power supply: 230-1-50 [VF-Hz] Dimensions (HxWxD): 554+100 x 1440 x 220 mm; 34kg Notes : Heating: temp. Ambient air: 20°C; temp. Inlet water: 70°C, Δt water 10°C at maximum fan speed; for medium and minimum fan speed, water flow rate as in maximum speed. Cooling: temp. Room Air: 27°C DB 19°C WBtemp. Inlet water: 7°C, Δt water 5°C at maximum fan speed; for medium and minimum fan speed, water flow rate as in maximum speed. TOP FAN PLUS Consisting of a fan, a heat exchange element and a filter, fan coil units are ideal machines for summer air conditioning and winter heating of the house and any room. Fed with chilled water from a cooler, they make the air in the room fresh, dry and clean in a very short time and with great energy efficiency; fed with hot water from a heat pump or boiler, they provide clean and economical heat during the winter season. Series with centrifugal fan, available in 9 sizes and three versions: VM-B with casing for vertical and horizontal installation and suction from below VM-F with casing for vertical and horizontal installation and front suction VN without casing for vertical and horizontal installation Characteristics: Cover cabinet obtained by integrating parts in plastic material and parts in galvanized sheet metal, oven painted with epoxy powders Supporting structure in galvanized steel Finned pack heat exchange coil with aluminum fins and copper pipes, brass manifolds specially designed to guarantee low pressure drops Air filter easy to remove and clean, regenerable by washing or blowing Fan unit with three-speed motor and aluminum impellers Wide range of controls both to be installed on the machine and remote on the wall SWITCH: It has a selector for the Summer / Off / Winter function, while the second selects the Min / Med / Max fan speed. Available in two different versions: - for installation on CM-F cabinet - for CMR-F remote installation Two series of panels are available for this type of installation: ON THE MACHINE for installation of the fan coil on the floor (models VM-B, VM-F), REMOTE ON THE WALL for installation of the fan coil on the ceiling (models VM-B, VM- F) or false ceiling (model VN). Each of the series includes three types of control, switch, basic thermostat and advanced thermostat. NEW (OPTIONAL) REMOTE CONTROL Infrared remote control (for all sizes and versions) with liquid crystal display complete with support bracket for wall mounting, which allows the following functions: Power on Power off Operating modes (Hot/Cool/AutoChange Over/Ventilation only - presence of valves required-) Fan speed (Max/Med/Min/Auto) Set point temperature Timer setting °C or °F temperature scale setting VISIBLE RECEIVER Located on the front panel of the unit, it is complete with Timer led (yellow), operating led (green) and emergency ON/OFF and reception zone key. The system completes with the card inside the unit. The system is supplied already installed and tested in the company. WALL-MOUNTED RECEIVER (FLUSH MOUNTING) The receiver is supplied in the case of recessed units and is positioned visible on the false ceiling. It is complete with Timer led (yellow), operating led (green) and button for emergency ON/OFF and reception area. It is supplied with a multipolar cable (max length 0.8 metres) for rapid connection and with the electronic board to be installed on the unit. It can be removed from the machine; the testing of the system takes place in the company while the positioning of the receiver is the responsibility of the installer. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Area Occasioni Ventilconvettore Fan Coil Riello Design Inverter 21 B Con Motore Brushless Con Pannello Di Comando A Bordo - CaldaieMurali

    Riello Area Occasioni Fan Coil Riello Design Inverter 21 B With Brushless Motor With Control Panel On Board

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND 100% WORKING, BUT IT HAS VARIOUS REPAIRED PLASTIC PARTS, SLIGHT DAMS AND WORN PACKAGING (SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) Riello Design Inverter 21 b Fan Coil Fan Coil with brushless motor and on-board control panel Tangential fan coil with Brushless Inverter motor Vertical or horizontal installation (accessory) Dimensions HxWxD mm 580x960x130 Code 20116244 General characteristics Cooling capacity 7°C-12°C 2120 Thermal output 50°CW (2) 2775 Thermal efficiency 70°C-60°CW (3) 4670 Maximum air flow m3 /h (4) 389 Sound pressure dBA 43.1-25.3 Inverter design The INVERTER DESIGNS are Riello fan coils with DC Brushless Inverter motors. This technological solution allows for continuous variation from 0 to 100% of the air flow rate and consequently of the heating and cooling capacity. The INVERTER DESIGNS heat and cool any environment very quickly, it is possible to choose between two dedicated mappings: PERFORMANCE for commercial environments, which require high efficiency and great efficiency, and COMFORT to always maintain maximum silence in residential environments. Thanks to the use of DC Brushless motors, the DESIGN INVERTERS save up to 50% of electricity compared to fan coils with traditional motors (ON/OFF type). Like the whole HELIOTERM family, the DESIGN INVERTER range is characterized by an extremely slim aesthetic with a depth of only 13 cm. The range is available in 5 models in two colors (white and metallic grey), with cooling powers from 830 W up to 4560 W and hot powers from 1090 W up to 4860 W. The wide range of accessories and controls with a touch DISPLAY , support a wide range of applications. All versions can be installed vertically or horizontally (using a dedicated accessory), with connections on the left. The structure is made of galvanized sheet metal with sides in ABS in the white version, in silver sheet metal, the front delivery grille is in aluminium. - Ultra Slim aesthetics - Depth of 13cm - Two colors available - Units that can be installed both vertically and horizontally - Easy to install with connections on the left - Ease of disassembly and cleaning of the filters - Commands with Display Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-galletti-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-galletti-estro-f11a-8-kw

    Galletti Fan Coil Fan Coil Galletti Estro F11a 8 Kw

    GALLETTI ESTRO F11A FAN COIL FAN COIL 8 kW Model : ESTRO F11A Fan coils for exposed wall installation with cover cabinet with inclined air outlet. Dimensions: 1404 x 556 x 253mm Product pluses: 3/6 speed motor Built-in ionizer Can be integrated with ERGO Eurovent certification Steel / ABS cabinet Can be installed in niche Reversible hydraulic connections Centrifugal fans in ABS (E) = EUROVENT certified performance, an independent body recognized at European level, which ensures total reliability and transparency of performance and sound level Cockerels Estro ESTRO is the widest range of Fan Coils on the market. In carrying out the project for the ESTRO fan coils, high quality materials were chosen which, together with the great care and attention given to the assembly of the main construction components, qualify ESTRO in the field of performance reliability and acoustic comfort. The cover cabinet is made up of a sheet steel panel, side panels and delivery grille in ABS. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. High efficiency heat exchange coil, in copper tube and aluminum fins. Double intake centrifugal fans, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules. Electric motor with 3 or 6 speeds, mounted on anti-vibration supports. Regenerable air filter that can be easily removed for maintenance operations. Control panels, available as an accessory. Estrus FA Visible wall installation with cover unit. The inclined air outlet on the front makes the ESTRO FA version particularly suitable for insertion in recesses up to 150 mm deep. ESTRO FA is available in 19 models. Centrifugal fan Supervision ergo Vertical installation 4-pipe system 2-pipe system Technical characteristics of the main components: Mobile Of coverage composed of a thick steel sheet panel (10/10 mm); side panels and delivery grille (adjustable by 180°) are made of ABS . The side doors allow access to the technical compartments. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. Structure in thick galvanized steel sheet (up to 15/10 mm), insulated with class 1 self-extinguishing thermal insulating panels. The FU – FB – FC – FF and FBC versions are equipped with a double tray for collecting the condensate. High efficiency heat exchange coil , in copper pipe and aluminum fins locked to the pipes by mechanical expansion, it is equipped with brass manifolds and vent valve. The battery, normally mounted with connections on the left, can be rotated by 180°. Motor electric with three or six speeds mounted on anti-vibration supports, with permanently inserted capacitor and thermal protection of the windings. Fans centrifuges double suction, statically and dynamically balanced and coupled directly to the electric motor, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules Filter air regenerable in honeycomb polypropylene, mounted on a galvanized sheet frame with a safety net, which can be easily removed for maintenance operations. The filter is locked to the cover cabinet by means of 1/4 turn screws (model 12 excluded). Panels control , available as an accessory, for controlling and regulating the temperature by means of a microprocessor system, which automatically adjusts the operation of the fan coil as the ambient conditions change. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-aermec-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-aermec-mod.-omnia-hl-n-16-con-comando-elettronico-incluso

    Aermec Aermec Fan Coil Fan Coil Mod. Omnia Hl N 16 With Electronic Control Included

    FAN COIL FAN COIL AERMEC model OMNIA HL N 16 vertical and horizontal installation Hot-cold kW (High) : 2.12 - 0.89 Dimensions with feet (HxWxD): 605 x 750 x 189 (mm) Weight: 14.6 kg White color General characteristics OMNIA HL The units of the OMNIA HL (High Line) series are fan coil units suitable for air conditioning. Available in various configurations, they can be installed on the floor or on the ceiling and are characterized by multi-speed motors, three of which are selectable. They have fans in ABS material with an impeller equipped with airfoil fins and an inspectable cochlea. This feature gives the machine a clear reduction in the level of noise emitted, as well as a reduction in the electrical absorption of the motor, compared to traditional fans with a metal structure. The HL unit, in the PC and PCM version, is standard equipped with the PLASMACLUSTER ionizing filter. The units can be equipped with multiple accessories and can be integrated into the VMF - Aermec centralized hydronic management system. HL (High Line) fan coils for both horizontal and vertical installation 4 sizes and 10 versions: HL: white cabinet with switch HL M: gray cabinet with switch HL N: white cabinet with VMF electronic thermostat HL NM: gray cabinet with VMF electronic thermostat HL L: white cabinet with self-closing flap and electronic thermostat HL LM: gray cabinet with self-closing flap and electronic thermostat HL PC: white cabinet with electronic thermostat and Plasmacluster filter (can be installed on site only) HL PCM: gray cabinet with electronic thermostat and Plasmacluster filter (can be installed on site only) HL S: white cabinet without controls. Compatible with the VMF System HL SM: gray cabinet without controls. Compatible with the VMF System On/off fan coils for universal installation for residential use, for heating, cooling and dehumidification, which can be combined with any heat generator. 3-speed centrifugal fan group Maximum silence High design aesthetics with rounded lines New adjustable air distribution grille Automatic switch-off of the fan coil by closing the air distribution grille Small dimensions Electronic temperature regulation, automatic speed change on the fan, automatic season change and automatic on - off (version with thermostat) Reversibility of the hydraulic connections during installation Low pressure drop in the heat exchange coils Electric motors with permanently inserted capacitors Ease of installation and maintenance Full compliance with accident prevention regulations Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-ferroli-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-ferroli-jolly-top-3v-150-vm150k-novita

    Ferroli Fan Coil Fan Coil Ferroli Jolly Top 3v 150 Vm150k - New

    OPTIONAL SWITCH Fan Coil Fan Coil Ferroli Jolly Top 3V 150 vm150K - NEW Power supply V-ph-Hz 230-1-50 Total cooling capacity max/med/min kW 1.65/1.22/1.09 Max/med/min heat output kW 1.85/1.29/1.13 3 General data Max/med/min air flow m³/h 255/165/142 Absorbed power max/med/min W 35/17/14 Absorbed current max/med/min A 0.15/0.07/0.06 Sound power max/med/min dB(A) 47/35/34 Dimensions HxWxD 495x790x200 mm JOLLY 3V New series of fan coils with centrifugal fan with 3-speed AC motor. Characterized by a maximum depth of 200 mm and in the version with casing by a particularly captivating aesthetic line, they are suitable for residential heating and air conditioning applications. Available in 5 sizes with cooling capacities from 1.65 to 6.00 kW and air flow rates from 255 to 1300 m3 /h. In the standard version they are offered with a single 3-row coil which can be combined as an accessory, in the case of 4-pipe systems, with an additional 1-row coil. Available in two versions, VM with cabinet and VN without cabinet for built-in applications. The units can be installed both in vertical and horizontal position. VM version Fan coil unit with intake from the bottom Consisting of a sheet metal cover, a delivery grille with doors for access to any control, in thermoplastic material and a regenerable air filter, placed on a metal frame housed on guides obtained in the lower part of the frame. Construction features SUPPORTING STRUCTURE It is made of galvanized sheet metal of adequate thickness. On the back there are slots for fixing the device. For models without a covering casing, a closing panel for the fan group is provided, mounted on the front THERMAL EXCHANGE COIL 3-row coil in copper tube and aluminum fins blocked by mechanical expansion of the tubes. The manifolds in the upper part of the battery are equipped with air vents, while in the lower part they have a water drain valve*. * The default hydraulic connection for the coil is on the LEFT. However, it is possible to turn the coil and change it to the RIGHT (see Installation Manual). CONDENSATE COLLECTION TRAY optional Made of thermoplastic material to avoid corrosion phenomena, it allows the machine to be installed in both vertical and horizontal positions. In particular, in horizontal installation, its shape makes it possible to collect the drops of condensation that form on the collectors during cold operation. The drain hole is obtained directly from the condensate collection tray and allows it to be eliminated during cold operation. It is present on both sides of the machine to facilitate rotation of the battery FAN MOTOR (for version I) The electric motor is of the DC brushless type with high efficiency continuous speed regulation and is directly coupled to the fans and cushioned by elastic supports. FAN MOTOR (for 3V version) The electric motor, protected against possible overloads, has three speeds with running capacitor always on, directly coupled to the fans and cushioned by elastic supports. CENTRIFUGAL FAN The fan group consists of double suction centrifugal fans with blades developed in length to obtain high flow rate with reduced number of revolutions. AIR FILTER Easily removable and regenerable by simply washing with water. COVER (VM only) Partly made of steel sheet painted with epoxy powders to guarantee high resistance to corrosion and partly in anti-UV thermoplastic material to guarantee resistance to ultraviolet rays. The grilles for air diffusion and the door for accessing the control panel are inserted in the upper part, both in anti-UV thermoplastic material. HYDRAULIC CONNECTIONS The connections, positioned on the left side, are of the ¾” gas female type. It is possible to rotate the coil which is supplied standard with left side connections, moving the hydraulic connections to the right side. These new units are characterized by an elegant aesthetic line and by the multiple possibilities of insertion in different types of system. The mantellati models lend themselves to wall or niche solutions (raised or resting on feet), or suspended horizontally from the ceiling. The dismantled models are particularly suitable for concealed built-in solutions or inside false ceilings. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-carrier-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-carrier-idrofan-42nms15fa-comando-di-tipo-a-a-bordo

    Carrier Fan Coil Fan Coil Carrier Idrofan 42nms15fa On Board Type ''A'' Command

    IDROFAN 42NMS15FA Fan Coil Carrier Fan Coil with ''A'' type command on board Vertical console with cabinet Cooling capacity: 1.49 kW Heating capacity: 2.09 kW Electric resistance (high capacity) W 800 Electric resistance (low capacity) W 500 Dimensions WxD: 830 x 220 Height (with 100mm feet): 657 Weight: 17Kg Type A control already mounted on board CARRIER Thanks to its simple and elegant design (winner of the ADI Design award) it is the ideal solution for many applications, such as hotels, offices and commercial buildings. Maximum optimization of comfort and reduction of energy costs. Available in the built-in version for installation in false ceilings or with cabinet for visible installation (only 220 mm in height for the built-in unit). Both in the version with high-efficiency variable-speed LEC (brushless) motors and with multispeed AC motor, it allows you to promptly respond to the need for comfort, efficiency and versatility. A variety of thermostats and controls are available either on board or remote for wall installation Energy efficiency is the class of its success The range of IDROFAN 42N fan coil units fits perfectly with the new reference requirements for buildings with low energy consumption, offering greater energy savings and immediate comfort for users. Its success is essentially due to low energy consumption and construction features based on modularity, ease of installation and reliability. Reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 20% by 2020 is a goal that IDROFAN already achieved a few years ago. IDROFAN is designed to maximize efficiency and savings, through the use of more flexible technologies aimed at protecting the natural environment. The new range of IDROFAN 42N fan coils is the ideal solution for multiple applications, such as hotels, offices and commercial buildings, allowing you to optimize comfort and reduce energy costs The high performance fan of the IDROFAN range incorporates the latest technology of LEC motors, variable speed, or five speeds, improving user comfort thanks to a noise level reduction of up to -10 dB(A) compared to previous models. The LEC variable speed motor coupled to the latest generation NTC electronic control, the almost imperceptible air flow and the fan speeds that can be customized on site, ensure the best comfort and ultra-quiet operation. Reduced consumption facilitate compliance with new laws regarding energy consumption Maximum flexibility minimum size and wide range of powers for any installation and climate Perfect integration and low noise impact with any building management system Improved comfort thanks to advanced technologies that guarantee silence and well-being Accessories TYPE "A" Electronic Thermostat Control for IDROFAN 2-pipe fan coils, 42N series, wall-mounted, CARRIER ( Code 33TA-AC01) Kit for installation of type "A" control on board the 42NM/Z unit (Cod. 42N9100) The TYPE "A" CARRIER control is suitable for controlling IDROFAN convectors in both heating and cooling modes. With: Power button for switching on/off the fan coil; Mode button for manual adjustment of the heating/cooling functions indicated by special red/blue LEDs; Ventilation Adjustment Button with the 3 Speeds (I-II-III) that can be set manually, the Economy mode for energy saving and the Auto mode, all signaled from time to time by special LEDs; Temperature Selector Knob with a range from + 10°C. at + 30°C. Antifreeze function which is activated with temperatures below 7°C., Night and Dimming mode which acts on the lights of the operating LEDs, AutoTest , possibility of configuring the adjustments during installation using special microswitches, possibility of using the internal temperature sensor in case of wall installation or a remote sensor - Minimum Temperature Probe in case of installation on the machine (to be purchased separately) . The CARRIER Type "A" Control can be installed on the fan-coil using the special Kit for installing the Type "A" Control on the 42NM/Z unit ( allows connection of the Control to the electrical components of the fan coil and consists supplied by: cable kit, air probe, bracket, adhesive bands, screws ) Code 42N9100. Controls the fan coil in both the heating and cooling functions where the system is set up for this type of function. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-aermec-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-aermec-mod.-omnia-hl-26-con-comando-incluso

    Aermec Aermec Fan Coil Fan Coil Mod. Omnia Hl 26 With Control Included

    FAN COIL FAN COIL AERMEC model OMNIA HL 26 vertical and horizontal installation Hot-cold kW (High): 3.83 - 1.68 Dimensions with feet (HxWxD): 615 x 980 x 191 (mm) Weight: 17.6 kg White color General characteristics OMNIA HL The units of the OMNIA HL (High Line) series are fan coils suitable for air conditioning. Available in various configurations, they can be installed on the floor or on the ceiling and are characterized by multi-speed motors, three of which are selectable. They have fans in ABS material with an impeller equipped with airfoil fins and an inspectable cochlea. This feature gives the machine a clear reduction in the level of noise emitted, as well as a reduction in the electrical absorption of the motor, compared to traditional fans with a metal structure. The HL unit, in the PC and PCM version, is standard equipped with the PLASMACLUSTER ionizing filter. The units can be equipped with multiple accessories and can be integrated into the VMF - Aermec centralized hydronic management system. HL (High Line) fan coils for both horizontal and vertical installation 4 sizes and 10 versions: HL: white cabinet with switch HL M: gray cabinet with switch HL N: white cabinet with VMF electronic thermostat HL NM: gray cabinet with VMF electronic thermostat HL L: white cabinet with self-closing flap and electronic thermostat HL LM: gray cabinet with self-closing flap and electronic thermostat HL PC: white cabinet with electronic thermostat and Plasmacluster filter (can be installed on site only) HL PCM: gray cabinet with electronic thermostat and Plasmacluster filter (can be installed on site only) HL S: white cabinet without controls. Compatible with the VMF System HL SM: gray cabinet without controls. Compatible with the VMF system On/off fan coils for universal installation for residential use, for heating, cooling and dehumidification, which can be combined with any heat generator. 3-speed centrifugal fan group Maximum silence High design aesthetics with rounded lines New adjustable air distribution grille Automatic switch-off of the fan coil by closing the air distribution grille Small dimensions Electronic temperature regulation, automatic speed change on the fan, automatic season change and automatic on - off (version with thermostat) Reversibility of the hydraulic connections during installation Low pressure drop in the heat exchange coils Electric motors with permanently inserted capacitors Ease of installation and maintenance Full compliance with accident prevention regulations Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-carrier-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-carrier-idrofan-42nms-30f

    Carrier Fan Coil Carrier Idrofan 42nms 30f

    Fan Coil Carrier IDROFAN 42NMS 30F Vertical console with cabinet Cooling capacity: 3.7 kW Heating capacity: 5.29 kW Electric resistance (high capacity) W 2000 Electric resistance (low capacity) W 1000 Dimensions WxD: 1230 x 220 Height (with 100mm feet): 657 Weight: 22Kg CARRIER Thanks to its simple and elegant design (winner of the ADI Design award) it is the ideal solution for many applications, such as hotels, offices and commercial buildings. Maximum optimization of comfort and reduction of energy costs. Available in the built-in version for installation in false ceilings or with cabinet for visible installation (only 220 mm in height for the built-in unit). Both in the version with high-efficiency variable-speed LEC (brushless) motors and with multispeed AC motor, it allows you to promptly respond to the need for comfort, efficiency and versatility. A variety of thermostats and controls are available either on board or remote for wall installation Energy efficiency is the class of its success The range of IDROFAN 42N fan coil units fits perfectly with the new reference requirements for buildings with low energy consumption, offering greater energy savings and immediate comfort for users. Its success is essentially due to low energy consumption and construction features based on modularity, ease of installation and reliability. Reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 20% by 2020 is a goal that IDROFAN already achieved a few years ago. IDROFAN is designed to maximize efficiency and savings, through the use of more flexible technologies aimed at protecting the natural environment. The new range of IDROFAN 42N fan coils is the ideal solution for multiple applications, such as hotels, offices and commercial buildings, allowing you to optimize comfort and reduce energy costs The high performance fan of the IDROFAN range incorporates the latest technology of LEC motors, variable speed, or five speeds, improving user comfort thanks to a noise level reduction of up to -10 dB(A) compared to previous models. The LEC variable speed motor coupled to the latest generation NTC electronic control, the almost imperceptible air flow and the fan speeds that can be customized on site, ensure the best comfort and ultra-quiet operation. Reduced consumption facilitate compliance with new laws regarding energy consumption Maximum flexibility minimum size and wide range of powers for any installation and climate Perfect integration and low noise impact with any building management system Improved comfort thanks to advanced technologies that guarantee silence and well-being Accessories TYPE "A" Electronic Thermostat Control for IDROFAN 2-pipe fan coils, 42N series, wall-mounted, CARRIER ( Code 33TA-AC01) Kit for installation of type "A" control on board the 42NM/Z unit (Cod. 42N9100) The TYPE "A" CARRIER control is suitable for controlling IDROFAN convectors in both heating and cooling modes. With: Power button for switching on/off the fan coil; Mode button for manual adjustment of the heating/cooling functions indicated by special red/blue LEDs; Ventilation Adjustment Button with the 3 Speeds (I-II-III) that can be set manually, the Economy mode for energy saving and the Auto mode, all signaled from time to time by special LEDs; Temperature Selector Knob with a range from + 10°C. at + 30°C. Antifreeze function which is activated with temperatures below 7°C., Night and Dimming mode which acts on the lights of the operating LEDs, AutoTest , possibility of configuring the adjustments during installation using special microswitches, possibility of using the internal temperature sensor in case of wall installation or a remote sensor - Minimum Temperature Probe in case of installation on the machine (to be purchased separately) . The CARRIER Type "A" Control can be installed on the fan-coil using the special Kit for installing the Type "A" Control on the 42NM/Z unit ( allows connection of the Control to the electrical components of the fan coil and consists supplied by: cable kit, air probe, bracket, adhesive bands, screws ) Code 42N9100. Controls the fan coil in both the heating and cooling functions where the system is set up for this type of function. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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