icon Stoves and fireplaces | CaldaieMurali

Stoves and fireplaces

Stufe e Camini
Add a touch of warmth and charm to your home with our stoves and fireplaces. Elegant design, efficient performance and welcoming atmosphere. Choose from our selection of stoves and fireplaces to create a lovely focal point and warm up your space in style.

417 products

  • Last stock! immagine-1-anselmo-cola-stufa-a-pellet-ventilata-anselmo-cola-elegant-827-kw-in-acciaio-wi-fi-integrato-con-palmare-incluso-disponibile-in-vari-colori

    Anselmo Cola Stufa a Pellet Ventilata Anselmo Cola ELEGANT 8,27 kW in Acciaio Wi-Fi Integrato con Palmare Incluso - Disponibile in vari colori

    Per poter  acquistare il prodotto in contrassegno bisogna versare un'acconto del 10% Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : Elegant Volume riscaldabile : 236 m³ Colore : Bianca o nera Performance Potenza introdotta : 9,15 kW Potenza ridotta : 2,7 kW Potenza termica nominale: 8,27 kW Potenza termica ridotta : 2,58 kW Consumo orario combustibile : 0,57 ~ 1,94 kg/h Emissione : 0,02 ~ 0,02 % Emissione polveri : 9,9 mg/m³ Temperatura uscita fumi : 80,2° ~ 173,4°C Rendimento : 90,42 ~ 95,66 % Tiraggio canna fumaria : 10 ~ 14 Pa Capacità serbatoio : 20 Kg Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz,A) : 230/50/2 Assorbimento elettrico : W 420 start - 120  Dati installativi Diametro scarico fumi : 80 mm Diametro presa d’aria : 50 mm Distanza minima di sicurezza retro : 200 mm Distanza minima di sicurezza fianco destro e sinistro : 300 mm Distanza minima di sicurezza pavimento : 0 mm Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 540x1227x574 mm Peso : 117,0 kg PRIMA ACCENSIONE ESCLUSA Stufe a pellet Anselmo Cola Funzionalità, tecnologia e design per offrire nuova forma alla tradizione; il calore naturale del fuoco nel cuore delle case. Trasformare semplici fonti di calore in elementi d’arredo, in grado di dare personalità agli ambienti con la qualità e lo stile del Made In Italy. Performance ed ecosostenibilità si sposano con risparmio e bellezza Tutti i modelli vengono ideati e prodotti secondo principi che, nel tempo, sono diventati cultura aziendale: performance, ricerca delle forme, risparmio ed ecologia. L’utilizzo di  combustibili rinnovabili assieme alle basse emissioni dei nostri prodotti garantiscono il rispetto e la sostenibilità ambientale.La filosofia di progettazione degli apparecchi è basata sull’interscambio del calore su tutti i lati della camera di combustione.Derivata direttamente dall’esperienza nelle stufe a legna, il sistema garantisce un graduale e naturale riscaldamento dell’ambiente, maggiore silenziosità e un rendimento eccellente per effetto di una grande superficie di scambio. Provate le funzioni Eco e Stand-by per ridurre i consumi e aumentare l’efficienza termica della stufa. Connettività L’evoluzione del controllo Darwin Evolution, la nuova App Anselmo Cola è disponibile per AppStore, PlayStore e  Microsoft Store. Funziona attraverso il kit Wi-Fi da installare a bordo stufa e consente comodamente di programmare accensione, spegnimento, regolare potenza e temperature con un semplice tocco, ovunque si trovi il cliente. Tramite la nuova opzione Bluetooth invece, il cliente potrà controllare il suo apparecchio senza connettività internet utilizzando lo smartphone come un telecomando evoluto Il pellet Il pellet è un combustibile classificato come biomassa ottenuto dai resti della lavorazione del legno. Oltre ad essere ecosostenibile ed economico, ha un elevato potere calorifero che associato alla tecnologia di combustione Anselmo Cola ottiene rese superiori al 90% e basse emissioni di CO₂ e NOx Aria pulita Aria Pulita, la certificazione di qualità del riscaldamento a legna e pellet, nasce per contribuire a migliorare la qualità dell’aria, la salute e l’ambiente, basandosi su tre capisaldi: trasparenza, oggettività, chiarezza. È un sistema di certificazione istituito e promosso da AIEL, associazione italiana energie agroforestali, che attesta l’idoneità dei sistemi di riscaldamento a biomasse legnose ad assicurare specifiche prestazioni, espresse in termini di rendimento e di emissioni, con particolare riferimento alle polveri e agli ossidi di azoto. Aria Pulita consente di attribuire a ciascun generatore di calore certificato una classe di qualità, coerente con i livelli qualitativi assicurati. Le diverse classi di qualità sono identificate mediante un numero crescente di “stelle” variabile da 1 a 4, che corrispondono alla misura dei gradi di merito delle prestazioni riscontrate. Tutti i prodotti a pellet Anselmo Cola sono certificati a 4 stelle. Stufa a pellet ELEGANT Rivestimento in acciaio verniciato Porta con doppio vetro Vetro esterno curvo serigrafato Camera di combustione ermetica ad alto rendimento 3 ventilatori tangenziali Uscita fumi posteriore Valvola antiscoppio Aria comburente preriscaldata Braciere in ghisa con post combustione Cassetto cenere estraibile Maniglia estraibile Palmare Display di emergenza Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.

    €2.380,00 - €2.399,00

  • Last stock! immagine-1-anselmo-cola-stufa-a-pellet-ventilata-canalizzabile-anselmo-cola-jazz-1270-kw-in-acciaio-maiolica-wi-fi-integrato-con-radiocomando-incluso-disponibile-in-vari-colori

    Anselmo Cola Stufa a Pellet Ventilata Canalizzabile Anselmo Cola JAZZ 12,70 kW in Acciaio-Maiolica Wi-Fi Integrato con Radiocomando Incluso - Disponibile in vari colori

    Per poter  acquistare il prodotto in contrassegno bisogna versare un'acconto del 10% Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : Jazz Volume riscaldabile : 363 m³ Colore : Avorio, bordeaux, nera Performance Potenza introdotta : 14,1 kW Potenza ridotta : 3,4 kW Potenza termica nominale: 12,7 kW Potenza termica ridotta : 3,2 kW Consumo orario combustibile : 0,687 ~ 2,91 kg/h Emissione : 0,015 ~ 0,02 % Emissione polveri : 16,4 ~ 19,9 mg/m³ Temperatura uscita fumi : 60,1° ~ 176,7 °C Rendimento : 90 ~ 96,7 % Tiraggio canna fumaria : 10 ~ 12 Pa Portata media aria : 80x2 m³ Temperatura media aria : 70° ~ 90° C Capacità serbatoio : 26 Kg Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz,A) : 230/50/2 Assorbimento elettrico : W 420 start - 110  Dati installativi Diametro scarico fumi : 80 mm Diametro presa d’aria : 50 mm Distanza minima di sicurezza retro : 200 mm Distanza minima di sicurezza fianco destro e sinistro : 300 mm Distanza minima di sicurezza pavimento : 0 mm Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 600x1118x555 mm Peso : 142,0 kg PRIMA ACCENSIONE ESCLUSA Stufe a pellet Anselmo Cola Funzionalità, tecnologia e design per offrire nuova forma alla tradizione; il calore naturale del fuoco nel cuore delle case. Trasformare semplici fonti di calore in elementi d’arredo, in grado di dare personalità agli ambienti con la qualità e lo stile del Made In Italy. Performance ed ecosostenibilità si sposano con risparmio e bellezza Tutti i modelli vengono ideati e prodotti secondo principi che, nel tempo, sono diventati cultura aziendale: performance, ricerca delle forme, risparmio ed ecologia. L’utilizzo di  combustibili rinnovabili assieme alle basse emissioni dei nostri prodotti garantiscono il rispetto e la sostenibilità ambientale.La filosofia di progettazione degli apparecchi è basata sull’interscambio del calore su tutti i lati della camera di combustione.Derivata direttamente dall’esperienza nelle stufe a legna, il sistema garantisce un graduale e naturale riscaldamento dell’ambiente, maggiore silenziosità e un rendimento eccellente per effetto di una grande superficie di scambio. Provate le funzioni Eco e Stand-by per ridurre i consumi e aumentare l’efficienza termica della stufa. Connettività L’evoluzione del controllo Darwin Evolution, la nuova App Anselmo Cola è disponibile per AppStore, PlayStore e  Microsoft Store. Funziona attraverso il kit Wi-Fi da installare a bordo stufa e consente comodamente di programmare accensione, spegnimento, regolare potenza e temperature con un semplice tocco, ovunque si trovi il cliente. Tramite la nuova opzione Bluetooth invece, il cliente potrà controllare il suo apparecchio senza connettività internet utilizzando lo smartphone come un telecomando evoluto Il pellet Il pellet è un combustibile classificato come biomassa ottenuto dai resti della lavorazione del legno. Oltre ad essere ecosostenibile ed economico, ha un elevato potere calorifero che associato alla tecnologia di combustione Anselmo Cola ottiene rese superiori al 90% e basse emissioni di CO₂ e NOx Aria pulita Aria Pulita, la certificazione di qualità del riscaldamento a legna e pellet, nasce per contribuire a migliorare la qualità dell’aria, la salute e l’ambiente, basandosi su tre capisaldi: trasparenza, oggettività, chiarezza. È un sistema di certificazione istituito e promosso da AIEL, associazione italiana energie agroforestali, che attesta l’idoneità dei sistemi di riscaldamento a biomasse legnose ad assicurare specifiche prestazioni, espresse in termini di rendimento e di emissioni, con particolare riferimento alle polveri e agli ossidi di azoto. Aria Pulita consente di attribuire a ciascun generatore di calore certificato una classe di qualità, coerente con i livelli qualitativi assicurati. Le diverse classi di qualità sono identificate mediante un numero crescente di “stelle” variabile da 1 a 4, che corrispondono alla misura dei gradi di merito delle prestazioni riscontrate. Tutti i prodotti a pellet Anselmo Cola sono certificati a 4 stelle. Stufa a pellet canalizzabile JAZZ Rivestimento in acciaio verniciato Porta con vetro ceramicato serigrafato Camera di combustione ad alto rendimento Gestione aria canalizzata con leva posteriore Ventilatore centrifugo Valvola antiscoppio Aria comburente preriscaldata Braciere in ghisa con post combustione Resistenza al quarzo Cassetto cenere estraibile Maniglia estraibile Display a scomparsa Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Last stock! immagine-1-anselmo-cola-stufa-a-pellet-ventilata-anselmo-cola-cupido-813-kw-in-acciaio-maiolica-wi-fi-integrato-con-telecomando-incluso-disponibile-in-vari-colori

    Anselmo Cola Stufa a Pellet Ventilata Anselmo Cola CUPIDO 8,13 kW in Acciaio-Maiolica Wi-Fi Integrato con Telecomando Incluso - Disponibile in Vari Colori

    Nota bene ! In mancata disponibilità immediata , il prodotto sarà ordinato e spedito in 10 giorni lavorativi. Per poter  acquistare il prodotto in contrassegno bisogna versare un'acconto del 10% Caratteristiche Tecniche :  Potenza termica nominale [Pnom] - ridotta [Prid] kW 8,27 - 2,58 Combustibile / Consumo orario alla Pnom - Prid kg/h 1,94 - 0,57 Emissione CO 13% O2 alla Pnom - Prid % 0,02 - 0,02 Emissione polveri PP al 13% O2 mg/m³ 9,9 Temperatura uscita fumi alla Pnom - Prid °C 173,4 - 80,2 Rendimento alla Pnom - Prid % 90,42 - 95,66 Tiraggio canna fumaria Pa 10 - 14 Diametro scarico fumi mm 80 Diametro presa d’aria mm 50 Alimentazione elettrica V 230 - 50Hz - 2A Assorbimento elettrico W 420 start - 120 Distanza minima di sicurezza (retro - fianco Dx/Sx - pav.) mm 200 - 300 - 0 Capacità serbatoio(1) kg 18 Peso kg 113 - 128 Dimensioni L - H - P mm 496 - 998 - 499 Volume riscaldabile(2) m³ 236   STUFE A PELLET Non servono i normali tronchetti di legno che tutti siamo abituati a vedere, ma minuscoli prodotti precompressi (pellets), si tratta di combustibili ecologici ad altissimo rendimento calorico, ricavati dalla pressatura di residui e frammenti del miglior legno, senza aggiunta di collanti; basti pensare che il rendimento reale degli stessi è vicino al 90%.  Caratteristiche delle stufe a pellet: BRACIEREil braciere è facilmente estraibile per la pulizia giornaliera ELETTRONICAnuova elettronica in grado di prevedere le programmazioni settimanali di accensione e spegnimento TELECOMANDOtelecomando multifunzione dal design nuovo, con schermo LCD SCAMBIATORE TERMICOscambiatore termico a fascio tubiero per aumentare le prestazioni termiche. Le dimensioni dei tubi sono ridotte per evitare turbolenze e rumori CONVEZIONE SECONDARIAnella camera di combustione è presente una convezione secondaria per migliorare la combustione del pellet CAMERA DI COMBUSTIONEpareti in acciaio smontabili per facilitare la pulizia del residuo della combustione del pellet VETRO PULITOemissione di aria in prossimità del vetro per evitare che si sporchi GRIGLIAIl serbatoio è dotato di griglia protettiva in modo da impedire il contatto con i meccanismi di caricamento pellet CASSETTO RACCOGLI CENEREcassetto posto sotto al braciere per raccogliere la cenere prodotta dalla combustione SICUREZZAstufa completa di sonde temperatura per monitorare il buon funzionamento in sicurezza VENTILATORIsilenziosità della stufa anche alla massima potenza di lavoro PRESSOSTATOdispositivo di sicurezza che segnala eventuali ostruzioni dello scarico fumi CUPIDO Rivestimento in acciaio verniciato e maiolica Porta con vetro ceramicato Camera di combustione ad alto rendimento Uscita fumi superiore Ventilatore centrifugo Valvola antiscoppio Aria comburente preriscaldata Braciere in ghisa con post combustione Cassetto cenere estraibile Maniglia estraibile Telecomando Kit uscita fumi posteriore optional CONNETTIVITÀ CONNETTIVITÀ Tutta la gamma Anselmo Cola è dotata di soluzioni modulari per essere facilmente interfacciata con altri dispositivi mobili o domotici. Cola Darwin 2.0 - L’evoluzione del controlloLa nuova App Anselmo Cola è disponibile per AppStore, PlayStore e Microsoft Store. Funziona attraverso il Kit Wi-Fi da installare a bordo stufa e consente comodamente di programmare accensione e spegnimento, regolare potenza e temperatura con un semplice tocco, ovunque tu sia. Tramite la nuova opzione Bluetooth, invece, potrai controllare il tuo apparecchio Anselmo Cola facilmente anche senza connettività Internet utilizzando il tuo smartphone come un telecomando evoluto. Modulo GSM – Comandi via SMSQuesta tecnologia comunica con l’apparecchio Anselmo Cola per mezzo di una SIM dati opzionale, attraverso l’invio di comandi base via SMS. Cola Utility – Lo smart panel di design Interfaccia remota “touch screen” via cavo per controllare, regolare e programmare ogni funzione del tuo apparecchio. Radio Controller – Tutto sotto controlloUn nuovo radiocomando touch con interfaccia grafica intuitiva viene fornito sui modelli più recenti della gamma. Telecomando – Basta un clicTutti gli apparecchi Anselmo Cola sono dotati di telecomando di serie per il controllo a distanza. Ora ancora più pratico con nuovi tasti di scelta rapida pensati per offrire il massimo della comodità. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.

    €1.830,00 - €1.859,00

  • Sale -10% immagine-1-easycomfort-easycomfort-parascintille-caminetto-con-3-pannelli-pieghevoli-nero

    EASYCOMFORT Easycomfort Fireplace Fire Arrester With 3 Folding Panels - Black

    Do you love relaxing in front of the fireplace on gloomy days? With this collapsible spark arrester you can enjoy the magic of fire in complete safety. The structure is built in metal and powder-coated steel and consists of three folding panels that you can orient according to the shape of your fireplace and your needs.Features- Structure built with three folding panels- Metal and powder-coated steel frame - No assembly required - Easy to clean with a damp cloth - Foldable and easy to move Technical data - Colour: Black - Material: Steel pipe, wire mesh - Overall size: 105L x 1.6D x 80.5Hcm - Main panel size: 65L x 80.5Hcm- Side panel size: 20W x 74.5Hcm- Folded size: 65W x 3D x 80.5Hcm


  • immagine-1-italkero-radiatore-stufa-a-gas-italkero-stratos-mb-5.0-metano-o-gpl-434-kw-colore-bianco-con-kit-fumi-99710422

    Italkero Gas Stove Radiator Italkero Stratos Mb 5.0 Methane Or LPG 4.34 Kw White Color With Fume Kit 99710422

    Technical features Model : Stratos 5.0 Maximum capacity: 4.70 kW Minimum capacity 3.30 kW Maximum power: 4.34 kW Minimum power: 3.05 kW Efficiency : 92.4% Efficiency / NOx : 1/5 Heatable Volume* : 166 - 78.8 m³ Fan air flow: 225 m³/h Consumption G20 Nom./Red. : 0.497 / 0.349 m³/h Consumption G30-G31 Nom./Red. : 0.368 / 0.258 Kg/h Nom./Red. G20 nozzle pressure : 12/7mbar G30-G31 nozzle pressure Nom./Red. : 29-37 / 15-18mbar 3 nozzles G20/G30-31 : 1.10/0.63 mm Power supply : 230/50V/Hz Gas: Methane or LPG Absorbed power: 60W Protection : IP20 Gas category : II 2H 3+ Maximum pipe length 32/54 : 3/10 m Gas connection tube: 3/8" Dimensions and weight Dimensions L/H/D : 685 / 585 / 200 mm Weight : 26.8Kg General characteristics The innovative gas stove, thanks to the hot air outlet from below, guarantees a continuous and uniform distribution of heat, avoiding its stratification. Great comfort and energy savings thanks to the automatic modulation of the thermal power and fan speed. The diameter of the pipes can be 32 or 54 mm and the length up to 15 meters, forced combustion, sealed chamber. It works on both LPG and METHANE gas. Modern and elegant design. 100% made in Italy product designed by Francesco Gomez Paz. Standard equipment Standard flue gas intake and exhaust pipe kit L 50 cm (Ø 32 for mod. 3.0 - 5.0 and Ø 54 for mod. 7.0 - 9.0) Manual command Conversion kit to LPG or CNG REMOVABLE humidifier tray. Programmable temperature Programmable temperature thanks to the daily/weekly wireless programmable thermostat (accessory). A new way of conceiving heat, a wireless chronothermostat to control all your Stratos, a technical choice that allows for significant energy savings and avoids air stratification in the rooms where it is installed. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-italkero-radiatore-stufa-a-gas-italkero-stratos-mb-3.0-metano-o-gpl-3-kw-colore-bianco-con-kit-fumi-99710415

    Italkero Italkero Stratos Mb 3.0 Methane Or LPG 3 Kw Gas Stove Radiator White Color With Fume Kit 99710415

    Italkero Gas Stove Radiator mod. STRATOS MB 3.0 complete with Optional Wi-Fi Smoke Kit Model : Stratos 3.0 MB Thermal capacity Max Hi 2.5 kw Thermal capacity Min Hi 1.7 kW Heatable volume MAX 73 m3 Electric power absorbed W 80 IP20 electrical protection Dimensions and weight Dimensions L/H/D : 535 / 585 / 200 mm Weight : 20.9Kg STRATOS MB Modern and elegant gas stove, thanks to the new wireless chronothermostat (which can also be combined later) you can control as many MB Stratos as you want. Gas convector with forced combustion and sealed chamber. The innovative gas stove, thanks to the hot air outlet from below, guarantees a continuous and uniform distribution of heat, avoiding its stratification. Great comfort and energy savings thanks to the automatic modulation of the thermal power and fan speed. A new way of conceiving heat, a wireless chronothermostat (accessory) to control all your MB Stratos, a technical choice that allows for significant energy savings and avoids air stratification in the rooms where it is installed. Available models: STRATOS MB 3.0 max power 2.30 min 1.53 kw length 53 cm STRATOS MB 5.0 max power 4.30 min 2.98 kw length 68 cm STRATOS MB 7.0 max power 6.28 min 4.37 kw length 83 cm STRATOS MB 9.0 max power 7.87 min 5.22 kw length 98 cm Scalable power. Programmable temperature thanks to the daily/weekly wireless programmable thermostat (accessory). The diameter of the pipes can be 32 or 54 mm and the length up to 15 meters. The standard piping kit is included in the package. It is possible to purchase the floor Standing accessory which allows installation on non-load-bearing walls: glass, plasterboard, etc. It works both with LPG and methane gas (via conversion kit). That's not all, you can optionally also buy a fantastic "LED lights" accessory to light up your stove, you can also customize it, choosing the color of the front panel, or opting for a version in anodized aluminum, crystal or natural stone. Designed by Francisco Gomez Paz, assembled and produced in Italy. 100% made in Italy. Technology. Innovation. savings. Ecology. Italker. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-kalor-stufa-a-pellet-kalor-modello-lara-12-10-kw-in-acciaio-vari-colori-disponibili-bianca

    Kalor Pellet Stove Kalor Model Lara 12 10 Kw In Steel Various Colors Available White

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features: Global heat output (max - min) kW 10.1 - 2.84 Hourly pellet consumption/ Hourly pellet consume. (max-min) kg/h 2.06 - 0.58 Performance/ Efficiency (max-min) % 92.7 - 89.53 Dimensions HxWxD 959x463x468 mm CALOR Kalor produces a complete range of highly efficient pellet-powered stoves: stoves for heating only the environment, thermo-stoves for heating air and water and fireplace inserts. The various production lines differ in design but are available in multiple powers to be efficient in the most diverse living contexts. The design of a pellet stove must guarantee efficiency and sustainability as the first objective. Our projects must be able to propose solutions capable of integrating the plant and energy aspects of the building with the architectural design choices in an innovative way. Our design skills reward us with the achievement of prestigious heat efficiencies but in general we are gratified to think that our heat system is able to interact effectively with the most modern integrated green systems such as photovoltaic and solar panels. Thanks to their effectiveness and efficiency, our stoves contribute to the classification of your home in energy class A. The stove: not only the cheapest source of heat but also for energy redevelopment of your home. Very high efficiency, in practical terms this means that: If 100% is the percentage of heat extrapolated from pellet combustion, 97.89% is the percentage of heat introduced into the environment, only 2.11% is the percentage of heat of exhaust fumes. These results were obtained thanks to a careful design capable of ensuring the maximum possible heat exchange. The vertical tube exchange surface involves the entire rear part of the combustion chamber which is lined with refractory material, ensuring low emissions of fine particles. LARA This stove has been designed to be positioned even in the smallest rooms: the small size and modern design make it perfect for all types of homes. The steel cladding embraces the compact structure of the stove which fits perfectly into any style of home, becoming a true design object. “Wi Fi Optional“ allows the stove to be controlled remotely. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €1.140,00 - €1.160,00

  • immagine-1-fondital-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-modello-gazelle-evo-5000-metano-da-452-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio-ean-8015040120702

    FONDITAL Gas Radiator Fondital Convective Stove Model Gazelle Evo 5000 Methane From 4.52 Kw Complimentary Smoke Kit

    GAS RADIATOR CONVECTIVE STOVE FONDITAL model GAZELLE EVO 5000 METHANE 4,52 kW flue kit for free Technical features Model : Gazelle Evo 5000 Typology : Gas radiator Rated power : 4.52 kW Minimum power : 2.8 kW Maximum absorbed power: 24 W Useful efficiency at nominal heat output: 92.2% Useful efficiency at minimum thermal power: 94.9% Nominal heat input : 4900 W Reduced thermal input : 3000 W Nominal heat output : 4520W Reduced thermal power : 2850 W NOx emission class : 5 Energy class: A Power supply: METHANE Supply Voltage/Frequency : 230 - 50 V/Hz Combustion chamber : Forced draft Electrical protection degree : 20 IP External diameter of straight exhaust pipes (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm External diameter of split pipes (C53): 35 or 60 mm Gas connection diameter: G 1/2 M inches White color Dimensions LxHxP : 667 x 550 x 195 Weight : 24Kg NB* 2 x 55/2 refers to n2 pipes (one for air intake and one for flue gas discharge) each having the same shape as a semicircle with a diameter of 55 mm General characteristics NEW GAZELLE EVO The Strength of EVO lution The single gas convection stove with a heat input of less than 5 kW is not considered a heating system, therefore one might think that there are no legislative obligations to carry out periodic annual maintenance. In reality, even when the convective gas stove is not considered a heating system, only the obligation of energy efficiency control falls but all the prescriptions contained in the supplier's instruction booklet remain valid, which has always prescribed annual maintenance by qualified personnel . Maintenance allows the machine to work in the best conditions of efficiency and safety, thus allowing fuel savings, better environmental well-being and prolonging the life of the machine. An extraordinary one must also be added to the periodic maintenance, in case of breakage or wear of the device. According to the provisions of Ministerial Decree n.37 of 22 January 2008, the installation and maintenance of the appliances must only be carried out by expert professionals who must issue the declaration of conformity of the product itself. By professionally qualified personnel we mean those having specific technical competence in the sector of components of heating systems for civil use, or qualified according to the legislation in force. To guarantee maximum efficiency and safety of the appliance, it is therefore recommended to have the inspection certificate completed by an authorized Technical Assistance Center (TAC). In reference to the installation it is good to consider some guidelines: • The appliance must be installed on walls directly communicating with the outside, alternatively alternative installations must be arranged, always in compliance with current regulations. • The correct distance from other surrounding elements must be respected as follows: Gas convection stoves , such as the Gazelle Evo, are an excellent solution in terms of efficiency and safety for heating domestic and industrial environments but, like any other product, they must be used and maintained with care and precision. By relying on one of our experts, you will therefore be able to benefit from all the advantages of our products in the safety of your own home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-anselmo-cola-stufa-a-pellet-anselmo-cola-modello-smart-697-kw-colore-bordeaux-disponibile-in-vari-colori-in-acciaio-maiolica-ean-99462932

    Anselmo Cola Pellet Stove Anselmo Cola Smart Model 6.97 Kw Bordeaux Color - Available In Various Colors In Steel Majolica

    NB: A 10% DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED TO PURCHASE CASH ON DELIVERY STOVES Technical features Coating in painted steel - Structure: steel and majolica Combustion chamber: Steel, cast iron and vermiculite Power introduced [Pi] - reduced [Pi.r.] 7.61 - 2.70 Nominal heat output [Pnom] - reduced [Prid] 6.97 - 2.58 Fuel / Hourly consumption at Pnom - Prid 1.61 - 0.57 Flue draft 10 - 14 Power supply 230V - 50Hz - 2A Tank capacity 17 Kg Weight 75Kg Heatable volume* 199 m³ COLOR OF THE STOVE : BORDEAUX . *NB FIRST LIGHTING EXCLUDED! General characteristics PELLET STOVES You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. Features of pellet stoves BRAZIER the brazier is easily removable for daily cleaning ELECTRONICS new electronics capable of predicting the weekly switch-on and switch-off schedules REMOTE CONTROL New design multi-function remote control, with LCD screen HEAT EXCHANGER shell and tube heat exchanger to increase thermal performance. Pipe sizes are reduced to avoid turbulence and noise SECONDARY CONVECTION in the combustion chamber there is a secondary convection to improve the combustion of the pellets COMBUSTION CHAMBER removable steel walls to facilitate cleaning of pellet combustion residue CLEAN GLASS air emission near the glass to prevent it from getting dirty GRILL The tank is equipped with a protective grid to prevent contact with the pellet loading mechanisms ASH COLLECTOR DRAWER drawer placed under the brazier to collect the ash produced by combustion SAFETY stove complete with temperature probes to monitor correct operation in safety FANS silence of the stove even at maximum working power PRESSURE SWITCH safety device that signals any obstructions in the smoke outlet SMART STOVE High performance Pellet stove with provision for external combustion air intake Standard remote control for remote operations Pellet stove with air heating Automatic cleaning of the Cola patented cast iron brazier/brazier holder system Pellet stove with top with ceramic profiles, painted steel cladding, preheated combustion air, 3 tangential fans, cast iron brazier with post combustion, removable ash pan, fully painted cast iron door, remote control and removable handle THE SAVING OF PELLETS The main energy savings in using a pellet stove compared to a traditional wood stove derives from the different calorific value. To this we add that pellets are also cheaper than normal fuels of petroleum origin as the cost in euros per kW of pellets is lower than that of methane and diesel. A higher return translates into significant savings. For example: Cola Stove with 90% yield VS Competitor Stove with 80% yield = €18.65 Monthly Savings* Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-fondital-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-modello-gazelle-evo-7000-metano-da-588-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio-ean-8015040120726

    FONDITAL Gas Radiator Fondital Convective Stove Model Gazelle Evo 7000 Methane From 5.88 Kw Complimentary Smoke Kit

    Technical features Model : Gazelle Evo 7000 Typology : Gas radiator Rated power :5.88 kW Minimum power : 4.2 kW Maximum absorbed power: 30 W Useful efficiency at nominal heat output: 91.8% Useful efficiency at minimum thermal power: 94% Nominal heat input : 6400 W Reduced thermal input : 4500 W Rated thermal power: 5880W Reduced thermal power : 4230 W NOx emission class : 5 Energy class: A Power supply: METHANE Supply Voltage/Frequency : 230 - 50 V/Hz Combustion chamber : Forced draft Electrical protection degree : 20 IP External diameter of straight exhaust pipes (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm External diameter of split pipes (C53): 35 or 60 mm Gas connection diameter: G 1/2 M inches White color Dimensions LxHxP : 772 x 550 x 195 Weight : 28Kg NB* 2 x 55/2 refers to n2 pipes (one for air intake and one for flue gas discharge) each having the same shape as a semicircle with a diameter of 55 mm General characteristics NEW GAZELLE EVO The Strength of EVO lution The single gas convection stove with a heat input of less than 5 kW is not considered a heating system, therefore one might think that there are no legislative obligations to carry out periodic annual maintenance. In reality, even when the convective gas stove is not considered a heating system, only the obligation of energy efficiency control falls but all the prescriptions contained in the supplier's instruction booklet remain valid, which has always prescribed annual maintenance by qualified personnel . Maintenance allows the machine to work in the best conditions of efficiency and safety, thus allowing fuel savings, better environmental well-being and prolonging the life of the machine. An extraordinary one must also be added to the periodic maintenance, in case of breakage or wear of the device. According to the provisions of Ministerial Decree n.37 of 22 January 2008, the installation and maintenance of the appliances must only be carried out by expert professionals who must issue the declaration of conformity of the product itself. By professionally qualified personnel we mean those having specific technical competence in the sector of components of heating systems for civil use, or qualified according to the legislation in force. To guarantee maximum efficiency and safety of the appliance, it is therefore recommended to have the inspection certificate completed by an authorized Technical Assistance Center (TAC). In reference to the installation it is good to consider some guidelines: • The appliance must be installed on walls directly communicating with the outside, alternatively alternative installations must be arranged, always in compliance with current regulations. • The correct distance from other surrounding elements must be respected as follows: Gas convection stoves , such as the Gazelle Evo, are an excellent solution in terms of efficiency and safety for heating domestic and industrial environments but, like any other product, they must be used and maintained with care and precision. By relying on one of our experts, you will therefore be able to benefit from all the advantages of our products in the safety of your own home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-la-nordica-termostufa-a-pellet-la-nordica-extraflame-mod.-iside-idro-2.0-19-kw-bordeaux-ean-8055776918280

    La Nordica Pellet heating stove La Nordica Extraflame Mod. Iside Idro 2.0 19 Kw Bordeaux

    A 10% DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE PURCHASES OF STOVES ON DELIVERY NB: PRODUCT AVAILABLE ON ORDER Technical features Dimensions : 690x1196x628 mm Net weight : 255 kg Smoke outlet diameter: 100 mm heated m3 : 545 m3 Power rendered to the liquid: 3.9-15.5 kW Ambient output power: 1.4-3.1 kW Nominal thermal power useful : 5.3-19 kW Global thermal power: 5.5-20.5 kW Efficiency : >91 % Hourly consumption : 1.2-4.3 kg/h Total tank capacity: ~ 35 kg Forced ventilation : Yes Remote control : Yes Internal thermostat : Yes Safety thermostat : Yes External thermostat preset: Yes Power consumption: 130-150W Draft : ~1 mm H2O Pump and expansion tank : Yes Ext. air intake pipe : 50mm Weekly chronothermostat : Yes 3 bar safety valve : Yes General characteristics PELLET THERMOSTOVES La Nordica-Extraflame wood-burning and pellet-burning thermoproducts make use of technologically advanced design solutions that allow you to heat your home in total respect for the environment with excellent heat output and low wood consumption. The thermo-products are particular devices designed for connection to the home heating system (for example the radiators or the underfloor system), they can be easily integrated into the existing boiler or to a solar thermal system for the production of domestic hot water . The choice of the appliance to be installed must be made according to specific individual needs, thus evaluating the overall thermal power required and the method with which the thermo-stove will be connected to the system. You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. The control panel allows automatic ignition and the setting of the heating power, establishing the desired temperature thanks to the built-in room thermostat. ISIS IDRO 2.0 Majolica cladding Front ventilation with the possibility of exclusion Removable ash drawer Heat exchanger with manual cleaning system Safety thermostat Internal thermostat Arrangement for external thermostat (TA) Weekly chronothermostat Remote control Circulation pump Expansion tank 3 bar safety valve This product is certified 3 stars according to the emission and efficiency requirements of the Aria Pulita certification. To find out more, visit the dedicated page . Pellet stove technologies: AUTO CLEAN CHECK UP increases the efficiency of the combustion and the life of the parts subject to wear and, at the same time, decreases the ordinary cleaning of the brazier ROOM TEMPERATURE CONTROL the presence of the ambient probe optimizes comfort and leads to a significant reduction in consumption. CHRONO THERMOSTAT PROGRAM chronothermostat with temperature control divided into four daily bands, for optimal room management NETWORK SYSTEM system that allows, even when you are away from home, to interact with Extraflame devices via GPRS system or graphic display RESISTANT DOOR AT THE TIME the doors of the products made of high quality cast iron are unalterable over time and guarantee a constant seal DIGITAL PRESSURE CONTROL system that allows any malfunctions relating to the hydraulic pressure to be displayed on the display DELAY STOP SYSTEM delayed shutdown of the stove KEYLOCK SYSTEM allows you to lock the display keypad to prevent improper or accidental use of the device (key lock) AUTO RE-START the appliance switches back on automatically following a power blackout, after having carried out the foreseen cycle of checks ELECTRONIC AIR CONTROL primary and secondary air electronically balanced for optimal combustion and thermal efficiency CLEAN GLASS CONTROL It is a system which effectively avoids the formation of deposits on the glass of the fire door through a specific path of preheated air PELLETS LEVEL CONTROL adjusts the quantity of pellets to be introduced into the combustion chamber TEMPERATURE CONTROL INTERFACE the product interfaces with the home temperature control devices (thermostats and contacts) to obtain the desired temperature in the rooms


  • Sale -10% immagine-1-easycomfort-easycomfort-camino-elettrico-da-terra-potenza-600w1200w-in-plastica-e-vetro-temperato-nero-34x17x25cm-ean-8054111845335

    EASYCOMFORT Easycomfort Floor Electric Fireplace Power 600w/1200w In Plastic And Black Tempered Glass, 34x17x25cm

    This free-standing electric fireplace allows you to heat a space of approximately 13-18m² in a safe and ecological way without smoke or dust. At the same time it reproduces the atmosphere created by a real fireplace thanks to the realistic fire and wood effect. With this electric fireplace you will no longer be afraid of the cold in winter. Features Heats a space of about 13-18m² in a safe and ecological way without any smoke or dust No risk of burns thanks to the automatic shut-off device in case of overheating With CE, EMC, GS, ROHS, ERP certificates and with plug corresponding to the European standard Very realistic flame and wood effect, it reproduces the environment of a real fireplace Made of very sturdy and resistant plastic and tempered glass Two heating modes 600W or 1200W The flame effect can also be used without activating the heating Technical data Colour: Black Material: Plastic, tempered glass Dimension: 34 × 17 × 25cm Covered area: 10-15m² Power: 600W / 1200W Input voltage: 220-240V Cable length: 1.5±0.05m Tempered glass thickness: 3mm


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