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4 products

  • immagine-1-unical-climatizzatore-condizionatore-unical-dual-split-inverter-serie-air-cristal-1818-con-kmx4-36he-r-32-wi-fi-optional-1800018000-ean-8059657019769

    Unical Climatizzatore Condizionatore Unical Dual Split Inverter serie AIR CRISTAL 18+18 con KMX4 36HE R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 18000+18000

    Caratteristiche TecnicheUnità interne:Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 2x KMUN 18HI Potenza: 18000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 5,28 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 5,57 kW Aria Trattata : 750 m3/h Livello pressione Sonora : 21~42 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 12,70 mm (1/2") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 965x319x215 mm Peso Unità Interna : 10,7 Kg Wi-Fi Optional Unità Esterna:Modello: Codice catalogo Unità Esterna : KMX4 36HE Max unità interne: fino a 4 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,5 SCOP : 4,0 Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in Raffreddamento : 565 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo Riscaldamento : 3226 kWh/a Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 10,60 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 11,10 kW Assorbimento Std Raffreddamento : 3,28 kW  Assorbimento Std Riscaldamento: 2,82 kW Livello pressione sonora : 63 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 50° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati Installativi: Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x4 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x3 + 12,70 mm (1/2") Lunghezza massima Tubazioni con carica Supplementare : 80 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 15 m Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxAxP) : 946x810x410 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 69,0 Kg KMX-HE Unità Esterne Sistema di climatizzazione multi-combinazione “Inverter” ad elevate prestazioni e comfort in tutte le tipologie di ambientiIl sistema MULTI consente di ridurre gli ingombri di installazione all’esterno senza dover rinunciare al comfort ottimale dei locali interni da climatizzare. Una vasta gamma di unità esterne possono gestire da 2 fino a 5 unità interne di diversa tipologia e potenza. Qualora la somma delle potenze delle unità interne superi quella dell’unità esterna, il sistema ripartirà automaticamente la potenza totale tra le varie Unità Interne.Molteplici sono pertanto, le combinazioni possibili con la gamma MULTI.Le Unità esterne sono disponibili in 5 modelli con potenze diverse, abbinabili alle unità interne: a parete, a pavimento/parete, a cassetta o canalizzabile.Ciò consente una grande flessibilità impiantistica per soddisfare ogni esigenza residenziale e commerciale• Tecnologia DC Inverter, la modulazione progressiva continua permette al compressore rotativo di adeguare la potenza assorbita in funzione del numero di unità interne in richiesta e in funzione della temperatura impostata, ottenendo un risparmio di energia elettrica pari al 20% rispetto ai sistemi tradizionali• Pompa di calore anche con basse temperature esterne• Temperatura costante in ambiente, grazie alla modulazione della potenza del compressore• Valvole di espansione modulanti termoassistite: regolano la pressione del refrigerante per avere sempre la massima resa dal circuito frigorifero a seconda delle condizioni di lavoro dell’intero sistemaCombinazioni Multi UnicalEsempio : Impianto composto da 1 unità esterna e 4 unità interneair CRISTAL R32Design e tecnologia: un connubio vincente nella gamma di climatizzatori Unical airCRISTAL, che utilizzano il nuovo gas ecologico R32.Fascino tecnologicoL’esclusivo design dell’unità interna conferito dalle linee armoniose e arrotondate della scocca frontale, si arricchisce di un elegante profilo trasparente in PMMA e un “sotf display“ a scomparsa essenziale e discreto. In tal modo airCRISTAL può essere installato in sintonia con qualsiasi ambiente e arredamento, dal classico al più moderno.L’oscillazione automatica dei deflettori orizzontali e verticali crea “l’effetto 3D” che garantisce una migliore distribuzione dell’aria e il comfort ottimale in ambiente.Con la tecnologia “Full Inverter”, grazie alla modulazione controllata del compressore e dei ventilatori, si ottengono: Migliore rendimento stagionale e riduzione dei costi di elettricità Temperatura desiderata costante in ambiente Riduzione dei cicli di sbrinamento, causa di maggiori consumi Creare il comfort a distanzaInteragire con airCRISTAL anche a distanza: da oggi è possibile col proprio smartphone, una connessione Wi-Fi e una semplice chiavetta opzionale connessa alla porta USB della scheda di controllo del climatizzatore.Con una App semplice e intuitiva, è possibile impostare le modalità di funzionamento di airCRISTAL, programmare l’accensione e spegnimento anche tramite un timer giornaliero e/o settimanale, controllare i consumi di esercizio e il buono stato di funzionamento del climatizzatore. In questo modo airCRISTAL assicurerà sempre il massimo comfort ambiente in cui è installato rendendolo pronto a regalare una carezza di benessere. Funzione “Follow me” É esclusiva modalità che conferisce al telecomando la funzione di termostato: ciò garantisce l’effettivo raggiungimento della temperatura ambiente desiderata in modo preciso e veloce e un comfort a 360° sia in modalità riscaldamento (inverno) sia modalità raffrescamento (estate)Caratteristiche della serie: Elegante profilo in PMMA “Soft” display Gestione a distanza tramite wifi (opzionale) Sistema DC “Inverter” con modulazione progressiva continua  per maggior risparmio energetico stagionale e miglior comfort in ambiente Funzione comfort “Follow me” Ventilatore a 6 velocità con selezione automatica Ventilatore Twisted Torsion ad elevata silenziosità Effetto 3D: movimento motorizzato dei deflettori per una migliore distribuzione dell’aria Funzione “1 W (Watt)” per eliminare sprechi di energia in stand-by Sistema elettronico di protezione preventiva di vari organi che si attiva ad ogni accensione Telecomando, di facile utilizzo, a raggi infrarossi con display a cristalli liquidi Funzione “check” per facilitare le operazioni di manutenzione Tasto di accensione di emergenza Autorestart Autodiagnosi Funzione “self cleaning” antimuffa, con asciugatura automatica della batteria interna Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-unical-climatizzatore-condizionatore-unical-dual-split-inverter-a-cassetta-1818-con-kmx4-28he-r-32-1800018000

    Unical Unical Dual Split Inverter Cassette Air Conditioner 18+18 With Kmx4 28he R-32 18000+18000

    Technical features Indoor units: Model: Indoor unit catalog code : (x2) KMCS 18HI Nominal cooling capacity: 5.28 kW (18000 btu/h) Nominal thermal power: 5.43 kW (18500 btu/h) Air flow : 620 m 3 /h Sound pressure : 42 dB(A) Dimensions Indoor unit (LxHxP): 570 x 570 x 260 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 16 kg Outdoor Unit: Model: Indoor Unit Catalog Code : KMX4 28HE (28030 Btu/h) Max number of indoor units that can be connected: 4 Energy efficiency: SEER (W/W): 7.0 SCOP (W/W): 4.0 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual cooling/heating consumption: 420/2275kWh/a Performance Rated power output in cooling mode: 8.21kW Nominal absorbed power in cooling mode: 2.54kW Nominal heating power: 8.90 kW Nominal heating absorbed power: 2.22 kW Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 230/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Pipe connections Liquid/Gas: 1/4”/ 3x3/8” + 1x1/2" cm Sound pressure: 60dB(A) Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (LxHxP): 946 x 810 x 410 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 62 Kg MULTI Unical combinations Example : System consisting of 1 outdoor unit and 4 indoor units Optimal comfort in any environment Unical's MULTI systems make it possible to reduce outdoor installation dimensions without having to give up the optimal comfort of the indoor rooms to be air-conditioned. In fact, a wide range of outdoor units can manage from 2 up to 5 indoor units of different types and power. If the sum of the powers of the indoor units exceeds that of the outdoor unit, the system will automatically distribute the total power among the various Indoor Units. There are therefore many possible combinations with the MULTI range. The outdoor units are available in five models with different powers: this allows for great system flexibility to satisfy all residential and commercial needs. It is possible to install the internal unit with the power that best suits the size and shape of each room to be air-conditioned. The comfort in the room is guaranteed by: DC Inverter technology: continuous progressive modulation allows the rotary compressor to adjust the absorbed power according to the number of indoor units required and according to the set temperature, obtaining electricity savings of 20% compared to traditional systems. Heat pump even with low outside temperatures , thanks to the variable speed fan of the outdoor unit. Constant temperature in the room , thanks to the modulation of the compressor power which avoids annoying temperature swings typical of on/off systems. Thermo- assisted modulating expansion valves : regulate the pressure of the refrigerant to always have the maximum yield from the refrigeration circuit according to the working conditions of the entire system. Cassette air conditioners Elegantly effective Unical Air CASSETTE air conditioners are available in 5 models, all with inverter heat pump These machines, intended for recessed or false ceiling installation, are ideal for medium/large environments, such as bars, restaurants, large shops, meeting rooms, etc. The internal unit is enclosed by a completely insulated casing with a centralized fan which provides for the launch of the air through four vents located on the external sides and equipped with a special motorized deflector which distributes the air evenly and uniformly throughout the room. Installations in environments that often need to filter the air are favored, for example: restaurants, meeting rooms and smoking areas. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-unical-climatizzatore-condizionatore-unical-dual-split-inverter-canalizzabile-1818-con-kmx4-36he-r-32-1800018000

    Unical Unical Dual Split Inverter Air Conditioner Ducted 18+18 With Kmx4 36he R-32 18000+18000

    Technical features Indoor units: Model: Indoor unit catalog code : (x2) KMCN 18HI Nominal cooling capacity: 5.28 kW (18000 btu/h) Nominal thermal power : 5.58 kW (19000 btu/h) Air flow : 880 m 3 /h Sound pressure : 42 dB(A) Dimensions Indoor unit (LxHxP): 880 x 674 x 210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 36 kg Outdoor Unit: Model: Indoor Unit Catalog Code : KMX4 36HE (36190 Btu/h) Max number of indoor units that can be connected: 4 Energy efficiency: SEER (W/W): 6.15 SCOP (W/W): 4.0 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual cooling/heating consumption: 565/3226 kWh/a Performance Nominal power output in cooling mode: 10.60 kW Nominal absorbed power in cooling mode: 3.28 kW Nominal heating power: 11.10 kW Nominal heating absorbed power: 2.82 kW Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 230/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Pipe connections Liquid/Gas: 1/4”/ 3x3/8” + 1x1/2" cm Sound pressure: 63dB(A) Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (LxHxP): 946 x 810 x 410 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 69 Kg MULTI Unical combinations Example : System consisting of 1 outdoor unit and 4 indoor units Optimal comfort in any environment Unical's MULTI systems make it possible to reduce outdoor installation dimensions without having to give up the optimal comfort of the indoor rooms to be air-conditioned. In fact, a wide range of outdoor units can manage from 2 up to 5 indoor units of different types and power. If the sum of the powers of the indoor units exceeds that of the outdoor unit, the system will automatically distribute the total power among the various Indoor Units. There are therefore many possible combinations with the MULTI range. The outdoor units are available in five models with different powers: this allows for great system flexibility to satisfy all residential and commercial needs. It is possible to install the internal unit with the power that best suits the size and shape of each room to be air-conditioned. The comfort in the room is guaranteed by: DC Inverter technology: continuous progressive modulation allows the rotary compressor to adjust the absorbed power according to the number of indoor units required and according to the set temperature, obtaining electricity savings of 20% compared to traditional systems. Heat pump even with low outside temperatures , thanks to the variable speed fan of the outdoor unit. Constant temperature in the room , thanks to the modulation of the compressor power which avoids annoying temperature swings typical of on/off systems. Thermo- assisted modulating expansion valves : regulate the pressure of the refrigerant to always have the maximum yield from the refrigeration circuit according to the working conditions of the entire system. Ductable air conditioners All equipped with wired control, they are intended for recessed installations in false ceilings. The internal unit is made of steel and is adequately insulated to avoid heat loss and the formation of condensation and at the same time to ensure suitable acoustic insulation. The fans of the indoor units, adjustable to 4 speeds, provide a high head. For the optimization and diversification of the air fl ows to be distributed, special “plenums” can be applied. Furthermore, the Indoor Unit is supplied as standard with a pump to facilitate the disposal of the condensate, facilitating installation in the false ceiling Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-unical-climatizzatore-condizionatore-unical-dual-split-inverter-a-cassetta-1818-con-kmx4-36he-r-32-1800018000

    Unical Unical Dual Split Inverter Cassette Air Conditioner 18+18 With Kmx4 36he R-32 18000+18000

    Technical features Indoor units: Model: Indoor unit catalog code : (x2) KMCS 18HI Nominal cooling capacity: 5.28 kW (18000 btu/h) Nominal thermal power: 5.43 kW (18500 btu/h) Air flow : 620 m 3 /h Sound pressure : 42 dB(A) Dimensions Indoor unit (LxHxP): 570 x 570 x 260 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 16 kg Outdoor Unit: Model: Indoor Unit Catalog Code : KMX4 36HE (36190 Btu/h) Max number of indoor units that can be connected: 4 Energy efficiency: SEER (W/W): 6.15 SCOP (W/W): 4.0 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual cooling/heating consumption: 565/3226 kWh/a Performance Nominal power output in cooling mode: 10.60 kW Nominal absorbed power in cooling mode: 3.28 kW Nominal heating power: 11.10 kW Nominal heating absorbed power: 2.82 kW Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 230/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Pipe connections Liquid/Gas: 1/4”/ 3x3/8” + 1x1/2" cm Sound pressure: 63dB(A) Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (LxHxP): 946 x 810 x 410 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 69 Kg MULTI Unical combinations Example : System consisting of 1 outdoor unit and 4 indoor units Optimal comfort in any environment Unical's MULTI systems make it possible to reduce outdoor installation dimensions without having to give up the optimal comfort of the indoor rooms to be air-conditioned. In fact, a wide range of outdoor units can manage from 2 up to 5 indoor units of different types and power. If the sum of the powers of the indoor units exceeds that of the outdoor unit, the system will automatically distribute the total power among the various Indoor Units. There are therefore many possible combinations with the MULTI range. The outdoor units are available in five models with different powers: this allows for great system flexibility to satisfy all residential and commercial needs. It is possible to install the internal unit with the power that best suits the size and shape of each room to be air-conditioned. The comfort in the room is guaranteed by: DC Inverter technology: continuous progressive modulation allows the rotary compressor to adjust the absorbed power according to the number of indoor units required and according to the set temperature, obtaining electricity savings of 20% compared to traditional systems. Heat pump even with low outside temperatures , thanks to the variable speed fan of the outdoor unit. Constant temperature in the room , thanks to the modulation of the compressor power which avoids annoying temperature swings typical of on/off systems. Thermo- assisted modulating expansion valves : regulate the pressure of the refrigerant to always have the maximum yield from the refrigeration circuit according to the working conditions of the entire system. Cassette air conditioners Elegantly effective Unical Air CASSETTE air conditioners are available in 5 models, all with inverter heat pump These machines, intended for recessed or false ceiling installation, are ideal for medium/large environments, such as bars, restaurants, large shops, meeting rooms, etc. The internal unit is enclosed by a completely insulated casing with a centralized fan which provides for the launch of the air through four vents located on the external sides and equipped with a special motorized deflector which distributes the air evenly and uniformly throughout the room. Installations in environments that often need to filter the air are favored, for example: restaurants, meeting rooms and smoking areas. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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