icon Tecnobreeze | CaldaieMurali


Scopri la nostra esclusiva selezione di Tecnobreeze, perfetti per arricchire la tua casa o il tuo spazio lavorativo con stile, comfort e funzionalità. Ogni pezzo è scelto per garantire la migliore qualità e soddisfare ogni tua esigenza.

4 products

  • Tecnogas Tecnobreeze Centrifugal Air Curtain Natural Wind 120 Model Of 120 Cm With Remote Control Code 14202

    Tecnobreeze Tecnogas Tecnobreeze Centrifugal Air Curtain Natural Wind 120 Model Of 120 Cm With Remote Control Code 14202

    Technical features Model: 14202 Electric centrifugal air curtain Insulates internal environments from sudden changes in temperature , insects and odors . Metallic structure - NO PLASTIC  Complete with remote control Power supply: V/Ph/Hz = 220/1/50 Air speed: min 9m/s; max 11 m/s Max air volume (m3/h): 1600 - 1900 Rated power W = 150 - 200 Sound Pressure* dB(A) = 56 - 58 Warranty: 2 years General characteristics Air barriers The air curtain is a ventilation unit that creates an invisible air barrier in front of the door above which the unit is installed, efficiently separating two different environments without restricting the passage of the public or mobile vehicles. This air energy saving system shows us that heating and air conditioning costs are reduced by up to 80% by improving the protection of the climate inside the room and significantly increasing the comfort of those who live there. It keeps the atmosphere clean from parasites and insects, from dust in the air, from pollution, from unpleasant smells and the incoming cold and hot air currents stop breaking against the wall created by the ventilating unit. The operation of the air curtain is based on the speed of the air exiting the launch mouth: it is important that the launch covers the entire section of the portal to be isolated. The heating makes the jet of air felt by people crossing the portal more comfortable, helping to keep the temperature at the entrance under control. TECNOBREEZE Linear and compact, it is a high-end product that finds its greatest application in ALL environments. Research and product development have made it possible to develop a technological solution for noise control and maximum thermal efficiency: the result is a strong flow of tempered air with minimal disturbing noise. The air barrier allows the temperature inside the room to be kept constant, also preventing the entry of cold or contaminated air flows. Electricity/thermal energy consumption is optimized with consequent cost savings. Electric moving parts guaranteed for operation over 5000 hours. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Tecnogas Tecnobreeze Centrifugal Air Curtain Model Natural Wind 150 From 150 Cm With Remote Control Code 14203

    Tecnobreeze Tecnogas Tecnobreeze Centrifugal Air Curtain Model Natural Wind 150 From 150 Cm With Remote Control Code 14203

    Technical features Model: 14203 Electric centrifugal air curtain Insulates internal environments from sudden changes in temperature , insects and odors . Metallic structure - NO PLASTIC  Complete with remote control Power supply: V/Ph/Hz = 220/1/50 Air speed: min 9m/s; max 11 m/s Max air volume (m3/h): 2000 - 2500 Rated power W = 180 - 230 Sound Pressure* dB(A) = 57 - 59 Warranty: 2 years General characteristics Air barriers The air curtain is a ventilation unit that creates an invisible air barrier in front of the door above which the unit is installed, efficiently separating two different environments without restricting the passage of the public or mobile vehicles. This air energy saving system shows us that heating and air conditioning costs are reduced by up to 80% by improving the protection of the climate inside the room and significantly increasing the comfort of those who live there. It keeps the atmosphere clean from parasites and insects, from dust in the air, from pollution, from unpleasant smells and the incoming cold and hot air currents stop breaking against the wall created by the ventilating unit. The operation of the air curtain is based on the speed of the air exiting the launch mouth: it is important that the launch covers the entire section of the portal to be isolated. The heating makes the jet of air felt by people crossing the portal more comfortable, helping to keep the temperature at the entrance under control. TECNOBREEZE Linear and compact, it is a high-end product that finds its greatest application in ALL environments. Research and product development have made it possible to develop a technological solution for noise control and maximum thermal efficiency: the result is a strong flow of tempered air with minimal disturbing noise. The air barrier allows the temperature inside the room to be kept constant, also preventing the entry of cold or contaminated air flows. Electricity/thermal energy consumption is optimized with consequent cost savings. Electric moving parts guaranteed for operation over 5000 hours. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-tecnobreeze-barriera-daria-centrifuga-tecnogas-tecnobreeze-modello-natural-wind-90-da-90-cm-con-telecomando-codice-14201-ean-8058699001855

    Tecnobreeze Barriera D'Aria Centrifuga Tecnogas Tecnobreeze modello NATURAL WIND 90 da 90 cm con Telecomando codice 14201

    Caratteristiche Tecniche Mod: 14201 Barriera d'aria centrifuga elettrica Isola gli ambienti interni da sbalzi termici , insetti ed odori. Struttura metallica - NO PLASTICA  Completa di telecomando Alimentazione: V/Ph/Hz  =  220/1/50 Velocità d'aria: min 9m/s; max 11 m/s Volume max d'aria (m3/h) : 1100 - 1400 Potenza Nominale W  =  110 - 160 Pressione Sonora* dB(A)  =  55 - 57 Garanzia: 2 anni Caratteristiche Generali Barriere d'aria La barriera d’aria è un'unità ventilante che crea un’invisibile barriera d’aria davanti alla porta sopra cui è installata l’unità, separando in modo efficiente due ambienti differenti senza limitare il passaggio del pubblico o di veicoli mobili. Questo sistema di risparmio energetico ad aria ci mostra che i costi di riscaldamento e di condizionamento si riducono fino al 80% migliorando la protezione del clima interno al locale ed incrementando sensibilmente il comfort di chi lo vive.  Mantiene pulita l´atmosfera da parassiti e insetti, da polveri nell´aria, da inquinamento, da odori sgradevoli e le correnti d´aria fredda e calda in ingresso si fermano infrangendosi sulla parete creata dall’unità ventilante. Il funzionamento della barriera d’aria è basato sulla velocità di uscità dell’aria dalla bocca di lancio: è importante che il lancio copra tutta la sezione del portale da isolare. Il riscaldamento rende più confortevole il getto d’aria avvertito dalle persone che attraversano il portale, aiutando a mantenere sotto controllo la temperatura in corrispondenza dell´ingresso. TECNOBREEZELineare e compatto è un prodotto di fascia alta che trova la maggiore applicazione in TUTTI GLI ambienti. Ricerche e sviluppo prodotto hanno permesso di mettere a punto una soluzione tecnologia per il controllo del rumore e massima resa termica : il risultato è un forte flusso d'aria temperata con minimo rumore di disturbo. La barriera d'aria permette di mantenere costante la temperatura all'interno dell'ambiente , evitando anche l'ingresso di flussi d'aria fredda o contaminata.  Si ottimizzano i consumi di energia elettrica/termica con conseguente risparmio sui costi. Parti elettriche in movimento garantite per funzionamenti oltre le 5000 ore. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesidalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Tecnogas Tecnobreeze Centrifugal Air Curtain Model Natural Wind 180 From 180 Cm With Remote Control Code 14204

    Tecnobreeze Tecnogas Tecnobreeze Centrifugal Air Curtain Model Natural Wind 180 From 180 Cm With Remote Control Code 14204

    Technical features Model: 14204 Electric centrifugal air curtain Insulates internal environments from sudden changes in temperature , insects and odors . Metallic structure - NO PLASTIC  Complete with remote control Power supply: V/Ph/Hz = 220/1/50 Air speed: min 9m/s; max 11 m/s Max air volume (m3/h): 2600 - 3200 Rated power W = 250 - 300 Sound Pressure* dB(A) = 58 - 60 Weight: 17Kg Warranty: 2 years General characteristics Air barriers The air curtain is a ventilation unit that creates an invisible air barrier in front of the door above which the unit is installed, efficiently separating two different environments without restricting the passage of the public or mobile vehicles. This air energy saving system shows us that heating and air conditioning costs are reduced by up to 80% by improving the protection of the climate inside the room and significantly increasing the comfort of those who live there. It keeps the atmosphere clean from parasites and insects, from dust in the air, from pollution, from unpleasant smells and the incoming cold and hot air currents stop breaking against the wall created by the ventilating unit. The operation of the air curtain is based on the speed of the air exiting the launch mouth: it is important that the launch covers the entire section of the portal to be isolated. The heating makes the jet of air felt by people crossing the portal more comfortable, helping to keep the temperature at the entrance under control. TECNOBREEZE Linear and compact, it is a high-end product that finds its greatest application in ALL environments. Research and product development have made it possible to develop a technological solution for noise control and maximum thermal efficiency: the result is a strong flow of tempered air with minimal disturbing noise. The air barrier allows the temperature inside the room to be kept constant, also preventing the entry of cold or contaminated air flows. Electricity/thermal energy consumption is optimized with consequent cost savings. Electric moving parts guaranteed for operation over 5000 hours. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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