icon Pellet stoves | CaldaieMurali

Pellet stoves

Heat your home with ecological and efficient pellet stoves. Reliable performance, elegant design and reduced environmental impact. Choose from our selection of pellet stoves for comfortable and sustainable heat. Buy today and create a cozy and warm atmosphere in your home!

26 products

  • Last stock! immagine-1-anselmo-cola-stufa-a-pellet-anselmo-cola-modello-smart-697-kw-colore-bordeaux-disponibile-in-vari-colori-in-acciaio-maiolica-ean-99462932

    Anselmo Cola Stufa a Pellet Ventilata Anselmo Cola SMART 6,97 kW in Acciaio-Maiolica - Disponibile in Vari Colori

    NB: PER L'ACQUISTO DELLE STUFE IN CONTRASSEGNO E' RICHIESTO UN ACCONTO DEL 10% Caratteristiche Tecniche  Rivestimento in acciaio verniciato - Struttura: acciaio e maiolica Camera di combustione: Acciaio, ghisa e vermiculite Potenza introdotta [Pi] - ridotta [Pi.r.] 7,61 - 2,70 Potenza termica nominale [Pnom] - ridotta [Prid] 6,97 - 2,58 Combustibile / Consumo orario alla Pnom - Prid 1,61 - 0,57 Tiraggio canna fumaria 10 - 14 Alimentazione elettrica 230 V - 50 Hz - 2A  Capacità serbatoio 17 Kg Peso 75 Kg Volume riscaldabile* 199 m³ COLORE DELLA STUFA : BORDEAUX . *N.B. PRIMA ACCENSIONE ESCLUSA ! Caratteristiche Generali STUFE A PELLET Non servono i normali tronchetti di legno che tutti siamo abituati a vedere, ma minuscoli prodotti precompressi (pellets), si tratta di combustibili ecologici ad altissimo rendimento calorico, ricavati dalla pressatura di residui e frammenti del miglior legno, senza aggiunta di collanti; basti pensare che il rendimento reale degli stessi è vicino al 90%. Caratteristiche delle stufe a pellet BRACIEREil braciere è facilmente estraibile per la pulizia giornaliera ELETTRONICAnuova elettronica in grado di prevedere le programmazioni settimanali di accensione e spegnimento TELECOMANDOtelecomando multifunzione dal design nuovo, con schermo LCD SCAMBIATORE TERMICOscambiatore termico a fascio tubiero per aumentare le prestazioni termiche. Le dimensioni dei tubi sono ridotte per evitare turbolenze e rumori CONVEZIONE SECONDARIAnella camera di combustione è presente una convezione secondaria per migliorare la combustione del pellet CAMERA DI COMBUSTIONEpareti in acciaio smontabili per facilitare la pulizia del residuo della combustione del pellet VETRO PULITOemissione di aria in prossimità del vetro per evitare che si sporchi GRIGLIAIl serbatoio è dotato di griglia protettiva in modo da impedire il contatto con i meccanismi di caricamento pellet CASSETTO RACCOGLI CENEREcassetto posto sotto al braciere per raccogliere la cenere prodotta dalla combustione SICUREZZAstufa completa di sonde temperatura per monitorare il buon funzionamento in sicurezza VENTILATORIsilenziosità della stufa anche alla massima potenza di lavoro PRESSOSTATOdispositivo di sicurezza che segnala eventuali ostruzioni dello scarico fumi STUFA SMART Alte prestazioni Stufa a pellet con perdisposizione per presa aria di combustione esterna Telecomando di serie per operazioni a distanza Stufa a pellet con riscaldamento ad aria Pulizia automatica del sistema braciere/porta braciere in ghisa brevettato Cola Stufa a pellet con top con profili in ceramica, rivestimento in acciaio verniciato, aria comburente preriscaldata, 3 ventilatori tangeziali, braciere in ghisa con post combustione, cassetto cenere estraibile porta in ghisa interamente verniciata, telecomando e maniglia estraibile  IL RISPARMIO DEL PELLET Il principale risparmio energetico nell’utilizzo di una stufa a pellet rispetto ad una stufa a legna tradizionale deriva dal differente potere calorifico. A questo aggiungiamo poi che il pellet è più conveniente anche dei normali combustibili di origine petrolifera in quanto il costo in euro per kW del pellet è più basso di quello del metano e del gasolio. Un rendimento più alto si trasforma in un notevole risparmio. Ad esempio: Stufa Cola con resa del 90% VS Stufa concorrente con resa del 80% = € 18,65 di Risparmio Mensile* Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Last stock! immagine-1-anselmo-cola-stufa-a-pellet-ventilata-canalizzabile-anselmo-cola-jazz-1270-kw-in-acciaio-maiolica-wi-fi-integrato-con-radiocomando-incluso-disponibile-in-vari-colori

    Anselmo Cola Stufa a Pellet Ventilata Canalizzabile Anselmo Cola JAZZ 12,70 kW in Acciaio-Maiolica Wi-Fi Integrato con Radiocomando Incluso - Disponibile in vari colori

    Per poter  acquistare il prodotto in contrassegno bisogna versare un'acconto del 10% Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : Jazz Volume riscaldabile : 363 m³ Colore : Avorio, bordeaux, nera Performance Potenza introdotta : 14,1 kW Potenza ridotta : 3,4 kW Potenza termica nominale: 12,7 kW Potenza termica ridotta : 3,2 kW Consumo orario combustibile : 0,687 ~ 2,91 kg/h Emissione : 0,015 ~ 0,02 % Emissione polveri : 16,4 ~ 19,9 mg/m³ Temperatura uscita fumi : 60,1° ~ 176,7 °C Rendimento : 90 ~ 96,7 % Tiraggio canna fumaria : 10 ~ 12 Pa Portata media aria : 80x2 m³ Temperatura media aria : 70° ~ 90° C Capacità serbatoio : 26 Kg Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz,A) : 230/50/2 Assorbimento elettrico : W 420 start - 110  Dati installativi Diametro scarico fumi : 80 mm Diametro presa d’aria : 50 mm Distanza minima di sicurezza retro : 200 mm Distanza minima di sicurezza fianco destro e sinistro : 300 mm Distanza minima di sicurezza pavimento : 0 mm Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 600x1118x555 mm Peso : 142,0 kg PRIMA ACCENSIONE ESCLUSA Stufe a pellet Anselmo Cola Funzionalità, tecnologia e design per offrire nuova forma alla tradizione; il calore naturale del fuoco nel cuore delle case. Trasformare semplici fonti di calore in elementi d’arredo, in grado di dare personalità agli ambienti con la qualità e lo stile del Made In Italy. Performance ed ecosostenibilità si sposano con risparmio e bellezza Tutti i modelli vengono ideati e prodotti secondo principi che, nel tempo, sono diventati cultura aziendale: performance, ricerca delle forme, risparmio ed ecologia. L’utilizzo di  combustibili rinnovabili assieme alle basse emissioni dei nostri prodotti garantiscono il rispetto e la sostenibilità ambientale.La filosofia di progettazione degli apparecchi è basata sull’interscambio del calore su tutti i lati della camera di combustione.Derivata direttamente dall’esperienza nelle stufe a legna, il sistema garantisce un graduale e naturale riscaldamento dell’ambiente, maggiore silenziosità e un rendimento eccellente per effetto di una grande superficie di scambio. Provate le funzioni Eco e Stand-by per ridurre i consumi e aumentare l’efficienza termica della stufa. Connettività L’evoluzione del controllo Darwin Evolution, la nuova App Anselmo Cola è disponibile per AppStore, PlayStore e  Microsoft Store. Funziona attraverso il kit Wi-Fi da installare a bordo stufa e consente comodamente di programmare accensione, spegnimento, regolare potenza e temperature con un semplice tocco, ovunque si trovi il cliente. Tramite la nuova opzione Bluetooth invece, il cliente potrà controllare il suo apparecchio senza connettività internet utilizzando lo smartphone come un telecomando evoluto Il pellet Il pellet è un combustibile classificato come biomassa ottenuto dai resti della lavorazione del legno. Oltre ad essere ecosostenibile ed economico, ha un elevato potere calorifero che associato alla tecnologia di combustione Anselmo Cola ottiene rese superiori al 90% e basse emissioni di CO₂ e NOx Aria pulita Aria Pulita, la certificazione di qualità del riscaldamento a legna e pellet, nasce per contribuire a migliorare la qualità dell’aria, la salute e l’ambiente, basandosi su tre capisaldi: trasparenza, oggettività, chiarezza. È un sistema di certificazione istituito e promosso da AIEL, associazione italiana energie agroforestali, che attesta l’idoneità dei sistemi di riscaldamento a biomasse legnose ad assicurare specifiche prestazioni, espresse in termini di rendimento e di emissioni, con particolare riferimento alle polveri e agli ossidi di azoto. Aria Pulita consente di attribuire a ciascun generatore di calore certificato una classe di qualità, coerente con i livelli qualitativi assicurati. Le diverse classi di qualità sono identificate mediante un numero crescente di “stelle” variabile da 1 a 4, che corrispondono alla misura dei gradi di merito delle prestazioni riscontrate. Tutti i prodotti a pellet Anselmo Cola sono certificati a 4 stelle. Stufa a pellet canalizzabile JAZZ Rivestimento in acciaio verniciato Porta con vetro ceramicato serigrafato Camera di combustione ad alto rendimento Gestione aria canalizzata con leva posteriore Ventilatore centrifugo Valvola antiscoppio Aria comburente preriscaldata Braciere in ghisa con post combustione Resistenza al quarzo Cassetto cenere estraibile Maniglia estraibile Display a scomparsa Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-kalor-stufa-a-pellet-kalor-modello-lara-12-10-kw-in-acciaio-vari-colori-disponibili-bianca

    Kalor Pellet Stove Kalor Model Lara 12 10 Kw In Steel Various Colors Available White

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features: Global heat output (max - min) kW 10.1 - 2.84 Hourly pellet consumption/ Hourly pellet consume. (max-min) kg/h 2.06 - 0.58 Performance/ Efficiency (max-min) % 92.7 - 89.53 Dimensions HxWxD 959x463x468 mm CALOR Kalor produces a complete range of highly efficient pellet-powered stoves: stoves for heating only the environment, thermo-stoves for heating air and water and fireplace inserts. The various production lines differ in design but are available in multiple powers to be efficient in the most diverse living contexts. The design of a pellet stove must guarantee efficiency and sustainability as the first objective. Our projects must be able to propose solutions capable of integrating the plant and energy aspects of the building with the architectural design choices in an innovative way. Our design skills reward us with the achievement of prestigious heat efficiencies but in general we are gratified to think that our heat system is able to interact effectively with the most modern integrated green systems such as photovoltaic and solar panels. Thanks to their effectiveness and efficiency, our stoves contribute to the classification of your home in energy class A. The stove: not only the cheapest source of heat but also for energy redevelopment of your home. Very high efficiency, in practical terms this means that: If 100% is the percentage of heat extrapolated from pellet combustion, 97.89% is the percentage of heat introduced into the environment, only 2.11% is the percentage of heat of exhaust fumes. These results were obtained thanks to a careful design capable of ensuring the maximum possible heat exchange. The vertical tube exchange surface involves the entire rear part of the combustion chamber which is lined with refractory material, ensuring low emissions of fine particles. LARA This stove has been designed to be positioned even in the smallest rooms: the small size and modern design make it perfect for all types of homes. The steel cladding embraces the compact structure of the stove which fits perfectly into any style of home, becoming a true design object. “Wi Fi Optional“ allows the stove to be controlled remotely. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €1.140,00 - €1.160,00

  • immagine-1-la-nordica-stufa-a-pellet-canalizzata-la-nordica-extraflame-modello-giusy-plus-evo-8-kw-disponibile-in-vari-colori-bianca

    La Nordica Ducted Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Model Giusy Plus Evo 8 Kw - Available In Various Colors White

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features Efficiency 87.7% Dimensions (LHP)498x1022x504 mm Net Weight90 kg Hourly consumption06-1.9 Kg/h Smoke outlet diameter 80 mm Total tank capacity ~ 15 kg Energy class A+ Environmental Certification DM1864 STARS PELLET STOVES You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. The innovative LA NORDICA EXTRAFLAME pellet stoves have been added to the already traditional wood-burning stoves on the market. The control panel allows automatic ignition and setting of the heating power, establishing the desired temperature thanks to the built-in room thermostat GIUSY PLUS EVO Coating in painted steel and majolica top Forced ventilation Ash drawer Removable cast iron hearth Safety thermostat Internal thermostat Weekly programmer Channeling up to 6 meters. via 1 Ø80 rear outlet (thermostable) Possibility to connect the rear or upper smoke outlet 1st and 2nd air self-balancing Electronically balanced primary and secondary air for optimal combustion and thermal efficiency. Glass cleaning system It is a system which effectively avoids the formation of deposits on the glass of the fire door through a specific path of preheated air Cast iron doors The doors of the products made of high quality cast iron are unalterable over time and guarantee a constant seal. Self-regulation of the fume extractor (encoder) It keeps the fume engine revolutions constant to ensure correct combustion of the product. Tank safety thermostat It always guarantees a high standard of safety by avoiding overheating of the product in the event of an anomaly. Clean combustion It increases the efficiency of the combustion and the duration of the parts subject to wear and, at the same time, it decreases the ordinary cleaning of the brazier. Room thermostat The presence of the room probe optimizes comfort and leads to a significant reduction in consumption. Flue safety pressure switch It verifies the correct evacuation of the fumes and, if necessary, blocks the loading of the pellets, avoiding problems on the generator. Removable brazier for easy cleaning The construction system of the brazier allows easy extraction for quick and complete cleaning. Product Guarantee : All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase

    €1.599,00 - €1.718,43

  • immagine-1-kalor-stufa-a-pellet-kalor-modello-mia-16-16.3-kw-in-acciaio-vari-colori-disponibili-bianca

    Kalor Pellet Stove Kalor Model Mia 16 16.3 Kw In Steel Various Colors Available White

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features: Heatable surface 380 Mc Dimensions (WxDxH) 495x580x1075 mm Global Thermal Power (MAX-MIN) 16.30 – 3.80 kW Hourly consumption (MAX-MIN) 3.30- 0.80 kg Efficiency (MAX-MIN) 98.00% – 93.48% General characteristics CALOR Kalor produces a complete range of highly efficient pellet-powered stoves: stoves for heating only the environment, thermo-stoves for heating air and water and fireplace inserts. The various production lines differ in design but are available in multiple powers to be efficient in the most diverse living contexts. The design of a pellet stove must guarantee efficiency and sustainability as the first objective. Our projects must be able to propose solutions capable of integrating the plant and energy aspects of the building with the architectural design choices in an innovative way. Our design skills reward us with the achievement of prestigious heat efficiencies but in general we are gratified to think that our heat system is able to interact effectively with the most modern integrated green systems such as photovoltaic and solar panels. Thanks to their effectiveness and efficiency, our stoves contribute to the classification of your home in energy class A. The stove: not only the cheapest source of heat but also for energy redevelopment of your home. Very high efficiency, in practical terms this means that: If 100% is the percentage of heat extrapolated from pellet combustion, 97.89% is the percentage of heat introduced into the environment, only 2.11% is the percentage of heat of exhaust fumes. These results were obtained thanks to a careful design capable of ensuring the maximum possible heat exchange. The vertical tube exchange surface involves the entire rear part of the combustion chamber which is lined with refractory material, ensuring low emissions of fine particles. MY 16 The Perfecta stove has a refined and modern design. A new design breaks away from the usual both for the innovative line and for the shades used. In fact, the stove body plays on a refined shade of anthracite grey. Anthracite, better than the traditional black, reverberates the light giving rise to new reflections. In the steel version, the anthracite shade goes well with the receding and sinuous flank of the sides. Combustion chamber with mirrored walls for greater resistance Rectangular cast iron brazier: improves combustion, lasts over time. The air coming from outside is intended, in addition to combustion, also for cleaning the glass. The electronic control unit automatically manages the working power of the stove. The combustion chamber can be disassembled in 3 steps for cleaning the smoke pass, which makes cleaning quick and easy. 1) Removing the brazier. 2) Unscrewing the combustion chamber screw. 3) Complete extraction of the combustion chamber. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Last stock! immagine-1-la-nordica-stufa-a-pellet-canalizzata-la-nordica-extraflame-dahiana-plus-30-100kw-vari-colori-disponibili-bordeaux

    La Nordica Ducted Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Dahiana Plus 3.0-10.0kw Various Colors Available Bordeaux

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features Hourly consumption: 2.3 kg/h Smoke Exhaust Diameter: 80mm Dimensions (LxHxP): 525x1080x555mm Net Weight:160Kg Efficiency:91.6% Total Tank Capacity: 30Kg Energy class: A+ Environmental Certification DM186: 4 STARS Rated Voltage:230V Rated Frequency:50Hz Rated Electric Power:330W Heating Volume: 287m³ Global Thermal Power:Min 3.4 Max 11.0Kw Nominal Thermal Power:Min 3.0 Max 10.0Kw Hourly Consumption:Min 0.7 Max 2.3 Kg/h Efficiency: Min 89.6 Max 91.6% General characteristics Steel cladding Cast Iron Upper Top High Capacity Pellet Storage Tank (kg30) Removable Ash Collection Compartment Hearth. Door and brazier in cast iron Integrated Room Temperature Thermostat Weekly Scheduler New Black LCD display Double Tangential Motor For Upper Room Ventilation Double Side Heat Exchanger And Tube Bundle Rear smoke outlet in axis with respect to the product Large Panoramic Glass Fire Door DAHIANA PLUS Pellet Stove Technologies Keylock System _ Allows you to lock the display keypad to prevent improper or accidental use of the appliance (key lock) . Rate Adjustment Program In two simple steps we can adjust the strength of the ventilation and, where present, of the ducting. Auto Re-Start The appliance switches back on automatically following a power blackout, after having carried out the foreseen cycle of checks. Electronic Air Control Electronically balanced primary and secondary air for optimal combustion and thermal efficiency. Clean Glass Control It is a system which effectively avoids the formation of deposits on the glass of the fire door through a specific path of preheated air Interface Control Temperature The product interfaces with the home temperature control devices (thermostats or contacts) to obtain the desired temperature in the rooms Delay Stop System Delayed shutdown of the stove. Resistant Door at the Time The doors of the products made of high quality cast iron are unalterable over time and guarantee a constant seal. Hard Reset Program Restoration of the initial factory preset data, in the event of a programming error. Auto Clean Checkup It increases the efficiency of the combustion and the duration of the parts subject to wear and, at the same time, it decreases the ordinary cleaning of the brazier. Room Temperature Control The presence of the room probe optimizes comfort and leads to a significant reduction in consumption Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase

    €1.799,00 - €2.276,70

  • immagine-1-anselmo-cola-stufa-a-pellet-canalizzabile-anselmo-cola-modello-sprint-1104-kw-in-acciaio-disponibile-in-vari-colori-bordeaux

    Anselmo Cola Anselmo Cola Ductable Pellet Stove Model Sprint 11.04 Kw In Steel - Available In Various Bordeaux Colors

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features Coating in painted steel - Structure: steel and cast iron - Combustion chamber: Steel, cast iron and vermiculite Power introduced [Pi] - reduced [Pi.r.] 12.4 - 3.2 Nominal heat output [Pnom] - reduced [Prid] 11.04 - 3.0 Fuel / Hourly consumption at Pnom - Prid 2.557 - 0.659 Flue draft 10 - 14 Power supply 230V - 50Hz - 2A Tank capacity 15 Kg Weight 132Kg Dimensions HxWxD: 995 x 1000 x 285 Heatable volume* 314 m³ AVAILABLE COLORS : IVORY , WHITE , BLACK. *NB FIRST START-UP FREE *Depending on the state of insulation of the house and calculated on 35 W/m10.01 - 2.68 PELLET STOVES You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. Features of pellet stoves: BRAZIER the brazier is easily removable for daily cleaning ELECTRONICS new electronics capable of predicting the weekly switch-on and switch-off schedules HEAT EXCHANGER shell and tube heat exchanger to increase thermal performance. Pipe sizes are reduced to avoid turbulence and noise SECONDARY CONVECTION in the combustion chamber there is a secondary convection to improve the combustion of the pellets COMBUSTION CHAMBER removable steel walls to facilitate cleaning of pellet combustion residue CLEAN GLASS air emission near the glass to prevent it from getting dirty GRILL The tank is equipped with a protective grid to prevent contact with the pellet loading mechanisms ASH COLLECTOR DRAWER drawer placed under the brazier to collect the ash produced by combustion SAFETY stove complete with temperature probes to monitor correct operation in safety FANS silence of the stove even at maximum working power PRESSURE SWITCH safety device that signals any obstructions in the smoke outlet General characteristics DUCTABLE SPRINT High performance Pellet stove with predisposition for external combustion air intake Remote control for remote operation (optional) Pellet stove with air heating Automatic cleaning of the Cola patented cast iron brazier/brazier holder system Ventilated pellet stove suitable for confined spaces only 30 cm deep. Coated in painted steel, it can be ducted with the possibility of a smoke outlet and/or top/back ducting. Silk-screened ceramic panoramic crystal, removable ash pan and handle. THE SAVING OF PELLETS The main energy savings in using a pellet stove compared to a traditional wood stove derives from the different calorific value. To this we add that pellets are also cheaper than normal fuels of petroleum origin as the cost in euros per kW of pellets is lower than that of methane and diesel. A higher return translates into significant savings. For example: Cola Stove with 90% yield VS Competitor Stove with 80% yield = €18.65 Monthly Savings* Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-kalor-stufa-a-pellet-kalor-modello-greta-8-6.97-kw-in-acciaio-vari-colori-disponibili-bianca

    Kalor Pellet Stove Kalor Model Greta 8 6.97 Kw In Steel Various Colors Available White

    A 10% DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE PURCHASES OF STOVES ON DELIVERY Pellet stove KALOR model GRETA 8 6.97 kW in steel various colors available Global heat output (max - min) kW 6.97 - 2.84 Nominal thermal power max - min 6.42 - 2.64 kW Hourly pellet consumption/ Hourly pellet consume. (max-min) kg/h 1.42 - 0.58 Performance/ Efficiency (max-min) % 92.7 - 92.06 Smoke outlet pipe diameter ø mm 80 Tank capacity Lt-Kg 20 - 13 Dimensions WxDxH 463 x 468 x 869 mm CALOR Kalor produces a complete range of highly efficient pellet-powered stoves: stoves for heating only the environment, thermo-stoves for heating air and water and fireplace inserts. The various production lines differ in design but are available in multiple powers to be efficient in the most diverse living contexts. The design of a pellet stove must guarantee efficiency and sustainability as the first objective. Our projects must be able to propose solutions capable of integrating the plant and energy aspects of the building with the architectural design choices in an innovative way. Our design skills reward us with the achievement of prestigious heat efficiencies but in general we are gratified to think that our heat system is able to interact effectively with the most modern integrated green systems such as photovoltaic and solar panels. Thanks to their effectiveness and efficiency, our stoves contribute to the classification of your home in energy class A. The stove: not only the cheapest source of heat but also for energy redevelopment of your home. Very high efficiency, in practical terms this means that: If 100% is the percentage of heat extrapolated from pellet combustion, 97.89% is the percentage of heat introduced into the environment, only 2.11% is the percentage of heat of exhaust fumes. These results were obtained thanks to a careful design capable of ensuring the maximum possible heat exchange. The vertical tube exchange surface involves the entire rear part of the combustion chamber which is lined with refractory material, ensuring low emissions of fine particles. GRETA Combustion chamber with mirrored walls for greater resistance. Round brazier to ensure better combustion. The air coming from outside is intended, in addition to combustion, also for cleaning the glass. The internal bulkhead of the combustion chamber dedicated to the flue gas pass. The 13 tubes in the shell and tube are reduced in diameter to eliminate turbulence and boost outlet air pressure. To preserve the refined aesthetics, the handle can be fully inserted into the door. The combustion chamber can be disassembled in 8 steps for easy cleaning of the smoke pass. 1) upper flame breaker extraction, 2) extraction of the right external bulkhead 3) extraction of the right internal bulkhead Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €930,00 - €950,00

  • immagine-1-la-nordica-stufa-a-pellet-la-nordica-extraflame-modello-teorema-30-100-kw-disponibile-in-vari-colori-nera

    La Nordica Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Model Teorema 3.0-10.0 Kw - Available In Various Colors Black

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features Dimensions : 525x1080x605mm Net weight : 165 Kg Smoke outlet diameter: 80 mm Hearth : Cast iron heated m3 : 287 m3 Efficiency : >86 % Hourly consumption: 0.6-1.7 kg/h Total tank capacity: 30 kg Global thermal power: Min 3.4 Max 11.0 kW Nominal Thermal Power: Min 3.0 Max 10.0 Kw Power delivered to air: Min 3.0 Max 10.0 Hourly consumption: Min 0.7 Max 2.3 kg/h Efficiency: Min 90.2 Max 91.0 % Rated voltage: 230V Rated frequency: 50V Rated Electric Power: 330W Average smoke temperature: Min 83.9 Max 138.5 °C Average chimney draft: Min 3.0 Max 5.0 Pa General characteristics PELLET STOVES You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. The innovative LA NORDICA EXTRAFLAME pellet stoves have been added to the already traditional wood-burning stoves on the market. The control panel allows automatic ignition and setting of the heating power, establishing the desired temperature thanks to the built-in room thermostat THEOREM Steel cladding and majolica top Upper smoke outlet in central position Removable ash collection compartment Hearth, door and brazier in cast iron Integrated room temperature thermostat Weekly programmer IR TOUCH remote control New black LCD display Double tangential motor for room ventilation, front outlet Double lateral heat exchanger and tube bundle High capacity pellet storage tank Large panoramic glass fire door. Energy class: A+ DM186 Environmental Certification: 4 STARS Efficiency: 91.0% This product is certified 4 stars according to the emissions and efficiency requirements of the Aria Pulita certification. PELLET STOVE TECHNOLOGIES: AUTO RE-START The appliance switches back on automatically following a power blackout, after having carried out the foreseen cycle of checks. AUTO ELECTRONIC AIR CONTROL Electronically balanced primary and secondary air for optimal combustion and thermal efficiency AUTO CLEAN CHECK UP It increases the efficiency of the combustion and the duration of the parts subject to wear and, at the same time, it decreases the ordinary cleaning of the brazier CHRONOTHERMOSTAT PROGRAM Chronothermostat with temperature control divided into four daily bands, for optimal room management. HARD RESET PROGRAM Restoration of the initial factory preset data, in the event of a programming error. DELAY STOP SYSTEM Delayed shutdown of the stove. KEYLOCK SYSTEM Allows you to lock the display keypad to prevent improper or accidental use of the device (key lock).  RATE ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM In two simple steps we can adjust the strength of the ventilation and, where present, of the ducting. CLEAN GLASS CONTROL It is a system which effectively avoids the formation of deposits on the glass of the fire door through a specific path of preheated air PELLETS LEVEL CONTROL Adjust the quantity of pellets to be introduced into the combustion chamber ACOUSTIC COMFORT FAN Adjust the speed of the front ventilation favoring the silence of the stove. The function is enabled by the user and is active at any power Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase


  • immagine-1-kalor-stufa-a-pellet-kalor-modello-miriam-10-887-kw-in-acciaio-vari-colori-disponibili-bianca

    Kalor Pellet Stove Kalor Model Miriam 10 8.87 Kw In Steel Various Colors Available White

    Pellet stove KALOR model MIRIAM 10 8.87 kW in steel various colors available Heatable surface 200 Mc Dimensions (WxDxH) 463x468x869 mm Global Thermal Power (MAX-MIN) 8.87 – 2.84 kW Hourly consumption (MAX-MIN) 1.81 – 0.58 kg Efficiency (MAX-MIN) 92.70% – 90.50% CALOR Kalor produces a complete range of highly efficient pellet-powered stoves: stoves for heating only the environment, thermo-stoves for heating air and water and fireplace inserts. The various production lines differ in design but are available in multiple powers to be efficient in the most diverse living contexts. The design of a pellet stove must guarantee efficiency and sustainability as the first objective. Our projects must be able to propose solutions capable of integrating the plant and energy aspects of the building with the architectural design choices in an innovative way. Our design skills reward us with the achievement of prestigious heat efficiencies but in general we are gratified to think that our heat system is able to interact effectively with the most modern integrated green systems such as photovoltaic and solar panels. Thanks to their effectiveness and efficiency, our stoves contribute to the classification of your home in energy class A. The stove: not only the cheapest source of heat but also for energy redevelopment of your home. Very high efficiency, in practical terms this means that: If 100% is the percentage of heat extrapolated from pellet combustion, 97.89% is the percentage of heat introduced into the environment, only 2.11% is the percentage of heat of exhaust fumes. These results were obtained thanks to a careful design capable of ensuring the maximum possible heat exchange. The vertical tube exchange surface involves the entire rear part of the combustion chamber which is lined with refractory material, ensuring low emissions of fine particles. MIRIAM 10 The Perfecta stove has a refined and modern design. A new design breaks away from the usual both for the innovative line and for the shades used. In fact, the stove body plays on a refined shade of anthracite grey. Anthracite, better than the traditional black, reverberates the light giving rise to new reflections. In the steel version, the anthracite shade goes well with the receding and sinuous side of the la Combustion chamber with mirrored walls for greater resistance Rectangular cast iron brazier: improves combustion, lasts over time. The air coming from outside is intended, in addition to combustion, also for cleaning the glass. The electronic control unit automatically manages the working power of the stove. The combustion chamber can be disassembled in 3 steps for cleaning the smoke pass, which makes cleaning quick and easy. 1) Removing the brazier. 2) Unscrewing the combustion chamber screw. 3) Complete extraction of the combustion chamber. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €1.029,00 - €1.050,00

  • immagine-1-la-nordica-stufa-a-pellet-la-nordica-extraflame-modello-giusy-7-kw-disponibile-in-vari-colori-bordeaux

    La Nordica Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Model Giusy 7 Kw - Available In Various Bordeaux Colors

    Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features: Dimensions : 498x1022x504 Net weight : 83 Kg Smoke outlet diameter: 80 mm Hearth : Cast iron heated m3 : 200 m3 Nominal thermal power useful : 2.4-7.0 kW Global thermal power: 2.7-8.1 kW Efficiency : >86 % Hourly consumption: 0.6-1.7 kg/h Total tank capacity: ~15 kg Forced ventilation : Yes Internal thermostat : Yes Safety thermostat : Yes Weekly programmer : Yes Power consumption: 60-80W Draft : ~10 Pa Ext. air intake pipe : 50mm PELLET STOVES You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. The innovative LA NORDICA EXTRAFLAME pellet stoves have been added to the already traditional wood-burning stoves on the market. The control panel allows automatic ignition and setting of the heating power, establishing the desired temperature thanks to the built-in room thermostat GIUSY Coating in painted steel and majolica top Forced ventilation Ash drawer Removable cast iron hearth Safety thermostat Internal thermostat Weekly programmer Possibility to connect the rear or upper smoke outlet This product is certified 4 stars according to the emissions and efficiency requirements of the Aria Pulita certification. To find out more, visit the dedicated page . Pellet stove technologies: AUTO CLEAN CHECK UP increases the efficiency of the combustion and the life of the parts subject to wear and, at the same time, decreases the ordinary cleaning of the brazier ROOM TEMPERATURE CONTROL the presence of the ambient probe optimizes comfort and leads to a significant reduction in consumption. RESISTANT DOOR AT THE TIME the doors of the products made of high quality cast iron are unalterable over time and guarantee a constant seal HARD RESET PROGRAM restoring the initial factory preset data, in the event of a programming error AUTO RE-START the appliance switches back on automatically following a power blackout, after having carried out the foreseen cycle of checks ELECTRONIC AIR CONTROL primary and secondary air electronically balanced for optimal combustion and thermal efficiency CLEAN GLASS CONTROL It is a system which effectively avoids the formation of deposits on the glass of the fire door through a specific path of preheated air PELLETS LEVEL CONTROL adjusts the quantity of pellets to be introduced into the combustion chamber Characteristics: Control panel : allows automatic ignition and setting of the heating power, establishing the desired temperature thanks to the built-in room thermostat. There is also the possibility of setting 2 different temperatures in 2 different time slots, one for the day and one for the night. The programmer inserted in the stove allows the user to set 3 ignitions and 3 shutdowns per day, weekly. Extraction system: In order to easily access the parts of the insert that need maintenance or cleaning, a convenient extraction system has been created using a sliding guide. Pellet loading can be done through a flap on the side or on the front of the fireplace. Installation: Requiring only one pipe to discharge the fumes, the stoves are easy to install. Possibly, in rooms where sufficient air recycling is not guaranteed, it is advisable to use the air intake pipe connection directly from the outside. The front grille ensures optimal diffusion of the hot air which, by means of a tangential fan, allows for quick and effective distribution. Diet: Thanks to the convenient access to the upper tank, loading the pellets is an easy operation. All the stoves allow a great operating autonomy. Hearth and Cleaning: The firebox has a cast iron structure in order to withstand the highest temperatures. In all stoves, the hearth is extractable which collects the ashes from combustion. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase

    €1.228,80 - €1.252,80

  • immagine-1-anselmo-cola-stufa-a-pellet-canalizzabile-anselmo-cola-modello-afrodite-1104-kw-disponibile-in-vari-colori-ean-8028693852425

    Anselmo Cola Ducted Pellet Stove Anselmo Cola Aphrodite Model 11.04 Kw - Available In Various Colors

    PLEASE NOTE! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. A 10% deposit is required for cash on delivery purchases Technical features Model : Aphrodite Structure : Steel and Cast Iron Combustion Chamber: Steel, Cast Iron and Vermiculite Nominal Introduced Power: 12.4 kW Nominal Thermal Power: 11.04 kW Nominal Fuel Consumption: 2.56 kW/h Nominal Smoke Outlet Temperature: 199.6° C Nominal Return : 89.03% Chimney Draft: 10~14 Pa Smoke outlet diameter: 80 mm Air Intake Diameter: 50 mm Average Air Flow : 115 m 3 Average Air Temperature: 115° C Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Tank Capacity: 21 Kg Heatable volume : 314 m 3 Dimensions and weight Dimensions (WxHxD): 1050x1049x290 mm Weight : 150.0 Kg *FIRST LIGHTING FREE Pellet stove Anselmo Cola Aphrodite You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. Coating in painted steel and majolica, door with silk-screened ceramic glass, high efficiency combustion chamber, upper smoke outlet, ducted air management with upper lever, centrifugal fan, anti-explosion valve, preheated combustion air, cast iron brazier with post combustion, ash pan extractable, extractable handle, palmtop, emergency display, optional rear flue outlet kit, optional rear ducted air outlet kit The Ecological Cycle of Pellets Cola pays particular attention to the theme of ecology, orienting its products towards renewable energies: wood and pellets. Pellet is an ecological product since it is obtained using wood processing waste, without cutting down new trees. The pellets burned with Cola technology produce low CO2 and NOX emissions, obtaining high yields and savings for the user Pellet Savings The main energy savings in using a pellet stove compared to a traditional wood stove derives from the different calorific value. To this we add that pellets are also cheaper than normal fuels of petroleum origin as the cost in euros per kW of pellets is lower than that of methane and diesel. A higher return translates into significant savings. For example: Cola Stove with 90% yield VS Competitor Stove with 80% yield = €18.65 Monthly Savings* Properties and Benefits • High performance • Ductable Pellet Stove • Pellet Stove with Arrangement for External Combustion Air Intake • Touch handheld with Ambient Probe • Skin Stove with Air Heating • Automatic Cleaning of the Cast Iron Brazier / Brazier Door ( COLA Patent ) • Stove with Choice of Double Upper or Rear Smoke Outlets Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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