icon Gas stoves | CaldaieMurali

Gas stoves

Heat your space with our modern gas stoves. Energy efficiency, ease of use and elegant design. Choose from our selection of gas stoves for fast, adjustable heat at the touch of a button. Buy today and enjoy a warm and comfortable environment with ease!

10 products

  • immagine-1-fondital-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-modello-gazelle-evo-3000-metano-da-272-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio-ean-8015040120139

    FONDITAL Gas Radiator Fondital Convection Stove Model Gazelle Evo 3000 Methane From 2.72 Kw Complimentary Smoke Kit

    Technical features Model : Gazelle Evo 3000 Typology : Gas radiator Rated power : 2.72 kW Minimum power : 1.9 kW Maximum absorbed power: 24 W Useful efficiency at nominal heat output: 93.7% Useful efficiency at minimum thermal power: 94.5% Nominal heat input : 2900 W Reduced thermal input : 2000 W Nominal heat output : 2720W Reduced thermal power : 1890 W NOx emission class : 5 Energy class: A Power supply: METHANE Supply Voltage/Frequency : 230 - 50 V/Hz Combustion chamber : Forced draft Electrical protection degree : 20 IP External diameter of straight exhaust pipes (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm External diameter of split pipes (C53): 35 or 60 mm Gas connection diameter: G 1/2 M inches White color Dimensions LxHxP : 547 x 550 x 195 Weight : 20Kg NB* 2 x 55/2 refers to n2 pipes (one for air intake and one for flue gas discharge) each having the same shape as a semicircle with a diameter of 55 mm General characteristics NEW GAZELLE EVO The Strength of EVO lution The single convective gas stove with a heat input of less than 5 kW is not considered a heating system, therefore one might think that there are no legislative obligations to carry out periodic annual maintenance. In reality, even when the convective gas stove is not considered a heating system, only the obligation of energy efficiency control falls but all the prescriptions contained in the supplier's instruction booklet remain valid, which has always prescribed annual maintenance by qualified personnel . Maintenance allows the machine to work in the best conditions of efficiency and safety, thus allowing fuel savings, better environmental well-being and prolonging the life of the machine. An extraordinary one must also be added to the periodic maintenance, in case of breakage or wear of the device. According to the provisions of Ministerial Decree n.37 of 22 January 2008, the installation and maintenance of the appliances must only be carried out by expert professionals who must issue the declaration of conformity of the product itself. By professionally qualified personnel we mean those having specific technical competence in the sector of components of heating systems for civil use, or qualified according to the legislation in force. To guarantee maximum efficiency and safety of the appliance, it is therefore recommended to have the inspection certificate completed by an authorized Technical Assistance Center (TAC). In reference to the installation it is good to consider some guidelines: • The appliance must be installed on walls directly communicating with the outside, alternatively alternative installations must be arranged, always in compliance with current regulations. • The correct distance from other surrounding elements must be respected as follows: Gas convection stoves , such as the Gazelle Evo, are an excellent solution in terms of efficiency and safety for heating domestic and industrial environments but, like any other product, they must be used and maintained with care and precision. By relying on one of our experts, you will therefore be able to benefit from all the advantages of our products in the safety of your own home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Last stock! immagine-1-fondital-area-occasioni-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-gazelle-evo-7000-gpl-da-588-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio

    FONDITAL AREA OCCASIONI Radiatore a Gas Stufa Convettiva Fondital GAZELLE EVO 7000 Gpl da 5,88 kW kit fumi in omaggio

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA BOZZATURE ED UNA AMMACCATURA SULLA PARTE FRONTALE, GRIGLIA SUPERIORE DANNEGGIATA, PANNELLO DI COMANDO NON CENTRATO E L'IMBALLO È USURATO (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : Gazelle Evo 7000 Tipologia : Radiatore a gas Potenza nominale :5,88 kW Potenza minima : 4,2 kW Potenza massima assorbita : 30 W Efficienza utile alla potenza termica nominale : 91,8% Efficienza utile alla potenza termica minima : 94% Portata termica nominale : 6400 W Portata termica ridotta : 4500 W Potenza termica nominale : 5880 W Potenza termica ridotta : 4230 W Classe di emissioni NOx : 5 Classe energetica : A Alimentazione : GPL Tensione/Frequenza di alimentazione : 230 - 50 V/Hz Camera di combustione : Tiraggio forzato Grado di protezione elettrico : 20 IP Diametro esterno tubazioni scarico dritto (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm Diametro esterno tubazioni sdoppiate (C53) : 35 o 60 mm Diametro attacco gas : G 1/2 M pollici Colore : bianco Dimensione LxHxP : 772 x 550 x 195 Peso : 28 Kg N.B.* Con 2 x 55/2 ci si riferisce a n2 tubi ( uno per l'aspirazione dell'aria e uno per lo scarico dei fumi ) ciascuno di forma uguale ad un semicerchio di diametro pari a 55 mm Caratteristiche Generali NOVITA' GAZELLE EVO La Forza Dell' EVOluzione La singola stufa convettiva a gas di portata termica inferiore ai 5 Kw non è considerata impianto termico pertanto si potrebbe pensare che non esistano obblighi legislativi per effettuarne una manutenzione periodica annuale. In realtà anche quando la stufa convettiva a gas non è considerata impianto termico, cade solamente l’obbligo del controllo di efficienza energetica ma rimangono valide tutte le prescrizione riportate sul libretto di istruzione del fornitore che da sempre prescrive una manutenzione annuale da parte di personale qualificato. La manutenzione permette di far lavorare la macchina nelle migliori condizioni di efficienza e sicurezza, consentendo quindi un risparmio di combustibile, un migliore benessere ambientale e prolungando la vita della macchina. Alla manutenzione periodica va inoltre aggiunta una straordinaria, in caso di rottura o usura del dispositivo. Secondo quanto prescritto dal D.M. n.37 del 22 gennaio 2008 l’installazione e manutenzione degli apparecchi deve essere effettuata soltanto da professionisti esperti che obbligatoriamente rilascino la dichiarazione di conformità del prodotto stesso. Con personale professionalmente qualificato s’intende quello avente specifica competenza tecnica nel settore dei componenti d’impianti di riscaldamento ad uso civile, ovvero qualificato secondo la legislazione vigente. Per garantire la massima efficienza e la sicurezza dell’apparecchio si raccomanda, dunque, di far compilare il certificato di controllo da parte di un Centro Assistenza Tecnica (CAT) autorizzato. In riferimento all’installazione è bene considerare alcune linee guida: • L’apparecchio deve essere installato su pareti direttamente comunicanti con l’esterno, in alternativa devono essere predisposte installazioni alternative sempre nel rispetto delle norme vigenti. • Deve essere rispettata la corretta distanza dagli altri elementi circostanti come riportato di seguito: Le stufe convettive a gas, come Gazelle Evo, sono un’ottima soluzione in termini di efficienza e sicurezza per il riscaldamento degli ambienti domestici e industriali ma, come qualsiasi altro prodotto, devono essere utilizzate e mantenute con cura e precisione. Affidandoti a uno dei nostri esperti potrai dunque beneficiare di tutti i vantaggi dei nostri prodotti nella sicurezza della propria abitazione. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-fondital-area-occasioni-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-gazelle-evo-3000-gpl-da-272-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio

    FONDITAL AREA OCCASIONI Radiatore a Gas Stufa Convettiva Fondital GAZELLE EVO 3000 Gpl da 2,72 kW kit fumi in omaggio

    ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA UNA BOZZATURA SULLA PARTE FRONTALE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : Gazelle Evo 3000 Tipologia : Radiatore a gas Potenza nominale : 2,72 kW Potenza minima : 1,9 kW Potenza massima assorbita : 24 W Efficienza utile alla potenza termica nominale : 93,7% Efficienza utile alla potenza termica minima : 94,5% Portata termica nominale : 2900 W Portata termica ridotta : 2000 W Potenza termica nominale : 2720 W Potenza termica ridotta : 1890 W Classe di emissioni NOx : 5 Classe energetica : A Alimentazione : GPL Tensione/Frequenza di alimentazione : 230 - 50 V/Hz Camera di combustione : Tiraggio forzato Grado di protezione elettrico : 20 IP Diametro esterno tubazioni scarico dritto (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm Diametro esterno tubazioni sdoppiate (C53) : 35 o 60 mm Diametro attacco gas : G 1/2 M pollici Colore : bianco Dimensione LxHxP : 547 x 550 x 195 Peso : 20 Kg N.B.* Con 2 x 55/2 ci si riferisce a n2 tubi ( uno per l'aspirazione dell'aria e uno per lo scarico dei fumi ) ciascuno di forma uguale ad un semicerchio di diametro pari a 55 mm Caratteristiche Generali NOVITA' GAZELLE EVO La Forza Dell' EVOluzione La singola stufa convettiva a gas di portata termica inferiore ai 5 Kw non è considerata impianto termico pertanto si potrebbe pensare che non esistano obblighi legislativi per effettuarne una manutenzione periodica annuale. In realtà anche quando la stufa convettiva a gas non è considerata impianto termico, cade solamente l’obbligo del controllo di efficienza energetica ma rimangono valide tutte le prescrizione riportate sul libretto di istruzione del fornitore che da sempre prescrive una manutenzione annuale da parte di personale qualificato. La manutenzione permette di far lavorare la macchina nelle migliori condizioni di efficienza e sicurezza, consentendo quindi un risparmio di combustibile, un migliore benessere ambientale e prolungando la vita della macchina. Alla manutenzione periodica va inoltre aggiunta una straordinaria, in caso di rottura o usura del dispositivo. Secondo quanto prescritto dal D.M. n.37 del 22 gennaio 2008 l’installazione e manutenzione degli apparecchi deve essere effettuata soltanto da professionisti esperti che obbligatoriamente rilascino la dichiarazione di conformità del prodotto stesso. Con personale professionalmente qualificato s’intende quello avente specifica competenza tecnica nel settore dei componenti d’impianti di riscaldamento ad uso civile, ovvero qualificato secondo la legislazione vigente. Per garantire la massima efficienza e la sicurezza dell’apparecchio si raccomanda, dunque, di far compilare il certificato di controllo da parte di un Centro Assistenza Tecnica (CAT) autorizzato. In riferimento all’installazione è bene considerare alcune linee guida: • L’apparecchio deve essere installato su pareti direttamente comunicanti con l’esterno, in alternativa devono essere predisposte installazioni alternative sempre nel rispetto delle norme vigenti. • Deve essere rispettata la corretta distanza dagli altri elementi circostanti come riportato di seguito: Le stufe convettive a gas, come Gazelle Evo, sono un’ottima soluzione in termini di efficienza e sicurezza per il riscaldamento degli ambienti domestici e industriali ma, come qualsiasi altro prodotto, devono essere utilizzate e mantenute con cura e precisione. Affidandoti a uno dei nostri esperti potrai dunque beneficiare di tutti i vantaggi dei nostri prodotti nella sicurezza della propria abitazione. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-fondital-area-occasioni-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-gazelle-evo-5000-metano-da-452-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio

    FONDITAL AREA OCCASIONI Radiatore a Gas Stufa Convettiva Fondital GAZELLE EVO 5000 Metano da 4,52 kW kit fumi in omaggio

    RADIATORE A GAS STUFA CONVETTIVA FONDITAL modello GAZELLE EVO 5000 METANO da 4,52 kW kit fumi in omaggio ATTENZIONE. IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA UNA BOZZATURA SULLA PARTE FRONTALE, LATO POSTERIORE DANNEGGIATO, LA GRIGLIA POSTA SUL FONDO DELLA STUFA NON È ALLINEATO IN MODO PERFETTO, UN'AMMACCATURA SULLA PARTE INFERIORE E IL PRODOTTO VERRÀ SPEDITO CON UN IMBALLO NON ORIGINALE DI FABBRICA. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : Gazelle Evo 5000 Tipologia : Radiatore a gas Potenza nominale : 4,52 kW Potenza minima : 2,8 kW Potenza massima assorbita : 24 W Efficienza utile alla potenza termica nominale : 92,2% Efficienza utile alla potenza termica minima : 94,9% Portata termica nominale : 4900 W Portata termica ridotta : 3000 W Potenza termica nominale : 4520 W Potenza termica ridotta : 2850 W Classe di emissioni NOx : 5 Classe energetica : A Alimentazione : METANO Tensione/Frequenza di alimentazione : 230 - 50 V/Hz Camera di combustione : Tiraggio forzato Grado di protezione elettrico : 20 IP Diametro esterno tubazioni scarico dritto (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm Diametro esterno tubazioni sdoppiate (C53) : 35 o 60 mm Diametro attacco gas : G 1/2 M pollici Colore : bianco Dimensione LxHxP : 667 x 550 x 195 Peso : 24 Kg N.B.* Con 2 x 55/2 ci si riferisce a n2 tubi ( uno per l'aspirazione dell'aria e uno per lo scarico dei fumi ) ciascuno di forma uguale ad un semicerchio di diametro pari a 55 mm Caratteristiche Generali NOVITA' GAZELLE EVO La Forza Dell' EVOluzione La singola stufa convettiva a gas di portata termica inferiore ai 5 Kw non è considerata impianto termico pertanto si potrebbe pensare che non esistano obblighi legislativi per effettuarne una manutenzione periodica annuale. In realtà anche quando la stufa convettiva a gas non è considerata impianto termico, cade solamente l’obbligo del controllo di efficienza energetica ma rimangono valide tutte le prescrizione riportate sul libretto di istruzione del fornitore che da sempre prescrive una manutenzione annuale da parte di personale qualificato. La manutenzione permette di far lavorare la macchina nelle migliori condizioni di efficienza e sicurezza, consentendo quindi un risparmio di combustibile, un migliore benessere ambientale e prolungando la vita della macchina. Alla manutenzione periodica va inoltre aggiunta una straordinaria, in caso di rottura o usura del dispositivo. Secondo quanto prescritto dal D.M. n.37 del 22 gennaio 2008 l’installazione e manutenzione degli apparecchi deve essere effettuata soltanto da professionisti esperti che obbligatoriamente rilascino la dichiarazione di conformità del prodotto stesso. Con personale professionalmente qualificato s’intende quello avente specifica competenza tecnica nel settore dei componenti d’impianti di riscaldamento ad uso civile, ovvero qualificato secondo la legislazione vigente. Per garantire la massima efficienza e la sicurezza dell’apparecchio si raccomanda, dunque, di far compilare il certificato di controllo da parte di un Centro Assistenza Tecnica (CAT) autorizzato. In riferimento all’installazione è bene considerare alcune linee guida: • L’apparecchio deve essere installato su pareti direttamente comunicanti con l’esterno, in alternativa devono essere predisposte installazioni alternative sempre nel rispetto delle norme vigenti. • Deve essere rispettata la corretta distanza dagli altri elementi circostanti come riportato di seguito: Le stufe convettive a gas, come Gazelle Evo, sono un’ottima soluzione in termini di efficienza e sicurezza per il riscaldamento degli ambienti domestici e industriali ma, come qualsiasi altro prodotto, devono essere utilizzate e mantenute con cura e precisione. Affidandoti a uno dei nostri esperti potrai dunque beneficiare di tutti i vantaggi dei nostri prodotti nella sicurezza della propria abitazione. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-fondital-area-occasioni-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-modello-gazelle-evo-5000-gpl-da-452-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio

    FONDITAL Occasions Area Gas Radiator Fondital Convection Stove Model Gazelle Evo 5000 LPG 4.52 Kw Complimentary Smoke Kit

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND 100% WORKING, BUT IT HAS A FRONT DENT AND WORN PACKAGING (SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) GAS RADIATOR CONVECTIVE STOVE FONDITAL model GAZELLE EVO 5000 LPG 4.52 kW smoke kit free Technical features Model : Gazelle Evo 5000 Typology : Gas radiator Rated power : 4.52 kW Minimum power : 2.8 kW Maximum absorbed power: 24 W Useful efficiency at nominal heat output: 92.2% Useful efficiency at minimum thermal power: 94.9% Nominal heat input : 4900 W Reduced thermal input : 3000 W Nominal heat output : 4520W Reduced thermal power : 2850 W NOx emission class : 5 Energy class: A Power supply: LPG Supply Voltage/Frequency : 230 - 50 V/Hz Combustion chamber : Forced draft Electrical protection degree : 20 IP External diameter of straight exhaust pipes (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm External diameter of split pipes (C53): 35 or 60 mm Gas connection diameter: G 1/2 M inches White color Dimensions LxHxP : 667 x 550 x 195 Weight : 24Kg NB* 2 x 55/2 refers to n2 pipes (one for air intake and one for flue gas discharge) each having the same shape as a semicircle with a diameter of 55 mm General characteristics NEW GAZELLE EVO The Strength of EVO lution The single gas convection stove with a heat input of less than 5 kW is not considered a heating system, therefore one might think that there are no legislative obligations to carry out periodic annual maintenance. In reality, even when the convective gas stove is not considered a heating system, only the obligation of energy efficiency control falls but all the prescriptions contained in the supplier's instruction booklet remain valid, which has always prescribed annual maintenance by qualified personnel . Maintenance allows the machine to work in the best conditions of efficiency and safety, thus allowing fuel savings, better environmental well-being and prolonging the life of the machine. An extraordinary one must also be added to the periodic maintenance, in case of breakage or wear of the device. According to the provisions of Ministerial Decree n.37 of 22 January 2008, the installation and maintenance of the appliances must only be carried out by expert professionals who must issue the declaration of conformity of the product itself. By professionally qualified personnel we mean those having specific technical competence in the sector of components of heating systems for civil use, or qualified according to the legislation in force. To guarantee maximum efficiency and safety of the appliance, it is therefore recommended to have the inspection certificate completed by an authorized Technical Assistance Center (TAC). In reference to the installation it is good to consider some guidelines: • The appliance must be installed on walls directly communicating with the outside, alternatively alternative installations must be arranged, always in compliance with current regulations. • The correct distance from other surrounding elements must be respected as follows: Gas convection stoves, such as the Gazelle Evo, are an excellent solution in terms of efficiency and safety for heating domestic and industrial environments but, like any other product, they must be used and maintained with care and precision. By relying on one of our experts, you will therefore be able to benefit from all the advantages of our products in the safety of your own home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-fondital-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-modello-gazelle-evo-5000-metano-da-452-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio-ean-8015040120702

    FONDITAL Gas Radiator Fondital Convective Stove Model Gazelle Evo 5000 Methane From 4.52 Kw Complimentary Smoke Kit

    GAS RADIATOR CONVECTIVE STOVE FONDITAL model GAZELLE EVO 5000 METHANE 4,52 kW flue kit for free Technical features Model : Gazelle Evo 5000 Typology : Gas radiator Rated power : 4.52 kW Minimum power : 2.8 kW Maximum absorbed power: 24 W Useful efficiency at nominal heat output: 92.2% Useful efficiency at minimum thermal power: 94.9% Nominal heat input : 4900 W Reduced thermal input : 3000 W Nominal heat output : 4520W Reduced thermal power : 2850 W NOx emission class : 5 Energy class: A Power supply: METHANE Supply Voltage/Frequency : 230 - 50 V/Hz Combustion chamber : Forced draft Electrical protection degree : 20 IP External diameter of straight exhaust pipes (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm External diameter of split pipes (C53): 35 or 60 mm Gas connection diameter: G 1/2 M inches White color Dimensions LxHxP : 667 x 550 x 195 Weight : 24Kg NB* 2 x 55/2 refers to n2 pipes (one for air intake and one for flue gas discharge) each having the same shape as a semicircle with a diameter of 55 mm General characteristics NEW GAZELLE EVO The Strength of EVO lution The single gas convection stove with a heat input of less than 5 kW is not considered a heating system, therefore one might think that there are no legislative obligations to carry out periodic annual maintenance. In reality, even when the convective gas stove is not considered a heating system, only the obligation of energy efficiency control falls but all the prescriptions contained in the supplier's instruction booklet remain valid, which has always prescribed annual maintenance by qualified personnel . Maintenance allows the machine to work in the best conditions of efficiency and safety, thus allowing fuel savings, better environmental well-being and prolonging the life of the machine. An extraordinary one must also be added to the periodic maintenance, in case of breakage or wear of the device. According to the provisions of Ministerial Decree n.37 of 22 January 2008, the installation and maintenance of the appliances must only be carried out by expert professionals who must issue the declaration of conformity of the product itself. By professionally qualified personnel we mean those having specific technical competence in the sector of components of heating systems for civil use, or qualified according to the legislation in force. To guarantee maximum efficiency and safety of the appliance, it is therefore recommended to have the inspection certificate completed by an authorized Technical Assistance Center (TAC). In reference to the installation it is good to consider some guidelines: • The appliance must be installed on walls directly communicating with the outside, alternatively alternative installations must be arranged, always in compliance with current regulations. • The correct distance from other surrounding elements must be respected as follows: Gas convection stoves , such as the Gazelle Evo, are an excellent solution in terms of efficiency and safety for heating domestic and industrial environments but, like any other product, they must be used and maintained with care and precision. By relying on one of our experts, you will therefore be able to benefit from all the advantages of our products in the safety of your own home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-fondital-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-modello-gazelle-evo-7000-metano-da-588-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio-ean-8015040120726

    FONDITAL Gas Radiator Fondital Convective Stove Model Gazelle Evo 7000 Methane From 5.88 Kw Complimentary Smoke Kit

    Technical features Model : Gazelle Evo 7000 Typology : Gas radiator Rated power :5.88 kW Minimum power : 4.2 kW Maximum absorbed power: 30 W Useful efficiency at nominal heat output: 91.8% Useful efficiency at minimum thermal power: 94% Nominal heat input : 6400 W Reduced thermal input : 4500 W Rated thermal power: 5880W Reduced thermal power : 4230 W NOx emission class : 5 Energy class: A Power supply: METHANE Supply Voltage/Frequency : 230 - 50 V/Hz Combustion chamber : Forced draft Electrical protection degree : 20 IP External diameter of straight exhaust pipes (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm External diameter of split pipes (C53): 35 or 60 mm Gas connection diameter: G 1/2 M inches White color Dimensions LxHxP : 772 x 550 x 195 Weight : 28Kg NB* 2 x 55/2 refers to n2 pipes (one for air intake and one for flue gas discharge) each having the same shape as a semicircle with a diameter of 55 mm General characteristics NEW GAZELLE EVO The Strength of EVO lution The single gas convection stove with a heat input of less than 5 kW is not considered a heating system, therefore one might think that there are no legislative obligations to carry out periodic annual maintenance. In reality, even when the convective gas stove is not considered a heating system, only the obligation of energy efficiency control falls but all the prescriptions contained in the supplier's instruction booklet remain valid, which has always prescribed annual maintenance by qualified personnel . Maintenance allows the machine to work in the best conditions of efficiency and safety, thus allowing fuel savings, better environmental well-being and prolonging the life of the machine. An extraordinary one must also be added to the periodic maintenance, in case of breakage or wear of the device. According to the provisions of Ministerial Decree n.37 of 22 January 2008, the installation and maintenance of the appliances must only be carried out by expert professionals who must issue the declaration of conformity of the product itself. By professionally qualified personnel we mean those having specific technical competence in the sector of components of heating systems for civil use, or qualified according to the legislation in force. To guarantee maximum efficiency and safety of the appliance, it is therefore recommended to have the inspection certificate completed by an authorized Technical Assistance Center (TAC). In reference to the installation it is good to consider some guidelines: • The appliance must be installed on walls directly communicating with the outside, alternatively alternative installations must be arranged, always in compliance with current regulations. • The correct distance from other surrounding elements must be respected as follows: Gas convection stoves , such as the Gazelle Evo, are an excellent solution in terms of efficiency and safety for heating domestic and industrial environments but, like any other product, they must be used and maintained with care and precision. By relying on one of our experts, you will therefore be able to benefit from all the advantages of our products in the safety of your own home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-fondital-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-modello-gazelle-evo-3000-gpl-da-272-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio-ean-8015040120696

    FONDITAL Gas Radiator Fondital Convection Stove Model Gazelle Evo 3000 Gpl From 2.72 Kw Complimentary Smoke Kit

    Technical features Model : Gazelle Evo 3000 Typology : Gas radiator Rated power : 2.72 kW Minimum power : 1.9 kW Maximum absorbed power: 24 W Useful efficiency at nominal heat output: 93.7% Useful efficiency at minimum thermal power: 94.5% Nominal heat input : 2900 W Reduced thermal input : 2000 W Nominal heat output : 2720W Reduced thermal power : 1890 W NOx emission class : 5 Energy class: A Power supply: LPG Supply Voltage/Frequency : 230 - 50 V/Hz Combustion chamber : Forced draft Electrical protection degree : 20 IP External diameter of straight exhaust pipes (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm External diameter of split pipes (C53): 35 or 60 mm Gas connection diameter: G 1/2 M inches White color Dimensions LxHxP : 547 x 550 x 195 Weight : 20Kg NB* 2 x 55/2 refers to n2 pipes (one for air intake and one for flue gas discharge) each having the same shape as a semicircle with a diameter of 55 mm General characteristics NEW GAZELLE EVO The Strength of EVO lution The single gas convection stove with a heat input of less than 5 kW is not considered a heating system, therefore one might think that there are no legislative obligations to carry out periodic annual maintenance. In reality, even when the convective gas stove is not considered a heating system, only the obligation of energy efficiency control falls but all the prescriptions contained in the supplier's instruction booklet remain valid, which has always prescribed annual maintenance by qualified personnel . Maintenance allows the machine to work in the best conditions of efficiency and safety, thus allowing fuel savings, better environmental well-being and prolonging the life of the machine. An extraordinary one must also be added to the periodic maintenance, in case of breakage or wear of the device. According to the provisions of Ministerial Decree n.37 of 22 January 2008, the installation and maintenance of the appliances must only be carried out by expert professionals who must issue the declaration of conformity of the product itself. By professionally qualified personnel we mean those having specific technical competence in the sector of components of heating systems for civil use, or qualified according to the legislation in force. To guarantee maximum efficiency and safety of the appliance, it is therefore recommended to have the inspection certificate completed by an authorized Technical Assistance Center (TAC). In reference to the installation it is good to consider some guidelines: • The appliance must be installed on walls directly communicating with the outside, alternatively alternative installations must be arranged, always in compliance with current regulations. • The correct distance from other surrounding elements must be respected as follows: Gas convection stoves , such as the Gazelle Evo, are an excellent solution in terms of efficiency and safety for heating domestic and industrial environments but, like any other product, they must be used and maintained with care and precision. By relying on one of our experts, you will therefore be able to benefit from all the advantages of our products in the safety of your own home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-fondital-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-modello-gazelle-evo-5000-gpl-da-452-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio-ean-8015040120719

    FONDITAL Gas Radiator Fondital Convection Stove Model Gazelle Evo 5000 Gpl From 4.52 Kw Complimentary Smoke Kit

    GAS RADIATOR CONVECTIVE STOVE FONDITAL model GAZELLE EVO 5000 LPG 4.52 kW smoke kit free Technical features Model : Gazelle Evo 5000 Typology : Gas radiator Rated power : 4.52 kW Minimum power : 2.8 kW Maximum absorbed power: 24 W Useful efficiency at nominal heat output: 92.2% Useful efficiency at minimum thermal power: 94.9% Nominal heat input : 4900 W Reduced thermal input : 3000 W Nominal heat output : 4520W Reduced thermal power : 2850 W NOx emission class : 5 Energy class: A Power supply: LPG Supply Voltage/Frequency : 230 - 50 V/Hz Combustion chamber : Forced draft Electrical protection degree : 20 IP External diameter of straight exhaust pipes (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm External diameter of split pipes (C53): 35 or 60 mm Gas connection diameter: G 1/2 M inches White color Dimensions LxHxP : 667 x 550 x 195 Weight : 24Kg NB* 2 x 55/2 refers to n2 pipes (one for air intake and one for flue gas discharge) each having the same shape as a semicircle with a diameter of 55 mm General characteristics NEW GAZELLE EVO The Strength of EVO lution The single gas convection stove with a heat input of less than 5 kW is not considered a heating system, therefore one might think that there are no legislative obligations to carry out periodic annual maintenance. In reality, even when the convective gas stove is not considered a heating system, only the obligation of energy efficiency control falls but all the prescriptions contained in the supplier's instruction booklet remain valid, which has always prescribed annual maintenance by qualified personnel . Maintenance allows the machine to work in the best conditions of efficiency and safety, thus allowing fuel savings, better environmental well-being and prolonging the life of the machine. An extraordinary one must also be added to the periodic maintenance, in case of breakage or wear of the device. According to the provisions of Ministerial Decree n.37 of 22 January 2008, the installation and maintenance of the appliances must only be carried out by expert professionals who must issue the declaration of conformity of the product itself. By professionally qualified personnel we mean those having specific technical competence in the sector of components of heating systems for civil use, or qualified according to the legislation in force. To guarantee maximum efficiency and safety of the appliance, it is therefore recommended to have the inspection certificate completed by an authorized Technical Assistance Center (TAC). In reference to the installation it is good to consider some guidelines: • The appliance must be installed on walls directly communicating with the outside, alternatively alternative installations must be arranged, always in compliance with current regulations. • The correct distance from other surrounding elements must be respected as follows: Gas convection stoves , such as the Gazelle Evo, are an excellent solution in terms of efficiency and safety for heating domestic and industrial environments but, like any other product, they must be used and maintained with care and precision. By relying on one of our experts, you will therefore be able to benefit from all the advantages of our products in the safety of your own home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-fondital-radiatore-a-gas-stufa-convettiva-fondital-modello-gazelle-evo-7000-gpl-da-588-kw-kit-fumi-in-omaggio

    FONDITAL Gas Radiator Fondital Convection Stove Model Gazelle Evo 7000 Gpl From 5.88 Kw Complimentary Smoke Kit

    Technical features Model : Gazelle Evo 7000 Typology : Gas radiator Rated power :5.88 kW Minimum power : 4.2 kW Maximum absorbed power: 30 W Useful efficiency at nominal heat output: 91.8% Useful efficiency at minimum thermal power: 94% Nominal heat input : 6400 W Reduced thermal input : 4500 W Rated thermal power: 5880W Reduced thermal power : 4230 W NOx emission class : 5 Energy class: A Power supply: LPG Supply Voltage/Frequency : 230 - 50 V/Hz Combustion chamber : Forced draft Electrical protection degree : 20 IP External diameter of straight exhaust pipes (C13) : 2 x 55/2 mm External diameter of split pipes (C53): 35 or 60 mm Gas connection diameter: G 1/2 M inches White color Dimensions LxHxP : 772 x 550 x 195 Weight : 28Kg NB* 2 x 55/2 refers to n2 pipes (one for air intake and one for flue gas discharge) each having the same shape as a semicircle with a diameter of 55 mm General characteristics NEW GAZELLE EVO The Strength of EVO lution The single gas convection stove with a heat input of less than 5 kW is not considered a heating system, therefore one might think that there are no legislative obligations to carry out periodic annual maintenance. In reality, even when the convective gas stove is not considered a heating system, only the obligation of energy efficiency control falls but all the prescriptions contained in the supplier's instruction booklet remain valid, which has always prescribed annual maintenance by qualified personnel . Maintenance allows the machine to work in the best conditions of efficiency and safety, thus allowing fuel savings, better environmental well-being and prolonging the life of the machine. An extraordinary one must also be added to the periodic maintenance, in case of breakage or wear of the device. According to the provisions of Ministerial Decree n.37 of 22 January 2008, the installation and maintenance of the appliances must only be carried out by expert professionals who must issue the declaration of conformity of the product itself. By professionally qualified personnel we mean those having specific technical competence in the sector of components of heating systems for civil use, or qualified according to the legislation in force. To guarantee maximum efficiency and safety of the appliance, it is therefore recommended to have the inspection certificate completed by an authorized Technical Assistance Center (TAC). In reference to the installation it is good to consider some guidelines: • The appliance must be installed on walls directly communicating with the outside, alternatively alternative installations must be arranged, always in compliance with current regulations. • The correct distance from other surrounding elements must be respected as follows: Gas convection stoves , such as the Gazelle Evo, are an excellent solution in terms of efficiency and safety for heating domestic and industrial environments but, like any other product, they must be used and maintained with care and precision. By relying on one of our experts, you will therefore be able to benefit from all the advantages of our products in the safety of your own home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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