Sealed Chamber Water Heaters: Safety and Optimal Performance for Your Bathroom. Compact Design, Energy Efficiency and Protection from Gas Leaks. Choose from our selection of sealed chamber water heaters to ensure reliable and safe hot water!
Sealed chamber water heaters
RINNAI AREA OCCASIONI Scaldabagno a Gas Rinnai Modello INFINITY 14i Codice REU-A1420FFU-LPG Gpl Completo di Kit Scarico Fumi
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA L'IMBALLO È USURATO Caratteristiche Tecniche Codice : REU-A1420FFU-LPG Tipo di Installazione : Interna Tipologia apparecchio : C Classe energetica : A Profilo di carico : L Performance Portata Termica (kW) min 4,1 / Max 27,2 Portata Idraulica (l/min) min 2 l/min MAX 14 l/min (20 l/min ∆T=15°C) Temperatura max impostabile (°C) 65 Pressione minima d'attivazione (bar) 0,1 Pressione nominale di funzionamento (bar) min 1 Max 8,30 Numero max comandi aggiuntivi installabili 3 Consumo elettrico (W) Normale 55 W Stand-by 1,5 W Antigelo 116 W Predisposizione collegamento con ricircolo sì Predisposizione per integrazione con solare sì Raccordi e fumisteria Fumisteria Ø 60/100 coax, distanza max scarico 5m+3curve, sdoppiabile Ø 80/80. Uscita maschio. Si veda la sezione 'accessori' Ingresso Acqua : ½” Uscita Acqua : ½” Gas ½” Antigelo di serie, fino a -15°C Alimentazione GPL Dimensioni Dimensioni ( LxPxA ) : 373 x 173 x 541 mm Peso : 14,5 Kg INFINITY Lo scaldabagno Infinity 17i da 17 litri/min è uno scaldabagno istantaneo domestico da installare all'interno dell'abitazione. Produce acqua calda solo a fronte di una reale richiesta (solo all'apertura del rubinetto). Al contrario di un bollitore, non ha bisogno di mantenere in stock grandi quantità di acqua ad alte temperature. Questo consente un grande risparmio in termini di costi di energia e consumi di acqua. Non serve miscelare l'acqua, che esce subito alla temperatura desiderata. NOVITA' L'installatore può selezionare il settaggio "alta quota" per garantire la massima performance dello scaldabagno anche quando installato in alta montagna, in condizioni di aria rarefatta NOVITA' Quando lo scaldabagno e le utenze sono distanti e si generano dispersioni termiche, l'installatore può correggere la temperatura al grado di utilizzo (da +1°C a +3°C) perfezionando la temperatura al rubinetto NOVITA' un alert progressivo segnala l'eventuale deposito di calcare. Questo permette di far effettuare una pulizia prima che il livello sia tale da causare un malfunzionamento. Produttore di acqua calda sanitaria di tipo istantaneo a gas per installazione interna. Dotato di pannello comandi in plancia per la gestione della temperatura, al grado e auto-diagnosi. Mantello in acciaio zincato smaltato anticorrosione. Come tutti gli scaldacqua Rinnai, i nuovi Infinity controllano la temperatura al grado e ottimizzano il comfort all’insegna del risparmio energetico Perfezionamento della temperatura al grado al punto di utilizzo Quando lo scaldabagno è distante dalle utenze e le tubazioni generano dispersioni termiche è possibile correggere la temperatura al rubinetto da +1°C a +3°C Sei un utilizzatore domestico? Registra il tuo nuovo scaldacqua su nell’apposita sezione per estendere gratuitamente la garanzia del tuo scaldabagno a 4 anni* L’estensione della garanzia (valida solo su ricambi) può essere richiesta sugli scaldacqua ad uso domestico. Consulta la manualistica tecnica per conoscere i dettagli dell’iniziativa. A CASA NOSTRA SIAMO LIBERI DI ESSERE NOI STESSI Rinnai risponde ai diversi fabbisogni di acqua calda. Un prodotto disponibile in taglie diverse 14 o 17 litri/minuto. Un monolocale, un appartamento, una o più persone che vivono insieme. Sempre, un apparecchio che occupa pochissimo spazio e offre infinita acqua calda lasciando il posto a quello che conta di più Caratteristiche Acqua calda illimitata senza sbalzi termici Accensione elettronica senza fi amma pilota Controllo della temperatura al grado tramite il comando di serie Regolatore di portata: temperatura costante al variare della portata Riarmo automatico integrato di serie Codice LC progressivo che rileva eventuali depositi di calcare Estensione gratuita della garanzia su Funzioni Abbinabile a pannelli solari Abbinabile a ricircolo Abbinabile ad accumulo max lt 500 Max 3 comandi remoti aggiuntivi Funzione Alta Quota Ultrasottile Antigelo di serie fi no a -15°C Temperatura perfetta nonostante le dispersioni** Ecosostenibile Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
RINNAI AREA OCCASIONI Scaldacqua Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI INFINITY 17i Metano completo di kit fumi cod. REU-A1720FFU - NEW
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO ALL'IMBALLAGGIO. Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI INFINITY 17i completo di kit fumi cod. REU-A1720FFU - NEW Codice REU-A1720FFU Installazione Interna Tipologia apparecchio C Classe energetica A Profilo di carico L Versioni disponibili Metano, GPL, aria propano Portata Termica (kW) min 4,1 / Max 32,40 Portata Idraulica (l/min) min 2 l/min MAX 17 l/min (20 l/min ∆T=15°C) Temperatura max impostabile (°C) 65 Pressione minima d'attivazione (bar) 0,1 Pressione nominale di funzionamento (bar) min 1 Max 8,30 Fumisteria Ø 60/100 coax, distanza max scarico 5m+3curve, sdoppiabile Ø 80/80. Uscita maschio. Si veda la sezione 'accessori' Numero max comandi aggiuntivi installabili 3 Consumo elettrico (W) Normale 55 W Stand-by 1,5 W Antigelo 116 W Predisposizione collegamento con ricircolo sì Predisposizione per integrazione con solare sì Antigelo di serie, fino a -15°C Dimensioni LxPxA 373x173x541 mm INFINITY Lo scaldabagno Infinity 17i da 17 litri/min è uno scaldabagno istantaneo domestico da installare all'interno dell'abitazione. Produce acqua calda solo a fronte di una reale richiesta (solo all'apertura del rubinetto). Al contrario di un bollitore, non ha bisogno di mantenere in stock grandi quantità di acqua ad alte temperature. Questo consente un grande risparmio in termini di costi di energia e consumi di acqua. Non serve miscelare l'acqua, che esce subito alla temperatura desiderata.NOVITA' L'installatore può selezionare il settaggio "alta quota" per garantire la massima performance dello scaldabagno anche quando installato in alta montagna, in condizioni di aria rarefattaNOVITA' Quando lo scaldabagno e le utenze sono distanti e si generano dispersioni termiche, l'installatore può correggere la temperatura al grado di utilizzo (da +1°C a +3°C) perfezionando la temperatura al rubinettoNOVITA' un alert progressivo segnala l'eventuale deposito di calcare. Questo permette di far effettuare una pulizia prima che il livello sia tale da causare un malfunzionamento. Produttore di acqua calda sanitaria di tipo istantaneo a gas per installazione interna. Dotato di pannello comandi in plancia per la gestione della temperatura, al grado e auto-diagnosi. Mantello in acciaio zincato smaltato anticorrosione.Caratteristiche Acqua calda illimitata senza sbalzi termici Accensione elettronica senza fi amma pilota Controllo della temperatura al grado tramite il comando di serie Regolatore di portata: temperatura costante al variare della portata Riarmo automatico integrato di serie Codice LC progressivo che rileva eventuali depositi di calcare Estensione gratuita della garanzia su Funzioni Abbinabile a pannelli solari Abbinabile a ricircolo Abbinabile ad accumulo max lt 500 Max 3 comandi remoti aggiuntivi Funzione Alta Quota Ultrasottile Antigelo di serie fi no a -15°C Temperatura perfetta nonostante le dispersioni** Ecosostenibile Garanzia Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
RINNAI AREA OCCASIONI Scaldacqua Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI ONE 11i Metano REU-A1111FFU-NG Completo di Kit Scarico Fumi
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA SOLO L'IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Scaldacqua Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI ONE 11i Metano Con Kit Fumi REU-A1111FFU-NG ONE 11i Interno camera stagna flusso forzato CODICE REU-A1111FFU-NG (gas metano o aria propano) Profilo / Classe energetica A+ S Consumo annuo di energia elettrica (kWh/annum) 7 Livello di rumorosità all'interno (dB) 59 Installazione Interna - Appartamenti Tipologia apparecchio Flusso forzato - Tipo C Dimensioni (mm) 541x373x173 Peso (Kg) 14 Portata termica metano Min/Max (kW) 4,10/21,3 Portata d'acqua ∆t 25°C (l/min) 11 Portata d'acqua Max* (l/min) 11 Temperatura Max di funzionamento (°C) 65 Pressione Min di attivazione (bar) 0,1 Pressione nominale di funzionamento Min/Max (bar) 1/8,3 Consumo elettrico normale /stand-by / antigelo (W) 40 / 1,5 / 116 Antigelo di serie fino a 15° RINNAI ONE Il nuovissimo scaldabagno ONE da 11 litri/min è lo scaldabagno istantaneo domestico da installare all'interno dell'abitazione (per esempio nel locale caldaia, in bagno, tra i pensili della cucina). Produttore di acqua calda sanitaria di tipo istantaneo a gas per installazione interna. Dotato di display per la gestione della temperatura al grado e autodiagnosi. Mantello in acciaio zincato smaltato anticorrosione. produce acqua calda solo quando serve (solo all'apertura di un rubinetto) non spreca energia (perchè non deve mantenere alcuno stock di acqua calda) evita il rischio di formazione del batterio della Legionella, grazie all'assenza di ristagni N.1 in efficienza ed ecosostenibilità: classe di efficienza energetica A+, garantisce una installazione veloce anche grazie alle misure compatte ha un codice LC progressivo che segnala eventuali depositi di calcare e permette di intervenire preventivamente ha il pannello comandi a bordo macchina a cui è possibile collegare fino a 3 comandi accessori, per gestire la temperatura da qualsiasi punto di utilizzo, come in cucina o in bagno ed avere subito l'acqua calda al grado desiderato offre la possibilità di perfezionare la temperatura al rubinetto: da +1°C a +3°C, nel caso tra lo scaldabagno e le utenze ci siano distanze che causano dispersioni termiche Shape memory alloy: la membrana interna al gruppo acqua cambia forma in funzione della temperatura, determinando il flusso d'acqua in transito e la temperatura in uscita Caratteristiche Abbinabile a pannelli solari Abbinabile a ricircolo Abbinabile ad accumulo max lt 500 Max 3 comandi remoti aggiuntivi Antigelo di serie fino a -15°C Ultrasottile Ecosostenibile Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
RINNAI AREA OCCASIONI Scaldacqua Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI ONE 11i Metano REU-A1111FFU-NG Completo di Kit Scarico Fumi
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA AMMACCATURE E RIENTRANZE SULLA SCOCCA ANTERIORE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Scaldacqua Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI ONE 11i Gpl Con Kit Fumi REU-A1111FFU-LPG - NOVITA' ONE 11i Interno camera stagna flusso forzato CODICE REU-A1111FFU-E Profilo / Classe energetica A+ S Consumo annuo di energia elettrica (kWh/annum 7 Livello di rumorosità all'interno (dB) 59 Dimensioni (mm) 541x373x173 Peso (Kg) 14 Portata termica metano Min/Max (kW) 4,10/21,3 Portata d'acqua ∆t 25°C (l/min) 11 Portata d'acqua Max* (l/min) 11 Temperatura Max di funzionamento (°C) 65 Pressione Min di attivazione (bar) 0,1 Pressione nominale di funzionamento Min/Max (bar) 1/8,3 Consumo elettrico normale /stand-by / antigelo (W) 40 / 1,5 / 116 Antigelo di serie fino a 15° RINNAI ONE Il nuovissimo scaldabagno ONE da 11 litri/min è lo scaldabagno istantaneo domestico da installare all'interno dell'abitazione (per esempio nel locale caldaia, in bagno, tra i pensili della cucina). Produttore di acqua calda sanitaria di tipo istantaneo a gas per installazione interna. Dotato di display per la gestione della temperatura al grado e autodiagnosi. Mantello in acciaio zincato smaltato anticorrosione. produce acqua calda solo quando serve (solo all'apertura di un rubinetto) non spreca energia (perchè non deve mantenere alcuno stock di acqua calda) evita il rischio di formazione del batterio della Legionella, grazie all'assenza di ristagni N.1 in efficienza ed ecosostenibilità: classe di efficienza energetica A+, garantisce una installazione veloce anche grazie alle misure compatte ha un codice LC progressivo che segnala eventuali depositi di calcare e permette di intervenire preventivamente ha il pannello comandi a bordo macchina a cui è possibile collegare fino a 3 comandi accessori, per gestire la temperatura da qualsiasi punto di utilizzo, come in cucina o in bagno ed avere subito l'acqua calda al grado desiderato offre la possibilità di perfezionare la temperatura al rubinetto: da +1°C a +3°C, nel caso tra lo scaldabagno e le utenze ci siano distanze che causano dispersioni termiche Shape memory alloy: la membrana interna al gruppo acqua cambia forma in funzione della temperatura, determinando il flusso d'acqua in transito e la temperatura in uscita Caratteristiche Abbinabile a pannelli solari Abbinabile a ricircolo Abbinabile ad accumulo max lt 500 Max 3 comandi remoti aggiuntivi Antigelo di serie fino a -15°C Ultrasottile Ecosostenibile Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA UN'AMMACCATURA LATERALE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Scaldacqua Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI ONE 11i Gpl Con Kit Fumi REU-A1111FFU-LPG - NOVITA' ONE 11i Interno camera stagna flusso forzato CODICE REU-A1111FFU-E Profilo / Classe energetica A+ S Consumo annuo di energia elettrica (kWh/annum 7 Livello di rumorosità all'interno (dB) 59 Dimensioni (mm) 541x373x173 Peso (Kg) 14 Portata termica metano Min/Max (kW) 4,10/21,3 Portata d'acqua ∆t 25°C (l/min) 11 Portata d'acqua Max* (l/min) 11 Temperatura Max di funzionamento (°C) 65 Pressione Min di attivazione (bar) 0,1 Pressione nominale di funzionamento Min/Max (bar) 1/8,3 Consumo elettrico normale /stand-by / antigelo (W) 40 / 1,5 / 116 Antigelo di serie fino a 15° RINNAI ONE Il nuovissimo scaldabagno ONE da 11 litri/min è lo scaldabagno istantaneo domestico da installare all'interno dell'abitazione (per esempio nel locale caldaia, in bagno, tra i pensili della cucina). Produttore di acqua calda sanitaria di tipo istantaneo a gas per installazione interna. Dotato di display per la gestione della temperatura al grado e autodiagnosi. Mantello in acciaio zincato smaltato anticorrosione. produce acqua calda solo quando serve (solo all'apertura di un rubinetto) non spreca energia (perchè non deve mantenere alcuno stock di acqua calda) evita il rischio di formazione del batterio della Legionella, grazie all'assenza di ristagni N.1 in efficienza ed ecosostenibilità: classe di efficienza energetica A+, garantisce una installazione veloce anche grazie alle misure compatte ha un codice LC progressivo che segnala eventuali depositi di calcare e permette di intervenire preventivamente ha il pannello comandi a bordo macchina a cui è possibile collegare fino a 3 comandi accessori, per gestire la temperatura da qualsiasi punto di utilizzo, come in cucina o in bagno ed avere subito l'acqua calda al grado desiderato offre la possibilità di perfezionare la temperatura al rubinetto: da +1°C a +3°C, nel caso tra lo scaldabagno e le utenze ci siano distanze che causano dispersioni termiche Shape memory alloy: la membrana interna al gruppo acqua cambia forma in funzione della temperatura, determinando il flusso d'acqua in transito e la temperatura in uscita Caratteristiche Abbinabile a pannelli solari Abbinabile a ricircolo Abbinabile ad accumulo max lt 500 Max 3 comandi remoti aggiuntivi Antigelo di serie fino a -15°C Ultrasottile Ecosostenibile Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
RINNAI Rinnai Infinity 16i Gas Water Heater Indoor/Outdoor LPG Complete With Smoke Kit (Offer!)
GAS WATER HEATER RINNAI INFINITY 16I INTERNAL LPG COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT Code: REU-16FUA Instantaneous gas water heater with electronic ignition and ionization flame sensor Colour: Euro White Installation: internal Forced draft sealed chamber Dimensions (hxwxd): 67.5x37x13 cm; 15 Kgs Thermal inputs (min/max): 4.7 / 34 kW Hydraulic flow rate (min/max): 2.4 / 16 l/min Standard antifreeze: down to -15°C LPG version INFINITY Infinity is the line of Rinnai gas water heaters which represent the new frontier in the production of hot water, both for their SIMPLICITY of INSTALLATION and for the COMFORT (each Infinity device is equipped as standard with a remote control on which to set the desired water temperature guaranteeing all the pleasure of unlimited hot water at a constant temperature) and SAVING (Each appliance is equipped with "continuously modulating" gas valves which regulate combustion in an extremely efficient way, reducing waste) which are able to guarantee. Available in various flow capacities, from 11 to 32 l/min, they are able to meet any hot water need, even the most demanding. Infinity appliances run on gas and are available in natural gas, LPG and propane air versions (for the Sardinia region). Infinity water heaters have electronic ignition (without pilot flame) and forced flow (both in the indoor and outdoor versions) and are activated only when there is a real request for hot water (when the tap is opened) without the need for expensive storage tanks. DOMESTIC RANGE: Superior performance in small denominations The domestic Infinity range , intended for residential use or small commercial businesses, is divided into appliances for outdoor installation (11, 13, 16, 20 liters per minute) and indoor (11.16 liters per minute). Through the standard remote control on all devices (on the dashboard, which can be remotely controlled, for Infinity 11 and 16 inside cs), not only is the pleasure of having hot water exactly at the desired temperature guaranteed, without the need for mixing or waiting times, but you will also have the total security of never getting burned (especially useful for weak users such as children, the elderly and the infirm) The compact dimensions and modern aesthetics make both indoor and outdoor installation absolutely pleasant. INFINITY 16 I The infinity 16 Internal sealed chamber is an instantaneous domestic hot water producer for internal installation with electronic temperature management and water flow control. Anti-corrosion enamelled stainless steel casing and remote electronic control, positioned on the front panel, with temperature management and self-diagnosis function. Max operating temperature equal to 75° C DHW circuit connection: Cold water: R 1/2" male shut-off valve; Hot water: R 1/2" male shut-off valve; Gas connection and electricity supply: Gas: R 1/2" male shut-off valve; Power supply: AC 220V 50Hz. NB: FOR INDOOR INSTALLATION IT MUST BE INSTALLED IN A VENTILATED PLACE Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
RINNAI Rinnai Infinity 32i Gas Water Heater Internal Methane Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit
Overview GAS WATER HEATER RINNAI INFINITY 32I INTERNAL METHANE Cod. REU-VRM3237FFU-NG, 2 - Sealed chamber water heaters WITH FORCED DRAFT, COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - ErP Energy class A. Technical specifications Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Sanitary Energy Efficiency ACS: Class A Declared upload profile: XL Electricity consumption (kWh/year) and fuel (GJ/year) 10 - 18 Noise levels indoors (dB) 63 Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Code: REU-VRM3237FFU-NG 2 - Forced flow sealed chamber water heaters Electronic ignition without pilot flame Can be combined with: solar panels/recirculation/accumulmax lt 1000 Fine series antifreeze -20C Installation: Internal - Villa - Apartment with multifunctional shower/whirlpool and professional installations Dimensions: 600x470x220 (150 mm flue center distance); 25kg Methane heat input Min/Max (kW) 5/62 Water flow rate t 25C Min/Max (l/min) 2,4/32 (37 l/min with T=20C) Max operating temperature (C) 85 Minimum activation pressure (bar) 0.1 Nominal operating pressure Min/Max (bar) 2/10 Electric consumption normal / stand-by / antigel (W) 99 / 2 / 100 METHANE version Main features RINNAI GAS WATER HEATER: INFINITY saves infinite comforts Rinnai Infinity is the line of instantaneous GAS* water heaters, with forced flow or otherwise, for professional domestic use, indoors and outdoors, capable of guaranteeing: Unlimited hot water without sudden changes in temperature Gradual temperature selection via the standard remote control energy saving Simplicity of design and installation Compact size Superior performance and absolute security Furthermore, the external range, thanks to its unique characteristics, ensures total protection from: Wind (up to 90 km/h) Water coming from any direction (even horizontally, with IPX5D protection factor) Corrosion and rust, with the enamelled steel-zinc cape Frost, thanks to the standard antifreeze on all appliances (including indoors) The SERIES remote control allows the user to select the desired water temperature with precision to the degree, directly from the point of use (when the tap is opened). RESULT: no need to mix for maximum COMFORT and absolute PROTECTION from the risk of burns. energy savings: Rinnai Infinity eliminates any useless waste and ensures real savings: The gas operation guarantees considerably lower costs than the electric one. Respecting a traditional boiler, subject to heat loss and energy consumption to constantly heat the water, Infinity produces it instantly at the moment of the real request and exactly at the desired temperature. The advanced technology of the continuously modulating gas valve, which regulates combustion with the utmost precision, guarantees a more efficient and cleaner regime, with a consequent reduction in consumption and polluting emissions. The detection of the inlet water temperature also allows Infinity to work in perfect synergy with solar systems, heating cookers, other heat generators, modulating, solquandserve and solquantserve, to reach the set temperature Professional Range: Hot water in large quantities is no longer a problem The professional range includes two different flow rates, 26 and 32 l/min, available both in the version for internal and external installation. The extreme versatility of Infinity makes it adaptable to any type of installation; with a few simple evaluations it will be possible to choose whether to mount the single elements, of different capacities, to create cascade systems (up to 5 devices controlled by an electronic card) capable of delivering up to 160 l/min, without the need to have even a 5 - Storage water heaters. Thanks to the detection of the water inlet temperature, Infinity can also be effectively installed in systems with recirculation in combination with solar panels, guaranteeing maximum integration without waste. Infinity is also able to meet those users who need a very high thermal power: in this case, the equipment could be used as a thermal generator on an accumulator, exploiting the large thermal power associated with its small size. INFINITY 32e Infinity 32 external is an instantaneous domestic hot water producer for external installation with electronic temperature management and water flow control. Anti-corrosion enamelled stainless steel casing and electronic controls as standard with temperature management and self-diagnosis function. Max operating temperature equal to 85 C Antifreeze Standard antifreeze system (also on indoor appliances) up to -20C. Status monitor Control panel The Infinity 32s feature a front panel statpost monitor, which displays operating temperature and fault codes. Up to 4 remote controls can be connected to the appliance (of which add to the dashboard for the internal model) offering the following options: temperature control directly from the room of use self-diagnosis additional functions with "de luxe" controls for kitchen bathrooms Cascade connections In addition to the previous management and control systems for cascade appliances, the new Infinity 32 is equipped with a connector for connection to a Building Management System (REU-OPU) which allows error signals to be remoted. ERP extension Rinnai's commitment to a sustainable future. For this reason, all our products are "ERP Ready" or in line with the European classification legislation in force since 26 September 2015. ErP, acronym of Energy related Products (products connected to the use of energy), identifies Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-design. The Directive establishes very precise reference points for the manufacture of environmentally friendly products and defines the mandatory minimum requirements of energy and environmental performance for energy-consuming instruments. The goal is to reach the famous 20-20-20 by 2020. This repetition of the number 20 serves to more easily remind everyone of the three central focuses: -increase the energy efficiency of energy-consuming machines by 20% - reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere by 20% -reach a percentage of renewable energy on final consumption of 20% From 26 September 2015, appliances for winter air conditioning and the production of domestic hot water are accompanied by an energy label. ELD directive: all clear on the label The European Union has made the new energy labeling system mandatory to allow consumers to immediately understand the level of environmental compatibility of individual products. The ELD Labeling Directive (2010/30/EC) in fact provides that each item subject to the ErP Directive is equipped with a label to highlight not only the energy efficiency class but also other performances such as sound power, use, thermal power. Rinnai actively participates in these adjustments, happy to give its contribution to an eco-sustainable world Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
RINNAI Rinnai Gas Water Heater Model Continuum 11i Methane Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit
Overview GAS WATER HEATER RINNAI CONTINUUM 11i INTERNAL METHANE. 2 - FORCED DRAFT Sealed Chamber Water Heaters, COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - ErP Energy class A Technical specifications Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Sanitary Energy Efficiency ACS: Class A Declared loader profile: M Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Code: REU-1110FFU-NG Gas instantaneous water heater 2 - Forced flow sealed chamber water heaters Ignition: Electronic flame ionization, direct Installation: Indoor / outdoor protected Dimensions: mm 675 hx 370 wx 138 d; 16 Kgs Selectable temperatures on the control panel: C 35,37-48,50,55,60 Thermal inputs (min/max): 6.1 / 21.6 kW Hydraulic flow rate (min/max): 2.4 / 11 l/min Nominal water pressure (Pw): bar 0.7 - 10.0 (recommended 2.0 min) Electric consumption: Watts 50 normal / 8 stand-by Noise level: db(A) 46 Protection factor: IPx4 METHANE version Main features RINNAI GAS WATER HEATER: CONTINUUM Continuum the basic line of Rinnai. The code REU-1110FFU Continuum is the indoor water heater for domestic use which combines the smallest dimensions with high-performance technology for the instantaneous production of domestic hot water. Pleasant in design and designed to guarantee absolute safety, thanks to the 2 - Sealed Chamber Water Heaters, Continuum, ideal for the production of DHW in private homes. Equipped with display (not removable) for temperature management and self-diagnosis. Anti-corrosion enamelled stainless steel casing. Unlimited hot water without sudden changes in temperature Electronic ignition without pilot flame Temperature control to the degree Free testing, carried out by an authorized Rinnai technical assistance centre Shape memory alloy: the membrane inside the water group changes shape according to the temperature, determining the water flow in transit and the outlet temperature Characteristics: DESIGN Continuum comes with an essential and elegant design. It is super-slim, and thanks to its only 14cm thickness it can be installed even in the tightest spaces. The elongated front panel, ideal for hiding the hydraulic fittings and allowing for visible installation, is combined with a backlit digital control panel, which guarantees functionality and ease of use SAVING Thanks to the electronic ignition, which eliminates the pilot flame, and to the possibility of setting the desired temperature electronically, it is possible to obtain up to 25% savings on gas consumption. Fan and internal gas valve are in continuous modulation: determining how much fuel (air) and how much fuel (gas) must be used to obtain optimal combustion, which is the necessary condition to avoid waste and reduce polluting emissions. SAFETY Rinnai always pays great attention to safety: Continuum an appliance 2 - Sealed chamber water heaters. This means that it has no interchange with the environment in which it is installed. It draws air from the outside and expels the burnt fumes through a fan always in an outside environment (and thus avoids the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning). The electronic temperature control ensures that the appliance switches off if the outlet water temperature exceeds the one selected on the control panel by even just 3 degrees: this protects weak users from the risk of burns. The pre and post ventilation procedure, which cleans the combustion chamber and cools it at each ignition and shutdown cycle, preserves the life of the appliance and optimizes the combustion values. DESIGN AND FUNCTIONALITY Rinnai Continuum is distinguished by a clean and minimal line. The command on the machine, simple and intuitive, allows you to consult the water heater stat displayed on the practical digital display. The temperature is regulated by means of increase and decrease buttons, thus overcoming the approximation of the knobs, typical of a now obsolete technology. It is possible to select up to 16 different temperatures, starting from 35C, up to 60C. COMPACT AND SILENT Rinnai Continuum can be installed not only in the boiler room, but also in the living spaces of the house, such as bathrooms and kitchens, thanks to its compact size and low noise level (lower than the sound level of a normal conversation). ROBUST AND RELIABLE Rinnai Continuum is built with excellent quality materials and components, which make it a reliable and durable product. The external panels in enamelled-corrosion steel, the copper exchanger (for better heat conduction and greater hygiene), the probes are immersion (to know the temperature of the water supplied with precision to the degree). SHAPE MEMORY ALLOY the technology literally changes shape, the membrane inside the water unit changes shape according to the temperature, determining the flow of water in transit by controlling the outlet temperature. In this way it is possible to guarantee superior sanitary comfort and stability in the supply of hot water. TECHNIQUE AND RELIABILITY Rinnai Continuum equipped with fan and modulating gas valve to guarantee the correct air/gas inside the combustion chamber and therefore greater efficiency and lower polluting emissions. Rinnai Continuum is extremely versatile and, starting from 0.7 bar, it can also be installed where there are low hydraulic pressures. Thanks to the fan's electronic control, the appliance is able to detect the presence of obstructions and impediments to the correct expulsion of the combustion products and signal it, guaranteeing the safety of the rooms in which it is installed. INSTALLATION Rinnai Continuum is available both for use with natural gas and LPG (liquid gas) and can be installed both indoors and outdoors, albeit partially protected in temperate climates.* Continuum can be easily installed thanks to the special brackets with central fork. A single screw in the wall allows you to hang the fixture easily and proceed at a later time to set up the final fixing brackets, without having to simultaneously support the weight of the fixture itself. The coaxial flue is 60/100 cm and can reach a maximum length of 2.2 linear metres. ErP Ready Rinnai's commitment to a sustainable future. For this reason, all our products are "ERP Ready" or in line with the European classification legislation in force since 26 September 2015. ErP, acronym of Energy related Products (products connected to the use of energy), identifies Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-design. The Directive establishes very precise reference points for the manufacture of environmentally friendly products and defines the mandatory minimum requirements of energy and environmental performance for energy-consuming instruments. The goal is to reach the famous 20-20-20 by 2020. This repetition of the number 20 serves to more easily remind everyone of the three central focuses: -increase the energy efficiency of energy-consuming machines by 20% - reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere by 20% -reach a percentage of renewable energy on final consumption of 20% From 26 September 2015, appliances for winter air conditioning and the production of domestic hot water are accompanied by an energy label. ELD directive: all clear on the label The European Union has made the new energy labeling system mandatory to allow consumers to immediately understand the level of environmental compatibility of individual products. The ELD Labeling Directive (2010/30/EC) in fact provides that each item subject to the ErP Directive is equipped with a label to highlight not only the energy efficiency class but also other performances such as sound power, use, thermal power. Rinnai actively participates in these adjustments, happy to give its contribution to an eco-sustainable world Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
RINNAI Rinnai Gas Water Heater Model Infinity 28i Code Reu-Vcm2837ffud-Lpg LPG Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit Split Fume Kit
ATTENTION: The product is completely intact, but does not have the original packaging as it is damaged. Technical specifications Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Sanitary Energy Efficiency ACS: Class A Declared upload profile: XL Electricity consumption (kWh/year) and fuel (GJ/year) 8 - 18 Indoor noise levels (dB) 67 Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Code: REU-VCM2837FFUD-LPG 2 - Forced flow sealed chamber water heaters Electronic ignition without pilot flame Can be combined with: solar panels/recirculation/accumulmax lt 1000 Fine series antifreeze -20C Installation: Internal - Villa - Apartment with multifunctional shower/whirlpool and professional installations Dimensions: mm 582x356x235 ; 20 Kgs Methane heat input Min/Max (kW) 2.8/53 Water flow t 25C Max (l/min) 28 Max operating temperature (C) 85 Minimum activation pressure (bar) 0.1 Nominal operating pressure Min/Max (bar) 2.5/10 Electric consumption normal / stand-by / antigel (W) 97 / 2 / 120 LPG version INFINITY The 17 litres/min Infinity 17i water heater is a domestic instantaneous water heater to be installed inside the home. It produces hot water only in response to a real request (only when the tap is opened). Unlike a kettle, it does not need to store large quantities of water at high temperatures. This allows for great savings in terms of energy costs and water consumption . No need to mix the water, which immediately comes out at the desired temperature. NEW The installer can select the "high altitude" setting to ensure maximum performance of the water heater even when installed in the high mountains, in rarefied air conditions NEW When the water heater and the utilities are distant and heat dispersions are generated, the installer can correct the temperature according to the degree of use (from +1°C to +3°C) by perfecting the temperature at the tap NEW A progressive alert signals any limescale deposits. This allows cleaning to be carried out before the level is such as to cause a malfunction. Instantaneous gas-fired domestic hot water producer for indoor installation. Equipped with a control panel on the dashboard for managing the temperature, the degree and self-diagnosis. Anti-corrosion enamelled galvanized steel casing. Like all Rinnai water heaters, the new Infinity control the temperature to the degree and optimize comfort in the name of energy savings Temperature refinement to degree at point of use When the water heater is far from the utilities and the pipes generate heat dispersion, it is possible to correct the temperature at the tap from +1°C to +3°C Are you a home user? Register your new water heater on in the appropriate section to extend the warranty of your water heater to 4 years free of charge* The warranty extension (valid only on spare parts) can be requested on domestic water heaters. Consult the technical manuals to find out the details of the initiative. AT OUR HOME WE ARE FREE TO BE OURSELVES Rinnai responds to the different needs of hot water. A product available in different sizes 14 or 17 litres/minute. A studio flat, an apartment, one or more people living together. Always, an appliance that takes up very little space and offers endless hot water, giving way to what matters most Characteristics Unlimited hot water without sudden changes in temperature Electronic ignition without pilot flame Temperature control to the degree via the series controller Flow regulator: constant temperature as the flow varies Integrated automatic reset as standard Progressive LC code that detects any limescale deposits Free warranty extension on Functions Can be combined with solar panels Can be combined with recirculation Can be combined with max storage tank lt 500 Max 3 additional remote controls High Altitude Function Ultrathin Standard antifreeze up to -15°C Perfect temperature despite dispersions** Eco friendly Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
RINNAI Rinnai Infinity 16i Gas Water Heater Internal Methane Complete With Smoke Kit
RINNAI INFINITY 16I GAS WATER HEATER INSIDE METHANE COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT Instantaneous gas water heater with electronic ignition and ionization flame sensor Colour: Euro White Installation: internal Forced draft sealed chamber Dimensions (hxwxd): 67.5x37x13 cm; 15 Kgs Thermal inputs (min/max): 4.7 / 34 kW Hydraulic flow rate (min/max): 2.4 / 16 l/min Standard antifreeze: down to -15°C methane version INFINITY Infinity is the line of Rinnai gas water heaters which represent the new frontier in the production of hot water, both for their SIMPLICITY of INSTALLATION and for the COMFORT (each Infinity device is equipped as standard with a remote control on which to set the desired water temperature guaranteeing all the pleasure of unlimited hot water at a constant temperature) and SAVING (Each appliance is equipped with "continuously modulating" gas valves which regulate combustion in an extremely efficient way, reducing waste) which are able to guarantee. Available in various flow capacities, from 11 to 32 l/min, they are able to meet any hot water need, even the most demanding. Infinity appliances run on gas and are available in natural gas, LPG and propane air versions (for the Sardinia region). Infinity water heaters have electronic ignition (without pilot flame) and forced flow (both in the indoor and outdoor versions) and are activated only when there is a real request for hot water (when the tap is opened) without the need for expensive storage tanks. DOMESTIC RANGE: Superior performance in small denominations The domestic Infinity range , intended for residential use or small commercial businesses, is divided into appliances for outdoor installation (11, 13, 16, 20 liters per minute) and indoor (11.16 liters per minute). Through the standard remote control on all devices (on the dashboard, which can be remotely controlled, for Infinity 11 and 16 inside cs), not only is the pleasure of having hot water exactly at the desired temperature guaranteed, without the need for mixing or waiting times, but you will also have the total security of never getting burned (especially useful for weak users such as children, the elderly and the infirm) The compact dimensions and modern aesthetics make both indoor and outdoor installation absolutely pleasant. INFINITY 16 I The infinity 16 Internal sealed chamber is an instantaneous domestic hot water producer for internal installation with electronic temperature management and water flow control. Anti-corrosion enamelled stainless steel casing and remote electronic control, positioned on the front panel, with temperature management and self-diagnosis function. Max operating temperature equal to 75° C DHW circuit connection: Cold water: R 1/2" male shut-off valve; Hot water: R 1/2" male shut-off valve; Gas connection and electricity supply: Gas: R 1/2" male shut-off valve; Power supply: AC 220V 50Hz. NB: FOR INDOOR INSTALLATION IT MUST BE INSTALLED IN A VENTILATED PLACE Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.