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Open chamber water heaters

Conveniently heat water with our open chamber water heaters. Reliable performance, ease of use and functional design. Choose from our range of open chamber water heaters for an efficient and cost effective option for your bathroom. Buy today and enjoy hot water quickly and conveniently!

6 products

  • immagine-1-riello-scaldabagno-a-gas-a-camera-aperta-riello-acquafun2-11-ln-gpl-low-nox-a-basse-emissioni-20149831-ean-8018000364789

    Riello Open Chamber Gas Water Heater Riello Acquafun2 11 Ln Gpl Low Nox Low Emissions 20149831

    Technical features Model: AcquaFun2 LN 11 Product code : 20149831 Gas : LPG Energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency class: A Sanitary load profile : M Sanitary energy efficiency (ηwh) : 77.2% Daily gas consumption : 8.084 kW/h Annual gas consumption : 6 GJ Emissions of nitrogen oxides: 46 mg/kWh Characteristics Typology : Open chamber Draft Natural draft Ignition : 2 x 1.5V batteries Flame control : By ionization Flame modulation : Continue Hot water production Δt=30° : 9.3 litres/min Nominal heat input : 21.0 ~ 22.0 kW Rated heat output: 18.33~19.43kW Performance Water Withdrawal range with selector at minimum : from 2.5 to 5.5 litres/min Withdrawal range with selector at maximum : from 2.5 to 11 litres/min Water temperature rise with selector at minimum : 50°C Water temperature rise with selector at maximum : 25°C Minimum ~ normal ~ maximum pressure : 0.2 ~ 2.0 ~ 10.0 bar Water connections: 12.70 mm 1/2” Ø DHW temperature selection range: 35° ~ 60° C Performance Gases Nominal supply pressure G20,G30,G31 : 20/28 ~ 30/37 mbar Gas connections: 12.70 mm 1/2” Ø Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Electrical protection degree : IPX4D Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 675x350x230 mm Net weight : 12.0 Kg Riello ACQUAFUN 2 LN water heater The new Low NOx open chamber water heater Riello presents Acquafun 2 LN, the new instantaneous open chamber water heater, fully signed by Riello both in terms of design and manufacturing. Product that is part of the new offer of low NOx emission products able to offer maximum sanitary comfort in compliance with the recent European regulations for the reduction of NOx emissions. The new range is available in two sizes, 11 and 14 litres, available in both CNG and LPG versions, with dedicated codes. Acquafun 2 LN, completely renewed in the aesthetic and planning design, is ideal for installation in any living context, characteristics which, together with the simplicity of maintenance and performance for the end user, distinguish Acquafun 2 as an ideal solution for the production of domestic hot water for residential use. Latest generation burner with reduced Nox emissions The innovative water-cooled hyperstoichiometric type burner allows a significant reduction in the polluting values ​​of carbon monoxide and nitrogen produced by combustion, in compliance with the demanding requirements of EU Regulation 814/2013 which requires emissions equal to or lower than 56 mg/kWh The high heat output , together with the wide flame modulation, up to 45% of the nominal output, complete the profile of the new burner in terms of performance, offering the user maximum sanitary comfort . Simple and intuitive command interface Simple and intuitive backlit display with visualization of water temperature in °C, flame presence and battery charge level Three command buttons allow you to manage all the water heater functions Ease of use for the user due to the keys with symbols dedicated to the single user functions Immediate availability of hot water The innovative electronic gas valve combined with the pressure regulator allows the immediate delivery of the power in delivery, thanks to a controlled management of the flowmeter and the NTC temperature probe. The new electronics allow simplified maintenance and high-level performance. 1. NTC temperature probe 2. Limit thermostat with reset from display 3. Exchanger 4. Cooled burner 5. Electronic gas valve with pressure regulator 6. Flow restrictor 7. Flowmeter 8. Temperature regulator EAF Cold water inlet UAC Hot water outlet The new Acquafun2 LN range is characterized by the rapid achievement of the desired hot water temperature, offering optimal comfort. Product guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-riello-scaldabagno-riello-acquafun2-14-metano-ean-8018000364963


    N.B. Articolo fuori produzione in caso di mancata disponibilità del prodotto sarà spedito il modello nuovo NEXT EVO X 11PanoramicaSCALDABAGNO RIELLO ACQUAFUN 14 METANO: Scaldabagna Camera Aperta dedicatspecificatamente alla sola produzione di acqua calda.Specifiche tecnicheCodice prodotto: 20019746Specifiche etichetta energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErPEfficienza energetica sanitario: Classe AProfilo di carico: profilLCaratteristiche esercizio riscaldamento/sanitario:Potenza utile - focolare: 23,7 - 27,2 kWRendimentutile a potenza max: 87,1%Camera Aperta, tiragginaturalePressione min/normale/max bar 0,2/2/10Campprelievselettore max 40C: 6,7£13,6 l/minProduzione di acqua calda sanitaria: 14 l/minDimensioni (hxlxp) mm 650 x 363 x 245 ; 12,6 KgAlimentazione: METANOElenco caratteristicheACQUAFUNGas metane GPLCamera ApertaAccensione automatica a batteriaAcquafun lscaldabagna Camera Aperta per l'installazione semplice e veloce senza collegamenti elettrici grazie all'alimentazione a batteria. E' disponibile in due modelli: 11 e 14 litri.Caratteristiche:Accensione automatica tramite batteria (1,5 Volt). Estraneda problemi di tensione.La modulazione di fiamma continua permette di mantenere costante la temperatura selezionata al variare della pressione e della portata dell'acqua ottimizzando l'abbinamentai miscelatori meccanici e termostatici.Dispositiveconomizzatore per ridurre i consumi di gas.Batteria a corred(1,5 Volt €«¦ size C €«¦ mezza torcia).Non necessarinessun collegamentalla rete elettrica.L'economizzatore parzializza final 50% la potenza massima per adattarlo alle varie installazioni.Grazie alle dimensioni particolarmente compatte pu essere installatin abitazioni con spazi particolarmente limitati.ErP: Energy related ProductsI nuovi regolamenti europei dei generatori di caloreErP l'acronimo di "Energy related Products" (prodotti connessi all'utilizzdell'energia) ed l'abbreviazione che identifica la Direttiva Europea ErP 2009/125/CE, definita dalla CEE con l'intentdi ridurre il consumo energetico dei prodotti mediante una progettazione ecocompatibile ("eco-design").Il Campo di azione di questa Direttiva Europea estremamente ampiin quantsino ad ora ha interessatprodotti quali lampadine, condizionatori, lavatrici, ventilatori ecc. A seguitdella pubblicazione avvenuta a settembre 2013 di una serie di regolamenti attuativi, a partire dal 26 settembre 2015 si applicher anche sui prodotti del riscaldamente produzione di acqua calda sanitaria.Sempre dalla stessa data diventerannattuativi anche altri regolamenti che implementeranno l'etichettatura energetica delle medesime famiglie di prodotto. Il periodo transitoritra la pubblicazione dei regolamenti e la lorattivazione su tutto il territoridella Comunit Europea si resnecessariper consentire il pieno recepimentdei contenuti da parte delle aziende e dagli attori del mercato.L'etichettatura energetica dei prodotti per il riscaldamente produzione acqua calda sanitariaI regolamenti emanati prevedonche tutti i prodotti destinati al riscaldamento e alla produzione di acqua sanitaria, con potenza termica nominale inferiore o pari a 70 kW, sianimmessi sul mercatcon una etichetta energetica che ne evidenzi la classe di efficienza.Nota: il regolamento prevede l'obbligatoriet della presenza dell'etichetta energetica per l'immissione del prodottdalle fabbriche versil mercato. Tutti i prodotti precedentemente immessi, ad esempipresenti pressi magazzini della distribuzione, possonessere regolarmente commercializzati anche se privi di etichetta energetica. Sonstate previste diverse etichette energetiche sulla base dell'impiegdel generatore utilizzato: per il riscaldamentda A++ a G; per la produzione di acqua sanitaria da A a G.Un nuovmodper guidare il consumatoreLa finalit delle etichette energetiche di consentire al consumatore di identificare con facilit il livelldi efficienza di un prodotte di poter effettuare un confronto omogenetra prodotti che utilizzandiverse tecnologie. Per i prodotti la cui efficienza di trasformazione influenzata dalle condizioni esterne, quali i prodotti a 4 - Scaldabagni a Pompa di Calore, cos¦ come statfattsui condizionatori, il datdi efficienza riportato per la fascia climatica media.Oltre alle etichette energetiche di prodotto, i regolamenti europei hannprevisto anche la creazione di una etichetta di sistema nel cassi realizzi un impiantin cui operindiversi apparecchi, componenti e controlli.Questa etichettatura, grazie alle combinazioni dei dati dei diversi elementi utilizzati nell'impianto, consentir di realizzare sistemi in grado di raggiungere livelli di efficienza anche superiori a quelli dei singoli generatori. Il regolamenteuropeo prevede che l'etichetta di sistema debba essere resa disponibile da chi fornisce e/mette in funzione l'impiant(venditori- installatori); tale facolt perì concessa anche ai costruttori.GaranziaTutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.In assenza del modello vecchio invieremo il modello nuovo 


  • immagine-1-riello-area-occasioni-scaldabagno-a-camera-aperta-riello-acquafun2-11-ln-metano-low-nox-a-basse-emissioni-20149827

    Riello AREA OCCASIONI Scaldabagno a Camera Aperta Riello Acquafun2 11 LN Metano Low NOx A Basse Emissioni 20149827

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA UN'AMMACCATURA INTERNA, FISSAGGIO CON VITI NON DI SERIE, BOZZATURA LATERALE DX, AMMACCATURA LATERALE SX, VITI NON DI SERIE SULLA CANNA FUMARIA E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO L'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE)   Caratteristiche tecniche Modello: AcquaFun2 LN 11 Codice prodotto : 20149827 Gas : Metano Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza energetica in sanitario : A Profilo di carico sanitario : M Efficienza energetica sanitario (ηwh) : 77,2 % Consumo giornaliero di gas : 8,084 kW/h Consumo annuo di gas : 6 GJ Emissioni di ossidi di Azoto : 46 mg/kWh Caratteristiche  Tipologia : Camera aperta Tiraggio Tiraggio naturale Accensione : 2 batterie da 1,5 V Controllo di fiamma : A ionizzazione Modulazione di fiamma : Continua Produzione acqua calda Δt=30° : 9,3 litri/min Portata termica nominale : 21,0 ~ 22,0 kW Potenza termica nominale : 18,33 ~  19,43 kW Performance Acqua Campo di prelievo con selettore al minimo : da 2,5 a 5,5 litri/min Campo di prelievo con selettore al massimo : da 2,5 a 11 litri/min Elevazione di temperatura dell’acqua con selettore al minimo : 50°C Elevazione di temperatura dell’acqua con selettore al massimo : 25°C Pressione minima ~ normale ~ massima : 0,2 ~ 2,0 ~ 10,0 bar Attacchi acqua : 12,70 mm 1/2” Ø  Campo di selezione temperatura acqua sanitario : 35° ~ 60° C Performance Gas Pressione nominale di alimentazione G20,G30,G31 : 20/28 ~  30/37 mbar Attacchi gas : 12,70 mm 1/2” Ø Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Grado di protezione elettrica : IPX4D Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (HxLxP) : 675x350x230 mm Peso netto : 12,0 Kg Scaldacqua Riello ACQUAFUN 2 LN Il nuovo scaldacqua Low NOx a camera aperta Riello presenta Acquafun2 LN, il nuovo scaldaacqua istantaneo a camera aperta , integralmente a firma Riello sia come progettazione che come fabbricazione. Prodotto che si inserisce nella nuova offerta di prodotti a basse emissioni NOx in grado di offrire il massimo comfort sanitario nel rispetto delle recenti normative Europee per la riduzione di emissioni NOx. La nuova gamma è disponibile in due taglie , 11 e 14 litri, disponibili in versione Metano che Gpl , con codici dedicati. Acquafun2 LN, completamente rinnovato nel design estetico e progettuale, è ideale per l'installazione in ogni contesto abitativo, caratteristiche che, unitamente alla semplicità di manutenzione e di prestazione per l'utente finale, contraddistinguono Acquafun2 come una soluzione ideale per la produzione di acqua calda sanitario ad uso residenziale. Bruciatore di ultima generazione con ridotte emissioni di Nox L'innovativo bruciatore di tipo iperstechiometrico e raffreddato ad acqua, permette un abbassamento sensibile dei valori inquinanti di ossido di carbonio e di azoto prodotti dalla combustione, in ottemperanza con gli esigenti requisiti previsti dal Regolamento UE 814/2013 che richiede emissioni uguali o inferioria 56 mg/kwh L'elevata portata termica , unitamente all'ampia modulazione di fiamma , fino al 45% della portata nominale , completano il profilo del nuovo bruciatore in termini di performance, offrendo all'utente il massimo comfort sanitario. Interfaccia comandi semplice ed intuitiva Display retroilluminato semplice ed intuitivo con visualizzazione di temperatura dell'acqua in °C,presenza fiamma e livello di carica batteria Tre tasti comando permettono di gestire tutte le funzioni dello scalda acqua Semplicità di utilizzo per l'utente dovuta ai tasti con simboli dedicati alle singole funzioni utente Disponibilità immediata di acqua calda L'innovativa valvola gas elettronica abbinata al regolatore di pressione consente l'immediata erogazione della potenza in mandata, grazie ad una gestione controllata del flussimetro e della sonda di temperatura NTC. La nuova elettronica permette una manutenzione semplificata e prestazioni di alto livello. 1. Sonda NTC di temperatura 2. Termostato limite con riarmo da display 3. Scambiatore 4. Bruciatore raffreddato 5. Valvola gas elettronica con regolatore di pressione 6. Limitatore di flusso 7. Flussimetro 8. Regolatore di temperatura EAF Entrata acqua fredda UAC Uscita acqua calda La nuova gamma Acquafun2 LN si caratterizza per il raggiungimento in tempi brevi della temperatura dell’acqua calda desiderata, offrendo un comfort ottimale. Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-riello-scaldabagno-a-gas-a-camera-aperta-riello-acquafun2-11-ln-metano-low-nox-a-basse-emissioni-20149827-ean-8018000364772

    Riello Open Chamber Gas Water Heater Riello Acquafun2 11 Ln Methane Low Nox Low Emissions 20149827

    Technical features Model: AcquaFun2 LN 11 Product code : 20149827 Methane gas Energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency class: A Sanitary load profile : M Sanitary energy efficiency (ηwh) : 77.2% Daily gas consumption : 8.084 kW/h Annual gas consumption : 6 GJ Emissions of nitrogen oxides: 46 mg/kWh Characteristics Typology : Open chamber Draft Natural draft Ignition : 2 x 1.5V batteries Flame control : By ionization Flame modulation : Continue Hot water production Δt=30° : 9.3 litres/min Nominal heat input : 21.0 ~ 22.0 kW Rated heat output: 18.33~19.43kW Performance Water Withdrawal range with selector at minimum : from 2.5 to 5.5 litres/min Withdrawal range with selector at maximum : from 2.5 to 11 litres/min Water temperature rise with selector at minimum : 50°C Water temperature rise with selector at maximum : 25°C Minimum ~ normal ~ maximum pressure : 0.2 ~ 2.0 ~ 10.0 bar Water connections: 12.70 mm 1/2” Ø DHW temperature selection range: 35° ~ 60° C Performance Gases Nominal supply pressure G20,G30,G31 : 20/28 ~ 30/37 mbar Gas connections: 12.70 mm 1/2” Ø Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Electrical protection degree : IPX4D Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 675x350x230 mm Net weight : 12.0 Kg Riello ACQUAFUN 2 LN water heater The new Low NOx open chamber water heater Riello presents Acquafun 2 LN, the new instantaneous open chamber water heater, fully signed by Riello both in terms of design and manufacturing. Product that is part of the new offer of low NOx emission products able to offer maximum sanitary comfort in compliance with the recent European regulations for the reduction of NOx emissions. The new range is available in two sizes, 11 and 14 litres, available in both CNG and LPG versions, with dedicated codes. Acquafun 2 LN, completely renewed in the aesthetic and planning design, is ideal for installation in any living context, characteristics which, together with the simplicity of maintenance and performance for the end user, distinguish Acquafun 2 as an ideal solution for the production of domestic hot water for residential use. Latest generation burner with reduced Nox emissions The innovative water-cooled hyperstoichiometric type burner allows a significant reduction in the polluting values ​​of carbon monoxide and nitrogen produced by combustion, in compliance with the demanding requirements of EU Regulation 814/2013 which requires emissions equal to or lower than 56 mg/kWh The high heat output , together with the wide flame modulation, up to 45% of the nominal output, complete the profile of the new burner in terms of performance, offering the user maximum sanitary comfort . Simple and intuitive command interface Simple and intuitive backlit display with visualization of water temperature in °C, flame presence and battery charge level Three command buttons allow you to manage all the water heater functions Ease of use for the user due to the keys with symbols dedicated to the single user functions Immediate availability of hot water The innovative electronic gas valve combined with the pressure regulator allows the immediate delivery of the power in delivery, thanks to a controlled management of the flowmeter and the NTC temperature probe. The new electronics allow simplified maintenance and high-level performance. 1. NTC temperature probe 2. Limit thermostat with reset from display 3. Exchanger 4. Cooled burner 5. Electronic gas valve with pressure regulator 6. Flow restrictor 7. Flowmeter 8. Temperature regulator EAF Cold water inlet UAC Hot water outlet The new Acquafun2 LN range is characterized by the rapid achievement of the desired hot water temperature, offering optimal comfort. Product guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-riello-scaldabagno-riello-acquafun-14-gpl

    Riello Riello Acquafun 14 LPG water heater

    Overview RIELLO ACQUAFUN 14 LPG WATER HEATER: Open Chamber water heater specifically dedicated to the production of hot water only. Technical specifications Product code: 20019747 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Sanitary energy efficiency: Class A Load profile: profileL Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Useful power - firebox: 23.7 - 27.2 kW Efficiency at max power: 87.1% Open room, natural draught Min/normal/max pressure bar 0.2/2/10 Camppreliev selector max 40C: 6.7£13.6 l/min Domestic hot water production: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 650 x 363 x 245 ; 12.6 kgs Power supply: LPG Features list WATERFUN Methane gas LPG Open Room Automatic battery start Acquafun Open Chamber water heater for quick and easy installation without electrical connections thanks to battery power supply. It is available in two models: 11 and 14 litres. Characteristics: Automatic ignition by battery (1.5 Volt). Get rid of tension problems. The continuous flame modulation allows the selected temperature to be kept constant as the pressure and water flow vary, optimizing the combination with mechanical and thermostatic mixers. Economizer device to reduce gas consumption. Supplied battery (1.5 Volt €«¦ size C €«¦ half torch). No mains connection required. The economizer chokes the maximum power by 50% to adapt it to the various installations. Thanks to its particularly compact dimensions, it can be installed in homes with particularly limited spaces. ErP: Energy related Products The new European regulations for heat generators ErP is the acronym of "Energy related Products" and the abbreviation that identifies the European Directive ErP 2009/125/EC, defined by the EEC with the intention of reducing the energy consumption of products through a eco-design ("eco-design"). The field of action of this European Directive is extremely broad since up to now it has affected products such as light bulbs, air conditioners, washing machines, fans, etc. Following the publication in September 2013 of a series of implementing regulations, starting from 26 September 2015 they will also apply to heating products for the production of domestic hot water. Also from the same date, other regulations will also become effective which will implement the energy labeling of the same product families. The transitory period between the publication of the regulations and their activation throughout the territory of the European Community is necessary to allow the full transposition of the contents by companies and market players. The energy labeling of products for heating domestic hot water production The regulations issued require that all products intended for heating and the production of domestic hot water, with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW, are placed on the market with an energy label that highlights their efficiency class. Note: the regulation provides for the mandatory presence of the energy label for the introduction of the product from the factories to the market. All the products previously introduced, for example present near distribution warehouses, can be regularly marketed even if they do not have an energy label. Various energy labels have been provided based on the use of the generator used: for heating from A++ to G; for the production of domestic hot water from A to G. A new mod to guide the consumer The purpose of energy labels is to allow the consumer to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product, to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as products with 4 - Heat Pump Water Heaters, as well as those on air conditioners, the efficiency data reported for the average climatic range. In addition to the product energy labels, European regulations have also provided for the creation of a system label in the case of creating a plant in which various appliances, components and controls operate. This labelling, thanks to the combinations of the data of the various elements used in the plant, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual generators. The European regulation states that the system label must be made available by whoever supplies and/operates the system (sellers-installers); this faculty was also granted to builders. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-riello-scaldabagno-riello-acquafun2-14-metano-ean-8018000364963

    Riello Riello Acquafun2 14 methane water heater

    Overview RIELLO ACQUAFUN2 14 METHANE WATER HEATER: Open Chamber water heater specifically dedicated to the production of hot water only. Technical specifications Product code: 20019746 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Sanitary energy efficiency: Class A Load profile: profileL Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Useful power - firebox: 23.7 - 27.2 kW Efficiency at max power: 87.1% Open room, natural draught Min/normal/max pressure bar 0.2/2/10 Camppreliev selector max 40C: 6.7£13.6 l/min Domestic hot water production: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 650 x 363 x 245 ; 12.6 kgs Power supply: METHANE Features list WATERFUN2 Methane gas LPG Open Room Automatic battery start Acquafun Open Chamber water heater for quick and easy installation without electrical connections thanks to battery power supply. It is available in two models: 11 and 14 litres. Characteristics: Automatic ignition by battery (1.5 Volt). Get rid of tension problems. The continuous flame modulation allows the selected temperature to be kept constant as the pressure and water flow vary, optimizing the combination with mechanical and thermostatic mixers. Economizer device to reduce gas consumption. Supplied battery (1.5 Volt €«¦ size C €«¦ half torch). No mains connection required. The economizer chokes the maximum power by 50% to adapt it to the various installations. Thanks to its particularly compact dimensions, it can be installed in homes with particularly limited spaces. ErP: Energy related Products The new European regulations for heat generators ErP is the acronym of "Energy related Products" and the abbreviation that identifies the European Directive ErP 2009/125/EC, defined by the EEC with the intention of reducing the energy consumption of products through a eco-design ("eco-design"). The field of action of this European Directive is extremely broad since up to now it has affected products such as light bulbs, air conditioners, washing machines, fans, etc. Following the publication in September 2013 of a series of implementing regulations, starting from 26 September 2015 they will also apply to heating products for the production of domestic hot water. Also from the same date, other regulations will also become effective which will implement the energy labeling of the same product families. The transitory period between the publication of the regulations and their activation throughout the territory of the European Community is necessary to allow the full transposition of the contents by companies and market players. The energy labeling of products for heating domestic hot water production The regulations issued require that all products intended for heating and the production of domestic hot water, with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW, are placed on the market with an energy label that highlights their efficiency class. Note: the regulation provides for the mandatory presence of the energy label for the introduction of the product from the factories to the market. All the products previously introduced, for example present near distribution warehouses, can be regularly marketed even if they do not have an energy label. Various energy labels have been provided based on the use of the generator used: for heating from A++ to G; for the production of domestic hot water from A to G. A new mod to guide the consumer The purpose of energy labels is to allow the consumer to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product, to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as products with 4 - Heat Pump Water Heaters, as well as those on air conditioners, the efficiency data reported for the average climatic range. In addition to the product energy labels, European regulations have also provided for the creation of a system label in the case of creating a plant in which various appliances, components and controls operate. This labelling, thanks to the combinations of the data of the various elements used in the plant, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual generators. The European regulation states that the system label must be made available by whoever supplies and/operates the system (sellers-installers); this faculty was also granted to builders. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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