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Scopri la nostra esclusiva selezione di Savio, perfetti per arricchire la tua casa o il tuo spazio lavorativo con stile, comfort e funzionalità. Ogni pezzo è scelto per garantire la migliore qualità e soddisfare ogni tua esigenza.

21 products

  • immagine-1-savio-area-occasioni-caldaia-savio-inoxdens-moon-25-s-a-condensazione-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-metano-low-nox-metano-wi-fi-ready

    Savio AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia SAVIO InoxDens Moon 25 S A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Metano low NOx Metano Wi-Fi Ready

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA GRAFFI E RIENTRANZA SULLA PARTE FRONTALE, AMMACCATURA E BOZZATURA LATERALE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO L'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Caldaia SAVIO Inoxdens Moon 25 S A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Metano low NOx - NOVITA' Dati tecnici Portata termica nominale riscaldamento/sanitario kW 21,0 / 26,0 Portata termica minima riscaldamento/sanitario kW 3,0 / 3,0 Potenza utile massima riscaldamento/sanitario 60°/80°C *kW 20,7 / 25,6 Potenza utile minima riscaldamento/sanitario 60°/80°C * kW 2,8 / 2,8 Potenza utile massima riscaldamento/sanitario 30°/50°C ** kW 22,8 / 28,2 Potenza utile minima riscaldamento/sanitario 30°/50°C ** kW 3,2 / 3,2 Quantità di condensa a Q.nom. 30°/50°C (in riscaldamento) ** l/h 4,2 Quantità di condensa a Q.min. 30°/50°C (in riscaldamento) ** l/h 0,5 Rendim. nom. 60°/80°C *%  98,4 Classe NOx 6 Temperatura minima/massima riscaldamento **** °C 25 / 80 Pressione minima/massima riscaldamento bar 0,3 / 3 Capacità del vaso espansione (totale/utile) l 7 Portata massima (ΔT=25 K) / (ΔT=35 K) l/min 15,4 / 10,7 Tensione/Potenza alla portata termica nominale V~/ W 230 / 100 Grado di protezione IPX5D Altezza x Larghezza x Profondità mm 700 x 400 x 300 Inoxdens Moon La caldaia a condensazione InoxDens Moon, a differenza delle caldaie tradizionali, consente di recuperare energia condensando il vapore acqueo contenuto nei fumi di scarico; cioè, a parità di calore prodotto, consuma meno gas ed inoltre i fumi di scarico contengono meno sostanze dannose per l’ambiente. I materiali che la compongono e i sistemi di regolazione di cui è dotata offrono sicurezza, comfort elevato e risparmio energetico, così da poter apprezzare al massimo i vantaggi del riscaldamento autonomo.InoxDens Moon è il nuovo modello SAVIOdi caldaia murale a condensazione.Offre ottime prestazioni e alti rendimenti che durano nel tempo, grazie all’innovativo scambiatore di calore. Semplice da utilizzare grazie al pannello di controllo digitale, con display progettato per comunicare con l’utente in maniera facile e comoda. Il comfort è a portata di mano Grazie all’App Savio Connect è possibile gestire la caldaia da remoto. Per utilizzarla è necessario disporre del KIT Savio Connect optional in aggiunta al comando remoto evoluto Il comando evoluto (classe V) consente di modulare la temperatura di mandata dell’acqua dell’impianto in funzione della temperatura ambiente e della temperatura esterna.Quali sono i vantaggi? Riduzione dei consumi, risparmio energetico ed estrema flessibilità: la regolazione è flessibile in base alle proprie esigenze ed abitudini giornaliere. Si può inoltre regolare con un click la temperatura dell’acqua calda sanitaria Consapevolezza del proprio impianto: si può sempre vigilare in tempo reale sul corretto funzionamento del generatore di calore Sicurezza: Si possono vedere in tempo reale eventuali anomalie, unitamente al relativo codice di errore. Così si potrà intervenire immediatamente e quando possibile anche da remoto Kit "SAVIO Connect"È un "Dispositivo di connessione" WiFi che, operando nelle rete WLAN domestica, permette il controllo della termoregolazione ambiente e del funzionamento della caldaia, sia localmente che da remoto, mediante la nostra APP dedicata. Caratteristiche tecniche Caldaia con scambiatore primario in acciaio inox mono circuito, privo di giunzioni e/o saldature, che mantiene un’alta efficienza anche su impianti non recenti Nuovo sistema di combustione con tecnologia brevettata gas-adaptive (Advanced Adaptive Gas Combustion Control – A²GC²) L’elettronica analizza continuamente la combustione (CO2) attraverso il segnale di fiamma e interviene agendo sulla valvola gas e sul ventilatore, per permettere una corretta combustione in tutte le condizioni d’utilizzo. L’elettronica permette di adattare facilmente la caldaia ai vari tipi di gas senza dover intervenire con kit di trasformazione meccanica Produzione istantanea di acqua calda sanitaria con scambiatore a piastre dedicato Funzione Prerirscaldo Sanitario: maggior rapidità nell’erogazione di acqua calda sanitaria Interfaccia utente con display e tasti multifunzione per la regolazione e l’impostazione dei parametri By-pass di serie facilmente ispezionabile Sistema Protezione camino: gestione elettronica delle sovratemperature fumi, garantendo la massima protezione del camino Intubamento su canne fumarie: particolarmente adatta al funzionamento in canne fumarie che necessitano di intubamenti che presentano alte perdite di carico Minime emissioni inquinanti (classe VI - EN 15502-1) Funzionamento a temperatura scorrevole tramite sonda esterna opzionale Circolatore riscaldamento modulante a basso consumo (ErP Ready - Classe A) Controllo fiamma digitale a tre tentativi di riaccensione in caso di blocco funzionamento per mancanza di rilevazione fiamma (configurazione a metano) Mantellatura smontabile in tre pezzi per una più semplice manutenzione o ispezione Per versioni SV: possibilità di impostare la potenza massima erogabile al bollitore esterno Tecnologia Gas AdaptiveMeno consumi, più efficienza, meno emissioni L’innovativa tecnologia Adaptive Gas, di cui sono dotati tutti i modelli della linea InoxDens, consente l’adattamento in completa autonomia delle caldaie alle diverse tipologie e qualità di gas. L’elettrodo, oltre a rilevare la fiamma, rileva anche le caratteristiche del gas e adatta automaticamente i parametri di combustione per mantenere il massimo livello di efficenza, con conseguente riduzione dei consumi e delle emissioni rispetto ai sistemi di controllo tradizionale. ll sistema Adaptive gas rende la caldaia predisposta a funzionare con qualsiasi tipo di gas senza trasformazioni. Regolazione automatica del gas Adattamento al cambio della qualità del gas Combustione pulita Unico modello adatto a metano e GPL che consente di ottimizzare il magazzinio Nelle caldaie tradizionali i valori della combustione vengono rilevati e regolati solo in fase di manutenzione, inoltre la composizione dei gas di rete non è sempre costante e può creare sulle caldaie prive di dispositivi di controllo della combustione inefficenze del funzionamento compromettendo l’affidabilità, i risparmi e la qualità delle emissioni.Grazie al sistema Gas-Adaptive, le nuove caldaie a condensazione controllano elettronicamente la combustione gestendo al meglio ed in ogni momento l’apporto di gas e aria, adattando automaticamente la CO2. Una produzione "Plastic-FREE"Per un ambiente più sostenibileUn elemento fondamentale che ha guidato tutta la fase di progettazione della nuova caldaia InoxDens Moon è la forte attenzione nei confronti dell’economia circolare. Per questo abbiamo impiegato componenti con un maggiore tasso di riciclabilità, eliminando il più possibile l’utilizzo della plastica. Il gruppo in plastica, ad esempio, è stato sostituito con il gruppo in ottone, materiale completamente riciclabile. I gusci di protezione della caldaia sono stati realizzati in cartone e non più in polistirolo. Il frontale, inoltre, non è più in plastica ma in acciaio stampato. Scambiatore primario monospira ad alta circolazioneSavio, introduce nel 2017 lo scambiatore Round. Dimostrata la grandissima affidabilità lo addotta nella gamma InoxDens Moon. Round è uno scambiatore di calore monotermico compatto basato su una serpentina di acciaio inox con una sezione ovale. Lo scambiatore di calore è costituito da una camera di combustione, zona di condensazione e un disco metallico coibentato protetto con fibra ceramica siliconica che separa le due aree.Utilizzando un singolo nastro di acciaio inossidabile per produrre la serpentina, compresi attacchi ingresso/uscita, si ottengono i seguenti vantaggi: Si evita l’accumulo di sporco e detriti La portata acqua è distribuita uniformemente e garantisce uno scambio termico omogeneo La portata acqua è costante per una più lunga vita del prodotto Riduzione delle perdite di carico con circuito ottimizzato La facilita di pulizia e la robustezza di tale scambiatore sono uno dei principali punti di forza del prodotto dato che può essere utilizzato su impianti nuovi ma anche su impianti vecchi in caso di ristrutturazioni. Round integra la funzione round flow nella quale l’acqua produce un effetto centrifugo di pulizia delle pareti interne della mono spira. L’assenza di circuiti in parallelo garantisce una agevole operazione di “lavaggio” dello scambiatore e l’eliminazione di eventuale aria presente nel circuito dell’impianto. Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Caldaia Savio Inoxdens He 25s* A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Gpl - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Inoxdens He 25s* Condensing Boiler Complete With LPG Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    SAVIO INOXDENS HE 25S* Condensing Boiler Complete With LPG Fume Exhaust Kit - NEW ErP Model: INOXdens HE 25S ErP specifications Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency Class A Withdrawal profile: XL Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 21.0/26.0 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power 60°/80°C: 20.3/25.1 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power 30°/50°C: 22.4/22.4 kW Yield name 60°/80°C: 96.6% Yield at 30% load: 107.6% Energy Efficiency ★★★★ NOx class 6 Weighted NOx: 45 mg/kWh Minimum/maximum heating temperature: 25/80°C Minimum/maximum heating pressure 3.0/0.3 bar Expansion tank capacity 7.0 l (total) Minimum/maximum domestic hot water temperature 35/60°C Maximum flow rate (ΔT=25 K)/(ΔT=35 K): 14.4/10.3 l/min Specific sanitary flow rate (ΔT=30 K): 12 l/min Voltage / Power at nominal heat input V~/ W 230/99 Degree of protection IPX5D Dimensions HxWxD 700x400x290; 31 Kgs Power supply: LPG INOXDENS The perfect compact boiler for underfloor systems and radiator systems The adjustable maximum useful power parameter in heating meets the needs of modern construction without compromising the comfort required in the production of domestic hot water. In fact, this function makes it possible to limit the maximum useful power in heating, independently of the useful DHW power. INOXDENS HE is the new Savio range of wall-mounted condensing boilers: excellent performance thanks to the new heat exchanger and ease of use thanks to the digital control panel with large display. Available in the versions for heating and domestic hot water production and for heating only INOXDENS HE presents a complete range of powers, 20 and 30 kW combi models and 16 KW SV models, in the same extremely compact dimensions (700 x 400 x 290 mm). INOXDENS HE has its strong point in the innovative heat exchanger designed to provide long-lasting high yields digital control panel, designed to communicate with the user in an easy and comfortable way. Like the entire Savio condensing range, INOXDENS HE allows you to obtain maximum savings from climatic thermoregulation, based on the system in which the boiler is installed. High yields (★★★★ compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) Sanitary comfort (★★★ EN 13203) Primary condensing exchanger in stainless steel with steel lining to offer maximum resistance to corrosion Total premix burner, built in stainless steel (Class NOx 6) Modulation 1:5 CNG and also LPG Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel 7 liter expansion tank High efficiency pump with low energy consumption Maximum power adjustable according to the system Degree of protection IPX5D Can be installed in a partially protected place Integration with Savio solar systems, using a solar kit Digital control panel with backlit display Analog pressure reading Arrangement for remote control and external probe. High regulation single coil primary heat exchanger Savio introduces the new stainless steel heat exchanger for condensing boilers to the market: Round. Round is a compact monothermal heat exchanger based on a stainless steel coil with an oval section. The heat exchanger consists of a combustion chamber, condensing area and an insulated metal disc protected with silicone ceramic fiber which separates the two areas. By using a single strip of stainless steel to produce the coil, including inlet/outlet fittings, the following benefits are achieved: Accumulation of dirt and debris is avoided The water flow is uniformly distributed and guarantees a homogeneous heat exchange The water flow is constant for a longer life of the product Reduction of pressure drops with optimized circuit The ease of cleaning and the sturdiness of this exchanger are one of the main strengths of the product since it can be used on new systems but also on old systems in the event of renovations . Round integrates the round flow function in which the water produces a centrifugal cleaning effect on the internal walls of the single coil. The absence of circuits in parallel guarantees an easy "washing" operation of the exchanger and the elimination of any air present in the system circuit. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Savio Edilia He 35 Da Incasso A Condensazione Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Low Nox Cassone Optional - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Edilia He 35 Built-in LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Low Nox Fume Exhaust Kit Cassette Optional

    optional box Savio Edilia HE 35 built-in LPG condensing boiler complete with low NOx flue exhaust kit Cassone Optional Model: Edilia HE LPG product code 10304.1012.0 Energy class A ErP specifications Heating/DHW nominal heat input 29.0 / 33.5 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power 60°/80°C * 28.2 / 32.5 kW Energy Efficiency ★★★★ NOx class 6 Minimum/maximum heating pressure bar 0.3 / 3.0 Minimum/maximum DHW pressure bar 0.3 / 10.0 Degree of protection n° IPX5D Height x Width x Depth mm 1200x600x240 EDILIA Edilia HE is the new Savio range of built-in condensing boilers . Excellent performance and high yields that last over time thanks to the innovative heat exchanger. Ease of use thanks to the digital control panel with display designed to communicate with the user easily and comfortably. Available in versions for heating and domestic hot water production Edilia HE presents a complete range of powers, 20 and 35 kW combi models in the same extremely compact dimensions: 1200 x 600 x 240 mm. Both versions of Edilia HE are in class A , therefore they benefit from the tax deduction according to current legislation. Main features High yields (★★★★ compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) Sanitary comfort (★★★ EN 13203) Primary condensing exchanger in stainless steel with steel lining to offer maximum resistance to corrosion Total premix burner, built in stainless steel (Class NOx 6) Modulation 1:5 CNG and also LPG Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel 7 l expansion vessel for mod. 25S and 10 l for mod. 35S High efficiency pump with low energy consumption Maximum power adjustable according to the system Degree of protection IPX5D Recessed installation in the wall Integration with Savio solar systems, using a solar kit Digital control panel with backlit display Analog reading of the pressure on the machine, digital on the remote Arrangement for remote control (optional) and external probe as standard High circulation single coil primary heat exchanger Savio introduces the new stainless steel heat exchanger for condensing boilers to the market: Round . Round is a compact monothermal heat exchanger based on a stainless steel coil with an oval section. The heat exchanger consists of a combustion chamber, condensing area and an insulated metal disc protected with silicone ceramic fiber which separates the two areas. By using a single stainless steel strip to produce the coil, including inlet/outlet fittings, the following benefits are achieved: Accumulation of dirt and debris is avoided The water flow is uniformly distributed and guarantees a homogeneous heat exchange The water flow is constant for a longer life of the product Reduction of pressure drops with optimized circuit The ease of cleaning and the sturdiness of this exchanger are one of the main strengths of the product since it can be used on new systems but also on old systems in the event of renovations . Round integrates the round flow function in which the water produces a centrifugal cleaning effect on the internal walls of the single coil. The absence of circuits in parallel guarantees an easy "washing" operation of the exchanger and the elimination of any air present in the system circuit. Thermoregulation By connecting the external probe (standard) and the remote control (optional) directly to the boiler, climatic regulation can be used. Edilia HE will adapt the system water temperature to the external climatic conditions, ensuring that the desired room temperature is reached without waste and optimizing consumption . By using the climatic regulation, the regulation efficiency is also raised, giving greater value to your home . Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Savio Edilia He 35 Da Incasso A Condensazione Metano Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Low Nox Cassone Optional - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Edilia He 35 Built-in Methane Condensing Boiler Complete With Low Nox Fume Exhaust Kit Cassette Optional

    optional box SAVIO INOXDENS HE 25S* Condensing Boiler Complete With Methane Fume Exhaust Kit - NEW ErP Model: Edilia HE Natural gas product code 10314.1011.0 Energy class A ErP specifications Heating/DHW nominal heat input 29.0 / 33.5 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power 60°/80°C * 28.2 / 32.5 kW Energy Efficiency ★★★★ NOx class 6 Minimum/maximum heating pressure bar 0.3 / 3.0 Minimum/maximum DHW pressure bar 0.3 / 10.0 Degree of protection n° IPX5D Height x Width x Depth mm 1200x600x240 EDILIA Edilia HE is the new Savio range of built-in condensing boilers . Excellent performance and high yields that last over time thanks to the innovative heat exchanger. Ease of use thanks to the digital control panel with display designed to communicate with the user easily and comfortably. Available in versions for heating and domestic hot water production Edilia HE presents a complete range of powers, 20 and 35 kW combi models in the same extremely compact dimensions: 1200 x 600 x 240 mm. Both versions of Edilia HE are in class A , therefore they benefit from the tax deduction according to current legislation. Main features High yields (★★★★ compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) Sanitary comfort (★★★ EN 13203) Primary condensing exchanger in stainless steel with steel lining to offer maximum resistance to corrosion Total premix burner, built in stainless steel (Class NOx 6) Modulation 1:5 CNG and also LPG Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel 7 l expansion tank for mod. 25S and 10 l for mod. 35S High efficiency pump with low energy consumption Maximum power adjustable according to the system Degree of protection IPX5D Recessed installation in the wall Integration with Savio solar systems, using a solar kit Digital control panel with backlit display Analog reading of the pressure on the machine, digital on the remote Arrangement for remote control (optional) and external probe as standard High circulation single coil primary heat exchanger Savio introduces the new stainless steel heat exchanger for condensing boilers to the market: Round . Round is a compact monothermal heat exchanger based on a stainless steel coil with an oval section. The heat exchanger consists of a combustion chamber, condensing area and an insulated metal disc protected with silicone ceramic fiber which separates the two areas. By using a single stainless steel strip to produce the coil, including inlet/outlet fittings, the following benefits are achieved: Accumulation of dirt and debris is avoided The water flow is uniformly distributed and guarantees a homogeneous heat exchange The water flow is constant for a longer life of the product Reduction of pressure drops with optimized circuit The ease of cleaning and the sturdiness of this exchanger are one of the main strengths of the product since it can be used on new systems but also on old systems in the event of renovations . Round integrates the round flow function in which the water produces a centrifugal cleaning effect on the internal walls of the single coil. The absence of circuits in parallel guarantees an easy "washing" operation of the exchanger and the elimination of any air present in the system circuit. Thermoregulation By connecting the external probe (standard) and the remote control (optional) directly to the boiler, climatic regulation can be used. Edilia HE will adapt the system water temperature to the external climatic conditions, ensuring that the desired room temperature is reached without waste and optimizing consumption . By using the climatic regulation, the regulation efficiency is also raised, giving greater value to your home . Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Savio Inoxdens He 25s* A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Gpl Completa Di Defangatore Rbm - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Inoxdens He 25s* Condensing Boiler Complete With LPG Fume Exhaust Kit Complete With Rbm Dirt Remover

    SAVIO INOXDENS HE 25S* Condensing Boiler Complete With LPG Fume Exhaust Kit RBM FREE !! Model: INOXdens HE 25S ErP specifications Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency Class A Withdrawal profile: XL Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 21.0/26.0 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power 60°/80°C: 20.3/25.1 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power 30°/50°C: 22.4/22.4 kW Yield name 60°/80°C: 96.6% Yield at 30% load: 107.6% Energy Efficiency ★★★★ NOx class 6 Weighted NOx: 45 mg/kWh Minimum/maximum heating temperature: 25/80°C Minimum/maximum heating pressure 3.0/0.3 bar Expansion tank capacity 7.0 l (total) Minimum/maximum domestic hot water temperature 35/60°C Maximum flow rate (ΔT=25 K)/(ΔT=35 K): 14.4/10.3 l/min Specific sanitary flow rate (ΔT=30 K): 12 l/min Voltage / Power at nominal heat input V~/ W 230/99 Degree of protection IPX5D Dimensions HxWxD 700x400x290; 31 Kgs Power supply: LPG INOXDENS The perfect compact boiler for underfloor systems and radiator systems The adjustable maximum useful power parameter in heating meets the needs of modern construction without compromising the comfort required in the production of domestic hot water. In fact, this function makes it possible to limit the maximum useful power in heating, independently of the useful DHW power. INOXDENS HE is the new Savio range of wall-mounted condensing boilers: excellent performance thanks to the new heat exchanger and ease of use thanks to the digital control panel with large display. Available in the versions for heating and domestic hot water production and for heating only INOXDENS HE presents a complete range of powers, 20 and 30 kW combi models and 16 KW SV models, in the same extremely compact dimensions (700 x 400 x 290 mm). INOXDENS HE has its strong point in the innovative heat exchanger designed to provide long-lasting high yields digital control panel, designed to communicate with the user in an easy and comfortable way. Like the entire Savio condensing range, INOXDENS HE allows you to obtain maximum savings from climatic thermoregulation, based on the system in which the boiler is installed. High yields (★★★★ compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) Sanitary comfort (★★★ EN 13203) Primary condensing exchanger in stainless steel with steel lining to offer maximum resistance to corrosion Total premix burner, built in stainless steel (Class NOx 6) Modulation 1:5 CNG and also LPG Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel 7 liter expansion tank High efficiency pump with low energy consumption Maximum power adjustable according to the system Degree of protection IPX5D Can be installed in a partially protected place Integration with Savio solar systems, using a solar kit Digital control panel with backlit display Analog pressure reading Arrangement for remote control and external probe. High regulation single coil primary heat exchanger Savio introduces the new stainless steel heat exchanger for condensing boilers to the market: Round. Round is a compact monothermal heat exchanger based on a stainless steel coil with an oval section. The heat exchanger consists of a combustion chamber, condensing area and an insulated metal disc protected with silicone ceramic fiber which separates the two areas. By using a single strip of stainless steel to produce the coil, including inlet/outlet fittings, the following benefits are achieved: Accumulation of dirt and debris is avoided The water flow is uniformly distributed and guarantees a homogeneous heat exchange The water flow is constant for a longer life of the product Reduction of pressure drops with optimized circuit Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Savio Actadens 25 S A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Low Nox Metano - Novità - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Actadens 25 SA Condensing Boiler Complete With Low Nox Methane Fume Exhaust Kit - New

    SAVIO INOXDENS HE 25S* Condensing Boiler Complete With Methane Fume Exhaust Kit - NEW ErP Code 10312.0214.0 Acta Dens model Performance DHW nominal heat input kW (kcal/h) 26.0 (22356) Nominal heat input * heating kW (kcal/h) ) 21.0 (18057) Maximum useful power in heating 60/80° kW (kcal/h) 20.5 (17627) Useful power in DHW 60/80° kW (kcal/h) 25.4 (21840) Efficiency at 100% load (50/30 °C) % 106.8 Sanitary flow rate ∆t =25°K l/min 14.7 8 liter expansion vessel NOx class 6 Dimensions Dimensions HxWxD mm 703x400x325 actaDENS Acta Dens completes the Savio range with premixed condensing: perfect for radiator systems and suitable for radiant systems with mixing groups. ActaDens is the compact condensing boiler that ensures high yields, low consumption and respect for the environment. Available for heating and domestic hot water production, in power ratings of 25 and 30 kW. Main features Primary condensing exchanger in stainless steel with steel lining to offer maximum resistance to corrosion Total premix burner, stainless steel (Nox Class 6) Modulation 1:5 CNG and also LPG Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel 8 liter expansion vessel High efficiency pump with low energy consumption Can be installed in a partially protected place Integration with SAVIO solar systems, using a solar kit Analog pressure reading Arrangement for remote control and external probe High circulation single coil primary heat exchanger Savio introduces the new stainless steel heat exchanger for condensing boilers to the market: Round. Round is a compact monothermal heat exchanger based on a stainless steel coil with an oval section. The heat exchanger consists of a combustion chamber, condensing area and an insulated metal disc protected with silicone ceramic fiber which separates the two areas. Using a single stainless steel strip to produce the coil, including inlet / outlet connections, the following advantages are obtained: The accumulation of dirt and debris is avoided The water flow is uniformly distributed and guarantees a homogeneous heat exchange Reduction of pressure drops with optimized circuit. The ease of cleaning and the robustness of this exchanger are one of the main strengths of the product since it can be used on new systems but also on old systems in the event of renovations. Round integrates the round flow function in which the water produces a centrifugal cleaning effect on the internal walls of the single coil. The absence of circuits in parallel guarantees an easy "washing" operation of the exchanger and the elimination of any air present in the system circuit. Control panel: Summer/winter/off selector Heating temperature regulator DHW temperature regulator Analog pressure reading DHW and heating temperature visualization from the display Display of fault diagnostics, block status and fault history The display operates in the following modes: INFO – information available on the operating status and error history FREE programming – programmable parameters for generator/system adjustment and User SET INSTALLER programming - generator parameters ASSISTANCE programming - Authorized Assistance Center parameters Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Savio Edilia He 25 Da Incasso A Condensazione Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Low Nox Cassone Optional - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Edilia He 25 Built-in LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Low Nox Fume Exhaust Kit Cassette Optional

    optional box Savio Edilia HE 25 built-in LPG condensing boiler complete with low NOx flue exhaust kit Cassone Optional Model: Edilia HE LPG product code 10302.1024.1 Energy class A ErP specifications Heating/DHW nominal heat input 21.0 / 26.0 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power 60°/80°C * 20.3 / 25.1 kW Energy Efficiency ★★★★ NOx class 6 Minimum/maximum heating pressure bar 0.3 / 3.0 Minimum/maximum DHW pressure bar 0.3 / 10.0 Degree of protection n° IPX5D Height x Width x Depth mm 1200x600x240 EDILIA Edilia HE is the new Savio range of built-in condensing boilers . Excellent performance and high yields that last over time thanks to the innovative heat exchanger. Ease of use thanks to the digital control panel with display designed to communicate with the user easily and comfortably. Available in versions for heating and domestic hot water production Edilia HE presents a complete range of powers, 20 and 35 kW combi models in the same extremely compact dimensions: 1200 x 600 x 240 mm. Both versions of Edilia HE are in class A , therefore they benefit from the tax deduction according to current legislation. Main features High yields (★★★★ compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) Sanitary comfort (★★★ EN 13203) Primary condensing exchanger in stainless steel with steel lining to offer maximum resistance to corrosion Total premix burner, built in stainless steel (Class NOx 6) Modulation 1:5 CNG and also LPG Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel 7 l expansion vessel for mod. 25S and 10 l for mod. 35S High efficiency pump with low energy consumption Maximum power adjustable according to the system Degree of protection IPX5D Recessed installation in the wall Integration with Savio solar systems, using a solar kit Digital control panel with backlit display Analog reading of the pressure on the machine, digital on the remote Arrangement for remote control (optional) and external probe as standard High circulation single coil primary heat exchanger Savio introduces the new stainless steel heat exchanger for condensing boilers to the market: Round . Round is a compact monothermal heat exchanger based on a stainless steel coil with an oval section. The heat exchanger consists of a combustion chamber, condensing area and an insulated metal disc protected with silicone ceramic fiber which separates the two areas. By using a single stainless steel strip to produce the coil, including inlet/outlet fittings, the following benefits are achieved: Accumulation of dirt and debris is avoided The water flow is uniformly distributed and guarantees a homogeneous heat exchange The water flow is constant for a longer life of the product Reduction of pressure drops with optimized circuit The ease of cleaning and the sturdiness of this exchanger are one of the main strengths of the product since it can be used on new systems but also on old systems in the event of renovations . Round integrates the round flow function in which the water produces a centrifugal cleaning effect on the internal walls of the single coil. The absence of circuits in parallel guarantees an easy "washing" operation of the exchanger and the elimination of any air present in the system circuit. Thermoregulation By connecting the external probe (standard) and the remote control (optional) directly to the boiler, climatic regulation can be used. Edilia HE will adapt the system water temperature to the external climatic conditions, ensuring that the desired room temperature is reached without waste and optimizing consumption . By using the climatic regulation, the regulation efficiency is also raised, giving greater value to your home . Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Savio Inoxdens He 25s* A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Metano - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Inoxdens He 25s* Condensing Boiler Complete With Methane Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    SAVIO INOXDENS HE 25S* Condensing Boiler Complete With Methane Fume Exhaust Kit - NEW ErP Model: INOXdens HE 25S ErP specifications Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency Class A Withdrawal profile: XL Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 21.0/26.0 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power 60°/80°C: 20.3/25.1 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power 30°/50°C: 22.4/22.4 kW Yield name 60°/80°C: 96.6% Yield at 30% load: 107.6% Energy Efficiency ★★★★ NOx class 6 Weighted NOx: 45 mg/kWh Minimum/maximum heating temperature: 25/80°C Minimum/maximum heating pressure 3.0/0.3 bar Expansion tank capacity 7.0 l (total) Minimum/maximum domestic hot water temperature 35/60°C Maximum flow rate (ΔT=25 K)/(ΔT=35 K): 14.4/10.3 l/min Specific sanitary flow rate (ΔT=30 K): 12 l/min Voltage / Power at nominal heat input V~/ W 230/99 Degree of protection IPX5D Dimensions HxWxD 700x400x290; 31 Kgs Power supply: methane INOXDENS The perfect compact boiler for underfloor systems and radiator systems The adjustable maximum useful power parameter in heating meets the needs of modern construction without compromising the comfort required in the production of domestic hot water. In fact, this function makes it possible to limit the maximum useful power in heating, independently of the useful DHW power. INOXDENS HE is the new Savio range of wall-mounted condensing boilers: excellent performance thanks to the new heat exchanger and ease of use thanks to the digital control panel with large display. Available in the versions for heating and domestic hot water production and for heating only INOXDENS HE presents a complete range of powers, 20 and 30 kW combi models and 16 KW SV models, in the same extremely compact dimensions (700 x 400 x 290 mm). INOXDENS HE has its strong point in the innovative heat exchanger designed to provide long-lasting high yields digital control panel, designed to communicate with the user in an easy and comfortable way. Like the entire Savio condensing range, INOXDENS HE allows you to obtain maximum savings from climatic thermoregulation, based on the system in which the boiler is installed. High yields (★★★★ compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) Sanitary comfort (★★★ EN 13203) Primary condensing exchanger in stainless steel with steel lining to offer maximum resistance to corrosion Total premix burner, built in stainless steel (Class NOx 6) Modulation 1:5 CNG and also LPG Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel 7 liter expansion vessel High efficiency pump with low energy consumption Maximum power adjustable according to the system Degree of protection IPX5D Can be installed in a partially protected place Integration with Savio solar systems, using a solar kit Digital control panel with backlit display Analog pressure reading Arrangement for remote control and external probe. High regulation single coil primary heat exchanger Savio introduces the new stainless steel heat exchanger for condensing boilers to the market: Round. Round is a compact monothermal heat exchanger based on a stainless steel coil with an oval section. The heat exchanger consists of a combustion chamber, condensing area and an insulated metal disc protected with silicone ceramic fiber which separates the two areas. By using a single strip of stainless steel to produce the coil, including inlet/outlet fittings, the following benefits are achieved: Accumulation of dirt and debris is avoided The water flow is uniformly distributed and guarantees a homogeneous heat exchange The water flow is constant for a longer life of the product Reduction of pressure drops with optimized circuit Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Savio Inoxdens 24s Condensing Boiler Complete With Methane Flue Exhaust Kit Class A Low Nox

    Savio Savio Inoxdens 24s Condensing Boiler Complete With Methane Flue Exhaust Kit Class A Low Nox

    Savio InoxDens 24s condensing boiler complete with class A Low NOx methane flue exhaust kit


  • Caldaia A Gas Savio Evodens He 25s* A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Per Scarico Fumi Gpl - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Evodens He 25s* Condensing Gas Boiler Complete With Kit For LPG Fume Exhaust - New Erp

    Overview SAVIO evoDENS HE 25S* CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH KIT FOR LPG LPG FUME EXHAUST - NEW ErP;ÿSTAINLESS STEEL wall-mounted condensing boilerÿ Technical specifications Model:ÿevoDENS HE Product codeÿLPG: 103021021000 Product codeÿLPG: 103121029000 Technical features: Heating/sanitary nominal heat inputkW 20.0 / 26.0 Yield name 60ø/80øC * % 96.7 Yield min. 60ø/80øC * % 92.4 NOx class no. 6 Minimum / maximum heating temperature****øC 25 / 80 Minimum / maximum heating pressurebar 3.0 / 0.3 Capacity of the expansion vessel (total / useful) l 7.0 / 3.5 Maximum flow rate (T=25 K) / (T=35 K) l/min 14.4 / 10.3 Specific sanitary flow rate (T=30 K) ***** l/min 12.0 Voltage / Power at nominal heat input V~/ W 230/100 Power at rest (stand-by) W 5 Degrees of protection nø IPX5D Dimensions HxWxDÿmm 700x400x290; 32.7 Kgs Boiler water content l 2 Main features EvoDENS HE The new range of wall-mounted condensing boilers: excellent performance thanks to the new heat exchanger Evodens HEÿis the new SAVIO range ofÿwall-mounted condensing boilersÿ: excellent performance thanks to the new heat exchanger and ease of use thanks to the digital control panel with large displays. Available in versions for heating and domestic hot water production and for heating onlyÿEvodens HEÿpresents a complete range of powers, 25 and 35 kW combi models and 25 and 35 SV models, in the same extremely compact dimensions (700 x 400 x 290 mm).ÿ Evodens HEÿhas the strong point in the innovative heat exchanger designed to provide high yields that last in the digital control panel, designed to communicate with the user in an easy and comfortable way. Like the entire SAVIO condensing range, ÿEvodens HEÿallows you to obtain maximum savings from climatic thermoregulation, based on the system in which the boiler is installed. MAIN FEATURES: High yields (in compliance with yield directive 92/42ÿCEE and Legislative Decree 311/06) Sanitary comfort( EN 13203) Primary condensing exchanger in stainless steelÿwith aluminum linings to offer maximumÿresistance to corrosion Total premix burner, built in stainless steel (Class NOx 5) Modulation 1:10 Methane also LPG Sanitary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel 7 liter expansion tanks High efficiency PWM pump with low power consumption variable speed Maximum power adjustable according to the system Degrees of protection IPX5D Can be installed in a partially protected place Integration with Savio solar systems, using a solar kit Innovative digital control panel Digital pressure reading Arrangement for remote control of external probe Possibility of managing a zone valve by means of a remote control in the case of multi-zone systems. High circulation single coil primary exchangerÿSavi produces the new Steelcoil compound exchanger with a stainless steel spiral enclosed in an aluminum shell. Thanks to the large exchange surface of the coil, greater thermal efficiency is guaranteed with less loss of charge and easier cleaning. The ease of cleaning and the sturdiness of this exchanger are one of the main strengths of the product which can be used on new systems but also on old systems in the case of renovations. Steelcoil integrates the round flow function in which the water produces a centrifugal cleaning effect on the internal walls of the monspira. Does the absence of parallel circuits guarantee an easy cleaning operation? of the exchanger and the elimination of any air present in the system circuit. CONTROL PANEL Summer/winter/off selector Heating temperature regulator Sanitary temperature regulator Digital pressure reading Domestic hot water and heating temperature visualization from the display Display of fault diagnostics, fault history block status Refill ViewÿRecommended Refill Guide Display of months remaining until annual maintenance is due External temperature displayÿ(with external probe connected) andÿindication of external probeÿconnected and K value set Flame modulation display Visualization of SavioÿSOLCONTROL solar control unit connected to EVODENSÿHE, active solar pump and solar integration DHW comfort functionÿselectable by means of a dedicated keyÿand programmable Ingressdirectl the INFO menu dedicated to the user. Thermoregulation By connecting the external probe and the remote control (optional) directly to the boiler, climatic regulation can be used. EVODENS HE will adapt the water temperature of the system to the external climatic conditions, guaranteeing the achievement of the desired room temperature without waste and optimizing consumption. By using climatic regulation, the regulation efficiency also rises, giving greater value to your home. Ecodesign directive: from 2015 on new condensing boilers In fact, after very long negotiations, the ÿEcodesign regulationÿ was approved, which introduces a new energy labeling on minimum efficiency standards for boilers.ÿIn particular, an energy classification from A+ to G is envisaged for space heating appliances and from A to G for appliances for the production of domestic hot water. ÿHence the obligation to installÿonly condensing boilers, heat generators capable of recovering a large part of the latent heat contained in the fumes which, otherwise, would be dispersed in the chimneyÿas occurs in traditional boilers. The recovered heat is transferred to the heating system, making it possible to achieve a yield of 106% with 92% of the traditional boiler and 84/85% of an oldÿÿtraditional generator.ÿThe installation obligation concerns manufacturers of boilers which will no longer be able to place on the market non-condensing starting from 26 September 2015. This means that starting from this date, anyone who wants to install a boiler in their own home will have to install only condensing models. Only one particular type of non-condensing boiler will continue to be produced which is technically called open room? to be installedÿ when it is not possible to replace an old boiler with a condensing boilerÿdue to problems related to the collective flueÿof some multi-family buildings. Products for heating water and the environment represent around 30% of the world's energy consumption in Europe.ÿ Designing eco-friendly products and promoting high performance technologies to end users in 2020 will lead to: An annual energy saving equivalent to 56 million tons of oil, quantifiable to the savings obtained if the water and environmental heating systems of two large nations like Italy were deactivated. As of 26 September 2015, the ErP regulation and ÿenergy labelingÿwill be applied in Europe to water and space heating products (boilers, heat pumps, micro-CHP devices, water heaters, and hot water storage tanks) u. How to read energy labels There are different labels, based on the type and function of the product (only room water heating of both, and in this case the label must bear both classifications). In addition to the energy class, the label provides other information that could be useful for understanding which product has the least environmental impact (for example power and consumption in different climatic zones, noise levels, etc.). It is possible to increase the energy efficiency of hot water production and space heating by connecting several products and accessories in one system. In this case it is necessary to prepare a system label in addition to that relating to the single product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase. Shipping From the day payment is received, the product will be shipped within 3 working days. Free insured shipping for Italy. Shipping will take place via one of the national carriers


  • Caldaia Savio A Condensazione Evodens Max He 25s Con Bollitore 45 Lt Metano O Gpl - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Condensing Boiler Evodens Max He 25s With 45 Lt Methane Or LPG Boiler

    Savio Condensing Boiler EVOdens MAX HE 25S With 45 lt METHANE or LPG boiler Model: Evodens Max HE Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency Class A Withdrawal profile: XL Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 25.0 / 30.0 kW Heating/DHW maximum useful power: 24.3 / 29.1 kW Yield name 60°/80°C: 97.0% Yield at 30% load: 107.6% High yields (**** compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) NOx class 6 Weighted NOx: 44 mg/kWh Minimum/maximum heating temperature: 25/85°C Minimum/maximum heating pressure 3.0/0.3 bar Expansion vessel capacity 8 l (total) Minimum/maximum domestic hot water temperature 35/60°C Boiler nominal capacity 45 l Maximum flow rate (ΔT=25K) / (ΔT=35K): 17.6 / 12.3 l/min Specific sanitary flow rate (ΔT=30 K): 15.0 l/min Voltage / Power at nominal heat input V~/ W 230/100 Degree of protection IPX5D Dimensions HxWxD 900x600x400 Power supply: methane or LPG Evodens Max HE Large and immediate production of domestic hot water despite being a small-sized boiler The EVODENS MAX HE boilers with porcelain-coated glass tank were created to satisfy the most demanding users: large and immediate production of domestic hot water despite being a small-sized boiler. The accumulation boiler , together with the latest generation condensing primary exchanger , ensure the supply of domestic hot water in continuous service always at the desired temperature. For this reason, Evodens Max HE boilers are the ideal solution for the comfort of the whole family. Characteristics: High yields (**** compliant with yield directive 92/42 EEC and Legislative Decree 311/06) Sanitary comfort (*** EN 13203) Primary condensing exchanger in stainless steel with plastic coating to offer maximum resistance to corrosion Total premix burner, built in stainless steel (Class NOx 6) Modulation 1:10 CNG and also LPG High efficiency PWM pump with low power consumption with variable speed Maximum power adjustable according to the needs of the system Glass-porcelain steel boiler with convenient flange for inspection and cleaning Removable magnesium anode External insulation of the cylinder in expanded polyurethane Standard two-litre sanitary expansion tank Degree of protection IPX5D Can be installed in a partially protected place Integration with Savio solar systems, using a solar kit Innovative digital control panel with graphic interface and buttons Digital pressure reading by pressure transducer Arrangement for remote control and external probe Possibility of remotely managing a zone valve in the case of multi-zone systems Single coil primary heat exchanger Savio produces the new Steelcoil exchanger made up of a stainless steel spiral enclosed in an aluminum shell. Thanks to the large exchange surface of the loop, a greater thermal efficiency is guaranteed with a lower pressure drop and easier cleaning. The ease of cleaning and the sturdiness of this exchanger are one of the main strengths of the product since it can be used on new systems but also on old systems in the event of renovations. Control panel Heating temperature regulator DHW temperature regulator Digital pressure reading DHW and heating temperature visualization from the display Display of fault diagnostics, block status and fault history Recommended fill display and fill guide View months left until annual maintenance is due External temperature display (with external probe connected) and signaling of external probe connected and K value set Flame modulation display Visualization of Savio SOLCONTROL solar control unit connected to Evodens Max HE, active solar pump and solar integration DHW comfort function selectable via dedicated key Direct access to the INFO menu dedicated to the user Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Savio Evodens E 25s* A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Per Scarico Fumi Metano - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Savio Savio Evodens E 25s* Condensing Gas Boiler Complete With Kit For Methane Fume Exhaust - New Erp

    Overview SAVIO evoDENS E 25S* CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH KIT FOR LPG METHANE FUME EXHAUST - NEW ErP Technical specifications Model:ÿevoDENS Product codeÿLPG: 103021010300 Product codeÿMETHANE: 103121017300 Characteristics of heating/sanitary exercises: Heating/DHW nominal heat inputÿ20.0 / 25.0 Minimum heating/DHW heat inputÿ6.0 Yield name 60ø/80øC % 97.4 Yield min. 60ø/80øC % 97.4 Efficiency 30% at 30°C: 101.5 Energy efficiencynøÿ Minimum / maximum heating temperature**øC 25 / 85 Minimum / maximum heating pressurebar 0.3 / 3.0 Capacity of the expansion vessel (total / useful) l 7.0 / 3.5 Minimum / maximum sanitary temperatureøC 35 / 55 Sanitary minimum / maximum pressurebarÿ0.3 / 10.0 Maximum flow rate (T=25 K) / (T=35 K) l/minÿ15.9 / 11.4 Voltage / Power at nominal heat input V ~ÿ230 ~ / 98 Power at minimum thermal capacity W 9 Power at rest (stand-by) W 5 Degrees of protection nø IPX5D Dimensions HxWxD:ÿ700x400x290 mm; 31.5 kgs Boiler water content 2.0 l Main features evoDENS The new Savidi range of high efficiency wall mounted boilers dedicated to residential buildings. A complete range of powers, 24, 28 and 32 kW, for heating and the production of domestic hot water, inÿextremely compact dimensionsÿ (700 x 400 x 325 mm) makes Evodens a product suitable for different comfort needs.ÿEvodensÿe endowed with an aesthetic innovativeÿand a newÿimmediate and simpleÿto use interface. New functions make ÿEvodens an integral part of a system and facilitate its installation. Exchangers: Primary heat exchanger in copper, high circulation lamellar. Sanitary heat exchanger in stainless steel plates digital control panel:ÿInnovative digital control panel with graphical interface and buttons Ecodesign Directive: from 2015 on new condensing boilers In fact, after very long negotiations, the ÿEcodesign regulationÿ was approved, which introduces a new energy labeling on minimum efficiency standards for boilers.ÿIn particular, an energy classification from A+ to G is envisaged for space heating appliances and from A to G for appliances for the production of domestic hot water. ÿHence the obligation to installÿonly condensing boilers, heat generators capable of recovering a large part of the latent heat contained in the fumes which, otherwise, would be dispersed in the chimneyÿas occurs in traditional boilers. The recovered heat is transferred to the heating system, making it possible to achieve a yield of 106% with 92% of the traditional boiler and 84/85% of an oldÿÿtraditional generator.ÿThe installation obligation concerns manufacturers of boilers which will no longer be able to place on the market non-condensing starting from 26 September 2015. This means that starting from this date, anyone who wants to install a boiler in their own home will have to install only condensing models. Only one particular type of non-condensing boiler will continue to be produced which is technically called open room? to be installedÿ when it is not possible to replace an old boiler with a condensing boilerÿdue to problems related to the collective flueÿof some multi-family buildings. Products for heating water and the environment represent around 30% of the world's energy consumption in Europe.ÿ Designing eco-friendly products and promoting high performance technologies to end users in 2020 will lead to: An annual energy saving equivalent to 56 million tons of oil, quantifiable to the savings obtained if the water and environmental heating systems of two large nations like Italy were deactivated. As of 26 September 2015, the ErP regulation and ÿenergy labelingÿwill be applied in Europe to water and space heating products (boilers, heat pumps, micro-CHP devices, water heaters, and hot water storage tanks) u. How to read energy labels There are different labels, based on the type and function of the product (only room water heating of both, and in this case the label must bear both classifications). In addition to the energy class, the label provides other information that could be useful for understanding which product has the least environmental impact (for example power and consumption in different climatic zones, noise levels, etc.). It is possible to increase the energy efficiency of hot water production and space heating by connecting several products and accessories in one system. In this case it is necessary to prepare a system label in addition to that relating to the single product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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