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Samsung Climatizzatore Condizionatore Inverter Samsung Cassetta 18000 btu unità interna AC052MN4 DKH/EU
SOLO UNITA' INTERNA Climatizzatore Condizionatore Inverter Samsung Cassetta 18000 btu unità interna AC052MN4 DKH/EU Caratteristiche Tecniche Codice articolo: AC052MN4 Performance: Potenza resa in raffreddamento (kW): 5,0 Potenza resa in riscaldamento (kW): 6,0 Pressione Sonora unità interna max db(A): 49 Dimensioni e peso: Lunghezza/Profondità (cm): 84,0 Larghezza (cm): 84,0 Altezza (cm): 20,4 Peso (kg): 15 Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Samsung Pompa di Calore Aria-Acqua Splittata ClimateHub Samsung AE050CXYDEK/EU + Bollitore AE200CNWMEG/EU di 200 litri R290 Wi-Fi Integrato con Comando Incluso
PRODOTTO DISPONIBILE SU ORDINAZIONE E SARÀ SPEDITO IN 10 GIORNI LAVORATIVI Caratteristiche tecniche Codice unità interna : AE200CNWMEG/EU ( Bollitore 200 litri ) Codice unità esterna : AE050CXYDEK/EU Comando a filo Premium MWR-WW10N incluso Prima accensione gratuita Efficienza energetica SEER : 4,2 SCOP : 5,0 Classe di efficienza energetica ClimateHub : A+++ Classe di efficienza modulo idronico : A+++ Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 5,00 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 5,00 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 1,28 kW Assorbimento riscaldamento : 1,00 kW Portata acqua : 14,4 l/min Livello potenza sonora unità interna : 26 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità interna : 40 dB(A) Livello potenza sonora unità esterna : 55 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità esterna : 41 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-290 Intervallo di funzionamento : - Raffreddamento: 10° ~ 46° C- Riscaldamento: -25° ~ 35° C- ACS : -25° ~ 43° C Dati installativi Diametro tubazioni ingresso e uscita : 28 mm Diametro tubazioni riscaldamento : 28 mm Diametro tubazioni ACS : 22 mm Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità interna (LxAxP) : 595x1800x700 mm Peso unità interna : 130,0 Kg Dimensioni unità esterna (LxAxP) : 998x850x500 mm Peso unità esterna : 86,0 Kg Pompe di Calore Samsung Sistema EHS Split È la soluzione aria-acqua splittata costituita da una motocondensante esterna associata ad un modulo idronico , per la produzione di ACS e riscaldamento. Perché scegliere il sistema EHS Split ? Una soluzione dall’elevata efficienza e dalla massima flessibilità Perfetta per ogni esigenza applicativa: l'EHS SPLIT permette, attraverso un kit idrico separato, di produrre acqua calda sanitaria, riscaldamento/ raffrescamento a pavimento e di alimentare i radiatori a bassa temperatura EHS Mono R290 La soluzione monoblocco con refrigerante R290 per il riscaldamento, raffrescamento e la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria, composta da un’unica unità esterna aria-acqua che include il modulo idronico e non richiede l’installazione del kit idrico interno. Disponibile anche nella soluzione monoblocco più compatta, da abbinare all’unità interna ClimateHub con Wi-Fi integrato. Soluzioni compatte e ottimizzate EHS Mono R290 offre due versioni Con pompa integrata : Kit di controllo Wi-Fi, vaso d'espansione, flussimetro e valvola di sicurezza inclusi. Abbinata a ClimateHub : Con dimensioni ancora più compatte. Mandata dell'acqua fino a 75°C Grazie all'utilizzo del refrigerante R290, le unità EHS Mono raggiungono i 75°C di mandata dell'acqua, mentenendoli fino a -10°C eserni e raggiungono i 60°C fino a -25°C esterni. Mantengono il bollitore dell'acqua calda sanitaria fino a 70°C senza l'intervento della resistenza elettrica. Alta temperatura, performance elevate EHS Mono R290 è in grado di raggiungere una temperatura di mandata dell'acqua di 75°C* e mantenere il serbatoio ACS fino a 70°C anche nelle condizioni più estreme. Compressori R290 e superfici di scambio incrementate Grazie ai nuovi compressori R290 le nuove unità EHS Mono R290 riescono a garantire alte prestazioni anche nei climi più rigidi. La nuova unità EHS Mono R290 è in grado di garantire un maggior scambio termico: sia la batteria esterna a triplo rango che lo scambiatore a piastre interno presentano una superficie di scambio maggiorata che permette il raggiungimento di prestazioni di alto livello. Bassa rumorosità Grazie all'introduzione di varie tecnologie volte alla diminuzione del rumore, una delle principali caratteristiche della nuova unitàEHS Mono R290 è la minima rumorosità. Design compatto, funzionalità avanzate Resistenza alla corrosione: Il rivestimento dell'alettatura dello scambiatore permette una maggiore resistenza alla corrosione, un incremento del trasferimento di calore e una riduzione dei cicli di sbrinamento. La struttura, in metallo galvanizzato, garantisce la durabilità nel tempo ed il mantenimento delle prestazioni, anche in condizioni climatiche avverse. Protezione antigelo: Le migliorie tecnologiche e la riprogettazione strutturale permettono alla nuova EHS Mono R290 di lavorare anche nelle condizioni più rigide Installazione e manutenzione semplificata Manutenzione semplificata grazie al pannello laterale: non è necessario rimuovere tutta la griglia per poter accedere alle componenti elettroniche.Grazie all'ingombro ridotto, EHS Mono R290 si adatta perfettamente ad ogni applicazione. Connettività integrata Le nuove unità EHS Mono R290 con pompa integrata e il nuovo ClimateHub compatibile nascono tutte con il modulo Wi-Fi integrato, permettendo il controllo e la possibilità di monitoraggio remoto attraverso l'app di SmartThings. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Samsung Climatizzatore inverter a soffitto Samsung 35000 btu unità interna mono(multisplit AC100MNCDKH
SOLO UNITA' INTERNA Climatizzatore inverter a soffitto Samsung 35000 btu unità interna mono(multisplit AC100MNCDKH Modello: Posizionamento: A soffitto Lunghezza/profondità(cm): 67,5 Larghezza (cm): 165,0 Altezza (cm): 23,5 Peso (kg): 41,4 Alimentazione: Monofase Ideale per: Fino a 130 mq Potenza BTU: 35000 Potenza freddo (kW): 10,0 Potenza caldo (kW): 11,2 Gas refrigerante: R410A Numero articolo: AC100MNCDKH Potenza assorbita freddo (kW): 3,40 Potenza assorbita caldo (kW): 3,20 Livello rumorosità (dB(A)): 34 Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Samsung Unità Interna Samsung Canalizzato Canalizzabile 9000 Btu AJ026TNLPEG/EU R-32 Wi-Fi Optional con Telecomando e Comando escluso
ATTENZIONE! I SARÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : AJ026TNLPEG/EU Potenza: 9000 Btu Capacità raffreddamento : 2,6 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 2,9 kW Portata Max : 9,1 m^3/min Pressione Sonora (Min) : 23 dBA Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 700x199x440 mm Peso : 15,0 Kg Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Samsung Samsung NZ64B5066FK U1 4 Burner Induction Hob (L59xD52) Black Glass Ceramic Dual Flex Zone SmartThings Bixby Alexa
Design Product color: Black Appliance placement: Built-in Hob width dimension: 60 cm Hob type: Induction hob Total number of burners: 4 Burner(s) Number of electric plates: 4 Burner(s) Hob shape 1: Square Burner/cooking zone position 1: Front left Power source for stove/cooking zone 1: Electric Power supply of the hob/cooking zone 1: 1850 W Hob 1 power on: 3000 W Hob shape 2: Square Position of burner/cooking zone 2: Rear left Power source for stove/cooking zone 2: Electric Power of the hob/cooking zone 2: 1850 W Cooking zone with booster 2: 3000 W Hob shape 3: Square Position of burner/cooking zone 3: Right front Power source for stove/cooking zone 3: Electric Power of the hob/cooking zone 3: 1850 W Cooking zone with booster 3: 3000 W Hob shape 4: Square Position of burner/cooking zone 4: Right rear Power source for stove/cooking zone 4: Electric Power of hob/cooking zone 4: 1850 W Cooking zone with booster 4: 3000 W Extendable area: Yes Flexible cooking zone 1 size (L x W): 210 x 380 mm Performance Boost function: Yes Number of boosters: 15 Number of energy levels: 4 Pot recognition: Yes Ergonomics Control type: Touch Control position: Front / Top front Built-in display: Yes Timer: Yes Timer type: Digital Residual heat indicator: Yes Child protection: Yes Energy management Aggregate power (electric): 7400 W AC input voltage: 220-240V AC input frequency: 50-60Hz Management Features Wi-Fi controlled: Yes Dimensions and weight Width: 590 mm Depth: 520 mm Height: 48 mm Weight: 11 kg Compartment width: 56.1 cm Compartment installation depth (min): 47.9 cm Compartment installation depth (max): 48.1 cm Compartment height: 5.5 cm Description Dual Flex Zone: Cook a wide variety of dishes at once. This large area, divided into two rectangular Flex Zones, offers greater flexibility, allowing the use of various shapes and sizes of containers to cook meals for the whole family.
Samsung AREA OCCASIONI Climatizzatore inverter a colonna Samsung 48000 btu unità interna monosplit AC140KNPDEH
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: AMMACCATURA SULLA PARTE POSTERIORE IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). SOLO UNITA' INTERNA Climatizzatore inverter a colonna Samsung 48000 btu unità interna monosplit AC140KNPDEH Modello: Posizionamento: A colonna Lunghezza/profondità(cm): 40,0 Larghezza (cm): 61,0 Altezza (cm): 185,0 Peso (kg): 46,0 Alimentazione: Monofase Attacchi: 3/8 - 5/8 Ideale per: Fino a 180 mq Potenza BTU: 48000 Potenza freddo (kW): 13,4 Potenza caldo (kW): 15,5 Gas refrigerante: R410A Numero articolo: AC140KNPDEH Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Samsung AREA OCCASIONI Climatizzatore Condizionatore Samsung Dual Split Inverter serie WINDFREE AVANT 7+9 btu con AJ050TXJ2KG R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato 7000+9000 - Novità
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: UNITÀ ESTERNA: AMMACCATURE AL COPERCHIO AMMACCATURA SULLA PARTE ANTERIORE CUPOLINO CON SEGNI DI RIPARAZIONE IMBALLI USURATI (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caratteristiche Tecniche Unità Interne : Modello : Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1 x AR07TXEAAWKNEU Potenza : 7000 Btu Aria Trattata : 10,7 m3/h Capacità di Deumidificazione : 0,5 l/hr Livello Pressione Sonora : 16/38 dB(A) Livello Potenza Sonora : 56 dB(A) Dimensioni Unità Interna : 889x299x215 mm Peso Unità Interna : 10,3 Kg Wi-Fi Integrato Assistente Vocale Artificial Intelligence 2) Modello : Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1 x AR09TXEAAWKNEU Potenza : 9000 Btu Aria Trattata : 9,5 m3/h Capacità di Deumidificazione : 1,0 l/hr Livello Pressione Sonora : 16/38 dB(A) Livello Potenza Sonora : 54 dB(A) Dimensioni Unità Interna : 889x299x215 mm Peso Unità Interna : 9,9 Kg Wi-Fi Integrato Assistente Vocale Artificial Intelligence Unità Esterna Modello : Codice Catalogo Unità Esterna : AJ050TXJ2KG Unità Interne Collegabili : 2 Efficienza Energetica SEER (W/W) : SCOP (W/W) : Classe di Efficienza Energetica Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A+ Performance Capacità Raffreddamento : 5,00 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 5,6 kW Livello Potenza Sonora : 61 dB(A) Livello Pressione Sonora : 46/47 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Gas refrigerante : R32 Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 15 m Dimensioni e Peso : Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxAxP) : 790x548x285 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 33 Kg WindFree AVANT Novità 2020 Samsung Climate solution Gli unici con 21000 microfori e nessun getto d'aria diretto. La tecnologia WindFree elimina i fastidiosi getti diretti, diffondendo l’aria in modo omogeneo e rendendo il climatizzatore ideale per qualsiasi ambiente, anche in situazioni delicate come in presenza di bambini o in camera da letto Come Funziona WindFree ? 1 Raffrescamento rapido tramite aletta aperta, fino al raggiungimento della temperatura desiderata. 2 L’aletta si chiude automaticamente, il fresco continua a diffondersi in modo omogeneo tramite migliaia di microfori senza getti d’aria diretti. WindFree Il Clima come piace a te Tecnologie uniche ed innovative per ogni esigenza di climatizzazione Comfort WindFree è l’unico climatizzatore con 21.000 microfori e una velocità dell’aria in uscita inferiore a 0,15 m/s, la cosiddetta ‘aria ferma’ , questo significa poter avere il massimo del comfort senza getti d’aria diretti e una silenziosità senza precedenti. Smart Functions Grazie all'App SmartThings è possibile gestire l'unità dal proprio smartphone e la compatibilità con i principali assistenti vocali permette il controllo via voce. La funzione Artificial Intelligence analizza e apprende le abitudini dell’utente, replicando automaticamente le funzionalità più adatte ad ogni situazione d’utilizzo Silenziosità Il clima perfetto nel massimo del silenzio: grazie all’impiego di tecnologie evolute, le soluzioni Samsung sono progettate per ridurre al minimo qualsiasi tipo di vibrazione o di rumore per permettere un sonno sereno e sempre più tranquillo. Le unità interne raggiungono infatti una rumorosità minima di soli 16 dB(A), meno rumoroso di un fruscio delle foglie Facilità di installazione Il design è stato progettato pensando alle esigenze degli installatori. Il tempo necessario per installare l’unità interna è ridotto del 45%* , grazie a un montaggio a incastro. Caratteristiche • Modalità WindFree per evitare getti d’aria diretti grazie a 21.000 microfori • Funzione Artificial Intelligence : l’unità analizza l’utilizzo dell’utente e replica le modalità più appropriate in base alla situazione • Wi-Fi integrato : controllo remoto possibile grazie all’app SmartThings, che permette il controllo di apparecchi Samsung e compatibili • Installazione facilitata grazie ad assenza di viti • Compatibilità Multisplit Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto
Samsung Unità Interna a Cassetta 4 Vie Mini Samsung Wind Free 18000 Btu AJ052TN R-32
ATTENZIONE! PRODOTTO DISPONIBILE SU ORDINAZIONE INDICATIVAMENTE IN 10/15 GIORNI LAVORATIVI!!! Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : AJ052TNNDKG/EU Potenza: 18000 btu/h Modello Pannello (OPTIONAL NON INCLUSO, OBBLIGATORIO) PC4SUFMAN Capacità Raffreddamento : 5,2 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 5,6 kW Livello Pressione Sonora : 32 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 12,70 mm (1/2") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 575x250x575 mm Dimensioni Pannello (LxAxP) 620x57x620 mm Peso Unità Interna : 11,8 Kg Samsung Cassetta 4 Vie Mini WindFree™ La versatilità della cassetta 4 Vie mini (60x60cm) la rende adatta a varie applicazioni, sia negli uffici che nel terziario. Il filtro antibatterico, l’esclusiva tecnologia WindFree™ ed il controllo indipendente delle alette completano le unità, mentre le funzioni dedicate assicurano il comfort in ambiente. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto
Samsung Samsung Air Conditioner Dual Split Inverter Series Windfree Light 7+12 With Aj040ncj R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+12000
ATTENTION : In case of unavailability we will supply the new WindFree Evo model ----> Click Here Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model: Series: Windfree Light Model: AR07NXWXCWKNEU Power: 7000 btu Indoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 828x267x265 2) Model: Series: Windfree Light Model: AR12NXWXCWKNEU Power: 12000 btu Indoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 828x267x265 Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: AJ040NCJ2EG/EU Gases: R-32 Max indoor units that can be combined: 2 Nominal Capacity (Cooling/Heating) kW: 4.0 / 4.4 Sound Pressure Outdoor Unit Max (dB(A)): 52/45 Sound power (Max) dB(A): 61 Cooling/Heating operation range (°C): -5°~46°/-15°~24° Electrical data: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 790x548x285 ; 32 kgs Liquid/Gas connection pipes Ømm (inch) 2x6.35 (1/4”) - 2x9.52 (3/8”) Pipe length (max per unit): 25 m Piping length (min per unit): 3 m Indoor-outdoor unit max height difference: 15 m Indoor-indoor unit max height difference: 7.5 m General characteristics Samsung Wind Free Light Samsung Windfree Light air conditioners are designed to make the most of it and give you maximum comfort with extremely low consumption, reaching very high levels of energy efficiency (A++). Designed with innovative and elegant lines, to satisfy any need, with a backlit LED display to view the temperature or the functions you want, it is also managed by a high-tech 8-pole inverter, which in addition to ensuring effectiveness and efficiency, allows for less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Designed to last over time and to withstand the most extreme temperatures, the outdoor units and its components are protected by a particular anti-corrosion and anti-mould protection, and its BLDC (double rotation) compressor, in turn made up of 2 cams and the two balancing weights, so as to obtain very low levels of vibrations, and be extremely silent. . Refreshes quickly without direct air jets The new WindFree air distribution system is the only one that transforms the powerful and direct air fl ow, often the cause of muscle pain and colds, into enveloping coolness. WindFree is ideal for maintaining the desired temperature while avoiding the classic drawbacks associated with the use of air conditioning. Goodbye annoying air jets only the pleasure of the climate you want 2 step cooling is the exclusive two-phase cooling system that allows Samsung air conditioners to obtain surprising results in a very short time and to maintain ideal climatic conditions in absolute comfort. Once the temperature has been selected, the air conditioner automatically sets maximum power to reach the goal in 25% less time than traditional air conditioners. Once the set temperature has been reached, the air conditioner autonomously reduces the emission of cold air, directing it upwards to avoid unpleasant chills for the people present in the room. What is the WindFree technique? The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct air jets. Triangle design Windfree function The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes in the air conditioning units, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. Smart Wi-Fi Control Your well-being can be programmed even when you are not at home. By connecting the air conditioner via the integrated Wi-Fi module, it is possible to manage the air conditioner easily from your Smartphone or tablet, even when the heat suddenly breaks out and you are not at home, in fact by downloading the a special Samsung Smart Home App allows you to activate the air conditioning, to create the ideal climate to better enjoy moments of relaxation when you return home. Downloadable on all Android or IOS platforms. Main features Air conditioner that works with R32 gas , a new type of environmentally friendly refrigerant. The WindFree system , thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. The exclusive Smart Control technology allows you to manage the main functions of the air conditioner using an app that can be installed on a smartphone or PC, even when you are away from home. The noise level of just 16 db(A) is made possible by the use of advanced technologies and by an internal unit designed to minimize any type of vibration or noise. Digital Inverter and 8-Pole Compressor The Digital Inverter compressor modulates the power according to actual needs, significantly reducing energy waste compared to traditional compressors. The new and exclusive 8-Pole Inverter ensures more effective and effi cient operation with less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Purification The Easy Filter of Samsung air conditioners is located on the outside, on the top. So it's easier to take out, clean and put back without having to open any lid or pull hard to detach it. Spi Air Purifier Active hydrogen, together with oxygen ions, neutralizes bacteria that cause allergies and respiratory problems, guaranteeing always pure and healthy air. Design The triangular design allows for a larger impeller, a wider intake grille and a larger delivery surface. The room is cooled faster and more evenly. The elegant and luminous digital display , visible only when the air conditioner is on, reveals the temperature of the room in which the internal unit is installed. Comfort The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Auto Change Over automatically selects the operating mode (cooling or heating) required to maintain the set temperature. Just press the appropriate button and the special fins distribute the air flow evenly and quickly in the desired direction. The Good Sleep function regulates the room temperature by reproducing the body temperature curve during the night, thus ensuring a more comfortable rest. The dehumidification function allows you to eliminate humidity from the rooms, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The auto clean function , which starts automatically once the air conditioner is switched off, eliminates humidity in the internal unit, preventing the proliferation of mould, bacteria and bad odours. 2-Step Cooling The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Samsung Samsung Air Conditioner Dual Split Inverter Series Windfree Light 9 + 12 With Aj040ncj R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000 + 12000
ATTENTION : In case of unavailability we will supply the new WindFree Evo model ----> Click Here Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model: Series: Windfree Light Model: AR09NXWXCWKNEU Power: 9000 btu Indoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 828x267x265 2) Model: Series: Windfree Light Model: AR12NXWXCWKNEU Power: 12000 btu Indoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 828x267x265 Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: AJ040NCJ2EG/EU Gases: R-32 Max indoor units that can be combined: 2 Nominal Capacity (Cooling/Heating) kW: 4.0 / 4.4 Sound Pressure Outdoor Unit Max (dB(A)): 52/45 Sound power (Max) dB(A): 61 Cooling/Heating operation range (°C): -5°~46°/-15°~24° Electrical data: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 790x548x285 ; 32 kgs Liquid/Gas connection pipes Ømm (inch) 2x6.35 (1/4”) - 2x9.52 (3/8”) Pipe length (max per unit): 25 m Piping length (min per unit): 3 m Indoor-outdoor unit max height difference: 15 m Indoor-indoor unit max height difference: 7.5 m General characteristics Samsung Wind Free Light Samsung Windfree Light air conditioners are designed to make the most of it and give you maximum comfort with extremely low consumption, reaching very high levels of energy efficiency (A++). Designed with innovative and elegant lines, to satisfy any need, with a backlit LED display to view the temperature or the functions you want, it is also managed by a high-tech 8-pole inverter, which in addition to ensuring effectiveness and efficiency, allows for less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Designed to last over time and to withstand the most extreme temperatures, the outdoor units and its components are protected by a particular anti-corrosion and anti-mould protection, and its BLDC (double rotation) compressor, in turn made up of 2 cams and the two balancing weights, so as to obtain very low levels of vibrations, and be extremely silent. . Refreshes quickly without direct air jets The new WindFree air distribution system is the only one that transforms the powerful and direct air fl ow, often the cause of muscle pain and colds, into enveloping coolness. WindFree is ideal for maintaining the desired temperature while avoiding the classic drawbacks associated with the use of air conditioning. Goodbye annoying air jets only the pleasure of the climate you want 2 step cooling is the exclusive two-phase cooling system that allows Samsung air conditioners to obtain surprising results in a very short time and to maintain ideal climatic conditions in absolute comfort. Once the temperature has been selected, the air conditioner automatically sets maximum power to reach the goal in 25% less time than traditional air conditioners. Once the set temperature has been reached, the air conditioner autonomously reduces the emission of cold air, directing it upwards to avoid unpleasant chills for the people present in the room. What is the WindFree technique? The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct air jets. Triangle design Windfree function The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes in the air conditioning units, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. Smart Wi-Fi Control Your well-being can be programmed even when you are not at home. By connecting the air conditioner via the integrated Wi-Fi module, it is possible to manage the air conditioner easily from your Smartphone or tablet, even when the heat suddenly breaks out and you are not at home, in fact by downloading the a special Samsung Smart Home App allows you to activate the air conditioning, to create the ideal climate to better enjoy moments of relaxation when you return home. Downloadable on all Android or IOS platforms. Main features Air conditioner that works with R32 gas , a new type of environmentally friendly refrigerant. The WindFree system , thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. The exclusive Smart Control technology allows you to manage the main functions of the air conditioner using an app that can be installed on a smartphone or PC, even when you are away from home. The noise level of just 16 db(A) is made possible by the use of advanced technologies and by an internal unit designed to minimize any type of vibration or noise. Digital Inverter and 8-Pole Compressor The Digital Inverter compressor modulates the power according to actual needs, significantly reducing energy waste compared to traditional compressors. The new and exclusive 8-Pole Inverter ensures more effective and effi cient operation with less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Purification The Easy Filter of Samsung air conditioners is located on the outside, on the top. So it's easier to take out, clean and put back without having to open any lid or pull hard to detach it. Spi Air Purifier Active hydrogen, together with oxygen ions, neutralizes bacteria that cause allergies and respiratory problems, guaranteeing always pure and healthy air. Design The triangular design allows for a larger impeller, a wider intake grille and a larger delivery surface. The room is cooled faster and more evenly. The elegant and luminous digital display , visible only when the air conditioner is on, reveals the temperature of the room in which the internal unit is installed. Comfort The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Auto Change Over automatically selects the operating mode (cooling or heating) required to maintain the set temperature. Just press the appropriate button and the special fins distribute the air flow evenly and quickly in the desired direction. The Good Sleep function regulates the room temperature by reproducing the body temperature curve during the night, thus ensuring a more comfortable rest. The dehumidification function allows you to eliminate humidity from the rooms, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The auto clean function , which starts automatically once the air conditioner is switched off, eliminates humidity in the internal unit, preventing the proliferation of mould, bacteria and bad odours. 2-Step Cooling The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Samsung Samsung Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Windfree Light Series 9 + 9 + 12 With Aj052mcj R-410 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000 + 9000 + 12000
Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model: Series: Windfree Light Model: 2 x AR09NXWXCWKNEU Power: 9000 btu Indoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 828x267x265 2) Model: Series: Windfree Light Model: 1 x AR12NXWXCWKNEU Power: 12000 btu Indoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 828x267x265 Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: AJ052MCJ3EH/EU Gases: R-410a Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Nominal Capacity (Cooling/Heating) kW: 5.2 / 6.3 Max Outdoor Unit Sound Pressure (dB(A)): 46/47 Sound power (Max) dB(A): 61 Cooling/Heating operation range (°C): -5°~46°/-15°~24° Electrical data: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 880x638x310 ; 44 kgs Liquid/Gas connection pipes Ømm (inch) 3x6.35 (1/4”) - 2x9.52 (3/8”) + 12.70 (1/2”) Pipe length (max per unit): 20 m Piping length (min per unit): 3 m Indoor-outdoor unit max height difference: 15 m Indoor-indoor unit max height difference: 7.5 m General characteristics Samsung Wind Free Light Samsung Windfree Light air conditioners are designed to make the most of it and give you maximum comfort with extremely low consumption, reaching very high levels of energy efficiency (A++). Designed with innovative and elegant lines, to satisfy any need, with a backlit LED display to view the temperature or the functions you want, it is also managed by a high-tech 8-pole inverter, which in addition to ensuring effectiveness and efficiency, allows for less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Designed to last over time and to withstand the most extreme temperatures, the outdoor units and its components are protected by a particular anti-corrosion and anti-mould protection, and its BLDC (double rotation) compressor, in turn made up of 2 cams and the two balancing weights, so as to obtain very low levels of vibrations, and be extremely silent. . Refreshes quickly without direct air jets The new WindFree air distribution system is the only one that transforms the powerful and direct air fl ow, often the cause of muscle pain and colds, into enveloping coolness. WindFree is ideal for maintaining the desired temperature while avoiding the classic drawbacks associated with the use of air conditioning. Goodbye annoying air jets only the pleasure of the climate you want 2 step cooling is the exclusive two-phase cooling system that allows Samsung air conditioners to obtain surprising results in a very short time and to maintain ideal climatic conditions in absolute comfort. Once the temperature has been selected, the air conditioner automatically sets maximum power to reach the goal in 25% less time than traditional air conditioners. Once the set temperature has been reached, the air conditioner autonomously reduces the emission of cold air, directing it upwards to avoid unpleasant chills for the people present in the room. What is the WindFree technique? The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct air jets. Triangle design Windfree function The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes in the air conditioning units, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. Smart Wi-Fi Control Your well-being can be programmed even when you are not at home. By connecting the air conditioner via the integrated Wi-Fi module, it is possible to manage the air conditioner easily from your Smartphone or tablet, even when the heat suddenly breaks out and you are not at home, in fact by downloading the a special Samsung Smart Home App allows you to activate the air conditioning, to create the ideal climate to better enjoy moments of relaxation when you return home. Downloadable on all Android or IOS platforms. Main features Air conditioner that works with R32 gas , a new type of environmentally friendly refrigerant. The WindFree system , thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. The exclusive Smart Control technology allows you to manage the main functions of the air conditioner using an app that can be installed on a smartphone or PC, even when you are away from home. The noise level of just 16 db(A) is made possible by the use of advanced technologies and by an internal unit designed to minimize any type of vibration or noise. Digital Inverter and 8-Pole Compressor The Digital Inverter compressor modulates the power according to actual needs, significantly reducing energy waste compared to traditional compressors. The new and exclusive 8-Pole Inverter ensures more effective and effi cient operation with less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Purification The Easy Filter of Samsung air conditioners is located on the outside, on the top. So it's easier to take out, clean and put back without having to open any lid or pull hard to detach it. Spi Air Purifier Active hydrogen, together with oxygen ions, neutralizes bacteria that cause allergies and respiratory problems, guaranteeing always pure and healthy air. Design The triangular design allows for a larger impeller, a wider intake grille and a larger delivery surface. The room is cooled faster and more evenly. The elegant and luminous digital display , visible only when the air conditioner is on, reveals the temperature of the room in which the internal unit is installed. Comfort The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Auto Change Over automatically selects the operating mode (cooling or heating) required to maintain the set temperature. Just press the appropriate button and the special fins distribute the air flow evenly and quickly in the desired direction. The Good Sleep function regulates the room temperature by reproducing the body temperature curve during the night, thus ensuring a more comfortable rest. The dehumidification function allows you to eliminate humidity from the rooms, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The auto clean function , which starts automatically once the air conditioner is switched off, eliminates humidity in the internal unit, preventing the proliferation of mould, bacteria and bad odours. 2-Step Cooling The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Samsung Air Conditioner Samsung Trial Split Inverter Series Windfree Light 9 + 9 + 9 With Aj052rcj R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000 + 9000 + 9000
Technical features Indoor Units Model: Series: Windfree Light Model: 3 x AR09NXWXCWKNEU Power: 9000 btu Indoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 828x267x265 Outdoor Unit Model : Catalog code: AJ052RCJ3EH/EU Gases: R-32 Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Nominal Capacity (Cooling/Heating) kW: 5.2 / 6.3 External Unit Sound Pressure Max (dB(A)): 46 Sound power (Max) dB(A): 61 Cooling/Heating operation range (°C): -10°~46°/-15°~24° Electrical data: Power supply (V/Hz/) : 220~240/50/1 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 880 x 638 x 310 Weight : 49Kg General characteristics Samsung Wind Free Light Samsung Windfree Light air conditioners are designed to make the most of it and give you maximum comfort with extremely low consumption, reaching very high levels of energy efficiency (A++). Designed with innovative and elegant lines, to satisfy any need, with a backlit LED display to view the temperature or the functions you want, it is also managed by a high-tech 8-pole inverter, which in addition to ensuring effectiveness and efficiency, allows for less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Designed to last over time and to withstand the most extreme temperatures, the outdoor units and its components are protected by a particular anti-corrosion and anti-mould protection, and its BLDC (double rotation) compressor, in turn made up of 2 cams and the two balancing weights, so as to obtain very low levels of vibrations, and be extremely silent. . Refreshes quickly without direct air jets The new WindFree air distribution system is the only one that transforms the powerful and direct air fl ow, often the cause of muscle pain and colds, into enveloping coolness. WindFree is ideal for maintaining the desired temperature while avoiding the classic drawbacks associated with the use of air conditioning. Goodbye annoying air jets only the pleasure of the climate you want 2 step cooling is the exclusive two-phase cooling system that allows Samsung air conditioners to obtain surprising results in a very short time and to maintain ideal climatic conditions in absolute comfort. Once the temperature has been selected, the air conditioner automatically sets maximum power to reach the goal in 25% less time than traditional air conditioners. Once the set temperature has been reached, the air conditioner autonomously reduces the emission of cold air, directing it upwards to avoid unpleasant chills for the people present in the room. What is the WindFree technique? The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct air jets. Triangle design Windfree function The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes in the air conditioning units, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. Smart Wi-Fi Control Your well-being can be programmed even when you are not at home. By connecting the air conditioner via the integrated Wi-Fi module, it is possible to manage the air conditioner easily from your Smartphone or tablet, even when the heat suddenly breaks out and you are not at home, in fact by downloading the a special Samsung Smart Home App allows you to activate the air conditioning, to create the ideal climate to better enjoy moments of relaxation when you return home. Downloadable on all Android or IOS platforms. Main features Air conditioner that works with R32 gas , a new type of environmentally friendly refrigerant. The WindFree system , thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. The exclusive Smart Control technology allows you to manage the main functions of the air conditioner using an app that can be installed on a smartphone or PC, even when you are away from home. The noise level of just 16 db(A) is made possible by the use of advanced technologies and by an internal unit designed to minimize any type of vibration or noise. Digital Inverter and 8-Pole Compressor The Digital Inverter compressor modulates the power according to actual needs, significantly reducing energy waste compared to traditional compressors. The new and exclusive 8-Pole Inverter ensures more effective and effi cient operation with less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Purification The Easy Filter of Samsung air conditioners is located on the outside, on the top. So it's easier to take out, clean and put back without having to open any lid or pull hard to detach it. Spi Air Purifier Active hydrogen, together with oxygen ions, neutralizes bacteria that cause allergies and respiratory problems, guaranteeing always pure and healthy air. Design The triangular design allows for a larger impeller, a wider intake grille and a larger delivery surface. The room is cooled faster and more evenly. The elegant and luminous digital display , visible only when the air conditioner is on, reveals the temperature of the room in which the internal unit is installed. Comfort The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Auto Change Over automatically selects the operating mode (cooling or heating) required to maintain the set temperature. Just press the appropriate button and the special fins distribute the air flow evenly and quickly in the desired direction. The Good Sleep function regulates the room temperature by reproducing the body temperature curve during the night, thus ensuring a more comfortable rest. The dehumidification function allows you to eliminate humidity from the rooms, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The auto clean function , which starts automatically once the air conditioner is switched off, eliminates humidity in the internal unit, preventing the proliferation of mould, bacteria and bad odours. 2-Step Cooling The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.