icon RENNAI | CaldaieMurali



Scopri la nostra esclusiva selezione di Rinnai, perfetti per arricchire la tua casa o il tuo spazio lavorativo con stile, comfort e funzionalità. Ogni pezzo è scelto per garantire la migliore qualità e soddisfare ogni tua esigenza.

74 products

  • immagine-1-rinnai-scaldabagno-da-esterno-a-condensazione-rinnai-infinity-enjin-16e-reu-e1620w-e-metano

    RINNAI Scaldabagno da esterno a condensazione Rinnai Infinity Enjin 16e REU-E1620W-E Metano

    Scaldabagno da esterno a condensazione Rinnai Infinity Enjin 16e REU-E1620W-E Metano  Caratteristiche tecniche: Codice scaldabagno da esterno domestico a condensazione REU-E1620W-E Profilo / Classe energetica XL/A Consumo annuo di energia elettrica (kWh/annum) e combustibile (GJ/annum) 9 - 17  Installazione all'esterno Predisposizione per integrazione solare / accumulo Condensazione ULTRA LOW NOx Dimensioni (A x L x P) (mm) 531x351x191 ; 16 Kg Tipologia apparecchio TIPO A FLUSSO FORZATO Portata termica MAX metano (kW) 27,6 Portata idraulica con ∆t 25 °C (l/min) 16 Portata idraulica MAX (l/min) 20 Comando remoto di serie Antigelo di serie (°C) -20 Grado di protezione IPX5D Temperatura d’esercizio MAX (°C) 65 Pressione minima attivazione (bar) 0 Predisposizione per abbinamento con ricircolo RCD-XHF Gas Metano Infinity Serie Enjin - Scaldacqua domestici a condensazione L’ecosofia della condensazione nell’acqua calda sanitaria Engineering Excellence 10 anni dopo aver rivoluzionato il mercato italiano della produzione di acqua calda con gli scaldacqua Infinity, Rinnai alza l’asticella e lancia il primo produttore sanitario a condensazione domestico. Altamente efficiente, il nuovo scaldabagno residenziale a condensazione istantaneo Infinity serie Enjin garantisce costi di gestione ridotti, minore utilizzo di combustibile e performance ulteriormente migliorate. Racchiuso in un design che sa essere al contempo rassicurante e contemporaneo, il nuovo Enjin è anche estremamente resistente e facile da installare e quindi la scelta migliore per le esigenze di acqua calda sanitaria di casa. I COMPONENTI di qualità che costruiscono il benessere Tanta acqua calda a condensazione, nessuno spreco. H2 ready Gli scaldabagni Infinity sono pronti per la nuova era energetica. Possono essere alimentati con gas metano miscelato fino al 30% di idrogeno, unafeature importante verso la sostenibilità. A prova di bufera Tutti i modelli da esterno sono omologati IPx5D e provvisti di kit antigelo di serie fino a -20°C. Queste caratteristiche li rendono installabili all’esterno senza bisogno di protezioni aggiuntive e con estrema facilità, senza allacciamenti a canne fumarie. Getti d’acqua fredda sotto la doccia? Grazie al regolatore di portata tutti gli Infinity garantiscono un flusso continuo di acqua calda a temperatura costante senza sbalzi né interruzioni. Questa funzionalità esclusiva risolve qualsiasi problema di fluttuazione della temperatura, aumenta il comfort e la sicurezza di utilizzo anche da parte delle utenze più deboli e nei sistemi che utilizzano l'acqua calda per processi di produzione. Siamo maniaci della perfezione al grado Quando lo scaldacqua deve essere installato distante dalle utenze e le tubazioni generano dispersioni termiche, è possibile installare il kit per ricircolo sanitario accessorio e il Tecnico può modificare la temperatura al rubinetto da +1°C a +3°C colmando il gap con estrema facilità. I vantaggi della condensazione.Un regalo speciale per te e per il Pianeta. Le Persone e il Pianeta hanno bisogno di un cambiamento, che deve essere etico e perseguibile. Per questo il nostro impegno è, prima di tutto, nel miglioramento continuo degli apparecchi che produciamo, affinché funzionino bene, siano durevoli e utilizzino al meglio la fonte energetica disponibile. Negli scaldacqua a flusso continuo convenzionali il vapore acqueo risultante dal processo di combustione del gas fuoriesce sottoforma di prodotto di scarico gassoso. Negli scaldacqua a condensazione a flusso continuo il calore latente di combustione viene recuperato, reimmesso in circolo e utilizzato nuovamente per preriscaldare l’acqua fredda in ingresso. Infinity Enjin recupera oltre il 90% dell'energia prodotta. Questo significa alta efficienza. Un regalo per te e per il PianetaAcquistando un prodotto a condensazione Rinnai contribuirai direttamente alla protezione delle api. Ti basterà inserire i dati dello scaldabagno Infinity Enjin installato nel form online necessario ai fini della registrazione della garanzia convenzionale per ottenere in omaggio un coupon ed entrare a far parte dell’Oasi Rinnai. Beneficerai subito gratuitamente dell’adozione di un alveare, con il certificato di adozione e la APP per seguire la vita delle tue api. Nell’Oasi Rinnai i numeri ti mostreranno quanto conta il tuo gesto. Visita il sito per conoscere i dettagli dell’iniziativa Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-rinnai-caldaia-rinnai-a-condensazione-momiji-24-kw-con-cronotermostato-wi-fi-intergrato-gpl-low-nox-con-kit-scarico-fumi-sdoppiato-di-serie-ean-8056138592186

    RINNAI Caldaia Rinnai a Condensazione Momiji 24 kW con Cronotermostato Wi-Fi Intergrato Metano Low NOx con Kit Scarico Fumi Sdoppiato di Serie

    NB: LA CURVA E IL TUBO PER IL KIT COASSIALE VANNO ACQUISTATI A PARTE Caldaia Rinnai a Condensazione Momiji 24 kW Completa di Kit Scarico FUmi con Cronotermostato Wi-Fi Intergrato Codice REB-KAI2024FF Classe energetica riscaldamento A Profilo di carico XL Potenza termica nominale kW 20 Rendimento EN677 su P.C.I. (80-60°C) % 96,1 Modulazione potenza nominale (80-60°C) Risc. kW 6,7 - 19,5 Classe NOx 6 Potenza elettrica massima assorbita in riscaldamento W 97 Potenza elettrica in stand by W < 3 Tensione di alimentazione V/Hz 230 / 50 Grado di protezione IPX5D Erogazione acqua calda sanitaria (ΔT=35°C) l/min 9,6 Erogazione acqua calda sanitaria (ΔT=25°C) l/min 13,5 Dimensioni (A x L x P) (mm)660x440x285 MOMIJGIIl caldo abbraccio dell’autunnoMOMIJI sono gli aceri rossi tipici dell’Oriente, le cui foglie colorano di rosso l’autunno, una stagione che i Giapponesi vivono come «di conforto». Grazie al clima mite e alle temperature che tornano ad essere accoglienti (non più il caldo torrido dell’estate, non ancora il clima gelido dell’inverno), prendersi del tempo è ancora più piacevole. Godere della propria casa, così come del foliage, regala benessere. Momiji interpreta al meglio il connubio tra gli impianti tradizionali e la tecnologia della condensazione. Infatti, pur integrandosi perfettamente con differenti sistemi, è progettata per ottimizzare la tecnologia della condensazione su impianti a radiatori, rispondendo in modo concreto alle esigenze di risparmio ed eco-sostenibilità di questa tipologia di riscaldamento, estremamente diffusa ma spesso impossibilitata a sfruttare a pieno i vantaggi della condensazione.Il riscaldamento è smartMomiji offre il cronotermostato Wi-Fi di serie (installabile anche in un locale diverso da quello del generatore) per gestire e controllare la caldaia sempre e dovunque, in completa libertà. Report di consumo, programmazione settimanale, modifica delle impostazioni e gestione di più caldaie (come la propria e quella dei genitori anziani, o della casa in montagna) dalla stessa APP “My Rinnai”, disponibile per smartphone Android e iOS. Tutto questo e molto altro per offrirti una gestione totally smart.La sonda climatica integrata è uno standard dei generatori termici Rinnai: il posizionamento interno consente, a te che la utilizzi e a te che la installi, di evitare opere murarie e collegamenti elettrici. Grazie a questo sensore, puoi dimenticarti di regolare la temperatura di casa e lasciare che il generatore pensi a tutto, adeguando in modo intelligente il suo funzionamento a seconda del meteo, più o meno freddo. Così mentre la caldaia opera in regolazione climatica a temperatura scorrevole, tu puoi godere di un equilibrio perfetto tra comfort e risparmio, e nessun pensiero.Momiji Il comfort non è mai stato così sempliceFacile, ovunque Al pari degli scaldacqua Rinnai Infinity, anche le caldaie Momiji sono studiate appositamente per facilitare il lavoro dell’installatore. L’apparecchio è piccolo, leggero e compatto. È pronto all’uso e non necessita di essere configurato. Il sistema fumario è sdoppiato Ø80/80 e, grazie all’elevata prevalenza del ventilatore è possibile arrivare fino a 30 metri lineari equivalenti.Scambio termico Momiji presenta uno scambio termico in rame, ad ampia sezione di passaggio: questo facilita l’integrazione su impianti esistenti a radiatori e semplifica le operazioni di pulizia. Questa gamma di caldaie è la soluzione perfetta per impianti tradizionali spesso imperfetti.Installabile anche all’esterno Momiji è certificata IPX5D e dispone del kit antigelo di serie fino a -20°C. Grazie a queste caratteristiche può essere installata anche all’esterno senza necessità di protezioni aggiuntiveNeutralizzatore di condensa integrato La serie Momiji presenta il sifone di condensa integrato all’interno del generatore, già addizionato di granulato e subito pronto all’uso. Ciò ti consente di semplificare l’installazione, sempre, anche in caso di sostituzione di un generatore tradizionale ad alta temperatura. Il neutralizzatore integrato, infatti, permette di eliminare l’acidità della condensa (acqua a pH acido prodotta dal normale funzionamento del generatore termico, corrosiva per le tubature) senza dover affrontare i costi di acquisto e manutenzione di un accessorio esterno che assolva a questa funzione, altrimenti indispensabile.Garanzia Prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.

    €1.165,00 - €1.315,00

  • immagine-1-rinnai-caldaia-rinnai-a-condensazione-momiji-34-kw-con-cronotermostato-wi-fi-intergrato-gpl-low-nox-reb-kai3135ff-con-kit-scarico-fumi-sdoppiato-di-serie-ean-8056138592261

    RINNAI Caldaia Rinnai a Condensazione Momiji 34 kW con Cronotermostato Wi-Fi Intergrato Metano Low NOx REB-KAI3135FF con Kit Scarico Fumi Sdoppiato di Serie

    NB: LA CURVA E IL TUBO PER IL KIT COASSIALE VANNO ACQUISTATI A PARTE Caldaia Rinnai a Condensazione Momiji 34 kW Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi con Cronotermostato Wi-Fi Intergrato Metano Low NOx REB-KAI3135FF Codice REB-KAI3135FF Classe energetica riscaldamento A Profilo di carico XL Potenza termica nominale kW 30 Rendimento EN677 su P.C.I. (80-60°C) % 96,3 Modulazione potenza nominale (80-60°C) Risc. kW 12,2 - 30,1 Classe NOx 6 Potenza elettrica massima assorbita in riscaldamento W 97 Potenza elettrica in stand by W < 3 Tensione di alimentazione V/Hz 230 / 50 Grado di protezione IPX5D Erogazione acqua calda sanitaria (ΔT=35°C) l/min 14.0 Erogazione acqua calda sanitaria (ΔT=25°C) l/min 19.6 Dimensioni (A x L x P) (mm)660x440x285 MOMIJIIl caldo abbraccio dell’autunnoMOMIJI sono gli aceri rossi tipici dell’Oriente, le cui foglie colorano di rosso l’autunno, una stagione che i Giapponesi vivono come «di conforto». Grazie al clima mite e alle temperature che tornano ad essere accoglienti (non più il caldo torrido dell’estate, non ancora il clima gelido dell’inverno), prendersi del tempo è ancora più piacevole. Godere della propria casa, così come del foliage, regala benessere. Momiji interpreta al meglio il connubio tra gli impianti tradizionali e la tecnologia della condensazione. Infatti, pur integrandosi perfettamente con differenti sistemi, è progettata per ottimizzare la tecnologia della condensazione su impianti a radiatori, rispondendo in modo concreto alle esigenze di risparmio ed eco-sostenibilità di questa tipologia di riscaldamento, estremamente diffusa ma spesso impossibilitata a sfruttare a pieno i vantaggi della condensazione.Il riscaldamento è smartMomiji offre il cronotermostato Wi-Fi di serie (installabile anche in un locale diverso da quello del generatore) per gestire e controllare la caldaia sempre e dovunque, in completa libertà. Report di consumo, programmazione settimanale, modifica delle impostazioni e gestione di più caldaie (come la propria e quella dei genitori anziani, o della casa in montagna) dalla stessa APP “My Rinnai”, disponibile per smartphone Android e iOS. Tutto questo e molto altro per offrirti una gestione totally smart.La sonda climatica integrata è uno standard dei generatori termici Rinnai: il posizionamento interno consente, a te che la utilizzi e a te che la installi, di evitare opere murarie e collegamenti elettrici. Grazie a questo sensore, puoi dimenticarti di regolare la temperatura di casa e lasciare che il generatore pensi a tutto, adeguando in modo intelligente il suo funzionamento a seconda del meteo, più o meno freddo. Così mentre la caldaia opera in regolazione climatica a temperatura scorrevole, tu puoi godere di un equilibrio perfetto tra comfort e risparmio, e nessun pensiero.Momiji Il comfort non è mai stato così sempliceFacile, ovunqueAl pari degli scaldacqua Rinnai Infinity, anche le caldaie Momiji sono studiate appositamente per facilitare il lavoro dell’installatore. L’apparecchio è piccolo, leggero e compatto. È pronto all’uso e non necessita di essere configurato. Il sistema fumario è sdoppiato Ø80/80 e, grazie all’elevata prevalenza del ventilatore è possibile arrivare fino a 30 metri lineari equivalenti.Scambio termicoMomiji presenta uno scambio termico in rame, ad ampia sezione di passaggio: questo facilita l’integrazione su impianti esistenti a radiatori e semplifica le operazioni di pulizia. Questa gamma di caldaie è la soluzione perfetta per impianti tradizionali spesso imperfetti.Installabile anche all’esternoMomiji è certificata IPX5D e dispone del kit antigelo di serie fino a -20°C. Grazie a queste caratteristiche può essere installata anche all’esterno senza necessità di protezioni aggiuntiveNeutralizzatore di condensa integratoLa serie Momiji presenta il sifone di condensa integrato all’interno del generatore, già addizionato di granulato e subito pronto all’uso. Ciò ti consente di semplificare l’installazione, sempre, anche in caso di sostituzione di un generatore tradizionale ad alta temperatura. Il neutralizzatore integrato, infatti, permette di eliminare l’acidità della condensa (acqua a pH acido prodotta dal normale funzionamento del generatore termico, corrosiva per le tubature) senza dover affrontare i costi di acquisto e manutenzione di un accessorio esterno che assolva a questa funzione, altrimenti indispensabile.Garanzia Prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.

    €1.395,00 - €1.545,00

  • immagine-1-rinnai-area-occasioni-scaldacqua-scaldabagno-a-gas-rinnai-one-11i-metano-reu-a1111ffu-ng-completo-di-kit-scarico-fumi

    RINNAI AREA OCCASIONI Scaldacqua Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI ONE 11i Metano REU-A1111FFU-NG Completo di Kit Scarico Fumi

     ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA AMMACCATURE E RIENTRANZE SULLA SCOCCA ANTERIORE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Scaldacqua Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI ONE 11i Gpl Con Kit Fumi REU-A1111FFU-LPG - NOVITA'  ONE 11i Interno camera stagna flusso forzato CODICE REU-A1111FFU-E Profilo / Classe energetica A+ S Consumo annuo di energia elettrica (kWh/annum 7  Livello di rumorosità all'interno (dB) 59 Dimensioni (mm) 541x373x173 Peso (Kg) 14 Portata termica metano Min/Max (kW) 4,10/21,3 Portata d'acqua ∆t 25°C (l/min) 11 Portata d'acqua Max* (l/min) 11 Temperatura Max di funzionamento (°C) 65 Pressione Min di attivazione (bar) 0,1 Pressione nominale di funzionamento Min/Max (bar) 1/8,3 Consumo elettrico normale /stand-by / antigelo (W) 40 / 1,5 / 116 Antigelo di serie fino a 15° RINNAI ONE Il nuovissimo scaldabagno ONE da 11 litri/min è lo scaldabagno istantaneo domestico da installare all'interno dell'abitazione (per esempio nel locale caldaia, in bagno, tra i pensili della cucina). Produttore di acqua calda sanitaria di tipo istantaneo a gas per installazione interna. Dotato di display per la gestione della temperatura al grado e autodiagnosi. Mantello in acciaio zincato smaltato anticorrosione. produce acqua calda solo quando serve (solo all'apertura di un rubinetto) non spreca energia (perchè non deve mantenere alcuno stock di acqua calda)  evita il rischio di formazione del batterio della Legionella, grazie all'assenza di ristagni N.1 in efficienza ed ecosostenibilità: classe di efficienza energetica A+,  garantisce una installazione veloce anche grazie alle misure compatte ha un codice LC progressivo che segnala eventuali depositi di calcare e permette di intervenire preventivamente  ha il pannello comandi a bordo macchina a cui è possibile collegare fino a 3 comandi accessori, per gestire la temperatura da qualsiasi punto di utilizzo, come in cucina o in bagno ed avere subito l'acqua calda al grado desiderato offre la possibilità di perfezionare la temperatura al rubinetto: da +1°C a +3°C, nel caso tra lo scaldabagno e le utenze ci siano distanze che causano dispersioni termiche Shape memory alloy: la membrana interna al gruppo acqua cambia forma in funzione della temperatura, determinando il flusso d'acqua in transito e la temperatura in uscita Caratteristiche Abbinabile a pannelli solari Abbinabile a ricircolo Abbinabile ad accumulo max lt 500 Max 3 comandi remoti aggiuntivi Antigelo di serie fino a -15°C Ultrasottile Ecosostenibile Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-rinnai-area-occasioni-scaldabagno-a-metano-rinnai-one-11i-reu-a1111ffu-e

    RINNAI AREA OCCASIONI Scaldabagno a Metano RINNAI ONE 11i REU-A1111FFU-E

     ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA UN'AMMACCATURA LATERALE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Scaldacqua Scaldabagno a Gas RINNAI ONE 11i Gpl Con Kit Fumi REU-A1111FFU-LPG - NOVITA'  ONE 11i Interno camera stagna flusso forzato CODICE REU-A1111FFU-E Profilo / Classe energetica A+ S Consumo annuo di energia elettrica (kWh/annum 7  Livello di rumorosità all'interno (dB) 59 Dimensioni (mm) 541x373x173 Peso (Kg) 14 Portata termica metano Min/Max (kW) 4,10/21,3 Portata d'acqua ∆t 25°C (l/min) 11 Portata d'acqua Max* (l/min) 11 Temperatura Max di funzionamento (°C) 65 Pressione Min di attivazione (bar) 0,1 Pressione nominale di funzionamento Min/Max (bar) 1/8,3 Consumo elettrico normale /stand-by / antigelo (W) 40 / 1,5 / 116 Antigelo di serie fino a 15° RINNAI ONE Il nuovissimo scaldabagno ONE da 11 litri/min è lo scaldabagno istantaneo domestico da installare all'interno dell'abitazione (per esempio nel locale caldaia, in bagno, tra i pensili della cucina). Produttore di acqua calda sanitaria di tipo istantaneo a gas per installazione interna. Dotato di display per la gestione della temperatura al grado e autodiagnosi. Mantello in acciaio zincato smaltato anticorrosione. produce acqua calda solo quando serve (solo all'apertura di un rubinetto) non spreca energia (perchè non deve mantenere alcuno stock di acqua calda)  evita il rischio di formazione del batterio della Legionella, grazie all'assenza di ristagni N.1 in efficienza ed ecosostenibilità: classe di efficienza energetica A+,  garantisce una installazione veloce anche grazie alle misure compatte ha un codice LC progressivo che segnala eventuali depositi di calcare e permette di intervenire preventivamente  ha il pannello comandi a bordo macchina a cui è possibile collegare fino a 3 comandi accessori, per gestire la temperatura da qualsiasi punto di utilizzo, come in cucina o in bagno ed avere subito l'acqua calda al grado desiderato offre la possibilità di perfezionare la temperatura al rubinetto: da +1°C a +3°C, nel caso tra lo scaldabagno e le utenze ci siano distanze che causano dispersioni termiche Shape memory alloy: la membrana interna al gruppo acqua cambia forma in funzione della temperatura, determinando il flusso d'acqua in transito e la temperatura in uscita Caratteristiche Abbinabile a pannelli solari Abbinabile a ricircolo Abbinabile ad accumulo max lt 500 Max 3 comandi remoti aggiuntivi Antigelo di serie fino a -15°C Ultrasottile Ecosostenibile Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-rinnai-scaldabagno-a-gas-rinnai-infinity-28i-interno-gpl-completo-di-kit-scarico-fumi-ean-8055776919621

    RINNAI Rinnai Infinity 28i Gas Water Heater Inside LPG Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit

    Overview NEW RINNAI INFINITY 28I GAS WATER HEATER INTERNAL LPG Cod. REU-VCM2837FFUD-LPG, 2 - Forced draft sealed chamber water heaters, COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - ErP Energy Class A. Technical specifications Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Sanitary Energy Efficiency ACS: Class A Declared upload profile: XL Electricity consumption (kWh/year) and fuel (GJ/year) 8 - 18 Indoor noise levels (dB) 67 Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Code: REU-VCM2837FFUD-LPG 2 - Forced flow sealed chamber water heaters Electronic ignition without pilot flame Can be combined with: solar panels/recirculation/accumulmax lt 1000 Fine series antifreeze -20C Installation: Internal - Villa - Apartment with multifunctional shower/whirlpool and professional installations Dimensions: mm 582x356x235 ; 20 Kgs Methane heat input Min/Max (kW) 2.8/53 Water flow t 25C Max (l/min) 28 Max operating temperature (C) 85 Minimum activation pressure (bar) 0.1 Nominal operating pressure Min/Max (bar) 2.5/10 Electric consumption normal / stand-by / antigel (W) 97 / 2 / 120 LPG version Main features RINNAI GAS WATER HEATER: INFINITY saves infinite comforts Rinnai Infinity is the line of instantaneous GAS* water heaters, with forced flow or otherwise, for professional domestic use, indoors and outdoors, capable of guaranteeing: Unlimited hot water without sudden changes in temperature Gradual temperature selection via the standard remote control energy saving Simplicity of design and installation Compact size Superior performance and absolute security Furthermore, the external range, thanks to its unique characteristics, ensures total protection from: Wind (up to 90 km/h) Water coming from any direction (even horizontally, with IPX5D protection factor) Corrosion and rust, with the enamelled steel-zinc cape Frost, thanks to the standard antifreeze on all appliances (including indoors) The SERIES remote control allows the user to select the desired water temperature with precision to the degree, directly from the point of use (when the tap is opened). RESULT: no need to mix for maximum COMFORT and absolute PROTECTION from the risk of burns. energy savings: Rinnai Infinity eliminates any useless waste and ensures real savings: The gas operation guarantees considerably lower costs than the electric one. Respecting a traditional boiler, subject to heat loss and energy consumption to constantly heat the water, Infinity produces it instantly at the moment of the real request and exactly at the desired temperature. The advanced technology of the continuously modulating gas valve, which regulates combustion with the utmost precision, guarantees a more efficient and cleaner regime, with a consequent reduction in consumption and polluting emissions. The detection of the inlet water temperature also allows Infinity to work in perfect synergy with solar systems, heating cookers, other heat generators, modulating, solquandserve and solquantserve, to reach the set temperature Domestic range: Superior performance in small denominations The wide domestic range, differentiated in various hydraulic flow rates, allows the user to choose the most suitable appliance for his needs. The compact dimensions and the captivating aesthetics also guarantee a harmonious and discreet installation, both inside and outside the home INFINITY 28i NEW INFINITY 28 INSTANTANEOUS GAS-FIRED WATER HEATER Infinity 28 Professional Interrange is an instant domestic hot water producer for indoor installation with electronic temperature management and water flow control. Anti-corrosion enamelled steel casing and standard electronic controls with temperature management and self-diagnosis function. Max operating temperature equal to 85 C. Comfort and Economy The new Rinnai Infinity 28i and 28e water heaters (codes REUVCM2837FFUD for internal use REU-VCM2837WD for external use) have the ability to manage an external circulator (optional) in domestic systems equipped with a domestic hot water recirculation ring, to immediately supply hot water to the place of use, according to two modes of operation: "Economy" (factory setting) which aims at maximum savings in consumption thanks to less frequent switching on of the pump, at regular intervals from about 30 to 70 minutes. "Comfort" which guarantees maximum well-being even in systems in which poor insulation of the water circuits is assumed, therefore greater thermal dispersions, with more frequent pump ignition cycles, at intervals from about 15 to 30 minutes. Antifreeze Standard antifreeze system (also on indoor appliances) up to -20C. Status monitor Control panel The Infinity 28s feature a front panel statpost monitor, which displays operating temperature and fault codes. Up to 4 remote controls can be connected to the appliance (of which add to the dashboard for the internal model) offering the following options: temperature control directly from the room of use self-diagnosis additional functions with "de luxe" controls for kitchen bathrooms Cascade connections In addition to the previous management and control systems for cascade appliances (REU-MSB-MB boards), the new Infinity 28 is equipped with a connector for connection to a Building Management System (REU-OPU) which allows error signals to be remoted. ERP extension Rinnai's commitment to a sustainable future. For this reason, all our products are "ERP Ready" or in line with the European classification legislation in force since 26 September 2015. ErP, acronym of Energy related Products (products connected to the use of energy), identifies Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-design. The Directive establishes very precise reference points for the manufacture of environmentally friendly products and defines the mandatory minimum requirements of energy and environmental performance for energy-consuming instruments. The goal is to reach the famous 20-20-20 by 2020. This repetition of the number 20 serves to more easily remind everyone of the three central focuses: -increase the energy efficiency of energy-consuming machines by 20% - reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere by 20% -reach a percentage of renewable energy on final consumption of 20% From 26 September 2015, appliances for winter air conditioning and the production of domestic hot water are accompanied by an energy label. ELD directive: all clear on the label The European Union has made the new energy labeling system mandatory to allow consumers to immediately understand the level of environmental compatibility of individual products. The ELD Labeling Directive (2010/30/EC) in fact provides that each item subject to the ErP Directive is equipped with a label to highlight not only the energy efficiency class but also other performances such as sound power, use, thermal power. Rinnai actively participates in these adjustments, happy to give its contribution to an eco-sustainable world Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €1.610,00 - €1.650,00

  • immagine-1-rinnai-scaldabagno-a-gas-rinnai-infinity-28i-interno-metano-completo-di-kit-scarico-fumi-ean-8055776919645

    RINNAI Rinnai Infinity 28i Gas Water Heater Internal Methane Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit

    Overview NEW GAS WATER HEATER RINNAI INFINITY 28I INTERNAL METHANE Cod.REU-VCM2837FFUD-NG, 2 - Sealed Chamber Water Heaters WITH FORCED DRAFT, COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - ErP Energy class A Technical specifications Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Sanitary Energy Efficiency ACS: Class A Declared upload profile: XL Electricity consumption (kWh/year) and fuel (GJ/year) 8 - 18 Indoor noise levels (dB) 67 Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Code: REU-VCM2837FFUD-NG 2 - Forced flow sealed chamber water heaters Electronic ignition without pilot flame Can be combined with: solar panels/recirculation/accumulmax lt 1000 Fine series antifreeze -20C Installation: Internal - Villa - Apartment with multifunctional shower/whirlpool and professional installations Dimensions: mm 582x356x235 ; 20 Kgs Methane heat input Min/Max (kW) 2.8/53 Water flow t 25C Max (l/min) 28 Max operating temperature (C) 85 Minimum activation pressure (bar) 0.1 Nominal operating pressure Min/Max (bar) 2.5/10 Electric consumption normal / stand-by / antigel (W) 97 / 2 / 120 METHANE version Main features RINNAI GAS WATER HEATER: INFINITY saves infinite comforts Rinnai Infinity is the line of instantaneous GAS* water heaters, with forced flow or otherwise, for professional domestic use, indoors and outdoors, capable of guaranteeing: Unlimited hot water without sudden changes in temperature Gradual temperature selection via the standard remote control energy saving Simplicity of design and installation Compact size Superior performance and absolute security Furthermore, the external range, thanks to its unique characteristics, ensures total protection from: Wind (up to 90 km/h) Water coming from any direction (even horizontally, with IPX5D protection factor) Corrosion and rust, with the enamelled steel-zinc cape Frost, thanks to the standard antifreeze on all appliances (including indoors) The SERIES remote control allows the user to select the desired water temperature with precision to the degree, directly from the point of use (when the tap is opened). RESULT: no need to mix for maximum COMFORT and absolute PROTECTION from the risk of burns. energy savings: Rinnai Infinity eliminates any useless waste and ensures real savings: The gas operation guarantees considerably lower costs than the electric one. Respecting a traditional boiler, subject to heat loss and energy consumption to constantly heat the water, Infinity produces it instantly at the moment of the real request and exactly at the desired temperature. The advanced technology of the continuously modulating gas valve, which regulates combustion with the utmost precision, guarantees a more efficient and cleaner regime, with a consequent reduction in consumption and polluting emissions. The detection of the inlet water temperature also allows Infinity to work in perfect synergy with solar systems, heating cookers, other heat generators, modulating, solquandserve and solquantserve, to reach the set temperature Domestic Range: Superior performance in small denominations The wide domestic range, differentiated in various hydraulic flow rates, allows the user to choose the most suitable appliance for his needs. The compact dimensions and the captivating aesthetics also guarantee a harmonious and discreet installation, both inside and outside the home INFINITY 28i NEW INFINITY 28 INSTANTANEOUS GAS-FIRED WATER HEATER Infinity 28 Professional Interrange is an instant domestic hot water producer for indoor installation with electronic temperature management and water flow control. Anti-corrosion enamelled steel casing and standard electronic controls with temperature management and self-diagnosis function. Max operating temperature equal to 85 C. Comfort and Economy The new Rinnai Infinity 28i and 28e water heaters (codes REUVCM2837FFUD for internal use REU-VCM2837WD for external use) have the ability to manage an external circulator (optional) in domestic systems equipped with a domestic hot water recirculation ring, to immediately supply hot water to the place of use, according to two modes of operation: "Economy" (factory setting) which aims at maximum savings in consumption thanks to less frequent switching on of the pump, at regular intervals from about 30 to 70 minutes. "Comfort" which guarantees maximum well-being even in systems in which poor insulation of the water circuits is assumed, therefore greater heat dispersions, with more frequent pump ignition cycles, at intervals from about 15 to 30 minutes. Antifreeze Standard antifreeze system (also on indoor appliances) up to -20C. Status monitor Control panel The Infinity 28s feature a front panel statpost monitor, which displays operating temperature and fault codes. Up to 4 remote controls can be connected to the appliance (of which add to the dashboard for the internal model) offering the following options: temperature control directly from the room of use self-diagnosis additional functions with "de luxe" controls for kitchen bathrooms Cascade connections In addition to the previous management and control systems for cascade appliances (REU-MSB-MB boards), the new Infinity 28 is equipped with a connector for connection to a Building Management System (REU-OPU) which allows error signals to be remoted. ERP extension Rinnai's commitment to a sustainable future. For this reason, all our products are "ERP Ready" or in line with the European classification legislation in force since 26 September 2015. ErP, acronym of Energy related Products (products connected to the use of energy), identifies Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-design. The Directive establishes very precise reference points for the manufacture of environmentally friendly products and defines the mandatory minimum requirements of energy and environmental performance for energy-consuming instruments. The goal is to reach the famous 20-20-20 by 2020. This repetition of the number 20 serves to more easily remind everyone of the three central focuses: -increase the energy efficiency of energy-consuming machines by 20% - reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere by 20% -reach a percentage of renewable energy on final consumption of 20% From 26 September 2015, appliances for winter air conditioning and the production of domestic hot water are accompanied by an energy label. ELD directive: all clear on the label The European Union has made the new energy labeling system mandatory to allow consumers to immediately understand the level of environmental compatibility of individual products. The ELD Labeling Directive (2010/30/EC) in fact provides that each item subject to the ErP Directive is equipped with a label to highlight not only the energy efficiency class but also other performances such as sound power, use, thermal power. Rinnai actively participates in these adjustments, happy to give its contribution to an eco-sustainable world Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €1.610,00 - €1.650,00

  • immagine-1-rinnai-scaldacqua-scaldabagno-a-gas-rinnai-infinity-17i-completo-di-kit-fumi-cod.-reu-a1720ffu-gpl-new-ean-8056138590120

    RINNAI Rinnai Infinity 17i Gas Water Heater Complete With Smoke Kit Cod. Reu-A1720ffu LPG - New

    Water heater Gas water heater RINNAI INFINITY 17i complete with smoke kit cod. REU-A1720FFU LPG - NEW Code REU-A1720FFU Internal installation Device type C Energy class A Load profile L Available versions Natural gas, LPG, propane air Thermal Capacity (kW) min 4.1 / Max 32.40 Hydraulic flow rate (l/min) min 2 l/min MAX 17 l/min (20 l/min ∆T=15°C) Max settable temperature (°C) 65 Minimum activation pressure (bar) 0.1 Nominal operating pressure (bar) min 1 Max 8.30 Ø 60/100 coax flue, max discharge distance 5m+3 bends, divisible Ø 80/80. Male outlet. See the 'accessories' section Max number of additional controls that can be installed 3 Electricity consumption (W) Normal 55 W Stand-by 1.5 W Antifreeze 116 W Predisposition for connection with recirculation yes Arrangement for integration with solar yes Standard antifreeze, down to -15°C Dimensions WxDxH 373x173x541 mm LPG INFINITY The 17 litres/min Infinity 17i water heater is a domestic instantaneous water heater to be installed inside the home. It produces hot water only in response to a real request (only when the tap is opened). Unlike a kettle, it does not need to store large quantities of water at high temperatures. This allows for great savings in terms of energy costs and water consumption . No need to mix the water, which immediately comes out at the desired temperature. NEW The installer can select the "high altitude" setting to ensure maximum performance of the water heater even when installed in the high mountains, in rarefied air conditions NEW When the water heater and the utilities are distant and heat dispersions are generated, the installer can correct the temperature according to the degree of use (from +1°C to +3°C) by perfecting the temperature at the tap NEW A progressive alert signals any limescale deposits. This allows cleaning to be carried out before the level is such as to cause a malfunction. Instantaneous gas-fired domestic hot water producer for indoor installation. Equipped with a control panel on the dashboard for managing the temperature, the degree and self-diagnosis. Anti-corrosion enamelled galvanized steel casing. Characteristics Unlimited hot water without sudden changes in temperature Electronic ignition without pilot flame Temperature control to the degree via the series controller Flow regulator: constant temperature as the flow varies Integrated automatic reset as standard Progressive LC code that detects any limescale deposits Free warranty extension on rinnai.it Functions Can be combined with solar panels Can be combined with recirculation Can be combined with max storage tank lt 500 Max 3 additional remote controls High Altitude Function Ultrathin Standard antifreeze up to -15°C Perfect temperature despite dispersions** Eco friendly Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €900,00 - €920,00

  • immagine-1-rinnai-scaldabagno-rinnai-infinity-11e-esterno-gpl

    RINNAI Rinnai Infinity 11e External LPG water heater

    Technical features Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive DHW sanitary energy efficiency: Class A Declared load profile: M Annual consumption of electricity (kWh/annum) and fuel (GJ/annum) 6 - 6 Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Code: REU-VRM1120WD-LPG Forced flow open chamber Electronic ignition without pilot flame Can be combined with: solar panels/recirculation/accumulation max lt 500 Standard antifreeze down to -20°C Installation: Outdoor - Apartment Dimensions: mm 503x356x181 - 15 Kg Natural gas heat input Min/Max (kW) 2.75/22 Water flow Δt 25°C Min/Max (l/min) 11l/min Max operating temperature (°C) 75 Minimum activation pressure (bar) 0.1 Min/Max nominal operating pressure (bar) 1.2 / 10 Electricity consumption normal / stand-by / antifreeze (W) 29 / 2 / 74 IPX5D protection Class NOx5 LPG version RINNAI GAS WATER HEATER: INFINITY infinite savings and comfort Rinnai Infinity is the line of instantaneous GAS* water heaters, with high efficiency forced flow, for domestic and professional indoor and outdoor use, capable of guaranteeing: Unlimited hot water without sudden changes in temperature Temperature selection per degree via the standard remote control Energy saving Simplicity of design and installation Compact size Superior performance and absolute security Free initial testing, carried out by an authorized Rinnai technical assistance centre Furthermore, the external range, thanks to its unique characteristics, ensures total protection from: Wind (up to 90 km/h) Water coming from any direction (even horizontally, with IPX5D protection factor) Corrosion and rust, with the enamelled galvanized steel shell Frost, thanks to the standard antifreeze on all appliances (including indoors) The STANDARD remote control allows the user to select the desired water temperature with accuracy to the degree, directly from the point of use (when the tap is opened). Energy saving: Rinnai Infinity eliminates any useless waste and ensures real savings: Gas operation guarantees considerably lower costs than electric operation. Compared to a traditional boiler, subject to heat loss and energy consumption to constantly heat the water, Infinity produces it instantly at the moment of the real request and exactly at the desired temperature. The advanced technology of the continuously modulating gas valve, which regulates combustion with the utmost precision, guarantees a more efficient and cleaner regime, with a consequent net cut in consumption and polluting emissions. The detection of the inlet water temperature also allows Infinity to work in perfect synergy with solar systems, heating cookers or other heat generators, modulating, only when needed and only as much as needed, to reach the set temperature Domestic Range: Superior performance in small denominations The wide domestic range, differentiated in various hydraulic flow rates, allows the user to choose the most suitable appliance for his needs. The compact dimensions and captivating aesthetics also guarantee a harmonious and discreet installation, both inside and outside the home General characteristics INFINITY 11e Infinity 11 outdoor is an instantaneous domestic hot water producer for outdoor installation with electronic temperature management and water flow control. Anti-corrosion enamelled galvanized steel casing and standard control panel with temperature management and self-diagnosis function. Max operating temperature equal to 75° C. Characteristics: Unlimited hot water without sudden changes in temperature Temperature control to the degree via the standard remote control External installation does not require fumes exhaust Flow regulator: constant temperature as the flow varies Electronic ignition without pilot flame Free initial testing, carried out by an authorized Rinnai technical assistance centre ErP Ready Rinnai's commitment is aimed at an eco-sustainable future. For this reason all our products are "ERP Ready" or already in line with the European classification legislation in force since 26 September 2015. ErP, acronym of Energy related Products (products connected to the use of energy), identifies the Directive 2009/ 125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design. The Directive establishes very precise reference points for the manufacture of eco-compatible products and defines the minimum mandatory requirements of energy and environmental performance for instruments that use energy. The goal is to reach the famous 20-20-20 by 2020. This repetition of the number 20 serves to more easily remind everyone of the three central focuses: -increase the energy efficiency of energy-consuming machines by 20% - reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere by 20% -reach a percentage of renewable energies on final consumption of 20% Since 26 September 2015, appliances for winter air conditioning and domestic hot water production have been accompanied by an energy label. ELD directive: all clear on the label The European Union has made the new energy labeling system mandatory to allow consumers to immediately understand the level of environmental compatibility of individual products. The ELD or Labeling Directive ( 2010/30/CE ) in fact provides that each item subject to the ErP Directive is equipped with a label to highlight not only the energy efficiency class but also other performances such as sound power, use, thermal power. Rinnai actively participates in these adjustments, happy to make its contribution to a more eco-sustainable world Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-rinnai-scaldabagno-a-condensazione-da-interno-rinnai-infinity-sensei-n32i-completo-di-kit-scarico-fumi-reu-n3237ffc-e-lpg-gpl-novita-ean-8055776918464

    RINNAI Rinnai Infinity Sensei N32i Indoor Condensing Water Heater Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit Reu-N3237ffc-E-Lpg LPG - New

    ATTENTION the product is available on order! Rinnai Infinity Sensei N32I indoor condensing water heater Complete with smoke outlet kit REU-N3237FFC-E-LPG LPG - NEW Internal installation Dimensions (H x W x D) (mm) 670x470x276 Energy Class A XXL profile Max hydraulic flow rate Δt 25°C (l/min) 32 l/min Frontal Display Thermoregulation Can be cascaded Yes Internal installation / Villa - Apartment with multifunctional shower, hydromassage / Professional installation sensei Rinnai presents Infinity Sensei, the masters of condensation, the brand new range of instant gas condensing water heaters of 26 and 32 litres/minute, for indoors or outdoors. Ultra performing on their own, perfect in cascade installations, where they express all their potential by satisfying even the most important hot water production needs in commercial premises, accommodation facilities, production plants and much more. Condensation is ECO-SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY In condensing technology, the water vapor contained in the combustion products is also used to generate heat. For this reason, the Infinity Sensei series condensing water heaters reduce consumption by up to 30% and polluting emissions (NOx and CO₂) by up to 70%. DID YOU KNOW THAT? In professional applications, only the condensing sanitary production is compliant with the law. The Ministerial Decree "Minimum requirements" of 6/26/2015 regulates both heating and the production of domestic hot water, also called, like heating, to respect a minimum efficiency on the PCI equal to 90 + 2 log Pn . This value can only be reached with condensation . From the entry into force of the decree, in order to have parameters of polluting emissions and energy efficiency compliant with the legislation, all economic entities that use hot water professionally must use gas-fired producers only of the condensing type in all cases ( replacement, renovation and new construction). The Infinity Sensei condensing water heaters they are perfectly compatible with renewable sources they can manage up to 4 additional remote commands for temperature control from different points of use have an increasingly user-friendly electronic board, which allows you to set and monitor the operating parameters directly from the standard remote control. The Technician can activate the Service Soon parameter, a warning signal for scheduled maintenance, functional to guarantee the periodicity of the assistance interventions, which preserve the longevity of the systems. Optimal combustion, even in the mountains The Infinity SENSEI condensing appliances, like all the new Rinnai water heaters, are equipped with the high altitude function that the technician can set in addition to the 900m altitude where the air is rarefied. Installation in cascade and in Modus Infinity Sensei for indoor or outdoor use can be connected to each other in certified turnkey systems that allow all the security of perfect sizing with respect to system requirements. Several devices can be managed in an optimal way, as if they were a single fully modulating machine. The Modus can connect up to 10 producers in series and can be further combined with each other. Sensei: even better. Cascade management becomes smarter, with a single connector that connects up to 24 luminaires and a new IP addressing system for Master-Slave management, functional for a uniform distribution of the workload among all the luminaires that make up the module . Internal Sensei Infinity Sensei series 26 litres/min condensing is an instantaneous domestic hot water producer for indoor installation. Rinnai patented R-Evolution heat exchanger, new metal fiber burner, zero governor valve, full condensation. Anti-corrosion and anti-freeze enamelled galvanized steel casing included as standard up to -20°C. Like all condensing models, N26i is compatible with Rinnai Modus systems for easy installation of multiple appliances in medium and large professional systems. For domestic use, with the first ignition free of charge by an authorized technician, Rinnai offers a free 4-year warranty extension. Energy efficiency class A. Unlimited hot water without sudden changes in temperature Flow regulator: constant temperature as the flow varies Temperature control to degree For domestic use, free initial test with free warranty extension, by an authorized Rinnai Technician Electronic ignition without pilot flame Control panel on the bridge for managing the water temperature. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €2.240,00 - €2.335,00

  • Caldaia Rinnai A Condensazione Zen 29 Kw Low Nox Wi-Fi Integrato Neutralizzatore Condensa Integrato Cod. Reb-Kbi2929ff-Ng Metano Completa Di Kit Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    RINNAI Rinnai Condensing Boiler Zen 29 Kw Low Nox Integrated Wi-Fi Integrated Condensate Neutralizer Cod. Reb-Kbi2929ff-Ng Methane Complete With Smoke Kit

    RINNAI condensing boiler ZEN 29 kW Low NOx Integrated Wi-Fi Integrated Condensate Neutralizer cod. REB-KBI2929FF-NG Methane Complete with Fume Kit Code REB-KBI2929FF-NG Heating energy efficiency class A Profile / Domestic hot water energy class XL / A Noise level indoors (dB) 44 Performance Nominal heat input on PCI Heating (kW) 29.0 Qnw Nominal heat input on Sanitary PCI (kW) 29.0 NOx class 6 Maximum electric power absorbed in heating (W) 100 Degree of protection IPX5D Expansion vessel content (l) 7.5 Domestic hot water delivery (∆T=35°C) (l/min) 11.6 Dimensions Dimensions (W x H x D) (mm) - Empty weight (kg) 440x660x285 - 33 ZEN Zen is the new 100% Rinnai domestic condensing boiler , with WiFi chronothermostat as standard. Thanks to the "My Rinnai" APP, using and monitoring the generator is very simple: just one click to set the temperature, check consumption and change the programming for unexpected changes in plans, such as a last-minute evening with friends. Performing on any type of system, range rated and full condensing, Zen is the perfect Rinnai solution for domestic comfort. Small in size and big in performance, Zen is easy to install and guarantees a low environmental impact. The heart of the boiler has extraordinary performances The metal fiber burner is ultra low NOx, with values ​​that satisfy the most restrictive European regulations: Zen reaches the best class of merit (Class 6) for its low environmental impact and is positioned as the most eco-sustainable product in its category. The 100% Rinnai heat exchanger is made of stainless steel, completely recyclable, designed to ensure complete condensation and last over time. Innovative earthquake safety sensor In the event of medium or high intensity seismic events (increasingly frequent also in our country) the boiler automatically isolates itself from the gas system, limiting the risk of leaks, explosions or fires, which can make the affected environment even more dangerous. earthquake. Can also be installed outdoors Zen is IPX5D certified and features the standard antifreeze kit up to -20°C. Thanks to these characteristics, it can also be installed outdoors without the need for additional protection. Integrated condensate neutraliser The Zen series features the condensate siphon integrated inside the generator, already added with granulate and immediately ready for use. This allows you to simplify installation, always, even when replacing a traditional high temperature generator. The integrated neutraliser, in fact, allows the acidity of the condensate to be eliminated (water with an acid pH produced by the normal operation of the boiler, corrosive for the pipes) without having to face the costs of purchasing and maintaining an external accessory which performs this function. otherwise essential. Integrated climatic probe The integrated climatic probe is a standard of Rinnai heat generators: the internal positioning allows you, who use it and you who install it, to avoid masonry work and electrical connections. Thanks to this sensor, you can forget about regulating the temperature in your home and let the generator take care of everything, intelligently adapting its operation according to the weather, more or less cold. So while the boiler operates in climatic regulation with sliding temperature, you can enjoy a perfect balance between comfort and savings, and no worries. Wi-Fi as standard Zen offers the standard Wi-Fi chronothermostat (which can also be installed in a room other than that of the generator) to manage and control the boiler anytime, anywhere, in complete freedom. Consumption reports, weekly programming, modification of settings and management of multiple boilers (such as one's own and that of elderly parents, or the house in the mountains) from the same "My Rinnai" APP, available for Android and iOS smartphones. All this and much more to offer you totally smart management. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Rinnai A Condensazione Momiji 29 Kw Con Cronotermostato Wi-Fi Intergrato Gpl Low Nox Reb-Kai2529ff Con Kit Scarico Fumi Sdoppiato Di Serie - CaldaieMurali

    RINNAI Rinnai Condensing Boiler Momiji 29 Kw With Integrated Wi-Fi LPG Low Nox Chronothermostat Reb-Kai2529ff With Standard Double Flue Exhaust Kit

    NB: THE CURVE AND THE PIPE FOR THE COAXIAL KIT MUST BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY Rinnai Condensing Boiler Momiji 29 kW Complete with Flue Kit with Integrated Wi-Fi Chronothermostat Low NOx LPG REB-KAI2529FF Code RREB-KAI2529FF Heating energy class A XL load profile Nominal thermal power kW 24 EN677 efficiency on PCI (80-60°C) % 96.1 Nominal power modulation (80-60°C) Heating kW 8.2 - 23.8 NOx class 6 Maximum electric power absorbed in heating W 98 Electrical power in stand-by W < 3 Supply voltage V/Hz 230 / 50 Degree of protection IPX5D Domestic hot water delivery (ΔT=35°C) l/min 11.6 Domestic hot water delivery (ΔT=25°C) l/min 16.3 Dimensions (H x W x D) (mm)660x440x285 MOMIJI The warm embrace of autumn MOMIJI are the red maple trees typical of the Orient, whose leaves color autumn red, a season that the Japanese experience as "comfort". Thanks to the mild climate and temperatures that are once again welcoming (no longer the torrid heat of summer, not yet the freezing climate of winter), taking time out is even more pleasant. Enjoying your home, as well as the foliage, gives well-being. Momiji best interprets the combination of traditional systems and condensing technology. In fact, while integrating perfectly with different systems, it is designed to optimize the condensation technology on radiator systems, responding concretely to the needs for savings and eco-sustainability of this type of heating, extremely widespread but often unable to fully exploit the advantages of condensation. The heating is smart Momiji offers the standard Wi-Fi chronothermostat (which can also be installed in a room other than that of the generator) to manage and control the boiler anytime, anywhere, in complete freedom. Consumption reports, weekly programming, modification of settings and management of multiple boilers (such as one's own and that of elderly parents, or the house in the mountains) from the same "My Rinnai" APP, available for Android and iOS smartphones. All this and much more to offer you totally smart management. The integrated climatic probe is a standard of Rinnai heat generators: the internal positioning allows you, who use it and you who install it, to avoid masonry work and electrical connections. Thanks to this sensor, you can forget about regulating the temperature in your home and let the generator take care of everything, intelligently adapting its operation according to the weather, more or less cold. So while the boiler operates in climatic regulation with sliding temperature, you can enjoy a perfect balance between comfort and savings, and no worries. Momiji Comfort has never been easier Easy, everywhere Like the Rinnai Infinity water heaters, the Momiji boilers are also specifically designed to facilitate the installer's work. The device is small, light and compact. It is ready to use and does not need to be configured. The flue system is split Ø80/80 and, thanks to the high prevalence of the fan, it is possible to reach up to 30 equivalent linear metres. Thermal exchange Momiji has a copper heat exchange, with a large passage section: this facilitates integration into existing radiator systems and simplifies cleaning operations. This range of boilers is the perfect solution for often imperfect traditional systems. Can also be installed outdoors Momiji is IPX5D certified and has the standard antifreeze kit up to -20°C. Thanks to these characteristics, it can also be installed outdoors without the need for additional protection Integrated condensate neutraliser The Momiji series features the condensate siphon integrated inside the generator, already added with granulate and immediately ready for use. This allows you to simplify installation, always, even when replacing a traditional high temperature generator. The integrated neutralizer, in fact, allows you to eliminate the acidity of the condensate (acidic pH water produced by the normal operation of the heat generator, corrosive for the pipes) without having to face the costs of purchasing and maintaining an external accessory that performs this function otherwise essential. Product Warranty: The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €1.270,00 - €1.420,00

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