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Submersible pumps

Discover our wide range of submersible pumps to solve your water drainage and lifting needs. Designed for reliable, long-lasting operation, our submersible pumps deliver superior performance in even the most demanding conditions.

14 products

  • immagine-1-dab-area-occasione-elettropompa-dab-inverter-modello-e-sybox-mini-3-per-pressurizzazione-idrica-codice-60212597

    DAB AREA OCCASIONE Elettropompa DAB Inverter Modello E.SYBOX MINI 3 Per Pressurizzazione Idrica Codice 60212597

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: PRODOTTO INTEGRO MANUALE D'ISTRUZIONI NON PRESENTE IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : E.SYBOX MINI3 Codice prodotto : 60212597 Tipo di installazione possibile : Fissa, orizzontale, verticale o a muro tramite apposito accessorio Performance Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Portata : Fino a 7,2 m3/h Prevalenza : 65 m Temperatura del liquido : +40°C Temperatura ambiente massima : +50°C Profondità di aspirazione massima : 8 m Pressione massima di esercizio : 8 bar / 800 kPa Grado di protezione del motore : IP X4 Classe di isolamento del motore : F Tipo di liquido pompato : Pulito, libero da sostanze solide o abrasive, non viscoso, non aggressivo, non cristallizzato e chimicamente neutro Materiale di costruzione girante : Tecnopolimero Lunghezza cavo di alimentazione e tipo di spina : 1,5 m con spina schuko Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (AxLxP) : 564x263x362 mm Peso : 27,0 kg POMPE DAB C'è un nome nel settore delle elettropompe che da oltre 30 anni, in tutto il mondo, é sinonimo di alta tecnologia e affidabilità. Questo nome è DAB, azienda che dal 1975 progetta e costruisce elettropompe in un'ottica ben precisa: quella di rispondere alle sempre più esigenti richieste del mercato non solo con prodotti che si attestano ai più elevati livelli di qualità, ma anche con un servizio efficiente e versatile. 35 anni di esperienza e innovazione Nata nel 1975 in Veneto, DAB PUMPS S.p.A. è oggi punto di riferimento internazionale nel settore della movimentazione dell'acqua. Il suo core business riguarda la progettazione, la produzione e la vendita di elettropompe idrauliche in grado di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza per ogni tipologia di applicazione domestica e professionale. Una rete grande come il mondo Nel corso dei suoi 35 anni di crescita costante, DAB PUMPS ha inoltre sviluppato una rete vendita e di centri di assistenza tecnica che forniscono una copertura capillare del mercato nazionale ed internazionale. Oltre ai suoi 5 stabilimenti produttivi dislocati in territorio italiano, la struttura aziendale si compone infatti di 9 filiali estere e numerosi distributori in tutto il mondo. I prodotti più affidabili Con oltre 2 milioni di pezzi prodotti ogni anno, le elettropompe DAB PUMPS sono diventate sinonimo di alta tecnologia e affidabilità. DAB dispone di una vastissima gamma di pompe per acqua, adatte ad ogni esigenza, realizzate con materiali all’avanguardia che li rendono sempre più resistenti alle sollecitazioni interne ed esterne, capaci di garantire elevate prestazioni, qualità e resistenza nel lungo periodo, limitando l’impatto ambientale. Le pompe DAB sono il risultato di ricerca e tecnologia continua, elementi che cercano di offrire soluzioni flessibili e di facile utilizzo in ogni campo di applicazione. L’attenzione specifica che l’azienda pone sui materiali e le procedure di omologazione a cui viene sottoposta ogni linea prima del rilascio produttivo, permette a DAB PUMPS di assicurare contemporaneamente il più alto grado di resistenza e le massime performance dei suoi prodotti. E.sybox mini3 Sistema di pressurizzazione automatici con inverter Evidentemente ha un aspetto diverso da qualsiasi altro sistema autoclave, è piccolo e tutto integrato, ma mentre lo installi e lo usi ti accorgi che la vera differenza è nel comfort e nelle prestazioni. E.sybox mini3 utilizza le più avanzate tecnologie DAB per consentire una pressione costante in base alla richiesta e di conseguenza un’ottimizzazione dei consumi energetici. Adatto per l’utilizzo con acqua potabile, in impianti domestici e in applicazioni di giardinaggio. Il nuovo modello a 3 giranti assicura un ulteriore riduzione del rumore e dei consumi. Gestire la pressione dell’acqua nella tua casa non è mai stato cosi semplice e silenzioso Esybox Mini 3 di DAB è progettato per attività di pressurizzazione, giardinaggio e irrigazione e prelievo dal sottosuolo in ambiti domestici e residenziali. Appartiene alla serie Esyline e dispone quindi di diversi accessori.Il sistema è “tutto incluso”, comprendendo tra gli altri componenti un vaso di espansione, una pompa multigirante autoadescante, un inverter e un display.Grazie ad Esybox Mini 3 la poca pressione dell’acqua in casa non rappresenterà più un problema perché la pompa autoclave Esybox Mini 3 è in grado di aumentarla e mantenerla costante. Grazie alla pompa autoadescante integrata può anche prelevare l'acqua da pozzi. La presenza dell'inverter permette al motore di variare il numero di giri in base alla richiesta, consentendo una maggiore efficienza e quindi un risparmio energetico.Esybox Mini 3 è silenzioso, appena 45dB, meno di una conversazione tra persone e per questo installabile anche in ambienti abitati, come la cucina. È possibile il controllo remoto della pompa grazie al servizio DConnect (integrato). È anche possibile creare gruppi di due pompe. Applicazioni Appartamenti fino a 3 piani, 2 bagni e 50m2 di giardino Adatto per pompare acqua da : Pressione sempre costante per il massimo del comfort Grazie alla tecnologia inverter, una volta impostata la pressione desiderata E.sybox mini3 la mantiene sempre costante per tutte le utenze servite Silenziosità Progettato per il Relax Il motore raffreddato ad acqua, l’elettronica ad inverter, le carene fonoassorbenti ed i piedini antivibranti fanno di E.sybox mini3 il secondo sistema autoclave più silenzioso sul mercato, dopo E.sybox Campione del risparmio Al Primo Posto Garantisce il comfort della pressione costante (Set Point regolabile da 1 a 5,5 bar) nell’impianto e 120 ¤/anno* di risparmio in bolletta grazie alla tecnologia inverter Minimo ingombro Massima Compattezza La nuova architettura dei componenti ed il design ergonomico lo rendono talmente compatto da poter essere installato in qualsiasi ambiente, persino sotto il lavello della cucina! Integrato Tutto in Uno Ad eccezione dei tubi di aspirazione e mandata non richiede alcun componente aggiuntivo per la sua installazione Display Regolazione Facile LCD 70x40 mm ad alta risoluzione orientabile per adeguare la leggibilità alle varie installazioni. L’interfaccia intuitiva permette di accedere a tutte le informazioni e di personalizzare i principali settaggi a seconda della specificità dell’applicazione Wireless A Bordo Grazie alla scheda wireless integrata E.sybox mini3 può connnettersi ad internet Massiima versatilità 3 Posizioni di Installazione Le caratteristiche ed il design di e.sybox lo rendono un sistema facilmente adattabile a qualsiasi tipo di installazione. Orizzontale o Verticale, in un locale ventilato o in un recesso, qualsiasi ambiente sarà perfetto per utilizzare al meglio e.sybox.che garantisce una riduzione di almeno il 30% degli ingombri rispetto a qualsiasi altro sistema tradizionale. Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Last stock! immagine-1-dab-area-occasioni-elettropompa-sommergibile-dab-modello-nova-up-600-m-na-per-drenaggio-acque-chiare-ad-uso-domestico

    DAB AREA OCCASIONI Elettropompa Sommergibile DAB Modello NOVA Up 600 M-NA Per Drenaggio Acque Chiare Ad Uso Domestico

    ATTENZIONE : IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO ED È STATO MESSO IN FUNZIONE DAI NOSTRI TECNICI PER UN TEST Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : NOVA UP 600 M-NA Codice prodotto : 60152310 Campo di funzionamento : Da 1 a 15 m3/h con prevalenze fino a 10 metri Campo di temperatura del liquido : da 0°C a +35°C per uso domestico Liquido pompato : Acque torbide senza fibre Profondità minima di pescaggio : 70 mm Immersione massima : 7 metri Installazione : verticale, fissa o portatile Grado di protezione : IP 68 Classe di isolamento : F Applicazioni La pompa sommergibile da drenaggio a mandata verticale è idonea per impieghi domestici di applicazioni fisse a funzionamento automatico,per prosciugamento di scantinati e autorimesse soggetti ad allagamenti. Grazie alla sua forma compatta e maneggevole trova anche particolare applicazione come pompa portatile per casi di emergenza quali: prelievo d’acqua da serbatoi o fiumi, svuotamento di piscine e fontane o di scavi e sottopassaggi. Idonea anche per giardinaggio ed hobbistica in genere. Questa pompa può essere utilizzata con liquidi contenenti corpi di dimensioni solide fino a 10mm. L’interruttore di livello permette una installazione fissa garantendone il funzionamento automatico. Dotata di filtro removibile, aspira fino a un minimo di 2/3mm (con filtro rimosso). Caratteristiche costruttive della pompa Corpo pompa, girante, calotta e griglia di aspirazione in tecnopolimero idroresistente. Motore, albero rotore e viteria in acciaio inossidabile. Triplice tenuta ad anelli interposti con precamera d’olio. Caratteristiche costruttive del motore Di tipo sommergibile asincrono a servizio continuo. Statore inserito in un involucro ermetico in acciaio inossidabile e coperto da una calotta che racchiude cablaggi, microinterruttore e condensatore. Rotore montato su cuscinetti a sfere ingrassati a vita e sovradimensionati per garantire silenziosità e durata. Protezione termo-amperometrica incorporata e condensatore permanentemente inserito. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-dab-elettropompa-dab-sommergibile-per-drenaggio-acque-chiare-ad-uso-domestico-verty-nova-400-m-99330866

    DAB Dab Submersible Electric Pump For Clear Water Drainage For Domestic Use - Verty Nova 400 M 99330866

    Technical features Model Dab Submersible Electric Pump Model Verty Nova 400 M For Clear Water Drainage Energy efficiency Operating range: from 1 to 10m3 /h with heads up to 9 metres. Liquid temperature range: from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use. Pumped liquid: cloudy water without fibers. Pump priming limit: 10-15mm in manual operation. Maximum immersion : 7 metres. APPLICATIONS The submersible drainage pump with vertical delivery is suitable for domestic use of fixed applications with automatic operation, for draining basements and garages subject to flooding. Thanks to its compact and handy shape, and to the integrated float, it is particularly suitable for small drain wells (minimum 20x20cm). It can find application as a portable pump for emergencies such as: drawing water from tanks or rivers, emptying pools and fountains or excavations and underpasses. Also suitable for gardening and hobby work in general. This pump can be used with liquids containing solid size bodies up to 5mm. The integrated float level switch allows a fixed installation ensuring its automatic operation. Equipped with easy access to the float for maintenance and automatic or manual mode selector. Minimum suction level up to 2/3mm. CONSTRUCTION FEATURES OF THE PUMP Pump body, impeller, cover and suction grille in water-resistant technopolymer. Motor, rotor shaft and screws in stainless steel. Triple seal with interposed rings with pre-oil chamber CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MOTOR Asynchronous submersible type for continuous service. Stator inserted in a stainless steel hermetic casing and covered by a cap that encloses wiring, microswitch and capacitor. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life and oversized ball bearings to guarantee silence and durability. Built-in thermo-amperometric protection and permanently inserted capacitor. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-dab-elettropompa-sommergibile-dab-nova-up-300-m-na-per-drenaggio-acque-chiare-ad-uso-domestico-99391515

    DAB Dab Nova Up 300 M-Na Submersible Electric Pump For Draining Clear Water For Domestic Use 99391515

    Technical features Model Dab Submersible Electric Pump Model Nova Up 300 M-NA For Draining Clear Water For Domestic Use Energy efficiency Operating range: from 1 to 15 m3 /h with heads up to 10 metres. Liquid temperature range: from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use. Pumped liquid: cloudy water without fibers Minimum draft depth: NOVA UP 300 MA 120 mm NOVA UP 300 M-NA 60 mm NOVA UP 600 MA 165 mm NOVA UP 600 M-NA 70 mm Maximum immersion: 7 meters. Installation: vertical, fixed or portable. Degree of protection: IP68. Insulation class: F. APPLICATIONS The submersible drainage pump with vertical delivery is suitable for domestic use of stationary applications with automatic operation, for draining basements and garages subject to flooding. Thanks to its compact and handy shape, it also finds particular application as a portable pump for emergencies such as: drawing water from tanks or rivers, emptying pools and fountains or excavations and underpasses. Also suitable for gardening and hobby work in general. This pump can be used with liquids containing sized bodies solid up to 10mm. The level switch allows a fixed installation guaranteeing its automatic operation. Equipped with a removable filter, it sucks down to a minimum of 2/3mm (with filter removed). CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PUMP Pump body, impeller, cap and suction grille in water-resistant technopolymer. Motor, rotor shaft and screws in stainless steel. Triple seal with interposed rings with pre-oil chamber. CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENGINE Continuous service asynchronous submersible type. Stator inserted in a stainless steel hermetic casing and covered by a cap that encloses wiring, microswitch and capacitor. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life and oversized ball bearings to guarantee silence and durability. Thermo-amperometric protection built-in and permanently inserted capacitor. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-dab-pompa-centrifuga-sommergibile-in-acciaio-inox-dab-feka-vs-1000-m-a-hp-136-monofase-99582791

    DAB Submersible Centrifugal Pump In Stainless Steel Dab Feka Vs 1000 MA Hp 1.36 Single Phase 99582791

    Technical features Model: FEKA VS 1000 MA single-phase Power supply: 1 x 230V~50Hz Power: 1kW (1.36HP) Capacitor capacity: 25mF Operating range: flow rate up to 400 l/min (24 m3/h) with heads up to 11.8 metres. DAB PUMPS There is a name in the electric pump sector that has been synonymous with high technology and reliability all over the world for over 30 years. This name is DAB, a company that has been designing and building electric pumps since 1975 with a very specific viewpoint: that of responding to the increasingly demanding market demands not only with products that attest to the highest levels of quality, but also with an efficient service and versatile. 35 years of experience and innovation Founded in 1975 in Veneto, DAB PUMPS SpA is today an international point of reference in the water handling sector. Its core business concerns the design, production and sale of electric hydraulic pumps able to satisfy any need for any type of domestic and professional application. A network as big as the world During its 35 years of constant growth, DAB PUMPS has also developed a sales network and technical assistance centers which provide widespread coverage of the national and international market. In addition to its 5 production plants located in Italy, the corporate structure is made up of 9 foreign branches and numerous distributors all over the world. The most reliable products With over 2 million pieces produced every year, DAB PUMPS electric pumps have become synonymous with high technology and reliability. DAB has a very wide range of water pumps, suitable for every need, made with cutting-edge materials that make them increasingly resistant to internal and external stresses, capable of guaranteeing high performance, quality and resistance over the long term, limiting the environmental impact. DAB pumps are the result of continuous research and technology, elements that try to offer flexible and easy-to-use solutions in every field of application. The specific attention that the company places on the materials and the homologation procedures to which each line is subjected before the production release, allows DAB PUMPS to simultaneously ensure the highest degree of resistance and the maximum performance of its products. General characteristics FEKA VS Submersible pumps WASTEWATER LIFTING Submersible pump in stainless steel with vortex impeller in precision cast steel. Suitable for wastewater and residential sewage containing solids up to 50mm in size. Handle covered in insulating rubber. Motor shaft in AISI 316 stainless steel. Double mechanical seal with interposed oil chamber (non-toxic oil), in carbon/alumina on the motor side and silicon carbide/silicon carbide on the pump side. Seal holder cover, motor case, cap with handle in stainless steel. Construction features of the pump Pump body, seal holder cover, motor casing, cap with handle in AISI 304 stainless steel. Impeller in precision cast steel. Handle covered in insulating rubber. Motor shaft in AISI 316 stainless steel. Double mechanical seal with interposed oil chamber (non-toxic oil), in carbon/alumina on the motor side and silicon carbide/silicon carbide on the pump side. Engine construction features Dry motor, asynchronous type, watertight, cooled by the pumped liquid. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life ball bearings, oversized and selected to ensure low noise and durability. Standard thermo-amperometric protection for the single-phase version, provided by the user for the three-phase version. Capacitor permanently inserted in the single-phase version. Continuous service with liquid at 35 °C and totally immersed pump. The single-phase version can be supplied with a float for automatic operation. Power cable: 10 meters H07RN-F, with plug for the single-phase version. Number of poles: 2 Max starts/hour: 20 Series features: Operating range: from 0 to 32 m3/h with head up to 14 metres. Pumped liquid: sewage and used water in general, however non-aggressive. Free passage: 50 mm Liquid temperature range: - from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use (EN 60335-2-41) - from 0°C to +50°C for other uses Maximum ambient temperature for pump operation with the motor surfaced: +40°C Maximum immersion depth: 7 meters Motor protection degree: IP 68 Insulation class: F Series voltage: 220-240V~ 50Hz Single-phase 380-415V~ 50Hz Three-phase Power cable: 10 meters H07RN-F, with plug for the single-phase version Installation: fixed or portable, vertical Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-dab-elettropompa-centrifuga-sommergibile-dab-feka-vs-1200-t-na-16-hp-trifase-in-acciaio-inox-99330934

    DAB Dab Feka Vs 1200 T-Na 1.6 Hp Three-Phase Centrifugal Electric Pump In Stainless Steel 99330934

    Technical features Product Code : FEKA VS 12000 T-NA Power supply : 3 x 400V ~ 50Hz Power : 1.2 kW (1.6 HP) Operating range: from 0 to 32 m3/h with head up to 14 metres Pumped liquid: sewage and used water in general, however non-aggressive Free Passage: 50 mm Liquid Temperature Range : - from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use, - from 0°C to +50°C for other uses Maximum Ambient Temperature for Operation of the Pump with the Motor Surfaced: +40° C Maximum Immersion Depth : 7 meters Motor Protection Degree: IP 68 Insulation class : F Installation : Fixed or Portable, Vertical FEKA VS Submersible Pumps Applications Submersible centrifugal pump in stainless steel with liquid vortex impeller, in precision cast steel, suitable for lifting sewage water and waste water in general, containing solid bodies with maximum dimensions up to 50 mm Construction features of the pump Pump body, seal holder cover, motor casing, cap with handle in AISI 304 stainless steel. Impeller in precision cast steel. Handle covered in insulating rubber. Motor shaft in AISI 316 stainless steel. Double mechanical seal with interposed oil chamber (non-toxic oil), in carbon/alumina on the motor side and silicon carbide/silicon carbide on the pump side Construction Characteristics of the Engine Dry motor, asynchronous type, watertight, cooled by the pumped liquid. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life ball bearings, oversized and selected to ensure low noise and durability. Standard thermo-amperometric protection for the single-phase version, provided by the user for the three-phase version. Capacitor permanently inserted in the single-phase version. Continuous service with liquid at 35 °C and totally immersed pump. The single-phase version can be supplied with a float for automatic operation. Power cable: 10 meters H07RN-F, with plug for the single-phase version. Number of poles: 2 , Max starts/hour: 20. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-dab-pompa-centrifuga-sommergibile-in-acciaio-inox-dab-feka-vs-750-m-a-hp-1-monofase-99330910

    DAB Submersible Centrifugal Pump In Stainless Steel Dab Feka Vs 750 MA Hp 1 Single Phase 99330910

    Technical features Model: FEKA VS 750 MA single-phase Power supply: 1 x 230V~50Hz Power: 0.75kW (1HP) Capacitor capacity: 20mF Operating range: flow rate up to 400 l/min (24 m3/h) with heads up to 9.6 metres. DAB PUMPS There is a name in the electric pump sector that has been synonymous with high technology and reliability all over the world for over 30 years. This name is DAB, a company that has been designing and building electric pumps since 1975 with a very specific viewpoint: that of responding to the increasingly demanding market demands not only with products that attest to the highest levels of quality, but also with an efficient service and versatile. 35 years of experience and innovation Founded in 1975 in Veneto, DAB PUMPS SpA is today an international point of reference in the water handling sector. Its core business concerns the design, production and sale of electric hydraulic pumps able to satisfy any need for any type of domestic and professional application. A network as big as the world During its 35 years of constant growth, DAB PUMPS has also developed a sales network and technical assistance centers which provide widespread coverage of the national and international market. In addition to its 5 production plants located in Italy, the corporate structure is made up of 9 foreign branches and numerous distributors all over the world. The most reliable products With over 2 million pieces produced every year, DAB PUMPS electric pumps have become synonymous with high technology and reliability. DAB has a very wide range of water pumps, suitable for every need, made with cutting-edge materials that make them increasingly resistant to internal and external stresses, capable of guaranteeing high performance, quality and resistance over the long term, limiting the environmental impact. DAB pumps are the result of continuous research and technology, elements that try to offer flexible and easy-to-use solutions in every field of application. The specific attention that the company places on the materials and the homologation procedures to which each line is subjected before the production release, allows DAB PUMPS to simultaneously ensure the highest degree of resistance and the maximum performance of its products. General characteristics FEKA VS Submersible pumps WASTEWATER LIFTING Submersible pump in stainless steel with vortex impeller in precision cast steel. Suitable for wastewater and residential sewage containing solids up to 50mm in size. Handle covered in insulating rubber. Motor shaft in AISI 316 stainless steel. Double mechanical seal with interposed oil chamber (non-toxic oil), in carbon/alumina on the motor side and silicon carbide/silicon carbide on the pump side. Seal holder cover, motor case, cap with handle in stainless steel. Construction features of the pump Pump body, seal holder cover, motor casing, cap with handle in AISI 304 stainless steel. Impeller in precision cast steel. Handle covered in insulating rubber. Motor shaft in AISI 316 stainless steel. Double mechanical seal with interposed oil chamber (non-toxic oil), in carbon/alumina on the motor side and silicon carbide/silicon carbide on the pump side. Engine construction features Dry motor, asynchronous type, watertight, cooled by the pumped liquid. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life ball bearings, oversized and selected to ensure low noise and durability. Standard thermo-amperometric protection for the single-phase version, provided by the user for the three-phase version. Capacitor permanently inserted in the single-phase version. Continuous service with liquid at 35 °C and totally immersed pump. The single-phase version can be supplied with a float for automatic operation. Power cable: 10 meters H07RN-F, with plug for the single-phase version. Number of poles: 2 Max starts/hour: 20 Series features: Operating range: from 0 to 32 m3/h with head up to 14 metres. Pumped liquid: sewage and used water in general, however non-aggressive. Free passage: 50 mm Liquid temperature range: - from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use (EN 60335-2-41) - from 0°C to +50°C for other uses Maximum ambient temperature for pump operation with the motor surfaced: +40°C Maximum immersion depth: 7 meters Motor protection degree: IP 68 Insulation class: F Series voltage: 220-240V~ 50Hz Single-phase 380-415V~ 50Hz Three-phase Power cable: 10 meters H07RN-F, with plug for the single-phase version Installation: fixed or portable, vertical Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-dab-elettropompa-sommergibile-dab-modello-nova-300-m-a-per-drenaggio-acque-chiare-ad-uso-domestico-60194400

    DAB Dab Submersible Electric Pump Model Nova 300 MA For Draining Clear Water For Domestic Use 60194400

    General characteristics Brand: Dab Code: 60194400 Model: NOVA 300 MA Data sheet Operating range: from 1 to 16 m3/h with heads up to 10.2 metres. Liquid temperature range: from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use Pumped liquid: cloudy water without fibers Particle size passing through the suction grille: NOVA 180 - NOVA 200 5mm. NOVA 300 - NOVA 600 10 mm. depth min. draft: NOVA 180 A 77mm NOVA 180 NA - NOVA 200 8mm NOVA 300 85mm NOVA 600 A 175mm NOVA 600 NA 38mm Maximum immersion: 7 meters. Maximum dry run time: 1 minute. Degree of protection: IP68. Insulation class: F Description The submersible pump of the NOVA series is suitable for domestic use of stationary applications with automatic operation, for draining basements and garages subject to flooding. Thanks to its compact and handy shape, it also finds particular application as a portable pump for emergencies such as: drawing water from tanks or rivers, emptying pools and fountains or excavations and underpasses. Also suitable for gardening and hobby work in general. The level switch allows a fixed installation guaranteeing its automatic functioning. CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PUMP Pump body, impeller, cap and suction grille in water-resistant technopolymer. Motor, rotor shaft and screws in stainless steel. Triple seal with interposed rings with pre-oil chamber. CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENGINE Continuous service asynchronous submersible type. Stator inserted in a stainless steel hermetic casing and covered by a cap that encloses wiring, microswitch and capacitor. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life and oversized ball bearings to guarantee silence and durability. Built-in thermo-amperometric protection and capacitor permanently inserted in the single-phase version. For the protection of the three-phase motor it is recommended to use a motor protection switch in accordance with the standards. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-dab-elettropompa-sommergibile-dab-nova-up-600-m-na-per-drenaggio-acque-chiare-ad-uso-domestico-99504625

    DAB Dab Nova Up 600 M-Na Submersible Electric Pump For Draining Clear Water For Domestic Use 99504625

    Technical features Model Dab Submersible Electric Pump Model Nova Up 600 M-NA For Draining Clear Water For Domestic Use Energy efficiency Operating range: from 1 to 15 m3 /h with heads up to 10 metres. Liquid temperature range: from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use. Pumped liquid: cloudy water without fibers Minimum draft depth: NOVA UP 300 MA 120 mm NOVA UP 300 M-NA 60 mm NOVA UP 600 MA 165 mm NOVA UP 600 M-NA 70 mm Maximum immersion: 7 meters. Installation: vertical, fixed or portable. Degree of protection: IP68. Insulation class: F. APPLICATIONS The submersible drainage pump with vertical delivery is suitable for domestic use of stationary applications with automatic operation, for draining basements and garages subject to flooding. Thanks to its compact and handy shape, it also finds particular application as a portable pump for emergencies such as: drawing water from tanks or rivers, emptying pools and fountains or excavations and underpasses. Also suitable for gardening and hobby work in general. This pump can be used with liquids containing sized bodies solid up to 10mm. The level switch allows a fixed installation guaranteeing its automatic operation. Equipped with a removable filter, it sucks down to a minimum of 2/3mm (with filter removed). CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PUMP Pump body, impeller, cap and suction grille in water-resistant technopolymer. Motor, rotor shaft and screws in stainless steel. Triple seal with interposed rings with pre-oil chamber. CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENGINE Continuous service asynchronous submersible type. Stator inserted in a stainless steel hermetic casing and covered by a cap that encloses wiring, microswitch and capacitor. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life and oversized ball bearings to guarantee silence and durability. Thermo-amperometric protection built-in and permanently inserted capacitor. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-dab-pompa-centrifuga-sommergibile-in-acciaio-inox-dab-feka-vs-550-m-a-hp-075-monofase-99330903

    DAB Submersible Centrifugal Pump In Stainless Steel Dab Feka Vs 550 MA Hp 0.75 Single Phase 99330903

    Technical features Model: FEKA VS 550 MA single-phase Power supply: 1 x 230V~50Hz Power: 0.55kW (0.75HP) Capacitor capacity: 20mF Operating range: flow rate up to 300 l/min (18 m3/h) with heads up to 7.4 metres. DAB PUMPS There is a name in the electric pump sector that has been synonymous with high technology and reliability all over the world for over 30 years. This name is DAB, a company that has been designing and building electric pumps since 1975 with a very specific viewpoint: that of responding to the increasingly demanding market demands not only with products that attest to the highest levels of quality, but also with an efficient service and versatile. 35 years of experience and innovation Founded in 1975 in Veneto, DAB PUMPS SpA is today an international point of reference in the water handling sector. Its core business concerns the design, production and sale of electric hydraulic pumps able to satisfy any need for any type of domestic and professional application. A network as big as the world During its 35 years of constant growth, DAB PUMPS has also developed a sales network and technical assistance centers which provide widespread coverage of the national and international market. In addition to its 5 production plants located in Italy, the corporate structure is made up of 9 foreign branches and numerous distributors all over the world. The most reliable products With over 2 million pieces produced every year, DAB PUMPS electric pumps have become synonymous with high technology and reliability. DAB has a very wide range of water pumps, suitable for every need, made with cutting-edge materials that make them increasingly resistant to internal and external stresses, capable of guaranteeing high performance, quality and resistance over the long term, limiting the environmental impact. DAB pumps are the result of continuous research and technology, elements that try to offer flexible and easy-to-use solutions in every field of application. The specific attention that the company places on the materials and the homologation procedures to which each line is subjected before the production release, allows DAB PUMPS to simultaneously ensure the highest degree of resistance and the maximum performance of its products. General characteristics FEKA VS Submersible pumps WASTEWATER LIFTING Submersible pump in stainless steel with vortex impeller in precision cast steel. Suitable for wastewater and residential sewage containing solids up to 50mm in size. Handle covered in insulating rubber. Motor shaft in AISI 316 stainless steel. Double mechanical seal with interposed oil chamber (non-toxic oil), in carbon/alumina on the motor side and silicon carbide/silicon carbide on the pump side. Seal holder cover, motor case, cap with handle in stainless steel. Construction features of the pump Pump body, seal holder cover, motor casing, cap with handle in AISI 304 stainless steel. Impeller in precision cast steel. Handle covered in insulating rubber. Motor shaft in AISI 316 stainless steel. Double mechanical seal with interposed oil chamber (non-toxic oil), in carbon/alumina on the motor side and silicon carbide/silicon carbide on the pump side. Engine construction features Dry motor, asynchronous type, watertight, cooled by the pumped liquid. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life ball bearings, oversized and selected to ensure low noise and durability. Standard thermo-amperometric protection for the single-phase version, provided by the user for the three-phase version. Capacitor permanently inserted in the single-phase version. Continuous service with liquid at 35 °C and totally immersed pump. The single-phase version can be supplied with a float for automatic operation. Power cable: 10 meters H07RN-F, with plug for the single-phase version. Number of poles: 2 Max starts/hour: 20 Series features: Operating range: from 0 to 32 m3/h with head up to 14 metres. Pumped liquid: sewage and used water in general, however non-aggressive. Free passage: 50 mm Liquid temperature range: - from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use (EN 60335-2-41) - from 0°C to +50°C for other uses Maximum ambient temperature for pump operation with the motor surfaced: +40°C Maximum immersion depth: 7 meters Motor protection degree: IP 68 Insulation class: F Series voltage: 220-240V~ 50Hz Single-phase 380-415V~ 50Hz Three-phase Power cable: 10 meters H07RN-F, with plug for the single-phase version Installation: fixed or portable, vertical Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-dab-pompa-centrifuga-sommergibile-in-acciaio-inox-dab-feka-vs-1200-m-a-hp-16-monofase-99330927

    DAB Submersible Centrifugal Pump In Stainless Steel Dab Feka Vs 1200 MA Hp 1.6 Single Phase 99330927

    Technical features Model: FEKA VS 1200 MA single-phase Power supply: 1 x 230V~50Hz Power: 1.2kW (1.6HP) Capacitor capacity: 30mF Operating range: flow rate up to 400 l/min (24 m3/h) with heads up to 14 metres. DAB PUMPS There is a name in the electric pump sector that has been synonymous with high technology and reliability all over the world for over 30 years. This name is DAB, a company that has been designing and building electric pumps since 1975 with a very specific viewpoint: that of responding to the increasingly demanding market demands not only with products that attest to the highest levels of quality, but also with an efficient service and versatile. 35 years of experience and innovation Founded in 1975 in Veneto, DAB PUMPS SpA is today an international point of reference in the water handling sector. Its core business concerns the design, production and sale of electric hydraulic pumps able to satisfy any need for any type of domestic and professional application. A network as big as the world During its 35 years of constant growth, DAB PUMPS has also developed a sales network and technical assistance centers which provide widespread coverage of the national and international market. In addition to its 5 production plants located in Italy, the corporate structure is made up of 9 foreign branches and numerous distributors all over the world. The most reliable products With over 2 million pieces produced every year, DAB PUMPS electric pumps have become synonymous with high technology and reliability. DAB has a very wide range of water pumps, suitable for every need, made with cutting-edge materials that make them increasingly resistant to internal and external stresses, capable of guaranteeing high performance, quality and resistance over the long term, limiting the environmental impact. DAB pumps are the result of continuous research and technology, elements that try to offer flexible and easy-to-use solutions in every field of application. The specific attention that the company places on the materials and the homologation procedures to which each line is subjected before the production release, allows DAB PUMPS to simultaneously ensure the highest degree of resistance and the maximum performance of its products. General characteristics FEKA VS Submersible pumps WASTEWATER LIFTING Submersible pump in stainless steel with vortex impeller in precision cast steel. Suitable for wastewater and residential sewage containing solids up to 50mm in size. Handle covered in insulating rubber. Motor shaft in AISI 316 stainless steel. Double mechanical seal with interposed oil chamber (non-toxic oil), in carbon/alumina on the motor side and silicon carbide/silicon carbide on the pump side. Seal holder cover, motor case, cap with handle in stainless steel. Construction features of the pump Pump body, seal holder cover, motor casing, cap with handle in AISI 304 stainless steel. Impeller in precision cast steel. Handle covered in insulating rubber. Motor shaft in AISI 316 stainless steel. Double mechanical seal with interposed oil chamber (non-toxic oil), in carbon/alumina on the motor side and silicon carbide/silicon carbide on the pump side. Engine construction features Dry motor, asynchronous type, watertight, cooled by the pumped liquid. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life ball bearings, oversized and selected to ensure low noise and durability. Standard thermo-amperometric protection for the single-phase version, provided by the user for the three-phase version. Capacitor permanently inserted in the single-phase version. Continuous service with liquid at 35 °C and totally immersed pump. The single-phase version can be supplied with a float for automatic operation. Power cable: 10 meters H07RN-F, with plug for the single-phase version. Number of poles: 2 Max starts/hour: 20 Series features: Operating range: from 0 to 32 m3/h with head up to 14 metres. Pumped liquid: sewage and used water in general, however non-aggressive. Free passage: 50 mm Liquid temperature range: - from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use (EN 60335-2-41) - from 0°C to +50°C for other uses Maximum ambient temperature for pump operation with the motor surfaced: +40°C Maximum immersion depth: 7 meters Motor protection degree: IP 68 Insulation class: F Series voltage: 220-240V~ 50Hz Single-phase 380-415V~ 50Hz Three-phase Power cable: 10 meters H07RN-F, with plug for the single-phase version Installation: fixed or portable, vertical Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-dab-elettropompa-sommergibile-dab-modello-nova-600-m-a-per-drenaggio-acque-chiare-ad-uso-domestico-60191566

    DAB Dab Submersible Electric Pump Model Nova 600 MA For Draining Clear Water For Domestic Use 60191566

    General characteristics Brand: Dab Code: 60191566 Model: NOVA 600MA Data sheet Operating range: from 1 to 16 m3/h with heads up to 10.2 metres. Liquid temperature range: from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use. Pumped liquid: cloudy water without fibers Particle size passing through the suction grille: NOVA 180 - NOVA 200 5mm. NOVA 300 - NOVA 600 10 mm. depth min. draft: NOVA 180 A 77mm NOVA 180 NA - NOVA 200 8mm NOVA 300 85mm NOVA 600 A 175mm NOVA 600 NA 38mm Maximum immersion: 7 meters. Maximum dry run time: 1 minute. Degree of protection: IP68. Insulation class: F Description The submersible pump of the NOVA series is suitable for domestic use of stationary applications with automatic operation, for draining basements and garages subject to flooding. Operating range: from 1 to 16 m3/h with heads up to 10.2 metres. Pumped liquid: cloudy water without fibers. Liquid temperature range: from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use. Outlet: horizontal 1” ¼ F. APPLICATIONS The submersible pump of the NOVA series is suitable for domestic use of stationary applications with automatic operation, for draining basements and garages subject to flooding. Thanks to its compact and handy shape, it also finds particular application as a portable pump for emergencies such as: drawing water from tanks or rivers, emptying pools and fountains or excavations and underpasses. Also suitable for gardening and hobby work in general. The level switch allows a fixed installation guaranteeing its automatic functioning. Also available the version with pump shaft in special stainless steel (SV). CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PUMP Pump body, impeller, cap and suction grille in water-resistant technopolymer. Motor, rotor shaft and screws in stainless steel. Triple seal with interposed rings with pre-oil chamber. CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENGINE Continuous service asynchronous submersible type. Stator inserted in a stainless steel hermetic casing and covered by a cap that encloses wiring, microswitch and capacitor. Rotor mounted on greased-for-life and oversized ball bearings to guarantee silence and durability. Built-in thermo-amperometric protection and capacitor permanently inserted in the single-phase version. For the protection of the three-phase motor it is recommended to use a motor protection switch in accordance with the standards. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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