Scopri la nostra esclusiva selezione di Panasonic, perfetti per arricchire la tua casa o il tuo spazio lavorativo con stile, comfort e funzionalità. Ogni pezzo è scelto per garantire la migliore qualità e soddisfare ogni tua esigenza.
Panasonic Panasonic Inverter Air Conditioner Bz Series 12000 Btu Cs-Bz35zke R-32 Wi-Fi Optional A++/A+ - New
Panasonic Inverter Air Conditioner BZ Series 12000 Btu CS-BZ35ZKE R-32 Wi-Fi Optional A++/A+ - New Technical features Indoor unit catalog number : CS-BZ35ZKE Outdoor unit catalog code : CU-BZ35ZKE Power : 12000 Btu Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code CZ-TACG1 ) Optional Wire Control (Code CZ-RD517C) Energy efficiency SEER : 6.3 SCOP : 4.2 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Energy Consumption in Cooling : 1.02 kW Energy Consumption in Heating : 1.00 KwkWh/a Performance Cooling Capacity: 3.30 kW Heating Capacity: 3.70 kW Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit: 38/30/20 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -10° ~ 43°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24°C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 290 x779x209 / 8 External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 542x780x289 / 24 New BZ Unit , Compact and Efficient 1. Compact design · Compact design, only 779mm wide · Frame and components designed for ease of installation and maintenance 2. Improved indoor air quality · Cleaner air with the PM2.5 filter 3. High comfort · Aerowings to control the direction of the airflow Super Quiet! Only 20dB(A) · Heating up to -15 °C 4. Intelligent control Optional internet control with PanasonicComfort Cloud app (CZ-TACG1 required) · Compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa New Super Compact Design Compact design of the indoor unit with only 779 mm in width. This feature expands installation opportunities, for example allowing you to take advantage of the limited space above a door. Possibility of installation using R410A and R22 pipes. PM2.5 filter PM2.5 particulate matter is an air pollutant composed of dust, dirt, cigarette smoke and droplets. The filter captures PM2.5 particles including pollutants hazardous to health, house dust and pollen Greater airflow control with Aerowings Aerowings incorporate two fins that concentrate the airflow ensuring an even distribution of fresh air throughout Optional Internet compatible with Voice Assistance With the optional CZ-TACG1 device and the Panasonic Comfort Cloud Application you can manage all the functions of up to 200 units from your smartphone, access the energy statistics, set the schedule and define various permissions A small gesture for the future Not everyone is ready for change. Panasonic, on the other hand, believes that with technological development people's lives can be improved. For this reason, a new line of air conditioners has been designed in R32, an absolutely innovative refrigerant: it is easy to install, has a low environmental impact and saves energy. The result? Greater well-being for people and the planet. Welcome R32! R32 refrigerant The new generation of air conditioners with R32 refrigerant is an innovation in every sense. Can we list them? 1. Ease of installation • Easy to install, like models with R410A refrigerant. (Just remember to check that the pressure gauge and vacuum pump are compatible with R32 refrigerant) • The refrigerant is 100% pure, making it easier to recycle or reuse it 2. Respect for the environment • Zero impact on the ozone layer • Impact on global warming reduced by approximately 75% 3. Efficiency increase • Cost reduction and greater savings : Reduction of the refrigerant charge by 30% • Higher efficiency A+++ than R410 Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Panasonic Climatizzatore Condizionatore Panasonic Inverter Serie Etherea White 12000 Btu CS-Z35ZKEW R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato Bianco Opaco A+++/A++
Climatizzatore Condizionatore Panasonic Inverter Serie Etherea White 12000 Btu CS-Z35ZKEW R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato Bianco Opaco A+++/A++ Caratteristiche Tecniche Kit KIT-Z35-ZKE Capacita' in raffrescamento (Nominale) kW 3,50 Capacita' in raffrescamento (Min) kW 0,85 Capacita' in raffrescamento (Max) kW 4,20 EER (Nominale) (1) W/W 4,27 SEER (2) 9,50 A+++ Capacità teorica in raffresc. - Pdesign kW 3,5 Consumo in raffrescamento (Nominale) kW 0,82 Consumo in raffrescamento (Min) kW 0,20 Consumo in raffrescamento (Max) kW 1,16 Consumo annuale in raffrescamento (3) kWh/a 129 Capacita' di riscaldamento (Nominale) kW 4,00 Capacita' di riscaldamento (Min) kW 0,80 Capacita' di riscaldamento (Max) kW 5,50 Capacità di riscaldamento a -7°C kW 3,2 COP (Nominale) (1) W/W 4,55 SCOP (2) 5,20 A+++ Consumo in riscaldamento (Nominale) kW 0,88 Consumo in riscaldamento (Min) kW 0,18 Consumo in riscaldamento (Max) kW 1,46 Consumo annuale in riscaldamento (3) kWh/a 781 Unita' interna CS-Z35ZKEW Tensione di alimentazione V 230 Collegamenti unità interna / esterna mm² 4 x 1,5 Portata d’aria (Raffrescamento) m³/min 12,7 Portata d'aria (Riscaldamento) m³/min 14,4 Capacità di deumidificazione L/h 2 Pressione sonora interna (Raff -Hi) (4) dB(A) 42 Pressione sonora interna (Raff -Hi) (4) dB(A) 42 Pressione sonora interna (Raff-Lo) (4) dB(A) 28 Pressione sonora interna (Raff-Q-Lo) (4) dB(A) 19 Pressione sonora interna (Risc -Hi) (4) dB(A) 43 Pressione sonora interna (Risc -Lo) (4) dB(A) 33 Pressione sonora interna (Risc -Q-Lo) (4) dB(A) 1 Dimensioni unità interna (Altezza) mm 295 Dimensioni unità interna (Larghezza) mm 870 Dimensioni unità interna (Profondità) mm 229 Generatore nanoe X Mark 3 Unita' esterna CU-Z35ZKE Portata d'aria (Raff) m³/min 29,8 Portata d'aria (Risc) m³/min 29,8 Pressione sonora esterna (Raff -Hi) (4) dB(A) 48 Pressione sonora esterna (Raff -Hi) (4) dB(A) 48 Pressione sonora esterna (Risc -Hi) (4) dB(A) 50 Dimensioni unità esterna (Altezza) (5) mm 542 Dimensioni unità esterna (larghezza) (5) mm 780 Dimensioni unità esterna (Profondità) (5) mm 289 Peso netto kg 31 Tubo di collegamento (Lato liquido) Inch (mm) 1/4 (6,35) Tubo di collegamento (Lato gas) Inch (mm) 3/8 (9,52) Lunghezza tubi di collegamento m 3 ~ 15 Differenza in elevazione (int/est) (6) m 15 Lungh . tubaz . senza aggiunta di refrigerante m 7,5 Quantità aggiuntiva refrigerante g/m 10 Refrigerante (R32) / CO2 Eq. kg / T 0,81 / 0,55 Gamma temperature esterne operative (Raff- Min) °C -10 Gamma temperature esterne operative (Raff- Min) °C -10 Gamma temperature esterne operative (Raff - Max) °C +43 Gamma temperature esterne operative (Risc - Min) °C -20 Gamma temperature esterne operative (Risc - Max) °C +24 Nuovo Etherea con tecnologia nanoe™ X Una soluzione intelligente per migliorare la qualità dell’aria e rendere la tua casa confortevole e accogliente Nuovi modelli Etherea: una proposta ideale per la tua casa I nuovi modelli Etherea sono dotati della tecnologia nanoe™ X basata sui benefici dei radicali ossidrilici. Con opzioni di controllo avanzato, prestazioni elevate, un design elegante e funzioni intelligenti, Etherea è progettato per rendere la tua casa confortevole, più pulita e il luogo ideale dove vivere. Un comfort naturale per i vostri spazi interni nanoe™ X, tecnologia basata sui benefici dei radicali ossidrilici Abbondanti in natura, i radicali ossidrilici (noti anche come radicali OH-) hanno la capacità di inibire certi tipi di virus e batteri così da migliorare e deodorizzare l’ambiente. La tecnologia nanoe™ X può portare questi incredibili benefici all’interno degli spazi in cui viviamo agendo su arredi e mobili, migliorando di conseguenza l’ambiente circostante rendendolo più pulito e gradevole nanoe™ X: tecnologia che migliora la qualità dell'aria 24/7 Agisce migliorando la qualità dell’aria interna, in modo da rendere l’ambiente che ti circonda un luogo più pulito, garantendo il massimo livello di comfort. nanoe™ X funziona sia in modalità riscaldamento che in modalità raffrescamento quando sei a casa e può operare in modo indipendente quando sei lontano da casa. Consenti al tuo sistema di climatizzazione di migliorare la qualità dell’aria sfruttando la tecnologia nanoe™ X e l’app Panasonic Comfort Cloud. Cosa rende unica la tecnologia nanoe™ X? Grazie a questa tecnologia avanzata, anche i tessuti a trama fitta possono essere trattati con la tecnologia nanoe™ X, così come anche tende, persiane, tappeti e mobili, incluse le superfici più difficili e, naturalmente, anche l’aria che respiriamo. Pulizia internaLa funzione pulizia interna consente di igienizzare la struttura interna dell’unità interna. Utilizza la tecnologia nanoe™ X che può inibire fino al 99% l’adesione di batteri, virus e muffe al filtro, all’evaporatore e all’aria in uscita.La nuova ventola a flusso incrociato è rivestita per evitare che la polvere aderisca alle sue superfici e può essere efficace contro alcuni tipi di batteri e muffe Controllo avanzato da remoto e assistente vocale Panasonic ha dedicato tempo e risorse allo sviluppo di una tecnologia intelligente per migliorare i propri sistemi di climatizzazione e offrire una serie di vantaggi. Etherea è compatibile con l’app Comfort Cloud di Panasonic, progettata per gestire facilmente tutte le funzioni dei sistemi con un dispositivo intelligente. Pratico controllo centralizzato L’applicazione Panasonic Comfort Cloud consente di gestire e monitorare comodamente più unità di climatizzazione da un solo dispositivo mobile. Tecnologia progettata per il massimo comfortLa gamma Etherea si avvale della funzione Aerowings 2.0 La funzione Aerowings di Panasonic incorpora due alette indipendenti che concentrano il flusso d’aria per riscaldare o raffrescare l’ambiente nel più breve tempo possibile contribuendo al contempo a distribuire uniformemente l’aria fresca in tutta la stanza. Grazie alla nuova aletta secondaria più ampia (72 mm), di dimensioni più che raddoppiate rispetto ad altri modelli convenzionali, il controllo sulla direzione del flusso d’aria è stato ulteriormente migliorato. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Panasonic Climatizzatore Condizionatore Panasonic Dual Split Inverter Serie Etherea White 7+9 con CU-2Z41TBE R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato Colore Bianco 7000+9000
Caratteristiche Tecniche Unità interne 1) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x CS-Z20ZKEW Serie : Etherea White Colore : Bianco Opaco Potenza: 7000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 2,05 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 2,,80 kW Aria Trattata Unità Interna : 11,7 m3/min Livello Potenza Sonora : 53 dB(A) Livello pressione Sonora : 19~38 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (AxLxP) : 295x870x229 mm Peso Unità Interna : 10 Kg Wi-Fi Integrato Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice CZ-RD514C ) 2) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x CS-Z25ZKEW Serie : Etherea White Colore : Bianco Opaco Potenza: 9000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 2,50 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 3,40 kW Aria Trattata Unità Interna : 12,7 m3/min Livello Potenza Sonora : 55 dB(A) Livello pressione Sonora : 19~41 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (AxLxP) : 295x870x229 mm Peso Unità Interna : 10 Kg Wi-Fi Integrato Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice CZ-RD514C ) Unità Esterna Modello: Codice catalogo Unità Esterna : CU-2Z41TBE Numero massimo di unità interne abbinabili : 2 Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 8,50 SCOP : 4,60 Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Raffreddamento : A+++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Riscaldamento : A++ Consumo energetico annuo Raffreddamento : 169 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo Riscaldamento : 1065 kWh/a Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 4,10 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 4,60 kW Assorbimento Raffreddamento : 0,90 kW Assorbimento Riscaldamento: 0,96 kW Livello pressione sonora : 48~50 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -10° ~ 46° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati Installativi: Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x2 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x2 Lunghezza massima Tubazioni : 30 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 10 m Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (AxLxP) : 619x824x299 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 39,0 Kg 5 anni di Garanzia sul Compressore 5 anni di garanzia sui compressori dell’unità esterna dell’intera gamma per cinque anni Panasonic offre la più ampia gamma di sistemi Multi Split 2 tipi di Multi Split da 3,5 a 9,0 kW per 5 unità interne collegate ad una singola unità esterna. Se i requisiti di climatizzazione dell’aria superano l’ambito di una singola stanza, Panasonic offre una gamma molto ampia di modelli con la possibilità di collegare fino a 5 unità interne a una singola unità esterna Completa flessibilità fino a 9,0 kW e fino a 5 ambienti con un'ampia gamma di unità interne comprese le unità interne Etherea ad alte prestazioni, classe efficienza energetica fino a A+++ / A++ Perché un Multi Split è una soluzione migliore di più unità separate Un'unica unità esterna compatta Maggiore comfort in casa poiché ogni ambiente è dotato di una propria unità interna per il riscaldamento Molto più potente di una singola unità Più efficiente poiché le unità funzionano sempre a piena capacità Possibilità di collegare tutti i tipi di unità interne, come i modelli da parete, console, in funzione delle singole esigenze Soluzione con Multi Split Con un'unità esterna è possibile collegare fino a cinque unità interne. Ogni camera o area è dotata di un'unità interna. Estremo aumento dei livelli di comfort. Sul tetto viene installata una sola unità esterna. Panasonic Etherea Soluzioni residenziali aria Una soluzione intelligente per migliorare la qualità dell’aria e rendere la tua casa confortevole e accogliente. I nuovi modelli Etherea sono dotati della tecnologia nanoe™ X basata sui benefici dei radicali ossidrilici. Con opzioni di controllo avanzato, prestazioni elevate, un design elegante e funzioni intelligenti, Etherea è progettato per rendere la tua casa confortevole, più pulita e il luogo ideale dove vivere. Mai come prima d’ora, Panasonic ha studiato una gamma di prodotti in grado di soddisfare molteplici esigenze dell’utente privato. La gamma offre una ricca scelta di prodotti in grado di climatizzare ambienti di ogni dimensione, sempre con la massima efficienza e l’impareggiabile facilità di installazione. Panasonic Environment Vision 2050 Efficienza. Rispetto dell'ambiente. Aria salubre. Per ottenere ”una vita migliore” e ”una società sostenibile” Panasonic lavorerà per la creazione e un utilizzo più efficiente dell’energia che superi la quantità di energia utilizzata, puntando ad una società con energia pulita e uno stile di vita più confortevole Un piccolo gesto per il futuro Non tutti sono pronti al cambiamento. Panasonic, invece, crede che con lo sviluppo tecnologico si possa migliorare la vita delle persone. Per questo motivo è stata progettata una nuova linea di climatizzatori in R32, un refrigerante assolutamente innovativo: è facile da installare, è a basso impatto ambientale e consente di risparmiare energia. Il risultato? Maggiore benessere per le persone e per il pianeta. Benvenuto R32! Performance Etherea massima classe energetica. Approfitta di bollette più basse contribuendo al contempo alla protezione dell'ambiente NanoeTMX Migliore qualità dell'aria per la vita La tecnologia sviluppata da Panasonic per una migliore qualità dell’aria basata sui benefici dei radicali ossidrilici Abbondanti in natura, i radicali ossidrilici , noti anche come radicali OH- , hanno la capacità di inibire virus e batteri per migliorare e deodorizzare l’ambiente. La tecnologia nanoe™ X può portare questi incredibili benefici all’interno degli spazi in cui viviamo, come all’interno di una casa o del proprio luogo di lavoro o presso gli hotel, i negozi e i ristoranti, migliorando di conseguenza l’ambiente circostante rendendolo più pulito e gradevole. Lascia che Panasonic si occupi della qualità dell’aria interna grazie a nanoe™ X, la tecnologia che inibisce un’ampia varietà di batteri, virus, sostanze inquinanti e che preserva e neutralizza l’ambiente. Questa tecnologia brevettata è pensata per migliorare la qualità dell’aria sia nei contesti residenziali che commerciali Cosa rende unica la tecnologia nanoe™ X? I radicali ossidrilici inibiscono certi tipi di inquinanti, virus e batteri e deodorizzano l’ambiente. Anche i tessuti a trama fitta possono essere trattati con la tecnologia nanoe™ X, così come anche tende, persiane, tappeti e mobili, incluse le superfici più difficili e, naturalmente, anche l’aria che respiriamo > Con una dimensione pari ad un miliardesimo di metro, le particelle nanoe™ X sono molto più piccole del vapore e possono penetrare in profondità nei tessuti. > Essendo composte di acqua, le particelle nanoe™ X hanno una durata di vita più lunga e possono diffondersi più facilmente nell’ambiente circostante > Il dispositivo nanoe™ X Mark 2 produce 9.600 miliardi di radicali ossidrilici al secondo. Maggiori quantità di radicali ossidrilici contenuti in acqua, grazie a nanoe™ X, portano ad una prestazione maggiore sull’inibizione degli inquinanti > Non è necessaria alcuna manutenzione o sostituzione. nanoe™ X è una soluzione senza filtro che non richiede manutenzione, visto che i suoi elettrodi, parti maggiormente sollecitate, sono rivestiti in Titanio 7 benefici di nanoe™ X Tecnologia unica di Panasonic Nanoe™ X, una tecnologia testata presso laboratori indipendenti su scala mondiale L’efficacia della tecnologia nanoe™ X è stata testata da laboratori di terze parti in diversi Paesi, quali la Germania, la Danimarca, la Malesia e il Giappone. Le prestazioni di nanoe™ X variano a seconda delle dimensioni dei locali, delle condizioni interne e dell’utilizzo e potrebbero essere necessarie diverse ore per ottenere il pieno effetto. nanoe™ X non è un dispositivo medico. E’ necessario seguire le norme locali sulla progettazione edilizia e i principi della legislazione sanitaria nazionale Nanoe™ X migliora la qualità dell'aria 24/7 Pulisce attivamente l’aria e inibisce alcuni tipi di inquinanti per tutto il giorno. nanoe™ X lavora indipendentemente dalle normali funzioni di riscaldamento e raffrescamento quando sei a casa e può continuare ad operare anche in tua assenza. Offri al climatizzatore l’opportunità di migliorare la protezione della tua abitazione con la tecnologia nanoe™ X e il comodo controllo tramite la Panasonic Comfort Cloud App Migliora la qualità dell’aria interna anche quando se sei lontano da casa Lascia la modalità nanoe™ attiva per inibire certi tipi di inquinanti e deodorizzare l’ambiente prima di tornare a casa Migliora il tuo ambiente quando sei a casa Goditi uno spazio più pulito e confortevole con i tuoi cari App Panasonic Comfort Cloud Controllo avanzato da remoto Che tu sia a casa, in ufficio o a capo di un’azienda, Panasonic Comfort Cloud ti permette di controllare e accedere facilmente a tutte le funzioni da remoto sempre e ovunque L'applicazione Panasonic Comfort Cloud consente di gestire e monitorare comodamente più unità da un solo dispositivo. Inoltre, grazie al monitoraggio energetico, è possibile ridurre ulteriormente i costi operativi. • Possibilità di gestire fino a 200 unità con 1 solo dispositivo • Compatibile sia per applicazioni residenziali che commerciali Controllo Smart Controlla la temperatura sempre e ovunque • Controllo di più unità attraverso un unico dispositivo fino a 10 siti, 20 unità per sito • Gestione in simultanea di più unità Comfort Smart Facile gestione del comfort e della qualità dell'aria • Accedi da remoto a tutte le funzioni • Attiva nanoe™ X 1) 24 ore al giorno • Preriscalda o raffredda gli spazi Efficienza Smart Più comfort e meno spreco di energia • Analisi del consumo energetico • Analisi della cronologia del consumo energetico delle unità per una migliore pianificazione del budget Assistenza Smart Notifica dei guasti • Privilegio di controllo per gli utenti • Risoluzione dei problemi senza sforzo Compatibilità con sistemi per controllo vocale Controllo illimitato, pieno accesso alle funzionalità dei tuoi climatizzatori. Migliorare il tuo comfort è ora un gioco da ragazzi grazie al nostro condizionatore abilitato a Panasonic Comfort Cloud e al Controllo Vocale Aziona l'aria con la tua voce Goditi la comodità di accedere a queste quattro operazioni di base con la tua sola voce Accendi e spegni l'aria condizionata Migliora il tuo riposo grazie ad un maggiore controllo. Accendi / spegni l'aria condizionata con facilità quando prepari uno spazio confortevole per i più piccoli Cambia modalità Approfitta di un aiuto extra durante una giornata frenetica. Cambia comodamente la modalità di funzionamento dell'aria condizionata in raffreddamento e riscaldamento o auto quando hai le mani occupate Regola la temperatura Semplice e immediato controllo in qualsiasi momento Regola la temperatura con un semplice comando vocale Controlla lo stato attuale Comfort a mani libere per tutta la famiglia. Facile accesso per gli anziani per verificare le impostazioni e lo stato di funzionamento corrente dell'aria condizionata Gestisci più cose con la tua voce Semplifica le routine della tua giornata raggruppandole in singole azioni Imposta la tua routine con un comando personalizzato. Con la funzione di routine, puoi personalizzare i comandi vocali e controllare più dispositivi, inclusi i nostri condizionatori d'aria abilitati alla rete Tecnologia progettata per il massimo comfort Funzione Aerowings 2.0 La funzione Aerowings di Panasonic incorpora due alette indipendenti che concentrano il flusso d’aria per riscaldare o raffrescare l’ambiente nel più breve tempo possibile contribuendo al contempo a distribuire uniformemente l’aria fresca in tutta la stanza. Grazie alla nuova aletta secondaria più ampia (72 mm), di dimensioni più che raddoppiate rispetto ad altri modelli convenzionali, il controllo sulla direzione del flusso d’aria è stato ulteriormente migliorato. Aerowings 2.0 è dotato di una nuova funzione di raffrescamento che consente di indirizzare il flusso d’aria verso il soffitto a garanzia di un’omogenea distribuzione dell’aria e di un maggiore comfort senza esser sottoposti ad una diretta esposizione di un flusso d’aria freddo In modalità riscaldamento la funzione Aerowings 2.0 direziona il flusso d’aria dall’alto verso il basso per ottenere un effetto simile al riscaldamento a pavimento. Il flusso sale ed assicura una distribuzione omogenea dell’aria nella stanza Design elegante con comando wireless di facile utilizzo Panasonic ha progettato con cura un nuovo chassis per l’unità interna Etherea che si adatta perfettamente a qualsiasi stile. Il suo elegante design e la sua solida struttura, unitamente ad un’ampia area di scarico dell’aria, consentono di raggiungere elevate prestazioni Il comando a distanza, di facile utilizzo, presenta un design ergonomico con alloggiamento posteriore affusolato per una presa più comoda. Il nuovo design del comando wireless, con cinque tasti di accesso rapido alle funzioni chiave, assicura un controllo delle impostazioni semplice e intuitivo. Inoltre, il comando presenta un design minimalista con i tasti usati meno frequentemente nascosti sotto una cover scorrevole Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Panasonic Panasonic Aquarea Smart Cloud Cz-Taw1 Control System For Heat Pump
Technical features Product Code : CZ-TAW1 Aquarea Compatibility: Generation J and H Connection point: CN-CNT connector Home router connection: Wi-Fi or wired LAN Temperature sensor : Can use the remote control sensor Tablet or PC browser compatibility: Yes Remote operations: ON/OFF, Change home temperature, Change DHW temperature, Error codes, Timer Heating control: Up to 2 zones Energy consumption display : Yes History View : Yes New Aquarea Smart Cloud CZ-TAW1 The new CZ-TAW1 is much more than a simple remote control system for your heat pump. It is the ideal solution that allows you to maximize comfort and at the same time minimize bill costs and CO2 emissions. Aquarea Smart Cloud for End Users The most advanced heating control system of today and tomorrow. Aquarea connects to the Cloud with CZ-TAW1, allowing both user control and remote maintenance by customer service. Simplified and complete management of your air conditioning system Aquarea Smart Cloud is much more than a simple thermostat that can turn an air conditioning system on or off. It is a powerful and intuitive solution for remotely managing the entire range of functions that control heating, cooling and domestic hot water production, including monitoring energy consumption. How does it work? Connect the Aquarea Generation J and H system to the Cloud via Wi-Fi or a wired LAN network. The user connects to the Cloud services access portal to remotely manage all the functions of the unit and can also allow partners to use customized functions for remote maintenance and monitoring. System Requirements Aquarea Generation J and H Internet connection via Wi-Fi router or wired LAN Acquire Panasonic ID by connecting to Functions View & Control Programming Energy consumption statistics Malfunction notification More opportunities with IFTTT. IF T his T hen T hat: The IFTTT service allows the user to automatically trigger functions for the Aquarea system based on other apps, web services or devices. Connect Aquarea to your voice assistant, you will be sent an email if Aquarea receives an error or automatically turn Aquarea on in heating mode when the outside temperature drops below the specified level. Advantages Energy savings, comfort and control from anywhere. Increases efficiency and resource management, reduces management costs, with full user satisfaction. The services provided by Aquarea Smart Cloud are aimed at promoting complete remote maintenance of the Aquarea system. This will allow technicians to prevent maintenance interventions, refine the heat pump tuning and restore the system in the event of a malfunction. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Panasonic Panasonic Inverter Air Conditioner Etherea Dark Series 12000 Btu Cs-Xz35xkew-H R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi Graphite Gray Color
Technical features Indoor unit catalog number : CS-XZ35XKEW-H Outdoor unit catalog code : CU-Z35XKE Series : Etherea Dark Color : Graphite Grey Power : 12000 Btu Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code CZ-RD514C ) Energy efficiency SEER : 9.50 SCOP : 5.20 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Annual Energy Consumption in Cooling : 129 kWh/a Annual Energy Consumption in Heating: 754 kWh/a Performance Cooling Capacity: 3.50 kW Heating Capacity: 4.00 kW Treated Air Internal Unit: 12.7 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 58~59 dB(A) Sound Power Level Outdoor Unit : 63~65 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 19~43 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Outdoor Unit : 48~50 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -10° ~ 43°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24°C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Maximum piping length: 15 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 295x870x229 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 542x780x289 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 30 Kg 5 year warranty on the compressor 5 year guarantee on outdoor unit compressors for the whole range for five years Panasonic Etherea Residential Air Solutions An intelligent solution to improve air quality and make your home comfortable and welcoming. The new Etherea models are equipped with nanoe™ X technology based on the benefits of hydroxyl radicals. With advanced control options, high performance, an elegant design and intelligent functions, Etherea is designed to make your home comfortable, cleaner and the ideal place to live. Never before, Panasonic has studied a range of products able to satisfy multiple needs of the private user. The range offers a rich choice of products capable of conditioning rooms of all sizes, always with maximum efficiency and unparalleled ease of installation. Panasonic Environment Vision 2050 Efficiency. Respect for the environment. Healthy air. To achieve “a better life” and a “sustainable society” Panasonic will work towards the creation and more efficient use of energy that exceeds the amount of energy used, aiming for a clean energy society and a more comfortable lifestyle A small gesture for the future Not everyone is ready for change. Panasonic, on the other hand, believes that with technological development people's lives can be improved. For this reason, a new line of air conditioners has been designed in R32, an absolutely innovative refrigerant: it is easy to install, has a low environmental impact and saves energy. The result? Greater well-being for people and the planet. Welcome R32! Performance Etherea maximum energy class. Benefit from lower bills while contributing to the protection of the environment Nanoe TM X Better air quality for life The technology developed by Panasonic for better air quality based on the benefits of hydroxyl radicals Abundant in nature, hydroxyl radicals, also known as OH- radicals, have the ability to inhibit viruses and bacteria to improve and deodorize the environment. nanoe™ X technology can bring these incredible benefits within the spaces we live in, such as within a home or workplace or in hotels, shops and restaurants, consequently improving the surrounding environment by making it cleaner and more pleasant. Let Panasonic take care of indoor air quality thanks to nanoe™ X, the technology that inhibits a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, pollutants and preserves and neutralizes the environment. This patented technology is designed to improve air quality in both residential and commercial settings What makes nanoe™ X technology unique? Hydroxyl radicals inhibit certain types of pollutants, viruses and bacteria and deodorize the environment. Even tightly woven fabrics can be treated with nanoe™ X technology, as well as curtains, blinds, carpets and furniture, including the most difficult surfaces and of course the air we breathe too > At one billionth of a meter in size, nanoe™ X particles are much smaller than vapor and can penetrate deep into tissue. > Being composed of water, nanoe™ X particles have a longer life span and can spread more easily into the surrounding environment > The nanoe™ X Mark 2 device produces 9.6 trillion hydroxyl radicals per second. Greater quantities of hydroxyl radicals contained in water, thanks to nanoe™ X, lead to a greater performance on the inhibition of pollutants > No maintenance or replacement is required. nanoe™ X is a filterless solution that does not require maintenance, since its electrodes, the most stressed parts, are coated in Titanium 7 benefits of nanoe™ X Unique technology from Panasonic Nanoe™ X, a technology tested in independent laboratories worldwide The effectiveness of nanoe™ X technology has been tested by third-party laboratories in several countries, such as Germany, Denmark, Malaysia and Japan. The performance of nanoe™ X will vary depending on room size, internal conditions and usage and it may take several hours to get the full effect. nanoe™ X is not a medical device. Local building design regulations and the principles of national health legislation must be followed Nanoe™ X improves air quality 24/7 Actively cleans the air and inhibits certain types of pollutants throughout the day. nanoe™ X works independently of the normal heating and cooling functions when you are at home and can continue to operate even in your absence. Give your air conditioner the opportunity to enhance the security of your home with nanoe™ X technology and convenient control via the Panasonic Comfort Cloud App Improve indoor air quality even when you're away from home Leave the nanoe™ mode active to inhibit certain types of pollutants and deodorize the environment before returning home Improve your environment when you are at home Enjoy a cleaner and more comfortable space with your loved ones Panasonic Comfort Cloud App Advanced remote control Whether you are at home, in the office or at the head of a company, Panasonic Comfort Cloud allows you to easily control and access all functions remotely anytime, anywhere The Panasonic Comfort Cloud application allows you to conveniently manage and monitor multiple units from one device. In addition, thanks to energy monitoring, operating costs can be further reduced. • Possibility of managing up to 200 units with only 1 device • Compatible for both residential and commercial applications Smart Control Check the temperature anytime, anywhere • Control multiple units through a single device up to 10 sites, 20 units per site • Simultaneous management of multiple units Comfort Smart Easy management of comfort and air quality • Access all functions remotely • Activate nanoe™ X 1) 24 hours a day • Preheat or cool spaces Smart efficiency More comfort and less energy waste • Energy consumption analysis • Analysis of unit energy consumption history for better budget planning Support Smart Fault Notification • Control privilege for users • Effortless troubleshooting Compatibility with voice control systems Unlimited control, full access to the functionality of your air conditioners. Improving your comfort is now child's play with our Panasonic Comfort Cloud enabled air conditioner and Voice Control Operate the air with your voice Enjoy the convenience of accessing these four basic operations with just your voice Turn the air conditioning on and off Improve your sleep with greater control. Turn on / off the air conditioning with ease when preparing a comfortable space for the little ones Switch modes Get some extra help during a hectic day. Conveniently switch the air conditioning operation mode to cooling and heating or auto when your hands are full Adjust the temperature Simple and immediate control at any time Adjust the temperature with a simple voice command Check the current status Hands-free comfort for the whole family. Easy access for the elderly to check the settings and current working status of the air conditioning Manage more with your voice Streamline your day's routines by grouping them into individual actions Set up your routine with a custom command. With the routine function, you can customize voice commands and control multiple devices, including our network-enabled air conditioners Technology designed for maximum comfort. Aerowings 2.0 function Panasonic's Aerowings feature incorporates two independent flaps that concentrate the airflow to heat or cool the room in the shortest possible time while helping to distribute cool air evenly throughout the room. Thanks to the new wider secondary vane (72 mm), more than twice the size of other conventional models, the control over the direction of the air flow has been further improved. Aerowings 2.0 is equipped with a new cooling function which allows the air flow to be directed towards the ceiling to guarantee homogeneous air distribution and greater comfort without being subjected to direct exposure to an air flow Freddo In heating mode, the Aerowings 2.0 function directs the air flow from top to bottom to obtain an effect similar to underfloor heating. The flow rises and ensures a homogeneous distribution of the air in the room Elegant design with easy-to-use wireless control Panasonic has carefully designed a new chassis for the Etherea indoor unit that fits perfectly into any style. Its elegant design and solid structure, together with a large air discharge area, allow you to achieve high performance The easy-to-use remote control features an ergonomic design with a tapered rear housing for a more comfortable grip. The new design of the wireless control, with five quick access keys to key functions, ensures simple and intuitive control of settings. In addition, the control features a minimalist design with less frequently used keys hidden under a sliding cover Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Panasonic Climatizzatore Condizionatore Panasonic Inverter Serie BZ 21000 Btu CS-BZ60ZKE R-32 Wi-Fi Optional A++/A+ - Novità
Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : CS-BZ60ZKE Codice catalogo unità esterna : CU-BZ60ZKE Potenza : 21000 Btu Scheda Wi-Fi optional : CZ-TACG1 Comando a filo optional : CZ-RD517C Efficienza energetica SEER : 6,40 SCOP : 4,10 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A++ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 333 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 1540 kWh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 6,00 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 6,80 kW Livello pressione sonora unità interna : 34 ~ 37 ~ 45 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità esterna : 50 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R32 Intervallo di funzionamento - Raffreddamento: -10° ~ 43°C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24°C Dati installativi Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 12,70 mm (1/2") Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità interna (AxLxP) : 290x779x209 mm Peso unità interna : 9,0 Kg Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 695x875x320 mm Peso unità esterna : 40,0 Kg Nuova Unità BZ Compatta ed Efficiente 1. Design compatto· Design compatto, con soli 779 mm di larghezza· Telaio e componenti progettati per agevolare l’installazione e la manutenzione2. Migliore qualità dell’aria interna· Aria più pulita con il filtro PM2,53. Comfort elevato· Aerowings per controllare la direzione del flussodell’aria· Super Quiet! Solo 20 dB(A)· Riscaldamento fino a -15 °C4. Controllo intelligente· Controllo opzionale tramite internet con PanasonicComfort Cloud app (CZ-TACG1 richiesto)· Compatibile con Google Assistant e Amazon Alexa Nuovo Design Super Compatto Design compatto dell’unità interna con soli 779 mm di larghezza. Questa caratteristica amplia le opportunità di installazione, consentendo per esempio di sfruttare lo spazio limitato sopra una porta. Possibilità di installazione utilizzando tubazioni R410A e R22. Filtro PM2,5 Il particolato PM2,5 è un inquinante dell’aria composto da polvere, sporcizia, fumo di sigaretta e goccioline. Il filtro cattura le particelle di PM2,5 compresi gli inquinanti pericolosi per la salute, le polveri domestiche e i pollini Maggiore controllo del flusso d’aria con Aerowings Aerowings incorpora due alette che concentrano il flusso d’aria garantendo una distribuzione uniforme dell’aria fresca in Intrnet optional compatibile con Assistenza Vocale Con il dispositivo opzionale CZ-TACG1 e L’Applicazione Panasonic Comfort Cloud puoi gestire da smartphone tutte le funzioni fino a 200 unità, accedere alle statistiche energetiche, impostare la programmazione e definire diversi permessi Un piccolo gesto per il futuro Non tutti sono pronti al cambiamento. Panasonic, invece, crede che con lo sviluppo tecnologico si possa migliorare la vita delle persone. Per questo motivo è stata progettata una nuova linea di climatizzatori in R32, un refrigerante assolutamente innovativo: è facile da installare, è a basso impatto ambientale e consente di risparmiare energia. Il risultato? Maggiore benessere per le persone e per il pianeta. Benvenuto R32! Refrigerante R32 La nuova generazione di climatizzatori con refrigerante R32 rappresenta un’innovazione in tutti i sensi. Possiamo elencarli? 1. Semplicità dell’installazione • Facili da installare, come i modelli con refrigerante R410A. (Ricordatevi solo di verificare che il manometro e la pompa del vuoto siano compatibili con il refrigerante R32) • Il refrigerante è puro al 100%, il suo riciclo o il suo riutilizzo diventano così più facili 2. Rispetto dell’ambiente • Impatto zero sullo strato di ozono • Impatto sul riscaldamento globale ridotto di circa il 75% 3. Incremento efficienza • Riduzione dei costi e maggiori risparmi : Riduzione della carica di refrigerante del 30% • Più elevata efficienza A+++ rispetto a R410 Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Panasonic Panasonic Aquarea Monobloc Heat Pump 12 Kw Wh-Mdc12h6e5 R-410 Wi-Fi Optional A++
CONFIGURATION AND START UP MANDATORY PIT-A2W-START UP NOT INCLUDED! Technical Features Catalog code WH-MDC12H6E5 Wi-Fi Optional : CZ-TAW1 Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency class at medium temperatures: A++ Energy efficiency class at low temperatures: A++ Performance Cooling capacity : 12.0 kW Heating capacity: 10.0 kW Sound Power Level : 68 ~ 69 dB(A) Electrical Data Power supply (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R410 Operating range - Cooling: -16° ~ 43° C - Heating: -20° ~ 35° C Installation Data Hydraulic pipe diameter: 1 mm (1/4") Dimensions and Weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 1410x1283x320 mm Empty weight: 140 Kg Aquarea Heat Pumps Efficiency at the highest levels Panasonic introduces an innovative low energy consumption system based on air-to-water heat pump technology. Aquarea heats your home effectively and efficiently, even in extreme outdoor temperatures. Aquarea can cool spaces even in summer and bring hot water all year round. Aquarea High Performance is the range for new installations and low consumption homes. Exceptional efficiency and energy savings with reduced CO 2 emissions and minimal space. The Monobloc system has only one outdoor unit. The system does not require a refrigerated connection and is only connected to heating and / or hot water A heat pump transforms thermal energy outside into heat inside With Aquarea 80% of the required thermal energy is taken from the environment. Aquarea, through heat exchange with the outside air and the refrigerant gas contained in it, is able to heat/cool the water by conveying it to the domestic air conditioning system and satisfies all the needs for the production of domestic hot water 3 good reasons why Aquarea is the ideal solution for your home Wide range to suit all homes Aquarea is an innovative, energy-efficient system designed to provide ideal temperatures and domestic hot water, even in extreme outdoor temperatures. It is highly reliable thanks to the quality of all components, including the compressor, developed and manufactured by Panasonic. With the possibility of choosing between multiple units, Aquarea ensures a very wide range availability to ensure the most appropriate choice for your home, regardless of its size Heat pump, 80% energy at zero cost Based on air-water heat pump technology, Aquarea is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. It captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it to heat the water needed to heat your home, for domestic hot water and even to cool your home if you wish. In this way, up to 80% of the thermal energy required is taken from the ambient air, even at extremely low temperatures It helps you save You can save up to €1,100 per year compared to conventional electric heating. Although the initial investment may be higher than other technologies, the running costs are much cheaper, with a shorter payback period. The savings are significant, especially when compared to electric oil boilers and heaters Aquarea with R32 Refrigerant The detail that makes the difference Panasonic recommends R32 refrigerant because it is environmentally friendly. Unlike R22 and R410A gases, R32 refrigerant has a low potential impact on the ozone layer and global warming. Panasonic has introduced R32 models to align with all European countries that have adopted the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer and prevent global warming. Innovative Installation Extremely easy to install. (Make sure your pressure gauge and vacuum pump are compatible with R32). This refrigerant is 100% pure, making it easier to recycle and reuse. Environmental Innovation Zero impact on the ozone layer. Reduced impact on global warming by 75% Economic and energy innovation Lower costs and higher savings. Higher efficiency compared to R410A gas Aquarea Service Cloud. Control anytime, anywhere Aquarea Smart Cloud is a powerful, intuitive and free service designed to help you remotely control your Aquarea heat pumps from anywhere, 24/7. Advanced Control is an intelligent, sophisticated and effective service for fully managing the Aquarea range in terms of heating, cooling and domestic hot water functions within the home, including monitoring domestic energy consumption via smartphone, tablet or mobile device. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Panasonic Pit-A2w-Start Up Mandatory Configuration And Startup For Panasonic Acquarea Heat Pump
First start-up and mandatory configuration for Panasonic Aquarea heat pump with 24-month warranty
Panasonic Panasonic Aquarea T-Cap Monoblock Heat Pump 9 Kw Wh-Mxc09j3e5 R-32 Wi-Fi Optional A++/A++ With Command Included
MANDATORY CONFIGURATION AND START-UP PIT-A2W-START UP NOT INCLUDED! Technical features Catalog number WH-MXC09J3E5 Command Included Wi-Fi Optional : CZ-TAW1 Energy efficiency Energy Efficiency Class at medium temperatures: A++ Energy Efficiency Class at low temperatures: A++ Performance Cooling Capacity: 9.0 kW Heating Capacity: 9.0 kW Sound power level : 65 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R410 Operating range - Cooling: -20° ~ 35°C - Heating: -10° ~ 43° C Installation data Plumbing pipe diameter: 1 mm (1/4") Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 1410x1283x320 mm Empty weight: 140 Kg Aquarea Heat Pumps Efficiency at the highest levels Panasonic introduces an innovative low energy consumption system based on air to water heat pump technology. Aquarea heats your home effectively and efficiently, even in extreme outside temperatures. Aquarea can refresh spaces even in summer and bring hot water all year round. Aquarea High Performance is the range for new installations and low consumption homes. Exceptional efficiency and energy savings with low CO 2 emissions and minimal space. The Monobloc system has only one outdoor unit. The system does not require a refrigerated connection and is only connected to heating and / or hot water A heat pump converts heat energy outdoors into heat indoors With Aquarea, 80% of the thermal energy required is taken from the environment. Aquarea, through the heat exchange with the external air and the refrigerant gas contained in it, is able to heat/cool the water by conveying it to the domestic air conditioning system and satisfies all the needs for the production of domestic hot water 3 good reasons why Aquarea is the ideal solution for your home Wide range suitable for all homes Aquarea is an innovative system with low energy consumption, designed to provide ideal temperatures and domestic hot water, even with extreme outside temperatures. It is highly reliable thanks to the quality of all components, including the compressor, developed and manufactured by Panasonic. With the possibility to choose between multiple units, Aquarea ensures a very wide range availability to ensure the most appropriate choice for your home, regardless of size Heat pump, 80% energy at no cost Based on air-to-water heat pump technology, Aquarea is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. It captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it to heat the water needed for heating your home, for domestic hot water and even to cool your home if you wish. In this way, up to 80% of the required thermal energy is taken from the ambient air, even at extremely low temperatures Helps you save Save up to €1,100 a year compared to conventional electric heating. While the initial investment may be higher than with other technologies, the cost of ownership is much lower, with a reduced initial cost payback period. The savings are significant, particularly when compared to oil fired electric boilers and heaters Aquarea with R32 Refrigerant The detail that makes the difference Panasonic recommends R32 refrigerant as it is environmentally friendly. Unlike R22 and R410A gases, R32 refrigerant has a low potential impact on the ozone layer and global warming. Panasonic has introduced R32 models to align with all European countries that have adopted the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer and prevent global warming Innovative installation Extremely easy to install. (Make sure the pressure gauge and vacuum pump are compatible with R32). This refrigerant is 100% pure, making it easier to recycle and reuse Environmental innovation Zero impact on the ozone layer. Reduced impact on global warming by 75% Economic and energy consumption innovation Lower costs and higher savings. Higher efficiency than R410A gas Aquarea Service Cloud. Check anytime, anywhere Aquarea Smart Cloud is a powerful, intuitive and free service designed to help you remotely control Aquarea heat pumps from anywhere, 24/7 The advanced control is an intelligent, sophisticated and effective service to fully manage the Aquarea range in the heating, cooling and domestic hot water functions inside the house, including the monitoring of domestic energy consumption via smartphone, tablet or mobile device Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Panasonic Panasonic Aquarea Monobloc Heat Pump 5 Kw Wh-Mdc05j3e5 R-32 Wi-Fi Optional A+++/A++
MANDATORY CONFIGURATION AND START-UP PIT-A2W-START UP NOT INCLUDED! Technical features Catalog number WH-MDC05J3E5 Wi-Fi Optional : CZ-TAW1 Energy efficiency Energy Efficiency Class at medium temperatures: A+++ Energy Efficiency Class at low temperatures: A++ Performance Cooling Capacity: 5.0 kW Heating Capacity: 5.0 kW Sound power level : 59 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -10° ~ 43°C - Heating: -20° ~ 35° C Installation data Plumbing pipe diameter: 1 mm (1/4") Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 865x1283x320 mm Empty weight : 99 Kg Aquarea Heat Pumps Efficiency at the highest levels Panasonic introduces an innovative low energy consumption system based on air to water heat pump technology. Aquarea heats your home effectively and efficiently, even in extreme outside temperatures. Aquarea can refresh spaces even in summer and bring hot water all year round. Aquarea High Performance is the range for new installations and low consumption homes. Exceptional efficiency and energy savings with low CO 2 emissions and minimal space. The Monobloc system has only one outdoor unit. The system does not require a refrigerated connection and is only connected to heating and / or hot water A heat pump converts heat energy outdoors into heat indoors With Aquarea, 80% of the thermal energy required is taken from the environment. Aquarea, through the heat exchange with the external air and the refrigerant gas contained in it, is able to heat/cool the water by conveying it to the domestic air conditioning system and satisfies all the needs for the production of domestic hot water 3 good reasons why Aquarea is the ideal solution for your home Wide range suitable for all homes Aquarea is an innovative system with low energy consumption, designed to provide ideal temperatures and domestic hot water, even with extreme outside temperatures. It is highly reliable thanks to the quality of all components, including the compressor, developed and manufactured by Panasonic. With the possibility to choose between multiple units, Aquarea ensures a very wide range availability to ensure the most appropriate choice for your home, regardless of size Heat pump, 80% energy at no cost Based on air-to-water heat pump technology, Aquarea is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. It captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it to heat the water needed for heating your home, for domestic hot water and even to cool your home if you wish. In this way, up to 80% of the required thermal energy is taken from the ambient air, even at extremely low temperatures Helps you save Save up to €1,100 a year compared to conventional electric heating. While the initial investment may be higher than with other technologies, the cost of ownership is much lower, with a reduced initial cost payback period. The savings are significant, particularly when compared to oil fired electric boilers and heaters Aquarea with R32 Refrigerant The detail that makes the difference Panasonic recommends R32 refrigerant as it is environmentally friendly. Unlike R22 and R410A gases, R32 refrigerant has a low potential impact on the ozone layer and global warming. Panasonic has introduced R32 models to align with all European countries that have adopted the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer and prevent global warming Innovative installation Extremely easy to install. (Make sure the pressure gauge and vacuum pump are compatible with R32). This refrigerant is 100% pure, making it easier to recycle and reuse Environmental innovation Zero impact on the ozone layer. Reduced impact on global warming by 75% Economic and energy consumption innovation Lower costs and higher savings. Higher efficiency than R410A gas Aquarea Service Cloud. Check anytime, anywhere Aquarea Smart Cloud is a powerful, intuitive and free service designed to help you remotely control Aquarea heat pumps from anywhere, 24/7 The advanced control is an intelligent, sophisticated and effective service to fully manage the Aquarea range in the heating, cooling and domestic hot water functions inside the house, including the monitoring of domestic energy consumption via smartphone, tablet or mobile device Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Panasonic Panasonic Aquarea Monobloc Heat Pump 7 Kw Wh-Mdc07j3e5 R-32 Wi-Fi Optional A+++/A++
MANDATORY CONFIGURATION AND START-UP PIT-A2W-START UP NOT INCLUDED! Technical features Catalog number WH-MDC07J3E5 Wi-Fi Optional : CZ-TAW1 Energy efficiency Energy Efficiency Class at medium temperatures: A+++ Energy Efficiency Class at low temperatures: A++ Performance Cooling Capacity: 7.0 kW Heating Capacity: 7.0 kW Sound power level : 59 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R410 Operating range - Cooling: -10° ~ 43°C - Heating: -20° ~ 35° C Installation data Plumbing pipe diameter: 1 mm (1/4") Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 865x1283x320 mm Empty weight: 104 Kg Aquarea Heat Pumps Efficiency at the highest levels Panasonic introduces an innovative low energy consumption system based on air to water heat pump technology. Aquarea heats your home effectively and efficiently, even in extreme outside temperatures. Aquarea can refresh spaces even in summer and bring hot water all year round. Aquarea High Performance is the range for new installations and low consumption homes. Exceptional efficiency and energy savings with low CO 2 emissions and minimal space. The Monobloc system has only one outdoor unit. The system does not require a refrigerated connection and is only connected to heating and / or hot water A heat pump converts heat energy outdoors into heat indoors With Aquarea, 80% of the thermal energy required is taken from the environment. Aquarea, through the heat exchange with the external air and the refrigerant gas contained in it, is able to heat/cool the water by conveying it to the domestic air conditioning system and satisfies all the needs for the production of domestic hot water 3 good reasons why Aquarea is the ideal solution for your home Wide range suitable for all homes Aquarea is an innovative system with low energy consumption, designed to provide ideal temperatures and domestic hot water, even with extreme outside temperatures. It is highly reliable thanks to the quality of all components, including the compressor, developed and manufactured by Panasonic. With the possibility to choose between multiple units, Aquarea ensures a very wide range availability to ensure the most appropriate choice for your home, regardless of size Heat pump, 80% energy at no cost Based on air-to-water heat pump technology, Aquarea is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. It captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it to heat the water needed for heating your home, for domestic hot water and even to cool your home if you wish. In this way, up to 80% of the required thermal energy is taken from the ambient air, even at extremely low temperatures Helps you save Save up to €1,100 a year compared to conventional electric heating. While the initial investment may be higher than with other technologies, the cost of ownership is much lower, with a reduced initial cost payback period. The savings are significant, particularly when compared to oil fired electric boilers and heaters Aquarea with R32 Refrigerant The detail that makes the difference Panasonic recommends R32 refrigerant as it is environmentally friendly. Unlike R22 and R410A gases, R32 refrigerant has a low potential impact on the ozone layer and global warming. Panasonic has introduced R32 models to align with all European countries that have adopted the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer and prevent global warming Innovative installation Extremely easy to install. (Make sure the pressure gauge and vacuum pump are compatible with R32). This refrigerant is 100% pure, making it easier to recycle and reuse Environmental innovation Zero impact on the ozone layer. Reduced impact on global warming by 75% Economic and energy consumption innovation Lower costs and higher savings. Higher efficiency than R410A gas Aquarea Service Cloud. Check anytime, anywhere Aquarea Smart Cloud is a powerful, intuitive and free service designed to help you remotely control Aquarea heat pumps from anywhere, 24/7 The advanced control is an intelligent, sophisticated and effective service to fully manage the Aquarea range in the heating, cooling and domestic hot water functions inside the house, including the monitoring of domestic energy consumption via smartphone, tablet or mobile device Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Panasonic Panasonic Aquarea Monobloc Heat Pump 9 Kw Wh-Mdc09j3e5 R-32 Wi-Fi Optional A+++/A++
MANDATORY CONFIGURATION AND START-UP PIT-A2W-START UP NOT INCLUDED! Technical features Catalog number WH-MDC09J3E5 Wi-Fi Optional : CZ-TAW1 Energy efficiency Energy Efficiency Class at medium temperatures: A+++ Energy Efficiency Class at low temperatures: A++ Performance Cooling Capacity: 9.0 kW Heating Capacity: 9.0 kW Sound power level : 59 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R410 Operating range - Cooling: -10° ~ 43°C - Heating: -20° ~ 35° C Installation data Plumbing pipe diameter: 1 mm (1/4") Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 865x1283x320 mm Empty weight: 104 Kg Aquarea Heat Pumps Efficiency at the highest levels Panasonic introduces an innovative low energy consumption system based on air to water heat pump technology. Aquarea heats your home effectively and efficiently, even in extreme outside temperatures. Aquarea can refresh spaces even in summer and bring hot water all year round. Aquarea High Performance is the range for new installations and low consumption homes. Exceptional efficiency and energy savings with low CO 2 emissions and minimal space. The Monobloc system has only one outdoor unit. The system does not require a refrigerated connection and is only connected to heating and / or hot water A heat pump converts heat energy outdoors into heat indoors With Aquarea, 80% of the thermal energy required is taken from the environment. Aquarea, through the heat exchange with the external air and the refrigerant gas contained in it, is able to heat/cool the water by conveying it to the domestic air conditioning system and satisfies all the needs for the production of domestic hot water 3 good reasons why Aquarea is the ideal solution for your home Wide range suitable for all homes Aquarea is an innovative system with low energy consumption, designed to provide ideal temperatures and domestic hot water, even with extreme outside temperatures. It is highly reliable thanks to the quality of all components, including the compressor, developed and manufactured by Panasonic. With the possibility to choose between multiple units, Aquarea ensures a very wide range availability to ensure the most appropriate choice for your home, regardless of size Heat pump, 80% energy at no cost Based on air-to-water heat pump technology, Aquarea is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. It captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it to heat the water needed for heating your home, for domestic hot water and even to cool your home if you wish. In this way, up to 80% of the required thermal energy is taken from the ambient air, even at extremely low temperatures Helps you save Save up to €1,100 a year compared to conventional electric heating. While the initial investment may be higher than with other technologies, the cost of ownership is much lower, with a reduced initial cost payback period. The savings are significant, particularly when compared to oil fired electric boilers and heaters Aquarea with R32 Refrigerant The detail that makes the difference Panasonic recommends R32 refrigerant as it is environmentally friendly. Unlike R22 and R410A gases, R32 refrigerant has a low potential impact on the ozone layer and global warming. Panasonic has introduced R32 models to align with all European countries that have adopted the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer and prevent global warming Innovative installation Extremely easy to install. (Make sure the pressure gauge and vacuum pump are compatible with R32). This refrigerant is 100% pure, making it easier to recycle and reuse Environmental innovation Zero impact on the ozone layer. Reduced impact on global warming by 75% Economic and energy consumption innovation Lower costs and higher savings. Higher efficiency than R410A gas Aquarea Service Cloud. Check anytime, anywhere Aquarea Smart Cloud is a powerful, intuitive and free service designed to help you remotely control Aquarea heat pumps from anywhere, 24/7 The advanced control is an intelligent, sophisticated and effective service to fully manage the Aquarea range in the heating, cooling and domestic hot water functions inside the house, including the monitoring of domestic energy consumption via smartphone, tablet or mobile device Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.