Front Loading Washing Machines
. Front Loading Slim Washing Machine 7 Kg Candy Css4137te/1-11 1300 Rpm Class D (A85xl60xp45) Smart Quick Programs
Characteristic Description Guy Free installation Type of charge Front loading Product color White Built-in display Yes Control type Buttons, Knob Door hinge Left Door color White Basket material Stainless steel Basket volume 48 L Visual window Yes Basket capacity 7kg Maximum spin speed 1300 rpm Centrifuge efficiency class b Number of washing programs 16 Quiet operation (centrifuge) 79dB Quiet operation (washing) 58dB Deferred departure Yes Delayed start 24 hours Timer Yes Cycle duration (quick program) 14 mins Easy ironing function Yes Near Field Communication (NFC) Yes Daily care washing programme Yes Quick wash programme Yes Steam washing programme Yes Energy efficiency class D (A+++) Energy efficiency scale From A+++ to D Annual energy consumption 175 kWh Annual water consumption 9600 L AC input voltage 220 - 240V Length 600mm Depth 450mm Height 850mm Weight 61kg Packing weight 63kg Smart Candy believes in the importance of enjoying life, this is why the new range of washing machines has been created, to wash your clothes easily and in a smart way, making your day easier. This way you can have more time for yourself and for what you love the most. Let Candy help you daily - the results will be fantastic. Comfort and ease of use: no more excessive effort and waste of time, energy and money. Take advantage of the benefits provided by the height of the porthole: you no longer have to strain your back to load the laundry. Candy Smart washing machines are also connected appliances: you get benefits from NFC connectivity that helps you improve your washing experience, simply and directly from your smartphone. Reduce waste Our washing machines minimize the amount of electricity used, reducing waste. The weight sensor recognizes the size of the load and automatically adjusts the amount of water and electricity used. With our machines, a half load requires up to 40% less water, time and electricity! Save time with quick programs The perfect combination of tempo and performance. Candy washing machines allow you to choose between four cycles lasting less than an hour, and effectiveness is guaranteed. Extend the life of your washing machine Do you want to extend the life of your washing machine? This function allows you to always have the status of the appliance under control and receive practical advice to solve any problems yourself. Enhance your washing experience Smart Touch is Candy's "proximity" connectivity technology. Depending on the product, he can enrich it with additional functions, give you useful advice on the most efficient use of your appliance and guide you in solving problems, directly from your smartphone. *Interaction with the product is only enabled by Android smartphones equipped with compatible NFC technology.
. Front Loading Washing Machine Iberna 9 Kg Ib 129de-11 1200 Rpm Class D
Hibernates washing machine std 9kg 1200@ a+++ 1d white porthole display
. Lavatrice a Carico Frontale Beko 9 Kg WTX91436AI-IT Classe B (A85xL60xP60) 1400 Giri Bluetooth- ProSmart Inverter
BEKO WTX91436AI-IT Lavatrice Trattamento Anti-Macchia con Immissione di VaporeAmmettilo, ogni volta che vedi un vestito macchiato ti viene automatico pretrattarlo. La tecnologia SteamCure™ fa il lavoro sporco al posto tuo, applicando il vapore prima del lavaggio, ammorbidendo lo sporco e semplificandone la rimozione. Riduce inoltre le pieghe, così potrai scordarti del ferro da stiro: hai cose più importanti da fare prima e dopo il bucato.Motore ProSmart™ InverterAlta efficienza, maggiore durata, meno rumoreNon stressarti per la bolletta dell'energia o farti venire il mal di testa ogni volta che devi lavare i tuoi vestiti. Grazie al design con motore brushless, ProSmart™ offre un'elevata efficienza energetica, ridotti livelli acustici e maggiore durata nel tempo, il tutto in un'unica soluzione. Così otterrai il massimo dalla tua lavatrice, senza intaccare il tuo budget mensile e in totale serenità. Programma StainExpert™Lavaggi impeccabili per 24 tipi di macchieMetti via l'aceto bianco, il succo di limone e il sapone per i piatti. Sono prodotti per la cucina e i tuoi capi macchiati devono stare in lavatrice con il Programma StainExpert™. Che sia caffè, salsa di pomodoro, cioccolato, fondotinta o sangue, StainExpert™ sa come eliminare 24 tipi diversi di macchie, così non dovrai mai più pretrattare i tuoi capi. Programma Xpress Super Short 14 Min2 kg di bucato pulito in 14 minutiNon tutti i capi richiedono un lavaggio intenso. A volte, è sufficiente un trattamento veloce. Il Programma Xpress Super Short 14 Min ti permette di lavare fino a 2 kg di bucato in soli 14 minuti. 2 kg potrebbero non sembrare molti, ma equivalgono a 20 magliette! È tutto quello che ti serve per uscire di casa.
. Lavatrice a Carica Frontale Beko 8 Kg WUX81436AI-IT ( A+++ Pre/2021 ) Classe C (A85xP55xL60) 1400 Giri Vapore SteamCure
Lavatrice a Carica Frontale Beko 8 Kg WUX81436AI-IT SteamCure ProSmart Inverter 14000 Giri Classe C ( A+++ pre/2021 ) Caratteristiche tecniche: Capacità 8 Kg Velocità 1400 rpm Motore ProSmart Inverter Funzione Vapore SteamCure Partenza Ritardata (fino a 24 h) Display Digit Connessione Bluetooth Tecnologia OptiSense AquaWave Cestello in Acciaio Inox Blocco Sicurezza Bambini Sicurezza AntiTrabocco Controllo Bilanciamento Carico Consumo Energetico Annuo 175 kWh Consumo Acqua Annuo 10559 Lt Programmi di Lavaggio Cotone ECO 40 – 60 Sintetici Xpress / Super Short Lana / Lavaggio a Mano Delicati Da App Centrifuga + Scarico Risciacquo Capi Scuri / Jeans Outdoor / Sport Antimacchia Hygiene+ Camicie Funzioni Prelavaggio Vapore Fast+ Bluetooth Pulizia Cestello Extra Risciacquo Rumorosità Lavaggio 55 db(A) Centrifuga 76 db(A) Classe Energetica C (V) 230 (Hz) 50 Dimensioni Prodotto (cm) 60 x 55 x 84 Peso Prodotto (Kg) 69 Vapore Igienizzante SteamCure™ Trattamento Anti-Macchia con Immissione di Vapore Ammettilo, ogni volta che vedi un vestito macchiato ti viene automatico pretrattarlo. La tecnologia SteamCure™ fa il lavoro sporco al posto tuo, applicando il vapore prima del lavaggio, ammorbidendo lo sporco e semplificandone la rimozione. Riduce inoltre le pieghe, così potrai scordarti del ferro da stiro: hai cose più importanti da fare prima e dopo il bucato. Motore ProSmart™ Inverter Alta efficienza, maggiore durata, meno rumore Non stressarti per la bolletta dell'energia o farti venire il mal di testa ogni volta che devi lavare i tuoi vestiti. Grazie al design con motore brushless, ProSmart™ offre un'elevata efficienza energetica, ridotti livelli acustici e maggiore durata nel tempo, il tutto in un'unica soluzione. Così otterrai il massimo dalla tua lavatrice, senza intaccare il tuo budget mensile e in totale serenità. Programma StainExpert™ Lavaggi impeccabili per 24 tipi di macchie Metti via l'aceto bianco, il succo di limone e il sapone per i piatti. Sono prodotti per la cucina e i tuoi capi macchiati devono stare in lavatrice con il Programma StainExpert™. Che sia caffè, salsa di pomodoro, cioccolato, fondotinta o sangue, StainExpert™ sa come eliminare 24 tipi diversi di macchie, così non dovrai mai più pretrattare i tuoi capi. Programma Xpress Super Short 14 Min 2 kg di bucato pulito in 14 minuti Non tutti i capi richiedono un lavaggio intenso. A volte, è sufficiente un trattamento veloce. Il Programma Xpress Super Short 14 Min ti permette di lavare fino a 2 kg di bucato in soli 14 minuti. 2 kg potrebbero non sembrare molti, ma equivalgono a 20 magliette! È tutto quello che ti serve per uscire di casa.
. Lavatrice a Carico Frontale Hoover H-WASH 500 10 Kg HWE 410AMBS/1-S Classe A (A85xL60xP59) 1400 Giri Motore Inverter e Funzione Vapore HWE410AMBS
H-WASH 500 è la lavatrice estremamente robusta e affidabile che garantisce risultati eccezionali, un'eccellente cura delle fibre e una durata maggiore, grazie al motore inverter Eco-Power. MASSIMA EFFICIENZA IN CLASSE A Conforme alla nuova Etichetta Energetica, questa lavatrice Hoover in classe A riduce i consumi a partire dal 51% rispetto ad una classe G e ti permette di risparmiare energia e rispettare l'ambiente. MOTORE INVERTER ECO-POWER H-WASH 500 è stata progettata con il motore inverter Eco-Power di nuova generazione, la tecnologia più duratura e potente disponibile sul mercato. SCANSIONE DI ETICHETTE E GUARDAROBA VIRTUALE Dimentica le etichette dei vestiti! L'esclusiva funzione Scan to Care, disponibile tramite l'app hOn, consente di creare il tuo guardaroba virtuale. Basta scattare una foto del tuo capo, l'App raccoglierà e memorizzerà tutte le istruzioni di lavaggio dei tuoi vestiti, suggerendo il programma specifico e il trattamento per prenderti cura di loro. TUTTI I VANTAGGI DI ESSERE CONNESSI Migliora le tue prestazioni di lavaggio con la nuova App hOn e accedi a un mondo di contenuti extra esclusivi: Controlla lo stato della tua lavatrice da remoto e ricevi una notifica di fine ciclo per non dimenticare mai il bucato. Ottieni più di 40 cicli aggiuntivi per occuparti di specifici indumenti o tessuti. Ricevi aggiornamenti di manutenzione programmati e promemoria per preservare l'affidabilità della tua lavatrice. Ottieni suggerimenti sulle impostazioni di detersivo per il tuo carico. Sarai in grado di ottimizzare i risultati di lavaggio e ridurre gli sprechi. Ottieni dati di consumo in tempo reale durante i cicli di lavaggio e monitora le tue abitudini di utilizzo per migliorare l'efficienza. Accedi ad utili guide alle macchie con oltre 50 consigli per trattare al meglio i tuoi vestiti. SISTEMA POWER CARE È una tecnologia che crea il perfetto mix di acqua e detergente e lo inietta direttamente all'interno del cestello in modo che penetri nelle fibre garantendo il 20% di forza pulente in più. MASSIMA EFFICENZA La nuova H-WASH 500, grazie al suo motore, è più sensibile: adatta l'azione del lavaggio al carico garantendo i migliori risultati e il 60% di efficienza in più. PROGRAMMA AUTO CARE H-WASH 500 è stata progettata con un algoritmo avanzato che calcola e imposta automaticamente il programma più adatto al tuo bucato, dosando acqua e tempo a seconda delle fibre e del carico, garantendo una migliore efficienza senza sprechi. TECNOLOGIA ACTIVE BALANCE La tecnologia Active Balance consente di ottenere sempre i migliori risultati, riducendo i tempi di lavaggio e le vibrazioni, grazie all'ottimizzazione dei movimenti del cestello. CICLO DI LAVAGGIO A 60° PER PULIZIE PROFONDE Il programma Hygiene della lavatrice Hoover è uno specifico ciclo di lavaggio igienizzante che mantiene i 60° C di temperatura per oltre 20 minuti, consentendo una pulizia profonda di vestiti e indumenti.
. Lavatrice a Carica Frontale Electrolux 6 Kg Slim Serie 600 EW6S560I SensiCare Classe D (A84,3xP37,8xL59,5) 1000 Giri SensiCare Display LCD Con Touch Control
LAVATRICE ELECTROLUX EW6S560ILavatrice Slim PerfectCare 600 SensiCare System 6Kg.Grazie al SensiCare System la lavatrice PrefectCare serie 600 regola in automatico il ciclo in base al carico, garantendo un risparmio di tempo, acqua ed energia. Il design salvaspazio permette di inserire la lavatrice in aree troppo ristrette per unità di dimensioni standard.Tessuti come nuovi per il doppio del tempoLa tecnologia SensiCare System regola in automatico grazie ad appositi sensori il ciclo in base al carico, garantendo un risparmio di tempo, acqua ed energia per un lavaggio delicato e sostenibile.Ciclo rapido: 20 minutiCon questa lavatrice avrai i tuoi capi pulitiogni volta che ti serve, anche all'ultimo minuto. Grazie ad un apposito programma lavi i tuoi capi in meno di 20 minuti.Il bucato si adatta alle tue esigenze con la funzione partenza ritardataLa funzione partenza ritardata ti consente di posticipare l'orario di avvio del ciclo di lavaggio, per evitare che i capi puliti rimangano nel cestello per ore.Risultati ottimi, dimensioni ridotteMantieni perfetti i tuoi capi grazie alla lavatrice Slim Electrolux. Il design salvaspazio flessibile permette di inserire la lavatrice in aree troppo ristrette per unità di dimensioni standard. Ad ogni lavaggio ottieni fantastici risultati senza compromettere i tuoi capi preferiti.
. Front Loading Washing Machine Beko 8 Kg 1200 RPM Wux81232wi/It Class C
WUX81232WI/IT: Washing machine, 8 kg, 1200 rpm StainExpert program Flawless washes for 24 types of stains Put away the white vinegar, lemon juice, and dish soap. They are products for the kitchen and your stained clothes must be in the washing machine with the StainExpert Program. Whether it's coffee, tomato sauce, chocolate, foundation or blood, StainExpert knows how to get rid of 24 different types of stains, so you never have to pre-treat your clothes again. Xpress Super Short Program 14 Min 2 kg of clean laundry in 14 minutes Not all garments require intensive washing. Sometimes, a quick treatment is enough. The Xpress Super Short 14 Min Program allows you to wash up to 2 kg of laundry in just 14 minutes. 2kg may not sound like a lot, but that's the equivalent of 20 T-shirts! It's all you need to leave the house. AntiCrease Wrinkle-free laundry If ironing isn't your favorite job (but who is it for?), the AntiCrease feature with IonGuard technology is just right for you. Its drum rotates at regular intervals at the end of the cycle to always have fresh, crease-free clothes. So you'll spend less time ironing and more time doing what you love.
. Lavatrice a Carico Frontale Hoover 7 Kg H3W4 37TXME/1-S 1300 giri Classe A (L60xP45xA85) H-WASH 300 PLUS
H3W4 37TXME/1-S Lavatrice a carica frontale H-WASH 300 PLUS Scegliendo una lavasciuga Hoover, con un solo elettrodomestico garantirai ai tuoi vestiti alte performance di lavaggio e di asciugatura con un notevole risparmio di tempo, energia e acqua. Ottimizza lo spazio nella tua casa e scegli la lavasciuga più in linea con le tue esigenze per dimensioni, modalità d’installazione e carico. Grazie al nuovo motore Eco-Power di lunga durata avrai capi sempre igienizzati a fondo e rispettati nelle loro fibre, lavaggio dopo lavaggio, anche a basse temperature. Inoltre, scaricando sul tuo smartphone l’app hOn di Hoover, potrai migliorare le tue prestazioni di lavaggio ed accedere a un mondo di contenuti extra esclusivi. Nuovo Motore Inverter Cicli Care Kg mode Allergy Care Lavaggio guidato Massima efficienza in classe A Tecnologia NFC
. Candy Front Loading Slim Washing Machine 7 Kg Css41272dwse 11 1200 Rpm Class C
Smart Candy believes in the importance of enjoying life, this is why the new range of washing machines has been created, to wash your clothes easily and in a smart way, making your day easier. This way you can have more time for yourself and for what you love the most. Let Candy help you daily - the results will be fantastic. Comfort and ease of use: no more excessive effort and waste of time, energy and money. Take advantage of the benefits provided by the height of the porthole: you no longer have to strain your back to load the laundry. Candy Smart washing machines are also connected appliances: you get benefits from NFC connectivity that helps you improve your washing experience, simply and directly from your smartphone. Reduce waste Our washing machines minimize the amount of electricity used, reducing waste. The weight sensor recognizes the size of the load and automatically adjusts the amount of water and electricity used. With our machines, a half load requires up to 40% less water, time and electricity! Save time with quick programs The perfect combination of tempo and performance. Candy washing machines allow you to choose between four cycles lasting less than an hour, and effectiveness is guaranteed. Extend the life of your washing machine Do you want to extend the life of your washing machine? This function allows you to always have the status of the appliance under control and receive practical advice to solve any problems yourself. Enhance your washing experience Smart Touch is Candy's "proximity" connectivity technology. Depending on the product, he can enrich it with additional functions, give you useful advice on the most efficient use of your appliance and guide you in solving problems, directly from your smartphone. *Interaction with the product is only enabled by Android smartphones equipped with compatible NFC technology.
. Samsung Slim Front Loading Washing Machine 8 Kg Ww8nk62e0rw 1200 Rpm Addwash Class C
Shipping times 5/7 working days SAMSUNG WW8NK62E0RW SLIM WASHING MACHINE Main features: - Energy class C -Max capacity: 8 Kg -AddWash - Eco-wash - Sanitizing steam Add what you want, when you want, during the wash Forgot to put something in the washing machine? The AddWash™ double porthole allows you to quickly and easily add garments or detergent at any time during the wash. You can also add hand-washed items that only need a rinse or a spin cycle. Unparalleled performance - Ecolavaggio® Ecolavaggio® technology ensures perfect laundry, even at low temperatures. The detergent is transformed into bubbles, which penetrate fabrics quickly and remove dirt easily, protecting materials and saving energy. Larger capacity in standard size Despite the slimline design, the 9 kg capacity allows you to quickly wash large quantities of laundry in a single load – for example up to 12 bath towels at once. In this way it is possible to reduce the frequency of washing, saving time, water and electricity. Intensive stain removal The practical Smacchia Tutto Plus technology helps to remove even the most stubborn stains. The garments are completely immersed in the air bubbles, which soften and remove stains more effectively. Less consumption, more silence The Digital Inverter motor guarantees superior energy efficiency, reduced noise and prolonged performance, consuming less energy than a traditional motor and ensuring excellent durability. Extraordinarily beautiful design Unique design: new Crystal Gloss door, available in transparent White or Ocean Blue versions. Immediate troubleshooting The Smart Check automatic error monitoring system detects and recognizes problems, providing simple solutions thanks to an app for Smartphones and Tabs. Save time and avoid costly assistance calls! Gentle fabric care The special "soft" design of the Diamond basket, characterized by sinuous lines in the shape of a diamond, is particularly delicate on the garments. In addition, the small water outlet holes help protect fabrics, preventing clothes from getting stuck. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Depth: 45.6000cm Width: 60.0000cm Height: 85.0000cm Weight without packaging: 67.0000kg PROGRAMS/FUNCTIONS/OPTIONS Wool: 1 Half Load: 1 Delicates: 1 Express/Daily: 1 Steam: 1 Anticrease: 1 Quilts/Duvets cycle: 1 Hand wash: 1 Mixed: 1 Dirty Hard: 1 Spin adjustment and exclusion: 1 Temperature regulation and exclusion: 1 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Displays: 1 Primary Color: White GENERAL Energy efficiency class: C Energy consumption for 100 washing cycles: 63.0000kWh Water consumption per wash cycle: 48.0000lt Duration of Eco 40-60 mode at full load: 218.0000min Washing efficiency class: A Centrifuge efficiency class: B Washing capacity: 8.0000kg Spin Speed: 1200.0000RPM Airborne noise emission: 72.0000 Delayed departure: up to 24 hours Delayed departure until: 24.0000h Installation type: Freestanding Viewing the progress of the program: 1 Displaying time remaining to the end of the program: 1 TYPE OF SAFETY SYSTEMS Anti-flooding safety: 1 Foam control: 1 SOLUTIONS Smart homes: 1 SMART HOMES Amazon Alexa Compatibility : 0 Compatibility Apple Homekit : 0 Compatibility Google Home : 0 IFTTT Compatibility : 0 Samsung SmartThings Compatibility : 1 Other Features : 0
. Samsung Front Loading Washing Machine 9 Kg Ww90t734dwh 1400 Rpm Class A
SAMSUNG FRONT LOADING WASHING MACHINE 9 KG WW90T34DWH 1400 RPM CLASS A Main features: -Max Capacity: 9 Kg -Ai Controls -Turbo+ - Sanitizing steam Unparalleled performance - Ecolavaggio® Ecolavaggio® technology ensures perfect laundry, even at low temperatures. The detergent is transformed into bubbles, which penetrate fabrics quickly and remove dirt easily, protecting materials and saving energy. You choose when to use the Turbo - Superfast: clean laundry in just 39 minutes, with top performance Stop spending hours doing the laundry: with the ingenious Turbo + function, the washing time is reduced by up to 39 minutes. Thanks to the accelerated washing phase, the detergent is premixed with air bubbles, creating an active foam that acts from the first minute of washing. Thanks to the dynamic rotation of the basket and the intensification of the water jets resulting from the Turbo + technology, the detergent produces even more bubbles, which effectively penetrate the fabrics to remove the stains quickly but delicately. Even the rinsing phase is faster and more effective, thanks to a powerful jet of water that rinses the clothes evenly, reaching any point of the drum. Learn from your habits Ai Weather With Ai Weather the dryer optimizes every wash. It suggests the ideal drying program based on the type of load and the external climatic conditions. Smart Links Washer and dryer always connected. The washing machine communicates with the dryer by directly setting the ideal drying program based on the washing cycle that has just ended. Did the Cotton washing program just end? AI control connects directly to the dryer and sets the ideal drying program (Cotton). Ai Communications Always stay up to date. It suggests actions for you to perform maintenance and resolve errors. Updates you on the progress of each wash cycle. Perfect dosage, without waste - Ecodosatore Get exceptional washing results, without waste and effort. Ecodoser, thanks to an integrated system of sensors (Water, Weight and Detergent) calculates the quantity of detergent and softener tailored to each load. Fill the dispenser and get up to a month of washing in complete autonomy, forgetting to fill the tank at each washing cycle. Quick Ecolavaggio® - Perfect laundry in just 39 minutes Quick Ecolavaggio® reduces everyday washing times by 34% to make it last just 39 minutes. QuickDrive™ saves time, because it moves the garments dynamically, while Ecolavaggio® guarantees exceptional cleaning. Rinsing times are also reduced thanks to Speed Spray, the BubbleCARE basket and a higher spin speed. Impeccable clean - Sanitizing steam When the sanitizing steam cycle is activated, a powerful jet of steam is emitted from the bottom of the drum which removes the most stubborn dirt and 99.9% of bacteria and allergens, for clean and sanitized laundry. Silent, performing and reliable - Digital Inverter technology The Digital Inverter motor uses solid magnets that allow you to obtain the desired results in a more silent and effective way, consuming less energy than the traditional motor. Eco Drum Cleaning - Keep the washing machine and gaskets always perfectly clean Eco Cleaning Basket cleans the inside of the washing machine, eliminating 99.9% of the bacteria responsible for bad smells, without having to use aggressive chemical products. In addition, the friction generated by a powerful jet of water and the rapid spin remove dirt from the rubber seal of the door. The washing machine will remind you when it is necessary to carry out a new cleaning cycle. Intensive stain removal - The practical Smacchia Tutto Plus technology helps to remove even the most stubborn stains Add a soaking phase to your favorite programs by simply pressing a button and let the Eco Bubbles penetrate the fibers of your garments removing the toughest stains Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
. Front Loading Washing Machine 10 Kg Candy Rapidó Ro14104dwmse/1-S 1400 Rpm Class A (A85xl60xp58) Steam Function Wi-Fi+Ble Snap&Wash
Characteristics Specifications Product Name / Commercial Code RO14104DWMSE/1-S Product code 31010372 EAN code 8059019008967 Type of installation Free installation Upload type Front Load capacity (kg) 10 Maximum spin speed (RPM) 1400 Connectivity Advanced remote control and extra content (Wi-Fi + BLE) IoT App simply-Fi Motor BPM inverters Basket volume 62 Basket material Stainless steel Plug type Schuko Voltage (V) 220-240 Number of programs 16 Delayed start Yes (up to 24 hours) Technology Mix Power System Steam Yes Color White Porthole colour White Color/handle material White Energy efficiency class TO Centrifugal efficiency class b Weighted energy consumption (100 cycles, Eco 40-60) 51 Nominal capacity program duration 3:59 Noise in centrifuge 78 Sound emission class c Water consumption 51 Product height (cm) 85 Product width (cm) 60 Product depth (cm) 58 Height of packed product (mm) 890 Width of packed product (mm) 650 Depth of packed product (mm) 600 Gross weight (kg) 68 Net weight (kg) 66 Quick&Clean Yes Snap&Wash Yes Remote control Yes Speed-Drive Inverter motor Yes Voice control Yes Maximum comfort Yes Steam function Yes Daily hygiene Yes Quick programs Yes Smart Candy believes in the importance of enjoying life, this is why the new range of washing machines has been created, to wash your clothes easily and in a smart way, making your day easier. This way you can have more time for yourself and for what you love the most. Let Candy help you daily - the results will be fantastic. Comfort and ease of use: no more excessive effort and waste of time, energy and money. Take advantage of the benefits provided by the height of the porthole: you no longer have to strain your back to load the laundry. Candy Smart washing machines are also connected appliances: you get benefits from NFC connectivity that helps you improve your washing experience, simply and directly from your smartphone. Reduce waste Our washing machines minimize the amount of electricity used, reducing waste. The weight sensor recognizes the size of the load and automatically adjusts the amount of water and electricity used. With our machines, a half load requires up to 40% less water, time and electricity! Save time with quick programs The perfect combination of tempo and performance. Candy washing machines allow you to choose between four cycles lasting less than an hour, and effectiveness is guaranteed. Extend the life of your washing machine Do you want to extend the life of your washing machine? This function allows you to always have the status of the appliance under control and receive practical advice to solve any problems yourself. Enhance your washing experience Smart Touch is Candy's "proximity" connectivity technology. Depending on the product, he can enrich it with additional functions, give you useful advice on the most efficient use of your appliance and guide you in solving problems, directly from your smartphone. *Interaction with the product is only enabled by Android smartphones equipped with compatible NFC technology.