Internal Units
Hisense Unità Interna a Parete Hisense serie ECOSENSE 12000 Btu KF35XR01G R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato
ATTENZIONE! VERRÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : KF35XR01G Potenza : 12000 Btu Capacità raffreddamento : 3,50 kW Capacità riscaldamento: 3,90 kW Aria trattata : 9,70 m3/min Livello potenza sonora : 56 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 26~40 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni unità interna (LxAxP) : 829x256x200 mm Peso unità interna : 7,8 Kg Wi-Fi integrato Hisense Ecosense Flusso d'aria regolabile Il telecomando può impostare differenti angolazioni delle alette, fino a 6 in direzione sopra/sotto, 3 in direzione sinistra/destra e tante opzioni di regolazione dell’aria per le diverse esigenze di funzionamento. Hisense Energy Ultra Controllo Wi-Fi I climatizzatori Hisense si gestiscono comodamente dentro e fuori casa con un dispositivo mobile e una connessioneWi-Fi. HiSmart Life è la app semplice da usare e con un’interfaccia intuitiva che permette di controllare il climatizzatore ovunque ci si trovi. L’app è disponibile per iOS e Android. Dopo aver scaricato la app e associato il climatizzatore, la app consente di gestire modalità di funzionamento, temperatura, velocità di ventilazione e fl usso dell’aria. Dalla sezione «Funzione intelligente» è inoltre possibile impostare i timer giornalieri o settimanali. Controllo Smart Voice La nuova app HiSmart Life è compatibile con Alexa e Google Assistant: grazie all’interazione vocale, è possibile accendere, spegnere, regolare la temperatura e impostare la modalità di funzionamento desiderata (raffrescamento o riscaldamento). Trovi HiSmart Life nelle Skill di Alexa e nel catalogo di Google assistant. Self Clean La tecnologia di pulizia brevettata da Hisense assicura il massimo delle prestazioni dell’unità interna ed esterna. Il processo di auto-pulizia tramite ciclo di congelamento, sbrinamento e asciugatura ad alte temperature rimuove polvere, batteri dalle unità in modo semplice ed efficace per mantenere il condizionatore pulito e sicuro. La funzione Self-Clean si attiva da telecomando ed è disponibile su tutte le unità interne a parete. Anti muffa Allo spegnimento del climatizzatore, la ventola interna continua a lavorare per 30 secondi asciugando la condensa al fine di prevenire la formazione di muffa, e la speciale vernice sull'evaporatore intensifica la funzione di eliminazione dei batteri e della polvere. I Feel Il sensore all’interno del telecomando rileva la temperatura circostante e trasmette il dato all’unità interna che funziona in base alla temperatura rilevata. Il controllo intelligente della temperatura garantisce un ambiente più confortevole e una gestione più precisa, risparmiando energia. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Midea Unità Interna a Parete Midea Inverter serie XTREME 12000 Btu MSAGBU-12HRFN8 R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato
ATTENZIONE ! SARÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : MSAGBU-12HRFN8 Potenza : 12000 Btu Capacità raffreddamento : 3,5 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 3,8 kW Portata d'aria : 350 ~ 400 ~ 530 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 56 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 23~32~38 dB(A) Diametro tubazione liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diamentro tubazione gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 835x295x208 mm Peso : 8,7 Kg Wi-Fi integrato Midea Xtreme La nuova serie per la climatizzazione Midea Xtreme “mostra i muscoli” nell’ambito delle prestazioni del prodotto, unendo ad un design raffinato e compatto, performance estreme per raccogliere le sfide delle installazioni più ostiche, con la certezza della promessa di comfort, a prescindere dalle condizioni ambientali Per garantirti il massimo comfort al mondo I climatizzatori Inverter Midea offrono tre modalità di funzionamento: al 50%, 75% e 100% di potenza. È possibile scegliere la modalità preferita per risparmiare energia Oscillazione di Temperatura contenuta in +/-0,1 °C Non è più necessario accendere o spegnere ripetutamente il climatizzatore oppure regolare continuamente la temperatura perchè Inverter 4 mantiene costante la temperatura in modo efficiente grazie alla variazione di velocità di rotazione del compressore Alta silenziosità Extreme opera con una rumorosità moto contenuta, meno di 20 decibel per far sì che il tuo sonno non venga disturbato Basta con gli spifferi, ora solo soffi d'aria delicati Evita che il vento soffi direttamente su di te usando il telecomando per regolare istantaneamente la direzione del vento Climatizzazione di grandi ambienti Il design ottimizzato del condotto dell’aria e la velocità del ventilatore turbo forniscono un flusso d’aria più corposo e permettono all’aria fresca di arrivare fino a 25 metri di distanza*. (* si applica solo a 90IDU). Flusso d'Aria 3D Le alette direzionabili si muovono automaticamente per dirigere il flusso d’aria verso ogni angolo della stanza e mantenerlo un fresco avvolgente Caratteristiche Raffreddamento e riscaldamento Raffreddamento kW: 2,6 / 3,2 / 5,3 / 7,2 Riscaldamento kW: 2,8 / 3,8 / 5,5 / 7,6 Autodiagnosi 1 W Stand by Controllo di condensazione Funzione Follow Me Funzione Eco Display LED Allarme perdite refrigerante Funzione GEAR Funzione Do Not Disturb Hydrophillic Aluminium Telecomando Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
LG Unità Interna a Parete LG serie LIBERO SMART 12000 Btu S12ET NSJ R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato
ATTENZIONE ! SARÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : S12ET NSJ Potenza : 12000 Btu Capacità di raffreddamento : 3,5 kW Capacità di riscaldamento : 3,8 kW Aria trattata : 9,6 m3/min Livello potenza sonora : 59 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 19~41 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 837x308x189 mm Peso : 8,7 Kg Wi-Fi integrato LG Libero Smart Stile ed eleganza Il design semplice e lineare dei climatizzatori LG garantisce installazione perfetta, ottima aderenza alla parete e facile pulizia del prodotto Compatibilità LG introduce le nuove unità a parete, utilizzabili in configurazione mono e multisplit. La compatibilità consente di ottenere la massima capacità di raffrescamento e riscaldamento e, soprattutto, di poter integrare nella stessa applicazione sistemi diversi, preservando la continuità estetica delle unità interne Installazione semplificata Installare un climatizzatore non è mai stato così facile! I prodotti LG sono progettati e realizzati per essere installati in modo veloce ed efficiente. E le ridotte dimensioni delle unità interne ed esterne assicurano anche un risparmio in termini di spazio Wi-Fi integrato Dove vuoi, quando vuoi! Controllare il tuo climatizzatore con le tecnologie Smart di LG, oggi è ancora più facile. Grazie al Wi-Fi integrato e ad una connessione Internet, potrai gestire le funzioni principali del tuo condizionatore attraverso l’applicazione per tutti gli smartphone Android o iOS Voice Control Unità interna compatibile con gli assistenti vocali di Google Home e Alexa Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
General Fujitsu Unità Interna a Parete General Fujitsu serie KMCF 9000 Btu ASHG09KMCF R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato
ATTENZIONE , SARA FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : ASHG09KMCF Potenza : 9000 Btu Capacità raffreddamento : 2,5 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 2,8 KW Portata d'aria : 700 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 55 ~ 57 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 20 ~ 42 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (AxLxP) : 270x834x215 mm Peso : 10,0 Kg Wi-Fi integrato General Fujitsu KMCF I climatizzatori commercializzati da FG Europe Italia SpA sono garantiti per 24 mesi dalla data riportata nel documento fiscale di acquisto qualora l’acquirente sia un consumatore finale che utilizza il climatizzatore. Per fini estranei alla propria attività imprenditoriale, commerciale e professionale sono invece garantiti per 12 mesi dalla data riportata nel documento fiscale di acquisto nel caso in cui l’acquirente sia un professionista ovvero utilizzi il bene nell’ambito della propria attività professionale. Design squadrato , sottile ed elegante. La sua forma ricercata è stata ottenuta grazie al particolare scambiatore di calore ad alta densità multi-passaggio e al potente sistema di ventilazione. Elevato risparmio energetico I valori elevati di SEER e SCOP che si raggiungono grazie allo scambiatore di calore a forma di lambda, al ventilatore di diametro maggiorato, rendono questa gamma di prodotti ad alta efficienza energetica. Flusso d'aria confortevole e funzionamento silenzioso Le alette di ampie dimensioni e la nuova struttura dell'unità di ventilazione garantiscono un potente flusso d'aria verso il basso e un funzionamento silenzioso. Comando da Smartphone integrato Semplice azionamento del condizionatore, da remoto e dall'interno dell'abitazione o dell'ufficio, tramite Smartphone, Tablet o PC. Facile accesso per collegamento delle tubazioni frigorifere Grazie alla possibilità di rimuovere la copertura inferiore del telaio dell'unità interna, l'installazione, risulta più semplice e veloce. Anche il design della staffa del gancio a parete è stato modificato, così da facilitare ed agevolare l’uscita delle tubazioni dalla parte centrale dell’unità. Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è di 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
HAIER Unità Interna a Parete Haier serie FLEXIS PLUS BLACK 12000 Btu AS35S2SF1FA-MB3 R32 Wi-Fi Integrato Colore Nero 2501302C2
ATTENZIONE! VERRÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : AS20S2SF1FA-MB3 Codice commerciale unità interna : 2501300C2 Colore : Nero Potenza : 7000 Btu Capacità raffreddamento : 2,0 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 2,5 kW Aria trattata : 600 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 53 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 16~38 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (LxPxH) : 856x197x300 mm Peso : 9,5 Kg Wi-Fi integrato Haier FLEXIS PLUS Purificazione L’unità Flexis Plus di Haier Air Conditioners è dotata di “UVC Generator Module”, modulo che genera raggi ultravioletti. Sottoposto a test di laboratorio, il modulo ha dimostrato di riuscire a inibire il virus Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) con un’efficienza che raggiunge il 99,998%. I test sono stati effettuati da Texcell, un’organizzazione di ricerca a contratto che opera su scala mondiale. Dallo studio di carattere informativo si evince che, all’interno di un contenitore da 45L (0,045m3), il modulo installato sui condizionatori Haier riesce a inattivare e a ridurre la concentrazione del virus Sars-Cov-2 nella misura del 99,998% in 1 ora Smart Con l’applicazione "hOn" di Haier si possono controllare dal proprio smartphone o tablet, con un'unica app, tutti gli elettrodomestici del gruppo Haier della propria Smart Home. Inoltre, tramite hOn, si possono gestire tutte le funzioni di base, le funzioni di purificazione e molto altro. L'app permette l'utilizzo dei comandi vocali perchè compatibile con Google Assistant e Alexa e permette quindi anche il controllo vocale Comfort Livello sonoro basso: 16 db(A) Un basso livello di rumorosità, garantisce la massima tranquillità grazie al design ottimizzato del ventilatore, delle condotte dell’aria e del motore. Flusso d’aria 3D Il movimento continuo dei deflettori verticali e orizzontali indirizza il flusso dell’aria in qualsiasi punto della stanza Sanificazione La tecnologia Steri-Clean permette di rimuovere batteri e virus dallo scambiatore di calore portando la temperatura dell'evaporatore a 56°C per 30 minuti. Offre un’ulteriore purificazione con le tecnologie Self-Clean e Self-Hygiene Plus Prodotto Purificazione UV-C Lamp Self-Clean Steri-Clean 56°C Self-Hygiene Controllo Wi-Fi con App hOn per comandare a distanza il climatizzatore Doppio sensore di movimento Basso livello sonoro Flusso d’aria 3D: movimento continuo dei deflettori orizzontali e verticali Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
LG Unità Esterna MonoSplit LG Serie Libero Smart Inverter 9000 Btu S09ET UA3 R-32
Unità Esterna MonoSplit LG Serie Libero Smart Inverter 9000 Btu S09ET UA3 R-32Caratteristiche Tecniche Codice Catalogo Unità Esterna : S09ET UA3 Potenza : 9000 Btu Capacità in Raffreddamento : 2,5 kW Capacità in Riscaldamento : 3,2 kW Livello pressione Sonora : 27~33~36 dB(A) Livello Potenza Sonora : 57 dB(A) Diametro tubazione Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazione Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 717x495x230 mm Kg:28. LIBERO SMART Unità compatta, design minimal, funzionalità avanzate e Wifi intergrato MOTORE VENTILAZIONE BLDC Il motore di ventilazione è di tipo BLDC,oltre a permettere una maggiore modulazione della capacità ,data la più ampia gamma di velocità di rotazione disponibili,dissipa meno calore rispetto ai tradizionali motori a corrente alternata.Opera con minore rumorosità e in assenza di ronzii di natura elettrica.CLIP DI SOLLEVAMENTO Sull’unità interna, è presente una clip di sollevamento che permette di mantenere il prodotto inclinato rispetto alla parete per agevolare le operazioni di collegamento delle tubazioni e dei cavi elettrici.COMPRESSORE Sistema di erogazione della capacità composto da N°1 Compressore ermetico di tipologia Twin Rotary Dc inverter ad avviamento diretto,. controllo lineare della capacità con un campo di azione compreso tra il minimo del 10% fino ad un massimo del 130%..Garanzia 10 anni. Unità interna con Wi-Fi integrato per gestire le principali funzioni attraverso la app Smart ThinQ disponibile per Android o iOS.Voice Control : Unità interna compatibile con gli assistenti vocali Google Home e Alexa. Funzioni disponibili Accensione Spegnimento Regolazione temperatura Impostazione modalità operative Regolazione ventilazione Monitoring CONTROLLO TOTALE FLUSSI ARIA : Unità interna con controllo totale dei flussi d’aria. Regolazione verticale a 6 step, visualizzabili su comando infrarosso e 5 spep orizzontali .FUNZIONE COMFORT AIR : Premendo il pulsante sul comando ad infrarosso il posizionamento del deflettore avviene automaticamente in funzione della modalità operativa scelta. In riscaldamento il deflettore si regola nella posizione più bassa mentre in raffrescamento in posizione più alta .CONTROLLO ATTIVO DELLA CAPACITA’ : Controllo dei consumi energetici a 4 step tramite pulsante posto sul comando ad infrarosso. NORMALE 100% DI CONSUMO : Locale con più persone,con grado di attività elevato. STEP1 80% DI CONSUMO : Locale con più persone,con grado di attività ridotto. STEP2 60% DI CONSUMO : Locale con poche persone,con grado di attività ridotto. STEP2 40% DI CONSUMO : Locale con poche persone,con grado di attività molto ridotto. SMART DIAGNOSIS : Smart Diagnosis permette di controllare la funzionalità e la risoluzione dei problemi tramite smartphone con una semplice app SMART DIAGOSIS disponibile per dispositivi android. Stile ed eleganza Il design semplice e lineare dei climatizzatori LG garantisce installazione perfetta, ottima aderenza alla parete e facile pulizia del prodotto. Installazione semplificata Installare un climatizzatore non è mai stato così facile! I prodotti LG sono progettati e realizzati per essere installati in modo veloce ed efficiente. E le ridotte dimensioni delle unità interne ed esterne assicurano anche un risparmio in termini di spazio. Wifi integrato Dove vuoi, quando vuoi! Controllare il tuo climatizzatore con le tecnologie Smart di LG, oggi è ancora più facile. Grazie al Wi-Fi integrato e ad una connessione Internet, potrai gestire le funzioni principali del tuo condizionatore attraverso l’applicazione per tutti gli smartphone Android o iOS Voice Control Unità interna compatibile con gli assistenti vocali di Google Home e Alexa Garanzia Prodotto: Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Fujitsu Fujitsu Km Series 9000 Btu Asyg09kmcf R-32 Wi-Fi Integrated Wall Mounted Indoor Unit
ATTENTION! ONLY THE INTERNAL UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Technical features Indoor unit catalog code: ASYG09KMCF Indoor unit code: 3NGF82113 Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling capacity: 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 2.8 kW Air flow rate: 700 m3 /h Sound power level : 55~57 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 21~42 dB(A) Liquid pipe diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Dimensions (HxWxD): 270x834x222 mm Weight: 10.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi Fujitsu KM Series Other pluses of the KM range are silence and small size: split of only 222 mm depth. The air conditioner can in fact operate at only 20 decibels in the cooling phase. Thanks to a special high-density multi-pass heat exchanger and a powerful ventilation system, it was possible to combine high performance with a reduction in size to obtain an aesthetic capable of fitting harmoniously into any type of residential environment. It is possible to control the air conditioners of the entire KM range even remotely via smartphone and tablet: simply download the free FGLair application, also available in Italian. The design is characterised by the essentiality of the elegant linear edges: a minimal concept that has allowed Fujitsu Climatizzatori to win the “Good Design Award”, the evaluation of which for the assignment of the recognition includes criteria such as ease of use, concepts underlying the product development, functionality and new technologies used. Slim and elegant design The slim and elegant shape is achieved by the multi-pass high-density heat exchanger and the high-efficiency fan. Intelligent control device included The air conditioner can be controlled from anywhere using the built-in wireless LAN interface. The wireless LAN interface is installed in the indoor unit. With the AIRSTAGE Mobile App, you can control your air conditioner anytime, anywhere. Functions Up and down movement of the deflectors Automatic opening and closing of the deflectors Automatic ventilation speed Automatically changes the ventilation speed according to the required temperature in the room Automatic Restart In the event of a temporary power failure, the air conditioner automatically restarts when the power returns. 10°C HEAT 10°C is the minimum attenuation temperature that can be set in heating mode Automatic Sleep Switch-off Night-time comfort is guaranteed by the gradual regulation of the temperature before the programmed switch-off of the air conditioner Daily Timer Four possible selections within 24 hours ON, OFF, ON OFF or OFF ON Maximum Power Function that allows you to activate the air conditioning at maximum power to quickly reach comfort Automatic cold/hot switching By comparing the room temperature and the set temperature, the air conditioner automatically activates heating or cooling. Energy saving Energy saving control system Filter status indicator Allows you to check the cleanliness of the filters Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Fujitsu Fujitsu Kg Series 12000 Btu Asyg12kgtf R-32 Built-in Wi-Fi Wall Mounted Indoor Unit
ATTENTION! ONLY THE INTERNAL UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Technical features Indoor unit catalog code: ASYG12KGTF Indoor unit code: 3NGF82102 Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling capacity: 3.4 kW Heating capacity: 4.0 kW Air flow rate: 700 m3 /h Sound power level : 56~58 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 19~42 dB(A) Liquid pipe diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Dimensions (HxWxD): 270x834x215 mm Weight: 10.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi Fujitsu KG Series Comfortable ventilation and quiet operation The large baffle and new diffusion structure allow for comfortable airflow that spreads wider to the user's feet and quiet operation. Ø 107 large fan Thanks to the large diameter fan, it is possible to obtain an efficient air volume even at low power. Motion sensor The motion sensor detects the presence of people in a room, causing the air conditioner to reduce its power when people leave the room. When people return to the room, the air conditioner automatically returns to its previous operating mode. Intelligent control device included The air conditioner can be controlled from anywhere using the built-in wireless LAN interface. The wireless LAN interface is installed in the indoor unit. With the AIRSTAGE Mobile App, you can control your air conditioner anytime, anywhere. Functions Presence sensor The sensor detects the presence of people inside the room Automatic ventilation speed Automatically changes the ventilation speed according to the required temperature in the room Automatic Restart In the event of a temporary power failure, the air conditioner automatically restarts when the power returns. 10°C HEAT 10°C is the minimum attenuation temperature that can be set in heating Automatic cold/hot switching By comparing the room temperature and the set temperature, the air conditioner automatically activates heating or cooling. Maximum Power Function that allows you to activate the air conditioning at maximum power to quickly achieve comfort Daily Timer Four possible selections within 24 hours ON, OFF, ON OFF or OFF ON Automatic Sleep Switch-off Night-time comfort is guaranteed by the gradual regulation of the temperature before the programmed switch-off of the air conditioner Weekly timer ON-OFF functions can be set freely on a daily and weekly basis Filter status indicator Allows you to check the cleanliness of the filters Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Haier Internal Unit Haier Ducted Ductable Medium Prevalence 18000 Btu Ad50s2sm3fa R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
Control to be purchased separately! Model: Internal Unit Code: AD50S2SM3FA Indoor Unit Commercial Code: 2501655B2 Power : 18000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 5.0 kW Heating Capacity: 6.0 kW Cooling absorption: 1.55 kW Heating absorption: 1.48 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 550 ~ 1020 m³/h Sound Power Level Indoor Unit: 56 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 28 ~ 43 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxPxH): 1100x700x248 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 31 Kg Optional Commands: YR-HRS01 Infrared Remote Control + RE-02 Infrared Receiver Command Wired Command YR-E16B Made to Order YR-E17A Daily Timer Wired Control Black Wired Control HW-BA101ABT Made to Order HW-BA116ABK White Wire Control WiFi KZW-W001 Ducted Medium Prevalence Haier Ducted medium pressure air conditioner, suitable for commercial and residential environments. Silent and with a compact design, it is easy to install Medium pressure ducted air conditioner: the perfect solution for homes, offices and shops By ducted air conditioner we mean an air conditioning system that uses a ducting system to transport the air and then distribute it in the various rooms, through grids placed in the ceiling or false ceiling. Perfect for large structures, such as hotels, offices, shops and hospitals , the Haier ducted air conditioner is a solution that is increasingly being used also in the residential sector , due to its characteristics of Comfort Design Ease of Installation Comfort and design, here are the advantages of the Haier ducted air conditioner The ducted air conditioning system ensures a low sound level and uniform air distribution in all rooms. It also takes advantage of the air intake from outside to introduce fresh and clean air into the rooms, for maximum comfort and well-being. Another advantage is undoubtedly the design: by exploiting the grilles built into the ceiling for the introduction of air, more space is obtained and a much more pleasant aesthetic . The Haier ducted air conditioner therefore responds perfectly to the needs of Quietness fresh air Compact and Elegant Design Ducted air conditioning installation has never been easier Thanks to its characteristics, the Haier ducted air conditioner also guarantees easy installation . Each component of the ducted air conditioner is studied and designed to allow maximum installation flexibility and facilitate the installer's work, thus guaranteeing time savings in each intervention: Condensate drain pump Rear and bottom air inlet Adjustable static pressure Flexible air distribution Intuitive controls and design Facilitated electrical cable connection Condensate drain pump The medium pressure ducted air conditioner units feature a standard condensate drain pump , which guarantees a maximum head of 600mm measured from the base of the machine. There is the possibility of carrying out the condensate drain by gravity (reversible on both sides). Two air intake points The ducted air conditioner units have two possibilities for connecting the return duct : it can be rear or lower. This aspect helps to make installation more flexible , therefore simpler and faster Adjustable static pressure In Haier medium pressure ducted air conditioners, the static pressure is adjustable through intuitive control systems . The default set pressure is 25 Pa , but it is possible to adjust it as desired on 37/50/70/90/100/110/120/130/150 Pa Flexible air distribution With circular ducts or rectangular ducts , the units of the ducted system satisfy multiple installation solutions Intuitive controls and design The control systems are very intuitive and can be with centralized controls or wired controls . Among them, the new HW-BA101ABT stands out for its compact and elegant design and various features, such as intuitive touchscreen , ECO function , built-in IR receiver and ESP adjustment Easy cable connection To further facilitate the assembly process of the ducted air conditioner, the connection of the electrical cables is now possible via a single screw . In this way, the final phase of the installation is even simpler and faster Quietness Thanks to the high efficiency heat exchanger, the DC motor and the larger diameter fan, the air flow generated by the medium pressure duct is efficient and silent , with a sound level of only 22 dB(A) . Fresh, clean air with Fresh Air Haier medium pressure ducted air conditioners are set up for the " Fresh Air " air inlet (Ø 100mm), which guarantees continuous air exchange , allowing the introduction of clean and fresh air into the room up to a maximum of 20 % of the nominal air flow of the unit Compact and elegant design The compact design of the Haier ducted air conditioner adapts perfectly to all types of environments , from the home to the office: recessed into the ceiling , it is the ideal solution for those looking for an air conditioner without splits , which does not take up too much space and which integrates elegantly into rooms. At 248 mm thick , it also makes installation easier Energy efficient and Eco-friendly R32 gas , an eco-friendly refrigerant, with low GWP (Global Warming Potenital) is used for the operation of the Haier ducted air conditioning units. In addition to a low environmental impact , this gas also guarantees excellent performance in terms of energy efficiency Wi-Fi Optional Allows you to set the air conditioner remotely even when you are away. Imagine that you are running home in the middle of summer or you are lying on the sofa, but you cannot find the remote control. What you want is to be able to easily control your air conditioner wherever you are and at any time with "Haier Smart Air 2" directly from your phone or tablet With the Haier "hOn" application, you can control all the appliances of the Haier group in your Smart Home from your smartphone or tablet with a single app. Furthermore, through hOn, all the basic functions , purification functions and much more can be managed. The app allows the use of voice commands because it is compatible with Google Assistant and Alexa and therefore also allows voice control Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hisense Hisense Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Energy Pro Plus / Hi-Energy Series 12000 Btu Qe35xv2ag R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi
Technical features Indoor unit catalog code : QE35XV2AG Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling capacity : 3.5 kW Heating capacity : 4.2 kW Treated air : 10.83 m 3 /min Sound power level : 54 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 19~39 dB(A) Liquid piping diameter : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Dimensions (WxHxD): 835x305x198 mm Weight : 10Kg Integrated Wi-Fi with voice command ATTENTION ! ONLY THE INDOOR UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Hisense Hi-Energy wall air conditioner TMS technology - AI function The new Hisense Silentium Pro and Energy Pro air conditioners use TMS technology which, based on 6 environmental parameters, calculates the best comfort condition. Considering temperature, humidity, ventilation, heat radiation, clothing and activity, the air conditioner adjusts itself to ensure maximum comfort. The AI function is activated directly from the remote control. Optimal airflow The new Hisense air conditioners guarantee an ideal air flow according to the operating mode or according to the type of activity carried out by the people in the room. Wi-Fi control Hisense air conditioners are managed comfortably inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. ConnectLife is the easy-to-use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android.. After downloading the app and pairing the air conditioner, the app allows you to manage operating modes, temperature, fan speed and air flow. From the «Intelligent function» section it is also possible to set daily or weekly timers. Smart Voice Control The new ConnectLife app is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant: thanks to voice interaction, it is possible to switch on, switch off, adjust the temperature and set the desired operating mode (cooling or heating). Find HiSmart Life in the Alexa Skills and in the Google assistant catalog. Smart Eye The new Silentium Pro and Hi-Energy air conditioners are equipped with a "Smart Eye" presence detector which, via infrared scanning, identifies the position of people in the room and the activity in progress and adjusts the air flow accordingly . «Smart Eye» is activated directly from the remote control Optimal airflow Hisense air conditioners guarantee an ideal airflow based on the operating mode or based on the type of activity performed by people in the room With Silentium Pro and Hi-Energy air conditioners it is also possible to choose between direct or indirect air flow to create optimal comfort conditions Hi-Nano The HI-NANO air purification system inhibits the proliferation of viruses and bacteria thanks to the action of negative and positive ions released into the environment. HI-NANO is activated from the remote control. HI-NANO generates 1 million ions per cm 3 which spread to every corner of the room . Thanks to the high production of ions, in just one hour HI-NANO can remove more than 90% of the H1N1 virus, and of the Sars-Cov2 virus . • HI-NANO releases ions at high concentrations up to 1x10 6 n / cm 3 • The ions adhere to the surface of the bacteria, modify their structure, removing the hydrogen atoms, and inhibit their proliferation • Hydrogen binds to OH radicals and turns into water which evaporates The universal indoor units can be connected to Monosplit and Multisplit outdoor units to ensure maximum installation versatility Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
OLIMPIA SPLENDID Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Only Olimpia Splendid Nexya S4 9000 Btu Os-Seneh09ei
Olimpia Splendid Nexya S4 9000 btu Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Only OS-SENEH09EI Model: Indoor Unit OS-SENEH09EI Sound Pressure (Silent-Min-Med-Max) dB(A) 21-26-30-40 Dimensions (LPA) mm 805X194X285 Wi-Fi Optional ( Code B1016 ) Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Daikin Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Daikin Bluevolution Series Emura White Iii 9000 Btu Ftxj25aw R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi Matt White Color
ATTENTION ONLY THE INDOOR UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Technical features Internal Unit Catalog Code: FTXJ25AW Series : Emura White III Color : Matt White Power : 9000 Btu/h Air Flow : 4.6 ~ 11.4 m3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~40 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin is once again setting the standard for air conditioning for residential use. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to enhance the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control A 3-component system, a unique design Your Daikin Emura air-to-air heat pump offers both cooling and heating and includes a wall-mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Each component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. Daikin Emura's design is eye-catching, yet understated. The curved lines of the wall unit and remote control recall the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a distinguishing feature. Pure elegance that fits harmoniously into your environments Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design to match your interior Intelligent control Climate control from anywhere and at any time Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With more than a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with smooth lines and shadow play, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user requests throughout the world. Europe. Created to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Conceived and designed entirely by Daikin. Captivating and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional look. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view The emotion of the action Panel movement is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is so special about the panel movement of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow play based on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin Emura air conditioner not only boasts an attractive appearance and sinuous lines, but thanks to the movement of the panel it also improves the distribution of air in the room. The well-known design aphorism “form follows function” really applies to Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the project is well thought out Slim design Do you want to make the most of the space in your home but don't want the air conditioning to capture all the attention? Daikin Emura is only 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even slimmer than it actually is. The sophisticated design returns to the perfectly ergonomic remote control Solid colours The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three plain colours : silver, matt white and matt black . The front cover of the remote control matches the colors of the indoor unit while the structure is anthracite gray to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura increases comfort in the home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying indoor air. It is clear that a place shouldn't be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Smart technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the airflow to achieve better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent thermal sensor to detect the actual temperature of a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes the air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs the air, hot or cold, to areas with the highest temperature. need. 3D airflow To guarantee a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, uniformly distributing the air in all rooms, even large ones Using the Coanda effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimize the airflow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the flaps direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards Heat Boost function Daikin Emura heats the room in a short time after starting and reaches the set temperature faster Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation At home, do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility? Daikin Emura is so quiet you'll almost forget you have it on. A special fan optimizes the airflow to achieve high performance while keeping sound levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible while in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM technology By exploiting the chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology decomposes allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner and healthier air. better quality Titanium deodorizing filter Decomposes unpleasant odors (e.g. from tobacco and pets) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Eliminates airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. Thanks to integrated purifying filters and Flash Streamer TM technology, Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better and cleaner indoor air. Thus the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy The control is in your hands Daikin Emura is set up to provide you with optimal comfort when you are around. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the handy remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and at any time Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has essential and sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also place it on a wall thanks to the magnetic holder. Available in silver , matt white and matt black to match the colors of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control the internal climate thanks to the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Are not you at home? Thanks to the Onecta app, this isn't a problem. The app allows instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust Daikin Emura settings via smartphone, anywhere, anytime. Check all the functions of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different schedules and operating modes Monitor energy usage on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control the different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to the Wi-Fi network and control the air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you're not at home, you can turn it on and off, set cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner. It's that simple Voice Control To further increase comfort and convenience, the Daikin Onecta app - Residential Controller is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free cuts down on necessary clicks and allows for faster drive management than ever before. Transversal and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Unit Always Connected The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and compatible with the Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit Programming Set up a schedule to define system operating times, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize the system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the ambient temperature Turn on Powerful mode to boost operation Feature availability depends on system type, configuration, and mode of operation. The app features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection Try Daikin 3D! Renewed in the graphics, Daikin 3D is the app that allows you to see your new air conditioner or your new boiler at home even before purchasing. Choosing the right model has never been so easy and fun! How does it work? After opening the app, just point the camera of your smartphone or tablet at the wall where you would like to install your product. Choose the air conditioner you prefer and watch it appear in 3D in its real size, thanks to augmented reality! With Daikin 3D you can also : Customize the size of your air conditioner or heater. Rotate and move the unit to your liking. Find the best location for proper operation and maintenance. Take a photo to always have a reference with you. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.