icon Cockerels | CaldaieMurali


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34 products

  • immagine-1-galletti-comando-elettronico-semplificato-galletti-ted-10-per-fan-coil-art-u

    Galletti Simplified Electronic Control Galletti Ted 10 For Fan Coil Art-U

    TED Simplified Electronic Command The need to control hydronic terminals in a simple and effective way is fully satisfied thanks to the new series of TED electronic controls. Three different versions represent Galletti's response to the terminal's various system and motorization requirements. The main strong point is in fact the extreme versatility of the series, capable of controlling 2 or 4-pipe systems, terminals equipped with ON/OFF or BLDC motors, and always allowing installation on board the machine or on the wall. In addition to adaptability, extreme importance has been given to ease of use: the configuration and setting of the command have been suitably designed to be extremely intuitive. In any case, the simplicity of the command rests on solid regulation logics, guaranteed by the precision of the integrated electronic microprocessor, which, combined with the extremely advantageous positioning, make the series an advantageous alternative for regulation TED10: is the version dedicated to terminals equipped with an inverter-controlled BLDC electric motor (both for 2 and 4-pipe systems). This version, in addition to the functions of the previous versions, is equipped with an internal generator of the 0-10 V modulating signal to be sent to the inverter and allows an automatic ventilation management mode Product Plus Easy to use Valve management Measure water temperature Wall or machine-mounted installation Management of terminals with BLDC motor (TED10 version only) Automatic ventilation (TED10 version only) Three versions depending on the type of system and terminal Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-galletti-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-galletti-modello-art-u20-con-griglia-superiore-138-kw-colore-bianco

    Galletti Ventilconvettore Fan Coil Galletti ART-U 20 1,38/1,32 kW design Bianco

    Ventilconvettore Fan Coil Galletti ART-U 20 1,38/1,32 kW design Bianco Resa raffreddamento totale(1/2/3/4) 0,58/1.15/1.41/1.75 kW Portata acqua 100/198/242/303 l/h Resa riscaldamento (1/2/3/4) 0,59 1,33 1,60 1,98 kW Portata acqua 169/238/303/345 l/h Portata aria nominale 82/224/287/389 m3h Potenza assorbita W  4/10/12/17 Potenza sonora globale dB(A) 28/41/47/54 Dimensioni AxL  772x867; 14kg ART-U Ventilconvettore di design profondo fino a soli 10 cm e motore BLDCInnovazione guidata dal design Dalla grandissima esperienza di Galletti nello sviluppo e progettazione di ventilconvettori ed a conferma della sua continua ricerca di innovazione, nasce il nuovo ART-U, risultato di una perfetta combinazione tra performance e design. L'obiettivo raggiunto da questo progetto è assolutamente ambizioso: un prodotto nuovo ed unico, non ancora presente sul mercato, che da una parte è in grado di rispondere alle sempre più stringenti richieste in termini di efficienza energetica, dall'altra incontri per la prima volta le recenti tendenze di arredamento ed interior design. Con il nuovo ART-U, Galletti centra completamente questo obiettivo, presentando sul mercato un nuovo concetto di terminale idronico, un prodotto che si caratterizza per le sue invidiabili performance tecniche ed allo stesso tempo rappresenta un vero e proprio shift stilistico, in un settore ormai abituato da troppo tempo a prodotti molto simili tra loro. ART-U, con la sua profondità che in alcuni punti sfiora i soli 10 cm, e forte delle sue linee uniche, è stato concepito per essere un prodotto assolutamente trasversale, che si adatta perfettamente sia ad ambienti rigorosi ed essenziali, sia a spazi più caldi e sofisticati. Grazie inoltre alla possibilità di customizzazione del pannello frontale, ART-U soddisfa la richiesta di sempre maggior personalizzazione degli spazi da arredare. Il raggiungimento di elevatissimi standard estetici non ha indebolito l'usuale virtuosismo costruttivo dei prodotti Galletti: la ricerca d'innovazione si è infatti concentrata anche sui componenti e sull'utilizzo di nuovi materiali. Con ART-U si è ridefinito lo stato dell'arte anche in termini di performance tecniche, grazie all'utilizzo di simulazioni fluidodinamiche computazionali per l'ottimizzazione dello scambio termico all'interno del terminale abbinato all'utilizzo di motori elettrici a magneti permanenti.Mobile di design L'elegante pannello frontale è costituito da due lamine di alluminio con anima in polietilene ed eventuale verniciatura superficiale a base di poliestere. È un materiale leggero ma molto resistente, nato per i rivestimenti di facciata in ambito edilizio. Le fiancate laterali sono in ABS stabilizzato agli UV per mantenere il colore inalterato nel tempo. L'anima in polietilene funge da riempimento flessibile e isolante termico mentre l'alluminio conferisce strutturalità ed estetica.Convogliatori In polistirene ad alta densità. Sono progettati per ottimizzare il flusso aeraulico all'interno del terminale idronico consentendo una distribuzione ottimale del flusso d'aria in batteria e silenziosità ad ogni regime di funzionamento.Griglia superiore Costituita da alette orientabili in alluminio anodizzato, disponibili in versione per comando a bordo o a parete. I pettini in ABS, a supporto delle griglie, evitano la flessione delle stesse, garantendo sempre la sicurezza dell'utilizzatore.Griglia frontale Stabilizza il funzionamento del ventilatore tangenziale, è fornita di filtro metallico in acciaio inox.Motore elettrico Motore BLDC a magneti permanenti con inverter integrato nel gruppo di ventilazione. È garantito il grado di protezione IP44, quindi è scongiurato l'accesso di polvere al suo interno ed è garantita la resistenza a spruzzi di acqua.Ventilatore tangenziale Ventilatore tangenziale bilanciato staticamente e dinamicamente per ridurre la rumorosità in funzionamento. Il materiale plastico utilizzato per le pale garantisce, rispetto alle ventole metalliche, una riduzione delle vibrazioni ed assenza di flessione lungo l'asse di rotazione. Le pale sono intervallate da dischi intermedi di rinforzo al fine di aumentarne la robustezza.Batterie di scambio termico Turbolenziata ad alta efficienza in tubo di rame ed alette in alluminio, è corredata di collettori in ottone e valvola di sfiato. Sulle alette è applicato di serie il trattamento idrofilico, per aumentarne l'efficacia in raffrescamento ed insieme una maggior resistenza alle atmosfere aggressiveFiltro aria Filtro rigenerabile realizzato in polipropilene a nido d'ape, facilmente estraibile per le operazioni di manutenzioneGaranzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-galletti-area-occasioni-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-galletti-estro-f4a-216-kw


     ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA UN'AMMACCATURA E VITI NON DI SERIE SULLA PARTE POSTERIORE, AMMACCATURA SUL FONDO, GRAFFI E SEGNI DI RIPARAZIONI AL PANNELLO FRONTALE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). VENTILCONVETTORE FAN COIL GALLETTI ESTRO F4A 2,16 kW Modello : ESTRO F4A Ventilconvettori per installazione in vista a parete con mobile di copertura ad uscita aria inclinata. Dimensioni: 774 x 556 x 228 mm  Plus di prodotto: Motore a 3/6 velocità Ionizzatore incorporabile Integrabile a ERGO Certificazione Eurovent Mobile in acciaio / ABS Installabile in nicchia Attacchi idraulici reversibili Ventilatori centrifughi in ABS (E) = Prestazioni certificate EUROVENT, organismo indipendente riconosciuto a livello europeo, che assicura una totale affidabilità e trasparenza delle prestazioni e del livello sonoro Galletti Estro ESTRO è la più vasta gamma di Fan Coil presente sul mercato. Nella realizzazione del progetto per i ventilconvettori ESTRO sono stati scelti materiali di alta qualità che unitamente alla grande cura e attenzione riservata all'assemblaggio dei principali componenti costruttivi, qualificano ESTRO nel campo dell'affidabilità prestazionale e comfort acustico. Il mobile di copertura è composto da un pannello in lamiera di acciaio, fiancate laterali e griglia di mandata in ABS. Uscita aria inclinata per installazione in nicchia a parete. Batteria di scambio termico ad alta efficienza, in tubo di rame ed alette in alluminio. Ventilatori centrifughi a doppia aspirazione, realizzati in ABS antistatico con pale a profilo alare e moduli sfalsati. Motore elettrico a 3 o 6 velocità, montato su supporti antivibranti. Filtro aria rigenerabile facilmente estraibile per le operazioni di manutenzione. Pannelli di comando, disponibili in accessorio. Estro FA Installazione in vista a parete con mobile di copertura. L'uscita dell'aria inclinata sul fronte rende la versione ESTRO FA particolarmente idonea all'inserimento in nicchia di profondità fino a 150 mm. ESTRO FA è disponibile in 19 modelli. Ventilatore centrifugo Supervisione ergo Installazione verticale Impianto 4 tubi Impianto 2 tubi Caratteristiche tecniche dei principali componenti: Mobile di copertura composto da un pannello in lamiera di acciaio di forte spessore (10/10 mm); fiancate laterali e griglia di mandata (orientabili di 180°) sono realizzate in ABS. Le portelle laterali consentono l’accesso ai vani tecnici. Uscita aria inclinata per installazione in nicchia a parete. Struttura in lamiera di acciaio zincato di forte spessore (fino a 15/10 mm), coibentata con pannelli termoisolanti autoestinguenti di classe 1 Le versioni FU – FB – FC – FF ed FBC sono dotate di doppia bacinella per la raccolta della condensa..  Batteria di scambio termico ad alta efficienza, in tubo di rame ed alette in alluminio bloccate ai tubi mediante espansione meccanica è corredata di collettori in ottone e valvola di sfiato. La batteria, normalmente montata con attacchi a sinistra, può essere ruotata di 180°. Motore elettrico a tre o sei velocità montato su supporti antivibranti, con condensatore permanentemente inserito e protezione termica degli avvolgimenti. Ventilatori centrifughi a doppia aspirazione, bilanciati staticamente e dinamicamente ed accoppiati direttamente al motore elettrico, realizzati in ABS antistatico con pale a profilo alare e moduli sfalsati Filtro aria rigenerabile in polipropilene a nido d’ape, montato su telaio in lamiera zincata con rete di protezione, facilmente estraibile per le operazioni di manutenzione.  Il filtro è bloccato al mobile di copertura mediante viti ad 1/4 di giro (escluso modello 12). Pannelli comando, disponibili in accessorio, per il controllo e regolazione della temperatura mediante sistema a microprocessore, che adegua automaticamente il funzionamento del ventilconvettore al variare delle condizioni ambiente. Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-galletti-commutatore-di-velocita-a-bordo-macchina-con-termostato-tib-per-ventilconvettore-galletti

    Galletti On-Board Speed ​​Switch With Tib Thermostat For Galletti Fan Coil

    Speed ​​switch and thermostat on board the Galletti TIB - EYTIB machine CHECK COMPATIBILITY BEFORE PURCHASE


  • Area Occasioni Ventilconvettore Fan Coil Galletti Estro F4a 2,16 Kw - CaldaieMurali

    Galletti Occasions Area Fan Coil Fan Coil Galletti Estro F4a 2,16 Kw

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND 100% WORKING, BUT IT HAS VARIOUS PLASTIC PARTS AND THE FIN HOOKS ARE REPAIRED AND THE PACKAGING IS WORN (SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) GALLETTI ESTRO F4A FAN COIL FAN COIL 2,16 kW Model : ESTRO F4A Fan coils for exposed wall installation with cover cabinet with inclined air outlet. Dimensions: 774 x 556 x 228mm Product pluses: 3/6 speed motor Built-in ionizer Can be integrated with ERGO Eurovent certification Steel / ABS cabinet Can be installed in niche Reversible hydraulic connections Centrifugal fans in ABS (E) = EUROVENT certified performance, an independent body recognized at European level, which ensures total reliability and transparency of performance and sound level Cockerels Estro ESTRO is the widest range of Fan Coils on the market. In carrying out the project for the ESTRO fan coils, high quality materials were chosen which, together with the great care and attention given to the assembly of the main construction components, qualify ESTRO in the field of performance reliability and acoustic comfort. The cover cabinet is made up of a sheet steel panel, side panels and delivery grille in ABS. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. High efficiency heat exchange coil, in copper tube and aluminum fins. Double intake centrifugal fans, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules. Electric motor with 3 or 6 speeds, mounted on anti-vibration supports. Regenerable air filter that can be easily removed for maintenance operations. Control panels, available as an accessory. Estrus FA Visible wall installation with cover cabinet. The inclined air outlet on the front makes the ESTRO FA version particularly suitable for insertion in recesses up to 150 mm deep. ESTRO FA is available in 19 models. Centrifugal fan Supervision ergo Vertical installation 4-pipe system 2-pipe system Technical characteristics of the main components: Mobile Of coverage composed of a thick steel sheet panel (10/10 mm); side panels and delivery grille (adjustable by 180°) are made of ABS . The side doors allow access to the technical compartments. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. Structure in thick galvanized steel sheet (up to 15/10 mm), insulated with class 1 self-extinguishing thermal insulating panels. The FU – FB – FC – FF and FBC versions are equipped with a double tray for collecting the condensate. High efficiency heat exchange coil , in copper pipe and aluminum fins locked to the pipes by mechanical expansion, it is equipped with brass manifolds and vent valve. The battery, normally mounted with connections on the left, can be rotated by 180°. Motor electric with three or six speeds mounted on anti-vibration supports, with permanently inserted capacitor and thermal protection of the windings. Fans centrifuges double suction, statically and dynamically balanced and coupled directly to the electric motor, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules Filter air regenerable in honeycomb polypropylene, mounted on a galvanized sheet frame with a safety net, which can be easily removed for maintenance operations. The filter is locked to the cover cabinet by means of 1/4 turn screws (model 12 excluded). Panels control , available as an accessory, for controlling and regulating the temperature by means of a microprocessor system, which automatically adjusts the operation of the fan coil as the ambient conditions change. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-galletti-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-galletti-estro-f11a-8-kw

    Galletti Fan Coil Fan Coil Galletti Estro F11a 8 Kw

    GALLETTI ESTRO F11A FAN COIL FAN COIL 8 kW Model : ESTRO F11A Fan coils for exposed wall installation with cover cabinet with inclined air outlet. Dimensions: 1404 x 556 x 253mm Product pluses: 3/6 speed motor Built-in ionizer Can be integrated with ERGO Eurovent certification Steel / ABS cabinet Can be installed in niche Reversible hydraulic connections Centrifugal fans in ABS (E) = EUROVENT certified performance, an independent body recognized at European level, which ensures total reliability and transparency of performance and sound level Cockerels Estro ESTRO is the widest range of Fan Coils on the market. In carrying out the project for the ESTRO fan coils, high quality materials were chosen which, together with the great care and attention given to the assembly of the main construction components, qualify ESTRO in the field of performance reliability and acoustic comfort. The cover cabinet is made up of a sheet steel panel, side panels and delivery grille in ABS. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. High efficiency heat exchange coil, in copper tube and aluminum fins. Double intake centrifugal fans, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules. Electric motor with 3 or 6 speeds, mounted on anti-vibration supports. Regenerable air filter that can be easily removed for maintenance operations. Control panels, available as an accessory. Estrus FA Visible wall installation with cover unit. The inclined air outlet on the front makes the ESTRO FA version particularly suitable for insertion in recesses up to 150 mm deep. ESTRO FA is available in 19 models. Centrifugal fan Supervision ergo Vertical installation 4-pipe system 2-pipe system Technical characteristics of the main components: Mobile Of coverage composed of a thick steel sheet panel (10/10 mm); side panels and delivery grille (adjustable by 180°) are made of ABS . The side doors allow access to the technical compartments. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. Structure in thick galvanized steel sheet (up to 15/10 mm), insulated with class 1 self-extinguishing thermal insulating panels. The FU – FB – FC – FF and FBC versions are equipped with a double tray for collecting the condensate. High efficiency heat exchange coil , in copper pipe and aluminum fins locked to the pipes by mechanical expansion, it is equipped with brass manifolds and vent valve. The battery, normally mounted with connections on the left, can be rotated by 180°. Motor electric with three or six speeds mounted on anti-vibration supports, with permanently inserted capacitor and thermal protection of the windings. Fans centrifuges double suction, statically and dynamically balanced and coupled directly to the electric motor, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules Filter air regenerable in honeycomb polypropylene, mounted on a galvanized sheet frame with a safety net, which can be easily removed for maintenance operations. The filter is locked to the cover cabinet by means of 1/4 turn screws (model 12 excluded). Panels control , available as an accessory, for controlling and regulating the temperature by means of a microprocessor system, which automatically adjusts the operation of the fan coil as the ambient conditions change. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-galletti-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-galletti-flat-s-43-kw-266

    Galletti Galletti Flat S Fan Coil Fan Coil 43 Kw 2.66

    NB: MANDATORY ACCESSORY Condensate collection tray Galletti FLAT S Fan Coil Fan Coil 43 KW 2.66 Min-med-max total cooling output 1.76-2.14-2.78 kW Min-med-max heating output 2.21-2.66-3.42 kW Average nominal air flow 310 m3h Absorbed power (E) W 31 Overall sound power (E) dB(A) 42 Dimensions HxW mm 874x1160 ; 23 kgs NB: MANDATORY ACCESSORY Condensate collection tray FLAT Fan coil with 17 cm deep design cabinet The answer to new design requirements in the residential sector The FLAT series by Galletti becomes SLIM. In fact, with a depth of only 17 cm, FLAT S guarantees compact dimensions that make it easy to integrate into any context, thus responding to new design trends in the residential sector (and beyond). The FLAT S mini series means innovation in terms of design, to guarantee absolutely excellent sound performance with the advantage of an exclusive design that goes well with both residential and commercial use. The RAL9010 color design cover cabinet is small in size, made of sheet steel and UV stabilized ABS. The upper grille consists of a flap and adjustable fins, consisting of a microswitch which interrupts the operation of the unit when it is placed in the closed position. The adoption of UV-stabilised ABS in the parts that make up the cover cabinet and antistatic in the ventilation group (cochlea and centrifugal fan) guarantee the same aesthetic and acoustic performance throughout the life of the product. Design cabinet with a depth of 17 cm Microswitch on air flap » Use of UV stabilized ABS Can be integrated with ERGO Reversible hydraulic connections 3-speed motor Centrifugal fans in ABS Cover cabinet Design cover cabinet in RAL9010 colour, only 17 cm deep, front panel in sheet steel. Sides, upper grille and side doors made of UV stabilized ABS to keep the color unchanged over time. The upper grille consists of a flap and adjustable fins. The flap is equipped with a microswitch which interrupts the operation of the unit when it is placed in the closed position. Structure Made of thick galvanized steel sheet, thermally and acoustically insulated with class 1 self-extinguishing panels High efficiency heat exchange coil in copper tube and aluminum fins, equipped with brass manifolds and vent valve. The hydraulic connections are reversible during installation. On request, it is possible to mount an additional coil for 4-pipe systems. Double inlet centrifugal fans , statically and dynamically balanced, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules. The fans are housed in a high efficiency ABS scroll. Electric motor Mounted on anti-vibration supports, with permanently inserted capacitor and thermal protection of the windings, it is directly coupled to the fans. It is available with both 3 and 6 (On request) rotation speeds to meet all specific requests in terms of performance, silence and electricity consumption. Air filter Regenerable filter made of honeycomb polypropylene, easily removable for maintenance operations. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-galletti-ventilconvettore-galletti-estro-f2l-kw-154-fancoil

    Galletti Galletti fan coil Estro F2l Kw 1,54 Fan coil

    Optional switch GALLETTI ESTRO F2L FAN COIL KW 1,54 FANCOIL Model : ESTRO F2L Fan coils for exposed wall installation with cover cabinet with vertical air outlet Dimensions: 774 x 564 x 226mm Product pluses: 3/6 speed motor Eurovent certification Steel / ABS cabinet Reversible hydraulic connections Centrifugal fans in ABS (E) = EUROVENT certified performance, an independent body recognized at European level, which ensures total reliability and transparency of performance and sound level General characteristics Galletti Estro fan coils The widest range of fan coils on the market combined with Galletti technology, quality and reliability The ESTRO series is absolutely the line of fan coils on the market with the widest range of models and accessories capable of satisfying all the needs of professionals in the sector. The range consists of 20 models made in 9 construction versions. For the realization of the ESTRO project, high quality materials were chosen which, together with the great care and attention given to the assembly of the main components, qualify it in the field of performance reliability and acoustic comfort. The ESTRO line has a constructive concept that allows the models for vertical installation to be unified with those for horizontal installation: versions are made for surface mounting on the wall, floor/ceiling, recessed wall/ceiling, and lowered floor. In the built-in ductable version, ESTRO has a series of accessories that allow quick and economical installation with flexible ducts directly coupled to air diffusion grilles. ESTRO can be associated with a range of on-board or wall-mounted control panels made up of over 20 options depending on the level of regulation and comfort required. An innovative air ionization system guarantees the sanitization of the terminal and the deodorization of the ambient air. Estrus FL Version with cover cabinet suitable for wall-mounted installation. Vertical air outlet, air intake filter locked to the cabinet with ¼ turn screws. ESTRO FL is available in 20 models. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-galletti-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-galletti-estro-f12l-kw-11-kw

    Galletti Fan Coil Fan Coil Galletti Estro F12l Kw 11 Kw

    FAN COIL FAN COIL GALLETTI ESTRO F12L KW 11 kW Model : ESTRO F12L Fan coils for exposed wall installation with cover cabinet with vertical air outlet Dimensions: 1614 x 564 x 251mm Product pluses: 3/6 speed motor Eurovent certification Steel / ABS cabinet Reversible hydraulic connections Centrifugal fans in ABS (E) = EUROVENT certified performance, an independent body recognized at European level, which ensures total reliability and transparency of performance and sound level Cockerels Estro The widest range of fan coils on the market combined with Galletti technology, quality and reliability The ESTRO series is absolutely the line of fan coils on the market with the widest range of models and accessories capable of satisfying all the needs of professionals in the sector. The range consists of 20 models made in 9 construction versions. For the realization of the ESTRO project, high quality materials were chosen which, together with the great care and attention given to the assembly of the main components, qualify it in the field of performance reliability and acoustic comfort. The ESTRO line has a constructive concept that allows the models for vertical installation to be unified with those for horizontal installation: versions are made for surface mounting on the wall, floor/ceiling, recessed wall/ceiling, and lowered floor. In the built-in ductable version, ESTRO has a series of accessories that allow quick and economical installation with flexible ducts directly coupled to air diffusion grilles. ESTRO can be associated with a range of on-board or wall-mounted control panels made up of over 20 options depending on the level of regulation and comfort required. An innovative air ionization system guarantees the sanitization of the terminal and the deodorization of the ambient air. Estrus FL Version with cover cabinet suitable for wall-mounted installation. Vertical air outlet, air intake filter locked to the cabinet with ¼ turn screws. ESTRO FL is available in 20 models. Technical characteristics of the main components: Rounded shapes and colors that integrate perfectly with current furnishing criteria, in compliance with architectural requirements. Cover cabinet made up of a thick steel sheet panel (10/10 mm); side panels and delivery grille (adjustable by 180°) are made of ABS. The side doors allow access to the technical compartments. Structure in thick galvanized steel sheet (up to 15/10 mm), insulated with class 1 self-extinguishing thermal insulating panels. The FU – FB – FC – FF and FBC versions are equipped with a double tray for collecting the condensate. High efficiency heat exchange coil, in copper pipe and aluminum fins locked to the pipes by mechanical expansion, it is equipped with brass manifolds and vent valve. The battery, normally mounted with connections on the left, can be rotated by 180°. Three or six-speed electric motor mounted on anti-vibration supports, with permanently inserted capacitor and thermal protection of the windings. Double inlet centrifugal fans, statically and dynamically balanced and coupled directly to the electric motor, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules Regenerable air filter in honeycomb polypropylene, mounted on a galvanized sheet frame with protection net, easily removable for maintenance operations. The filter is locked to the cover cabinet by means of 1/4 turn screws (model 12 excluded). Control panels, available as an accessory, for controlling and regulating the temperature by means of a microprocessor system, which automatically adjusts the operation of the fan coil as the ambient conditions vary. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-galletti-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-galletti-modello-flat-s-33-kw-221

    Galletti Galletti Fan Coil Fan Coil Model Flat S 33 Kw 2.21

    ATTENTION ! Compulsory accessory Condensate collection tray Technical features Model : Flat S 33 Cooling down Total Output : 1.41 ~ 2.32 kW Sensitive Output : 1.02 ~ 1.69 kW Class : D Water Flow : 243 ~ 399 l/h Pressure Loss : 3 ~ 7 kPa Heating Total Output : 1.81 ~ 2.88 kW Sensitive Output : 1.52 ~ 2.40 kW Class : D Water Flow : 264 ~ 417 l/h Pressure Loss : 3 ~ 7 kPa Performance Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 230/50/1 Nominal Air Flow : 200 ~ 340 m 3 /h Absorbed Power : 23 ~ 37 kW Sound Power Level : 32 ~ 46 dB(A) Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxW): 874x1160 mm Weight : 23Kg Galletti Flat S fan coil FLAT S by Galletti represents the new generation of fan coils and was designed with the aim of offering performance and design at the top of its category. FLAT S also means innovation in terms of design, to guarantee absolutely excellent sound performance with the advantage of an exclusive design that goes well with both residential and commercial use. Design covering cabinet in RAL9010 color only 17 cm deep, front panel in sheet steel, sides, upper grille and side doors made in UV stabilized ABS. The upper grille consists of a flap and adjustable fins. The flap is equipped with a microswitch which interrupts the operation of the unit when it is placed in the closed position. High efficiency heat exchange coil, in copper tube and aluminum fins. Double intake centrifugal fans, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules. Electric motor with 3 or 6 speeds, mounted on anti-vibration supports. Regenerable air filter that can be easily removed for maintenance operations. Control panels, available as an accessory Air filter Regenerable filter made of honeycomb polypropylene, easily removable for maintenance operations Electric motor Mounted on anti-vibration supports, with permanently inserted capacitor and thermal protection of the windings, it is directly coupled to the fans. It is available with both 3 and 6 (On request) rotation speeds to meet all specific requests in terms of performance, silence, electricity consumption Fans Double inlet centrifuges, statically and dynamically balanced, are made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules. The fans are housed in a high efficiency ABS scroll Mobile Cover Design cover cabinet in RAL9010 color, only 17 cm deep, front panel in sheet steel. Sides, upper grille and side doors made of UV stabilized ABS to keep the color unchanged over time. The upper grille consists of a flap and adjustable fins. The flap is equipped with a microswitch which interrupts the operation of the unit when it is placed in the closed position Structure Made of thick galvanized steel sheet, thermally and acoustically insulated with class 1 self-extinguishing panels Heat Exchange Battery High efficiency in copper tube and aluminum fins, it is equipped with brass manifolds and vent valve. The hydraulic connections are reversible during installation. On request, it is possible to mount an additional coil for 4-pipe systems Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-galletti-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-galletti-estro-f9a-484-kw

    Galletti Galletti Fan Coil Fan Coil Estro F9a 4,84 Kw

    GALLETTI ESTRO F9A FAN COIL FAN COIL 4,84 kW Model : ESTRO F9A Fan coils for exposed wall installation with cover cabinet with inclined air outlet. Dimensions: 1194 x 556 x 228mm Product pluses: 3/6 speed motor Built-in ionizer Can be integrated with ERGO Eurovent certification Steel / ABS cabinet Can be installed in niche Reversible hydraulic connections Centrifugal fans in ABS (E) = EUROVENT certified performance, an independent body recognized at European level, which ensures total reliability and transparency of performance and sound level Cockerels Estro ESTRO is the widest range of Fan Coils on the market. In carrying out the project for the ESTRO fan coils, high quality materials were chosen which, together with the great care and attention given to the assembly of the main construction components, qualify ESTRO in the field of performance reliability and acoustic comfort. The cover cabinet is made up of a sheet steel panel, side panels and delivery grille in ABS. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. High efficiency heat exchange coil, in copper tube and aluminum fins. Double intake centrifugal fans, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules. Electric motor with 3 or 6 speeds, mounted on anti-vibration supports. Regenerable air filter that can be easily removed for maintenance operations. Control panels, available as an accessory. Estrus FA Visible wall installation with cover unit. The inclined air outlet on the front makes the ESTRO FA version particularly suitable for insertion in recesses up to 150 mm deep. ESTRO FA is available in 19 models. Centrifugal fan Supervision ergo Vertical installation 4-pipe system 2-pipe system Technical characteristics of the main components: Mobile Of coverage composed of a thick steel sheet panel (10/10 mm); side panels and delivery grille (adjustable by 180°) are made of ABS . The side doors allow access to the technical compartments. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. Structure in thick galvanized steel sheet (up to 15/10 mm), insulated with class 1 self-extinguishing thermal insulating panels. The FU – FB – FC – FF and FBC versions are equipped with a double tray for collecting the condensate. High efficiency heat exchange coil , in copper pipe and aluminum fins locked to the pipes by mechanical expansion, it is equipped with brass manifolds and vent valve. The battery, normally mounted with connections on the left, can be rotated by 180°. Motor electric with three or six speeds mounted on anti-vibration supports, with permanently inserted capacitor and thermal protection of the windings. Fans centrifuges double suction, statically and dynamically balanced and coupled directly to the electric motor, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules Filter air regenerable in honeycomb polypropylene, mounted on a galvanized sheet frame with a safety net, which can be easily removed for maintenance operations. The filter is locked to the cover cabinet by means of 1/4 turn screws (model 12 excluded). Panels control , available as an accessory, for controlling and regulating the temperature by means of a microprocessor system, which automatically adjusts the operation of the fan coil as the ambient conditions vary. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Last stock! immagine-1-galletti-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-galletti-estro-f6a-283-kw

    Galletti Galletti Fan Coil Fan Coil Estro F6a 2,83 Kw

    GALLETTI ESTRO F6A FAN COIL FAN COIL 2,83 kW Model : ESTRO F6A Fan coils for exposed wall installation with cover cabinet with inclined air outlet. Dimensions: 984 x 556 x 228mm Product pluses: 3/6 speed motor Built-in ionizer Can be integrated with ERGO Eurovent certification Steel / ABS cabinet Can be installed in niche Reversible hydraulic connections Centrifugal fans in ABS (E) = EUROVENT certified performance, an independent body recognized at European level, which ensures total reliability and transparency of performance and sound level Cockerels Estro ESTRO is the widest range of Fan Coils on the market. In carrying out the project for the ESTRO fan coils, high quality materials were chosen which, together with the great care and attention given to the assembly of the main construction components, qualify ESTRO in the field of performance reliability and acoustic comfort. The cover cabinet is made up of a sheet steel panel, side panels and delivery grille in ABS. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. High efficiency heat exchange coil, in copper tube and aluminum fins. Double intake centrifugal fans, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules. Electric motor with 3 or 6 speeds, mounted on anti-vibration supports. Regenerable air filter that can be easily removed for maintenance operations. Control panels, available as an accessory. Estrus FA Visible wall installation with cover cabinet. The inclined air outlet on the front makes the ESTRO FA version particularly suitable for insertion in recesses up to 150 mm deep. ESTRO FA is available in 19 models. Centrifugal fan Supervision ergo Vertical installation 4-pipe system 2-pipe system Technical characteristics of the main components: Mobile Of coverage composed of a thick steel sheet panel (10/10 mm); side panels and delivery grille (adjustable by 180°) are made of ABS . The side doors allow access to the technical compartments. Inclined air outlet for wall niche installation. Structure in thick galvanized steel sheet (up to 15/10 mm), insulated with class 1 self-extinguishing thermal insulating panels. The FU – FB – FC – FF and FBC versions are equipped with a double tray for collecting the condensate. High efficiency heat exchange coil , in copper pipe and aluminum fins locked to the pipes by mechanical expansion, it is equipped with brass manifolds and vent valve. The battery, normally mounted with connections on the left, can be rotated by 180°. Motor electric with three or six speeds mounted on anti-vibration supports, with permanently inserted capacitor and thermal protection of the windings. Fans centrifuges double suction, statically and dynamically balanced and coupled directly to the electric motor, made of antistatic ABS with airfoil blades and staggered modules Filter air regenerable in honeycomb polypropylene, mounted on a galvanized sheet frame with a safety net, which can be easily removed for maintenance operations. The filter is locked to the cover cabinet by means of 1/4 turn screws (model 12 excluded). Panels control , available as an accessory, for controlling and regulating the temperature by means of a microprocessor system, which automatically adjusts the operation of the fan coil as the ambient conditions change. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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