icon Multisplit configurator | CaldaieMurali

Multisplit configurator

Massimizza l'efficienza energetica con le nostre pompe di calore chiller. Regola la temperatura con precisione e riduci i consumi. Soluzione affidabile e performante per il raffreddamento e il riscaldamento.

13 products

  • immagine-1-panasonic-unita-interna-a-parete-panasonic-serie-etherea-white-9000-btu-cs-z25zkew-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-ean-5025232946273

    Panasonic Unità Interna a Parete Panasonic serie ETHEREA WHITE 9000 Btu CS-Z25ZKEW R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato

    ATTENZIONE! VERRÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA   Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : CS-Z25ZKEW Potenza : 9000 Btu Colore : Bianco Capacità di raffreddamento : 2,50 kW Capacità di riscaldamento : 2,80 kW Portata d'aria : 12,4 ~ 13,0 m3/min Livello pressione sonora : 19~39 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (AxLxP) : 295x870x229 mm Peso : 10,0 Kg Wi-Fi integrato Panasonic Etherea Efficienza. Rispetto dell'ambiente. Aria salubre.   Lascia che Panasonic si occupi della qualità dell'aria interna Wi-Fi integrato   Le nuove unità interne Etherea sono state progettate con modulo LAN wireless integrato, compatibile con l’APP Panasonic Comfort Cloud. Controllo a distanza del proprio impianto :    • Accensione e spegnimento dell’unità interna   • Modalità di funzionamento in riscaldamento e raffrescamento   • Impostazione del timer settimanale (fino a 6 eventi al giorno, 42 in una settimana)   • Notifica del codice di errore   • Funzioni avanzate (es. funzione nanoe™ X)   Compatibilità con sistemi per controllo vocale   Controllo illimitato, pieno accesso alle funzionalità dei tuoi climatizzatori. Migliorare il tuo comfort è ora un gioco da ragazzi grazie al nostro condizionatore abilitato a Panasonic Comfort Cloud e al Controllo Vocale   Performance Etherea massima classe energetica. Approfitta di bollette più basse contribuendo al contempo alla protezione dell'ambiente Goditi un design innovativo e a portata di mano con il nuovo ed elegante comando Sky remote retroilluminato   Con un rapido accesso alle operazioni chiave e una copertura scorrevole che propone più opzioni, il controllo delle impostazioni è diventato semplice e intuitivo. Con una larghezza di 58,9mm ed una lunghezza di 164,7mm, il comando Sky remote si adatta comodamente alla mano.   Schermo e LED retroilluminato   Il comando Sky remote visualizza le sue impostazioni in una luce migliore grazie al nuovo schermo retroilluminato. Ora è possibile programmare le impostazioni senza dover accendere le luci   Originale copertura a scorrimento   Una copertura scorrevole liscia non solo migliora le linee pulite del comando a distanza, ma mantiene i pulsanti liberi da sporco e macchie   Puntuale controllo della temperatura   Il comando Sky remote consente di impostare la temperatura con variazioni di 0,5°C. Godetevi una regolazione della temperatura più precisa e assaporate un comfort esclusivo.   NanoeTM Migliore qualità dell'aria per la vita   Lascia che Panasonic si occupi della qualità dell’aria interna grazie a nanoe™ X, la tecnologia che inibisce un’ampia varietà di batteri, virus, sostanze inquinanti e che preserva e neutralizza l’ambiente. Questa tecnologia brevettata è pensata per migliorare la qualità dell’aria sia nei contesti residenziali che commerciali     Nanoe™ X deodorizza e inibisce determinati batteri e virus   Nanoe™ X produce un quantitativo 10 volte superiore* in radicali OH. Il nuovo dispositivo nanoe™ X produce un quantitativo 10 volte superiore in radicali OH (4800 miliardi) rispetto al normale dispositivo nanoe™. Maggiori quantità di radicali OH contenuti in nanoe™ X determinano effetti eccezionali nell’inibizione di batteri, virus e allergeni e nella deodorizzazione     In che modo nanoe™ X mantiene l’aria fresca e pulita   • Nanoe™ X raggiunge i batteri   • I radicali OH sottraggono idrogeno ai batteri   • I radicali OH trasformano l’idrogeno rilasciato dai batteri in acqua inibendo l’attività batterica   Un piccolo gesto per il futuro Non tutti sono pronti al cambiamento. Panasonic, invece, crede che con lo sviluppo tecnologico si possa migliorare la vita delle persone. Per questo motivo è stata progettata una nuova linea di climatizzatori in R32, un refrigerante assolutamente innovativo: è facile da installare, è a basso impatto ambientale e consente di risparmiare energia. Il risultato? Maggiore benessere per le persone e per il pianeta. Benvenuto R32! Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-panasonic-unita-esterna-monosplit-commerciale-panasonic-paci-nx-inverter-24000-btu-u-71pz3e5a-r-32-classe-aa

    Panasonic Unità Esterna Monosplit Commerciale Panasonic PACI NX Inverter 24000 Btu U-71PZ3E5A R-32 Classe A+/A+

    Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità esterna : U-71PZ3E5A Potenza : 24000 Btu Efficienza energetica SEER : 5,80 SCOP : 4,40 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A+ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 429 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 1653 kWh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 7,1 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 5,2 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 2,25 kW Assorbimento riscaldamento : 1,68 kW Livello potenza sonora : 66 ~ 68 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 48 ~ 49 dB(A)  Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Intervallo di funzionamento : - Raffreddamento: -10° ~ 43° C- Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati installativi Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 15,88 mm (5/8") Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 30 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 695x875x320 mm Peso unità esterna : 50,0 Kg Panasonic PACi Serie NX Nuova generazione Per l’elevata qualità di progettazione e diingegnerizzazione, I modelli PACi NX Standard sono la soluzione ideale per progetti che richiedono qualità a fronte di un budget limitato. Inoltre, il design leggero e compatto li rendono ideali per installazioni con disponibilità limitata di spazio, tra cui piccole installazioni commerciali e residenziali. L’unità esterna molto compatta e leggera ne consente l’installazione in varie situazioni. La serie NX con refrigerante R32 è stata sviluppata per soddisfare l'esigenza di semplificare i lavori di ristrutturazione utilizzando una modalità di comunicazione a 3 fili. E' integrata con soluzioni IoT e tecnologia nanoe™ Panasonic raccomanda di utilizzare il refrigerante R32, in quanto ecocompatibile. Rispetto ai gas R22 ed R410A, l’R32 ha un basso impatto ambientale e sul riscaldamento globale. In linea con i paesi europei che partecipano al Protocollo di Montreal, Panasonic sta utilizzando sempre di più soluzioni con refrigerante R32 Gamma standard Una soluzione di facile integrazione nei progetti di ristrutturazione La nuova serie è stata sviluppata con una modalità di comunicazione a 3 fili. Questo semplifica la sostituzione di vecchi impianti in cui il cablaggio a 3 fili è prevalente Paxi NX Standard Refrigerante R-32 Ideale per le ristrutturazioni, grazie al nuovo bus di comunicazione a 3 fili. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Last stock! immagine-1-panasonic-unita-esterna-panasonic-motore-multisplit-cu-4z80tbe-quadri-split-r-32

    Panasonic Unità Esterna Panasonic Motore Multisplit CU-4Z80TBE Quadri Split R-32

    ATTENZIONE , VERRÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ ESTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità esterna : CU-4Z68TBE Numero di unità interne collegabili : Fino a 4 Efficienza energetica SEER : 7,90 SCOP : 4,70 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A++ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 990 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 2026 kWh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 8,00 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 9,40 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 1,98 kW  Assorbimento riscaldamento : 2,03 kW Livello pressione sonora : 51~52 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito:- Raffreddamento: -10°~46 °C- Riscaldamento: -15°~24 °C Dati installativi Diametro tubi liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x4 Diametro tubi gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x4 Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 70 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna ed unità esterna : 15 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 999x940x340 mm Peso unità esterna : 80,0 Kg 5 anni di garanzia sul compressore   5 anni di garanzia sui compressori dell’unità esterna dell’intera gamma per cinque anni   Linea Free Multi Z  La soluzione multisplit offre un’elevata flessibilità, in quanto è possibile collegare da 2 a 5 unità interne ad un’unica unità esterna. L’ampia gamma di unità interne compatibili comprende le unità Etherea e TZ da parete, le console da pavimento, le unità a cassetta 60x60 a 4 vie e le unità canalizzate a bassa pressione statica.  Funzionamento silenzioso Una serie di tecnologie basate sull'aerodinamica permette di ottenere un funzionamento ultrasilenzioso. Hanno inoltre migliorato l'efficienza operativa e ridotto il consumo elettrico. Ventola radiale a funzionamento silenzioso Hyper Wave Inverter L'esperienza acquisita dal gruppo Panasonic trova applicazione nel sofisticato sistema Hyper Wave con funzione di controllo della coppia del compressore. La serie VRF FS Multi consente un rapido raggiungimento e uno stabile mantenimento della temperatura impostata, una eccezionale efficienza di funzionamento ed una consistente riduzione dei costi di esercizio. Facilità di manutenzione L'eventuale guasto di un'unità interna non compromette il funzionamento dell'intero sistema: sia l'unità esterna che le altre unità interne continuano ad operare normalmente. Installazione in spazi ridottiUn'unità esterna compatta della serie VRF FS Multi assicura la climatizzazione di più ambienti e può essere installata in luoghi in cui il ridotto spazio a disposizione non permette di posizionare più unità esterne. Perché un multisplit è una soluzione migliore di più unità separate Un'unica unità esterna compatta Maggiore comfort in casa poiché ogni ambiente è dotato di una propria unità interna per il riscaldamento Molto più potente di una singola unità Più efficiente poiché le unità funzionano sempre a piena capacità Possibilità di collegare tutti i tipi di unità interne, come i modelli da parete, console, in funzione delle singole esigenze Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-panasonic-unita-interna-console-pavimento-panasonic-12000-btu-cs-z35ufeaw-r-32-wi-fi-optional-con-telecomando-incluso

    Panasonic Panasonic Floor Console Indoor Unit 12000 Btu Cs-Z35ufeaw R-32 Wi-Fi Optional With Remote Control Included

    Technical features Internal Unit Catalog Code: CS-Z35UFEAW Power : 12000 Btu Cooling capacity: 3.5 kW Heating capacity: 4.3 kW Sound Power Level : 61~62 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~39 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 600x750x207 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13 Kg Optional Accessories: Wired Controller : CZ-RD514C Wi-Fi Optional : CZ-TACG1 Panasonic Floor Console Efficient comfort and clean air all year round nanoe™ X technology, with hydroxyl radical benefits, enhances 24/7 protection Sky Controller infrared control An innovative design that integrates perfectly with the most modern environments. We have selected the best materials and workmanship for a refined design Energy efficiency class up to A++ Control your comfort and energy consumption with internet control A product range designed for you From the smallest 1X1 applications to the most complete 5x1 applications, Panasonic can offer you the best solution to improve the environment in your home A comfortable home all year round Our air conditioners guarantee a more comfortable environment throughout the year, they heat in the winter, cool in the summer and improve your comfort and well-being Air conditioning connects to the future The indoor units are designed with built-in wireless LAN module, compatible with Panasonic Comfort Cloud APP. Remote control of your system: • Turning the indoor unit on and off • Operating mode in heating and cooling • Weekly timer setting (up to 6 events per day, 42 in one week) • Error code notification • Advanced functions (eg nanoe™ X function) Compatibility with voice control systems Unlimited control, full access to the functionality of your air conditioners. Improving your comfort is now child's play with our Panasonic Comfort Cloud enabled air conditioner and Voice Control Nanoe TM Better air quality for life Let Panasonic take care of indoor air quality thanks to nanoe™ X, the technology that inhibits a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, pollutants and preserves and neutralizes the environment. This patented technology is designed to improve air quality in both residential and commercial settings Nanoe™ X deodorises and inhibits certain bacteria and viruses Nanoe™ X produces 10 times more* OH radicals. The new nanoe™ X device produces 10 times more OH radicals (4.8 trillion) than the regular nanoe™ device. Greater amounts of OH radicals contained in nanoe™ X lead to exceptional effects in the inhibition of bacteria, viruses and allergens and in deodorization How nanoe™ X keeps the air fresh and clean • Nanoe™ X reaches bacteria • OH radicals rob bacteria of hydrogen • OH radicals transform the hydrogen released by bacteria into water, inhibiting bacterial activity A small gesture for the future Not everyone is ready for change. Panasonic, on the other hand, believes that with technological development people's lives can be improved. For this reason, a new line of air conditioners has been designed in R32, an absolutely innovative refrigerant: it is easy to install, has a low environmental impact and saves energy. The result? Greater well-being for people and the planet. Welcome R32! Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-panasonic-unita-esterna-panasonic-motore-multisplit-cu-4z68tbe-quadri-split-r-32

    Panasonic Panasonic Outdoor Unit Multisplit Cu-4z68tbe Quad Split R-32 Motor

    Technical features Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit Catalog Code: CU-4Z68TBE Connectable Indoor Units: 4 Energy efficiency: SEER : 8 SCOP : 4.2 Energy Efficiency Class (Cooling) : A++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling/Heating : 298/1933 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 6.8 kW Heating Capacity: 8.0 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.55 kW Std heating absorption: 1.90 kW Sound power level : 63/64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~50 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x2 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10°~46°C - Heating: -15°~24°C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 795x875x320 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 72 Kg Attention, only the external unit will be supplied Silent operation A series of technologies based on aerodynamics allows for ultra-quiet operation. They have also improved operational efficiency and reduced electricity consumption. Quiet running radial fan Hyper Wave Inverter The experience acquired by the Panasonic group finds application in the sophisticated Hyper Wave system with compressor torque control function. The VRF FS Multi series allows for rapid achievement and stable maintenance of the set temperature, exceptional operating efficiency and a substantial reduction in operating costs. Ease of maintenance Any failure of an indoor unit does not compromise the operation of the entire system: both the outdoor unit and the other indoor units continue to operate normally. Installation in small spaces A compact outdoor unit of the VRF FS Multi series ensures the air conditioning of several rooms and can be installed in places where the limited space available does not allow for the placement of several outdoor units. Panasonic offers a very wide range of Multi models with the possibility of connecting up to 5 indoor units to a single outdoor unit Why is a MultiSplit a better solution than multiple separate drives? • One compact outdoor unit • Greater comfort in the home since each room has its own internal unit for heating • Much more powerful than a single unit • More efficient as drives always operate at full capacity • Possibility of connecting all types of indoor units, such as wall-mounted, console models, according to individual needs Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-panasonic-unita-esterna-panasonic-motore-multisplit-cu-2z50tbe-dual-split-r-32-classe-aa

    Panasonic Panasonic Outdoor Unit Multisplit Motor Cu-2z50tbe Dual Split R-32 Class A+++/A++

    Technical features Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code Outdoor Unit : CU-2Z50TBE Max indoor units: up to 2 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.50 SCOP : 4.60 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Annual energy consumption Cooling : 206 kWh/a Annual energy consumption Heating : 1278 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 5.0 kW Heating Capacity: 5.6 kW Absorption in cooling: 1.18 kW Heating absorption: 1.21 kW Sound Pressure Level : 50~52 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x2 Maximum piping length: 30 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 10 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 619x824x299 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 39 Kg Attention, only the external unit will be supplied 5 year warranty on the compressor 5 year guarantee on outdoor unit compressors for the whole range for five years Multisplit systems Panasonic offers a very wide range of Multi models with the possibility of connecting up to 5 indoor units to a single outdoor unit Why a Multi Split is a better solution than multiple separate units: Up to 5 indoor units connected to a single outdoor unit • One compact outdoor unit • Greater comfort in the home since each room has its own internal unit for heating Solution with single split An indoor unit is connected to an outdoor unit. The indoor unit is placed in the main corridor and heats the whole house. Some rooms may not be perfectly heated, which causes inadequate comfort • Much more powerful than a single unit • More efficient as drives always operate at full capacity • Possibility of connecting all types of indoor units, such as wall-mounted, console models, according to individual needs Solution with Multi Split Up to five indoor units can be connected with one outdoor unit. Each room or area is equipped with an indoor unit. Extreme increase in comfort levels. Only one outdoor unit is installed on the roof Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-panasonic-unita-esterna-panasonic-motore-multisplit-cu-3z52tbe-trial-split-3-attacchi-r-32-ean-5025232869077

    Panasonic Panasonic Outdoor Unit Multisplit Motor Cu-3z52tbe Trial Split (3 Connections) R-32

    Technical features Model: Catalog number : CU-3Z52TBE Gases : R-32 Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 1220~240-50 Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.50 SCOP: 4.20 Energy Efficiency Class (Cool) : A+++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity (kW): 5.2 Heating Capacity (kW): 5.0 Operating limits: Cool Min~Max °C -10~+46 Heating Min~Max °C -15~+24 Dimensions and weight: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 795 x 875 x 320; 71kg Total piping length: 30 General characteristics Plus product R32 refrigerant. The heat pumps use the new R32 refrigerant thus enabling a reduction in the value of the heating potential. Econavi. The intelligent sensors of the Econavi system detect the intensity of sunlight, human movements, activity levels or the absence of people and automatically adjust the power and direction of the air flow. With the Econavi system you can save up to 38%. The inverter ensures greater efficiency, better comfort. More precise thermoregulation, which avoids peaks and keeps the temperature more constant with lower energy consumption. nanoe™ . The nanoe™ purification system uses nanoparticles. It neutralizes both airborne and adhesive microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and moulds, and ensures effective cleaning of the air in the environment. Super Quiet. Thanks to the Super Quiet technology, our air conditioners ensure extremely silent operation. The sound pressure level of the indoor unit is only 19 dB(A), valid for Z20/Z25/Z35 models. Mild Dry Cooling function. This function helps to prevent the room humidity from dropping rapidly (relative humidity is maintained at a level 10% higher than with the cooling function). It is ideal when you sleep with the air conditioning on. Aerowings . More comfort with Aerowings. Wide ventilation flow. Two flaps improve the direction of the airflow. Internet Control. This new generation system provides the possibility of remote control via the internet of the air conditioner or heat pump unit from anywhere, using a smartphone equipped with an Android or iOS operating system, a tablet or a PC. Easy control via BMS. The communication port is integrated in the indoor unit, and allows connectivity and management via a building management system Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-panasonic-unita-esterna-panasonic-motore-multisplit-cu-3z68tbe-trial-split-3-attacchi-r-32-ean-5025232860456

    Panasonic Panasonic Outdoor Unit Multisplit Motor Cu-3z68tbe Trial Split (3 Connections) R-32

    Panasonic Outdoor Unit MultiSplit Motor CU-3Z68TBE Trial Split (3 ports) R-32 Model: Catalog code : CU-3Z68TBE Gases : R-32 Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 1220~240-50 Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.0 SCOP: 4.2 Energy Efficiency Class (Cool) : A+++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity (kW): 6.8 Heating capacity (kW): 8.5 Operating limits: Cool Min~Max °C -10~+46 Heating Min~Max °C -15~+24 Dimensions and weight: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 795 x 875 x 320; 71kg Height difference: UI-UE (Max) m 15; IU-UI (Max) m 7.5 Single branch length (Max): m 25 Total piping length: 30 General characteristics Plus product R32 refrigerant. The heat pumps use the new R32 refrigerant thus enabling a reduction in the value of the heating potential. Econavi. The intelligent sensors of the Econavi system detect the intensity of sunlight, human movements, activity levels or the absence of people and automatically adjust the power and direction of the air flow. With the Econavi system you can save up to 38%. The inverter ensures greater efficiency, better comfort. More precise thermoregulation, which avoids peaks and keeps the temperature more constant with lower energy consumption. nanoe™ . The nanoe™ purification system uses nanoparticles. It neutralizes both airborne and adhesive microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and moulds, and ensures effective cleaning of the air in the environment. Super Quiet. Thanks to the Super Quiet technology, our air conditioners ensure extremely silent operation. The sound pressure level of the indoor unit is only 19 dB(A), valid for Z20/Z25/Z35 models. Mild Dry Cooling function. This function helps to prevent the room humidity from dropping rapidly (relative humidity is maintained at a level 10% higher than with the cooling function). It is ideal when you sleep with the air conditioning on. Aerowings . More comfort with Aerowings. Wide ventilation flow. Two flaps improve the direction of the airflow. Internet Control. This new generation system provides the possibility of remote control via the internet of the air conditioner or heat pump unit from anywhere, using a smartphone equipped with an Android or iOS operating system, a tablet or a PC. Easy control via BMS. The communication port is integrated in the indoor unit, and allows connectivity and management via a building management system Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Area Occasioni Unita Interna A Parete Panasonic Serie Etherea White Inverter 12000 Btu Cs-Z35vkew R-32 Wi-Fi Optional - CaldaieMurali

    Panasonic Area Occasioni Indoor Wall Unit Panasonic Etherea Series White Inverter 12000 Btu Cs-Z35vkew R-32 Wi-Fi Optional

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND 100% WORKING, BUT IT HAS A SMALL DENT ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE FIN (SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) Technical features Internal Unit Catalog Code : CS-Z35VKEW Power : 12000 Btu Color : Opaque white Internal unit sound pressure : 42 dB(A) Liquid pipe diameter : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 95x919x194 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 10 Kg Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-panasonic-solo-unita-interna-a-parete-panasonic-serie-etherea-silver-inverter-12000-btu-cs-xz35vkew-gas-r-32-wi-fi

    Panasonic Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Only Panasonic Series Etherea Silver Inverter 12000 Btu Cs-Xz35vkew Gas R-32 Wi-Fi

    Only Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Panasonic Series Etherea Silver Inverter 12000 Btu CS-XZ35VKEW Gas R-32 Wi-Fi Model: Product code : CS-XZ35VKEW Power : 12000 Btu Power supply: 1 / 220-240 / 50 Ø / V / Hz Internal Unit Technical Characteristics: Sound pressure Cool -Heat. Max / Med /Min dB(A): 44 / 30 / 21 — 45 / 35 / 21 Liquid/Gas diameter mm: 1/4 (6.35) / 3/8 (9.52) Dimensions(W x H x D): 919 x 295 x 194 Kg:10; Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-panasonic-solo-unita-interna-a-parete-panasonic-serie-etherea-white-inverter-9000-btu-cs-z25vkew-gas-r-32-wi-fi

    Panasonic Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Only Panasonic Series Etherea White Inverter 9000 Btu Cs-Z25vkew Gas R-32 Wi-Fi

    Only Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Panasonic Etherea Series White Inverter 9000 Btu CS-Z25VKEW Gas R-32 Wi-Fi Model: Product code : CS-Z25VKEW Power : 90 00 Btu Power supply: 1 / 220-240 / 50 Ø / V / Hz Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-panasonic-unita-interna-a-parete-panasonic-serie-etherea-white-12000-btu-cs-z35xkew-r-32-wi-fi-integrato

    Panasonic Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Panasonic Series Etherea White 12000 Btu Cs-Z35xkew R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi

    Technical features Internal Unit Catalog Code: CS-Z35XKEW Series : Etherea White White color Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.50 kW Heating Capacity : 4.12 kW Treated Air: 12.7 m 3 /min Sound Power Level : 58~59 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 19~43 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 295x870x229 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code CZ-RD514C ) Attention, only the internal unit will be supplied Panasonic Etherea Efficiency. Respect for the environment. Healthy air. Integrated Wi-Fi The new Etherea indoor units have been designed with built-in wireless LAN module, compatible with the Panasonic Comfort Cloud APP . Remote control of your system: • Turning the indoor unit on and off • Operating mode in heating and cooling • Weekly timer setting (up to 6 events per day, 42 in one week) • Error code notification • Advanced functions (eg nanoe™ X function) Compatibility with voice control systems Unlimited control, full access to the functionality of your air conditioners. Improving your comfort is now child's play with our Panasonic Comfort Cloud enabled air conditioner and Voice Control Performance Etherea maximum energy class. Benefit from lower bills while contributing to the protection of the environment Enjoy innovative design at your fingertips with the stylish new backlit Sky Remote With quick access to key operations and a sliding cover that offers more options, controlling settings has become simple and intuitive. With a width of 58.9mm and a length of 164.7mm, the Sky remote fits comfortably in the hand. Backlit screen and LED The Sky remote displays its settings in a better light thanks to the new backlit screen. Now you can program settings without having to turn on the lights Original Sliding Cover A smooth sliding cover not only enhances the clean lines of the remote, but keeps the buttons free from dirt and smudges Punctual Temperature Control The Sky remote control allows you to set the temperature with variations of 0.5°C. Enjoy more precise temperature regulation and savor exclusive comfort. Nanoe TM Better air quality for life Let Panasonic take care of indoor air quality thanks to nanoe™ X, the technology that inhibits a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, pollutants and preserves and neutralizes the environment. This patented technology is designed to improve air quality in both residential and commercial settings Nanoe™ X deodorises and inhibits certain bacteria and viruses Nanoe™ X produces 10 times more* OH radicals. The new nanoe™ X device produces 10 times more OH radicals (4.8 trillion) than the regular nanoe™ device. Greater amounts of OH radicals contained in nanoe™ X lead to exceptional effects in the inhibition of bacteria, viruses and allergens and in deodorization How nanoe™ X keeps the air fresh and clean • Nanoe™ X reaches bacteria • OH radicals rob bacteria of hydrogen • OH radicals transform the hydrogen released by bacteria into water, inhibiting bacterial activity A small gesture for the future Not everyone is ready for change. Panasonic, on the other hand, believes that with technological development people's lives can be improved. For this reason, a new line of air conditioners has been designed in R32, an absolutely innovative refrigerant: it is easy to install, has a low environmental impact and saves energy. The result? Greater well-being for people and the planet. Welcome R32! Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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