icon Air Barriers | CaldaieMurali

Air Barriers

Barriere D'Aria - CaldaieMurali
Protect your environment with our efficient air curtains. Maintain comfort and reduce energy waste. Versatile solution for optimal climate control. Discover our air curtains and improve the quality of the indoor environment!

42 products

  • immagine-1-diloc-barriera-d-aria-centrifuga-diloc-green-line-150-cm-d-49000bar-n

    Diloc Barriera D aria Centrifuga Diloc GREEN LINE 150 cm D.49000BAR-N

    Descrizione prodotto Codice prodotto: D.49000BAR-N Colore: Bianco   Caratteristiche Tecniche Tipo di ventola: Tangenziale Assorbimento: 230 W Portata d'aria: 2500 m2/h Velocità dell'aria: 11 m/s Rumorosità (Potenza Sonora):  59 dB Peso Netto: 11,50 Kg Altezza di installazione: 2,5-3 m Dimensioni: 1500x185x187 mm   GREEN LINE Barriere d’aria a basso consumo energetico Le barriere d’aria hanno lo scopo di mantenere la temperatura dell’ambiente evitando sprechi di energia ogni qual volta si apre la porta d’ingresso in quanto assicurano un miglior isolamento termico. La ventola Centrifuga consente un flusso d’aria maggiore e per tale motivo non può essere installata al di sotto di 300 cm. d’altezza e vicino a cassoni di legno che ne amplificano il rumore. La ventola tangenziale può essere installata a partire da 250cm.  Assicurarsi che i dB indicati siano idonei all’ambiente in cui viene installata la barriera. Le barriere hanno un flusso d’aria con angolazione a 105 gradi che permette di utilizzarle a moduli per aumentare la superficie.   Più affariUna ricerca eseguita presso molti esercizi commerciali ha rilevato una crescita del fatturato nei negozi a “porte aperte”. ConfortevoleMantiene climatizzato l’ambiente senza sprechi e riduce le barriere architettoniche. SicuraSpostamenti più sicuri senza ostacoli alla visuale con maggiore utilizzo degli spazi. SalubreEvita ospiti indesiderati quali insetti, pollini, polveri e gas di scarico. ComodaTutti i modelli possono essere gestiti con telecomando. EasyFacile da installare e semplice da pulire. Installazione a regola d’arteLa dimensione delle barriere devono coprire la larghezza della porta. Per qualunque porta Le barriere possono affiancarsi per aperture con dimensioni maggiori (flusso d’aria 105°) ECO-FriendlySi garantisce una maggior effi cienza energetica, bassi consumi e forte riduzione dei costi di climatizzazione nonostante le porte aperte. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-diloc-barriera-d-aria-centrifuga-diloc-green-line-120-cm-d-47000bar-n

    Diloc Barriera D aria Centrifuga Diloc GREEN LINE 120 cm D.47000BAR-N

    Descrizione prodotto Codice prodotto: D.47000BAR-N Colore: Bianco   Caratteristiche Tecniche Tipo di ventola: Tangenziale Assorbimento: 200 W Portata d'aria: 1900 m2/h Velocità dell'aria: 11 m/s Rumorosità (Potenza Sonora):  58 dB Peso Netto: 10 Kg Altezza di installazione: 2,5-3 m Dimensioni: 1200x185x187 mm   GREEN LINE Barriere d’aria a basso consumo energetico Le barriere d’aria hanno lo scopo di mantenere la temperatura dell’ambiente evitando sprechi di energia ogni qual volta si apre la porta d’ingresso in quanto assicurano un miglior isolamento termico. La ventola Centrifuga consente un flusso d’aria maggiore e per tale motivo non può essere installata al di sotto di 300 cm. d’altezza e vicino a cassoni di legno che ne amplificano il rumore. La ventola tangenziale può essere installata a partire da 250cm.  Assicurarsi che i dB indicati siano idonei all’ambiente in cui viene installata la barriera. Le barriere hanno un flusso d’aria con angolazione a 105 gradi che permette di utilizzarle a moduli per aumentare la superficie.   Più affariUna ricerca eseguita presso molti esercizi commerciali ha rilevato una crescita del fatturato nei negozi a “porte aperte”. ConfortevoleMantiene climatizzato l’ambiente senza sprechi e riduce le barriere architettoniche. SicuraSpostamenti più sicuri senza ostacoli alla visuale con maggiore utilizzo degli spazi. SalubreEvita ospiti indesiderati quali insetti, pollini, polveri e gas di scarico. ComodaTutti i modelli possono essere gestiti con telecomando. EasyFacile da installare e semplice da pulire. Installazione a regola d’arteLa dimensione delle barriere devono coprire la larghezza della porta. Per qualunque porta Le barriere possono affiancarsi per aperture con dimensioni maggiori (flusso d’aria 105°) ECO-FriendlySi garantisce una maggior effi cienza energetica, bassi consumi e forte riduzione dei costi di climatizzazione nonostante le porte aperte. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-diloc-barriera-daria-centrifuga-diloc-green-line-90-cm-d-45000bar-n

    Diloc Barriera D'aria Centrifuga Diloc GREEN LINE 90 cm D.45000BAR-N

    Descrizione prodotto Codice prodotto: D.45000BAR-N Colore: Bianco   Caratteristiche Tecniche Tipo di ventola: Tangenziale Assorbimento: 160 W Portata d'aria: 1400 m2/h Velocità dell'aria: 11 m/s Rumorosità (Potenza Sonora):  57 dB Peso Netto: 8.50 Kg Altezza di installazione: 2,5-3 m Dimensioni: 900x185x187 mm   GREEN LINE Barriere d’aria a basso consumo energetico Le barriere d’aria hanno lo scopo di mantenere la temperatura dell’ambiente evitando sprechi di energia ogni qual volta si apre la porta d’ingresso in quanto assicurano un miglior isolamento termico. La ventola Centrifuga consente un flusso d’aria maggiore e per tale motivo non può essere installata al di sotto di 300 cm. d’altezza e vicino a cassoni di legno che ne amplificano il rumore. La ventola tangenziale può essere installata a partire da 250cm.  Assicurarsi che i dB indicati siano idonei all’ambiente in cui viene installata la barriera. Le barriere hanno un flusso d’aria con angolazione a 105 gradi che permette di utilizzarle a moduli per aumentare la superficie.   Più affariUna ricerca eseguita presso molti esercizi commerciali ha rilevato una crescita del fatturato nei negozi a “porte aperte”. ConfortevoleMantiene climatizzato l’ambiente senza sprechi e riduce le barriere architettoniche. SicuraSpostamenti più sicuri senza ostacoli alla visuale con maggiore utilizzo degli spazi. SalubreEvita ospiti indesiderati quali insetti, pollini, polveri e gas di scarico. ComodaTutti i modelli possono essere gestiti con telecomando. EasyFacile da installare e semplice da pulire. Installazione a regola d’arteLa dimensione delle barriere devono coprire la larghezza della porta. Per qualunque porta Le barriere possono affiancarsi per aperture con dimensioni maggiori (flusso d’aria 105°) ECO-FriendlySi garantisce una maggior effi cienza energetica, bassi consumi e forte riduzione dei costi di climatizzazione nonostante le porte aperte. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-klimaline-barriera-d-aria-ad-incasso-198-cm-klimaline-con-telecomando-2-velocita-bianca-nascosta-con-resistenza

    Klimaline Barriera d Aria ad Incasso 198 cm Klimaline con Telecomando 2 Velocità BIANCA NASCOSTA con Resistenza

    Barriera d Aria ad Incasso 198 cm Klimaline con Telecomando 2 Velocità BIANCA NASCOSTA con Resistenza Caratteristiche Tecniche Mod: 15.749 Lunghezza 1985 mm Max input power 370-450 Potenza in riscaldamento kW 14 Velocità aria m/s 9-11 Volume aria m3h 3050/3750 Rumorosità db 58-60 Dimensioni mm 1985x462x225 Barriere d'aria La barriera d’aria è un'unità ventilante che crea un’invisibile barriera d’aria davanti alla porta sopra cui è installata l’unità, separando in modo efficiente due ambienti differenti senza limitare il passaggio del pubblico o di veicoli mobili. Questo sistema di risparmio energetico ad aria ci mostra che i costi di riscaldamento e di condizionamento si riducono fino al 80% migliorando la protezione del clima interno al locale ed incrementando sensibilmente il comfort di chi lo vive.  Mantiene pulita l´atmosfera da parassiti e insetti, da polveri nell´aria, da inquinamento, da odori sgradevoli e le correnti d´aria fredda e calda in ingresso si fermano infrangendosi sulla parete creata dall’unità ventilante. Il funzionamento della barriera d’aria è basato sulla velocità di uscità dell’aria dalla bocca di lancio: è importante che il lancio copra tutta la sezione del portale da isolare. Il riscaldamento rende più confortevole il getto d’aria avvertito dalle persone che attraversano il portale, aiutando a mantenere sotto controllo la temperatura in corrispondenza dell´ingresso. Barriera d'aria ad incasso Klimaline Come uno dei nuovi prodotti di alta classe per la decorazione moderna, la barriera d'aria ad Incasso costituisce la soluzione ideale per mantenere un clima interno confortevole in esercizi commerciali ed in edifici pubblici/privati nei quali l’apertura delle porte provoca ingressi indesiderati di aria esterna. Di solito è  installata agli ingressi di supermercati, teatri, sale riunioni, hotel, uffici, officine e magazzini per prevenire la polvere, l'aria calda e così via.   - Telecomando Incluso - 2 Velocità - Alimentazione 220-380V/3/50 Hz - Barriera ad incasso con Resistenza - Colore  Bianco Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesidalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Barriera D'Aria Ad Incasso 150 Cm Klimaline Con Telecomando 2 Velocità Bianca Nascosta Con Resistenza - CaldaieMurali

    Klimaline Built-in Air Curtain 150 Cm Klimaline With Hidden White 2 Speed ​​Remote Control With Resistance

    Recessed air curtain 150 cm Klimaline with HIDDEN WHITE 2 Speed ​​Remote Control with Resistance Technical features Form: 15.739 Length 1515mm Max input power 230-300 Heating power kW 10 Air speed m/s 9-11 Air volume m3h 2250/2800 Noise level db 56-58 Dimensions mm 1515x462x225 Air barriers There air barrier is a ventilation unit that creates an invisible air barrier in front of the door above which the unit is installed, efficiently separating two different environments without limiting the passage of the public or mobile vehicles. This air energy saving system shows us that heating and air conditioning costs are reduced by up to 80% by improving the protection of the climate inside the room and significantly increasing the comfort of those who live there. It keeps the atmosphere clean from parasites and insects, from dust in the air, from pollution, from unpleasant smells and the incoming cold and hot air currents stop breaking against the wall created by the ventilating unit. The operation of the air curtain is based on the speed of the air exiting the launch mouth: it is important that the launch covers the entire section of the portal to be isolated. The heating makes the jet of air felt by people crossing the portal more comfortable, helping to keep the temperature at the entrance under control. Klimaline built-in air curtain As one of the new high-class products for modern decoration, the barrier of air recessed is the ideal solution for maintaining a comfortable indoor climate in shops and public/private buildings where opening the doors causes entrances unwanted outside air . It is usually installed at the entrances of supermarkets, theaters, meeting rooms, hotels, offices, workshops and warehouses to prevent dust, hot air and so on. - Remote control included - 2 speeds - Power supply 220-380V/3/50Hz - Barrier recessed with Resistance - White color Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Last stock! Mitsubishi Electric Air Curtain model GK-120 120 cm Without Command GK-3012AS2

    MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Mitsubishi Electric Air Curtain model GK-120 120 cm Without Command GK-3012AS2

    Mitsubishi Electric Air Curtain model GK-3012AS1 of 120 cm Technical features: Model: GK-3012AS2 Typology: Air barrier or Blade barrier Maximum installation height: 3 m Power supply: 220-240/50Hz V/Hz/n° Power Consumption (Min./Max): 107-125W Current Draw (Min./Max): 0.52-0.57A Maximum air speed (High/Low): 12/9.50 m/sec Air flow rate (High/Low): 1.720/1350 m3 Sound level (High/Low): 48/49 dB Dimensions: (WxHxD): 1194 x 153 x (190 + 25) mm; Weight: 14 Kg; Mitsubishi air curtain Ideal for.... Ideal air curtain for vertical and horizontal installation for installation heights up to 3 metres Air barriers The air curtain not only ensures effective temperature insulation (i.e. preventing cold air from escaping during cooling and warm air from escaping during heating), but also protects your premises from unpleasant elements from the air. external. The air curtain is a means which, while not blocking the passage, blocks dust, exhaust gas, smoke, odors and insects (eg flies and mosquitoes). The protection offered to the environment allows customers to enter and leave freely. Vertical or horizontal installation The air curtain can be installed vertically or horizontally depending on the space available. It is important to ensure that the width of the air curtain exceeds the width of the door and that it is installed no higher than the recommended height (3 metres). Only in this way will the air curtain ensure its correct functioning. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Tecnogas Tecnobreeze Centrifugal Air Curtain Model Natural Wind 180 From 180 Cm With Remote Control Code 14204

    Tecnobreeze Tecnogas Tecnobreeze Centrifugal Air Curtain Model Natural Wind 180 From 180 Cm With Remote Control Code 14204

    Technical features Model: 14204 Electric centrifugal air curtain Insulates internal environments from sudden changes in temperature , insects and odors . Metallic structure - NO PLASTIC  Complete with remote control Power supply: V/Ph/Hz = 220/1/50 Air speed: min 9m/s; max 11 m/s Max air volume (m3/h): 2600 - 3200 Rated power W = 250 - 300 Sound Pressure* dB(A) = 58 - 60 Weight: 17Kg Warranty: 2 years General characteristics Air barriers The air curtain is a ventilation unit that creates an invisible air barrier in front of the door above which the unit is installed, efficiently separating two different environments without restricting the passage of the public or mobile vehicles. This air energy saving system shows us that heating and air conditioning costs are reduced by up to 80% by improving the protection of the climate inside the room and significantly increasing the comfort of those who live there. It keeps the atmosphere clean from parasites and insects, from dust in the air, from pollution, from unpleasant smells and the incoming cold and hot air currents stop breaking against the wall created by the ventilating unit. The operation of the air curtain is based on the speed of the air exiting the launch mouth: it is important that the launch covers the entire section of the portal to be isolated. The heating makes the jet of air felt by people crossing the portal more comfortable, helping to keep the temperature at the entrance under control. TECNOBREEZE Linear and compact, it is a high-end product that finds its greatest application in ALL environments. Research and product development have made it possible to develop a technological solution for noise control and maximum thermal efficiency: the result is a strong flow of tempered air with minimal disturbing noise. The air barrier allows the temperature inside the room to be kept constant, also preventing the entry of cold or contaminated air flows. Electricity/thermal energy consumption is optimized with consequent cost savings. Electric moving parts guaranteed for operation over 5000 hours. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Barriera Lama D'Aria Vortice Air Door Ad1500 Cod 65197 - CaldaieMurali

    Vortice Vortex Air Door AD1500 Air Blade Barrier cod 65197

    Air Curtain Vortice Air Door AD1500 cod 65197 Technical features: Max absorbed current (A)1.00 Frequency (Hz)50 Speed ​​number2 Weight (Kg)15.5 Max absorbed power at max speed (W)230 Max absorbed power at min speed (W)180 Max ambient temperature for continuous operation (°C)30 Voltage (V)220-240 Max flow rate at max speed (l/s)694 Max flow rate at max speed (m³/h)2500 Max flow rate at min speed (l/s)555 Max flow rate at min speed (m³/h)2000 Sound pressure Lp [dB (A)] 2m - max speed 59 Sound pressure Lp [dB (A)] 2m - min speed 57 RPM max 1450 RPMmin1400 Air speed at max speed (m/s)11 Air speed at min speed (m/s)9 Dimensions: (WxHxD): 1500x220x190mm VORTICE AIR DOOR Front panel in silver-grey satin-finish aluminum with air intake grille made up of 9 horizontal elements in polished aluminium. The rear body in black sheet metal acts as a support for fixing the internal components of the product. The black side panels are in ABS thermoplastic resin. Product nominal width: 1500 mm. Neutral version (ambient temperature air) and 2 operating speeds. Twin shaft AC motor, thermally protected. Minimum flow rate: 2000 m3/h Maximum flow rate: 2500 m3/h 2 tangential fans, made of black thermoplastic resin (SAN), ultrasonically welded, direct the air through a longitudinal opening arranged in the lower part of the machine. Infrared remote controls, supplied, for switching on and off, selecting the desired operating speed and switching on the electric resistance (only for models with resistance). The same commands are located on the front panel of the product (3 buttons). Power cable with schuko plug. Possibility of combination with standard "door sensors". Adjustable fins to direct the air jet. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Barriera D'Aria Centrifuga Haier Modello Haci Bda 900 Da 90 Cm Completa Di Telecomando - CaldaieMurali

    HAIER Centrifugal Air Curtain Haier Model Haci Bda 900 From 90 Cm Complete With Remote Control

    Technical features Model: HACI BDA 900 Treated air volume (high-low): 1310 - 1160 m3/h Airflow velocity at 3 meters (high-low): 3.3 - 2.9m/s Airflow speed (high-low): 12.7 - 11 m/s Power Consumption (High-Low): 120 - 95W Noise level (high-low): 52-90 dB(A) Ø Fan: 125mm Dimensions WxDxH: 900x205x215; 15 Kgs For more information click here General characteristics Air barriers To air-condition an environment, it is necessary to isolate it from the outside, keeping doors and windows closed. But in shops with a high influx of customers, this can constitute a psychological block: what's better than an open door to encourage the entry of potential customers? The air curtains represent the most innovative on the market in order to create an "invisible" door between rooms with different temperatures. Furthermore, open doors are the main cause of heat loss, which inevitably translates into considerable costs for heating (air conditioning) of premises and commercial activities. It is possible to use air curtains even inside the same building, to separate rooms with different conditions: for example areas heated by warehouses without heating. Quick and easy installation Reduction from 70% to 90% of heat losses Elimination of drafts And also: They prevent the passage of fumes, smog and insects They facilitate access to the premises They improve the climate inside the workplace they are extremely quiet Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Barriera D'Aria Centrifuga Ferrari Vivair Va1500 150 Cm Con Telecomando - CaldaieMurali

    Ferrari Ferrari Vivair Va1500 Centrifugal Air Curtain 150 Cm With Remote Control

    Ferrari VIVAIR VA1500 Centrifugal Air Curtain 150 cm With Remote Control Product code: 091023 Cold air Remote control: supplied Power supply 220/240v at 50/60Hz Max air flow: 2180 m3h Consumption: 230W Max air speed: 11 m/sec Noise <59dB(A) Certifications: CE Dimensions (WxHxD): 1500x215x180 mm ; 15 Kgs General characteristics Air barriers The air curtain is a ventilation unit that creates an invisible air barrier in front of the door above which the unit is installed, efficiently separating two different environments without restricting the passage of the public or mobile vehicles. This air energy saving system shows us that costs are reduced by up to 80% by improving the protection of the climate inside the room and significantly increasing the comfort of those who live there. It keeps the atmosphere clean from parasites and insects, from dust in the air, from pollution, from unpleasant smells and the incoming cold and hot air currents stop breaking against the wall created by the ventilating unit. The operation of the air curtain is based on the speed of the air exiting the launch mouth: it is important that the launch covers the entire section of the portal to be isolated. VA series Thanks to the use of the VA series, the room temperature does not undergo thermal variations allowing the doors of commercial and residential environments to be left open, protecting them from sudden changes in temperature, smog, fumes and insects. Main features Large air flow Internal temperature maintenance High energy saving Maximum silence Possibility of optimal choice of flow Exclusion of atmospheric agents Exclusion of polluting agents Remote control supplied. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Barriera D'Aria Centrifuga Ferrari Vivair Va1200 120 Cm Con Telecomando - CaldaieMurali

    Ferrari Ferrari Vivair Va1200 Centrifugal Air Curtain 120 Cm With Remote Control

    Ferrari VIVAIR VA1200 Centrifugal Air Curtain 120 cm With Remote Control Product code: 091022 Cold air Remote control: supplied Power supply 220/240v at 50/60Hz Max air flow: 1750 m3h Consumption: 200W Max air speed: 11 m/sec Noise <58dB(A) Certifications: CE Dimensions (WxHxD): 1200x215x180 mm ; 13.5 kgs General characteristics Air barriers The air curtain is a ventilation unit that creates an invisible air barrier in front of the door above which the unit is installed, efficiently separating two different environments without restricting the passage of the public or mobile vehicles. This air energy saving system shows us that costs are reduced by up to 80% by improving the protection of the climate inside the room and significantly increasing the comfort of those who live there. It keeps the atmosphere clean from parasites and insects, from dust in the air, from pollution, from unpleasant smells and the incoming cold and hot air currents stop breaking against the wall created by the ventilating unit. The operation of the air curtain is based on the speed of the air exiting the launch mouth: it is important that the launch covers the entire section of the portal to be isolated. VA series Thanks to the use of the VA series, the room temperature does not undergo thermal variations allowing the doors of commercial and residential environments to be left open, protecting them from sudden changes in temperature, smog, fumes and insects. Main features Large air flow Internal temperature maintenance High energy saving Maximum silence Possibility of optimal choice of flow Exclusion of atmospheric agents Exclusion of polluting agents Remote control supplied. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Barriere D'Aria Vecamco Cross Flow 150 Cm. Con Resistenza Elettrica E Telecomando H1500 Rrc - CaldaieMurali

    Vecamco Vecamco Cross Flow Air Curtains 150 Cm. With Electric Resistance And Remote Control H1500 Rrc

    VECAMCO CROSS FLOW AIR CURTAINS 150 CM. WITH ELECTRIC RESISTANCE AND H1500 RRC REMOTE CONTROL Technical features: Model: H1500-RRC Typology: Air barrier Maximum installation height: 4-4.5 Power supply: 50-60-220Hz V/Hz/n° Power consumption (Min./Max): 12/8/4 Maximum air speed (High/Low): 11/9 m/sec Air flow rate (High/Low): 3150/2550 m3 Sound Level (High/Low): 63/61 dB Dimensions: (WxHxD): 1500 x 190 x 210mm; Weight:22.5Kg; VECAMCO The air curtains with electrical resistance are designed to be used in all seasons, constantly guaranteeing high comfort in the environment in which they are used. Its versatility makes it possible to limit heat loss in air-conditioned rooms and/or heated by preventing outside air from entering the interior. It also prevents dust and bad smells from entering freely. Their application is exclusively for internal use and particularly suitable for shops, restaurants, hotels and commercial structures. The air curtain does not heat the room. • Operating temperature -10° + 50° • With remote control and manual controls • 2 Speeds • 3 power levels: minimum / medium / maximum • Easy cleaning and maintenance • Easy adjustment of the air flow • With high performance and low consumption • Installation height 4-4.5 m • Install 50 mm from the ceiling Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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