icon Wall Boilers | CaldaieMurali

Wall Boilers

Caldaie Murali - CaldaieMurali
Reliable heating with wall mounted boilers. Compact design, energy efficiency and optimal performance for the comfort of your home. Choose from a wide range of wall mounted boilers and secure an efficient and affordable heating system. Buy your wall mounted boiler today!

121 products

  • immagine-1-ariston-caldaia-ariston-a-condensazione-alteas-one-net-35-kw-eu-metano-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-erp-gpl-ean-8056138597617


     ATTENZIONE  Funzionamento Metano, GPL ed aria propanata senza bisogno di kit. La trasformazione avviene grazie al controllo di combustione selezionando il tipo di gas dal menu tecnico. Per info, contattare preventivamente il centro assistenza autorizzato di zona CALDAIA ARISTON a condensazione ALTEAS ONE NET 35 KW  EU METANO COMPLETA DI KIT SCARICO FUMI - ErPCaratteristiche Tecniche Codice prodotto: 3301060Specifiche etichetta energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Efficienza energetica riscaldamento Classe A (A+ raggiunta grazie alla termoregolazione) Efficienza energetica sanitario profilo XXL Classe A Caratteristiche esercizio riscaldamento/sanitario:   Potenza termica nominale kW 31 Consumo annuo di energia in riscaldamento 54 gj Consumo annuo di energia elettrica 50 kWh Efficienza energetica stagionale di riscaldamento di ambiente % 94 Efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua % 86 Livello di potenza sonora all’interno dB 51 Portata ACS ∆T 25 °C (l/min) 19,8 Dimensioni 24 kW mm (HxLxP) 745 x 400 x 315 Installazione Interna e luoghi parzialmente protetti Alimentazione: Metano o GPL Funzionalità: Connettività integrata in caldaia Funzioni HI-Comfort AUTO, Comfort, CARE Termoregolazione inclusa termostato CUBE + sonda esterna Ampio display, interfaccia touch Scambiatore XtraTech acciaio inox Caratteristiche Generali Serie ONE, la nuova generazione di caldaie a condensazione Serie ONE è la nuova generazione di caldaie a condensazione Ariston, studiate nei minimi dettagli per garantire a lungo il massimo delle performance. Nuovo scambiatore XTRATECH: Qualità massima.   XtraTech è il nuovo scambiatore in acciaio inox esclusivo* Ariston, Il cuore delle caldaie a condensazione ONE, sviluppato per garantire affidabilità e performance nel tempo. Sezioni di passaggio aumentate: +142% rispetto allo scambiatore precedente. Maggiore prevalenza, minor rischio di intasamento, più performance. Ogni giorno, come se fosse il primo. Ogni singolo componente è stato concepito per garantire performance e durata nel tempo: garanzia Ariston, mostrata in ogni componente. Ogni singolo componente è stato rigidamente testato e controllato sulla linea di produzione. Il 100% delle caldaie sono nuovamente testate prima di essere spedite ai nostri clienti. Sono stati selezionati i migliori materiali, per lavorare a lungo anche nelle situazioni più critiche. Risultati eccellenti, nel tempo. Sempre connesso con Ariston NET   Ovunque tu sia, sempre a portata di Smartphone. Gestire il comfort di casa non è mai stato così semplice! Ovunque tu sia, tramite il tuo smartphone puoi controllare il clima di casa. Usa solo l'energia di cui ha bisogno. Programmazione oraria settimanale facile da gestire, direttamente dall’app. Inoltre, scegli la “fogliolina” del risparmio per una reale diminuzione dei costi in bolletta! Supporto tecnico always ON. Grazie all’innovativo sistema di controllo da remoto, l’app avvisa il tuo cliente in caso di problemi di funzionamento. Sottoscrivendo un contratto di manutenzione, il Centro Assistenza potrà intervenire in caso di guasti anche da remoto. La serenità del cliente è al centro di Ariston NET. Efficienza assoluta: La termoregolazione in classe A+   Le caldaie a condensazione ONE raggiungono performance stagionali molto elevate e grazie alla termoregolazione raggiungono la classe A+! Alteas e Genus ONE sono inoltre dotate dell’innovativo IGNITION system, che rende la combustione sempre perfetta grazie al controllo elettronico. Trasformazione gas? Nessun problema, dal menu tecnico in un solo tocco. Comfort Totale: Funzioni innovative per soddisfare la tua esigenza   ONE è dotata di un set innovativo di funzioni smart per garantire il comfort ogni giorno con il minimo spreco di energia.  Funzione Auto: Funzione brevettata che consente di ottimizzare in automatico il funzionamento della caldaia, eliminando continue accensioni e spegnimenti riducendo al minimo lo stress dei componenti. Funzione Comfort: Acqua calda senza alcuna attesa! Tanta acqua con il minimo consumo energetico. Programmazione Integrata: Programmazione oraria settimanale integrata nei prodotti Alteas e Genus ONE. Funzione Care: Remind automatico della manutenzione ordinaria. ALTEAS ONE NET Caldaia a condensazione top di gamma, design Italiano e connettività integrata. Rappresenta il connubio perfetto tra prestazioni eccellenti e design innovativo. Il pannello frontale in vetro temprato, il display HI-tech e la connettività integrata rendono Alteas la caldaia perfetta per soluzioni d’arredo esclusive.L'efficienza della caldaia si unisce ai vantaggi del servizio Ariston NET per controllare il tuo impianto a distanza, tenere sotto controllo i consumi ed avere la serenità grazie ad un tecnico sempre al tuo fianco. Il tutto tramite semplice app gratuita per smartphone! Nuovo scambiatore XtraTechi n acciaio inox esclusivo* Ariston, ad elevata prevalenza Sezioni di passaggio scambiatore +142% rispetto alla versione precedente Pannello in vetro temperato e antigraffio Ampio display, interfacccia touch Ignition system, controllo elettronico della combustione Trasformazione gas dal menu tecnico Classe A+ in riscaldamento, grazie al termostato Cube e Sonda esterna inclusi di serie Rapporto di modulazione 1:10 Connettività Ariston NET inclusa in caldaia Protocollo di comunicazione BusBridgeNet® Funzione AUTO, Comfort Nuova funzione CARE, remind automatico della manutenzione ordinaria Pannelli interni fonoassorbenti Installazione in luoghi parzialmente protetti Scarico fumi 80, 60, 50 m Garanzia ProdottoTutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-ariston-caldaia-ariston-a-condensazione-alteas-one-net-35-kw-eu-metano-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-erp-gpl-ean-8056138597617


     ATTENZIONE  Funzionamento Metano, GPL ed aria propanata senza bisogno di kit. La trasformazione avviene grazie al controllo di combustione selezionando il tipo di gas dal menu tecnico. Per info, contattare preventivamente il centro assistenza autorizzato di zona CALDAIA ARISTON a condensazione ALTEAS ONE NET 35 KW  EU METANO COMPLETA DI KIT SCARICO FUMI - ErPCaratteristiche Tecniche Codice prodotto: 3301060Specifiche etichetta energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Efficienza energetica riscaldamento Classe A (A+ raggiunta grazie alla termoregolazione) Efficienza energetica sanitario profilo XXL Classe A Caratteristiche esercizio riscaldamento/sanitario:   Potenza termica nominale kW 31 Consumo annuo di energia in riscaldamento 54 gj Consumo annuo di energia elettrica 50 kWh Efficienza energetica stagionale di riscaldamento di ambiente % 94 Efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua % 86 Livello di potenza sonora all’interno dB 51 Portata ACS ∆T 25 °C (l/min) 19,8 Dimensioni 24 kW mm (HxLxP) 745 x 400 x 315 Installazione Interna e luoghi parzialmente protetti Alimentazione: Metano o GPL Funzionalità: Connettività integrata in caldaia Funzioni HI-Comfort AUTO, Comfort, CARE Termoregolazione inclusa termostato CUBE + sonda esterna Ampio display, interfaccia touch Scambiatore XtraTech acciaio inox Caratteristiche Generali Serie ONE, la nuova generazione di caldaie a condensazione Serie ONE è la nuova generazione di caldaie a condensazione Ariston, studiate nei minimi dettagli per garantire a lungo il massimo delle performance. Nuovo scambiatore XTRATECH: Qualità massima.   XtraTech è il nuovo scambiatore in acciaio inox esclusivo* Ariston, Il cuore delle caldaie a condensazione ONE, sviluppato per garantire affidabilità e performance nel tempo. Sezioni di passaggio aumentate: +142% rispetto allo scambiatore precedente. Maggiore prevalenza, minor rischio di intasamento, più performance. Ogni giorno, come se fosse il primo. Ogni singolo componente è stato concepito per garantire performance e durata nel tempo: garanzia Ariston, mostrata in ogni componente. Ogni singolo componente è stato rigidamente testato e controllato sulla linea di produzione. Il 100% delle caldaie sono nuovamente testate prima di essere spedite ai nostri clienti. Sono stati selezionati i migliori materiali, per lavorare a lungo anche nelle situazioni più critiche. Risultati eccellenti, nel tempo. Sempre connesso con Ariston NET   Ovunque tu sia, sempre a portata di Smartphone. Gestire il comfort di casa non è mai stato così semplice! Ovunque tu sia, tramite il tuo smartphone puoi controllare il clima di casa. Usa solo l'energia di cui ha bisogno. Programmazione oraria settimanale facile da gestire, direttamente dall’app. Inoltre, scegli la “fogliolina” del risparmio per una reale diminuzione dei costi in bolletta! Supporto tecnico always ON. Grazie all’innovativo sistema di controllo da remoto, l’app avvisa il tuo cliente in caso di problemi di funzionamento. Sottoscrivendo un contratto di manutenzione, il Centro Assistenza potrà intervenire in caso di guasti anche da remoto. La serenità del cliente è al centro di Ariston NET. Efficienza assoluta: La termoregolazione in classe A+   Le caldaie a condensazione ONE raggiungono performance stagionali molto elevate e grazie alla termoregolazione raggiungono la classe A+! Alteas e Genus ONE sono inoltre dotate dell’innovativo IGNITION system, che rende la combustione sempre perfetta grazie al controllo elettronico. Trasformazione gas? Nessun problema, dal menu tecnico in un solo tocco. Comfort Totale: Funzioni innovative per soddisfare la tua esigenza   ONE è dotata di un set innovativo di funzioni smart per garantire il comfort ogni giorno con il minimo spreco di energia.  Funzione Auto: Funzione brevettata che consente di ottimizzare in automatico il funzionamento della caldaia, eliminando continue accensioni e spegnimenti riducendo al minimo lo stress dei componenti. Funzione Comfort: Acqua calda senza alcuna attesa! Tanta acqua con il minimo consumo energetico. Programmazione Integrata: Programmazione oraria settimanale integrata nei prodotti Alteas e Genus ONE. Funzione Care: Remind automatico della manutenzione ordinaria. ALTEAS ONE NET Caldaia a condensazione top di gamma, design Italiano e connettività integrata. Rappresenta il connubio perfetto tra prestazioni eccellenti e design innovativo. Il pannello frontale in vetro temprato, il display HI-tech e la connettività integrata rendono Alteas la caldaia perfetta per soluzioni d’arredo esclusive.L'efficienza della caldaia si unisce ai vantaggi del servizio Ariston NET per controllare il tuo impianto a distanza, tenere sotto controllo i consumi ed avere la serenità grazie ad un tecnico sempre al tuo fianco. Il tutto tramite semplice app gratuita per smartphone! Nuovo scambiatore XtraTechi n acciaio inox esclusivo* Ariston, ad elevata prevalenza Sezioni di passaggio scambiatore +142% rispetto alla versione precedente Pannello in vetro temperato e antigraffio Ampio display, interfacccia touch Ignition system, controllo elettronico della combustione Trasformazione gas dal menu tecnico Classe A+ in riscaldamento, grazie al termostato Cube e Sonda esterna inclusi di serie Rapporto di modulazione 1:10 Connettività Ariston NET inclusa in caldaia Protocollo di comunicazione BusBridgeNet® Funzione AUTO, Comfort Nuova funzione CARE, remind automatico della manutenzione ordinaria Pannelli interni fonoassorbenti Installazione in luoghi parzialmente protetti Scarico fumi 80, 60, 50 m Garanzia ProdottoTutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-ariston-area-occasione-caldaia-a-camera-aperta-ariston-cares-x-24-cf-low-nox-metano-3301315

    Ariston AREA OCCASIONE Caldaia a Camera Aperta Ariston CARES X 24 CF Low NOx Metano 3301315

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: LEGGERA AMMACCATURA SULLA PARTE POSTERIORE PARTE SUPERIORE LEGGERMENTE GRAFFIATA IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Codice prodotto: 3301313 Specifiche etichetta energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Efficienza energetica riscaldamento Classe C Efficienza energetica sanitario B Profilo di prelievo XL Specifiche tecniche Interna, installazione in canna collettiva ramificata tiraggio naturale Portata termica nominale max/min (riscaldamento) PCI kW 25,8-11,0 Portata termica nominale max/min (sanitario) PCI kW 27-11 Potenza termica utile max/min (riscaldamento) kW 23,2-9,8 Rendimento alla portata termica nominale PCI: 90,1% Rendimento al 30% della portata nominale PCI: 89,9% Temperatura max/min riscaldamento: 82-35°C Temperatura max/min sanitario: 60-36°C Port. specif. in sanit. (10 min. con ΔT=30°C): 11,8 litri/min Quantità di acqua calda (ΔT=25°C): 14,2 l/min Quantità di acqua calda (ΔT=35°C): 10,1 l/min Temperatura ambiente minima di utilizzo: 5°C Tensione/frequenza di alimentazione V/Hz 230-50 Grado di protezione impianto elettrico IP X4D Dimensioni: mm (HxLxP) 745 x 400 x 315 Alimentazione: Metano o GPL Caratteristiche Display multifunzione digitale Circolatore ad alta efficienza a modulazione continua Predisposizione termoregolazione on-off Predisposizione sistemi solari circolazione naturale Sistema di autodiagnosi mediante codice Gestione zone mono-temperatura Scambiatore primario alettato in rame Tecnologia a doppio scambiatore Pressostato di minima integrato Filtri ingresso acqua fredda e ritorno riscaldamento Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-ariston-area-occasioni-caldaia-a-condensazione-ariston-alteas-one-net-35-kw-wi-fi-integrato-metanogpl-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-3301773

    Ariston AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia a Condensazione Ariston ALTEAS ONE+ NET 35 kW Wi-Fi Integrato Metano/Gpl Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi 3301773

     ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: VITI NON DI SERIE SULLA PARTE POSTERIORE LEGGERE AMMACCATURE E GRAFFI AI PANNELLI LATERALI IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). ATTENZIONE Funzionamento Metano, GPL ed aria propanata senza bisogno di kit. La trasformazione avviene grazie al controllo di combustione selezionando il tipo di gas dal menu tecnico. Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : ALTEAS ONE+ NET 35 Codice: 3301773 Portata termica nominale in riscaldamento max/min PCI : 31,0 / 3,5 kW Portata termica nominale in sanitario max/min PCI : 34,5 / 3,5 kW Alimentazione : Metano/Gpl Specifiche Efficienza Energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Classe Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A+ Classe Efficienza Energetica Sanitario : A Profilo di prelievo: XXL Rendimento di combustione (ai fumi) % 97,9 Rendimento alla portata termica nominale (60/80°C) PCI % 98,1 Rendimento alla portata termica nominale (30/50°C) PCI % 107,8 Rendimento al 30 % a 30°C PCI % 109,4 Rendimento al minimo (60/80°C) PCI % 94,2 Circuito Sanitario Temperatura sanitario min/max °C 36/60 Portata specifica in sanitario (10 min. con ΔT=30°C) l/min 16,5 Quantità istantanea di acqua calda ΔT=25°C l/min 19,8 Quantità istantanea di acqua calda ΔT=35°C l/min 14,1 Pressione acqua sanitaria max/min bar 7/0,2 Prelievo minimo di acqua calda l/min 2 Dimensioni e Peso LEGENDAA Mandata impianto Ø 3/4” gasB Uscita sanitario Ø 1/2” gasC Ingresso gas Ø 3/4” gasD Entrata sanitario Ø 1/2” gasE Ritorno impianto Ø 3/4” gas Peso : 36 kg Descrizione Caldaia a condensazione di ultima generazione con Wi-Fi integrato e controllo vocale. Compatibile con miscele di idrogeno fino al 20%. CONTROLLO VOCALE: Con Alteas ONE+ NET basta la tua voce per gestire il comfort di casa, grazie all’integrazione dell'App Ariston NET con Google home e Amazon Alexa.  H2 READY: Compatibile con miscele di idrogeno al 20%. Un primo importante passo nell’ambito del nostro impegno costante a favore dell’utilizzo dell’idrogeno per il riscaldamento. CLASSE A+: Grazie al termostato di serie SENSYS HD è possibile raggiungere la classe A+ e risparmiare in bolletta. Massima durabilità grazie allo scambiatore di calore XtraTech™ esclusivo Ariston Ignition System+  per il controllo elettronico della combustione Pannello in vetro temperato e antigraffio Termostato Sensys HD incluso di serie Wi-Fi integrato , sempre connesso all’App Ariston NET per il controllo a distanza Controllo vocale grazie all’integrazione con Google home e Amazon Alexa Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-ariston-area-occasioni-caldaia-a-condensazione-ariston-genus-one-net-35-kw-low-nox-wi-fi-metanogpl-con-sensys-di-serie-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-3301776

    Ariston AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia a Condensazione Ariston GENUS ONE+ NET 35 kW Low NOx Wi-Fi Metano/Gpl con Sensys di Serie Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi 3301776

    ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: VITI NON DI SERIE A SOSTEGNO DEL PANNELLO DI COMANDO AMMACCATURE E RIENTRANZE LATERALI E SULLA PARTE ANTERIORE SEGNI DI RIPARAZIONE ALLA BASE IN PLASTICA IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE).  Caldaia Ariston a condensazione Genus One+ Net 35 kW Low NOx Metano o Gpl con Kit fumi omaggio Sensys HD DI SERIE Wi-Fi Alexa e Google Home - NOVITA  Classe energetica A+* Classe energetica in sanitario A Profilo di prelievo XXL COMBUSTIONE Portata termica nominale in riscaldamento max/min PCI kW 31,0 / 3,5 Portata termica nominale in sanitario max/min PCI kW 34,5 / 3,5 Potenza termica riscaldamento max/min (80°C-60°C) PCI kW 30,3 / 3,3 Rendimento al 30 % a 30°C PCI % 109,4 CIRCUITO RISCALDAMENTO Pressione massima di riscaldamento bar 3 Capacità vaso di espansione l 8 Temp. di riscaldamento min/max °C 20 / 82 CIRCUITO SANITARIO Temperatura sanitario min/max °C 36 / 60 Quantità istantanea di acqua calda ?T=25°C l/min  19,8 DATI ELETTRICI Tensione/frequanza di alimentazione V/Hz 230/50 Grado di protezione impianto elettrico IP X5D Dimensioni AxPxL mm 745x385x400; 35 kg *Raggiungibile con accessorio di termoregolazione di serie e rieferimento web per temperatura esterna Genus One+ Net  L'eccellenza Ariston garantita 10 anni grazie al programma di assistenza protezione smart. Caldaia a condensazione di ultima generazione wifi integrato e controllo vocale, compatibile di idrogeno fino a 20%. Controllo vocale Con genus ONE+ NET basta la tua voce per gestire il comfort di casa, grazie all'integrazione app ariston net google home amazon alexa Ariston NET Con ariston NET hai il comfort a portata di mano. Controllo a distanza, report dei consumi e supporto tecnico online, tutto in un'app gratuita per smartphone Caldaia a condensazione top di gamma, con connettività integrata e compatibile con miscele di idrogeno al 20 % Scambiatore brevettato XtraTech™ in acciaio inox ad elevata prevalenza Rapporto di modulazione 1:10 Bassi livelli di NOx (24 mg/kWh) Funzionamento silenzioso (solo 46 db(A)Mod. 24kW) Compatibilità con gas metano, GPL e aria propanata senza l’utilizzo di kit Ignition Control System+, performance stabili e sicure Hydro Sensor System, monitoraggio costante della pressione impianto Flow Control System+, bilanciamento ottimale della portata e del comfort Wi-Fi integrato e connettività ARISTON NET di serie Pannello in vetro temperato e antigraffio Ampio display LCD con interfaccia touch Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-ariston-area-occasioni-caldaia-ariston-a-condensazione-per-esterni-genus-one-net-ext-25-metano-o-gpl-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi

    Ariston AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia Ariston a Condensazione per esterni GENUS ONE NET EXT 25 Metano o Gpl completa di kit scarico fumi

    ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: LEGGERA AMMACCATURA SULLA PARTE INFERIORE LEGGERA AMMACCATURA SUL LATERALE SINISTRO PICCOLO DANNEGGIAMENTO SULLA PARTE SUPERIORE IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE).   Caldaia Ariston a Condensazione per esterni GENUS ONE NET EXT 25 Metano completa di kit scarico fumi Codice prodotto: 3301225 Specifiche etichetta energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Efficienza energetica riscaldamento Classe A (A+ raggiunta grazie alla termoregolazione) Efficienza energetica sanitario profilo XL Classe A Caratteristiche esercizio riscaldamento/sanitario: Portata termica nominale max/min (riscaldamento) PCI: 22-2,5 kW Portata termica nominale max/min (sanitario) PCI: 26-2,5 kW Potenza termica utile max/min (riscaldamento): 21,5-2,3 kW Rendimento alla portata termica nominale (60/80°C) PCI: 97,7% Rendimento alla portata termica nominale (30/50°C) PCI: 106,7% Rendimento al 30% (30° C) PCI: 109,7% Temperatura max/min riscaldamento (alta temperatura): 82-35°C  Temperatura max/min riscaldamento (bassa temperatura): 45-20°C  Temperatura max/min sanitario: 60-36°C Quantità di acqua calda (deltaT 25°C): 15,4 l/min  Quantità di acqua calda (deltaT 35°C): 11 l/min  Portata specifica (primi 10' con deltaT 30°C): 12,8 l/min  temperatura minima di funzionamento (-20°C con kit antigelo) -15°C Tensione/fraquenza di alimentazione V/Hz 230-50  Potenza elettrica assorbita totale: 84,7W Grado di protezione impianto elettrico IP X5D Dimensioni mm (HxLxP) 770 x 505 x 240 Installazione Esterna Alimentazione: Metano  Funzionalità: XtraTech™ acciaio inox Connettività di serie: con il termostato Sensys NET Termoregolazione inclusa: Gestore di sistema Sensys NET + sonda esterna Funzioni: AUTO, Comfort, CARE Funzionamento Metano, GPL ed aria propanata senza bisogno di kit. La trasformazione avviene grazie al controllo di combustione selezionando il tipo di gas dal menu tecnico   GENUS ONE NET EXT   Scambiatore XtraTech™ in acciaio inox esclusivo Ariston, ad elevata prevalenza Sezioni di passaggio scambiatore +142% rispetto alla versione precedente Ignition system, controllo elettronico della combustione Trasformazione gas dal menu tecnico Rapporto di modulazione 1:10 Connettività Ariston Net inclusa con Sensys Net Protocollo di comunicazione BusBridgeNet® Funzione AUTO e Comfort Classe A+ in riscaldamento grazie al gestore di sistema Sensys NET e sonda esterna di serie Temperatura minima di funzionamento fino a -20°C* Riempimento semi automatico Mantello elettrozincato per esterni Scarico fumi 80, 60, 50 mm Funzione Comfort Velocizza l'erogazione dell'acqua calda in due modalità: Modalità Comfort Plus (acqua sempre calda in soli 5") e Modalità Comfort (acqua calda per 30' dopo l'ultimo prelievo).Funzione Auto Massimo comfort, efficienza e risparmio energetico sulla base dell'analisi automatica delle condizioni ambientali, dei dispositivi esterni connessi e delle performance richieste.Gestione di sistema Nuovo protocollo di comunicazione predisposto per garantire la completa gestione del sistema.Alta efficienza Prodotto caratterizzato da elevate prestazioni energetiche, abbattimento dei consumi e delle emissioni inquinanti.Dimensioni extra ridotte Ingombro fortemente ridotto per adattarsi a qualsiasi problema di spazio.Made in Italy Prodotto interamente in Italia.Circolazione modulante Circolatore modulante per l'ottimizzazione dei consumi e la massimizzazione delle prestazioni.Installazione in esterno Possibilità di installazione all'esterno grazie a tutti i dispositivi di protezione dagli agenti atmosferici. Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Caldaia Ariston A Condensazione Clas One Wi-Fi 30 Kw Kit Fumi Omaggio Gpl Wifi Integrato Low Nox Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Condensing Boiler Clas One Wi-Fi 30 Kw Complimentary Fume Kit LPG Integrated Wifi Low Nox Erp

    ATTENTION THE BOILER IS BORN WITH METHANE. THEREFORE, THE STANDARD TRANSFORMATION KIT WILL BE SUPPLIED. FOR INFO, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA ASSISTANCE CENTER IN ADVANCE Technical features Product code: 3301024 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Nominal thermal power kW 28 Nominal heat input in DHW max/min PCI 30.0 / 3.8 Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C) PCI % 97.9 NOx class Class 6 Maximum heating pressure 3 bar Expansion vessel capacity l 8 Min/max DHW temperature °C 36 / 60 Instantaneous quantity of hot water ΔT=25°C l/min 17.4 Diet: METHANE Dimensions HxWxD mm 745x400x385 Functionality: / XtraTech™ heat exchanger in exclusive Ariston stainless steel, with high head / Class A+ in heating reachable with thermoregulation / Modulation ratio 1:8 / Wifi integrated in the boiler /LCD displays / BusBridgeNet® communication protocol / AUTO function, Comfort / Optimized internal silencer / Installation in partially protected places / Smoke outlet 80, 60, 50 mm CLASS ONE WIFI XtraTech™ is the new exclusive* Ariston stainless steel heat exchanger, the heart of the ONE condensing boilers, developed to guarantee reliability and performance over time. Increased passage sections: +142% compared to the previous exchanger. Higher prevalence, lower risk of clogging, better performance. Every day, as if it were the first. Every single component has been designed to guarantee performance and durability over time: Ariston guarantee, shown in each component. Every single component has been rigorously tested and controlled on the production line. 100% of the boilers are tested again before being shipped to our customers. The best materials have been selected, to work for a long time even in the most critical situations Always connected with Ariston NET Wherever you are, always within reach of your Smartphone. Managing the comfort of your home has never been easier! Wherever you are, you can control the climate in your home using your smartphone. Use only the energy it needs. Easy to manage weekly time programming, directly from the app. Also, choose the savings "leaflet" for a real reduction in bill costs! Technical support always ON. Thanks to the innovative remote control system, the app warns your customer in case of malfunctions. By signing a maintenance contract, the Assistance Center will be able to intervene in the event of breakdowns, even remotely. Customer serenity is at the heart of Ariston NET. Absolute efficiency: Thermoregulation in class A+ The ONE condensing boilers achieve very high seasonal performance and thanks to the thermoregulation they reach class A+! Alteas and Genus ONE are also equipped with the innovative IGNITION system, which makes combustion always perfect thanks to the electronic control. Gas transformation? No problem, from the technical menu in one touch. Total Comfort: Innovative functions to meet your needs ONE is equipped with an innovative set of smart functions to guarantee comfort every day with minimum waste of energy. Auto function: Patented function that allows you to automatically optimize the operation of the boiler, eliminating continuous switching on and off, reducing the stress on the components to a minimum. Comfort function: Hot water without any waiting! Lots of water with minimum energy consumption. Integrated Programming: Weekly hourly programming integrated into Alteas and Genus ONE products. Care function: Automatic reminder of routine maintenance. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Ariston Clas B Premium Evo 24 Eu A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi Gpl -Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Clas B Premium Evo 24 Eu Condensing Boiler Complete With LPG Fume Kit -Erp

    ARISTON CLAS B PREMIUM EVO 24 EU CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH LPG - ErP FUME KIT Technical features Product code: 3300608 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: For heating and domestic hot water production Forced draft sealed chamber Nominal heat input in heating max/min kW 22/5.5 Nominal heat input in DHW max/min kW 26/5.5 Max/min heating thermal power (80°C-60°C) kW 21.5/5.2 Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C) % 97.8 Efficiency at nominal heat input (30/50°C) % 106.2 Efficiency at 30% at 30°C % 109 Performance stars (dir. 92/42/EEC) ★★★★ Min/max heating temperature (high temperature range) °C 35/ 82 Min/max heating temperature (low temperature range)°C 20/ 45 Specific flow rate in DHW (10 min. with ∆T=30°C) litres/min 18.8 Quantity of hot water ∆T=25°C litres/min 14.6 Quantity of hot water ∆T=35°C litres/min 10.4 Comfort performance stars (EN13203) ★★★ Supply voltage/frequency V/Hz 230 / 50 Total absorbed electric power W 110 Degrees of protection of the electrical system IP X5D Dimensions (H x W x D) mm 900/600/460 LPG power supply General characteristics Ariston condensing boilers 1 condensing boiler = -737kg CO2/year 1 condensing boiler = 60 more trees Together with the heat, a traditional boiler also produces water in the vapor state, usually evacuated through the exhaust fumes. Normal boilers, since they do not treat these fumes before releasing them into the environment, therefore have a thermal efficiency based exclusively on the lower calorific value. The water vapor is not recovered in any way, thus dispersing part of the energy produced during combustion. Condensation is the physical process which, inside the boiler, transforms the water again from the vapor state to the liquid one. CLAS PREMIUM EVO, exploits the phenomenon of condensation in its favor by reusing the energy of the exhaust fumes and increases the useful calorific value, thus reaching the thermal efficiency of over 107%. Furthermore, during this process, most of the harmful combustion products for the environment and health, they are eliminated together with the condensed water. Consistent convenience The new products, using condensing technology, eliminate waste with great energy and economic savings. Thanks to the savings in the bill, less than three years are enough to amortize the higher cost of a condensing boiler. After that, the lower consumption translates into a real gain. Imagine what a reduced bill of up to 35% every year, for many years, means for your economies... Zero waste, only benefits Today Ariston combines energy savings with tax savings, offering a great opportunity to those who have chosen to replace the old boiler with a condensing one. In fact, the Finance law provides for specific tax incentives in favor of taxpayers. EVO : energy saving becomes reality, for everyone's well-being Among the measures aimed at reducing the energy consumption of buildings (European Directive 2010/30/EC), the Italian legislation has introduced "The obligation of the Energy Certificate of the building" in the purchase and sale of new and existing buildings. They have also been extended until throughout June 2013, bringing them to a value of 50%, the "tax credit deductions relating to building renovations and energy efficiency interventions". For the purpose of achieving the national objectives envisaged on the coverage of consumption through renewable energy sources (European Directive 2009/28/EC) it also requires and promotes "the use of heating systems operating on renewable energy". With the EVO range, Ariston satisfies all the indications envisaged for having "low energy consumption buildings", guaranteeing optimal integration with systems using renewable energy. Class B Premium Evo Clas B Premium EVO, with integrated double 40-litre stratification boiler, has been designed for intelligent management of domestic water. The new Clas B Premium EVO boilers, equipped with the new ABC System storage system, rationalize energy consumption and ensure cost savings on bills. The new system, a great technological intuition by Ariston, makes it possible to immediately obtain large quantities of hot water without waiting for the water in the boilers to heat up completely, thus avoiding useless waste of energy. Clas B Premium EVO is available in the heating and domestic hot water production version in 2 powers: 24 and 35 kW (sealed chamber). Characteristics: Backlit multifunction LCD screen Continuous modulation high-efficiency circulator for optimizing consumption and maximizing performance. Modulation ratio 1:4 Acoustic comfort guaranteed thanks to the dedicated silencer Stratified boilers in duplex stainless steel Arrangement for integration with system configuration through the new Bus Bridgenet® communication protocol Arrangement for multi-zone and multi-temperature thermoregulation Arrangement for solar system management Car function and comfort Isothermal primary heat exchanger in stainless steel Oversized DHW exchanger and 2-litre DHW expansion vessel Heating expansion vessel 10 lt Cold water inlet and heating return filters Convenience function: The Comfort function speeds up the delivery of domestic hot water, reducing waiting times down to just 5”. This service can be customized by choosing between two modes of use: COMFORT PLUS (hot water immediately ready every time the tap is opened in just 5 seconds) COMFORT (hot water ready for 30 minutes after the last withdrawal so as not to give up savings) car function: It is truly possible to combine maximum comfort with reduced consumption, thanks to the intelligent management logic of the new boilers and the new technology that governs them. By activating the AUTO function, the Ariston boiler chooses the best operating mode based on the environmental conditions, the connected external devices and the required performance. Impossible to compare this ability to interpret and respond to external stimuli with what has been achieved so far. AUTO does not fear comparisons High efficiency circulator with continuous modulation: It allows automatic adaptation of the power based on the temperature of the system, guaranteeing boiler performance and reducing electricity consumption. Optimization of thermal efficiency. Optimization of comfort with constant temperature. Maximum silence. High efficiency The condensing technology makes it possible to achieve high energy efficiency thanks to the increase in the calorific value generated by the reuse of the energy of the exhaust fumes, allowing for a higher thermal efficiency. The future of the planet and your comfort are the main objectives of Ariston condensing technology Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.  


  • Caldaia Ariston Egis Premium Evo In 25 Eu A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi Gpl - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Egis Premium Evo Condensing Boiler In 25 Eu Complete With LPG Fume Kit - New Erp

    ARISTON EGIS PREMIUM EVO CONDENSING BOILER IN 25 EU COMPLETE WITH LPG FUME KIT - NEW ErP Technical features Product code: 3300734 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: For heating and domestic hot water production Forced draft sealed chamber Nominal heat input in heating max/min kW 23.5/4.5 Max/min heating thermal power (80°C-60°C) kW 24.5/4.8 Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C) % 98.2 Efficiency at nominal heat input (30/50°C) % 104.3 Efficiency at 30% at 30°C % 106.5 Performance stars (dir. 92/42/EEC) ★★★★ Min/max heating temperature (high temperature range) °C 35/ 82 Min/max heating temperature (low temperature range)°C 20/ 45 Min operating temperature* °C -15 Specific flow rate in DHW (10 min. with ∆T=30°C) litres/min 10.3 Quantity of hot water ∆T=25°C litres/min 13.9 Quantity of hot water ∆T=35°C litres/min 9.9 Comfort performance stars (EN13203) ★★★ Supply voltage/frequency V/Hz 230 / 50 Total absorbed electric power W 85 Degrees of protection of the electrical system IP X5D Dimensions (H x W x D) mm 1140/590/240 Extremely small dimensions to adapt to any space problem. METHANE power supply Standard: Sensys system manager with integrated time programming General characteristics Ariston condensing boilers 1 condensing boiler = -737kg CO2/year 1 condensing boiler = 60 more trees Together with the heat, a traditional boiler also produces water in the vapor state, usually evacuated through the exhaust fumes. Normal boilers, since they do not treat these fumes before releasing them into the environment, therefore have a thermal efficiency based exclusively on the lower calorific value. The water vapor is not recovered in any way, thus dispersing part of the energy produced during combustion. Condensation is the physical process which, inside the boiler, transforms the water again from the vapor state to the liquid one. CLAS PREMIUM EVO, exploits the phenomenon of condensation in its favor by reusing the energy of the exhaust fumes and increases the useful calorific value, thus reaching the thermal efficiency of over 107%. Furthermore, during this process, most of the harmful combustion products for the environment and health, they are eliminated together with the condensed water. Consistent convenience The new products, using condensing technology, eliminate waste with great energy and economic savings. Thanks to the savings in the bill, less than three years are enough to amortize the higher cost of a condensing boiler. After that, the lower consumption translates into a real gain. Imagine what a reduced bill of up to 35% every year, for many years, means for your economies... Zero waste, only benefits Today Ariston combines energy savings with tax savings, offering a great opportunity to those who have chosen to replace the old boiler with a condensing one. In fact, the Finance law provides for specific tax incentives in favor of taxpayers . EVO : energy saving becomes reality, for everyone's well-being Among the measures aimed at reducing the energy consumption of buildings (European Directive 2010/30/EC), the Italian legislation has introduced "The obligation of the Energy Certificate of the building" in the purchase and sale of new and existing buildings. They have also been extended until throughout June 2013, bringing them to a value of 50%, the "tax credit deductions relating to building renovations and energy efficiency interventions". For the purpose of achieving the national objectives envisaged on the coverage of consumption through renewable energy sources (European Directive 2009/28/EC) it also requires and promotes "the use of heating systems operating on renewable energy". With the EVO range, Ariston satisfies all the indications envisaged for having "low energy consumption buildings", guaranteeing optimal integration with systems using renewable energy. EGIS Premium Evo IN Egis Premium Evo In is the wall-mounted condensing boiler expressly designed for built-in installation. Small dimensions and reduced weight, its implementation is extremely simple. This without giving up the safety that distinguishes Ariston, i.e. exceptional resistance to cold (up to -15°C) and electrical protection from water and dust that reaches the highest levels (IPX5D classification). Characteristics: Built-in condensing boiler with auto function and info top Sensys system manager with integrated time programming Continuous modulation high efficiency circulator prepared for integration in system configuration through the new Bus Bridgenet® communication protocol modulation ratio 1:4 Universal built-in unit in electro-galvanized sheet metal (to be ordered with separate code) Arrangement for multi-zone and multi-temperature thermoregulation Arrangement for solar system management Car function and comfort External probe integrated in the boiler Anti-freeze, anti-limescale and anti-blocking circulator protection Aluminum isothermal primary exchanger Cold water inlet and heating return filters 60mm split exhaust Operation ONLY with METHANE gas Convenience function: The Comfort function speeds up the delivery of domestic hot water, reducing waiting times down to just 5”. This service can be customized by choosing between two modes of use: COMFORT PLUS (hot water immediately ready every time the tap is opened in just 5 seconds) COMFORT (hot water ready for 30 minutes after the last withdrawal so as not to give up savings) car function: It is truly possible to combine maximum comfort with reduced consumption, thanks to the intelligent management logic of the new boilers and the new technology that governs them. By activating the AUTO function, the Ariston boiler chooses the best operating mode based on the environmental conditions, the connected external devices and the required performance. Impossible to compare this ability to interpret and respond to external stimuli with what has been achieved so far. AUTO does not fear comparisons Acoustic comfort Acoustic comfort is further guaranteed by the introduction of the new silencer. For the Genus Premium Evo EXT thanks also to the high modulation ratio 1:10, the continuously modulating pump and the presence of side sound-absorbing panels. High efficiency circulator with continuous modulation: It allows automatic adaptation of the power based on the temperature of the system, guaranteeing boiler performance and reducing electricity consumption. Optimization of thermal efficiency. Optimization of comfort with constant temperature. Maximum silence. High efficiency The condensing technology makes it possible to achieve high energy efficiency thanks to the increase in the calorific value generated by the reuse of the energy of the exhaust fumes, allowing for a higher thermal efficiency. The future of the planet and your comfort are the main objectives of Ariston condensing technology Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Ariston Genus Premium Net 24 Smart Wi-Fi A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Fumi Gpl -Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Genus Premium Net 24 Smart Wi-Fi Condensing Boiler Complete With LPG Fume Kit -Erp

    ARISTON GENUS PREMIUM NET 24 SMART Wi-Fi CONDENSING COMPLETE WITH LPG -ErP FUME KIT Technical features Product code: 3300905 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: For heating and domestic hot water production Forced draft sealed chamber Nominal heat input in heating max/min kW 22/2.5 Max/min heating thermal power (80°C-60°C) kW 21.5/2.4 Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C) % 97.8 Efficiency at nominal heat input (30/50°C) % 106.2 Efficiency at 30% at 30°C % 109 Performance stars (dir. 92/42/EEC) ★★★★ Min/max heating temperature (high temperature range) °C 35/ 82 Min/max heating temperature (low temperature range)°C 20/ 45 Specific flow rate in DHW (10 min. with ∆T=30°C) litres/min 12.2 Quantity of hot water ∆T=25°C litres/min 14.56 Quantity of hot water ∆T=35°C litres/min 10.4 Comfort performance stars (EN13203) ★★★ Supply voltage/frequency V/Hz 230 / 50 Total absorbed electric power W 70 Degrees of protection of the electrical system IP X5D Dimensions (H x W x D) mm 770/400/315 METHANE power supply Genus Premium NET The top-of-the-range condensing boiler, complete with connectivity service. The Genus Premium NET wall-mounted boiler, in addition to being the maximum expression of the Ariston range, is already ready for use of the connectivity service. Thanks to the condensing technology, by recovering the energy of the exhaust fumes, it generates an increase in the calorific value which makes it possible to eliminate waste (of energy) and to obtain higher thermal efficiency than conventional boilers. Genus Premium Evo offers even greater performance thanks to the innovative technology that allows it to self-regulate based on variations in the external and internal temperature of the room, allowing energy savings of up to 35% compared to an older generation boiler. It is available in the heating and domestic hot water production version in 2 powers: 24-35 kW. Characteristics: Can be installed in partially protected places Large backlit dot matrix screen Continuous modulation high efficiency circulator Modulation ratio 1:10 Acoustic comfort guaranteed by the lower number of boiler on and off cycles, new silencer and sound-absorbing panels Prepared for integration in system configuration through the new Bus Bridgenet® communication protocol Arrangement for multi-zone and multi-temperature thermoregulation Arrangement for solar system management Car function and comfort Isothermal primary heat exchanger in stainless steel Increased sanitary exchanger Cold water inlet and heating return filters 60mm split exhaust + COMFORT: The system manager constantly monitors the room temperature even if you are away from home. No more surprises when you return! + SAVINGS: It is possible to synchronize the temperature in your home with the rhythms of your life, avoiding useless ignitions of the boiler. Lower consumption in the bill, less stress for your system! + RELIABILITY: Your trusted TAC will assist you constantly by monitoring the performance and correct functioning of your system. Serenity will always be by your side THREE SIMPLE STEPS TO GET THE MAXIMUM BENEFITS FROM THE INNOVATIVE PACKAGE 1. RECEIVE THE BOILER COMPLETE WITH THE CONNECTIVITY KIT DIRECTLY AT HOME 2. DOWNLOAD THE FREE APP TO MANAGE THE SYSTEM EVEN AWAY FROM HOME 3. CHOOSE THE TRUSTED CAT FOR CONSTANT ASSISTANCE AND TO ENSURE OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE AT ALL TIMES Comfort and savings within reach of your smartphone, one more reason to switch to AristonNet! Ariston condensing boilers 1 condensing boiler = -737kg CO2/year 1 condensing boiler = 60 more trees Together with the heat, a traditional boiler also produces water in the vapor state, usually evacuated through the exhaust fumes. Normal boilers, since they do not treat these fumes before releasing them into the environment, therefore have a thermal efficiency based exclusively on the lower calorific value. The water vapor is not recovered in any way, thus dispersing part of the energy produced during combustion. Condensation is the physical process which, inside the boiler, transforms the water again from the vapor state to the liquid one. CLAS PREMIUM EVO, exploits the phenomenon of condensation in its favor by reusing the energy of the exhaust fumes and increases the useful calorific value, thus reaching the thermal efficiency of over 107%. Furthermore, during this process, most of the harmful combustion products for the environment and health, they are eliminated together with the condensed water. Consistent convenience The new products, using condensing technology, eliminate waste with great energy and economic savings. Thanks to the savings in the bill, less than three years are enough to amortize the higher cost of a condensing boiler. After that, the lower consumption translates into a real gain. Imagine what a reduced bill of up to 35% every year, for many years, means for your economies... Zero waste, only benefits Today Ariston combines energy savings with tax savings, offering a great opportunity to those who have chosen to replace the old boiler with a condensing one. In fact, the Finance law provides for specific tax incentives in favor of taxpayers. EVO: energy saving becomes reality, for everyone's well-being Among the measures aimed at reducing the energy consumption of buildings (European Directive 2010/30/EC), the Italian legislation has introduced "The obligation of the Energy Certificate of the building" in the purchase and sale of new and existing buildings. They have also been extended until throughout June 2013, bringing them to a value of 50%, the "tax credit deductions relating to building renovations and energy efficiency interventions". For the purpose of achieving the national objectives envisaged on the coverage of consumption through renewable energy sources (European Directive 2009/28/EC) it also requires and promotes "the use of heating systems operating on renewable energy". With the EVO range, Ariston satisfies all the indications envisaged for having "low energy consumption buildings", guaranteeing optimal integration with systems using renewable energy. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.  


  • Caldaia Ariston A Condensazione Clas One 30 Kw Eu Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Metano - Erp Kit Fumi Sdoppiato,Metano - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Condensing Boiler Clas One 30 Kw Eu Complete With Methane Fume Exhaust Kit - Erp Split Fume Kit, Methane

    Technical features Product code: 3301022 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Nominal thermal power kW 28 Annual energy consumption in heating 50 gj Annual electricity consumption 42 kWh Seasonal space heating energy efficiency % 94 Water heating energy efficiency % 82 Sound power level inside 51 dB DHW flow rate ∆T 25 °C (l/min) 17.4 Dimensions 24 kW mm (HxWxD) 745 x 400 x 315 Indoor installation and partially protected places Power supply: METHANE Functionality: Wi-Fi optional XtraTech™ stainless steel primary exchanger AUTO, Comfort functions Indoor installation and partially protected places XtraTech™ is the new exclusive* Ariston stainless steel heat exchanger, the heart of the ONE condensing boilers, developed to guarantee reliability and performance over time. Increased passage sections: +142% compared to the previous exchanger. Higher prevalence, lower risk of clogging, better performance. Every day, as if it were the first. Every single component has been designed to guarantee performance and durability over time: Ariston guarantee, shown in each component. Every single component has been rigorously tested and controlled on the production line. 100% of the boilers are tested again before being shipped to our customers. The best materials have been selected, to work for a long time even in the most critical situations Always connected with Ariston NET Wherever you are, always within reach of your Smartphone. Managing the comfort of your home has never been easier! Wherever you are, you can control the climate in your home using your smartphone. Use only the energy it needs. Easy to manage weekly time programming, directly from the app. Also, choose the savings "leaflet" for a real reduction in bill costs! Technical support always ON. Thanks to the innovative remote control system, the app warns your customer in case of malfunctions. By signing a maintenance contract, the Assistance Center will be able to intervene in the event of breakdowns, even remotely. Customer serenity is at the heart of Ariston NET. Absolute efficiency: Thermoregulation in class A+ The ONE condensing boilers achieve very high seasonal performance and thanks to the thermoregulation they reach class A+! Alteas and Genus ONE are also equipped with the innovative IGNITION system, which makes combustion always perfect thanks to the electronic control. Gas transformation? No problem, from the technical menu in one touch. Total Comfort: Innovative functions to meet your needs ONE is equipped with an innovative set of smart functions to guarantee comfort every day with minimum waste of energy. Auto function: Patented function that allows you to automatically optimize the operation of the boiler, eliminating continuous switching on and off, reducing the stress on the components to a minimum. Comfort function: Hot water without any waiting! Lots of water with minimum energy consumption. Integrated Programming: Weekly hourly programming integrated into Alteas and Genus ONE products. Care function: Automatic reminder of routine maintenance. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Ariston Genus Premium Evo 35 Eu A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi Gpl - Erp - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Genus Premium Evo 35 Eu Condensing Boiler Complete With LPG Fume Exhaust Kit - Erp

    ARISTON GENUS PREMIUM EVO 35 EU CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH LPG - ErP FUME EXHAUST KIT Technical features Product code: 3300706 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: For heating and domestic hot water production Forced draft sealed chamber Nominal heat input in heating max/min kW 31/3.5 Max/min heating thermal power (80°C-60°C) kW 30.1/3.4 Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C) % 97.7 Efficiency at nominal heat input (30/50°C) % 106.5 Efficiency at 30% at 30°C % 108.7 Performance stars (dir. 92/42/EEC) ★★★★ Min/max heating temperature (high temperature range) °C 35/ 82 Min/max heating temperature (low temperature range)°C 20/ 45 Specific flow rate in sanitary mode (10 min. with ∆T=30°C) litres/min 16.0 Quantity of hot water ∆T=25°C litres/min 19.3 Quantity of hot water ∆T=35°C litres/min 13.8 Comfort performance stars (EN13203) ★★★ Supply voltage/frequency V/Hz 230 / 50 Total absorbed electric power W 77 Degrees of protection of the electrical system IP X5D Dimensions (H x W x D) mm 770/400/385 CNG or LPG power supply Kit for conversion from methane to propane supplied Ariston condensing boilers 1 condensing boiler = -737kg CO2/year 1 condensing boiler = 60 more trees Together with the heat, a traditional boiler also produces water in the vapor state, usually evacuated through the exhaust fumes. Normal boilers, since they do not treat these fumes before releasing them into the environment, therefore have a thermal efficiency based exclusively on the lower calorific value. The water vapor is not recovered in any way, thus dispersing part of the energy produced during combustion. Condensation is the physical process which, inside the boiler, transforms the water again from the vapor state to the liquid one. CLAS PREMIUM EVO, exploits the phenomenon of condensation in its favor by reusing the energy of the exhaust fumes and increases the useful calorific value, thus reaching the thermal efficiency of over 107%. Furthermore, during this process, most of the harmful combustion products for the environment and health, they are eliminated together with the condensed water. Consistent convenience The new products, using condensing technology, eliminate waste with great energy and economic savings. Thanks to the savings in the bill, less than three years are enough to amortize the higher cost of a condensing boiler. After that, the lower consumption translates into a real gain. Imagine what a reduced bill of up to 35% every year, for many years, means for your economies... Zero waste, only benefits Today Ariston combines energy savings with tax savings, offering a great opportunity to those who have chosen to replace the old boiler with a condensing one. In fact, the Finance law provides for specific tax incentives in favor of taxpayers. EVO : energy saving becomes reality, for everyone's well-being Among the measures aimed at reducing the energy consumption of buildings (European Directive 2010/30/EC), the Italian legislation has introduced "The obligation of the energy certificate of the building" in the purchase and sale of new and existing buildings. They have also been extended until throughout June 2013, bringing them to a value of 50%, the "tax credit deductions relating to building renovations and energy efficiency interventions". For the purpose of achieving the national objectives envisaged on the coverage of consumption through renewable energy sources (European Directive 2009/28/EC) it also requires and promotes "the use of heating systems operating on renewable energy". With the EVO range, Ariston satisfies all the indications envisaged for having "low energy consumption buildings", guaranteeing optimal integration with systems using renewable energy. Genus Premium Evo The Genus Premium Evo wall-mounted boiler is the maximum expression of the Ariston range. Thanks to the condensing technology, by recovering the energy of the exhaust fumes, it generates an increase in the calorific value which makes it possible to eliminate waste (of energy) and to obtain higher thermal efficiency than conventional boilers. Genus Premium Evo offers even greater performance thanks to the innovative technology that allows it to self-regulate according to variations in the external and internal temperature of the room, allowing energy savings of up to 35% compared to an older generation boiler. It is available in the heating and domestic hot water production version in 3 powers: 24-30-35 kW (sealed chamber). Characteristics: Can be installed in partially protected places Large backlit dot matrix screen Continuous modulation high-efficiency circulator: for optimizing consumption and maximizing performance. Modulation ratio 1:10 - Automatic power regulation according to the heating request. Acoustic comfort guaranteed by the lower number of boiler on and off cycles, new silencer and sound-absorbing panels Prepared for integration in system configuration through the new Bus Bridgenet® communication protocol Arrangement for multi-zone and multi-temperature thermoregulation Arrangement for solar system management Car function and comfort Isothermal primary heat exchanger in stainless steel Increased sanitary exchanger Cold water inlet and heating return filters Convenience function: The Comfort function speeds up the delivery of domestic hot water, reducing waiting times down to just 5”. This service can be customized by choosing between two modes of use: COMFORT PLUS (hot water immediately ready every time the tap is opened in just 5 seconds) COMFORT (hot water ready for 30 minutes after the last withdrawal so as not to give up savings) car function: It is truly possible to combine maximum comfort with reduced consumption, thanks to the intelligent management logic of the new boilers and the new technology that governs them. By activating the AUTO function, the Ariston boiler chooses the best operating mode based on the environmental conditions, the connected external devices and the required performance. Impossible to compare this ability to interpret and respond to external stimuli with what has been achieved so far. AUTO does not fear comparisons Acoustic comfort Acoustic comfort is further guaranteed by the introduction of the new silencer. For the Clas Premium Evo thanks also to the high modulation ratio of 1:10, the continuously modulating pump and the presence of side sound-absorbing panels. High efficiency circulator with continuous modulation: It allows automatic adaptation of the power based on the temperature of the system, guaranteeing boiler performance and reducing electricity consumption. Optimization of thermal efficiency. Optimization of comfort with constant temperature. Maximum silence. High efficiency The condensing technology makes it possible to achieve high energy efficiency thanks to the increase in the calorific value generated by the reuse of the energy of the exhaust fumes, allowing for a higher thermal efficiency. The future of the planet and your comfort are the main objectives of Ariston condensing technology Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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