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Wall Boilers

Caldaie Murali - CaldaieMurali
Reliable heating with wall mounted boilers. Compact design, energy efficiency and optimal performance for the comfort of your home. Choose from a wide range of wall mounted boilers and secure an efficient and affordable heating system. Buy your wall mounted boiler today!

782 products

  • immagine-1-hermann-saunier-duval-caldaia-a-condensazione-hermann-saunier-duval-themis-condens-24-kw-low-nox-metano-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-cod-0010028067-novita-ean-8056138593541

    HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Caldaia a Condensazione Hermann Saunier Duval THEMIS CONDENS 24 kW low NOx Metano Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi cod. 0010028067 - NOVITA' Kit Fumi Sdoppiato,Metano

    LA CALDAIA NON PUÒ ESSERE INSTALLATA IN LOMBARDIA E IN PIEMONTE IN QUANTO È SEMICONDENSAZIONE.  ErP - Classe energetica Classe di efficienza in riscaldamento B Classe di efficienza in sanitario A Profilo di carico sanitario XL N° identificativo CE PIN CE 0476CQ0908 Riscaldamento Portata al focolare Qmin/max - 80/60°C kW 13,0/24,0 Potenza nominale Pmin/max - 80/60°C kW 12,5/23,04 Potenza nominale Pmin/max - 50/30°C kW - Rendimento Pmax - 80/60°C - 50/30°C % 96,0 / - Rendimento P30% - 40/30°C % 99,7 Perdite mantello - Bruc. On - 80/60°C Pmax/Pmin % 0,1/2,3 Perdite camino - Bruc. On - 80/60°C Pmax/Pmin % 2,2/1,9 Perdite camino - Bruc. Off - risc./sanitario % 0,3/0,7 Temp. mandata min/max °C 30/85 Pressione esercizio caldaia min/max bar 0,3/3 Vaso espansione risc. - Capacita/precarica l/bar 7/0,75 Sanitario Tipologia produzione acqua calda sanitaria Istantanea Classificazione qualita ACS (EN 13203-1) stelle 2 Portata al focolare min/max - 60°C kW 13,0/24,0 Potenza nominale min/max - 60°C kW 12,3/23,2 Portata continua (∆T= 25K) l/m 13,8 Portata specifica (∆T = 30K) (EN13203) l/m 11,4 Portata di picco in 10 minuti (∆T = 30K) l/10 min 114 Temperatura ACS min/max °C 35/65 Dispersione termica accumulo sanitario kWh/24h - Pressione alimentazione min/max bar -/8 Generali Categoria gas II2H Pressione alimentazione mbar 20 Portata gas risc. Pmin/Pmax m3/h 2,66 Portata gas in sanitario Pmax m3/h 2,66 Tensione/frequenza/Intensita V/Hz/A 230/50/0,66 Assorbimento - Picco/Pmax/Pmin/Stand-by W - / - / 60 / - Temp. fumi risc. (50-30°C) Pmin °C 51 Temp. fumi sanit. (T ACS=50°C) Pmax °C 68 Gas combusti risc. Pmin/Pmax g/s - CO2 Pmax % 7 NOx ponderato (0% O2) mg/kWh 56,0 Prevalenza Residua al ventilatore Pa - Protezione elettrica IPX 4D Peso kg 38 Dimensioni 70 cm di altezza, 40 di larghezza e 29.5 di profondità (24 kW) THEMIS CONDENS Low NOx - NOVITA' Caldaia murale a condensazione per riscaldamento e acqua calda sanitaria, per impianti ad alta temperatura. La nuova Themis Condens Low NOx è la soluzione a condensazione sviluppata da Hermann Saunier Duval sviluppata per la sostituzione di caldaie murali tradizionali abbinate a termosifoni che necessitano di elevati valori di temperatura in ingresso. La principale novità è il bruciatore a basse emissioni di NOx (classe 6) che permette di adempiere alle normative ErP in vigore da novembre 2018 nell'UE. La caldaia, che presenta un rinnovato casing, è progettata per consentire un'agevole installazione e la massima facilità di gestione, vantando una nuova interfaccia utente estremamente intuitiva. Themis Condens Low NOx abbina la semplicità della caldaia tradizionale all’efficienza delle caldaie a condensazione, garantendo il giusto comfort sia in riscaldamento che in produzione di acqua calda sanitaria. È disponibile in un unico modello con alimentazione a metano, potenza pari a 24 kW sia in riscaldamento che in sanitario.Themis Condens Low NOx è una caldaia pensata specificamente per impianti ad alta temperatura. E’ stata sviluppata per dare il giusto comfort, sia per la produzione di acqua sanitaria che per fornire il clima ideale negli ambienti. Themis Condens low NOx unisce la semplicità della caldaia tradizionale all’efficienza delle caldaie a condensazione. La gamma è composta da un solo modello con produzione combinata di acqua calda sanitaria e riscaldamento, è disponibile nella sola alimentazione a metano. Caldaia a condensazione con un nuovo bruciatore atmosferico a tiraggio forzato studiato e progettato per avere basse emissioni di NOx, scambiatore tradizionale in rame protetto con una speciale vernice in alluminio e post-condensatore in alluminio. La caldaia monta una nuova pompa ad alta efficienza con elevate prestazioni ed un vaso espansione da 7 litri. Nuovo bruciatore a basse emissioni Nox (classe 6) Progettata per la sostituzione in impianti ad alta temperatura Nuovo casing con dimensioni ridotte Pompa ad alta efficienza Nuova interfaccia utente semplice e intuitiva Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-rinnai-caldaia-rinnai-a-condensazione-momiji-34-kw-con-cronotermostato-wi-fi-intergrato-gpl-low-nox-reb-kai3135ff-con-kit-scarico-fumi-sdoppiato-di-serie-ean-8056138592261

    RINNAI Caldaia Rinnai a Condensazione Momiji 34 kW con Cronotermostato Wi-Fi Intergrato Metano Low NOx REB-KAI3135FF con Kit Scarico Fumi Sdoppiato di Serie

    NB: LA CURVA E IL TUBO PER IL KIT COASSIALE VANNO ACQUISTATI A PARTE Caldaia Rinnai a Condensazione Momiji 34 kW Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi con Cronotermostato Wi-Fi Intergrato Metano Low NOx REB-KAI3135FF Codice REB-KAI3135FF Classe energetica riscaldamento A Profilo di carico XL Potenza termica nominale kW 30 Rendimento EN677 su P.C.I. (80-60°C) % 96,3 Modulazione potenza nominale (80-60°C) Risc. kW 12,2 - 30,1 Classe NOx 6 Potenza elettrica massima assorbita in riscaldamento W 97 Potenza elettrica in stand by W < 3 Tensione di alimentazione V/Hz 230 / 50 Grado di protezione IPX5D Erogazione acqua calda sanitaria (ΔT=35°C) l/min 14.0 Erogazione acqua calda sanitaria (ΔT=25°C) l/min 19.6 Dimensioni (A x L x P) (mm)660x440x285 MOMIJIIl caldo abbraccio dell’autunnoMOMIJI sono gli aceri rossi tipici dell’Oriente, le cui foglie colorano di rosso l’autunno, una stagione che i Giapponesi vivono come «di conforto». Grazie al clima mite e alle temperature che tornano ad essere accoglienti (non più il caldo torrido dell’estate, non ancora il clima gelido dell’inverno), prendersi del tempo è ancora più piacevole. Godere della propria casa, così come del foliage, regala benessere. Momiji interpreta al meglio il connubio tra gli impianti tradizionali e la tecnologia della condensazione. Infatti, pur integrandosi perfettamente con differenti sistemi, è progettata per ottimizzare la tecnologia della condensazione su impianti a radiatori, rispondendo in modo concreto alle esigenze di risparmio ed eco-sostenibilità di questa tipologia di riscaldamento, estremamente diffusa ma spesso impossibilitata a sfruttare a pieno i vantaggi della condensazione.Il riscaldamento è smartMomiji offre il cronotermostato Wi-Fi di serie (installabile anche in un locale diverso da quello del generatore) per gestire e controllare la caldaia sempre e dovunque, in completa libertà. Report di consumo, programmazione settimanale, modifica delle impostazioni e gestione di più caldaie (come la propria e quella dei genitori anziani, o della casa in montagna) dalla stessa APP “My Rinnai”, disponibile per smartphone Android e iOS. Tutto questo e molto altro per offrirti una gestione totally smart.La sonda climatica integrata è uno standard dei generatori termici Rinnai: il posizionamento interno consente, a te che la utilizzi e a te che la installi, di evitare opere murarie e collegamenti elettrici. Grazie a questo sensore, puoi dimenticarti di regolare la temperatura di casa e lasciare che il generatore pensi a tutto, adeguando in modo intelligente il suo funzionamento a seconda del meteo, più o meno freddo. Così mentre la caldaia opera in regolazione climatica a temperatura scorrevole, tu puoi godere di un equilibrio perfetto tra comfort e risparmio, e nessun pensiero.Momiji Il comfort non è mai stato così sempliceFacile, ovunqueAl pari degli scaldacqua Rinnai Infinity, anche le caldaie Momiji sono studiate appositamente per facilitare il lavoro dell’installatore. L’apparecchio è piccolo, leggero e compatto. È pronto all’uso e non necessita di essere configurato. Il sistema fumario è sdoppiato Ø80/80 e, grazie all’elevata prevalenza del ventilatore è possibile arrivare fino a 30 metri lineari equivalenti.Scambio termicoMomiji presenta uno scambio termico in rame, ad ampia sezione di passaggio: questo facilita l’integrazione su impianti esistenti a radiatori e semplifica le operazioni di pulizia. Questa gamma di caldaie è la soluzione perfetta per impianti tradizionali spesso imperfetti.Installabile anche all’esternoMomiji è certificata IPX5D e dispone del kit antigelo di serie fino a -20°C. Grazie a queste caratteristiche può essere installata anche all’esterno senza necessità di protezioni aggiuntiveNeutralizzatore di condensa integratoLa serie Momiji presenta il sifone di condensa integrato all’interno del generatore, già addizionato di granulato e subito pronto all’uso. Ciò ti consente di semplificare l’installazione, sempre, anche in caso di sostituzione di un generatore tradizionale ad alta temperatura. Il neutralizzatore integrato, infatti, permette di eliminare l’acidità della condensa (acqua a pH acido prodotta dal normale funzionamento del generatore termico, corrosiva per le tubature) senza dover affrontare i costi di acquisto e manutenzione di un accessorio esterno che assolva a questa funzione, altrimenti indispensabile.Garanzia Prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.

    €1.395,00 - €1.545,00

  • immagine-1-rinnai-caldaia-rinnai-a-condensazione-momiji-24-kw-con-cronotermostato-wi-fi-intergrato-gpl-low-nox-con-kit-scarico-fumi-sdoppiato-di-serie-ean-8056138592186

    RINNAI Caldaia Rinnai a Condensazione Momiji 24 kW con Cronotermostato Wi-Fi Intergrato Metano Low NOx con Kit Scarico Fumi Sdoppiato di Serie

    NB: LA CURVA E IL TUBO PER IL KIT COASSIALE VANNO ACQUISTATI A PARTE Caldaia Rinnai a Condensazione Momiji 24 kW Completa di Kit Scarico FUmi con Cronotermostato Wi-Fi Intergrato Codice REB-KAI2024FF Classe energetica riscaldamento A Profilo di carico XL Potenza termica nominale kW 20 Rendimento EN677 su P.C.I. (80-60°C) % 96,1 Modulazione potenza nominale (80-60°C) Risc. kW 6,7 - 19,5 Classe NOx 6 Potenza elettrica massima assorbita in riscaldamento W 97 Potenza elettrica in stand by W < 3 Tensione di alimentazione V/Hz 230 / 50 Grado di protezione IPX5D Erogazione acqua calda sanitaria (ΔT=35°C) l/min 9,6 Erogazione acqua calda sanitaria (ΔT=25°C) l/min 13,5 Dimensioni (A x L x P) (mm)660x440x285 MOMIJGIIl caldo abbraccio dell’autunnoMOMIJI sono gli aceri rossi tipici dell’Oriente, le cui foglie colorano di rosso l’autunno, una stagione che i Giapponesi vivono come «di conforto». Grazie al clima mite e alle temperature che tornano ad essere accoglienti (non più il caldo torrido dell’estate, non ancora il clima gelido dell’inverno), prendersi del tempo è ancora più piacevole. Godere della propria casa, così come del foliage, regala benessere. Momiji interpreta al meglio il connubio tra gli impianti tradizionali e la tecnologia della condensazione. Infatti, pur integrandosi perfettamente con differenti sistemi, è progettata per ottimizzare la tecnologia della condensazione su impianti a radiatori, rispondendo in modo concreto alle esigenze di risparmio ed eco-sostenibilità di questa tipologia di riscaldamento, estremamente diffusa ma spesso impossibilitata a sfruttare a pieno i vantaggi della condensazione.Il riscaldamento è smartMomiji offre il cronotermostato Wi-Fi di serie (installabile anche in un locale diverso da quello del generatore) per gestire e controllare la caldaia sempre e dovunque, in completa libertà. Report di consumo, programmazione settimanale, modifica delle impostazioni e gestione di più caldaie (come la propria e quella dei genitori anziani, o della casa in montagna) dalla stessa APP “My Rinnai”, disponibile per smartphone Android e iOS. Tutto questo e molto altro per offrirti una gestione totally smart.La sonda climatica integrata è uno standard dei generatori termici Rinnai: il posizionamento interno consente, a te che la utilizzi e a te che la installi, di evitare opere murarie e collegamenti elettrici. Grazie a questo sensore, puoi dimenticarti di regolare la temperatura di casa e lasciare che il generatore pensi a tutto, adeguando in modo intelligente il suo funzionamento a seconda del meteo, più o meno freddo. Così mentre la caldaia opera in regolazione climatica a temperatura scorrevole, tu puoi godere di un equilibrio perfetto tra comfort e risparmio, e nessun pensiero.Momiji Il comfort non è mai stato così sempliceFacile, ovunque Al pari degli scaldacqua Rinnai Infinity, anche le caldaie Momiji sono studiate appositamente per facilitare il lavoro dell’installatore. L’apparecchio è piccolo, leggero e compatto. È pronto all’uso e non necessita di essere configurato. Il sistema fumario è sdoppiato Ø80/80 e, grazie all’elevata prevalenza del ventilatore è possibile arrivare fino a 30 metri lineari equivalenti.Scambio termico Momiji presenta uno scambio termico in rame, ad ampia sezione di passaggio: questo facilita l’integrazione su impianti esistenti a radiatori e semplifica le operazioni di pulizia. Questa gamma di caldaie è la soluzione perfetta per impianti tradizionali spesso imperfetti.Installabile anche all’esterno Momiji è certificata IPX5D e dispone del kit antigelo di serie fino a -20°C. Grazie a queste caratteristiche può essere installata anche all’esterno senza necessità di protezioni aggiuntiveNeutralizzatore di condensa integrato La serie Momiji presenta il sifone di condensa integrato all’interno del generatore, già addizionato di granulato e subito pronto all’uso. Ciò ti consente di semplificare l’installazione, sempre, anche in caso di sostituzione di un generatore tradizionale ad alta temperatura. Il neutralizzatore integrato, infatti, permette di eliminare l’acidità della condensa (acqua a pH acido prodotta dal normale funzionamento del generatore termico, corrosiva per le tubature) senza dover affrontare i costi di acquisto e manutenzione di un accessorio esterno che assolva a questa funzione, altrimenti indispensabile.Garanzia Prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.

    €1.165,00 - €1.315,00

  • immagine-1-junkers-bosch-caldaia-a-condensazione-junkers-bosch-condens-gc-4300i-w-2425-kw-con-kit-fumi-metano-o-gpl

    Junkers Bosch Caldaia a Condensazione Junkers Bosch CONDENS GC 4300i W 24/25 kW con kit fumi Metano o Gpl

    Caldaia a Condensazione Junkers Bosch CONDENS GC 4300i W 24/25 kW con kit fumi Metano o Gpl  Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento (A+++ → D) A Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua (A+ → F) A Potenza termica nominale kW 24 Profilo di carico dichiarato XL Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d’ambiente ηs * % 94 Potenza sonora dB(A) 45 Peso (senza imballo) kg 32 Dimensioni (LxAxP) mm 400x710x300 Regolabile per funzionamento a GPL rivolgendosi al servizio assistenza autorizzato  CONDENS 4300i W Semplicemente perfetta per la tua casa Compatta e innovativa: la soluzione ideale per sostituire la tua vecchia caldaia! La caldaia murale a condensazione Bosch Condens 4300i W è efficiente, affidabile e silenziosa. Le sue dimensioni ultra compatte e il design elegante la rendono installabile in ogni ambiente domestico, anche in spazi ridotti. In più, consente di accedere agli incentivi fiscali previsti. Tutti i vantaggi in breve Dimensioni ultra compatte (40x71x30 cm) Massima silenziosità con soli 45 dB(A) di potenza sonora Elegante design arrotondato Efficiente e affidabile per una lunga durata nel tempo Controllabile tramite display LCD o da remoto tramite App dedicata* in abbinamento al termostato smart EasyControl Perfetta per ogni ambiente domesticoCondens 4300i W è la scelta ideale per ammodernare l’impianto di riscaldamento, perché trova spazio in ogni contesto abitativo e ha un design moderno ed elegante. Le dimensioni compatte la rendono perfetta anche per gli ambienti più piccoli, senza necessità di opere murarieQualità, efficienza e semplicità di controlloI materiali di prima scelta utilizzati per Condens 4300i W la rendono estremamente robusta, affidabile e resistente nel tempo. Inoltre, questa caldaia garantisce un’elevata efficienza perché, in abbinamento alla termoregolazione Bosch, adatta il proprio funzionamento in base all’effettiva domanda di calore, consentendoti di accedere agli incentivi fiscali e di risparmiare sui costi energetici. Infine, il comfort sanitario a 3 stelle (il più alto secondo la normativa EN13203-1/2) assicura tanta acqua calda sanitaria. Cosa chiedere di più? La caldaia Condens 4300i W è abbinabile sia al termostato esistente sia, per ottenere maggiori incentivi fiscali, ai termostati Bosch. Se vuoi ottenere proprio il massimo, migliorare le prestazioni energetiche e ridurre ulteriormente l’impatto ambientale, puoi aggiungere anche una sonda esterna per regolare la caldaia anche in funzione della temperatura esterna. Così ottieni il meglio dalla tua nuova caldaia Condens 4300i W! Garanzia Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-junkers-bosch-caldaia-a-condensazione-junkers-bosch-solo-riscaldamento-condens-gc-4300i-p-2430-kw-con-kit-fumi-metano-o-gpl

    Junkers Bosch Caldaia a Condensazione Junkers Bosch solo riscaldamento CONDENS GC 4300i P 24/30 kW con kit fumi Metano o Gpl

    Caldaia a Condensazione Junkers Bosch solo riscaldamento CONDENS GC 4300i P 24/30 kW con kit fumi Metano o Gpl Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento (A+++ → D) A Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua (A+ → F) A Potenza termica nominale kW 24 Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d’ambiente ηs * % 94 Potenza sonora dB(A) 45 Peso (senza imballo) kg 32 Dimensioni (LxAxP) mm 400x710x300 Regolabile per funzionamento a GPL rivolgendosi al servizio assistenza autorizzato  CONDENS 4300i W (solo riscaldamento) Semplicemente perfetta per la tua casa Compatta e innovativa: la soluzione ideale per sostituire la tua vecchia caldaia! La caldaia murale a condensazione Bosch Condens 4300i W è efficiente, affidabile e silenziosa. Le sue dimensioni ultra compatte e il design elegante la rendono installabile in ogni ambiente domestico, anche in spazi ridotti. In più, consente di accedere agli incentivi fiscali previsti. Tutti i vantaggi in breve Dimensioni ultra compatte (40x71x30 cm) Massima silenziosità con soli 45 dB(A) di potenza sonora Elegante design arrotondato Efficiente e affidabile per una lunga durata nel tempo Controllabile tramite display LCD o da remoto tramite App dedicata* in abbinamento al termostato smart EasyControl Perfetta per ogni ambiente domesticoCondens 4300i W è la scelta ideale per ammodernare l’impianto di riscaldamento, perché trova spazio in ogni contesto abitativo e ha un design moderno ed elegante. Le dimensioni compatte la rendono perfetta anche per gli ambienti più piccoli, senza necessità di opere murarieQualità, efficienza e semplicità di controlloI materiali di prima scelta utilizzati per Condens 4300i W la rendono estremamente robusta, affidabile e resistente nel tempo. Inoltre, questa caldaia garantisce un’elevata efficienza perché, in abbinamento alla termoregolazione Bosch, adatta il proprio funzionamento in base all’effettiva domanda di calore, consentendoti di accedere agli incentivi fiscali e di risparmiare sui costi energetici. Infine, il comfort sanitario a 3 stelle (il più alto secondo la normativa EN13203-1/2) assicura tanta acqua calda sanitaria. Cosa chiedere di più? La caldaia Condens 4300i W è abbinabile sia al termostato esistente sia, per ottenere maggiori incentivi fiscali, ai termostati Bosch. Se vuoi ottenere proprio il massimo, migliorare le prestazioni energetiche e ridurre ulteriormente l’impatto ambientale, puoi aggiungere anche una sonda esterna per regolare la caldaia anche in funzione della temperatura esterna. Così ottieni il meglio dalla tua nuova caldaia Condens 4300i W! Garanzia Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Caldaia Ariston A Condensazione Genus One 24 Kw Metano Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Condensing Boiler Genus One 24 Kw Methane Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit

    Technical features Product code: 3301113 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Nominal heat input max heating kW 22.0 Max DHW nominal heat input kW 26.0 Nominal thermal power kW 21.5 Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C) 97.7% Efficiency at 30% (30°C) 109.8% DHW max/min temperature °C 60 / 36 DHW flow ∆T 25 °C (l/min) 15.4 Power supply voltage/frequency V/Hz 230/50 Total absorbed electric power W 80 Degree of protection of the electrical system IP X5D, Dimensions 24 kW mm (HxWxD) 745 x 400 x 315 Indoor installation and partially protected places Power supply: METHANE Functionality: Room thermostat CUBE S NET 3319126 (optional) Operation CNG, LPG and propane air without the need for kits. The transformation takes place thanks to the combustion control by selecting the type of gas from the technical menu General characteristics ONE Series, the new generation of condensing boilers Serie ONE is the new generation of Ariston condensing boilers, studied down to the smallest detail to guarantee maximum performance for a long time. New XTRATECH™ exchanger: Maximum quality. XtraTech™ is the new exclusive* Ariston stainless steel heat exchanger , the heart of the ONE condensing boilers, developed to guarantee reliability and performance over time. Increased passage sections: +142% compared to the previous exchanger. Higher prevalence, lower risk of clogging, better performance. Every day, as if it were the first. Every single component has been designed to guarantee performance and durability over time: Ariston guarantee, shown in each component. Every single component has been rigorously tested and controlled on the production line. 100% of the boilers are tested again before being shipped to our customers. The best materials have been selected, to work for a long time even in the most critical situations. Excellent results, over time. Always connected with Ariston NET (optional) Wherever you are, always within reach of your Smartphone. Managing the comfort of your home has never been easier! Wherever you are, you can control the climate in your home using your smartphone. Use only the energy it needs. Easy to manage weekly time programming, directly from the app. Also, choose the savings "leaflet" for a real reduction in bill costs! Technical support always ON. Thanks to the innovative remote control system, the app warns your customer in case of malfunctions. By signing a maintenance contract, the Assistance Center will be able to intervene in the event of breakdowns, even remotely. Customer serenity is at the heart of Ariston NET. Total Comfort: Innovative functions to meet your needs ONE is equipped with an innovative set of smart functions to guarantee comfort every day with minimum waste of energy. Auto function: Patented function that allows you to automatically optimize the operation of the boiler, eliminating continuous switching on and off, reducing the stress on the components to a minimum. Comfort function: Hot water without any waiting! Lots of water with minimum energy consumption. Integrated Programming: Weekly hourly programming integrated into Alteas and Genus ONE products. Care function: Automatic reminder of routine maintenance. GEN ONE Characteristics: New XtraTech™ exchanger in exclusive* Ariston stainless steel, with high head Exchanger passage sections +142% compared to the previous version Large display, touch interface Ignition system, electronic combustion control Gas transformation from the technical menu Class A+ in heating reachable with thermoregulation Modulation ratio 1:10 Ariston NET connectivity in the boiler thanks to the Cube S NET thermostat (optional) BusBridgeNet® communication protocol AUTO function, Comfort New CARE function, automatic reminder of ordinary maintenance Internal sound absorbing panels Installation in partially protected places Fumes discharge 80, 60, 50 m Ecodesign directive: from 2015 only new condensing boilers After very long negotiations, the Ecodesign regulation was approved which introduces a new energy labeling on the minimum efficiency standards for boilers. In particular, an energy classification from A+ to G is envisaged for space heating appliances and from A to G for domestic hot water production appliances. Hence the obligation to install only condensing boilers, heat generators capable of recovering a large part of the latent heat contained in the fumes which, otherwise, would be dispersed in the chimney as occurs in traditional boilers. The recovered heat is transferred to the heating system, allowing to reach an efficiency of 106% against 92% of the traditional boiler and 84/85% of an old traditional generator. The installation obligation concerns boiler manufacturers who will no longer be able to place non-condensing boilers on the market starting from 26 September 2015. This means that starting from this date, anyone who wants to install a boiler in their own home will only have to install models condensing. Only a particular type of non-condensing boiler will continue to be produced which is technically called "open chamber" to be installed when it is not possible to replace an old boiler with a condensing boiler due to problems related to the collective flue of some multi-family buildings . What is Energy Labeling? Products for heating water and the environment represent around 30% of internal energy consumption in Europe. Designing eco-friendly products and promoting high performance technologies to end users in 2020 will lead to: An annual energy saving equivalent to 56 million tons of oil, quantifiable to the savings obtained if the water and environmental heating systems of two large nations such as Italy were deactivated. As of 26 September 2015, ErP regulation and energy labeling will be applied in Europe to water and space heating products (boilers, heat pumps, micro-CHP devices, water heaters, and water storage tanks hot)¹. How to read energy labels There are different labels, based on the type and functions of the product (water heating or space heating only or both, and in this case the label must show both classifications). In addition to the energy class, the label provides other information that could be useful for understanding which product has the least environmental impact (for example power and consumption in different climatic zones, noise, etc.). It is possible to increase the energy efficiency of hot water production and space heating by connecting several products and accessories in one system. In this case it is necessary to prepare a system label in addition to that relating to the single product Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Ariston A Condensazione Genus One Net In 25 Metano O Gpl Per Incasso Completa Di Kit Fumi - New Erp /Gpl - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Genus One Net Condensing Boiler In 25 Natural Gas Or LPG For Built-in Complete With Smoke Kit - New Erp / LPG

    CAUTION Methane, LPG and propane air operation without the need for a kit. The transformation takes place thanks to the combustion control by selecting the type of gas from the technical menu. For info, contact the local authorized assistance center in advance ARISTON GENUS ONE NET CONDENSING BOILER IN 25 METHANE OR LPG FOR BUILT-IN COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT - NEW ERP Article number: 3301226 Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Max/min nominal heat input (heating) PCI: 22-2.5 kW Nominal heat input max/min (sanitary) PCI: 26-2.5 kW Max/min useful heat output (heating): 21.5-2.3 kW Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C) PCI: 97.7% Efficiency at nominal heat input (30/50°C) PCI: 106.7% Efficiency at 30% (30°C) PCI: 109.7% Max/min heating temperature (high temperature): 82-35°C Max/min heating temperature (low temperature): 45-20°C DHW max/min temperature: 60-36°C Quantity of hot water (deltaT 25°C): 15.4 l/min Quantity of hot water (deltaT 35°C): 11 l/min Specific flow rate (first 10' with deltaT 30°C): 12.8 l/min minimum operating temperature (-20°C with antifreeze kit) -15°C Power supply voltage/frequency V/Hz 230-50 Total absorbed electric power: 84,7W Degree of protection of the electrical system IP X5D Dimensions mm (HxWxD) 1140 x 590 x 240 Installation: Recessed Power supply: methane Functionality: XtraTech stainless steel Standard connectivity: with the Sensys NET thermostat Thermoregulation included: Sensys NET system manager + external probe Functions: AUTO, Comfort, CARE Operation CNG, LPG and propane air without the need for kits. The transformation takes place thanks to the combustion control by selecting the type of gas from the technical menu New XTRATECH heat exchanger: XtraTech is the new Ariston exclusive stainless steel heat exchanger, the heart of the ONE condensing boilers, developed to guarantee reliability and performance over time. Increased passage sections: +142% compared to the previous exchanger. Higher prevalence, lower risk of clogging, better performance. Every day, as if it were the first. Every single component has been designed to guarantee performance and durability over time: Ariston guarantee, shown in each component. Every single component has been rigorously tested and controlled on the production line. 100% of the boilers are tested again before being shipped to our customers. The best materials have been selected, to work for a long time even in the most critical situations. Excellent results, over time. Always connected with Ariston NET Wherever you are, always within reach of your Smartphone. Managing the comfort of your home has never been easier! Wherever you are, you can control the climate in your home using your smartphone. Use only the energy it needs. Easy to manage weekly time programming, directly from the app. Also, choose the savings "leaflet" for a real reduction in bill costs! Technical support always ON. Thanks to the innovative remote control system, the app warns your customer in case of malfunctions. By signing a maintenance contract, the Assistance Center will be able to intervene in the event of breakdowns, even remotely. Customer serenity is at the heart of Ariston NET. Absolute efficiency: Thermoregulation in class A+ The ONE condensing boilers achieve very high seasonal performance and thanks to the thermoregulation they reach class A+! Alteas and Genus ONE are also equipped with the innovative IGNITION system, which makes combustion always perfect thanks to the electronic control. Gas transformation? No problem, from the technical menu in one touch. Total Comfort : Innovative functions to satisfy your need ONE is equipped with an innovative set of smart functions to guarantee comfort every day with minimum waste of energy. Auto function: Patented function that allows you to automatically optimize the operation of the boiler, eliminating continuous switching on and off, reducing the stress on the components to a minimum. Comfort function: Hot water without any waiting! Lots of water with minimum energy consumption. Integrated Programming: Weekly hourly programming integrated into Alteas and Genus ONE products. Care function: Automatic reminder of routine maintenance. Genus ONE NET IN Top of the range built-in wall mounted condensing boiler XtraTech heat exchanger in exclusive Ariston stainless steel, with high head Exchanger passage sections +142% compared to the previous version Ignition system, electronic combustion control Gas transformation from the technical menu Modulation ratio 1:10 Integrated Ariston Net connectivity as standard BusBridgeNet® communication protocol AUTO and Comfort function Class A+ in heating thanks to the Sensys NET system manager and standard external probe Minimum operating temperature down to -20°C* Semi automatic filling Built-in unit in electro-galvanized sheet (to be ordered with separate code) Smoke outlet 80, 60, 50 mm HIGH EFFICIENCY Product characterized by high energy performance, reduction of consumption and polluting emissions. MODULATION RATIO Automatic regulation of the power according to the heating request MODULATING CIRCULATOR Modulating circulator for optimizing consumption and maximizing performance SYSTEM MANAGEMENT New communication protocol set up to ensure complete system management. MADE IN ITALY Made entirely in Italy AUTO FUNCTION Maximum comfort, efficiency and energy savings based on the automatic analysis of the environmental conditions, connected external devices and required performance. OUTDOOR I NSTALLATION Possibility of outdoor installation thanks to all the weather protection devices. COMFORT FUNCTION It speeds up hot water dispensing in two modes: Comfort Plus Mode (always hot water in just 5") and Comfort Mode (hot water for 30' after the last tap). EXTRA SMALL SIZE Very small footprint to adapt to any space problem. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Last stock! Caldaia A Gas Beretta Meteo Green E 25 Csi Ag A Condensazione Metano Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - New Erp - CaldaieMurali


    Energy label specifications according to European ErP directive Heating energy efficiency Class A Energy efficiency of sanitary equipment XL profile Class A Heating/sanitary operation features: Nominal heat output: 25 kW Nominal thermal power: 24.38 kW Classification European Directive EEC 92/42: **** Efficiency at rated power: 99.7% Efficiency at reduced load (30%): 109.4% Total electrical power: 88 W Amount of hot water at Δt=25°C: 14.3 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) 890x553x275 mm; 44kg Antifreeze up to -15°C as standard Built-in antifreeze system (SAI) as standard METHANE Powered Legend: HE (Hi Efficiency) C (heating + hot water) S (Sealed Chamber) I (electronic ignition, ionization control) AG (antifreeze (-15°C). Green E (Hi Efficiency) Weather Beretta boilers offer reliability and excellent technology, so they can be used in solar thermal systems and in systems with the latest and most innovative technologies. Beretta presents Meteo Green e , the new range of outdoor and built-in condensing boilers designed to offer high energy efficiency. The boiler is in fact equipped with a wide modulation range (1:10), range rated approval, low consumption circulator (class A) with variable speed and all the advantages of the Meteo range.   Condensing exchanger : Designed to provide high performance in compliance with the most stringent European directives in terms of energy efficiency and low emissions. The innovative condensing exchanger and the production process have allowed Beretta to file a European Patent application (Patent Pending). The exchanger is made of a single aluminum tube with no welding. The high thermal conductivity of aluminum allows for a more uniform temperature distribution so as not to create overheating points, benefiting a longer lifespan of the exchanger. Furthermore, aluminium offers high resistance to corrosion. The single-tube architecture (series circuit) allows for a large section for the passage of water in the exchanger with the advantage of having low pressure drops and preventing both the deposit of limescale and impurities The innovative aluminum condensing exchanger allows to recover a good part of the heat of the fumes, reducing the losses in the chimney, and a good part of the latent heat of condensation of the water vapor present in the fumes, reaching a four-star energy efficiency value (according to European Directive EEC 92/42). The exchanger is made of a single aluminum tube and without welding.   Modulation 1:10 The range offers a wide modulation range to meet real energy needs, while simultaneously offering a high reduction consumption. Beretta creates this system through a totally pneumatic model and therefore safe and reliable. The electronics only act on the number of revolutions of the fan (inlet air flow) without intervening on the injection of the quantity of gas that is automatically aspirated. Beretta therefore introduces a new double-division mixer: a mechanical shutter with calibrated weight that opens or closes a part of the venturi section in order to divide the modulation range into two stages (smaller section with low air flow or larger section with high air flow). Beretta has also developed a specific silencer in the air intake to reduce any resonances generated by the new mixer.  Low consumption modulating circulator (Class A) It reduces electrical consumption by up to 60%, thanks also to self-adaptation in proportion to the power supplied or to constant ΔT operation. Thanks to the new technology adopted, the electric motor of the circulator offers an Energy Efficiency Index EEI<0.23, which means significantly reduced electrical consumption and already aligned with energy saving requirements. The new low consumption modulating circulator (class A) offers technologically advanced control and allows a high reduction in consumption thanks also to modulation in a wide range of flow rates. Comfort Technological innovation combined with advanced electronics allow us to obtain the “Three stars” in health comfort: the maximum foreseen by Pr EN 13203. Intelligent Management Meteo Green he is equipped with the Easy Climate function (thermoregulation with external probe as standard) and a Remote Control Panel (REC07) with the Easy Filling function (system loading activated by remote control), (csi model only).  Characteristics: Modulation 1:10 Low consumption modulating circulator (Class A): self-adaptation in proportion to the power supplied or operation at constant DELTA T, (EEI<0.23) RANGE RATED certification which allows the thermal output of the boiler to be adjusted to the actual needs of the system 4 STAR efficiency according to European Directive EEC 92/42 Efficiency at 100% Pn > 93+2 log Pn according to DL 311/06 Low polluting emissions: class 5 according to UNI EN 483 Patented (Patent Pending) high flow rate aluminum condensing exchanger 3 STAR health comfort: the maximum foreseen by Pr EN 13203 Thermoregulation with external probe as standard REC 07 remote control panel as standard Frost protection up to -15°C as standard (mod. AG) Electrical protection degree IPX5D For gas conversion, contact the Assistance Centres Authorized Beretta Technique   Beretta is “ERP”. The concrete commitment towards an eco-sustainable future   The acronym ErP, which stands for “Energy related Products” , identifies Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design. Starting from 26 September 2015 , the date of its effective entry into force in the European Union, it will mark a turning point for heating and domestic hot water production products. On that date, other regulations issued at the same time for the energy labelling of products will also become applicable, in addition to the corresponding Directive 2010/30/EU.  The regulation provides that all products intended for heating and the production of sanitary water with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW may be placed on the market only with an energy label that highlights their efficiency class . Different energy efficiency labels have been provided for different types of appliance/technologies, but they all have the same graduated color scale that identifies the various levels of efficiency at a glance. The purpose of the labels is to give the consumer the possibility of easily identifying the efficiency level of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pumps, the efficiency data is reported by climate bands.   In addition to product labels, the European regulation has provided for the creation of a system label in the case of systems with different appliances, components and related controls. This second type of labeling, thanks to the virtuous synergy between the different elements, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching efficiency levels even higher than those of individual appliances. Also starting from the same date, for products intended for heating and combined, new seasonal efficiency limits will come into force. These for products with a nominal thermal power equal to or less than 400kW, will prevent the placing on the market of less efficient products. Also for ACS tanks, the obligation to comply with minimum limits of thermal dispersion will come into force. For primary water tanks, these will be subject to compliance with an energy classification based on thermal dispersion. For sanitary storage tanks, up to 500 liters there will be a labeling obligation, from 500 to 2000 liters they will be bound to comply with the energy classification. For heating heat pumps and mixed appliances, in addition to seasonal efficiency limits, specific noise emission limits will be provided for power sizes. Even water heaters, whether gas, heat pump or solar, in order to be placed on the market, in addition to energy labeling, will have to comply with a series of requirements in terms of efficiency.   Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Condensazione Sime Vera 25 He Metano Low Nox Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    Sime Sime Vera 25 He Methane Low Nox Condensing Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit

    Sime VERA 25 HE condensing boiler Low NOx flue gas kit Methane - New ErP Vera 25 HE model Heating energy efficiency class A Sanitary energy efficiency class A XL load profile Performance Nominal / minimum heat output (80-60°C) kW 19.8 / 3.8 Nominal heat input in heating kW 20 DHW nominal heat input kW 24 Useful efficiency 30% of the load (40-30°C) % 108.4 Heating sound power dB (A) 54 Electrical protection degree IP X5D Heating expansion vessel capacity l 9 Dimensions HxWxD 700x400x250 VERA HE THE BOILER FOR EVERY TYPE OF SYSTEM Vera HE is the range of premixed wall-mounted condensing boilers that adapt to different system solutions. Thanks to the high head of the circulator, it is perfect for managing radiant floor systems without the use of booster pumps. The compact dimensions make it suitable for replacing existing fixtures and for outdoor or recessed installation using simple accessories. Vera HE features a new single-tube primary exchanger in stainless steel which boasts larger water passage sections compared to market standards, thus offering low pressure drops to the hydraulic system. The single-tube geometry guarantees higher water speeds, preventing deposits and encrustations and furthermore facilitating the cleaning of the exchanger. ACTIVE COMBUSTION CONTROL Vera HE is the range of premixed wall-mounted condensing boilers that adapt to different system solutions. Thanks to the high head of the circulator, it is perfect for managing radiant floor systems without the use of booster pumps. The compact dimensions make it suitable for replacing existing fixtures and for outdoor or recessed installation using simple accessories. Vera HE features a new single-tube primary exchanger in stainless steel which boasts larger water passage sections compared to market standards, thus offering low pressure drops to the hydraulic system. The single-tube geometry guarantees higher water speeds, preventing deposits and encrustations and furthermore facilitating the cleaning of the exchanger. The advanced control electronics check the combustion parameters at all times thanks to the flame sensor electrode and adjust the gas valve accordingly so as to always obtain the right air-gas ratio. The main advantages are: Simple commissioning, high reliability and low maintenance over time Compensation of combustion drifts caused by ageing, oxidation and insulation losses Ease of methane/LPG gas change using a simple parameter Guarantee of minimum polluting emissions guaranteed over time. Characteristics: Exchanger with oversized sections New heat exchanger with oversized water passage sections High head circulator Also suitable for radiant systems Active combustion control With electronic gas valve Three-piece shell For easier maintenance Can be installed externally or recessed Using special accessories or kits Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Condensazione Sime Vera 25 He Gpl Low Nox Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - CaldaieMurali

    Sime Sime Vera 25 He LPG Low Nox Condensing Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit

    Sime VERA 25 HE condensing boiler Low NOx flue gas kit for LPG - New ErP Vera 25 HE model Heating energy efficiency class A Sanitary energy efficiency class A XL load profile Performance Nominal / minimum heat output (80-60°C) kW 19.8 / 3.8 Nominal heat input in heating kW 20 DHW nominal heat input kW 24 Useful efficiency 30% of the load (40-30°C) % 108.4 Heating sound power dB (A) 54 Electrical protection degree IP X5D Heating expansion vessel capacity l 9 Dimensions HxWxD 700x400x250 VERA HE THE BOILER FOR EVERY TYPE OF SYSTEM Vera HE is the range of premixed wall-mounted condensing boilers that adapt to different system solutions. Thanks to the high head of the circulator, it is perfect for managing radiant floor systems without the use of booster pumps. The compact dimensions make it suitable for replacing existing fixtures and for outdoor or recessed installation using simple accessories. Vera HE features a new single-tube primary exchanger in stainless steel which boasts larger water passage sections compared to market standards, thus offering low pressure drops to the hydraulic system. The single-tube geometry guarantees higher water speeds, preventing deposits and encrustations and furthermore facilitating the cleaning of the exchanger. ACTIVE COMBUSTION CONTROL Vera HE is the range of premixed wall-mounted condensing boilers that adapt to different system solutions. Thanks to the high head of the circulator, it is perfect for managing radiant floor systems without the use of booster pumps. The compact dimensions make it suitable for replacing existing fixtures and for outdoor or recessed installation using simple accessories. Vera HE features a new single-tube primary exchanger in stainless steel which boasts larger water passage sections compared to market standards, thus offering low pressure drops to the hydraulic system. The single-tube geometry guarantees higher water speeds, preventing deposits and encrustations and furthermore facilitating the cleaning of the exchanger. The advanced control electronics check the combustion parameters at all times thanks to the flame sensor electrode and adjust the gas valve accordingly so as to always obtain the right air-gas ratio. The main advantages are: Simple commissioning, high reliability and low maintenance over time Compensation of combustion drifts caused by ageing, oxidation and insulation losses Ease of methane/LPG gas change using a simple parameter Guarantee of minimum polluting emissions guaranteed over time. Characteristics: Exchanger with oversized sections New heat exchanger with oversized water passage sections High head circulator Also suitable for radiant systems Active combustion control With electronic gas valve Three-piece shell For easier maintenance Can be installed externally or recessed Using special accessories or kits Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Vaillant Ecotec Pro Condensing Gas Boiler Vmw 286/5-3+ With Vsmart Wi-Fi 99608668 Methane Or LPG Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit

    VAILLANT Vaillant Ecotec Pro Condensing Gas Boiler Vmw 286/5-3+ With Vsmart Wi-Fi 99608668 Methane Or LPG Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit

    ATTENTION THE BOILER IS BORN WITH METHANE AND IS ADJUSTABLE TO LPG. FOR INFO, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA ASSISTANCE CENTER IN ADVANCE Technical features Model : ecoTEC Pro VMW 286 Methane model with Wi-Fi: 0020256401 Energy Class in Heating: A Energy Class in Sanitary: A Heating power: 6.2 - 24.0 kW Sanitary power: 6.2 - 28.0 kW Withdrawal flow rate (ΔT = 30K) : 13.4 l/min DHW temperature adjustment: 35° - 65° C Possible diameter of burnt gas outlets: 60/100 mm; 80/125; 80/80; 60/60mm Gas Pipe Diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Hydraulic Pipe Diameter : G3/4" Dimensions (HxWxD): 720x440x338 mm Warranty program 7 All Vaillant condensing boilers are included in the Guarantee Program 7. By purchasing a Vaillant condensing boiler you can extend the guarantee from 2 to 7 years and benefit from exclusive advantages: No fixed call fee Free labor Free original spare parts VMW EcoTEC Pro boiler All models in the VMW ecoTEC pro range feature etas = 94% efficiency. For this reason, if combined with a class VI thermoregulation (such as vSmart), they reach a system efficiency of 98% and therefore the ErP system energy class in heating A+ . The ecoTEC pro VMW boiler (heating and DHW production) is available in 23kW and 28 kW power ratings. ecoTEC pro was born as the natural evolution of Vaillant's consolidated technology and experience in condensing technology. ecoTEC pro has been designed to offer the right balance between performance and comfort both in heating and in the production of domestic hot water. With the new high-efficiency pump and new electronics, ecoTEC pro consumes very little electricity, guaranteeing considerable savings throughout the year. Its simplicity of adjustment makes it the ideal boiler for all users, as well as having an extremely simple interface with plain text and backlit display for ease of use ecoTEC pro is the ideal boiler for Vaillant on Vaillant replacements: installation is simple and quick, as is adjustment of the operating parameters. The ecoTEC pro range includes: the combined version, the smart connectivity version in combination with vSMART, a version designed for installation in multiple collective flues and two versions for installations in single collective flues. ecoTEC pro CM is also the right choice for boiler replacement in multi-family houses or for more complicated installations. Vaillant in fact provides a range of products suitable for the flue as well as multiple options as regards the accessories dedicated to the boiler: a flue pressure switch, combined with the electronics, self-adjusts the value to be set for the length of the vertical ducting so as to correctly evacuate the exhaust fumes. The ecoTEC pro CS models are equipped with a dedicated kit, included in the supply, consisting of a smoke non-return valve, 87° bend and 80/125mm rigid section for connection to a single collective flue Small size The small size of ecoTEC pro VMW allows it to be installed in any environment: ✔ 70cm height ✔ 44cm wide ✔ 35cm depth (identical to the previous version) Available with additional approval for outdoor installations down to -5°C Control the heating with your smartphone Thanks to its free App, vSMART represents a new approach to home efficiency, transforming smartphones or tablets into remote control systems and allowing ecoTEC plus to be controlled and adjusted at any time, from anywhere, quickly and intuitively. Discover perfect comfort with the vSMART Wi-Fi modulating thermostat Vaillant vSMART is the advanced Wi-Fi thermoregulation system that allows you to configure the comfort of your home at any time with a simple click from your smartphone or tablet thanks to a dedicated app already available for iOS and Android In fact, with the Wi-Fi modulating thermostat you can turn your smartphone or tablet into a remote control system and manage your heating system even remotely. Furthermore, using the Wi-Fi network you can quickly and extremely intuitively control and adjust the comfort of your home wherever you are vSMART is designed to ensure comfort and extreme simplicity of use and can be installed on the wall by connecting it to the mains or placed where you prefer using ordinary AAA batteries. The thermostat communicates with the boiler via the Vaillant eBus protocol . With an elegant and essential design, it integrates perfectly into any environment, allowing you to adjust your single system with a simple click and possibly the load of a domestic hot water tank. The benefits of vSMART are not limited to convenience. By using this product you will be able to drastically reduce the " start/stop " cycles of the boiler thus allowing you to save on gas and electricity and to extend the life of your appliance. Characteristics Solution for heating and domestic hot water Reduced installation costs Sanitary comfort even with low flow rates High efficiency pump Intuitive display and simplified adjustments Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • FONDITAL Caldaia Fondital TENERIFE KC 24 kW a condensazione completa di kit scarico fumi Low NOx Metano KTFI02KC24 - ErP

    Caldaia Fondital TENERIFE KC 24 kW a condensazione completa di kit scarico fumi Low NOx Metano KTFI02KC24 - ErP Potenza termica nominale (Pnominale) kW 19 Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d’ambiente (ηs) % 92 Efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua (ηwh) % 84 Portata termica nominale (Qn) kW 20,0 Potenza termica nominale (80-60°C) (Pn) kW 19,4 Potenza termica (50-30°C) kW 21,2 Portata termica ridotta (Qr) kW 5,0 Rendimento utile a portata nominale (80-60°C) % 97,1 Rendimento utile a portata nominale (50-30°C) % 106,1 Rendimento utile al 30% (30°C ritorno) % 108,1 Capacità vaso espansione riscaldamento l 9 Portata termica nominale in sanitario kW 24,0 Portata sanitaria specifica ΔT=30K l/min 12,0 Classe di emissioni NOx - 6 Grado di protezione elettrico IP IPX4D Classe energetica A Tenerife KCCALDAIA MURALE A CONDENSAZIONE CON PRODUZIONE ISTANTANEA DI ACQUA CALDA SANITARIA Scambiatore in acciaio inox ad alta efficienza a spirale unica con ampia sezione di passaggio Vaso di espansione riscaldamento da 9 litri Compatta, profonda solo 250 mm Semplicità d’installazione in impianti preesistenti grazie a: scarico centrale, staffa di aggancio a muro e doppio foro per aspirazione sdoppiata Termoregolazione con sonda esterna (optional) Interfaccia utente con LCD retroilluminato, con diagnostica Rapporto di modulazione 1:5 Bruciatore a premiscelazione totale Circolatore ad alta efficienza con disareatore incorporato Parametri programmabili per adattare la caldaia all'installazione storico degli allarmi Scambiatore sanitario a piastre in acciaio inox By-pass automatico Compatibile con termostato smart SPOT Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


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