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Explore our collection of Beretta products: boilers, water heaters and heating systems. Choose quality and reliability with Beretta. Achieve maximum comfort and energy efficiency with our high-end products. Find out more and find the perfect solution for your heating needs. Buy online today and trust the Beretta brand, synonymous with excellence in the sector.

13 products

  • Caldaia A Gas Beretta Ciao S 24 Cai Metano A Camera Aperta - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Ciao S 24 Cai Methane Open Chamber - New Erp

    NB: in the absence of this product, the new model CIAO S 24 CAI LX LOW NOX will be shipped GAS BOILER BERETTA CIAO S 24 CAI METHANE OPEN CHAMBER - NEW ErP Technical features Model: HELLO S 24 CAI Code: 20096549 Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Efficiency at nominal power: 92% Efficiency at reduced load (30%): 90.6% Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 740 x 400 x 340; 30kg Heating and DHW energy efficiency class (ErP): C - B METHANE power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water), A (Open Room) I (electronic ignition, ionization control). HELLO S, the reliable one Innovation at the service of quality The new Ciao S, available in both the open chamber and sealed chamber versions with a thermal power of 24kW, is designed with components that belong to a high quality standard: a boiler which is therefore characterized by reliability and sturdiness. The models in the Ciao S range are compliant with Legislative Decree 311/06 HELLO S, the universal A sealed boiler for all environments The sealed chamber models are designed to be installed outdoors in partially protected places or recessed thanks to the dedicated accessories and board anti-freeze protection down to -3°C. In colder temperature conditions it is possible to extend the protection down to -10°C using the antifreeze heater kit (optional) together with the lower cover (optional). The upper cover is also available for greater protection of the appliance. The new Ciao S range also benefits from the high degree of electrical protection IPX5D. HELLO S, the elegant A modern style The new Ciao S is characterized by a particularly elegant aesthetic and is equipped with a simple and intuitive digital display which makes information on the status of the appliance immediately usable. The modern ergonomic knobs allow you to perform all the functions necessary for using the boiler. Characteristics: CAI boilers, ErP version, equipped with 6 m low consumption circulator (EEI0.20) Can also be installed externally and recessed (model CSI only) Double exchanger: primary and sanitary Double air intake (mod. CSI) Can be installed flush-mounted using special optional accessories (mod. CSI) 8 liter expansion vessel Three-speed circulator with 5 m (non ErP versions) Simple and intuitive digital display Arrangement for climatic thermoregulation (optional external probe) Can be interfaced with the REC 08 Remote Control Panel (optional) IPX5D electrical protection degree Available lower cover for mod. CIS (optional) Optional plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-beretta-caldaia-a-condensazione-beretta-blr-25c-low-nox-metano-con-kit-scarico-fumi-20213289

    Beretta Caldaia a Condensazione Beretta BLR 25C low NOx Metano con kit scarico fumi 20213289

    Caldaia a Condensazione Beretta BLR 25C low NOx Metano con kit scarico fumi 20213289 SPECIFICHE ETICHETTA ENERGETICA,(in accordo alla Direttiva ErP) Codice caldaia (alimentazione MTN) 20213289  Classe di efÏcienza energetica stagionaledel riscaldamento A  Classe di efÏcienza energetica del sanitario A  Potenza nominale secondo ErP pnominal kW 19  EfÏcienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento ŋs % 93  POTENZA TERMICA UTILE Alla potenza termica nominale e a regimedi alta temperatura (*) P4 kW 19,4 Al 30% potenza termica nominale e a regimedi bassa temperatura (**) P1 kW 6,5 ALTRI PARAMETRI Perdite termiche in modalità Stand-by Pstby W 30 Consumo energetico annuo QHE GJ 42  Livello potenza sonora, all’interno LWA dB 53  Emissioni NOx NOx mg/kWh 22  PER GLI APPARECCHI DI RISCALDAMENTO COMBINATI Profilo di carico dichiarato Xl EfÏcienza energetica dell’ACS ŋwh % 84  Consumo giornaliero energia elettrica Qelec kWh 0,133  Consumo giornaliero di combustibile Qfuel kWh 23,183  Consumo annuo energia elettrica AEC kWh 29  Consumo annuo di combustibile AFC GJ 18  ALTRE SPECIFICHE TECNICHE Portata termica riscaldamento (max-min) kW 20,0 - 3,1  Portata termica ACS nominale (max-min) kW 25,0 - 3,1  Tensione di alimentazione V-Hz 230 - 50 Grado di protezione IP IPX5D Classe NOx 6  RISCALDAMENTO Pressione-temperatura max bar-°C 3-90  Pompa: prevalenza massima disponibile(alla portata di 1000 l/h) mbar 408 Vaso d’espansione a membrana l 8  SANITARIO Pressione max bar 8  Produzione ACS a ∆T= 25 °C / 30 °C / 35 °C l/min 14,3/11,9/10,2 Portata ACS minima l/min 2  COLLEGAMENTI GAS E IDRAULICI Pressione nominale gas (G20-G31) mbar 20-37 Mandata-Ritorno riscaldamento/Entrata gas Ø 3/4" Entrata/Uscita sanitario - Mandata/Ritorno bollitore Ø 1/2" DIMENSIONI, PESO Dimensioni caldaia (AxLxP) mm 700x400x275 Peso netto kg 28,5  BLR BLR È LA PROPOSTA DI CALDAIE MURALI A CONDENSAZIONE BERETTA VOLTE ALRISPARMIO ENERGETICO E ALL’EFFICIENZA.Questa gamma, che conserva le caratteristichedistintive delle caldaie firmate Beretta in termini di affidabilità, semplicità di utilizzo e rispetto dell’ambiente, offre una varietà di caratteristiche e vantaggi innovativi, tra cui lo scambiatore primario in acciaio inox, un’interfaccia touchpad intuitivae di facile utilizzo e le connessioni idrauliche con standard DIN. Inoltre, l’elevato rapporto di modulazione (1:8), la flessibilità installativa, le dimensioni compatte e il peso contenuto, fanno di BLR un prodotto adatto alle più svariate esigenze di comfort.la caldaia BLR è orientata al futuro, infattiè predisposta a funzionare con miscele di idrogeno fino al 20%, contribuendo così a ridurre l'impatto ambientale e le emissioni delle caldaie a condensazione nei prossimi anni. Il comfort a portata di touch BLR è facile da utilizzare e da programmare, grazie alla presenza di un’interfaccia digitale touchpad. Sia l’utente finale che l’installatore possono accederefacilmente a tutte le funzioni della caldaia attraverso un display LCD con icone intuitive che consentono una comprensione immediata della funzione visualizzataAdatta ad ogni ambienteGrazie alle sue dimensioni compatte e al peso contenuto, BLR può essere facilmente installata in ogni ambiente della casa, sia all’interno, ma anche all’esterno (a incasso in box o in luogo parzialmente protetto). Questo prodotto è ideale per la sostituzione di vecchiecaldaie e presenta connessioni con sequenza di tipo DIN che, grazie alla disponibilità di kit accessori forniti da Beretta, ne semplificano la conversione.L’offerta BLR è completata da un’ampia gamma di accessori: kit fumi, filtri acqua compatti (addolcitore e magnetico) e copertura delle connessioni idrauliche.Scambiatore a condensazione in acciaio inoxLa gamma BLR di Beretta è dotata di uno scambiatore primario in acciaio INOX, con tubo liscio ad elevata sezione, che assicura efficienza e pulizia nel tempo, attraverso un’elevata resistenza all’azione corrosiva della condensa acida, prevenendo la formazione interna di ossidi e di altri fenomeni elettrochimici tipici delle installazioni in impianti datati. La geometria a spira unica avvolta (circuito idraulico in serie) assicura portata costante in tutte le sezioni dello scambiatore e previene intrinsecamente fenomeni di intasamento. L’accesso frontale agevola le operazioniperiodiche di manutenzione e pulizia della camera di combustione. AMPIO RANGE DI MODULAZIONE PREMIX: 8:1 BASSO NOX: CLASSE 6 (EN 15502) TERMOREGOLAZIONE INCORPORATA CON SONDAESTERNA DISPONIBILE COME ACCESSORIO CERTIFICAZIONE RANGE RATED PER ADATTARE LA POTENZA DELLA CALDAIA ALLE REALI RICHIESTETERMICHE DELL'IMPIANTO  PROTEZIONE ELETTRICA IPX5D  FLANGIA FUMI CON COLLARE DI SICUREZZAA RAPIDO SERRAGGIO E PRESE ANALISI FUMIINTEGRATE CIRCOLATORE A BASSO CONSUMO (EEI ≤ 0,20), CON CURVA DI PREVALENZA 6 M COPERTURA CONNESSIONI IDRAULICHE E AMPIA GAMMA DI ACCESSORI DISPONIBILI COME OPTIONAL COMPATIBLE CON LA PIATTAFORMA HI, COMFORT DI TERMOSTATI SMART, SIA IN MODALITA' ON/OFF CHE WI-FI CON COMUNICAZIONE OTBUS Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-beretta-area-occasioni-caldaia-camera-aperta-beretta-ciao-lx-24-cai-low-nox-metano

    BERETTA AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia Camera Aperta Beretta CIAO LX 24 CAI Low NOx Metano

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA UN DANNEGGIAMENTO AL DISPLAY, BOZZATURA LATERALE E L'IMBALLAGGIO È USURATO (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caldaia Camera Aperta Beretta CIAO LX 24 CAI Low NOx Metano Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello: CIAO LX 24 CAI Codice: 20151648 Portata termica nominale riscaldamento/sanitario: 26.70 kW Potenza termica nominale riscaldamento/sanitario: 24.06 kW Rendimento alla potenza nominale: 90.1 Rendimento a carico ridotto (30%): 89.2% Classe NOx 6 Pressione massima di esercizio riscaldamento bar 3 Potenza elettrica assorbita massima W 47 Quantità di acqua calda deltaT 25C° 13.8 l/min Dimensioni AxLxP 740x400x340 CIAO LX Beretta ha rinnovato la caldaia Ciao a camera aperta; il precedente modello Ciao S C.A.I. diventa ora Ciao LX C.A.I. e si pone in Classe NOX 6. Esteticamente si presenta come la precedente ma la sua tecnologia ora è tutta diversa. La Ciao LX C.A.I.  è il modello d’ingresso per avvicinarsi alla tecnologia delle caldaie Beretta; il modello C.A.I. è a camera aperta e tiraggio naturale. Gli aggettivi che la identificano sono: elevato standard qualitativo, robustezza, affidabilità ed economia nell’acquisto e nell’esercizio. L´innovativo Doppio Scambiatore è molto compatto ed è del tipo a piastre con possibilità di preriscaldo. Utilizza inoltre un Circolatore Sincrono a basso consumo (EEI=0,20) con sistema cicli antibloccaggio e valvola a 3 vie; è dotata di Termostato di controllo fumi e By-pass sul circuito riscaldamento. Beretta Ciao ha una linea semplice, moderna ed elegante; il pannello frontale, vero cervello della caldaia, è dotato di molte funzioni. Ciao LX C.A.I. è progettata per poter essere installata all´esterno in luoghi parzialmente protetti, grazie agli accessori dedicati e alla protezione antigelo di scheda fino a 0 °C. In condizioni di temperature più fredde è possibile estendere la protezione fino a -10 °C utilizzando l´apposito kit resistenze antigelo unitamente al kit resistenza antigelo sifone (optional da richiedere separatamente al Centro Assistenza Tecnica Beretta). Un comodo display digitale a cristalli liquidi per la visualizzazione della temperatura e dei codici di diagnostica, il Selettore on/off/estate/inverno/reset/temperatura riscaldamento/attivazione Sistema Clima Amico, il Selettore temperatura acqua calda sanitaria/attivazione preriscaldo, l’Idrometro. I raccordi idraulici a muro, il rubinetti sanitari ed il rubinetto gas non sono compresi nella confezione. RISPARMIO GARANTITO E COMFORT ELEVATO I consumi di gas sono sempre molto bassi. Questa nuova versione rispetta le nuove norme sulle emissioni di gas combusti (NOx 6) e la Direttiva ErP 2015; la caldaia usufruisce delle Classi Energetiche C in Riscaldamento e B in Sanitario. Tutto nasce all’insegna del risparmio, a partire dal prezzo di acquisto fino alla gestione dei consumi. Massimo comfort con la minima spesa. CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Classe B/C  Classe NOx 6 - versione ErP, equipaggiata con circolatore basso consumo 6 m Doppio scambiatore: primario e sanitario a piastre con possibilità di preriscaldo Vaso espansione da 8 litri Predisposizione per la termoregolazione climatica (sonda esterna optional da acquistare tramite C.A.T.) Grado di protezione elettrica IPX5D Raccordi idraulici, rubinetti gas e sanitario optional Valvola 3 vie con sistema cicli antibloccaggio Termostato di controllo fumi By-pass sul circuito riscaldamento Scheda elettronica con funzione autodiagnostica e protezione antigelo Display digitale semplice e intuitivo Selettore on/off/estate/inverno/reset/temperatura riscaldamento/attivazione Sistema Clima Amico Selettore temperatura acqua calda sanitaria/attivazione preriscaldo Idrometro Garanzia Prodotto   Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-beretta-area-occasioni-caldaia-camera-aperta-beretta-ciao-lx-24-cai-low-nox-metano-20151648

    BERETTA AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia Camera Aperta Beretta CIAO LX 24 CAI Low NOx Metano 20151648

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA UN'AMMACCATURA LATERALE, UN PICCOLO DANNEGGIAMENTO IN PROSSIMITÀ DEL DISPLAY E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VEDI FOTO ACCANTO L'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE)   Caldaia Camera Aperta Beretta CIAO LX 24 CAI Low NOx Metano 20151648 - NOVITA Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello: CIAO LX 24 CAI Codice: 20151648 Portata termica nominale riscaldamento/sanitario: 26.70 kW Potenza termica nominale riscaldamento/sanitario: 24.06 kW Rendimento alla potenza nominale: 90.1 Rendimento a carico ridotto (30%): 89.2% Classe NOx 6 Pressione massima di esercizio riscaldamento bar 3 Potenza elettrica assorbita massima W 47 Quantità di acqua calda deltaT 25C° 13.8 l/min Dimensioni AxLxP 740x400x340 CIAO LX Beretta ha rinnovato la caldaia Ciao a camera aperta; il precedente modello Ciao S C.A.I. diventa ora Ciao LX C.A.I. e si pone in Classe NOX 6. Esteticamente si presenta come la precedente ma la sua tecnologia ora è tutta diversa. La Ciao LX C.A.I.  è il modello d’ingresso per avvicinarsi alla tecnologia delle caldaie Beretta; il modello C.A.I. è a camera aperta e tiraggio naturale. Gli aggettivi che la identificano sono: elevato standard qualitativo, robustezza, affidabilità ed economia nell’acquisto e nell’esercizio. L´innovativo Doppio Scambiatore è molto compatto ed è del tipo a piastre con possibilità di preriscaldo. Utilizza inoltre un Circolatore Sincrono a basso consumo (EEI=0,20) con sistema cicli antibloccaggio e valvola a 3 vie; è dotata di Termostato di controllo fumi e By-pass sul circuito riscaldamento. Beretta Ciao ha una linea semplice, moderna ed elegante; il pannello frontale, vero cervello della caldaia, è dotato di molte funzioni. Ciao LX C.A.I. è progettata per poter essere installata all´esterno in luoghi parzialmente protetti, grazie agli accessori dedicati e alla protezione antigelo di scheda fino a 0 °C. In condizioni di temperature più fredde è possibile estendere la protezione fino a -10 °C utilizzando l´apposito kit resistenze antigelo unitamente al kit resistenza antigelo sifone (optional da richiedere separatamente al Centro Assistenza Tecnica Beretta). Un comodo display digitale a cristalli liquidi per la visualizzazione della temperatura e dei codici di diagnostica, il Selettore on/off/estate/inverno/reset/temperatura riscaldamento/attivazione Sistema Clima Amico, il Selettore temperatura acqua calda sanitaria/attivazione preriscaldo, l’Idrometro. I raccordi idraulici a muro, il rubinetti sanitari ed il rubinetto gas non sono compresi nella confezione. RISPARMIO GARANTITO E COMFORT ELEVATO I consumi di gas sono sempre molto bassi. Questa nuova versione rispetta le nuove norme sulle emissioni di gas combusti (NOx 6) e la Direttiva ErP 2015; la caldaia usufruisce delle Classi Energetiche C in Riscaldamento e B in Sanitario. Tutto nasce all’insegna del risparmio, a partire dal prezzo di acquisto fino alla gestione dei consumi. Massimo comfort con la minima spesa. CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Classe B/C  Classe NOx 6 - versione ErP, equipaggiata con circolatore basso consumo 6 m Doppio scambiatore: primario e sanitario a piastre con possibilità di preriscaldo Vaso espansione da 8 litri Predisposizione per la termoregolazione climatica (sonda esterna optional da acquistare tramite C.A.T.) Grado di protezione elettrica IPX5D Raccordi idraulici, rubinetti gas e sanitario optional Valvola 3 vie con sistema cicli antibloccaggio Termostato di controllo fumi By-pass sul circuito riscaldamento Scheda elettronica con funzione autodiagnostica e protezione antigelo Display digitale semplice e intuitivo Selettore on/off/estate/inverno/reset/temperatura riscaldamento/attivazione Sistema Clima Amico Selettore temperatura acqua calda sanitaria/attivazione preriscaldo Idrometro Garanzia Prodotto   Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Beretta Wall-Mounted Open Chamber Boiler Mynute 24 Cai Lx Low Nox 24 Kw Methane Cod. 20151436

    BERETTA Beretta Wall-Mounted Open Chamber Boiler Mynute 24 Cai Lx Low Nox 24 Kw Methane Cod. 20151436

    BERETTA WALL-MOUNTED BOILER Open chamber MYNUTE 24 CAI LX Low Nox 24 kw CNG cod. 20151436 Mynute LOW NOX Nominal heat input kW 25.80 Nominal thermal power (80 - 60 °C) kW 24.05 Reduced thermal power (80 - 60 °C) kW 11.28 Reduced heat input kW 12.5 Electric power Watt 115 Supply voltage / frequency Volt/Hz 230 / 50 Electrical protection degree IP X5D Useful efficiency at Pn max ((80 - 60 °C) % 93.2 Useful efficiency at 30% of Pn (47 °C return) % 91.8 POLLUTANT EMISSIONS (G20) NOx according to UNI EN 483 class 5 HEATING EXERCISE Maximum pressure and temperatures bar/°C 3 / 90 Heating temperature selection range °C 40 / 80 Pump: pump head available for the system mbar 275 at a flow rate of 1000 litres/h Expansion vessel capacity 9 litres HEALTHCARE EXERCISE Maximum pressure 6 bar Minimum pressure bar 0.15 Quantity of hot water with ∆t=25°C litres/min 14 Minimum domestic water flow rate litres/min 2 DHW temperature selection range °C 37 - 60 CONNECTIONS Heating inlet - outlet Ø 3/4” DHW inlet - outlet Ø 1/2” Gas inlet Ø 3/4” COAXIAL FUME EXHAUST AND AIR INTAKE PIPES Diameter mm 60 - 100 Maximum length 2.5 m Loss for inserting a 90° / 45° bend m 1.5 / 1 SEPARATE FUME EXHAUST AND AIR INTAKE PIPES Diameter mm 80 + 80 Maximum length m 14 + 14 Loss for inserting a 90° / 45° bend m 1.7 / 1.2 DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT, GAS Boiler size (HxLxP) mm 780x400x338 Weight kg 35 Wall mounted boiler Beretta MYNUTE 24 CAI LX natural draft open instant combined methane Heating capacity 24kW and DHW (l/min-?t 25°C) 14, with low Nox emissions, specifically designed to facilitate the replacement of pre-existing wall boilers, Simple and intuitive digital display. Technical features: New boilers with low NOx emissions Low consumption circulator (EEI?0.20) as standard Specifically designed to facilitate the replacement of pre-existing wall-mounted boilers 9 liter expansion tank Simple and intuitive digital display Predisposition for climatic thermoregulation (optional external probe)Predisposition for connection to the BeSMART Comfort control (code 20143539) IPX5D electrical protection degree Plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps (optional) The ecological burner To reach high standards Mynute Low NOx is equipped with a special atmospheric burner, cooled and equipped with nozzles in number superior, which allows the specification premixing of gas and air. In this how combustion occurs a temperatures lower than usual in a traditional burner. The burner consists of a surface on the which develops the high flame few millimeters, also called "microflame". The tube that passes through the burner with the return water from the system heating promotes cooling of the burner surface. Product Warranty The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Beretta Mynute S 24 Cai Metano A Camera Aperta - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Mynute S 24 Cai Methane Open Chamber - New Erp

    GAS BOILER BERETTA MYNUTE S 24 CAI METHANE OPEN CHAMBER - NEW ErP Product name BERETTA MYNUTE S 24 CAI CNG BOILER Technical features Product code: 20095667 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 740 x 400 x 336 METHANE power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water), A (Open Room) I (electronic ignition, ionization control). MYNUTE S - ErP The benchmark for standard wall mounted boilers. The innovation: Designed to facilitate replacement The new Mynute S, a point of reference in the range of Beretta Clima standard wall-mounted boilers, is specifically designed to make installation particularly easy, especially when replacing with other products. The models in the Mynute S range comply with Legislative Decree 311/06. The reliable: Technology at the service of quality The new Mynute S offers highly reliable combustion and electronics and boasts the high degree of electrical protection IPX5D. The range is therefore characterized by safety and solidity thanks to the components with which it is made which belong to a high quality standard. The boiler features the most innovative safety devices: control systems that monitor the presence of the flame, on the correct evacuation of fumes, on temperatures and pressures. The anti-blocking cycles of the circulator and the board anti-freeze system allow the appliance to last longer over time. The new Mynute S also boasts the Survivor Function which allows it to continue to function in the event of a failure of the sanitary NTC probe. The elegant: A modern style that integrates with any environment The new Mynute S is characterized by a particularly elegant aesthetic and is equipped with a simple and intuitive digital display which makes information on the status of the appliance immediately usable. The modern ergonomic knobs allow you to perform all the functions necessary for using the boiler. Characteristics: CAI boilers, ErP version, equipped with low consumption circulator (EEI20) Specifically designed to facilitate the replacement of pre-existing wall-mounted boilers 9 liter expansion vessel Simple and intuitive digital display Arrangement for climatic thermoregulation (optional external probe) Can be interfaced with the REC 08 Remote Control Panel (optional) IPX5D electrical protection degree Plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps (optional) For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Beretta Ciao S 24 Cai Gpl A Camera Aperta - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Ciao S 24 Cai LPG Open Chamber - New Erp

    NB: in the absence of this product, the new model CIAO S 24 CAI LX LOW NOX will be shipped GAS BOILER BERETTA CIAO S 24 CAI LPG OPEN CHAMBER - NEW ErP Technical features Model: HELLO S 24 CAI Code: 20096549 Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Efficiency at nominal power: 92% Efficiency at reduced load (30%): 90.6% Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 740 x 400 x 340; 30kg Heating and DHW energy efficiency class (ErP): C - B LPG power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water), A (Open Room) I (electronic ignition, ionisation control). HELLO S, the reliable one Innovation at the service of quality The new Ciao S, available in both the open chamber and sealed chamber versions with a thermal power of 24kW, is designed with components that belong to a high quality standard: a boiler which is therefore characterized by reliability and sturdiness. The models in the Ciao S range are compliant with Legislative Decree 311/06 HELLO S, the universal A sealed boiler for all environments The sealed chamber models are designed to be installed outdoors in partially protected places or recessed thanks to the dedicated accessories and board anti-freeze protection down to -3°C. In colder temperature conditions it is possible to extend the protection down to -10°C using the antifreeze heater kit (optional) together with the lower cover (optional). The upper cover is also available for greater protection of the appliance. The new Ciao S range also benefits from the high degree of electrical protection IPX5D. HELLO S, the elegant A modern style The new Ciao S is characterized by a particularly elegant aesthetic and is equipped with a simple and intuitive digital display which makes information on the status of the appliance immediately usable. The modern ergonomic knobs allow you to perform all the functions necessary for using the boiler. Characteristics: CAI boilers, ErP version, equipped with 6 m low consumption circulator (EEI0.20) Can also be installed externally and recessed (model CSI only) Double exchanger: primary and sanitary Double air intake (mod. CSI) Can be installed flush-mounted using special optional accessories (mod. CSI) 8 liter expansion vessel Three-speed circulator with 5 m (non ErP versions) Simple and intuitive digital display Arrangement for climatic thermoregulation (optional external probe) Can be interfaced with the REC 08 Remote Control Panel (optional) IPX5D electrical protection degree Available lower cover for mod. CIS (optional) Optional plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Beretta Meteo 24 Cai Ag Metano A Camera Aperta - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Meteo 24 Cai Ag Methane Open Chamber - New Erp

    GAS BOILER BERETTA METEO 24 CAI AG METHANE OPEN CHAMBER -NEW ErP Technical features Product code: 20101258 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 760 x 494 x 240 METHANE power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water), A (Open Room) I (electronic ignition, ionisation control). AG Antifreeze as standard down to -15°C WEATHER - ErP Meteo is a complete range of specific boilers for outdoors. The high technological content enhances the specific characteristics to the maximum: dimensions, standard remote control panel, resistance to external agents, innovative performance. The quality of the materials and the innovative design of the shell add elegance to these very small and high performance boilers. Extremely reliable and simple to use, the Meteo range boilers were created specifically for outdoor installations. The unique shell structure, IPX4D electrical protection and materials used for the shell provide maximum protection from external agents. The streamlined, modern aesthetic allows water to roll off. The installation is facilitated by reduced dimensions and supplied equipment. Designed for installations on balconies, Meteo, with a depth of only 24 cm, is the ideal answer to space problems; it is equipped as standard with fittings for connection to the system, gas and sanitary taps and a positioning template. The remote control panel, supplied as standard, allows total control of the boiler from inside the home. The main functions are simple and immediate, with many other user-customizable settings. The remote control panel also functions as a chronothermostat weekly and is set up for climate control via an external probe (optional). Characteristics: CAI boilers, ErP version, equipped with low consumption circulator (EEI0.20) modifiable up to 7m head MIX combustion (Air/Gas): constant efficiency (mod. CSI) Built with specific materials for outdoor use REC 05 remote control panel as standard ø 60 fume exhaust adapter with standard air intake (mod. CSI) Standard antifreeze up to -15 °C IPX4D electrical protection degree Arrangement for climatic thermoregulation Plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps supplied For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Product Guarantee The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Beretta Meteo 24 Cai Ag Gpl A Camera Aperta -New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Meteo 24 Cai Ag LPG Open Chamber -New Erp

    GAS BOILER BERETTA METEO 24 CAI AG LPG OPEN CHAMBER -NEW ErP Technical features Product code: 20101258 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 760 x 494 x 240 METHANE power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water), A (Open Room) I (electronic ignition, ionisation control). AG Antifreeze as standard down to -15°C WEATHER - ErP Meteo is a complete range of specific boilers for outdoors. The high technological content enhances the specific characteristics to the maximum: dimensions, standard remote control panel, resistance to external agents, innovative performance. The quality of the materials and the innovative design of the shell add elegance to these very small and high performance boilers. Extremely reliable and simple to use, the Meteo range boilers were created specifically for outdoor installations. The unique shell structure, IPX4D electrical protection and materials used for the shell provide maximum protection from external agents. The streamlined, modern aesthetic allows water to roll off. The installation is facilitated by reduced dimensions and supplied equipment. Designed for installations on balconies, Meteo, with a depth of only 24 cm, is the ideal answer to space problems; it is equipped as standard with fittings for connection to the system, gas and sanitary taps and a positioning template. The remote control panel, supplied as standard, allows total control of the boiler from inside the home. The main functions are simple and immediate, with many other user-customizable settings. The remote control panel also functions as a chronothermostat weekly and is set up for climate control via an external probe (optional). Characteristics: CAI boilers, ErP version, equipped with low consumption circulator (EEI0.20) modifiable up to 7 m head MIX combustion (Air/Gas): constant efficiency (mod. CSI) Built with specific materials for outdoor use REC 05 remote control panel as standard ø 60 fume exhaust adapter with standard air intake (mod. CSI) Standard antifreeze up to -15 °C IPX4D electrical protection degree Arrangement for climatic thermoregulation Plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps supplied For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Product Guarantee The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Beretta Mynute S 24 Cai Gpl A Camera Aperta - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Mynute S 24 Cai LPG Open Chamber - New Erp

    GAS BOILER BERETTA MYNUTE S 24 CAI LPG OPEN CHAMBER - NEW ErP Product name BERETTA MYNUTE S 24 CAI LPG BOILER Technical features Product code: 20095667 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 740 x 400 x 336 METHANE power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water), A (Open Room) I (electronic ignition, ionization control). MYNUTE S - ErP The benchmark for standard wall mounted boilers. The innovation: Designed to facilitate replacement The new Mynute S, a point of reference in the range of Beretta Clima standard wall-mounted boilers, is specifically designed to make installation particularly easy, especially when replacing with other products. The models in the Mynute S range comply with Legislative Decree 311/06. The reliable: Technology at the service of quality The new Mynute S offers highly reliable combustion and electronics and boasts the high degree of electrical protection IPX5D. The range is therefore characterized by safety and solidity thanks to the components with which it is made which belong to a high quality standard. The boiler features the most innovative safety devices: control systems that monitor the presence of the flame, on the correct evacuation of fumes, on temperatures and pressures. The anti-blocking cycles of the circulator and the board anti-freeze system allow the appliance to last longer over time. The new Mynute S also boasts the Survivor Function which allows it to continue to function in the event of failure of the sanitary NTC probe. The elegant: A modern style that integrates with any environment The new Mynute S is characterized by a particularly elegant aesthetic and is equipped with a simple and intuitive digital display which makes information on the status of the appliance immediately usable. The modern ergonomic knobs allow you to perform all the functions necessary for using the boiler. Characteristics: CAI boilers, ErP version, equipped with low consumption circulator (EEI20) Specifically designed to facilitate the replacement of pre-existing wall-mounted boilers 9 liter expansion tank Simple and intuitive digital display Arrangement for climatic thermoregulation (optional external probe) Can be interfaced with the REC 08 Remote Control Panel (optional) IPX5D electrical protection degree Plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps (optional) For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Beretta Meteo 28 Cai Ag Gpl A Camera Aperta - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Meteo 28 Cai Ag LPG Open Chamber - New Erp

    Overview BERETTA METEO 28 CAI AG LPG BOILER - NEW ErP 2015 Cod. 20101259, OPEN ROOM WITH NATURAL DRAFT: CAI boilers specific for outdoor use, ErP version, equipped with low consumption circulator (EEI0,20). Technical specifications Product code: 20101259 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitaryware energy efficiencyprofilXL Class B Characteristics of heating/sanitary exercises: Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 28 kW Quantity of hot water with t=25øC: 16 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mmÿ760 x 553ÿx 240 LPG fuel supply Legend:ÿ C (heating + sanitary water),ÿ A (Open Room) I (electronic ignition, controls ionization). AGÿAntifreeze fine series -15øC Features list ErP WEATHER ÿMeteoÿ is a complete range of specific boilers for outdoor use. The high technological contents enhance the specific characteristics to the maximum: dimensions, standard remote control panel, resistance to external agents, innovative performance. The quality of the materials and the innovative design of the shell add elegance to these extremely small and high performance boilers. Extremely reliable and simple to use, the boilers in the Metesonnate range are specifically designed for outdoor installations. The exclusive shell structure, the IPX4D electrical protection and the materials used for the coat provide maximum protection from external agents. The streamlined, modern aesthetic allows water to roll off. Installation is facilitated by reduced dimensions and supplied equipment. Designed for installations on balconies, Meteo, with a depth of only 24 cm, is the ideal answer to space problems; equipped as standard with fittings for connection to the system, gas taps and sanitary fixtures with positioning template. The remote control panel, supplied as standard, allows total control of the boiler from inside the home. The main functions are simple and immediate, with many other settingsÿcustomizable by the user. The remote control panel also functions as a chronothermostat weekly and prearranged for climate control via an external probe (optional). Characteristics: CAI boilers, ErP version, equipped with low consumption circulator (EEI0,20)ÿadjustable up to 7m headÿ MIX combustion (Air/Gas): constant performance (mod. CSI)ÿ Built with specific materials for outdoor useÿ Remote control panel REC 05ÿ as standard Exhaust adapter ÷ 60 with standard air intake (mod. CSI)ÿ Standard antigelfine -15øCÿ Electrical protection degrees IPX4Dÿ Arrangement for climatic thermoregulationÿ Plumbing fittings, gas taps and sanitary fittingsÿ For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Beretta or ERP. The concrete commitment to a sustainable future The acronym ÿErP, acronym of Energy related Products?ÿ (Products connected to the use of energy), identifies Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design. Starting from 26 September 2015, the date of its effective entry into force in the European Union, it will mark an epochal turning point for heating products and the production of domestic hot water. On that date, other regulations simultaneously issued for the energy labeling of products will also become effective in addition to the corresponding Directive 2010/30/EU. The regulation provides that all products intended for heating and the production of domestic hot water with a lower rated thermal power equal to 70 kW can be placed on the market with an ÿenergy labelÿthat highlights theÿefficiency class*. Different energy efficiency labels have been provided based on the different types of appliances/technologies, but all have the same graduated color scale that identifies the various levels of efficiency at a glance. The purpose of the labels is to give the consumer the possibility of identifying it facilitates the level of efficiency of a product by being able to carry out a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pumps, the efficiency data reported for climatic bands. In addition to the product labels, the European regulation has provided for the creation of a "system label" in the case of manufacturing plants with various appliances, components and related controls. This second type of labelling, thanks to the virtuous synergy between the various elements, will make it possible to create systems capable of achieving levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual appliances. Also starting from the same date, new seasonal efficiency limits will be triggered for products intended for heating and combined. These for products with nominal thermal power equal to less than 400kW, will prevent inefficient products from being placed on the market. Also for DHW tanks there will be an obligation to respect minimum heat loss limits. For primary water tanks, these will be subject to compliance with an energy classification based on heat loss. For sanitary accumulations, up to 500 liters there will be the obligation of labeling, from 500 to 2000 liters they will be bound to respect the energy classification. For heat pumps for heating and for mixed appliances, in addition to the seasonal efficiency limits, there will be specific noise emission limits for power sizes. In order to be placed on the market, gas-fired water heaters with solar heat pumps, in addition to energy labelling, will also have to comply with a series of requirements in terms of efficiency. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Beretta Exclusive 24 Cai Metano A Camera Aperta - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Exclusive 24 Cai Methane Open Chamber - New Erp

    GAS BOILER BERETTA EXCLUSIVE 24 CAI METHANE OPEN CHAMBER - NEW ErP Technical features Product code: 20095668 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 805 x 400 x 332 METHANE power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water), A (Open Room) I (electronic ignition, ionisation control). EXCLUSIVE ErP Exclusive renews its image with a new aesthetic. Exclusive makes available a wide range, complete with instantaneous combined models, heating only and versions equipped with micro-storage tank. Exclusive is equipped with an innovative electronic interface for easy and intuitive management. Thanks to its "COMFORT" functions, it provides you with ideal comfort in every situation. The simplicity of comfort The electronic panel is the management brain of the boiler. Simple and intuitive, it allows you to adjust the boiler parameters and activate the numerous functions with easy gestures. A large liquid crystal display shows all important information. By turning the knobs, the temperature of the heating water and domestic hot water is set easily and intuitively. The simple pressure of a button allows the choice of the desired comfort. And when the boiler requests it, by pressing a key, the Easy Filling function is activated. The SARA Booster system Exclusive integrates the SARA Booster system (Environmental Self-Regulation System) which allows the desired temperature to be reached more quickly. The SARA Booster system is active in the WINTER COMFORT position. If the room is requesting heat, the flow temperature is automatically increased every 10 minutes in steps of 5 °C so as to reduce the response time both with respect to Exclusive in WINTER mode and with respect to a traditional boiler. Characteristics: CAI boilers, ErP version, equipped with low consumption circulator (EEI0.20) Environmental Self-Regulation System (SARA Booster) Innovative simple and intuitive digital display Easy implant loading system "Comfort" functions IPX5D electrical protection degree Standard thermoregulation (optional external probe) Standard hydraulic fitting cover Template, plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps supplied For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Product Guarantee The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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