Discover our exclusive selection of Baxi, perfect for enriching your home or workspace with style, comfort and functionality. Each piece is chosen to guarantee the best quality and satisfy your every need.
Discover our exclusive selection of Baxi, perfect for enriching your home or workspace with style, comfort and functionality. Each piece is chosen to guarantee the best quality and satisfy your every need.
RBM DIRT SEPARATOR INCLUDED Baxi Duo-Tec Compact E 24 kW low NOx condensing boiler complete with methane or LPG fume exhaust kit - News Technical features ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): A Load profile: XL DHW nominal heat input kW 24.7 Heating nominal heat input kW 20.6 Seasonal space heating energy efficiency ŋs % 93 Emissions of nitrogen oxides NOx mg/kWh 15 Minimum operating temperature °C -5 Expansion vessel capacity l 7 Heating circuit water temperature adjustment °C 25-80 Domestic hot water production ∆T 25°C (1) l/min 13.8 DHW circuit minimum water flow rate l/min 2 Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 700x400x299 Degree of protection IPX5D NB: LPG OPERATION THROUGH ADJUSTMENT FROM THE AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER DUO-TEC COMPACT E range New design: change the aesthetics, not the performance. Luna Duo-tec E and Duo-tec Compact E: the already well-known Baxi boilers present themselves today with a new aesthetic, increasingly modern and attentive to new design trends, which allows them to be inserted in any living context. The control panel has also been completely renewed and is equipped with a new backlit LCD display that is even clearer and simpler to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys. The new boilers, even more beautiful and modern thanks to the restyling, however keep intact the characteristics that have always distinguished the Duo-tec range: Reliability. Robustness, durability and reliability in performance; Efficiency and savings. The reduction of the on/off cycles translates into considerable benefits in terms of energy savings and lower emissions; Completeness of range. Heating only models, with instantaneous DHW production, and also the compact version with the possibility of outdoor installation. The range has been further enriched with the new models equipped as standard with the modulating chronothermostat with integrated Wi-Fi Baxi Ma go The ideal boiler for new builds and replacements The Duo-tec E range of gas condensing boilers have been specifically designed in compliance with the requirements of the Ecodesign and Labeling Directives, to make them particularly suitable for both new builds and replacement old generator. The energy class, identified by a letter, expresses a range of efficiency values within which the one expressed by the product in question resides. The label was created for the final consumer, so that, through real and comparable data, he can make informed choices by targeting high-efficiency products. Exchanger preheating function The boilers of the Duo-tec E range are equipped with the exchanger pre-heating function which guarantees the immediate production of domestic hot water at the set comfort temperature. In fact, the sanitary water passing through the plates of the preheated exchanger is already supplied at the desired temperature without waiting times. The function can be easily activated/deactivated by a specific boiler parameter Boiler info By pressing the dedicated key , it is possible to view numerous information regarding boiler operation such as: heating system water pressure (electronic pressure transducer present in the hydraulic unit); heating flow/return temperature; external temperature (with external probe installed); domestic hot water temperature. Efficiency and savings greater efficiency given by less switching on and off: with a high modulation ratio, the reduction of continuous switching on/off cycles leads to a significant reduction in consumption (by 8-10%) and an equal reduction in polluting emissions; adjustment of the thermal power produced to the power dissipated thus avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the premises. Gas Adaptive Control It is an innovative system which, thanks to a new control electronics and a new electronic gas valve, guarantees automatic control of combustion to constantly maintain maximum efficiency values. Advantages: there are no manual interventions - reduced measuring, calibration or changing nozzles with this system, the boiler self-adapts to the quality of the gas and the length of the flue gas pipes, keeping efficiency constant the boiler also constantly regulates itself to maintain the maximum efficiency values, favoring a reduction in gas consumption and generating less pollution thanks to the continuous control of emissions Outdoor installation Duo-tec Compact E boilers can be installed outdoors in partially protected places thanks to the new top cover kit and bottom closure kit (available as accessories). In fact, the Duo-tec Compact E range is equipped AS STANDARD with an electronic antifreeze system which guarantees operation down to a temperature of -5 °C: the IPX5D protection also protects the electrical parts from jets of water which may come from all directions. New modern and elegant design for the whole range Wide modulation range 1:7 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control Digital control panel with large backlit LCD display New cover kit: possibility of outdoor installation in partially protected places (optional accessory) Rigid and flexible Ø50 mm exhaust pipe connection: solution for restoring flues - for mod. 24 kW total length 40 meters (intake+exhaust) Compact dimensions: 700x400x299 mm hydraulic system Electric three-way diverter valve Pre-mix burner in stainless steel Stainless steel water/fumes exchanger Increased DHW exchanger in stainless steel which allows the boiler to condense even in DHW operation Modulating fan with electronic speed variation Automatic by-pass High efficiency circulation pump with total modulation Pump anti-blocking system and three-way valve which intervenes every 24 hours Heating circuit safety valve at 3 bar Thermoregulation system Standard climate control (with external probe available as an option) Arrangement for connection to a zone system Control system Safety thermostat against overheating of the water/fumes exchanger Hydraulic pressure switch that blocks the gas in the event of a water shortage NTC safety probe against fume overheating Temperature control using NTC probes Total antifreeze device Electronic thermometer Heating circuit pressure gauge Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
ATTENZIONE LA CALDAIA VIENE FORNITA A METANO. FUNZIONAMENTO A GPL TRAMITE REGOLAZIONE DA PARTE DEL CENTRO ASSISTENZA AUTORIZZATO. PER INFO, CONTATTARE PREVENTIVAMENTE L'ASSISTENZA BAXI Caldaia Baxi Duo-Tec Compact E 24 kW a condensazione low NOx completa di kit scarico fumi Metano o Gpl - NovitàCaratteristiche Tecniche Classe di efficienza energetica ErP (risc e ACS): A Profilo di carico: XL Portata termica nominale sanitario kW 24,7 Portata termica nominale riscaldamento kW 20,6 Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d'ambiente ŋs % 93 Emissioni di ossidi di azoto NOx mg/kWh 15 Temperatura minima di funzionamento °C -5 Capacità vaso espansione l 7 Regolazione temperatura acqua circuito riscaldamento °C 25-80 Produzione acqua sanitaria ∆T 25°C (1) l/min 13,8 Portata minima acqua circuito sanitario l/min 2 Dimensioni (hxlxp) mm 700x400x299 Grado di protezione IPX5D Gamma DUO-TEC COMPACT E Nuovo design: cambia l’estetica, non le prestazioni. Luna Duo-tec E e Duo-tec Compact E: le già note caldaie Baxi si presentano oggi con una nuova estetica, sempre più moderna ed attenta alle nuove tendenze di design, che ne consente l’inserimento in qualsiasi contesto abitativo. Anche il pannello comandi è stato completamente rinnovato ed è dotato di un nuovo display LCD retroilluminato ancora più chiaro e semplice da usare grazie a tasti dedicati ed indipendenti. Le nuove caldaie, ancora più belle e moderne grazie al restyling, mantengono comunque intatte le caratteristiche che da sempre hanno contraddistinto la gamma Duo-tec: Affidabilità. Robustezza, durabilità e affidabilità nelle prestazioni; Efficienza e risparmio. La riduzione dei cicli di accensione/spegnimento si traduce in notevoli benefici in termini di risparmio energetico e minori emissioni; Completezza di gamma. Modelli solo riscaldamento, con produzione istantanea ACS, e anche la versione compatta con possibilità di installazione all’esterno. La gamma si è ulteriormente arricchita con i nuovi modelli dotati DI SERIE del cronotermostato modulante con wi-fi integrato Baxi MagoLa caldaia ideale per nuove costruzioni e per la sostituzione La gamma di caldaie a gas a condensazione Duo-tec E è stata specificatamente progettata rispettando i requisiti delle Direttive Ecodesign e Labelling, per renderla particolarmente adatta sia in caso di nuove costruzioni sia in sostituzione di un vecchio generatore. La classe energetica, identificata da una lettera, esprime un intervallo di valori di efficienza entro il quale risiede quello espresso dal prodotto in esame. L’etichetta nasce per il consumatore finale, in modo che, attraverso dati veri e comparabili, possa fare scelte consapevoli indirizzandosi su prodotti ad alta efficienza.Funzione preriscaldo scambiatoreLe caldaie della gamma Duo-tec E sono dotate della funzione di preriscaldo dello scambiatore che garantisce la produzione immediata di acqua calda sanitaria alla temperatura comfort impostata. Infatti, l’acqua sanitaria passando attraverso le piastre dello scambiatore preriscaldato, viene erogata già alla temperatura desiderata senza tempi di attesa. La funzione può essere facilmente attivata/disattivata da un apposito parametro della caldaiaInfo caldaiaPremendo il tasto dedicato , è possibile visualizzare numerose informazioni in merito al funzionamento della caldaia come ad esempio: pressione acqua impianto riscaldamento (trasduttore di pressione elettronico presente nel gruppo idraulico); temperatura di mandata/ritorno riscaldamento; temperatura esterna (con sonda esterna installata); temperatura acqua calda sanitaria.Efficienza e risparmio maggiore efficienza data da minori accensioni e spegnimenti: con un rapporto di modulazione elevato, la riduzione dei continui cicli di accensione/spegnimento comporta una significativa riduzione dei consumi (dell’8-10%) e una pari riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti; adeguamento della potenza termica prodotta alla potenza dissipata evitando quindi un eccessivo surriscaldamento/raffrescamento dei locali. Gas Adaptive ControlÈ un innovativo sistema che, grazie ad una nuova elettronica di controllo e ad una nuova valvola a gas elettronica, garantisce un controllo automatico della combustione per mantenere costantemente i valori di massima efficienza.Vantaggi: non ci sono interventi manuali - ridotte misurazioni, tarature o cambio ugelli con questo sistema, la caldaia si auto adatta alla qualità del gas e alla lunghezza dei tubi di scarico fumi mantenendo costante il rendimento la caldaia inoltre si autoregola costantemente per mantenere i valori di massima efficienza favorendo una riduzione dei consumi di gas e generando meno inquinamento grazie al continuo controllo delle emissioni Installazione all’esterno Le caldaie Duo-tec Compact E possono essere installate all’esterno in luoghi parzialmente protetti grazie al nuovo kit di copertura superiore e al kit di chiusura inferiore (disponibili come accessori). La gamma Duo-tec Compact E, infatti, è dotata DI SERIE di un sistema antigelo elettronico che garantisce il funzionamento fino alla temperatura di -5 °C: la protezione IPX5D, inoltre, tutela le parti elettriche da getti d’acqua che possono provenire da tutte le direzioni. Nuovo design moderno ed elegante per tutta la gamma Ampio campo di modulazione 1:7 maggiore efficienza e silenziosità GAC (gas adaptive control): controllo automatico della combustione Pannello comandi digitale con ampio display LCD retroilluminato Nuovo kit di copertura: possibilità di installazione all’esterno in luoghi parzialmente protetti (accessorio a richiesta) Allacciamento tubo di scarico Ø50 mm rigido e flessibile: soluzione per risanamento canne fumarie - per il mod. 24 kW lunghezza totale 40 metri (aspirazione+scarico) Dimensioni compatte: 700x400x299 mm Sistema idraulico Valvola deviatrice a tre vie elettrica Bruciatore a premiscelazione in acciaio inox Scambiatore acqua/fumi in acciaio inox Scambiatore sanitario maggiorato in acciaio inox che permette alla caldaia di condensare anche in funzionamento sanitario Ventilatore modulante a variazione elettronica di velocità By-pass automatico Pompa di circolazione ad alta efficienza a modulazione totale Sistema antibloccaggio pompa e valvola a tre vie che interviene ogni 24 ore Valvola di sicurezza circuito riscaldamento a 3 bar Sistema di termoregolazione Regolazione climatica di serie (con sonda esterna disponibile come optional) Predisposizione per il collegamento ad un impianto a zone Sistema di controllo Termostato di sicurezza contro le sovratemperature dello scambiatore acqua/fumi Pressostato idraulico che blocca il gas in caso di mancanza d’acqua Sonda NTC di sicurezza contro le sovratemperature dei fumi Controllo temperature mediante sonde NTC Dispositivo antigelo totale Termometro elettronico Manometro circuito riscaldamento Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Baxi Boiler Open chamber Eco5 BLUE 24 Low NOx Methane Wall-mounted gas boiler with reduced polluting emissions (NOx and CO), instantaneous production of domestic hot water with natural draft and open chamber Installation type: B11BS Nominal heat input: 26.3kW Nominal heat output: 24 kW Reduced thermal power: 10.6 kW Efficiency at 30%: 89.6% Nominal efficiency: 90.3% Seasonal space heating energy efficiency class: C Seasonal energy efficiency class of the sanitary fixture: B Water heating - Load profile: XL NOx class 6 according to EN 15502 Domestic hot water production ∆T 25°C: 13.7 l/min Dimensions HxWxD 730x400x298; 27 kgs NOx class 6 CNG power supply Supplied accessories System filling tap; System drain cock; Installation template Conventional low NOx boilers for replacement in branched collective flues The ErP/EcoDesign legislation provides that, by way of derogation, manufacturers can continue to produce and market open-chamber, low NOx boilers, only for installations in domestic contexts, with the restriction of replacement in branched collective flues. Baxi's ranges of conventional B1-type natural draft boilers are precisely designed to meet all installation requirements in branched collective flues. ECO5 Blue NEW Conventional low NOx boilers for replacement in branched collective flues Low NOx emissions: class 6 according to EN 15502 Compact dimensions 730x400x298 mm Control panel with multifunction LCD display Arrangement for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system Product plus Control panel equipped with LCD display, programming and adjustment keys. Climatic regulation function (with optional external probe) integrated in the control panel Continuous electronic flame modulation Electronic ignition with flame ionization control Degree of protection: IPX5D Water cooled low NOx burner Primary water/gas exchanger made of copper pipes inserted in a lamellar coil protected by an anticorrosive alloy Secondary water/water exchanger in stainless steel Electric 3-way diverter valve Automatic by-pass on the heating circuit Pressure gauge on the heating circuit Expansion tank with 6 l capacity, preloaded at 0.5 bar ErP high efficiency circulation pump with built-in deaerator Turbine DHW flowmeter for detecting hot water withdrawal DHW operation with minimum water pressure of 0.15 bar and minimum flow rate of 2 l/min Inspectable filter on the sanitary water inlet Primary circuit safety valve at 3 bar Two heating water temperature adjustment ranges: 30÷45°C and 30÷85°C Sanitary water temperature adjustment range: 35÷60°C Minimum operating temperature: - 5°C Dimensions HxWxD: 73 x 40 x 30cm Control and security system Temperature control using NTC probes Pump post-circulation in the heating and DHW function Safety thermostat against overheating of the primary exchanger Hydraulic pressure switch which blocks the gas in case of water shortage Pump electronic control blocked Pump anti-blocking system and 3-way valve which intervenes every 24 hours Safety thermostat for checking the correct evacuation of fumes Total antifreeze device which intervenes with temperatures below 5°C Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Baxi Duo-Tec Compact E 28 kW low NOx condensing boiler complete with methane or LPG fume exhaust kit - News Technical features ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): A Load profile: XL DHW nominal heat input kW 28.9 Heating nominal heat input kW 24.7 Seasonal space heating energy efficiency ŋs % 93 Emissions of nitrogen oxides NOx mg/kWh 17 Minimum operating temperature °C -5 Expansion vessel capacity l 7 Heating circuit water temperature adjustment °C 25-80 Domestic hot water production ∆T 25°C (1) l/min 16.1 DHW circuit minimum water flow rate l/min 2 Expansion vessel capacity l 7 Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 700x400x299 Degree of protection IPX5D NB: LPG OPERATION THROUGH ADJUSTMENT FROM THE AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER DUO-TEC COMPACT E range New design: change the aesthetics, not the performance. Luna Duo-tec E and Duo-tec Compact E: the already well-known Baxi boilers present themselves today with a new aesthetic, increasingly modern and attentive to new design trends, which allows them to be inserted in any living context. The control panel has also been completely renewed and is equipped with a new backlit LCD display that is even clearer and simpler to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys. The new boilers, even more beautiful and modern thanks to the restyling, however keep intact the characteristics that have always distinguished the Duo-tec range: Reliability. Robustness, durability and reliability in performance; Efficiency and savings. The reduction of the on/off cycles translates into considerable benefits in terms of energy savings and lower emissions; Completeness of range. Heating only models, with instantaneous DHW production, and also the compact version with the possibility of outdoor installation. The range has been further enriched with the new models equipped as standard with the Baxi Ma go (duo tec mago) modulating chronothermostat with integrated wi-fi The ideal boiler for new builds and replacements The Duo-tec E range of gas condensing boilers have been specifically designed in compliance with the requirements of the Ecodesign and Labeling Directives, to make them particularly suitable for both new builds and replacement old generator. The energy class, identified by a letter, expresses a range of efficiency values within which the one expressed by the product in question resides. The label was created for the final consumer, so that, through real and comparable data, he can make informed choices by targeting high-efficiency products. Exchanger preheating function The boilers in the Duo-tec E range are equipped with the exchanger pre-heating function which guarantees the immediate production of domestic hot water at the set comfort temperature. In fact, the sanitary water passing through the plates of the preheated exchanger is already supplied at the desired temperature without waiting times. The function can be easily activated/deactivated by a specific boiler parameter Boiler info By pressing the dedicated key , it is possible to view numerous information regarding boiler operation such as: heating system water pressure (electronic pressure transducer present in the hydraulic unit); heating flow/return temperature; external temperature (with external probe installed); domestic hot water temperature. Efficiency and savings greater efficiency given by less switching on and off: with a high modulation ratio, the reduction of continuous switching on/off cycles leads to a significant reduction in consumption (by 8-10%) and an equal reduction in polluting emissions; adaptation of the thermal power produced to the power dissipated thus avoiding excessive overheating/cooling of the premises. Gas Adaptive Control It is an innovative system which, thanks to a new control electronics and a new electronic gas valve, guarantees automatic control of combustion to constantly maintain maximum efficiency values. Advantages: there are no manual interventions - reduced measuring, calibration or changing nozzles with this system, the boiler self-adapts to the quality of the gas and the length of the flue gas pipes, keeping efficiency constant the boiler also constantly regulates itself to maintain the maximum efficiency values, favoring a reduction in gas consumption and generating less pollution thanks to the continuous control of emissions Outdoor installation Duo-tec Compact E boilers can be installed outdoors in partially protected places thanks to the new top cover kit and bottom closure kit (available as accessories). In fact, the Duo-tec Compact E range is equipped AS STANDARD with an electronic antifreeze system which guarantees operation down to a temperature of -5 °C: the IPX5D protection also protects the electrical parts from jets of water which may come from all directions. New modern and elegant design for the whole range Wide modulation range 1:7 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control Digital control panel with large backlit LCD display New cover kit: possibility of outdoor installation in partially protected places (optional accessory) Rigid and flexible Ø50 mm exhaust pipe connection: solution for restoring flues - for mod. 24 kW total length 40 meters (intake+exhaust) Compact dimensions: 700x400x299 mm hydraulic system Electric three-way diverter valve Pre-mix burner in stainless steel Stainless steel water/fumes exchanger Increased DHW exchanger in stainless steel which allows the boiler to condense even in DHW operation Modulating fan with electronic speed variation Automatic by-pass High efficiency circulation pump with total modulation Pump anti-blocking system and three-way valve which intervenes every 24 hours Heating circuit safety valve at 3 bar Thermoregulation system Standard climate control (with external probe available as an option) Arrangement for connection to a zone system Control system Safety thermostat against overheating of the water/fumes exchanger Hydraulic pressure switch that blocks the gas in the event of a water shortage NTC safety probe against fume overheating Temperature control using NTC probes Total antifreeze device Electronic thermometer Heating circuit pressure gauge Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. LPG OPERATION THROUGH ADJUSTMENT BY AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER. FOR INFO, CONTACT BAXI ASSISTANCE IN ADVANCE Baxi Luna Classic 28 kW low NOx condensing boiler complete with methane or LPG fume exhaust kit New optional Wi-Fi Technical features Sanitary nominal thermal power kW 28.9 Heating rated thermal power kW 24.7 Useful thermal power at thermal power nom. and high temp. regime* P4 kW 24 XL load profile Seasonal space heating energy efficiency class A Water heating energy efficiency class A Seasonal space heating energy efficiency ?s % 94 Minimum operating temperature °C -5 Heating expansion vessel capacity l 7 Sanitary water production ?T 25°C (1) l/min 16.1 Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 700 x 395 x 285; 30 Degree of protection IPX5D CLASSIC MOON The new Luna Classic is the ideal product for apartments or small houses. Its compact dimensions (700x395x285 mm) ne allow installation in confined spaces such as kitchen wall units or in the laundry room. Excellent value for money, simple and intuitive management. The heart of the Luna Classic is the new electronic platform: this revolutionary system replaces the functions of the historical Luna models, raising the quality of the product to a new level. Great attention has been paid to meeting the needs of the end user. System customization and optimization are possible without compromising ease of use. The Luna Classic range includes 2 models for heating and the instantaneous production of domestic hot water, Luna Classic 24 and Luna Classic 28 User Interface Luna Classic Control Panel Renewed interface with: Backlit menu with icons; Simple settings to adjust the heating and domestic hot water temperature via two dedicated knobs; 4 buttons with dedicated functions: menu, confirm, back and reset. 2 functions for perfect water temperature Domestic hot water management can be enhanced and improved by activating two dedicated functions: relaxation function It is a pre-heating function which keeps the domestic hot water at the desired temperature for a pre-set period of time, or for 30 minutes after selecting the chosen temperature. Boost function Activates the boiler at maximum power for faster delivery of hot water. Baxi MaGO Luna Classic can be connected directly to the Baxi Mago, the modulating chronothermostat with integrated wi-fi that allows you to manage home comfort directly from an App. By downloading the dedicated App onto your smartphone, it will be possible to connect to one or more homes to control the temperature, manage the programming, display the consumption graph, read any messages error, set vacation mode, etc. The combination of the boiler with the Baxi Mago A+ kit increases its energy efficiency, raising it to class A+ Specifications: Operation with a mixture composed of up to 20% hydrogen New single coil stainless steel heat exchanger, featuring sections with large water passages for greater seasonal thermal efficiency Seasonal energy efficiency of 94% thanks to the advanced technology applied Renewed interface with backlit display Easy replacement of conventional boilers thanks to central flue gas outlet Modulation range 1:5 greater efficiency and silence Ø80 double exhaust STANDARD Connection to Ø50 mm rigid and flexible waste pipe: solutions for the rehabilitation of flues total length (exhaust + intake) 40 meters Connection to pressurized collective flues Boilers running on methane that can be converted to LPG and propane by means of a specific regulation (conversion kit not necessary) Compact dimensions: 700x395x285 mm Class A+ for Luna Classic 24/28 models with Baxi Mago and external probe (as accessories) New hydraulic group that guarantees maximum levels of performance and durability over time Optimal insulation for silent operation Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
€774,00 - €813,00
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. LPG OPERATION THROUGH ADJUSTMENT BY AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER. FOR INFO, CONTACT BAXI ASSISTANCE IN ADVANCE Baxi Luna Classic 24 kW low NOx condensing boiler complete with methane or LPG fume exhaust kit - New optional Wi-Fi Technical features Sanitary nominal thermal power kW 24.7 Heating rated thermal power kW 20.6 Useful thermal power at thermal power nom. and high temp. regime* P4 kW 20 XL load profile Seasonal space heating energy efficiency class A Water heating energy efficiency class A Seasonal space heating energy efficiency ?s % 94 Minimum operating temperature °C -5 Heating expansion vessel capacity l 7 Sanitary water production ?T 25°C (1) l/min 13.8 Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 700 x 395 x 285; 28.5 Degree of protection IPX5D CLASSIC MOON The new Luna Classic is the ideal product for apartments or small houses. Its compact dimensions (700x395x285 mm) ne allow installation in confined spaces such as kitchen wall units or in the laundry room. Excellent value for money, simple and intuitive management. The heart of the Luna Classic is the new electronic platform: this revolutionary system replaces the functions of the historical Luna models, raising the quality of the product to a new level. Great attention has been paid to meeting the needs of the end user. System customization and optimization are possible without compromising ease of use. The Luna Classic range includes 2 models for heating and the instantaneous production of domestic hot water, Luna Classic 24 and Luna Classic 28 User Interface Luna Classic Control Panel Renewed interface with: Backlit menu with icons; Simple settings to adjust the heating and domestic hot water temperature via two dedicated knobs; 4 buttons with dedicated functions: menu, confirm, back and reset. 2 functions for perfect water temperature Domestic hot water management can be enhanced and improved by activating two dedicated functions: relaxation function It is a pre-heating function which keeps the domestic hot water at the desired temperature for a pre-set period of time, or for 30 minutes after selecting the chosen temperature. Boost function Activates the boiler at maximum power for faster delivery of hot water. Baxi MaGO Luna Classic can be connected directly to the Baxi Mago, the modulating chronothermostat with integrated wi-fi that allows you to manage home comfort directly from an App. By downloading the dedicated App onto your smartphone, it will be possible to connect to one or more homes to control the temperature, manage the programming, display the consumption graph, read any messages error, set vacation mode, etc. The combination of the boiler with the Baxi Mago A+ kit increases its energy efficiency, raising it to class A+ Specifications: Operation with a mixture composed of up to 20% hydrogen New single coil stainless steel heat exchanger, featuring sections with large water passages for greater seasonal thermal efficiency Seasonal energy efficiency of 94% thanks to the advanced technology applied Renewed interface with backlit display Easy replacement of conventional boilers thanks to central flue gas outlet Modulation range 1:5 greater efficiency and silence Ø80 double exhaust STANDARD Connection to Ø50 mm rigid and flexible waste pipe: solutions for the rehabilitation of flues total length (exhaust + intake) 40 meters Connection to pressurized collective flues Boilers running on methane that can be converted to LPG and propane by means of a specific regulation (conversion kit not necessary) Compact dimensions: 700x395x285 mm Class A+ for Luna Classic 24/28 models with Baxi Mago and external probe (as accessories) New hydraulic group that guarantees maximum levels of performance and durability over time Optimal insulation for silent operation Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
€646,00 - €685,00
Technical features Internal Unit Catalog Code: JSGNW35 External Unit Catalog Code: LSGT35-S Power : 12000 Btu Wi-Fi Optional ( Air Connect ) Energy efficiency SEER : 6.1 SCOP : 4.2 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Performance Cooling Capacity: 3.60 kW Heating Capacity: 3.70 kW Cooling absorption: 1.08 kW Heating absorption: 0.94 kW Internal Unit Air Flow : 600 m 3 /h Outdoor Unit Air Flow : 1800 m 3 /h Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 52 dB(A) External Unit Sound Power Level: 58 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Maximum piping length: 20 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 10 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 792x292x201 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8 Kg Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 720x540x260 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 27 Kg BAXI Astra New matt white and modern design Totally new, minimal and elegant design with matte white surfaces. The front panel has a strongly vertical cut which makes the design harmonious and exclusive. Structure of the new Baxi Astra Bottom bindings It is possible to mount the indoor unit on the wall before connecting the pipes, without having to disassemble the entire casing; there is also no need to tilt the unit to make connections. This reduces installation times. fins Baxi Astra is equipped with a double series of vertical and horizontal fins, with leaf-shaped fins for uniform air distribution. Knobs instead of locking screws Instead of the traditional screws, there are closing knobs for disassembling the plastic casing Full climate control Easy and intuitive comfort management Comfort management takes place locally thanks to the remote control with liquid crystal display supplied as standard and complete with double keyboard with quick menu on the surface. Wealth of exploitable functions Smart comfort with Air Connect comfort at your smartphone's reach The Air Connect App and the WI-FI module allow you to remotely control Baxi Astra air conditioners. The WI-FI module of the Baxi Astra range consists of a Plug & Play USB device that is extremely simple to install. Air Connect is the application that allows you to have full control of the temperature and comfort of your home, at any time and from wherever you are. For the Baxi Astra range, the WI-FI module is available as an accessory. Therefore, after installing the WI-FI module and downloading the App, it is possible to communicate with your Baxi air conditioner directly from Smartphone and Tablet devices (iOs and Android). With a simple touch you can: turn on/off the air conditioner, set the operating mode, fan speed, vertical and horizontal oscillation of the louvers, active functions, timers, etc. Air Connect means practicality and ease of use: No visual impact: the WI-FI module is inserted in the special housing behind the front panel of the air conditioner Easy and intuitive time programming that allows the combination of comfort and high energy savings Possibility of controlling multiple appliances with the same App, in the case of Multi Split air conditioners (Dual Split, Trial Split, etc.) equipped with the WI-FI module Presence of all remote control functions directly on your device, such as: Turbo, Sleep, iClean, etc WI-FI module packaging The package contains: physical WI-FI module, manual and warranty certificate Terms of use This application is able to manage more than one device (air conditioner) as long as they are Baxi air conditioners, equipped with the appropriate WI-FI module. Cutting edge technology The DC inverter technology, managing the air supply according to the real needs of the environment, guarantees the optimization of consumption and the reduction of noise thanks to: Internal DC fan External DC fan DC compressor Machine controller The best synthesis between functionality and performance Silent Baxi Astra air conditioners are designed for extremely silent operation (up to max 20 dBA) to ensure quality comfort in the environment where we stay. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC COMBUSTION CONTROL. FOR INFO, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA ASSISTANCE CENTER IN ADVANCE Baxi Luna Air 24 kw built-in boiler complete with Fumi-new ErP Methane or LPG exhaust kit Cod. A7736261 Technical features Sanitary nominal thermal power: 24 kW Heating nominal heat input: 20.6 kW Heating rated thermal power 80/60°C: 20 kW Heating rated thermal power 50/30°C: 21.8 kW Reduced thermal power 80/60°C: 3.4 kW Reduced thermal power 50/30°C: 3.7 kW Useful efficiency (pci) PN – average temperature 70°C: 97.7% Nominal efficiency 50/30°C: 105.8% Seasonal space heating energy efficiency class: A Seasonal energy efficiency class of the sanitary fixture: A Water heating - Load profile: XL NOx class 6 according to EN 15502 Emission of nitrogen oxides NOx 15 mg/kWh Degree of protection: IPX5D Primary water/gas coil exchanger in AISI 316L stainless steel Secondary water/water exchanger in oversized stainless steel Electric 3-way diverter valve Modulating fan with electronic speed variation Automatic by-pass on the heating circuit Dimensions (boiler) hxwxd: 770 x 470 x 238 mm Dimensions (case) hxwxd: 1170 x 600 x 240 mm MOON AIR Luna Air is the new range of condensing boilers ideal for outdoor installations. remote digital control panel with LCD display as standard suspended installation in partially protected places open-air suspended installation with cover kit, available as an accessory minimum operating temperature: -15°C antifreeze function and IPX5D protection degree wide modulation range 1:7 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control built-in installation: the ultra-compact dimensions of the boiler, 770x470x238 mm, allow it to be installed in the majority of boxes on the market; recessed telescopic fittings kit available as an accessory predisposition for combination with the Baxi integrated solar system connection to Ø50 mm rigid and flexible drain pipe - for mod. 24 kW total length (exhaust+intake) 40 metres: solution for renovating flues and in case of replacement of a natural draft boiler with a condensing boiler With Luna Air it is possible to create three different installations: suspended installation in partially protected places; open-air wall-hung installation with cover kit; recessed installation with containment box Product Guarantee : All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this product is 24 months from the date of purchase
Technical features Internal Unit Catalog Code: JSGNW25 External Unit Catalog Code: LSGT25-S Power : 9000 Btu Wi-Fi Optional ( Air Connect ) Energy efficiency SEER: 6.5 SCOP : 4.2 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Performance Cooling Capacity: 2.55 kW Heating Capacity: 2.65 kW Cooling absorption: 0.78 kW Heating absorption: 0.66 kW Internal Unit Air Flow : 600 m 3 /h Outdoor Unit Air Flow : 1800 m 3 /h Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 53 dB(A) External Unit Sound Power Level: 60 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Maximum piping length: 20 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 10 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 792x292x201 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8 Kg Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 720x540x260 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 27 Kg BAXI Astra New matt white and modern design Totally new, minimal and elegant design with matte white surfaces. The front panel has a strongly vertical cut which makes the design harmonious and exclusive. Structure of the new Baxi Astra Bottom bindings It is possible to mount the indoor unit on the wall before connecting the pipes, without having to disassemble the entire casing; there is also no need to tilt the unit to make connections. This reduces installation times. fins Baxi Astra is equipped with a double series of vertical and horizontal fins, with leaf-shaped fins for uniform air distribution. Knobs instead of locking screws Instead of the traditional screws, there are closing knobs for disassembling the plastic casing Full climate control Easy and intuitive comfort management Comfort management takes place locally thanks to the remote control with liquid crystal display supplied as standard and complete with double keyboard with quick menu on the surface. Wealth of exploitable functions Smart comfort with Air Connect comfort at your smartphone's reach The Air Connect App and the WI-FI module allow you to remotely control Baxi Astra air conditioners. The WI-FI module of the Baxi Astra range consists of a Plug & Play USB device that is extremely simple to install. Air Connect is the application that allows you to have full control of the temperature and comfort of your home, at any time and from wherever you are. For the Baxi Astra range, the WI-FI module is available as an accessory. Therefore, after installing the WI-FI module and downloading the App, it is possible to communicate with your Baxi air conditioner directly from Smartphone and Tablet devices (iOs and Android). With a simple touch you can: turn on/off the air conditioner, set the operating mode, fan speed, vertical and horizontal oscillation of the louvers, active functions, timers, etc. Air Connect means practicality and ease of use: No visual impact: the WI-FI module is inserted in the special housing behind the front panel of the air conditioner Easy and intuitive time programming that allows the combination of comfort and high energy savings Possibility of controlling multiple appliances with the same App, in the case of Multi Split air conditioners (Dual Split, Trial Split, etc.) equipped with the WI-FI module Presence of all remote control functions directly on your device, such as: Turbo, Sleep, iClean, etc WI-FI module packaging The package contains: physical WI-FI module, manual and warranty certificate Terms of use This application is able to manage more than one device (air conditioner) as long as they are Baxi air conditioners, equipped with the appropriate WI-FI module. Cutting edge technology The DC inverter technology, managing the air supply according to the real needs of the environment, guarantees the optimization of consumption and the reduction of noise thanks to: Internal DC fan External DC fan DC compressor Machine controller The best synthesis between functionality and performance Silent Baxi Astra air conditioners are designed for extremely silent operation (up to max 20 dBA) to ensure quality comfort in the environment where we stay. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Gas water heater BAXI mod. ACQUAPROJET+ BLUE 14 Fi Low NOx Complete With Methane Fume Exhaust Kit - NEW Product code: A7702857 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Energy efficiency Class A Load profile L Technical specifications Sealed chamber models Electronic ignition with cable Max thermal power kW: 23.9 Hot water production ∆T=25°C l/min: 14 Supply voltage V 230 Degree of protection IPX5D Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 615x385x222; 15 Kgs Power supply: methane ACQUAPROJET Blue Baxi offers a new range of instantaneous gas water heaters, designed to guarantee, in compact dimensions, high sanitary comfort, savings and ease of use. Characteristics: NOx emissions base: class 6 according to EN 15502 (mod. Acquaprojet Blue) electronic ignition with cable linear electronic modulation of power electronic control of the water temperature with NTC probe minimum ignition flow rate 2 l/min digital control panel with LCD display and temperature display LPG conversion kit available as an option operation with Ø60 mm exhaust pipe: solution for restoring flues The Acquaprojet Blue sealed chamber water heaters are equipped with a dashboard with a simple design and an LCD display that allows you to view the set temperature and any anomaly/fault. With a simple touch on the button, located in the center of the panel, you can turn the appliance on/off and the knob allows you to adjust the water temperature. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. LPG OPERATION THROUGH ADJUSTMENT BY AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER. FOR INFO, CONTACT BAXI ASSISTANCE IN ADVANCE Technical features ErP energy efficiency class (heating and DHW): A Load profile: XL DHW nominal heat input kW 24.7 Heating nominal heat input kW 20.6 Sanitary nominal thermal power kW 24 Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Efficiency at 100% Pn (80-60°C): 97.7% Efficiency at 100% Pn (50-30°C): 105.8% Expansion/pre-charge vessel capacity l/bar 7.5/0.8 Sanitary water temperature adjustment °C 35-60 Boiler capacity 40 l Boiler expansion vessel capacity/pre-charge l/bar 2/2.5 Sanitary water production ∆T 25°C l/min 13.8 Sanitary water production at discharge ∆T 30°C (1) l/30' 385 Degree of protection: IPX5D NOx class (EN 483) 5 Dimensions (hxlxp): 950x600x466 mm ; 62 kgs Power supply: CNG or LPG Cloud Duo-Tec+ Digital control panel The Duo-tec E range of boilers is equipped with a new digital control panel with an even more backlit LCD display, clearer and simpler to use thanks to dedicated and independent keys for regulating the temperature of the domestic hot water and of the heating. The display allows you to view all the information and set the operating parameters in an intuitive and immediate way. Efficiency and savings Wide modulation range: greater efficiency given by fewer starts and stops: with a high modulation ratio, the reduction of the continuous on/off cycles leads to a significant reduction in consumption (by 8-10%) and an equal reduction in polluting emissions adaptation of the thermal power produced to the power dissipated thus avoiding excessive overheating / cooling of the premises GAC Gas Adaptive Control It is an innovative system which, thanks to a new control electronics and a new electronic gas valve, guarantees automatic control of combustion to constantly maintain maximum efficiency values. Advantages: there are no manual interventions – reduced measurements, calibrations with this system, the boiler self-adapts to the quality of the gas (methane) and to the length of the flue gas pipes, keeping the efficiency constant the boiler also constantly regulates itself to maintain the maximum efficiency values, favoring a reduction in gas consumption and generating less pollution thanks to the continuous control of emissions. Fully modulating pump with de-aeration The circulation pump can operate at maximum speed, minimum speed or in "automatic" mode: in the latter case, the speed (min./max) will be selected so that the delivery/return ∆T in heating remains constant at 20 °C thus ensuring a significant reduction in pump consumption and, given the lower mechanical stresses (compared to a pump that always runs at maximum speed), also in maintenance costs. During the first ignition phase, we recommend activating the automatic de-aeration function. This function eliminates the presence of air in the heating circuit and therefore avoids any blockages of the boiler, overheating of the system, etc. Guidelines in case of replacement of a conventional boiler with a new condensing one There are two main problems that can be encountered: Flues and smoke exhaust duct Condensate drain To overcome the above, Baxi recommends: the use of a Ø50 mm exhaust pipe Baxi has in fact developed a system that allows easy ducting in existing flues (for 24kW models). For condensing boilers, the novelty is brought about by the low temperatures of the fumes which allow the use of specific plastic materials; however, in the presence of existing 316 stainless steel flues, installed correctly and with gaskets suitable for receiving damp fumes, there are no problems and they can easily be reconnected to the new boilers while it is absolutely not compliant with the use of aluminum flues or smoke pipes . In fact, aluminum is a metal that is not resistant to the acid condensates present in the fumes. (*) Each Ø50 mm diameter bend decreases the length of the drain by 4m the use of the condensate drain pump Baxi has designed this kit to collect the condensate produced by condensing boilers for domestic use: the pump allows the creation of condensate drainage systems in the absence of natural drainage near the boiler. The operation of condensing boilers determines the formation of condensate, due to the principle of condensation. This water therefore needs to be disposed of through special drains. If there is no adequate slope and therefore it is not possible to dispose of the condensate by gravity, it is necessary to install a pump that conveys it towards the drains. The pumps used are also equipped with special non-return valves to avoid bacterial contamination due to any stagnation and return of the waste water. The use of buildings avoiding the use of annoying pipes. Characteristics : Wide modulation range 1:7 greater efficiency and silence GAC (gas adaptive control): automatic combustion control Up to 500 l of hot water in 30 minutes (ΔT 30°C) 40 l stainless steel kettle Digital control panel with large backlit LCD display Compatibility with the Baxi Mago (optional accessory) for remote boiler control DHW expansion vessel available as STANDARD (for 33 kW mod.) and as an accessory (for 24 kW mod.) Connection to rigid and flexible Ø50 mm exhaust pipe: solution for restoring flues - mod. 24 kW total length 40 meters (intake+exhaust) STANDARD installation kit (gas cock / DHW inlet / telescopic fittings) hydraulic system Electric three-way diverter valve Pre-mix burner in stainless steel Flue water exchanger in stainless steel Stainless steel kettle Modulating fan with electronic speed variation Automatic by-pass High efficiency circulation pump with total modulation Pump anti-blocking system and three-way valve which intervenes every 24 hours Heating circuit safety valve at 3 bar 8 bar boiler safety valve Sanitary expansion vessel (2 litres) standard for mod. 33 GA VES Sanitary recirculation arrangement Thermoregulation system Standard climate control (with external probe available as an option) Arrangement for connection to a zone system Control system Safety thermostat against overheating of the water/fumes exchanger Hydraulic pressure switch which blocks the gas in case of water shortage Safety thermostat against fume overheating Temperature control using NTC probes Anti-legionella function Total antifreeze device Electronic thermometer Heating circuit digital pressure gauge Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Caratteristiche tecniche Codice prodotto : 7104336 Compatibilità caldaie Luna Nuvola Duo-Tec+ Duo-Tec E Duo-Tec Compact+ Duo-Tec Compact E Termostato modulante Baxi Una volta impostato il termostato modulante lo strumento si adopera per mantenere la temperatura sempre costante, tuttavia per farlo tiene conto anche della rapidità con cui si raggiunge la temperatura desiderata, andando a modulare la temperatura di mandata della caldaia. Funzioni Regolazione della temperatura Temperatura del locale desiderata Temperatura sanitaria Indicazione della temperatura ambiente Temperatura del locale ridotta Modo di funzionamento in riscaldamento (OFF , Ridotto , Comfort , Auto) Modo di funzionamento in sanitario (ON/OFF) Data e ora Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.