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Unical Caldaia a Condensazione Unical KON B 28 Metano Low NOx Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi
Caratteristiche teniche Modello : KON B 28 Alimentazione : Metano Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza stagionale in riscaldamento : A Classe di efficienza stagionale in sanitario : B Profilo di carico : XL Performance Potenza utile minima : 4,56 kW Potenza utile nominale : 28,50 kW Portata termica minima : 4,40 kW Portata termica massima : 28,00 kW Potenza massima assorbita : 86 W Rendimento utile al 30% del carico : 108,5 % Temperatura di funzionamento in riscaldamento : 30° ~ 85° C Temperatura regolabile in sanitario : 25° ~ 65° C Produzione di A.C.S miscelata con Δt 25 : 16 l/min Classe di rendimento : ★★★★ Classe di NOx : 5 Grado di protezione : IP X4D Emissioni di ossido di azoto NOx : 58 mg/kwh Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (AxLxP) mm 900x680x486 Peso : 70,5 Kg Accessori di serie La caldaia viene fornita completa di: Dima predisposizione attacchi in lamiera, ordinabile anche separatamente (cod. 00363171) N° 1 circolatore modulante N° 4 tasselli per fissaggio caldaia Vaso di espansione del circuito sanitario di 3 litri (montato) KON B La nuova forma del comfort Raffinata caldaia murale a condensazione, KON B, offre una nuova forma del comfort. Nel suo DNA ha la piattaforma tecnologica KON, integrata all’“accumulo” da 60 litri superfast, in acciaio INOX AISI 316 L. È concepita per garantire docce confortevoli con erogazione a temperatura costante e per lungo tempo, senza risentire di “variazioni” causate dall’inserimento di altre utenze. Con l’accumulo a 70°C si dispone di ben 50 litri di acqua ad alta temperatura, miscelabili con acqua fredda, che forniscono oltre 195 litri nei primi 10 minuti con Δt 25K. L’erogazione dopo la scarica del bollitore prosegue per mantenersi a 45°C costanti nel tempo. L’utente potrà scegliere ovviamente la temperatura di consegna mediante il comando a bordo del pannello. La preparazione del bollitore avviene in circa 10 minuti da freddo e la ricarica, a partire da 45°C, in meno di 6 minuti. Il sistema di priorità sanitaria si basa sul pluritestato complesso con valvola a 3 vie elettrica. Un binomio hardware e software effi cientissimo, che consente il funzionamento in alta e bassa temperatura a priorità differenziate, abbinata all’eccellente gruppo scambiatore-condensatore premix, fornisce velocità di messa a regime dell’impianto di riscaldamento ed elevatissimo risparmio. Particolare attenzione è stata posta inoltre, alla riduzione delle emissioni sonore nonché all’isolamento del bollitore per evitare inutili dispersioni. KON B, la protagonista firmata Unical. Risparmio con lo scambiatore primario esclusivo in Al/Si/MgKON B impiega, come tutti i prodotti di ”Scuola Unical” un originale scambiatore primario. È realizzato in una speciale lega di Alluminio/Silicio/Magnesio che ne assicura effi cienza e resistenza tanto che è garantito da Unical ben 5 anni. Grazie alla confi gurazione di scambio termico interno si raggiungono rendimenti fi no al 108,2% (ex dir. 92/42) in regime di condensazione, che signifi cano per l’utente grande risparmio economico e ridottissimo impatto ambientale, per il miglior sfruttamento del combustibile.Ampia modulazione di potenza Questa dote permette di determinare, grazie al termostato e ai sensori di bordo, la giusta potenza istantanea necessaria, riducendo i fenomeni di on-off responsabili degli elevati consumi. L’omologazione in banda di potenza (Range Rated) dà l’opportunità di fi ssare la potenza erogata adeguandola all’esigenza dell’impianto. Il sistema “ANTIFAST” riduce ulteriormente i cicli di accensione e spegnimento ottimizzando rese e costi. Si tratta di un ritardatore elettronico di accensione che interviene dopo lo spegnimento della caldaia per raggiunta temperatura. Vantaggi: Rapidità di messa a regime all’accensione. Riduzione dei cicli on-off con diminuzione dei consumi e dell’usura dei componenti. Bruciatore premix modulante A controllo elettropneumatico e a rapporto di combustione costante, il bruciatore tipo “Flat” assicura lunga durata grazie alle basse sollecitazioni termiche e meccaniche ed all’inalterabilità fi sica del tessuto in fi bra FeCrAlloy, oltre ad una propagazione ideale del calore per irraggiamento grazie alla sua struttura capace di sviluppare una fi amma particolarmente morbida e luminosa. Lo sblocco “Quick release” sia della piastra superiore che del fondo dello scambiatore, permette la rimozione completa del sistema di combustione assieme all’ampiamente collaudato ed aggiornato complesso di elettronica e sistema di premiscelazione. L’elettrovalvola gas pneumatica ed il ventilatore, entrambi modulanti, si distinguono per il limitato ingombro. Vantaggi: compattezza e ridotta emissione acustica ampio range di modulazione 1:6,3 assoluta sicurezza d’esercizio per l’assenza di turbolenze La valvola è progettata per compensare le fluttuazioni di pressione del gas presenti nelle reti nonché stabilizzare la pressione di alimentazione indipendentemente dalla pressione di aspirazione generata dal ventilatore del premix. Facilmente regolabile, assicura una accurata miscela di combustione aria/gas (Low NOx) per garantire elevati tenori di CO2 e favorire la condensazione. Circolatore modulante al alta efficienza con disareatore Rappresenta lo stato dell’arte nello standard dell’alta effi cienza. In linea con la direttiva ErP del 2015, con meno di 1W di consumo in stand-by e soli 45W in funzionamento al massimo, grazie all’ampia capacità di modulazione, in base alla richiesta del termostato ambiente e alle temperature rilevate dai sensori posti in mandata/ritorno, dosa automaticamente la potenza della caldaia alle esigenze dell’impianto. Nella preparazione del bollitore di acqua sanitaria concorre positivamente a velocizzare i tempi e a ridurre gli on/off del bruciatore. Particolarmente silenzioso e compatto, si integra perfettamente con la valvola di sicurezza, il by-pass regolabile ed il rubinetto di scarico. Dentro al bollitore Capacità di 60 litri di accumulo, completamente flangiato, facilmente ispezionabile e coibentato in polistirolo autoestinguente. Acciaio INOX AISI 316 L Disposizione del serpentino acqua-acqua in 2 spirali concentriche estraibili disposte nella parte inferiore del bollitore. Si ottiene così il massimo scambio termico con l’acqua fredda in ingresso, che viene iniettata da uno speciale rompi flusso il quale riduce la turbolenza nella zona superiore ove avviene il prelievo di acqua calda Lunghezza del serpentino primario: 13 metri Superfi cie di scambio: 0,85 m2 Tempo di caricamento da 12 a 74°C: 10 minuti circa Rubinetto di svuotamento Efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua ηwh pari al 68,1% secondo la dir. Erp, che ne fa un bollitore in grado di sostenere impegnativi ed intensivi prelievi anche protratti nel tempo. L’anodo di magnesio preserva dalle correnti parassite l’integrità del bollitore e ne conferma la garanzia di 5 anni. Acqua sana grazie all’antilegionella: l’utilissimo programma elettronico automatico prevede, ogni 186 ore, un ciclo ad alta temperatura (70°) che “sterilizza” il bollitore impedendo qualsiasi proliferazione batterica. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Unical Unical Kon M C28 Kw LPG Condensing Gas Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp
UNICAL KON M C28 kW CONDENSING COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ErP Model: KONm 24C Energy efficiency: Seasonal efficiency class for heating A Declared load profile: XL Sanitary seasonal efficiency class: A Technical data: Nominal useful power in condensing 28.9 Seasonal heating energy efficiency ambient ηs 93% Useful thermal power in high temperature regime. (Tr 60 °C / tm 80 °C) 15.8 kW Efficiency at nominal thermal power in high temperature regime (Tr 60 °C / Tm 80 °C) : 88.4% Useful power at 30% of nominal thermal power in low temperature regime (Tr 30 °C): 5.3 kW Domestic hot water specific flow rate (Dt 30 °C) ''D'' 13.0 DHW production in cont. Dt 25 K (mixed) -/15.5 IP X5D degree of protection NOx class: 6 Dimensions (HxWxD): 700x420x345 mm; 36.5kg KONm KONm the latest generation of domestic condensing boilers by Unical, available in the version: combined instantaneous heating only that can be combined with the DSP 110 stainless steel boiler. KONm presents all the "Quality Stars" to satisfy every need: Exceptional modulation ratio up to 1:8 Efficiency >107% (ex dir. CE 92/42) Primary exchanger in ultra-flat Al/Si/Mg Electronics with HWS “Hot Water Speed” function (vers. C) Low NOx (class 5 according to EN 297 and EN 483) thanks to the modulating premix burner Production of hot water up to 13.3 l/min Δt 25 with special 12-plate (mod. 24 C) and 16-plate (mod. 28/35 C) stainless steel exchanger “Pit stop” maintenance Simple and intuitive control panel Prepared for future applications in systems and suitable for meeting the requirements of the new installation standards High efficiency modulating circulator Managing 2 zones with 2 KON m thermostats is versatile. Ideal for all systems, thanks to the electronics that allow you to manage 2 heating zones at different temperatures (high for radiators and fan-coils, low for radiant panel systems) by controlling them with dedicated modulating and on-off thermostats Anti-overheating post-circulation of 15 seconds, it maintains the thermal equilibrium between delivery and return, even after intense DHW withdrawals, while in heating, with a duration of 5 minutes, it allows all residual thermal inertia to be disposed of. Sliding temperature operation for maximum running economy Antifreeze protection intervenes at 5°C and is activated in both DHW and heating, bringing the temperature in the boiler to 15°C. The risk of KON m freezing if low temperatures persist in the room where it is installed is avoided. If there is a lack of gas, the lockout signal will appear on the display. Pump anti-blocking prevents blocking of the pump following long stops thanks to an automatic 5-second impulse that the electronics sends to the motor every 24 hours of stop. Chimney sweep function adjustment of combustion easier than ever. Pressing the release button for more than 5 seconds to obtain operation at minimum or maximum power for 15 minutes, for an accurate analysis of the combustion. Strengthened by the company's constructive synergies, KONm summarizes some aspects of the high-end series such as the primary heat exchanger in Al/Si/Mg with low water content by "Scuola Unical", the original rapid inspection mechanism of the vital parts of the combustion together with the extensively tested but updated complex of electronics and electro-pneumatic control pre-mixing system already in use on other ranges. A sober answer with high technological content "ErP Ready", ideal for the consumer who approaches technologies with high energy recovery and for the installer who requires simple but not trivial solutions in plant replacement or in new buildings with low environmental impact . KONm is signed by Unical. Exclusive exchanger in Al/Si/Mg It is made of a special Aluminium/Silicon/Magnesium alloy which ensures efficiency and resistance, so much so that it is guaranteed by Unical for 5 years. Thanks to the internal heat exchange configuration, efficiencies of over 107% are achieved in condensing mode, which means great economic savings and very low environmental impact for the user. The 28-35 versions are adequately oversized Modulating circulator with deaerator It represents the state of the art in the high efficiency standard. In line with the 2015 ErP directive, with less than 1 W consumption in stand-by and only 45 W in maximum operation, thanks to the wide modulation capacity, based on the request of the room thermostat and the temperatures detected by the sensors placed in delivery/return, it automatically doses the power of the boiler to the needs of the system. Particularly silent and compact, it integrates with the safety valve, the by-pass and the drain cock. “Quick release” condensate drain manifold Fan and electro-pneumatic gas valve The pre-mixing unit made up of a pneumatic gas solenoid valve and modulating fan stands out for its limited overall dimensions. Advantages: compactness and silence wide 1:8 modulation range absolute operating safety due to the absence of turbulence low thermal and mechanical stresses, therefore long life, thanks to the inalterability. The valve is designed to compensate for gas pressure fl uctuations present in networks as well as to stabilize the supply pressure independently of the suction pressure generated by the premix fan. The 28/35 version is equipped with a silenced air intake to improve acoustic performance and also with a larger air intake manifold. Easily adjustable, it ensures an accurate air/gas combustion mixture to ensure high CO2 levels and favor condensation with very low CO and NOx levels. In summary, the monoblock lends itself to easy maintenance and accessibility Exchanger cleaning 1 minute and 46 seconds! KONm is the result of the experience of the Service and market suggestions, from which the Unical design staff has synthesized a technological complex that can be easily assembled and quickly disassembled. Intuitive controls The on-board electronic panel will feel immediately familiar. Last but not least: all wiring and intervention operations are facilitated by the vertical tilting system. The multifunction LCD display, with timed backlighting, allows: Reading of the temperatures in heating and DHW Display of blockage due to lack of fl ame Operating/stand-by status Diagnostics with signaling of 11 anomalies Knob: stand-by, mode selector and heating adjustment 30 - 85°C DHW adjustment knob 38 - 60°C Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Unical Unical KON M C28 Low NOx Methane Condensing Boiler Complete with Flue Gas Exhaust Kit
UNICAL KON M C28 kW CONDENSING COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ErP Model: KONm 24C Energy efficiency: Seasonal efficiency class for heating A Declared load profile: XL Sanitary seasonal efficiency class: A Technical data: Nominal useful power in condensing 28.9 Seasonal heating energy efficiency ambient ηs 93% Useful thermal power in high temperature regime. (Tr 60 °C / tm 80 °C) 15.8 kW Efficiency at nominal thermal power in high temperature regime (Tr 60 °C / Tm 80 °C) : 88.4% Useful power at 30% of nominal thermal power in low temperature regime (Tr 30 °C): 5.3 kW Domestic hot water specific flow rate (Dt 30 °C) ''D'' 13.0 DHW production in cont. Dt 25 K (mixed) -/15.5 IP X5D degree of protection NOx class: 6 Dimensions (HxWxD): 700x420x345mm; 36.5kg KONm KONm the latest generation of domestic condensing boilers by Unical, available in the version: combined instantaneous heating only that can be combined with the DSP 110 stainless steel boiler. KONm presents all the "Quality Stars" to satisfy every need: Exceptional modulation ratio up to 1:8 Efficiency >107% (ex dir. CE 92/42) Primary exchanger in ultra-flat Al/Si/Mg Electronics with HWS “Hot Water Speed” function (vers. C) Low NOx (class 5 according to EN 297 and EN 483) thanks to the modulating premix burner Production of hot water up to 13.3 l/min Δt 25 with special 12-plate (mod. 24 C) and 16-plate (mod. 28/35 C) stainless steel exchanger “Pit stop” maintenance Simple and intuitive control panel Prepared for future applications in systems and suitable for meeting the requirements of the new installation standards High efficiency modulating circulator Managing 2 zones with 2 KON m thermostats is versatile. Ideal for all systems, thanks to the electronics that allow you to manage 2 heating zones at different temperatures (high for radiators and fan-coils, low for radiant panel systems) by controlling them with dedicated modulating and on-off thermostats Anti-overheating post-circulation of 15 seconds, it maintains the thermal equilibrium between delivery and return, even after intense DHW withdrawals, while in heating, with a duration of 5 minutes, it allows all residual thermal inertia to be disposed of. Sliding temperature operation for maximum running economy Antifreeze protection intervenes at 5°C and is activated in both DHW and heating, bringing the temperature in the boiler to 15°C. The risk of KON m freezing if low temperatures persist in the room where it is installed is avoided. If there is a lack of gas, the lockout signal will appear on the display. Pump anti-blocking prevents blocking of the pump following long stops thanks to an automatic 5-second impulse that the electronics sends to the motor every 24 hours of stop. Chimney sweep function adjustment of combustion easier than ever. Pressing the release button for more than 5 seconds to obtain operation at minimum or maximum power for 15 minutes, for an accurate analysis of the combustion. Strengthened by the company's constructive synergies, KONm summarizes some aspects of the high-end series such as the primary heat exchanger in Al/Si/Mg with low water content by "Scuola Unical", the original rapid inspection mechanism of the vital parts of the combustion together with the extensively tested but updated complex of electronics and electro-pneumatic control pre-mixing system already in use on other ranges. A sober answer with high technological content "ErP Ready", ideal for the consumer who approaches technologies with high energy recovery and for the installer who requires simple but not trivial solutions in plant replacement or in new buildings with low environmental impact . KONm is signed by Unical. Exclusive exchanger in Al/Si/Mg It is made of a special Aluminium/Silicon/Magnesium alloy which ensures efficiency and resistance, so much so that it is guaranteed by Unical for 5 years. Thanks to the internal heat exchange configuration, efficiencies of over 107% are achieved in condensing mode, which means great economic savings and very low environmental impact for the user. The 28-35 versions are adequately oversized Modulating circulator with deaerator It represents the state of the art in the high efficiency standard. In line with the 2015 ErP directive, with less than 1 W consumption in stand-by and only 45 W in maximum operation, thanks to the wide modulation capacity, based on the request of the room thermostat and the temperatures detected by the sensors placed in delivery/return, it automatically doses the power of the boiler to the needs of the system. Particularly silent and compact, it integrates with the safety valve, the by-pass and the drain cock. “Quick release” condensate drain manifold Fan and electro-pneumatic gas valve The pre-mixing unit made up of a pneumatic gas solenoid valve and modulating fan stands out for its limited overall dimensions. Advantages: compactness and silence wide 1:8 modulation range absolute operating safety due to the absence of turbulence low thermal and mechanical stresses, therefore long life, thanks to the inalterability. The valve is designed to compensate for gas pressure fl uctuations present in networks as well as stabilize the supply pressure independently of the suction pressure generated by the premix fan. The 28/35 version is equipped with a silenced air intake to improve acoustic performance and also with a larger air intake manifold. Easily adjustable, it ensures an accurate air/gas combustion mixture to guarantee high CO2 levels and favor condensation with very low CO and NOx levels. In summary, the monoblock lends itself to easy maintenance and accessibility Exchanger cleaning 1 minute and 46 seconds! KONm is the result of the experience of the Service and market suggestions, from which the Unical design staff has synthesized a technological complex that can be easily assembled and quickly disassembled. Intuitive controls The on-board electronic panel will feel immediately familiar. Last but not least: all wiring and intervention operations are facilitated by the vertical tilting system. The multifunction LCD display, with timed backlighting, allows: Reading of the temperatures in heating and DHW Display of blockage due to lack of fl ame Operating/stand-by status Diagnostics with signaling of 11 anomalies Knob: stand-by, mode selector and heating adjustment 30 - 85°C DHW adjustment knob 38 - 60°C Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Unical Unical Kon E C28 Methane Low Nox Condensing Boiler Complete With Smoke Kit - New Erp
Unical KONe C28 Low NOx condensing boiler complete with flue kit - NEW ErP Model: KONe 28C Energy efficiency: Seasonal efficiency class for heating A Declared load profile: XL Sanitary seasonal efficiency class: A Technical data: Nominal useful power: 28.9kW Seasonal heating energy efficiency ambient ηs 93% Useful thermal power in high temperature regime. (Tr 60 °C / tm 80 °C): 15.8kW Efficiency at nominal thermal power in high temperature regime (Tr 60 °C / Tm 80 °C) η4: 88.4% Useful power at 30% of nominal thermal power in low temperature regime (Tr 30 °C): 5.3 kW Efficiency at 30% of nominal thermal power in low temperature regime (Tr 30 °C) η1: 97.5% Annual electricity consumption QHE GJ: 49 Heating energy efficiency. of water ηWH: 85% Daily fuel consumption Qfuel : 23.05 kWh Sound power level indoors Lwa db(A) 55.2 Annual electricity consumption AEC: 402 kWh Specific sanitary water flow rate (Dt 30 °C): 13 l/min DHW production in cont. Dt 25 K (mixed): 15.5 l/min Expansion vessel capacity: 10 l Heating circuit pressure (min-max): 0.5-3.0 bar DHW circuit pressure (min-max): 0.5-6.0 bar IP X5D degree of protection NOx class: 6 Dimensions (HxWxD): 700x420x345mm; 37kg KONe KONe is a wall-hung condensing boiler with very low polluting emissions, thus falling within the new Class 6, the most restrictive currently in force. It is available in instant combined version. KONe has all the "Quality Stars" to satisfy every need: Exceptional modulation ratio up to 1:8 Efficiency >107% (ex dir. CE 92/42) ηs 93% (EU regulation 813/2013 - dir. ERP 2009/125/CE) Energy class A Primary exchanger in ultra-flat Al/Si/Mg Electronics with HWS “Hot Water Speed” function (vers. C) Low NOx class 6 (according to EN 15502-1) thanks to the fully electronic modulating premix burner with constant combustion ratio (both gas valve and fan) Production of hot water up to 13.3 l/min Dt 25 with special 12-plate (mod. 24 C) and 16-plate (mod. 28/35 C) exchanger in AISI 316L stainless steel "Pit stop" maintenance for technical assistance interventions "Soft touch" control panel with "Upgradable" protective closure via USB connection for diagnostics/programming with computer or dedicated handheld tool High efficiency modulating circulator HWS "Hot Water Speed" is the special KONe electronics that switches from heating to DHW function with burner and pump always active, improving user comfort who does not have to wait for hot water Management of 2 zones with 2 thermostats (modulating/on -off) thanks to the electronics that allow you to manage 2 heating zones at different temperatures (high for radiators and fan-coils, low for radiant panel systems) Sliding temperature programmed to operate with the lowest possible delivery temperature to help save energy Anti-overheating post-circulation automatically after the burner goes out, the boiler keeps the pump running for 5 minutes, preserving the components Chimney sweep function allows maintenance technicians to carry out the checks required by current standards in terms of efficiency and emissions Pump anti-blocking the blocking of the pump following long stops is avoided thanks to an automatic impulse of 5 sec. Everything like in a “Sim Card” All the operating characteristics of the boiler are memorized inside a SIM. The Unical Assistance Center is equipped with a handheld instrument with a 3" touchscreen that can be connected directly to KONe to develop the monitoring activity by speeding up the intervention times for solving any problems: data acquisition for a computer analysis monitoring in real-time operating parameters even remotely (from the office or PDA) management of "faults-history" “Pit stop” maintenance in less than 2 minutes KONe is the result of the experience of the Service and market suggestions, from which the Unical design staff has synthesized a technological complex that can be easily assembled and quickly disassembled. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Unical Unical Kon1 28c Kw Methane Or LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit Various Colors Available - New Erp
Unical KON1 28C kW Methane or LPG Condensing Boiler Complete with Fume Exhaust Kit, various colors available - NEW ErP Energy efficiency: Seasonal efficiency class for heating A Declared load profile: XL Sanitary seasonal efficiency class: A Technical data: Nominal useful power: 28.9 kW Seasonal heating energy efficiency ambient ηs 93% Useful thermal power in high temperature regime. (Tr 60 °C / tm 80 °C): 15.8 kW Efficiency at nominal thermal power in high temperature regime (Tr 60 °C / Tm 80 °C) η4: 88% Useful power at 30% of nominal heat output in low temperature regime (Tr 30 °C) P1 kW: 5.3 kW Efficiency at 30% of nominal thermal power in low temperature regime (Tr 30 °C) η1: 97.9% Annual electricity consumption QHE GJ: 49 Heating energy efficiency. of water ηWH: 85% Daily fuel consumption Qfuel : 23.05 kWh Sound power level indoors Lwa dB(A) 55.2 Annual electricity consumption AEC: 402 kWh DHW production in cont. Dt 25 K (mixed): 15.5 l/min Expansion vessel capacity: 10 l Heating circuit pressure (min-max): 0.5-3.0 bar DHW circuit pressure (min-max): 0.5-6.0 bar IP X5D degree of protection NOx class: 6 Dimensions (HxWxD): 810x450x345 mm; 41kg Gas transformation kit inside documentation envelope. KON1 KON1 is the latest among the "furnishing boilers" that Unical presents in synergy with the ArtÙ Design Studio. Soft lines and an elegant front, available in different colours, enclose a latest generation condensing boiler running on methane or LPG, with instantaneous hot water production up to 18 l/min. KON1 can also be installed with a completely hidden flue system. The range includes 3 powers: 24, 28 and 35 kW. The exclusive Unical system of both hydraulic connections and the totally disappearing smoke outlet, allows an elegant installation and integration of KON1 in both modern and classic environments, avoiding unsightly exposed pipes. HWS “Hot Water Speed” is the new electronics of KON1 which switches from heating to DHW function with burner and pump always active, considerably improving the comfort of the user who does not have to wait for hot water. Secondary exchanger In AISI 316L stainless steel - with 12 plates (mod. 24) - with 16 plates (mod. 28 and 35) Particularly efficient because it is suitable for condensing boilers by exploiting their low temperature. Its "ecological" project is distinguished by a new design of the plates which allows for the transfer of a greater quantity of heat by making the most of the characteristics of stainless steel. Outstanding modulation ratio up to 1:8 Efficiency >107% (ex dir. CE 92/42) ηs 93% (EU regulation 813/2013 - dir. ERP 2009/125/CE) Energy class A Primary exchanger in ultra-flat Al/Si/Mg Electronics with HWS “Hot Water Speed” function Low NOx class 6 (according to EN 15502-1) thanks to the modulating premix burner Hot water production up to 18.3 l/min Dt 25 with special heat exchanger Management of 2 temperature zones (high/low) by applying a second on/off thermostat "Pit stop" maintenance and convenient internal control panel for technical assistance interventions EASYr : remote control (standard) with chronothermostat functions, applicable wirelessly to the wall or free-standing with support High efficiency modulating circulator Prepared for future applications in systems and suitable to meet the requirements of the new installation standards No controls visible on the boiler, but EASYr (standard) which, without wires, performs the dual function of chronothermostat and remote control inside the home. Two-way radio frequency communications; Operating parameters control; Weekly programming; Room antifreeze function; Can be combined with external probe; Applicable to the wall or free-standing with support Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.