icon Trial Split Wall Air Conditioners | CaldaieMurali

Trial Split Wall Air Conditioners

Discover the efficiency and elegance of trial split wall mounted air conditioners. Precise temperature control and modern design for maximum comfort in every room. Buy today!

14 products

  • immagine-1-ariston-climatizzatore-condizionatore-ariston-trial-split-inverter-serie-prios-91212-con-trial-80-xd0c-o-r-32-wi-fi-optional-90001200012000

    Ariston Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter serie PRIOS 9+12+12 con TRIAL 80 XD0C-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+12000+12000

    Caratteristiche tecniche   Unità interne 1) Modello Modello : PRIOS R32 25 UD0-I Codice catalogo unità interna : 1x 3381254 Potenza : 9000 Btu Aria trattata : 587 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 52 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 23~36 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni unità interna (LxPxA) : 805x194x285 mm Peso unità interna : 7,5 Kg Wi-Fi optional : 3381359 2) Modello Modello : PRIOS R32 35 UD0-I Codice catalogo unità interna : 2x 3381255 Potenza : 12000 Btu Aria trattata : 527 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 53 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 22~39 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni unità interna (LxPxA) : 805x194x285 mm Peso unità interna : 7,5 Kg Wi-Fi optional : 3381359 Unità esterna Modello : TRIAL 80 XD0C-O Codice catalogo unità esterna : 3381525 Numero di unità interne collegabili : Fino a 3 unità interne Efficienza energetica SEER : 6,1 SCOP : 4,0 Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 453 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 1960 kWh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 7,91 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 8,20 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 2,45 kW  Assorbimento riscaldamento: 2,21 kW Livello potenza sonora : 68 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 58 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V/Hz/Ø) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito:- Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 50° C- Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 30° C Dati installativi Diametro tubi liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x3 Diametro tubi gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x3 Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 60 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna ed unità esterna : 10 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità esterna (LxPxA) : 890x342x673 mm Peso unità esterna : 48,0 Kg Ariston PRIOS R-32 Il design elegante e compatto dell'unità Prios R-32 si adatta perfettamente a qualsiasi ambiente interno, garantendo un'installazione discreta e armoniosa. Grazie alla tecnologia inverter, questo climatizzatore offre una regolazione precisa della temperatura, riducendo i consumi energetici e mantenendo un funzionamento silenzioso. Le tecnologie Ariston ottimizzano il funzionamento dei prodotti per ridurre quanto possibile il consumo di energia e le emissioni, sempre in anticipo sui tempi rispetto ai regolamenti europei. Ogni singolo componente è sviluppato allo scopo di garantire prestazioni di lunga durata ed elevata efficienza, con la garanzia del marchio Ariston. È rigorosamente testato in termini di qualità, efficienza e sicurezza prima di essere consegnato, con risultati superiori garantiti. Materiali forti e super resistenti, componenti e prodotti sviluppati per funzionare in condizioni estreme per fornire risultati ad alto livello con la massima durata. La manutenzione semplificata e l'affidabilità dei materiali rendono l'unità interna Ariston Prios R-32 una scelta ideale per chi cerca una soluzione di climatizzazione efficiente, sostenibile e di alta qualità Il clima perfetto, sempre ai tuoi comandi Le funzionalità smart, accessibili tramite app mobile, permettono un controllo remoto intuitivo e una gestione personalizzata del clima, assicurando un comfort ottimale in ogni momento. Grazie al nuovo accessorio 3381359 specifico per il climatizzatore PRIOS R32, il clima perfetto Ariston non conosce davvero confini. Controllo totale del clima in mobilità e a casa "Ariston Clima", l'app dedicata per smartphone e tablet Il nuovo kit è composto da una sola chiavetta USB che deve essere semplicemente collegata alla scheda display. Terminata l’installazione non resta che configurare l' App ARISTON CLIMA per avere il clima perfetto sempre ai tuoi comandi. Gas refrigerante R-32 Il Gas refrigerante R-32, con un GWP pari a 675 e con le sue minori emissioni di CO2, garantisce un basso impatto ambientale. Inoltre grazie alle sue caratteristiche il quantitativo di gas da caricare nella macchina è inferiore rispetto ad altri refrigeranti Memory Questa funzione permette di impostare e memorizzare sia la temperatura che la velocità della ventola (anche la funzione sleep se attivata) per garantire maggior comfort alla successiva accensione. Auto pulente La funzione Auto-Pulente inverte il senso di rotazione della ventola nell’unità esterna. Questa inversione del flusso d’aria ripulisce lo scambiatore esterno dalle impurità, garantendo una migliore manutenzione ed efficienza dell’intero impianto. Follow me Con la funzione Follow Me è possibile un controllo più puntuale della temperatura. Con il telecomando, inviando un segnale al condizionatore, è possibile regolare perfettamente la temperatura desiderata nel punto esatto dell’ambiente in cui si trova il telecomando. 12 velocità Ariston Prios dispone di 12 velocità in tutto: tre velocità impostabili oltre ai tre sottolivelli e alle velocità delle funzioni deumidificatore, turbo e silence Filtro antiodore L'unità è dotata di un sistema di filtraggio avanzato che purifica l'aria, rimuovendo particelle di polvere, allergeni e altre impurità, migliorando la qualità dell'aria. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-ariston-climatizzatore-condizionatore-ariston-trial-split-inverter-serie-prios-999-con-trial-80-xd0c-o-r-32-wi-fi-optional-900090009000

    Ariston Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter serie PRIOS 9+9+9 con TRIAL 80 XD0C-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+9000

    Caratteristiche tecniche   Unità interne Modello : PRIOS R32 25 UD0-I Codice catalogo unità interna : 3x 3381254 Potenza : 9000 Btu Aria trattata : 587 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 52 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 23~36 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni unità interna (LxPxA) : 805x194x285 mm Peso unità interna : 7,5 Kg Wi-Fi optional : 3381359 Unità esterna Modello : TRIAL 80 XD0C-O Codice catalogo unità esterna : 3381525 Numero di unità interne collegabili : Fino a 3 unità interne Efficienza energetica SEER : 6,1 SCOP : 4,0 Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 453 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 1960 kWh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 7,91 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 8,20 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 2,45 kW  Assorbimento riscaldamento: 2,21 kW Livello potenza sonora : 68 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 58 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V/Hz/Ø) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito:- Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 50° C- Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 30° C Dati installativi Diametro tubi liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x3 Diametro tubi gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x3 Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 60 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna ed unità esterna : 10 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità esterna (LxPxA) : 890x342x673 mm Peso unità esterna : 48,0 Kg Ariston PRIOS R-32 Il design elegante e compatto dell'unità Prios R-32 si adatta perfettamente a qualsiasi ambiente interno, garantendo un'installazione discreta e armoniosa. Grazie alla tecnologia inverter, questo climatizzatore offre una regolazione precisa della temperatura, riducendo i consumi energetici e mantenendo un funzionamento silenzioso. Le tecnologie Ariston ottimizzano il funzionamento dei prodotti per ridurre quanto possibile il consumo di energia e le emissioni, sempre in anticipo sui tempi rispetto ai regolamenti europei. Ogni singolo componente è sviluppato allo scopo di garantire prestazioni di lunga durata ed elevata efficienza, con la garanzia del marchio Ariston. È rigorosamente testato in termini di qualità, efficienza e sicurezza prima di essere consegnato, con risultati superiori garantiti. Materiali forti e super resistenti, componenti e prodotti sviluppati per funzionare in condizioni estreme per fornire risultati ad alto livello con la massima durata. La manutenzione semplificata e l'affidabilità dei materiali rendono l'unità interna Ariston Prios R-32 una scelta ideale per chi cerca una soluzione di climatizzazione efficiente, sostenibile e di alta qualità Il clima perfetto, sempre ai tuoi comandi Le funzionalità smart, accessibili tramite app mobile, permettono un controllo remoto intuitivo e una gestione personalizzata del clima, assicurando un comfort ottimale in ogni momento. Grazie al nuovo accessorio 3381359 specifico per il climatizzatore PRIOS R32, il clima perfetto Ariston non conosce davvero confini. Controllo totale del clima in mobilità e a casa "Ariston Clima", l'app dedicata per smartphone e tablet Il nuovo kit è composto da una sola chiavetta USB che deve essere semplicemente collegata alla scheda display. Terminata l’installazione non resta che configurare l' App ARISTON CLIMA per avere il clima perfetto sempre ai tuoi comandi. Gas refrigerante R-32 Il Gas refrigerante R-32, con un GWP pari a 675 e con le sue minori emissioni di CO2, garantisce un basso impatto ambientale. Inoltre grazie alle sue caratteristiche il quantitativo di gas da caricare nella macchina è inferiore rispetto ad altri refrigeranti Memory Questa funzione permette di impostare e memorizzare sia la temperatura che la velocità della ventola (anche la funzione sleep se attivata) per garantire maggior comfort alla successiva accensione. Auto pulente La funzione Auto-Pulente inverte il senso di rotazione della ventola nell’unità esterna. Questa inversione del flusso d’aria ripulisce lo scambiatore esterno dalle impurità, garantendo una migliore manutenzione ed efficienza dell’intero impianto. Follow me Con la funzione Follow Me è possibile un controllo più puntuale della temperatura. Con il telecomando, inviando un segnale al condizionatore, è possibile regolare perfettamente la temperatura desiderata nel punto esatto dell’ambiente in cui si trova il telecomando. 12 velocità Ariston Prios dispone di 12 velocità in tutto: tre velocità impostabili oltre ai tre sottolivelli e alle velocità delle funzioni deumidificatore, turbo e silence Filtro antiodore L'unità è dotata di un sistema di filtraggio avanzato che purifica l'aria, rimuovendo particelle di polvere, allergeni e altre impurità, migliorando la qualità dell'aria. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter Serie Alys 9+9+18 Con Quad 110 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+18000 - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Alys 9+9+18 Series With Quad 110 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+18000

    Technical features Indoor units 1) Model Indoor unit catalog code : 2x ALYS 25 UD0-I Product code : 3381251 Power: 9000 btu/h Capacity : 2.5 kW Treated air : 587 m 3 /h Sound pressure level : 23~36 dB(A) Liquid piping diameter : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal unit dimensions: 805x194x285 mm Weight : 7.5Kg Wi-Fi Optional 2) Model Indoor unit catalog code : 1x ALYS 50 UD0-I Product code : 3381253 Power: 18000 btu/h Capacity : 5.8 kW Treated air : 795 m 3 /h Sound power level : 54 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 23~42 dB(A) Liquid piping diameter : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal unit dimensions: 957x213x302 mm Weight : 9.0 Kg Wi-Fi Optional Outdoor unit Model: Outdoor unit catalog number : QUAD 110 XD0C-O (3381262) Number of connectable indoor units : Up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency SEER : 6.1 (W/W) SCOP : 4.0 (W/W) Annual energy consumption in cooling : 607.8 kW/a Annual energy consumption in heating : 2939 kW/a Performance Cooling capacity : 10.6 kW Heating capacity : 11.0 kW Sound power level : 65.4 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 63 dB(A) Electrical data Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 50°C - Heating: -25° ~ 30° C Installation data Liquid Pipe Diameter : 6.35mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 + 12.70 mm (1/2") Maximum piping length: 35 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions: External unit dimensions: 946x410x810 mm Outdoor unit weight: 68.8 Kg Alys R-32 Quad 12 Speed The product has 12 speeds in all: three settable speeds in addition to the three sub-levels and speeds of the dehumidifier, turbo and silence functions. Anti-odour filter Eliminates bacteria and molds and prevents the causes of the most common allergies, capturing the allergens present in the air and breaking down their structure Low Ambient Low Ambient Cooling function for cooling 1W Standby Stand-by mode to optimize consumption up to 80% Characteristics R32 refrigerant gas 2D INVERTER technology Compatible with ARISTON CLIMA R32 Wi-Fi KIT Memory function BOOSTER function Refrigerant leak sensor SELF-CLEANING function Auto-matching function for multisplit, for a correct hydraulic connection, automatically and in every situation Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-ariston-climatizzatore-condizionatore-ariston-trial-split-inverter-serie-alys-plus-91212-con-80-xd0c-o-r-32-wi-fi-optional-90001200012000

    Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Alys Plus Series 9+12+12 With 80 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+12000+12000

    Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model: Catalog code : 1 x ALYS 25 UD0-I (3381251) - 25 = 2.5 kW (approx. 9,000 BTU/h) - U = internal multi - D0 = SCOP 4.0 Air flow: m3/h 530 Sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 23/26/33/38 Liquid/Gas Pipe Diameter: 1/4-3/8 inch Dimensions LxHxP (mm): 800x285x194 ; 7.5kg 2) Model: Catalog code : 2 x ALYS 35 UD0-I (3381252) - 35 = 3.5 kW (approx. 12,000 BTU/h) - U = internal multi - D0 = SCOP 4.0 Air flow: m3/h 530 Sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 23/28/32/38 Liquid/Gas Pipe Diameter: 1/4-3/8 inch Dimensions LxHxP (mm): 800x285x194 ; 7.5kg Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: Trial 80 XD0C-O Gases : R-32 TRIAL = 3 indoor units 80 = 8.0 kW (approx. 27,000 BTU/hr) X = Multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 O = outdoor unit Energy efficiency: SEER 5.91 SCOP (warmest season) 4.63 SCOP (medium season) 3.80 cooling energy class A+ heating energy class (hottest season) A++ heating energy class (average season) A annual energy consumption cooling kWh/a 452 annual heating energy consumption (hottest season) kWh/a 1808 annual heating energy consumption (average season) kWh/a 2116 Performance: Nominal Cooling Capacity (kW) : 7.6 Nominal heating capacity (kW) : 5.7 Outdoor unit air flow: m3/h 3500 Nominal cooling absorbed power (W): 2645 Nominal heating power consumption (W): 1725 Max sound pressure level outdoor unit dB(A) 54 Outdoor unit sound power level (dB(A)) : 68 Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Maximum length of connections with standard charge m 3x5 Maximum length of connections (total / each unit) m 3x15/25 Maximum height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit m 10 External temperature range in cooling °C -15/50 External temperature range in heating °C -15/30 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit HxLxP (mm) : 845x702x363 ; 53kg Supplied accessories Echo remote control Anti-odour filter General characteristics Alys Plus R32 Ariston presents a range of air conditioners, with renewed aesthetics with particular attention to detail, with all the strength of cutting-edge technology that considerably increases the performance of the products. PROtech is the logo that identifies the range of Ariston air conditioning systems dedicated to the channel and to professional users, with greater performance and functionality, and many more advantages in terms of comfort and energy saving. Finally, a particular feature of these air conditioners is the R32 ecological gas , which appears to work at pressures similar to R410 gas, but simplifies the recharge operations and the tools used for installing the system are the same used for systems with R410A gas. (with the exception of checking the compatibility of the pressure gauge, leak detector and recuperator). It also complies with European regulations that will come into force in a few years. 3D Inverter technology Modulation of the compressor frequency, internal fan speed and external fan speed, so as to always guarantee high performance and low energy consumption. Follow Me function With the Follow Me function, a more precise control of the temperature is possible. With the remote control, by sending a signal to the air conditioner, it is possible to perfectly adjust the desired temperature in the exact point of the room where the remote control is located. Memory function This function allows you to set and memorize both the temperature and the fan speed (also the sleep function if activated) to ensure greater comfort the next time you turn it on. Low Ambient: the air conditioner guarantees perfect operation, in cooling mode, even at outside temperatures of 15°C 12-speed fan: this is the function that gives you the possibility to adjust the speed of your comfort, which thanks to the 3 ventilation modes (high/medium/low) is divided into as many 3 speeds which are added to the dehumidification, turbo and silence modes they even correspond to 12 speeds for the release of the air flow; Extremely silent: well-being in all its forms is at the heart of the Ariston production philosophy. For this reason, technological devices have been introduced in all the products which guarantee extremely silent operation. 1W-Stand by: it is the useful function to avoid unnecessary consumption, the dipslay is positioned behind the panel and is visible only when needed Turbo function: it is the function that allows homogeneous comfort in the shortest possible time; Anti-odour filter: Removes bad odors and volatile organic compounds. Refrigerant Leak Sensor: Possible refrigerant leaks are identified by indicating “EC” on the display (in the case of LED display, the RUN and TIMER LEDs flash) Full features Blue Fin: Facilitates the drainage of condensate water from the indoor unit and speeds up the defrosting of the outdoor unit, increasing energy efficiency Optimized pipe section: The trapezoidal section of the new pipes allows the passage of more refrigerant, improving energy efficiency Silence function: Set an ultra-low indoor unit fan speed, making the room extremely silent. Vertical Swing: Starts automatic swing of the internal vertical louvers. Airflow Comfort: In cooling mode the airflow is directed upwards while in heating it is directed vertically downwards for comfort. Anti Cold Air: In heating mode, the fan speed of the indoor unit will be adjusted to ensure that no cold air comes out in the first instants of start-up. Auto function : The temperature and fan speed are set automatically on the basis of the ambient temperature detected. Sleep function: Automatically adjusts the temperature to make the environment more comfortable during the night. Timer: Turns the air conditioner on and/or off at the desired time SelfClean: Automatically cleans and dries the evaporator, keeping it in optimal condition for subsequent operation. Self-diagnosis: Any operating anomalies are monitored, automatically switching off the appliance in the event of malfunctions and indicating the error code on the display of the indoor unit AutoRestart: In the event of a power blackout, the air conditioner restarts with the last function set after resetting (mode, temperature, fan speed and flap position). Anti-rust treatment: Anti-rust treatment for outdoor unit shells. Compatible with Ariston Clima R32 Wi-Fi module (optional) : that is the module that allows you to connect the air conditioner to your Smartphone or Tablet, and manage your air conditioner even when you are not at home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Air Conditioner Trial Split Inverter Ariston Prios 9000+9000+12000 Btu R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9+9+12 With Trial 80 Xd0c-O

    Ariston Air Conditioner Trial Split Inverter Ariston Prios 9000+9000+12000 Btu R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9+9+12 With Trial 80 Xd0c-O

    Air Conditioner Dual Split Inverter Ariston PRIOS 9000+12000 btu R-32 Wi-Fi optional 9+12 with DUAL 50 XD0-O Technical features Indoor units Prios series Power 9000+12000 btu Dimensions ui 805X285X194 mm Outdoor unit DUAL 50 XD0-O outdoor unit code DEHUMIDIFYING, HOT, COOL operation Gas connection pipes ø (inch. - mm.) 3/8 - 9.52 Inverters Rated power 5.0 kW Liquid connection pipes ø (inch. - mm.) 1/4 - 6.35 R32 refrigerant gas Dimensions in mm (WxHxD) 860X554X365 Sound power dB(A) min-max 63.5 Sound pressure dB(A) min-max 58 Total max piping length 40 Max piping length per unit 25 PRIOS Elegant and light, excellent performance, minimum consumption and low noise: these are the main characteristics of the new range Ariston PRIOS R32 air conditioners . The indoor unit The 9000 BTU PRIOS R32 is used in conjunction with outdoor units Inverters to create combinations of monosplit and multisplit Series. NEW DESIGN The internal unit of the new PRIOS R32 it has a particular and refined design: it is thin and light, less than 20 cm deep and weighing only 7.5 kg. But its peculiarity is undoubtedly the elegant arch that emerges on the front allowing it to fit elegantly into any environment like a true architectural element thanks to the refined chiaroscuro that it manages to create. The touch of light from the ice-colored display, which lights up on the front, makes these indoor units small design objects. BREATHE CLEAN AIR The new odor filter captures and decomposes the most common allergens present in the air; bacteria and molds are neutralized as well as their smell, returning fresh and purified air to the environment. PERFECT CLIMATE AND RELAX The new PRIOS R32 it cools, heats or dehumidifies with great efficiency and, at the same time, very silently and with low consumption. The various additional functions ensure optimal comfort at all times: function Follow Me allows you to control the room temperature in a very accurate way because it allows you to obtain the desired temperature exactly in the point where the remote control is located; there 12-speed ventilation allows you to always find the optimal balance between desired temperature and air flow; the Memory key allows you to store your favorite settings so that they are automatically recalled the next time you turn on the power. The smart displays on the front it allows you to view the set temperature or the active functions and alarms. By purchasing the specific Wi-Fi kit separately, it is possible to manage the air conditioner even remotely through the application Ariston Climate . The functions are also available only for mono-split applications Self clean self-cleaning, Booster , for faster reaching of the set temperature, Silence ; The Refrigerant leak sensor warns with an alarm on the display in case of dangerous leaks. The indoor unit always comes out very silent , up to a minimum of 22 dB(A) at low fan speed, to obtain even greater comfort and relaxation. The supplied remote control has clear controls and ergonomic buttons dedicated to particular functions. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter Serie Alys Plus 9+9+12 Con 80 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+12000 - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Alys Plus 9+9+12 Series With 80 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+12000

    Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model: Catalog code : 2 x ALYS 25 UD0-I (3381251) - 25 = 2.5 kW (approx. 9,000 BTU/h) - U = internal multi - D0 = SCOP 4.0 Air flow: m3/h 530 Sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 23/26/33/38 Liquid/Gas Pipe Diameter: 1/4-3/8 inch Dimensions LxHxP (mm): 800x285x194 ; 7.5kg 2) Model: Catalog code : ALYS 35 UD0-I (3381252) - 35 = 3.5 kW (approx. 12,000 BTU/h) - U = internal multi - D0 = SCOP 4.0 Air flow: m3/h 530 Sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 23/28/32/38 Liquid/Gas Pipe Diameter: 1/4-3/8 inch Dimensions LxHxP (mm): 800x285x194 ; 7.5kg Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: Trial 80 XD0C-O Gases : R-32 TRIAL = 3 indoor units 80 = 8.0 kW (approx. 27,000 BTU/hr) X = Multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 O = outdoor unit Energy efficiency: SEER 5.91 SCOP (warmest season) 4.63 SCOP (medium season) 3.80 cooling energy class A+ heating energy class (hottest season) A++ heating energy class (average season) A annual energy consumption cooling kWh/a 452 annual heating energy consumption (hottest season) kWh/a 1808 annual heating energy consumption (average season) kWh/a 2116 Performance: Nominal Cooling Capacity (kW) : 7.6 Nominal heating capacity (kW) : 5.7 Outdoor unit air flow: m3/h 3500 Nominal cooling absorbed power (W): 2645 Nominal heating power consumption (W): 1725 Max sound pressure level outdoor unit dB(A) 54 Outdoor unit sound power level (dB(A)) : 68 Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Maximum length of connections with standard charge m 3x5 Maximum length of connections (total / each unit) m 3x15/25 Maximum height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit m 10 External temperature range in cooling °C -15/50 External temperature range in heating °C -15/30 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit HxLxP (mm) : 845x702x363 ; 53kg Supplied accessories Echo remote control Anti-odour filter General characteristics Alys Plus R32 Ariston presents a range of air conditioners, with renewed aesthetics with particular attention to detail, with all the strength of cutting-edge technology that considerably increases the performance of the products. PROtech is the logo that identifies the range of Ariston air conditioning systems dedicated to the channel and to professional users, with greater performance and functionality, and many more advantages in terms of comfort and energy saving. Finally, a particular feature of these air conditioners is the R32 ecological gas , which appears to work at pressures similar to R410 gas, but simplifies the recharge operations and the tools used for installing the system are the same used for systems with R410A gas. (with the exception of checking the compatibility of the pressure gauge, leak detector and recuperator). It also complies with European regulations that will come into force in a few years. 3D Inverter technology Modulation of the compressor frequency, internal fan speed and external fan speed, so as to always guarantee high performance and low energy consumption. Follow Me function With the Follow Me function, a more precise control of the temperature is possible. With the remote control, by sending a signal to the air conditioner, it is possible to perfectly adjust the desired temperature in the exact point of the room where the remote control is located. Memory function This function allows you to set and memorize both the temperature and the fan speed (also the sleep function if activated) to ensure greater comfort the next time you turn it on. Low Ambient the air conditioner guarantees perfect operation, in cooling mode, even at outside temperatures of 15°C 12-speed fan is the function that gives you the possibility to adjust the speed of your comfort, which thanks to the 3 ventilation modes (high/medium/low) is divided into as many 3 speeds which, added to the dehumidification, turbo and silence modes, correspond even at 12 speeds for the release of the air flow; Extremely silent Well-being in all its forms is at the heart of the Ariston production philosophy. For this reason, technological devices have been introduced in all the products which guarantee extremely silent operation. 1W-Stand by is the useful function to avoid unnecessary consumption. The dipslay is positioned behind the panel and is visible only when needed. Anti-odour filter Eliminates bacteria and molds and prevents the causes of the most common allergies, capturing the allergens present in the air and breaking down their structure. Turbo function is the function that allows homogeneous comfort in the shortest possible time. Anti-odour filter Removes bad odors and volatile organic compounds. Refrigerant Leak Sensor Any refrigerant leaks are identified by indicating “EC” on the display (in the case of LED displays, the RUN and TIMER LEDs flash)   Full features Blue Fin : Facilitates the drainage of condensate water from the indoor unit and accelerates the defrosting of the outdoor unit, increasing energy efficiency Optimized pipe section : The trapezoidal section of the new pipes allows the passage of more refrigerant, improving energy efficiency Silence function: Set an ultra-low fan speed for the indoor unit, making the room extremely silent. Vertical swing : Starts the automatic swing of the internal vertical louvers. Airflow Comfort : In cooling mode the air flow is directed upwards while in heating it is directed vertically downwards for comfort. Anti Cold Air: In heating mode, the speed of the indoor unit fan will be adjusted to ensure that no cold air comes out in the first instants of start-up. Auto function : The temperature and fan speed are set automatically on the basis of the ambient temperature detected. Sleep function: Automatically adjusts the temperature to make the environment more comfortable during the night. Timer : Turns the air conditioner on and/or off at the desired time. SelfClean : Automatically cleans and dries the evaporator, keeping it in optimal conditions for subsequent operation. Self-diagnosis: Any operating anomalies are monitored, automatically switching off the appliance in the event of malfunctions and indicating the error code on the display of the indoor unit. AutoRestart: In the event of a power blackout, the air conditioner restarts with the last function set after resetting (mode, temperature, fan speed and flap position). Anti-rust treatment: Anti-rust treatment for outdoor unit shells.   Compatible with Ariston Clima R32 Wi-Fi module (optional) : that is the module that allows you to connect the air conditioner to your Smartphone or Tablet, and manage your air conditioner even when you are not at home.   Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase .


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter Serie Alys Plus 12+12+12 Con 80 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 12000+12000+12000 - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Alys Plus Series 12+12+12 With 80 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 12000+12000+12000

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Catalog code : 3 x ALYS 35 UD0-I (3381252) - 35 = 3.5 kW (approx. 12,000 BTU/h) - U = internal multi - D0 = SCOP 4.0 Air flow: m3/h 530 Sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 23/28/32/38 Liquid/Gas Pipe Diameter: 1/4-3/8 inch Dimensions LxHxP (mm): 800x285x194 ; 7.5kg Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: Trial 80 XD0C-O Gases : R-32 TRIAL = 3 indoor units 80 = 8.0 kW (approx. 27,000 BTU/hr) X = Multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 O = outdoor unit Energy efficiency: SEER 5.91 SCOP (warmest season) 4.63 SCOP (medium season) 3.80 cooling energy class A+ heating energy class (hottest season) A++ heating energy class (average season) A annual energy consumption cooling kWh/a 452 annual heating energy consumption (hottest season) kWh/a 1808 annual heating energy consumption (average season) kWh/a 2116 Performance: Nominal Cooling Capacity (kW) : 7.6 Nominal heating capacity (kW) : 5.7 Outdoor unit air flow: m3/h 3500 Nominal cooling absorbed power (W): 2645 Nominal heating power consumption (W): 1725 Max sound pressure level outdoor unit dB(A) 54 Outdoor unit sound power level (dB(A)) : 68 Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Maximum length of connections with standard charge m 3x5 Maximum length of connections (total / each unit) m 3x15/25 Maximum height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit m 10 External temperature range in cooling °C -15/50 External temperature range in heating °C -15/30 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit HxLxP (mm) : 845x702x363 ; 53kg Supplied accessories Echo remote control Anti-odour filter General characteristics Alys Plus R32 Ariston presents a range of air conditioners, with renewed aesthetics with particular attention to detail, with all the strength of cutting-edge technology that considerably increases the performance of the products. PROtech is the logo that identifies the range of Ariston air conditioning systems dedicated to the channel and to professional users, with greater performance and functionality, and many more advantages in terms of comfort and energy saving. Finally, a particular feature of these air conditioners is the R32 ecological gas , which appears to work at pressures similar to R410 gas, but simplifies the recharge operations and the tools used for installing the system are the same used for systems with R410A gas. (with the exception of checking the compatibility of the pressure gauge, leak detector and recuperator). It also complies with European regulations that will come into force in a few years. 3D Inverter technology Modulation of the compressor frequency, internal fan speed and external fan speed, so as to always guarantee high performance and low energy consumption. Follow Me function With the Follow Me function, a more precise control of the temperature is possible. With the remote control, by sending a signal to the air conditioner, it is possible to perfectly adjust the desired temperature in the exact point of the room where the remote control is located. Memory function This function allows you to set and memorize both the temperature and the fan speed (also the sleep function if activated) to ensure greater comfort the next time you turn it on. Low Ambient: the air conditioner guarantees perfect operation, in cooling mode, even at outside temperatures of 15°C 12-speed fan: this is the function that gives you the possibility to adjust the speed of your comfort, which thanks to the 3 ventilation modes (high/medium/low) is divided into as many 3 speeds which are added to the dehumidification, turbo and silence modes they even correspond to 12 speeds for the release of the air flow; Extremely silent: well-being in all its forms is at the heart of the Ariston production philosophy. For this reason, technological devices have been introduced in all the products which guarantee extremely silent operation. 1W-Stand by: it is the useful function to avoid unnecessary consumption, the dipslay is positioned behind the panel and is visible only when needed Turbo function: it is the function that allows homogeneous comfort in the shortest possible time; Anti-odour filter: Removes bad odors and volatile organic compounds. Refrigerant Leak Sensor: Possible refrigerant leaks are identified by indicating “EC” on the display (in the case of LED display, the RUN and TIMER LEDs flash) Full features Blue Fin: Facilitates the drainage of condensate water from the indoor unit and speeds up the defrosting of the outdoor unit, increasing energy efficiency Optimized pipe section: The trapezoidal section of the new pipes allows the passage of more refrigerant, improving energy efficiency Silence function: Set an ultra-low indoor unit fan speed, making the room extremely silent. Vertical Swing: Starts automatic swing of the internal vertical louvers. Airflow Comfort: In cooling mode the airflow is directed upwards while in heating it is directed vertically downwards for comfort. Anti Cold Air: In heating mode, the fan speed of the indoor unit will be adjusted to ensure that no cold air comes out in the first instants of start-up. Auto function : The temperature and fan speed are set automatically on the basis of the ambient temperature detected. Sleep function: Automatically adjusts the temperature to make the environment more comfortable during the night. Timer: Turns the air conditioner on and/or off at the desired time SelfClean: Automatically cleans and dries the evaporator, keeping it in optimal condition for subsequent operation. Self-diagnosis: Any operating anomalies are monitored, automatically switching off the appliance in the event of malfunctions and indicating the error code on the display of the indoor unit AutoRestart: In the event of a power blackout, the air conditioner restarts with the last function set after resetting (mode, temperature, fan speed and flap position). Anti-rust treatment: Anti-rust treatment for outdoor unit shells. Compatible with Ariston Clima R32 Wi-Fi module (optional) : that is the module that allows you to connect the air conditioner to your Smartphone or Tablet, and manage your air conditioner even when you are not at home. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter Serie Alys Plus 9+9+9 Con 80 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+9000 - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Alys Plus 9+9+9 Series With 80 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+9000

    Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model: Catalog code : 3 x ALYS 25 UD0-I (3381251) - 25 = 2.5 kW (approx. 9,000 BTU/h) - U = internal multi - D0 = SCOP 4.0 Air flow: m3/h 530 Sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 23/26/33/38 Liquid/Gas Pipe Diameter: 1/4-3/8 inch Dimensions LxHxP (mm): 800x285x194 ; 7.5kg Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: Trial 80 XD0C-O Gases : R-32 TRIAL = 3 indoor units 80 = 8.0 kW (approx. 27,000 BTU/hr) X = Multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 O = outdoor unit Energy efficiency: SEER 5.91 SCOP (warmest season) 4.63 SCOP (medium season) 3.80 cooling energy class A+ heating energy class (hottest season) A++ heating energy class (average season) A annual energy consumption cooling kWh/a 452 annual heating energy consumption (hottest season) kWh/a 1808 annual heating energy consumption (average season) kWh/a 2116 Performances : Nominal Cooling Capacity (kW) : 7.6 Nominal heating capacity (kW) : 5.7 Outdoor unit air flow: m3/h 3500 Nominal cooling absorbed power (W): 2645 Nominal heating power consumption (W): 1725 Max sound pressure level outdoor unit dB(A) 54 Outdoor unit sound power level (dB(A)) : 68 Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Maximum length of connections with standard charge m 3x5 Maximum length of connections (total / each unit) m 3x15/25 Maximum height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit m 10 External temperature range in cooling °C -15/50 External temperature range in heating °C -15/30 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit HxLxP (mm) : 845x702x363 ; 53kg Supplied accessories Echo remote control Anti-odour filter General characteristics Alys Plus R32 Ariston presents a range of air conditioners, with renewed aesthetics with particular attention to detail, with all the strength of cutting-edge technology that considerably increases the performance of the products. PROtech is the logo that identifies the range of Ariston air conditioning systems dedicated to the channel and to professional users, with greater performance and functionality, and many more advantages in terms of comfort and energy saving. Finally, a particular feature of these air conditioners is the R32 ecological gas , which appears to work at pressures similar to R410 gas, but simplifies the recharge operations and the tools used for installing the system are the same used for systems with R410A gas. (with the exception of checking the compatibility of the pressure gauge, leak detector and recuperator). It also complies with European regulations that will come into force in a few years. 3D Inverter technology Modulation of the compressor frequency, internal fan speed and external fan speed, so as to always guarantee high performance and low energy consumption. Follow Me function With the Follow Me function, a more precise control of the temperature is possible. With the remote control, by sending a signal to the air conditioner, it is possible to perfectly adjust the desired temperature in the exact point of the room where the remote control is located. Memory function This function allows you to set and memorize both the temperature and the fan speed (also the sleep function if activated) to ensure greater comfort the next time you turn it on. Low Ambient the air conditioner guarantees perfect operation, in cooling mode, even at outside temperatures of 15°C 12-speed fan is the function that gives you the possibility to adjust the speed of your comfort, which thanks to the 3 ventilation modes (high/medium/low) is divided into as many 3 speeds which, added to the dehumidification, turbo and silence modes, correspond even at 12 speeds for the release of the air flow; Extremely silent Well-being in all its forms is at the heart of the Ariston production philosophy. For this reason, technological devices have been introduced in all the products which guarantee extremely silent operation. 1W-Stand by is the useful function to avoid unnecessary consumption. The dipslay is positioned behind the panel and is visible only when needed. Anti-odour filter Eliminates bacteria and molds and prevents the causes of the most common allergies, capturing the allergens present in the air and breaking down their structure. Turbo function is the function that allows homogeneous comfort in the shortest possible time. Anti-odour filter Removes bad odors and volatile organic compounds. Refrigerant Leak Sensor Any refrigerant leaks are identified by indicating “EC” on the display (in the case of LED displays, the RUN and TIMER LEDs flash)   Full features Blue Fin : Facilitates the drainage of condensate water from the indoor unit and accelerates the defrosting of the outdoor unit, increasing energy efficiency Optimized pipe section : The trapezoidal section of the new pipes allows the passage of more refrigerant, improving energy efficiency Silence function: Set an ultra-low fan speed for the indoor unit, making the room extremely silent. Vertical swing : Starts the automatic swing of the internal vertical louvers. Airflow Comfort : In cooling mode the air flow is directed upwards while in heating it is directed vertically downwards for comfort. Anti Cold Air: In heating mode, the speed of the indoor unit fan will be adjusted to ensure that no cold air comes out in the first instants of start-up. Auto function : The temperature and fan speed are set automatically on the basis of the ambient temperature detected. Sleep function: Automatically adjusts the temperature to make the environment more comfortable during the night. Timer : Turns the air conditioner on and/or off at the desired time. SelfClean : Automatically cleans and dries the evaporator, keeping it in optimal conditions for subsequent operation. Self-diagnosis: Any operating anomalies are monitored, automatically switching off the appliance in the event of malfunctions and indicating the error code on the display of the indoor unit. AutoRestart: In the event of a power blackout, the air conditioner restarts with the last function set after resetting (mode, temperature, fan speed and flap position). Anti-rust treatment: Anti-rust treatment for outdoor unit shells.   Compatible with Ariston Clima R32 Wi-Fi module (optional) : that is the module that allows you to connect the air conditioner to your Smartphone or Tablet, and manage your air conditioner even when you are not at home.   Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter Serie Kios 9+9+12 Con Trial 80 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+12000 Btu - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Kios 9+9+12 Series With Trial 80 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+12000 Btu

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Catalog code : 2 x KIOS 25 UD6-I (3381239) 25 = 2.5 kW (approx. 9,000 BTU/h) U = internal multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 Air flow: m3/h 668 Sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 20/27/31/37 Liquid/Gas Pipe Diameter: 1/4-3/8 inch Dimensions LxHxP (mm): 805x302x193 ; 8.2kg 2) Model: Catalog code : KIOS 35 UD0-I (3381241) 35 = 3.5 kW (approx. 12,000 BTU/h) U = internal multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 Air flow: m3/h 649 Sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 24/30/35/40 Liquid/Gas Pipe Diameter: 1/4-3/8 inch Dimensions LxHxP (mm): 805x302x193 ; 8.2kg Supplied accessories: Echo remote control Anti-odour filter Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: Trial 80 XD0C-O Gases : R-32 TRIAL = 3 indoor units 80 = 8.0 kW (approx. 27,000 BTU/hr) X = Multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 O = outdoor unit Energy efficiency: SEER 5.91 SCOP (warmest season) 4.63 SCOP (medium season) 3.80 cooling energy class A+ heating energy class (hottest season) A++ heating energy class (average season) A annual energy consumption cooling kWh/a 452 annual heating energy consumption (hottest season) kWh/a 1808 annual heating energy consumption (average season) kWh/a 2116 Performance: Nominal Cooling Capacity (kW) : 7.6 Nominal heating capacity (kW) : 5.7 Outdoor unit air flow: m3/h 3500 Nominal cooling absorbed power (W): 2645 Nominal heating power consumption (W): 1725 Max sound pressure level outdoor unit dB(A) 54 Outdoor unit sound power level (dB(A)) : 68 Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Maximum length of connections with standard charge m 3x5 Maximum length of connections (total / each unit) m 3x15/25 Maximum height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit m 10 External temperature range in cooling °C -15/50 External temperature range in heating °C -15/30 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit HxLxP (mm) : 845x702x363 ; 53kg General characteristics up to class A+++ compatible with ARISTON CLIMA R-32 WI-FI KIT 3D technology aromatherapy filter memory echo function follow me 12 speed fan high silence self-cleaning coolant leak sensor R-32 Refrigerant Gas The R-32 refrigerant gas, with a GWP of 675 and with its lower CO emissions, guarantees a low environmental impact. Furthermore, thanks to its characteristics, the quantity of gas to be loaded into the machine is lower than other refrigerants. Self-cleaning The Self-Clean Function reverses the direction of rotation of the outdoor unit fan. This inversion of the air flow cleans the external exchanger from impurities, ensuring better maintenance and efficiency of the entire system. Follow Me With the Follow Me function, more precise temperature control is now possible. With the remote control, which becomes a thermostat thanks to the integrated sensor, it is possible to operate the air conditioner in relation to the actual temperature detected in the point of the environment where the remote control is positioned. WIFI OPTIONAL Compatible with Ariston Clima R32 Wi-Fi module (Optional): that is the module that allows you to connect the air conditioner to your Smartphone or Tablet, and manage your air conditioner even when you are not at home. High silence Well-being in all its forms is at the heart of the Ariston production philosophy. For this reason, technological devices have been introduced in all the products which guarantee extremely silent operation. 12 speed fan For each of the three "base" speeds (HIGH, MED, LOW) the climate control system has a further three speed sub-levels set automatically. These, added to the speeds of the dehumidification, turbo and silence functions, make it possible to have a total of 12 air flow speeds. Memory This is the function that allows you to set and memorize both the temperature and the fan speed (also the Sleep function, if activated) to ensure greater comfort the next time you turn it on Easy Cleaning/Installation/Maintenance The easy accessibility makes the internal cleaning operations of the machine very simple. The filter, located in the upper part of the air conditioner, can be removed horizontally with a single gesture. Furthermore, the ease of opening of the rotating panel allows easy installation as well as easy maintenance and replacement of any components. Full features 3D Inverter : DC Compressor frequency modulation + external fan speed 1W Stand-by : New absorption optimization logic to cut consumption in standby mode by up to 80%. Blue Fin: Facilitates the drainage of condensate water from the indoor unit and speeds up the defrosting of the outdoor unit, increasing energy efficiency. Optimized pipe section: The trapezoidal section of the new pipes allows the passage of more refrigerant, improving energy efficiency. Silence function: Set an ultra-low indoor unit fan speed, making the room extremely silent. Vertical Swing: Starts automatic swing of the internal vertical louvers. Airflow Comfort: In cooling mode the airflow is directed upwards while in heating it is directed vertically downwards for comfort. Anti Cold Air: In heating mode, the fan speed of the indoor unit will be adjusted to ensure that no cold air comes out in the first instants of start-up. Turbo function: Reaches the preset temperature in the shortest possible time (only in cooling). Auto function: The temperature and fan speed are set automatically on the basis of the ambient temperature detected. Sleep function: Automatically adjusts the temperature to make the environment more comfortable during the night. Low Ambient Cooling: The air conditioner operates in cooling mode with outside temperatures below 15°C. Refrigerant leak sensor : Possible refrigerant leaks are identified by indicating “EC” on the display (in the case of LED display, the RUN and TIMER LEDs flash) Flap Auto Memory: When the climate control system is switched off, it stores the last flap position set. Timer: Turns the air conditioner on and/or off at the desired time. SelfClean: Automatically cleans and dries the evaporator, keeping it in optimal condition for subsequent operation. Self-diagnosis : Any operating anomalies are monitored, automatically switching off the appliance in the event of malfunctions and indicating the error code on the display of the indoor unit. AutoRestart: In the event of a power blackout, the air conditioner restarts with the last function set after resetting (mode, temperature, fan speed and flap position).   Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.  


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter Serie Nevis 12+12+12 Con Trial 80 Xd0b-O 12000+12000+12000 - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Nevis Series 12+12+12 With Trial 80 Xd0b-O 12000+12000+12000

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Catalog code : 3 x NEVIS 35 UD0-I 35 = 3.5 kW (approx. 12,000 BTU/h) U = internal multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 indoor unit sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 22/32/38/41 internal unit air flow m3/h 644 outdoor unit air flow m3/h 2100 dehumidification capacity l/h 1 Dimensions LxHxP (mm):805x302x193; 7kg Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: TRIAL 80 XD0B-O Gas : R410A TRIAL = 3 indoor units 80 = 8.0 kW (approx. 27,000 BTU/hr) X = Multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 O = outdoor unit Seasonal Performance: SEER 6.61 SCOP (warmest season) 5.18 SCOP (medium season) 4.00 Cooling energy class A++ Heating energy class (hot season) A+++ Heating energy class (average season) A+ annual energy consumption cooling kwh/a 373 annual heating energy consumption (hottest season) kwh/a 1645 annual heating energy consumption (average season) kwh/a 2013 cooling / heating function YES average/warmest reference heating season sound power level indoor unit / outdoor unit dB(A) 54/68.2 Performance: nominal cooling capacity (min - max) BTU/h 24083 (7847 - 27089) nominal heating capacity (min - max) BTU/h 19632 (5490 - 30420) nominal absorbed power in cooling (min - max) W 2183 (162 - 3037) nominal power absorbed in heating (min - max) W 1549 (286 - 2747) Electrical data: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Maximum length of connections with standard charge m 2x5 Maximum length of connections (total / each unit) m 3x15 / 25 Maximum height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit m 10 External temperature range in cooling °C -15/50 External temperature range in heating °C -15/30 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit HxLxP (mm): 845x363x702; 52.7kg General characteristics NEVIS Nevis, the primat air conditioner, Awarded by the Japan Industrial Design Priomotion Organization for the best design Up to Class A+++: ECO function, to further reduce consumption in the cooling phase. SMART DISPLAY to keep you informed in an intuitive and immediate way on the functioning of your air conditioner. BOOSTER function to reach the desired temperature more quickly. Extremely silent: the top of the Ariston range. ECO function The ECO function minimizes electricity consumption, to enjoy maximum comfort with overall savings of approximately 70% of consumption. The ECO function is only available in cooling mode and is particularly effective when used at night. Self-Cleaning Function The Auto-Clean function reverses the direction of rotation of the fan in the outdoor unit. This inversion of the air flow cleans the external exchanger from impurities, ensuring better maintenance and efficiency of the entire system. Follow Me function With the Follow Me function, a more precise control of the temperature is possible. With the remote control, by sending a signal to the air conditioner, it is possible to perfectly adjust the desired temperature in the exact point of the room where the remote control is located. Memory function This function allows you to set and memorize both the temperature and the fan speed (also the sleep function if activated) to ensure greater comfort the next time you turn it on. Easy installation and maintenance Easy cleaning The easy accessibility makes the internal cleaning operations of the machine very simple. The filter, located in the upper part of the air conditioner, can be removed horizontally with a single gesture. Easy installation The large space for inserting the support hooks allows easy fixing to the template. The innovative rotating front panel, which can be removed if necessary, facilitates access to the unit. Two rear support brackets, 168 mm long, allow for convenient connection of the pipe. Easy maintenance Quick replacement of the electronic board, without the need to disassemble the front panel / Replacing the fan motor has never been so fast: the operation is done by leaving the air conditioner hanging on the wall. Energy class up to A+++ Backlit display Rotating front panel Elegant sandblasted surface Filter horizontally removable with a single gesture Reduction of installation time up to 20% Reduction of the time for the change of the electronic board up to 60% Reduced fan motor replacement time by up to 80% Auto-matching function for multisplit, for a correct hydraulic connection, automatically and in every situation Awarded “Best Design Product 2015” by Japan Promotion Organization Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter Serie Nevis 9+9+9 Con Trial 80 Xd0b-O 9000+9000+9000 - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Nevis 9+9+9 Series With Trial 80 Xd0b-O 9000+9000+9000

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Catalog code : 3 x NEVIS 25 UD0-I 25 = 2.5 kW (approx. 9,000 BTU/h) U = internal multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 indoor unit sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 20/28/33/39 internal unit air flow m3/h 549 outdoor unit air flow m3/h 2100 dehumidification capacity l/h 1 Dimensions LxHxP (mm):716x300x193 ; 7kg Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: TRIAL 80 XD0B-O Gas : R410A TRIAL = 3 indoor units 80 = 8.0 kW (approx. 27,000 BTU/hr) X = Multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 O = outdoor unit Seasonal Performance: SEER 6.61 SCOP (warmest season) 5.18 SCOP (medium season) 4.00 Cooling energy class A++ Heating energy class (hot season) A+++ Heating energy class (average season) A+ annual energy consumption cooling kwh/a 373 annual heating energy consumption (hottest season) kwh/a 1645 annual heating energy consumption (average season) kwh/a 2013 cooling / heating function YES average/warmest reference heating season sound power level indoor unit / outdoor unit dB(A) 54/68.2 Performance: nominal cooling capacity (min - max) BTU/h 24083 (7847 - 27089) nominal heating capacity (min - max) BTU/h 19632 (5490 - 30420) nominal absorbed power in cooling (min - max) W 2183 (162 - 3037) nominal power absorbed in heating (min - max) W 1549 (286 - 2747) Electrical data: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Maximum length of connections with standard charge m 2x5 Maximum length of connections (total / each unit) m 3x15 / 25 Maximum height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit m 10 External temperature range in cooling °C -15/50 External temperature range in heating °C -15/30 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit HxLxP (mm): 845x363x702; 52.7kg General characteristics NEVIS Nevis, the primat air conditioner, Awarded by the Japan Industrial Design Priomotion Organization for the best design Up to Class A+++: ECO function, to further reduce consumption in the cooling phase. SMART DISPLAY to keep you informed in an intuitive and immediate way on the functioning of your air conditioner. BOOSTER function to reach the desired temperature more quickly. Extremely silent: the top of the Ariston range. ECO function The ECO function minimizes electricity consumption, to enjoy maximum comfort with overall savings of approximately 70% of consumption. The ECO function is only available in cooling mode and is particularly effective when used at night. Self-Cleaning Function The Auto-Clean function reverses the direction of rotation of the fan in the outdoor unit. This inversion of the air flow cleans the external exchanger from impurities, ensuring better maintenance and efficiency of the entire system. Follow Me function With the Follow Me function, a more precise control of the temperature is possible. With the remote control, by sending a signal to the air conditioner, it is possible to perfectly adjust the desired temperature in the exact point of the room where the remote control is located. Memory function This function allows you to set and memorize both the temperature and the fan speed (also the sleep function if activated) to ensure greater comfort the next time you turn it on. Easy installation and maintenance Easy cleaning The easy accessibility makes the internal cleaning operations of the machine very simple. The filter, located in the upper part of the air conditioner, can be removed horizontally with a single gesture. Easy installation The large space for inserting the support hooks allows easy fixing to the template. The innovative rotating front panel, which can be removed if necessary, facilitates access to the unit. Two rear support brackets, 168 mm long, allow for convenient connection of the pipe. Easy maintenance Quick replacement of the electronic board, without the need to disassemble the front panel / Replacing the fan motor has never been so fast: the operation is done by leaving the air conditioner hanging on the wall. Energy class up to A+++ Backlit display Rotating front panel Elegant sandblasted surface Filter horizontally removable with a single gesture Reduction of installation time up to 20% Reduction of the time for the change of the electronic board up to 60% Reduced fan motor replacement time by up to 80% Auto-matching function for multisplit, for a correct hydraulic connection, automatically and in every situation Awarded “Best Design Product 2015” by Japan Promotion Organization Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Trial Split Inverter Serie Nevis 9+9+12 Con Trial 80 Xd0b-O 9000+9000+12000 - CaldaieMurali

    Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Nevis 9+9+12 Series With Trial 80 Xd0b-O 9000+9000+12000

    Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model: Catalog code : 2 x NEVIS 25 UD0-I 25 = 2.5 kW (approx. 9,000 BTU/h) U = internal multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 indoor unit sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 20/28/33/39 internal unit air flow m3/h 549 outdoor unit air flow m3/h 2100 dehumidification capacity l/h 1 Dimensions LxHxP (mm):716x300x193 ; 7kg 2) Model: Catalog code : 1 x NEVIS 35 UD0-I 35 = 3.5 kW (approx. 12,000 BTU/h) U = internal multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 indoor unit sound pressure level (silence/min/med/max) dB(A) 22/32/38/41 internal unit air flow m3/h 644 outdoor unit air flow m3/h 2100 dehumidification capacity l/h 1 Dimensions LxHxP (mm):805x302x193; 7kg Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: TRIAL 80 XD0B-O Gas : R410A TRIAL = 3 indoor units 80 = 8.0 kW (approx. 27,000 BTU/hr) X = Multi D0 = SCOP 4.0 O = outdoor unit Seasonal Performance: SEER 6.61 SCOP (warmest season) 5.18 SCOP (medium season) 4.00 Cooling energy class A++ Heating energy class (hot season) A+++ Heating energy class (average season) A+ annual energy consumption cooling kwh/a 373 annual heating energy consumption (hottest season) kwh/a 1645 annual heating energy consumption (average season) kwh/a 2013 cooling / heating function YES average/warmest reference heating season sound power level indoor unit / outdoor unit dB(A) 54/68.2 Performance: nominal cooling capacity (min - max) BTU/h 24083 (7847 - 27089) nominal heating capacity (min - max) BTU/h 19632 (5490 - 30420) nominal absorbed power in cooling (min - max) W 2183 (162 - 3037) nominal power absorbed in heating (min - max) W 1549 (286 - 2747) Electrical data: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Maximum length of connections with standard charge m 2x5 Maximum length of connections (total / each unit) m 3x15 / 25 Maximum height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit m 10 External temperature range in cooling °C -15/50 External temperature range in heating °C -15/30 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit HxLxP (mm): 845x363x702; 52.7kg General characteristics NEVIS Nevis, the primat air conditioner, Awarded by the Japan Industrial Design Priomotion Organization for the best design Up to Class A+++: ECO function, to further reduce consumption in the cooling phase. SMART DISPLAY to keep you informed in an intuitive and immediate way on the functioning of your air conditioner. BOOSTER function to reach the desired temperature more quickly. Extremely silent: the top of the Ariston range. ECO function The ECO function minimizes electricity consumption, to enjoy maximum comfort with overall savings of approximately 70% of consumption. The ECO function is only available in cooling mode and is particularly effective when used at night. Self-Cleaning Function The Auto-Clean function reverses the direction of rotation of the fan in the outdoor unit. This inversion of the air flow cleans the external exchanger from impurities, ensuring better maintenance and efficiency of the entire system. Follow Me function With the Follow Me function, a more precise control of the temperature is possible. With the remote control, by sending a signal to the air conditioner, it is possible to perfectly adjust the desired temperature in the exact point of the room where the remote control is located. Memory function This function allows you to set and memorize both the temperature and the fan speed (also the sleep function if activated) to ensure greater comfort the next time you turn it on. Easy installation and maintenance Easy cleaning The easy accessibility makes the internal cleaning operations of the machine very simple. The filter, located in the upper part of the air conditioner, can be removed horizontally with a single gesture. Easy installation The large space for inserting the support hooks allows easy fixing to the template. The innovative rotating front panel, which can be removed if necessary, facilitates access to the unit. Two rear support brackets, 168 mm long, allow for convenient connection of the pipe. Easy maintenance Quick replacement of the electronic board, without the need to disassemble the front panel / Replacing the fan motor has never been so fast: the operation is done by leaving the air conditioner hanging on the wall. Energy class up to A+++ Backlit display Rotating front panel Elegant sandblasted surface Filter horizontally removable with a single gesture Reduction of installation time up to 20% Reduction of the time for the change of the electronic board up to 60% Reduced fan motor replacement time by up to 80% Auto-matching function for multisplit, for a correct hydraulic connection, automatically and in every situation Awarded “Best Design Product 2015” by Japan Promotion Organization Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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