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Trial Split Wall Air Conditioners

Discover the efficiency and elegance of trial split wall mounted air conditioners. Precise temperature control and modern design for maximum comfort in every room. Buy today!

89 products

  • immagine-1-baxi-climatizzatore-condizionatore-baxi-trial-split-inverter-serie-astra-121212-con-lsgt100-4m-r-32-wi-fi-optional-120001200012000-novita

    BAXI Climatizzatore Condizionatore Baxi Trial Split Inverter Serie Astra 12+12+12 con LSGT100-4M R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 12000+12000+12000 - Novità

    Caratteristiche TecnicheUnità InterneModello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 3x JSGNW35 Potenza: 12000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 3,6 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 3,7 kW Potenza assorbita : 40 W Aria Trattata : 600 m3/h Livello Potenza Sonora : 52 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 792x292x201 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,0 Kg Wi-Fi Optional ( Air Connect ) Unità EsternaModello: Codice catalogo Unità Interna: LSGT100-4M Max unità interne: fino a 4 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,1 SCOP : 4,1 Classe di Efficienza Energetica Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A+ Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 10,5 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 11,0 kW Assorbimento Std Raffreddamento : 3,75 kW  Assorbimento Std Riscaldamento: 2,93 kW Livello Potenza sonora : 68 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x4 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x4 Lunghezza Massima Tubazioni : 80 m Dislivello Massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 15 m Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxAxP) : 985x808x395 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 74 Kg Baxi Astra Nuovo design bianco opaco e moderno Design totalmente nuovo, minimale ed elegante con superfici bianche opache. Il pannello frontale ha un taglio fortemente verticale che rende armonico ed esclusivo il design. Struttura del nuovo Baxi Astra Attacchi inferiori È possibile montare a muro l’unità interna prima di effettuare la connessione dei tubi, senza dover smontare l’intero carter; non serve inoltre inclinare l’unità per realizzare i collegamenti. Si riducono così i tempi di installazione. Alette Baxi Astra è provvisto di doppia serie di alette verticali ed orizzontali, con alette a forma di foglia per una distribuzione uniforme dell’aria. Manopole invece di viti di chiusura Al posto delle tradizionali viti, vi sono manopole di chiusura per lo smontaggio del carter in plastica Controllo totale del climatizzatore Una gestione del comfort facile ed intuitiva La gestione del comfort avviene localmente grazie al telecomando con display a cristalli liquidi fornito di serie e completo di doppia tastiera con menù rapido in superficie. Ricchezza di funzioni sfruttabili Smart comfort con Air Connect il comfort a portata di smartphone L’App Air Connect e il modulo WI-FI consentono di controllare da remoto i climatizzatori Baxi Astra. Il modulo WI-FI della gamma Baxi Astra è costituito da un dispositivo USB Plug & Play estremamente semplice da installare. Air Connect è l’applicazione che consente di avere il pieno controllo della temperatura e del comfort della propria casa,in qualsiasi momento e da qualsiasi luogo ci si trovi. Per la gamma Baxi Astra, il modulo WI-FI è disponibile come accessorio. Pertanto dopo aver installatato il modulo WI-FI e scaricato l’App è possibile comunicare con il proprio climatizzatore Baxi direttamente dai dispositivi Smartphone e Tablet (iOs e Android). Con un semplice tocco si può: accendere/spegnere il climatizzatore, impostare modalità di funzionamento, velocità del ventilatore, oscillazione verticale ed orizzontale delle alette, funzioni attive, timer, ecc. Air Connect significa praticità e semplicità di utilizzo: Nessun impatto visivo: il modulo WI-FI viene inserito nell’apposito alloggio dietro il pannello frontale del climatizzatore Programmazione oraria facile ed intuitiva che consente l’abbinamento comfort-risparmi energetici elevati Possibilità di controllare più apparecchi con la medesima App, nel caso di climatizzatori Multi Split (Dual Split, Trial Split, ecc.) provvisti del modulo WI-FI Presenza di tutte le funzioni del telecomando direttamente sul proprio dispositivo, come: Turbo, Sleep, iClean, ecc Confezione del modulo WI-FI La confezione contiene: modulo WI-FI fisico, manuale e certificato di garanzia Condizioni d’uso Questa applicazione è in grado di gestire più di un dispositivo (climatizzatore) purché si tratti di climatizzatori Baxi, provvisti dell’opportuno modulo WI-FI. Una Gamma Completa Con la nuova gamma di climatizzatori Baxi Astra è possibile realizzare molteplici combinazioni per soddisfare le più svariate esigenze installative: MONO, DUAL, TRIAL, QUADRI e PENTA Split. Per i modelli Multi Split della gamma Baxi Astra, lo schema riporta, a titolo di esempio, una combinazione tipica e quella massima realizzabile per ciascuna configurazione Tecnologia all’avanguardia La tecnologia DC inverter, gestendo l’erogazione dell’aria in base alle reali necessità dell’ambiente, garantisce l’ottimizzazione dei consumi e l’abbattimento della rumorosità grazie a: Ventilatore DC interno Ventilatore DC esterno Compressore DC Controllore di macchina La miglior sintesi tra funzionalità e performance Silenzioso I climatizzatori Baxi Astra sono progettati per un funzionamento altamente silenzioso (fino max 20 dBA) per garantire un comfort di qualità nell’ambiente in cui soggiorniamo. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-gree-climatizzatore-condizionatore-gree-trial-split-inverter-serie-fairy-121212-con-gwhd24nk6oo-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-120001200012000

    Gree Gree Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Fairy Series 12+12+12 With Gwhd(24)Nk6oo R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 12000+12000+12000

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 3x GWH12ACC-K6DNA1D/I Power : 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 3.5 kW Heating Capacity: 3.67 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 390~680 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 38~57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 26~42 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 294x889x212 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Outdoor Unit catalog code: GWHD(24)NK6OO Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.1 SCOP : 4.0 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 407 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating : 2189 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.10 kW Heating Capacity: 8.60 kW Absorption in cooling: 1.88 kW Heating absorption: 2.23 kW Sound power level : 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 57~58 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/F) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 43°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Maximum piping length: 30 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 654x889x340 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 47.5 Kg Why Choose Gree Comfort? Gree is eco-friendly, uses R32 refrigerant, with low environmental impact. The technology used by GREE air conditioners and heat pumps is GREEN, because it is renewable energy: it captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it from one place to another, multiplying it. The use of R32, a refrigerant gas with a low impact on global warming, makes room comfort environmentally friendly: there is no impact on the ozone layer, the gas charge is 30% lower because R32 has a higher energy efficiency and the potential effect on global warming is reduced by 1/3 compared to the traditional R410A refrigerant Gree Uses the Latest Generation DC Inverter Technology and saves you on Consumption Inverter G10 is the Gree technology that allows you to modulate the power and speed of the compressor and fans of the air conditioner or heat pump based on real comfort needs. As the ambient temperature approaches the set value, the compressor and fans reduce speed and therefore energy consumption: this is why this technology contributes to containing energy consumption Gree gives you all the comfort you could wish for DC Inverter technology GREE offers multiple advantages: rapid achievement of the desired temperature, precise temperature control, constant comfort, silence, control of electricity consumption Flexible matching The outdoor units can be combined with all types of indoor units according to the combinations illustrated below Operation up to low external temperatures The ability to operate down to -15°C, both in cold -15°C -15°C and in heat, guarantees high product reliability: when the outside temperature varies, the frequency of the compressor and the speed of the fan adjust accordingly Gree Fairy I Feel The sensor built into the remote controller senses the surrounding temperature and transmits the signal to the indoor unit. In this way the indoor unit can adjust the volume and temperature of the airflow to ensure maximum comfort at the exact point where the remote control is placed, not where the unit is. COLD PLASMA air purification system It releases ions capable of neutralizing bacteria, fungi, viruses, pollen, mites and pollutants present in the air in general, making the environment healthy and the air pleasant. It guarantees effective sterilization of the air, killing over 90% of bacteria. Removes over 400 kinds of odors. Improves air quality, enriching it with negative ions. New elegant design, original and attractive finish The rounded design and the precious finish, embellished with chromed details and the original lateral workmanship, make the unit elegant and captivating. Door control contact This function allows you to use the magnetic card on the entrance door (for example in hotel rooms) to control the switching on and off of the air conditioner. By inserting the card, the air conditioner starts, by removing the card, the air conditioner stops. In this way, waste of energy is avoided. For this application it is necessary to use the wired controller. Wi-Fi Remotely Thanks to the integrated WIFI module, it is possible to control the operation of the unit remotely via the APP on your smartphone, turn the unit on or off, select the desired mode and temperature, etc., to program your comfort at any time, even when you are away from home Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-gree-climatizzatore-condizionatore-gree-trial-split-inverter-serie-u-crown-121212-con-gwhd24nk6oo-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-120001200012000

    Gree Gree Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner U-Crown Series 12+12+12 With Gwhd(24)Nk6oo R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 12000+12000+12000

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 3x GWH12UB-K6DNA4A/I Power : 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 3.53 kW Heating Capacity: 4.0 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 250~650 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 35~58 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 23~42 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x860x170 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.5 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor unit Model: Outdoor Unit catalog code: GWHD(24)NK6OO Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.1 SCOP : 4.0 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 407 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating : 2189 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.1 kW Heating Capacity: 8.6 kW Absorption in cooling: 1.88 kW Heating absorption: 2.23 kW Sound power level : 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 58 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/F) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 43°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Maximum piping length: 30 m Maximum piping length with additional charge: 60 m Maximum height difference between indoor units: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 654x889x340 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 47.5 Kg Gree U Crown Unique Design, Exclusive Finish The seamless design of the air outlet is designed to ensure unrestricted comfort. The finish is exclusive in terms of material and effect Cold Plasma Air Purification System It releases ions capable of neutralizing bacteria, fungi, viruses, pollen, mites and pollutants present in the air in general, making the environment healthy and the air pleasant. It guarantees effective sterilization of the air, killing over 90% of bacteria. Removes over 400 kinds of odors. Improves air quality, enriching it with negative ions Energy Saving 2-Stage Compressor It guarantees exceptional performances in a very wide range of external temperatures, from -30°C to +54°C Large Amplitude 3D Airflow Horizontal swing angle up to 130°, vertical swing angle up to 180° Wi-Fi Remotely Thanks to the integrated WIFI module, it is possible to control the operation of the unit remotely via the APP on your smartphone, turn the unit on or off, select the desired mode and temperature, etc., to program your comfort at any time, even when you are away from home Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-samsung-climatizzatore-condizionatore-samsung-trial-split-inverter-serie-maldives-quantum-121212-con-aj068rcj-r-32-120001200012000

    Samsung Samsung Air Conditioner Trial Split Inverter Series Maldives Quantum 12+12+12 With Aj068rcj R-32 12000+12000+12000

    Technical features INDOOR UNITS Model: Series: MALDIVES 2019 Model: 3 x AR12RXFPEWQN Power: 12000 btu Dimensions : WxHxD (mm) : 820 x 285 x 215 *3 Infrared remote controls included OUTDOOR UNIT Model: Catalog code: AJ068RCJ3EG/EU Gases: R-32 Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Cooling/Heating Energy Class: A++/A+ Nominal Capacity (Cooling/Heating) kW: 6.8 / 8.0 Max Outdoor Unit Sound Pressure (dB(A)): 48/50 Sound power (Max) dB(A): 64 Cooling/Heating operation range (°C): -5°~46°/-15°~24° Electrical data: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 880 X 798 X 310 Weight : 57.5Kg Pipe length (max per unit): 25 m Piping length (min per unit): 3 m Indoor-outdoor unit max height difference: 15 m Indoor-indoor unit max height difference: 7.5 m General characteristics MALDIVES QUANTUM R-32 The new Samsung air conditioner with a refined design is the perfect solution for a modern and elegant living environment and is able to give a touch of style to your life with unparalleled beauty. The MALDIVES have very low energy consumption ; they produce a relaxing well -being thanks to the maintenance of a constant temperature without sudden changes ; they contribute to the protection of our planet because they respect the environment . The new high-density filter removes even the smallest and most microscopic dust particles and transforms polluted air into absolutely pure and clean air. Even the cleaning of the filter is carried out in the purest way since it is enough to wash it under the jet of water. MALDIVES air conditioners offer a series of functions that enhance their practicality of use from ClimaConvenienza.it 8-Pole Digital Inverter - Save up to 68% of energy Samsung air conditioners are the first in the world to use an 8-Pole motor instead of a 4-Pole one. Thanks to the use of this system, equipped with Power Boost Technology™ , the motor of the WindFree air conditioner and of the entire new Samsung range generates fewer torque fluctuations, with a consequent lower energy demand on the device and a shorter time necessary for the compressor to reach the maximum speed (Hertz). This ensures that Samsung air conditioners operate more effectively and efficiently*, with less vibration and noise. Filter 3 care, a precious ally against allergies The new generation filter removes the most common harmful agents from the air, helping to create a healthy and comfortable home atmosphere. How it works : The triple action filter has a special anti-bacteria, anti-allergy and anti-virus coating and can be easily removed for cleaning. Easy maintenance and cleaning: The 3CARE filter is located on the top of the indoor unit. Unlike traditional filters, located under the central panel and often difficult to extract, the 3CARE filter can be released and replaced with a simple gesture. Color and style with an inimitable design The new Samsung air conditioner with a refined design is the perfect solution for a modern and elegant living environment and is able to give a touch of style to your life with unparalleled beauty. good sleep If you don't sleep peacefully, you risk starting the day on the wrong foot. That's why the Samsung Good Sleep function creates an ideally comfortable climate in your bedroom. Thanks to a precise temperature control system and automatic humidity regulation, all three vital phases of your sleep are protected from humidity and heat so that when you wake up you feel refreshed and ready to face a new day. Good Sleep not only saves you vital minutes and hours of potentially lost sleep, but also saves up to 36% in energy consumption compared to normal cooling mode. Auto Clean You probably already know this, but it's good to remember that an air conditioner can produce mold and spread bacteria. This is because the difference between the internal and external air temperatures creates the formation of humidity inside the unit and humidity is synonymous with bacteria. Our solution? Samsung air conditioners are equipped with the automatic cleaning function, which automatically activates the fan even after turning off the climate, keeping everything dry and odor-free, while preventing the spread of germs. Automatic adjustment of horizontal and vertical flow A breath, a caress The air diffusion system makes use of special fins to distribute the flow uniformly and rapidly in the indicated direction. Dehumidification Thanks to the new Samsung air conditioner, your home will no longer be humid and muggy. The new Samsung air conditioner is in fact the most suitable solution for removing excess humidity from the environment. R-32: more efficient and eco-friendly Samsung uses R-32, a refrigerant that results in lower CO2 emissions. This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. For the benefit of the environment! Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-general-fujitsu-climatizzatore-condizionatore-general-fujitsu-trial-split-inverter-keta-white-121212-btu-con-aohg24kbta3-r-32-120001200012000-wi-fi-optional-novita

    General Fujitsu Air Conditioner General Fujitsu Trial Split Inverter Keta White 12+12+12 Btu With Aohg24kbta3 R-32 12000+12000+12000 Wi-Fi Optional - New

    General Fujitsu Air Conditioner Trial Split Inverter KETA White 12+12+12 btu with AOHG24KBTA3 R-32 12000+12000+12000 Wi-Fi Optional - New Indoor Units 1) Model Product code: 3x ASHG12KETA Power 12000 btu White color Cooling Capacity: 3.4 kW Heating Capacity: 4.0 kW Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 295 x 950 x 230 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11 Kg Wi-Fi Optional ( Code UTY-TFSXW1 ) Outdoor Unit Catalog code : AOHG24KBTA3 Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Characteristics Cooling Capacity : 6.8 (1.8-8.5) Heating Capacity : 8.0 (2.0-9.2) SEER Cooling kWh/kWh 8.50 SCOP Heating 4.60 Cooling sound pressure : 48 dB(A) Heating sound pressure : 53 dB(A) Sound Power Cooling : 61 dB(A) Heating Sound Power : 67 dB(A) Compressor DC twin rotary type Maximum pipe length Total / Single line m 50 / 25 Minimum piping length Total / Single line 10 /2.5 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Dimensions and weight : Dimensions (H × W × D) mm 716 x 820 x 315 Weight of Outdoor Unit: 37 Kg Multisplit system The GENERAL Inverter Multisplit systems today represent a range of products that ranks at the top of the category in terms of performance and energy efficiency , especially when they are called upon to operate in heat pump, for this reason they are also widely used as a primary heating system. The technology of Multisplit Inverter systems is now applied both in the residential sector but also in the commercial and service sector where the variations in the thermal load are continuous and sudden. Thanks to the technology of the new DC inverter compressors, the desired temperature in the room is reached more quickly than conventional models and is maintained with a difference of just 0.5°C. General KETA Beauty of Design The refined design of the KE series has been conceived for the most demanding European market; the peculiarity of how the panel is built creates three-dimensional light effects also due to its slightly curved surface; an elegant and ideal product for any type of environment. Comfort in the environment and silence The oversized deflector allows for a large air flow, improving comfort and silence in the room Intelligent remote management (optional) This model can be controlled remotely from any smart device using the free FGLair application, by easily installing the optional UTY-TFSXF2 interface on the indoor unit Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase


  • immagine-1-hisense-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-trial-split-inverter-serie-silentium-121212-con-4amw81u4raa-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-120001200012000-new

    Hisense Hisense Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Silentium Series 12 + 12 + 12 With 4amw81u4raa R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 12000 + 12000 + 12000 - New

    Technical features Indoor units Model Catalog code Indoor Unit : 3 x QA35XX0AG Series: Silentium Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling/Heating Capacity: 3.5/4.0 kW Air flow: 10.83 m3/min Sound pressure level (min-max): 19-39 dB(A) Dimensions WxHxD (mm): 962×319×226 ; 13Kg Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: 4AMW81U4RAA Max indoor units: up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER(W/W) : 7.18 SCOP(W/W) : 3.97 Energy Efficiency Class (Cooling) : A++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A Indicative annual energy consumption Cooling/Heating kWh/a 390/3174 Performance: Cooling Capacity (kW) : 8.0 Cooling absorption (kW): 2.25 Heating Capacity (kW) : 9.0 Heating absorption (kW): 2.25 Sound power level dB(A) 68 Sound pressure level dB(A) 54/60 Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15~48°C - Heating: -15~24°C Liquid piping/Gas piping mm(inch) 6.35 (1/4) x4 - 9.52 (3/8) x4 Pipe length Max/Max per unit m 60/20 Max height difference (U. Internal/U. External) m 15 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm) : 950×840×340 ; 67 kgs 3 remote controls included 3 year warranty (5 on the compressor) The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the addresshttp://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Multisplit Line - Free Match Free Match products are ideal where an indoor unit is required for each room, such as a living room and 3 bedrooms. The system allows you to combine up to 5 indoor units with a single outdoor unit. Indoor units can be of different types, including ducted, wall-mounted, cassette, and ceiling/floor. High Efficiency Twin Rotary DC Inverter Compressor The design of the new dual rotor BLDC Inverter compressor ensures better balancing and reduced vibrations. This translates into the maximum level of silence and excellent performance in terms of efficiency and energy saving. DC drive technology with 180° sine wave The system constantly monitors the compressor frequency and creates the most efficient waveform to determine effective fuel savings. Compressor with rubidium magnet Thanks to the greater compression of the gas molecules, the rubidium magnet compressor guarantees greater efficiency and lower absorption. Electronic expansion valve The outdoor unit uses an electronic expansion valve which regulates optimizes the refrigerant amount of all operating indoor units. Operation with wide voltage range The outdoor unit can work with voltage from 176V to 264V. In the new models, the use of an automatic voltage regulation technique ensures that the protection value adjusts according to it, keeping the operating frequency at an optimal value. Exchanger design: designed to improve its efficiency The design of the external exchanger has been designed to increase heat transfer in order to make the refrigeration circuit more efficient and avoid the creation of blocks of ice. Another advantage is that it can support long-distance connections between outdoor units and indoor units without reducing the cooling capacity. The new Hisense air conditioners use the ecological R32 refrigerant gas which, thanks to its reduced global warming potential (GWP), helps to pursue the European mission for the protection and conservation of our environment General characteristics SILENT series Hisense Italia offers the Silentium air conditioner, top of the range of the residential line, which is characterized by high performance, excellent comfort and elegant design. In line with European environmental protection regulations, it uses the new R32 ecological gas (with reduced environmental impact) which, combined with the DC Inverter compressor, makes it possible to achieve energy efficiency class A+++ in both cooling and heating. Extremely silent, only 16.5 decibels, it can be managed remotely via smartphone or tablet , with a simple and intuitive Hi-Smart Life APP, available in both Android and IOS versions. The design is captivating with the sinuous and refined lines of the motorized panel which opens when switched on and closes when switched off. Silentium is the top of the range, thanks to the high energy efficiency A+++, the use of R32 ecological gas and the high degree of comfort reserved for the user, managed via the device's APP. Special restart at 8°C The special 8°C heating mode is very useful especially for homes located in areas with colder temperatures. During your absence, in fact, the unit will start in heating mode as soon as a temperature below 8°C is detected, allowing your rooms not to freeze and reducing the level of humidity in the air. Highly silent Thanks to the new design, the air conditioner achieves a very low noise level: >16.5dB in silent mode. Wi-Fi control Conveniently control your air conditioner from anywhere in the house with your smartphone and a WiFi connection. R-32: the new low environmental impact gas Silentium uses R-32 , a refrigerant which results in lower CO2 emissions and therefore has a lower global warming potential. Characteristics: A+++ energy efficiency SEER/SCOP 9K (8.5/5.1) 12K (8.5/4.6) R32 , new ecological refrigerant 3D inverters Cooling at low temperatures -15° Heating at low temperatures -20°C 8 degree heating Quiet mode , 16.5dB Electronic expansion valve sliding panel Universal indoor unit for mono & multi Wifi Room Card Control Function 4 in 1 filter : vitamins C+catecin+sliver+HEPA-) Activated carbon filter Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-hisense-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-trial-split-inverter-serie-mini-apple-pie-121212-con-3amw72u4rfa-r-32-wi-fi-optional-120001200012000-new

    Hisense Air Conditioner Hisense Trial Split Inverter Series Mini Apple Pie 12 + 12 + 12 With 3amw72u4rfa R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 12000 + 12000 + 12000 - New

    Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model Internal Unit catalog code: 3 x TG35VE00G Series: Mini Apple Pie Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling/Heating Capacity: 3.5/4.0 kW Air flow: 600 m3/h Sound pressure level (min-max): 19-44 dB(A) Dimensions WxHxD (mm): 950x275x208; 8.5Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card ( Code AEH-W4A1/B1 ) Outdoor Unit Model: Product code: 3AMW72U4RFA Refrigerant gas : R-32 Cooling down SEER 6.11 Cooling energy class A++ Annual energy consumption 401 kWh/a Heating SCOP 4.01 Heating energy class A+ Annual energy consumption 2618 kWa Performance Sound power dBa 68 Sound pressure dBa 53/59 Liquid/gas pipes 6.35 (1/4) / 9.52 (3/8) mm Dimensions Dimensions WxHxD 860×670×310 mm 3 remote controls included 3 year warranty (5 on the compressor) The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Multisplit Line - Free Match Free Match products are ideal where an indoor unit is required for each room, such as a living room and 3 bedrooms. The system allows you to combine up to 5 indoor units with a single outdoor unit. Indoor units can be of different types, including ducted, wall-mounted, cassette, and ceiling/floor. High Efficiency Twin Rotary DC Inverter Compressor The design of the new dual rotor BLDC Inverter compressor ensures better balancing and reduced vibrations. This translates into the maximum level of silence and excellent performance in terms of efficiency and energy saving. DC drive technology with 180° sine wave The system constantly monitors the compressor frequency and creates the most efficient waveform to determine effective fuel savings. Compressor with rubidium magnet Thanks to the greater compression of the gas molecules, the compressor with rubidium magnet guarantees greater efficiency and lower absorption. Electronic expansion valve The outdoor unit uses an electronic expansion valve which regulates optimizes the refrigerant amount of all operating indoor units. Operation with wide voltage range The outdoor unit can work with voltage from 176V to 264V. In the new models, the use of an automatic voltage regulation technique ensures that the protection value adjusts according to it, keeping the operating frequency at an optimal value. Exchanger design: designed to improve its efficiency The design of the external exchanger was designed to increase heat transfer in order to make the refrigeration circuit more efficient and avoid the creation of blocks of ice. Another advantage is that it can support long-distance connections between outdoor units and indoor units without reducing the cooling capacity. The new Hisense air conditioners use the ecological R32 refrigerant gas which, thanks to its reduced global warming potential (GWP), helps to pursue the European mission for the protection and conservation of our environment General characteristics Mini Apple Pie series Hisense Italia offers the Mini Apple Pie air conditioner, high performance, excellent comfort and elegant design. 360° comfort The flaps can swing not only horizontally but also vertically . The distribution of air (hot or fresh) is thus more homogeneous, guaranteeing absolute comfort. I Feel The internal sensor of the remote control is able to detect the surrounding temperature and transmit this information to the internal unit, which will adapt its operation on the basis of it to ensure maximum comfort. 4 filters in 1 Vitamin C filter - The vitamin C filter releases vitamin C into the air. Vitamin C penetrates your skin providing protection from ultraviolet rays, retaining active oxygen and promoting collagen production. Silver ion filter - The silver ion filter eliminates bacteria present in the air and controls the growth of microbes such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores by destroying their internal configuration and absorbing their cellular elements. Photo catalyst filter - The photo catalyst filter eliminates wood chips and other germs. In addition, this filter eliminates odors thanks to the deodorizing properties equal to those of 500 activated carbon deodorants. Catechin filter - The catechin filter removes odors and eliminates dirt and particles from the air and room. HEPA Filter - The HEPA filter effectively eliminates pollen, grinding dust, pneumobacillus, ensuring you fresh and healthy air. Aroma Filter - This air conditioner filter will give a heavenly scent to your room when you add your favorite perfume to the aroma filter. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-mitsubishi-heavy-industries-climatizzatore-condizionatore-mitsubishi-heavy-industries-trial-split-inverter-serie-kireia-plus-titanium-121212-con-scm60zs-w-r-32-wi-fi-optional-120001200012000

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Trial Split Inverter Kireia Plus Titanium Series 12+12+12 With Scm60zs-W R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 12000+12000+12000

    Technical features Indoor units Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 3x SRK35ZSX-T Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 4.5 kW Treated Air : 300 ~ 834 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 19 ~ 42 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxPxH): 920x220x305 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AM-MHI-01 ) Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: SCM60ZS-W Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.80 SCOP : 4.60 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 239 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating: 1430 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 6.0 kW Heating Capacity: 6.8 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.32 kW Std heating absorption: 1.40 kW Sound power level : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 54 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation Data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Maximum piping length: 40 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 15 m Dimensions: Dimensions Outdoor Unit (LxPxH): 850(+65)x290x640 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 48.5 Kg Mitsubishi Heavy Industries KIREIA PLUS Japanese Technology, Italian Design A'Design Award KIREIA Plus received the Silver A'Design Award in the “Engineering and Technical Design” category for “having met the demanding expectations of the European air conditioning market”. Stylish Simplicity Soft curves and rounded corners that give the machine a 'floating effect' making it elegant and compact Color White and Titanium The elegance of white, the hi-tech style of titanium Human Sensor (Optional) It knows when you give it your all, it recognizes your moments of relaxation, and if you leave, it saves energy. Three functions to achieve the optimal level of energy savings with the HUMAN SENSOR device • Eco Operation By Human Sensor • Auto OFF By Human Sensor • Fuzzy Auto Operation Breathe clean air Thanks to the combined action of the antiallergenic and photocatalytic filters, KIREIA PLUS retains and neutralizes pollen and eliminates bad smells. With the Allergen Clear function all bacteria, viruses and molds collected on the surface of the anti-allergenic filter are eliminated Optimized Airflow The 3D auto function ensures better distribution and circulation of the air in the room. The control logic optimally regulates the airflow , automatically controlling the fan speed and the direction of the flow Smart remote control The remote control supplied as standard with KIREIA guarantees simple and intuitive use, allows complete control of the temperature and air distribution in the room • Weekly timer: up to 4 daily schedules for a total of 28 weekly schedules • Modes: auto, cooling, heating, dehumidification and ventilation • Available functions: Eco, Night Setback, Silent Wi-Fi Optional Thanks to the Wi-Fi module, it is possible to access the remote control of the air conditioner via the app for smartphones and tablets Home Air Conditioning Control, even outside the home With the app it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the room temperature and the air flow of each air conditioner in the house Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-hermann-saunier-duval-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hermann-saunier-duval-trial-split-inverter-serie-top-comfort-121212-con-sdh20-070mc3no-r-32-120001200012000

    HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Hermann Saunier Duval Trial Split Inverter air conditioner TOP COMFORT series 12+12+12 with SDH20-070MC3NO R-32 12000+12000+12000

    Technical features Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3 x SDH20-035NWI Power : 12000 btu Cooling power: 3.5 kW Maximum Cooling Power: 3.81 kW Heating power: 3.81 kW Maximum Heating Power: 4.4 kW Air Flow : 390 / 680 m³/h Sound pressure : 25 / 43 db(A) Sound power : 40 / 58 db(A) Pipe connection: 1/4 - 3/8 Dimensions : 295 x 865 x 210 Weight : 11Kg Outdoor Unit Model : SDH20-070MC3NO Electric Power Supply V/Ph/Hz : 230/1/50 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Sound Power : 68 db(A) Sound pressure : 58 db(A) Maximum Pipe Length between Indoor and Outdoor Units: 20 m Maximum Total Pipe Length: 70 m Maximum height difference between internal and external units: 20 m Pipe diameter : 1/4 - 3/8 Performance Cooling down Cooling power kW : 2.29 / 8.5 Cooling power Btu/h : 7800 / 29000 Maximum Current : 11.3A Heating Heating power kW : 3.66 / 8.79 Heating power Btu/h : 12500 / 30000 Maximum Current : 11.3A General characteristics VivAir Top Comfort SDH20 The new range of air conditioners that improve efficiency, sustainability and design that you will find on our website climaconvenienza.it VivAir Top Comfort SDH 20 is the new range of air conditioners that use R32 refrigerant gas which offers many advantages such as greater energy efficiency , less impact on the climate (Global Warming Potential - GWP= 675) and a lower amount of charge required compared to air conditioners that use R410 A gas. Thanks to the use of the new R32 gas, the new Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners are already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new regulation on fluorinated gases issued by the EU in 2015, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 in single split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. VivAir Top Comfort SDH 20 is available in Dual, Trial and Quadri versions with cooling powers from 4.1 kW to 8 kW. Thanks to the new R32 refrigerant gas, the 3D inverter technology and the electronic expansion valve, it is possible to achieve an energy class in cooling up to A++ (SEER up to 6.3) and in heating up to A+ (SCOP equal to 4). VivAir Top Comfort SDH 20 offers various functions to improve the comfort of your home: I Feel function to offer the desired temperature where the remote control is located, Turbo function to reach the desired temperature in the shortest possible time, regulation of the air vertically and horizontally, Quiet function to minimize noise. VivAir Top Comfort SDH 20 is also characterized by the use of an active ionizer device which purifies the air in the room by creating negative ions which neutralize positively charged particles, thus keeping the room fresh, free from odours, bacteria and mold spores . The X-Fan function also removes humidity from the internal exchanger, keeping it dry and preventing the formation of rust and bacteria. All functions described above are only available for wall mounted units. The functions that can be set in the remote control supplied with the cassette and console units are equivalent to those of the VivAir Uni Comfort series. All supplied remote controls are easy to use and feature a large display to indicate the current operating status. The new R32 gas VivAir is the new range of Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners that use R32 ecological refrigerant gas. Thanks to the use of the new gas it is possible to obtain many advantages such as greater energy efficiency, a lower impact on the climate and a lower amount of charge required compared to air conditioners that use R410A gas. R32 gas is a safe gas, tested and already widely used for domestic applications in many foreign countries for several years. What impact does it have on the climate? The acronym GWP (Global Warming Potential) is used to express the influence that a specific refrigerant would have if released into the atmosphere. The higher the GWP value, the greater the negative effect of that refrigerant on climate and global warming. The new R32 refrigerant has a GWP of approximately 675, which corresponds to approximately one third of that of R410A gas (GWP=2088). Ready for the new EU Standards The new VivAir range is already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new directive No. 517/2014 on fluorinated gases issued by the European Union, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 starting from 2025 in mono-split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. Multisplit air conditioner with R32 ecological gas Active ionizer The active ionizer device inside the indoor unit creates negative ions which neutralize the positively charged particles in the room, thus keeping the environment fresh and healthy, free from odours, bacteria and mold spores. X-Fan function The X-Fan function removes humidity from the internal exchanger, keeping it dry and preventing the formation of rust and bacteria, preserving the durability of the product and contributing to a healthier environment. Quiet function The Quiet function allows you to adjust the fan speed to minimize the noise level of the indoor unit without changing the required comfort. Advantages : New R32 refrigerant gas Dedicated MultiSplit indoor units: wall, cassette and floor/ceiling Energy efficiency class in cooling up to A++ "Auto Clean X Fan" function to keep the exchanger dry Active Ionizer to improve the air quality in the environment Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-mitsubishi-electric-climatizzatore-condizionatore-mitsubishi-electric-trial-split-inverter-serie-ap-vgk-121212-con-mxz-3f68vf2-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-120001200012000

    MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Electric Trial Split Inverter Series Ap-Vgk 12+12+12 With Mxz-3f68vf2 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 12000+12000+12000

    Technical features Indoor units Model: Indoor Unit Catalog Code : 3x MSZ-AP35VGK Power : 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 4.0 kW Treated Air : 4,9 ~ 12,9 m 3 /min Sound Power Level : 57 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 19~45 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 299x798x219 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 10.5 kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code Outdoor Unit : MXZ-3F68VF2/3 Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER: 7.96 SCOP: 4.12 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 299 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating : 2312 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 6.8 kW Heating Capacity: 8.6 kW Cooling absorption: 1.84 kW Heating absorption: 1.91 kW Sound power level : 63 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 48~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Maximum piping length: 60 m Maximum difference in height Internal Unit / External Unit: 15 m External Unit Above Maximum difference in height Internal Unit / External Unit: 10 m External Unit Below Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 710x840x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 58.0 Kg Compact design and size The MSZ-AP units are characterized by ultra-compact dimensions , with only 2 dimensional levels for 6 different powers Integrated MELCloud The new MSZ-AP (in the VGK version) offers the user experience of MELCloud integrated into the machine. Ready to be configured and used, it allows the user to remotely manage all the air conditioner functions thanks to the Wi-Fi controller. Efficiency Thanks to careful planning and the introduction of R32 refrigerant , the efficiency of the new MSZ-AP units has significantly increased, reaching class A+++ in cooling (sizes 25 and 35) and A++ in heating across the entire lineup. Air distribution Thanks to the presence of the motorized louver, it is possible to direct the air flow to achieve maximum comfort in the room in any operating mode (sizes 25-50). Furthermore, the horizontal flow eliminates annoying drafts towards the occupants. New backlit remote The backlit remote control allows easy viewing even at night Silent operation For sizes 25/35 the sound emission of the indoor unit is only 19dB when operating at minimum speed, guaranteeing maximum acoustic comfort inside the room Night Mode By activating the Night Mode function from the remote control, it is possible to set the air conditioner for night-time operation: LED dimming Deactivation of "beep" sound 3dB reduction of outdoor unit sound emission. Advanced filtration Thanks to the air purifying filter in the internal unit, the new MSZ-AP model guarantees the removal of dust and bad odours. Furthermore, for sizes 25-50, it is possible to provide the optional silver ion air purifying filter, which captures bacteria, pollen and other allergens. Energy monitoring The new MSZ-AP model supports the energy consumption monitoring function thanks to the Cloud MELCloud remote control system. Efficiency Thanks to careful planning and the introduction of R32 refrigerant, the efficiency of the new multi-split outdoor units is significantly increased, reaching class A+++ in cooling (sizes 2F42,2F53,3F54) and A++ (sizes 2F42,2F53,3F54) in heating. Connectivity The extraordinary connectivity available with the new external units allows to satisfy every need. The MXZ-F unit demonstrates all-round versatility , being connectable to most of the indoor unit range of the Residential and Commercial Line, whether they are wall mounted, ceiling cassette or ducted. Quietness The new MXZ-F multisplit outdoor units reach a new level of operating silence, reducing the sound emission by up to 4dB compared to the previous model in cooling mode and up to 3dB in heating mode. R32: reduced environmental impact Thanks to the use of R32 refrigerant and a reduced pre-charge of the units compared to the previous model, the MXZ-F units introduce a significantly lower quantity of equivalent tons of CO2 into the environment. Automatic noise reduction mode By setting this function, it is possible to automatically decrease the noise level of the external unit as the internal loads to be satisfied decrease, such as for example during night cooling. Auto-correct links It is enough to press a button (MXZ-3E/F to MXZ-6D) or activate only one indoor unit (MXZ-2E/F) to ensure the correct connection between indoor and outdoor units. In the event of a connection error, the system will automatically correct it Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-samsung-climatizzatore-condizionatore-samsung-trial-split-inverter-serie-windfree-pure-121212-con-aj068rcj-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-120001200012000

    Samsung Air Conditioner Samsung Trial Split Inverter Series Windfree Pure 12+12+12 With Aj068rcj R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 12000+12000+12000

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Series: Windfree PURE Model: 3 x AR12NXCXAWKNEU Power: 12000 btu Cooling/Heating capacity: 3.5/4.0 kW Max flow rate: 636 m3/h Dimensions WxHxD (mm): 828x295x265; 9.4kg Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: AJ068RCJ3EG/EU Gases: R-32 Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Energy efficiency SEER: 7.75 SCOP: 4.32 Energy efficiency class Cooling/Heating: A++/A+ Performance Nominal Capacity (Cooling/Heating) kW: 6.8/8.0 Max Outdoor Unit Sound Pressure (dB(A)): 48/50 Sound power (Max) dB(A): 64 Cooling/Heating operation range (°C): -10°~46°/-15°~24° Dimensions: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 880x798x310 ; 57.5Kg Liquid/Gas connection pipes Ømm (inch) 3x6.35 (1/4”) - 9.52 (3/8”) + 2x12.70 (1/2”) Pipe length (max per unit): 50 m Indoor-outdoor unit max height difference: 15 m Indoor-indoor unit max height difference: 7.5 m General characteristics MULTIsplit residential line Unique technologies that improve life Efficiency and Comfort for a perfect climate. The Samsung Multisplit range offers a variety of solutions for all types of environments and needs. Multisplit products maintain optimal performance, guaranteeing energy efficiency among the best on the market. Samsung's multi-split systems, exclusively silent and energy efficient , provide perfectly optimized air purification for minor applications. Compact, lightweight designs and one-button automatic addressing make installation easy at a low cost. With its advanced compression technology, Samsung FJM offers balanced performance for high reliability. The FJM system is fully compliant with new EU regulations for even more efficient performance. Samsung WindFree PURE WindFree, the only ones with 21,000 micro-holes to spread only the pleasure of the air WindFree Pure is an exclusive product, thanks to the innovative WindFree system which, with its 21,000 micro-holes, transforms the annoying jets of air into a pleasant enveloping freshness, silently and with the convenience of remote control via Wi-Fi. It is also managed by a high- tech 8-pole inverter , the core of the innovative Digital Inverter technology. Samsung air conditioners are the first in the world to use an 8-Pole motor instead of a 4-Pole in the compressor of an outdoor unit. This allows the reduction of vibrations and noise; it also allows you to reach the desired temperature faster. The devices in the WindFree range are in fact equipped with the Easy Filter Plus filter which captures dust, contaminants and allergens and which, being positioned on the outside on the upper part of the air conditioner, allows simple, quick and frequent cleaning. To guarantee even cleaner air, the WindFree Pure air conditioner, top of the range in the residential category, is equipped with a PM 2.5 filter which filters 100% of the incoming air, reducing ultrafine dust by over 99% in less than 2h. Furthermore, WindFree air conditioners can help make the heat of the hottest days more bearable and allow adults and especially children to sleep better at night. The Good Sleep mode together with the WindFree Cooling function creates the ideal climate for deep sleep, without direct air jets. Create and keep fresh quickly, without draughts The new WindFree air distribution system is the only one that transforms the powerful and direct air flow, often the cause of muscle pain and colds, into enveloping coolness. WindFree technology works so well you won't even know you have it. Once the desired temperature has been reached, the system distributes fresh air evenly without unpleasant gusts of wind. Refresh faster Fresh air arrives quickly in every point of the room, to give you maximum comfort everywhere. The 8-pole Digital Inverter technology increases the cooling speed by 43%*, while the triangular shape allows fresh air to be diffused further and with a greater width**. Constant comfort without changing settings: Cooling in 2 stages 2 step cooling is the exclusive two-phase cooling system that allows Samsung Windfree air conditioners to obtain surprising results in a very short time and to maintain ideal climatic conditions in absolute comfort. Once the temperature has been selected, the air conditioner automatically sets the maximum power to reach the target in 25% less time than traditional air conditioners. Once the set temperature has been reached, the air conditioner autonomously reduces the emission of cold air, directing it upwards to avoid unpleasant chills for the people present in the room. The result? Maximum comfort, no cold spots and no changes to settings. What is WindFree technology? The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of coolness throughout the room, without direct air jets. Enjoy a pleasant night's sleep Good Sleep mode with WindFree cooling creates the ideal climate for a perfect night's sleep, without cold air flows. Thanks to this temperature control technology, falling asleep quickly and sleeping soundly will be really easy, and you will wake up feeling better. Everything under control anytime, anywhere Your well-being can be programmed even when you're not at home. By connecting the air conditioner via the integrated Wi-Fi module, you can easily manage the air conditioner from your smartphone or tablet, even when it suddenly gets hot and you're not at home. Thanks to Wi-Fi and the Smart Home app *, you can remotely manage the air conditioner functions and plan its switching on and off. In addition, you will have real-time feedback on its operation with the possibility of monitoring and limiting energy consumption. Filters and Purification PM 2.5 filter Reduces fine dust by over 99%. PM is the term by which particles found in the air are classified, such as fine dust, soot, smoke and liquid particles. 2.5 identifies the diameter in nanometers of these particles. The PM 2.5 filtration system captures them through electrostatic attraction, guaranteeing 99% purification in less than 2h. SPI Air Purifier Reduces up to 99% of viruses The innovative technology produces active hydrogen which, together with the oxygen ions, neutralizes the harmful particles that cause allergies and respiratory problems, guaranteeing always pure and healthy air. Easy Filter Plus Filters out contaminants and allergens in the air Easy Filter Plus filters contaminants and allergens in the air and is located on the outside, on top of the indoor unit. This makes it easier to take out, clean and replace Indoor unit main features Air conditioner that works with R32 gas , a new type of environmentally friendly refrigerant. The WindFree system , thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. The exclusive Smart Control technology allows you to manage the main functions of the air conditioner using an app that can be installed on a smartphone or PC, even when you are away from home. The noise level of just 16 db(A) is made possible by the use of advanced technologies and by an internal unit designed to minimize any type of vibration or noise. Digital Inverter and 8-Pole Compressor The Digital Inverter compressor modulates the power according to actual needs, significantly reducing energy waste compared to traditional compressors. The new and exclusive 8-Pole Inverter ensures more effective and effi cient operation with less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Purification The Easy Filter Filters out contaminants and allergens in the air and is located on the outside at the top. So it's easier to take out, clean and put back without having to open any lid or pull hard to detach it. Spi Air Purifier Reduces up to 99% of viruses The innovative technology produces active hydrogen which, together with oxygen ions, neutralizes harmful particles that cause allergies and respiratory problems, guaranteeing always pure and healthy air. PM 2.5 filter filters 100% of the incoming air, reducing ultrafine dust by over 99%. Design The triangular design allows for a larger impeller, a wider intake grille and a larger delivery surface. The room is cooled faster and more evenly. The elegant and luminous digital display , visible only when the air conditioner is on, reveals the temperature of the room in which the internal unit is installed. Comfort The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Auto Change Over automatically selects the operating mode (cooling or heating) required to maintain the set temperature. Just press the appropriate button and the special fins distribute the air flow evenly and quickly in the desired direction. The Good Sleep function regulates the room temperature by reproducing the body temperature curve during the night, thus ensuring a more comfortable rest. The dehumidification function allows you to eliminate humidity from the rooms, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The auto clean function , which starts automatically once the air conditioner is switched off, eliminates humidity in the internal unit, preventing the proliferation of mould, bacteria and bad odours. 2-Step Cooling The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. External Unit Features Protection of the fins and the structure The outdoor units are able to withstand even extremely high temperatures thanks to the large condenser and the optimized refrigerant flow. It also has a special coating that prevents corrosion of the condenser and the structure. Compressor protection It is able to operate in even the harshest environments thanks to the Triple Protector Plus technology which protects the compressor from possible low voltage damage caused by overvoltage overload. Control unit protection It also includes a feature that protects the control system from high voltage discharges caused by fluctuating electrical current, thus avoiding the need to use a separate voltage stabilizer. BLDC compressor (double rotation) A key aspect contributing to the FJM's efficiency is its BLDC (dual rotation) compressor which is standard on all outboard models. Its twin eccentric cams and twin balance weights result in low levels of vibration, contributing to a much quieter overall performance. Attention to the quality of moving parts such as robust bearings as well as premium quality track rollers and shafts produce a high degree of stability and durability. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee for this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-daikin-climatizzatore-condizionatore-daikin-bluevolution-trial-split-inverter-serie-emura-silver-121212-con-3mxm68n-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-120001200012000-colore-argento-garanzia-italiana

    DAIKIN Daikin Bluevolution Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Emura Silver Series 12+12+12 With 3mxm68n R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 12000+12000+12000 Silver Color - Italian Warranty

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3x FTXJ35MS Series: Emura Silver Silver colour Power: 12000 Btu/h Cooling / Heating Air Flow: 10.9 ~ 12.4 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 59 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Cooling: 20~45 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.50 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 303x998x212 mm Weight : 12kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: 3MXM68N Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Energy efficiency: SEER: 7.76 SCOP: 4.09 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 6.80 kW Heating Capacity: 8.60 kW Absorbed power Cooling: 1.63 kW Absorbed power Heating: 1.83 kW Sound power level Cooling : 61 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 61 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") 3x Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 3x Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Dimensions and weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 734x958x384 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 62.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 guarantee The Daikin Italia guarantee can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit systems Superior efficiency The range of new Multisplit includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, which can be combined with Daikin indoor units. Designed with energy-efficient refrigerants and compressors that ensure optimal performance, all multi-split units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to one multi outdoor unit. The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool several rooms " Daikin BLUEVOLUTION redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future Those who choose Daikin for their home simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken the concept of comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can have maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. The high levels of seasonal efficiency guarantee the best atmosphere both in summer and in winter, minimizing consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and the wide range of products offered are synonymous with reliability and long-lasting systems, perfect for your home. And even when you're not at home, you can control and adjust the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Consumption halved by saving on energy costs. In doing so, you are good for the environment and for your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4-year warranty Daikin Kizuna's 2-year free warranty extension will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash StreamerTM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad smells, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed so that the air conditioner becomes a piece of furniture. Why Choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just a question of comfort. Daikin systems are also kind to the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy saving technologies guarantee high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a class A+++ product is up to 40% more efficient than a class A++ product. Seasonal efficiency is a new way of rating heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency over the year. R-32 more efficient and eco-friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant which results in lower CO 2 emissions. This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. For the benefit of the environment! Extreme silence Noisy units are now a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so silent that they are inaudible. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. App control Not at home? Thanks to Daikin's Residential Controller App the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, when and where you want. In addition, you will be able to keep energy consumption under control, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura A perfect synthesis of technology and design, Daikin Emura was designed in Europe for Europe and guarantees exceptional climate control. The intelligent technology on which it is based will make your home so comfortable that you will practically forget you have it. Air purification Clean and healthy air. Filters inside Daikin Emura trap microscopic particles of dust, allergens and odours, keeping the air clean and healthy Heating Innovative technologies that increase energy savings. Heat pumps extract heat from the air, reducing your bill each month and increasing energy efficiency Cooling Energy-efficient air conditioning: with Daikin's exclusive Inverter technology, air conditioning reduces costs by increasing energy savings Unique European design Daikin Emura, with its sophisticated design and elegant European look, is the most attractive air conditioner on the market. Daikin Emura, available in white and silver to suit any interior decor, has won several international awards for its design Award-winning design Designed for your comfort Daikin 's 2-zone Intelligent Eye sensor can detect the presence of people and can direct the airflow, in both cooling and heating modes, away from them. The system automatically switches to Energy Saving mode when it detects no presence in the environment. Voice Control The Daikin Residential Controller application is designed for those who live a busy life and want to manage their system via smartphone. To further increase comfort and convenience, the Daikin Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free cuts down on necessary clicks and allows for faster drive management than ever before. Transversal and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Unit Always Connected The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Residential Controller App and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit Programming Set up a schedule to define system operating times, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize the system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the ambient temperature Turn on Powerful mode to boost operation Feature availability depends on system type, configuration, and mode of operation. The app features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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