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Trial Split Wall Air Conditioners

Discover the efficiency and elegance of trial split wall mounted air conditioners. Precise temperature control and modern design for maximum comfort in every room. Buy today!

20 products

  • immagine-1-hisense-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-trial-split-inverter-serie-new-comfort-71218-con-3amw72u4rfa-r-32-wi-fi-optional-70001200018000-new

    Hisense Climatizzatore condizionatore Hisense Trial Split Inverter Serie NEW COMFORT 7+12+18 con 3AMW72U4RFA R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+12000+18000 - New

    Caratteristiche TecnicheUnità interne1) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x DJ20YD00G Potenza: 7000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 2,1 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 2,5 kW Assorbimento : 43 W Corrente Nominale : 0,2 A Aria Trattata : 8,3 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 19~39 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 745x270x212 mm Peso Unità Interna : 7,5 Kg Scheda Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice AEH-W4E1 ) Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) 2) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x DJ35VE0AG Potenza: 12000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 3,5 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 4 kW Assorbimento : 44 W Corrente Nominale : 0,2 A Aria Trattata : 10 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 19~40 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 815×275×210 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,5 Kg Scheda Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice AEH-W4E1 ) Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) 3) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x DJ50XA0AG Potenza: 18000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 5,0 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 5,6 kW Assorbimento : 70 W Corrente Nominale : 0,3 A Aria Trattata : 16,7 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 21~46 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 12,70 mm (1/2") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 914x315x228 mm Peso Unità Interna : 12,0 Kg Scheda Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice AEH-W4E1 ) Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) Unità EsternaModello: Codice catalogo Unità Esterna : 3AMW72U4RFA Max unità interne: fino a 3 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,8 SCOP : 4,01 Classe di Efficienza Energetica Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in Raffreddamento : 371 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in Riscaldamento : 1920 kWh/a Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 7,2 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 7,9 kW Assorbimento Raffreddamento : 1,87 kW  Assorbimento Riscaldamento: 2,03 kW Livello potenza sonora : 68 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 49~55 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 48° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati Installativi: Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x3 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x3 Lunghezza Massima Tubazioni : 45 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 15 m Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxAxP) : 860×670×310 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 49 Kg Garanzia di 3 anni (5 sul compressore)  La garanzia di Hisense Italia può essere attivata entro 1 mese dalla data di acquisto all’indirizzo http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Tecnologie Unità Esterna Multisplit Alta Efficienza Compressore inverter DC Twin Rotary La progettazione del nuovo compressore BLDC Inverter a doppio rotore garantisce un miglior bilanciamento ed una riduzione delle vibrazioni. Ciò si traduce nel massimo livello di silenziosità ed in un’ottima resa in termini di ecienza e risparmio energetico. Tecnologia drive DC con onda sinusoidale a 180° Il sistema monitora constantemente la fredquenza del compressore e crea la forma d'onda più efficiente per determinare un effettivo risparmio dei consumi. Controllo curva Compressore con magnete al rubidio Grazie alla maggior compressione delle molecole di gas il compressore con magnete al rubidio garantisce maggior efficienza e minori assorbimenti Valvola di espansione elettronica L’unità esterna utilizza una valvola di espansione elettronica che regola e ottimizza la quantità di refrigerante di tutte le unità interne funzionanti. Funzionamento con ampio range di voltaggio L’unità esterna può funzionare con una tensione da 176V a 264V. Nei nuovi modelli l’utilizzo di una tecnica di regolazione automatica del voltaggio garantisce che il valore di protezione si regoli in base ad esso, mantenendo la frequenza di funzionamento ad un valore ottimale. Design dello scambiatore: progettato per migliorarne l’efficienza Il design dello scambiatore esterno è stato progettato per aumentare il trasferimento di calore in maniera tale da rendere più efficiente il circuito frigorifero ed evitare a creazione di blocchi di ghiaccio. Ulteriore vantaggio è quello di poter sostenere connessioni a lunga distanza tra unità esterna ed unità interne senza ridurre la capacità di raffreddamento.  Hisense New Comfort Easy Installation I modelli New Comfort sono facili da installare grazie al nuovo design dell’unità interna e della piastra di montaggio. 1. La piastra di montaggio è provvista di due alette che consentono di distanziare l’unità interna dal muro per avere più spazio utile mentre si collegano le tubazioni 2. Il pannello posto nella parte inferiore dell’unità interna si rimuove facilmente per garantire un comodo accesso alle tubazioni 3. È possibile scegliere il lato per collegare la pompa di scarico condensa in base alle esigenze di installazione Controllo Wi-Fi I climatizzatori Hisense si gestiscono comodamente dentro e fuori casa con un dispositivo mobile e una connessioneWi-Fi. HiSmart Life è la app semplice da usare e con un’interfaccia intuitiva che permette di controllare il climatizzatore ovunque ci si trovi. L’app è disponibile per iOS e Android. Dopo aver scaricato la app e associato il climatizzatore, la app consente di gestire modalità di funzionamento, temperatura, velocità di ventilazione e fl usso dell’aria. Dalla sezione «Funzione intelligente» è inoltre possibile impostare i timer giornalieri o settimanali. Controllo Smart Voice La nuova app HiSmart Life è compatibile con Alexa e Google Assistant: grazie all’interazione vocale, è possibile accendere, spegnere, regolare la temperatura e impostare la modalità di funzionamento desiderata (raffrescamento o riscaldamento). Trovi HiSmart Life nelle Skill di Alexa e nel catalogo di Google assistant. Flusso d'aria Ottimale I nuovi climatizzatori Hisense garantiscono un flusso d’aria ideale in base alla modalità di funzionamento o in base al tipo di attività svolta dalle persone in ambiente. È possibile selezionare la direzione del flusso d’aria direttamente dal telecomando Unità universale per sistemi mono e multi  Le unità interne universali possono essere collegate a unità esterne Monosplit e Multisplit per garantire la massima versatilità di installazione Funzioni • Dimmer : Premendo questo tasto sul telecomando, la luce del display sul pannello frontale si spegnerà • i FEEL : Il sensore all’interno del telecomando è in grado di rilevare la temperatura circostante e di trasmettere questa informazione all’unità interna. L’unità interna funziona in base alla temperatura rilevata. Il controllo intelligente della temperatura garantisce un ambiente più confortevole e un controllo delle temperature più preciso, risparmiando energia • Speciale riavvio a 8°C : La speciale modalità di riscaldamento a 8°C è molto utile soprattutto per le abitazioni situate in aree con temperature più rigide (e nelle seconde case). Durante la vostra assenza, infatti, l’unità si avvierà in modalità riscaldamento appena rilevata una temperatura inferiore agli 8°C permettendo alle vostre stanze di non gelare e riducendo il livello di umidità nell’aria Contatto ON/OFF per controllo stanza d'hotel Contatto ON/OFF per controllo antincendio Protezione Totale : 4 Filtri in 1 • Filtro alla Catechina : rimuove gli odori e la polvere • Filtro HEPA : rimuove pollini e polvere • Filtro agli Ioni di Argento : sterilizza i batteri agendo sulla loro composizione • Filtro Aroma : rilascia in ambiente un piacevole profumo Caratteristiche Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-hisense-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-trial-split-inverter-serie-new-comfort-71218-con-3amw62u4rfa-r-32-wi-fi-optional-70001200018000

    Hisense Climatizzatore Condizionatore Hisense Trial Split Inverter serie NEW COMFORT 7+12+18 con 3AMW62U4RFA R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+12000+18000

    Caratteristiche TecnicheUnità interne1) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x DJ20YD00G Potenza: 7000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 2,1 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 2,5 kW Assorbimento : 43 W Corrente Nominale : 0,2 A Aria Trattata : 8,3 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 19~39 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 745x270x212 mm Peso Unità Interna : 7,5 Kg Scheda Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice AEH-W4E1 ) Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) 2) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x DJ35VE0AG Potenza: 12000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 3,5 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 4 kW Assorbimento : 44 W Corrente Nominale : 0,2 A Aria Trattata : 10 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 19~40 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 815×275×210 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,5 Kg Scheda Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice AEH-W4E1 ) Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) 3) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x DJ50XA0AG Potenza: 18000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 5,0 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 5,6 kW Assorbimento : 70 W Corrente Nominale : 0,3 A Aria Trattata : 16,7 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 21~46 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 12,70 mm (1/2") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 914x315x228 mm Peso Unità Interna : 12,0 Kg Scheda Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice AEH-W4E1 ) Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) Unità EsternaModello: Codice catalogo Unità Esterna : 3AMW62U4RFA Max unità interne: fino a 3 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,9 SCOP : 4,01 Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo Raffreddamento : 320 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo Riscaldamento : 1920 kWh/a Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 6,3 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 7,2 kW Assorbimento Raffreddamento : 1,47  kW  Assorbimento Riscaldamento: 1,78 kW Livello potenza sonora : 68 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 49~55 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 48° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati Installativi: Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x3 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x3 Lunghezza Massima Tubazioni : 45 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 15 m Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxAxP) : 860×670×310 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 49 Kg Garanzia di 3 anni (5 sul compressore)  La garanzia di Hisense Italia può essere attivata entro 1 mese dalla data di acquisto all’indirizzo http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Tecnologie Unità Esterna Multisplit Alta Efficienza Compressore inverter DC Twin Rotary La progettazione del nuovo compressore BLDC Inverter a doppio rotore garantisce un miglior bilanciamento ed una riduzione delle vibrazioni. Ciò si traduce nel massimo livello di silenziosità ed in un’ottima resa in termini di ecienza e risparmio energetico. Tecnologia drive DC con onda sinusoidale a 180° Il sistema monitora constantemente la fredquenza del compressore e crea la forma d'onda più efficiente per determinare un effettivo risparmio dei consumi. Controllo curva Compressore con magnete al rubidio Grazie alla maggior compressione delle molecole di gas il compressore con magnete al rubidio garantisce maggior efficienza e minori assorbimenti Valvola di espansione elettronica L’unità esterna utilizza una valvola di espansione elettronica che regola e ottimizza la quantità di refrigerante di tutte le unità interne funzionanti. Funzionamento con ampio range di voltaggio L’unità esterna può funzionare con una tensione da 176V a 264V. Nei nuovi modelli l’utilizzo di una tecnica di regolazione automatica del voltaggio garantisce che il valore di protezione si regoli in base ad esso, mantenendo la frequenza di funzionamento ad un valore ottimale. Design dello scambiatore: progettato per migliorarne l’efficienza Il design dello scambiatore esterno è stato progettato per aumentare il trasferimento di calore in maniera tale da rendere più efficiente il circuito frigorifero ed evitare a creazione di blocchi di ghiaccio. Ulteriore vantaggio è quello di poter sostenere connessioni a lunga distanza tra unità esterna ed unità interne senza ridurre la capacità di raffreddamento.  Hisense New Comfort Easy Installation I modelli New Comfort sono facili da installare grazie al nuovo design dell’unità interna e della piastra di montaggio. 1. La piastra di montaggio è provvista di due alette che consentono di distanziare l’unità interna dal muro per avere più spazio utile mentre si collegano le tubazioni 2. Il pannello posto nella parte inferiore dell’unità interna si rimuove facilmente per garantire un comodo accesso alle tubazioni 3. È possibile scegliere il lato per collegare la pompa di scarico condensa in base alle esigenze di installazione Controllo Wi-Fi I climatizzatori Hisense si gestiscono comodamente dentro e fuori casa con un dispositivo mobile e una connessioneWi-Fi. HiSmart Life è la app semplice da usare e con un’interfaccia intuitiva che permette di controllare il climatizzatore ovunque ci si trovi. L’app è disponibile per iOS e Android. Dopo aver scaricato la app e associato il climatizzatore, la app consente di gestire modalità di funzionamento, temperatura, velocità di ventilazione e fl usso dell’aria. Dalla sezione «Funzione intelligente» è inoltre possibile impostare i timer giornalieri o settimanali. Controllo Smart Voice La nuova app HiSmart Life è compatibile con Alexa e Google Assistant: grazie all’interazione vocale, è possibile accendere, spegnere, regolare la temperatura e impostare la modalità di funzionamento desiderata (raffrescamento o riscaldamento). Trovi HiSmart Life nelle Skill di Alexa e nel catalogo di Google assistant. Flusso d'aria Ottimale I nuovi climatizzatori Hisense garantiscono un flusso d’aria ideale in base alla modalità di funzionamento o in base al tipo di attività svolta dalle persone in ambiente. È possibile selezionare la direzione del flusso d’aria direttamente dal telecomando Unità universale per sistemi mono e multi  Le unità interne universali possono essere collegate a unità esterne Monosplit e Multisplit per garantire la massima versatilità di installazione Funzioni • Dimmer : Premendo questo tasto sul telecomando, la luce del display sul pannello frontale si spegnerà • i FEEL : Il sensore all’interno del telecomando è in grado di rilevare la temperatura circostante e di trasmettere questa informazione all’unità interna. L’unità interna funziona in base alla temperatura rilevata. Il controllo intelligente della temperatura garantisce un ambiente più confortevole e un controllo delle temperature più preciso, risparmiando energia • Speciale riavvio a 8°C : La speciale modalità di riscaldamento a 8°C è molto utile soprattutto per le abitazioni situate in aree con temperature più rigide (e nelle seconde case). Durante la vostra assenza, infatti, l’unità si avvierà in modalità riscaldamento appena rilevata una temperatura inferiore agli 8°C permettendo alle vostre stanze di non gelare e riducendo il livello di umidità nell’aria Contatto ON/OFF per controllo stanza d'hotel Contatto ON/OFF per controllo antincendio Protezione Totale : 4 Filtri in 1 • Filtro alla Catechina : rimuove gli odori e la polvere • Filtro HEPA : rimuove pollini e polvere • Filtro agli Ioni di Argento : sterilizza i batteri agendo sulla loro composizione • Filtro Aroma : rilascia in ambiente un piacevole profumo Caratteristiche Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-gree-climatizzatore-condizionatore-gree-trial-split-inverter-serie-pular-71218-con-gwhd28nk6oo-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-70001200018000

    GREE Gree Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Pular 7+12+18 Series With Gwhd(28)Nk6oo R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+12000+18000

    Technical features Indoor unit 1) Model: Indoor unit catalog number : 1 x GWH07AGB-K6DNA1B/I Power : 7000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 2.1 kW Heating Capacity: 2.6 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 280~480 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 34~55 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 21~40 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 260x779x185 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 2) Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 1 x GWH12AGC-K6DNA1A/I Power : 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 3.20 kW Heating Capacity: 3.40 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 390~680 m 3 /h Sound power level : 36~57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 22~41 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 293x825x196 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 10 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 3) Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 1 x GWH18AGD-K6DNA1A/I Power : 18000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 4.6 kW Heating Capacity: 5.2 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 610 ~ 910 m3/h Sound Power Level : 42 ~ 56 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 29 ~ 43 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 311x982x221 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13.5 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Outdoor Unit catalog code: GWHD(28)NK6OO Max indoor units: up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.1 SCOP : 4.0 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 459 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating : 2520 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 8.0 kW Heating Capacity: 9.5 kW Absorption in cooling: 2.12 kW Heating absorption: 2.20 kW Sound power level : 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 58 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/F) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 43°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation Data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x4 Maximum piping length: 40 m Maximum piping length with additional charge: 70 m Maximum height difference between indoor units: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 654x889x340 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 51.0 Kg Gree Pular Purity in Design and Comfort The finish is matte, velvet effect, the color is pure white Thanks to the use of opaque, simple and easy-to-match injection molding techniques, for a contemporary, captivating style The design is seamless The integrated double flap, completely closed, has no joints, because the details make the difference Cleanliness and linearity are the distinguishing features of the design Flowing curves and transitions, maximum simplicity, for a minimal approach, ideal for any environment Superior Comfort Advanced functions of Pular, capable of giving unprecedented comfort i-FEEL Plus The sensor on the remote control, which measures the room temperature and sends inputs to the unit to ensure the desired temperature where the remote control is placed, now has an even higher frequency of sending inputs. Every 10 minutes it connects with the unit, ensuring maximum comfort Ad hoc technology for each mode Cooling with shower air flow. Heating with flow from bottom to top. Air flow increased by 17% compared to previous ranges. Very long air throw, up to 10 m. High precision in the air delivery thanks to the double flap 3D airflow Customize your comfort thanks to the 3D SWING function. Both horizontal and vertical flaps can be individually directed via the remote control. It is possible to select the oscillation angle for both flaps Multi-speed airflow Up to 7 fan speeds from Quiet to Turbo Auto manages ventilation intelligently Sleep function with 3 options Silent modifies the set point in the following two hours Smart intelligently adjusts the set point DIY choose your personalized Sleep schedule Turbo in cold and in heat For instant comfort, bring the compressor and fans to maximum power Intelligent car mode Relax and let the climate control decide how to behave to achieve the desired comfort. For the first time, even in Auto mode it is possible to select the desired room temperature Cold air prevention In Heating, a special intelligent function allows the conditioned air to enter the room only if and when it is sufficiently heated, for maximum comfort. Save Energy Dedicated to those who want to save as much as possible, it decides the temperature independently, according to the default settings. Operation is managed automatically Intelligent auto-restart It guarantees continuity of your comfort because after a black-out the unit restarts automatically when the power is restored, keeping the last settings. Low Voltage Startup In an intelligent way, the unit starts with minimal starting, so as not to interfere with the use of other appliances Intelligent Defrosting If the cold external temperature causes the formation of ice on the condenser coil, the correct functioning of the air conditioner in hot mode requires that there is a stop of the introduction of hot air into the room to allow defrosting of the external exchanger. In this specific case, these stops are not programmed at regular intervals, but take place only if and when really necessary, guaranteeing continuity of hot air flow into the room Maximum silence With Pular you can sleep peacefully it is SUPER QUIET its sound level is record-breaking! 3 dB(A) below standard values: in Sleep mode it does not exceed 21 dB(A) TOP air quality with the COLD PLASMA PLUS Purification System Its sterilization effectiveness against bacteria is the best ever: it reaches 93%, against an average value of 80% for similar systems. It releases ions capable of neutralizing bacteria, fungi, pollen, mites and, in general, pollutants present in indoor air. Removes over 400 kinds of odors. It makes the air lighter by enriching it with negative ions Single filter accessible without any disassembly for cleaning The dust filter is external, integrated in the structure, easy to reach and to clean frequently, without having to disassemble it. The fully enclosed double flap has no joints and thus prevents dust and other pollutants from entering the unit Optional Filters Even purer air with the new optional filters, which you can apply to the standard Pular filter Anti-Bacterial Filter The structure is realized by adding the biological anti-bacterial agent on the filter net. Effectively eliminate Escherichia coli and staphylococcus, etc Tio 2 anti-bacterial deodorant filter Takes activated carbon as a carrier, mixed with titanium dioxide Mite Clear Anti-Mite Filter New anti-mite and antibacterial material and can defend or prevent the mite, to improve indoor air quality Composite filter Silver Ions, Catechin, Mite Clear Silver ions: Effectively eliminate carcinogens, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, etc. Catechin : Effectively sterilizes bacteria and other pollutants; prevents the causes of unpleasant odors Mite Clear : Defends against mites and effectively prevents their formation Auto-Clean Manage the cleaning of your internal drive with Pular Condensate, frost, defrost, dry You can decide to activate evaporator cleaning when you wish: with the unit off, just press two buttons on the remote control. The function will see phases of condensation, ice formation, defrosting and drying take place in sequence aimed at eliminating all residues of dust and pollutants and all traces of condensation. This will allow clean air to be introduced into the room at all times and to preserve the efficiency of the heat exchanger X-Fans The prevention of mold formation is also guaranteed by this function, which is activated simply by holding down the speed button for 2 seconds: the indoor unit fan will continue to operate, even with the unit off, for a few minutes, in order to dry perfectly the evaporator User Friendly and Smart Controlling Pular's features is a breeze . From Remote Control to Infrared Easy to use It has a minimal but technological design, a pure white, high gloss finish and is characterized by a large LCD display and easy-to-use buttons. The integrated temperature sensor is activated by pressing the IFeel key and the Light key turns off the backlighting of the LED display of the indoor unit. The wifi button allows immediate activation of the function on the remote control From a Smartphone, thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi as standard across the entire range Thanks to the very intuitive G+ App, available for download in the versions for Android and iOS systems in Google play or the App store, you can control all the functions remotely. Downloading and installing the app, connecting to the home wifi and adding the unit are very simple operations: from your office or sofa at home you can thus easily control all the air conditioning parameters. With the same app you can manage multiple units. Advanced controls It is possible to centrally manage, via BACNET (BMS) or CENTRALIZED CONTROL or SMART ZONE in combination with wired controls (1 for split units), even several units within the same building (up to 16 with SMART CONTROL - up to 36 with CENTRALIZED CONTROL, up to 255 with BACNET), as if it were a small system Programmable Wired Control Pular can also be controlled with a wired control, to be installed on the wall. It allows you to program switching on and off, select the operating mode and speed, flap position, daily timer and weekly programs Door Control Contact The on/off contact on the unit allows you to manage the switching on and off of the unit with the magnetic card for opening the entrance door (for example of a hotel room). By inserting the card, the air conditioner is activated; by removing the card, the unit switches off: in this way energy waste is avoided. Wired controller is required for this application Easy Installation Pular is built with features that facilitate installation, as well as access to parts for maintenance Easy Maintenance The electrical box and the electronic board are easy to open and remove. The self-diagnosis function, which shows errors on the indoor unit display, facilitates the identification of any malfunctions and speeds up their solution. The special design of the outdoor unit's valve cover makes it easier to access the connections. Versatility of Application Up to 5 indoor units that can be combined with multi-split outdoor units Green technology Choose the GREEN technology of GREE air conditioners: renewable energy, which therefore captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it where it is needed. The use of R32 refrigerant, with a low impact on global warming, makes environmental comfort even greener: there is no impact on the ozone layer and the quantity of gas required to ensure good performance is 30% lower than that of earlier gases such as R410A, due to its higher yield High Energy Efficiency and Low Consumption Inverter G10 is the latest generation DC Inverter technology that allows you to optimize performance and consumption thanks to the modulation of the compressor and fans according to the real comfort needs. In fact, as the desired temperature approaches, both the compressor and the fans of the outdoor and indoor units modulate capacity and consumption, ensuring: • rapid achievement of the desired comfort • constant maintenance of comfort conditions • precise temperature control • containment of consumption • minimization of the sound level Mono and Multi Compatible The Pular indoor unit is available for single and multi applications with nominal cooling capacity from 2.7 to 6.5 kW. The indoor unit with a capacity of 2.1 kW is dedicated to Dual, Trial and Quadri applications: possible matchings and related data will be available shortly Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-hisense-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-trial-split-inverter-serie-new-energy-71218-con-3amw72u4rfa-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-70001200018000-novita

    Hisense Hisense Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner New Energy Series 7 + 12 + 18 With 3amw72u4rfa R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000 + 12000 + 18000 - New

    Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x KC20MR00G Power: 7000 btu/h Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 822×258×203 mm Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) Voice control with Alexa and Google Home 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x KC35XR00G Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 822×258×203 mm Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) Voice control with Alexa and Google Home 3) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x KC50BS00G Power: 18000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 5.0 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Piping diameter Liquid : 5.4 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 920×321×227 mm Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) Voice control with Alexa and Google Home Outdoor Unit Model: External Unit catalog code: 3AMW72U4RFA Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.9 (W/W) SCOP : 4.01 (W/W) Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling : 371 kWh/a Annual energy consumption Heating : 1920 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.2 kW Heating Capacity: 7.9 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.87 kW Std heating absorption: 2.03 kW Sound power level : 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~55 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 48°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation Data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Maximum Piping Length: 45 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 860×670×310 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 49 Kg 3 year warranty (5 on the compressor) The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the addresshttp://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Multisplit Outdoor Unit Technologies High Efficiency Twin Rotary DC Inverter Compressor The design of the new dual rotor BLDC Inverter compressor ensures better balancing and reduced vibrations. This translates into the maximum level of silence and excellent performance in terms of efficiency and energy saving. DC drive technology with 180° sine wave The system constantly monitors the compressor frequency and creates the most efficient waveform to determine effective consumption savings. Curve control Compressor with rubidium magnet Thanks to the greater compression of the gas molecules, the rubidium magnet compressor guarantees greater efficiency and lower absorption Electronic expansion valve The outdoor unit uses an electronic expansion valve that regulates and optimizes the refrigerant amount of all operating indoor units. Operation with wide voltage range The outdoor unit can work with voltage from 176V to 264V. In the new models, the use of an automatic voltage regulation technique ensures that the protection value adjusts according to it, keeping the operating frequency at an optimal value. Exchanger design: designed to improve its efficiency The design of the external exchanger was designed to increase the heat transfer in order to make the refrigeration circuit more efficient and avoid the creation of blocks of ice. Another advantage is that it can support long-distance connections between outdoor units and indoor units without reducing the cooling capacity. Hisense New Energy Cutting-edge technologies, elegant design, advanced features and integrated Wi-Fi Hisense air conditioners are managed comfortably inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. HiSmart Life is the easy-to-use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android Hisense has also thought of the more "technological" ones The HiSmart Life air conditioner is one of the jewels of the 2021 catalogue. It supports Amazon, Google APP and "speaks" 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Wi-Fi control Hisense air conditioners are managed comfortably inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. HiSmart Life is the simple to use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android. After downloading the app and pairing the air conditioner, the app allows you to manage operating modes, temperature, fan speed and air flow. From the «Intelligent function» section it is also possible to set daily or weekly timers. Smart Voice Control The new HiSmart Life app is compatible with Alexa and Google assistant, thanks to voice interaction, it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the temperature and set the operating mode (cooling or heating). Find HiSmart Life in the Alexa Skills and in the Google assistant catalog. Three Dimensional Air Flow The room temperature remains constant thanks to the combination of vertical and horizontal automatic swings of the louvers. The air is distributed evenly throughout the room, reaching every corner, even in the largest rooms Universal unit for mono and multi systems The universal indoor units can be connected to Monosplit and Multisplit outdoor units to ensure maximum installation versatility Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-hisense-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-trial-split-inverter-serie-new-energy-71218-con-3amw62u4rfa-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-70001200018000-novita

    Hisense Hisense Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner New Energy Series 7 + 12 + 18 With 3amw62u4rfa R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000 + 12000 + 18000 - New

    Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x KC20MR00G Power: 7000 btu/h Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 822×258×203 mm Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) Voice control with Alexa and Google Home 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1 KC35XR00G Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 822×258×203 mm Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) Voice control with Alexa and Google Home 3) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x KC50BS00G Power: 18000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 5.0 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Piping diameter Liquid : 5.4 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 920×321×227 mm Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) Voice control with Alexa and Google Home Outdoor Unit Model: External Unit catalog code: 3AMW62U4RFA Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.9 (W/W) SCOP : 4.01 (W/W) Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling : 320 kWh/a Annual energy consumption Heating : 1920 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 6.3 kW Heating Capacity: 7.2 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.47 kW Std heating absorption: 1.78 kW Sound power level : 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~55 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 48°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation Data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Maximum Piping Length: 45 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 860×670×310 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 49 Kg 3 year warranty (5 on the compressor) The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the addresshttp://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Multisplit Outdoor Unit Technologies High Efficiency Twin Rotary DC Inverter Compressor The design of the new dual rotor BLDC Inverter compressor ensures better balancing and reduced vibrations. This translates into the maximum level of silence and excellent performance in terms of efficiency and energy saving. DC drive technology with 180° sine wave The system constantly monitors the compressor frequency and creates the most efficient waveform to determine effective consumption savings. Curve control Compressor with rubidium magnet Thanks to the greater compression of the gas molecules, the rubidium magnet compressor guarantees greater efficiency and lower absorption Electronic expansion valve The outdoor unit uses an electronic expansion valve that regulates and optimizes the refrigerant amount of all operating indoor units. Operation with wide voltage range The outdoor unit can work with voltage from 176V to 264V. In the new models, the use of an automatic voltage regulation technique ensures that the protection value adjusts according to it, keeping the operating frequency at an optimal value. Exchanger design: designed to improve its efficiency The design of the external exchanger was designed to increase the heat transfer in order to make the refrigeration circuit more efficient and avoid the creation of blocks of ice. Another advantage is that it can support long-distance connections between outdoor units and indoor units without reducing the cooling capacity. Hisense New Energy Cutting-edge technologies, elegant design, advanced features and integrated Wi-Fi Hisense air conditioners are managed comfortably inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. HiSmart Life is the easy-to-use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android Hisense has also thought of the more "technological" ones The HiSmart Life air conditioner is one of the jewels of the 2021 catalogue. It supports Amazon, Google APP and "speaks" 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Wi-Fi control Hisense air conditioners are managed comfortably inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. HiSmart Life is the simple to use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android. After downloading the app and pairing the air conditioner, the app allows you to manage operating modes, temperature, fan speed and air flow. From the «Intelligent function» section it is also possible to set daily or weekly timers. Smart Voice Control The new HiSmart Life app is compatible with Alexa and Google assistant, thanks to voice interaction, it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the temperature and set the operating mode (cooling or heating). Find HiSmart Life in the Alexa Skills and in the Google assistant catalog. Three Dimensional Air Flow The room temperature remains constant thanks to the combination of vertical and horizontal automatic swings of the louvers. The air is distributed evenly throughout the room, reaching every corner, even in the largest rooms Universal unit for mono and multi systems The universal indoor units can be connected to Monosplit and Multisplit outdoor units to ensure maximum installation versatility Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-mitsubishi-heavy-industries-climatizzatore-condizionatore-mitsubishi-heavy-industries-trial-split-inverter-serie-kireia-plus-white-71218-con-scm60zs-w-r-32-wi-fi-optional-70001200018000-colore-bianco

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Trial Split Inverter Series Kireia Plus White 7+12+18 With Scm60zs-W R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+12000+18000 White Color

    Technical features Indoor units 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x SRK20ZSX-W Power: 7000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating Capacity : 3.0 kW Treated Air : 300 ~ 732 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 19 ~ 38 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxPxH): 920x220x305 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AM-MHI-01 ) 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x SRK35ZSX-W Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 4.5 kW Treated Air : 300 ~ 834 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 19 ~ 42 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxPxH): 920x220x305 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AM-MHI-01 ) 3) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x SRK50ZSX-W Power: 18000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 5.0 kW Heating Capacity : 6.0 kW Treated Air : 324 ~ 1038 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 22 ~ 47 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.74 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxPxH): 920x220x305 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AM-MHI-01 ) Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: SCM60ZS-W Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.80 SCOP : 4.60 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 239 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating: 1430 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 6.0 kW Heating Capacity: 6.8 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.32 kW Std heating absorption: 1.40 kW Sound power level : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 54 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Maximum piping length: 40 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 15 m Dimensions: Dimensions Outdoor Unit (LxPxH): 850(+65)x290x640 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 48.5 Kg Mitsubishi Heavy Industries KIREIA PLUS Japanese Technology, Italian Design A'Design Award KIREIA Plus received the Silver A'Design Award in the “Engineering and Technical Design” category for “having met the demanding expectations of the European air conditioning market”. Stylish Simplicity Soft curves and rounded corners that give the machine a 'floating effect' making it elegant and compact Color White and Titanium The elegance of white, the hi-tech style of titanium Human Sensor (Optional) It knows when you give it your all, it recognizes your moments of relaxation, and if you leave, it saves energy. Three functions to achieve the optimal level of energy savings with the HUMAN SENSOR device • Eco Operation By Human Sensor • Auto OFF By Human Sensor • Fuzzy Auto Operation Breathe clean air Thanks to the combined action of the antiallergenic and photocatalytic filters, KIREIA PLUS retains and neutralizes pollen and eliminates bad smells. With the Allergen Clear function all bacteria, viruses and molds collected on the surface of the anti-allergenic filter are eliminated Optimized Airflow The 3D auto function ensures better distribution and circulation of the air in the room. The control logic optimally regulates the airflow , automatically controlling the fan speed and the direction of the flow Smart remote control The remote control supplied as standard with KIREIA guarantees simple and intuitive use, allows complete control of the temperature and air distribution in the room • Weekly timer: up to 4 daily schedules for a total of 28 weekly schedules • Modes: auto, cooling, heating, dehumidification and ventilation • Available functions: Eco, Night Setback, Silent Wi-Fi Optional Thanks to the Wi-Fi module, it is possible to access the remote control of the air conditioner via the app for smartphones and tablets Home Air Conditioning Control, even outside the home With the app it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the room temperature and the air flow of each air conditioner in the house Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-mitsubishi-heavy-industries-climatizzatore-condizionatore-mitsubishi-heavy-industries-trial-split-inverter-serie-kireia-plus-titanium-71218-con-scm60zs-w-r-32-wi-fi-optional-70001200018000

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Trial Split Inverter Kireia Plus Titanium Series 7+12+18 With Scm60zs-W R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+12000+18000

    Technical features Indoor units 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x SRK20ZSX-T Power: 7000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating Capacity : 3.0 kW Treated Air : 300 ~ 732 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 19 ~ 38 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxPxH): 920x220x305 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AM-MHI-01 ) 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x SRK35ZSX-T Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 4.5 kW Treated Air : 300 ~ 834 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 19 ~ 42 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxPxH): 920x220x305 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AM-MHI-01 ) 3) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x SRK50ZSX-T Power: 18000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 5.0 kW Heating Capacity : 6.0 kW Treated Air : 324 ~ 1038 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 22 ~ 47 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.74 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxPxH): 920x220x305 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AM-MHI-01 ) Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: SCM60ZS-W Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.80 SCOP : 4.60 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 239 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating: 1430 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 6.0 kW Heating Capacity: 6.8 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.32 kW Std heating absorption: 1.40 kW Sound power level : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 54 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation Data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Maximum piping length: 40 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 15 m Dimensions: Dimensions Outdoor Unit (LxPxH): 850(+65)x290x640 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 48.5 Kg Mitsubishi Heavy Industries KIREIA PLUS Japanese Technology, Italian Design A'Design Award KIREIA Plus received the Silver A'Design Award in the “Engineering and Technical Design” category for “having met the demanding expectations of the European air conditioning market”. Stylish Simplicity Soft curves and rounded corners that give the machine a 'floating effect' making it elegant and compact Color White and Titanium The elegance of white, the hi-tech style of titanium Human Sensor (Optional) It knows when you give it your all, it recognizes your moments of relaxation, and if you leave, it saves energy. Three functions to achieve the optimal level of energy savings with the HUMAN SENSOR device • Eco Operation By Human Sensor • Auto OFF By Human Sensor • Fuzzy Auto Operation Breathe clean air Thanks to the combined action of the antiallergenic and photocatalytic filters, KIREIA PLUS retains and neutralizes pollen and eliminates bad smells. With the Allergen Clear function all bacteria, viruses and molds collected on the surface of the anti-allergenic filter are eliminated Optimized Airflow The 3D auto function ensures better distribution and circulation of the air in the room. The control logic optimally regulates the airflow , automatically controlling the fan speed and the direction of the flow Smart remote control The remote control supplied as standard with KIREIA guarantees simple and intuitive use, allows complete control of the temperature and air distribution in the room • Weekly timer: up to 4 daily schedules for a total of 28 weekly schedules • Modes: auto, cooling, heating, dehumidification and ventilation • Available functions: Eco, Night Setback, Silent Wi-Fi Optional Thanks to the Wi-Fi module, it is possible to access the remote control of the air conditioner via the app for smartphones and tablets Home Air Conditioning Control, even outside the home With the app it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the room temperature and the air flow of each air conditioner in the house Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-gree-climatizzatore-condizionatore-gree-trial-split-inverter-serie-pular-71218-con-gwhd36nk6oo-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-70001200018000

    GREE Gree Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Pular 7+12+18 Series With Gwhd(36)Nk6oo R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+12000+18000

    Technical features Indoor unit 1) Model: Indoor unit catalog number : 1 x GWH07AGB-K6DNA1B/I Power : 7000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 2.1 kW Heating Capacity: 2.6 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 280~480 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 34~55 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 21~40 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 260x779x185 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 2) Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 1 x GWH12AGC-K6DNA1A/I Power : 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 3.20 kW Heating Capacity: 3.40 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 390~680 m 3 /h Sound power level : 36~57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 22~41 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 293x825x196 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 10 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 3) Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 1 x GWH18AGD-K6DNA1A/I Power : 18000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 4.6 kW Heating Capacity: 5.2 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 610 ~ 910 m3/h Sound Power Level : 42 ~ 56 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 29 ~ 43 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 311x982x221 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13.5 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Outdoor Unit catalog code: GWHD(36)NK6LO Max indoor units: up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.1 SCOP : 4.0 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 602 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating : 3675 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 10.5 kW Heating Capacity: 12.0 kW Absorption in cooling: 3.10 kW Heating absorption: 3.20 kW Sound power level : 67 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 57 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/F) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 43°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x4 Maximum piping length: 40 m Maximum piping length with additional charge: 75 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 1103x1087x440 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 90.0 Kg Gree Pular Purity in Design and Comfort The finish is matte, velvet effect, the color is pure white Thanks to the use of opaque, simple and easy-to-match injection molding techniques, for a contemporary, captivating style The design is seamless The integrated double flap, completely closed, has no joints, because the details make the difference Cleanliness and linearity are the distinguishing features of the design Flowing curves and transitions, maximum simplicity, for a minimal approach, ideal for any environment Superior Comfort Advanced functions of Pular, capable of giving unprecedented comfort i-FEEL Plus The sensor on the remote control, which measures the room temperature and sends inputs to the unit to ensure the desired temperature where the remote control is placed, now has an even higher frequency of sending inputs. Every 10 minutes it connects with the unit, ensuring maximum comfort Ad hoc technology for each mode Cooling with shower air flow. Heating with flow from bottom to top. Air flow increased by 17% compared to previous ranges. Very long air throw, up to 10 m. High precision in the air delivery thanks to the double flap 3D airflow Customize your comfort thanks to the 3D SWING function. Both horizontal and vertical flaps can be individually directed via the remote control. It is possible to select the oscillation angle for both flaps Multi-speed airflow Up to 7 fan speeds from Quiet to Turbo Auto manages ventilation intelligently Sleep function with 3 options Silent modifies the set point in the following two hours Smart intelligently adjusts the set point DIY choose your personalized Sleep schedule Turbo in cold and in heat For instant comfort, bring the compressor and fans to maximum power Intelligent car mode Relax and let the climate control decide how to behave to achieve the desired comfort. For the first time, even in Auto mode it is possible to select the desired room temperature Cold air prevention In Heating, a special intelligent function allows the conditioned air to enter the room only if and when it is sufficiently heated, for maximum comfort. Save Energy Dedicated to those who want to save as much as possible, it decides the temperature independently, according to the default settings. Operation is managed automatically Intelligent auto-restart It guarantees continuity of your comfort because after a black-out the unit restarts automatically when the power is restored, keeping the last settings. Low Voltage Startup In an intelligent way, the unit starts with minimal starting, so as not to interfere with the use of other appliances Intelligent Defrosting If the cold external temperature causes the formation of ice on the condenser coil, the correct functioning of the air conditioner in hot mode requires that there is a stop of the introduction of hot air into the room to allow defrosting of the external exchanger. In this specific case, these stops are not programmed at regular intervals, but take place only if and when really necessary, guaranteeing continuity of hot air flow into the room Maximum silence With Pular you can sleep peacefully it is SUPER QUIET its sound level is record-breaking! 3 dB(A) below standard values: in Sleep mode it does not exceed 21 dB(A) TOP air quality with the COLD PLASMA PLUS Purification System Its sterilization effectiveness against bacteria is the best ever: it reaches 93%, against an average value of 80% for similar systems. It releases ions capable of neutralizing bacteria, fungi, pollen, mites and, in general, pollutants present in indoor air. Removes over 400 kinds of odors. It makes the air lighter by enriching it with negative ions Single filter accessible without any disassembly for cleaning The dust filter is external, integrated in the structure, easy to reach and to clean frequently, without having to disassemble it. The fully enclosed double flap has no joints and thus prevents dust and other pollutants from entering the unit Optional Filters Even purer air with the new optional filters, which you can apply to the standard Pular filter Anti-Bacterial Filter The structure is realized by adding the biological anti-bacterial agent on the filter net. Effectively eliminate Escherichia coli and staphylococcus, etc Tio 2 anti-bacterial deodorant filter Takes activated carbon as a carrier, mixed with titanium dioxide Mite Clear Anti-Mite Filter New anti-mite and antibacterial material and can defend or prevent the mite, to improve indoor air quality Composite filter Silver Ions, Catechin, Mite Clear Silver ions: Effectively eliminate carcinogens, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, etc. Catechin : Effectively sterilizes bacteria and other pollutants; prevents the causes of unpleasant odors Mite Clear : Defends against mites and effectively prevents their formation Auto-Clean Manage the cleaning of your internal drive with Pular Condensate, frost, defrost, dry You can decide to activate evaporator cleaning when you wish: with the unit off, just press two buttons on the remote control. The function will see phases of condensation, ice formation, defrosting and drying take place in sequence aimed at eliminating all residues of dust and pollutants and all traces of condensation. This will allow clean air to be introduced into the room at all times and to preserve the efficiency of the heat exchanger X-Fans The prevention of mold formation is also guaranteed by this function, which is activated simply by holding down the speed button for 2 seconds: the indoor unit fan will continue to operate, even with the unit off, for a few minutes, in order to dry perfectly the evaporator User Friendly and Smart Controlling Pular's features is a breeze . From Remote Control to Infrared Easy to use It has a minimal but technological design, a pure white, high gloss finish and is characterized by a large LCD display and easy-to-use buttons. The integrated temperature sensor is activated by pressing the IFeel key and the Light key turns off the backlighting of the LED display of the indoor unit. The wifi button allows immediate activation of the function on the remote control From a Smartphone, thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi as standard across the entire range Thanks to the very intuitive G+ App, available for download in the versions for Android and iOS systems in Google play or the App store, you can control all the functions remotely. Downloading and installing the app, connecting to the home wifi and adding the unit are very simple operations: from your office or sofa at home you can thus easily control all the air conditioning parameters. With the same app you can manage multiple units. Advanced controls It is possible to centrally manage, via BACNET (BMS) or CENTRALIZED CONTROL or SMART ZONE in combination with wired controls (1 for split units), even several units within the same building (up to 16 with SMART CONTROL - up to 36 with CENTRALIZED CONTROL, up to 255 with BACNET), as if it were a small system Programmable Wired Control Pular can also be controlled with a wired control, to be installed on the wall. It allows you to program switching on and off, select the operating mode and speed, flap position, daily timer and weekly programs Door Control Contact The on/off contact on the unit allows you to manage the switching on and off of the unit with the magnetic card for opening the entrance door (for example of a hotel room). By inserting the card, the air conditioner is activated; by removing the card, the unit switches off: in this way energy waste is avoided. Wired controller is required for this application Easy Installation Pular is built with features that facilitate installation, as well as access to parts for maintenance Easy Maintenance The electrical box and the electronic board are easy to open and remove. The self-diagnosis function, which shows errors on the indoor unit display, facilitates the identification of any malfunctions and speeds up their solution. The special design of the outdoor unit's valve cover makes it easier to access the connections. Versatility of Application Up to 5 indoor units that can be combined with multi-split outdoor units Green technology Choose the GREEN technology of GREE air conditioners: renewable energy, which therefore captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it where it is needed. The use of R32 refrigerant, with a low impact on global warming, makes environmental comfort even greener: there is no impact on the ozone layer and the quantity of gas required to ensure good performance is 30% lower than that of earlier gases such as R410A, due to its higher yield High Energy Efficiency and Low Consumption Inverter G10 is the latest generation DC Inverter technology that allows you to optimize performance and consumption thanks to the modulation of the compressor and fans according to the real comfort needs. In fact, as the desired temperature approaches, both the compressor and the fans of the outdoor and indoor units modulate capacity and consumption, ensuring: • rapid achievement of the desired comfort • constant maintenance of comfort conditions • precise temperature control • containment of consumption • minimization of the sound level Mono and Multi Compatible The Pular indoor unit is available for single and multi applications with nominal cooling capacity from 2.7 to 6.5 kW. The indoor unit with a capacity of 2.1 kW is dedicated to Dual, Trial and Quadri applications: possible matchings and related data will be available shortly Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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