icon Trial Split Console air conditioners | CaldaieMurali

Trial Split Console air conditioners

Customized comfort in every zone with trial split console air conditioners. Their elegant design and advanced performance allow you to adjust the temperature in three different areas, ensuring maximum thermal comfort adapted to your specific needs.

8 products

  • immagine-1-hisense-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-trial-split-console-999-con-3amw52u4rja-r-32-wi-fi-optional-con-telecomando-di-serie-900090009000-novita

    Hisense Climatizzatore Condizionatore Hisense Trial Split Console 9+9+9 con 3AMW52U4RJC R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Con Telecomando di Serie 9000+9000+9000

    Caratteristiche tecniche Unità interne Codice catalogo unità interna : 3x AKT26UR4RK8 Potenza : 9000 Btu/h Capacità raffreddamento : 2,60 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 3,20 kW Portata aria : 10,0 m3/min Livello pressione sonora : 33~40 dB(A) Diametro tubazione liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazione gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni unità interna (LxAxP) : 700x630x220 mm Peso unità interna : 15,0 Kg Wi-Fi optional : AEH-W4GX Unità esterna Codice catalogo unità esterna : 3AMW52U4RJC Numero di unità interne collegabili : Fino a 3 unità interne Efficienza energetica SEER : 7,3 SCOP : 4,05 Classe di efficienza energetica raffreddamento : A++ Classe di efficienza energetica riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 264 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 1728 kWh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 5,5 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 6,3 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 1,30 kW  Assorbimento riscaldamento: 1,60 kW Livello potenza sonora : 65 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 49~55 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V/Hz/Ø) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito:- Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 48° C- Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati installativi Diametro tubi liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x3 Diametro tubi gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x3 Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 45 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna ed unità esterna : 15 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità esterna (LxAxP) : 860x670310 mm Peso unità esterna : 46,0 Kg   Garanzia di 3 anni (5 sul compressore)  La garanzia di Hisense Italia può essere attivata entro 1 mese dalla data di acquisto all’indirizzo http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Tecnologie unità esterna multisplit Alta efficienza compressore inverter DC Twin Rotary La progettazione del nuovo compressore BLDC Inverter a doppio rotore garantisce un miglior bilanciamento ed una riduzione delle vibrazioni. Ciò si traduce nel massimo livello di silenziosità ed in un’ottima resa in termini di ecienza e risparmio energetico. Full DC inverter La tecnologia Hisense Inverter Expert garantisce elevata effi cienza e ridotto livello sonoro grazie all’azione combinata del compressore DC Inverter, del motore ventola DC Inverter e della valvola di espansione elettronica Compatto e versatile Le dimensioni delle nuove unità esterne Free Match sono state ridotte del 10% per consentirne l’installazione anche in spazi ridotti. Massimo comfort anche d'inverno L’unità esterna utilizza una valvola di espansione elettronica che regolare ottimizza la quantità di refrigerante di tutte le unità interne funzionanti. Super riscaldamento Le nuove unità esterne Free Match garantiscono il massimo dell’efficienza anche a basse temperature, fino a-20° Tecnologia drive DC con onda sinusoidale a 180° Il sistema monitora constantemente la fredquenza del compressore e crea la forma d'onda più efficiente per determinare un effettivo risparmio dei consumi. Controllo curva Compressore con magnete al rubidio Grazie alla maggior compressione delle molecole di gas il compressore con magnete al rubidio garantisce maggior efficienza e minori assorbimenti Valvola di espansione elettronica L’unità esterna utilizza una valvola di espansione elettronica che regola e ottimizza la quantità di refrigerante di tutte le unità interne funzionanti. Funzionamento con ampio range di voltaggio L’unità esterna può funzionare con una tensione da 176V a 264V. Nei nuovi modelli l’utilizzo di una tecnica di regolazione automatica del voltaggio garantisce che il valore di protezione si regoli in base ad esso, mantenendo la frequenza di funzionamento ad un valore ottimale. Design dello scambiatore: progettato per migliorarne l’efficienza Il design dello scambiatore esterno è stato progettato per aumentare il trasferimento di calore in maniera tale da rendere più efficiente il circuito frigorifero ed evitare a creazione di blocchi di ghiaccio. Ulteriore vantaggio è quello di poter sostenere connessioni a lunga distanza tra unità esterna ed unità interne senza ridurre la capacità di raffreddamento. Console Hisense R-32 Flusso d'aria La combinazione della mandata d'aria superiore e inferiore garantisce sempre un flusso d'aria uniforme per una climatizzazione confortevole È possibile limitare la mandata tramite DIP Swhitch Rimuovere il pannello frontale Spostare su ON il DIP Switch che si trova sul lato destro Se non si interviene su DIP Switch, il climatizzatore regola il flusso d'aria automaticamente Display Il display, attivabile da telecomando, mostra la temperatura e l'umidità in ambiente, quando impostato in modalità deumidificazione. Modalità di installazione Flessibilità di installazione Le tubazioni frigorifere e di scarico condensa possono essere collegati liberamente in qualsiasi direzione, compresi i lati Controllo umidità Il controllo anticondensa funziona automaticamente in condizioni di elevata umidità per garantire l'assenza di gocciolamento dall'unità interna I feel Il sensore all’interno del telecomando è in grado di rilevare la temperatura circostante e di trasmettere questa informazione all’unità interna. L’unità interna funziona in base alla temperatura rilevata. Il controllo intelligente della temperatura garantisce un ambiente più confortevole e un controllo delle temperature più preciso, risparmiando energia Controllo Wi-Fi I climatizzatori Hisense si gestiscono comodamente dentro e fuori casa con un dispositivo mobile e una connessioneWi-Fi. HiSmart Life è la app semplice da usare e con un’interfaccia intuitiva che permette di controllare il climatizzatore ovunque ci si trovi. L’app è disponibile per iOS e Android. Dopo aver scaricato la app e associato il climatizzatore, la app consente di gestire modalità di funzionamento, temperatura, velocità di ventilazione e fl usso dell’aria. Dalla sezione «Funzione intelligente» è inoltre possibile impostare i timer giornalieri o settimanali. Controllo Smart Voice La nuova app HiSmart Life è compatibile con Alexa e Google Assistant: grazie all’interazione vocale, è possibile accendere, spegnere, regolare la temperatura e impostare la modalità di funzionamento desiderata (raffrescamento o riscaldamento). Trovi HiSmart Life nelle Skill di Alexa e nel catalogo di Google assistant. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-samsung-climatizzatore-condizionatore-samsung-trial-split-inverter-console-999-con-aj052txj3kgeu-r-32-900090009000-con-telecomando-incluso

    Samsung Climatizzatore Condizionatore Samsung Trial Split Inverter Console 9+9+9 con AJ052TXJ3KG/EU R-32 9000+9000+9000 con Telecomando Incluso

    Caratteristiche tecniche Unità interne Codice catalogo unità interna : 3x AJ026TNJDKG/EU EAN : 8806090290121 Potenza: 9000 btu/h Capacità raffreddamento : 2,60 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 2,90 kW Livello potenza sonora : 53 dB(A) Diametro tubazione liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4”) Diametro tubazione gas : 9,52 mm (3/8”) Dimensioni (LxAxP) :720x620x199 mm Peso : 15,7 kg Comando wirless incluso Unità esterna Codice catalogo unità esterna : AJ052TXJ3KG/EU EAN : 8806090223761 Numero massimo di unità interne abbinabili : 3 Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza energetica raffreddamento : A+++ Classe di efficienza energetica riscaldamento : A+ Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 5,2 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 6,3 kW Livello potenza sonora : 61 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 46~48 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -10° ~ 46° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati installativi Diametro tubi liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x3 Diametro tubi gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x2 + 12,70 mm (1/2") Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 50 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna e unità esterna : 15 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità esterna (LxAxP) : 880x638x310 mm Peso unità esterna : 44,5 Kg Samsung linea multi La gamma di sistemi MULTI di Samsung  è una fra le più complete ed estese del mercato, e va a coprire tutte le necessità di installazione dell’utente, a partire da impianti Dual, fino a combinazioni Penta. La profondità di gamma passa anche per le unità interne, declinate su tutte le principali categorie, come Split, Canalizzati, Cassette windfree a 4 vie,Cassetta windfree 1 via, e Console a pavimento: tutti sistemi di climatizzazione caratterizzati da altissima efficienza, sia in modalità raffreddamento che in riscaldamento. Samsung Conosole Desing Slim e Smart Slim design Il modello Console, spesso solamente 199 mm, ha un design che si adatta ad ogni contesto ed è il più sottile tra quelli presenti sul mercato Pannello di design Il pannello è stato studiato per evitare accumuli di polvere mantenendo l'efficienza dell'unità interna Display touch screen Il display touch screen permette il monitoraggio e l'accensione dell'unità interna Silenziosità É possibile regolare la velocità dell'aria in tre diverse modalità abbinando sempre la silenziosità al comfort Virus Doctor Il dispositivo Virus Doctor, già incluso nel modello console, purifica l’aria e permette di eliminare pericolosi inquinanti quali batteri, virus etc Doppia mandata L'unità è dotata di due mandate contemporanee per l’aria calda. L’aria calda si diffonde dal lato inferiore e superiore per rendere uniforme la temperatura dell’ambiente ed evitare la stratificazione dell'aria Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto


  • immagine-1-hisense-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-trial-split-console-999-con-3amw62u4rfa-r-32-wi-fi-optional-con-telecomando-di-serie-900090009000-novita

    Hisense Hisense Trial Split Console 9+9+9 Air Conditioner with 3AMW62U4RFA R-32 Wi-Fi Optional with Remote Control as Standard 9000+9000+9000 - New

    Technical Features Internal Units Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3x AKT26UR4RK4 Power: 9000 Btu/h Cooling capacity: 2.8 kW Heating capacity: 3 kW Power consumption: 20 W Air Flow: 9.2 m3 /min Sound pressure level : 28~39 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 700x630x220 mm Internal Unit Weight: 15 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AEH-W4A1/B1 ) Optional Wired Control (Code YXE-C01U ) External Unit Model: External Unit Catalog Code: 3AMW62U4RFA Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy Efficiency: SEER : 6.9 SCOP : 4.01 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling: A++ Energy Efficiency Class in Heating: A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling : 320 kWh/a Annual energy consumption Heating: 1920 kWh/a Performance: Cooling capacity: 6.3 kW Heating capacity: 7.2 kW Cooling Power Consumption: 1.47 kW Heating absorption: 1.78 kW Sound power level: 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~55 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 48° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation Data: Liquid Tube Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Maximum Pipe Length: 45 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 860×670×310 mm External Unit Weight: 49 Kg 3 year warranty (5 on the compressor) The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase athttp://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Multisplit External Unit Technologies High Efficiency DC Twin Rotary Inverter Compressor The design of the new BLDC Inverter double rotor compressor guarantees better balance and reduced vibrations. This translates into maximum silence and excellent performance in terms of efficiency and energy saving. 180° sine wave DC drive technology The system constantly monitors the compressor frequency and creates the most efficient waveform to determine effective consumption savings. Curve control Rubidium magnet compressor Thanks to the greater compression of the gas molecules, the compressor with rubidium magnet guarantees greater efficiency and lower absorption. Electronic expansion valve The outdoor unit uses an electronic expansion valve that regulates and optimizes the amount of refrigerant in all operating indoor units . Wide voltage range operation The outdoor unit can operate with a voltage from 176V to 264V. In the new models, the use of an automatic voltage regulation technique ensures that the protection value is adjusted accordingly, maintaining the operating frequency at an optimal value. Exchanger design: designed to improve efficiency The design of the external exchanger has been designed to increase heat transfer in such a way as to make the refrigeration circuit more efficient and avoid the creation of ice blocks. Another advantage is that it can support long distance connections between the external unit and the internal units without reducing the cooling capacity. Hisense R-32 Console Cooling The upper and lower air vents open simultaneously for fast, comfortable cooling. Heating The lower air flow ensures uniform heating throughout the room. Characteristics Smart defrost Based on historical data, the system adapts the conditions for activating defrosting to ensure maximum comfort in heating mode. New corrugated fin Newly designed corrugated fin improves heat exchange capacity Checking the refrigerant charge level If the refrigerant charge level drops below a certain level, the air conditioner will go into alarm and stop working to ensure the safety of users and the machine itself. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-mitsubishi-electric-climatizzatore-condizionatore-mitsubishi-pavimento-trial-split-inverter-serie-mfz-kt-999-con-mxz-3f54vf3-r-32-900090009000-novita

    MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Floor Trial Split Inverter Series Mfz-Kt 9+9+9 With Mxz-3f54vf3 R-32 9000+9000+9000 - New

    Technical features Indoor unit : Model: Indoor unit catalog number : 3x MXZ-KT25VG Typology : Inverter Power (BTU) : 9000 Weight: 15 Outdoor Unit Model: Outdoor Unit Catalog Code: MXZ-3F54VF3 Max number of connectable indoor units: 3 Weight : 58Kg Cooling Technical Features: Nominal Capacity (min/max): 5.4Kw (2.9-6.8) Nominal Absorbed Power: 1.32 Kw SEER : 8,52Kw Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Annual Energy Consumption: 222 KWh/a Theoretical load: 5.4 kW Heating Technical Features: Nominal Capacity (min/max) : 7.0 (2.6-9.0) Nominal Absorbed Power: 1.4 Kw SCOP : 4.61 kW Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Annual Energy Consumption: 1520 Kwh/a Theoretical load : 5 kw Performances; Sound Pressure min/max : 46/50 dB (A) Nominal Sound Power : 60 dB (A) Dimensions: Indoor Unit H x W x D : 600 x 750 x 215 Outdoor Unit H x W x D : 710 x 840 x 330 Installation data : Liquid Pipe Diameter : 6.35 mm (1/4) x3 Gas Pipe Diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8) x3 Maximum Piping Length: 50 m Maximum height difference Internal Unit/External Unit: 15 m External Unit Above Maximum height difference Internal unit7 External unit: 10 m External unit Below Operating Range: Cooling : 10 ~ +46 °C Heating : 15 ~ +24 °C General characteristics MFZ-KT units are designed to optimize air distribution and offer a simple and elegant design to adapt to any type of furniture. Compact And Refined Design High Energy Efficiency Exclusive deflector movement High Efficiency Antibacterial Filter Supplied Multi-split compatible High Heating Capacity : The MFZ-KT model has a high capacity in heating mode compared to traditional air conditioners, which makes it suitable for winter and mid-season use. V Blocking Air Purifier Filter Included: V Blocking is a new purifying filter that improves on the previous silver ion filtering system, adding an antivirus action capable of inhibiting viruses, bacteria, molds and allergens. Standard Purifier Filter Supplied: The standard purifying filter ensures the removal of coarse polluting particles such as dust and impurities from the air with an additional antibacterial, anti-mold and odor-trapping effect Multi-Flow Vane : The delivery vent is characterized by the presence of three different deflectors, each with a profile specifically designed to optimize the distribution of the outgoing air, maximizing comfort in both cooling and heating. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase. 


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Daikin A Pavimento Trial Split Serie Perfera Fvxm-A 9+9+9 Con 3mxm52n R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato 9000+9000+9000 Con Telecomando Ad Infrarossi Incluso Garanzia Italiana - Novità - CaldaieMurali

    DAIKIN Daikin Floor Air Conditioner Trial Split Perfera Series Fvxm-A 9 + 9 + 9 With 3mxm52n R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000 + 9000 + 9000 With Infrared Remote Control Included Italian Warranty - New

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Indoor unit catalog number : 3x FVXM25A Power : 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 2.4 kW Heating Capacity: 3.4 kW Treated Air Internal Unit: 7.0 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 52 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 19~38 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 600x750x238 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 17 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Voice Command Outdoor Unit Model Catalog code: 3MXM52N Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.50 SCOP: 4.66 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 5.0 kW Heating Capacity: 6.8 kW Absorbed power Cooling: 1.05 kW Absorbed power Heating: 1.37 kW Sound power level Cooling : 59 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 59 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") 3x Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 3x Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Dimensions and weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 734x958x384 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 57.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 guarantee The Daikin Italia guarantee can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit systems Superior efficiency The range of new Multisplit includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, which can be combined with Daikin indoor units. Designed with energy-efficient refrigerants and compressors that ensure optimal performance, all multi-split units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to one multi outdoor unit. The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool several rooms " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future Those who choose Daikin for their home simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken the concept of comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can have maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. The high levels of seasonal efficiency guarantee the best atmosphere both in summer and in winter, minimizing consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and the wide range of products offered are synonymous with reliability and long-lasting systems, perfect for your home. And even when you are not at home, you can control and regulate the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Consumption halved by saving on energy costs. In doing so, you are good for the environment and for your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4-year warranty Daikin Kizuna's 2-year free warranty extension will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad smells, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed so that the air conditioner becomes a piece of furniture. Why Choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just a question of comfort. Daikin systems are also kind to the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy saving technologies guarantee high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a class A+++ product is up to 40% more efficient than a class A++ product. Seasonal efficiency is a new way of rating heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency over the year. R-32 More Efficiency and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant which results in lower CO 2 emissions. This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. For the benefit of the environment! Extreme silence Noisy units are now a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that they are inaudible. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. App control Not at home? Thanks to Daikin's Residential Controller App the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, when and where you want. In addition, you will be able to keep energy consumption under control, managing your climate responsibly. Perfera Floor FVXM-A Floor standing unit for optimum heating comfort thanks to unique heating characteristics Floor standing unit with maximum efficiency The new Perfera floor unit, equipped with Daikin Eye that can be deactivated by remote control, has elegant and modern lines that convey quality, performance and class. The large suction area in three directions allows to reach energy efficiency up to A+++/A++ and the highest SCOP on the market: 4.7 New Features Two new functions activated by remote control: Floor Warming distributes warm air from the bottom of the unit to the floor for comfortable heating. Heat Plus transmits the sensation of personal comfort similar to that given by a radiant element, such as a radiator. Flexible installation The unit can be installed flush with the wall or partially recessed to save space. Excellent management of the Air Flow The increased flap guarantees a better distribution of the air flow and the possibility of a double air flow in heating, enveloping comfort. A Controlled Air Conditioning for Fresher and Cleaner Air Daikin makes your rooms comfortable by cleaning and distributing the air at its best. The air passes through the deodorizing filter which eliminates bad smells. Daikin's Flash Streamer™ technology neutralizes allergens and odors before releasing air into the room. The three-dimensional flow circulates the air both vertically and horizontally for enveloping comfort. The dual control area Motion Detection Sensor technology directs the air away from the people in the room and, when no one is there, activates the energy saving mode Connectivity The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Residential Controller App and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit. Voice Control The Daikin Residential Controller application is designed for those who live a busy life and want to manage their system via smartphone. To further increase comfort and convenience, the Daikin Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free cuts down on necessary clicks and allows for faster drive management than ever before. Transversal and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Unit Always Connected The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Residential Controller App and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit Programming Set up a schedule to define system operating times, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize the system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the ambient temperature Turn on Powerful mode to boost operation Feature availability depends on system type, configuration, and mode of operation. The app features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection Advantages : • Daikin Residential Controller : Indoor climate control from anywhere via smartphone or tablet • Auxiliary Heating : Quickly heats up your home when you start the air conditioner. The set temperature is reached 20% faster than with a normal air conditioner (single split only) • Econo Mode : Reduces the absorbed power, making it available for other applications that require high power. It also saves energy • Night Mode : Saves energy by preventing the temperature from rising or falling excessively during the night • Heat Plus : Provides 30 minutes of pleasant heating by simulating radiant heat • Underfloor Heating : Optimizes convection by distributing warm air from the bottom of the unit • StandBy Mode with Energy Saving : Energy consumption is reduced by about 80% in standby mode. • Ventilation only : The unit can also be used in ventilation only mode, without cooling or heating • Draft Prevention : When starting to heat a room or when the thermostat is off, the airflow direction is set horizontally, while the fan runs at low speed, to avoid drafts. After the preheating phase, the air delivery and fan speed can be set to the desired values • Powerful mode: Allows rapid cooling or heating of the environment; once the Powerful mode is deactivated, the unit returns to the preset mode • Automatic Operation Mode Switching : Automatically selects cooling or heating mode to maintain the set temperature • Indoor Unit Silent Function: the "Silent" button on the remote control decreases the noise emitted during operation of the indoor unit by 3dB(A) • Outdoor Unit Silent Function : The "Silent" button on the remote control reduces the operating sound level of the outdoor unit by 3dB(A) so as not to disturb the neighborhood • Night Mode : Automatically reduces the operation sound level of the outdoor unit by 3dB(A) during the night by removing a jumper on the outdoor unit. (Multi outdoor units in cooling mode only) • Automatic Vertical Oscillation: Possibility of selecting the automatic vertical movement of the delivery deflectors, to make the air flow and temperature distribution uniform throughout the room • Automatic Fan Speed ​​Adjustment : Automatically selects the fan speed to reach or maintain the set temperature • Fan speed in steps (5 steps): Allows you to select different fan speed values ​​(2 steps) • Dehumidification Program : Reduces humidity in the air, avoiding excessive cooling • Flash Streamer TM : Thanks to the use of electrons that activate chemical reactions with particles suspended in the air, the Flash Streamer decomposes allergens such as pollen and fungi and removes unpleasant odors, ensuring better and cleaner air • Titanium Apatite Deodorizing Filter: Decomposes annoying odors such as tobacco and animals • Air Filter : Eliminates dust particles dispersed in the air, improving air quality • Weekly Timer : Can be set to start cooling or heating at any time on a daily or weekly basis • 24 Hour Timer : Can be set to start the unit at any time within a 24 hour period • Infrared remote control: Allows remote control of the air conditioner functions • Auto Restart Function : After a power failure, the unit will automatically restart with the original settings • Self-diagnostics : Simplifies maintenance by indicating system malfunctions or malfunctions • Multi application ( 2MXM68 and 3MXM68 are not Connectable ) : Up to 3 indoor units can be connected to a single outdoor unit, even if they have different capacities. All indoor units can be operated individually in the same heating or cooling mode. • Extremely Quiet : Extremely quiet: the unit is so quiet you'll forget you have it on Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-hisense-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-trial-split-console-999-con-3amw72u4rfa-r-32-wi-fi-optional-con-telecomando-di-serie-900090009000-novita

    Hisense Hisense Trial Split Console Air Conditioner 9 + 9 + 9 With 3amw72u4rfa R-32 Wi-Fi Optional With 9000 + 9000 + 9000 Series Remote Control - New

    Technical features Indoor Units Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3x AKT26UR4RK4 Power : 9000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity: 2.8 kW Heating Capacity: 3 kW Absorption : 20W Air Flow : 9,2 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 28~39 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 700x630x220 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 15 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card ( Code AEH-W4A1/B1 ) Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) Outdoor Unit Model: External Unit catalog code: 3AMW72U4RFA Max indoor units: up to 3 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.8 (W/W) SCOP : 4.01 (W/W) Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 371 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating: 1920 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.2 kW Heating Capacity: 7.9 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.87 kW Std heating absorption: 2.03 kW Sound power level : 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~55 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 48°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 860×670×310 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 49 Kg 3 year warranty (5 on the compressor) The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the addresshttp://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Multisplit Outdoor Unit Technologies High Efficiency Twin Rotary DC Inverter Compressor The design of the new dual rotor BLDC Inverter compressor ensures better balancing and reduced vibrations. This translates into the maximum level of silence and excellent performance in terms of efficiency and energy saving. DC drive technology with 180° sine wave The system constantly monitors the compressor frequency and creates the most efficient waveform to determine effective consumption savings. Curve control Compressor with rubidium magnet Thanks to the greater compression of the gas molecules, the rubidium magnet compressor guarantees greater efficiency and lower absorption Electronic expansion valve The outdoor unit uses an electronic expansion valve that regulates and optimizes the refrigerant amount of all operating indoor units. Operation with wide voltage range The outdoor unit can work with voltage from 176V to 264V. In the new models, the use of an automatic voltage regulation technique ensures that the protection value adjusts according to it, keeping the operating frequency at an optimal value. Exchanger design: designed to improve its efficiency The design of the external exchanger was designed to increase the heat transfer in order to make the refrigeration circuit more efficient and avoid the creation of blocks of ice. Another advantage is that it can support long-distance connections between outdoor units and indoor units without reducing the cooling capacity. Hisense R-32 console Cooling down The upper and lower airflows open simultaneously for fast and comfortable cooling. Heating The bottom airflow ensures uniform heating throughout the room. Characteristics Smart defrost Based on the historical data, the system adapts the conditions for activating the defrost to ensure maximum comfort in heating mode. New corrugated fin Newly designed corrugated fin that improves the heat exchange capacity Checking the refrigerant charge level In the event that the refrigerant charge level drops below a certain level, the air conditioner will go into alarm and stop working to ensure the safety of users and the machine itself. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Daikin Bluevolution A Pavimento Trial Split Inverter Serie Fvxm-F 9+9+9 Con 3mxm68n R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Con Telecomando Ad Infrarossi Incluso 9000+9000+9000 - Garanzia Italiana - CaldaieMurali

    DAIKIN Daikin Bluevolution Floor Air Conditioner Trial Split Inverter Series Fvxm-F 9+9+9 With 3mxm68n R-32 Wi-Fi Optional With Infrared Remote Control Included 9000+9000+9000 - Italian Warranty

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 3x FVXM25F Power : 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 2.5 kW Heating Capacity: 3.4 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit: 6.5 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 52 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 23~38 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 600x700x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 14 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card (Code: BRP069A42/B42 ) Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: 3MXM68N Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Energy efficiency: SEER: 7.76 SCOP: 4.09 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 6.80 kW Heating Capacity: 8.60 kW Absorbed power Cooling: 1.63 kW Absorbed power Heating: 1.83 kW Sound power level Cooling : 61 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 61 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") 3x Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 3x Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Dimensions and weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 734x958x384 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 62.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 guarantee The Daikin Italia guarantee can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit systems Superior efficiency The range of new Multisplit includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, which can be combined with Daikin indoor units. Designed with energy-efficient refrigerants and compressors that ensure optimal performance, all multi-split units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to one multi outdoor unit. The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool several rooms " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future Those who choose Daikin for their home simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken the concept of comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can have maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. The high levels of seasonal efficiency guarantee the best atmosphere both in summer and in winter, minimizing consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and the wide range of products offered are synonymous with reliability and long-lasting systems, perfect for your home. And even when you are not at home, you can control and regulate the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Consumption halved by saving on energy costs. In doing so, you are good for the environment and for your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4-year warranty Daikin Kizuna's 2-year free warranty extension will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad smells, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed so that the air conditioner becomes a piece of furniture. Why Choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just a matter of comfort. Daikin systems are also kind to the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy saving technologies guarantee high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a class A+++ product is up to 40% more efficient than a class A++ product. Seasonal efficiency is a new way of rating heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency over the year. R-32 More Efficiency and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant which results in lower CO 2 emissions. This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. For the benefit of the environment! Extreme silence Noisy units are now a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that they are inaudible. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. App control Not at home? Thanks to Daikin's Residential Controller App the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, when and where you want. In addition, you will be able to keep energy consumption under control, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin FVXM-F Floor Standing Unit FVXM-F is a floor standing unit which guarantees optimal comfort even in heating thanks to the double air flow. In winter, in heating operating mode, it is in fact possible to manually enable the delivery vent located at the front in the lower part of the unit: the hot air will touch the floor and then rise naturally, distributing itself evenly throughout the room. Discreet installation Its low height, just 620 mm, makes it perfect for a discreet installation in the space below the windows. It can also be installed not only against the wall but also half-recessed in the wall itself so as to reduce the exposed part to just 115 mm thick Silent function The "Silent" button on the remote control decreases the noise emitted during operation of the indoor unit by 3dB(A). The same can also be done for internal unity so as to preserve the peace of neighbors Multi and Monosplit applications Select the outdoor unit that best meets your needs. In monosplit applications it is possible to connect an outdoor unit to a single indoor unit. The "space-saving" multi units can instead be connected to up to five indoor units in different rooms Resident Controller Control your unit from anywhere via app, local network or the Internet and monitor energy consumption. Even when you're not at home, you can turn it on and off, set cooling or heating operation, adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner. A modern service for a dynamic and aware user, who wants to be able to manage an unexpected change of program at any time without sacrificing comfort, but who also pays attention to responsible use of energy, consumption and the cost of the bill. Voice Control The Daikin Residential Controller application is designed for those who live a busy life and want to manage their system via smartphone. To further increase comfort and convenience, the Daikin Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free cuts down on necessary clicks and allows for faster drive management than ever before. Transversal and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Unit Always Connected The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Residential Controller App and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit Programming Set up a schedule to define system operating times, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize the system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the ambient temperature Turn on Powerful mode to boost operation Feature availability depends on system type, configuration, and mode of operation. The app features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection Advantages : • The reduced height (620 mm) the perfect installation of the unit in the space under the windows • Daikin Residential Controller: possibility to control the indoor unit from anywhere via app, local network or the Internet • Quiet operation: sound pressure level up to 23dBA • The choice of an R-32 product reduces the environmental impact by 68% compared to R-410A systems and involves a direct reduction in energy consumption thanks to the high energy efficiency • Voice command via Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant to control main functions such as setpoint, operating mode, fan speed etc. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Climatizzatore Condizionatore Daikin Bluevolution A Pavimento Trial Split Inverter Serie Fvxm-F 9+9+9 Con 3mxm52n R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Con Telecomando Ad Infrarossi Incluso 9000+9000+9000 - Garanzia Italiana - CaldaieMurali

    DAIKIN Daikin Bluevolution Floor Air Conditioner Trial Split Inverter Series Fvxm-F 9+9+9 With 3mxm52n R-32 Wi-Fi Optional With Infrared Remote Control Included 9000+9000+9000 - Italian Warranty

    Technical features Indoor Units Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 3x FVXM25F Power : 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 2.5 kW Heating Capacity: 3.4 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit: 6.5 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 52 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 23~38 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 600x700x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 14 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card (Code: BRP069A42/B42 ) Outdoor Unit Model Catalog code: 3MXM52N Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.50 SCOP: 4.66 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 5.0 kW Heating Capacity: 6.8 kW Absorbed power Cooling: 1.05 kW Absorbed power Heating: 1.37 kW Sound power level Cooling : 59 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 59 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") 3x Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 3x Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Dimensions and weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 734x958x384 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 57.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 guarantee The Daikin Italia guarantee can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit systems Superior efficiency The range of new Multisplit includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, which can be combined with Daikin indoor units. Designed with energy-efficient refrigerants and compressors that ensure optimal performance, all multi-split units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to one multi outdoor unit. The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool several rooms " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future Those who choose Daikin for their home simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken the concept of comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can have maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. The high levels of seasonal efficiency guarantee the best atmosphere both in summer and in winter, minimizing consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and the wide range of products offered are synonymous with reliability and long-lasting systems, perfect for your home. And even when you are not at home, you can control and regulate the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Consumption halved by saving on energy costs. In doing so, you are good for the environment and for your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4-year warranty Daikin Kizuna's 2-year free warranty extension will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad smells, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed so that the air conditioner becomes a piece of furniture. Why Choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just a matter of comfort. Daikin systems are also kind to the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy saving technologies guarantee high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a class A+++ product is up to 40% more efficient than a class A++ product. Seasonal efficiency is a new way of rating heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency over the year. R-32 More Efficiency and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant which results in lower CO 2 emissions. This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. For the benefit of the environment! Extreme silence Noisy units are now a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that they are inaudible. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. App control Not at home? Thanks to Daikin's Residential Controller App the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, when and where you want. In addition, you will be able to keep energy consumption under control, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin FVXM-F Floor Standing Unit FVXM-F is a floor standing unit which guarantees optimal comfort even in heating thanks to the double air flow. In winter, in heating operating mode, it is in fact possible to manually enable the delivery vent located at the front in the lower part of the unit: the hot air will touch the floor and then rise naturally, distributing itself evenly throughout the room. Discreet installation Its low height, just 620 mm, makes it perfect for a discreet installation in the space below the windows. It can also be installed not only against the wall but also half-recessed in the wall itself so as to reduce the exposed part to just 115 mm thick Silent function The "Silent" button on the remote control decreases the noise emitted during operation of the indoor unit by 3dB(A). The same can also be done for internal unity so as to preserve the peace of neighbors Multi and Monosplit applications Select the outdoor unit that best meets your needs. In monosplit applications it is possible to connect an outdoor unit to a single indoor unit. The "space-saving" multi units can instead be connected to up to five indoor units in different rooms Resident Controller Control your unit from anywhere via app, local network or the Internet and monitor energy consumption. Even when you're not at home, you can turn it on and off, set cooling or heating operation, adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner. A modern service for a dynamic and aware user, who wants to be able to manage an unexpected change of program at any time without sacrificing comfort, but who also pays attention to responsible use of energy, consumption and the cost of the bill. Voice Control The Daikin Residential Controller application is designed for those who live a busy life and want to manage their system via smartphone. To further increase comfort and convenience, the Daikin Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free cuts down on necessary clicks and allows for faster drive management than ever before. Transversal and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Unit Always Connected The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Residential Controller App and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit Programming Set up a schedule to define system operating times, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize the system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the ambient temperature Turn on Powerful mode to boost operation Feature availability depends on system type, configuration, and mode of operation. The app features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection Advantages : • The reduced height (620 mm) the perfect installation of the unit in the space under the windows • Daikin Residential Controller: possibility to control the indoor unit from anywhere via app, local network or the Internet • Quiet operation: sound pressure level up to 23dBA • The choice of an R-32 product reduces the environmental impact by 68% compared to R-410A systems and involves a direct reduction in energy consumption thanks to the high energy efficiency • Voice command via Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant to control main functions such as setpoint, operating mode, fan speed etc. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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