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Riello Caldaia a Condensazione Riello Residence HM 25 KIS Low NOx Con Kit Scarico Fumi Metano o Gpl
Caldaia a Condensazione Riello Residence HM 25 KIS Low NOx Con Kit Scarico Fumi Metano o Gpl Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : Residence HM KIS Potenza nominale ERP: 20 kW Alimentazione : Metano/gpl Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento : A Classe di efficienza energetica del sanitario : A Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento : 93% Potenza termica utile Potenza termica nominale e a regime di alta temperatura : 19,5 kW Potenza termica nominale e a regime di bassa temperatura : 6,5 kW Efficienza Utile Alla potenza termica nominale e a regime di alta temperatura ** ƞ4 % 87,9 Al 30% potenza termica nominale e a regime di bassa temperatura *** ƞ1 % 98,0. Altre specifiche tecniche Portata termica riscaldamento (max-min) kW 20,0- 2,5 Portata termica ACS nominale (max-min) kW 25,0-2,5 Tensione di alimentazione V-Hz 230-50 Grado di protezione IP IPX5D Classe NOx 6 Riscaldamento Pressione-temperatura massima bar-°C 3-90 Pompa: massima prevalenza disponibile(alla portata di 1000 l/h) **** mbar 400 Capacità vaso espansione a menbrana l 9 Dimensioni, peso Dimensioni caldaia (HxPxL) mm 740x275x420 Peso netto kg 29 Residence HM RESIDENCE HM INAUGURA UNA NUOVA GENERAZIONE DI CALDAIE A CONDENSAZIONE, CHE SANCISCE L’IMPEGNO DI RIELLO PER UN’INNOVAZIONE TECNOLOGICA AL SERVIZIO DEL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO E DELLA SOSTENIBILITÀ, OFFRENDO UN COMFORT SEMPRE PIÙ RISPONDENTE ALLE MODERNE ESIGENZE DELL’UTENTE RESIDENCE, tra le gamme più rappresentative dell’offerta Riello in termini di affidabilità e performance, si rinnova profondamente nel design e nella tecnologia per dar vita a RESIDENCE HM. Tante sono le novità di questa nuova caldaia murale a condensazione rispetto alla serie precedente: dall’elevata modulazione 1:10 su tutta la gamma, al nuovo scambiatore di calore in acciaio inox con rinnovato controllo di combustione adattivo, fino al nuovo pannello di controllo touch, per citare le principali.Denominatore comune di tutta la gamma la ricerca tecnologica finalizzata al risparmio energetico per offrire un comfort sempre più elevato: dalla silenziosità alle prestazioni, tante sono le caratteristiche migliorative di RESIDENCE HM, che l’utente non mancherà di apprezzare. La nuova gamma si presenta in una veste estetica completamente rinnovata, dal carattere moderno ed evoluto, che si armonizza con facilità nei diversi contesti residenziali, sia nella sostituzione che nella nuova edilizia. Inoltre come tutte le caldaie Riello di nuova generazione, RESIDENCE HM è orientata al futuro: è infatti predisposta per operare con miscele di gas naturale e idrogeno fino al 20%, contribuendo così a ridurre l’impatto ambientale e le emissioni delle caldaie a condensazione nei prossimi anni. ALTE PRESTAZIONIGrazie all’ampia modulazione 1:10, al nuovo controllo intelligente di combustione ACC e ai rinnovati scambiatori primario e sanitario OTTIMO COMFORT SANITARIOAcqua calda senza oscillazioni ditemperatura, per un comfort ottimale durante i prelievi, con profilo di carico al vertice della categoria.INTERFACCIA TOUCHL’interfaccia di RESIDENCE HM mantiene la semplicità e l’intuitività di utilizzo, innovandosi con una caratterizzante estetica touch. ELEVATA SILENZIOSITÀ RESIDENCE HM si distingue per la silenziosità operativa, che la rende la soluzione ideale per installazione all’interno dell’abitazione. DESIGN COMPATTOLa compattezza, trasversale su tutte le taglie, rende RESIDENCE HM idonea anche per installazione in un pensile. La caldaia è installabile anche a incasso o all’esterno, in luogo parzialmente protetto INSTALLAZIONE E MANUTENZIONE SEMPLIFICATEGrazie al sistema di controllo combustione adattivo ACC, alla compattezza e all’accessibilità frontale ai componenti. TECNOLOGIA AL SERVIZIO DEL COMFORT E DELL’EFFICIENZA ENERGETICA Nuova flangia fumi con collare di sicurezza a rapido serraggio. Ridotte emissioni di NOx: CLASSE 6 (EN 15502). Ampia modulazione 1:10 su tutta la gamma, per un elevato risparmio energetico. Efficienza stagionale 93%. Nuovo scambiatore in acciaio inox con rinnovato sistema di controllo della combustione ACC Combustion. Vaso di espansione laterale da 9 litri. Scambiatore a piastre ad elevate prestazioni sviluppato da Riello. Nuovo circolatore digitale modulante a basso consumo. Nuovo gruppo idraulico con sequenza di attacchi di tipo DIN, per una sostituzione semplificata. Copertura superiore e mensola inferiore realizzate con nuovi materiali costampati per favorire longevità e resistenza. NUOVO CONTROLLO DI COMBUSTIONE ELETTRONICO ADATTIVORESIDENCE HM è dotata di un nuovo sistema intelligente dicontrollo della combustione ACC (active combustion control), in grado di adattarsi automaticamente al combustibile (metano, GPL, ecc.) senza ricorrere a codici specifici o a kit di trasformazione accessori. Questo innovativo e sofisticato sistema di controllo consente l’auto-regolazione della combustione, eliminando la necessità di taratura iniziale. Il sistema ACC è inoltre in grado di adattare la caldaia ad operare con diverse configurazioni di gas, differenti lunghezze dei tubi e a diverse altitudini (entro i limiti progettuali previsti). Il sistema ACC è in grado inoltre di effettuare autodiagnosi per una combustione sempre sotto controllo, con emissioni costantemente ben inferiori ai limiti imposti dalla normativa. SCAMBIATORE SANITARIO A PIASTRE AD ELEVATE PRESTAZIONILo scambiatore sanitario di RESIDENCE HM “high performance”, sviluppato da Riello, offre un ottimo comfort, unitamente a rapidità di raggiungimento del set point e di stabilità della temperatura durante il prelievo. SILENZIOSITÀ DI FUNZIONAMENTOGrazie anche ai nuovi materiali introdotti, RESIDENCE HM sidistingue per la silenziosità di funzionamento, caratteristica migliorativa (circa il -10%) rispetto alla precedente gamma omonima e particolarmente apprezzabile nel caso di installazione della caldaia all’interno dell’abitazione. Il range di rumorisità si attesta infatti su livelli dai 45 db(A), per il modello 30 KIS, fino a 48 db(A) per il modello 20 IS. FACILITÀ DI INSTALLAZIONE E MANUTENZIONEIl sistema ACC semplifica l’installazione. In fase di accensione la nuova caldaia non necessita di taratura ed è sufficiente selezionare la tipologia di gas combustibile utilizzato dalla caldaia tramite l’interfaccia, se diverso da quello di default (metano). Le dimensioni ridotte e il peso contenuto rendono il prodotto facilmente trasportabile e movimentabile in fase di installazione. L’accessibilità frontale ai componenti rende inoltre il prodotto più semplice da manutenere per il tecnico preposto, velocizzandone i tempi di intervento. INTEGRABILITÀ IN SISTEMI IBRIDIRESIDENCE HM è in grado di integrarsi nei sistemi ibridi Riello multi-energia (gas/ elettricità e rinnovabili), attraverso l’offerta di accessori della piattaforma Hi, Comfort. NUOVA INTERFACCIA DAL DESIGN EVOLUTO E MODERNO RESIDENCE HM è dotata di una nuova interfaccia digitale dal design accattivante, che conferisce a RESIDENCE HM un carattere moderno, in lineacon i canoni estetici attuali. Progettato con una particolare attenzione alla facilità di utilizzo, il pannello di RESIDENCE HM permette di accedere in modo intuitivo a tutte le regolazioni e ai parametri della caldaia e del sistema con un semplice “touch” su sette punti della sua superficie. A conferma dell’operazione avvenuta si genera un “buzzer”, il caratteristico segnale acustico. Anche il display HMI da 2,8’’ è stato concepito all’insegna della semplicità di comunicazione per l’utente, attraverso l’utilizzo di icone che rendono più immediata la comprensione rispetto ai testi. LO SGUARDO AL FUTURO La gamma RESIDENCE HM, come tutte le caldaie Riello di nuova generazione, nasce predisposta per funzionare con miscele di gas naturale e idrogeno - fino a un massimo del 20% - un primo importante contributo verso il processo di decarbonizzazione avviato dall’Unione Europea ROADMAP IDROGENO 100%E c’è di più. Riello punta ora all’utilizzo dell’idrogeno puro come fonte di energia completamente priva di CO2 . Per questo, la nuova gamma RESIDENCE HM è stata testata per operare con la combustione dell’idrogeno al 100% tramite un kit di conversione, al momento in via sviluppo nei nostri laboratori. L’IDROGENO COSTITUISCE IL SISTEMA ENERGETICO SOSTENIBILE DEL FUTURO Disponibilità in enormi quantità Producibilità mediante metodi a basso impatto e in modo sostenibile da fonti rinnovabili, quali l’energia eolica, fotovoltaica e le biomasse Riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti Opportunità di contribuire al processo di decarbonizzazione UNA CALDAIA PER MOLTEPLICI SOLUZIONI LA DISPONIBILITÀ DI UN’AMPIA OFFERTA DI KIT ACCESSORI DEDICATI MOLTIPLICA LE SOLUZIONI IN TERMINI DI APPLICAZIONI INSTALLATIVE DI RESIDENCE HM, UNA CALDAIA VERSATILE, NATA PER RISPONDERE ALLE DIVERSE ESIGENZE IMPIANTISTICHE E DI COMFORT Compattezza, peso ridotto e grado di protezione elettrica IPX5D permettono a RESIDENCE HM di essere installata con facilità non solo all’interno dell’abitazione, ma anche all’esterno (in luogo parzialmente protetto) e a incasso in box. Il prodotto è ideale anche per la sostituzione, favorita dalla disponibilità di kit accessori di conversione, nel caso la caldaia da sostituire non sia Fornita di attacchi DIN Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Riello Caldaia a Condensazione da Incasso Riello RESIDENCE IN 25 KIS Metano/Gpl 20189650 Low NOx Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi
Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : Residence IN 25 KIS Codice prodotto : 20189650 Potenza nominale : 19,0 kW Alimentazione : Metano/gpl Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento : A Classe di efficienza energetica del sanitario : A Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento : 93% Consumo energetico annuo : 42 GJ Potenza termica utile Potenza termica nominale e a regime di alta temperatura : 19,4 kW Potenza termica nominale e a regime di bassa temperatura : 6,5 kW Efficienza utile Alla potenza termica nominale e a regime di alta temperatura : 87,3 % Al 30% potenza termica nominale e a regime di bassa temperatura : 98,5 % Consumi elettrici ausiliari A pieno carico : 32,0 W A carico parziale : 12,0 W In modalità Stand-by : 3,0 W Performance in riscaldamento Portata termica : 3,95 ~ 25 kW Pressione massima : 3 bar Temperatura massima : 90° C Performance in sanitario Portata ACS minima : 2 l/min Pressione massima : 8 bar Produzione ACS : 10,2 ~ 11,9 ~ 14,3 kW Dati installativi Diametro tubo entrata / uscita riscaldamento : 3/4" Diametro tubo entrata / uscita sanitario : 1/2" Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (AxLxP) : 740x420x249 mm Peso : 31,0 Kg Caldaia murale a condensazione Riello RESIDENCE IN La soluzione efficiente, dove lo spazio fa la differenza Residence In è la soluzione Riello pensata per le esigenze installative in cui lo spazio fa la differenza e per un comfort senza compromessi. Residence In si distingue per compattezza, flessibilità applicativa e ampia disponibilità di accessori che garantiscono la compatibilità e retrocompatibilità anche nei box Riello più piccoli. Lo scambiatore primario, interamente realizzato in acciaio inox e con accessibilità frontale alla camera di combustione, e lo scambiatore a piastre ottimizzato assicurano la massima efficienza e affidabilità nel tempo e garantiscono un comfort elevato, sia in riscaldamento che in sanitario Con RESIDENCE IN, Riello continua il percorso di rinnovamento della propria offerta murale in chiave eco-compatibile. L’ampio range di modulazione 1 : 8, le bassissime emissioni di NOx, che posizionano la gamma in Classe 6 (la migliore secondo gli standard europei), e la predisposizione per il funzionamento con miscele di gas naturale e idrogeno – fino a un massimo del 20% - sono solo alcune tra le caratteristiche che qualificano RESIDENCE IN come la caldaia ideale per un’installazione di valore nel tempo, dal minimo impatto ambientale ed estetico. Installazione universale Massima flessibilità installativa sia all’interno, all’esterno (in luogo parzialmente protetto) e a incasso in box Stabilità di acqua calda sanitaria Acqua calda senza oscillazioni di temperatura, per un comfort ottimale durante i prelievi Interfaccia digitale Interfaccia dal design moderno, che si distingue per l’intuitività di utilizzo, comunicando con l’utente per mezzo di icone e testi scorrevoli. Basse emissioni La migliore in termini di rispetto ambientale a livello europeo Compattezza e flessibilità per un'installabilità universale RESIDENCE IN è la soluzione ideale per la sostituzione, oltre che per la nuova edilizia. Le dimensioni ridotte del prodotto, unitamente alla disponibilità di una gamma articolata di kit accessori per ogni tipo di applicazione, facilitano e velocizzano l’installazione, anche in piccoli box pre-esistenti. RESIDENCE IN, come suggerisce il nome, è la nuova caldaia Riello pensata in primis per l’installazione a incasso in box. Grazie alle ridotte dimensioni e alla disponibilità di una gamma dedicata di kit accessori, RESIDENCE IN è compatibile e retrocompatibile con le varie tipologie di box Riello. La nuova soluzione Riello, in caso di sostituzione di un modello a incasso, assicura all’utente un notevole risparmio, evitandogli sia l’acquisto di un nuovo box, che eventuali spese murarie per adeguare lo spazio della nicchia. Inoltre, gli attacchi idraulici con sequenza Riello rendono la sostituzione con le vecchie caldaie ancor più facile e immediata. L’installabilità a incasso è un plus anche per la nuova edilizia, permettendo di risparmiare spazio sempre più prezioso all’interno dell’abitazione e riducendo al minimo l’impatto estetico in facciata. Adatta per l'esterno RESIDENCE IN, grazie al grado di protezione IPX5D e al kit accessorio antigelo fino a -15°C, può essere installata anche all’esterno dell’abitazione, in luogo parzialmente protetto. Design moderno e utilizzo intuitivo RESIDENCE IN è dotata di un pannello di controllo dalle linee razionali e moderne, che si distingue per la semplicità di utilizzo. Attraverso il display LCD retroilluminato, che comunica con l’utente mediante icone e testi scorrevoli, è possibile accedere facilmente a tutte le funzioni di RESIDENCE IN. Un cuore d'acciaio per la massima efficienza RESIDENCE IN è dotata di un nuovo scambiatore primario in acciaio INOX, con tubo liscio ad elevata sezione, in grado di assicurare la migliore efficienza e pulizia nel tempo. L’acciaio INOX, oltre all’elevata resistenza all’azione corrosiva della condensa acida, previene la formazione interna di ossidi e di altri fenomeni elettrochimici tipici delle installazioni in vecchi impianti. La geometria a spira unica avvolta (circuito idraulico in serie) assicura una portata costante in tutte le sezioni dello scambiatore e previene intrinsecamente fenomeni di intasamento. L’accesso frontale agevola le operazioni periodiche di manutenzione e pulizia della camera di combustione. Comfort sanitario elevato Grazie al nuovo scambiatore a piastre high performance, RESIDENCE IN offre un elevato comfort in sanitario, con disponibilità di acqua calda in tempi brevi e un’ottima stabilità della temperatura di erogazione. Funzionamento silenzioso RESIDENCE IN, distinguendosi per la silenziosità operativa, rappresenta la scelta ottimale anche per l’installazione in locali non tecnici, ad esempio in caso di sostituzione in una cucina. Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Riello Riello Open Chamber Boiler Mod. Start 24 Ki Ln Low Nox Methane - New Erp
Riello Open Chamber boiler mod. START 24 KI Low NOx - NEW ErP CODE 20151434 Product code: 20151434 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 26.7 kW Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Useful efficiency Pn max - Pn min (80°-60°): 90.1-86.4% Profit return 30% (47th return): 89.2% Open chamber with natural draft NOx class: 6 Min/max heating operating pressure: 0.25-3 bar Max absorbed electric power: 47 W Expansion vessel: 8 litres Min/max pressure in DHW: 0.15-8 bar Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 13.8 l/min Quantity of hot water at Δt 30°C: 11.5 l/min Quantity of hot water at Δt 35°C: 9.9 l/min Sanitary water temperature selection range: 37-60°C Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 740 x 400 x 332 ; 30 Kgs Electrical protection degree: IP X5D Power supply: METHANE Standard natural gas operation with possibility of conversion to LPG (G31), this modification is the responsibility of the installer or the technical assistance service START 24 KI LN (LOW NOx) Start LN is characterized by a modern design despite its essentiality and is ideal for heating and the production of domestic hot water in small and medium-sized domestic users. Start LN is available in power ratings of 24 and 28 kW with low NOx emissions <56 mg/kWh. Characteristics: Double exchanger: domestic hot water production with plate exchanger for greater resistance to the formation of limescale CTR system for more rapid achievement of the desired comfort and a reduction in consumption and temperature changes in the heating bodies 8 liter expansion vessel Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Antifreeze function which protects the heating and DHW circuits down to 0°C Standard thermoregulation on the boiler board in combination with the external probe (optional) Can be interfaced with the Remote Control Panel Hydraulic connections available as an accessory kit Standard natural gas operation with possibility of conversion to LPG (G31), this modification is the responsibility of the installer or the technical assistance service Electrical protection degree IP X5D Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Riello Caldaia a Condensazione Riello Family HM 25 KIS Low NOx Con Kit Scarico Fumi Metano o Gpl
Caldaia a Condensazione Riello Family HM 25 KIS Low NOx Con Kit Scarico Fumi Metano o Gpl Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : Family HM KIS Potenza nominale ERP: 20 kW Alimentazione : Metano/gpl Codice: 20206147 Dimensioni, peso Dimensioni caldaia (HxPxL) mm 740x275x420 Peso netto kg 29 FAMILY HM La nuova gamma di caldaie a condensazione FAMILY HM offre all'utente un connubio tra comfort e risparmio. Riello propone una caldaia multi energy pensata per esigenze attuali e future nell'ottica di un abbattimento dei consumi elettrici, di gas ed emissioni, con possibilità di controllo da remoto. - Scambiatore sanitario ad alta efficienza maggiorato sviluppato da Riello. - Controllo di combustione elettronico autoadattivo ACC (Active Combustion Control). - Design moderno e lineare con copertura raccordi inferiore sotto-caldaia disponibile come accessorio per un'ottima integrazione estetica. - Funzioni elettroniche specifiche sanitarie: ritardo sanitario, funzioni anti-pendolazione e ventilatore smart. - Circolatore modulante digitale 7m prevalenza a basso consumo (IEE ≤ 0,20) di serie. Circolatore ad altissima prevalenza 7,5 m disponibile come accessorio. - Gruppo idraulico sequenza standard DIN. - Rumorosità contenuta fino a 45 dB. - Efficienza stagionale 94%. - HMI touchscreen moderna ed intuitiva, con icone rappresentative e tasti capacitivi con conferma acustica "buzzer". - Display 3,5'' full touch con icone e testi multilingue. - Vaso di espansione da 9 litri. - Facilità di installazione e ampia scelta di accessori disponibili come optional. - Grado di protezione elettrica IPX5D. - Trasformazione gas (Aria Propanata, GPL) selezionabile con parametro elettronico. - Dima di fissaggio e cavo di alimentazione elettrica a corredo. - Termoregolazione di serie in abbinamento alla sonda esterna, disponibile come accessorio. - Flangia fumi con fumisteria dedicata. Ampia modulazione 1:13 efficienza elevata e consumi ridotti Alta efficienza grazie al nuovo controllo adattivo di combustione, all’ampia modulazione e agli scambiatori rinnovati Nuova interfaccia evoluta completamente touch, a colori, con tour guidato per l’utente Comfort sanitario eccellente rapidità di raggiungimento del set-point e stabilità della temperatura Ottima silenziosita’ operativa fino a 45 db Design elegante e compatto per una facile integrabilità negli ambienti domestici IoT READY Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Riello Riello Residence Gas Boiler 24 Ki - 24 Kw LPG Open Chamber - Erp
RIELLO RESIDENCE 24 KI GAS BOILER - 24 Kw LPG OPEN CHAMBER - ErP Technical features Product code: 20102216 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Domestic hot water/heating nominal heat output: 7.1÷24.0 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) ** Useful efficiency at Pn* (50°C-30°C): 89.8% Profit return 30% (47th return): 89.5% Open chamber, natural draft. Quantity of hot water at Δt 25°C: 13.7 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 805 x 400 x 332 ; 30 Kgs Power supply: LPG RESIDENCE Open room Residence is the wall-mounted boiler whose main qualities are simplicity, completeness of functions and small dimensions. Modern and functional design complete with digital display and fitting cover. Residence is available in powers of 24 and 28 kW. Characteristics: CTR system for faster achievement of the desired comfort and a reduction in consumption, the formation of limescale in the boiler and temperature changes in the heating bodies Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Double exchanger: domestic hot water production with plate exchanger Antifreeze function that protects the heating and DHW circuits down to -3°C Assembly template, hydraulic fittings, power supply cable supplied. The evolution of simplicity The essential design and the elegant lower fitting cover give the product easy harmonization in any room of the house. An advanced technological heart is added to the external simplicity which, thanks to the CTR system, satisfies the comfort inside the home in a short time, allowing lower consumption, less limescale formation in the boiler and less thermal excursions in the heating bodies. Simplified installation and maintenance Perfect interchangeability with the Riello models installed today and a greater distance of the hydraulic connections from the wall facilitates the connection of Residences even at different center distances. Overall dimensions and weight are reduced, thus facilitating product handling and installation. The new hydraulic unit Residence is equipped with an innovative hydraulic unit in composite material. The frontal arrangement of all its components and the quick connections allow for easy maintenance. Remotely controllable Residence can be connected to a classic room chronothermostat, but for the more demanding user a remote control panel is also available as an option, which collects all the traditional settings and the weekly chronothermostat function in a simple and effective way; if connected to an external probe, it is possible to activate the climatic regulation which autonomously varies the delivery temperature according to the external temperature. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Riello Gas Boiler Riello Start 24 Ki - 24 Kw Methane Open Chamber - Erp
Technical features Product code: 20100122 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Domestic hot water/heating nominal heat output: 24 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) ** Useful efficiency at Pn* (50°C-30°C): 89.8% Profit return 30% (47th return): 89.5% Open chamber, natural draft. Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 13.8 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 740 x 400 x 332 ; 30 Kgs Power supply: METHANE General characteristics RESIDENCE EXTERNAL Residence Externa is specifically designed for outdoor installation and stands out for its extremely small dimensions; built with specific materials to operate in absolute reliability even in difficult environmental conditions. Residence Externa is available in powers of 24 and 28 kW. High-efficiency hot water heat generator for both exposed (Residence Externa) and built-in (Residence IN) outdoor installation, consisting of: A wall structure with an open combustion chamber with natural draft. atmospheric primary air burner in stainless steel equipped with automatic ignition. ionization flame control and proportional regulation system of gas flow and air flow both in heating and DHW. CTR system for more rapid achievement of the desired comfort and a reduction in consumption, the formation of limescale in the boiler and temperature changes in the heating bodies. Low consumption circulator (IEE 0.20). Remote control panel and external probe (optional) allow you to activate the climate control. Double exchanger: domestic hot water production with plate exchanger. Coating in weather resistant material. electrical protection degree IP X5D. The equipment is completed by: Antifreeze function (up to -3°C for Residence Externa and up to -5°C for Residence IN): which protects the heating and DHW circuits up to -5°C with the possibility of extending the protection down to -15° C (optional) Antifreeze: when the boiler water temperature drops to around 7°C, the circulator is activated and remains in operation until the temperature rises to around 10°C; if, on the other hand, the temperature drops below 4°C, the burner also switches on at minimum power until, with the boiler in heating mode, the water temperature reaches 30°C; then the burner switches off and after 30” the circulator. Furthermore, when the temperature of the water in the DHW circuit drops to approximately 5°C, the circulator is activated and the burner ignites at minimum power until, with the boiler in DHW function, the temperature of the water in the boiler reaches 55°C; then the burner switches off and after 10” the circulator. Circulator anti-blocking: the circulator is activated for one minute approximately 18 hours after the last operating cycle. Three-way valve anti-blocking: the valve is activated to carry out an operating cycle (heating position and return to DHW position) approximately 18 hours after the last intervention . ErP: Energy related Products The new European regulations for heat generators ErP is the acronym for " Energy related Products " and is the abbreviation that identifies the European Directive ErP 2009/125/EC, defined by the EEC with the intention of reducing energy consumption of products through eco-design (“eco-design”). The field of action of this European Directive is extremely broad as up to now it has involved products such as light bulbs, air conditioners, washing machines, fans, etc. Following the publication in September 2013 of a series of implementing regulations, starting from 26 September 2015 it will also apply to heating products and the production of domestic hot water. From the same date, other regulations will also become effective which will implement the energy labeling of the same product families. The transitional period between the publication of the regulations and their activation throughout the territory of the European Community was necessary to allow the full implementation of the contents by companies and market players. The energy labeling of products for heating and domestic hot water production. The regulations issued require that all products intended for heating and/or for the production of domestic hot water, with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW, are placed on the market with an energy label that highlights their efficiency class. Note: the regulation provides for the mandatory presence of the energy label for the release of the product from the factories to the market. All products previously introduced, for example present in distribution warehouses, can be regularly marketed even if they do not have an energy label. Various energy labels have been provided based on the use of the generator used: for heating from A++ to G; for the production of domestic hot water from A to G. A new way to guide the consumer The purpose of energy labels is to allow the consumer to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pump products, as has been done for air conditioners, the efficiency figure is reported for the average climatic range. In addition to the product energy labels, the European regulations have also provided for the creation of a system label in the event that a plant is created in which various appliances, components and controls operate. This labelling, thanks to the combinations of the data of the various elements used in the plant, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual generators. The European regulation states that the system label must be made available by whoever supplies and/or puts the system into operation (sellers-installers); however, this option is also granted to builders. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Riello Open Chamber Boiler Riello Residence 24 Ki Dgt Methane
Open Chamber Boiler Riello Residence 24 KI DGT N Technical features Maximum pressure 6 Minimum pressure 0.15 Quantity of hot water at ∆t 25°C 13.7 Domestic hot water temperature selection range (± 3°C) 37-60 Minimum domestic water flow rate 2 Rated power Pnominal 24 kW At 30% of the nominal heat output and at a low temperature regime(**) P1 7.1 Declared load profile XL RESIDENCE KI DGT No RESIDENCE KI DGT N is a gas-fired wall-mounted boiler for space heating and sanitary use having a stainless steel plate exchanger. It is an electronically controlled boiler with automatic ignition, ionisation flame control, modulating heating and DHW. It has an open combustion chamber and, according to the flue gas accessory used, is classified in the B11BS category. Switching of the heating and DHW modes takes place with an electric three-way valve which is in DHW in the rest position. To ensure correct water flow in the exchanger, the boiler is equipped with an automatic by-pass; it is also complete with security, expansion and distribution accessories. The RESIDENCE KI DGT N boiler is equipped with: microprocessor management and control with visualized self-diagnosis anti-blocking circulator and three-way valve first level antifreeze (suitable for indoor installations) predisposition for room thermostat or time programmer or zone valves digital display indicating the operating temperature and fault codes. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Riello Riello Residence Gas Boiler 24 Ki - 24 Kw Methane Open Chamber - Erp
RIELLO RESIDENCE 24 KI GAS BOILER - 24 Kw LPG OPEN CHAMBER - ErP Technical features Product code: 20102216 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Domestic hot water/heating nominal heat output: 7.1÷24.0 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) ** Useful efficiency at Pn* (50°C-30°C): 89.8% Profit return 30% (47th return): 89.5% Open chamber, natural draft. Quantity of hot water at Δt 25°C: 13.7 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 805 x 400 x 332 ; 30 Kgs Power supply: METHANE RESIDENCE Open room Residence is the wall-mounted boiler whose main qualities are simplicity, completeness of functions and small size. Modern and functional design complete with digital display and fitting cover. Residence is available in powers of 24 and 28 kW. Characteristics: CTR system for faster achievement of the desired comfort and a reduction in consumption, the formation of limescale in the boiler and temperature changes in the heating bodies Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Double exchanger: domestic hot water production with plate exchanger Antifreeze function that protects the heating and DHW circuits down to -3°C Assembly template, hydraulic fittings, power supply cable supplied. The evolution of simplicity The essential design and the elegant lower fitting cover give the product easy harmonization in any room of the house. An advanced technological heart is added to the external simplicity which, thanks to the CTR system, satisfies the comfort inside the home in a short time, allowing lower consumption, less limescale formation in the boiler and less thermal excursions in the radiators. Simplified installation and maintenance Perfect interchangeability with the Riello models installed today and a greater distance of the hydraulic connections from the wall facilitates the connection of Residences even at different center distances. Overall dimensions and weight are reduced, thus facilitating product handling and installation. The new hydraulic unit Residence is equipped with an innovative hydraulic unit in composite material. The frontal arrangement of all its components and the quick connections allow for easy maintenance. Remotely controllable Residence can be connected to a classic room chronothermostat, but for the more demanding user a remote control panel is also available as an option, which collects all the traditional settings and the weekly chronothermostat function in a simple and effective way; if connected to an external probe, it is possible to activate the climatic regulation which autonomously varies the delivery temperature according to the external temperature. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Riello Gas Boiler Riello Start 24 Ki - 24 Kw LPG Open Chamber - Erp
Technical features Product code: 20100122 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Domestic hot water/heating nominal heat output: 24 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) ** Useful efficiency at Pn* (50°C-30°C): 89.8% Profit return 30% (47th return): 89.5% Open chamber, natural draft. Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 13.8 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 740 x 400 x 332 ; 30 Kgs Power supply: LPG General characteristics START Start is the wall-mounted boiler for new housing construction. Characterized by a modern design despite its essentiality, it is ideal for heating and the production of domestic hot water in small and medium-sized domestic users. Start is available in the power of 24 kW. Characteristics: Double exchanger: domestic hot water production with plate exchanger for greater resistance to the formation of limescale CTR system for a quicker achievement of the desired comfort and a reduction in consumption, and in the temperature ranges in the heating bodies 8 liter expansion vessel Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Antifreeze function that protects the heating and DHW circuits down to -3°C Standard thermoregulation on the boiler board in combination with the external probe (optional) Can be interfaced with the Remote Control Panel Electrical protection degree IP X5D Standard hydraulic fittings Natural gas operation as standard with the possibility of conversion to LPG (G31) and propane air (accessories), this modification is the responsibility of the installer or the technical assistance service. ErP: Energy related Products The new European regulations for heat generators ErP is the acronym for " Energy related Products " and is the abbreviation that identifies the European Directive ErP 2009/125/EC, defined by the EEC with the intention of reducing energy consumption of products through eco-design (“eco-design”). The field of action of this European Directive is extremely broad as up to now it has involved products such as light bulbs, air conditioners, washing machines, fans, etc. Following the publication in September 2013 of a series of implementing regulations, starting from 26 September 2015 it will also apply to heating products and the production of domestic hot water. From the same date, other regulations will also become effective which will implement the energy labeling of the same product families. The transitional period between the publication of the regulations and their activation throughout the territory of the European Community was necessary to allow the full implementation of the contents by companies and market players. The energy labeling of products for heating and domestic hot water production The regulations issued require that all products intended for heating and/or for the production of domestic hot water, with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW, are placed on the market with an energy label that highlights their efficiency class. Note: the regulation provides for the mandatory presence of the energy label for the release of the product from the factories to the market. All products previously introduced, for example present in distribution warehouses, can be regularly marketed even if they do not have an energy label. Various energy labels have been provided based on the use of the generator used: for heating from A++ to G; for the production of domestic hot water from A to G. A new way to guide the consumer The purpose of energy labels is to allow the consumer to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pump products, as has been done for air conditioners, the efficiency figure is reported for the average climatic range. In addition to the product energy labels, the European regulations have also provided for the creation of a system label in the event that a plant is created in which various appliances, components and controls operate. This labelling, thanks to the combinations of the data of the various elements used in the plant, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual generators. The European regulation states that the system label must be made available by whoever supplies and/or puts the system into operation (sellers-installers); however, this option is also granted to builders. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Riello Gas Boiler Riello Residence Externa 24 Ki - 24 Kw Methane Open Chamber - Erp
Technical features Product code: 20087429 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Domestic hot water/heating nominal heat output: 8.8÷23.4 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) ** Useful efficiency at Pn* (50°C-30°C): 90.8% Profit return 30% (47th return): 90% Open chamber, natural draft. Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 13.4 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 740 x 450 x 250 ; 32 kgs Power supply: METHANE General characteristics RESIDENCE EXTERNAL Residence Externa is specifically designed for outdoor installation and stands out for its extremely small dimensions; built with specific materials to operate in absolute reliability even in difficult environmental conditions. Residence Externa is available in powers of 24 and 28 kW. High-efficiency hot water heat generator for both exposed (Residence Externa) and built-in (Residence IN) outdoor installation, consisting of: A wall structure with an open combustion chamber with natural draft. atmospheric primary air burner in stainless steel equipped with automatic ignition. ionization flame control and proportional regulation system of gas flow and air flow both in heating and DHW. CTR system for more rapid achievement of the desired comfort and a reduction in consumption, the formation of limescale in the boiler and temperature changes in the heating bodies. Low consumption circulator (IEE 0.20). Remote control panel and external probe (optional) allow you to activate the climate control. Double exchanger: domestic hot water production with plate exchanger. Coating in weather resistant material. electrical protection degree IP X5D. The equipment is completed by: Antifreeze function (up to -3°C for Residence Externa and up to -5°C for Residence IN): which protects the heating and DHW circuits up to -5°C with the possibility of extending the protection down to -15° C (optional) Antifreeze: when the boiler water temperature drops to around 7°C, the circulator is activated and remains in operation until the temperature rises to around 10°C; if, on the other hand, the temperature drops below 4°C, the burner also switches on at minimum power until, with the boiler in heating mode, the water temperature reaches 30°C; then the burner switches off and after 30” the circulator. Furthermore, when the temperature of the water in the DHW circuit drops to approximately 5°C, the circulator is activated and the burner ignites at minimum power until, with the boiler in DHW function, the temperature of the water in the boiler reaches 55°C; then the burner switches off and after 10” the circulator. Circulator anti-blocking: the circulator is activated for one minute approximately 18 hours after the last operating cycle. Three-way valve anti-blocking: the valve is activated to carry out an operating cycle (heating position and return to DHW position) approximately 18 hours after the last intervention . The new European regulations for heat generators ErP is the acronym for " Energy related Products " and is the abbreviation that identifies the European Directive ErP 2009/125/EC, defined by the EEC with the intention of reducing energy consumption of products through eco-design (“eco-design”). The field of action of this European Directive is extremely broad as up to now it has involved products such as light bulbs, air conditioners, washing machines, fans, etc. Following the publication in September 2013 of a series of implementing regulations, starting from 26 September 2015 it will also apply to heating products and the production of domestic hot water. From the same date, other regulations will also become effective which will implement the energy labeling of the same product families. The transitional period between the publication of the regulations and their activation throughout the territory of the European Community was necessary to allow the full implementation of the contents by companies and market players. The energy labeling of products for heating and domestic hot water production. The regulations issued require that all products intended for heating and/or for the production of sanitary water, with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW, are placed on the market with an energy label that highlights their efficiency class. Note: the regulation provides for the mandatory presence of the energy label for the release of the product from the factories to the market. All products previously introduced, for example present in distribution warehouses, can be regularly marketed even if they do not have an energy label. Various energy labels have been provided based on the use of the generator used: for heating from A++ to G; for the production of domestic hot water from A to G. A new way to guide the consumer The purpose of energy labels is to allow the consumer to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pump products, as has been done for air conditioners, the efficiency figure is reported for the average climatic range. In addition to the product energy labels, the European regulations have also provided for the creation of a system label in the event that a plant is created in which various appliances, components and controls operate. This labelling, thanks to the combinations of the data of the various elements used in the plant, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual generators. The European regulation states that the system label must be made available by whoever supplies and/or puts the system into operation (sellers-installers); however, this option is also granted to builders. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Riello Riello Open Chamber Boiler Mod. Start 24 Ki Low Nox LPG - New Erp Cod 20151434
NB THE BOILER IS BORN WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERTING TO LPG, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA SERVICE CENTER IN ADVANCE Riello Open Chamber boiler mod. START 24 KI Low NOx - NEW ErP CODE 20151434 Product code: 20151434 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class C heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class B Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 26.7 kW Heating/DHW nominal heat output: 24 kW Energy efficiency (92/42/EEC) **** Useful efficiency Pn max - Pn min (80°-60°): 90.1-86.4% Profit return 30% (47th return): 89.2% Open chamber with natural draft NOx class: 6 Min/max heating operating pressure: 0.25-3 bar Max absorbed electric power: 47 W Expansion vessel: 8 litres Min/max pressure in DHW: 0.15-8 bar Quantity of hot water with Δt 25°C: 13.8 l/min Quantity of hot water at Δt 30°C: 11.5 l/min Quantity of hot water at Δt 35°C: 9.9 l/min Sanitary water temperature selection range: 37-60°C Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 740 x 400 x 332 ; 30 Kgs Electrical protection degree: IP X5D Power supply: METHANE Standard natural gas operation with possibility of conversion to LPG (G31), this modification is the responsibility of the installer or the technical assistance service START 24 KI LN (LOW NOx) Start LN is characterized by a modern design despite its essentiality and is ideal for heating and the production of domestic hot water in small and medium-sized domestic users. Start LN is available in power ratings of 24 and 28 kW with low NOx emissions <56 mg/kWh. Characteristics: Double exchanger: domestic hot water production with plate exchanger for greater resistance to the formation of limescale CTR system for more rapid achievement of the desired comfort and a reduction in consumption and temperature changes in the heating bodies 8 liter expansion vessel Low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Antifreeze function which protects the heating and DHW circuits down to 0°C Standard thermoregulation on the boiler board in combination with the external probe (optional) Can be interfaced with the Remote Control Panel Hydraulic connections available as an accessory kit Standard natural gas operation with possibility of conversion to LPG (G31), this modification is the responsibility of the installer or the technical assistance service Electrical protection degree IP X5D Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Riello Open Chamber Boiler Riello Residence 24 Ki Dgt Gpl
Open Chamber Boiler Riello Residence 24 KI DGT N Technical features Maximum pressure 6 Minimum pressure 0.15 Quantity of hot water at ∆t 25°C 13.7 Domestic hot water temperature selection range (± 3°C) 37-60 Minimum domestic water flow rate 2 Rated power Pnominal 24 kW At 30% of the nominal heat output and at a low temperature regime(**) P1 7.1 Declared load profile XL RESIDENCE KI DGT No RESIDENCE KI DGT N is a gas-fired wall-mounted boiler for space heating and sanitary use having a stainless steel plate exchanger. It is an electronically controlled boiler with automatic ignition, ionisation flame control, modulating heating and DHW. It has an open combustion chamber and, according to the flue gas accessory used, is classified in the B11BS category. Switching of the heating and DHW modes takes place with an electric three-way valve which is in DHW in the rest position. To ensure correct water flow in the exchanger, the boiler is equipped with an automatic by-pass; it is also complete with security, expansion and distribution accessories. The RESIDENCE KI DGT N boiler is equipped with: microprocessor management and control with visualized self-diagnosis anti-blocking circulator and three-way valve first level antifreeze (suitable for indoor installations) predisposition for room thermostat or time programmer or zone valves digital display indicating the operating temperature and fault codes. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.