RIELLO FAMILY AR 29 KIS METHANE CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT - NEW ErP 2015: Family AR the new generation condensing boiler specifically designed to operate with high temperatures (delivery 80°C and return 60°C) and therefore in radiator systems
Technical specifications
Product code:ÿ20100511 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive
Class B heating energy efficiency
Sanitaryware energy efficiencyprofilXL Class A
Characteristics of heating/sanitary exercises:
Firebox thermal power (heating)ÿmin-max: 9.9ú29.0ÿkW
Useful thermal power (sanitary) min-max: 9.9ú29.0ÿkW
Energy efficiency(92/42/CEE)ÿ****
Efficiency useful at Pn* (50øC-30øC): 97.1%
Profitability 30% (47ø return): 96.2%
Sealed chamber, forced draft
Quantity of hot water at t 25°C: 16.6 l/min
Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2ÿl/min
Dimensions (hxwxd) mmÿ845 x 450 x 332 ; 44 kgs
Electrical protection degrees: IP X5D
NOx class: 2
Power supply: METHANEÿ
Features list
Combined models for heating and domestic hot water production Family AR the new generation condensing boiler specifically designed to operate with high temperatures (delivery 80°C and return 60°C) and therefore in radiator systems. Family AR contains Altaresa condensing technology in the aesthetics and in the special Family functions. Family AR features Air/Gas combustion (patented): thanks to the modulating fan, the mixture of air and gas is kept optimal and constant over all the power ranges, always keeping efficiency high. Thanks to the post-exchanger in treated aluminum, very high final efficiencies are obtained, 102.9%. The climatic regulation managed directly by the boiler control unit, via the external probe (accessory), allows the temperature of the heating system to be suitably adapted to the external climatic conditions. The equipment is completed by anti-gel systems (up to -3°C), circulator anti-blocking, three-way valve vie, TastBenessere and Tastrapid which reduces waiting times for domestic hot water. Family AR available with powers of 25, 29 and 35 kW.
Technology, ease of management controls:
,¶½ TastMemory: activates machine intelligence.
- sanitary: hot water always ready and without waste, according to the family's habits.
- in heating: reduction of home heating times.
,¶½ TastBenessere: keeps the hot water supply at the ideal temperature for the shower (40øC customizable +/- 5øC).
,¶½ Touch&Go function: directly from the tap, it activates the pre-heating for a single water withdrawal.
,¶½ Intelligent system filling: allows you to fill the system in complete autonomy.
Air/gas combustion (patent):ÿoptimum mixture of gas and air to obtain high and constant efficiency over the entireÿpower range with final efficiency of 102.9%.ÿ
Condensing exchanger placed downstream of the fan for further recovery of the heat contained in the exhaust fumes.
ÿInstallation Benefits
Performance secondDir. 92/42/EEC. Circulator lowconsum(IEE0,20)
Climatic adjustment managed directly by the boiler control unitÿ
Special Family functions: TastBenessere, TastMemory, Touch&Go function
Smart Fillsÿ
Assembly template, hydraulic fittings, power supply cable supplied
ErP: Energy related Products
ErP the acronym for Energy related Products? (products connected to the use of energy) and the abbreviation that identifies the European Directive ErP 2009/125/EC, defined by the EEC with the intention of reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design (or eco-design?).
The scope of action of this European Directive is extremely broad since up to now it has affected products such as light bulbs, air conditioners, washing machines, fans, etc. Following the publication in September 2013 of a series of implementing regulations, starting from 26 September 2015 they will also apply to heating products and the production of domestic hot water. Also from the same date, other regulations will also become effective which will implement the energy labeling of the same product families. The transitional period between the publication of the regulations and their activation throughout the territory of the European Community is necessary to allow the full transposition of the contents by companies and market players.
The regulations issued require that all products intended for heating and/for the production of domestic hot water, with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW, are placed on the market with an ÿenergy labelÿ that highlights their efficiency class. Note: the regulation provides for the mandatory presence of the energy label for the introduction of the product from the factories to the market. All the products previously introduced, for example present near distribution warehouses, can be regularly marketed even if they do not have an energy label. Various energy labels have been provided based on the use of the generator used: for heating from A++ to G; for the production of domestic hot water from A to G.
The purpose of energy labels is to allow the consumer to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product, to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pump products, as well as those on air conditioners, the efficiency data reported for the average climatic zone. In addition to product energy labels, European regulations have also provided for the creation of a "system label" in the case of building a plant in which various appliances, components and controls operate.
This labelling, thanks to the combinations of the data of the various elements used in the plant, will allow the creation of systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual generators. The European regulation states that the system label must be made available by whoever supplies and/operates the system (sellers-installers); but this faculty is also granted to builders.
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