Keep your space cool with our wall-mounted quad split air conditioners. Modern design, powerful performance and independent temperature control. Choose from our selection of wall-mounted quad split air conditioners for personalized comfort and optimal energy efficiency.
Quadrisplit Wall Air Conditioners
LG Air Conditioner Lg Quadri Split Inverter Libero Smart 9+9+9+12 Series With Mu4r25 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+9000+9000+12000
Technical features Indoor units 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 3x S09ET NSJ Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.2 kW Treated Air: 9.2 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~33~36 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 1x S12ET NSJ Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Treated Air: 9.6 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~35~40 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: MU4R25 U40 Max indoor units: up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.20 SCOP : 4.20 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling/Heating : 299 /2333 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.0 kW Heating Capacity: 8.4 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.5 kW Std heating absorption: 1.8 kW Sound power level : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x4 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 48°C - Heating: -18° ~ 18°C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 950x834x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 61 Kg LG Free Smart Style and elegance The simple and linear design of LG air conditioners guarantees perfect installation, excellent adherence to the wall and easy cleaning of the product. Compatibility LG introduces the new wall mounted units, which can be used in mono and multi-split configurations. Compatibility makes it possible to obtain the maximum cooling and heating capacity and, above all, to be able to integrate different systems in the same application, preserving the aesthetic continuity of the indoor units. Simplified installation Installing an air conditioner has never been easier! LG products are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently. And the small size of the indoor and outdoor units also saves space. Built-in Wi-Fi Where you want, when you want! Controlling your air conditioner with LG's Smart technologies is even easier today. Thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi and an Internet connection, you can manage the main functions of your air conditioner through the application for all Android or iOS smartphones Voice control Indoor unit compatible with Google Home and Alexa voice assistants BLDC Compressor (Brushless Direct Current Motor) The outdoor units of the Multi range are equipped with BLDC compressors equipped with motors with neodymium magnets. These compressors are characterized by higher energy efficiency than traditional inverter compressors, and operate optimally in all rotation conditions. This guarantees high seasonal energy efficiency values. BLDC fan motor The BLDC fan motor is more efficient than the traditional AC motor, offering energy savings of up to 40% at high speeds and up to 20% at low speeds. Wide Louver heat exchanger The Wide Louver fin heat exchanger is applied to the outdoor units. The particular processing of these fins allows to considerably improve the exchange capacity of the radiator compared to a traditional exchanger. Noise reduction mode Thanks to a series of settings applicable to the units via the electronic card, it is possible to reduce the noise level of the outdoor units during the night, to the advantage of the comfort and livability of residential complexes. Lightweight and compact units The LG outdoor units of the Multi range have been designed and built with a rational design and reduced in size and weight lower when compared with that of the previous units. This makes them easy to handle and easy to install. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG Climatizzatore Condizionatore LG Quadri Split Inverter Serie DUALCOOL DELUXE 9+9+9+12 con MU4R25 R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato 9000+9000+9000+12000
Caratteristiche Tecniche Unità Interna: Serie: DUALCOOL DELUXE Modello: H09S1D NS1 x3 Potenza (btu/h): 9000 Dimensioni mm LxAxP: 895x307x235; 12,5 Kg Colore: Bianco Opaco Capacità kW Raff: 2,5 kW Capacità kW Risca. : 3,2 kW Pressione sonora dB(A) 19 / 27 / 33 / 37 Potenza sonora dB(A) 60 Unità Interna: Serie: DUALCOOL DELUXE Modello: H12S1D NS1 Potenza (btu/h): 12000 Dimensioni mm LxAxP: 895x307x235; 12,5 Kg Colore: Bianco Opaco Capacità kW Raff: 3,5 kW Capacità kW Risca. : 4,0 kW Pressione sonora dB(A) 19 / 27 / 33 / 37 Potenza sonora dB(A) 60 Unità Esterna: Serie: MULTISPLIT R32 Modello: MU4R25 U22 Dimensioni mm LxAxP: 870×650×330; 47 Kg Collegabilità Massima ammissibile: 4 Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 8.00 SCOP : 4,39 Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Raffreddamento) : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Riscaldamento) : A+ Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento Min-Nom-Max : 1.06 ~ 7.03 ~ 8.50 kW Capacità Riscaldamento Min-Nom-Max : 1.17 ~ 8.09 ~ 9.09 kW Potenza assorbita Raffreddamento Min-Nom-Max : 0.29 ~ 1.76 ~ 2.77 kW Potenza assorbita Riscaldamento Min-Nom-Max: 0.28 ~ 1.84 ~ 2.85 kW Livello potenza sonora : 64 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 49 / 53 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Diametro tubi Liquido : mm 6.35(1/4) x4 Diametro tubi Gas : mm 9.52(3/8) x4 Lunghezza massima complessiva tubazioni 70 m Lunghezza massima singola tubazione 25 m Dislivellomassimo ammesso U.Int-U.Est. 15 m Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -10°~48 °C - Riscaldamento: -18°~18 °C Compressore Dual Inverter garantito 10 anni LG, che ripone grande fiducia nella qualità e affidabilità dei propri prodotti, offre 10 anni di garanzia sul compressore Inverter di tutti i modelli mono e multisplit presenti su questo catalogo. La garanzia sopra citata copre i costi della sola parte compressore Inverter per un periodo complessivo di 10 anni dalla data di acquisto del climatizzatore. Qualsiasi altro costo all’infuori del valore della sola componente sostituita è da ritenersi escluso dalla copertura. Sistemi Multisplit LG LG è tra le aziende più importanti al mondo per la produzione di condizionatori d’aria.La gamma dei prodotti MULTISPLIT è caratterizzata da un’elevata flessibilità, da altissima efficienza energetica e da livelli di rumorosità contenuti.Le soluzioni Multisplit permettono di affrontare sia le esigenze dei piccoli impianti residenziali che lenecessità degli spazi commerciali. Garanzia di Qualità e Sicurezza LG è estremamente attenta alla qualità dei suoi prodotti e alle tematiche ambientali. LG offre sui propri climatizzatori oltre alla garanzia di legge di 24 mesi un’ulteriore garanzia di 3 anni sui compressori, una formula esclusiva per farvi scegliere in pienasicurezza. Tutti i climatizzatori LG hanno ottenuto le più importanti certificazioni di qualità e sicurezza internazionali.Tutti i climatizzatori LG sono realizzati con tecnologie ecocompatibili e utilizzano il refrigerante R-32 che non produce effetti deleteri sullo strato di ozono. L’elevata efficienza energetica che li caratterizza contribuisce a ridurre le emissioni di CO2.LG aderisce a sistemi collettivi di raccolta che garantiscono un servizio di smaltimento dei prodotti a fine vita in piena sicurezza. LG DualCool Deluxe Il sistema residenziale di LG Electronics con refrigerante R-32, consiste in una unità esterna con scambio refrigerante aria da installare all’ esterno degli ambienti e collegata mediante tubazioni frigorifere a una unità interna per la climatizzazione dell’aria,che può funzionare si in raffreddamento che in riscaldamento e deumidificazione. Flusso d'aria delicato e indiretto Soft Air ottimizza la direzione del flusso d'aria per garantire un raffrescamento più confortevole. Personalizza la temperatura desiderata e vivi la freschezza delicata di un flusso d'aria gentile e indiretto Aria confortevole dal diffusore frontale Quando è attiva la modalità Soft Air, il deflettore inferiore si chiude e l'aria viene diffusa nell'ambiente dal diffusore frontale, per godere di una piacevole sensazione di freschezza senza gettid'aria diretti. Raffrescamento personalizzato in base alle tue preferenze Il controllo della temperatura e della velocità del flusso d'aria consente di personalizzare il raffrescamento. Il controllo della temperatura a 9 livelli e la regolazione della velocità del flusso d'aria a 5 livelli consentono di ottenere il perfetto equilibrio tra temperatura e flusso d'aria in base alle tue preferenze Direzione ottimale del flusso d'aria, comfort a qualsiasi temperatura Per un comfort ideale in qualsiasi stagione, la tecnologia DUAL Vane sul deflettore inferiore ottimizza la distribuzione del flusso d'aria nella stanza diffondendolo verso l'alto o verso il basso, più lontano e più velocemente a seconda della modalità operativa. Aria fresca in tutta la stanza L'aria fresca viene percepita ad una distanza di 22 metri dall'unità, il 22% in più rispetto ai modelli precedenti. Raffrescamento più rapido Le doppie alette DUAL vane inviano l'aria fredda verso l'alto per raffreddare il 23% più velocemente e senza fastidiosi getti d'aria diretti Riscaldamento più rapido Le doppie alette DUAL vane inviano l'aria calda verso il basso per riscaldare il 6% più velocemente e in maniera uniforme Funzione Comfort Humidity Il giusto livello di umidità per il tuo relax Non troppo umida, non troppo secca: l'aria al giusto livello di umidità aiuta a rilassarsi. Per questo, la funzione Comfort Humidity aiuta a mantenere il flusso d'aria alla giusta temperatura per il comfort desiderato. Risparmio energetico intelligente Il risparmio energetico è nelle tue mani Gestisci facilmente l'utilizzo di elettricità con un controllo energetico programmato e proattivo. Assumi il controllo completo del raffrescamento di casa e imposta i limiti di consumo energetico raggiungibili Prevenzione delle perdite di energia con il rilevamento delle finestre aperte La funzione Window Open Detecting rileva gli improvvisi sbalzi di temperatura dovuti all'apertura delle finestre mentre il condizionatore è attivo. Così facendo, il condizionatore si imposta automaticamente in modalità risparmio energetico. Allergy Filter Il Filtro Allergy Filter rimuove le sostanze che causano allergie, come acari della polvere domestica, polline, funghi, muffe, che fluttuano nell'aria. Una vita smart inizia con l'app LG ThinQ™ Smart Air Care Controlla e monitora le funzionalità del tuo condizionatore tramite la pratica app LG ThinQ™ Controllo facile con l'assistente vocale Grazie all'assistente vocale puoi dire al tuo condizionatore quello di cui hai bisogno, quando ne hai bisogno: dicendo "Accendi/spegni il condizionatore" lo speaker con Intelligenza Artificiale ascolterà la tua richiesta e accenderà/spegnerà l'apparecchio Controlla il tuo climatizzatore ovunque ti trovi L'app ThinQ™ ti consente di connetterti facilmente al tuo condizionatore come non avresti mai potuto fare prima d'ora. Accendi il condizionatore toccando semplicemente un pulsante Manutenzione efficiente del prodotto L'app ThinQ™ monitora costantemente il tuo condizionatore. Che si tratti di manutenzione quotidiana o meno, l'app ti consente di monitorare facilmente il consumo energetico Mantieni l'interno del condizionatore sempre pulito Freeze Cleaning Pulire gli spazi difficili da raggiungere come l'interno del condizionatore d'aria diventa semplice, grazie alla modalità Freeze Cleaning¹. Questa funzione attiva un processo di pulizia attraverso il congelamento, scongelamento e asciugatura dello scambiatore di calore dell'unità interna per rimuovere efficacemente batteri, polvere, detriti e contaminanti che possono causare odori sgradevoli Comfort avanzato con la tecnologia DUAL Inverter Compressor™ Garanzia prodotto: Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
LG Climatizzatore Condizionatore LG Quadri Split Inverter Serie DUALCOOL DELUXE 9+9+9+9 con MU4R25 R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato 9000+9000+9000+9000
Caratteristiche Tecniche Unità Interna: Serie: DUALCOOL DELUXE Modello: H09S1D NS1 x4 Potenza (btu/h): 9000 Dimensioni mm LxAxP: 895x307x235; 12,5 Kg Colore: Bianco Opaco Capacità kW Raff: 2,5 kW Capacità kW Risca. : 3,2 kW Pressione sonora dB(A) 19 / 27 / 33 / 37 Potenza sonora dB(A) 60 Unità Esterna: Serie: MULTISPLIT R32 Modello: MU4R25 U22 Dimensioni mm LxAxP: 870×650×330; 47 Kg Collegabilità Massima ammissibile: 4 Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 8.00 SCOP : 4,39 Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Raffreddamento) : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Riscaldamento) : A+ Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento Min-Nom-Max : 1.06 ~ 7.03 ~ 8.50 kW Capacità Riscaldamento Min-Nom-Max : 1.17 ~ 8.09 ~ 9.09 kW Potenza assorbita Raffreddamento Min-Nom-Max : 0.29 ~ 1.76 ~ 2.77 kW Potenza assorbita Riscaldamento Min-Nom-Max: 0.28 ~ 1.84 ~ 2.85 kW Livello potenza sonora : 64 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 49 / 53 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Diametro tubi Liquido : mm 6.35(1/4) x4 Diametro tubi Gas : mm 9.52(3/8) x4 Lunghezza massima complessiva tubazioni 70 m Lunghezza massima singola tubazione 25 m Dislivellomassimo ammesso U.Int-U.Est. 15 m Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -10°~48 °C - Riscaldamento: -18°~18 °C Compressore Dual Inverter garantito 10 anni LG, che ripone grande fiducia nella qualità e affidabilità dei propri prodotti, offre 10 anni di garanzia sul compressore Inverter di tutti i modelli mono e multisplit presenti su questo catalogo. La garanzia sopra citata copre i costi della sola parte compressore Inverter per un periodo complessivo di 10 anni dalla data di acquisto del climatizzatore. Qualsiasi altro costo all’infuori del valore della sola componente sostituita è da ritenersi escluso dalla copertura. Sistemi Multisplit LG LG è tra le aziende più importanti al mondo per la produzione di condizionatori d’aria.La gamma dei prodotti MULTISPLIT è caratterizzata da un’elevata flessibilità, da altissima efficienza energetica e da livelli di rumorosità contenuti.Le soluzioni Multisplit permettono di affrontare sia le esigenze dei piccoli impianti residenziali che lenecessità degli spazi commerciali. Garanzia di Qualità e Sicurezza LG è estremamente attenta alla qualità dei suoi prodotti e alle tematiche ambientali. LG offre sui propri climatizzatori oltre alla garanzia di legge di 24 mesi un’ulteriore garanzia di 3 anni sui compressori, una formula esclusiva per farvi scegliere in pienasicurezza. Tutti i climatizzatori LG hanno ottenuto le più importanti certificazioni di qualità e sicurezza internazionali.Tutti i climatizzatori LG sono realizzati con tecnologie ecocompatibili e utilizzano il refrigerante R-32 che non produce effetti deleteri sullo strato di ozono. L’elevata efficienza energetica che li caratterizza contribuisce a ridurre le emissioni di CO2.LG aderisce a sistemi collettivi di raccolta che garantiscono un servizio di smaltimento dei prodotti a fine vita in piena sicurezza. LG DualCool Deluxe Il sistema residenziale di LG Electronics con refrigerante R-32, consiste in una unità esterna con scambio refrigerante aria da installare all’ esterno degli ambienti e collegata mediante tubazioni frigorifere a una unità interna per la climatizzazione dell’aria,che può funzionare si in raffreddamento che in riscaldamento e deumidificazione. Flusso d'aria delicato e indiretto Soft Air ottimizza la direzione del flusso d'aria per garantire un raffrescamento più confortevole. Personalizza la temperatura desiderata e vivi la freschezza delicata di un flusso d'aria gentile e indiretto Aria confortevole dal diffusore frontale Quando è attiva la modalità Soft Air, il deflettore inferiore si chiude e l'aria viene diffusa nell'ambiente dal diffusore frontale, per godere di una piacevole sensazione di freschezza senza gettid'aria diretti. Raffrescamento personalizzato in base alle tue preferenze Il controllo della temperatura e della velocità del flusso d'aria consente di personalizzare il raffrescamento. Il controllo della temperatura a 9 livelli e la regolazione della velocità del flusso d'aria a 5 livelli consentono di ottenere il perfetto equilibrio tra temperatura e flusso d'aria in base alle tue preferenze Direzione ottimale del flusso d'aria, comfort a qualsiasi temperatura Per un comfort ideale in qualsiasi stagione, la tecnologia DUAL Vane sul deflettore inferiore ottimizza la distribuzione del flusso d'aria nella stanza diffondendolo verso l'alto o verso il basso, più lontano e più velocemente a seconda della modalità operativa. Aria fresca in tutta la stanza L'aria fresca viene percepita ad una distanza di 22 metri dall'unità, il 22% in più rispetto ai modelli precedenti. Raffrescamento più rapido Le doppie alette DUAL vane inviano l'aria fredda verso l'alto per raffreddare il 23% più velocemente e senza fastidiosi getti d'aria diretti Riscaldamento più rapido Le doppie alette DUAL vane inviano l'aria calda verso il basso per riscaldare il 6% più velocemente e in maniera uniforme Funzione Comfort Humidity Il giusto livello di umidità per il tuo relax Non troppo umida, non troppo secca: l'aria al giusto livello di umidità aiuta a rilassarsi. Per questo, la funzione Comfort Humidity aiuta a mantenere il flusso d'aria alla giusta temperatura per il comfort desiderato. Risparmio energetico intelligente Il risparmio energetico è nelle tue mani Gestisci facilmente l'utilizzo di elettricità con un controllo energetico programmato e proattivo. Assumi il controllo completo del raffrescamento di casa e imposta i limiti di consumo energetico raggiungibili Prevenzione delle perdite di energia con il rilevamento delle finestre aperte La funzione Window Open Detecting rileva gli improvvisi sbalzi di temperatura dovuti all'apertura delle finestre mentre il condizionatore è attivo. Così facendo, il condizionatore si imposta automaticamente in modalità risparmio energetico. Allergy Filter Il Filtro Allergy Filter rimuove le sostanze che causano allergie, come acari della polvere domestica, polline, funghi, muffe, che fluttuano nell'aria. Una vita smart inizia con l'app LG ThinQ™ Smart Air Care Controlla e monitora le funzionalità del tuo condizionatore tramite la pratica app LG ThinQ™ Controllo facile con l'assistente vocale Grazie all'assistente vocale puoi dire al tuo condizionatore quello di cui hai bisogno, quando ne hai bisogno: dicendo "Accendi/spegni il condizionatore" lo speaker con Intelligenza Artificiale ascolterà la tua richiesta e accenderà/spegnerà l'apparecchio Controlla il tuo climatizzatore ovunque ti trovi L'app ThinQ™ ti consente di connetterti facilmente al tuo condizionatore come non avresti mai potuto fare prima d'ora. Accendi il condizionatore toccando semplicemente un pulsante Manutenzione efficiente del prodotto L'app ThinQ™ monitora costantemente il tuo condizionatore. Che si tratti di manutenzione quotidiana o meno, l'app ti consente di monitorare facilmente il consumo energetico Mantieni l'interno del condizionatore sempre pulito Freeze Cleaning Pulire gli spazi difficili da raggiungere come l'interno del condizionatore d'aria diventa semplice, grazie alla modalità Freeze Cleaning¹. Questa funzione attiva un processo di pulizia attraverso il congelamento, scongelamento e asciugatura dello scambiatore di calore dell'unità interna per rimuovere efficacemente batteri, polvere, detriti e contaminanti che possono causare odori sgradevoli Comfort avanzato con la tecnologia DUAL Inverter Compressor™ Garanzia prodotto: Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
LG Air Conditioner Lg Quadri Split Inverter Libero Smart 9+12+12+12 Series With Mu4r27 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+12000+12000+12000
LG Air Conditioner Quad Split Inverter LIBERO SMART 9+12+12+12 series with MU4R27 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+12000+12000+12000 Technical features Indoor units 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 1x S09ET NSJ Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.2 kW Treated Air: 9.2 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~33~36 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 3x S12ET NSJ Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Treated Air: 9.6 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~35~40 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: MU4R27 U40 Max indoor units: up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.20 SCOP : 4.20 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling/Heating : 299 /2333 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.0 kW Heating Capacity: 8.4 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.5 kW Std heating absorption: 1.8 kW Sound power level : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x4 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 48°C - Heating: -18° ~ 18°C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 950x834x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 61 Kg LG Free Smart Style and elegance The simple and linear design of LG air conditioners guarantees perfect installation, excellent adherence to the wall and easy cleaning of the product. Compatibility LG introduces the new wall mounted units, which can be used in mono and multi-split configurations. Compatibility makes it possible to obtain the maximum cooling and heating capacity and, above all, to be able to integrate different systems in the same application, preserving the aesthetic continuity of the indoor units. Simplified installation Installing an air conditioner has never been easier! LG products are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently. And the small size of the indoor and outdoor units also saves space. Built-in Wi-Fi Where you want, when you want! Controlling your air conditioner with LG's Smart technologies is even easier today. Thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi and an Internet connection, you can manage the main functions of your air conditioner through the application for all Android or iOS smartphones Voice control Indoor unit compatible with Google Home and Alexa voice assistants BLDC Compressor (Brushless Direct Current Motor) The outdoor units of the Multi range are equipped with BLDC compressors equipped with motors with neodymium magnets. These compressors are characterized by higher energy efficiency than traditional inverter compressors, and operate optimally in all rotation conditions. This guarantees high seasonal energy efficiency values. BLDC fan motor The BLDC fan motor is more efficient than the traditional AC motor, offering energy savings of up to 40% at high speeds and up to 20% at low speeds. Wide Louver heat exchanger The Wide Louver fin heat exchanger is applied to the outdoor units. The particular processing of these fins allows to considerably improve the exchange capacity of the radiator compared to a traditional exchanger. Noise reduction mode Thanks to a series of settings applicable to the units via the electronic card, it is possible to reduce the noise level of the outdoor units during the night, to the advantage of the comfort and livability of residential complexes. Lightweight and compact units The LG outdoor units of the Multi range have been designed and built with a rational design and reduced in size and weight lower when compared with that of the previous units. This makes them easy to handle and easy to install. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG LG Air Conditioner Quad Split Inverter Libero Smart 7+9+9+9 Series With Mu4r25 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+9000+9000+9000 - New
LG Air Conditioner Quad Split Inverter Libero Smart 7+9+9+9 Series with MU4R25 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+9000+9000+9000 - New Technical features Indoor unit 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 1x MS07ET.NSJ Power: 7000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating Capacity : 2.3 kW Absorption : 17W Rated Current : 0.14A Treated Air: 7.2 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~35 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Wi-Fi Integrated with LG ThinQ® Voice Control with Alexa and Google Home 2) Model: Indoor Unit Catalog Code: 3x S09ET.NSJ Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Absorption : 17W Rated Current : 0.16A Treated Air: 7.4 m3/min Sound pressure level : 27~36 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Outdoor unit Model: Catalog code : MU4R25.U40 Gases : R-32 Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 1220~240-50 Max indoor units that can be combined: 4 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.20 SCOP: 4.20 Energy Efficiency Class (Cool) : A++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity (kW): 4.82 Heating Capacity (kW): 4.01 Operating limits: Cool Min~Max °C -10~48 Heating Min~Max °C -18~18 Dimensions and weight: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 950 x 834 x 330; 60.7kg Height difference: UI-UE (Max) m 15; IU-UI (Max) m 7.5 Diameter Connection pipes: - Liquid: Ø6.35 (1/4) x 4 - Gas: Ø9.56 (3/8) x 4 Single branch length (Max): m 25 Total piping length: 70 Dual Inverter compressor guaranteed for 10 years LG, which places great faith in the quality and reliability of its products, offers a 10-year warranty on the Inverter compressor of all mono and multi-split models featured in this catalogue. The warranty mentioned above covers the costs of the Inverter compressor only for a total period of 10 years from the date of purchase of the air conditioner. Any other cost other than the value of the replaced component alone is to be considered excluded from coverage. LG Free Smart Energy saving Inverter technology is able to modulate the power supplied according to actual needs. This allows you to keep the temperature constant, avoiding energy waste, in favor of greater efficiency and maximum energy savings Fast cooling A wider and perfectly designed airflow allows you to reach even the furthest corners and cool the room faster Check how much energy you consume Save energy and monitor consumption via the Smart Energy Display Maximum silence LG air conditioners ensure reduced noise thanks to the special Skew Fan and Inverter compressor, which eliminate unnecessary noise and allow the product to operate as quietly as possible. Check the energy consumption With LG's Active Energy Control function button, you can adjust the energy consumption according to three settings (80%, 60%, 40%). Just press a button to control the cooling efficiency and reduce energy consumption Comfort Air Automatically sets the angle of the louvre so that the outgoing airflow is not aimed directly at the occupants of the room Ease of installation LG air conditioners are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently, reducing labor and installation times Smart control for a smart life Voice Control With a simple voice command, thanks to the compatibility of LG ThinQ with Google Assistant you can control your LG air conditioner: only with your voice you can set the on and off, operating mode and temperature Remote Control With LG ThinQ you can remotely access your LG air conditioner, both at home and away from home, with maximum convenience. So your life becomes simpler, smarter and more comfortable Monitoring Now you can easily check the operation, energy consumption and cleaning of the filters directly from your smartphone. Control of your LG air conditioner is at your fingertips * Google and Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC. * LG SmartThinQ is now renamed LG ThinQ. * Products with smart features and voice assistant may vary by country and model. Check with LG for service availability Characteristics Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG LG Air Conditioner Quad Split Inverter Libero Smart 7+7+7+18 Series With Mu4r27 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000+7000+18000 - New
Technical features Indoor unit 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3x MS07ET.NSJ Power: 7000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating Capacity : 2.3 kW Absorption : 17W Rated Current : 0.14A Treated Air: 7.2 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~35 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Wi-Fi Integrated with LG ThinQ® Voice Control with Alexa and Google Home 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x S18ET.NSK Power: 18000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 5.0 kW Heating Capacity : 5.8 kW Absorption : 39W Rated Current : 0.28A Treated Air: 11.3 m 3 /min Sound Pressure Level : 35~44 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 998x345x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.9 Kg Wi-Fi Integrated with LG ThinQ® Voice Control with Alexa and Google Home Outdoor unit Model: Catalog code : MU4R27.U40 Gases : R-32 Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 1220~240-50 Max indoor units that can be combined: 4 Energy efficiency: SEERS: 8.00 SCOP: 4.20 Energy Efficiency Class (Cool) : A++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity (kW):7.91 Heating Capacity (kW) :9.09 Operating limits: Cool Min~Max °C -10~48 Heating Min~Max °C -18~18 Dimensions and weight: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 950 x 834 x 330; 60.7kg Height difference: UI-UE (Max) m 15; IU-UI (Max) m 7.5 Diameter Connection pipes: - Liquid: Ø6.35 (1/4) x 4 - Gas: Ø9.56 (3/8) x 4 Single branch length (Max): m 25 Total piping length: 70 Dual Inverter compressor guaranteed for 10 years LG, which places great faith in the quality and reliability of its products, offers a 10-year warranty on the Inverter compressor of all mono and multi-split models featured in this catalogue. The warranty mentioned above covers the costs of the Inverter compressor only for a total period of 10 years from the date of purchase of the air conditioner. Any other cost other than the value of the replaced component alone is to be considered excluded from coverage. LG Free Smart Energy saving Inverter technology is able to modulate the power supplied according to actual needs. This allows you to keep the temperature constant, avoiding energy waste, in favor of greater efficiency and maximum energy savings Fast cooling A wider and perfectly designed airflow allows you to reach even the furthest corners and cool the room faster Check how much energy you consume Save energy and monitor consumption via the Smart Energy Display Maximum silence LG air conditioners ensure reduced noise thanks to the special Skew Fan and Inverter compressor, which eliminate unnecessary noise and allow the product to operate as quietly as possible. Check the energy consumption With LG's Active Energy Control function button, you can adjust the energy consumption according to three settings (80%, 60%, 40%). Just press a button to control the cooling efficiency and reduce energy consumption Comfort Air Automatically sets the angle of the louvre so that the outgoing airflow is not aimed directly at the occupants of the room Ease of installation LG air conditioners are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently, reducing labor and installation time Smart control for a smart life Voice Control With a simple voice command, thanks to the compatibility of LG ThinQ with Google Assistant you can control your LG air conditioner: only with your voice you can set the on and off, operating mode and temperature Remote Control With LG ThinQ you can remotely access your LG air conditioner, both at home and away from home, with maximum convenience. So your life becomes simpler, smarter and more comfortable Monitoring Now you can easily check the operation, energy consumption and cleaning of the filters directly from your smartphone. Control of your LG air conditioner is at your fingertips * Google and Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC. * LG SmartThinQ is now renamed LG ThinQ. * Products with smart features and voice assistant may vary by country and model. Check with LG for service availability Characteristics Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG LG Air Conditioner Quad Split Inverter Libero Smart 7+7+7+18 Series With Mu4r25 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000+7000+18000 - New
Technical features Indoor unit 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3x MS07ET.NSJ Power: 7000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating Capacity : 2.3 kW Absorption : 17W Rated Current : 0.14A Treated Air: 7.2 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~35 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Wi-Fi Integrated with LG ThinQ® Voice Control with Alexa and Google Home 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x S18ET.NSK Power: 18000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 5.0 kW Heating Capacity : 5.8 kW Absorption : 39W Rated Current : 0.28A Treated Air: 11.3 m 3 /min Sound Pressure Level : 35~44 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 998x345x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.9 Kg Wi-Fi Integrated with LG ThinQ® Voice Control with Alexa and Google Home Outdoor unit Model: Catalog code : MU4R25.U40 Gases : R-32 Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 1220~240-50 Max indoor units that can be combined: 4 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.20 SCOP: 4.20 Energy Efficiency Class (Cool) : A++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity (kW): 4.82 Heating Capacity (kW): 4.01 Operating limits: Cool Min~Max °C -10~48 Heating Min~Max °C -18~18 Dimensions and weight: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 950 x 834 x 330; 60.7kg Height difference: UI-UE (Max) m 15; IU-UI (Max) m 7.5 Diameter Connection pipes: - Liquid: Ø6.35 (1/4) x 4 - Gas: Ø9.56 (3/8) x 4 Single branch length (Max): m 25 Total piping length: 70 Dual Inverter compressor guaranteed for 10 years LG, which places great faith in the quality and reliability of its products, offers a 10-year warranty on the Inverter compressor of all mono and multi-split models featured in this catalogue. The warranty mentioned above covers the costs of the Inverter compressor only for a total period of 10 years from the date of purchase of the air conditioner. Any other cost other than the value of the replaced component alone is to be considered excluded from coverage. LG Free Smart Energy saving Inverter technology is able to modulate the power supplied according to actual needs. This allows you to keep the temperature constant, avoiding energy waste, in favor of greater efficiency and maximum energy savings Fast cooling A wider and perfectly designed airflow allows you to reach even the furthest corners and cool the room faster Check how much energy you consume Save energy and monitor consumption via the Smart Energy Display Maximum silence LG air conditioners ensure reduced noise thanks to the special Skew Fan and Inverter compressor, which eliminate unnecessary noise and allow the product to operate as quietly as possible. Check the energy consumption With LG's Active Energy Control function button, you can adjust the energy consumption according to three settings (80%, 60%, 40%). Just press a button to control the cooling efficiency and reduce energy consumption Comfort Air Automatically sets the angle of the louvre so that the outgoing airflow is not aimed directly at the occupants of the room Ease of installation LG air conditioners are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently, reducing labor and installation time Smart control for a smart life Voice Control With a simple voice command, thanks to the compatibility of LG ThinQ with Google Assistant you can control your LG air conditioner: only with your voice you can set the on and off, operating mode and temperature Remote Control With LG ThinQ you can remotely access your LG air conditioner, both at home and away from home, with maximum convenience. So your life becomes simpler, smarter and more comfortable Monitoring Now you can easily check the operation, energy consumption and cleaning of the filters directly from your smartphone. Control of your LG air conditioner is at your fingertips * Google and Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC. * LG SmartThinQ is now renamed LG ThinQ. * Products with smart features and voice assistant may vary by country and model. Check with LG for service availability Characteristics Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG Air Conditioner Lg Quadri Split Inverter Libero Smart Series 12+12+12+12 With Mu4r27 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 12000+12000+12000+12000
LG Air Conditioner Quad Split Inverter LIBERO SMART series 12+12+12+12 with MU4R27 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 12000+12000+12000+12000 Technical features Indoor unit Internal Unit Catalog Code : 4x S12ET NSJ Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Treated Air: 9.6 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~35~40 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: MU4R27 U40 Max indoor units: up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.20 SCOP : 4.20 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling/Heating : 299 /2333 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.0 kW Heating Capacity: 8.4 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.5 kW Std heating absorption: 1.8 kW Sound power level : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x4 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 48°C - Heating: -18° ~ 18°C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 950x834x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 61 Kg LG Free Smart Style and elegance The simple and linear design of LG air conditioners guarantees perfect installation, excellent adherence to the wall and easy cleaning of the product. Compatibility LG introduces the new wall mounted units, which can be used in mono and multi-split configurations. Compatibility makes it possible to obtain the maximum cooling and heating capacity and, above all, to be able to integrate different systems in the same application, preserving the aesthetic continuity of the indoor units. Simplified installation Installing an air conditioner has never been easier! LG products are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently. And the small size of the indoor and outdoor units also saves space. Built-in Wi-Fi Where you want, when you want! Controlling your air conditioner with LG's Smart technologies is even easier today. Thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi and an Internet connection, you can manage the main functions of your air conditioner through the application for all Android or iOS smartphones Voice control Indoor unit compatible with Google Home and Alexa voice assistants BLDC Compressor (Brushless Direct Current Motor) The outdoor units of the Multi range are equipped with BLDC compressors equipped with motors with neodymium magnets. These compressors are characterized by higher energy efficiency than traditional inverter compressors, and operate optimally in all rotation conditions. This guarantees high seasonal energy efficiency values. BLDC fan motor The BLDC fan motor is more efficient than the traditional AC motor, offering energy savings of up to 40% at high speeds and up to 20% at low speeds. Wide Louver heat exchanger The Wide Louver fin heat exchanger is applied to the outdoor units. The particular processing of these fins allows to considerably improve the exchange capacity of the radiator compared to a traditional exchanger. Noise reduction mode Thanks to a series of settings applicable to the units via the electronic card, it is possible to reduce the noise level of the outdoor units during the night, to the advantage of the comfort and livability of residential complexes. Lightweight and compact units The LG outdoor units of the Multi range have been designed and built with a rational design and reduced in size and weight lower when compared with that of the previous units. This makes them easy to handle and easy to install. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG Air Conditioner Lg Quadri Split Inverter Libero Smart 9+9+9+9 Series With Mu4r25 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+9000+9000+9000
LG Air Conditioner Quad Split Inverter LIBERO SMART 9+9+9+9 series with MU4R25 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+9000+9000+9000 Technical features Indoor unit: Internal Unit Catalog Code : 4x S09ET NSJ Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.2 kW Treated Air: 9.2 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~33~36 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit: Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: MU4R25 U40 Max indoor units: up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.20 SCOP : 4.20 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling/Heating : 299 /2333 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.0 kW Heating Capacity: 8.4 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.5 kW Std heating absorption: 1.8 kW Sound power level : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x4 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 48°C - Heating: -18° ~ 18°C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 950x834x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 61 Kg LG Free Smart Style and elegance The simple and linear design of LG air conditioners guarantees perfect installation, excellent adherence to the wall and easy cleaning of the product. Compatibility LG introduces the new wall mounted units, which can be used in mono and multi-split configurations. Compatibility makes it possible to obtain the maximum cooling and heating capacity and, above all, to be able to integrate different systems in the same application, preserving the aesthetic continuity of the indoor units. Simplified installation Installing an air conditioner has never been easier! LG products are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently. And the small size of the indoor and outdoor units also saves space. Built-in Wi-Fi Where you want, when you want! Controlling your air conditioner with LG's Smart technologies is even easier today. Thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi and an Internet connection, you can manage the main functions of your air conditioner through the application for all Android or iOS smartphones Voice control Indoor unit compatible with Google Home and Alexa voice assistants BLDC Compressor (Brushless Direct Current Motor) The outdoor units of the Multi range are equipped with BLDC compressors equipped with motors with neodymium magnets. These compressors are characterized by higher energy efficiency than traditional inverter compressors, and operate optimally in all rotation conditions. This guarantees high seasonal energy efficiency values. BLDC fan motor The BLDC fan motor is more efficient than the traditional AC motor, offering energy savings of up to 40% at high speeds and up to 20% at low speeds. Wide Louver heat exchanger The Wide Louver fin heat exchanger is applied to the outdoor units. The particular processing of these fins allows to considerably improve the exchange capacity of the radiator compared to a traditional exchanger. Noise reduction mode Thanks to a series of settings applicable to the units via the electronic card, it is possible to reduce the noise level of the outdoor units during the night, to the advantage of the comfort and livability of residential complexes. Lightweight and compact units The LG outdoor units of the Multi range have been designed and built with a rational design and reduced in size and weight lower when compared with that of the previous units. This makes them easy to handle and easy to install. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG Air Conditioner Lg Quadri Split Inverter Libero Smart 9+9+12+12 Series With Mu4r27 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+9000+12000+12000
LG Air Conditioner Quad Split Inverter LIBERO SMART 9+9+12+12 series with MU4R27 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+9000+12000+12000 Technical features Indoor units 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 2x S09ET NSJ Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.2 kW Treated Air: 9.2 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~33~36 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 2x S12ET NSJ Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Treated Air: 9.6 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~35~40 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: MU4R27 U40 Max indoor units: up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.20 SCOP : 4.20 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling/Heating : 299 /2333 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.0 kW Heating Capacity: 8.4 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.5 kW Std heating absorption: 1.8 kW Sound power level : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x4 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 48°C - Heating: -18° ~ 18°C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 950x834x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 61 Kg LG Free Smart Style and elegance The simple and linear design of LG air conditioners guarantees perfect installation, excellent adherence to the wall and easy cleaning of the product. Compatibility LG introduces the new wall mounted units, which can be used in mono and multi-split configurations. Compatibility makes it possible to obtain the maximum cooling and heating capacity and, above all, to be able to integrate different systems in the same application, preserving the aesthetic continuity of the indoor units. Simplified installation Installing an air conditioner has never been easier! LG products are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently. And the small size of the indoor and outdoor units also saves space. Built-in Wi-Fi Where you want, when you want! Controlling your air conditioner with LG's Smart technologies is even easier today. Thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi and an Internet connection, you can manage the main functions of your air conditioner through the application for all Android or iOS smartphones Voice control Indoor unit compatible with Google Home and Alexa voice assistants BLDC Compressor (Brushless Direct Current Motor) The outdoor units of the Multi range are equipped with BLDC compressors equipped with motors with neodymium magnets. These compressors are characterized by higher energy efficiency than traditional inverter compressors, and operate optimally in all rotation conditions. This guarantees high seasonal energy efficiency values. BLDC fan motor The BLDC fan motor is more efficient than the traditional AC motor, offering energy savings of up to 40% at high speeds and up to 20% at low speeds. Wide Louver heat exchanger The Wide Louver fin heat exchanger is applied to the outdoor units. The particular processing of these fins allows to considerably improve the exchange capacity of the radiator compared to a traditional exchanger. Noise reduction mode Thanks to a series of settings applicable to the units via the electronic card, it is possible to reduce the noise level of the outdoor units during the night, to the advantage of the comfort and livability of residential complexes. Lightweight and compact units The LG outdoor units of the Multi range have been designed and built with a rational design and reduced in size and weight lower when compared with that of the previous units. This makes them easy to handle and easy to install. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG LG Air Conditioner Quad Split Inverter Libero Smart 7+7+7+9 Series With Mu4r25 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000+7000+9000 - New
LG Air Conditioner Quadri Split Inverter Libero Smart 7+7+7+9 Series with MU4R25 U40 R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000+7000+9000 - New Technical features Indoor unit 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3x MS07ET.NSJ Power: 7000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating Capacity : 2.3 kW Absorption : 17W Rated Current : 0.14A Treated Air: 7.2 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 27~35 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Wi-Fi Integrated with LG ThinQ® Voice Control with Alexa and Google Home 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code : 1x S09ET.NSJ Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.8 kW Absorption : 17W Rated Current : 0.16A Treated Air: 7.4 m3/min Sound pressure level : 27~36 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg Outdoor unit Model: Catalog code : MU4R25.U40 Gases : R-32 Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 1220~240-50 Max indoor units that can be combined: 4 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.20 SCOP: 4.20 Energy Efficiency Class (Cool) : A++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity (kW): 4.82 Heating Capacity (kW): 4.01 Operating limits: Cool Min~Max °C -10~48 Heating Min~Max °C -18~18 Dimensions and weight: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 950 x 834 x 330; 60.7kg Height difference: UI-UE (Max) m 15; IU-UI (Max) m 7.5 Diameter Connection pipes: - Liquid: Ø6.35 (1/4) x 4 - Gas: Ø9.56 (3/8) x 4 Single branch length (Max): m 25 Total piping length: 70 Dual Inverter compressor guaranteed for 10 years LG, which places great faith in the quality and reliability of its products, offers a 10-year warranty on the Inverter compressor of all mono and multi-split models featured in this catalogue. The warranty mentioned above covers the costs of the Inverter compressor only for a total period of 10 years from the date of purchase of the air conditioner. Any other cost other than the value of the replaced component alone is to be considered excluded from coverage. LG Free Smart Energy saving Inverter technology is able to modulate the power supplied according to actual needs. This allows you to keep the temperature constant, avoiding energy waste, in favor of greater efficiency and maximum energy savings Fast cooling A wider and perfectly designed airflow allows you to reach even the furthest corners and cool the room faster Check how much energy you consume Save energy and monitor consumption via the Smart Energy Display Maximum silence LG air conditioners ensure reduced noise thanks to the special Skew Fan and Inverter compressor, which eliminate unnecessary noise and allow the product to operate as quietly as possible. Check the energy consumption With LG's Active Energy Control function button, you can adjust the energy consumption according to three settings (80%, 60%, 40%). Just press a button to control the cooling efficiency and reduce energy consumption Comfort Air Automatically sets the angle of the louvre so that the outgoing airflow is not aimed directly at the occupants of the room Ease of installation LG air conditioners are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently, reducing labor and installation time Smart control for a smart life Voice Control With a simple voice command, thanks to the compatibility of LG ThinQ with Google Assistant you can control your LG air conditioner: only with your voice you can set the on and off, operating mode and temperature Remote Control With LG ThinQ you can remotely access your LG air conditioner, both at home and away from home, with maximum convenience. So your life becomes simpler, smarter and more comfortable Monitoring Now you can easily check the operation, energy consumption and cleaning of the filters directly from your smartphone. Control of your LG air conditioner is at your fingertips * Google and Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC. * LG SmartThinQ is now renamed LG ThinQ. * Products with smart features and voice assistant may vary by country and model. Check with LG for service availability Characteristics Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG Air Conditioner Lg Quadri Split Inverter Libero Smart Series +(12 Artcool) 9+9+12+18 With Mu4r27 Ul0 R-32 9000+9000+12000+18000 Integrated Wi-Fi
Technical features Indoor unit 1) Model: Series: Libero Smart x 2 Model: S09ET.NSJ Power (btu/h): 9000 Dimensions mm WxHxD: 837x308x189; 8.7Kg 2) Model: Series: ArtCool Mirror Model: AC12SQ NSJ Power (btu/h): 12000 Dimensions mm WxHxD: 837x308x192; 9.9 Kg 3) Model: Series: Libero Smart Model: S18ET.NSJ Power (btu/h): 18000 Dimensions mm WxHxD: 837x308x189; 8.7Kg Outdoor unit Model: Catalog code : MU3R19 UL0 Gases : R-32 Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 1220~240-50 Max indoor units that can be combined: 3 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.5 SCOP: 4.2 Energy Efficiency Class (Cool) : A+++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity (kW): 5.3 kW Heating Capacity (kW): 6.3 kW Operating limits: Cool Min~Max : -10~48 °C Heating Min~Max : -18~18 °C Dimensions and weight External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 770 x 545 x 288 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 44 kg General characteristics FREE SMART Compact unit, minimal design, advanced features and integrated Wifi BLDC FAN MOTOR The fan motor is of the BLDC type, in addition to allowing greater capacity modulation, given the wider range of rotation speeds available, it dissipates less heat than traditional alternating current motors. It operates with less noise and in the absence of electric hums. LIFTING CLIP On the indoor unit, there is a lifting clip which allows the product to be kept inclined with respect to the wall to facilitate the operations of connecting the pipes and electric cables. COMPRESSOR Capacity delivery system consisting of 1 Twin Rotary DC inverter hermetic compressor with direct start. linear control of the capacity with an action range between the minimum of 10% up to a maximum of 130%.. 10 year guarantee. Indoor unit with integrated Wi-Fi to manage the main functions through the Smart ThinQ app available for Android or iOS. Voice Control Indoor unit compatible with Google Home and Alexa voice assistants . Available functions Power on Shutdown Temperature regulation Operating mode setting Ventilation adjustment Monitoring TOTAL AIR FLOW CONTROL Indoor unit with total air flow control. Vertical adjustment in 6 steps, viewable on infrared command and 5 horizontal steps. COMFORT AIR FUNCTION By pressing the button on the infrared control, the deflector is positioned automatically according to the selected operating mode. In heating the deflector adjusts to the lowest position while in cooling to the highest position. ACTIVE CAPACITY CONTROL Control of energy consumption in 4 steps using a button on the infrared control. NORMAL 100% CONSUMPTION: Premises with several people, with a high degree of activity. STEP1 80% CONSUMPTION: Premises with more people, with a reduced level of activity. STEP2 60% CONSUMPTION : Premises with few people, with a reduced degree of activity. STEP2 40% CONSUMPTION : Premises with few people, with a very low degree of activity. SMART DIAGNOSIS Smart Diagnosis allows you to check the functionality and troubleshooting via smartphone with a simple SMART DIAGOSIS app available for android devices. ArtCool LG's Inverter technology ensures maximum efficiency and excellent performance, for an air conditioner that cools faster, lasts longer and operates more silently. The compressor is guaranteed for 10 years, to enjoy the benefits of LG air conditioning for an even longer period of time. 10-year guarantee - 10-year product life cycle verification by TÜV Rheinland TÜV Rheinland - Accelerated aging test for evaluation of reliability over time and High Margin Rate Test. Energy saving and fast cooling The inverter compressor constantly adjusts the rotation speed to maintain the desired temperature level. Furthermore, the DUAL Inverter compressor, thanks to the energy saving functions, allows to reduce energy consumption compared to a traditional compressor The Dual Inverter compressor allows stable and balanced operation, with a consequent reduction in vibrations when starting and stopping the air conditioner, the main cause of noise. This also reduces the possibility of any breakage or damage to the pipes. Rapid cooling - The low temperature air jet reaches every corner of the room, making the environment comfortable and welcoming. How does it work: A 25% larger fan blows more powerful air. A wider and perfectly designed fresh air flow allows you to reach even the furthest corners and cool the room faster. Ionizer The Plasmaster Plus Ionizer protects against odors and harmful substances, thanks to 3 million ions that purify not only the air that passes through the air conditioner, but also the surfaces outside the unit, for healthier and cleaner environments. The ionizer has been shown to inactivate over 99% of bacteria within 30 minutes. There is also a decrease in the olfactory persistence of odors within 60 minutes. SmartThinQ® Where you want, when you want! Controlling your air conditioner with LG's Smart technologies is even easier today. Thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi and an Internet connection, you can manage the main functions of your air conditioner through the application for all Android or iOS smartphones. Download “LG Smart ThinQ” app from Google Play Store or App Store. Wi-Fi connectivity - Thanks to the Wi-Fi connectivity, it is possible to control each indoor unit via multiple devices, setting the preferred operating conditions directly from the app. At the same time, through a single device, each user can control multiple indoor units. Integrated control of all LG home appliances Maximum silence LG air conditioners ensure reduced noise thanks to the special Skew Fan and Inverter compressor, which eliminate unnecessary noise and allow the product to operate as quietly as possible. Skew Fan - The fans of the indoor units are made with the use of inclined fins with respect to the axis of rotation, in order to reduce friction with the air, which causes noise Low Vibration Twin Rotary Compressor - The adoption of two opposing rotors in the compressor cylinders allows to reduce the torque by 40% compared to traditional rotary compressors. The double rotor ensures stability and minimizes vibrations. Ease of installation LG air conditioners are designed to be installed simply and efficiently, regardless of the environment in which they are placed and the number of people involved in the installation process, allowing for a reduction in installation times. Inverter compressor guaranteed for 10 years LG, which places great faith in the quality and reliability of its products, offers a 10-year warranty on the Inverter compressor for all mono and multi-split models. Style and elegance The simple and linear design of LG air conditioners guarantees perfect installation, excellent adherence to the wall and easy cleaning of the product. Compatibility LG introduces the new wall mounted units, which can be used in mono and multi-split configurations. Compatibility makes it possible to obtain the maximum cooling and heating capacity and, above all, to be able to integrate different systems in the same application, preserving the aesthetic continuity of the indoor units. Simplified installation Installing an air conditioner has never been easier! LG products are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently. And the small size of the indoor and outdoor units also saves space. Built-in Wi-Fi Where you want, when you want! Controlling your air conditioner with LG's Smart technologies is even easier today. Thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi and an Internet connection, you can manage the main functions of your air conditioner through the application for all Android or iOS smartphones Voice control Indoor unit compatible with Google Home and Alexa voice assistants Available features : Power on Shutdown Temperature regulation Operating mode setting Ventilation adjustment Monitoring Features and properties LG's Inverter technology ensures maximum efficiency and excellent performance, for an air conditioner that cools faster, lasts longer and operates more silently. The new LG air conditioners use the ecological R32 refrigerant gas which, thanks to its reduced global warming potential, helps to pursue the European mission for the protection and conservation of our environment. Active capacity control 2 levels of energy consumption (80% and 60% compared to the normal operating condition), settable via infrared command. Energy Display Monitoring of instantaneous consumption via retractable LED display Jet Cool is the advanced rapid cooling system, which allows you to reach the desired temperature faster and more evenly. The fresh air flow is blown in all directions, regardless of the installation position of the unit. Heating the rooms of your home with LG residential air conditioners is easy and convenient, thanks to an immediate, natural and low-consumption heating action. Integrated Wi-Fi device, for air conditioning control and weekly programming function, via the LG SmartThinQ app. Smart Diagnosis Control of configuration settings and troubleshooting via smartphone, with LG A/C Smart Diagnosis application Gold Fin treatment special protective treatment of the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit from corrosion phenomena, with a gold-colored coating. Automatic cleaning and drying cycles of the heat exchanger, to eliminate bad smells and prevent the formation of mold and bacteria. LG air conditioners cool rooms quickly and effectively, to allow you to enjoy fresh and comfortable environments for longer. LG technology eliminates unnecessary noise and ensures excellent performance with a low noise level. With Silent Mode, the noise level of the outdoor unit is reduced by 3dBA. Installing an air conditioner has never been easier! LG products are designed and manufactured to be installed easily and accurately. External Unit Features BLDC Compressor (Brushless Direct Current Motor) The outdoor units of the Multi range are equipped with BLDC compressors equipped with motors with neodymium magnets. These compressors are characterized by higher energy efficiency than traditional inverter compressors, and operate optimally in all rotation conditions. This guarantees high seasonal energy efficiency values. BLDC fan motor The BLDC fan motor is more efficient than the traditional AC motor, offering energy savings of up to 40% at high speeds and up to 20% at low speeds. Wide Louver heat exchanger The Wide Louver fin heat exchanger is applied to the outdoor units. The particular processing of these fins allows to considerably improve the exchange capacity of the radiator compared to a traditional exchanger. Noise reduction mode Thanks to a series of settings applicable to the units via the electronic card, it is possible to reduce the noise level of the outdoor units during the night, to the advantage of the comfort and livability of residential complexes. Lightweight and compact units The LG outdoor units of the Multi range have been designed and built with a rational design and reduced in size and weight lower when compared with that of the previous units. This makes them easy to handle and easy to install. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.