Pentasplit Wall Air Conditioners
Samsung Samsung Penta Split Inverter Air Conditioner Cebu Series 9+9+12+12+12 With Aj100txj5kg R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000 - New
Technical features Indoor Units : 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 2 x AR07TXFYAWKNEU Power : 7000 Btu Treated Air: 9.9 m 3 /h Dehumidification capacity : 0.5 l/hr Sound Pressure Level : 19/36 dB(A) Sound Power Level : 54 dB(A) Internal Unit Dimensions: 820x299x215 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 9.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Artificial Intelligence Voice Assistant 2) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1 x AR09TXFYAWKNEU Power : 9000 Btu Treated Air: 10.5 m 3 /h Dehumidification capacity : 1.0 l/hr Sound Pressure Level : 19/37 dB(A) Sound Power Level : 54 dB(A) Internal Unit Dimensions: 820x299x215 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 9.1 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Artificial Intelligence Voice Assistant 3) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 2 x AR12TXFYAWKNEU Power : 12000 Btu Treated Air: 10.9 m 3 /h Dehumidification capacity : 1,5 l/hr Sound Pressure Level : 19/38 dB(A) Sound Power Level : 56 dB(A) Internal Unit Dimensions: 820x299x215 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 9.1 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Artificial Intelligence Voice Assistant Outdoor Unit Model : External Unit Catalog Code: AJ100TXJ5KG Connectable Indoor Units : 5 Energy efficiency SEER (W/W) : SCOP (W/W) : Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Performance Cooling Capacity: 10.0 kW Heating Capacity: 12.0 kW Sound Power Level : 64 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 48/50 dB(A) Characteristics: Refrigerant gas : R32 Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight : External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 940x998x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 77 Kg Cebu New 2020 Samsung Climate solution The climate in your hands With SmartThings you control the air conditioner and all the other appliances in the house from your smartphone: there are more than 100 compatible appliances With SmartThings you can: • Receive real-time notifications about what's happening at home • Use the full potential of Bixby, your virtual assistant • Manage the climate comfortably with your voice, via voice assistant • Create custom modes, for even easier control • Monitor your appliances, wherever you are Cebu Unique and innovative technologies for every air conditioning need Smart Functions Thanks to the SmartThings App it is possible to manage the unit from your smartphone and compatibility with the main voice assistants allows control via voice . The Artificial Intelligence function analyzes and learns user habits, automatically replicating the most suitable functions for each usage situation Quietness The perfect climate in maximum silence: thanks to the use of advanced technologies , Samsung solutions are designed to reduce any type of vibration or noise to a minimum to allow for a serene and increasingly peaceful sleep. In fact, the indoor units reach a noise level of only 19 dB(A) Easy Maintenance Easy Filter Plus filters contaminants and allergens in the air, is located on the outside, on top of the indoor unit and is easy to disassemble and wash Ease of installation The design was designed with the needs of installers in mind. The time required to install the indoor unit is reduced by 45%* , thanks to a snap fit. Characteristics • Artificial Intelligence function : the unit analyzes user usage and replies the most appropriate mode based on the situation • Integrated Wi-Fi : remote control possible thanks to the SmartThings app , which allows the control of Samsung and compatible devices • Easy installation thanks to the absence of screws • Multisplit compatibility Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
Hisense Climatizzatore Condizionatore Hisense Penta Split Inverter Serie NEW COMFORT 9+9+12+12+12 con 5AMW125U4RTA R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000 - Novità
Caratteristiche TecnicheUnità Interne1) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 2x DJ25VE0AG Potenza: 9000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 2,6 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 2,8 kW1x Assorbimento : 45 W Corrente Nominale : 0,2 A Aria Trattata : 9,2 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 19~39 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 815×275×210 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,5 Kg Scheda Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice AEH-W4A1/B1 ) Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) 2) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 3x DJ35VE0AG Potenza: 12000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 3,5 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 4 kW Assorbimento : 44 W Corrente Nominale : 0,2 A Aria Trattata : 10 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 19~40 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 815×275×210 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,5 Kg Scheda Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice AEH-W4A1/B1 ) Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) Unità EsternaModello: Codice catalogo Unità Esterna : 5AMW125U4RTA Max unità interne: fino a 5 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,5 W/W SCOP : 3,72 W/W Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Raffreddamento : - Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Riscaldamento : - Consumo energetico annuo Raffreddamento : 673 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo Riscaldamento : 3952 kWh/a Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 12,5 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 13,5 kW Assorbimento Std Raffreddamento : 3,61 kW Assorbimento Std Riscaldamento: 3,79 kW Livello pressione sonorac: 55~61 dB(A) Livello Potenza Sonora : 75 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x5 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x5 Range temperature garantito: Raffreddamento: -15~48 °C Riscaldamento: -15~24 °C Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxAxP) : 950×1050×340 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 90 Kg Garanzia di 3 anni (5 sul compressore) La garanzia di Hisense Italia può essere attivata entro 1 mese dalla data di acquisto all’indirizzo Tecnologie Unità Esterna Multisplit Alta Efficienza Compressore inverter DC Twin Rotary La progettazione del nuovo compressore BLDC Inverter a doppio rotore garantisce un miglior bilanciamento ed una riduzione delle vibrazioni. Ciò si traduce nel massimo livello di silenziosità ed in un’ottima resa in termini di ecienza e risparmio energetico. Tecnologia drive DC con onda sinusoidale a 180° Il sistema monitora constantemente la fredquenza del compressore e crea la forma d'onda più efficiente per determinare un effettivo risparmio dei consumi. Controllo curva Compressore con magnete al rubidio Grazie alla maggior compressione delle molecole di gas il compressore con magnete al rubidio garantisce maggior efficienza e minori assorbimenti Valvola di espansione elettronica L’unità esterna utilizza una valvola di espansione elettronica che regola e ottimizza la quantità di refrigerante di tutte le unità interne funzionanti. Funzionamento con ampio range di voltaggio L’unità esterna può funzionare con una tensione da 176V a 264V. Nei nuovi modelli l’utilizzo di una tecnica di regolazione automatica del voltaggio garantisce che il valore di protezione si regoli in base ad esso, mantenendo la frequenza di funzionamento ad un valore ottimale. Design dello scambiatore: progettato per migliorarne l’efficienza Il design dello scambiatore esterno è stato progettato per aumentare il trasferimento di calore in maniera tale da rendere più efficiente il circuito frigorifero ed evitare a creazione di blocchi di ghiaccio. Ulteriore vantaggio è quello di poter sostenere connessioni a lunga distanza tra unità esterna ed unità interne senza ridurre la capacità di raffreddamento. Hisense NEW COMFORT Hisense Italia propone il climatizzatore New Comfort elevate prestazioni, ottimo comfort e design elegante. 5 Livelli di velocità della ventola La possibilità di settare la velocità della ventola a 5 livelli diversi, permette un più preciso controllo del volume dell’aria immessa e della rumorosità. Unità universale per sistemi mono e multi Le unità interne universali possono essere collegate a unità esterne Monosplit e Multisplit per garantire la massima versatilità di installazione. Easy Installation I Nuovi modelli New Comfort sono facili da installare grazie al nuovo design dell’unità interna e della piastra di montaggio. 1. La piastra di montaggio è provvista di due alette che consentono di distanziare l’unità interna dal muro per avere più spazio utile mentre si collegano le tubazioni 2. Il pannello posto nella parte inferiore dell’unità interna si rimuove facilmente per garantire un comodo accesso alle tubazioni 3. È possibile scegliere il lato per collegare la pompa di scarico condensa in base alle esigenze di installazione. I Feel Il sensore interno del telecomando è in grado di rilevare la temperatura circostante e di trasmettere questa informazione all’unità interna, che in base ad essa adatterà il suo funzionamento per garantire il massimo comfort. 4 Filtri in 1 Filtro vitamina C - Il filtro vitamina C rilascia nell’aria vitamina C. La vitamina C penetra nella vostra pelle garantendovi protezione dai raggi ultravioletti, trattenendo l’ossigeno attivo e favorendo la produzione di collagene. Filtro con ioni di argento - Il filtro ione argento elimina i batteri presenti nell’aria e controlla la crescita dei microbi come batteri, virus, funghi e spore, distruggendo la loro configurazione interna e assorbendone gli elementi cellulari. Filtro foto catalizzatore - Il filtro fotocatalizzatore elimina i piococchi e altri germi. Inoltre questo filtro elimina gli odori grazie alle proprietà deodoranti pari a quelle di 500 deodoranti a carbone attivo. Filtro catechina - Il filtro catechina rimuove gli odori ed elimina lo sporco e le particelle presenti nell’aria e nella stanza. Filtro HEPA - Il filtro HEPA elimina in maniera efficace polline, polvere di macinazione, pneumobacillo, garantendovi aria fresca e salutare. Filtro aromatico - Questo filtro sul climatizzatore darà un profumo paradisiaco alla vostra stanza, quando aggiungerete il vostro profumo preferito al filtro aromatico. Caratteristiche Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Midea Climatizzatore Condizionatore Midea Penta Split Inverter serie MISSION PRO 9+9+12+12+12 con M5O-42FN8-Q R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000 - Novità
Caratteristiche TecnicheUnità Interne1) Modello : Codice Unità Interna : 2x MSMBAU-09HRFN8 Potenza : 9000 Btu Capacità Raffreddamento : 2,60 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 2,80 kW Portata Aria : 240~380~440 m3/h Tubazione Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Tubazione Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxPxA) : 810x200x300 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,3 Kg Wi-Fi Optional : Codice CE-SK 102 2) Modello : Codice Unità Interna : 3x MSMBBU-12HRFN8 Potenza : 12000 Btu Capacità Raffreddamento : 3,50 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 3,80 kW Portata Aria : 240~380~500 m3/h Tubazione Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Tubazione Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxPxA) : 810x200x300 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,3 Kg Wi-Fi Optional : Codice CE-SK 102 Unità Esterna : Modello: Codice catalogo Unità Esterna : M5O-42FN8-Q Max unità interne: fino a 5 unità interne Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 12,30 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 12,30 kW Assorbimento Std Raffreddamento : 3,83 kW Assorbimento Std Riscaldamento: 3,30 kW Livello potenza sonora : 68 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 62 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x5 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x4 + 12,70 mm (1/2") Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 35 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 15 m Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 50° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxPxA) : 946x410x810 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 73,3 Kg Mission Pro Mission PRO è la soluzione ideale per coloro che vogliono coniugare sostenibilità ambientale, alte prestazioni e sicurezza. Un prodotto tantopotente quanto silenzioso, in grado di garantire un riposo ottimale per ciascun componente della famiglia. Come per l’intera gamma residenziale,anche Mission PRO è dotato della tecnologia di punta Midea, l’Inverter QuattroTM, silenziosa e dalle ottime performance con un’attenzione ai consumi domestici La soluzione ideale per chi ha a cuore l’ambiente e il risparmio: Mission PRO coniuga in un solo prodotto alte prestazioni, consumi ridotti e sicurezza. Un condizionatore tanto potente quanto silenzioso, per garantire a tutta la famiglia il miglior riposo Funzione Gear Le unità Mission PRO sono dotate della funzione Gear che permette di limitare il regime massimo di rotazione del compressore e la conseguente capacità erogata, migliorando sensibilmente l’efficienza specifica del prodotto. Il display dell’unità interna è in grado di mostrare, oltre alla temperatura selezionata, anche la temperatura ambiente e la potenza elettrica istantanea assorbita durante il funzionamento Funzione iECO Grazie a questa funzione è possibile limitare la frequenza di rotazione del compressore per ridurre la capacità erogata e aumentare sensibilmente l’efficienza specifica del prodotto durante l’impiego in modalità raffreddamento Funzione "Do Not Disturb" Grazie a un semplice tasto del telecomando è possibile silenziare tutti gli avvisi acustici, spegnere il display dell’unità interna e ridurre la velocità del ventilatore interno a un regime di rotazione inferiore a quello minimo, normalmente selezionabile Regolazione Lineare Velocità di Rotazione del Ventilatore Interno Il regime di rotazione del ventilatore interno, oltre i consueti livelli predefiniti di attività, può essere regolato entro i valori 1-100% Wi-Fi Optional Controllabile con smartphone attraverso la linea Wi-Fi. Controlli la temperatura di casa tua o del tuo ufficio tutto l’anno. Acquistando un’apposita SMART KEY e installando l’APP sul proprio dispositivo mobile iOS o Android, è possibile controllare ogni funzione del condizionatore anche da remoto. Nota: è necessario che nell’ambiente dove è installato il climatizzatore sia coperto da una rete wi-Fi domestica Unità Esterne Midea Le unità esterne Midea sono progettate con i più alti standard, per unire performance e design, grazie all’innovativa forma a taglio di diamante, priva di spigoli vivi e senza viti a vista in corrispondenza del pannello frontale. La griglia di espulsione dell’aria, ispirata alla vite di Archimede, contiene un ventilatore di nuova concezione, studiato per ridurre al minimo la rumorosità. La nervatura a forma di T sul pannello superiore, infine, consente di ottenere maggiore robustezza e stabilità Diamond Design Innovativa forma a taglio di diamante priva di spigoli vivi e senza viti a vista. La griglia di espulsione aria contiene un ventilatore di nuova concezione per ridurre al minimo la rumorosità. Anticorrosione Grazie ad uno speciale trattamento anticorrosivo lo scambiatore di calore dell'unità esterna è reso inattaccabile da salsedine ed agenti inquinanti/atmosferici esterni. Funzioni e Caratteristiche • Funzione ECO : Permette un risparmio di energia elettrica fino al 60% in 8 ore rispetto ai climatizzatori tradizionali. • 1W Stand-by : Rimozione completa della alimentazione all’unità esterna durante una fase prolungata di Stand-by • Eco friendly R32 • Funzione emergency • Silenziosità • Allarme perdite Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Hisense Climatizzatore Condizionatore Hisense Penta Split Inverter Serie SILENTIUM PRO 9+9+12+12+12 con 5AMW125U4RTA R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000 - Novità
Caratteristiche TecnicheUnità interne 1) Modello Codice catalogo Unità Interna : 2x QD25XU00G Serie: Silentium Pro Potenza: 9000 btu/h Capacità Raffreddamento : 2,6 kW Capacità Riscaldamento: 3,2 kW Assorbimento : 26 W Corrente Nominale : 0,13 A Aria Trattata : 10,3 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 16~39 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 950x295x298 mm Peso Unità Interna : 14 Kg Wi-Fi Integrato Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) Comando vocale con Alexa e Google Home 2) Modello Codice catalogo Unità Interna : 3x QD35XU00G Serie: Silentium Pro Potenza: 12000 btu/h Capacità Raffreddamento : 3,5 kW Capacità Riscaldamento: 4,2 kW Assorbimento : 30 W Corrente Nominale : 0,15 A Aria Trattata : 11,0 m3/min Livello pressione Sonora : 16~39 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 950x295x298 mm Peso Unità Interna : 14 Kg Wi-Fi Integrato Comando a Filo Optional ( Codice YXE-C01U ) Comando vocale con Alexa e Google Home Unità EsternaModello: Codice catalogo Unità Esterna : 5AMW125U4RTA Max unità interne: fino a 5 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,5 W/W SCOP : 3,72 W/W Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Raffreddamento : - Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Riscaldamento : - Consumo energetico annuo Raffreddamento : 673 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo Riscaldamento : 3952 kWh/a Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 12,5 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 13,5 kW Assorbimento Std Raffreddamento : 3,61 kW Assorbimento Std Riscaldamento: 3,79 kW Livello pressione sonorac: 55~61 dB(A) Livello Potenza Sonora : 75 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x5 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x5 Range temperature garantito: Raffreddamento: -15~48 °C Riscaldamento: -15~24 °C Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxAxP) : 950×1050×340 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 90 Kg Garanzia di 3 anni (5 sul compressore) La garanzia di Hisense Italia può essere attivata entro 1 mese dalla data di acquisto all’indirizzo Tecnologie Unità Esterna Multisplit Alta Efficienza Compressore inverter DC Twin Rotary La progettazione del nuovo compressore BLDC Inverter a doppio rotore garantisce un miglior bilanciamento ed una riduzione delle vibrazioni. Ciò si traduce nel massimo livello di silenziosità ed in un’ottima resa in termini di ecienza e risparmio energetico. Tecnologia drive DC con onda sinusoidale a 180° Il sistema monitora constantemente la fredquenza del compressore e crea la forma d'onda più efficiente per determinare un effettivo risparmio dei consumi. Controllo curva Compressore con magnete al rubidio Grazie alla maggior compressione delle molecole di gas il compressore con magnete al rubidio garantisce maggior efficienza e minori assorbimenti Valvola di espansione elettronica L’unità esterna utilizza una valvola di espansione elettronica che regola e ottimizza la quantità di refrigerante di tutte le unità interne funzionanti. Funzionamento con ampio range di voltaggio L’unità esterna può funzionare con una tensione da 176V a 264V. Nei nuovi modelli l’utilizzo di una tecnica di regolazione automatica del voltaggio garantisce che il valore di protezione si regoli in base ad esso, mantenendo la frequenza di funzionamento ad un valore ottimale. Design dello scambiatore: progettato per migliorarne l’efficienza Il design dello scambiatore esterno è stato progettato per aumentare il trasferimento di calore in maniera tale da rendere più efficiente il circuito frigorifero ed evitare a creazione di blocchi di ghiaccio. Ulteriore vantaggio è quello di poter sostenere connessioni a lunga distanza tra unità esterna ed unità interne senza ridurre la capacità di raffreddamento. Hisense Silentium Pro - Novità I nuovi climatizzatori Hisense diventano più funzionali. Il catalogo 2020 apre a tecnologie sempre più sofisticate per creare il clima ideale in casa e in ufficio. Il Controllo smart voice e tecnologia NanoE sono solo alcune delle novità che Hisense propone ai clienti. Il tutto nel rispetto dell’efficenza energetica in chiave ecologica sia per l’offerta residenziale che per quella commerciale Il Controllo Intelligente Tra le novità del 2020 , Hisense propone il climatizzatore in grado di controllare temperatura, umidità e velocità di ventilazione. La funzione AI-TMS technology è frutto della tecnologia TMS, brevettata da Hisense, che si basa sulla teoria PMV nata da una nuova ricerca su temperatura, umidità, velocità della ventilazione, radiazione termica, attività. Il climatizzatore controlla in modo intelligente temperatura, umidità e velocità di ventilazione per offrire all'utente il massimo grado di comfort Rilevatore di presenza Il comfort è tra le parole chiave di Hisense che per la linea di climatizzazione aggiunge la funzione “smart eye”. I condizionatori, infatti, saranno in grado di rilevare la presenza di persone nell’ambiente al fine di riconoscere la posizione e l'attività in corso. “Ad esempio - spiega l’azienda - se ci sono persone che giocano in un lato del soggiorno, il sensore è in grado di riconoscere e di adeguare il funzionamento del climatizzatore (temperatura, velocità e direzione del flusso)”. Autopulizia del condizionatore In tema di brevetti, Hisense può vantare anche quello legato alla pulizia del climatizzatore. Una delle raccomandazioni più frequenti degli esperti, infatti, è proprio quella che riguarda la pulizia del condizionatore, un aspetto importante sia per la salute che per la durata dell’impianto. La pulizia accurata dei filtri, ad esempio, è fondamentale per evitare problemi all’apparato respiratorio, specialmente se siamo soggetti ad allergie da acari della polvere e pollini. Il brevetto Hisense relativo all’autopulizia di evaporatore e condensatore, permette di mantenere pulito il climatizzatore, ridurre batteri, microrganismi, e ridurre i consumi di energia elettrica. La funzione è disponibile per il nuovo modelli Silentium Pro e Energy Pro Stop batteri, muffe e cattivi odori La tecnologia NanoE è in grado di rimuovere efficacemente fonti patogene e allergeniche quali batteri, muffe, virus e pollini oltre a rimuovere l'odore di sigarette, animali domestici e di alimenti.Inoltre, produce molecole d'acqua nell'aria che forniscono comfort alla pelle in particolare in ambienti particolarmente secchi Hisense ha pensato anche ai più “tecnologici” Il condizionatore HiSmart Life è uno dei gioiellini del catalogo 2020. Supporta Amazon, Google APP e “parla” 5 lingue: inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano e spagnolo. L’azienda: numeri e obiettivi Con una forza lavoro di oltre 75.000 persone in tutto il mondo, i prodotti Hisense sono venduti in più di 130 paesi con un fatturato di 13 miliardi nel 2016. “Tecnologia, qualità, integrità e responsabilità” sono i quattro elementi fondamentali della filosofia Hisense. Nel corso degli anni, Hisense ha sviluppato prodotti a risparmio energetico che aiutano a proteggere l’ambiente Ecco le funzioni principali del modello Silentium Pro monosplit Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Gree Climatizzatore Condizionatore Gree Penta Split Inverter serie BORA 9+9+12+12+12 GWHD42NK6LO R-32 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000
Climatizzatore Condizionatore Gree Penta Split Inverter serie BORA 9+9+12+12+12 GWHD42NK6LO R-32 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000Caratteristiche TecnicheUnità Interne1) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 2x GWH09AAB Potenza: 9000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 2,5 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 2,8 kW Aria Trattata : 480 m3/h Livello Potenza Sonora : 49 dB(A) Livello pressione Sonora : 34~42 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (AxLxP) : 250x773x185 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,5 Kg 2) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 3x GWH12AAB Potenza: 12000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 3,2 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 3,4 kW Aria Trattata : 550 m3/h Livello Potenza Sonora : 49 dB(A) Livello pressione Sonora : 34~42 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (AxLxP) : 250x773x190 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,5 Kg Unità Esterna Modello: Codice catalogo Unità Esterna : GWHD(42)NK6LO Max unità interne: fino a 5 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,1 SCOP : 4,0 Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in Raffreddamento : 602 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in Riscaldamento : 3675 kWh/a Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 10,5 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 11 kW Assorbimento Std Raffreddamento : 3,1 kW Assorbimento Std Riscaldamento: 3,2 kW Livello potenza sonora : 67 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 57 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x4 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x4 Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 40 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 15 m Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 43° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (AxLxP) : 1103x1087x440 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 90 Kg Gree BORAFunzione IFEELIl sensore incorporato nel telecomando sente la temperatura circostante e trasmette il segnale all’unità interna. In questo modo l’unità interna può regolare il volume e la temperatura del flusso d’aria per garantire il massimo comfortFunzione TurboPremere il tasto “Turbo” sul telecomando per avere un getto d’aria molto forte, tale da permettere di raggiungere in minor tempo la temperatura desiderataIntelligent Auto Restart Dopo un black-out, l’unità riparte automaticamente al ritorno della corrente, mantenendo le ultime impostazioniBasso Consumo in Avviamento ( Soft Start )Il consumo di energia in partenza è ridotto al minimo per non interferire con l’utilizzo degli altri elettrodomestici.Perché Scegliere il Comfort di Gree ? Gree è eco-friendly, utilizza refrigerante R32, a basso impatto ambientale.La tecnologia utilizzata da climatizzatori e pompe di calore GREE è GREEN, perchè energia rinnovabile: cattura l'energia termica presente nell'aria e la trasferisce da un luogo all'altro, moltiplicandola. L'utilizzo di R32, gas refrigerante a basso impatto sul riscaldamento globale, rende il comfort ambientale amico dell'ambiente: non c'è impatto sullo strato di ozono, la carica di gas è più bassa del 30% perchè R32 ha una più elevata efficienza energetica e l'effetto potenziale sul riscaldamento globale è ridotto di 1/3 rispetto al refrigerante tradizionale R410AGree Utilizza la Tecnologia DC Inverter di Ultima Generazione e ti fa risparmiare sui ConsumiInverter G10 è la tecnologia di Gree che consente di modulare la potenza e la velocità del compressore e dei ventilatori del climatizzatore o della pompa di calore in base alle reali esigenze di comfort. All'avvicinarci della temperatura ambiente a quella impostata, compressore e ventilatori riducono la velocità e quindi i consumi di energia: ecco perchè questa tecnologia concorre al contenimento dei consumi di energiaGree ti dona Tutto il Comfort che puoi desiderareLa tecnologia DC Inverter GREE offre molteplici vantaggi: rapido raggiungimento della temperatura desiderata, controllo preciso di temperatura, comfort costante, silenziosità, controllo dei consumi elettriciMatching FlessibileLe unità esterne possono essere combinate con tutte le tipologie di unità interne secondo le combinazioni di seguito illustrateFunzionamento fino a basse Temperature EsterneLa capacità di funzionare fino a -15°C, sia in freddo -15°C -15°C che in caldo, garantisce un’elevata affidabilità del prodotto: quando la temperatura esterna varia, la frequenza del compressore e la velocità del ventilatore si regolano di conseguenzaGaranzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Toshiba Toshiba Penta Split Inverter Air Conditioner Haori Series 10+10+13+13+13 (9+9+12+12+12) Ras-5m34u2avg-E R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 10000+10000+13000+13000+13000 ( 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000) Dark Gray
Technical features 1) Model : Indoor Unit Catalog Code: 2x RAS-B10N4KVRG-E Color : Dark Grey Power : 9000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity: 2.5 kW Heating Capacity: 3.2 kW Air Flow : 610 ~ 660 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 54 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~41 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 300x987x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 2) Model : Indoor Unit Catalog Code: 3x RAS-B13N4KVRG-E Color : Dark Grey Power : 12000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity: 3.5 kW Heating Capacity: 4.2 kW Air Flow : 670 ~ 680 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 56 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~43 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 300x987x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor unit Model: Catalog number: RAS-5M34U2AVG-E Maximum number of combinable indoor units: 5 Energy efficiency: SEER: 6.31 SCOP: 4.08 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 10.0 kW Heating Capacity: 12.0 kW Cooling absorption: 2.98 kW Heating absorption: 2.83 kW Sound power level Cooling : 67 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level Cooling : 52 dB(A) Sound pressure level Heating : 55 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x5 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 3x + 12.70 mm (1/2") 2x Maximum piping length: 80 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 890x900x320 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 78.0 kg Toshiba guarantee, for a climate of trust Toshiba 's guarantee can be found at Multisplit Toshiba NATUR32 Uncompromising comfort and performance Toshiba multisplit systems are the ideal and eco-friendly solution for those who want to cool and heat several rooms in the name of absolute comfort. Guarantee of Quality and Reliability Innovation, efficiency, high reliability, energy saving and respect for the environment. These solid values form the core of everything Toshiba does. For over 50 years, Toshiba has been offering its customers the guaranteed precision and experience of impeccable Japanese quality The installation of a single outdoor unit brings significant advantages, not only in terms of reducing the space occupied, but also in terms of acoustics, for a quieter environment for yourself and for those who live next door Flexibility and Performance The choice between the different systems is wide and allows you to air-condition and heat from 2 up to 5 rooms and, thanks to the 8 different families of indoor units, to choose the unit that best suits your decor Toshiba's reliable and innovative technology guarantees the highest levels of efficiency, up to class A++ in both hot and cold . The multisplit systems guarantee high energy efficiency both at full and partial loads, which makes it possible to reach high SEER (up to 6.90) and SCOP (up to 4.60) values. This performance is due to the renowned DC Twin Rotary compressor and inverter control. The cooling and heating capacity is precisely determined at all times thanks to the inverter control which regulates the compressor speed down to very low rpm. This technology allows you to maintain the desired temperature, as well as reducing energy requirements and noise levels. The operating range in cooling is up to -10°C, while in heating up to -20°C (from 3M26 up to -15°C) Efficient, ultra-performing systems Thanks to the vast range of indoor units, multisplit systems are the ideal solution for domestic and commercial installations where a single low-consumption, silent and easy-to-locate outdoor unit can serve from two to five rooms. A Solution for every Need All Toshiba indoor units offer high-level comfort and operational features, adaptable to any environment , regardless of size and function. In addition, they have an understated elegance that blends and harmonises with contemporary or traditional décor. In addition to the well-known wall-mounted and floor console indoor units, the range consists of ductable, perfect for architectural environments with particular aesthetic requirements, and cassettes, ideal for small commercial applications and shops. Toshiba HAORI The new expression of design HAORI presents an aesthetic extraordinary performance , first-class efficiency, very quiet operation and high air quality for residential applications. The new HAORI family is an elegant piece of furniture: something no longer to hide but to highlight. Regardless of the style of the room, whether it is modern, vibrant, casual, luxurious, chic or retro, there is a design from HAORI that makes it even more appealing. With its slim body and unique shape, this innovative air conditioning unit features a fabric cover that blends perfectly with other room fabrics such as sofas, carpets, curtains, armchairs and blankets, for a cozy and comfortable atmosphere Toshiba's patented concept makes HAORI easy to dress up in the most suitable outfit; simply unroll the fabric in the desired pattern and attach it to the front panel to create a piece of furniture that will become the center of attention. What pleases about HAORI is its ability to pleasantly integrate into the environment or, if necessary, even to blend in. Interior decorators and homeowners alike can be inspired by her unique style. Also, if the room is renovated, HAORI will also be able to change clothes at any time. Just choose or create a new fabric to integrate it with the new aesthetics of the environment Nothing escapes a Toshiba filter Air quality has always been a priority for Toshiba. All Toshiba products are equipped with multi-stage filtration systems that perform Pre-Treatment functions (inhibition of viruses and bacteria, removal of allergenic agents and fine particles) and purification. An Incredible Air Quality The new ULTRA PURE filter is the latest product from Toshiba laboratories to improve the quality of the air in the environment. ULTRA PURE technology is able to inhibit the activity of viruses and bacteria and prevent the formation of molds and fungi The experience gained with all previous filter devices has resulted in this highly effective device that purifies the air using silver ions and enzymes extracted from kimchi . This has a deodorizing effect, freshens the air and neutralizes up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria helping to ensure optimal comfort for the whole family The ULTRA PURE filter is able to retain up to 94% of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), thus creating a healthier environment within living spaces Plasma Filter and Ionizer The plasma filter with ionizer absorbs and neutralizes particles smaller than 0.001 μm , such as fine dust, pollen, mold spores and viruses. The plasma ionizer generates O-zones thus capturing the contaminated particles. It has been scientifically proven that ozone has a total bactericidal action . Ozone stops viruses and bacteria and renders them ineffective. Magic-Coil ® technology • Self-cleaning internal coil which reduces the accumulation of humidity on the coil thus preventing the deposit of any impurities • The combination of the aluminum exchanger with the special "Aqua Resin" coating makes impurities slide away with the disposal of the condensate water • The internal fan continues to operate even after the unit is switched off to eliminate any trace of humidity , ensure long-lasting performance and maintain high quality air in the room Solutions with attention to detail The intuitive remote control activates switching on and off , ECO mode for reducing energy and environmental costs and Hi-POWER for high performance cooling and heating. HADA CARE is the function designed for children and people with sensitive skin . It directs the air flow away from people thus avoiding drying and stressing the skin, without sacrificing maximum comfort. The solution is completed by an elegant magnetic wall mount Connected Solutions All the technology you need compatible with voice recognition speech systems. Enjoy maximum comfort inside and outside the home. All Toshiba residential systems equipped with a Wi-Fi module and controlled via the " Toshiba Home AC Control " APP are compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Everything under control Managing and controlling your air conditioner remotely has never been easier. Toshiba Home AC Control has a simple and intuitive graphical interface, to have everything under control with just a few touches on smartphones and tablets even when you are away from home With this App, the user will be able to: • Manage up to 10 indoor units, individually or in groups • Set both the main functions (such as temperature, operating mode…) and the special ones (such as Power Select, Quiet, ECO…) • Set the child lock • Receive error code reporting; • set the automatic on/off timer for both individual and group machines • Set the weekly programming both for single machine and for group • Detect the internal and external temperature of the environment • Monitor energy consumption over various time intervals Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Toshiba Air Conditioner Toshiba Penta Split Inverter SEIYA series 10+10+13+13+13 (9+9+12+12+12) RAS-4M27U2AVG-E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 10000+10000+13000+13000+13000 (9000+9000+12000+12000+12000)
Technical Features Internal Units 1) Model Indoor unit product code: 2x RAS-B10E2KVG-E Power: 9000 Btu Cooling capacity: 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 3.2 kW Cooling Power Consumption: 0.70 kW Heating absorption: 0.86 kW Treated Air: 510 m3 /h Sound power level: 52 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 20 ~ 39 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal unit dimensions (HxWxD): 288x770x225 mm Internal unit weight: 9 Kg Wi-Fi Optional: RB-N106S-G sold separately 2) Model Indoor unit product code: 3x RAS-B13E2KVG-E Power: 12000 Btu Cooling capacity: 3.3 kW Heating capacity: 3.6 kW Cooling Power Consumption: 1.10 kW Heating absorption: 0.92 kW Treated Air: 540 ~ 560 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 54 ~ 55 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 20 ~ 42 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal unit dimensions (HxWxD): 288x770x225 mm Internal unit weight: 9 Kg Wi-Fi Optional: RB-N106S-G sold separately External Unit Model: Catalog Code : RAS-5M34U2AVG-E Maximum number of indoor units that can be combined: 5 Energy Efficiency: SEER: 6.31 SCOP: 4.08 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling: A++ Energy Efficiency Class in Heating: A+ Performance: Cooling capacity : 10.0 kW Heating capacity: 12.0 kW Cooling Power Consumption: 2.98 kW Heating absorption: 2.83 kW Sound power level Cooling : 67 dB(A) Sound power level Heating: 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level Cooling : 52 dB(A) Sound pressure level Heating: 55 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation Data: Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x5 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 3x + 12.70 mm (1/2") 2x Maximum pipe length: 80 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and Weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 890x900x320 mm External Unit Weight: 78.0 kg Toshiba warranty, for a climate of trust Toshiba 's warranty can be found at Toshiba NATUR32 Multisplit Comfort and Performance without compromise Toshiba multisplit systems are the ideal, eco-friendly solution for those who want to cool and heat multiple rooms in absolute comfort. Quality and Reliability Guarantee Innovation, efficiency, high reliability, energy saving and respect for the environment. These solid values are at the core of everything Toshiba does. For over 50 years, Toshiba has been offering its customers the guaranteed precision and experience of impeccable Japanese quality Installing a single external unit brings significant advantages, not only in terms of reducing the space occupied, but also in terms of acoustics, for a quieter environment for yourself and for those who live next door. Flexibility and Performance The choice between the different systems is wide and allows you to air condition and heat from 2 to 5 rooms and, thanks to the 8 different families of internal units, to choose the unit that best suits your decor. Toshiba's reliable and innovative technology ensures the highest levels of efficiency, up to class A++ both in heating and cooling . Multisplit systems guarantee high energy efficiency both at full load and partial loads, which allows to reach high SEER values (up to 6.90) and SCOP (up to 4.60) These performances are due to the renowned DC Twin Rotary Compressor and inverter control. The cooling and heating capacity is precisely determined at all times thanks to the inverter control which regulates the compressor speed down to very low speeds. This technology allows you to maintain the desired temperature, as well as reducing energy requirements and noise levels. The operating range in cooling is up to -10°C, while in heating up to -20°C (from 3M26 onwards -15°C) Efficient, Ultra-Performing Systems Thanks to the wide range of internal units, multisplit systems are the ideal solution for those domestic and commercial installations where a single external unit, low consumption, silent and easily placed, can serve from two to five rooms. A Solution for Every Need All Toshiba indoor units offer high-level operational and comfort features, adaptable to any environment , regardless of size and function. Furthermore, they have a discreet elegance that blends and harmonizes with contemporary or traditional furnishings. In addition to the well-known wall-mounted and floor console type indoor units, the range consists of ducted units, perfect for architectural environments with particular aesthetic needs, and cassette units, ideal for small commercial applications and shops. Toshiba Seiya Experience the sound of silence Toshiba Seiya is a silent solution that uses the new Toshiba Inverter technologies and R32 compressor technologies to offer cooling and heating performance up to energy class A++ , ensuring real energy savings and comfort all year round. Design and reliability Innovation, efficiency, high reliability, energy saving, respect for the environment. These are the solid values of Toshiba. For over 50 years, Toshiba has provided its customers with the precision and expertise guaranteed by impeccable Japanese quality. Welcome to the A++ energy class The performance-price ratio of Seiya makes it a unique product on the market. The range boasts performance in both cooling and heating up to class A++, which means optimal comfort with very low energy consumption. Silence is golden Toshiba is constantly committed to product innovation to ensure air conditioning excellence in line with user expectations. To reduce noise and improve comfort, Seiya's Silent function halves the sound level of the outdoor unit, while the Quiet function reduces the noise of the indoor unit for a peaceful night's sleep Comfort every day Seiya was designed with maximum comfort in mind. It offers exclusive features and high performance that make everyday comfort a reality for everyone. Toshiba's innovative inverter technology Toshiba's innovative rotary compressor technology combines exemplary performance with exceptional reliability. By minimising fluctuations to ensure a constant temperature, it increases efficiency while eliminating noise. Toshiba Inverter technology allows you to adjust the heating and cooling capacity at any time by adjusting the compressor speed according to your needs. Your smart air conditioner for unlimited comfort The Toshiba Home AC Control app gives you complete control over the functions that ensure your comfort. Once installed on your smartphone or tablet, it is easy to use, both at home and on the go. Comfort at home and wherever you are Personalize your comfort by setting the optimal level of cooling or heating for the whole family at any time, both at home and remotely. The smart and intuitive app, used at home, is a second tool to control the air conditioner; used away from home, it allows you to activate the functions in advance to obtain personalized comfort in line with your lifestyle! Monitor energy consumption Compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa voice recognition systems Silence inside and outside the house QUIET mode , for a quiet life. The indoor unit operates at the lowest noise level. It switches to super-low fan speed, thus reducing the sound of the indoor unit by 3dB(A) compared to low speed. SEIYA's SILENT mode allows you to reduce the noise level of the outdoor unit. Both you and your neighbors can enjoy peaceful sleep. With a simple button on the remote control, you can reduce the sound pressure level of the outdoor unit by -5dB(A) , without sacrificing the required cooling/heating speed. Quality without compromise Ultra Fresh Filter The Fresh Filter captures up to 85% of PM2.5 for a healthier environment. Some studies have shown a close correlation between exposure to fine particulate matter and lung disease or the worsening of chronic diseases PM2.5 refers to particulate matter caused by air pollution that is smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. Wellbeing at your fingertips Preset Allows you to store your favorite functions and activate them with a single button Operating modes You can choose between Automatic, Heating, Cooling and Dehumidification modes. Fix & Swing Optimal airflow control with a choice between fixed and swinging louver positions. Silent CDU #1 & #2 Two levels of noise reduction of the outdoor unit. Anti-freeze function (8°C) Allows you to protect your home and furnishings from the effects of frost when you are away from home for a long time. Fan There are five fixed speeds available plus the Automatic one which leaves the air conditioner in control Comfortable Sleep To ensure a peaceful and noise-free sleep, it increases the set temperature by one degree after one hour and another degree after the second until the morning. Silent mode With the press of a single button, the fan speed is reduced to minimum for low noise level of the indoor unit High power Maximum power to reach the desired temperature in the shortest possible time ECO Automatically adjusts the room temperature setting, reducing the operating load of the unit and thus saving energy. Defrost on demand The defrost function ensures that the unit can be used even in the most extreme conditions, eliminating ice simply by pressing the remote control button. ON-OFF Timer The Toshiba remote control provides convenient automatic start and stop operation, programmable up to 12 hours Wired Solution Allows you to wire the remote control to the unit, ideal for wall mounting in commercial applications. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Toshiba Toshiba Penta Split Inverter Air Conditioner Haori Series 10+10+13+13+13 (9+9+12+12+12) Ras-5m34u2avg-E R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 10000+10000+13000+13000+13000 ( 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000) Light Gray
Technical features 1) Model : Indoor Unit Catalog Code: 2x RAS-B10N4KVRG-E Color : Light Grey Power : 9000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity: 2.5 kW Heating Capacity: 3.2 kW Air Flow : 610 ~ 660 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 54 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~41 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 300x987x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 2) Model : Indoor Unit Catalog Code: 3x RAS-B13N4KVRG-E Color : Light Grey Power : 12000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity: 3.5 kW Heating Capacity: 4.2 kW Air Flow : 670 ~ 680 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 56 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~43 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 300x987x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor unit Model: Catalog number: RAS-5M34U2AVG-E Maximum number of combinable indoor units: 5 Energy efficiency: SEER: 6.31 SCOP: 4.08 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 10.0 kW Heating Capacity: 12.0 kW Cooling absorption: 2.98 kW Heating absorption: 2.83 kW Sound power level Cooling : 67 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 68 dB(A) Sound pressure level Cooling : 52 dB(A) Sound pressure level Heating : 55 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation Data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x5 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 3x + 12.70 mm (1/2") 2x Maximum piping length: 80 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 890x900x320 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 78.0 kg Toshiba guarantee, for a climate of trust Toshiba 's guarantee can be found at Multisplit Toshiba NATUR32 Uncompromising comfort and performance Toshiba multisplit systems are the ideal and eco-friendly solution for those who want to cool and heat several rooms in the name of absolute comfort. Guarantee of Quality and Reliability Innovation, efficiency, high reliability, energy saving and respect for the environment. These solid values form the core of everything Toshiba does. For over 50 years, Toshiba has been offering its customers the guaranteed precision and experience of impeccable Japanese quality The installation of a single outdoor unit brings significant advantages, not only in terms of reducing the space occupied, but also in terms of acoustics, for a quieter environment for yourself and for those who live next door Flexibility and Performance The choice between the different systems is wide and allows you to air-condition and heat from 2 up to 5 rooms and, thanks to the 8 different families of indoor units, to choose the unit that best suits your decor Toshiba's reliable and innovative technology guarantees the highest levels of efficiency, up to class A++ in both hot and cold . The multisplit systems guarantee high energy efficiency both at full and partial loads, which makes it possible to reach high SEER (up to 6.90) and SCOP (up to 4.60) values. This performance is due to the renowned DC Twin Rotary compressor and inverter control. The cooling and heating capacity is precisely determined at all times thanks to the inverter control which regulates the compressor speed down to very low rpm. This technology allows you to maintain the desired temperature, as well as reducing energy requirements and noise levels. The operating range in cooling is up to -10°C, while in heating up to -20°C (from 3M26 up to -15°C) Efficient, ultra-performing systems Thanks to the vast range of indoor units, multisplit systems are the ideal solution for domestic and commercial installations where a single low-consumption, silent and easy-to-locate outdoor unit can serve from two to five rooms. A Solution for every Need All Toshiba indoor units offer high-level comfort and operational features, adaptable to any environment , regardless of size and function. In addition, they have an understated elegance that blends and harmonises with contemporary or traditional décor. In addition to the well-known wall-mounted and floor console indoor units, the range consists of ductable, perfect for architectural environments with particular aesthetic requirements, and cassettes, ideal for small commercial applications and shops. Toshiba HAORI The new expression of design HAORI presents an aesthetic extraordinary performance , first-class efficiency, very quiet operation and high air quality for residential applications. The new HAORI family is an elegant piece of furniture: something no longer to hide but to highlight. Regardless of the style of the room, whether it is modern, vibrant, casual, luxurious, chic or retro, there is a design from HAORI that makes it even more appealing. With its slim body and unique shape, this innovative air conditioning unit features a fabric cover that blends perfectly with other room fabrics such as sofas, carpets, curtains, armchairs and blankets, for a cozy and comfortable atmosphere Toshiba's patented concept makes HAORI easy to dress up in the most suitable outfit; simply unroll the fabric in the desired pattern and attach it to the front panel to create a piece of furniture that will become the center of attention. What pleases about HAORI is its ability to pleasantly integrate into the environment or, if necessary, even to blend in. Interior decorators and homeowners alike can be inspired by her unique style. Also, if the room is renovated, HAORI will also be able to change clothes at any time. Just choose or create a new fabric to integrate it with the new aesthetics of the environment Nothing escapes a Toshiba filter Air quality has always been a priority for Toshiba. All Toshiba products are equipped with multi-stage filtration systems that perform Pre-Treatment functions (inhibition of viruses and bacteria, removal of allergenic agents and fine particles) and purification. An Incredible Air Quality The new ULTRA PURE filter is the latest product from Toshiba laboratories to improve the quality of the air in the environment. ULTRA PURE technology is able to inhibit the activity of viruses and bacteria and prevent the formation of molds and fungi The experience gained with all previous filter devices has resulted in this highly effective device that purifies the air using silver ions and enzymes extracted from kimchi . This has a deodorizing effect, freshens the air and neutralizes up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria helping to ensure optimal comfort for the whole family The ULTRA PURE filter is able to retain up to 94% of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), thus creating a healthier environment within living spaces Plasma Filter and Ionizer The plasma filter with ionizer absorbs and neutralizes particles smaller than 0.001 μm , such as fine dust, pollen, mold spores and viruses. The plasma ionizer generates O-zones thus capturing the contaminated particles. It has been scientifically proven that ozone has a total bactericidal action . Ozone stops viruses and bacteria and renders them ineffective. Magic-Coil ® technology • Self-cleaning internal coil which reduces the accumulation of humidity on the coil thus preventing the deposit of any impurities • The combination of the aluminum exchanger with the special "Aqua Resin" coating makes impurities slide away with the disposal of the condensate water • The internal fan continues to operate even after the unit is switched off to eliminate any trace of humidity , ensure long-lasting performance and maintain high quality air in the room Solutions with attention to detail The intuitive remote control activates switching on and off , ECO mode for reducing energy and environmental costs and Hi-POWER for high performance cooling and heating. HADA CARE is the function designed for children and people with sensitive skin . It directs the air flow away from people thus avoiding drying and stressing the skin, without sacrificing maximum comfort. The solution is completed by an elegant magnetic wall mount Connected Solutions All the technology you need compatible with voice recognition speech systems. Enjoy maximum comfort inside and outside the home. All Toshiba residential systems equipped with a Wi-Fi module and controlled via the " Toshiba Home AC Control " APP are compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Everything under control Managing and controlling your air conditioner remotely has never been easier. Toshiba Home AC Control has a simple and intuitive graphical interface, to have everything under control with just a few touches on smartphones and tablets even when you are away from home With this App, the user will be able to: • Manage up to 10 indoor units, individually or in groups • Set both the main functions (such as temperature, operating mode…) and the special ones (such as Power Select, Quiet, ECO…) • Set the child lock • Receive error code reporting; • set the automatic on/off timer for both individual and group machines • Set the weekly programming both for single machine and for group • Detect the internal and external temperature of the environment • Monitor energy consumption over various time intervals Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
GREE Gree Penta Split Inverter Air Conditioner Pular Series 9+9+12+12+12 With Gwhd(42)Nk6lo R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000
Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 2x GWH09AGB-K6DNA1B/I Power : 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 2.7 kW Heating Capacity: 2.80 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 280~550 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 34~55 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 21~40 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 260x779x185 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 2) Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 3x GWH12AGC-K6DNA1A/I Power : 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 3.20 kW Heating Capacity: 3.40 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 390~680 m 3 /h Sound power level : 36~57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 22~41 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 293x825x196 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 10 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor unit Model: Outdoor Unit catalog code: GWHD(42)NK6LO Max indoor units: up to 5 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.1 SCOP : 4.0 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 689 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating : 4130 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 12.0 kW Heating Capacity: 13.0 kW Absorption in cooling: 3.45 kW Heating absorption: 3.50 kW Sound power level : 70 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 55 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/F) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 43°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x5 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x5 Maximum piping length: 40 m Maximum piping length with additional charge: 75 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 1103x1087x440 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 90.0 Kg Gree Pular Purity in Design and Comfort The finish is matte, velvet effect, the color is pure white Thanks to the use of opaque, simple and easy-to-match injection molding techniques, for a contemporary, captivating style The design is seamless The integrated double flap, completely closed, has no joints, because the details make the difference Cleanliness and linearity are the distinguishing features of the design Flowing curves and transitions, maximum simplicity, for a minimal approach, ideal for any environment Superior Comfort Advanced functions of Pular, capable of giving unprecedented comfort i-FEEL Plus The sensor on the remote control, which measures the room temperature and sends inputs to the unit to ensure the desired temperature where the remote control is placed, now has an even higher frequency of sending inputs. Every 10 minutes it connects with the unit, ensuring maximum comfort Ad hoc technology for each mode Cooling with shower air flow. Heating with flow from bottom to top. Air flow increased by 17% compared to previous ranges. Very long air throw, up to 10 m. High precision in the air delivery thanks to the double flap 3D airflow Customize your comfort thanks to the 3D SWING function. Both horizontal and vertical flaps can be individually directed via the remote control. It is possible to select the oscillation angle for both flaps Multi-speed airflow Up to 7 fan speeds from Quiet to Turbo Auto manages ventilation intelligently Sleep function with 3 options Silent modifies the set point in the following two hours Smart intelligently adjusts the set point DIY choose your personalized Sleep schedule Turbo in cold and in heat For instant comfort, bring the compressor and fans to maximum power Intelligent car mode Relax and let the climate control decide how to behave to achieve the desired comfort. For the first time, even in Auto mode it is possible to select the desired room temperature Cold air prevention In Heating, a special intelligent function allows the conditioned air to enter the room only if and when it is sufficiently heated, for maximum comfort. Save Energy Dedicated to those who want to save as much as possible, it decides the temperature independently, according to the default settings. Operation is managed automatically Intelligent auto-restart It guarantees continuity of your comfort because after a black-out the unit restarts automatically when the power is restored, keeping the last settings. Low Voltage Startup In an intelligent way, the unit starts with minimal starting, so as not to interfere with the use of other appliances Intelligent Defrosting If the cold external temperature causes the formation of ice on the condenser coil, the correct functioning of the air conditioner in hot mode requires that there is a stop of the introduction of hot air into the room to allow defrosting of the external exchanger. In this specific case, these stops are not programmed at regular intervals, but take place only if and when really necessary, guaranteeing continuity of hot air flow into the room Maximum silence With Pular you can sleep peacefully it is SUPER QUIET its sound level is record-breaking! 3 dB(A) below standard values: in Sleep mode it does not exceed 21 dB(A) TOP air quality with the COLD PLASMA PLUS Purification System Its sterilization effectiveness against bacteria is the best ever: it reaches 93%, against an average value of 80% for similar systems. It releases ions capable of neutralizing bacteria, fungi, pollen, mites and, in general, pollutants present in indoor air. Removes over 400 kinds of odors. It makes the air lighter by enriching it with negative ions Single filter accessible without any disassembly for cleaning The dust filter is external, integrated in the structure, easy to reach and to clean frequently, without having to disassemble it. The fully enclosed double flap has no joints and thus prevents dust and other pollutants from entering the unit Optional Filters Even purer air with the new optional filters, which you can apply to the standard Pular filter Anti-Bacterial Filter The structure is realized by adding the biological anti-bacterial agent on the filter net. Effectively eliminate Escherichia coli and staphylococcus, etc Tio 2 anti-bacterial deodorant filter Takes activated carbon as a carrier, mixed with titanium dioxide Mite Clear Anti-Mite Filter New anti-mite and antibacterial material and can defend or prevent the mite, to improve indoor air quality Composite filter Silver Ions, Catechin, Mite Clear Silver ions: Effectively eliminate carcinogens, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, etc. Catechin : Effectively sterilizes bacteria and other pollutants; prevents the causes of unpleasant odors Mite Clear : Defends against mites and effectively prevents their formation Auto-Clean Manage the cleaning of your internal drive with Pular Condensate, frost, defrost, dry You can decide to activate evaporator cleaning when you wish: with the unit off, just press two buttons on the remote control. The function will see phases of condensation, ice formation, defrosting and drying take place in sequence aimed at eliminating all residues of dust and pollutants and all traces of condensation. This will allow clean air to be introduced into the room at all times and to preserve the efficiency of the heat exchanger X-Fans The prevention of mold formation is also guaranteed by this function, which is activated simply by holding down the speed button for 2 seconds: the indoor unit fan will continue to operate, even with the unit off, for a few minutes, in order to dry perfectly the evaporator User Friendly and Smart Controlling Pular's features is a breeze . From Remote Control to Infrared Easy to use It has a minimal but technological design, a pure white, high gloss finish and is characterized by a large LCD display and easy-to-use buttons. The integrated temperature sensor is activated by pressing the IFeel key and the Light key turns off the backlighting of the LED display of the indoor unit. The wifi button allows immediate activation of the function on the remote control From a Smartphone, thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi as standard across the entire range Thanks to the very intuitive G+ App, available for download in the versions for Android and iOS systems in Google play or the App store, you can control all the functions remotely. Downloading and installing the app, connecting to the home wifi and adding the unit are very simple operations: from your office or sofa at home you can thus easily control all the air conditioning parameters. With the same app you can manage multiple units. Advanced controls It is possible to centrally manage, via BACNET (BMS) or CENTRALIZED CONTROL or SMART ZONE in combination with wired controls (1 for split units), even several units within the same building (up to 16 with SMART CONTROL - up to 36 with CENTRALIZED CONTROL, up to 255 with BACNET), as if it were a small system Programmable Wired Control Pular can also be controlled with a wired control, to be installed on the wall. It allows you to program switching on and off, select the operating mode and speed, flap position, daily timer and weekly programs Door Control Contact The on/off contact on the unit allows you to manage the switching on and off of the unit with the magnetic card for opening the entrance door (for example of a hotel room). By inserting the card, the air conditioner is activated; by removing the card, the unit switches off: in this way energy waste is avoided. Wired controller is required for this application Easy Installation Pular is built with features that facilitate installation, as well as access to parts for maintenance Easy Maintenance The electrical box and the electronic board are easy to open and remove. The self-diagnosis function, which shows errors on the indoor unit display, facilitates the identification of any malfunctions and speeds up their solution. The special design of the outdoor unit's valve cover makes it easier to access the connections. Versatility of Application Up to 5 indoor units that can be combined with multi-split outdoor units Green technology Choose the GREEN technology of GREE air conditioners: renewable energy, which therefore captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it where it is needed. The use of R32 refrigerant, with a low impact on global warming, makes environmental comfort even greener: there is no impact on the ozone layer and the quantity of gas required to ensure good performance is 30% lower than that of earlier gases such as R410A, due to its higher yield High Energy Efficiency and Low Consumption Inverter G10 is the latest generation DC Inverter technology that allows you to optimize performance and consumption thanks to the modulation of the compressor and fans according to the real comfort needs. In fact, as the desired temperature approaches, both the compressor and the fans of the outdoor and indoor units modulate capacity and consumption, ensuring: • rapid achievement of the desired comfort • constant maintenance of comfort conditions • precise temperature control • containment of consumption • minimization of the sound level Mono and Multi Compatible The Pular indoor unit is available for single and multi applications with nominal cooling capacity from 2.7 to 6.5 kW. The indoor unit with a capacity of 2.1 kW is dedicated to Dual, Trial and Quadri applications: possible matchings and related data will be available shortly Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
GREE Air Conditioner Gree Penta Split Inverter Series Bora Plus 9+9+12+12+12 With Gwhd(42)Nk6lo R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000
Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model Indoor Unit Catalog Code: 2x GWH09AAA-K6DNA4A/I Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating Capacity : 2.8 kW Treated Air : 270~500 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 34~55 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 32~38 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 250x698x185 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 7.5 Kg Wi-Fi Optional 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3x GWH12AAB-K6DNA4B/I Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.2 kW Heating Capacity : 3.4 kW Treated Air : 320~590 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 38~56 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 26~41 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 250x773x185 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.0 Kg Wi-Fi Optional Outdoor Unit Model: Outdoor Unit catalog code: GWHD(42)NK6LO Max indoor units: up to 5 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.1 SCOP : 4.0 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 689 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating : 4130 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 12.0 kW Heating Capacity: 13.0 kW Absorption in cooling: 3.45 kW Heating absorption: 3.50 kW Sound power level : 70 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 55 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/F) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 43°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x5 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x5 Maximum piping length: 40 m Maximum piping length with additional charge: 75 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 1103x1087x440 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 90.0 Kg Gree air conditioners Gree Bora Plus Elegant Design, Attention to Details IFeel function Gree air conditioners and heat pumps are equipped with sophisticated electronics capable of providing high comfort. The IFeel function, linked to the presence of a temperature sensor on the remote control, allows you to have comfort in the desired place, i.e. where the remote control is positioned. The presence of automatically adjustable flaps both vertically and horizontally allows you to customize the air flow; the high number of ventilation speeds gives ample possibility of selecting the desired level. The Quiet function ensures maximum silence, acting on both the fan speed and the compressor frequency. More or less sophisticated variants of the Sleep function meet the most varied comfort needs, even during sleep. The programmable 24h timer or, in the case of more advanced wired controls, weekly, gives maximum flexibility in managing your comfort. The defrosting of the outdoor unit coil takes place only if and when necessary, avoiding useless operation stops in heating mode. Turbo function Press the "Turbo" button on the remote control to have a very strong jet of air, such as to allow the desired temperature to be reached in less time Intelligent Auto Restart After a blackout, the unit restarts automatically when the power returns, keeping the last settings Low Startup Consumption (Soft Start) Energy consumption at the start is reduced to a minimum so as not to interfere with the use of other appliances. Why Choose Gree Comfort? Gree is eco-friendly, uses R32 refrigerant, with low environmental impact. The technology used by GREE air conditioners and heat pumps is GREEN, because it is renewable energy: it captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it from one place to another, multiplying it. The use of R32, a refrigerant gas with a low impact on global warming, makes room comfort environmentally friendly: there is no impact on the ozone layer, the gas charge is 30% lower because R32 has a higher energy efficiency and the potential effect on global warming is reduced by 1/3 compared to the traditional R410A refrigerant Gree Uses the Latest Generation DC Inverter Technology and saves you on Consumption Inverter G10 is the Gree technology that allows you to modulate the power and speed of the compressor and fans of the air conditioner or heat pump based on real comfort needs. As the ambient temperature approaches the set value, the compressor and fans reduce speed and therefore energy consumption: this is why this technology contributes to containing energy consumption Gree gives you all the comfort you could wish for DC Inverter technology GREE offers multiple advantages: rapid achievement of the desired temperature, precise temperature control, constant comfort, silence, control of electricity consumption Flexible matching The outdoor units can be combined with all types of indoor units. Operation up to low external temperatures The ability to operate down to -15°C, both in cold -15°C and -15°C and in heat, ensures high product reliability: when the outside temperature varies, the frequency of the compressor and the speed of the fan adjust accordingly Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hisense Hisense Penta Split Inverter Air Conditioner Energy Series 9 + 9 + 12 + 12 + 12 With 5amw125u4rta R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000 + 9000 + 12000 + 12000 + 12000 - New
Technical features Indoor units 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 2x TQ25XE0BG / TQ25XE0CG Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.6 kW Heating Capacity : 3 kW Absorption : 25W Rated Current : 0.15A Treated Air : 10 m 3 /min Sound Pressure Level : 19~39 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 907x270x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 9 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code : 3x TQ35XE0BG / TQ35XE0CG Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 4.1 kW Absorption : 25W Rated Current : 0.15A Treated Air: 10.3 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 19~40 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 907x270x210 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 9 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) Outdoor Unit Model: External Unit catalog code: 5AMW125U4RTA Max indoor units: up to 5 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.5W/W SCOP : 3.72W/W Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : - Heating Energy Efficiency Class : - Annual energy consumption Cooling : 673 kWh/a Annual energy consumption Heating : 3952 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 12.5 kW Heating Capacity: 13.5 kW Std cooling absorption: 3.61 kW Std heating absorption: 3.79 kW Sound pressure level: 55~61dB(A) Sound Power Level : 75 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x5 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x5 Guaranteed temperature range: Cooling: -15~48°C Heating: -15~24°C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 950×1050×340 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 90 Kg 3 year warranty (5 on the compressor) The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address Multisplit Outdoor Unit Technologies High Efficiency Twin Rotary DC Inverter Compressor The design of the new dual rotor BLDC Inverter compressor ensures better balancing and reduced vibrations. This translates into the maximum level of silence and excellent performance in terms of efficiency and energy saving. DC drive technology with 180° sine wave The system constantly monitors the compressor frequency and creates the most efficient waveform to determine effective consumption savings. Curve control Compressor with rubidium magnet Thanks to the greater compression of the gas molecules, the rubidium magnet compressor guarantees greater efficiency and lower absorption Electronic expansion valve The outdoor unit uses an electronic expansion valve that regulates and optimizes the refrigerant amount of all operating indoor units. Operation with wide voltage range The outdoor unit can work with voltage from 176V to 264V. In the new models, the use of an automatic voltage regulation technique ensures that the protection value adjusts according to it, keeping the operating frequency at an optimal value. Exchanger design: designed to improve its efficiency The design of the external exchanger was designed to increase the heat transfer in order to make the refrigeration circuit more efficient and avoid the creation of blocks of ice. Another advantage is that it can support long-distance connections between outdoor units and indoor units without reducing the cooling capacity. Hisense Energy Hisense Italia offers the high performance Energy air conditioner, excellent comfort and elegant design. Special restart at 8°C The special 8°C heating mode is very useful especially for homes located in areas with colder temperatures (and in second homes). During your absence, in fact, the unit will start in heating mode as soon as a temperature below 8°C is detected, allowing your rooms not to freeze and reducing the level of humidity in the air. Wi-Fi control Hisense air conditioners are managed comfortably inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. HiSmart Life is the easy-to-use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android. After downloading the app and pairing the air conditioner, the app allows you to manage operating modes, temperature, fan speed and air flow. From the «Intelligent function» section it is also possible to set daily or weekly timers Smart Voice Control The new HiSmart Life app is compatible with Alexa and Google assistant, thanks to voice interaction, it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the temperature and set the operating mode (cooling or heating). Find HiSmart Life in the Alexa Skills and in the Google assistant catalog. Universal unit for mono and multi systems The universal indoor units can be connected to Monosplit and Multisplit outdoor units to ensure maximum installation versatility. The best temperatures to guarantee everyone a peaceful rest Sleep is of vital importance for our body and rest in a comfortable way brings benefits for our health. Hisense air conditioners adapt to everyone's sleep. I Feel The internal sensor of the remote control is able to detect the surrounding temperature and transmit this information to the internal unit, which will adapt its operation on the basis of it to ensure maximum comfort. Total protection 4 filters in 1 • Catechin filter removes odors and dust • Photo catalyst filter removes germs and odors. It is easily renewed by exposing it to sunlight for 6/8 hours • HEPA filter removes pollen and dust • Silver ion filter sterilizes bacteria by acting on their composition • Vitamin C filter releases vitamin C beneficial to the skin into the environment • Aroma filter releases a pleasant scent into the environment. Characteristics Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Daikin Daikin Bluevolution Penta Split Inverter Air Conditioner Emura Silver Iii Series 9+9+12+12+12 With 5mxm90n R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+9000+12000+12000+12000 Silver Color - Italian Warranty
Technical features 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 2x FTXJ25AS Series : Emura Silver III Silver colour Power : 9000 Btu/h Air Flow : 4.6 ~ 11.4 m3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~40 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi 2) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3x FTXJ35AS Series : Emura Silver III Silver colour Power : 12000 Btu/h Air Flow : 4.6 ~ 11.8 m3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 60 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~41 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor unit Model: Catalog code : 5MXM90N(9) Maximum number of combinable indoor units: 5 Energy efficiency: SEER: 7.76 SCOP: 4.60 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 7.80 kW Heating Capacity: 10.0 kW Absorbed power Heating: 2.00 kW Absorbed power Heating: 2.02 kW Sound power level Cooling : 64 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level Cooling : 52 dB(A) Sound pressure level Heating : 52 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Installation Data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") 5x Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 5x Maximum piping length: 75 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 734x958x384 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 68.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 guarantee The Daikin Italia guarantee can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address Multisplit systems Superior efficiency The range of new Multisplit includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, which can be combined with Daikin indoor units. Designed with energy-efficient refrigerants and compressors that ensure optimal performance, all multi-split units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to one multi outdoor unit. The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool several rooms " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future Those who choose Daikin for their home simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken the concept of comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can have maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. The high levels of seasonal efficiency guarantee the best atmosphere both in summer and in winter, minimizing consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and the wide range of products offered are synonymous with reliability and long-lasting systems, perfect for your home. And even when you are not at home, you can control and regulate the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Consumption halved by saving on energy costs. In doing so, you are good for the environment and for your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4-year warranty Daikin Kizuna's 2-year free warranty extension will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad smells, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed so that the air conditioner becomes a piece of furniture. Why Choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just a question of comfort. Daikin systems are also kind to the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy saving technologies guarantee high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a class A+++ product is up to 40% more efficient than a class A++ product. Seasonal efficiency is a new way of rating heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency over the year. R-32 More Efficiency and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant which results in lower CO 2 emissions. This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. For the benefit of the environment! Extreme silence Noisy units are now a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that they are inaudible. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. App control Not at home? Thanks to Daikin's Onecta App the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, when and where you want. In addition, you will be able to keep energy consumption under control, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin is once again setting the standard for air conditioning for residential use. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to enhance the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control A 3-component system, a unique design Your Daikin Emura air-to-air heat pump offers cooling and heating and includes a wall-mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Each component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. Daikin Emura's design is eye-catching, yet understated. The curved lines of the wall unit and remote control recall the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a distinguishing feature. Pure elegance that fits harmoniously into your environments Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design to match your interior Intelligent control Climate control from anywhere and at any time Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With more than a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with smooth lines and shadow play, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user requests throughout the world. Europe. Created to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Conceived and designed entirely by Daikin. Captivating and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional look. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view The emotion of the action Panel movement is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is so special about the panel movement of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow play based on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin Emura air conditioner not only boasts an attractive appearance and sinuous lines, but thanks to the movement of the panel it also improves the distribution of air in the room. The well-known design aphorism “form follows function” really applies to Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the project is well thought out Slim design Do you want to make the most of the space in your home but don't want the air conditioning to capture all the attention? Daikin Emura is only 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even slimmer than it actually is. The sophisticated design returns to the perfectly ergonomic remote control Solid colours The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three plain colours : silver, matt white and matt black . The front cover of the remote control matches the colors of the indoor unit while the structure is anthracite gray to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura increases comfort in the home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying indoor air. It is clear that a place shouldn't be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Smart technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the airflow to achieve better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent temperature sensor to detect the actual temperature in a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes the air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs the air, hot or cold, to areas that have the most need. 3D airflow To guarantee a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, uniformly distributing the air in all rooms, even large ones Using the Coanda effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimize the airflow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the flaps direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards Heat Boost function Daikin Emura heats the room in a short time after starting and reaches the set temperature faster Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation At home, do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility? Daikin Emura is so quiet you'll almost forget you have it on. A special fan optimizes the airflow to achieve high performance while keeping sound levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible while in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM technology By exploiting the chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology decomposes allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner and healthier air. better quality Titanium deodorizing filter Decomposes unpleasant odors (e.g. from tobacco and pets) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Eliminates airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. Thanks to integrated purifying filters and Flash Streamer TM technology, Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better and cleaner indoor air. Thus the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy The control is in your hands Daikin Emura is set up to provide you with optimal comfort when you are around. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the handy remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and at any time Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has essential and sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also place it on a wall thanks to the magnetic holder. Available in silver , matt white and matt black to match the colors of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control the internal climate thanks to the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Are not you at home? Thanks to the Onecta app, this isn't a problem. The app allows instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust Daikin Emura settings via smartphone, anywhere, anytime. Check all the functions of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different schedules and operating modes Monitor energy usage on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control the different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to the Wi-Fi network and control the air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you're not at home, you can turn it on and off, set cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner. It's that simple Voice Control To further increase comfort and convenience, the Daikin Onecta app - Residential Controller is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free cuts down on necessary clicks and allows for faster drive management than ever before. Transversal and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Unit Always Connected The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and compatible with the Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit Programming Set up a schedule to define system operating times, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize the system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the ambient temperature Turn on Powerful mode to boost operation Feature availability depends on system type, configuration, and mode of operation. The app features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection Whether it's very cold or very hot outside, stable operation is expected of the air conditioner all year round. Daikin Emura is designed to perform exceptionally in every season and provide comfort all year round, in the most energy efficient way. Bluevolution technology guarantees the best performance in its category with a low environmental impact and a low bill Sustainable air conditioning solutions The evolution of comfort Daikin Emura combines the best performance with maximum efficiency to guarantee you a comfortable indoor environment all year round. The heat pump with Bluevolution technology has a highly efficient R-32 compressor - the refrigerant of the future - which saves you a significant amount of energy Seasonal efficiency up to energy class A +++ Top level performance with seasonal efficiency values up to energy class A +++ in heating and cooling and reduced running costs. Guaranteed energy savings! Reduced environmental impact Thanks to the new generation R-32 refrigerant, Daikin Emura is also able to reduce its impact on the planet. At the same potential as standard refrigerants, R-32 offers a low GWP (Global Warming Potential) and ensures greater energy efficiency and lower CO 2 emissions. Outdoor unit Daikin Emura's newly designed outdoor unit uses state-of-the-art technology to minimize the environmental impact and the amount of energy bills. Most of the energy used comes from the outside air, a free and infinitely renewable resource Elegant design The front grille of the Daikin Emura heat pump extends horizontally, hiding the fan inside from view. And the choice of color? The ivory white paneling reflects sunlight and ensures that the unit does not overheat in the hotter months. How does it work? The air-to-air heat pump takes heat from the outside air (even at low temperatures) and releases it as warm air inside the house. In summer, the process is reversed: the internal heat is transported outside. It is an efficient solution for maintaining a constant indoor temperature all year round Eliminate energy waste Air conditioners and heat pumps maintain the set temperature by cooling when the room temperature exceeds the set temperature and heating when the room temperature falls below the set temperature. Rather than expending energy to start and stop, the inverter adjusts the speed of the motor to be faster or slower, so it runs continuously and more efficiently in the long run. Maintaining a constant pace, our inverter technology reduces consumption by 30% compared to traditional on / off systems. Our inverter technology is similar in operation. It takes more energy to sprint and stop than to run at a steady pace Non-Inverter type air conditioner When a drive operates in a pattern of start and stop, rest, and then start and stop again, it uses more energy Inverter type air conditioner When an appropriate pace is maintained, the unit continues to operate without wasting energy Continuous Comfort with a Stable Climate The inverter continuously adjusts its cooling and heating power according to the room temperature. Combined with reduced start-up times, it constantly maintains the ideal temperature. Reduce Energy consumption up to 30% The inverter monitors and adjusts the ambient temperature whenever necessary. Instead of expending energy starting and stopping, the inverter regulates the speed of the motor so that it runs more efficiently over the long term. Monosplit or Multisplit system? Daikin Emura is available in monosplit or multisplit version. What is the ideal solution for you? An authorized Daikin installer will help you choose the outdoor unit that best suits your needs Monosplit Combination A system designed for a single space, where one indoor unit is connected to one outdoor unit Multisplit combination Connect one outdoor Multi unit with up to five indoor units. It is a smart solution to reduce the environmental impact and save space in the garden or on the terrace. Less bulk, less visibility, less noise Ease of installation (wiring, piping) and maintenance Lower power consumption, higher energy efficiency Flexibility: each unit can be controlled separately New Multi+ Connects an additional domestic hot water tank directly to the multi outdoor unit The best of Stylish, the best of Design Pure and super-compact design to customize any environment The best of Technology, the best of Comfort • Coanda effect: better distribution of the air flow • Humidity sensor: the right balance between temperature and humidity • Flash Streamer Technology + Titanium Apatite Filter + Silver Filter: constantly pure and regenerated air • Intelligent Thermal Sensor: constant temperature in every corner of the room • Energy class A+++ in cooling and heating up to size 35: significant energy savings • Improved fan: virtually inaudible unit (up to 19 dBA) • Smart Wi-Fi: remote control, anytime, anywhere, via smartphone with the "Daikin Residential Controller" app • R32 refrigerant: high energy efficiency and low environmental impact Try Daikin 3D! Renewed in the graphics, Daikin 3D is the app that allows you to see your new air conditioner or your new boiler at home even before purchasing. Choosing the right model has never been so easy and fun! How does it work? After opening the app, just point the camera of your smartphone or tablet at the wall where you would like to install your product. Choose the air conditioner you prefer and watch it appear in 3D in its real size, thanks to augmented reality! With Daikin 3D you can also : Customize the size of your air conditioner or heater. Rotate and move the unit to your liking. Find the best location for proper operation and maintenance. Take a photo to always have a reference with you. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.