Pellet stoves
King Pellet Stove King 12 Round Kw 10.1 White Cod. 93060
Technical features: heated m3: 230 m3 Overall power (max-min) 10.1-2.84 kW Rated power (max-min) 9.05-2.64 kW Hourly pellet consumption (max-min) 2.06-0.58 Kg-h Efficiency (max-min) 92.7-89.53% 80 mm flue exhaust duct Pellet tank capacity 20-13 litres-kg Autonomy (max-min) 22-6 h Operating electric power 100-300 W Dimensions (WxDxH) 520x490x950 mm Weight 87kg White color General characteristics PELLET STOVES Why Wood or Pellet? The need to use alternative energy sources arises spontaneously. Using wood is nothing more than the rediscovery of the primordial source of heating, focusing on a Renewable Energy. In fact, wood and pellets are among the renewable sources and the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted for the production of energy does not increase that present in the environment, but is the same that the plants first absorbed to develop and which would into the atmosphere through the normal decomposition processes of wood at the end of their life cycle. The use of wood and pellets therefore puts carbon dioxide C02 into the atmosphere making it available again to plants which will absorb it through the process of chlorophyll photosynthesis. The thermal energy produced from wood or pellets is an intelligent eco-sustainable and at the same time economic alternative if compared to fossil fuels since the purchase price is 50/60% lower. Absolute convenience using wood or pellets. Those who heat with wood become independent of traditional energy sources and the supply of wood is always guaranteed. Heating with wood means heating following the natural cycle of CO2 (carbon dioxide). During combustion, the wood is released into the atmosphere a quantity of CO2 equal to that which a tree would develop after being felled, in the decomposition phase; the same amount that a healthy shrub could absorb anyway. For this reason, the use of energy obtainable from wood is to be considered neutral from the point of view of CO2 emissions and does not contribute in the least to the increase in the greenhouse effect; on the contrary, for every liter of fuel replaced by wood, significant quantities of CO2 emissions are avoided. The use of wood and pellet stoves reduce costs while increasing the heat output. KING ROUND 12 Steel cladding Front ventilation Removable cast iron hearth Exchanger manual cleaning Safety thermostat Weekly chronothermostat Remote control Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
Caratteristiche Tecniche Potenza globale (max-min): 16,15 - 4,12 kW Potenza nominale (max-min): 15 - 4 kW Consumo orario di pellet (max-min): 3,37 - 0,86 kg-h Efficienza (max-min): 97,11 - 92,93 % Condotto scarico fumi: 80 ø mm Capacità serbatoio pellet: 29 Litri, kg 19 Autonomia (max-min): 22- 5,5 h Potenza elettrica di esercizio: 140 - 350 W Dimensioni (LxPxH): 1100x250x1000 mm Peso: 120 kg Caratteristiche Generali STUFE A PELLET CANALIZZATE I prodotti denominati “canalizzati” possono trasportare il calore in ambienti attigui al locale in cui è installata la stufa, in modo semplice e senza grandi spese di installazione. E’ però sempre importante valutare insieme ad un esperto la distanza massima canalizzabile del prodotto scelto, per garantire il migliore utilizzo dell’apparecchio ed un corretto comfort nei locali. Perchè Legna o Pellet? Nasce spontanea la necessità di impiegare fonti di energia alternative. Utilizzare la legna, non è altro che la riscoperta della fonte primordiale di riscaldamento, puntando su un' Energia Rinnovabile. Infatti la Legna ed il Pellet rientrano fra le fonti rinnovabili e l'anidride carbonica (CO2) emessa per la produzione di energia non va ad incrementare quella presente nell'ambiente, ma è la medesima che le piante hanno prima assorbito per svilupparsi e che tornerebbe nell'atmosfera attraverso i normali processi di decomposizione del legno alla fine del loro ciclo vitale.L'utilizzo di legna e pellet quindi mette dell'anidride carbonica C02 in atmosfera rendendola nuovamente disponibile alle piante che l'assorbiranno tramite il processo della fotosintesi clorofilliana. L'energia termica prodotta da legna o pellet è una intelligente alternativa eco sostenibile e nel contempo economica se confrontata ai combustibili di origine fossile poiché il prezzo d'acquisto è inferiore del 50/60%. Convenienza assoluta usando legna o pellet.Chi riscalda con la legna si rende indipendente dalle fonti energetiche tradizionali e il reperimento di legna è sempre assicurato.Riscaldare con la legna significa riscaldare seguendo il ciclo naturale del CO2 (anidride carbonica). Durante la combustione, la legna libera nell’atmosferauna quantità di CO2 pari a quella che svilupperebbe un albero dopo l’abbattimento, in fase di decomposizione; la stessa quantità che potrebbe comunque assorbire un arbusto in piena forma. Per questo motivo l’uso dell’energia ottenibile dal legno è da considerarsi neutra dal punto di vista delle emissioni di CO2 e non contribuisce minimamente all’aumento dell’effetto serra; al contrario, per ogni litro di combustibile sostituito dal legno si evitano quantità rilevanti di emissioni di CO2. L’utilizzo di stufe a legna e a pellet diminuiscono i costi pur aumentando il rendimento calorico. Caratteristiche delle stufe a pellet: BRACIEREil braciere è facilmente estraibile per la pulizia giornaliera ELETTRONICAnuova elettronica in grado di prevedere le programmazioni settimanali di accensione e spegnimento TELECOMANDOtelecomando multifunzione dal design nuovo, con schermo LCD SCAMBIATORE TERMICOscambiatore termico a fascio tubiero per aumentare le prestazioni termiche. Le dimensioni dei tubi sono ridotte per evitare turbolenze e rumori CONVEZIONE SECONDARIAnella camera di combustione è presente una convezione secondaria per migliorare la combustione del pellet CAMERA DI COMBUSTIONEpareti in acciaio smontabili per facilitare la pulizia del residuo della combustione del pellet VETRO PULITOemissione di aria in prossimità del vetro per evitare che si sporchi GRIGLIAIl serbatoio è dotato di griglia protettiva in modo da impedire il contatto con i meccanismi di caricamento pellet CASSETTO RACCOGLI CENEREcassetto posto sotto al braciere per raccogliere la cenere prodotta dalla combustione SICUREZZAstufa completa di sonde temperatura per monitorare il buon funzionamento in sicurezza VENTILATORIsilenziosità della stufa anche alla massima potenza di lavoro PRESSOSTATOdispositivo di sicurezza che segnala eventuali ostruzioni dello scarico fumi.
Anselmo Cola Stufa a Pellet Ventilata Anselmo Cola SMART 6,97 kW in Acciaio-Maiolica - Disponibile in Vari Colori
NB: PER L'ACQUISTO DELLE STUFE IN CONTRASSEGNO E' RICHIESTO UN ACCONTO DEL 10% Caratteristiche Tecniche Rivestimento in acciaio verniciato - Struttura: acciaio e maiolica Camera di combustione: Acciaio, ghisa e vermiculite Potenza introdotta [Pi] - ridotta [Pi.r.] 7,61 - 2,70 Potenza termica nominale [Pnom] - ridotta [Prid] 6,97 - 2,58 Combustibile / Consumo orario alla Pnom - Prid 1,61 - 0,57 Tiraggio canna fumaria 10 - 14 Alimentazione elettrica 230 V - 50 Hz - 2A Capacità serbatoio 17 Kg Peso 75 Kg Volume riscaldabile* 199 m³ COLORE DELLA STUFA : BORDEAUX . *N.B. PRIMA ACCENSIONE ESCLUSA ! Caratteristiche Generali STUFE A PELLET Non servono i normali tronchetti di legno che tutti siamo abituati a vedere, ma minuscoli prodotti precompressi (pellets), si tratta di combustibili ecologici ad altissimo rendimento calorico, ricavati dalla pressatura di residui e frammenti del miglior legno, senza aggiunta di collanti; basti pensare che il rendimento reale degli stessi è vicino al 90%. Caratteristiche delle stufe a pellet BRACIEREil braciere è facilmente estraibile per la pulizia giornaliera ELETTRONICAnuova elettronica in grado di prevedere le programmazioni settimanali di accensione e spegnimento TELECOMANDOtelecomando multifunzione dal design nuovo, con schermo LCD SCAMBIATORE TERMICOscambiatore termico a fascio tubiero per aumentare le prestazioni termiche. Le dimensioni dei tubi sono ridotte per evitare turbolenze e rumori CONVEZIONE SECONDARIAnella camera di combustione è presente una convezione secondaria per migliorare la combustione del pellet CAMERA DI COMBUSTIONEpareti in acciaio smontabili per facilitare la pulizia del residuo della combustione del pellet VETRO PULITOemissione di aria in prossimità del vetro per evitare che si sporchi GRIGLIAIl serbatoio è dotato di griglia protettiva in modo da impedire il contatto con i meccanismi di caricamento pellet CASSETTO RACCOGLI CENEREcassetto posto sotto al braciere per raccogliere la cenere prodotta dalla combustione SICUREZZAstufa completa di sonde temperatura per monitorare il buon funzionamento in sicurezza VENTILATORIsilenziosità della stufa anche alla massima potenza di lavoro PRESSOSTATOdispositivo di sicurezza che segnala eventuali ostruzioni dello scarico fumi STUFA SMART Alte prestazioni Stufa a pellet con perdisposizione per presa aria di combustione esterna Telecomando di serie per operazioni a distanza Stufa a pellet con riscaldamento ad aria Pulizia automatica del sistema braciere/porta braciere in ghisa brevettato Cola Stufa a pellet con top con profili in ceramica, rivestimento in acciaio verniciato, aria comburente preriscaldata, 3 ventilatori tangeziali, braciere in ghisa con post combustione, cassetto cenere estraibile porta in ghisa interamente verniciata, telecomando e maniglia estraibile IL RISPARMIO DEL PELLET Il principale risparmio energetico nell’utilizzo di una stufa a pellet rispetto ad una stufa a legna tradizionale deriva dal differente potere calorifico. A questo aggiungiamo poi che il pellet è più conveniente anche dei normali combustibili di origine petrolifera in quanto il costo in euro per kW del pellet è più basso di quello del metano e del gasolio. Un rendimento più alto si trasforma in un notevole risparmio. Ad esempio: Stufa Cola con resa del 90% VS Stufa concorrente con resa del 80% = € 18,65 di Risparmio Mensile* Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Kalor Pellet Stove Kalor Model Lara 12 10 Kw In Steel Various Colors Available White
Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features: Global heat output (max - min) kW 10.1 - 2.84 Hourly pellet consumption/ Hourly pellet consume. (max-min) kg/h 2.06 - 0.58 Performance/ Efficiency (max-min) % 92.7 - 89.53 Dimensions HxWxD 959x463x468 mm CALOR Kalor produces a complete range of highly efficient pellet-powered stoves: stoves for heating only the environment, thermo-stoves for heating air and water and fireplace inserts. The various production lines differ in design but are available in multiple powers to be efficient in the most diverse living contexts. The design of a pellet stove must guarantee efficiency and sustainability as the first objective. Our projects must be able to propose solutions capable of integrating the plant and energy aspects of the building with the architectural design choices in an innovative way. Our design skills reward us with the achievement of prestigious heat efficiencies but in general we are gratified to think that our heat system is able to interact effectively with the most modern integrated green systems such as photovoltaic and solar panels. Thanks to their effectiveness and efficiency, our stoves contribute to the classification of your home in energy class A. The stove: not only the cheapest source of heat but also for energy redevelopment of your home. Very high efficiency, in practical terms this means that: If 100% is the percentage of heat extrapolated from pellet combustion, 97.89% is the percentage of heat introduced into the environment, only 2.11% is the percentage of heat of exhaust fumes. These results were obtained thanks to a careful design capable of ensuring the maximum possible heat exchange. The vertical tube exchange surface involves the entire rear part of the combustion chamber which is lined with refractory material, ensuring low emissions of fine particles. LARA This stove has been designed to be positioned even in the smallest rooms: the small size and modern design make it perfect for all types of homes. The steel cladding embraces the compact structure of the stove which fits perfectly into any style of home, becoming a true design object. “Wi Fi Optional“ allows the stove to be controlled remotely. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
€1.140,00 - €1.160,00
La Nordica Ducted Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Model Giusy Plus Evo 8 Kw - Available In Various Colors White
Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features Efficiency 87.7% Dimensions (LHP)498x1022x504 mm Net Weight90 kg Hourly consumption06-1.9 Kg/h Smoke outlet diameter 80 mm Total tank capacity ~ 15 kg Energy class A+ Environmental Certification DM1864 STARS PELLET STOVES You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. The innovative LA NORDICA EXTRAFLAME pellet stoves have been added to the already traditional wood-burning stoves on the market. The control panel allows automatic ignition and setting of the heating power, establishing the desired temperature thanks to the built-in room thermostat GIUSY PLUS EVO Coating in painted steel and majolica top Forced ventilation Ash drawer Removable cast iron hearth Safety thermostat Internal thermostat Weekly programmer Channeling up to 6 meters. via 1 Ø80 rear outlet (thermostable) Possibility to connect the rear or upper smoke outlet 1st and 2nd air self-balancing Electronically balanced primary and secondary air for optimal combustion and thermal efficiency. Glass cleaning system It is a system which effectively avoids the formation of deposits on the glass of the fire door through a specific path of preheated air Cast iron doors The doors of the products made of high quality cast iron are unalterable over time and guarantee a constant seal. Self-regulation of the fume extractor (encoder) It keeps the fume engine revolutions constant to ensure correct combustion of the product. Tank safety thermostat It always guarantees a high standard of safety by avoiding overheating of the product in the event of an anomaly. Clean combustion It increases the efficiency of the combustion and the duration of the parts subject to wear and, at the same time, it decreases the ordinary cleaning of the brazier. Room thermostat The presence of the room probe optimizes comfort and leads to a significant reduction in consumption. Flue safety pressure switch It verifies the correct evacuation of the fumes and, if necessary, blocks the loading of the pellets, avoiding problems on the generator. Removable brazier for easy cleaning The construction system of the brazier allows easy extraction for quick and complete cleaning. Product Guarantee : All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
€1.599,00 - €1.718,43
Anselmo Cola Pellet Stove Anselmo Cola Smart Model 6.97 Kw Bordeaux Color - Available In Various Colors In Steel Majolica
NB: A 10% DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED TO PURCHASE CASH ON DELIVERY STOVES Technical features Coating in painted steel - Structure: steel and majolica Combustion chamber: Steel, cast iron and vermiculite Power introduced [Pi] - reduced [Pi.r.] 7.61 - 2.70 Nominal heat output [Pnom] - reduced [Prid] 6.97 - 2.58 Fuel / Hourly consumption at Pnom - Prid 1.61 - 0.57 Flue draft 10 - 14 Power supply 230V - 50Hz - 2A Tank capacity 17 Kg Weight 75Kg Heatable volume* 199 m³ COLOR OF THE STOVE : BORDEAUX . *NB FIRST LIGHTING EXCLUDED! General characteristics PELLET STOVES You don't need the normal wooden logs that we are all used to seeing, but tiny pre-compressed products ( pellets ), these are ecological fuels with a very high caloric yield, obtained from the pressing of residues and fragments of the best wood, without adding glues; just think that their real yield is close to 90%. Features of pellet stoves BRAZIER the brazier is easily removable for daily cleaning ELECTRONICS new electronics capable of predicting the weekly switch-on and switch-off schedules REMOTE CONTROL New design multi-function remote control, with LCD screen HEAT EXCHANGER shell and tube heat exchanger to increase thermal performance. Pipe sizes are reduced to avoid turbulence and noise SECONDARY CONVECTION in the combustion chamber there is a secondary convection to improve the combustion of the pellets COMBUSTION CHAMBER removable steel walls to facilitate cleaning of pellet combustion residue CLEAN GLASS air emission near the glass to prevent it from getting dirty GRILL The tank is equipped with a protective grid to prevent contact with the pellet loading mechanisms ASH COLLECTOR DRAWER drawer placed under the brazier to collect the ash produced by combustion SAFETY stove complete with temperature probes to monitor correct operation in safety FANS silence of the stove even at maximum working power PRESSURE SWITCH safety device that signals any obstructions in the smoke outlet SMART STOVE High performance Pellet stove with provision for external combustion air intake Standard remote control for remote operations Pellet stove with air heating Automatic cleaning of the Cola patented cast iron brazier/brazier holder system Pellet stove with top with ceramic profiles, painted steel cladding, preheated combustion air, 3 tangential fans, cast iron brazier with post combustion, removable ash pan, fully painted cast iron door, remote control and removable handle THE SAVING OF PELLETS The main energy savings in using a pellet stove compared to a traditional wood stove derives from the different calorific value. To this we add that pellets are also cheaper than normal fuels of petroleum origin as the cost in euros per kW of pellets is lower than that of methane and diesel. A higher return translates into significant savings. For example: Cola Stove with 90% yield VS Competitor Stove with 80% yield = €18.65 Monthly Savings* Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Kalor Pellet Stove Kalor Model Mia 16 16.3 Kw In Steel Various Colors Available White
Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features: Heatable surface 380 Mc Dimensions (WxDxH) 495x580x1075 mm Global Thermal Power (MAX-MIN) 16.30 – 3.80 kW Hourly consumption (MAX-MIN) 3.30- 0.80 kg Efficiency (MAX-MIN) 98.00% – 93.48% General characteristics CALOR Kalor produces a complete range of highly efficient pellet-powered stoves: stoves for heating only the environment, thermo-stoves for heating air and water and fireplace inserts. The various production lines differ in design but are available in multiple powers to be efficient in the most diverse living contexts. The design of a pellet stove must guarantee efficiency and sustainability as the first objective. Our projects must be able to propose solutions capable of integrating the plant and energy aspects of the building with the architectural design choices in an innovative way. Our design skills reward us with the achievement of prestigious heat efficiencies but in general we are gratified to think that our heat system is able to interact effectively with the most modern integrated green systems such as photovoltaic and solar panels. Thanks to their effectiveness and efficiency, our stoves contribute to the classification of your home in energy class A. The stove: not only the cheapest source of heat but also for energy redevelopment of your home. Very high efficiency, in practical terms this means that: If 100% is the percentage of heat extrapolated from pellet combustion, 97.89% is the percentage of heat introduced into the environment, only 2.11% is the percentage of heat of exhaust fumes. These results were obtained thanks to a careful design capable of ensuring the maximum possible heat exchange. The vertical tube exchange surface involves the entire rear part of the combustion chamber which is lined with refractory material, ensuring low emissions of fine particles. MY 16 The Perfecta stove has a refined and modern design. A new design breaks away from the usual both for the innovative line and for the shades used. In fact, the stove body plays on a refined shade of anthracite grey. Anthracite, better than the traditional black, reverberates the light giving rise to new reflections. In the steel version, the anthracite shade goes well with the receding and sinuous flank of the sides. Combustion chamber with mirrored walls for greater resistance Rectangular cast iron brazier: improves combustion, lasts over time. The air coming from outside is intended, in addition to combustion, also for cleaning the glass. The electronic control unit automatically manages the working power of the stove. The combustion chamber can be disassembled in 3 steps for cleaning the smoke pass, which makes cleaning quick and easy. 1) Removing the brazier. 2) Unscrewing the combustion chamber screw. 3) Complete extraction of the combustion chamber. Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Anselmo Cola Pellet Stove Anselmo Cola Extraflame Model Elegant Hermetic 8.5 Kw Available In Various Corten Colors
Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features: Model : Elegant Hermetic Nominal Thermal Power: 8.5 kW 240 m 3 Heatable Efficiency : 93 % Hourly consumption : 0.55-1.86 Kg/h Smoke outlet diameter: Ø 80 mm Total tank capacity ~ 20 Kg Electric power supply: 230 - 50Hz - 2A Energy Class: A + DM186 Environmental Certification: 4 STARS Dimensions and weight : Dimensions (LxHxP): 540x1211x574 mm Weight : 120 Kgù Available Finishes : Corten ~ Black Elegant Hermetic • Coating in painted steel • Double glazed door • Serigraphed curved external glass • High efficiency hermetic combustion chamber • 3 tangential fans • Rear smoke outlet • Anti-explosion valve • Preheated combustion air • Cast iron brazier with post combustion • Removable ash drawer • Removable handle • Handheld • Emergency display Anselmo Cola Since 1963 the Stoves of Tomorrow Functionality, technology and design to offer a new form to tradition; the natural heat of the fire in the heart of our homes. Since its origins, Anselmo Cola has been committed to this mission: to transform simple sources of heat into furnishing elements , capable of giving personality to environments with the quality and style of Made In Italy . Anselmo Cola & Ferroli Group Since 2006, Anselmo Cola has become part of the Ferroli Group, seizing the opportunity to gain experience in industrial processes, methodologies and technologies typical of a leading international company. Performance and Eco-sustainability Move with Savings and Beauty Our models are designed and produced according to principles which, over time, have become corporate culture: performance , research into shapes, savings and ecology . The use of renewable fuels together with the low emissions of our products guarantee environmental respect and sustainability . The design philosophy of our appliances is based on the exchange of heat on all sides of the combustion chamber. Derived directly from experience in wood-burning stoves, the system guarantees gradual and natural heating of the environment, greater silence and excellent performance due to the effect of a large exchange surface. Try the Eco and Stand-by functions to reduce consumption and increase the thermal efficiency of the stove. Safety and Comfort as a Value Anselmo Cola products are subjected to the strictest tests to ensure maximum comfort in absolute safety. In all pellet stoves and inserts, three independent safety levels ensure continuous control of correct combustion. Two electromechanical safety devices, a pressure switch and a safety thermostat, positioned in contact with the pellet hopper, are systematically capable of signaling any possible anomaly in the pressure and temperature inside the combustion chamber. An additional mechanical safety positioned on the radiant cast iron top (anti-explosion valve) ensures pressure control even in the extreme case of power failure. Made in Italy Each Anselmo Cola stove is entirely made in Italy, in the historic factory in Arcole, in the province of Verona. Power and efficiency are combined with design and elegance in a Made in Italy signed by Anselmo Cola. Product Quality Anselmo Cola products, thanks to a technologically advanced design, inspections and tests in the laboratory, have obtained certifications from the most prestigious international quality brands, meeting the strictest safety and eco-compatibility standards. Clean Air Aria Pulita, the quality certification of wood and pellet heating, was created to help improve air quality, health and the environment, based on three cornerstones: transparency, objectivity, clarity. It is a certification system set up and promoted by AIEL, the Italian agroforestry energy association, which certifies the suitability of wood biomass heating systems to ensure specific performance, expressed in terms of yield and emissions, with particular reference to dust and oxides of nitrogen. Aria Pulita makes it possible to assign a quality class to each certified heat generator, consistent with the guaranteed quality levels. The different quality classes are identified by means of an increasing number of "stars" varying from 1 to 4, which correspond to the measure of the degrees of merit of the performances observed. All Anselmo Cola pellet products are 4-star certified Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
La Nordica Ducted Pellet Stove La Nordica Extraflame Dahiana Plus 3.0-10.0kw Various Colors Available Bordeaux
Note well! In the absence of immediate availability, the product will be ordered and shipped within 10 working days. In order to purchase the product on delivery, a 10% deposit must be paid. Technical features Hourly consumption: 2.3 kg/h Smoke Exhaust Diameter: 80mm Dimensions (LxHxP): 525x1080x555mm Net Weight:160Kg Efficiency:91.6% Total Tank Capacity: 30Kg Energy class: A+ Environmental Certification DM186: 4 STARS Rated Voltage:230V Rated Frequency:50Hz Rated Electric Power:330W Heating Volume: 287m³ Global Thermal Power:Min 3.4 Max 11.0Kw Nominal Thermal Power:Min 3.0 Max 10.0Kw Hourly Consumption:Min 0.7 Max 2.3 Kg/h Efficiency: Min 89.6 Max 91.6% General characteristics Steel cladding Cast Iron Upper Top High Capacity Pellet Storage Tank (kg30) Removable Ash Collection Compartment Hearth. Door and brazier in cast iron Integrated Room Temperature Thermostat Weekly Scheduler New Black LCD display Double Tangential Motor For Upper Room Ventilation Double Side Heat Exchanger And Tube Bundle Rear smoke outlet in axis with respect to the product Large Panoramic Glass Fire Door DAHIANA PLUS Pellet Stove Technologies Keylock System _ Allows you to lock the display keypad to prevent improper or accidental use of the appliance (key lock) . Rate Adjustment Program In two simple steps we can adjust the strength of the ventilation and, where present, of the ducting. Auto Re-Start The appliance switches back on automatically following a power blackout, after having carried out the foreseen cycle of checks. Electronic Air Control Electronically balanced primary and secondary air for optimal combustion and thermal efficiency. Clean Glass Control It is a system which effectively avoids the formation of deposits on the glass of the fire door through a specific path of preheated air Interface Control Temperature The product interfaces with the home temperature control devices (thermostats or contacts) to obtain the desired temperature in the rooms Delay Stop System Delayed shutdown of the stove. Resistant Door at the Time The doors of the products made of high quality cast iron are unalterable over time and guarantee a constant seal. Hard Reset Program Restoration of the initial factory preset data, in the event of a programming error. Auto Clean Checkup It increases the efficiency of the combustion and the duration of the parts subject to wear and, at the same time, it decreases the ordinary cleaning of the brazier. Room Temperature Control The presence of the room probe optimizes comfort and leads to a significant reduction in consumption Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
€1.799,00 - €2.276,70
King Pellet Stove King 12 Round Kw 10.1 Anthracite Cod. 93061
Technical features heated m3: 230 m3 Overall power (max-min) 10.1-2.84 kW Rated power (max-min) 9.05-2.64 kW Hourly pellet consumption (max-min) 2.06-0.58 Kg-h Efficiency (max-min) 92.7-89.53% 80 mm flue exhaust duct Pellet tank capacity 20-13 litres-kg Autonomy (max-min) 22-6 h Operating electric power 100-300 W Dimensions (WxDxH) 520x490x950 mm Weight 87kg Colour: anthracite grey General characteristics PELLET STOVES Why Wood or Pellet? The need to use alternative energy sources arises spontaneously. Using wood is nothing more than the rediscovery of the primordial source of heating, focusing on a Renewable Energy. In fact, wood and pellets are among the renewable sources and the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted for the production of energy does not increase that present in the environment, but is the same that the plants first absorbed to develop and which would into the atmosphere through the normal decomposition processes of wood at the end of their life cycle. The use of wood and pellets therefore puts carbon dioxide C02 into the atmosphere making it available again to plants which will absorb it through the process of chlorophyll photosynthesis. The thermal energy produced from wood or pellets is an intelligent eco-sustainable and at the same time economic alternative if compared to fossil fuels since the purchase price is 50/60% lower. Absolute convenience using wood or pellets. Those who heat with wood become independent of traditional energy sources and the supply of wood is always guaranteed. Heating with wood means heating following the natural cycle of CO2 (carbon dioxide). During combustion, the wood is released into the atmosphere a quantity of CO2 equal to that which a tree would develop after being felled, in the decomposition phase; the same amount that a healthy shrub could absorb anyway. For this reason, the use of energy obtainable from wood is to be considered neutral from the point of view of CO2 emissions and does not contribute in the least to the increase in the greenhouse effect; on the contrary, for every liter of fuel replaced by wood, significant quantities of CO2 emissions are avoided. The use of wood and pellet stoves reduce costs while increasing the heat output. KING ROUND 12 Steel cladding Front ventilation Removable cast iron hearth Exchanger manual cleaning Safety thermostat Weekly chronothermostat Remote control
Kalor Kalor Ventilated Pellet Stove Model Petit 6 - 6.15 Kw In Steel Available In Various White Colors
Technical features Model : Petite 6 Power delivered to the water max-min: 6.15 - 2.7 kW Power delivered to the environment: 5.53 - 2.5 kW Hourly consumption (max-min): 1.34 - 0.57 kg-h Max-min efficiency: 93.34 - 90% Volume m3 145 Smoke outlet pipe diameter: 80 mm Tank capacity: 17 - 11 Lt-Kg Max-min autonomy: 19 - 8 h Operating electric power: 100 - 300 W Dimensions (WxDxH) 430 x 430 x 765 mm Weight: 45kg Designed and produced in Italy by AMG Spa KALOR STOVES Kalor produces a complete range of highly efficient pellet-powered stoves: stoves for heating only the environment, thermo-stoves for heating air and water and fireplace inserts. The various production lines differ in design but are available in multiple powers to be efficient in the most diverse living contexts. The design of a pellet stove must guarantee efficiency and sustainability as the first objective. Our projects must be able to propose solutions capable of integrating the plant and energy aspects of the building with the architectural design choices in an innovative way. Our design skills reward us with the achievement of prestigious heat efficiencies but in general we are gratified to think that our heat system is able to interact effectively with the most modern integrated green systems such as photovoltaic and solar panels. Thanks to their effectiveness and efficiency, our stoves contribute to the classification of your home in energy class A. The stove: not only the cheapest source of heat but also for energy redevelopment of your home. Very high efficiency, in practical terms this means that: If 100% is the percentage of heat extrapolated from pellet combustion, 97.89% is the percentage of heat introduced into the environment, only 2.11% is the percentage of heat of exhaust fumes. These results were obtained thanks to a careful design capable of ensuring the maximum possible heat exchange. The vertical tube exchange surface involves the entire rear part of the combustion chamber which is lined with refractory material, ensuring low emissions of fine particles. PETIT 6 This stove has been designed to be positioned even in the smallest rooms: the small size and modern design make it perfect for all types of homes. The steel cladding embraces the compact structure of the stove which fits perfectly into any style of home, becoming a real design object. “Wi Fi Optional“ allows the stove to be controlled remotely. Combustion chamber with mirrored walls for greater resistance Rectangular cast iron brazier: improves combustion, lasts over time. The air coming from outside is intended, in addition to combustion, also for cleaning the glass. The electronic control unit automatically manages the working power of the stove. The combustion chamber can be disassembled in 3 steps for cleaning the smoke pass, which makes cleaning quick and easy. 1) Removing the brazier. 2) Unscrewing the combustion chamber screw. 3) Complete extraction of the combustion chamber. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
€752,00 - €770,00
King Pellet Stove King Slim 10 Kw Ducted Bordeaux Cod. 17378
Technical features Overall power (max-min): 9.72 - 3.04 kW Rated power (max-min): 9.01 - 2.92 kW Hourly pellet consumption (max-min): 1.98 - 0.92 kg-h Efficiency (max-min): 95.93 - 92.66% Fumes exhaust duct: 80 ø mm Pellet tank capacity: 17 litres-kg Autonomy (max-min): 27.41 - 8.5 h Operating electric power: 100 - 300 W Dimensions (WxDxH): 935x249x935 mm Weight: 100kg General characteristics DUCTED PELLET STOVES The products called "ducted" can transport the heat to rooms adjacent to the room where the stove is installed, simply and without large installation costs. However, it is always important to evaluate the maximum ductable distance of the chosen product together with an expert, to guarantee the best use of the appliance and correct comfort in the rooms. Why Wood or Pellet? The need to use alternative energy sources arises spontaneously. Using wood is nothing more than the rediscovery of the primordial source of heating, focusing on a Renewable Energy. In fact, wood and pellets are among the renewable sources and the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted for the production of energy does not increase that present in the environment, but is the same that the plants first absorbed to develop and which would into the atmosphere through the normal decomposition processes of wood at the end of their life cycle. The use of wood and pellets therefore puts carbon dioxide C02 into the atmosphere making it available again to plants which will absorb it through the process of chlorophyll photosynthesis. The thermal energy produced from wood or pellets is an intelligent eco-sustainable and at the same time economic alternative if compared to fossil fuels since the purchase price is 50/60% lower. Absolute convenience using wood or pellets. Those who heat with wood become independent of traditional energy sources and the supply of wood is always guaranteed. Heating with wood means heating following the natural cycle of CO2 (carbon dioxide). During combustion, the wood is released into the atmosphere a quantity of CO2 equal to that which a tree would develop after being felled, in the decomposition phase; the same amount that a healthy shrub could absorb anyway. For this reason, the use of energy obtainable from wood is to be considered neutral from the point of view of CO2 emissions and does not contribute in the least to the increase in the greenhouse effect; on the contrary, for every liter of fuel replaced by wood, significant quantities of CO2 emissions are avoided. The use of wood and pellet stoves reduce costs while increasing the heat output. Features of pellet stoves: BRAZIER the brazier is easily removable for daily cleaning ELECTRONICS new electronics capable of predicting the weekly switch-on and switch-off schedules REMOTE CONTROL New design multi-function remote control, with LCD screen HEAT EXCHANGER shell and tube heat exchanger to increase thermal performance. Pipe sizes are reduced to avoid turbulence and noise SECONDARY CONVECTION in the combustion chamber there is a secondary convection to improve the combustion of the pellets COMBUSTION CHAMBER removable steel walls to facilitate cleaning of pellet combustion residue CLEAN GLASS air emission near the glass to prevent it from getting dirty GRILL The tank is equipped with a protective grid to prevent contact with the pellet loading mechanisms ASH COLLECTOR DRAWER drawer placed under the brazier to collect the ash produced by combustion SAFETY stove complete with temperature probes to monitor correct operation in safety FANS silence of the stove even at maximum working power PRESSURE SWITCH safety device that signals any obstructions in the smoke outlet.