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Open chamber water heaters
Ariston AREA OCCASIONI Scaldacqua Scaldabagno Camera Aperta Ariston FAST R X 11 lt low NOx GPL cod. 3632413
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: AMMACCATURA E BOZZATURE AD UN PANNELLO LATERALE IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Scaldacqua Scaldabagno Camera Aperta Ariston FAST R X 11 lt low NOx GPL cod. 3632413 Codice prodotto : 3632413 Specifiche etichetta energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Efficienza energetica: Classe A Profilo di carico: profilo M Caratteristiche esercizio riscaldamento/sanitario: Categoria gas II2H3+ Tipo B11bs Camera aperta a tiraggio naturale Alimentazione batteria DC 3,0V Portata termica nominale: 21.5 kW Portata termica minima: 9.5 kW Pressione massima nominale: 10 bar Pressione minima di funzionamento: 0,15 bar Portata minima di funzionamento: 2,5 l/min Portata nominale (ΔT 25°C): 11 l/min Temperatura fumi alla massima portata: 176°C Emissioni Nox: 46,5 mg/kWh Emissioni CO2 - Metano: 6,5%- GPL: 8,2% Temperatura ambiente minima di utilizzo: 5°C Potenza sonora: 60 dB(A) Dimensioni (HxLxP): 617 x 310 x 210 mm; 10,2 kg Alimentazione: GPL Garanzia: 2 ann FAST R X Scaldacqua a gas istantanei, veloci, efficienti, facili Ariston ha appena lanciato la sua nuova gamma di scaldabagni a gas istantanei FAST R X, con questa nuova gamma l'utente selezionerà la temperatura ideale con un notevole risparmio di gas e acqua, poiché non è necessario miscelarlo con acqua fredda. Inoltre FAST R X è facile da usare e consuma gas solo quando è in funzione. Tutta la gamma è conforme alla normativa ErP 2018, che impone un abbassamento delle emissioni di NOx. Oltre alla grande efficienza la gamma X si distingue per semplicità di installazione, dimensioni compatte e comfort. Garantire la massima tranquillità e un comfort sanitario è per Ariston uno dei suoi principali obiettivi, e FAST R rappresenta la soluzione ideale per ogni esigenza di acqua calda sanitaria. Con la modulazione del termostato elettronico si otterrà una grande stabilità della temperatura dell'acqua calda. I riscaldatori FAST R funzionano con una pressione minima dell'acqua di 0,15 bar, questo si ottiene con la modulazione del bruciatore. Conteggio con sensori di fumo, rilevatori di acqua e fiamma per la massima sicurezza di utilizzo. Caratteristiche: Basso NOx: conforme a ErP 26/09/2018 Completamente sicuro Componenti di alta qualità Facile da utilizzare Funzionamento anche con minime portate di acqua fino a 2 l/min Presenza del flussostato acqua per un controllo accurato della temperatura Installazione esterna Qualità italiana garantita REGOLAZIONE ESTERNA DELLA TEMPERATURAPermette all'utente di scegliere la temperatura più adatta alle proprie necessità. SEMPLICITA' INSTALLATIVAProdotto facilmente installabile con pochi elementi da collegare SEMPLICITA' DI MANUTENZIONEProdotto monovolume con facile accesso ai componenti interni per una manutenzione rapida e agevole. Garanzia ProdottoTutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL AREA OCCASIONI Scaldabagno a Gas Camera Aperta Hermann Saunier Duval OPALIA C 11 Low NOx 11/1 lix P accensione elettronica GPL
ATTENZIONE. IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA LA CAMERA INTERNA LEGGERMENTE AMMACCATA E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Scaldabagno a Gas Camera Aperta Hermann Saunier Duval OPALIA C 11 Low NOx 11/1 lix P accensione elettronica GPL - NOVITA' Modello Classe di efficienza in Acs: A; Profilo di carico: M; Efficienza Energetica Potenza termica (min/max): 9.8/19.6 kW; Portata Focolare: 22 kW; Portata Continua (ACS Δt 25°C ): 11 l/min; Temperatura Rgolabile: 35/60°C; Pressione (min./max): 0.2/15 bar; Performance Pressione Alimentazione: 20 mbar; Uscita Scarico Fumi: 110 mm; Protezione elettronica: IPX4D; Potenza Sonora: 62 dB; Dimensioni 575x310x221 mm; Peso: 10.3 Kg; OPALIA C Low NOx Gli scaldabagni a gas della gamma Opalia C sono compatti, facili da utilizzare e affidabili. Il modello Opalia C è disponibile nelle versioni a camera aperta da 11 o da 14 litri, tutte dotate di accensione elettronica a batteria con blocco di sicurezza in caso di mancanza di fiamma. Un nuovo bruciatore permette di ridurre le emissione NOx al minimo e raggiungere la Classe 6, come richiesto dalla direttiva ErP. Design moderno e dimensioni compatte: gli scaldabagni possono essere facilmente installati. Massima sicurezza: il termostato di sicurezza interviene in caso di sovratemperatura dell’acqua calda sanitaria; il controllo di fiamma a ionizzazione blocca l’erogazione del gas in caso di mancanza della fiamma al bruciatore; il dispositivo di sicurezza ant-iriflusso fumi blocca lo scaldabagno in caso di rischio d’immissione fumi nell’ambiente. Basse emissioni di NOx (classe 6) Dimensioni compatte Design di pregio Semplicità di gestione Garanzia ProdottoTutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto
VAILLANT AREA OCCASIONI Scaldabagno a Gas Vaillant a Camera Aperta AtmoMAG Mini 114/1 Metano da 11 litri Low NOx con acccesione piezoelettrica
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA AMMACCATURE LATERALI, LIEVI ABRASIONI E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : AtmoMAG mini 114/1 Z Metano Codice prodotto : 10022574 Classe di efficienza energetica in ACS : A Tipo di accensione : Piezoelettrico Potenza minima : 7,6 kW Potenza massima : 18,1 kW Portata prelievo : 11 l/min Diametro allacciamento fumi : 110 mm Diametro tubi gas - idrauliche : 1/2" - G1/2" Dimensioni (AxLxP) 580x310x255 mm Scaldabagno Vaillant AtmoMAG mini Scaldabagni ad accensione piezoelettrica. La facilità di utilizzo, le dimensioni compatte, la semplicità di installazione e la gestione personalizzata dell’acqua calda fanno dello scaldabagno atmoMAG XZ la scelta giusta per chi cerca un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo senza dimenticare la sicurezza. AtmoMAG La soluzione più economica e flessibile per sostituzioni rapide e semplificate Comfort Elevata produzione di acqua calda Tanti modelli per soddisfare ogni esigenza di installazione e di accensione Risparmio Grande abbattimento dei consumi di gas grazie al sistema di automodulazione della fiamma Sicurezza Affidabilità di ogni singolo componente testata dal LabTest Vaillant Scambiatore di calore con sistema di antidilatazione termica Semplicità Più livelli di potenza selezionabili Si comanda con solo due manopole Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Riello AREA OCCASIONI Scaldabagno a Camera Aperta Riello Acquafun2 11 LN Metano Low NOx A Basse Emissioni 20149827
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA UN'AMMACCATURA INTERNA, FISSAGGIO CON VITI NON DI SERIE, BOZZATURA LATERALE DX, AMMACCATURA LATERALE SX, VITI NON DI SERIE SULLA CANNA FUMARIA E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO L'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Caratteristiche tecniche Modello: AcquaFun2 LN 11 Codice prodotto : 20149827 Gas : Metano Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza energetica in sanitario : A Profilo di carico sanitario : M Efficienza energetica sanitario (ηwh) : 77,2 % Consumo giornaliero di gas : 8,084 kW/h Consumo annuo di gas : 6 GJ Emissioni di ossidi di Azoto : 46 mg/kWh Caratteristiche Tipologia : Camera aperta Tiraggio Tiraggio naturale Accensione : 2 batterie da 1,5 V Controllo di fiamma : A ionizzazione Modulazione di fiamma : Continua Produzione acqua calda Δt=30° : 9,3 litri/min Portata termica nominale : 21,0 ~ 22,0 kW Potenza termica nominale : 18,33 ~ 19,43 kW Performance Acqua Campo di prelievo con selettore al minimo : da 2,5 a 5,5 litri/min Campo di prelievo con selettore al massimo : da 2,5 a 11 litri/min Elevazione di temperatura dell’acqua con selettore al minimo : 50°C Elevazione di temperatura dell’acqua con selettore al massimo : 25°C Pressione minima ~ normale ~ massima : 0,2 ~ 2,0 ~ 10,0 bar Attacchi acqua : 12,70 mm 1/2” Ø Campo di selezione temperatura acqua sanitario : 35° ~ 60° C Performance Gas Pressione nominale di alimentazione G20,G30,G31 : 20/28 ~ 30/37 mbar Attacchi gas : 12,70 mm 1/2” Ø Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Grado di protezione elettrica : IPX4D Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (HxLxP) : 675x350x230 mm Peso netto : 12,0 Kg Scaldacqua Riello ACQUAFUN 2 LN Il nuovo scaldacqua Low NOx a camera aperta Riello presenta Acquafun2 LN, il nuovo scaldaacqua istantaneo a camera aperta , integralmente a firma Riello sia come progettazione che come fabbricazione. Prodotto che si inserisce nella nuova offerta di prodotti a basse emissioni NOx in grado di offrire il massimo comfort sanitario nel rispetto delle recenti normative Europee per la riduzione di emissioni NOx. La nuova gamma è disponibile in due taglie , 11 e 14 litri, disponibili in versione Metano che Gpl , con codici dedicati. Acquafun2 LN, completamente rinnovato nel design estetico e progettuale, è ideale per l'installazione in ogni contesto abitativo, caratteristiche che, unitamente alla semplicità di manutenzione e di prestazione per l'utente finale, contraddistinguono Acquafun2 come una soluzione ideale per la produzione di acqua calda sanitario ad uso residenziale. Bruciatore di ultima generazione con ridotte emissioni di Nox L'innovativo bruciatore di tipo iperstechiometrico e raffreddato ad acqua, permette un abbassamento sensibile dei valori inquinanti di ossido di carbonio e di azoto prodotti dalla combustione, in ottemperanza con gli esigenti requisiti previsti dal Regolamento UE 814/2013 che richiede emissioni uguali o inferioria 56 mg/kwh L'elevata portata termica , unitamente all'ampia modulazione di fiamma , fino al 45% della portata nominale , completano il profilo del nuovo bruciatore in termini di performance, offrendo all'utente il massimo comfort sanitario. Interfaccia comandi semplice ed intuitiva Display retroilluminato semplice ed intuitivo con visualizzazione di temperatura dell'acqua in °C,presenza fiamma e livello di carica batteria Tre tasti comando permettono di gestire tutte le funzioni dello scalda acqua Semplicità di utilizzo per l'utente dovuta ai tasti con simboli dedicati alle singole funzioni utente Disponibilità immediata di acqua calda L'innovativa valvola gas elettronica abbinata al regolatore di pressione consente l'immediata erogazione della potenza in mandata, grazie ad una gestione controllata del flussimetro e della sonda di temperatura NTC. La nuova elettronica permette una manutenzione semplificata e prestazioni di alto livello. 1. Sonda NTC di temperatura 2. Termostato limite con riarmo da display 3. Scambiatore 4. Bruciatore raffreddato 5. Valvola gas elettronica con regolatore di pressione 6. Limitatore di flusso 7. Flussimetro 8. Regolatore di temperatura EAF Entrata acqua fredda UAC Uscita acqua calda La nuova gamma Acquafun2 LN si caratterizza per il raggiungimento in tempi brevi della temperatura dell’acqua calda desiderata, offrendo un comfort ottimale. Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
VAILLANT Vaillant Open Chamber Gas Water Heater Atmomag Mini 114/1 LPG 11 Liters Low Nox With Piezoelectric Ignition 0010022575
Technical features Model : AtmoMAG mini 114/1 Z LPG Product code : 10022575 DHW energy efficiency class: A Ignition type: Piezoelectric Minimum power : 7.6 kW Maximum power : 18.1 kW Withdrawal rate: 11 l/min Flue connection diameter: 110 mm Gas - hydraulic pipes diameter: 1/2" - G1/2" Dimensions (HxWxD) 580x310x255 mm Vaillant AtmoMAG mini water heater Piezoelectric ignition water heaters. The ease of use, the compact dimensions, the simplicity of installation and the personalized management of the hot water make the atmoMAG XZ water heater the right choice for those looking for an excellent quality/price ratio without forgetting safety. AtmoMAG The cheapest and most flexible solution for quick and simplified replacements Comfort High hot water production Many models to satisfy every installation and ignition requirement savings Great reduction of gas consumption thanks to the flame self-modulation system Safety Reliability of every single component tested by Vaillant LabTest Heat exchanger with anti-thermal expansion system Simplicity Multiple selectable power levels It is controlled with only two knobs Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ferroli Open Chamber Water Heater Ferroli Zefiro Eco C 11 Low Nox LPG - New
Open Chamber Water Heater Ferroli ZEFIRO ECO C 11 Low NOx LPG - NEW ERP Class (Class G - A) A Load profile M Nominal heat input Max kW 21.1 Max / Min heat output kW 7.1 / 18.8 Maximum working pressure bar 10 Domestic hot water production Δt 25°C / Δt 30°C l/min 11.0 9.1 Sanitary temperature regulation Min / Max °C 40 / 65 Dimension (H x W x D) cm: 55x32.8x18.1 NB: LPG OPERATION THROUGH A SPECIAL CONVERTING TO BE REQUESTED FROM THE AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTRE. New Ferroli ECO range EFFECTIVE The ECO range has been designed according to the stringent efficiency parameters of the European ErP Directive. In practice, they are able to produce a lot of hot water at a low cost, respecting the environment and with minimal polluting emissions. They can also be integrated into a solar thermal system with extreme simplicity for maximum efficiency and comfort. EASY ECO water heaters are extremely simple to install and are interchangeable with previous series. Although very compact in size, they have been designed and built in such a way as to have easy access to the internal components for easy maintenance. BEAUTIFUL AND SMART The designers of the ECO project have created a «friendly» aesthetic that can be easily integrated with the most diverse furnishing styles. The knob or button controls have been designed to be easy to use and immediately understood. All Ferroli gas water heaters are equipped with a user interface display. ZEFIRO ECO Wall mounted gas water heater with natural draft and open chamber, low nox type - Copper exchanger - Interface display - Power modulation - LPG / Propane air - Solar systems - Battery powered STRENGTHS: Copper heat exchanger with finned tubes, externally finished with an aluminum anti-corrosion treatment Modulating heat input and fine adjustment of the outlet hot water temperature Easy and immediate reading display with indicators on the operation of the appliance and the charge of the power supply batteries. Adjustment of power and hot water temperature with comfortable ergonomic knobs Battery powered ADVANTAGES OF ZEFIRO ECO: Available for operation with Natural Gas, LPG and Propane Air (50% air - 50% G31 by means of a specific transformation to be requested from the authorized assistance center at the maximum total price of 30 euros + VAT) Wide range of regulation of hot water temperature and power modulation Compact dimensions and low weight Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
Ferroli Open Chamber Water Heater Ferroli Zefiro Eco C 11 Low Nox Methane - New
Open Chamber Water Heater Ferroli ZEFIRO ECO C 11 Low NOx - NEW ERP Class (Class G - A) A Load profile M Nominal heat input Max kW 21.1 Max / Min heat output kW 7.1 / 18.8 Maximum working pressure bar 10 Domestic hot water production Δt 25°C / Δt 30°C l/min 11.0 9.1 Sanitary temperature regulation Min / Max °C 40 / 65 Dimension (H x W x D) cm: 55x32.8x18.1 New Ferroli ECO range EFFECTIVE The ECO range has been designed according to the stringent efficiency parameters of the European ErP Directive. In practice, they are able to produce a lot of hot water at a low cost, respecting the environment and with minimal polluting emissions. They can also be integrated into a solar thermal system with extreme simplicity for maximum efficiency and comfort. EASY ECO water heaters are extremely simple to install and are interchangeable with previous series. Although very compact in size, they have been designed and built in such a way as to have easy access to the internal components for easy maintenance. BEAUTIFUL AND SMART The designers of the ECO project have created a «friendly» aesthetic that can be easily integrated with the most diverse furnishing styles. The knob or button controls have been designed to be easy to use and immediately understood. All Ferroli gas water heaters are equipped with a user interface display. ZEFIRO ECO Wall mounted gas water heater with natural draft and open chamber, low nox type - Copper exchanger - Interface display - Power modulation - Methane - Solar systems - Battery powered STRENGTHS: Copper heat exchanger with finned tubes, externally finished with an aluminum anti-corrosion treatment Modulating heat input and fine adjustment of the outlet hot water temperature Easy and immediate reading display with indicators on the operation of the appliance and the charge of the power supply batteries. Adjustment of power and hot water temperature with comfortable ergonomic knobs Battery powered ADVANTAGES OF ZEFIRO ECO: Available for operation with Natural Gas, LPG and Propane Air (50% air - 50% G31 by means of a specific transformation to be requested from the authorized assistance center at the maximum total price of 30 euros + VAT) Wide range of regulation of hot water temperature and power modulation Compact dimensions and low weight Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
VAILLANT Gas water heater Vaillant Atmomag Mini 11-0/1 Xi Methane
Product name GAS WATER HEATER VAILLANT ATMOMAG MINI 11-0/1 XI METHANE. Open Room WITH NATURAL DRAFT Technical specifications ErP energy class: Class A Nominal heat output: 19.2 kW DHW direct withdrawal range T = 25C: 2.5 - 11 l/min Chamber Open to natural draught Ignition: electronic Compact dimensions (HxWxL): 580/255/310 mm Power supply: METHANE General characteristics AtmoMAG MINI Instantaneous water heaters with electronic battery ignition. AtmoMAG XI are natural draft water heaters with electronic ignition powered by batteries. Saving safety without electric energy aids. The Direct Start system allows for faster ignitions. Ionization flame detection ensures operational safety. The adoption of the OPTI MOD system for flame regulation allows you to adapt the water temperature to the changing seasons with a quick gesture. In the mini version, features and functions remain unchanged and the small dimensions become the motif of choice in some living situations. atmoMAG XI (hot water production) the atmospheric version with DHW flow rate of: 14 litres/minute Natural gas LPG atmoMAG XI mini (hot water production) the atmospheric version with DHW flow rate of: 11 litres/minute Natural gas LPG Compact size Manual range selector Automatic flame modulation LCD display Domestic hot water Power selectable on 10 levels Ionization flame control New hydraulic unit Exchanger with Supral protection ErP and ELD: what they mean and how they differ ErP: The EU has issued new obligations for Energy Using Products (ErP). The new directive, known as the Ecodesign directive, prescribes the minimum efficiency requirements and emission limits for appliances that produce heating and domestic hot water. The Ecodesign directive addresses two categories of relevant products for installers and retailers in the sector: Category 1 includes space heaters; in particular: electrical, gas and diesel appliances such as boilers, heat pumps and cogenerators. Category 2 Includes appliances for the production of domestic hot water: electric, gas, diesel such as water heaters, heat pumps for DHW, solar systems up to 400 kW and boilers up to 2000 litres. ELD : in addition to the ErP directive, the EU has also introduced a mandatory energy labeling for the same type of appliances up to 70 kW and boilers up to 500 litres. The energy labeling directive is called ELD and requires that new products and systems for heating and domestic hot water production are labeled with an indication of their energy efficiency class. By combining products and components, for example by adding a temperature control unit, the energy classification of the system can be increased, which will be calculated by the installer and indicated on the package label. Product warranty For sale on our site they are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Junkers Bosch Junkers Bosch Gas Water Heater Model Therm 4200 11 Liters Methane T4200 - New
NB: ITEM OUT OF PRODUCTION, IN ITS ABSENCE IT WILL BE REPLACED WITH THE NEXT MODEL THERM 4204 Technical features Product data for energy consumption - according to requirements of EU regulations no. 811/2013 and 812/2013 to complete the directive 2010/30/EU CNG code: T4200 11-2 23 LPG code: T4200 11-2 31 Water heating energy efficiency class A Declared load profile M Open chamber with natural draft Nominal heat output (Pn) [kW] 19.2 Nominal heat input (Qn) [kW] 21.8 Max water flow with ΔT 25 °C [l/min] 11 Max water flow with ΔT 25 °C [l/min] 5.5 sound pressure max. [dB(A)] 69 Weight (without packaging) [kg] 11.7 Dimensions (H x W x D) [mm] 580 x 310 x 228 Junkers Bosch water heaters With Junkers Bosch gas and heat pump water heaters you are assured of the best technology for the production of domestic hot water, always available and perfectly tailored to the user's needs: high quality, maximum efficiency and safety, ease of installation and control savings on bills. What to ask for more? Whatever your choice, choose quality. The wide range of Junkers Bosch gas and heat pump water heaters is able to meet the needs of your customers, to whom you can offer the most suitable solution for their home. Junkers Bosch gas water heaters are available in numerous models, to meet the most diverse needs: from the smallest ones, also suitable for being inserted in kitchen wall units, to those specifically designed for outdoor installation or for large buildings. Today it is possible to satisfy domestic hot water needs also through renewable energy sources: this allows not only economic savings, but also a contribution to environmental protection. Junkers Bosch heat pump water heaters are able to supply all the hot water needed in an efficient, convenient and sustainable way, obtaining energy from the external environment and using it to heat the water. Whatever your customers' requests, with Junkers Bosch you are sure to guarantee the best response. Environmentally friendly efficiency Choosing a gas water heater can also take advantage of renewable energy sources: all gas water heater models can be fully integrated, thanks to the Solar Kit accessory, in new or existing thermal solar systems, for exploit the inexhaustible energy of the sun for the production of domestic hot water. General characteristics THERM 4200 THERM 4200, the instantaneous gas water heater with compact dimensions, which reduces consumption and helps to protect the environment. Advantages ▶ Guarantees maximum safety thanks to a triple system which includes the smoke outlet sensor, the temperature limiter and the flame ionization control (which interrupts the gas flow in the event of ignition failure or accidental shutdown). ▶ Easily adjusted using the intuitive control panel ▶ It can be connected directly to solar thermal systems for the production of domestic hot water Characteristics ▶Electronic ignition by batteries ▶Continuous flame modulation ▶Works even in case of very low water pressures ▶Extremely compact size The ErP legislation and the new energy labels The future of heating systems Starting from 26 September 2015, in order to be placed on the market, heating and hot water production systems will have to comply with the ErP (Energy Related Products) regulations issued by the European Union. The ErP standards favor the eco-compatible design of products that consume energy from fossil fuels and have the aim of reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as providing consumers with transparent and homogeneous information on the energy efficiency of the appliances, favoring their comparison. Regulations N 811/2013 and 812/2013 provide for a specific energy labeling of appliances for heating and domestic hot water production. Regulations N 813/2013 and 814/2013 prescribe, among other things, the minimum energy efficiency and pollutant emissions requirements that manufacturers of equipment for heating and domestic hot water production must comply with. These regulations therefore raise energy efficiency standards, improving system performance and excluding less performing technologies from the market. The energy label will be supplied by the manufacturer with the appliance and will represent concrete help for the consumer, allowing him to learn more about the characteristics of the system, acquire greater awareness of the energy savings allowed and make the best choice of what to buy. The energy label will provide information on the energy class of the product, on a scale between A++ and G, and on other additional notations, such as power and noise emissions. The ErP legislation provides for two types of labelling: the former is supplied by the manufacturer together with the product for heating and/or domestic hot water production appliances the second for systems composed of several elements. In this second case, the label indicates the levels of energy efficiency that can be reached thanks to all the components used, allowing the score attributed to each appliance to increase and increasing the energy class of the system: it is therefore the task of whoever makes/installs the system to supply the consumer the correct explanatory label. The ErP standards represent an opportunity to develop a market of highly efficient technologies, such as condensing, heat pumps, solar thermal, cogeneration and the integration of different energy sources in a single system. These technologies will have an impact on home consumption, approximately 80% of which is due to heating and the production of hot water, and are already being incentivized at a tax level today. Junkers Bosch is already in line with the dictates of the ErP legislation, demonstrating the future orientation that has always distinguished the brand. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
VAILLANT Gas water heater Vaillant Atmomag Mini 11-/1 I Ca LPG
Overview GAS WATER HEATER VAILLANT ATMOMAG MINI 11-0/1 XI LPG. Open Room WITH NATURAL DRAFT Technical specifications ErP energy class: Class A Nominal heat output: 19.2 kW DHW direct withdrawal range T = 25C: 2.5 - 11 l/min Chamber Open to natural draught Ignition: electronic Compact dimensions (HxWxL): 580/255/310 mm Power supply: LPG Features list atmoMAG MINI Instantaneous water heaters with electronic battery ignition. atmoMAG XI are natural draft water heaters with electronic ignition powered by batteries. Saving safety without electric energy aids. The Direct Start system allows for faster ignitions. The ionization flame detection ensures operational reliability. The adoption of the OPTI MOD system for flame regulation allows you to adapt the water temperature to the changing seasons with a quick gesture. In the mini version, the features and functions remain unchanged and the small dimensions become the motif of choice in some living situations. atmoMAG XI (hot water production) the atmospheric version with DHW flow rate of: 14 litres/minute Methane LPG atmoMAG XI mini (hot water production) the atmospheric version with DHW flow rate of: 11 litres/minute Methane LPG Characteristics: Compact size Manual range selector Automatic flame modulation LCD display Domestic hot water Power selectable on 10 levels Ionization flame control New hydraulic groups Exchanger with Supral protection ErP and ELD: what they mean and how they differ ErP: The EU has issued new obligations for Energy Using Products (ErP). The new directive, known as the Ecodesign directive, prescribes minimum efficiency requirements and emission limits for appliances that produce heating and domestic hot water. The Ecodesign directive addresses two relevant product categories for installers and retailers in the sector: - Category 1 includes space heating appliances; in particular: electrical, gas and diesel appliances such as boilers, heat pumps and cogenerators. - Category 2 Includes appliances for the production of domestic hot water: electric, gas, diesel such as water heaters, heat pumps for DHW, solar systems up to 400 kW and boilers up to 2000 litres. ELD: In addition to the ErP directive, the EU has also introduced a mandatory energy labeling for the same type of appliances up to 70 kW and boilers up to 500 litres. The energy labeling directive is called ELD and requires that new products and systems for heating and domestic hot water production are labeled with an indication of their energy efficiency class. By combining products and components, for example by adding a temperature control unit, the energy classification of the system can be increased, which will be calculated by the installer and indicated on the package label. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Saunier Duval Opalia C 11 E - A/1 Methane water heater
NB: PRODUCT DISCONTINUED THE NEW MODEL OPALIA C LOW NOX WILL BE SHIPPED GAS WATER HEATER SAUNIER DUVAL OPALIA C 11 E - A/1 METHANE, Open Room: instantaneous gas water heater for the production of domestic hot water. Technical specifications Model: ErP efficiency class in heating/DHW: B Healthcare professional profile: M Combustion chamber: open to natural draft Sanitary Rated power min/max: kW 10.7/19.2 Type of regulation: Modulating Ignition type: Electronic Specific flow rate (T=25 K): l/min 11 Minimum ignition flow l/min 2.7 Minimum supply pressure 0.2 bar Electrical characteristics Supply voltage (V/Hz): 2 batteries Dimensions: Dimensions (hxlxp): 575x310x220 mm ; 10.3 Kg Diameter of the flue pipe mm 110 Methane code - 10013747 METHANE version Features list OPALIA The entire range of Opalia water heaters is characterized by the extreme ease of use, the reliability of the performances combined with a modern design and simplicity of use. The Opalia model is available in the Open Chamber and 2 - Sealed Chamber water heaters, from 11 to 14 litres, all equipped with electronic ignition with safety lock in the event of pilot flame failure. Characteristics: Modern design with compact dimensions: the water heaters can be easily installed in any room, even inside the kitchen cabinets. Maximum safety: the safety thermostat intervenes in the event of overtemperature of the domestic hot water; the ionization flame control blocks the gas supply in the event of a flame failure at the burner; in the Open Chamber models, the anti-fume backflow safety device blocks the water heater in the event of a risk of fumes entering the environment. Electronic control (only for models with 2 - Sealed chamber water heaters): it is possible to optimally adapt the operation of the appliance to the conditions of use and the temperature of the hot water, guaranteeing maximum sanitary comfort and optimizing gas consumption. Any malfunctions are signaled on the LCD display. Opalia C 11 E - A/1 and C 14 E - A/1 Open Chamber instantaneous gas water heaters Electronic ignition card for: intermittent pilot flame ignition and to control the lack of burner flame. Fume discharge safety sensor that blocks the water heater in case of risk of fumes being released into the environment. Safety thermostat which blocks the water heater in the event of domestic hot water overheating at the exchanger outlet. Diaphragm gas valve. Flow sensor. Copper lamellar heat exchanger. Domestic hot water temperature selector. Gas power selector. All ready for Energy Labeling 1. ErP, Ecodesign and ELD. What do they mean and how do they differ ErP and Ecodesign: The EU has issued new obligations for Energy Using Products (ErP). Known as the Ecodesign Directive, it prescribes minimum efficiency requirements and emission limits for DHW heating appliances up to 400 kW. ELD: In addition to the ErP Directive, the EU is also introducing mandatory energy labeling for the same type of appliances up to 70 kW. The Energy Labeling Directive (ELD) requires that new products and systems for heating DHW production are labeled with an indication of their energy efficiency class. 2. Which products are affected by the new directives The Ecodesign directive addresses two product categories that are relevant to our installers and resellers. Category 1: Includes electric, gas and oil space heaters, combi boilers, heat pumps and cogenerators. Category 2 : includes electric, gas and oil-fired DHW production equipment, DHW heat pumps and solar systems. By combining these products and components, for example by adding a temperature control unit, the energy classification of the system can be increased, which will be calculated by the installer and indicated on the package label. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
BERETTA Gas water heater Beretta Fonte 2 Dgt 11 L/Min LPG Open Chamber - New Model
Technical features Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Sanitary Energy Efficiency : Class A Load profile: M Exercise features: Open chamber with natural draft Ignition - 1.5 battery Flame control - by ionization Rated thermal power: 19kW Hot water production Δ T=25°C: 11 l/min Min/max pressure bar 0.3/10 Ø water and gas connections - 1/2” Dimensions (HxLxP): mm 580 x 310 x 215; 9.5 kgs The guarantee is the Official Beretta Italia one, and has a duration of 24 months Power supply: LPG General characteristics SOURCE 2 DGT Fonte 2 DGT, hot water in compact dimensions From Beretta's experience and technological research comes the new line of Fonte 2 DGT water heaters, designed to offer maximum sanitary comfort, maximum energy savings and greater ease of use. Thanks to its extremely compact dimensions, Fonte 2 DGT can also be placed in limited spaces and therefore represents the ideal solution to meet the installation needs of modern living contexts. The range, open ionization chamber with battery ignition, two water filters as standard and with codes for both methane and LPG, is made up of the Fonte 2 DGT versions with 11 and 14 litres/min models and Fonte 2 DGT FLEX with a from 11 litres/min. The FLEX versions also include the hoses and the sanitary tap. Source 2 DGT: high energy class and low consumption The Fonte 2 DGT line of water heaters is equipped with the special device known as the Economiser, specifically designed to combine maximum user comfort with significant energy and cost savings. The activation of the Economiser in fact allows to reduce the gas consumption up to over 50%, limiting the maximum thermal power supplied, when the usage requirements are contained (low temperature difference or reduced sampling flow rates, such as for example during summertime). Furthermore, on all Fonte 2 DGT models, the Economizer can be adjusted progressively by the user, according to needs, achieving maximum savings in the low flame position. Finally, the appliances in the Fonte 2 DGT range are equipped with flame modulation which, by adapting gas consumption to individual withdrawal requests, allows the temperature of the water supplied to be kept almost constant, compatibly with the settings made and the power of the water heater. The Beretta Fonte 2 DGT water heater guarantees always very low gas consumption and respect for the environment. Beretta Fonte 2 DGT complies with the current ERP regulation placing itself in CLASS A for energy consumption. Functionality and ease of use The Fonte 2 DGT water heaters, with a linear and essential design, have an ergonomic dashboard which houses two knobs which allow you to manage all the functions of the appliance in a simple and intuitive way and a display which shows the temperature of the domestic hot water produced. The left knob, in addition to the on/off functions, activates the "Gas economiser" device, adjustable between the small flame and the large flame, allowing the user to make an interesting gas saving. The right knob allows you to set the temperature of the water supplied, by regulating the quantity of water at the outlet Characteristics: Instantaneous open chamber water heater with Natural Gas and LPG versions Abundant production of domestic hot water: 11 or 14 litres/min Digital display with indication of domestic hot water temperature Battery ignition and ionisation flame presence control Gas economizer with 8 regulation steps Modulating flame regulation system Simple and intuitive control panel Compact size and simple installation without removing the shell Assembly template supplied (gasket and hose holder for LPG versions) New easy access water connections on the same horizontal axis New latest generation water/gas group with integrated gas pressure regulator Double inlet water filter Safety microswitch to protect the batteries (2 x 1.5 Volt type D) in the OFF position Temperature selector FLEX versions with flexible fittings and standard tap Beretta is “ERP”. The concrete commitment towards an eco-sustainable future The acronym ErP, acronym of "Energy related Products" (Products connected to the use of energy), identifies the Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design. Starting from 26 September 2015 , the date of its effective entry into force in the European Union, it will mark an epochal turning point for heating products and the production of domestic hot water. On that date, other regulations issued at the same time for the energy labeling of products to supplement the corresponding Directive 2010/30/EU will also become effective. The regulation provides that all products intended for heating and for the production of domestic hot water with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW can only be placed on the market with an energy label that highlights the efficiency class * . Different energy efficiency labels have been provided based on the different types of appliances/technologies, but all have the same graduated color scale that identifies the various levels of efficiency at a glance. The purpose of the labels is to give the consumer the possibility to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pumps, the efficiency data is reported by climatic bands. In addition to the product labels, the European regulation has provided for the creation of a system label in case systems are created with different appliances, components and related controls. This second type of labeling, thanks to the virtuous synergy between the different elements, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual appliances. Also starting from the same date, new seasonal efficiency limits will be triggered for products intended for heating and combined. These for products with nominal thermal power equal to or less than 400kW, will prevent less efficient products from being placed on the market. The obligation to comply with minimum heat loss limits will also apply to DHW tanks. For primary water tanks, these will be subject to compliance with an energy classification based on heat dispersion. For sanitary accumulations, up to 500 liters there will be a labeling obligation, from 500 to 2000 liters will be bound to compliance with the energy classification. For heat pumps for heating and mixed appliances, in addition to the seasonal efficiency limits, there will be specific noise emission limits for power sizes. Even water heaters, whether gas, heat pump or solar, in order to be placed on the market, in addition to energy labelling, will have to comply with a series of requirements in terms of efficiency. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.