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37 products

  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-senza-unita-esterna-olimpia-splendid-serie-unico-air-8-hp-r-410-wi-fi-optional-codice-01504-ao1036

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID AREA OCCASIONI Climatizzatore Condizionatore Senza unità esterna Olimpia Splendid serie UNICO AIR 8 Hp R-410 Wi-Fi Optional Codice 01504 AO1036

     ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO, INTEGRO E FUNZIONANTE AL 100%, MA PRESENTA L'IMBALLO USURATO Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello: Codice catalogo : 01504 Tipologia : Pompa di calore HP Dati principali: Potenza: 1,8 kW  Doppia Classe A Gas ecologico R410A  Versatilità di installazione: Installazione a parete in alto o in basso  Possibilità di installazione a vetro*  Semplicità di installazione: Unico si installa tutto dall’interno in pochi minuti  Comando a parete wireless (Optional)  Ampio flap per una diffusione omogenea dell’aria nell’ambiente  Telecomando multifunzione  Timer 24h Efficienza Energetica: EER (W/W) : 2,6 COP (W/W) : 3,1 Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Raffreddamento) : A Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Riscaldamento) : A Consumo di energia per apparecchiature a doppio condotto funzione raffreddamento kWh/h 0.7 Performance:   Capacità nominale di raffreddamento kW 1,8 Capacità nominale di riscaldamento kW 1.7 Potenza nominale assorbita per il raffreddamento kW 0.7 Potenza nominale assorbita per il riscaldamento kW 0,5 Potenza assorbita massima in modalità raffreddamento W 670 Potenza assorbita massima in modalità riscaldamento W 770 Capacità di deumidificazione l/h 0.6 Portata aria ambiente in raffreddamento (max/med/min) m³/h 215/180/150 Portata aria esterna in raffreddamento (max/min) m³/h 380 Pressione sonora (Min Max) (2) dB(A) 33-42 Livello di potenza sonora (solo interna) (EN 12102) LWA dB(A) 57 Caratteristiche: Gas refrigerante : R410A                                         Inverter : NO Velocità di ventilazione interna 3  Velocità di ventilazione esterna 1 Diametro fori parete mm 162 Dimensioni: Dimensioni (Larg. x Alt. x Prof.) (senza imballo) mm 978 x 491 x 164 ; 37 kg Dimensioni (Larg. x Alt. x Prof.) (con imballo) mm 1060 x 595 x 250 ; 41 kg UNICO AIR Il climatizzatore senza unità esterna più sottile e silenzioso di sempre.Oggi anche con possibilità di gestire da remoto con connessione Wi-fi (optional) In soli 16 cm di spessore è compattato tutto quello che nei climatizzatori tradizionali è diviso in due unità.Il motore esterno? Eliminato! All'esterno solo due fori, per una totale integrazione architettonica.   Integra un compressore compatto ad alta efficienza e una batteria slim di ultima generazione che hanno permesso di ridurre al minimo gli ingombri. In soli 16 cm vi sono ingengerizzati degli eccellenti materiali fonoassorbenti e anti vibranti che garantiscono una pressione sonora di soli 27 dB (A) - ( misurata in camera semi-anecoica a 2m di distanza, in funzione sola ventilazione). PURE SYSTEM 2 Un sistema multi filtraggio che abbina filtro elettrostatico (annulla le piccole particelle come fumo, polvere, pollini, peli di animali aiutando a prevenire reazioni allergiche) al filtro ai carboni attivi (elimina i cattivi odori e rende inattivi eventuali gas nocivi per la salute).  SILENT SYSTEM  Fino al 10% più silenzioso alla minima velocità. Pressione sonora solo 27 dB(A) grazie a materiali fonoassorbenti di ultima generazione SLIM DESIGN  tutta la tecnologia di Unico in soli 16 cm di spessore WARM SYSTEM Climatizzatore in pompa di calore. Grazie a questa funzione è possibile riscaldare e sostituire il riscaldamento tradizionale nelle stagioni intermedie o potenziarlo. Funzioni: Funzione Economy: consente il risparmio energetico, ottimizzando automaticamente le prestazioni della macchina Funzione di sola ventilazione  Funzione di sola deumidificazione  Funzione Auto: modula i parametri di funzionamento in relazione alla temperatura dell’ambiente.  Funzione Sleep: aumenta gradualmente la temperatura impostata e garantisce una rumorosità ridotta per un maggior benessere notturno. Nuovo Sistema Wi-fi (optional) Scopri Olimpia Splendid Unico, la nuova applicazione per impostare, monitorare e gestire in remoto -in casa e fuori casa- il tuo climatizzatore fisso senza unità esterna*, tramite bluetooth, Wi-Fi o connessione 3G/4G, ovunque tu sia! Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-climatizzatore-condizionatore-olimpia-splendid-inverter-serie-unico-air-10-hp-eva-r-32-wi-fi-optional-codice-02237

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Climatizzatore Condizionatore Olimpia Splendid Inverter Serie Unico Air 10 Hp Eva R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Codice 02237

    Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : Unico Air 10 HP EVA Codice catalogo : 02237EAN : 8021183022377 Wi-Fi Optional : B1015 Tipologia : Pompa di calore Efficienza energetica EER : 2,6 COP : 3,1 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A Classe di efficienza energetica riscaldamento : A Consumo energetico per apparecchiature a doppio condotto in raffreddamento : 0,8 kWh/h Consumo energetico per apparecchiature a doppio condotto in riscaldamento : 0,7 kWh/h Performance Capacità nominale di raffreddamento : 2,2 kW Capacità nominale di riscaldamento : 2,1 kW Assorbimento nominale in raffreddamento : 4,7 A Assorbimento nominale in riscaldamento : 3,4 A Capacità di deumidificazione : 0,8 l/h Portata aria in raffreddamento : 150 ~ 235 m³/h Portata aria in riscaldamento : 150 ~ 190 m³/h Livello potenza sonora : 54 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 27 ~ 38 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R32 Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 978x500x164 mm Peso : 39,0 kg Unico Air Inverter Il climatizzatore senza unità esterna più sottile e silenzioso di sempre. Oggi anche con possibilità di gestire da remoto con connessione Wi-Fi B1015. Tutta la tecnologia di Unico In soli 16 cm di spessore. Il motore esterno? Eliminato! All'esterno solo due fori, per una totale integrazione architettonica. Grazie alla tecnologia Inverter, Unico risparmia fino al 30% di energia se confrontato con un prodotto tradizionale.   Climatizzatori Olimpia Splendid senza unità esterna UNICO, il climatizzatore senza unità esterna, il motore esterno? Eliminato! Facile installazione e nessun impatto sulle facciate degli edifici Un climatizzatore fisso, nella sua forma più diffusa, è formato da un unità interna ed una esterna.Nonostante questa sia la configurazione tradizionale, risulta in molti casi una soluzione scomoda. Il montaggio dell'unità esterna può essere infatti in alcuni casì molto difficoltoso o addirittura impossibile da realizzare.Olimpia Splendid è stata la prima azienda a capire che liberarsi dell'unità esterna è una scelta prima che un obbligo e, nel 1998 ha inventato e brevettato UNICO, il climatizzatore fisso senza unità esterna.La tecnologia brevettata di UNICO ha reso possibile compattare in un'unica macchina da interni ciò che tradizionalmente è diviso in 2 unità :il classico motore esterno che si vede installato sugli edifici è eliminato! Viene sostituito da due fori che asicurano lo scambio termico con l'esterno. Fidati dei fori di Unico! Le griglie esterne rivestono un ruolo fondamentale nel corretto funzionamento di UNICO. Esse sono studiate per massimizzare il trade off tra il flusso d'aria e la protezione della batteria, garantendo : il massimo coefficiente di scambio termico protezione dall'ingresso di polveri insetti e agenti atmosferici esterni durata massima dei componenti interni alla macchina UNICO è seplicissimo da installare. L'installazione viene completata in 3 passaggi e tutta dall'interno dell'edificio! Con la carotatrice si eseguono 2 fori (diametro circa 20 cm) in un muro perimetrale esterno della stanza che si vuole climatizzare. Con uno speciale kit incluso nella macchina si inseriscono in tali fori le griglie che chiudono l’esterno della facciata Successivamente si installa il condizionatore a muro in corrispondenza di tali fori. Attenzione : installazione professionale. Si sconsiglia l’installazione fai da te. Gli step qui indicati sono solo di carattere indicativo e non completi. UNICO AIR Inverter il climatizzatore senza unità esterna più sottile e silenzioso di sempre. Oggi anche inverter! Tutta la tecnologia di Unico In soli 16 cm di spessore. Il motore esterno? Eliminato! All'esterno solo due fori, per una totale integrazione architettonica. Grazie alla tecnologia Inverter, Unico risparmia fino al 30% di energia se confrontato con un prodotto tradizionale.  Funzioni Funzione Economy: consente il risparmio energetico, ottimizzando automaticamente le prestazioni della macchina Funzione di sola ventilazione Funzione di sola deumidificazione Funzione Auto: modula i parametri di funzionamento in relazione alla temperatura dell’ambiente.  Funzione Sleep: aumenta gradualmente la temperatura impostata e garantisce una rumorosità ridotta per un maggior benessere notturno. Scarico automatico della condensa: nel funzionamento cooling la condensa viene smaltita senza canaline Nuovo Sistema Wi-Fi Optional Unico Air Inverter 10 HP, come tutta la gamma UNICO, è gestibile in modalità wi-fi grazie al recente e innovativo kit studiato da Olimpia Splendid. Il kit predisposto per tutta la gamma Unico vanta una semplice installazione, effettuabile da personale qualificato e permette di gestire tutte le funzioni da remoto tramite un’App disponibile sia per i sistemi IOS sia per quelli Android. In fase di installazione la connessione tra la app Olimpia Splendid Unico e il climatizzatore si stabilisce tramite wi-fi oppure via Bluetooth; quest’ultima opzione è particolarmente utile in caso di abitazioni e seconde case in cui non sia presente la rete wi-fi. Successivamente la gestione di UNICO può essere effettuata via App: direttamente in casa con wi-fi e via bluetooth, mentre fuori casa da remoto tramite Cloud (rete 3G o 4G dello smartphone), senza la necessità di configurare il router. Quest’ultima opzione consente di visualizzare in ogni momento la temperatura in casa e impostare tutte le modalità a distanza (riscaldamento, raffrescamento, deumifidicazione, automatico, sleep) . Inoltre, è possibile programmare il timer settimanale a 2 fasce orarie giornaliere con possibilità di impostare modalità e set point per ogni fascia. Attraverso il Cloud OS è possibile anche individuare agevolmente i problemi di diagnostica, grazie alla visualizzazione degli allarmi in homepage, e permettere l’eventuale intervento da remoto da parte di un tecnico specializzato Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-climatizzatore-condizionatore-olimpia-splendid-quadri-split-inverter-serie-nexya-s4-9999-con-os-cemyh28e1-r-32-wi-fi-optional-9000900090009000-novita

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Air Conditioner Olimpia Splendid Quadri Split Inverter Series Nexya S4 9+9+9+9 With Os-Cemyh28e1 R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+9000+9000 - New

    Technical features Indoor Units Model Indoor Unit OS-SENEH09EI Sound Pressure (Silent-Min-Med-Max) dB(A) 21-26-30-40 Dimensions (LPA) mm 805X194X285 Wi-Fi Optional ( Code B1016 ) OUTDOOR UNIT External Unit Code OS-CEMYH28EI Cooling down Capacity (Min-Nom-Max) kW 2.05 - 8.20 - 9.84 Absorbed Electric Power W 2540(890-3180) SEER 6.1 Energy efficiency class A++ Heating Capacity (Min-Nom-Max) kW 2.34 - 8.79 - 10.55 Absorbed Electric Power W 2200 (770-2750) Scop (zone: medium-warm) 3.8 - 4.6 Energy efficiency class (zone: medium-hot) A/A++ Characteristics Sound pressure (Max) dB(A) 61.5 Sound power (Max) dB(A) 67 R32 Refrigerant Type Operating limits Outside temperatures Cool.(Min-Max) °C DB -15 / +50 Outside Temperatures Heating (Min-Max) °C WB -15 / +24 Dimensions Dimensions (LPA) mm 1090 x 500 x 875 NEXYA Multisplit Energy efficient multi-split inverter air conditioners The Nexya S4 E multi-split fixed air conditioners have been designed for maximum installation flexibility : thanks to a single external motor and various combinations of internal units, up to five rooms can be cooled and heated . Available in dual, trial, quadri and penta versions and with the possibility of control via smartphone application. Nexya S4 E is compatible with the WI-FI Split Kit (B1016). With the Olimpia Splendid Split App you can remotely program, set and manage your Nexya S4 E Inverter fixed air conditioner. Available for download on the Apple Store and Google Play. With Olimpia Splendid Split you can program, set and manage the fixed air conditioners of the Olimpia Splendid range (Aryal S1 E , Nexya S4 E and Alyas E) with Wi-Fi or 3G/4G connection, wherever you are! EASY TO SET UP Simply insert the USB stick into the socket under the front panel WIFI EASY Possibility of managing the terminals in Wi-Fi mode, without configuring the router CLOUD Remote connection, away from home or wherever you are (3G or 4G network) Specifications Possibility to manage one or more air conditioners with Wi-Fi network. Management even away from home, wherever you are! Operating modes: heating, cooling, dehumidification, ventilation only, automatic. Special functions: Turbo, Swing, Eco. Room temperature display. Weekly timer with one time slot, fixed modes and set points. Frost protection: automatic activation of the air conditioning if the ambient temperature is below 8°C. Sleep setting: possibility to manage the set point for each hour of the day FUNCTIONS Ventilation only function Dehumidification only function Auto function: modulates the operating parameters in relation to the ambient temperature. Sleep function: gradually increases the set temperature and ensures reduced noise for greater well-being at night. SELECTING MULTISPLITS: the Multisplit system is modular: mixed systems can be designed using wall-mounted, duct or cassette units, selecting the right size based on the thermal load of the system HIGH EFFICIENCY TECHNOLOGY Class A++ in cooling Class A / A+ in heating medium season Class A++ / A+++ in hot season heating HEAT PUMP Heat pump air conditioning. Thanks to this function, it is possible to heat and replace traditional heating in intermediate seasons or boost it. MULTISPLIT Available in dual, trial, quad and penta versions, to air-condition up to five rooms using a single external motor. GAS R32 Low environmental impact refrigerant gas. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-climatizzatore-condizionatore-olimpia-splendid-quadri-split-inverter-serie-nexya-s4-99912-con-os-cemyh28e1-r-32-wi-fi-optional-90009000900012000-novita

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Olimpia Splendid Quadri Split Inverter Air Conditioner NEXYA S4 series 9+9+9+12 with OS-CEMYH28EI R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+9000+9000+12000

    Technical features Internal units 1) Model Indoor unit catalog code: 3x OS-SENEH09EI EAN : 8021183114928 Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling capacity : 2.64 kW Heating capacity: 2.93 kW Sound power level: 53 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 21~40 dB(A) Liquid pipe diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal unit dimensions (WxHxD): 805x285x194 mm Internal unit weight: 7.5 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi 2) Model Indoor unit catalog code: 1x OS-SENEH12EI EAN : 8021183114935 Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling capacity : 3.52 kW Heating capacity: 3.81 kW Sound power level: 53 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 22~40 dB(A) Liquid pipe diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal unit dimensions (WxHxD): 805x285x194 mm Internal unit weight: 7.5 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi External unit External unit catalog code: OS-CEMYH28EI EAN : 8021183116052 Number of connectable indoor units: 4 Energy efficiency SEER : 6.1 SCOP : 3.8 Energy efficiency class cooling: A++ Heating energy efficiency class: A Annual energy consumption in cooling: 470 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in heating: 2395 kWh/a Performance Cooling capacity: 8.20 kW Heating capacity: 8.79 kW Cooling power consumption: 2.54 kW Heating absorption: 2.20 kW Sound power level: 67 dB(A) Sound pressure level: 61.5 dB(A) Characteristics Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: - ~ 50° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data Liquid tube diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 + 12.70 mm (1/2") x1 Maximum pipe length: 80 m Maximum pipe length per unit: 35 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight External unit dimensions (WxHxD): 946x810x410 mm External unit weight: 62.1 Kg NEXYA S4 E Multisplit High energy efficiency inverter multisplit air conditioners The Nexya S4 E multisplit fixed air conditioners have been designed for maximum installation flexibility: thanks to a single external motor and different combinations of internal units, up to five rooms can be cooled and heated. Available in the dual, trial, quadri and penta versions and with the possibility of control via smartphone application The high efficiency multisplit by Olimpia Splendid allows you to connect up to 5 high wall indoor units using a single external motor, selecting the sizes based on the thermal load of the system. The wall units are available in two different aesthetics, but with common features on the air treatment front, thanks to a multi-filtering system that effectively removes odors and reduces the concentration of dust particles in the air. High efficiency High-performance inverter technology and energy efficiency class A++ in cooling. Air Quality Tech Air purification treated with dust filters, activated carbons and cold catalysts. Self Clean Automatic cleaning and drying of the evaporator, to remove dust, mold and grease. Low environmental impact gas Uses R32 refrigerant with low greenhouse potential, for more sustainable comfort. Cooling, heating, dehumidification and ventilation Modular system: the system can be designed by selecting the right size based on the thermal load of the system Wi-Fi included on all models No installation, maximum ease of configuration To manage the air conditioner from your smartphone, all Olimpia Splendid air conditioners are equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity. Thanks to the Wi-Fi connection, which does not require router configuration, it is possible to manage the air conditioner remotely, away from home, via the 3G and 4G network of your smartphone. Available for iPhone and iPad with IOS Operating System and for smartphones and tablets with Android Operating System. Allows you to manage one or more air conditioners. High efficiency High performance inverter technology and energy efficiency class A++ in cooling. Class A+ in heating. Air Quality Tech Air purification treated with anti-dust filters, activated carbons and cold catalysts to remove impurities Self Clean Automatic cleaning and drying of the evaporator, to remove dust, mold and grease. Wi-Fi kit included To ensure the air conditioner has a Wi-Fi connection, simply install the special USB stick included in the package and download the OS Comfort app. Nexya S4 E Specifications Cooling, heating, dehumidification and ventilation High performance inverter technology Refrigerant gas R32 Timer, Auto, Eco, Sleep, Silent, Turbo, Auto-restart and Auto-diagnosis functions Swing function for better airflow Remote control with temperature sensor Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-climatizzatore-condizionatore-olimpia-splendid-quadri-split-inverter-serie-nexya-s4-991212-con-os-cemyh28e1-r-32-wi-fi-optional-900090001200012000-novita

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Air Conditioner Olimpia Splendid Quadri Split Inverter Series Nexya S4 9+9+12+12 With Os-Cemyh28e1 R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+12000+12000 - New

    Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model Indoor Unit OS-SENEH09EI Sound Pressure (Silent-Min-Med-Max) dB(A) 21-26-30-40 Dimensions (LPA) mm 805X194X285 Wi-Fi Optional ( Code B1016 ) 2) Model Indoor Unit OS-SENEH12EI Sound Pressure (Silent-Min-Med-Max) dB(A) 22-26-34-40 Dimensions (LPA) mm 805X194X285 Wi-Fi Optional ( Code B1016 ) OUTDOOR UNIT External Unit Code OS-CEMYH28EI Cooling down Capacity (Min-Nom-Max) kW 2.05 - 8.20 - 9.84 Absorbed Electric Power W 2540(890-3180) SEER 6.1 Energy efficiency class A++ Heating Capacity (Min-Nom-Max) kW 2.34 - 8.79 - 10.55 Absorbed Electric Power W 2200 (770-2750) Scop (zone: medium-warm) 3.8 - 4.6 Energy efficiency class (zone: medium-hot) A/A++ Characteristics Sound pressure (Max) dB(A) 61.5 Sound power (Max) dB(A) 67 R32 Refrigerant Type Operating limits Outside temperatures Cool.(Min-Max) °C DB -15 / +50 Outside Temperatures Heating (Min-Max) °C WB -15 / +24 Dimensions Dimensions (LPA) mm 1090 x 500 x 875 NEXYA Multisplit Energy efficient multi-split inverter air conditioners The Nexya S4 E multi-split fixed air conditioners have been designed for maximum installation flexibility : thanks to a single external motor and various combinations of internal units, up to five rooms can be cooled and heated . Available in dual, trial, quadri and penta versions and with the possibility of control via smartphone application. Nexya S4 E is compatible with the WI-FI Split Kit (B1016). With the Olimpia Splendid Split App you can remotely program, set and manage your Nexya S4 E Inverter fixed air conditioner. Available for download on the Apple Store and Google Play. With Olimpia Splendid Split you can program, set and manage the fixed air conditioners of the Olimpia Splendid range (Aryal S1 E , Nexya S4 E and Alyas E) with Wi-Fi or 3G/4G connection, wherever you are! EASY TO SET UP Simply insert the USB stick into the socket under the front panel WIFI EASY Possibility of managing the terminals in Wi-Fi mode, without configuring the router CLOUD Remote connection, away from home or wherever you are (3G or 4G network) Specifications Possibility to manage one or more air conditioners with Wi-Fi network. Management even away from home, wherever you are! Operating modes: heating, cooling, dehumidification, ventilation only, automatic. Special functions: Turbo, Swing, Eco. Room temperature display. Weekly timer with one time slot, fixed modes and set points. Frost protection: automatic activation of the air conditioning if the ambient temperature is below 8°C. Sleep setting: possibility to manage the set point for each hour of the day FUNCTIONS Ventilation only function Dehumidification only function Auto function: modulates the operating parameters in relation to the ambient temperature. Sleep function: gradually increases the set temperature and ensures reduced noise for greater well-being at night. SELECTING MULTISPLITS: the Multisplit system is modular: mixed systems can be designed using wall-mounted, duct or cassette units, selecting the right size based on the thermal load of the system HIGH EFFICIENCY TECHNOLOGY Class A++ in cooling Class A / A+ in heating medium season Class A++ / A+++ in hot season heating HEAT PUMP Heat pump air conditioning. Thanks to this function, it is possible to heat and replace traditional heating in intermediate seasons or boost it. MULTISPLIT Available in dual, trial, quad and penta versions, to air-condition up to five rooms using a single external motor. GAS R32 Low environmental impact refrigerant gas. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-climatizzatore-condizionatore-olimpia-splendid-dual-split-unico-twin-90009000-twin-master-02138-twin-wall-s1-01996-99-senza-unita-esterna

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Olimpia Splendid Air Conditioner Dual Split Unico Twin 9000+9000 Twin Master 02138 + Twin Wall S1 01996 9+9 Without External Unit

    Olimpia Splendid Dual Split Air Conditioner UNICO TWIN 9000+9000 Twin Master 02138 + Twin Wall S1 01996 9+9 without outdoor unit Model: UNICO TWIN - MASTER Catalog code: 02138 Typology: HP in heat pump R410A refrigerant gas Energy efficiency: EER: 2.7 COP: 3.1 Energy Efficiency Class (Cooling): A Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A Performance: Cooling capacity : 2.6 kW Heating capacity: 2.5 kW Maximum absorbed power in cooling mode: kW 0.9 Maximum absorbed power in heating mode: kW 0.8 Dehumidification capacity: 1.1 l/h Sound power level (internal only) (EN 12102) dB(A) 57 Sound pressure (2) dB(A) 33-42 Power (V/Hz/F) : 220~240/50/1 Dimensions: WxHxD (mm) : 902 x 516 x 229 Weight : 40.5kg 2) Model: UNICO TWIN WALL S1 Catalog code: 01996 Internal sound pressure: 25-36dB Performance: Cooling capacity : 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 2.2 kW Maximum absorbed power in cooling mode: kW 0.9 Dehumidification capacity: 1.0L/h Maximum absorbed power in heating mode: 1080 W Maximum absorption in heating mode: 4.8A Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/F) : 220~240/50/1 Liquid connection line pipe diameter inch - mm 1/4 - 6.35 Gas connection line pipe diameter inch - mm 3/8 - 9.52 Maximum piping length m 10 Maximum altitude difference 5 m Dimensions: WxHxD (mm) : 805 x 285 x 194 Weight : 7.5kg UNIQUE TWIN The only system for air conditioning two rooms without outdoor units TWIN TECHNOLOGY Two units, connected by a refrigerant circuit, which can be used both simultaneously and separately. PURE SYSTEM Equipped with a multi-filtration system, consisting of an electrostatic filter (with anti-dust function) and an activated carbon filter (effective against bad odours). HEAT PUMP Also available in the HP version, with heat pump function, to replace traditional heating in intermediate seasons or to enhance it System FEATURES • Power: 2.6 kW for the master unit and 2.5 kW for the wall unit • Independent or combined operation: if simultaneous operation is chosen, the two units share the available power and are forced to minimum speed • Available in the version: HP (heat pump) • Class in cooling: • Refrigerant gas: R410A • Equipped with a multi-filtration system, made up of an electrostatic filter (anti-dust function) and an activated carbon filter (effective against bad odours). • Double multifunction remote control Functions Cooling, heating, dehumidification and ventilation • Auto function: modulates the operating parameters in relation to the ambient temperature. • Sleep function: gradually increases the set temperature e guarantees reduced noise for greater well-being at night. • 24h timer FEATURES master • Cooling capacity: 2.6 kW • Capacity in HP function (heat pump): 2.5 kW • Installation versatility: Top or bottom wall installation. • Easy to install: Unico Twin installs everything from the inside in just a few minutes. • Wide flap for homogeneous diffusion of the air in the room Features Wall • Nominal capacity in cooling: 2.5 kW • Nominal capacity in heating: 2.2 kW • Sound power level: 46 dB(A) Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-climatizzatore-condizionatore-senza-unita-esterna-olimpia-splendid-unico-air-25-hp-r-32-9000-btu-cod.-02095-classe-a

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Air Conditioner Without External Unit Olimpia Splendid Unico Air 25 Hp R-32 9000 Btu Cod. 02095 Class A

    Air Conditioner Without External Unit Olimpia Splendid Unico Air 25 HP R-32 9000 btu cod. 02095 class A Min-max cooling power: 1.9/2.4 kW Min-max heating power: 1.8/2.3 kW Nominal cooling capacity: 2.2 kW * Nominal heating capacity: 2.1 kW * Energy class in cooling: A* Energy class in heating: A* Available in the versions: SF (Cooling Only) – HP (Heat Pump) Refrigerant gas: R32*** Supply voltage VF-Hz 230-1-50 Dehumidification capacity l/h 0.6 Wall holes diameter mm 162 Internal sound pressure (Min/Max) (2) dB(A) 27-38 Degree of protection of enclosures IP20 Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) (without packaging) mm 978 x 500 x 164 Characteristics Inverter System: the motor speed is constantly regulated according to the set temperature, to optimize energy consumption Ventilation only function Dehumidification only function Auto function: modulates the operating parameters in relation to the ambient temperature detected Sleep function: gradually increases the set temperature and ensures reduced noise for greater well-being at night. SINGLE AIR The air conditioner without outdoor unit with R32 low environmental impact gas, thinner and quieter than ever. Today also inverters and with the possibility of remote management with Wi-Fi connection (optional). All Unico technology in just 16 cm thick. The outboard engine? Eliminated! On the outside, only two holes, for total architectural integration. Thanks to the Inverter technology, Unico saves up to 30% of energy compared to a traditional product. LOW GWP GAS It uses R32 refrigerant, characterized by a greenhouse effect reduced by almost 70% (compared to R410A). SLIM DESIGN All the UNICO technology in just 16 cm thick. Unico Air is the thinnest air conditioner without outdoor unit ever. SILENT SYSTEM Thanks to sound-absorbing and anti-vibration materials, Unico Air ensures the lowest noise levels in the range. Sound pressure drops up to 27 dB (A) Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-climatizzatore-condizionatore-olimpia-splendid-inverter-serie-unico-13-hp-9000-btu-r-410-wi-fi-optional-codice-01716

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Olimpia Splendid Air Conditioner Inverter Unico Series 13 Hp 9000 Btu R-410 Wi-Fi Optional Code 01716

    Technical features Model: Catalog code: 01716 Typology : "HP" in Heat Pump Characteristics: Power: 2.8kW Available in the version: HP (Heat Pump) Class: A+ R410A refrigerant gas* High efficiency EC inverter fans Wall mounted top or bottom Ease of installation: Unico installs everything from the inside few minutes Wireless wall control (Optional) Wide flap for a homogeneous diffusion of the air in the environment Multifunction remote control 24h timer Energy efficiency: EER (W/W) : 3.1 COP (W/W) : 3.2 Energy Efficiency Class (Cooling) : A+ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A Energy consumption for dual duct cooling/heating equipment kWh/h 0.9/0.8 Performance: Nominal cooling capacity kW 2.8 Nominal heating capacity kW 2.7 Nominal absorbed power for cooling kW 0.6 Nominal power absorbed for heating kW 0.8 Dehumidification capacity l/h 1.1 Ambient air flow in cooling (max/med/min) m³/h 490 / 430 / 360 External air flow in cooling (max/min) m³/h 340 Sound pressure (Min Max) (2) dB(A) 33-43 Sound power level (internal only) (EN 12102) LWA dB(A) 58 Characteristics: Refrigerant gas : R410A Inverter : Yes Internal ventilation speed 3 External fan speed 1 Wall holes diameter mm 202 Dimensions: Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) (without packaging) mm 902 x 506 x 229 ; 39kg Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) (with packaging) mm 980 x 610 x 350 ; 42kg Olimpia Splendid air conditioners without outdoor unit UNICO, the air conditioner without outdoor unit, the outdoor motor? Eliminated! Easy installation and no impact on building facades A fixed air conditioner, in its most common form, consists of an indoor and an outdoor unit. Although this is the traditional configuration, it is in many cases an inconvenient solution. In fact, in some cases, the assembly of the external unit can be very difficult or even impossible to carry out. Olimpia Splendid was the first company to understand that getting rid of the external unit is a choice rather than an obligation and, in 1998 it invented and patented UNICO , the fixed air conditioner without an external unit. UNICO's patented technology has made it possible to compact in a single indoor machine what is traditionally divided into 2 units: the classic external engine that you see installed on buildings is eliminated! It is replaced by two holes which ensure heat exchange with the outside. Trust Unico's forums! The external grids play a fundamental role in the correct functioning of UNICO. They are designed to maximize the trade-off between airflow and coil protection, guaranteeing: the maximum heat transfer coefficient protection from the entry of dust, insects and external atmospheric agents maximum life of the components inside the machine UNICO is very easy to install(*). The installation is completed in 3 steps and all from inside the building! With the core drill, 2 holes (about 20 cm in diameter) are made in an external perimeter wall of the room to be air-conditioned. With a special kit included in the machine, the grids that close the outside of the facade are inserted into these holes Subsequently, the air conditioner is installed on the wall in correspondence with these holes. (*) Attention : professional installation. Do-it-yourself installation is not recommended. The steps indicated here are only indicative and not complete. General characteristics UNIQUE Inverter The first inverter technology air conditioner without outdoor unit that allows you to save up to 30% compared to traditional technology. The outboard motor? Eliminated! Outside, only two holes, for total architectural integration. Design by King & Miranda The UNICO INVERTER technology, thanks to the constant control of the rotation speed of the variable speed compressor, is able to adapt the power supplied according to the punctual thermal requirement. In this way, the engine self-adapts its revs by always operating at the minimum indispensable speed. In this way energy saving is maximized and the best level of comfort is guaranteed. The air conditioners in the UNICO INVERTER family are all classified in double class A and are also available in the heat pump versions capable of inverting the refrigeration cycle and guaranteeing efficient heating. The INVERTER range is equipped with a double filtering system which combines: electrostatic filter : which eliminates small particles of smoke, dust, animal hair and helps prevent allergic reactions active carbon filter : which helps to eliminate bad odors and inactivates any gases harmful to health UNICO has been produced in Italy by Olimpia Splendid since 1998, a guarantee of quality and experience. Characteristics: Inverter System The variable speed compressor and Olimpia Splendid's proprietary inverter control guarantee constant adaptation of the cooling capacity according to the thermal load in the room. Thus energy savings reach up to 30%.* Maximized air flow Optimum air flow and distribution: Up to 490 m3/h of air effectively introduced into the room thanks to the large flap (690x60 mm). Pure System 2 A multi-filtering system that combines an electrostatic filter (eliminates small particles such as smoke, dust, pollen, animal hair, helping to prevent allergic reactions) with an activated carbon filter (eliminates bad odors and inactivates any gases harmful to Health). Warm System The HP models are in heat pump mode. Thanks to this function, it is possible to replace traditional heating in intermediate seasons or to enhance it. Easy Care System Filter maintenance and cleaning easier than ever: maximum accessibility to the machine, both for cleaning and maintenance. Functions: Economy function : allows energy saving, automatically optimizing machine performance Ventilation only function Dehumidification only function Auto function: modulates the operating parameters in relation to the ambient temperature. Sleep function: gradually increases the set temperature and ensures reduced noise for greater well-being at night. Automatic condensate drain : in cooling mode, the condensate is disposed of without ducts New Wi-Fi system (optional) Discover Olimpia Splendid Unico, the new application for remotely setting, monitoring and managing - at home and away from home - your fixed air conditioner without an external unit*, via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or 3G/4G connection, wherever you are! Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-climatizzatore-condizionatore-olimpia-splendid-senza-unita-esterna-serie-unico-pro-inverter-14-hp-cod.-01868

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Olimpia Splendid Air Conditioner Without Outdoor Unit Unico Pro Series Inverter 14 Hp Cod. 01868

    Olimpia Splendid air conditioner without outdoor unit UNICO PRO series Inverter 14 HP Cod. 01868 Product code 01868 Performance Cooling power (min/max) kW 1.7 / 3.5 Heating power (min/max) kW 1.5 / 3.15 Nominal cooling capacity : kW 2.9 Nominal heating capacity : kW 2.6 Nominal absorbed power for cooling: kW 1.1 Nominal absorption for cooling: A 4.9 Nominal absorbed power for heating: kW 0.8 Nominal absorption for heating: A 3.7 Nominal Energy Efficiency Index (EERd) : 2.6 Nominal coefficient of efficiency (COPd) : 3.1 Energy efficiency class in cooling: A Energy efficiency class in heating: A Absorbed power in heating mode (min/max): kW 0.7-1.4 Absorption in heating mode (min/max): A 3.1-6.2 Dehumidification capacity: 1.4 l/h Ambient air flow in cooling (max/med/min): m³/h 490 / 390 / 350 Room air flow in heating mode (max/med/min): m³/h 490 / 390 / 350 External air flow in cooling (max/min): m³/h 600 / 120 External air flow in heating (max/min): m³/h 600 / 120 Internal ventilation speed : 3 External ventilation speed : 6 Internal sound pressure (Min Max): dB(A) 32-43 Internal sound power level (EN 12102) : dB(A) 59 Sound pressure level Silent Mode : dB(A) 34 Sound power level Silent Mode : dB(A) 49 Degree of protection of enclosures: IP20 Refrigerant gas: R410A Dimensions Wall hole diameter mm 162** / 202 Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) (without packaging) mm 903 x 520 x 215 SINGLE PRO INVERTER The most powerful fixed air conditioner without outdoor unit in the range, guarantees a cooling power of up to 3.5 kW thanks to the innovative Pro Power technology. The modern Made in Italy design, the result of collaboration with the Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez studio, makes it an refined piece of furniture. Silent mode, touch display and remote control, with remote control or smartphone, make your comfort experience ideal. Max power: up to 3.5 kW Available in the version: HP (Heat Pump) Refrigerant gas class R410A* Unico is installed on the wall, both at the bottom and at the top, and all from the inside. The internal components are all accessible from the front of the car yet installed Wireless wall control (Optional) Wide flap for a homogeneous diffusion of the air in the environment Backlit display with touch controls on the machine Multifunction remote control with standard LCD display 24h timer FUNCTIONS Economy function: allows energy saving, automatically optimizing machine performance Ventilation only function Dehumidification only function Auto function: modulates the operating parameters in relation to the ambient temperature. Sleep function: gradually increases the set temperature and ensures reduced noise for greater well-being at night. Silent Mode Function: New mode that sets the machine to minimum noise. NEW INVERTER PRO Olimpia Splendid Powerful, versatile and efficient thanks to a wide range of available frequencies and the electronic management of the expansion valve SILENT MODE All the silence you want with the "silent mode" function A true "orchestra conductor" who skilfully directs or coordinates the inverter compressor (INVERTER PRO) and the ventilated sections (V PRO) for maximum acoustic comfort, up to a - 10dB(A)**. All enclosed in a beautiful body and covered with avant-garde sound-absorbing materials FULL INVERTER DC FAN All fans are DC inverter and use a new surface design (V PRO). Designed to guarantee reduced consumption and maximum silence in all conditions of use. HEAT PUMP Heat pump air conditioner. Thanks to this function, it is possible to heat and replace traditional heating in intermediate seasons or boost it. DESIGNED AND MADE IN ITALY Design by Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez to fit perfectly into any home environment. REMOTE CONTROL "Full digital" remote control for remotely activating functions such as "dehumidification", "silent mode", "sleep", ventilation only. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-olimpia-splendid-mod.-unico-air-inverter-8-sf-solo-freddo-6000-btu-cod.-01601

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Olimpia Splendid Mod. Unico Air Inverter 8 Sf (Cooling Only) 6000 Btu Cod. 01601

    Overview OLIMPIA SPLENDID AIR CONDITIONER mod. UNICO AIR INVERTER 8 SF (Cooling Only) 6000 btu Cod. 01601 - NEW 2017: the slimmest and most silent air conditioner without outdoor unit ever. Today also Inverter. Technical specifications Model: Catalog code: 01601 Typology : SF - sulfreddo version Main data: Power: 1.8kW * Available in the versions: SF (Cold Sol) HP (Heat Pump) R410A refrigerant gas** Versatility of installation: Installation on the wall at the top or bottom Easy installation: Unic installs everything internally in minutes Wireless wall command (Optional) Ampiflap for a homogeneous diffusion of the air in the environment Multifunction remote control 24h timer Energy efficiency: EER (W/W) : 2.6 Energy Efficiency Class (Cooling): A Energy consumption for double duct equipment with cooling function kWh/h 0.7 Performance: Nominal cooling capacity kW 1.8 Nominal absorbed power for coolingkW 0.7 Maximum absorbed power in cooling modeW 670 Dehumidification capacity l/h 0.6 Ambient air flow in Cooling (max/med/min) mü/h 235/180/150 Sound pressure (Min Max) (2) dB(A) 27-38 Sound power levels (indoor only) (EN 12102) LWA dB(A) 53 Characteristics: Refrigerant gas : R410A Inverter : yes Internal ventilation speed 3 External ventilation speed 1 Wall hole diameter mm 162 Dimensions: Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) (without packaging) mm 978 x 491 x 164 ; 37kg Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) (with packaging) mm 1060 x 595 x 250 ; 41kg Possibility of recessed installation of the air conditioner with the purchase of the recessed closing panel B0776 and the formwork kit B0775 (optional) Main features Olimpia Splendid air conditioners without external unit UNICO, the air conditioner without outdoor unit, the outdoor motor? Eliminated! Easy installation and no impact on building facades A fixed air conditioner, in its most common form, is made up of an indoor and an outdoor unit. Although this is the traditional configuration, it is in many cases an inconvenient solution. Indeed, in some homes, the assembly of the outdoor unit can be very difficult and even impossible to carry out. Olimpia Splendid was the first company to understand that getting rid of the external unit is a choice rather than an obligation, in 1998 it invented the patented UNICO, the fixed air conditioner with external unit. UNICO's patented technology has made it possible to compact in a single indoor machine what is traditionally divided into 2 units: The classic outdoor engine that you see installed on buildings is eliminated! It is replaced by two holes which ensure heat exchange with the outside. Trust Unico's forums! The external grids play a fundamental role in the correct functioning of UNICO. They are designed to maximize the trade off between airflow and battery protection, guaranteeing: the maximum heat exchange coefficient protection from the ingress of dust, insects and external atmospheric agents maximum life of the components inside the machine UNICO is very easy to install(*). The installation is completed in 3 steps and all from inside the building! With the core drill, make 2 holes (about 20 cm in diameter) in an external perimeter wall of the room to be air-conditioned. With a special kit included in the machine, the grids that close the outside of the facade are inserted into these holes Subsequently, the air conditioner is installed on the wall in correspondence with these holes. (*) Attention : professional installation. Do-it-yourself installation is not recommended. The steps indicated here are not complete as an indication. SINGLE AIR Inverter the thinnest and most silent air conditioner without outdoor unit ever. Today also inverters! All the technology of UnicIn just 16 cm thick. The outboard motor? Eliminated! On the outside there are two holes, for total architectural integration. Thanks to the Inverter technology, Unicri saves 30% of energy compared to a traditional product. UNICO AIR INVERTER integrates a compact high-efficiency DC inverter compressor and a latest generation slim battery that allow for the reduction of overall dimensions to a minimum. Thanks to the Silent System technology made with latest generation soundproofing materials, UNICO AIR INVERTER has a perceived noise level that is halved compared to other fixed air conditioners without an outdoor unit. UnicAir Inverter has a wide range of power modulation: it adapts the power supplied to the load, minimizing consumption. only 27 dB (A) of sound pressure (*) thanks to SILENT technology and latest generation sound-absorbing materials only 16 CM thick UNICO ù produced in Italy by Olimpia Splendid since 1998, a guarantee of quality and experience. Features list Inverter System: The variable speed compressor and the Olimpia Splendid proprietary inverter controller guarantee constant adaptation of the cooling capacity according to the ambient thermal load. What the energy saver comes final 30%.* Pure System 2: A multi-filtration system that combines electrostatic filter (eliminates small particles such as smoke, dust, pollen, animal hair helping to prevent allergic reactions) with activated carbon filter (eliminates bad odors and inactivates any gases harmful to health ). Silent System: Final 10% quieter at minimum speed. Sound pressure only 27 dB(A) Heat pump: Heat pump air conditioner. Thanks to this function it is possible to heat and replace the traditional heating in the intermediate seasons to enhance it. Slim Design: all the Unicin technology only 16 cm thick Functions: Economy function: allows energy savings by automatically optimizing machine performance Ventilation only function Dehumidification only function Auto function: modulates the operating parameters in relation to the ambient temperature. Sleep function: gradually increases the set temperature and ensures reduced noise for greater well-being at night. Automatic condensate drain: In cooling mode, the condensate is drained without ducts Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-climatizzatore-condizionatore-senza-unita-esterna-olimpia-splendid-serie-unico-air-8-sf-solo-freddo-7000-btu-codice-01503-wi-fi-optional

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Air Conditioner Without External Unit Olimpia Splendid Unico Air Series 8 Sf Cooling Only 7000 Btu Code 01503 Wi-Fi Optional

    Olimpia Splendid Air Conditioner Without Outdoor Unit UNICO AIR 8 SF series Cooling Only 7000 Btu Code 01503 CHARACTERISTICS Power: 1.8kW Available in the versions: SF (Cooling Only) –HP (Heat Pump) Double class R410A refrigerant gas** Wall mounted top or bottom Ease of installation: Unico installs everything from the inside in just a few minutes Wireless wall control (Optional) Wide flap for a homogeneous diffusion of the air in the environment Multifunction remote control 24h timer Technical features Nominal cooling capacity (1) Pnominal kW 1.8 Nominal absorbed power for cooling (1) PEER kW 0.7 Energy efficiency class in cooling (1) A Supply voltage VF-Hz 230-1-50 Dehumidification capacity l/h 0.6 Internal sound pressure (Min Max) (2) dB(A) 27-38 Internal sound power level (EN 12102) LWA dB(A) 53 Refrigerant gas* Type-Type R410A Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) (without packaging) mm 978 x 491 x 164 SINGLE AIR The slimmest and quietest air conditioner without outdoor unit ever. Today also with the possibility of remote management with Wi-Fi connection (optional). In just 16 cm thick, everything that is divided into two units in traditional air conditioners is compacted. The outboard engine? Eliminated! On the outside, only two holes, for total architectural integration. FUNCTIONS Ventilation only function Dehumidification only function Auto function: modulates the operating parameters in relation to the ambient temperature. Sleep function: gradually increases the set temperature and ensures reduced noise for greater well-being at night. Condensate drain function: automatic drain in cooling mode. SILENT SYSTEM Up to 10% quieter at minimum speed. Sound pressure only 27 dB (A) SLIM DESIGN All Unico technology in just 16 cm thick. PURE SYSTEM 2 A multi-filtering system that combines an electrostatic filter (eliminates small particles such as smoke, dust, pollen, animal hair, helping to prevent allergic reactions) with an activated carbon filter (eliminates bad odors and inactivates any gases harmful to health). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-olimpia-splendid-unico-smart-12-hp-9000-btu-olimpia-splendid-cod.-01494

    OLIMPIA SPLENDID Unico Smart 12 Hp 9000 Btu Olimpia Splendid Cod. 01494

    Overview OLIMPIA SPLENDID UNICO SMART 12 HP 9000 btu AIR CONDITIONER Cod. 01494 Technical specifications Model: Catalog code: 01494 Typology : HP heat pump Energy efficiency: EER (W/W) : 2.6 COP (W/W) : 3.1 Energy Efficiency Class (Cooling): A Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A Energy consumption for double duct appliances with cooling function kWh/h 1.0 Performance: Nominal cooling capacity kW 2.7 Nominal heating capacity kW 2.5 Nominal absorbed power for cooling kW 1.0 Nominal absorbed power for heating kW 0.8 Dehumidification capacity l/h 1.1 Ambient air flow in Cooling (max/med/min) mü/h 490 / 430 / 360 External air flow in Cooling (max/min) mü/h 500 / 340 Sound pressure (Min Max) (2) dB(A) 33-42 Sound power levels (indoor only) (EN 12102) LWA dB(A) 57 Characteristics: Refrigerant gas : R410A Inverters : NO Internal ventilation speed 3 External ventilation speed 3 Wall hole diameters mm 162 / 202 Dimensions: Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) (without packaging) mm 902 x 516 x 229 ; 40kg Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) (with packaging) mm 980 x 610 x 350 9 ; 44kg Main features Olimpia Splendid air conditioners without outdoor unit savings. Not just beauty in form, but also value in substance: Olimpia Splendid air conditioners belong to Class A, which means high performance and efficiency in maximum energy savings. Design. Maximum comfort is combined with elegant and refined lines: for these Olimpia Splendid air conditioners, innovation works at the service of reliability. Safety. Each Olimpia Splendid product bears the CE mark, an additional guarantee of safety and reliability. Ecology. Respect for the environment is another distinctive feature of Olimpia Splendid which uses ecological gases for its air conditioners, thus respecting ozone, a very important protection for our ecosystem. The commitment also continues in the disposal of products at the end of their life cycle through Ridomus, a consortium that takes care of their own recovery, recycling of disposals of which Olimpia Splendid is one of the founding members. Features list "UNICO SMART" SERIES The most powerful air conditioner without outdoor unit there is The Smart range ensures cooling capacities of up to 2.7 kW, in order to graddiclimate the largest environments. The "R" versions with integrated electrical resistance are suitable for more rigid climates and particularly high thermal loads. Available in two versions: "HP" in Heat Pump "R" with Integrated Electric Resistance which therefore allows the replacement of traditional heating for external ambient temperatures below 2°C Extra power Up to 2.7 kW for air conditioning larger rooms. Maximized air flow Optimal air flow and distribution: Up to 490 m3/h of air effectively introduced into the environment thanks to the wide flap (690x60 mm). Pure System 2 Unico© is equipped with a multi-filtering system that combines an electrostatic filter - which eliminates small particles such as smoke, dust, pollen, animal hair, helping to prevent allergic reactions - with an activated carbon filter - which eliminates bad odors and inactivates any gases harmful to the Health. Warm R System For external ambient temperatures lower than about 2°C, the heating mode is obtained by activating the electrical resistances and the solvent remover. For temperatures above about 2°C, heating is obtained by means of a heat pump. The management of one of the other modalities is completely automatic. Easy Care System Filter maintenance and cleaning easier than ever: maximum accessibility to the machine, both for cleaning and maintenance. Functions Dehumidification only function Auto function: modulates the operating parameters in relation to the ambient temperature Sleep function: gradually increases the set temperature and ensures reduced noise for greater well-being at night. Automatic condensate drain: in cooling operation, the condensate is disposed of without the use of dedicated ducts. Characteristics: Two power models: 2.3 kW 2.7 kW Available in the versions: SF (Cold Sol) HP (Heat Pump) Double Class A Refrigerant gas R410A* Versatility of installation: Installation on the wall at the top or bottom Possibility of glass installation** Easy installation: Unic installs everything internally in minutes Wireless wall command (Optional) Ampiflap for a homogeneous diffusion of the air in the environment Multifunction remote control 24h timer Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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