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Occasions Area: Exclusive Offers on New Products with Minor Aesthetic Defects

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  • immagine-1-hisense-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-inverter-serie-easy-smart-12000-btu-ca35yr03g-ca35yr03w-r-32-wi-fi-optional-novita

    Hisense AREA OCCASIONI Climatizzatore Condizionatore Hisense Inverter Serie EASY SMART 12000 Btu CA35YR03G + CA35YR03W R-32 Wi-Fi Optional - Novità

      ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONATE AL 100%, MA L'UNITÀ ESTERNA PRESENTA DELLE AMMACCATURE SUL LATO FRONTALE DESTRO E IL COPRI-RACCORDI È STATO RIPARATO CON LA COLLA (VEDI FOTO) Caratteristiche Tecniche Codice prodotto Unità interna : CA35YR03G, EAN: 6946087393427 Codice prodotto Unità Esterna : CA35YR03W, EAN: 6946087393434 Potenza : 12000 Btu Scheda Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice AEH-W4E1 ) Efficienza Energetica SEER : 6,1 SCOP : 4 Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Riscaldamento : A+ Consumo Energetico annuo in Raffreddamento : 195 kWh/a Consumo Energetico annuo in Riscaldamento : 945 kWh/a Performance Capacità Raffreddamento : 3,4 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 3,8 kW Assorbimento Raffreddamento : 1,152 kW Assorbimento Riscaldamento : 1,07 kW Aria Trattata Unità Interna : 9,7 m3/min Livello Potenza sonora Unità Interna : 56 dB(A) Livello Potenza sonora Unità Esterna : 62 dB(A) Livello Pressione sonora Unità Interna : 19/39 dB(A) Livello Pressione sonora Unità Esterna : 47/54 dB(A) Dati Elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R32 Intervallo di funzionamento  - Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 43° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati Installativi Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Lunghezza massima Tubazioni : 15 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 8 m Corrente massima Assorbita : 8 A Dimensioni e Peso Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxAxP) : 790×255×200 mm Peso Unità Interna : 7,5 Kg Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxAxP) : 660×483×240 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 24 Kg Garanzia di 3 anni (5 sul compressore)  La garanzia di Hisense Italia può essere attivata entro 1 mese dalla data di acquisto all’indirizzo http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Hisense EASY SMART I climatizzatori Easy Smart Hisense sono un concentrato di Tecnologia che aiutano a creare il clima ideale nell'ambiente in cui sono installati. il risparmio energetico è garantito dall'inverter 3D in dotazione e dal rivoluzionario scambiatore di calore a 3 sezioni che riduce il consumo di energia annua del 30% rispetto ad un climatizzatore tradizionale. I 4 filtri in 1 che sono rimovibili e lavabili garantiscono una qualità dell'aria eccellente, i filtri sono i seguenti: Il filtro vitamina C rilascia nell’aria vitamina C. La vitamina C penetra nella vostra pelle garantendovi protezione dai raggi ultravioletti, trattenendo l’ossigeno attivo e favorendo la produzione di collagene. Il filtro catechina rimuove gli odori ed elimina lo sporco e le particelle presenti nell’aria e nella stanza. Il filtro HEPA elimina in maniera efficace polline, polvere di macinazione, pneumobacillo, garantendovi aria fresca e salutare Filtro Aromatico questo filtro sul climatizzatore darà un profumo paradisiaco alla vostra stanza, quando aggiungerete il vostro profumo preferito al filtro aromatico. Di seguito sono riportati le caratteristiche principali del Hisense Easy Smart: Nuovo gas ecologico R-32 Display LED Riscaldamento a basse temperature Funzione SLEEP:Il sonno è di vitale importanza per il nostro organismo e riposare in modo confortevole apporta bene ci per la nostra salute. I climatizzatori Hisense si adattano al sonno di tutti. Timer 24h: Nei climatizzatori Hisense questa funzione permette di selezionare l’ora di accensione e di spegnimento del climatizzatore nell’arco di 24h. Funzione i-FEEL: Il sensore all’ interno del telecomando è in grado di rilevare la temperatura circostante e di trasmettere questa informazione all’ unità interna. L’unità interna funziona in base alla temperatura rilevata. Il controllo intelligente della temperatura garantisce un ambiente più confortevole e un controllo delle temperature più preciso, risparmiando energia. Super Cooling: Selezionando la funzione Super dal telecomando, il climatizzatore riduce rapidamente la temperatura in ambiente aumentando la capacità di raffreddamento del 25%. Funzione SMART: Se si preme il tasto Smart sul telecomando, il climatizzatore funzionerà nella modalità più confortevole in base alla temperatura dell’ambiente. Speciale riavvio a 8°C: La speciale modalità di riscaldamento a 8°C è molto utile soprattutto per le abitazioni situate in aree con temperature più rigide (e nelle seconde case). Durante la vostra assenza, infatti, l’unità si avvierà in modalità riscaldamento appena rilevata una temperatura inferiore agli 8°C permettendo alle vostre stanze di non gelare e riducendo il livello di umidità nell’aria. 4 Filtri in 1: Filtro Catechina, Filtro HEPA; Filtro vitamina C; Filtro aromatico Filtro ai carboni Antimuffa: A seguito dello spegnimento del climatizzatore la ventola interna continua a lavorare per 30 secondi asciugando la condensa presente nell’unità interna. Ciò permette di prevenire la formazione di muffa Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-mitsubishi-electric-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-mitsubishi-electric-inverter-serie-smart-msz-hr-12000-btu-msz-hr35vf-r-32-wi-fi-optional-classe-aa

    MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AREA OCCASIONI Climatizzatore Condizionatore Mitsubishi Electric Inverter serie SMART MSZ-HR 12000 Btu MSZ-HR35VF R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Classe A++/A+

     ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA L'UNITÀ ESTERNA PRESENTA UN'AMMACCATURA SUL COPERCHIO, LE ALETTE REFRIGERANTI SONO LIEVEMENTE DANNEGGIATE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VEDI FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello: Codice catalogo Unità Interna : MSZ-HR35VF Codice catalogo Unità Esterna : MUZ-HR35VF Potenza : 12000 Btu Wi-Fi Optional : MAC-587IF-E Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,2 SCOP : 4,3 Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in Raffreddamento : 191 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in Riscaldamento : 781 kWh/a Performance Capacità Raffreddamento: 3,4 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 3,6 kW Potenza Assorbita Raffreddamento : 1,21 kW Potenza Assorbita Riscaldamento : 0,975 kW Aria Trattata Unità Interna : 3,3 ~ 10,5 m3/min Potenza sonora unità interna : 60 dB(A) Potenza sonora unità esterna : 64 dB(A) Pressione sonora unità interna : 21 ~ 46 dB(A) Pressione sonora unità esterna : 51 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Intervallo di funzionamento :- Raffreddamento : -10° ~ +46° C- Riscaldamento : -10 ~ +24° C Dati Installativi Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Lunghezza massima Tubazioni : 20 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 12 m Dimensioni e Peso Dimensioni Unità Interna (AxLxP) : 280x838x228 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,5 Kg Dimensioni Unità Esterna (AxLxP) : 538x699x249 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 24 kg Mitsubishi Electric Serie Smart HR Una linea compatta progettata per gli spazi ridotti DC Inverter Il sistema Inverter è un dispositivo elettronico che consente di variare in modo efficiente la velocità del compressore e, di conseguenza, la potenza erogata dal climatizzatore in base alla richiesta di raffreddamento o di riscaldamento. Rispetto ai climatizzatori tradizionali a velocità fissa (On/ Off), i climatizzatori inverter raggiungono prima la temperatura richiesta e la mantengono stabile, senza sbalzi fastidiosi, a tutto vantaggio del comfort e dei consumi elettrici. R-32 Il gas refrigerante R32 risponde alle direttive europee in materia di riduzione dell’effetto serra, presentando un GWP inferiore all’R410A e non danneggiando lo strato di ozono. I vantaggi? Efficienza energetica elevata Riduzione della quantità di gas refrigerante utilizzata Impatto ambientale ridotto Facilmente caricabile e recuperabile in quanto gas puro Bassa tossicità e infiammabilità Una linea compatta progettata per gli spazi ridotti Le unità MSZ-HR garantiscono comfort e bassi consumi elettrici, con emissioni sonore al minimo senza rinunciare a dimensioni compatte. Unità interne compatte Le dimensioni delle unità interne di tutta la gamma sono particolarmente compatte. Ciò permette l’installazione anche in locali dove lo spazio a disposizione è ridotto. Il massimo della silenziosità per il massimo del comfort La qualità dell’ambiente in cui soggiorniamo dipende anche dal livello di rumore percepito. I climatizzatori Mitsubishi Electric contribuiscono a mantenere il più elevato comfort acustico riducendo al minimo le emissioni sonore. MELCloud, il controllo Wi-Fi MELCloud è il nuovo controllo Wi-Fi per il tuo sistema Mitsubishi Electric. Sfruttando l’appoggio della nuvola (il “Cloud”) per trasmettere e ricevere informazioni e l’interfaccia Wi-Fi dedicata opzionale (MAC-567IF-E), potrai facilmente controllare il tuo impianto ovunque tu sia tramite il PC, il tablet o lo smartphone; basterà avere a disposizione la connessione ad internet. Il servizio MELCloud è stato realizzato per avere la massima compatibilità con PC, Tablet e Smartphone grazie ad App dedicate o tramite Web Browser. Oltre la classe A++/A+ L’economia di esercizio è il grande vantaggio dei climatizzatori Mitsubishi Electric. Grazie all’accurata progettazione di tutti i componenti e l’uso di tecnologie all’avanguardia l’efficienza energetica raggiunge livelli straordinari anche su base stagionale. In modo particolare la Linea Smart ottiene valori di SEER e SCOP (indici di efficienza stagionale) che permettono di raggiungere valori oltre la Classe A++/A+ su tutta la gamma. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-hisense-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-inverter-console-serie-turbo-12000-btu-akt35ur4rk8-auw35u4rs8-r-32-wi-fi-optional-classe-aa-con-telecomando-di-serie-incluso

    Hisense AREA OCCASIONI Climatizzatore Condizionatore Hisense Inverter Console serie TURBO 12000 Btu AKT35UR4RK8 + AUW35U4RS8 R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Classe A++/A++ con Telecomando di serie Incluso

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: UNITÀ ESTERNA: PICCOLA AMMACCATURA PARTE POSTERIORE PIEDINO DI SUPPORTO DANNEGGIATO IMBALLO USURATO UNITÀ INTERNA: SEGNI DI RIPARAZIONI AD UNA ALETTA DIREZIONALE IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE).   ATTENZIONE! I modelli console sono forniti con telecomando di serie   Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : AKT35UR4RK8 Codice catalogo unità esterna : AUW35U4RS8 Potenza: 12000 Btu Wi-Fi Optional : AEH-W4GX Comando a filo Optional : YXE-C01U Efficienza energetica SEER : 7,10 SCOP : 4,60 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A++ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A++ Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 3,5 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 4,0 kW Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R32 Dati installativi Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Dimensioni unità interna (LxAxP) : 700x630x220 mm Dimensioni unità esterna (LxAxP) : 810x580x280 m   La garanzia di Hisense Italia può essere attivata entro 1 mese dalla data di acquisto all’indirizzo http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Nuova Console Hisense R-32 Refrigerante Ecologico L'R32 ha zero potenziale di esaurimento dell'ozono (OPD) e un potenziale di riscaldamento globale (GWP) inferiore, che contribuisce alla prevenzione del riscaldamento globale Unità interna  Raffreddamento Le mandate d'aria superiore e inferiore si aprono contemporaneamente per un raffreddamento veloce e confortevole. Riscaldamento La mandata d'aria inferiore garantisce un riscaldamento uniforme in tutto l'ambiente.   Controllo Wi-Fi Intelligente I climatizzatori Hisense si gestiscono comodamente dentro e fuori casa con un dispositivo mobile e una connessione Wi-Fi. ConnectLife è la app semplice da usare e con un’interfaccia intuitiva che permette di controllare il climatizzatore ovunque ci si trovi. L’app è disponibile per iOS e Android. Il funzionamento in modalità Wi-Fi richiede l'installazione delle schede su ciascuna unità interna. Dopo aver scaricato la app e associato il climatizzatore, la app consente di gestire modalità di funzionamento, temperatura, velocità di ventilazione e flusso dell’aria. Dalla sezione «Automazione» è inoltre possibile impostare i timer giornalieri o settimanali Controllo Smart Voice  La nuova app ConnectLife è compatibile con Alexa e Google assistant, grazie all’interazione vocale, è possibile accendere, spegnere, regolare la temperatura e impostare la modalità di funzionamento (rarescamento o riscaldamento). Trovi ConnectLife nelle Skill di Alexa e nel catalogo di Google assistant Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-hisense-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-inverter-serie-easy-smart-12000-btu-ca35mr05g-ca35mr05w-r-32-wi-fi-optional-classe-aa

    Hisense AREA OCCASIONI Air Conditioner Hisense Inverter EASY SMART series 12000 Btu CA35MR05G + CA35MR05W R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Class A++/A+

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND WORKING, BUT THE EXTERNAL UNIT HAS A SMALL DAMAGE TO THE REAR SUPPORT FOOT AND THE PACKAGING IS WORN. (FOR MORE INFORMATION VIEW THE PHOTOS NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) Technical features Indoor unit product code: CA35MR05G Outdoor unit product code: CA35MR05W Power: 12000 Btu Optional Wi-Fi card: AEH-W4GX Energy efficiency SEER : 6.8 SCOP : 4.0 Energy efficiency class in cooling: A++ Energy efficiency class in heating: A+ Annual energy consumption in cooling: 165 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in heating: 1015 kWh/a Performance Cooling capacity: 3.2 kW Heating capacity: 3.3 kW Cooling absorption: 0.94 kW Heating absorption: 0.84 kW Treated air inside the unit: 9.17 m3 /min Sound power level indoor unit: 57 dB(A) Sound power level outdoor unit: 62 dB(A) Indoor unit sound pressure level : 19~39 dB(A) Sound pressure level outdoor unit : 47~54 dB(A) Electrical Data Power supply (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 43° C - Heating: -20° ~ 24° C Installation Data Liquid pipe diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Maximum pipe length: 20 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 10 m Dimensions and Weight Indoor unit dimensions (WxHxD): 790×255×200 mm Internal unit weight: 7.1 Kg External unit dimensions (WxHxD): 780×540×260 mm External unit weight: 25.0 Kg The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto DC inverter technology Hisense inverter air conditioners contain advanced technologies to guarantee efficiency, energy saving, silence and comfort • 180° Sine Wave Technology: More efficient, more stable, long-term use • Magnetic field control for operation even at high frequencies (> 70 Hz): Rapid cooling, rapid heating • Frequency compensation technology: Constant temperature, Energy saving • Wide frequency control range: Continuous operation, Accurate control • 3-D Inverter: High efficiency, Great adaptability, Less maintenance Hisense EASY SMART monosplit residential air conditioner Easy Smart air conditioners Hisense are a concentration of technology that help create the ideal climate in the environment in which they are installed. Energy saving is guaranteed by the 3D inverter supplied and the revolutionary 3-section heat exchanger that reduces annual energy consumption by 30% compared to a traditional air conditioner. Below are the main features of the Hisense Easy Smart : I Feel Function The sensor inside the remote control can detect the surrounding temperature and transmit this information to the indoor unit. The indoor unit operates according to the detected temperature. Intelligent temperature control ensures a more comfortable environment and more precise temperature control, saving energy. Special 8°C Restart The special 8°C heating mode is very useful especially for homes located in areas with colder temperatures. In fact, during your absence, the unit will start in heating mode as soon as it detects a temperature lower than 8°C, preventing your rooms from freezing and reducing the level of humidity in the air. Dimmer Pressing this button on the remote control will turn off the display light on the front panel Anti-Bacteria Evaporator The evaporator fins are coated with a special treatment with silver ions for anti-bacterial properties Anti-mold To prevent the formation of mold, after the air conditioner is turned off, the internal fan continues to work for 30 seconds, drying the condensation. Self-Clean: Antibacterial treatment The evaporator and condenser of Hisense air conditioners have a hydrophilic coating that allows the removal of microorganisms and dust. By activating the Self-Clean function directly from the remote control, the air conditioner starts the self-cleaning process through the defrosting, defrosting and drying phases of the battery. Thanks to the Self-Clean function, the air released into the room is always clean and the performance of the air conditioner remains optimal Wi-Fi Control Hisense air conditioners can be conveniently managed inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. HiSmart Life is the simple-to-use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android. After downloading the app and pairing the air conditioner, the app allows you to manage the operating mode, temperature, fan speed and air flow. From the "Smart Function" section you can also set daily or weekly timers. Smart Voice Control The new HiSmart Life app is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant: thanks to voice interaction, it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the temperature and set the desired operating mode for both cooling and heating. You can find HiSmart Life in Alexa Skills and in the Google Assistant catalog. Characteristics Automatic vertical flow regulation Silence: 19 dB(A) 4 Sleep I Feel Restart 8th Optional Wi-Fi Card Optional Wired Control Remote control LED display Dimmer Anti-bacteria evaporator Carbon filter Anti-mold Self-clean 3+5 Guarantee Eligible for 50% and 65% Tax Deduction. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-beretta-area-occasioni-caldaia-camera-aperta-beretta-ciao-lx-24-cai-low-nox-metano-20151648

    BERETTA OPPORTUNITY AREA Open Chamber Boiler Beretta CIAO LX 24 CAI Low NOx Methane 20151648

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND WORKING BUT IT HAS A SIDE DENT, A SMALL DAMAGE NEAR THE DISPLAY AND THE PACKAGING IS WORN. (FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) Open Chamber Boiler Beretta CIAO LX 24 CAI Low NOx Methane 20151648 - NEW Technical Features Model: CIAO LX 24 CAI Code: 20151648 Nominal heating/sanitary thermal capacity: 26.70 kW Nominal heating/sanitary thermal power: 24.06 kW Efficiency at rated power: 90.1 Efficiency at reduced load (30%): 89.2% NOx class 6 Maximum operating pressure heating bar 3 Maximum absorbed electrical power W 47 Quantity of hot water deltaT 25C° 13.8 l/min Dimensions HxWxD 740x400x340 HELLO LX Beretta has renewed the Ciao open chamber boiler; the previous Ciao S CAI model now becomes Ciao LX CAI and is in NOX Class 6. Aesthetically it looks like the previous one but its technology is now completely different. The Ciao LX CAI is the entry-level model for approaching Beretta boiler technology; the CAI model has an open combustion chamber and natural draft. The adjectives that identify it are: high quality standard, robustness, reliability and economy in purchase and operation. The innovative Double Exchanger is very compact and is of the plate type with the possibility of pre-heating . It also uses a low consumption Synchronous Circulator (EEI = 0.20) with anti-blocking cycle system and 3-way valve; it is equipped with a smoke control thermostat and by-pass on the heating circuit. Beretta Ciao has a simple, modern and elegant line; the front panel, the real brain of the boiler, is equipped with many functions. Ciao LX CAI is designed to be installed outdoors in partially protected places, thanks to the dedicated accessories and the anti-freeze protection on the board up to 0 °C. In colder temperature conditions, it is possible to extend the protection up to -10 °C using the specific anti-freeze resistance kit together with the siphon anti-freeze resistance kit (optional, to be requested separately from the Beretta Technical Assistance Centre). A convenient digital liquid crystal display for viewing the temperature and diagnostic codes, the on/off/summer/winter/reset/heating temperature/ Amico Climate System activation selector, the domestic hot water temperature/pre-heating activation selector, the Hydrometer. The wall-mounted hydraulic fittings, the sanitary taps and the gas tap are not included in the package. GUARANTEED SAVINGS AND HIGH COMFORT Gas consumption is always very low . This new version complies with the new standards on exhaust gas emissions (NOx 6) and the ErP Directive 2015 ; the boiler benefits from Energy Classes C in Heating and B in Sanitary . Everything is born in the name of savings, starting from the purchase price up to the management of consumption. Maximum comfort with minimum expense. TECHNICAL FEATURES Class B/C NOx class 6 - ErP version, equipped with 6 m low consumption circulator Double exchanger: primary and sanitary plate with pre-heating option 8 litre expansion vessel Provision for climate control (optional external probe to be purchased through CAT) Electrical protection degree IPX5D Hydraulic fittings, gas taps and optional sanitary fittings 3-way valve with anti-lock cycle system Smoke control thermostat By-pass on the heating circuit Electronic board with self-diagnostic function and anti-freeze protection Simple and intuitive digital display On/off/summer/winter/reset/heating temperature/Climate Friend System activation selector Domestic hot water temperature selector/preheating activation Hydrometer Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-mitsubishi-electric-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-mitsubishi-electric-inverter-linea-plus-serie-msz-ay-9000-btu-msz-ay25vgkp-classe-aa-wi-fi-integrato-r-32

    MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AREA OCCASIONI Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Electric Inverter Plus Line MSZ-AY series 9000 Btu MSZ-AY25VGKP Class A+++/A++ Integrated Wi-Fi R-32

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND WORKING BUT THE EXTERNAL UNIT HAS A FRONT DENT, DAMAGED FRONT SUPPORT HOOK, DAMAGED COOLING FINS, DENT AND INDENTION ON THE BACK SIDE AND THE PACKAGING IS WORN. (FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) Mitsubishi Electric Inverter Air Conditioner Plus Line MSZ-AY Series 9000 Btu MSZ-AY25VGKP Class A+++/A++ Integrated Wi-Fi R-32 - NEW Model: Indoor Unit Catalog Code: MSZ-AY25VGKP External Unit Catalog Code: MUZ-AY25VG Power: 9000 Btu Built-in Wi-Fi Energy Efficiency: SEER: 8.7 SCOP: 4.8 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling: A+++ Energy Efficiency Class in Heating: A++ Annual energy consumption in cooling: 100 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in heating: 697 kWh/a Performance Cooling capacity: 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 3.2 kW Cooling Power Consumption: 0.6 kW Heating Power Consumption: 0.78 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit: 3.6 ~ 10.5 m 3 /min Indoor unit sound pressure: 18 - 42 dB(A) External unit sound pressure: 47/48 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Operating range : - Cooling: -10° ~ +46° C - Heating: -20 ~ +24° C Installation Data Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Maximum length of pipes: 20 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 12 m Dimensions and Weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 299x798x245 mm Internal Unit Weight: 11 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 550x800x285 mm External Unit Weight: 27 kg New MSZ-AY Series The new MSZ-AY model represents a new standard in the world of residential air conditioning. With a renewed aesthetic, quality materials with a “velvety” finish, careful attention to comfort with its sound pressure of only 18dBA and the equipment of the active filtration device “Plasma Quad Plus”, MSZ-AY encloses the best Mitsubishi Electric technology in ultra-compact dimensions.   Self-cleaning mode The new «Self Clean» function on the MSZ-AY allows you to dry the internal unit at the end of the cooling cycle, preventing the formation of mould and bad odours. Quad PIUS Plasma Filter supplied The Plasma Quad PLUS system is an active filtration system capable of inhibiting up to 99% of viruses, bacteria, mold and PM2.5 present in the air, up to 98% of allergens and pollen and up to 99.7% of mites and dust. Optional V Blocking air purifying filter V Blocking is a new purifying filter that improves the previous silver ion filtering system, adding an antiviral action capable of inhibiting viruses, bacteria, mold and allergens. Efficiency Thanks to careful design and the introduction of R32 refrigerant, the efficiency of the new MSZ-AY units has increased significantly, reaching class A+++ in cooling (sizes 25 and 35) and A++ in heating across the entire lineup. Dual Barrier Coating With the MSZ-AY unit, Mitsubishi Electric introduces another revolutionary technology: Dual Barrier Coating. During operation, dust and impurities introduced during air conditioning operations settle on the internal components, especially the battery and fan, increasing the machine's consumption by up to 18%. With Dual Barrier Coating, the internal components of the MSZ-AY are treated with a second protective layer that prevents the accumulation of dust and impurities even after long periods of time, reducing consumption and eliminating the need for maintenance of the unit in relation to this problem. Silent operation Environmental comfort is also linked to noise levels and is especially important in bedrooms or studies. The Kirigamine line allows you to guarantee the ideal climate all year round with a noise level that is virtually imperceptible to the human ear. The 18dB(A) achieved by the MSZ-AY model is quieter than the noise generated by the rustling of leaves in the wind, making the air conditioner virtually inaudible to the occupants of the room. This is why MSZ-AY is particularly suitable for domestic environments such as the bedroom and living area, where we spend most of our time and carry out our daily activities. Night Mode: maximum discretion and silence By activating the Night Mode function from the remote control, you can set the air conditioner to operate at night: * LED brightness reduction * Deactivate "beep" sound * 3dB reduction in external unit noise emission Air distribution Thanks to the presence of the motorized louver, it is possible to direct the air flow to achieve maximum comfort in the room in every operating mode (sizes 25-50). Furthermore, the horizontal flow eliminates annoying air currents towards the occupants. MELCIoud integrated The new MSZ-AY offers the user experience of MelCloud integrated into the air conditioner, allowing the user to remotely manage, thanks to the Wi-Fi controller, the main functions of the air conditioner and monitor its operation and energy consumption. Furthermore, thanks to the new integrated wifi adapter, connecting to the router is even easier! Backlit remote control The backlit remote control allows for easy viewing even at night. Installation template The new MSZ-AY is equipped with a new installation template. The new template has a large central hole that makes installation easier especially in the presence of pre-installation boxes. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-lg-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-lg-inverter-serie-libero-smart-9000-btu-s09et-nsj-wi-fi-integrato-r-32-classe-aa

    LG AREA OCCASIONI Air Conditioner LG Inverter Series Libero Smart 9000 Btu S09ET NSJ Wi-Fi Integrated R-32 Class A++/A+

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND WORKING BUT THE EXTERNAL UNIT HAS A LIGHT DAMAGE ON THE TOP AND THE PACKAGING IS DAMAGED. (FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) Technical Features Indoor unit catalog code: S09ET NSJ Outdoor unit catalog code: S09ET UA3 Power: 9000 Btu Built-in Wi-Fi with LG ThinQ® Optional Wire Control: (Code PREMTB001 ) Voice Control with Alexa and Google Home Energy Efficiency SEER : 7 SCOPE : 4 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling: A++ Energy Efficiency Class in Heating: A+ Annual Energy Consumption in Cooling: 125 kWh/a Annual Energy Consumption in Heating: 875 kWh/a Performance Cooling capacity: 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 3.3 kW Cooling Power Consumption: 0.656 kW Heating absorption: 0.8 kW Sound Power Level Indoor Unit: 59 dB(A) Sound Power Level Outdoor Unit: 65 dB(A) Sound pressure level Indoor unit : 19~41 dB(A) Sound pressure level Outdoor unit : 48~50 dB(A) Electrical Data Power supply (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R32 Operating range - Cooling: -10° ~ 48° C - Heating: -10° ~ 24° C Installation Data Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Maximum length of pipes: 15 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 7 m Dimensions and Weight Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x189 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.7 Kg External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 717x495x230 mm External Unit Weight: 25.1 Kg LG, which places great confidence in the quality and reliability of its products, offers a 10-year warranty on the Inverter compressor of all mono and multisplit models in this catalogue. The above warranty covers the costs of the Inverter compressor part only for a total period of 10 years from the date of purchase of the air conditioner . Any other cost other than the value of the replaced component only is to be considered excluded from the coverage. LG Free Smart Energy Saving Inverter technology is able to modulate the power supplied based on actual needs. This allows to maintain a constant temperature avoiding energy waste, in favor of greater efficiency and maximum energy savings. Rapid cooling A wider and perfectly designed airflow allows to reach even the most distant corners and to cool the room faster. Check how much energy you consume Save energy and control consumption with the Smart Energy Display Maximum silence LG air conditioners ensure reduced noise thanks to the special Skew Fan and Inverter compressor, which eliminate unnecessary noise and allow the product to operate as quietly as possible. Check your energy consumption With LG's Active Energy Control button, you can adjust energy consumption according to three settings (80%, 60%, 40%). Just press a button to control cooling efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Comfort Air Automatically sets the angle of inclination of the deflector so that the outgoing air flow is not directed directly at the room occupants Ease of installation LG air conditioners are designed and manufactured to be installed quickly and efficiently, reducing labor and installation times. Smart control for a smart life Voice Control With a simple voice command, thanks to LG ThinQ 's compatibility with Google Assistant, you can control your LG air conditioner: just with your voice you can set the on and off times, operating modes and temperature. Remote Control With LG ThinQ you can remotely access your LG air conditioner, both at home and away, with maximum convenience. This makes your life simpler, smarter and more comfortable. Monitoring Now you can easily check the operation, energy consumption and filter cleaning directly from your smartphone. Control of your LG air conditioner is at your fingertips * Google and Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC. * LG SmartThinQ is now renamed to LG ThinQ. *Products with smart features and voice assistant may vary by country and model. Check with LG for service availability Characteristics Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-ariston-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-portatile-ariston-mobis-8-solo-freddo-classe-a-8000-btu

    Ariston AREA OPPORTUNITIES Air Conditioner Portable Air Conditioner Ariston Mobis 8 cold only Class A 8000 btu

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND WORKING BUT THE PACKAGING IS DAMAGED. Air Conditioner Portable Air Conditioner Ariston Mobis 8 cold only Class A 8000 btu Characteristics Product code 3381430 Cooling capacity 8000 btu Energy class A EER 2.6 Power supply 220-240V - 1 ph - 50 Hz Refrigerant gas R290 Air flow max 293 m3h Dimensions LxDxH mm 355x345x703 Noise Level 62 dB Mobius 8 The Mobis 8 portable air conditioner offers a cooling capacity of 8000 BTU, and is recommended for areas up to 16 m². Designed to ensure high operating efficiencies, mobis 8 offers an EER of 2.6 and achieves an energy class A. Easy to use, thanks to an intuitive interface and remote control, Mobis 8 allows you to enjoy maximum comfort in any environment. Characteristics: High energy efficiency Anti-odor filter Programming Super silent function Product WarrantyAll products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-ariston-area-occasioni-scaldabagno-elettrico-ariston-pro1-eco-80-v5-eu-verticale-80-lt

    Ariston AREA OPPORTUNITIES Electric Water Heater Ariston Pro1 Eco 80 V/5 EU Vertical 80 lt

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND CHECKED BY OUR TECHNICIANS, IT HAS TRANSPORT DEFECTS: REPAIR SIGNS ON THE PLASTIC BODY, DOES NOT ADHERE PERFECTLY TO THE PRODUCT BASE SLIGHTLY INCLINED PIPELINE DENT ON THE BOTTOM WORN PACKAGING (FOR MORE DETAILS VIEW THE PHOTOS NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE). Electric Water Heater Ariston Pro1 Eco 80 v/5 Eu Vertical 80 lt 3201867 Technical Features Capacity 80 lt Net weight 22 Kg Max operating pressure bar 8 Power 1.2 Kw Voltage V 230 Heating time ∆T45°C h/min 3h40 m Energy class B M sampling profile Code 3201867 Dimensions (height x diameter) 758x470 mm Vertical Installation PRO 1 ECO Electric Water Heater Ariston quality always at your home 100% Guaranteed Each single component is developed with the aim of guaranteeing long-lasting performance and high efficiency, with the guarantee of the Ariston brand. 100% Checked and Tested Every single Ariston product is rigorously tested in terms of quality, efficiency and safety before being delivered, with superior results guaranteed by our commitment 100% Built to Last Strong and super resistant materials, components and products developed to work in extreme conditions to deliver high level results with maximum durability. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-mitsubishi-electric-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-mitsubishi-electric-inverter-serie-smart-msz-hr-9000-btu-msz-hr25vf-r-32-wi-fi-optional-classe-aa

    MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AREA OCCASIONI Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Electric Inverter SMART series MSZ-HR 9000 Btu MSZ-HR25VF R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Class A++/A+

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND WORKING, BUT THE EXTERNAL UNIT HAS DAMAGED REFRIGERANT FINS, A SLIGHT INDENTION NEAR THE CONNECTORS AND THE PACKAGING IS WORN. (FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE PHOTO NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) Technical Features Model: Indoor Unit Catalog Code: MSZ-HR25VF External Unit Catalog Code: MUZ-HR25VF Power: 9000 Btu Wi-Fi Optional : MAC-587IF-E Energy Efficiency: SEER : 6.2 SCOP : 4.3 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling: A++ Energy Efficiency Class in Heating: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling: 141 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in heating: 614 kWh/a Performance Cooling capacity: 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 3.15 kW Cooling Power Consumption: 0.8 kW Heating Power Consumption: 0.85 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit: 3.3 ~ 10.1 m 3 /min Sound power indoor unit: 57 dB(A) Sound power of outdoor unit: 63 dB(A) Indoor unit sound pressure : 21 ~ 43 dB(A) External unit sound pressure: 50 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Operating range : - Cooling: -10° ~ +46° C - Heating : -10 ~ +24° C Installation Data Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Maximum length of pipes: 20 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 12 m Dimensions and Weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x838x228 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 538x699x249 mm External Unit Weight: 23 kg Mitsubishi Electric Smart HR Series A compact line designed for small spaces DC Inverter The Inverter system is an electronic device that allows you to efficiently vary the speed of the compressor and, consequently, the power supplied by the air conditioner based on the cooling or heating request. Compared to traditional fixed-speed air conditioners (On/Off), inverter air conditioners reach the required temperature sooner and keep it stable, without annoying changes, to the advantage of comfort and electricity consumption. R-32 The refrigerant gas R32 complies with European directives on the reduction of the greenhouse effect, having a lower GWP than R410A and not damaging the ozone layer. The advantages? High energy efficiency Reduction of the amount of refrigerant gas used Reduced environmental impact Easily chargeable and recoverable as a pure gas Low toxicity and flammability A compact line designed for small spaces The MSZ-HR units guarantee comfort and low electricity consumption, with minimal noise emissions without sacrificing compact dimensions. Compact internal units The dimensions of the internal units of the entire range are particularly compact. This allows installation even in rooms where the available space is limited. Maximum silence for maximum comfort The quality of the environment in which we stay also depends on the perceived noise level. Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners help maintain the highest acoustic comfort by reducing noise emissions to a minimum. MELCloud, the Wi-Fi control MELCloud is the new Wi-Fi control for your Mitsubishi Electric system. Using the cloud (the “Cloud”) to transmit and receive information and the optional dedicated Wi-Fi interface (MAC-567IF-E), you can easily control your system wherever you are via your PC, tablet or smartphone; all you need is an internet connection. The MELCloud service has been designed to have maximum compatibility with PCs, Tablets and Smartphones thanks to dedicated Apps or via Web Browser. Above class A++/A+ Economy of operation is the great advantage of Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners. Thanks to the careful design of all components and the use of cutting-edge technologies, energy efficiency reaches extraordinary levels even on a seasonal basis. In particular, the Smart Line obtains SEER and SCOP values ​​(seasonal efficiency indices) that allow it to reach values ​​above Class A++/A+ across the entire range . Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-hisense-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-inverter-serie-easy-smart-12000-btu-ca35mr05g-ca35mr05w-r-32-wi-fi-optional-classe-aa

    Hisense AREA OCCASIONI Air Conditioner Hisense Inverter EASY SMART series 12000 Btu CA35MR05G + CA35MR05W R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Class A++/A+

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND WORKING, BUT THE EXTERNAL UNIT HAS A DENT NEAR THE CONNECTORS, THE COOLING FINS ARE PARTIALLY DAMAGED, IT HAS A DAMAGED SUPPORT HOOK AND THE PACKAGING IS DAMAGED. (FOR MORE INFORMATION VIEW THE PHOTOS NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) Technical features Indoor unit product code: CA35MR05G Outdoor unit product code: CA35MR05W Power: 12000 Btu Optional Wi-Fi card: AEH-W4GX Energy efficiency SEER : 6.8 SCOP : 4.0 Energy efficiency class in cooling: A++ Energy efficiency class in heating: A+ Annual energy consumption in cooling: 165 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in heating: 1015 kWh/a Performance Cooling capacity: 3.2 kW Heating capacity: 3.3 kW Cooling absorption: 0.94 kW Heating absorption: 0.84 kW Treated air inside the unit: 9.17 m3 /min Sound power level indoor unit: 57 dB(A) Sound power level outdoor unit: 62 dB(A) Indoor unit sound pressure level : 19~39 dB(A) Sound pressure level outdoor unit : 47~54 dB(A) Electrical Data Power supply (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 43° C - Heating: -20° ~ 24° C Installation Data Liquid pipe diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Maximum pipe length: 20 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 10 m Dimensions and Weight Indoor unit dimensions (WxHxD): 790×255×200 mm Internal unit weight: 7.1 Kg External unit dimensions (WxHxD): 780×540×260 mm External unit weight: 25.0 Kg The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto DC inverter technology Hisense inverter air conditioners contain advanced technologies to guarantee efficiency, energy saving, silence and comfort • 180° Sine Wave Technology: More efficient, more stable, long-term use • Magnetic field control for operation even at high frequencies (> 70 Hz): Rapid cooling, rapid heating • Frequency compensation technology: Constant temperature, Energy saving • Wide frequency control range: Continuous operation, Accurate control • 3-D Inverter: High efficiency, Great adaptability, Less maintenance Hisense EASY SMART monosplit residential air conditioner Easy Smart air conditioners Hisense are a concentration of technology that help create the ideal climate in the environment in which they are installed. Energy saving is guaranteed by the 3D inverter supplied and the revolutionary 3-section heat exchanger that reduces annual energy consumption by 30% compared to a traditional air conditioner. Below are the main features of the Hisense Easy Smart : I Feel Function The sensor inside the remote control can detect the surrounding temperature and transmit this information to the indoor unit. The indoor unit operates according to the detected temperature. Intelligent temperature control ensures a more comfortable environment and more precise temperature control, saving energy. Special 8°C Restart The special 8°C heating mode is very useful especially for homes located in areas with colder temperatures. In fact, during your absence, the unit will start in heating mode as soon as it detects a temperature lower than 8°C, preventing your rooms from freezing and reducing the level of humidity in the air. Dimmer Pressing this button on the remote control will turn off the display light on the front panel Anti-Bacteria Evaporator The evaporator fins are coated with a special treatment with silver ions for anti-bacterial properties Anti-mold To prevent the formation of mold, after the air conditioner is turned off, the internal fan continues to work for 30 seconds, drying the condensation. Self-Clean: Antibacterial treatment The evaporator and condenser of Hisense air conditioners have a hydrophilic coating that allows the removal of microorganisms and dust. By activating the Self-Clean function directly from the remote control, the air conditioner starts the self-cleaning process through the defrosting, defrosting and drying phases of the battery. Thanks to the Self-Clean function, the air released into the room is always clean and the performance of the air conditioner remains optimal Wi-Fi Control Hisense air conditioners can be conveniently managed inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. HiSmart Life is the simple-to-use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android. After downloading the app and pairing the air conditioner, the app allows you to manage the operating mode, temperature, fan speed and air flow. From the "Smart Function" section you can also set daily or weekly timers. Smart Voice Control The new HiSmart Life app is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant: thanks to voice interaction, it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the temperature and set the desired operating mode for both cooling and heating. You can find HiSmart Life in Alexa Skills and in the Google Assistant catalog. Characteristics Automatic vertical flow regulation Silence: 19 dB(A) 4 Sleep I Feel Restart 8th Optional Wi-Fi Card Optional Wired Control Remote control LED display Dimmer Anti-bacteria evaporator Carbon filter Anti-mold Self-clean 3+5 Guarantee Eligible for 50% and 65% Tax Deduction. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-hisense-area-occasioni-climatizzatore-condizionatore-hisense-inverter-serie-easy-smart-24000-btu-ca70bt02g-ca70bt02w-r-32-wi-fi-optional-classe-aa

    Hisense AREA OCCASIONI Air Conditioner Hisense Inverter EASY SMART series 24000 Btu CA70BT02G + CA70BT02W R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Class A++/A+

    ATTENTION THE PRODUCT IS NEW AND WORKING BUT IT HAS THE FOLLOWING DAMAGES, FRONT DENT, DENT NEAR THE FITTINGS, THE COVER HAS A DENT ON THE FRONT PART AND DOES NOT MATCH PERFECTLY WITH THE LOWER PART OF THE MACHINE, IT ALSO HAS A SMALL RECESS ON THE BACK PART AND THE PACKAGING IS WORN. (FOR MORE INFORMATION VIEW THE PHOTOS NEXT TO THE MAIN IMAGE) Technical features Indoor unit product code: CA70BT02G Outdoor unit product code: CA70BT02W Power: 24000 Btu Optional Wi-Fi card: AEH-W4GX Energy efficiency SEER : 6.2 SCOP : 4.0 Energy efficiency class in cooling: A++ Energy efficiency class in heating: A+ Annual energy consumption in cooling: 367 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in heating: 1908 kWh/a Performance Cooling capacity: 6.5 kW Heating capacity: 7.1 kW Cooling absorption: 2.06 kW Heating absorption: 2.15 kW Treated air inside the unit: 18.33 m3 /min Sound power level indoor unit: 64 dB(A) Sound power level outdoor unit: 65 dB(A) Indoor unit sound pressure level : 23~48 dB(A) Sound pressure level outdoor unit : 48~56 dB(A) Electrical Data Power supply (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 43° C - Heating: -20° ~ 24° C Installation Data Liquid pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Gas pipe diameter: 15.88 mm (5/8") Maximum pipe length: 20 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and Weight Indoor unit dimensions (WxHxD): 998×325×225 mm Internal unit weight: 11.0 Kg External unit dimensions (WxHxD): 860×667×310 mm External unit weight: 41.0 Kg The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto DC inverter technology Hisense inverter air conditioners contain advanced technologies to guarantee efficiency, energy saving, silence and comfort • 180° Sine Wave Technology: More efficient, more stable, long-term use • Magnetic field control for operation even at high frequencies (> 70 Hz): Rapid cooling, rapid heating • Frequency compensation technology: Constant temperature, Energy saving • Wide frequency control range : Continuous operation , Accurate control • 3-D Inverter: High efficiency, Great adaptability, Less maintenance Hisense EASY SMART monosplit residential air conditioner Easy Smart air conditioners Hisense are a concentration of technology that help create the ideal climate in the environment in which they are installed. Energy saving is guaranteed by the 3D inverter supplied and the revolutionary 3-section heat exchanger that reduces annual energy consumption by 30% compared to a traditional air conditioner. Below are the main features of the Hisense Easy Smart : I Feel Function The sensor inside the remote control can detect the surrounding temperature and transmit this information to the indoor unit. The indoor unit operates according to the detected temperature. Intelligent temperature control ensures a more comfortable environment and more precise temperature control, saving energy. Special 8°C Restart The special 8°C heating mode is very useful especially for homes located in areas with colder temperatures. In fact, during your absence, the unit will start in heating mode as soon as it detects a temperature lower than 8°C, preventing your rooms from freezing and reducing the level of humidity in the air. Dimmer Pressing this button on the remote control will turn off the display light on the front panel Anti-Bacteria Evaporator The evaporator fins are coated with a special treatment with silver ions for anti-bacterial properties Anti-mold To prevent the formation of mold, after the air conditioner is turned off, the internal fan continues to work for 30 seconds, drying the condensation. Self-Clean: Antibacterial treatment The evaporator and condenser of Hisense air conditioners have a hydrophilic coating that allows the removal of microorganisms and dust. By activating the Self-Clean function directly from the remote control, the air conditioner starts the self-cleaning process through the defrosting, defrosting and drying phases of the battery. Thanks to the Self-Clean function, the air released into the room is always clean and the performance of the air conditioner remains optimal Wi-Fi Control Hisense air conditioners can be conveniently managed inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. HiSmart Life is the simple-to-use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android. After downloading the app and pairing the air conditioner, the app allows you to manage the operating mode, temperature, fan speed and air flow. From the "Smart Function" section you can also set daily or weekly timers. Smart Voice Control The new HiSmart Life app is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant: thanks to voice interaction, it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the temperature and set the desired operating mode for both cooling and heating. You can find HiSmart Life in Alexa Skills and in the Google Assistant catalog. Characteristics Automatic vertical flow regulation Silence: 19 dB(A) 4 Sleep I Feel Restart 8th Optional Wi-Fi Card Optional Wired Control Remote control LED display Dimmer Anti-bacteria evaporator Carbon filter Anti-mold Self-clean 3+5 Guarantee Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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