Multisplit configurator
DAIKIN Unità Interna Daikin Bluevolution Perfera a Pavimento 9000 Btu FVXM25A R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato Telecomando a Infrarossi Incluso
ATTENZIONE, VERRÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : FVXM25A Potenza : 9000 Btu Capacità raffreddamento : 2,4 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 3,4 kW Aria trattata : 7,0 m3/min Livello potenza sonora : 52 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 19~38 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 600x750x238 mm Peso : 17,0 Kg Wi-Fi integrato Il modello FVXM-A è collegabile con le seguenti unità esterne : 2MXM40A 2MXM50A 3MXM40A 3MXM52A Perfera Pavimento FVXM-A Unità a pavimento per un comfort di riscaldamento ottimale grazie a caratteristiche di riscaldamento esclusive Unità a pavimento dalla massima efficienza La nuova unità Perfera pavimento, dotata di Daikin Eye disattivabile da telecomando, presenta linee eleganti e moderne che trasmettono qualità, performance e classe. L'ampia area di aspirazione in tre direzioni permette di raggiungere efficienza energetica fino a A+++/A++ e lo SCOP più alto sul mercato: 4,7 Nuove funzionalità Due nuove funzioni attivabili da telecomando: Floor Warming distribuisce aria calda dalla parte inferiore dell'unità verso il pavimento per un riscaldamento confortevole. Heat Plus trasmette la sensazione di comfort personale simile a quella data da un elemento radiante, come un termosifone. Installazione flessibile L'unità può essere installaztaa a filo muro o parzialmente ad incasso per risparmiare spazio. Ottima gestione del flusso d'aria Il flap maggiorato garantisce una migliore distribuzione del flusso d'aria e la possibilità di un doppio flusso d'aria in riscaldamento, un comfort avvolgente. Una climatizzazione controllata per un'aria più fresca e pulita Daikin rende confortevoli le vostre stanze pulendo e distribuendo l'aria al meglio. L'aria passa attraverso il filtro deodorizzante che elimina i cattivi odori. La tecnologia Flash Streamer™ di Daikin neutralizza allergeni e odori prima di rilasciare aria nella stanza. Il flusso tridimensionale fa circolare l'aria sia in verticale sia in orizzontale per un comfort avvolgente. La tecnologia Motion Detection Sensor a doppia area di controllo direziona l'aria lontano dalle persone presenti nella stanza e, quando non c'è più nessuno, attiva la modalità risparmio energetico Tecnologie per il massimo del comfort, tutto l’anno Il massimo del risparmio energetico, sempre sotto controllo Grazie all’app Onecta sai sempre quali sono i consumi del tuo climatizzatore, anche con il dettaglio per il solo raffrescamento o il riscaldamento. Inoltre hai statistiche sempre aggiornate sui consumi eff ettuati su base mensile, settimanale e giornaliera. L’unica sorpresa che avrai sarà constatare quanto risparmi! L’app Onecta è gestibile con controllo vocale, tramite Amazon Alexa e Google Home, per il massimo della praticità e una gestione ancora più semplice. App Onecta Pieno controllo, ovunque ti trovi Non sei a casa? Grazie all'app Onecta, questo non è un problema. L’app permette di accedere all'istante a tutte le funzioni. Puoi regolare facilmente le impostazioni tramite smartphone, ovunque e in qualsiasi momento. Controlla tutte le funzionalità del tuo climatizzatore Crea diversi programmi e modalità operative Monitora il consumo di energia su base giornaliera, settimanale o annuale Identifica la stanza della tua casa per controllare facilmente le diverse unità Ti basterà connetterti alla rete WLAN e scaricare l'app Onecta per iniziare a creare il clima perfetto per la tua casa L'app Onecta permette di collegare Daikin alla rete Wi-Fi e di controllare il sistema di climatizzazione da qualsiasi luogo, utilizzando dispositivi Apple o Android. Anche quando non sei in casa puoi accendere, spegnere, impostare il funzionamento in raffrescamento o riscaldamento, regolare la temperatura ambiente e il flusso d’aria del climatizzatore. È semplicissimo Controllo vocale Per aumentare ulteriormente il comfort e la praticità, l’app Daikin Onecta ora è disponibile con controllo vocale. La possibilità di controllare l’applicazione a mani libere abbatte i clic necessari e permette una gestione delle unità più rapida che mai. Trasversale e multilingue, il controllo vocale si può combinare con gli smart speaker, come Google Assistant e Amazon Alexa Unità sempre connessa L'unità è gestibile tramite la nuova App Daikin Onecta e compatibile con gli assistenti vocali Amazon Alexa e Google Home. La connessione Wi-Fi è garantita grazie alla scheda SD integrata nell'unità Programmazione Imposta un programma per definire gli orari di funzionamento del sistema, e crea fino a sei azioni diverse al giorno Programma la temperatura ambiente e la modalità di funzionamento Abilita la modalità vacanza per risparmiare sui costi energetici Monitoraggio Ottieni una panoramica completa delle performance del sistema e dei consumi energetici Verifica lo stato del sistema Accedi ai grafici dei consumi energetici (giornalieri, settimanali, mensili) Controllo Personalizza il sistema in base al tuo stile di vita e alle tue esigenze di comfort per tutto l'anno Cambia la temperatura dell’ambiente Attiva la modalità Powerful per potenziare il funzionamento La disponibilità delle funzioni dipende dal tipo di sistema, dalla configurazione e dalla modalità di funzionamento. Le funzionalità dell’app sono disponibili solo se sia il sistema Daikin che l’app utilizzano una connessione Internet affidabile Vantaggi : • Daikin Residential Controller : Controllo del clima interno da qualsiasi luogo tramite smartphone o tablet • Riscaldamento Ausiliario : Riscalda rapidamente la vostra abitazione quando si avvia il climatizzatore. La temperatura impostata viene raggiunta il 20% più rapidamente rispetto a un normale climatizzatore (solo monosplit) • Modalità Econo : Riduce la potenza assorbita, rendendola disponibile per altre applicazioni che richiedono potenze elevate. Consente inoltre di risparmiare energia • Modalità Notturna : Risparmia energia impedendo che la temperatura salga o scenda eccessivamente durante la notte • Heat Plus : Assicura 30 minuti di piacevole riscaldamento simulando il calore radiante • Riscaldamento Sottopavimento : Ottimizza la convezione distribuendo l'aria calda dal fondo dell'unità • Modalità StandBy con Risparmio di Energia : I consumi energetici si riducono di circa l'80% in modalità standby. • Solo Ventilazione : L'unità può essere utilizzata anche nella sola modalità di ventilazione, senza raffreddamento o riscaldamento • Prevenzione Delle Correnti : Quando si inizia a riscaldare una stanza oppure quando il termostato è spento, la direzione di mandata dell’aria è impostata in orizzontale, mentre il ventilatore funziona a bassa velocità, per evitare correnti d’aria. Terminata la fase di preriscaldamento, la mandata dell’aria e la velocità del ventilatore possono essere impostate sui valori desiderati • Modaità Powerful : Permette il raffreddamento o riscaldamento rapido dell'ambiente; una volta disattivata la modalità “Powerful”, l’unità torna alla modalità preimpostata • Commutazione Automatica Modalità di Funzionamento : Seleziona in automatico la modalità raffreddamento o riscaldamento per mantenere la temperatura impostata • Funzione Silent Unità Interna : il pulsante "Silent" sul telecomando consente di diminuire di 3dB(A) il rumore emesso durante il funzionamento dell'unità interna • Funzione Silent Unità Esterna : Il pulsante "Silent" del telecomando riduce di 3dB(A) il livello sonoro di funzionamento dell’unità esterna per non disturbare il vicinato • Modalità Notturna : Riduce automaticamente di 3dB(A) il livello sonoro di funzionamento dell’unità esterna durante la notte rimuovendo un ponticello sulla stessa. (Unità esterne Multi solo in modalità raffreddamento) • Oscillazione Verticale automatica : Possibilità di selezionare il movimento verticale automatico dei deflettori di mandata, per rendere uniformi il flusso d'aria e la distribuzione della temperatura in tutto il locale • Regolazione Automatica Velocità Ventilatore : Seleziona automaticamente la velocità del ventilatore per raggiungere o mantenere la temperatura impostata • Velocità Ventilatore a gradini ( 5 gradini ) : Consente di selezionare differenti valori di velocità del ventilatore (2 gradini) • Programma di Deumificazione : Riduce l'umidità dell'aria evitando un eccessivo raffreddamento • Flash StreamerTM : Grazie all'uso di elettroni che attivano le reazioni chimiche con le particelle sospese nell'aria, il Flash Streamer decompone allergeni quali pollini e funghi e rimuove gli odori fastidiosi, assicurando un'aria migliore e più pulita • Filtro Deodorizzante All'Apatite di Titanio : Decompone odori fastidiosi ad esempio di tabacco e animali • Filtro Aria : Elimina le particelle di polvere disperse nell'aria, migliorando la qualità dell'aria • Timer Settimanale : Può essere impostato per avviare il raffreddamento o il riscaldamento in qualsiasi momento, su base giornaliera o settimanale • Timer 24 Ore : Può essere impostato per avviare l'unità in qualsiasi momento, in un periodo di 24 ore • Telecomando a Raggi Infrarossi : Permette il controllo delle funzioni del climatizzatore a distanza • Funzione di Riavvio Automatico : Dopo un’interruzione di corrente, l’unità si riavvia automaticamente con le impostazioni originali • Autodiagnostica : Semplifica la manutenzione indicando malfunzionamenti del sistema o anomalie di funzionamento • Applicazione Multi ( 2MXM68 e 3MXM68 non sono Collegabili ) : È possibile collegare fino a 3 unità interne a una singola unità esterna, anche se di capacità diverse. Tutte le unità interne possono essere azionate individualmente nella stessa modalità di riscaldamento o raffreddamento. • Estremamente Silenziosa : L'unità è talmente silenziosa che ti dimenticherai di averla Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Samsung Unità Interna Samsung Cassetta WindFree 1 Via Slim 9000 Btu AJ026TN1DKG R-32 Wi-Fi Optional con Pannello Incluso
ATTENZIONE ! SARÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : AC026RN1DKG/EU Codice pannello : PC1NWSMAN Potenza : 9000 Btu Capacità in raffreddamento : 2,60 kW Capacità in riscaldamento: 3,30 kW Aria trattata : 7,3 m³/min Livello potenza sonora : 52 dB(A) Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni unità interna (LxAxP) : 970x135x410 mm Peso unità interna : 9,2 kg Accessori optional Comando Wireless : AR-EH03E Comando a Filo Touch : MWR-SH11N Scheda Wi-Fi : MIM-H04EN Le unità interne sono dotate di garanzia standard pari a 2 anni estendibile fino ad un massimo di 5 anni Rinfrescati, ma senza colpi d'aria La tecnologia Wind-Free™ Cooling mantiene efficacemente un piacevole livello di freschezza, senza fastidiosi getti d’aria fredda diretta. L’aria fredda viene dolcemente dispersa attraverso i 10.000 micro fori, in modo da non creare un clima troppo caldo o troppo freddo Rinfresca senza far sentire freddo Raffrescamento WindFree™ Goditi il fresco con WindFree™: questa cassetta rinfresca in modo efficace senza spiacevoli getti d’aria diretti. L’aria fresca viene diffusa nella stanza attraverso migliaia di microfori, che creano un ambiente “Still Air”, con una bassa velocità dell’aria in uscita Aletta più larga per un raffrescamento ad ampio raggio Temperatura uniforme Raffresca velocemente in ogni punto della stanza. La sua aletta da 100 mm può diffondere aria fresca fino a 8 metri di distanza*, con un angolazione di funzionamento più ampia. L’aletta può inoltre oscillare da 40 a 80 gradi, in modo che l’unità possa raffrescare in modo omogeneo l’intera stanza. Goditi una notte tranquilla Funzionamento silenzioso Sogni d’oro assicurati grazie alla notevole riduzione del rumore creato dall’aria: al livello minimo, genera soltanto suoni di 24 dB*, più deboli di un sussurro. È la soluzione ideale per gli ambienti dedicati al relax o alla concentrazione, come la camera da letto, la camera dei bimbi o lo studio. Comfort invisibile ovunque Design sottile Dona un tocco elegante e piacevole a ogni ambiente: con soli 135 mm di altezza, il suo design sottile e raffinato può essere nascosto facilmente, rendendolo la soluzione di riscaldamento o raffrescamento ideale anche per gli ambienti più limitati o quelli in cui non vuoi rinunciare allo stile. Raffreddamento più Rapido nei Grandi Spazi Temperatura Uniforme L’aletta più ampia e larga raffredda i grandi spazi molto più velocemente, senza trascurare nessuna zona Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
HAIER Unità Interna Cassetta a 4 Vie Haier serie CASSETTE 620 9000 Btu AB25S2SC2FA-1 R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato con Griglia Inclusa
Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : AB25S2SC2FA-1 Codice commerciale unità interna : 2501451F2 Codice pannello : PB-620KB Potenza : 9000 Btu Capacità in raffreddamento : 2,6 kW Capacità in riscaldamento : 3,2 kW Portata aria : 330~ 510 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 50 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 23 ~ 31 dB(A) Diametro tubazione liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazione gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni unità interna (LxPxH) : 570x570x260 mm Peso unità interna : 17,0 Kg Dimensioni pannello : 620x620x60 mm Peso pannello : 2,8 Kg Wi-Fi integrato Comandi optional Comando a filo : YR-E16B Comando a filo : YR-E17A Comando a filo nero : HW-BA101ABT Comando a filo bianco : HW-BA116ABK Attenzione , sarà fornita solo l'unità interna Climatizzatore Haier CASSETTE 620 Silenziosità L’uso di ventilatori DC Inverter e l’ottimizzazione del design diminuiscono il livello di rumorosità delle unità interne. Il flusso d'aria ottimizzato garantisce la massima silenziosità del condizionatore. Il rumore causato dal vostro condizionatore vi disturba? I condizionatori Haier dispongono di un sistema avanzato di controllo del rumore con un design ottimizzato delle condotte dell’aria e del ventilatore a flusso incrociato Fresh Air Il ricambio d'aria consente l'immissione di aria pulita all'interno dell'ambiente. La predisposizione ingresso aria "Fresh Air" immette aria fresca all'interno dell'ambiente, fino ad un massimo del 20% della portata d'aria nominale dell'unità Wi-Fi Integrato Con l’applicazione "hOn" di Haier si possono controllare dal proprio smartphone o tablet, con un'unica app, tutti gli elettrodomestici del gruppo Haier della propria Smart Home. Inoltre, tramite hOn, si possono gestire tutte le funzioni di base, le funzioni di purificazione e molto altro. L'app permette l'utilizzo dei comandi vocali perchè compatibile con Google Assistant e Alexa e permette quindi anche il controllo vocale Perché scaricarla : - Controllo centralizzato tutti elettrodomestici Haier- Dotazione standard per tutti i prodotti- Funzionalità avanzate- Interfaccia e comandi intuitivi- Compatibile con Google Home e Alexa Caratteristiche Principali • Basso livello sonoro • 4 vie indipendenti • Controllo Wi-Fi con App hOn integrato per comandare a distanza il climatizzatore • On-Off card • Predisposizione ingresso aria “Fresh Air” (Ø 100mm) per immettere aria fresca in ambiente (ingresso aria fresca fino ad un massimo del 20 % della portata aria nominale dell’unità. Oltre il 20% si penalizza la capacità termo frigorifera del climatizzatore) • Pompa scarico condensa Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
€610,00 - €770,00
Aermec Internal Console Unit Aermec 9000 Btu Ckg260fs R-32 Wi-Fi Integrated
ATTENTION! ONLY THE INTERNAL UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Technical features Indoor unit catalog code: CKG260FS Power: 9000 Btu Cooling capacity: 2.70 kW Cooling capacity: 2.90 kW Sound power level : 38~50 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 26~39 dB(A) Liquid pipe diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Dimensions (WxHxD): 700x600x215 mm Weight: 16.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi Aermec SPG The CKG series air conditioners are universal and can be combined with both multisplit external units of the MPG and MLG series and monosplit external units of the CKG_FS series. CKG console internal unit Remote control and remote control holder supplied with each indoor unit. Fan with DC inverter technology Easily accessible regenerable air filter Timer for programming switching on and/or off Front panel of the indoor unit with LED display and indicator lights Fan with 5 speeds to adapt to every type of need Auto function for continuous speed variation Turbo function to reach the desired temperature in the shortest time possible Sleep function night wellness program X-Fan function prolonged ventilation, which allows the battery to dry perfectly and avoid the formation and proliferation of pathogens Anti-freeze function that allows you to maintain a minimum temperature of 8°C in the internal environment during the winter period. IFeel function that allows you to activate the internal room temperature probe of the remote control for better comfort Cold Plasma Air Purifier Able to break down pollutants by decomposing their molecules through electrical discharges, causing the splitting of water molecules in the air into positive and negative ions. These ions neutralize the molecules of gaseous pollutants, obtaining products normally present in clean air. The device is able to eliminate 90% of bacteria . The result is clean, ionized air free of bad odors . X-Fan Function This self-cleaning system requires the internal unit's fan to continue operating for a few minutes after the unit has been turned off, in order to dry the battery perfectly and avoid the formation and proliferation of pathogenic agents. Smart APP Ewpe The system is equipped with a Wi-Fi module as standard . Using this device and the specific App for iOS and Android devices, available free of charge on the Apple Store and Google Play, it is possible to control the system remotely directly from your smartphone or tablet and this can be done via the Cloud using a wireless router connected to the Internet. Features and functions Operating modes: cooling, heating, dehumidification, automatic and ventilation only Extremely quiet operation Microprocessor control Auto-restart function Self-diagnosis function Refrigerant connections of the folder type Ease of installation and maintenance Product Warranty : All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Samsung Samsung Cebu Series Inverter Wall Indoor Unit 7000 Btu Ar07txfyawkneu R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi With Artificial Intelligence Function - New
Technical features Indoor unit catalog code : 1 x AR07TXFYAWKNEU Power : 7000 Btu Treated air : 9.9 m 3 /h Dehumidification capacity : 0.5 l/hr Sound pressure level : 19/36 dB(A) Sound power level : 54 dB(A) Dimensions : 820x299x215 mm Weight : 9.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Artificial Intelligence Voice Assistant • Artificial Intelligence function : the unit analyzes user usage and replies the most appropriate mode based on the situation • Integrated Wi-Fi : remote control possible thanks to the SmartThings app, which allows the control of Samsung and compatible devices • Easy installation thanks to the absence of screws • Multisplit compatibility Samsung CEBU Unique and innovative technologies for every air conditioning need Smart Functions Thanks to the SmartThings App it is possible to manage the unit from your smartphone and compatibility with the main voice assistants allows control via voice . The Artificial Intelligence function analyzes and learns user habits, automatically replicating the most suitable functions for each usage situation Quietness The perfect climate in maximum silence: thanks to the use of advanced technologies , Samsung solutions are designed to minimize any type of vibration or noise to allow for a serene and increasingly peaceful sleep. In fact, the indoor units reach a noise level of only 19 dB(A) . Easy Maintenance Easy Filter Plus filters contaminants and allergens in the air, is located on the outside, on top of the indoor unit and is easy to disassemble and wash The climate in your hands With SmartThings you control the air conditioner and all the other appliances in the house from your smartphone: there are more than 100 compatible appliances With SmartThings you can: • Receive real-time notifications about what's happening at home • Use the full potential of Bixby, your virtual assistant • Manage the climate comfortably with your voice, via voice assistant • Create custom modes, for even easier control • Monitor your appliances, wherever you are Ease of installation The design was designed with the needs of installers in mind. The time required to install the indoor unit is reduced by 45%* , thanks to a snap fit. Product guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
LG Wall Mounted Indoor Unit LG Artcool Mirror 12000 Btu Ac12bk.Nsj R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi Uv Nano Voice Control
Technical features Indoor unit catalog code : AC12BK.NSJ Power: 12000 btu/h Cooling capacity : 3.50 kW Heating capacity : 4.0 kW Purified air : 3.0 ~ 13.0 m 3 /min Sound power level : 59 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 19~45 dB(A) Liquid piping diameter : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Dimensions (WxHxD): 837x308x192 mm Weight : 9.9Kg Integrated Wi-Fi LG ArtCool Mirror Elegant design Enhance the aesthetics of your home with LG ARTCOOL's mirror front panel that reflects its surroundings UVnano™ A clean fan for clean air Eliminates 99.99%* of bacteria with UV LED light to keep the fan that diffuses the air in the room fresh and clean Plasmaster™ Ionizer Purify your space of bacteria Eliminates 99%* of adherent bacteria and frees from bad odours Auto Cleaning Automatic internal cleaning Automatically dries the moisture inside the air conditioner to ensure it is always clean Pre-filter Traps large dust particles The first line of defense that traps larger dust particles Easy control with voice assistant Thanks to the voice assistant you can tell your air conditioner what you need, when you need it: by saying "Turn on/off the air conditioner", the speaker with Artificial Intelligence will listen and turn on/off the appliance Faster cooling, more comfort Refresh the environment faster and more comfortably with the LG DUAL Inverter™ compressor Save on your energy bills and save the planet Reduce your energy consumption and electricity bill costs with more efficient cooling Jobs well done go unnoticed Sleep peacefully and undisturbed with a less noisy air conditioner Ecological refrigerant Prevent environmental pollution thanks to the improved energy efficiency of R32 refrigerant Quick and easy installation Enjoy fresh air faster with an air conditioner that's quick and easy to install An environment in which to sleep in maximum comfort Experience an environment where you can sleep in maximum comfort thanks to the automatic airflow adjustment functions. When the comfort sleep function is activated Check how much you consume Control energy consumption with 4 levels according to your needs, whether you live alone or with your family Energy consumption easy to monitor The display keeps you informed so you can easily monitor and reduce energy consumption. Energy consumption during air conditioner operation Fast and powerful cooling and heating Thanks to our DUAL Inverter compressor, comfort is guaranteed all year round, even in extreme climatic conditions Product guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Indoor Floor Unit Mitsubishi Inverter 9000 Btu Mfz-Kt25vg R-32 Remote Control Included
Technical features Model: Indoor unit model : MFZ-KT25VG Power: 9000 btu Internal Unit Dimensions WxHxD (mm): 750 x 600 x 215; 14.5 kgs Sound Power Level IU (Max) dB(A): 54 Sound Pressure Level IU (Min-max) dB(A): 19-41 Refrigerant gas : R32 Liquid / Gas Pipe Diameter (inch): 6.35 (1/4) / 9.5 (3/8) Piping length Max m 20 Max height difference (U. Internal/U. External) m 12 General characteristics MFZ-KT SERIES Simple and elegant design The floor standing units have a design characterized by simple lines and flat surfaces that give elegance and modernity to the aesthetics and allow them to be combined perfectly with any type of furniture. High heating capacity The MFZ-KT model has a high capacity in heating mode compared to traditional air conditioners, which makes it suitable for winter and mid-season use. Multi-flow vane The delivery vent is characterized by the presence of three different deflectors, each with a profile specifically designed to optimize the distribution of the outgoing air, maximizing comfort in both cooling and heating. Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Daikin Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Daikin Bluevolution Series Emura Silver Iii 9000 Btu Ftxj25as R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi Color Silver
ATTENTION ONLY THE INDOOR UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Technical features Internal Unit Catalog Code: FTXJ25AS Series : Emura Silver III Silver colour Power : 9000 Btu/h Air Flow : 4.6 ~ 11.4 m3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~40 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin is once again setting the standard for air conditioning for residential use. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to enhance the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control A 3-component system, a unique design Your Daikin Emura air-to-air heat pump offers both cooling and heating and includes a wall-mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Each component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. Daikin Emura's design is eye-catching, yet understated. The curved lines of the wall unit and remote control recall the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a distinguishing feature. Pure elegance that fits harmoniously into your environments Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design to match your interior Intelligent control Climate control from anywhere and at any time Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With more than a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with smooth lines and shadow play, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user requests throughout the world. Europe. Created to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Conceived and designed entirely by Daikin. Captivating and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional look. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view The emotion of the action Panel movement is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is so special about the panel movement of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow play based on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin Emura air conditioner not only boasts an attractive appearance and sinuous lines, but thanks to the movement of the panel it also improves the distribution of air in the room. The well-known design aphorism “form follows function” really applies to Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the project is well thought out Slim design Do you want to make the most of the space in your home but don't want the air conditioning to capture all the attention? Daikin Emura is only 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even slimmer than it actually is. The sophisticated design returns to the perfectly ergonomic remote control Solid colours The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three plain colours : silver, matt white and matt black . The front cover of the remote control matches the colors of the indoor unit while the structure is anthracite gray to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura increases comfort in the home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying indoor air. It is clear that a place shouldn't be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Smart technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the airflow to achieve better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent thermal sensor to detect the actual temperature of a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes the air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs the air, hot or cold, to areas with the highest temperature. need. 3D airflow To guarantee a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, uniformly distributing the air in all rooms, even large ones Using the Coanda effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimize the airflow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the flaps direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards Heat Boost function Daikin Emura heats the room in a short time after starting and reaches the set temperature faster Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation At home, do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility? Daikin Emura is so quiet you'll almost forget you have it on. A special fan optimizes the airflow to achieve high performance while keeping sound levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible while in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM technology By exploiting the chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology decomposes allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner and healthier air. better quality Titanium deodorizing filter Decomposes unpleasant odors (e.g. from tobacco and pets) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Eliminates airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. Thanks to integrated purifying filters and Flash Streamer TM technology, Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better and cleaner indoor air. Thus the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy The control is in your hands Daikin Emura is set up to provide you with optimal comfort when you are around. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the handy remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and at any time Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has essential and sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also place it on a wall thanks to the magnetic holder. Available in silver , matt white and matt black to match the colors of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control the internal climate thanks to the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Are not you at home? Thanks to the Onecta app, this isn't a problem. The app allows instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust Daikin Emura settings via smartphone, anywhere, anytime. Check all the functions of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different schedules and operating modes Monitor energy usage on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control the different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to the Wi-Fi network and control the air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you're not at home, you can turn it on and off, set cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner. It's that simple Voice Control To further increase comfort and convenience, the Daikin Onecta app - Residential Controller is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free cuts down on necessary clicks and allows for faster drive management than ever before. Transversal and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Unit Always Connected The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and compatible with the Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit Programming Set up a schedule to define system operating times, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize the system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the ambient temperature Turn on Powerful mode to boost operation Feature availability depends on system type, configuration, and mode of operation. The app features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection Try Daikin 3D! Renewed in the graphics, Daikin 3D is the app that allows you to see your new air conditioner or your new boiler at home even before purchasing. Choosing the right model has never been so easy and fun! How does it work? After opening the app, just point the camera of your smartphone or tablet at the wall where you would like to install your product. Choose the air conditioner you prefer and watch it appear in 3D in its real size, thanks to augmented reality! With Daikin 3D you can also : Customize the size of your air conditioner or heater. Rotate and move the unit to your liking. Find the best location for proper operation and maintenance. Take a photo to always have a reference with you. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
HAIER Indoor Wall Unit Haier Inverter Series Flexis White 9000 Btu As25s2sf1fa-Mw R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi White Color
NB TO BE COMBINED WITH --> CLICK HERE Indoor Wall Unit Haier Inverter series FLEXIS MW 9000 BTU AS25S2SF1FA-MW R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi Color White Technical features Model: Indoor unit catalog code: AS25S2SF1FA-MW Technology: INVERTER White color Integrated Wi-Fi Performance: Indoor unit sound pressure Cooling High/Nom./Low/Silent: 38/32/25/16 dBA Indoor unit sound pressure Heating High/Nom./Low/Silent:38/32/25/19 dBA Indoor unit sound power High: 53 dBA Dimensions and weight: Indoor Unit (WxDxH): 866 x 191 x 300 ; 9.5 Kg NB: This model can ONLY be combined with HAIER outdoor units with R-32 GAS General characteristics FLEXIS extension The new Haier FLEXIS internal unit is available in Matt White and Matt Black , i.e. matt white and matt anthracite grey. It supports R32 gas which at the moment represents the best in yields and reduced environmental impact on the greenhouse effect, it is easy to use thanks to a complete and intuitive remote control, and a refined and pleasant aesthetic which thanks to the opaque color is very modern and integrates well into the home environment. The performance is top notch from all points of view and the use of DC fans combined with design optimization can reduce noise up to 16d B(A ) , practically imperceptible to the human ear. Haier FLEXIS is equipped with a double motion sensor with an angle of 120° and a reading up to 8m. distance, which ensures a comfortable air flow by detecting the presence of people in the room according to your needs. In fact, the "follow" or "avoid" functions can be set. The air deflectors are also adjustable by remote control both for the classic movement on the horizontal axis and on the vertical ones to direct the flow to the right or to the left as desired. To the delight of the installer, Haier FLEXIS was designed with criteria that facilitate assembly by reducing installation times and simplifying the steps to be done for the hydraulic and electrical connections and was born in an inverter heat pump with high energy efficiency and with all the characteristics necessary to take advantage of the tax breaks provided for by the legislature for 2019. Eco Sensor Double motion sensor Double motion sensor capable of covering an area of 120° (2 direction area horizontally). Maximum detection distance 8m. Quietness The noise level of the indoor unit is 19 dB(A) The use of DC Inverter fans and design optimization decrease the noise level of the indoor units. With the Quiet setting the level of only 19dB(A) is reached. Easy installation 1. Easy installation of the mounting template Thanks to detailed instructions, the mounting template can be installed quickly and easily. 2. Easy clip Easier to install due to the additional support clip, which increases the working space. 3. Quick and easy repair of the PCB and motor Allows the removal and maintenance of the PCB and motor without the need to disassemble the unit and the evaporator. 4. More space for piping reduces installation time by increasing the operating space for easy access to piping and electrical connection area. 6. Removable bottom panel Allows the installer to connect pipes and cables with more operating space Wifi Allows you to set the air conditioner remotely even when you are away Easy installations Eco Sensor 16dB(A) Wi-Fi as standard Energy class in cooling: A+++ Energy class in heat pump: A++ Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Mitsubishi Electric Inverter Series Kirigamine Zen 9000 Btu Msz-Ef25ves Color Silver - Gray
Model: Kirigamine Zen 9000 BTU MSZ-EF25VES Color Silver - Grey; Technical features: Seers: 8.5; Scop: 4.7; Energy Class in cooling: A+++; Energy class in cooling: A++; Power: 9000 Btu; Color: Silver (Grey); Cooling performance: Capacity: 2.5kw; Absorbed power: 0.54; Annual energy consumption: 103 kWh/a; Function range guaranteed: -10 ~ +46 °C; Heating performance: Capacity: 3.2kW; Absorbed power: 0.70 kW; Annual energy consumption: 716 kWh/a; Function range guaranteed: -15 ~ +24 °C; Noise : Sound pressure IU (min./max): 21/42 dbA; Sound power IU: 60 dbA; Composed of: Indoor Unit:MSZ-EF25VES; Dimensions: Indoor Unit (WxHxD): 299x885x195 mm; Weight: 11.5kg; General characteristics MSZ-EF2 Series Kirigamine ZEN Your home looks prettier. Mitsubishi Electric takes you to the world of perfection, where well-being, harmony and silence coexist in a single enveloping atmosphere: that of Kirigamine Zen. The new air conditioner which combines great efficiency and silence with a design of impeccable elegance. Because form and substance are parts of the same perfection. With Kirigamine Zen, beauty is a condition of well-being Top design and compact size A design of impeccable elegance , colors that adapt to any kind of interior, precious materials and compact dimensions: it is Kirigamine Zen new from Mitsubishi Electric . An exclusive style combined with a high technological content and performance with high seasonal energy efficiency. The Kirigamine ZEN Heat Pump Inverter air conditioners have been designed as real furnishing accessories. The refined, sober and compact design is enriched in the wall-mounted units by an elegant silver profile. The three colours, white, glossy black and satin silver, allow you to find the shade that best suits your style. With Kirigamine Zen, the air conditioner combines creativity with performance and finally conquers the role of piece of furniture. Nanoplatinum Filter & Enzyme Filter The high oxidizing power of the platinum nano-particles that make up this new air filter allows you to neutralize bacteria, viruses, allergens and bad smells. The irregular surface of the filter itself is more effective in capturing dust and simple and regular cleaning keeps it in perfect working order for over 10 years. The supplied anti-allergy enzyme filter is able to guarantee even cleaner and healthier air. A special catalyst placed on the filter filament captures and promotes the decomposition of allergenic substances normally present in homes. Maximum silence: the beauty of comfort. Who doesn't appreciate the beauty of silence? A Kirigamine Zen air conditioner creates the ideal climate without disturbing. The level of sound it emits is similar to that of rustling leaves: a sound level that is almost imperceptible to the human ear. Because true well-being is being able to study, or rest, without noise in the air. The convenience of an integrated weekly timer Programmable comfort: the desired temperature at the desired time. Thanks to the new weekly timer, equipped with 4 different programming on a daily cycle, it is possible not only to program the switching on and off, but also a different temperature during the day. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Mitsubishi Inverter Hr Series Msz-Hr25vf 9000 Btu R-32
Main features: Model Product code:MSZ-HR25VF Power: 9000 btu Dimensions HxWxD mm 280x838x228 ; 8.5kg Energy efficiency: SEER/SCOP (W/W): 8.0/4.3 Energy Efficiency Class (cooling) : A++ Energy Efficiency Class (heating): A+ Performance: Nominal cooling capacity (kW): 4.0 Nominal heating capacity (kW): 4.3 Power absorbed in cooling (kW): 1.0 Power absorbed in heating (kW): 0.9 Nominal sound power dB(A): 59 Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/?) : 230/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed operating range: - Cooling °C: -10 ~ +46 - Heating °C: -15 ~ +24 Dimensions: HxWxD (mm) : 550X800X285 SMART MSZ-HR series DC inverters The Inverter system is an electronic device that allows the speed of the compressor to be varied efficiently and, consequently, the power supplied by the air conditioner based on the cooling or heating request. Compared to traditional fixed speed (On/Off) air conditioners, inverter air conditioners reach the required temperature sooner and keep it stable, without annoying sudden changes, to the full advantage of comfort and electricity consumption. Above class A++/A+ on a seasonal basis Operating economy is the great advantage of Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners. Thanks to the careful design of all the components and the use of cutting-edge technologies, energy efficiency reaches extraordinary levels even on a seasonal basis. In particular, the Smart Line obtains SEER and SCOP values (seasonal efficiency indices) which allow it to reach values beyond Class A++/A+ across the entire range. R32 gas The R32 refrigerant gas complies with the European directives on the reduction of the greenhouse effect, presenting a lower GWP than R410A and not damaging the ozone layer. The advantages? High energy efficiency Reduction of the quantity of refrigerant gas used Reduced environmental impact Easily loaded and recoverable as pure gas Low toxicity and flammability MELCloud Wi-Fi Brand new MELCloud Wi-Fi control accessory (optional) for your Mitsubishi Electric system. Taking advantage of the support of the cloud (the "Cloud") to transmit and receive information and the optional dedicated Wi-Fi interface (MAC-567IF-E), you can easily control your system wherever you are via PC, tablet or the smartphone; all you need is an internet connection. The MELCloud service was created to have maximum compatibility with PCs, tablets and smartphones thanks to dedicated apps or via a web browser. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Wall Mounted Indoor Unit Mitsubishi Electric Inverter Series Kirigamine Style 9000 Btu Msz-Ln25vgr Color Ruby Red - Red
Model: Kirigamine Style 9000 BTU MSZ-LN25VGR Color Ruby Red - Red; Technical features: Seers: 10.5; Scop: 5.2; Energy Class in cooling: A+++; Energy Class in cooling: A+++; Power: 9000 Btu; Color: Ruby Red (Red); Cooling performance: Capacity: 2.5kw; Absorbed power: 0.485; Annual energy consumption: 83 kWh/a; Function range guaranteed: -10 ~ +46 °C; Heating performance: Capacity: 3.2kW; Absorbed power: 0.58 kW; Annual energy consumption: 794 kWh/a; Function range guaranteed: -15 ~ +24 °C; Noise : Sound pressure IU (min./max): 19/42 dbA; Sound power IU: 58 dbA; Composed of: Indoor Unit: MSZ-LN25VGR; General characteristics The Kirigamine Style series has been studied down to the smallest detail, having a linear and modern design, it blends in perfectly with the furnishings, becoming part of it, but not only that, it reaches a very high seasonal efficiency up to Class A++ both in heating and in cooling, drastically reducing energy consumption. For a homogeneous distribution of comfort Kirigamine Style, in addition to a homogeneous distribution of the air through a double deflector, which also direct the air flow to every corner of the room as desired, but Mitsubishi has studied a system, which through a sensor 3D i-see sensor it is not only possible to direct the flow directly/indirectly, but they are through functions that record the habits of the occupants optimizing the efficient and comfortable operation of the unit. Furthermore, the even airflow function, for example, through a mapping of the people present in the room so as to allow the most frequented areas to be optimally air-conditioned based on the recorded history. Functions: Dc Inverter: this is the function that allows you to manage your own comfort through functions and by regulating the temperature to your liking; Auto: Adjust the temperature automatically by recording the ambient temperature; MELCloud: is the function that allows complete management of your air conditioner through an App, which can be downloaded on your Smartphone or Tablet, to program or manage your comfort comfortably even when you are not at home; Plasma Quad Plus: is the function that effectively takes care of you by generating a magnetic field and through electrical discharges through which the air introduced into the environment passes, neutralizing viruses and bacteria, giving you only clean air; Dual Barrier Coating: is a double treatment that is used on the internal components of the air conditioner, preventing the deposit of dust and impurities even after long periods of time, reducing consumption and eliminating the need for unit maintenance in relation to this problem. Advantages: Reduction of energy consumption; Purify the air we breathe;