MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Climatizzatore Condizionatore Mitsubishi Electric Pavimento ad Incasso Inverter 24000 Btu SFZ-M71VA + SUZ-M71VA R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : SFZ-M71VA Codice catalogo unità esterna : SUZ-M71VA Potenza : 24000 Btu Wi-Fi optional : MAC-587IF-E Comandi optional Comando remoto : PAR-41MAA(B) Telecomando + ricevitore : PAR-FL32MA-E + PAR-FA32MA-W Comando Prisma bianco : PAR-CT01MAA-SB Comando Prisma nero : PAR-CT01MAA-PB Efficienza energetica SEER : 6,1 SCOP : 4,0 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A++ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 403 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 1997 Kwh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 7,1 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 8,0 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 2,15 kW Assorbimento riscaldamento : 2,15 kW Aria trattata unità interna : 12 ~ 16 ~ 20 m3/min Livello potenza sonora unità interna : 61 dB(A) Livello potenza sonora unità esterna : 66 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità interna : 30 ~ 36 ~ 42 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità esterna : 49 ~ 51 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Intervallo di funzionamento- Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 46° C- Riscaldamento: -10° ~ 24° C Dati installativi Diametro tubazioni liquido : 9,52 mm (3/8") Diametro tubazioni gas : 15,88 mm (5/8") Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 30 m Dislivello massimo unità interna e unità esterna : 30 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità interna (AxLxP) : 615(690)x1197x200 mm Peso unità interna : 25,5 Kg Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 880x840x330 mm Peso unità esterna : 55,0 Kg Mitsubishi Electric SFZ-M Unità a pavimento ad incasso Il nuovo modello a pavimento per strutture ad incasso Compatto, con ingombri ridotti al minimo, alte prestazioni e bassa silenziosità; flessibilità sia nell'installazione sia nella regolazione della portata d'aria, sono solo alcuni dei punti di forza di questa unità. Dimensioni compatte Le ridotte dimensioni della linea SFZ-M rendono idonea l'installazione anche in strutture ad incasso particolarmente ristrette. Installazione flessibile La direzione di ingresso dell'aria dal basso o dalla parete anteriore può essere selezionata cambiando il pannello, la griglia e il filtro. Efficienza energetica e gas refrigerante R-32 Ridotto impatto ambientale Le unità interne ad alta efficienza energetica della serie SFZ riescono a raggiungere una classe energetica A++ in raffreddamento e A+ in riscaldamento. Gas refrigerante R-32 Il gas refrigerante R-32 risponde alle direttive europee in materia di riduzione dell'effetto serra, presentando un GWP inferiore all'R-410A e non danneggiando lo strato di ozono. Ma i vantaggi non si fermano qui, infatti, grazie al R-32, si ottiene: Una maggiore efficienza energetica La riduzione della quantità di gas refrigerante utilizzata Un ridotto impatto ambientale Facilmente caricabile e recuperabile in quanto gas puro Bassa tossicità e bassa infiammabilità DC Inverter Il sistema Inverter è un dispositivo elettronico che consente di variare in modo efficiente la velocità del compressore e, di conseguenza, la potenza erogata dal climatizzatore, in base alla richiesta di raffreddamento o di riscaldamento. Rispetto ai climatizzatori tradizionali a velocità fissa (On/Off), i climatizzatori inverter raggiungono prima la temperatura richiesta e la mantengono stabile, senza sbalzi fastidiosi, a tutto vantaggio del comfort e dei consumi elettrici. Grazie al sistema di regolazione DC Inverter e all'accurata progettazione dei componenti utilizzati,l'efficienza energetica stagionale raggiunge livelli straordinari. Portata d'aria regolabile Ventilatore pilotato da DC Inverter Il ventilatore pilotato dal motore DC Inverter rende le unità della linea SFZ particolarmente versatili: 4 differenti selezioni di pressione statica selezionabili dal comando consentono l'installazione sia con canalizzazioni lunghe sia a scarico diretto, bilanciando ottimamente portata d'aria e silenziosità di funzionamento. Silenziosità & comfort La qualità dell’ambiente in cui soggiorniamo dipende anche dal livello di rumore percepito. I climatizzatori Mitsubishi Electric contribuiscono a mantenere il più elevato comfort acustico riducendo al minimo le emissioni sonore, grazie alla grande cura nella progettazione e nei dettagli costruttivi. MELCloud, il controllo Wi-Fi per il tuo sistema Mitsubishi Electric Sfruttando l’appoggio della nuvola , il “Cloud”, per trasmettere e ricevere informazioni e l’interfaccia Wi-Fi dedicata opzionale MAC-587IF-E, potrai facilmente controllare il tuo impianto ovunque tu sia tramite il PC, il tablet o lo smartphone; basterà avere a disposizione la connessione ad internet. Il servizio MELCloud è stato realizzato per avere la massima compatibilità con PC, Tablet e Smartphone grazie ad App dedicate o tramite Web Browser. Ti basta una parola! MELCloud è compatibile con Google Home. Pronunciando «Hey Google!», oppure «Ok Google!» si ha il pieno controllo del sistema di climatizzazione. MELCloud è compatibile con Amazon Alexa. Basterà una parola per gestire, liberamente, le proprie unità di climatizzazione Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Climatizzatore Condizionatore Mitsubishi Electric Canalizzato Canalizzabile Power Inverter 24000 Btu SEZ-M71DA + PUZ-ZM71VHA R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : SEZ-M71DA Codice catalogo unità esterna : PUZ-ZM71VHA Potenza : 24000 btu Comandi e accessori Da abbinare obbligatoriamente per il funzionamento dell'unità Telecomando : PAR-FL32MA-E Ricevitore infrarossi : PAR-FA32MA-W Comando remoto Deluxe : PAR-41MAA Adattatore : PAC-SH29TC-E Scheda Wi-Fi : MAC-587IF-E Efficienza energetica SEER : 5,6 SCOP : 4,0 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A+ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 440 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 1633 Kwh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 7,1 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 8,0 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 1,92 kW Assorbimento riscaldamento : 2,05 kW Aria trattata unità interna : 12 ~ 16 ~ 20 m3/min Livello potenza sonora unità interna : 60 dB(A) Livello potenza sonora unità esterna : 67 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità interna : 30~40 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora unità esterna : 47~49 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Intervallo di funzionamento- Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 46° C- Riscaldamento: -20° ~ 21° C Dati installativi Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 15,88 mm (5/8") Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 55 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna e unità esterna : 30 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità interna (AxLxP) : 200x1190x700 mm Peso unità interna : 25,5 Kg Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 943x950x330(+25) mm Peso unità esterna : 67,0 Kg Mitsubishi Electric Canalizzabile Unità Compatta SEZ-M DA Super compatte per installazioni impossibili Le unità SEZ-M hanno dimensioni compatte per essere installate anche in spazi angusti. Le ridotte emissioni sonore aumentano la vivibilità degli ambienti. Dimensioni super compatte Le ridotte dimensioni della linea SEZ-M, altezza 200 mm e profondità 700 mm per tutta la gamma, rendono idonea l’installazione anche in controsoffitti particolarmente angusti Portata d’aria regolabile Il ventilatore pilotato dal motore DC Inverter rende le unità della linea SEZ particolarmente versatili: 4 differenti selezioni di pressione statica selezionabili dal comando (5/15/35/50 Pascal) consentono l'installazione sia con canalizzazioni lunghe sia a scarico diretto, bilanciando ottimamente portata d'aria e silenziosità di funzionamento. Silenziosità & comfort La qualità dell’ambiente in cui soggiorniamo dipende anche dal livello di rumore percepito. I climatizzatori Mitsubishi Electric contribuiscono a mantenere il più elevato comfort acustico riducendo al minimo le emissioni sonore, grazie alla grande cura nella progettazione e nei dettagli costruttivi MELCloud, il controllo Wi-Fi MELCloud è il nuovo controllo Wi-Fi per il tuo sistema Mitsubishi Electric. Sfruttando l’appoggio della nuvola , il “Cloud”, per trasmettere e ricevere informazioni e l’interfaccia Wi-Fi dedicata opzionale MAC-567IF-E, potrai facilmente controllare il tuo impianto ovunque tu sia tramite il PC, il tablet o lo smartphone; basterà avere a disposizione la connessione ad internet. Il servizio MELCloud è stato realizzato per avere la massima compatibilità con PC, Tablet e Smartphone grazie ad App dedicate o tramite Web Browser. Ti basta una parola! MELCloud è compatibile con Google Home. Pronunciando «Hey Google!», oppure «Ok Google!» si ha il pieno controllo del sistema di climatizzazione. MELCloud è compatibile con Amazon Alexa. Basterà una parola per gestire, liberamente, le proprie unità di climatizzazione Unità esterne Power Inverter R32 Le nuove unità esterne gamma Commerciale Power Inverter a R32 offrono numerosi vantaggi. Elevata efficienza stagionale : L’utilizzo del refrigerante R32 garantisce un aumento dell’efficienza stagionale in raffrescamento Lunghezza delle tubazioni aumentata : Flessibilità di installazione incrementata per le taglie 60-140 grazie a maggiore lunghezza tubazioni Capacità nominale in riscaldamento fino a -3°C : La capacità nominale viene mantenuta fino a -3°C, facilitandone l’utilizzo in climi rigidi • Compatibilità con motore ventilatore per prevalenza • Energy Monitoring MelCloud Power Inverter L’efficienza energetica trova la massima espressione nella serie Power Inverter. L’ampio range di funzionamento e la massima flessibilità nell’installazione, grazie a linee frigorifere particolarmente lunghe e alla possibilità di riutilizzo delle tubazioni esistenti completano l’offerta. Le Unità Power Inverter sono dotate dell’innovativa tecnologia Power Receiver e dei compressoti rotativi per ottenere la massima efficienza Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
€2.634,00 - €2.950,00
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Climatizzatore Condizionatore Mitsubishi Electric Inverter serie SMART MSZ-HR 24000 Btu MSZ-HR71VF R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Classe A++/A+
Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : MSZ-HR71VF Codice catalogo unità esterna : MUZ-HR71VF Potenza : 24000 Btu Wi-Fi optional : MAC-587IF-E Efficienza energetica SEER : 7 SCOP : 4,3 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A++ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A+ Consumo energetico annuo in raffreddamento : 355 kWh/a Consumo energetico annuo in riscaldamento : 1715 kWh/a Performance Capacità raffreddamento: 7,1 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 8,1 kW Potenza assorbita raffreddamento : 2,33 kW Potenza assorbita riscaldamento : 2,44 kW Aria trattata unità interna : 10,4 ~ 19,6 m3/min Potenza sonora unità interna : 57 dB(A) Potenza sonora unità esterna : 66 dB(A) Pressione sonora unità interna : 33 ~ 50 dB(A) Pressione sonora unità esterna : 50 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Intervallo di funzionamento :- Raffreddamento : -10° ~ +46° C- Riscaldamento : -10 ~ +24° C Dati installativi Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 12,70 mm (1/2") Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 30 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna e unità esterna : 15 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità interna (AxLxP) : 305x923x263 mm Peso unità interna : 12,5 Kg Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 714x800x285 mm Peso unità esterna : 40,0 kg Mitsubishi Electric Serie Smart HR Una linea compatta progettata per gli spazi ridotti DC Inverter Il sistema Inverter è un dispositivo elettronico che consente di variare in modo efficiente la velocità del compressore e, di conseguenza, la potenza erogata dal climatizzatore in base alla richiesta di raffreddamento o di riscaldamento. Rispetto ai climatizzatori tradizionali a velocità fissa (On/ Off), i climatizzatori inverter raggiungono prima la temperatura richiesta e la mantengono stabile, senza sbalzi fastidiosi, a tutto vantaggio del comfort e dei consumi elettrici. R-32 Il gas refrigerante R32 risponde alle direttive europee in materia di riduzione dell’effetto serra, presentando un GWP inferiore all’R410A e non danneggiando lo strato di ozono. I vantaggi? Efficienza energetica elevata Riduzione della quantità di gas refrigerante utilizzata Impatto ambientale ridotto Facilmente caricabile e recuperabile in quanto gas puro Bassa tossicità e infiammabilità Una linea compatta progettata per gli spazi ridotti Le unità MSZ-HR garantiscono comfort e bassi consumi elettrici, con emissioni sonore al minimo senza rinunciare a dimensioni compatte. Unità interne compatte Le dimensioni delle unità interne di tutta la gamma sono particolarmente compatte. Ciò permette l’installazione anche in locali dove lo spazio a disposizione è ridotto. Il massimo della silenziosità per il massimo del comfort La qualità dell’ambiente in cui soggiorniamo dipende anche dal livello di rumore percepito. I climatizzatori Mitsubishi Electric contribuiscono a mantenere il più elevato comfort acustico riducendo al minimo le emissioni sonore. MELCloud, il controllo Wi-Fi MELCloud è il nuovo controllo Wi-Fi per il tuo sistema Mitsubishi Electric. Sfruttando l’appoggio della nuvola (il “Cloud”) per trasmettere e ricevere informazioni e l’interfaccia Wi-Fi dedicata opzionale (MAC-567IF-E), potrai facilmente controllare il tuo impianto ovunque tu sia tramite il PC, il tablet o lo smartphone; basterà avere a disposizione la connessione ad internet. Il servizio MELCloud è stato realizzato per avere la massima compatibilità con PC, Tablet e Smartphone grazie ad App dedicate o tramite Web Browser. Oltre la classe A++/A+ L’economia di esercizio è il grande vantaggio dei climatizzatori Mitsubishi Electric. Grazie all’accurata progettazione di tutti i componenti e l’uso di tecnologie all’avanguardia l’efficienza energetica raggiunge livelli straordinari anche su base stagionale. In modo particolare la Linea Smart ottiene valori di SEER e SCOP (indici di efficienza stagionale) che permettono di raggiungere valori oltre la Classe A++/A+ su tutta la gamma. Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
€1.405,00 - €1.517,00
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioner Cassette Power Inverter 90x90 A 4 Way 24000 Btu Pla-M71ea + Puz-Zm71vha R-32 Wi-Fi Optional With Grid Included
The product is available on order Technical features Indoor unit catalog code : PLA-M71EA Outdoor unit catalog code : PUZ-ZM71VHA Panel: PLP-6EA Power: 24000 btu Optional Wi-Fi card : MAC-567IF-E Optional commands Remote control : PAR-SE9FA-E Infrared Receiver : PAR-SL100A-E Wired Command : PAC-YT52CRA-K Deluxe Wired Control : PAR-40MAA White Prism Remote Control : PAR-CT01MAA-SB Black Prism Remote Control : PAR-CT01MAA-PB Energy efficiency SEER : 7.4 SCOP: 4.6 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Annual Energy Consumption in Cooling : 332 kWh/a Annual Energy Consumption in Heating: 1432 kWh/a Performance Cooling Capacity: 7.1 kW Heating Capacity: 8.0 kW Cooling absorption: 1.716 kW Heating absorption: 2.014 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 14~21 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 56 dB(A) External Unit Sound Power Level: 67 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 28~34 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Outdoor Unit: 47 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -20° ~ 21° C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 9.52 mm (3/8") Gas pipe diameter: 15.88 mm (5/8") Maximum piping length: 55 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 30 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 258x840x840 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 21 Kg Grid dimensions (HxWxD): 40x950x950 mm Grid weight: 5 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 943x950x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 70 Kg Mitsubishi Electric P Series 4 Way Cassette Units range of new units designed for the creation of a more comfortable environment, which guarantees maximum satisfaction for users. Horizontal stream The new indoor unit is equipped with the "horizontal flow" function which allows to obtain a jet of air that touches the ceiling (Coanda effect), thus increasing the sensation of comfort perceived by the occupants Condensate drain pump included The PLA series units are not only easy to install but also The provision of a drain pump with a head of 550 mm facilitates the drainage of condensate water even in critical conditions 3D i-see sensor The new 4-way recessed ceiling box is equipped with the exclusive “3D I-see Sensor”, a 360° rotating sensor with a data acquisition interval of 3 minutes. It is not only able to detect the temperature , but also the presence , position and number of people in the room Thanks to it, it is therefore possible to manage regulation logics based on the presence of occupants in the air-conditioned environment, with considerable energy savings. Energy saving Thanks to the Energy Saving mode, 3D I-see allows you to modulate the air conditioning power based on the number of people present in the room: when the crowding index corresponds to 30% of the total, the system is able to self-regulate allowing you to save conditioning energy equivalent to about 1°C. When the crowding index tends to 0%, the system switches off automatically, avoiding energy waste. The 3D I-see sensor also features the Seasonal airflow function which allows the maintenance of the set-point temperature by changing the operating mode from air conditioning to ventilation and guaranteeing further savings Comfort By activating the direct/indirect function, the user will be able to decide whether or not to direct the air flow towards the areas where the presence of people is detected. Thanks to the Seasonal airflow mode, the system is able to maintain an excellent level of comfort, avoiding cold drafts in cooling and counteracting the problem of stratification typical of heating mode Energy Save Degree of Crowding The temperature is controlled based on the number of people in the room detected by the 3d-i see sensor. If the degree of crowding is around 30%, a power of 1°C less is supplied Energy Save Empty Room When the room is empty for more than 60 minutes, the power output is reduced by 2°C When no presence is detected for more than 120 minutes, the outdoor machine turns off automatically MELCloud, the Wi-Fi control MELCloud is the new Wi-Fi control for your Mitsubishi Electric system. Taking advantage of the support of the cloud, the "Cloud", to transmit and receive information and the optional dedicated MAC-567IF-E Wi-Fi interface, you can easily control your system wherever you are via PC, tablet or smartphone ; all you need is an internet connection. The MELCloud service was created to have maximum compatibility with PCs, tablets and smartphones thanks to dedicated apps or via a web browser. One word is enough for you! MELCloud is compatible with Google Home. Saying «Hey Google!», or «Ok Google!» you have full control of the climate system. MELCloud is compatible with Amazon Alexa. A word will be enough to freely manage your air conditioning units R32 Power Inverter outdoor units The new R32 Power Inverter Commercial range outdoor units offer numerous advantages. High seasonal efficiency : The use of R32 refrigerant guarantees an increase in seasonal efficiency in cooling Increased piping length : Increased installation flexibility for sizes 60-140 thanks to increased piping length Nominal heating capacity down to -3°C : Nominal capacity is maintained down to -3°C, making it easier to use in cold climates • Compatibility with fan motor for head • MelCloud energy monitoring Power Inverters Energy efficiency finds its maximum expression in the Power Inverter series. The wide operating range and maximum installation flexibility, thanks to particularly long refrigerant lines and the possibility of reusing existing pipes, complete the offer. The Power Inverter Units are equipped with innovative Power Receiver technology and rotary compressors to obtain maximum efficiency Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioner Cassette 90x90 A 4 Way 24000 Btu Pla-M71ea + Suz-M71va R-32 Wi-Fi Optional With Grid Included
The product is available on order Technical features Indoor unit catalog code : PLA-M71EA Outdoor unit catalog number : SUZ-M71VA Panel: PLP-6EA Power: 24000 btu Optional Wi-Fi card : MAC-567IF-E Optional commands Remote control : PAR-SE9FA-E Infrared Receiver : PAR-SL100A-E Wired Command : PAC-YT52CRA-K Deluxe Wired Control : PAR-40MAA White Prism Remote Control : PAR-CT01MAA-SB Black Prism Remote Control : PAR-CT01MAA-PB Energy efficiency SEER : 7.5 SCOP : 4.5 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual Energy Consumption in Cooling : 331 kWh/a Annual Energy Consumption in Heating: 1796 kWh/a Performance Cooling Capacity: 7.1 kW Heating Capacity: 8.0 kW Cooling absorption: 1.91 kW Heating absorption: 2.21 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 14~21 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 56 dB(A) External Unit Sound Power Level: 66 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 28~34 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Outdoor Unit: 49 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -10° ~ 24°C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 9.52 mm (3/8") Gas pipe diameter: 15.88 mm (5/8") Maximum piping length: 30 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 30 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 258x840x840 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 21 Kg Grid dimensions (HxWxD): 40x950x950 mm Grid weight: 5 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 880x840x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 55 Kg Mitsubishi Electric P Series 4 Way Cassette Units range of new units designed for the creation of a more comfortable environment, which guarantees maximum satisfaction for users. Horizontal stream The new indoor unit is equipped with the "horizontal flow" function which allows to obtain a jet of air that touches the ceiling (Coanda effect), thus increasing the sensation of comfort perceived by the occupants Condensate drain pump included The PLA series units are not only easy to install but also The provision of a drain pump with a head of 550 mm facilitates the drainage of condensate water even in critical conditions 3D i-see sensor The new 4-way recessed ceiling box is equipped with the exclusive “3D I-see Sensor”, a 360° rotating sensor with a data acquisition interval of 3 minutes. It is not only able to detect the temperature , but also the presence , position and number of people in the room Thanks to it, it is therefore possible to manage regulation logics based on the presence of occupants in the air-conditioned environment, with considerable energy savings. Energy saving Thanks to the Energy Saving mode, 3D I-see allows you to modulate the air conditioning power based on the number of people present in the room: when the crowding index corresponds to 30% of the total, the system is able to self-regulate allowing you to save conditioning energy equivalent to about 1°C. When the crowding index tends to 0%, the system switches off automatically, avoiding energy waste. The 3D I-see sensor also features the Seasonal airflow function which allows the maintenance of the set-point temperature by changing the operating mode from air conditioning to ventilation and guaranteeing further savings Comfort By activating the direct/indirect function, the user will be able to decide whether or not to direct the air flow towards the areas where the presence of people is detected. Thanks to the Seasonal airflow mode, the system is able to maintain an excellent level of comfort, avoiding cold drafts in cooling and counteracting the problem of stratification typical of heating mode Energy Save Degree of Crowding The temperature is controlled based on the number of people in the room detected by the 3d-i see sensor. If the degree of crowding is around 30%, a power of 1°C less is supplied Energy Save Empty Room When the room is empty for more than 60 minutes, the power output is reduced by 2°C When no presence is detected for more than 120 minutes, the outdoor machine turns off automatically MELCloud, the Wi-Fi control MELCloud is the new Wi-Fi control for your Mitsubishi Electric system. Taking advantage of the support of the cloud, the "Cloud", to transmit and receive information and the optional dedicated MAC-567IF-E Wi-Fi interface, you can easily control your system wherever you are via PC, tablet or smartphone ; all you need is an internet connection. The MELCloud service was created to have maximum compatibility with PCs, tablets and smartphones thanks to dedicated apps or via a web browser. One word is enough for you! MELCloud is compatible with Google Home. Saying «Hey Google!», or «Ok Google!» you have full control of the climate system. MELCloud is compatible with Amazon Alexa. A word will be enough to freely manage your air conditioning units Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioner Ducted Ducted Inverter 24000 Btu Sez-M71da + Suz-M71va R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
In the absence of product availability, we can supply the channeled KD60 offer which can be viewed at the following link: click here Technical features Indoor unit catalog code : SEZ-M71DA Outdoor unit catalog number : SUZ-M71VA Power: 24000 btu Optional Wi-Fi card : MAC-567IF-E Optional commands Remote control : PAR-FL32MA-E Infrared Receiver : PAR-FA32MA-W Remote Command : PAC-YT52CRA-K Adapter : PAC-SH29TC-E Deluxe Remote Control : PAR-40MAA Adapter : PAC-SH29TC-E White Prism Remote Control Optional : PAR-CT01MAA-SB Black Prism Remote Control Optional : PAR-CT01MAA-PB Adapter : PAC-SH29TC-E Energy efficiency SEER : 5.5 SCOP: 3.9 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A Annual Energy Consumption in Cooling : 452 kWh/a Annual Energy Consumption in Heating: 2072 Kwh/a Performance Cooling Capacity: 7.1 kW Heating Capacity: 8.0 kW Cooling absorption: 2.15 kW Heating absorption: 2.28 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 12~20 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 60 dB(A) External Unit Sound Power Level: 66 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 29~39 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Outdoor Unit: 49 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -10° ~ 24° C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 15.88 mm (5/8") Maximum piping length: 30 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 30 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 200x1190x700 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 27 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 880x840x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 55 Kg Mitsubishi Electric Ducted Compact Unit SEZ-M DA Super compact for impossible installations The SEZ-M units have compact dimensions to be installed even in narrow spaces. The reduced noise emissions increase the livability of the environments. Super compact size The reduced dimensions of the SEZ-M line, height 200 mm and depth 700 mm for the entire range, make installation suitable even in particularly narrow false ceilings Adjustable air flow The fan driven by the DC Inverter motor makes the units of the SEZ line particularly versatile: 4 different static pressure selections selectable from the control (5/15/35/50 Pascal) allow installation with both long ducts and direct discharge, optimally balancing air flow and silent operation. DC inverters The Inverter system is an electronic device that allows the speed of the compressor to be varied efficiently and, consequently, the power supplied by the air conditioner, based on the cooling or heating demand. Compared to traditional fixed speed (On/Off) air conditioners, inverter air conditioners reach the required temperature sooner and keep it stable, without annoying sudden changes, to the full advantage of comfort and electricity consumption . Thanks to the DC Inverter regulation system and the careful design of the components used, seasonal energy efficiency reaches extraordinary levels. Quietness & comfort The quality of the environment in which we stay also depends on the perceived noise level. Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners help maintain the highest acoustic comfort by reducing noise emissions to a minimum, thanks to the great care taken in design and construction details MELCloud, the Wi-Fi control MELCloud is the new Wi-Fi control for your Mitsubishi Electric system. Taking advantage of the support of the cloud, the "Cloud", to transmit and receive information and the optional dedicated MAC-567IF-E Wi-Fi interface, you can easily control your system wherever you are via PC, tablet or smartphone ; all you need is an internet connection. The MELCloud service was created to have maximum compatibility with PCs, tablets and smartphones thanks to dedicated apps or via a web browser. One word is enough for you! MELCloud is compatible with Google Home. Saying «Hey Google!», or «Ok Google!» you have full control of the climate system. MELCloud is compatible with Amazon Alexa. A word will be enough to freely manage your air conditioning units Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioner Ducted Ducted Inverter Medium Prevalence 24000 Btu Pead-M71ja + Suz-M71va R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
In the absence of product availability, we can supply the channeled KD60 offer which can be viewed at the following link: click here Technical features Indoor unit catalog number : PEAD-M71JA Outdoor unit catalog number : SUZ-M71VA Power: 24000 btu Optional Wi-Fi card : MAC-567IF-E Optional remote control : PAR-FL32MA-E Optional Infrared Receiver: PAR-FA32MA-W Optional Simplified Wired Control : PAC-YT52CRA-K Optional Deluxe Wire Control : PAR-40MAA Energy efficiency SEER : 5.8 SCOP: 3.9 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A Annual Energy Consumption in Cooling : 428 kWh/a Annual Energy Consumption in Heating: 2080 Kwh/a Performance Cooling Capacity: 7.1 kW Heating Capacity: 8.0 kW Cooling absorption: 2.02 kW Heating absorption: 2.15 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 17,5~25,0 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 58 dB(A) External Unit Sound Power Level: 66 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 26~34 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Outdoor Unit: 49 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -10° ~ 24° C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 9.52 mm (3/8") Gas pipe diameter: 15.88 mm (5/8") Maximum piping length: 30 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 30 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 250x1100x732 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 30 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 880x840x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 55 Kg Mitsubishi Electric Ducted Medium Head PEAD-M JA Cost-effectiveness and installation flexibility The indoor units of this series of air conditioners, with low profile and concealed in the ceiling, are the perfect answer for the air conditioning requirements in the presence of very small ceiling installation space and external static pressure values subject to wide variations. Energy efficiency has been optimised, electricity consumption is reduced and the operating costs of the appliance are therefore lower. The ultra-slim indoor unit is characterized by particularly quiet operation. It is equipped with a direct expansion coil. It is suitable for concealed ductable installation. A height of only 250 mm guarantees cost-effectiveness and installation flexibility Extremely Quiet Operation In addition to the innovative silent features already present on other Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners, the PEAD series employs a sirocco-type fan with extremely silent operation Condensate Drain Pump Included The HDPE series units are not only easy to install but also The provision of a drain pump with a head of 550 mm facilitates the drainage of condensate water even in critical conditions DC Inverter fan The HDPE units are equipped with a DC Inverter fan which allows the modulation of the number of revolutions ensuring, in addition to silence, optimal comfort and energy saving Static Pressure Settable External static pressure can be adjusted to suit system configuration and installation conditions. Static pressure settings can be increased to suit all duct types, having 5 steps available from 35 Pa up to 150 Pa Various Installation Possibilities HDPE series units are not only easy to install but also very versatile. It is possible to vary the position for the air intake, rear or lower , to optimize the space available MELCloud, the Wi-Fi control MELCloud is the new Wi-Fi control for your Mitsubishi Electric system. Taking advantage of the support of the cloud, the "Cloud", to transmit and receive information and the optional dedicated MAC-567IF-E Wi-Fi interface, you can easily control your system wherever you are via PC, tablet or smartphone ; all you need is an internet connection. The MELCloud service was created to have maximum compatibility with PCs, tablets and smartphones thanks to dedicated apps or via a web browser. One word is enough for you! MELCloud is compatible with Google Home. Saying «Hey Google!», or «Ok Google!» you have full control of the climate system. MELCloud is compatible with Amazon Alexa. A word will be enough to freely manage your air conditioning units Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Electric Ducted Ductable Power Inverter Medium Prevalence 24000 Btu Pead-M71ja + Puz-Zm71vha R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
Technical features Indoor unit catalog number : PEAD-M71JA Outdoor unit catalog code : PUZ-ZM71VHA Power: 24000 btu Optional Wi-Fi card : MAC-567IF-E Optional commands Optional remote control : PAR-FL32MA-E Optional Infrared Receiver: PAR-FA32MA-W Optional Simplified Wired Control : PAC-YT52CRA-K Optional Deluxe Wire Control : PAR-40MAA White Prism Remote Control : PAR-CT01MAA-SB Black Prism Remote Control : PAR-CT01MAA-PB Energy efficiency SEER : 5.8 SCOP: 3.9 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A Annual Energy Consumption in Cooling : 428 kWh/a Annual Energy Consumption in Heating: 1751 Kwh/a Performance Cooling Capacity: 7.1 kW Heating Capacity: 8.0 kW Cooling absorption: 1.858 kW Heating absorption: 1.932 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 17,5~25 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 58 dB(A) External Unit Sound Power Level: 67 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 26~34 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Outdoor Unit: 47 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -20° ~ 21° C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 15.88 mm (5/8") Maximum piping length: 55 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 30 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 250x1100x732 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 33 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 943x950x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 70 Kg Mitsubishi Electric Ducted Medium Head PEAD-M JA Cost-effectiveness and installation flexibility The indoor units of this series of air conditioners, with low profile and concealed in the ceiling, are the perfect answer for the air conditioning requirements in the presence of very small ceiling installation space and external static pressure values subject to wide variations. Energy efficiency has been optimised, electricity consumption is reduced and the operating costs of the appliance are therefore lower. The ultra-slim indoor unit is characterized by particularly quiet operation. It is equipped with a direct expansion coil. It is suitable for concealed ductable installation. A height of only 250 mm guarantees cost-effectiveness and installation flexibility Extremely Quiet Operation In addition to the innovative silent features already present on other Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners, the PEAD series employs a sirocco-type fan with extremely silent operation Condensate Drain Pump Included The HDPE series units are not only easy to install but also The provision of a drain pump with a head of 550 mm facilitates the drainage of condensate water even in critical conditions DC Inverter fan The HDPE units are equipped with a DC Inverter fan which allows the modulation of the number of revolutions ensuring, in addition to silence, optimal comfort and energy saving Static Pressure Settable External static pressure can be adjusted to suit system configuration and installation conditions. Static pressure settings can be increased to suit all duct types, having 5 steps available from 35 Pa up to 150 Pa Various Installation Possibilities HDPE series units are not only easy to install but also very versatile. It is possible to vary the position for the air intake, rear or lower , to optimize the space available MELCloud, the Wi-Fi control MELCloud is the new Wi-Fi control for your Mitsubishi Electric system. Taking advantage of the support of the cloud, the "Cloud", to transmit and receive information and the optional dedicated MAC-567IF-E Wi-Fi interface, you can easily control your system wherever you are via PC, tablet or smartphone ; all you need is an internet connection. The MELCloud service was created to have maximum compatibility with PCs, tablets and smartphones thanks to dedicated apps or via a web browser. One word is enough for you! MELCloud is compatible with Google Home. Saying «Hey Google!», or «Ok Google!» you have full control of the climate system. MELCloud is compatible with Amazon Alexa. A word will be enough to freely manage your air conditioning units R32 Power Inverter outdoor units The new R32 Power Inverter Commercial range outdoor units offer numerous advantages. High seasonal efficiency : The use of R32 refrigerant guarantees an increase in seasonal efficiency in cooling Increased piping length : Increased installation flexibility for sizes 60-140 thanks to increased piping length Nominal heating capacity down to -3°C : Nominal capacity is maintained down to -3°C, making it easier to use in cold climates • Compatibility with fan motor for head • MelCloud energy monitoring Power Inverters Energy efficiency finds its maximum expression in the Power Inverter series. The wide operating range and maximum installation flexibility, thanks to particularly long refrigerant lines and the possibility of reusing existing pipes, complete the offer. The Power Inverter Units are equipped with innovative Power Receiver technology and rotary compressors to obtain maximum efficiency Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioner Ducted Ducted Inverter High Prevalence 65000 Btu Pea-M200la + Puz-M200yka Three-Phase R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
The product is available on order. Technical features Indoor unit catalog code : PEA-M200LA Outdoor unit catalog code : PUZ-M200YKA Power: 65000 btu Optional Wi-Fi card : MAC-567IF-E Optional commands Optional remote control : PAR-FL32MA-E Optional Infrared Receiver: PAR-FA32MA-W White Prism Remote Control Optional : PAR-CT01MAA-SB Black Prism Remote Control Optional : PAR-CT01MAA-PB Energy efficiency SEER :- SCOP :- Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : - Heating Energy Efficiency Class : - Annual Energy Consumption in Cooling : - Annual Energy Consumption in Heating : - Performance Cooling Capacity: 19 kW Heating Capacity: 22.4 kW Cooling absorption: 6.089 kW Heating absorption: 6.588 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 42~60 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 64 dB(A) External Unit Sound Power Level: 78 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 35~43 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Outdoor Unit : 60 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 380~415/50/3 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -20° ~ 21° C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 9.52 mm (3/8") Gas pipe diameter: 25.4 mm (1") Maximum piping length: 100 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 30 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 470x1370x1120 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 87 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 1338x1050x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 129 Kg Mitsubishi Electric Ducted High Head PEA-M LA Compact Outdoor Unit While delivering a nominal power of up to 25 kW in cooling, the PEA-M LA ducted units have an outdoor unit in double fan configuration, avoiding the overall dimensions of traditional high-power condensing units in top-flow configuration DC Inverter fan motor In compliance with the ErP 2018 directive, the new PEA-M LA indoor units have a DC Inverter motor that allows continuous adjustment of the rotation speed High static pressure of the internal fan The static pressure up to 150 Pa allows a wide choice in the sizing of the ducts in order to position the air diffusers in the most suitable way MELCloud, the Wi-Fi control MELCloud is the new Wi-Fi control for your Mitsubishi Electric system. Taking advantage of the support of the cloud, the "Cloud", to transmit and receive information and the optional dedicated MAC-567IF-E Wi-Fi interface, you can easily control your system wherever you are via PC, tablet or smartphone ; all you need is an internet connection. The MELCloud service was created to have maximum compatibility with PCs, tablets and smartphones thanks to dedicated apps or via a web browser. One word is enough for you! MELCloud is compatible with Google Home. Saying «Hey Google!», or «Ok Google!» you have full control of the climate system. MELCloud is compatible with Amazon Alexa. A word will be enough to freely manage your air conditioning units Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Mitsubishi Electric Mitsubishi Electric Inverter Air Conditioner Series Ap 24000 Btu Msz-Ap71vgk R-32 Large Model - Integrated Wi-Fi (New)
THE PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE ON ORDER Technical features Model: Indoor unit catalog number: MSZ-AP71VGK Outdoor unit catalog number: MUZ-AP71VG Typology: Inverter BTU power: 24000 Energy efficiency: SEER/SCOP (W/W): 7.2/4.4 Energy Efficiency Class (Cooling) : A++ Energy Efficiency Class (Heating) : A+ Annual energy consumption cooling kWh/a: 345 Annual heating energy consumption kWh/a: 2132 Performance: Nominal cooling capacity (kW): 7.1 Nominal heating capacity (kW): 8.1 Indoor unit sound pressure (dB-A): 30~49 Indoor unit sound power (dB-A): 65 Outdoor unit sound pressure (dB-A): 55~56 Outdoor unit sound power (dB-A): 69 Electrical data: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 230/50/1 Characteristics: Refrigerant gas : R-32 operating range guaranteed: - Cooling °C: -10 ~ +46 - Heating °C: -15 ~ +24 Dimensions: Indoor Unit HxWxD (mm) : 325 x 1100 x 257 ; 17kg Outdoor Unit HxWxD (mm): 880 x 840 x 330 ; 55kg General characteristics Efficiency and elegance Energy efficiency, elegance and silence find results in this series of wall-mounted air conditioners with DC Inverter technology. The discreet and refined design and the possibility of connection with multisplit make this series suitable for any application, be it a home, an office or a small commercial establishment. Operating economy is the great advantage of Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners. Thanks to the careful design of all the components and the use of cutting-edge technologies, energy efficiency reaches extraordinary levels even on a seasonal basis. Energy efficiency Thanks to careful planning and the introduction of R-32 refrigerant gas, the efficiency of the new MSZ-AP units is significantly increased, reaching class A+++ in cooling (sizes 25 and 35) and A++ in warming across the board. R32: a refrigerant for the future The R32 refrigerant used in the MSZ-AP series air conditioners is characterized by a lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) than the refrigerant gases used up to now in residential air conditioning, reducing its potential negative impact on the environment. Its advantages are: - High energy efficiency - Reduction of the amount of refrigerant gas used - Reduced environmental impact - Easily loadable and recoverable as it is pure gas - Low toxicity and flammability Air distribution Thanks to the presence of the motorized louver, it is possible to direct the air flow to achieve maximum comfort in the room in any operating mode (sizes 25-50). Furthermore, the horizontal flow eliminates annoying drafts towards the occupants. New backlit remote Thanks to the presence of the motorized louver, it is possible to direct the air flow to achieve maximum comfort in the room in any operating mode (sizes 60-71). Furthermore, the horizontal flow eliminates annoying drafts towards the occupants. Wide & Long This special function, suitable for large surfaces to be air-conditioned, ensures correct air circulation until it reaches every corner of the room. WIDE: The wide horizontal air diffusion angle up to 150°, has 7 different remote-controlled distribution patterns to suit any living space. LONG: With this function, the air throw can reach 12 metres: ideal for particularly long rooms. Energy monitoring The new MSZ-AP model supports the energy consumption monitoring function thanks to the Cloud MELCloud remote control system.* Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Climatizzatore Condizionatore Mitsubishi Electric Inverter Serie AP 24000 Btu MSZ-AP71VG R-32 Modello Large - Wi-Fi Optional
IL PRODOTTO E' DISPONIBILE SU ORDINAZIONECaratteristiche TecnicheModello: Codice catalogo unità interna: MSZ-71APVG Codice catalogo unità esterna: MUZ-71APVG Tipologia: Inverter Potenza BTU: 24000 Codice catalogo Wi-Fi: Mac-567IF-E Efficienza Energetica: SEER/SCOP (W/W): 7.2/6.7 Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Raffreddamento) : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Riscaldamento) : A+ Consumo energetico annuo raffreddamento kWh/a: 345 Consumo energetico annuo riscaldamento kWh/a: 2132 Performance: Capacità nominale raffreddamento (kW): 7.1 (2.0 - 8.7) Capacità nominale riscaldamento (kW): 8.1 (2.2 - 10.3) Pressione sonora unità interna (dB-A): 30~51 Potenza sonora unità interna (dB-A): 65 Pressione sonora unità esterna (dB-A): 55~56 Potenza sonora unità esterna (dB-A): 69 Dati elettrici:Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 230/50/1 Caratteristiche: Gas refrigerante : R-32 Campo di funz. garantito: Raffreddamento °C: -10 ~ +46 Riscaldamento °C: -15 ~ +24 Dimensioni: Unità Interna AxLxP (mm) : 325 x 1100 x 257 ; 16 kg Unità Esterna AxLxP (mm) : 880 x 840 x 330 ; 55 kg Caratteristiche GeneraliSerie AP LARGEDesign discreto e raffinato per ogni applicazioneLe unità MSZ-AP e MSZ-AP Large si propongono come soluzione ideale per ogni tipologia di applicazione: residenziale, ufficio o piccolo esercizio commerciale.Efficienza ed eleganzaEfficienza energetica, eleganza e silenziosità trovano risultato in questa serie di climatizzatori a parete con tecnologia DC Inverter.Il design discreto e raffinato e la possibilità di collegamento con multisplit rendono questa serie idonea per qualsiasi applicazione, sia essa un’abitazione, un ufficio o un piccolo esercizio commerciale.L’economia di esercizio è il grande vantaggio dei climatizzatori Mitsubishi Electric.Grazie all’accurata progettazione di tutti i componenti e l’uso di tecnologie all’avanguardia l’efficienza energetica raggiunge livelli straordinari anche su base stagionale. Wide & LongQuesta speciale funzione, indicata per grandi superfici da climatizzare, assicura una corretta circolazione dell’aria fino al raggiungimento di ogni angolo della stanza.WIDE: L’ampio angolo di diffusione dell’aria in orizzontale fino a 150°, dispone di 7 differenti schemi di distribuzione telecomandati per soddisfare qualsiasi spazio abitativo.LONG: Con questa funzione il lancio dell’aria può raggiungere 12 metri: l’ideale per locali particolarmente lunghi.Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Electric Ducted Ductable Inverter Medium Prevalence 24000 Btu Pead-Sm71jal + Suz-Sm71va Single-phase R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
Technical features Indoor unit catalog code : PEAD-SM71JAL Outdoor unit catalog number : SUZ-SM71VA Power: 24000 btu Optional Wi-Fi card : MAC-567IF-E Optional remote control : PAR-FL32MA-E Optional Infrared Receiver: PAR-FA32MA-W Optional Simplified Wired Control : PAC-YT52CRA-K Optional Deluxe Wire Control : PAR-40MAA Energy efficiency SEER : 5.5 SCOP: 3.9 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A Annual Energy Consumption in Cooling : 451 kWh/a Annual Energy Consumption in Heating: 2080 Kwh/a Performance Cooling Capacity: 7.1 kW Heating Capacity: 8.0 kW Cooling absorption: 2.08 kW Heating absorption: 2.21 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 17~25 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Indoor Unit : 58 dB(A) External Unit Sound Power Level: 66 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 26~34 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Outdoor Unit: 49 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -10° ~ 24° C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 9.52 mm (3/8") Gas pipe diameter: 15.88 mm (5/8") Maximum piping length: 30 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 30 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 250x1100x732 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 29 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 880x840x330 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 55 Kg Mitsubishi Electric Ducted Medium Prevalence Built- in Indoor Unit, slim and perfect for small spaces Slim and concealed built-in indoor units are the perfect solution for building air conditioning needs with minimized indoor unit installation on the ceiling and wider outdoor static pressure Compact indoor units With a reduced height of about 250mm, ceiling installation of these units is possible even where space is extremely limited Static pressure External External static pressure conversion can be set to five levels. It is possible to set a maximum level of 150 Pa, the units are versatile and can be used in any type of building MELCloud, the Wi-Fi control MELCloud is the new Wi-Fi control for your Mitsubishi Electric system. Taking advantage of the support of the cloud, the "Cloud", to transmit and receive information and the optional dedicated MAC-567IF-E Wi-Fi interface, you can easily control your system wherever you are via PC, tablet or smartphone ; all you need is an internet connection. The MELCloud service was created to have maximum compatibility with PCs, tablets and smartphones thanks to dedicated apps or via a web browser. One word is enough for you! MELCloud is compatible with Google Home. Saying «Hey Google!», or «Ok Google!» you have full control of the climate system. MELCloud is compatible with Amazon Alexa. A word will be enough to freely manage your air conditioning units Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.