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45 products

  • Caldaia A Gas Immergas Victrix 32 Tt A Condensazione Metano Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    IMMERGAS Immergas Victrix 32 Tt Methane Condensing Gas Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    AVAILABLE TO ORDER IMMERGAS VICTRIX 32 TT CONDENSING COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ErP Technical features Immergas Victrix 32 TT condensing boiler Capacity: 32Kw Useful heating power kW: 30.0 DHW useful power kW: 31.5 Type: snapshot Modulation range: 15 - 100% Hot water production (∆t 30 °C) l/min: 15 , 0 Electrical protection degree IPX: 5D Dimensions (HxWxD): 748x440x280 mm Weight: 33Kg VICTRIX TT The VICTRIX TT ErP range, intended for new installations and above all for the replacement of existing appliances, has been designed to comply with the new European Directives on the use of energy, increasingly oriented towards condensing technology to more easily reach the efficiency classes high in space heating and in the production of domestic hot water in homes. VICTRIX TT ErP, produced in the new highly automated lines of the company's historic headquarters in Brescello, incorporates the innovative condensing module which guarantees high flow rate and head on the heating circuit, low risk of clogging due to any impurities in the system and greater corrosion resistance thanks to the special alloy with which it is made. Reduced consumption thanks to the class A circulator and boiler power modulation up to 15%: ideal condition for mid-seasons or reduced loads. In addition to a very low environmental impact, the boiler features an advanced and easy-to-use user interface with adjustment knobs, selection buttons and LCD display for viewing operating temperatures, operating status and error codes. HIGH HYDRAULIC PERFORMANCE The condensing module has been designed to have large water passages which allow interesting flow rate and head performance even on old heating systems. This also means a low risk of clogging in the presence of impurities in the system water. It is made of a special Aluminium-Silicon-Magnesium alloy, a material which – together with the high thicknesses used – is particularly resistant to corrosion. The water circuit runs through the exchanger in an ascending manner, in counter-current with respect to the flame. The dense pinning allows you to increase the exchange surface ensuring excellent water yield. It is important to keep the pH of the heating system filling water between 6.5 and 8.5 with a hardness of 15°F (ref. UNI 8065 - DI 26/06/15). CLASS A CIRCULATOR The low-consumption modulating circulator guarantees considerable savings in electricity compared to a traditional circulator, it can be set in Auto or Fixed operating modes. WIDE MODULATION RANGE The electronic card reduces operating costs thanks to particularly high yields even with low energy absorption, as occurs for example in the mid-seasons. In fact, the wide range of modulation of the appliance (from 15% to 100% of the thermal power) determines high seasonal yields. LOW ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION IN STAND-BY (LESS THAN 6 W) EVOLVED DESIGN The VICTRIX TT ErP range is designed to make the work of professionals easier. Immergas has invested significant resources in the industrialization of the parts of the appliance, making it particularly robust and has paid the utmost attention to details and finishes. VICTRIX TT ErP presents new technical features such as: • safety valve drain conveyed to the condensate drain • removable cover for direct access to the electrical connection compartment • cover casing for the water connections to better position the boiler in domestic spaces DIRECT ACCESSIBILITY TO THE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS COMPARTMENT In the lower part of the boiler there is a connection compartment accessible without the need to open the product but simply by removing the aesthetic cover, to house the electrical connections of the main devices that can be combined (for example CARV2, external probe, CRONO 7). ELECTRONIC AIR/GAS CONTROL The electronic gas valve allows air/gas control by means of a multifunction electrode placed inside the combustion chamber; the car electronic card adapts the combustion parameters in the event of variations in the density of the air or of the fuel. This allows VICTRIX TT ErP to be powered with any type of fuel (methane/LPG or propane air), by intervening only on the electronic board software even at a later time (for example at the first commissioning by the Authorized Assistance Centre). The boiler is therefore supplied with a single product code. Product Warranty The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-immergas-area-occasioni-caldaia-a-condensazione-immergas-victrix-tera-24-v2-low-nox-metano-completa-di-kit-scarico-fumi-3-032927

    IMMERGAS AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia a Condensazione Immergas VICTRIX TERA 24 V2 Low NOx Metano Completa di kit Scarico Fumi 3.032927

    ATTENZIONE  IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: AMMACCATURA SUL PANNELLO LATERALE SINISTRO IMBALLO USURATO (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caldaia a condensazione Immergas VICTRIX TERA 24 V2 low nox metano completo di kit scarico fumi. Caratteristiche Generali Modello: VICTRIX TERA 24 V2 Codice: 3.032927 Alimentazione: metano Classe Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A Classe Efficienza Energetica Sanitario: A Potenza termica nominale sanitario (utile): 28,0 kW Potenza termica nominale riscaldamento (utile): 24,0 kW Scheda tecnica (Metodo Direttiva 92/42/CEE) Tipologia bruciatore: Aria soffiata Potenza a carico nominale: 24,0 kW Potenza al 30% del carico nominale: 7,2 kW  (a 50/30 °C) Rendimento a carico nominale: 106,5 Rendimento al 30% del carico nominale: 107,5  (a 80/60 °C) Rendimento a carico nominale: 97,8 Rendimento al 30% del carico nominale: 96,8 Ausiliari elettrici a carico nominale: 41 W a carico intermedio: 60 W a carico nullo: 2 W Temperature di esercizio Temperatura media: 50 °C Temperatura di ritorno: 40 °C Temperatura ACS: 55 °C Con priorità acs: sì Condizioni di TEST a carico nominale Temperature media del generatore: 70 °C Fattore di correzione del rendimento: 0,2  a carico intermedio Temperature media del generatore: 70 °C Fattore di correzione del rendimento: 0,2  a carico nullo Potenza persa: 54,4 W Frazione di perdite al mantello: 0,36 Dimensioni Legenda:V - Allacciamento elettricoG - Alimentazione gasAC - Uscita acqua calda sanitariaACV - Entrata acqua calda sanitaria kit valvola solare (optional)AF - Entrata acqua sanitariaSC - Scarico condensa (diametro interno minimo Ø 13 mm)M - Mandata impiantoR - Ritorno impianto Garanzia Prodotto: Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-immergas-caldaia-immergas-a-condensazione-victrix-tera-vip-24-kw-con-kit-scarico-fumi-con-sistema-aqua-celeris-e-filtro-cicloidale-di-serie

    IMMERGAS Caldaia Immergas a condensazione VICTRIX TERA VIP 24 kW con kit scarico fumi con sistema Aqua Celeris e filtro cicloidale di serie

    Caldaia Immergas a condensazione VICTRIX TERA VIP 24 kW con kit scarico fumi con sistema Aqua Celeris e filtro cicloidale di serie Codice caldaia metano 3.029585 Codice caldaia GPL 3.029585 Classe energetica in riscaldamento A Classe energetica in sanitario - Profilo di carico A - XL Codice dima 2.016866 Portata termica nominale massima in sanitario kW (kcal/h) 28,8 (24.773) Portata termica nominale massima in riscaldamento kW (kcal/h) 24,6 (21.194) Portata termica nominale minima kW (kcal/h) 4,5 (3.862) Potenza termica utile massima in sanitario kW (kcal/h) 28,3 (24.295) Potenza termica utile massima in riscaldamento kW (kcal/h) 24,1 (20.717) Potenza termica utile minima kW (kcal/h) 4,3 (3.689) Rendimento termico utile al 100% Pn (80 / 60 °C) % 97,8 Rendimento termico utile al 30% del carico nom. (80 / 60 °C) % 102,3 Rendimento termico utile al 100% Pn (40 / 30 °C) % 108,2 Rendimento termico utile al 30% del carico nom. (40 / 30 °C) % 108,3 Portata di gas al bruciatore (metano) max/min m3 /h 3,05/0,48 Prevalenza disponibile aspirazione/scarico (Portata Min. - Max.) Pa 2 - 240 CO ponderato mg/kWh 20 NOX ponderato mg/kWh 35 Classe di NOX 6 Portata specifica in servizio continuo di acqua sanitaria (∆t 30 °C) l/min 14,1 Pressione minima (dinamica) circuito sanitario bar 0,3 Capacità vaso d’espansione riscaldamento nominale (totale) litri 10 (8,0) Grado di protezione elettrica IP X5D Peso caldaia piena d’acqua (vuota) kg 49 (43,6) Dimensioni (HxLxP) mm 915 x 440 x 385  VICTRIX TERA/TERA VIP Semplice ed efficiente, la caldaia VICTRIX TERA ha riscosso un grande successo anche per la sua qualità costruttiva. Ora la gamma si arricchisce con il modello TERA VIP completo di Aqua Celeris, filtro cicloidale magnetico e sportello copricomandi.VICTRIX TERA VIP è ben accessoriata, garantisce il massimo comfort sanitario e grande sicurezza impiantistica. Tutti gli apparecchi della serie sono a condensazione e consentono un forte risparmio di gas soprattutto per l’efficienza della premiscelazione totale. La gamma comprende anche due istantanee da 24 e 28 kW e una versione da 24 kW per solo riscaldamento che si abbina a bollitori di varie capacità.Tutti i modelli sono equipaggiati di modulo a condensazione con serpentino in acciaio Inox e sono progettati per rispettare le nuove Direttive europee sull’utilizzo dell’energia. Le caldaie VICTRIX TERA e TERA VIP rientrano nella classe 6, la più ecologica nella classificazione europea, per le basse emissioni di monossido di carbonio (CO) e ossidi di azoto (NOX). VICTRIX TERA VIP PRODUZIONE ACQUA CALDA SANITARIA Grazie al microaccumulo da 3,2 litri è garantita l’immediata disponibilità di acqua calda sanitaria ed il raggiungimento del massimo livello di comfort sanitario (***) ai sensi della norma EN 13203 -1. Risulta particolarmente indicata quando si vogliono eliminare i tempi di attesa che normalmente si hanno con le caldaie istantanee.FILTRO CICLOIDALE MAGNETICOI kit ciclonici magnetici sono filtri che uniscono il cosiddetto effetto “ciclonico” (separazione delle impurità tramite movimento circolare dell’acqua) all’effetto magnetico ottenuto tramite una barra contenente magneti permanenti che si trova in posizione centrale, e che trattiene le particelle ferrose che si trovano in sospensione nell’acqua. VICTRIX TERA VIP ha di serie (da montare in opera) il filtro cicloidale magnetico; si posiziona sul ritorno dell’acqua impianto ed è completo di 2 rubinetti di intercettazione che permettono di sfilare il magnete operando lo svuotamento dell’acqua contenuta nel filtro stesso senza svuotarel’intero impianto. Garanzia ProdottoTutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-immergas-area-occasioni-caldaia-a-condensazione-immergas-victrix-tera-24-v2-low-nox-gpl-completo-di-kit-scarico-fumi

    IMMERGAS AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia a condensazione Immergas VICTRIX TERA 24 V2 low nox gpl completo di kit scarico fumi

    ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE, MA PRESENTA UNA BOZZATURA SULLA PARTE FRONTALE, LEGGERA AMMACCATURA LATERALE SINISTRO E L'IMBALLO È USURATO. (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE) Caldaia a condensazione Immergas VICTRIX TERA 24 V2 low nox gpl completo di kit scarico fumi Caratteristiche Generali Modello: VICTRIX TERA 24 V2 Alimentazione: gpl Classe Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A Classe Efficienza Energetica Sanitario: A Potenza termica nominale sanitario (utile): 28,0 kW Potenza termica nominale riscaldamento (utile): 24,0 kW Scheda tecnica (Metodo Direttiva 92/42/CEE) Tipologia bruciatore: Aria soffiata Potenza a carico nominale: 24,0 kW Potenza al 30% del carico nominale: 7,2 kW  (a 50/30 °C) Rendimento a carico nominale: 106,5 Rendimento al 30% del carico nominale: 107,5  (a 80/60 °C) Rendimento a carico nominale: 97,8 Rendimento al 30% del carico nominale: 96,8 Ausiliari elettrici a carico nominale: 41 W a carico intermedio: 60 W a carico nullo: 2 W Temperature di esercizio Temperatura media: 50 °C Temperatura di ritorno: 40 °C Temperatura ACS: 55 °C Con priorità acs: sì Condizioni di TEST a carico nominale Temperature media del generatore: 70 °C Fattore di correzione del rendimento: 0,2  a carico intermedio Temperature media del generatore: 70 °C Fattore di correzione del rendimento: 0,2  a carico nullo Potenza persa: 54,4 W Frazione di perdite al mantello: 0,36 Dimensioni Legenda:V - Allacciamento elettricoG - Alimentazione gasAC - Uscita acqua calda sanitariaACV - Entrata acqua calda sanitaria kit valvola solare (optional)AF - Entrata acqua sanitariaSC - Scarico condensa (diametro interno minimo Ø 13 mm)M - Mandata impiantoR - Ritorno impianto Garanzia Prodotto: Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • Caldaia A Gas Immergas Victrix Superior 32 Kw A Condensazione Completa Di Kit Per Scarico Fumi Gpl - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    IMMERGAS Immergas Victrix Superior 32 Kw Condensing Gas Boiler Complete With Kit For LPG Fume Exhaust - New Erp

    AVAILABLE TO ORDER IMMERGAS VICTRIX SUPERIOR 32 KW CONDENSING COMPLETE WITH KIT FOR LPG FUME EXHAUST - NEW ERP Technical features Product code: 3.025503 Type: INSTANT condensing boiler Energy efficiency Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency Class A Sanitary load profile: XL Rated useful power: 32 kW Hot water production (∆t 30 °C) l/min: 15.3 Nominal / (real) system expansion tank capacity liters 8.0 / (5.8) System expansion vessel pre-charge pressure bar 1.0 Head available with flow rate 1000 l/h kPa (m wc) 31.0 (3.16) Useful thermal power for hot water production kW (kcal/h) 32.0 (27,520) DHW adjustable temperature °C 30 - 60 DHW circuit minimum dynamic pressure bar 0.3 DHW circuit max pressure bar 10 Min. domestic hot water withdrawal 1.5 litres/min Characteristics Power supply V/Hz 230 - 50 Nominal absorption A 0.78 Power absorbed in stand-by W 5.5 Electrical insulation degree IP X5D Dimensions Dimensions (HxWxD): 835 x 440 x 350 VICTRIX SUPERIOR Low consumption: the modulating circulator automatically adapts operation to the conditions of use and reduces electricity consumption. Maximum domestic comfort: the 2-litre micro-accumulator speeds up hot water delivery and reduces waiting times compared to other instantaneous boilers. High seasonal yields: the wide modulation range of the boiler allows high seasonal yields with a consequent reduction in gas consumption. Display: large, backlit liquid crystal, provides the main operating information. Thermoregulators: optional. They improve comfort and increase energy savings. Eco-friendly technology: complies with the European ErP and ELD Directives, allows you to achieve high energy efficiency classes in heating and hot water production. Ecological class 5 (European Standards UNI 297 and 483): the best for reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX). Renewable energy: can be combined with solar systems. High flexibility: approved to operate indoors and outdoors in partially protected places. IPX5D electrical protection. Standard antifreeze up to -3 °C. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: HIGH HYDRAULIC PERFORMANCE With the low energy consumption modulating circulator and the possibility of setting the ∆t on the system, these boilers are ideal on systems equipped with zone and thermostatic valves, to enhance the condensing operation of the appliance, reducing consumption energetic. HIGH EFFICIENCY IN ALL SEASONS Even in mid-season, when energy absorption is limited, efficiency is still high and running costs are reduced thanks to the modulation range from 12.5% ​​to 100% of the power. TECHNOLOGY AND SIMPLICITY OF USE The large and functional backlit liquid crystal display allows easy reading of all the main information relating to operation. Two practical knobs allow you to control the appliance. § INSTALLATION FLEXIBILITY With 19 cm of space between the water connections and the wall, it can be easily installed in any replacement; moreover, the boilers are designed for internal or external installation in partially protected places. The standard antifreeze protection is down to -3 °C and can be extended, with a suitable optional kit, down to -15 °C. Warranty The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Gas Immergas Victrix 32 Tt A Condensazione Gpl Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    IMMERGAS Immergas Victrix 32 Tt LPG Condensing Gas Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    AVAILABLE TO ORDER IMMERGAS VICTRIX 32 TT CONDENSING COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ErP Technical features Immergas Victrix 32 TT condensing boiler Capacity: 32Kw Useful heating power kW: 30.0 DHW useful power kW: 31.5 Type: snapshot Modulation range: 15 - 100% Hot water production (∆t 30 °C) l/min: 15 , 0 Electrical protection degree IPX: 5D Dimensions (HxWxD): 748x440x280 mm Weight: 33Kg *For conversion to LPG, contact the Authorized Assistance Centre VICTRIX TT The VICTRIX TT ErP range, intended for new installations and above all for the replacement of existing appliances, has been designed to comply with the new European Directives on the use of energy, increasingly oriented towards condensing technology to more easily reach the efficiency classes high in space heating and in the production of domestic hot water in homes. VICTRIX TT ErP, produced in the new highly automated lines of the company's historic headquarters in Brescello, incorporates the innovative condensing module which guarantees high flow rate and head on the heating circuit, low risk of clogging due to any impurities in the system and greater corrosion resistance thanks to the special alloy with which it is made. Reduced consumption thanks to the class A circulator and boiler power modulation up to 15%: ideal condition for mid-seasons or reduced loads. In addition to a very low environmental impact, the boiler features an advanced and easy-to-use user interface with adjustment knobs, selection buttons and LCD display for viewing operating temperatures, operating status and error codes. HIGH HYDRAULIC PERFORMANCE The condensing module has been designed to have large water passages which allow interesting flow rate and head performance even on old heating systems. This also means a low risk of clogging in the presence of impurities in the system water. It is made of a special Aluminium-Silicon-Magnesium alloy, a material which – together with the high thicknesses used – is particularly resistant to corrosion. The water circuit runs through the exchanger in an ascending manner, in counter-current with respect to the flame. The dense pinning allows you to increase the exchange surface ensuring excellent water yield. It is important to keep the pH of the heating system filling water between 6.5 and 8.5 with a hardness of 15°F (ref. UNI 8065 - DI 26/06/15). CLASS A CIRCULATOR The low-consumption modulating circulator guarantees considerable savings in electricity compared to a traditional circulator, it can be set in Auto or Fixed operating modes. WIDE MODULATION RANGE The electronic card reduces operating costs thanks to particularly high yields even with low energy absorption, as occurs for example in the mid-seasons. In fact, the wide range of modulation of the appliance (from 15% to 100% of the thermal power) determines high seasonal yields. LOW ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION IN STAND-BY (LESS THAN 6 W) EVOLVED DESIGN The VICTRIX TT ErP range is designed to make the work of professionals easier. Immergas has invested significant resources in the industrialization of the parts of the appliance, making it particularly robust and has paid the utmost attention to details and finishes. VICTRIX TT ErP presents new technical features such as: • safety valve drain conveyed to the condensate drain • removable cover for direct access to the electrical connection compartment • cover casing for the water connections to better position the boiler in domestic spaces DIRECT ACCESSIBILITY TO THE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS COMPARTMENT In the lower part of the boiler there is a connection compartment accessible without the need to open the product but simply by removing the aesthetic cover, to house the electrical connections of the main devices that can be combined (for example CARV2, external probe, CRONO 7). ELECTRONIC AIR/GAS CONTROL The electronic gas valve allows air/gas control by means of a multifunction electrode placed inside the combustion chamber; the car electronic card adapts the combustion parameters in the event of variations in the density of the air or of the fuel. This allows VICTRIX TT ErP to be powered with any type of fuel (methane/LPG or propane air), by intervening only on the electronic board software even at a later time (for example at the first commissioning by the Authorized Assistance Centre). The boiler is therefore supplied with a single product code. Product Guarantee The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Condensazione Immergas Victrix Zeus Superior 32 Kw Metano Con Boiler Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    IMMERGAS Immergas Victrix Zeus Superior Condensing Boiler 32 Kw Methane With Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    IMMERGAS VICTRIX ZEUS SUPERIOR 32 KW METHANE CONDENSING BOILER WITH BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ERP Technical features Model: Wall mounted condensing boiler with 45 liter Boiler; Energy class in heating: A; Sanitary energy class: A; Sanitary load profile: XL; Heating power: 32.0 kW; DHW power: 25.8 kW; Hot water production (∆t 30 °C) l/min: 19.2; Nominal Current: 0.64A; Electrical insulation degree IP X5D; Heating performance: Nominal system expansion vessel capacity (min./max.): 10.0/7.1 L; Head available with flow rate 1000 l/h kPa (m wc) 29.0 (2.95); Healthcare services: Useful thermal power for hot water production (kcal/h) 32.0 (27520) kW; DHW temperature °C 20 - 60: Sanitary pressure 2.5 bar: Withdrawal in continuous service (∆t 30°C) litres/min 15.8; Specific flow rate x 10 min. (∆t 30°C) litres/min 19.2; Boiler losses kW 0.168; Nominal expansion vessel capacity liters 2.5 (1.2) Power supply: LPG. Benefits and functions: Display: backlit liquid crystal, provides the main operating information; It is possible to take advantage of the tax deductions in force; Low consumption, and can be combined as an optional with thermoregulators, which improve comfort and increase energy savings; 45 l kettle; Eco-compatible technology: in compliance with the ErP and ELD European Directives, it allows to achieve high energy efficiency classes in heating and hot water production; Ecological class 5: reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides. General characteristics Immergas boiler, easy to install in any environment and compatible with existing fittings and whirlpool tubs, designed to respect the environment while enjoying maximum comfort with low energy consumption given its low consumption circulator. Equipped with a 54 liter boiler made of stainless steel to be unalterable over time with minimal heat loss so as to resist even outdoors. The wide flange optimizes cleaning and maintenance operations, which allows excellent thermoregulation, guaranteeing very high performance in terms of comfort. Inside the boiler, in turn, there is a stainless steel coil wound in a double concentric spiral which ensures rapid heat exchange. The Zeus boiler is intuitive and simple to use and to program to your liking thanks also to the practical knobs and a backlit display that allow you to manage and view the boiler settings. Finally, given its great reliability not only in performance but also in resistance (IPX4D protection degree) it can be installed both indoors and partially covered outdoors. Dimensions (HxWxD): 900x600x460cm; Warranty The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-immergas-offerta-caldaia-a-gas-immergas-a-camera-aperta-mini-nike-24-kw-gpl-3.025589

    IMMERGAS Offer - Immergas Open Chamber Gas Boiler Mini Nike 24 Kw LPG 3.025589

    Technical features Model : Mini Nike 24 Product code : 3.025589 Maximum nominal heat input: 26.2 kW Minimum nominal heat input in DHW: 8.3 kW Minimum nominal heat input in heating mode: 10.9 kW Maximum useful thermal power: 23.8 kW Minimum useful thermal power in DHW: 8.1 kW Minimum useful thermal power in heating: 9.4 kW Useful thermal efficiency at 100% Pn (80/60 °C) : 91% Useful thermal efficiency at 30% of the nominal load. (80/60°C) : 88% Minimum gas flow rate to the burner: 0.88 m 3 /h Maximum gas flow rate to the burner: 2.77 m 3 /h Weighted CO : 27 mg/kWh Weighted NO X : 150 mg/kWh Specific flow rate in continuous domestic hot water service (∆t 30 °C): 11.4 l/min DHW circuit minimum dynamic pressure: 0.3 bar Nominal heating expansion vessel capacity: 6.0 litres Electrical protection degree : IPX4D Dimensions and weight Dimensions (HxWxD): 785x440x240 mm Empty weight: 26.1 kg Immergas Mini Nike Instant compact mural with natural draft Practicality and flexibility of installation A key feature of the range are the attachments which are unchanged from the previous MINI series. This peculiarity guarantees maximum ease of installation even during replacement. In addition, the compact size and low weight ensure convenience and ease of installation Solar function The boiler is designed to receive pre-heated water from a solar storage tank. By activating this function in the boiler parameters, the burner switches on only if it is necessary to integrate the heating of the water coming from the solar tank Ease of adjustment The newly designed dashboard, with backlit display, allows easy and intuitive use of the boiler. The self-diagnosis system displays the operating status of the boiler, further simplifying maintenance of the appliance by qualified technicians Ideal for connection to existing branched collective smoking pipes MINI NIKE 24 ErP complies with the thermal efficiency value (at 30% of the load) provided for by Article 4, paragraph 7 of Presidential Decree 59/09 for cases of mere replacement of the boiler, with connection to branched collective flues (ccr) Reduced electricity consumption In compliance with the new ErP directive, the boiler is equipped with a low energy consumption circulator Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Condensazione Immergas Victrix Zeus Superior 32 Kw Gpl Con Boiler Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    IMMERGAS Immergas Victrix Zeus Superior Condensing Boiler 32 Kw LPG With Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    IMMERGAS VICTRIX ZEUS SUPERIOR 32 KW LPG CONDENSING BOILER WITH BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ERP Technical features Model: Wall mounted condensing boiler with 45 liter Boiler; Energy class in heating: A; Sanitary energy class: A; Sanitary load profile: XL; Heating power: 32.0 kW; DHW power: 25.8 kW; Hot water production (∆t 30 °C) l/min: 19.2; Nominal Current: 0.64A; Electrical insulation degree IP X5D; Heating performance: Nominal system expansion vessel capacity (min./max.): 10.0/7.1 L; Head available with flow rate 1000 l/h kPa (m wc) 29.0 (2.95); Healthcare services: Useful thermal power for hot water production (kcal/h) 32.0 (27520) kW; DHW temperature °C 20 - 60: Sanitary pressure 2.5 bar: Withdrawal in continuous service (∆t 30°C) litres/min 15.8; Specific flow rate x 10 min. (∆t 30°C) litres/min 19.2; Boiler losses kW 0.168; Nominal expansion vessel capacity liters 2.5 (1.2) Power supply: LPG. Benefits and functions: Display: backlit liquid crystal, provides the main operating information; It is possible to take advantage of the tax deductions in force; Low consumption, and can be combined as an optional with thermoregulators, which improve comfort and increase energy savings; 45 l kettle; Eco-compatible technology: in compliance with the ErP and ELD European Directives, it allows to achieve high energy efficiency classes in heating and hot water production; Ecological class 5: reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides. General characteristics Immergas boiler, easy to install in any environment and compatible with existing fittings and whirlpool tubs, designed to respect the environment while enjoying maximum comfort with low energy consumption given its low consumption circulator. Equipped with a 54-litre boiler made of stainless steel to be unalterable over time with minimal heat loss so as to resist even outdoors. The wide flange optimizes cleaning and maintenance operations, which allows excellent thermoregulation, guaranteeing very high performance in terms of comfort. Inside the boiler, in turn, there is a stainless steel coil wound in a double concentric spiral which ensures rapid heat exchange. The Zeus boiler is intuitive and simple to use and to program to your liking thanks also to the practical knobs and a backlit display that allow you to manage and view the boiler settings. Finally, given its great reliability not only in performance but also in resistance (IPX4D protection degree) it can be installed both indoors and partially covered outdoors. Dimensions (HxWxD): 900x600x460cm; Warranty The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia Immergas A Condensazione Victrix Tera 24 Kw Completa Di Kit Per Scarico Fumi Gpl - CaldaieMurali

    IMMERGAS Immergas Condensing Boiler Victrix Tera 24 Kw Complete With Kit For LPG Fume Exhaust

    AVAILABLE TO ORDER VICTRIX TERA 24 KW IMMERGAS CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH LPG FUME EXHAUST KIT Technical features Product code: 3.027368 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Heating energy efficiency Class Sanitary Energy Efficiency Class Withdrawal profile: XL Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Maximum nominal heat input in DHW kW 28.8 Maximum nominal heat input in heating kW 24.6 Useful thermal efficiency at 30% of the nominal load. (80 / 60 °C) % 102.3 Specific flow rate in continuous domestic hot water service (∆t 30 °C) l/min 13.5 Nominal heating expansion vessel capacity (total) liters 8 (5.8) Electrical protection degree IP X5D Boiler weight full of water (empty) kg 35.8 (33.6) Dimensions and installation scheme: VICTRIX TERA Everything you need, immediately and in a small space It is the new line that strengthens the Immergas range with boilers dedicated to those looking for quality and simplicity. All the appliances are condensing and above all with total premixing to save gas efficiently. The dimensions are compact and the easy placement allows flexibility to adapt to new installations or to replace existing appliances in the home, outdoors in protected places, recessed with OMNI CONTAINER. There are two instantaneous versions - 24 and 28 kW - and one for heating only of 24 kW which can be combined with boilers of various capacities. The entire range is equipped with a condensing module with stainless steel coil and designed to comply with the new European directives on the use of energy. VICTRIX TERA boilers fall into class 6, the most ecological in the European classification, for low emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). All versions can discharge the fumes on the wall in the cases envisaged by DL 102 of 4 July 2014. The controls are simple, the LCD display is clear and the selection buttons for adjustments and settings are activated quickly. Features and strengths: Low consumption: the low consumption circulator allows for considerable savings in electricity. Standard: the cover of the water connections improves the aesthetics in domestic environments. Comfort Ease of use: practical buttons and a backlit display allow you to easily manage and view the boiler setting. DOMINUS App: simple and intuitive, it allows you to check the functioning and temperature of the boiler, turn it on and off from anywhere via smartphone or tablet. Options. Environmental compatibility Eco-friendly technology: complies with the European ErP and ELD Directives, allows you to achieve high energy efficiency classes in heating and hot water production. Ecological class 6 (European Standards UNI 297 and 483): the best for reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX). Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €903,00 - €922,00

  • Caldaia A Condensazione Immergas Victrix Zeus Superior 26 Kw Metano Con Boiler Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - New Erp - CaldaieMurali

    IMMERGAS Immergas Victrix Zeus Superior Condensing Boiler 26 Kw Methane With Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp

    IMMERGAS VICTRIX ZEUS SUPERIOR 26 KW METHANE CONDENSING BOILER WITH BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ERP Technical features Healthcare services: Useful thermal power for hot water production (kcal/h) 25.8 (22188) kW; DHW temperature °C 20 - 60: Sanitary pressure 2.5 bar: Withdrawal in continuous service (∆t 30°C) litres/min 13.1; Specific flow rate x 10 min. (∆t 30°C) litres/min 16.0; Boiler losses kW 0.174; Nominal expansion vessel capacity liters 2.0 (1.2) Power supply: METHANE Model: Wall mounted condensing boiler with 45 liter Boiler; Energy class in heating: A; Sanitary energy class: A; Sanitary load profile: XL; Heating power: 23.9 kW; DHW power: 25.8 kW; Hot water production (∆t 30 °C) l/min: 16.0 Nominal Current: 0.64A; Electrical insulation degree IP X5D; Heating performance: Nominal system expansion vessel capacity (min./max.): 10.0/7.1 L; Head available with flow rate 1000 l/h kPa (m wc) 26 (2.65); Benefits and functions: Display: backlit liquid crystal, provides the main operating information; It is possible to take advantage of the tax deductions in force; Low consumption, and can be combined as an optional with thermoregulators, which improve comfort and increase energy savings; 45 l kettle; Eco-compatible technology: in compliance with the ErP and ELD European Directives, it allows to achieve high energy efficiency classes in heating and hot water production; Ecological class 5: reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides. General characteristics Immergas boiler, easy to install in any environment and compatible with existing fittings and whirlpool tubs, designed to respect the environment while enjoying maximum comfort with low energy consumption given its low consumption circulator. Equipped with a 54-litre boiler made of stainless steel to be unalterable over time with minimal heat loss so as to resist even outdoors. The wide flange optimizes cleaning and maintenance operations, which allows excellent thermoregulation, guaranteeing very high performance in terms of comfort. Inside the boiler, in turn, there is a stainless steel coil wound in a double concentric spiral which ensures rapid heat exchange. The Zeus boiler is intuitive and simple to use and to program to your liking thanks also to the practical knobs and a backlit display that allow you to manage and view the boiler settings. Finally, given its great reliability not only in performance but also in resistance (IPX4D protection degree) it can be installed both indoors and partially covered outdoors. Dimensions (HxWxD): 900x600x460cm; Warranty The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • Caldaia A Condensazione Immergas Victrix Zeus 26 Kw Gpl Con Boiler - Completa Di Kit Scarico Fumi - Erp - CaldaieMurali

    IMMERGAS Immergas Victrix Zeus 26 Kw LPG Condensing Boiler With Boiler - Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - Erp

    NB IN THE ABSENCE OF THIS PRODUCT, THE NEW MODEL WILL BE SUPPLIED : VICTRIX ZEUS 25! IMMERGAS VICTRIX ZEUS 26 KW LPG CONDENSING BOILER WITH BOILER - COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - ERP Technical features Model: Wall mounted condensing boiler with 45 liter Boiler; Energy class in heating: A; Sanitary energy class: A; Sanitary load profile: XL; Heating power: 23.6 kW; DHW power: 26.0 kW; Hot water production (∆t 30 °C) l/min: 15.6  Nominal Current: 0.78A; Electrical insulation degree IP X5D; Heating performance: Nominal system expansion vessel capacity (min./max.): 8.0/5.8 L; Head available with flow rate 1000 l/h kPa (m wc) 31.0 (3.16); Healthcare services: Useful thermal power for hot water production (kcal/h) 32.0 (27,520) kW; DHW temperature °C 30 - 60: DHW pressure (min./max) 0.3/10 bar: Min. domestic hot water withdrawal 1.5 litres/min; Power supply: LPG. Benefits and functions: It is possible to take advantage of the tax deductions in force; Low consumption, and can be combined as an optional with thermoregulators, which improve comfort and increase energy savings; 45 l kettle; Eco-compatible technology: in compliance with the ErP and ELD European Directives, it allows to achieve high energy efficiency classes in heating and hot water production; Ecological class 5: reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides. General characteristics Immergas boiler, easy to install in any environment and compatible with existing fittings, designed to respect the environment while enjoying maximum comfort with low energy consumption given its low consumption circulator. Equipped with a 45 liter stainless steel boiler which allows excellent thermoregulation, guaranteeing very high performance in terms of comfort. The Zeus boiler is intuitive and simple to use and to program to your liking thanks also to the practical knobs and a backlit display that allow you to manage and view the boiler settings. Finally, given its great reliability not only in performance but also in resistance (IPX4D protection degree) it can be installed both indoors and partially covered outdoors. Dimensions (HxWxD): 890x580x380mm; Product Guarantee The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


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