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Hitachi Climatizzatore Condizionatore Hitachi Inverter serie PREMIUM FROST WASH WHITE 9000 Btu RAK-25PSEW R-32 Wi-Fi Optional Colore Bianco - Novità
PRODOTTO DISPONIBILE SU ORDINAZIONE E SPEDITO IN CIRCA 10 GIORNI LAVORATIVI. Caratteristiche Tecniche Codice prodotto Unità interna : RAK-25PSEW Codice prodotto Unità Esterna : RAC-25WSE Potenza : 9000 Btu Colore : Bianco Scheda Wi-Fi Optional : ( Codice SPX‐WFG02 ) Comando a Parete Semplificato : ( Codice SPX-RCDA/B ) Comando a Parete con Timer Settimanale Optional : ( Codice SPX-WKT3 ) Efficienza Energetica SEER : 9 SCOP : 5,1 Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Raffreddamento : A+++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica in Riscaldamento : A+++ Performance Capacità Raffreddamento : 2,5 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 3,2 kW Assorbimento Raffreddamento : 0,49 kW Assorbimento Riscaldamento : 0,62 kW Aria Trattata Unità Interna : 270 ~ 600 m3/min Livello Potenza sonora Unità Interna : 55 dB(A) Livello Potenza sonora Unità Esterna : 61 dB(A) Livello Pressione sonora Unità Interna : 22~42 dB(A) Livello Pressione sonora Unità Esterna : 47~48 dB(A) Dati Elettrici Alimentazione (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R32 Intervallo di funzionamento - Raffreddamento: -10° ~ 43° C - Riscaldamento: -20° ~ 24° C Dati Installativi Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Lunghezza massima Tubazioni : 20 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 10 m Dimensioni e Peso Dimensioni Unità Interna (AxLxP) : 294x795x250 mm Peso Unità Interna : 11 Kg Dimensioni Unità Esterna (AxLxP) : 600x792x299 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 37 Kg Garanzia di 5 anni La serie residenziale e light commercial dei condizionatori Hitachi è coperta da 2 anni di garanzia dalla data di acquisto e da ulteriori 5 anni di garanzia sulle schede elettroniche delle unità esterne e delle unità interne come pure sui compressori. Questa garanzia include ricambi e manodopera Hitachi Premium FrostWash Il Climatizzatore giapponese dal cuore high-tech Il Climatizzatore Monosplit Intelligente che si Pulisce da solo Garantito 5 Anni Premium FrostWash è il climatizzatore monosplit di Hitachi attento all'aria che respiri.Un climatizzatore pulito è sinonimo di un ambiente sano e Premium FrostWash è il condizionatore realizzato con la più elevata tecnologia di pulizia attualmente disponibile. Come? Grazie a Auto Filter Clean, l’esclusivo robot di Hitachi che garantisce la pulizia automatica dei filtri e alla tecnologia smart FrostWash che cattura, congela e lava via il 91% di batteri e l'87% di muffe. Ma non solo: per la massima igiene dell'unità, le superfici interne di Premium FrostWash sono rivestite in acciaio Inox, materiale che evita anche la proliferazione di agenti patogeni Geolocalizzazione e Controllo Vocale in un'unica App La nuova app airCloud Home di Hitachi è disponibile su tutta la gamma residenziale, a partire da Premium FrostWash.Grazie ad airCloud Home puoi connettere il tuo climatizzatore a tutti i tuoi dispositivi mobili e gestirlo comodamente con il controllo vocale di Alexa e Google Home.L'innovativa funzione Smart Geo Fence, un'esclusiva Hitachi Cooling & Heating, ti permette di impostare un raggio di azione intorno alla tua casa. Attivando la geolocalizzazione sul tuo smartphone, Premium FrostWash saprà sempre dove ti trovi e regolerà il suo funzionamento in base alla tua posizione. Troverai sempre la giusta temperatura tornando a casa e non dovrai più preoccuparti di spegnere o abbassare il condizionatore quando esci. Avrai così massimo comfort e consumi ridotti Estate Fresca, Inverno al Caldo Premium FrostWash è il climatizzatore monosplit ad alta efficienza energetica ideale sia in estate sia inverno. Attivando il funzionamento in pompa di calore, potrai riscaldare la tua abitazione anche quando le temperature scendono sotto zero (fino a- 20°C esterni). E in inverno, quando sei lontano da casa anche per lunghi periodi, puoi spegnere il riscaldamento tradizionale senza preoccupazioni. Al mantenimento della temperatura minima ci pensa Premium FrostWash, con la Modalità Vacanza: così non rinunci al comfort e risparmi sui consumi! Efficienza Energetica e Controllo dei Consumi Premium FrostWash è un prodotto Hitachi Cooling & Heating in classe A+++ caratterizzato da un'efficienza stagionale eccezionale: SEER 9,0 e SCOP 5,10 (taglia 2,5 kW). È un climatizzatore monosplit inverter “intelligente”: attraverso un sensore rileva la presenza di persone nello spazio climatizzato e riduce al minimo i consumi se il locale rimane vuoto. È inoltre possibile tenere sotto controllo i consumi del mese in corso e del precedente direttamente sul telecomando con la funzione Info.E per evitare sprechi e rimanere sempre connesso al tuo climatizzatore smart Hitachi, attiva la modalità Smart Geo Fence dalla app airCloud Home: potrai avere tutto il comfort che desideri, in totale libertà Design e Innovazione Affidarsi ad un marchio come Hitachi, sinonimo di innovazione e tecnologia, significa entrare in un mondo di benessere e di qualità. Il climatizzatore monosplit Premium FrostWash è il simbolo di questo mondo.Ogni dettaglio di Premium FrostWash è curato nei minimi particolari: dal display sulla scocca frontale alle componenti interne rivestite in acciaio Inox. Disponible sia in bianco matt sia nell'esclusivo colore argento silver, questo climatizzatore Hitachi è unico anche nell'estetica Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Hitachi Unità Esterna Hitachi Motore Multisplit Ram-53np3e R-32 Trial Split
Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità esterna : RAM-53NP3E Numero massimo di unità interne collegabili : 3 Efficienza energetica SEER : 8,5 SCOP : 4,6 Classe di efficienza energetica raffreddamento : A+++ Classe di efficienza energetica riscaldamento : A++ Performance: Capacità raffreddamento : 5,3 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 6,8 kW Assorbimento raffreddamento : 1,29 kW Assorbimento riscaldamento: 1,61 kW Livello potenza sonora : 61 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 50~51 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -10° ~ 46° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati installativi Diametro tubi liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x2 Diametro tubi gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x2 Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 30 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna ed unità esterna : 20 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 800x850x298 mm Peso unità esterna : 54,0 Kg Garanzia La serie residenziale e light commercial dei condizionatori Hitachi è coperta da 2 anni di garanzia dalla data di acquisto e da ulteriori 5 anni di garanzia sulle schede elettroniche delle unità esterne e delle unità interne come pure sui compressori. Questa garanzia include ricambi e manodopera. Multizone Premium Serie E Gamma Estesa Sono oggi disponibili 8 modelli di unità esterne con capacità da 3,3 kW a 10k W in raffreddamento, alle quali è possibile combinare 6 differenti tipologie di unità interne con potenze da 1,5 kW a 6,0 kW in raffreddamento. Basso consumo ed Elevata resa Tutta la gamma di unità esterne Multizone Premium Serie E può vantare una altissima efficienza con un assorbimento minimo in modulazione di soli 200 W (in base al modello). Tutti i modelli risultano quindi rispondenti ai dettami necessari per l’ottenimento dei bonus fiscali e delle detrazioni. Inoltre, l’esclusiva funzione "HIBERNATE" di cui i sistemi sono corredati, è programmata per spegnere i sotto circuiti dei componenti non attivi e tutti i led non necessari al funzionamento, così da consentire l’ottenimento di una riduzione dei consumi della fase di stand by del 70% Building automation e completa integrazione Con i nuovi sistemi Multizone Premium Serie E risulta oggi più semplice l'integrazione con reti domotiche o con sistemi di comando centralizzati evoluti collegando una sola interfaccia SPX-RAMHLK direttamente all'unità esterna. Grazie a questo dispositivo è possibile comandare e monitorare i sistemi Multizone mediante interfacce domotiche di tipo MODBUS, LONWORKS, KONNEX e BACNET oppure mediante i tradizionali comandi centralizzati HITACHI Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Hitachi Unità Interna A Parete Hitachi Serie Performance Frostwash 7000 Btu Rak-18rpe R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
ATTENZIONE SARÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : RAK-18RPE Potenza : 7000 Btu Capacità di raffreddamento : 2,0 kW Capacità di riscaldamento : 2,5 kW Portata d'aria : 312 ~ 480 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 51 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 19 ~ 38 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (AxLxP) : 280x780x230 mm Peso : 8,5 Kg Wi-Fi optional : SPX-WFG02 Hitachi Performance FrostWash Il climatizzatore inverter con pompa di calore più pulito Il climatizzatore inverter pulito ed efficiente, garantito 5 anni Performance ForstWash è il climatizzatore inverter che coniuga efficienza, alte prestazioni e igiene.Grazie alla tecnologia smart FrostWash di Hitachi che cattura, congela e lava via polvere, muffe e impurità, Performance FrostWash assicura la massima pulizia dell'unità interna e un'aria sana.FrostWash elimina automaticamente il 91% di batteri e l'87% di muffe dal tuo condizionatore. Oppure puoi attivare il ciclo di pulizia di FrostWash quando vuoi tu con un semplice click del telecomando. Un'unica app per controllo vocale e Smart Geo Fence L'app airCloud Home, novità di Hitachi, è disponibile per tutta la gamma residenziale.Con airCloud Home connetti il climatizzatore a tutti i tuoi dispositivi mobili e lo gestisci ovunque ti trovi, anche attraverso il controllo vocale di Alexa e Google Home.Sono tante le nuove funzioni incluse nell'app. La più innovativa? Smart Geo Fence che ti permette di impostare un raggio di azione fino a 10 km intorno alla tua casa. Attivando la geolocalizzazione sul tuo smartphone puoi interagire con il funzionamento di Performance FrostWash in maniera del tutto automatica in base alla tua posizione, e goderti un comfort senza pensieri Tutte le performance che vuoi , per risparmiare energia tutto l'anno Performance FrostWash è il climatizzatore inverter dalle alte prestazioni sia in estate sia in inverno per un raffrescamento e riscaldamento in pompa di calore da top di gamma: classe A+++ in freddo e A++ in caldo.Performance FrostWash ha la miglior capacità di riscaldamento del mercato a basse temperature esterne ed assicura una grande efficienza energetica.Il sensore di presenza, che rileva la presenza di persone all'interno del locale climatizzato, attiva la Modalità Eco in caso non ci sia nessuno all'interno della stanza, contribuendo ad abbassare i consumi energetici. Il climatizzatore inverter silenzioso e compatto Non sai dove posizionare il tuo climatizzatore? Performance FrostWash è perfetto per una installazione intelligente! Con soli 780mm di lunghezza è ideale per essere inserito anche sopra una porta. Le performance di questo climatizzatore sono davvero speciali, come la sua silenziosità di soli 19 dBA. Garanzia di qualità La garanzia di Performance FrostWash è estesa a 5 anni anni su schede elettroniche e compressore. Hitachi Cooling & Heating è da sempre un brand attento alla qualità e all'affidabilità dei suoi sistemi e inizia a farlo proprio al momento dell'acquisto, con una garanzia di ben 5 anni sul compressore, il cuore dei condizionatori per la casa Frost Wash La funzione Frost Wash consente di mantenere una elevata qualità dell’aria negli ambienti pulendo efficacemente lo scambiatore interno del condizionatore. La modalità può essere attivata dall’utente oppure si attiva automaticamente dopo un funzionamento prolungato del compressore Maggior comfort col 4-Way-Swing Grazie al 4-Way-Swing potrete direzionare il flusso dell’aria nella modalità più comfortevole Sensore di presenza Il sensore attiva il funzionamento quando identifica la presenza umana in ambiente e riduce progressivamente il funzionamento quando non rileva presenza di persone Compatibile con il sistema Wi-Fi Hi-Kumo Grazie alla APP Hi-Kumo potete accendere, spegnere, modificare la temperatura o realizzare programmazioni in qualunque parte del mondo vi troviate. Il sistema può essere controllato tramite uno smartphone con connessione internet al dispositivo Wi-Fi opzionale Ridotte dimensioni Grazie alla larghezza di solo 780 mm potrete installarlo anche sopra una porta Funzionamento silenzioso La serie Performance presenta un livello sonoro che raggiunge 19dB(A) Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Hitachi Unità Interna A Parete Hitachi Serie Performance Frostwash 9000 Btu Rak-25rpe R-32 Wi-Fi Optional
Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : RAK-25RPE Potenza : 9000 Btu Capacità di raffreddamento : 2,5 kW Capacità di riscaldamento : 3,4 kW Portata d'aria : 333 ~ 570 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 54 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 20 ~ 41 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (AxLxP) : 280x780x230 mm Peso : 8,5 Kg Wi-Fi optional : SPX-WFG02 Hitachi Performance FrostWash Il climatizzatore inverter con pompa di calore più pulito Il climatizzatore inverter pulito ed efficiente, garantito 5 anni Performance ForstWash è il climatizzatore inverter che coniuga efficienza, alte prestazioni e igiene.Grazie alla tecnologia smart FrostWash di Hitachi che cattura, congela e lava via polvere, muffe e impurità, Performance FrostWash assicura la massima pulizia dell'unità interna e un'aria sana.FrostWash elimina automaticamente il 91% di batteri e l'87% di muffe dal tuo condizionatore. Oppure puoi attivare il ciclo di pulizia di FrostWash quando vuoi tu con un semplice click del telecomando. Un'unica app per controllo vocale e Smart Geo Fence L'app airCloud Home, novità di Hitachi, è disponibile per tutta la gamma residenziale.Con airCloud Home connetti il climatizzatore a tutti i tuoi dispositivi mobili e lo gestisci ovunque ti trovi, anche attraverso il controllo vocale di Alexa e Google Home.Sono tante le nuove funzioni incluse nell'app. La più innovativa? Smart Geo Fence che ti permette di impostare un raggio di azione fino a 10 km intorno alla tua casa. Attivando la geolocalizzazione sul tuo smartphone puoi interagire con il funzionamento di Performance FrostWash in maniera del tutto automatica in base alla tua posizione, e goderti un comfort senza pensieri Tutte le performance che vuoi , per risparmiare energia tutto l'anno Performance FrostWash è il climatizzatore inverter dalle alte prestazioni sia in estate sia in inverno per un raffrescamento e riscaldamento in pompa di calore da top di gamma: classe A+++ in freddo e A++ in caldo.Performance FrostWash ha la miglior capacità di riscaldamento del mercato a basse temperature esterne ed assicura una grande efficienza energetica.Il sensore di presenza, che rileva la presenza di persone all'interno del locale climatizzato, attiva la Modalità Eco in caso non ci sia nessuno all'interno della stanza, contribuendo ad abbassare i consumi energetici. Il climatizzatore inverter silenzioso e compatto Non sai dove posizionare il tuo climatizzatore? Performance FrostWash è perfetto per una installazione intelligente! Con soli 780mm di lunghezza è ideale per essere inserito anche sopra una porta. Le performance di questo climatizzatore sono davvero speciali, come la sua silenziosità di soli 19 dBA. Garanzia di qualità La garanzia di Performance FrostWash è estesa a 5 anni anni su schede elettroniche e compressore. Hitachi Cooling & Heating è da sempre un brand attento alla qualità e all'affidabilità dei suoi sistemi e inizia a farlo proprio al momento dell'acquisto, con una garanzia di ben 5 anni sul compressore, il cuore dei condizionatori per la casa Frost Wash La funzione Frost Wash consente di mantenere una elevata qualità dell’aria negli ambienti pulendo efficacemente lo scambiatore interno del condizionatore. La modalità può essere attivata dall’utente oppure si attiva automaticamente dopo un funzionamento prolungato del compressore Maggior comfort col 4-Way-Swing Grazie al 4-Way-Swing potrete direzionare il flusso dell’aria nella modalità più comfortevole Sensore di presenza Il sensore attiva il funzionamento quando identifica la presenza umana in ambiente e riduce progressivamente il funzionamento quando non rileva presenza di persone Compatibile con il sistema Wi-Fi Hi-Kumo Grazie alla APP Hi-Kumo potete accendere, spegnere, modificare la temperatura o realizzare programmazioni in qualunque parte del mondo vi troviate. Il sistema può essere controllato tramite uno smartphone con connessione internet al dispositivo Wi-Fi opzionale Ridotte dimensioni Grazie alla larghezza di solo 780 mm potrete installarlo anche sopra una porta Funzionamento silenzioso La serie Performance presenta un livello sonoro che raggiunge 19dB(A) Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Hitachi Unità Interna a Cassetta 4 Vie Hitachi 12000 Btu RAI-35RPE R-32 Wi-Fi Optional con Griglia Inclusa
ATTENZIONE SARÀ FORNITA SOLO L'UNITÀ INTERNA Caratteristiche tecniche Codice catalogo unità interna : RAI-35RPE Pannello : P-AP56NAMS Potenza : 12000 Btu Capacità raffreddamento : 3,5 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 4,8 kW Aria trattata : 505 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 56 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 27~40 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni unità interna (AxLxP) : 285x570x570 mm Peso unità interna : 20 Kg Dimensioni Pannello (AxLxP) : 32x620x620 mm Comandi optional Scheda Wi-Fi : SPX-WFG02 Telecomando con ricevitore : SPX-RCKA3 Comando a parete semplificato : SPX-RCDB Comando a parete con timer settimanale : SPX-WKT3 Cassette 4 Vie L'unità Hitachi Cooling & Heating più Amata dagli Architetti per l'aria Condizionata Residenziale L'unità che scompare Un semplice pannello, ecco cosa vedi quando scegli la Cassetta 4 vie di Hitachi Cooling & Heating. L'installazione a incasso è la preferita da architetti e designer. L'impatto estetico è minimo ed è ideale per l'installazione in controsoffitti La forma dell'aria Il lancio esteso e la distribuzione a 4 vie del flusso dell'aria attraverso le alette regolabili, dona all'ambiente un clima uniforme e piacevole a 360° Pulizia e controllo con un semplice tocco Grazie al pannello la manutenzione della Cassette 4 vie di Hitachi Cooling & Heating è davvero di facile utilizzo e pulizia. Accensione e spegnimento sono semplicissimi tramite l'app Hi-Kumo, puoi farlo in ogni momento della giornata, anche quando sei al lavoro o in viaggio Silenziosità Grande comfort in ambiente grazie al basso impatto sonoro che raggiunge i 27 dB(A) Pulizia dei filtri facilitata Il pannello si apre con un semplice tocco per una pulizia rapida e semplice Più comfort grazie al controllo indizpendente dei deflettori I quattro deflettori di mandata aria, possono essere configurati individualmente. Inoltre, sono stati disegnati in modo da evitare la formazione di correnti d'aria fastidiose e ridurre le perdite di carico. Il design del deflettore, conformato per sfruttare l'effetto COANDA, evita l'incidenza diretta di flusso d'aria e migliora il comfort dell'utente Installazione in controsoffitto Grazie all’altezza ridotta a soli 285 mm può essere agevolmente installata in qualsiasi controsoffitto Compatibile con il sistema Wi-Fi Hi-Kumo Grazie all' APP Hi-Kumo potete accendere, spegnere, modificare la temperatura o realizzare programmazioni in qualunque parte del mondo vi troviate. Il sistema può essere controllato tramite uno smartphone con connessione internet al dispositivo Wi-Fi (Opzionale) Pompa di scarico di condensa incorporata Per la massima sicurezza e tranquillità di installazione, il sistema include la pompa di scarico condensa che permette un sollevamento utile di 850 mm dal livello del controsoffitto Risparmio energetico fino al 14% con il sensore di presenza Il sensore di presenza consente di ridurre il consumo durante le fasi di occupazione della stanza, mantenendo l'ambiente confortevole e generando significativi risparmi energetici Classe Energetica A++ Elevata efficienza per raggiungere il miglior comfort col minor consumo Opzioni di controllo Il sistema può essere controllato mediante il telecomando oppure con il comando a parete semplificato o con timer settimanale Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Hitachi Hitachi Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Performance Series 9000+9000 + Akebono 12000 Floor With Ram-53np3e R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+12000 - New
Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model : Indoor Unit Catalog Code : 2x RAK-25RPE Power : 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating Capacity : 3.4 kW Treated Air : 333 ~510 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 54 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card: ( Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Optional Wall Control with Weekly Timer : ( Code SPX-WKT3 ) 2) Model : Indoor Unit Catalog Code : 1x RAF-35RXE Power : 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating Capacity : 4.5 kW Treated air : 510 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 56 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 590x750x215 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 15 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card: ( Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Optional Wall Control with Weekly Timer : ( Code SPX-WKT3 ) Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code Outdoor Unit : RAM-53NP3E Maximum number of connectable indoor units: 3 Energy efficiency: SEER : 8.50 SCOP : 4.60 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 5.3 kW Heating Capacity: 6.8 kW Std cooling absorption: 1.29 kW Std heating absorption: 1.62 kW Sound power level : 61 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 50~51 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 800x850x298 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 54 Kg Warranty The residential and light commercial series of Hitachi air conditioners are covered by a 2-year warranty from the date of purchase and a further 5-year warranty on the electronic boards of the outdoor and indoor units as well as on the compressors. This warranty includes parts and labor. Multizone Premium E Series Extended Range Today, 8 models of outdoor units are available with capacities from 3.3 kW to 10kW in cooling, to which it is possible to combine 6 different types of indoor units with powers from 1.5 kW to 6.0 kW in cooling. Low consumption and high yield The entire range of Multizone Premium E Series outdoor units can boast very high efficiency with a minimum absorption in modulation of only 200 W (depending on the model). All models therefore meet the requirements necessary for obtaining tax bonuses and deductions. Furthermore, the exclusive "HIBERNATE" function with which the systems are equipped, is programmed to switch off the sub-circuits of the inactive components and all the LEDs not required for operation, so as to allow for a reduction in consumption during the heating phase. 70% standby Building automation and complete integration With the new Multizone Premium E Series systems, integration with home automation networks or advanced centralized control systems is now easier by connecting a single SPX-RAMHLK interface directly to the outdoor unit. Thanks to this device it is possible to command and monitor the Multizone systems through home automation interfaces of the MODBUS, LONWORKS, KONNEX and BACNET type or through the traditional HITACHI centralized commands Hitachi Performance High performance in Class A+++, compact dimensions, Frost Wash and presence sensor Silent and Compact Air Conditioner Not sure where to install your air conditioner? Performance FrostWash is perfect for smart installation! With only 780 mm in length, it is ideal to be inserted even above a door. The performance of this air conditioner is truly special, like its silence which reaches up to 19 dB(A). All the Performances you want Air conditioner with heat pump function for heating the air, high energy efficiency in class A+++, presence sensor and 4-way swing mode which allows for optimal air distribution. Performance FrostWash really has everything you could wish for for your well-being, just choose it! And if that weren't enough, you can also use Hi-Kumo, the App available for iOS and Android dedicated to the control of Hitachi Cooling & Heating systems. Frost Wash For clean air conditioning and a healthy environment The result of research and development in the laboratories of the Japanese company and exclusive to Hitachi, the Frost Wash function captures, freezes and washes away dust, mold and impurities, guaranteeing perfect hygiene of the air conditioner and a healthy environment. The function is programmed automatically and can also be activated from the remote control. Always clean air conditioning thanks to the internal components made of stainless steel, a material that reduces the percentage of bacteria by over 99% and dust by 62%. And, with the self-cleaning robot that activates periodically and does not require the air conditioner to be opened to clean the filters, classic maintenance is not necessary. More comfort with the 4-Way-Swing Thanks to the 4-Way-Swing you can direct the air flow in the most comfortable way Presence sensor The sensor activates operation when it identifies human presence in the room and progressively reduces operation when it does not detect the presence of people Compatible with Hi-Kumo Wi-Fi system Thanks to the Hi-Kumo APP you can turn on, turn off, change the temperature or make programming anywhere in the world you are. The system can be controlled via a smartphone with internet connection to the Wi-Fi device (optional) Small size Thanks to the width of only 780 mm you can also install it above a door. Silent operation The Performance Series features a sound level reaching 19dB(A) Minimum absorption and maximum energy efficiency Thanks to a very low absorption of only 250 W of the compressor in minimum modulation, the system offers efficiency in class A+++ Akebono Floor All the comfort you want with hot and cold air conditioning The Design for the Perfect Heat Akebono is the ideal indoor floor unit to get not only the cold, but also all the heat you want from your Hitachi Cooling & Heating air conditioning system. The installation flush with the floor allows natural convection and stratification of the air for a unique sensation of comfort, even with heat pump operation! At the Height of the Situation The installation height of the Akebono floor unit is customizable: you can fix it to the wall or with a floor stand, according to your needs. The "extended throw" allows the air to reach every corner of the air-conditioned environment Efficiency Control Hitachi Cooling & Heating ensures energy efficiency and control over all its products. With the Hi-Kumo app you can control Akebono floors at any time and wherever you are, from smartphones and tablets with a simple click to feel good and save money in every season Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hitachi Air Conditioner Hitachi Trial Split Inverter Performance Series 9+9+18 with RAM-68NP3E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+18000 - New
Technical Features Internal Units 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 2x RAK-25RPE Power: 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 3.4 kW Treated Air: 333 ~510 m 3 /h Sound Power Level: 54 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x RAK-50RPE Power: 18000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 5.0 kW Heating capacity: 6.0 kW Treated Air: 353~750 m3 /h Sound Power Level: 60 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.7 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) External Unit Model: External Unit Catalog Code: RAM-68NP3E Maximum number of connectable indoor units: 3 Energy Efficiency: SEER : 8.10 SCOP : 4.60 Energy Efficiency Class Cooling: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling capacity: 6.8 kW Heating capacity: 8.5 kW Std Cooling Absorption: 1.89 kW Std Heating Absorption: 2.02 kW Sound power level: 63 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 50~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 800x850x298 mm External Unit Weight: 58 Kg Warranty The residential and light commercial series of Hitachi air conditioners are covered by a 2-year warranty from the date of purchase and an additional 5-year warranty on the electronic boards of the outdoor units and indoor units as well as on the compressors. This warranty includes spare parts and labor. Multizone Premium E Series Extended Range There are now 8 models of external units available with capacities from 3.3 kW to 10kW in cooling, which can be combined with 6 different types of internal units with capacities from 1.5 kW to 6.0 kW in cooling. Low consumption and high yield The entire range of Multizone Premium E Series outdoor units boasts extremely high efficiency with a minimum absorption in modulation of only 200 W (depending on the model). All models therefore comply with the requirements required to obtain tax bonuses and deductions. Furthermore, the exclusive "HIBERNATE" function with which the systems are equipped is programmed to turn off the sub-circuits of inactive components and all LEDs not necessary for operation, thus allowing a reduction in standby consumption of 70% Building automation and complete integration With the new Multizone Premium E Series systems, integration with home automation networks or advanced centralized control systems is now easier by connecting a single SPX-RAMHLK interface directly to the external unit. Thanks to this device, it is possible to control and monitor Multizone systems via MODBUS, LONWORKS, KONNEX and BACNET home automation interfaces or via traditional HITACHI centralized controls HitachiPerformance High performance in Class A+++, compact size, Frost Wash and presence sensor Silent and Compact Air Conditioner Don't know where to install your air conditioner? Performance FrostWash is perfect for a smart installation! With only 780 mm in length it is ideal for being inserted even above a door. The performance of this air conditioner is truly special, like its silence that reaches up to 19 dB(A). All the Performances you want Air conditioner with heat pump function for air heating, high energy efficiency in class A+++, presence sensor and 4 way swing mode that allows optimal air distribution. Performance FrostWash really has everything you could wish for your well-being, just choose it! And if that wasn't enough you can also use Hi-Kumo, the App available for iOS and Android dedicated to the control of Hitachi Cooling & Heating systems. Frost Wash For a clean air conditioner and a healthy environment Fruit of research and development in the laboratories of the Japanese company and exclusive to Hitachi, the Frost Wash function captures, freezes and washes away dust, mold and impurities, ensuring perfect hygiene of the air conditioner and a healthy environment. The function is programmed automatically and can also be activated by remote control. Always clean air conditioning thanks to the internal components made of stainless steel, a material that reduces the percentage of bacteria by over 99% and dust by 62%. And, with the self-cleaning robot that activates periodically and does not require opening the air conditioner to clean the filters, classic maintenance is not necessary. Greater comfort with the 4-Way-Swing Thanks to the 4-Way-Swing you can direct the air flow in the most comfortable way Presence sensor The sensor activates operation when it identifies human presence in the environment and progressively reduces operation when it does not detect the presence of people. Compatible with Hi-Kumo Wi-Fi system Thanks to the Hi-Kumo APP you can turn on, turn off, change the temperature or make programs from anywhere in the world. The system can be controlled via a smartphone with an internet connection to the Wi-Fi device (optional) Small size Thanks to its width of just 780 mm you can also install it above a door. Silent operation The Performance series features a sound level reaching 19dB(A) Minimum absorption and maximum energy efficiency Thanks to a very low absorption of only 250 W of the compressor in minimum modulation, the system offers efficiency in class A+++ Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hitachi Air Conditioner Hitachi Trial Split Inverter Performance Series 7+9+12 with RAM-68NP3E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+9000+12000 - New
Technical Features Internal Units 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x RAK-18RPE Power: 7000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating capacity: 2.5 kW Treated Air: 312~440 m3 /h Sound Power Level: 51 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x RAK-25RPE Power: 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 3.4 kW Treated Air: 333 ~510 m 3 /h Sound Power Level: 54 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) 3) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x RAK-35RPE Power: 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating capacity: 4.2 kW Treated Air: 353~680 m3 /h Sound Power Level: 57 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) External Unit Model: External Unit Catalog Code: RAM-68NP3E Maximum number of connectable indoor units: 3 Energy Efficiency: SEER : 8.10 SCOP : 4.60 Energy Efficiency Class Cooling: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling capacity: 6.8 kW Heating capacity: 8.5 kW Std Cooling Absorption: 1.89 kW Std Heating Absorption: 2.02 kW Sound power level: 63 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 50~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Liquid Tube Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 800x850x298 mm External Unit Weight: 58 Kg Warranty The residential and light commercial series of Hitachi air conditioners are covered by a 2-year warranty from the date of purchase and an additional 5-year warranty on the electronic boards of the outdoor units and indoor units as well as on the compressors. This warranty includes spare parts and labor. Multizone Premium E Series Extended Range There are now 8 models of external units available with capacities from 3.3 kW to 10kW in cooling, which can be combined with 6 different types of internal units with capacities from 1.5 kW to 6.0 kW in cooling. Low consumption and high yield The entire range of Multizone Premium E Series outdoor units boasts extremely high efficiency with a minimum absorption in modulation of only 200 W (depending on the model). All models therefore comply with the requirements required to obtain tax bonuses and deductions. Furthermore, the exclusive "HIBERNATE" function with which the systems are equipped is programmed to turn off the sub-circuits of inactive components and all LEDs not necessary for operation, thus allowing a reduction in consumption in the stand-by phase of 70%. Building automation and complete integration With the new Multizone Premium E Series systems, integration with home automation networks or advanced centralized control systems is now easier by connecting a single SPX-RAMHLK interface directly to the external unit. Thanks to this device, it is possible to control and monitor Multizone systems via MODBUS, LONWORKS, KONNEX and BACNET home automation interfaces or via traditional HITACHI centralized controls HitachiPerformance High performance in Class A+++, compact size, Frost Wash and presence sensor Silent and Compact Air Conditioner Don't know where to install your air conditioner? Performance FrostWash is perfect for a smart installation! With only 780 mm in length it is ideal for being inserted even above a door. The performance of this air conditioner is truly special, like its silence that reaches up to 19 dB(A). All the Performances you want Air conditioner with heat pump function for air heating, high energy efficiency in class A+++, presence sensor and 4 way swing mode that allows optimal air distribution. Performance FrostWash really has everything you could wish for your well-being, just choose it! And if that wasn't enough you can also use Hi-Kumo, the App available for iOS and Android dedicated to the control of Hitachi Cooling & Heating systems. Frost Wash For a clean air conditioner and a healthy environment Fruit of research and development in the laboratories of the Japanese company and exclusive to Hitachi, the Frost Wash function captures, freezes and washes away dust, mold and impurities, ensuring perfect hygiene of the air conditioner and a healthy environment. The function is programmed automatically and can also be activated by remote control. Always clean air conditioning thanks to the internal components made of stainless steel, a material that reduces the percentage of bacteria by over 99% and dust by 62%. And, with the self-cleaning robot that activates periodically and does not require opening the air conditioner to clean the filters, classic maintenance is not necessary. Greater comfort with the 4-Way-Swing Thanks to the 4-Way-Swing you can direct the air flow in the most comfortable way Presence sensor The sensor activates operation when it identifies human presence in the environment and progressively reduces operation when it does not detect the presence of people. Compatible with Hi-Kumo Wi-Fi system Thanks to the Hi-Kumo APP you can turn on, turn off, change the temperature or make programs from anywhere in the world. The system can be controlled via a smartphone with an internet connection to the Wi-Fi device (optional) Small size Thanks to its width of just 780 mm you can also install it above a door. Silent operation The Performance series features a sound level reaching 19dB(A) Minimum absorption and maximum energy efficiency Thanks to a very low absorption of only 250 W of the compressor in minimum modulation, the system offers efficiency in class A+++ Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hitachi Air Conditioner Hitachi Trial Split Inverter Performance Series 7+9+12 with RAM-53NP3E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+9000+12000 - New
Technical Features Internal Units 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x RAK-18RPE Power: 7000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating capacity: 2.5 kW Treated Air: 312~440 m3 /h Sound Power Level: 51 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x RAK-25RPE Power: 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 3.4 kW Treated Air: 333 ~510 m 3 /h Sound Power Level: 54 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) 3) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x RAK-35RPE Power: 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating capacity: 4.2 kW Treated Air: 353~680 m3 /h Sound Power Level: 57 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) External Unit Model: External Unit Catalog Code: RAM-53NP3E Maximum number of connectable indoor units: 3 Energy Efficiency: SEER : 8,50 SCOP : 4.60 Energy Efficiency Class Cooling: A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling capacity: 5.3 kW Heating capacity: 6.8 kW Std Cooling Absorption: 1.29 kW Std Heating Absorption: 1.62 kW Sound power level: 61 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 50~51 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Liquid Tube Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x3 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 800x850x298 mm External Unit Weight: 54 Kg Warranty The residential and light commercial series of Hitachi air conditioners are covered by a 2-year warranty from the date of purchase and an additional 5-year warranty on the electronic boards of the outdoor units and indoor units as well as on the compressors. This warranty includes spare parts and labor. Multizone Premium E Series Extended Range There are now 8 models of external units available with capacities from 3.3 kW to 10kW in cooling, which can be combined with 6 different types of internal units with capacities from 1.5 kW to 6.0 kW in cooling. Low consumption and high yield The entire range of Multizone Premium E Series outdoor units boasts extremely high efficiency with a minimum absorption in modulation of only 200 W (depending on the model). All models therefore comply with the requirements required to obtain tax bonuses and deductions. Furthermore, the exclusive "HIBERNATE" function with which the systems are equipped is programmed to turn off the sub-circuits of inactive components and all LEDs not necessary for operation, thus allowing a reduction in standby consumption of 70% Building automation and complete integration With the new Multizone Premium E Series systems, integration with home automation networks or advanced centralized control systems is now easier by connecting a single SPX-RAMHLK interface directly to the external unit. Thanks to this device, it is possible to control and monitor Multizone systems via MODBUS, LONWORKS, KONNEX and BACNET home automation interfaces or via traditional HITACHI centralized controls HitachiPerformance High performance in Class A+++, compact size, Frost Wash and presence sensor Silent and Compact Air Conditioner Don't know where to install your air conditioner? Performance FrostWash is perfect for a smart installation! With only 780 mm in length it is ideal for being inserted even above a door. The performance of this air conditioner is truly special, like its silence that reaches up to 19 dB(A). All the Performances you want Air conditioner with heat pump function for air heating, high energy efficiency in class A+++, presence sensor and 4 way swing mode that allows optimal air distribution. Performance FrostWash really has everything you could wish for your well-being, just choose it! And if that wasn't enough you can also use Hi-Kumo, the App available for iOS and Android dedicated to the control of Hitachi Cooling & Heating systems. Frost Wash For a clean air conditioner and a healthy environment Fruit of research and development in the laboratories of the Japanese company and exclusive to Hitachi, the Frost Wash function captures, freezes and washes away dust, mold and impurities, ensuring perfect hygiene of the air conditioner and a healthy environment. The function is programmed automatically and can also be activated by remote control. Always clean air conditioning thanks to the internal components made of stainless steel, a material that reduces the percentage of bacteria by over 99% and dust by 62%. And, with the self-cleaning robot that activates periodically and does not require opening the air conditioner to clean the filters, classic maintenance is not necessary. Greater comfort with the 4-Way-Swing Thanks to the 4-Way-Swing you can direct the air flow in the most comfortable way Presence sensor The sensor activates operation when it identifies human presence in the environment and progressively reduces operation when it does not detect the presence of people. Compatible with Hi-Kumo Wi-Fi system Thanks to the Hi-Kumo APP you can turn on, turn off, change the temperature or make programs from anywhere in the world. The system can be controlled via a smartphone with an internet connection to the Wi-Fi device (optional) Small size Thanks to its width of just 780 mm you can also install it above a door. Silent operation The Performance series features a sound level reaching 19dB(A) Minimum absorption and maximum energy efficiency Thanks to a very low absorption of only 250 W of the compressor in minimum modulation, the system offers efficiency in class A+++ Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hitachi Hitachi Quadri Split Inverter Performance Series 7+7+7+7 Air Conditioner with RAM-70NP4E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+7000+7000+7000 - New
Technical Features Internal Units Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 4x RAK-18RPE Power: 7000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating capacity: 2.5 kW Treated Air: 312~440 m3 /h Sound Power Level: 51 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) External Unit Model: External Unit Catalog Code: RAM-70NP4E Maximum number of connectable indoor units: 4 Energy Efficiency: SEER : 8.10 SCOP : 4.60 Energy Efficiency Class Cooling: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling capacity: 7.0 kW Heating capacity: 8.5 kW Std Cooling Absorption: 1.89 kW Std Heating Absorption: 2.02 kW Sound power level: 63 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 50~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 + 12.7 mm (1/2") x1 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 800x850x298 mm External Unit Weight: 58 Kg Warranty The residential and light commercial series of Hitachi air conditioners are covered by a 2-year warranty from the date of purchase and an additional 5-year warranty on the electronic boards of the outdoor units and indoor units as well as on the compressors. This warranty includes spare parts and labor. Multizone Premium E Series Extended Range There are now 8 models of external units available with capacities from 3.3 kW to 10kW in cooling, which can be combined with 6 different types of internal units with capacities from 1.5 kW to 6.0 kW in cooling. Low consumption and high yield The entire range of Multizone Premium E Series outdoor units boasts extremely high efficiency with a minimum absorption in modulation of only 200 W (depending on the model). All models therefore comply with the requirements required to obtain tax bonuses and deductions. Furthermore, the exclusive "HIBERNATE" function with which the systems are equipped is programmed to turn off the sub-circuits of inactive components and all LEDs not necessary for operation, thus allowing a reduction in standby consumption of 70% Building automation and complete integration With the new Multizone Premium E Series systems, integration with home automation networks or advanced centralized control systems is now easier by connecting a single SPX-RAMHLK interface directly to the external unit. Thanks to this device, it is possible to control and monitor Multizone systems via MODBUS, LONWORKS, KONNEX and BACNET home automation interfaces or via traditional HITACHI centralized controls HitachiPerformance High performance in Class A+++, compact size, Frost Wash and presence sensor Silent and Compact Air Conditioner Don't know where to install your air conditioner? Performance FrostWash is perfect for a smart installation! With only 780 mm in length it is ideal for being inserted even above a door. The performance of this air conditioner is truly special, like its silence that reaches up to 19 dB(A). All the Performances you want Air conditioner with heat pump function for air heating, high energy efficiency in class A+++, presence sensor and 4 way swing mode that allows optimal air distribution. Performance FrostWash really has everything you could wish for your well-being, just choose it! And if that wasn't enough you can also use Hi-Kumo, the App available for iOS and Android dedicated to the control of Hitachi Cooling & Heating systems. Frost Wash For a clean air conditioner and a healthy environment Fruit of research and development in the laboratories of the Japanese company and exclusive to Hitachi , the Frost Wash function captures, freezes and washes away dust, mold and impurities, ensuring perfect hygiene of the air conditioner and a healthy environment. The function is automatically programmed and can also be activated by remote control. Always clean air conditioning thanks to the internal components made of stainless steel , a material that reduces the percentage of bacteria by over 99% and dust by 62%. And, with the self-cleaning robot that activates periodically and does not require opening the air conditioner to clean the filters, traditional maintenance is not necessary. Greater comfort with the 4-Way-Swing Thanks to the 4-Way-Swing you can direct the air flow in the most comfortable way Presence sensor The sensor activates operation when it identifies human presence in the environment and progressively reduces operation when it does not detect the presence of people. Compatible with Hi-Kumo Wi-Fi system Thanks to the Hi-Kumo APP you can turn on, turn off, change the temperature or make programs from anywhere in the world. The system can be controlled via a smartphone with an internet connection to the Wi-Fi device (optional) Small size Thanks to its width of just 780 mm you can also install it above a door. Silent operation The Performance series features a sound level reaching 19dB(A) Minimum absorption and maximum energy efficiency Thanks to a very low absorption of only 250 W of the compressor in minimum modulation, the system offers efficiency in class A+++ Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hitachi Air Conditioner Hitachi Penta Split Inverter Performance Series 9+9+9+9+12 with RAM-90NP5E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+9000+9000+12000 - New
ATTENTION The product will be available to order and will be shipped within 10 working days! Technical Features Internal Units 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 4x RAK-25RPE Power: 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 3.4 kW Treated Air: 333 ~510 m 3 /h Sound Power Level: 54 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x RAK-35RPE Power: 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating capacity: 4.2 kW Treated Air: 353~680 m3 /h Sound Power Level: 57 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) External Unit Model: External Unit Catalog Code: RAM-90NP5E Maximum number of connectable indoor units: 5 Energy Efficiency: SEER : 7.9 SCOP : 4.3 Energy Efficiency Class Cooling: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling capacity: 8.5 kW Heating capacity: 10.0 kW Std Cooling Absorption: 2.5 kW Std Heating Absorption: 2.56 kW Sound power level: 66 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 53~56 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x5 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 + 12.7 mm (1/2") x2 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 800x950x370 mm External Unit Weight: 71 Kg Warranty The residential and light commercial series of Hitachi air conditioners are covered by a 2-year warranty from the date of purchase and an additional 5-year warranty on the electronic boards of the outdoor units and indoor units as well as on the compressors. This warranty includes spare parts and labor. Multizone Premium E Series Extended Range There are now 8 models of external units available with capacities from 3.3 kW to 10kW in cooling, which can be combined with 6 different types of internal units with capacities from 1.5 kW to 6.0 kW in cooling. Low consumption and high yield The entire range of Multizone Premium E Series outdoor units boasts extremely high efficiency with a minimum absorption in modulation of only 200 W (depending on the model). All models therefore comply with the requirements required to obtain tax bonuses and deductions. Furthermore, the exclusive "HIBERNATE" function with which the systems are equipped is programmed to turn off the sub-circuits of inactive components and all LEDs not necessary for operation, thus allowing a reduction in standby consumption of 70% Building automation and complete integration With the new Multizone Premium E Series systems, integration with home automation networks or advanced centralized control systems is now easier by connecting a single SPX-RAMHLK interface directly to the external unit. Thanks to this device, it is possible to control and monitor Multizone systems via MODBUS, LONWORKS, KONNEX and BACNET home automation interfaces or via traditional HITACHI centralized controls HitachiPerformance High performance in Class A+++, compact size, Frost Wash and presence sensor Silent and Compact Air Conditioner Don't know where to install your air conditioner? Performance FrostWash is perfect for a smart installation! With only 780 mm in length it is ideal for being inserted even above a door. The performance of this air conditioner is truly special, like its silence that reaches up to 19 dB(A). All the Performances you want Air conditioner with heat pump function for air heating, high energy efficiency in class A+++, presence sensor and 4 way swing mode that allows optimal air distribution. Performance FrostWash really has everything you could wish for your well-being, just choose it! And if that wasn't enough you can also use Hi-Kumo, the App available for iOS and Android dedicated to the control of Hitachi Cooling & Heating systems. Frost Wash For a clean air conditioner and a healthy environment Fruit of research and development in the laboratories of the Japanese company and exclusive to Hitachi , the Frost Wash function captures, freezes and washes away dust, mold and impurities, ensuring perfect hygiene of the air conditioner and a healthy environment. The function is automatically programmed and can also be activated by remote control. Always clean air conditioning thanks to the internal components made of stainless steel , a material that reduces the percentage of bacteria by over 99% and dust by 62%. And, with the self-cleaning robot that activates periodically and does not require opening the air conditioner to clean the filters, traditional maintenance is not necessary. Greater comfort with the 4-Way-Swing Thanks to the 4-Way-Swing you can direct the air flow in the most comfortable way Presence sensor The sensor activates operation when it identifies human presence in the environment and progressively reduces operation when it does not detect the presence of people. Compatible with Hi-Kumo Wi-Fi system Thanks to the Hi-Kumo APP you can turn on, turn off, change the temperature or make programs from anywhere in the world. The system can be controlled via a smartphone with an internet connection to the Wi-Fi device (optional) Small size Thanks to its width of just 780 mm you can also install it above a door. Silent operation The Performance series features a sound level reaching 19dB(A) Minimum absorption and maximum energy efficiency Thanks to a very low absorption of only 250 W of the compressor in minimum modulation, the system offers efficiency in class A+++ Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hitachi Air Conditioner Hitachi Penta Split Inverter Performance Series 7+9+9+12+12 with RAM-90NP5E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+9000+9000+12000+12000 - New
ATTENTION The product will be available to order and will be shipped within 10 working days! Technical Features Internal Units 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x RAK-18RPE Power: 7000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating capacity: 2.5 kW Treated Air: 312~440 m3 /h Sound Power Level: 51 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 2x RAK-25RPE Power: 9000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.5 kW Heating capacity: 3.4 kW Treated Air: 333 ~510 m 3 /h Sound Power Level: 54 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) 3) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 2x RAK-35RPE Power: 12000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 3.5 kW Heating capacity: 4.2 kW Treated Air: 353~680 m3 /h Sound Power Level: 57 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Internal Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi card: (Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Wall Control with Optional Weekly Timer: (Code SPX-WKT3 ) External Unit Model: External Unit Catalog Code: RAM-90NP5E Maximum number of connectable indoor units: 5 Energy Efficiency: SEER : 7.9 SCOP : 4.3 Energy Efficiency Class Cooling: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling capacity: 8.5 kW Heating capacity: 10.0 kW Std Cooling Absorption: 2.5 kW Std Heating Absorption: 2.56 kW Sound power level: 66 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 53~56 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x5 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 + 12.7 mm (1/2") x2 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 800x950x370 mm External Unit Weight: 71 Kg Warranty The residential and light commercial series of Hitachi air conditioners are covered by a 2-year warranty from the date of purchase and an additional 5-year warranty on the electronic boards of the outdoor units and indoor units as well as on the compressors. This warranty includes spare parts and labor. Multizone Premium E Series Extended Range There are now 8 models of external units available with capacities from 3.3 kW to 10kW in cooling, which can be combined with 6 different types of internal units with powers from 1.5 kW to 6.0 kW in cooling. Low consumption and high yield The entire range of Multizone Premium E Series outdoor units boasts extremely high efficiency with a minimum absorption in modulation of only 200 W (depending on the model). All models therefore comply with the requirements required to obtain tax bonuses and deductions. Furthermore, the exclusive "HIBERNATE" function with which the systems are equipped is programmed to turn off the sub-circuits of inactive components and all LEDs not necessary for operation, thus allowing a reduction in consumption in the stand-by phase of 70%. Building automation and complete integration With the new Multizone Premium E Series systems, integration with home automation networks or advanced centralized control systems is now easier by connecting a single SPX-RAMHLK interface directly to the external unit. Thanks to this device, it is possible to control and monitor Multizone systems via MODBUS, LONWORKS, KONNEX and BACNET home automation interfaces or via traditional HITACHI centralized controls HitachiPerformance High performance in Class A+++, compact size, Frost Wash and presence sensor Silent and Compact Air Conditioner Don't know where to install your air conditioner? Performance FrostWash is perfect for a smart installation! With only 780 mm in length it is ideal for being inserted even above a door. The performance of this air conditioner is truly special, like its silence that reaches up to 19 dB(A). All the Performances you want Air conditioner with heat pump function for air heating, high energy efficiency in class A+++, presence sensor and 4 way swing mode that allows optimal air distribution. Performance FrostWash really has everything you could wish for your well-being, just choose it! And if that wasn't enough you can also use Hi-Kumo, the App available for iOS and Android dedicated to the control of Hitachi Cooling & Heating systems. Frost Wash For a clean air conditioner and a healthy environment Fruit of research and development in the laboratories of the Japanese company and exclusive to Hitachi , the Frost Wash function captures, freezes and washes away dust, mold and impurities, ensuring perfect hygiene of the air conditioner and a healthy environment. The function is automatically programmed and can also be activated by remote control. Always clean air conditioning thanks to the internal components made of stainless steel , a material that reduces the percentage of bacteria by over 99% and dust by 62%. And, with the self-cleaning robot that activates periodically and does not require opening the air conditioner to clean the filters, traditional maintenance is not necessary. Greater comfort with the 4-Way-Swing Thanks to the 4-Way-Swing you can direct the air flow in the most comfortable way Presence sensor The sensor activates operation when it identifies human presence in the environment and progressively reduces operation when it does not detect the presence of people. Compatible with Hi-Kumo Wi-Fi system Thanks to the Hi-Kumo APP you can turn on, turn off, change the temperature or make programs from anywhere in the world. The system can be controlled via a smartphone with an internet connection to the Wi-Fi device (optional) Small size Thanks to its width of just 780 mm you can also install it above a door. Silent operation The Performance series features a sound level reaching 19dB(A) Minimum absorption and maximum energy efficiency Thanks to a very low absorption of only 250 W of the compressor in minimum modulation, the system offers efficiency in class A+++ Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.