Discover our exclusive selection of Hermann saunier duval, perfect for enriching your home or workspace with style, comfort and functionality. Each piece is chosen to guarantee the best quality and satisfy your every need.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Climatizzatore Condizionatore Hermann Saunier Duval Inverter serie VivAir Lite 9000 BTU SDH1B-025 NW R-32 A++/A+
Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello: Codice Monosplit: SDH1B-025 NW Codice catalogo unità interna : SDH1B-025 NWI Codice catalogo unità esterna : SDH1B-025 NWO Tipologia : DC Inverter R-32 Potenza (BTU) : 9000 Efficienza Energetica: SEER (W/W): 8,40 SCOP (W/W): 4.5 Classe di Efficienza Energetica stagionale (Raffreddamento) : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica stagionale(Riscaldamento) : A+ Performance: Potenza raffrescamento kW 2.70 Potenza riscaldamento kW 3,0 Portata d’aria (Turbo/H/M/L): m3/h 610/530/500/440/380/310/280 Pressione sonora IU* (Turbo/H/M/L): dB(A) 39/36/34/31/26/24/22 Pressione sonora UE*: dB(A) 51 Temp. Limite: - raffrescamento (min-max): °C -15 - 50 - riscaldamento (min-max): °C -15 - 30 Dati elettrici: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 230/1/50 Potenza elettrica assorbita in raffreddamento: 0,10-1,30 Potenza elettrica assorbita in riscaldamento: 0,15-1,40 Dimensioni: Unità Interna (HxLxD) : 555x732x330 mm ; 9 kg Unità Esterna (HxLxD) : 275x835x200 mm ; 24,5 kg Caratteristiche Generali VivAir Lite VivAir Lite rappresenta la nuova serie di climatizzatori monosplit a parete di Hermann Saunier Duval, caratterizzata da una notevole efficienza energetica e da una straordinaria versatilità, oltre che da un design moderno ed elegante. L'uso di VivAir Lite è reso semplice dal sistema Wi-Fi integrato con Bluetooth, che permette una connessione rapida e una configurazione agevole tramite smartphone. Il comfort viene raggiunto rapidamente grazie alla distribuzione uniforme del flusso d’aria in 3D e alle sette velocità della ventola. Inoltre, la funzione I Feel, con il sensore di temperatura incorporato nel telecomando, assicura un clima ideale in ogni ambiente. Il refrigerante R32 permette a VivAir Lite di ottenere elevate prestazioni con un impatto ambientale ridotto. • Classe di efficienza energetica A++ inraffrescamento e A+ in riscaldamento• Funzione “I Feel” con sensore di temperaturaremotizzato sul telecomando• Modulo Wi-Fi Integrato con Bluetooth egestione attraverso App• Filtro per la purificazione dell’aria integratosulla parte superiore, facile da manutenere Modulo Wi-Fi Integrato con Bluetooth: per una configurazione semplice e rapida ed una gestione intuitiva attraverso APP gratuita per dispositivi Android e iOS. Filtro antipolvere: integrato sulla parte superiore per un facile accesso e manutenzione, senza la necessità di smontare l’unità. Rumorosità ridotta fino a 22 dB(A): per avere un ambiente confortevole senza inquinamento acustico. 5 anni di garanzia* : sui pezzi di ricambio originali per il risparmio e la tranquillità dell'utente. Garanzia Prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Scaldabagno a Gas Hermann Saunier Duval per esterno Opalia External F 15 litri low NOx Metano - NOVITA'
Scaldabagno a Gas Hermann Saunier Duval per esterno Opalia External F 15 litri low NOx Metano - NOVITA'OpaliaExternal F U.M. 15/1 MetanoErP Classe efficienza Classe di efficienza in riscaldamento A Classe di efficienza in sanitario - L Sanitario Potenza nominale min/max kW 5,6 / 29,1 Portata al focolare kW 29,1 Portata continua (∆T = 25K) l/min 15,0 Portata minima l/min 2,5 Temperatura ACS min/max °C 38 / 60 Generali Pressione alimentazione mbar 20 Protezione antigelo °C -25 Protezione elettrica IPX 5D Potenza sonora dB 71 Alimentazione Metano Peso kg 17.1 Dimensioni (HxLxP) mm 580x413x181 OpaliaExternal F Gli scaldabagni a gas della gamma OpaliaExternal F sono facili da installare all’esterno e controllare dall’interno tramite un comando remoto con 10 metri di cavo in dotazione. Il modello Opalia F è disponibile nelle versioni a camera stagna da 12 e 15 litri, tutte dotate di accensione elettronica ed hanno modelli a Metano e GPL. Un nuovo bruciatore permette di ridurre le emissione NOx al minimo e raggiungere la Classe 6, come richiesto dalla direttiva ErP. Design moderno e dimensioni estremamente compatte (18cm di profondità): gli scaldabagni possono essere facilmente installati all’esterno avendo l’omologazione IPX5D e una protezione al gelo fino a -25°C in dotazione.Semplicissimi da installareNon richiedono collegamenti alla canna fumaria dato che hanno uno scarico in facciata già integrato nel pannello frontale (omologazione di Tipo A).Massima SicurezzaIl termostato di sicurezza interviene in caso di sovratemperatura dell’acqua calda sanitaria; il controllo di fiamma a ionizzazione blocca l’erogazione del gas in caso di mancanza della fiamma al bruciatore.Controllo ElettronicoE' possibile adattare in modo ottimale il funzionamento dell’apparecchio alle condizioni di utilizzo e alla temperatura dell’acqua calda, garantendo il massimo comfort sanitario e ottimizzando il consumo di gas. Elevata performance sanitaria Massima efficienza Perfetta stabilità della temperatura, anche con prelievi di portata minima Protezione al gelo fino a -25°C Nessuna necessità di connessione a canne fumarie Dimensioni estremamente ridotte Basse emissioni di NOx (classe 6) Interfaccia touch screen per controllo da remoto Garanzia Prodotto Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Caldaia a Condensazione Hermann Saunier Duval THEMIS CONDENS 24 kW low NOx Metano Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi cod. 0010028067 - NOVITA' Kit Fumi Sdoppiato,Metano
LA CALDAIA NON PUÒ ESSERE INSTALLATA IN LOMBARDIA E IN PIEMONTE IN QUANTO È SEMICONDENSAZIONE. ErP - Classe energetica Classe di efficienza in riscaldamento B Classe di efficienza in sanitario A Profilo di carico sanitario XL N° identificativo CE PIN CE 0476CQ0908 Riscaldamento Portata al focolare Qmin/max - 80/60°C kW 13,0/24,0 Potenza nominale Pmin/max - 80/60°C kW 12,5/23,04 Potenza nominale Pmin/max - 50/30°C kW - Rendimento Pmax - 80/60°C - 50/30°C % 96,0 / - Rendimento P30% - 40/30°C % 99,7 Perdite mantello - Bruc. On - 80/60°C Pmax/Pmin % 0,1/2,3 Perdite camino - Bruc. On - 80/60°C Pmax/Pmin % 2,2/1,9 Perdite camino - Bruc. Off - risc./sanitario % 0,3/0,7 Temp. mandata min/max °C 30/85 Pressione esercizio caldaia min/max bar 0,3/3 Vaso espansione risc. - Capacita/precarica l/bar 7/0,75 Sanitario Tipologia produzione acqua calda sanitaria Istantanea Classificazione qualita ACS (EN 13203-1) stelle 2 Portata al focolare min/max - 60°C kW 13,0/24,0 Potenza nominale min/max - 60°C kW 12,3/23,2 Portata continua (∆T= 25K) l/m 13,8 Portata specifica (∆T = 30K) (EN13203) l/m 11,4 Portata di picco in 10 minuti (∆T = 30K) l/10 min 114 Temperatura ACS min/max °C 35/65 Dispersione termica accumulo sanitario kWh/24h - Pressione alimentazione min/max bar -/8 Generali Categoria gas II2H Pressione alimentazione mbar 20 Portata gas risc. Pmin/Pmax m3/h 2,66 Portata gas in sanitario Pmax m3/h 2,66 Tensione/frequenza/Intensita V/Hz/A 230/50/0,66 Assorbimento - Picco/Pmax/Pmin/Stand-by W - / - / 60 / - Temp. fumi risc. (50-30°C) Pmin °C 51 Temp. fumi sanit. (T ACS=50°C) Pmax °C 68 Gas combusti risc. Pmin/Pmax g/s - CO2 Pmax % 7 NOx ponderato (0% O2) mg/kWh 56,0 Prevalenza Residua al ventilatore Pa - Protezione elettrica IPX 4D Peso kg 38 Dimensioni 70 cm di altezza, 40 di larghezza e 29.5 di profondità (24 kW) THEMIS CONDENS Low NOx - NOVITA' Caldaia murale a condensazione per riscaldamento e acqua calda sanitaria, per impianti ad alta temperatura. La nuova Themis Condens Low NOx è la soluzione a condensazione sviluppata da Hermann Saunier Duval sviluppata per la sostituzione di caldaie murali tradizionali abbinate a termosifoni che necessitano di elevati valori di temperatura in ingresso. La principale novità è il bruciatore a basse emissioni di NOx (classe 6) che permette di adempiere alle normative ErP in vigore da novembre 2018 nell'UE. La caldaia, che presenta un rinnovato casing, è progettata per consentire un'agevole installazione e la massima facilità di gestione, vantando una nuova interfaccia utente estremamente intuitiva. Themis Condens Low NOx abbina la semplicità della caldaia tradizionale all’efficienza delle caldaie a condensazione, garantendo il giusto comfort sia in riscaldamento che in produzione di acqua calda sanitaria. È disponibile in un unico modello con alimentazione a metano, potenza pari a 24 kW sia in riscaldamento che in sanitario.Themis Condens Low NOx è una caldaia pensata specificamente per impianti ad alta temperatura. E’ stata sviluppata per dare il giusto comfort, sia per la produzione di acqua sanitaria che per fornire il clima ideale negli ambienti. Themis Condens low NOx unisce la semplicità della caldaia tradizionale all’efficienza delle caldaie a condensazione. La gamma è composta da un solo modello con produzione combinata di acqua calda sanitaria e riscaldamento, è disponibile nella sola alimentazione a metano. Caldaia a condensazione con un nuovo bruciatore atmosferico a tiraggio forzato studiato e progettato per avere basse emissioni di NOx, scambiatore tradizionale in rame protetto con una speciale vernice in alluminio e post-condensatore in alluminio. La caldaia monta una nuova pompa ad alta efficienza con elevate prestazioni ed un vaso espansione da 7 litri. Nuovo bruciatore a basse emissioni Nox (classe 6) Progettata per la sostituzione in impianti ad alta temperatura Nuovo casing con dimensioni ridotte Pompa ad alta efficienza Nuova interfaccia utente semplice e intuitiva Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Climatizzatore Condizionatore Hermann Saunier Duval Inverter VivAIR One 12000 Btu SDHL 1-030 NW R-32 Wi-Fi Optional A++/A+
Caratteristiche tecniche Codice Monosplit: SDHL 1-030 NW Codice catalogo unità interna : SDHL 1-030 NWI Codice catalogo unità esterna : SDHL 1-030 NWO Tipologia : DC Inverter R-32 Potenza (BTU) : 9000 Efficienza Energetica: SEER (W/W):6,1 / A++ SCOP (W/W): 4,0 / A+ Performance: Potenza raffrescamento : 3,2 kW Potenza riscaldamento :3,40 kW Portata d’aria (Turbo/H/M/L): m3/h 590/520/400/320 Pressione sonora Ui* (Turbo/H/M/L): dB(A) 41/37/33/26 Pressione sonora UE*: dB(A) 51 Temp. Limite: - raffrescamento (min-max): °C -15 - 43 - riscaldamento (min-max): °C-15 - 24 Dati elettrici: Alimentazione (V/Hz/F) : 230/50/1 Dimensioni: Unità Interna (HxLxD) : 254x819x185 mm ; 8.9 kg Unità Esterna (HxLxD) : 550x775x320 mm ; 27 kg Vivair One La linea VivAir One si compone di prodotti compatti, versatili e semplici da installare. Grazie al design discreto, sono ideali per chi ricerca funzionalità senza rinunciare al meglio della tecnologia. Con la funzione "I Feel", la temperatura nella stanza viene rilevata direttamente dal telecomando per una misurazione accurata e rapida. Raggiungere l’equilibrio perfetto tra efficienza energetica e comfort non è mai stato così semplice con l’intuitiva funzione Timer, per programmare accensione e spegnimento del climatizzatore ed evitare inutili sprechi di energia. Inoltre il modulo WiFi, disponibile come accessorio per tutti i prodotti della gamma VivAirOne, insieme all’App gratuita, permette di gestire con la massima flessibilità il comfort di casa anche dallo smatphone. Una soluzione smart VivAir One SDHL 1 è disponibile in 2 modelli monosplit con potenze in raffrescamento da 2,5 Kw a 3,2 Kw. Classe energetica fino a A++ in modalità raffrescamento (SEER fino a 6.5) e classe energetica A+ in riscaldamento (SCOP 4.0). Design ottimizzato La linea VivAir One assicura il massimo della flessibilità applicativa, grazie ad unità interne compatte (profondità 18,5 cm) così come le unità esterne (profondità 33cm). Tutta la tecnologia che serve I prodotti della linea VivAir One sono dotati della funzione "Sleep" per regolare automaticamente la temperatura durante le ore notturne. La funzione "I Feel" trasforma il telecomando nel sistema di rilevazione della temperatura, per regolare al meglio il comfort in ogni angolo della stanza. VivAir One può essere controllato anche da smartphone installando l'accessorio modulo Wifi insieme all'App gratuita Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Caldaia a Condensazione Hermann Saunier Duval THEMAFAST CONDENS 25 CS/1 Wi-Fi Integrato Metano/Gpl Low NOx Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi
NOTA BENE ! LA CALDAIA VERRÀ FORNITA A METANO , LA TRASFORMAZIONE A GPL AVVERRA' TRAMITE CENTRO ASSISTENZA GRATUITAMENTE ! Selezionare il kit fumi nel menù a tendina ! Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : Themafast Condens Codice prodotto : 0010025123 Gas : Metano o gpl Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza in riscaldamento : A Classe di efficienza in sanitario : A Profilo di carico sanitario : XL Performance in riscaldamento Portata al focolare minima : 3,1 kW Portata al focolare massima : 20,4 kW Performance in sanitario Portata al focolare minima : 3,1 kW Portata al focolare massima : 26,0 kW Portata continua (∆T = 25K) : 14,8 l/min Portata di picco in 10 minuti (∆T = 30K) : 123 l/10 min Temperatura minima e massima : 35° ~ 55° C Dimensioni Dimensioni (HxLxP) : 740x418x344 mm Programma estensione garanzia 5 anni Themafast Condens Caldaia murale a condensazione istantanea per riscaldamento e acqua calda sanitaria Soluzione da interno per riscaldamento e acqua calda sanitaria con tecnologia Aquaspeed FAST® La nuova gamma ThemaFast Condens vanta dei consumi eccezionalmente bassi e si posiziona ai vertici della categoria sia in termini di comfort sanitario sia di rendimento grazie anche al sistema esclusivo Aquaspeed FAST® per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria. Il microaccumulo, rinnovato con i suoi 3 litri di acqua calda sempre disponibile grazie alla resistenza elettrica che la mantiene alla temperatura desiderata in modo costante, dona al cliente un comfort sanitario di alto livello. Rivoluzione interna ed esterna per essere pronta ad entrare nel futuro del segmento caldaie, ThemaFast Condens presenta un “cuore” nuovo che batte grazie al nuovo sistema di combustione FlameFit che garantisce un autoadattamento ai diversi gas di alimentazione e permette di utilizzare la caldaia con una miscela di gas contenente fino al 20% di idrogeno. In abbinamento alla tecnologia ADA di bilanciamento delle pressioni del gas di alimentazione fornisce il più corretto mix aria/gas necessario al fine di ottenere la miglior combustione possibile. I valori di modulazione garantiti possono ricoprire fino a 1:9. Queste nuove caratteristiche del prodotto, parallelamente ad una evoluzione dell’elettronica, permettono alla caldaia di adattarsi completamente alle reali richieste dell’impianto di riscaldamento, consentendo anche una riduzione dei consumi di gas e corrente. I nuovi modelli sono disponibili con alimentazione a metano, ma convertibili a propano automaticamente tramite una semplice regolazione elettronica. Le dimensioni sono uguali alle versioni precedenti al fine di facilitare e velocizzare la sostituzione dell’apparecchio. Anche le dime per gli attacchi idraulici risultano essere fedelmente compatibili alle versioni precedenti, garantendo così un’installazione senza pensieri. Design elegante ed interfaccia touch-screen La nuova versione di ThemaFast Condens si presenta con un design elegante e attento al dettaglio. L'interfaccia utente touch-screen, con i nuovi “messaggi parlanti”, facilita la gestione del menù operativo e permette un’interazione più semplice tra la caldaia e l’utente. Garanzia prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Outdoor Unit Hermann Saunier Duval Motor Multisplit Sdh 20-050 Dual Split R-32 - News
ATTENTION: ONLY THE OUTDOOR UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Technical features Outdoor Unit Model : SDH20-050MC2NO Electric Power Supply V/Ph/Hz : 230/1/50 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Sound power : 65 db(A) Sound Pressure : 55 db(A) Maximum Pipe Length between Indoor and Outdoor Units: 20 m Maximum Total Length of the Pipe : 20 m Maximum height difference between internal and external units: 15 m Pipe diameter : 1/4 - 3/8 Performance Cooling down Cooling power kW : 2.14 / 5.8 Cooling power Btu/h : 7300 / 19800 Maximum Current : 7.2A Heating Heating power kW : 2.58 / 5.92 Heating power Btu/h : 8800 / 20200 Maximum Current : 7.4A General characteristics SDH 20 It is the new range of air conditioners that use R32 refrigerant gas which offers many advantages such as greater energy efficiency , a lower impact on the climate (Global Warming Potential - GWP= 675) and a lower quantity of charge required compared to air conditioners that use the R410 A gas. Thanks to the use of the new R32 gas, the new Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners are already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new regulation on fluorinated gases issued by the EU in 2015, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 in single split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. It is available in Dual, Trial and Quadri versions with cooling powers from 4.1 kW to 8 kW. Thanks to the new R32 refrigerant gas, the 3D inverter technology and the electronic expansion valve, it is possible to achieve an energy class in cooling up to A++ (SEER up to 6.3) and in heating up to A+ (SCOP equal to 4). It offers various functions to improve the comfort of your home: I Feel function to offer the desired temperature where the remote control is located, Turbo function to reach the desired temperature in the shortest possible time, adjustment of the direction of the air flow vertically and horizontally, Quiet function to minimize noise. It is also distinguished by the use of an active ionizer device which purifies the air in the room by creating negative ions which neutralize positively charged particles, thus keeping the room fresh and free from odours, bacteria and mold spores. The X-Fan function also removes humidity from the internal exchanger, keeping it dry and preventing the formation of rust and bacteria. All functions described above are only available for wall mounted units. The functions that can be set in the remote control supplied with the cassette and console units are equivalent to those of the VivAir Uni Comfort series. All supplied remote controls are easy to use and feature a large display to indicate the current operating status. The new R32 gas VivAir is the new range of Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners that use R32 ecological refrigerant gas. Thanks to the use of the new gas it is possible to obtain many advantages such as greater energy efficiency, a lower impact on the climate and a lower amount of charge required compared to air conditioners that use R410A gas. R32 gas is a safe gas, tested and already widely used for domestic applications in many foreign countries for several years. What impact does it have on the climate? The acronym GWP (Global Warming Potential) is used to express the influence that a specific refrigerant would have if released into the atmosphere. The higher the GWP value, the greater the negative effect of that refrigerant on climate and global warming. The new R32 refrigerant has a GWP of approximately 675, which corresponds to approximately one third of that of R410A gas (GWP=2088). Ready for the new EU Standards The new VivAir range is already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new directive No. 517/2014 on fluorinated gases issued by the European Union, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 starting from 2025 in mono-split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. Multisplit air conditioner with R32 ecological gas Active ionizer The active ionizer device inside the indoor unit creates negative ions which neutralize the positively charged particles in the room, thus keeping the environment fresh and healthy, free from odours, bacteria and mold spores. X-Fan function The X-Fan function removes humidity from the internal exchanger, keeping it dry and preventing the formation of rust and bacteria, preserving the durability of the product and contributing to a healthier environment. Quiet function The Quiet function allows you to adjust the fan speed to minimize the noise level of the indoor unit without changing the required comfort. Advantages : New R32 refrigerant gas Dedicated MultiSplit indoor units: wall, cassette and floor/ceiling Energy efficiency class in cooling up to A++ "Auto Clean X Fan" function to keep the exchanger dry Active Ionizer to improve the air quality in the environment Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Air Conditioner Hermann Saunier Duval Inverter Vivair One Sdhl-1 9000 Btu Sdhl 1-025 Nw R-32 A++ Wi-Fi Optional
Hermann Saunier Duval Air Conditioner Inverter VivAIR One SDHL-1 9000 btu SDHL 1-025 NW R-32 A++ Wi-Fi Optional Model: Monosplit code: SDHL 1-025 NW Indoor unit catalog number : SDHL 1-025 NWI Outdoor unit catalog number : SDHL 1-025 NWO Typology : DC Inverter R-32 Power (BTU) : 9000 Energy efficiency: SEER (W/W): 6.5 / A++ SCOP (W/W): 4.0 / A+ Performance: Cooling power: 2.5 kW Heating power: 2.80 kW Airflow (Turbo/H/M/L): m3/h 500/470/390/270 Sound pressure IU* (Turbo/H/M/L): dB(A) 38/36/32/22 Sound pressure EU*: dB(A) 51 Temp. Limit: - cooling (min-max): °C -15 - 43 - heating (min-max): °C-15 - 24 Electrical data: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 230/50/1 Dimensions: Indoor Unit (HxLxD): 254x744x185 mm ; 7.5kg Outdoor Unit (HxLxD): 550x775x320 mm; 27kg Nursery One There VivAir One line it consists of compact, versatile and simple to install products. Thanks to the discreet design, they are ideal for those looking for functionality without giving up the best of technology. With the "I Feel" function , the temperature in the room is detected directly by the remote control for quick and accurate measurement. Achieving the perfect balance between energy efficiency and comfort has never been easier with the intuitive Timer function , to program the air conditioner to turn on and off and avoid useless waste of energy. In addition the WiFi module , available as an accessory for all products in the VivAirOne range, together with the free App , allows you to manage home comfort with maximum flexibility, even from your smartphone. A smart solution VivAir One SDHL 1 is available in 2 monosplit models with cooling powers from 2.5 kW to 3.2 kW . Energy class up to A++ in cooling mode (SEER up to 6.5) and energy class A+ in heating (SCOP 4.0). Optimized design The VivAir One line ensures maximum application flexibility, thanks to compact indoor units (18.5cm deep) as well as outdoor units (33cm deep). All the technology you need The products of the VivAir One line are equipped with the "Sleep" function to automatically adjust the temperature during the night. There "I Feel" function transform the remote control In the temperature detection system , to better regulate comfort in every corner of the room. VivAir One can be also controlled by smartphone by installing the Wifi module accessory together with the free App Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Hermann Saunier Duval Air Conditioner 4-Way Cassette Inverter Vivair Series Sdh19 24000 Btu Sdh 19-070 Ikn R-32 - New
Technical features Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: SDH 19 - 070 IKNI External Unit Catalog Code: SDH 19- 070 IKDNO Power : 24000 btu Nominal capacity Cooling ( Min / Max ) kW : 7.00 (2.40-8.00) SEER : 7.2 Cooling Energy Class: A++ Heating nominal capacity ( Min / Max ) kW : 8,00 (2,20-9,00) SCOP: 3.9 Heating Energy Class: A Internal Unit Features Sound Pressure : 43/42/40/39 dB(A) Dimension : 240 x 840 x 840mm Panel size: 52 x 950 x 950 mm Weight : 29Kg External Unit Features Sound Pressure : 52 dB(A) Dimension : 698 x 892 x 340mm Weight : 53Kg Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter : 3/8 - 5/8 General characteristics VivAir SDH 19 Hermann Saunier Duval offers the new range of high efficiency commercial air conditioners with R32 refrigerant gas cassette. The use of the new R32 ecological gas ensures a lower environmental impact thanks to the low global warming potential (GWP=675) equal to about one third compared to R410A gas (GWP=2.088). These units meet the air conditioning needs of small and medium-sized commercial environments covering a requirement of up to 14 kW of power. The yields of the new range make it possible to reach levels of efficiency up to energy class A++ , ensuring maximum comfort and savings on consumption. The outdoor unit with DC inverter compressor is equipped with an electronic expansion valve to increase the efficiency of the air conditioner and is universal for both cassette and ducted indoor units. High performance for commercial premises Cassette air conditioner DC 19 series air conditioner from Saunier Duval. We have a range of 3 high performance models for commercial premises, with various power ratings from 5Kw to 8.5Kw. They also have two versions of single phase voltage and three phase voltage. This air conditioning model is highly efficient and with a low sound level. With a unique 360° design to achieve better heat distribution. This will allow you to enjoy maximum comfort with minimum consumption. DC inverter technology of Saunier Duval air conditioners The Saunier Duval range of air conditioners is DC Inverter technology, which allows us to save more energy than conventional inverter systems. With the new Inverter technology, consumption adapts to the needs of the air conditioning in a modular way, guaranteeing considerable energy savings. The equipment can operate in extreme temperatures. In addition to 3D DC Inverter technology, it contains an electronic expansion valve and a modulating fan. You can cool or heat your rooms as you wish with Saunier Duval cassettes The cassette air conditioner is reversible, as it allows us to cool or heat the rooms according to the needs of the users, thanks to the new turbo function. With R32 refrigerant which increases the performance of the equipment being much more environmentally friendly than other conventional refrigerants. Saunier Duval climate control infrared control The infrared remote control is standard, comfortable and attractive, it will give us control of the functions necessary for comfort such as the Sleep function, the programmer clock, light support, automatic mode or ventilation command and the operating modes. It also contains condensation control to ensure operation in extreme temperature conditions. With cold operation up to +46ºC and hot operation from -10ºC. Saunier Duval cassette air conditioner features High efficiency and low noise level with DC DC 3D inverter technology: DC Inverter Compressor + DC Inverter modulating outdoor fan + DC Inverter indoor fan New R32 Refrigerant: Increases the performance of equipment that is much more environmentally friendly than other conventional refrigerants High energy efficiency: seasonal energy labeling up to class A ++ in cold mode and A + in heat mode Long cold storage distances: the new product reaches refrigerated lengths of 35 to 75 meters and height differences of 20 to 30 meters depending on the model External air intakes: to obtain the optimal air renewal of the room Operation in a wide range of external temperatures: Comfort assured in extreme conditions: -20 OC to 48 OC in cold mode and -15 OC to 24 OC in heating mode New 360° design: 360° air distribution offers unparalleled comfort Extremely quiet operation: configurable by optional cable control, minimizes noise emissions Standard infrared remote control and optional wired wall control: new design, comfortable and attractive with Sleep functions, programmer with clock, operating modes, among many others Advantages : New R32 refrigerant gas Infrared remote control supplied as standard Improved comfort thanks to efficient 340° air distribution "I Feel" function for maximum comfort (ambient temperature sensor on the remote control) Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Outdoor Unit Hermann Saunier Duval Motor Multisplit Sdh 20-040 Dual Split R-32 - News
ATTENTION: ONLY THE OUTDOOR UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Technical features Outdoor Unit Model : SDH20-040MC2NO Electric Power Supply V/Ph/Hz : 230/1/50 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Sound Power : 65 db(A) Sound Pressure : 55 db(A) Maximum Pipe Length between Indoor and Outdoor Units: 20 m Maximum Total Length of the Pipe : 20 m Maximum height difference between internal and external units: 15 m Pipe diameter : 1/4 - 3/8 Performance Cooling down Cooling power kW : 2.05 / 4.4 Cooling power Btu/h : 7000 / 15000 Maximum Current : 5.5A Heating Heating power kW : 2.49 / 5.42 Heating power Btu/h : 8500 / 18500 Maximum current : 7A General characteristics SDH 20 It is the new range of air conditioners that use R32 refrigerant gas which offers many advantages such as greater energy efficiency , a lower impact on the climate (Global Warming Potential - GWP= 675) and a lower amount of charge required compared to air conditioners that use the R410 A gas. Thanks to the use of the new R32 gas, the new Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners are already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new regulation on fluorinated gases issued by the EU in 2015, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 in single split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. It is available in Dual, Trial and Quadri versions with cooling powers from 4.1 kW to 8 kW. Thanks to the new R32 refrigerant gas, the 3D inverter technology and the electronic expansion valve, it is possible to achieve an energy class in cooling up to A++ (SEER up to 6.3) and in heating up to A+ (SCOP equal to 4). It offers various functions to improve the comfort of your home: I Feel function to offer the desired temperature where the remote control is located, Turbo function to reach the desired temperature in the shortest possible time, adjustment of the direction of the air flow vertically and horizontally, Quiet function to minimize noise. It is also distinguished by the use of an active ionizer device which purifies the air in the room by creating negative ions which neutralize positively charged particles, thus keeping the room fresh and free from odours, bacteria and mold spores. The X-Fan function also removes humidity from the internal exchanger, keeping it dry and preventing the formation of rust and bacteria. All functions described above are only available for wall mounted units. The functions that can be set in the remote control supplied with the cassette and console units are equivalent to those of the VivAir Uni Comfort series. All supplied remote controls are easy to use and feature a large display to indicate the current operating status. The new R32 gas VivAir is the new range of Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners that use R32 ecological refrigerant gas. Thanks to the use of the new gas it is possible to obtain many advantages such as greater energy efficiency, a lower impact on the climate and a lower amount of charge required compared to air conditioners that use R410A gas. R32 gas is a safe gas, tested and already widely used for domestic applications in many foreign countries for several years. What impact does it have on the climate? The acronym GWP (Global Warming Potential) is used to express the influence that a particular refrigerant would have if released into the atmosphere. The higher the GWP value, the greater the negative effect of that refrigerant on climate and global warming. The new R32 refrigerant has a GWP of approximately 675, which corresponds to approximately one third of that of R410A gas (GWP=2088). Ready for the new EU Standards The new VivAir range is already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new directive No. 517/2014 on fluorinated gases issued by the European Union, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 starting from 2025 in mono-split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. Multisplit air conditioner with R32 ecological gas Active ionizer The active ionizer device inside the indoor unit creates negative ions which neutralize the positively charged particles in the room, thus keeping the environment fresh and healthy, free from odours, bacteria and mold spores. X-Fan function The X-Fan function removes humidity from the internal exchanger, keeping it dry and preventing the formation of rust and bacteria, preserving the durability of the product and contributing to a healthier environment. Quiet function The Quiet function allows you to adjust the fan speed to minimize the noise level of the indoor unit without changing the required comfort. Advantages : New R32 refrigerant gas Dedicated MultiSplit indoor units: wall, cassette and floor/ceiling Energy efficiency class in cooling up to A++ "Auto Clean X Fan" function to keep the exchanger dry Active Ionizer to improve the air quality in the environment Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Hermann Saunier Duval Outdoor Unit Motor Multisplit Sdh 20-070 Trial Split R-32 - News
ATTENTION: ONLY THE OUTDOOR UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Technical features Outdoor Unit Model : SDH20-070MC3NO Electric Power Supply V/Ph/Hz : 230/1/50 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Sound Power : 68 db(A) Sound pressure : 58 db(A) Maximum Pipe Length between Indoor and Outdoor Units: 20 m Maximum Total Pipe Length: 70 m Maximum height difference between internal and external units: 20 m Pipe diameter : 1/4 - 3/8 Performance Cooling down Cooling power kW : 2.29 / 8.5 Cooling power Btu/h : 7800 / 29000 Maximum Current : 11.3A Heating Heating power kW : 3.66 / 8.79 Heating power Btu/h : 12500 / 30000 Maximum Current : 11.3A General characteristics SDH 20 It is the new range of air conditioners that use R32 refrigerant gas which offers many advantages such as greater energy efficiency , a lower impact on the climate (Global Warming Potential - GWP= 675) and a lower quantity of charge required compared to air conditioners that use the R410 A gas. Thanks to the use of the new R32 gas, the new Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners are already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new regulation on fluorinated gases issued by the EU in 2015, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 in single split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. It is available in Dual, Trial and Quadri versions with cooling powers from 4.1 kW to 8 kW. Thanks to the new R32 refrigerant gas, the 3D inverter technology and the electronic expansion valve, it is possible to achieve an energy class in cooling up to A++ (SEER up to 6.3) and in heating up to A+ (SCOP equal to 4). It offers various functions to improve the comfort of your home: I Feel function to offer the desired temperature where the remote control is located, Turbo function to reach the desired temperature in the shortest possible time, adjustment of the direction of the air flow vertically and horizontally, Quiet function to minimize noise. It is also characterized by the use of an active ionizer device which purifies the air in the room by creating negative ions which neutralize positively charged particles, thus keeping the room fresh and free from odours, bacteria and mold spores. The X-Fan function also removes humidity from the internal exchanger, keeping it dry and preventing the formation of rust and bacteria. All functions described above are only available for wall mounted units. The functions that can be set in the remote control supplied with the cassette and console units are equivalent to those of the VivAir Uni Comfort series. All supplied remote controls are easy to use and feature a large display to indicate the current operating status. The new R32 gas VivAir is the new range of Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners that use R32 ecological refrigerant gas. Thanks to the use of the new gas it is possible to obtain many advantages such as greater energy efficiency, a lower impact on the climate and a lower amount of charge required compared to air conditioners that use R410A gas. R32 gas is a safe gas, tested and already widely used for domestic applications in many foreign countries for several years. What impact does it have on the climate? The acronym GWP (Global Warming Potential) is used to express the influence that a given refrigerant would have if released into the atmosphere. The higher the GWP value, the greater the negative effect of that refrigerant on climate and global warming. The new R32 refrigerant has a GWP of approximately 675, which corresponds to approximately one third of that of R410A gas (GWP=2088). Ready for the new EU Standards The new VivAir range is already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new directive No. 517/2014 on fluorinated gases issued by the European Union, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 starting from 2025 in mono-split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. Multisplit air conditioner with R32 ecological gas Active ionizer The active ionizer device inside the indoor unit creates negative ions which neutralize the positively charged particles in the room, thus keeping the environment fresh and healthy, free from odours, bacteria and mold spores. X-Fan function The X-Fan function removes humidity from the internal exchanger, keeping it dry and preventing the formation of rust and bacteria, preserving the durability of the product and contributing to a healthier environment. Quiet function The Quiet function allows you to adjust the fan speed to minimize the noise level of the indoor unit without changing the required comfort. Advantages : New R32 refrigerant gas Dedicated MultiSplit indoor units: wall, cassette and floor/ceiling Energy efficiency class in cooling up to A++ "Auto Clean X Fan" function to keep the exchanger dry Active Ionizer to improve the air quality in the environment Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Hermann Saunier Duval Outdoor Unit Motor Multisplit Sdh 19-080 Quadri Split R-32
ATTENTION: ONLY THE OUTDOOR UNIT WILL BE SUPPLIED Technical features Outdoor Unit Model : SDH19-080MC4NO Connectable Indoor Units : 4 Electric Power Supply V/Ph/Hz : 230/1/50 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Sound Power : 68 db(A) Sound pressure : 58 db(A) Maximum Pipe Length between Indoor and Outdoor Units: 20 m Maximum Total Pipe Length: 70 m Maximum height difference between internal and external units: 20 m Performance Cooling down Cooling power kW : 2.3 / 10.26 Cooling power Btu/h : 7800 / 35000 Maximum Current : 14.2A Heating Heating power kW : 3.66 / 10.26 Heating power Btu/h : 12500 / 35000 Maximum Current : 14.2A General characteristics Thanks to the use of the new R32 gas, the new Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners are already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new regulation on fluorinated gases issued by the EU in 2015, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 in single split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. The new R32 gas VivAir is the new range of Hermann Saunier Duval air conditioners that use R32 ecological refrigerant gas. Thanks to the use of the new gas it is possible to obtain many advantages such as greater energy efficiency, a lower impact on the climate and a lower amount of charge required compared to air conditioners that use R410A gas. R32 gas is a safe gas, tested and already widely used for domestic applications in many foreign countries for several years. What impact does it have on the climate? The acronym GWP (Global Warming Potential) is used to express the influence that a particular refrigerant would have if released into the atmosphere. The higher the GWP value, the greater the negative effect of that refrigerant on climate and global warming. The new R32 refrigerant has a GWP of approximately 675, which corresponds to approximately one third of that of R410A gas (GWP=2088). Ready for the new EU Standards The new VivAir range is already in line with the achievement of the objectives established by the new directive No. 517/2014 on fluorinated gases issued by the European Union, which prohibits the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 750 starting from 2025 in mono-split air conditioners containing a refrigerant charge below 3 kg. Multisplit air conditioner with R32 ecological gas New R32 refrigerant gas Dedicated MultiSplit indoor units: wall, cassette and floor/ceiling Energy efficiency class in cooling up to A++ "I Feel" function with remote temperature sensor on the remote control Sleep function to minimize noise at night. High performance with a reduced environmental impact Environmentally friendly, because it has a low GWP index Less refrigerant than units with R410A More energy efficient than R410A Safe and reliable Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
HERMANN SAUNIER DUVAL Air Conditioner Hermann Saunier Duval Ducted Ductable Inverter 48000 Btu Sdh19-140 Idni Three-Phase R-32 With Wired Control Included
Technical features Indoor unit catalog code : SDH 19-140 IDNI Outdoor unit catalog code : SDH 19-140 IKDNO Power : 48000 Btu Wire Command Included Energy efficiency SEER : 5.6 SCOP: 3.9 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A Performance Cooling Capacity: 13.4 kW Heating Capacity: 15.5 kW Cooling absorption: 4.7 kW Heating absorption: 3.45 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 1490~2200 m 3 /h Sound Pressure Level Indoor Unit : 38~43 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Outdoor Unit: 57 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Operating range - Cooling: -20° ~ 48°C - Heating: -20° ~ 24°C Installation data Pipe diameter Liquid : 9.52 mm (3/8") Gas pipe diameter: 15.88 mm (5/8") Maximum piping length: 75 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 30 m Dimensions and weight Internal Unit Dimensions (HxLxP): 300x1400x700 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 50.0 Kg External Unit Dimensions (HxLxP): 820x940x530 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 99.0 Kg Hermann Saunier Duval VivAir SDH 19 Hermann Saunier Duval offers the new range of high efficiency commercial air conditioners with R32 refrigerant gas The use of the new R32 ecological gas ensures a lower environmental impact thanks to the low global warming potential (GWP=675) equal to about one third compared to R410A gas (GWP=2.088). These units meet the air conditioning needs of small and medium-sized commercial environments covering a requirement of up to 14 kW of power. The yields of the new range make it possible to reach levels of efficiency up to energy class A++ , ensuring maximum comfort and savings on consumption . The outdoor unit with DC inverter compressor is equipped with an electronic expansion valve to increase the efficiency of the air conditioner and is universal for both cassette and ducted indoor units. The new R32 commercial range Hermann Saunier Duval presents the new range of monosplit commercial ductable air conditioners with R32 refrigerant gas designed to manage the temperature of any environment, regardless of its shape and size. Available in four single-phase sizes of 5-7-8.5 and 10 kW and in a three-phase 14 kW version, they are particularly suitable for commercial installations (hotels, restaurants, shops, gyms). DC inverter technology of Saunier Duval air conditioners The Saunier Duval range of air conditioners is DC Inverter technology, which allows us to save more energy than conventional inverter systems. With the new Inverter technology, consumption adapts to the needs of the air conditioning in a modular way, guaranteeing considerable energy savings. The equipment can operate in extreme temperatures. In addition to 3D DC Inverter technology, it contains an electronic expansion valve and a modulating fan. High performance, versatile solutions The use of latest generation compressors guarantees high performance with energy efficiency classes up to A++. The possibility of regulating the static pressure allows the product to be used even with rather long ducts, optimizing the noise level of the product. The indoor units also have air vents which allow the air to be exchanged in the room (“Fresh Air” function). All ducted air conditioners are equipped with a wired control supplied as standard which allows simple and easy use of the air conditioner Simplified installation and maintenance The outdoor unit equipped with DC inverter compressor is equipped with an electronic expansion valve which increases its efficiency and is universal for both cassette or ductable indoor units. The outdoor unit is designed to allow silent operation so as to make it ideal also for installations in urban and residential environments. All outdoor units are equipped with a single fan, thus allowing a reduction in the height of the product and making it possible to install it inside small spaces. To facilitate the installation operations, sufficient space has been left to facilitate the connections of the pipes and carry out the necessary electrical wiring Characteristics • New R32 refrigerant gas • Wired digital control that can be installed on the wall supplied as standard • “Quiet” function to reduce noise • Possibility to adjust the static pressure up to 150 PA • Integrated condensate drain pump • Piping length between indoor/outdoor units up to 75 meters and height difference up to 30 meters • Can be combined with on-off control board for use with home automation (accessory) Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.