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Ferroli AREA OCCASIONI Scaldabagno Elettrico Ferroli Calypso 80 VE Verticale 80 Litri
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E CONTROLLATO DAI NOSTRI TECNICI, PRESENTA DIFETTI DA TRASPORTO: AMMACCATURE VARIE PRIVO DI SCOCCA IN PLASTICA IMBALLO NON ORIGINALE (PER MAGGIORI DETTAGLI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello: Calypso 80 Verticale Capacità serbatoio: 78 l Potenza elettrica: 1200 W Tempo di riscaldamento: 3h - 7 min dimensioni: cm 75 x 44 ; 24 kg Garanzia: 2 anni Caratteristiche Generali CALYPSO SCALDACQUA MURALI ELETTRICI GRANDI LITRAGGI Per interni Lo scaldacqua elettrico CALYPSO è realizzato in acciaio di alta qualità, con uno speciale trattamento di smaltatura a polvereall’interno del cilindro, realizzato con avanzate tecniche di applicazione elettrostatica e successiva cottura a forno a 850°C per una perfetta vetroporcellanatura del serbatoio. Per contenere al minimo la dispersione termica, CALYPSO è stato isolato internamente con schiuma in poliuretano ad alta densità senza contenuto di CFC, esternamente conuna verniciatura a polimeri ad elevata resistenza alla perdita dicalore. Tutti i modelli sono testati al 100% per assicurare il perfetto funzionamento alla pressione di esercizio prevista. Gli scaldacqua CALYPSO possono vantare ben tre dispositivi disicurezza: una valvola idraulica che si attiva in caso di sovrappressione del serbatoio interno e due sistemi automatici di protezione della sovratemperatura. Caratteristiche: Modelli con capacità da 50 fino a 150 litri. Disponibili anche in versione misto termo (MT). Resistenza elettrica estraibile in rame Controllo termostatico a sonda. Anodo di magnesio a protezione del serbatoio. Flangia a 5 bulloni per garantire robustezza e facilità di manutenzioni periodiche. Indicatore livello temperatura. Spia on/off. Valvola di sicurezza tarata a 8 barcon rubinetto di svuotamento e vite di sicurezza Regolazione manuale esterna della temperatura (mod. verticali). Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Ferroli Scaldabagno Elettrico Titano 80 VE Verticale 80 Litri
Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello: Titano 80 VE BF Verticale Profilo di Carico : L Classe ERP: C Capacità serbatoio: 78 Litri Potenza elettrica: 1200 W Tempo di riscaldamento (20+55°C) : 3h-7 Minuti Peso: 24 Kg Garanzia: 5 anni X: 440 mm; Y: 750 mm; Z 460 mm; A: 180 mm; B: - mm; C: 265 mm; D: 100 mm; E: 130 mm; G: 1/2" (pollici); Caratteristiche Generali LA GAMMA Le famiglie TITANO e CALYPSO sono prodotte nelle versioni verticali ed orizzontali, con capacità da 50, 80, 100, 120 e 150 litri. Tutti i modelli verticali sono dotati del regolatore di temperatura esterno. > Orizzontali o Verticali? Gli scaldacqua verticali offrono migliori prestazioni rispetto alle corrispondenti versioni orizzontali per una migliore miscelazione dell’acqua nel bollitore. Ciò si traduce in risparmio energetico e in tempi di attesa più brevi per il raggiungimento della temperatura di esercizio. Le versioni orizzontali sono state pensate per risolvere le problematiche di installazione in spazi angusti. Il ridotto ingombro in altezza permette infatti l’installazione in controsoffittature, sottotetti e nei più impensabili angoli della casa Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Ferroli Ferroli Cubo Sg 15 S* Electric Water Heater (Under Sink) 15 Liters New
Technical features Model: Cube SG 15S ( GRE0R00A ) ERP class: C Tank capacity: 15 Electric power: 1500(W) Heating time: 35 min (20+55° C) Weight: 8.5kg Warranty: 5 years A: 375mm; B: 345mm; D: 388mm; D : 85mm; E: 278mm; F: 66mm; W: 1/2" (inch); H: 100mm. General characteristics For domestic use, it combines simplicity of use with the possibility of easy installation even when there is a lack of space, thanks to its particularly compact dimensions. Ideal for small hot water needs (cooking, shower) it is available in models with a capacity of 15 liters in the above and under-sink version and 30 liters in the above-sink version. Equip yourself with: >Outer casing in ABS >1500 W electrical resistance >Thermostatic control with immersed probe >Magnesium anode >ON/OFF switch >Spy light for on and off indication >External manual adjustment of the temperature level >Hydraulic valve calibrated at 8.5 bar, with emptying lever >Electrical connection with power cord supplied as standard (plug not supplied) Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ferroli Ferroli Electric Water Heater Bravo Sn Undersink Model 10 Liters - 2 Year Warranty
Technical features Tank capacity: 10 litres Energy Class: C Load profile : XXS Type of installation : Under sink Warranty : 2 Years Performance Electric Power: 1500 W Absorption : 3.134 kWh Operating pressure : 8 bar Power supply: 220/40V - 50Hz Water Heating Energy Efficiency: 29% η wh Annual Electricity Consumption AEC : 636 kWh Sound Power Level : 15 dB(A) Heating Time (20+55°C) : 24 Minutes Degree of Protection : 24 IP Empty weight: 6.5 kg Dimensions BRAVO Water Heaters Small and Efficient Bravo electric water heaters are simple to install and use. It is ideal for domestic use for small hot water needs (kitchen, shower), it is available in 5 models with 10/15/30 liter capacities. Equip yourself with : Electrical resistances in stainless steel Porcelain glass kettle Magnesium anode to protect the boiler External temperature regulator with LED power indication Outer casing in abs Capillary thermostat for temperature control Characteristics : Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
Ferroli Ferroli Electric Water Heater Bravo Sn Above Sink Model 30 Liters - 2 Year Warranty
Technical features Tank capacity: 30 litres Energy Class: D Load profile : S Type of Installation : Countertop Warranty : 2 Years Performance Electric Power: 1500 W Absorption : 3.134 kWh Operating pressure : 8 bar Power supply: 220/40V - 50Hz Water Heating Energy Efficiency: 29% η wh Annual Electricity Consumption AEC : 636 kWh Sound Power Level : 15 dB(A) Heating Time (20+55°C) : 68 Minutes Degree of Protection : 24 IP Empty weight: 11.5 kg Dimensions BRAVO Water Heaters Small and Efficient Bravo electric water heaters are simple to install and use. It is ideal for domestic use for small hot water needs (kitchen, shower), it is available in 5 models with 10/15/30 liter capacities. Equip yourself with : Electrical resistances in stainless steel Porcelain glass kettle Magnesium anode to protect the boiler External temperature regulator with LED power indication Outer casing in abs Capillary thermostat for temperature control Characteristics : Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
Ferroli Ferroli Electric Water Heater Bravo Sn Above Sink Model 10 Liters - 2 Year Warranty
Technical Features Tank capacity: 10 litres Energy Class: B Load Profile : XXS Installation Type: Above Sink Warranty: 2 Years Performance Electrical Power: 1500 W Absorption: 3,134 kWh Operating Pressure: 8 bar Power supply: 220/40 V - 50 Hz Energy Efficiency Water Heating: 29% η wh Annual Electricity Consumption AEC : 636 kWh Sound Power Level: 15 dB(A) Heating Time (20+55°C) : 24 Minutes Degree of Protection: 24 IP Empty weight: 6.5 kg Dimensions BRAVO Water Heaters Small and Efficient Bravo Electric Water Heaters are simple to install and use. It is ideal for domestic use for small hot water needs (kitchen, shower), it is available in 5 models with capacities of 10/15/30 liters. Equipped with: Stainless steel electric resistors Glass-lined kettle Magnesium anode to protect the boiler External temperature controller with LED power indication External casing in ABS Capillary thermostat for temperature control Characteristics : Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
Ferroli Ferroli Cubo Sg 15 Electric Water Heater (Over Sink) 15 Liters New
Technical features Model: Cube SG 15 (GRD4R0AA) ERP class: B Tank capacity: 15 Electric power: 1500(W) Heating time: 35 min (20+55°C) Weight: 8.5kg Warranty: 5 years A: 375mm; B: 345mm; D: 388mm; D : 85mm; E: 278mm; F: 66mm; W: 1/2" (inch); H: 100mm. General characteristics For domestic use, it combines simplicity of use with the possibility of easy installation even when there is a lack of space, thanks to its particularly compact dimensions. Ideal for small hot water needs (cooking, shower) it is available in models with a capacity of 15 liters in the above and under-sink version and 30 liters in the above-sink version. Equip yourself with: >Outer casing in ABS >1500 W electrical resistance >Thermostatic control with immersed probe >Magnesium anode >ON/OFF switch >Spy light for on and off indication >External manual adjustment of the temperature level >Hydraulic valve calibrated at 8.5 bar, with emptying lever >Electrical connection with power cord supplied as standard (plug not supplied) Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ferroli Electric water heater Titano 50 Ve Bf Vertical 50 Liters
Technical features Model: Titan (50 VE BF) ERP class: C Tank capacity: 48.5 Electric power: 1200(W) Heating time: 2h-3min (20+55°C) Weight: 19Kg Warranty: 5 years X: 440mm; Y: 545mm; Z 460mm; A: 200mm; B: -mm; D: 265mm; D : 100mm; E: 130mm ; G: 1/2" (inch); General characteristics THE RANGE The TITANO and CALYPSO families are produced in vertical and horizontal versions, with capacities of 50, 80, 100, 120 and 150 litres. All vertical models are equipped with an external temperature regulator. > Horizontal or Vertical? Vertical water heaters offer better performance than the corresponding horizontal versions for better mixing of the water in the boiler. This translates into energy savings and shorter waiting times for the operating temperature to be reached. The horizontal versions have been designed to solve installation problems in confined spaces. The reduced overall height in fact allows installation in false ceilings, attics and in the most unthinkable corners of the house Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ferroli Ferroli Cubo Sg 10 S* Electric Water Heater (Under Sink) 10 Liters New
Technical features Model: Cube SG 10S (GRI0T00A) ERP class: C Tank capacity: 10 Electric power: 1500(W) Heating time: 25 min (20+55° C) Weight: 5.5kg Warranty: 5 years A: 340mm; B: 290mm; D: 350mm; D : 85mm; E: 259mm; F: 66mm; W: 1/2" (inch); H: 100mm. General characteristics For domestic use, it combines simplicity of use with the possibility of easy installation even when there is a lack of space, thanks to its particularly compact dimensions. Ideal for small hot water needs (cooking, shower) it is available in models with a capacity of 15 liters in the above and under-sink version and 30 liters in the above-sink version. Equip yourself with: >Outer casing in ABS >1500 W electrical resistance >Thermostatic control with immersed probe >Magnesium anode >ON/OFF switch >Spy light for on and off indication >External manual adjustment of the temperature level >Hydraulic valve calibrated at 8.5 bar, with emptying lever >Electrical connection with power cord supplied as standard (plug not supplied) Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ferroli Electric water heater Ferroli Cubo Sg 30 (Sinktop) 30 Liters New
Technical Features Model: SG 30 Cube ( GRE425AA ) ERP Class: C Tank capacity: 30 Electric power: 1500(W) Heating time: 75 min (20+55° C) Weight 12 Kg. Warranty: 5 years H: 453mm; B: 412mm; C: 466mm; D : 115mm; E: 336mm; F: 66mm; G: 1/2" (inch); H: 100 mm. General Features For domestic use, it combines ease of use with the possibility of easy installation even in the absence of space, thanks to its particularly compact dimensions. Ideal for small hot water needs (kitchen, shower), it is available in models with a capacity of 15 lt in the above and under-sink version and 30 lt in the above-sink version. Equipped with: >ABS outer casing >1500W electric resistance >Thermostatic control with immersed probe >Magnesium anode >ON/OFF switch >Indicator light for on/off indication >External manual temperature level adjustment >Hydraulic valve calibrated at 8.5 bar, with emptying lever >Electrical connection with power cable supplied as standard (plug not supplied) Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ferroli Electric water heater Titano 80 Ve Bf Vertical 80 Liters
Technical features Model: Titano 80 VE BF Vertical Load profile : M ERP class: C Tank capacity: 78 litres Electric Power: 1200W Heating time (20+55°C) : 2h-3 Minutes Weight: 24Kg Warranty: 5 years X: 440mm; Y: 750mm; Z 460mm; A: 180mm; B: -mm; D: 265mm; D : 100mm; E: 130mm ; G: 1/2" (inch); General characteristics THE RANGE The TITANO and CALYPSO families are produced in vertical and horizontal versions, with capacities of 50, 80, 100, 120 and 150 litres. All vertical models are equipped with an external temperature regulator. > Horizontal or Vertical? Vertical water heaters offer better performance than the corresponding horizontal versions for better mixing of the water in the boiler. This translates into energy savings and shorter waiting times for the operating temperature to be reached. The horizontal versions have been designed to solve installation problems in confined spaces. The reduced overall height in fact allows installation in false ceilings, attics and in the most unthinkable corners of the house Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ferroli Ferroli Electric Water Heater Bravo Sn Above Sink Model 15 Liters - 2 Year Warranty
Technical features Tank capacity: 15 litres Energy Class: B Load profile : XXS Type of Installation : Countertop Warranty : 2 Years Performance Electric Power: 1500 W Absorption : 2.781 kWh Operating pressure : 8 bar Power supply: 220/40V - 50Hz Water Heating Energy Efficiency: 32% η wh Annual Electricity Consumption AEC : 576 kWh Sound Power Level : 15 dB(A) Heating Time (20+55°C) : 35 Minutes Degree of Protection : 24 IP Empty weight: 7.8 kg Dimensions BRAVO Water Heaters Small and Efficient Bravo electric water heaters are simple to install and use. It is ideal for domestic use for small hot water needs (kitchen, shower), it is available in 5 models with 10/15/30 liter capacities. Equip yourself with : Electrical resistances in stainless steel Porcelain glass kettle Magnesium anode to protect the boiler External temperature regulator with LED power indication Outer casing in abs Capillary thermostat for temperature control Characteristics : Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase