icon Dualsplit Wall Air Conditioners | CaldaieMurali

Dualsplit Wall Air Conditioners

Enjoy maximum comfort with our wall-mounted dualsplit air conditioners. Elegant design, efficient performance and the ability to air condition two rooms at the same time. Choose from our selection of wall-mounted dualsplit air conditioners for precise temperature control and optimal air conditioning.

1773 products

  • immagine-1-lg-climatizzatore-condizionatore-lg-dual-split-inverter-serie-libero-smart-912-con-mu3r19-ul0-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-900012000

    LG Climatizzatore Condizionatore LG Dual Split Inverter Serie LIBERO SMART 9+12 con MU3R19 UL0 R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato 9000+12000

    Caratteristiche Tecniche Unità Interna 1) Modello: Serie: Libero Smart Modello: S09ET.NSJ  Potenza (btu/h): 9000  Dimensioni mm LxAxP: 837x308x189; 8.7 Kg 2) Modello: Serie: Libero Smart Modello: S12ET.NSJ  Potenza (btu/h): 12000  Dimensioni mm LxAxP: 837x308x189; 8.7 Kg Unità Esterna Codice catalogo Unità Interna: MU3R19 UL0 Max unità interne: fino a 3 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 8,50 (W/W) SCOP : 4,21 (W/W) Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Raffreddamento) : A+++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica (Riscaldamento) : A+ Consumo energetico annuo Raffreddamento/Riscaldamento : 217/1629 kWh/a Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 5,28 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 6,33 kW Assorbimento Std Raffreddamento : 1,17 kW  Assorbimento Std Riscaldamento: 1,37 kW Livello potenza sonora : 63 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 49 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x2 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x2 Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -10°~48 °C - Riscaldamento: -18°~18 °C Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxAxP) : 870x655x320 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 43,8 Kg Compressore Dual Inverter garantito 10 anni   LG, che ripone grande fiducia nella qualità e affidabilità dei propri prodotti, offre 10 anni di garanzia sul compressore Inverter di tutti i modelli mono e multisplit presenti su questo catalogo. La garanzia sopra citata copre i costi della sola parte compressore Inverter per un periodo complessivo di 10 anni dalla data di acquisto del climatizzatore. Qualsiasi altro costo all’infuori del valore della sola componente sostituita è da ritenersi escluso dalla copertura. Sistemi Multisplit LG LG è tra le aziende più importanti al mondo per la produzione di condizionatori d’aria.La gamma dei prodotti MULTISPLIT è caratterizzata da un’elevata flessibilità, da altissima efficienza energetica e da livelli di rumorosità contenuti.Le soluzioni Multisplit permettono di affrontare sia le esigenze dei piccoli impianti residenziali che lenecessità degli spazi commerciali. Garanzia di Qualità e Sicurezza LG è estremamente attenta alla qualità dei suoi prodotti e alle tematiche ambientali. LG offre sui propri climatizzatori oltre alla garanzia di legge di 24 mesi un’ulteriore garanzia di 3 anni sui compressori, una formula esclusiva per farvi scegliere in pienasicurezza. Tutti i climatizzatori LG hanno ottenuto le più importanti certificazioni di qualità e sicurezza internazionali.Tutti i climatizzatori LG sono realizzati con tecnologie ecocompatibili e utilizzano il refrigerante R-32 che non produce effetti deleteri sullo strato di ozono. L’elevata efficienza energetica che li caratterizza contribuisce a ridurre le emissioni di CO2.LG aderisce a sistemi collettivi di raccolta che garantiscono un servizio di smaltimento dei prodotti a fine vita in piena sicurezza. Efficienza energetica stagionale   Le unità esterne della nuova gamma Multi a tubazione multipla sono caratterizzate da livelli di efficienza energetica stagionale già in linea con gli standard europei in vigore a partire dal 2014. Il livello di SEER è superiore a 6.10 e consentirà a questi prodotti di ottenere la classificazione A++ per la loro efficienza energetica stagionale di raffreddamento. La nuova gamma Multi a tubazione multipla permette di ridurre i consumi energetici del 37% (media) rispetto alle serie precedenti. Le unità esterne Multi sono caratterizzate da livelli di efficienza energetica estremamente elevati. Grazie a questo presupposto contribuiscono in maniera molto significativa alla riduzione delle emissioni di anidride carbonica.   Scambiatore di calore Wide Louver   Grazie a questo presupposto contribuiscono in maniera molto significativa alla riduzione delle emissioni di anidride carbonica Sulle unità esterne è applicato lo scambiatore di calore con le alette Wide Louver. La particolare lavorazione delle alette permette di migliorare la capacità di scambio del radiatore del 28% a parità di superficie rispetto ad uno scambiatore tradizionale.   Ampio intervallo operativo   Le unità esterne della gamma Multi Pipe possono operare in modalità raffreddamento e riscaldamento alle condizioni più estreme. La presenza quale dotazione di serie del controllo di condensazione per la modalità raffreddamento le rende compatibili con tutte le applicazioni in cui è necessario rinfrescare l’aria anche a temperature esterne ridotte (Es. ristoranti, palestre, locali server).   Funzionamento a controllo di pressione   Le nuove unità della gamma Multi tubazione multipla operano con un controllo basato sulle pressioni del refrigerante nel circuito: questo tipo di controllo assicura una miglior gestione delle periferiche contenute nelle unità rispetto ai tradizionali controlli di temperatura. Questo meccanismo di controllo è più preciso e raffinato, senza essere negativamente influenzato dalle variazioni di temperatura esterna. La nuova tecnologia applicata a questi prodotti permette di ottenere i risultati desiderati in tempi più brevi, di meglio gestire il funzionamento del compressore alle condizioni di carico parziale, e di realizzare importanti riduzioni della corrente elettrica assorbita.   Funzione di controllo errori di cablaggio   Grazie a questa funzione, al termine del lavoro di installazione è possibile verificare che le connessioni elettriche e delle tubazioni siano correttamente associate. Tramite questa funzione di controllo, attivabile dalla scheda elettronica dell’unità esterna, è possibile realizzare un’installazione corretta e perfettamente funzionante in modo rapido e semplice.   Ridotto consumo elettrico in Stand-by   Una innovativa funzionalità permette di rimuovere l’alimentazione elettrica alle componenti del sistema durante la fase di stand by dell’impianto. In questo modo i consumi elettrici di stand by delle nuove unità esterne Multi a tubazione multipla risultano inferiori del 90% rispetto alle versioni precedenti. Livello sonoro ridotto L’adozione di una nuova griglia di protezione dei ventilatori e l’utilizzo di ventole con particolari specificamente progettati per l’ottimizzazione aerodinamica hanno permesso una riduzione del livello di rumorosità delle unità esterne nell’ordine di circa 2 dB(A) alle condizioni nominali di rilevazione LG Libero Smart Stile ed eleganza Il design semplice e lineare dei climatizzatori LG garantisce installazione perfetta, ottima aderenza alla parete e facile pulizia del prodotto Compatibilità LG introduce le nuove unità a parete, utilizzabili in configurazione mono e multisplit. La compatibilità consente di ottenere la massima capacità di raffrescamento e riscaldamento e, soprattutto, di poter integrare nella stessa applicazione sistemi diversi, preservando la continuità estetica delle unità interne Installazione semplificata Installare un climatizzatore non è mai stato così facile! I prodotti LG sono progettati e realizzati per essere installati in modo veloce ed efficiente. E le ridotte dimensioni delle unità interne ed esterne assicurano anche un risparmio in termini di spazio Wi-Fi Integrato Dove vuoi, quando vuoi! Controllare il tuo climatizzatore con le tecnologie Smart di LG, oggi è ancora più facile. Grazie al Wi-Fi integrato e ad una connessione Internet, potrai gestire le funzioni principali del tuo condizionatore attraverso l’applicazione per tutti gli smartphone Android o iOS Voice Control Unità interna compatibile con gli assistenti vocali di Google Home e Alexa Garanzia prodotto: Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto. 


  • immagine-1-bosch-climatizzatore-condizionatore-bosch-dual-split-inverter-serie-climate-3000i-79-con-cl5000m-412-e-r-32-wi-fi-optional-70009000

    Bosch Climatizzatore Condizionatore Bosch Dual Split Inverter serie CLIMATE 3000i 7+9 con CL5000M 41/2 E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+9000

    Descrizione prodotto Codice prodotto: 7+9CLIMATE3000_41  Categoria: Dual split Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice G 10 CL-1 ) Unità Interne 1) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x CL3000iU W 20E Potenza: 7000 btu/h Aria Trattata : 330~520 m3/h Livello Potenza Sonora : 54 dB(A) Livello pressione Sonora : 20~37 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (LxPxA) : 729x200x292 mm Peso : 8,0 Kg 2) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 1x CL3000iU W 26 E Potenza: 9000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 2,80 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 2,93 kW Aria Trattata : 330~520 m3/h Livello Potenza Sonora : 54 dB(A) Livello pressione Sonora : 20~37 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxPxA) : 729x200x292 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,0 Kg  Unità Esterna Modello: Codice catalogo Unità Interna: CL5000M 41/2 E Max unità interne: fino a 2 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,8 SCOP : 4,0 Classe di Efficienza Energetica Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A+ Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento :4,1 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 4,4 kW Assorbimento in Raffreddamento : 1,27 kW  Assorbimento in Riscaldamento: 1,19  kW Livello potenza sonora : 65 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 56 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Dati Installativi: Diametro tubi refrigerante 2xΦ6,35/2xΦ9,52 Lunghezza massima Tubazioni : 40 m Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxPxA) : 805x330x554 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 31,6 Kg   Facili da usare e installare, versatili e raffinati, i climatizzatori Climate di Bosch sapranno “semplicemente” stupirti Semplicemente l’atmosfera giusta Fuori non si respira dal caldo? Oppure il tempo si è improvvisamente rinfrescato? Ti basterà scegliere la funzione giusta dal semplice e intuitivo menù del telecomando per avere la tua oasi di comfort e benessere in casa, con il giusto grado di raffrescamento o riscaldamento.  Respira aria pura I livelli di inquinamento atmosferico salgono? La stagione dei pollini minaccia il tuo benessere? Non in casa tua, grazie ai potenti filtri che migliorano la qualità dell’aria nell’abitazione, catturando microbi e altre impurità. Risparmia energia I climatizzatori della serie Climate di Bosch sono tanto facili da usare quanto convenienti. Funzionano in modo altamente efficiente e utilizzano solo l’energia necessaria per assicurarti il benessere desiderato, senza sprechi, anche grazie alle funzioni "Stand-by" e "Timer".  Rilassati nella massima tranquillità L’elevata silenziosità dei climatizzatori Climate li rende compagni discreti nella tua abitazione. Rilassati e goditi la climatizzazione Bosch! Le nostre due App: da sole eccezionali, in coppia sbalorditive App Climate Select: Trova la configurazione perfetta Punta la fotocamera del tuo device sulla parete dove vorresti installare il tuo climatizzatore e guardalo comparire in realtà aumentata. Visualizza le differenti taglie e scegli la più adatta al tuo ambiente.Trova la posizione migliore per un’ottimale resa estetica e una pratica manutenzione. Scatta e salva una foto, per memorizzare le impostazioni definite. App HomeCom Easy: Controlla le funzionalità dei tuoi climatizzatori Visualizza tutti i tuoi apparecchi a colpo d’occhio e regolane le funzioni principali già dalla Home tramite Wi-Fi. Imposta modalità di funzionamento, temperatura e direzione del flusso d'aria, per il massimo comfort in ogni stanza. Rimani sempre informato sullo stato di funzionamento dei tuoi climatizzatori e su eventuali anomalie, grazie a notifiche push. Necessario accessorio opzionale G 10 CL-1 Climate 3000i La soluzione compatta e silenziosa Efficienza e compattezzaClasse di efficienza A++ in raffrescamento e A+ in riscaldamento e estrema compattezza dell'unità interna. Massimo comfortCon la modalità "Seguimi" il climatizzatore regola la temperatura in base a dove ci si trova nella stanza, grazie alsensore di temperatura nel telecomando. Estremamente silenziosoLa modalità "Silent" impostabile facilmente da telecomando garantisce il massimo comfort. Risparmio energeticoIn modalità "Eco" e "Gear", Climate 3000i garantisce consumi ridotti e risparmio energetico. Aria sempre pulitaLe funzioni "I-Clean" dell'unità interna e autopulizia dell'unità esterna mantengono il climatizzatore sempre pulitoe libero da polveri e muffe. Inoltre, i filtri impediscono la diffusione di odori e catturano microbi e altre impuritàpresenti nell'aria.    Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-bosch-climatizzatore-condizionatore-bosch-dual-split-inverter-serie-climate-3000i-99-con-cl5000m-412-e-r-32-wi-fi-optional-90009000

    Bosch Climatizzatore Condizionatore Bosch Dual Split Inverter serie CLIMATE 3000i 9+9 con CL5000M 41/2 E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000

    Descrizione prodotto Codice prodotto: 9+9CLIMATE3000_41 Categoria: Dual split Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice G 10 CL-1 ) Unità Interne 1) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 2x CL3000iU W 26 E Potenza: 9000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 2,80 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 2,93 kW Aria Trattata : 330~520 m3/h Livello Potenza Sonora : 54 dB(A) Livello pressione Sonora : 20~37 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxPxA) : 729x200x292 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,0 Kg   Unità Esterna Modello: Codice catalogo Unità Interna: CL5000M 41/2 E Max unità interne: fino a 2 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,8 SCOP : 4,0 Classe di Efficienza Energetica Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A+ Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento :4,1 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 4,4 kW Assorbimento in Raffreddamento : 1,27 kW  Assorbimento in Riscaldamento: 1,19  kW Livello potenza sonora : 65 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 56 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Dati Installativi: Diametro tubi refrigerante 2xΦ6,35/2xΦ9,52 Lunghezza massima Tubazioni : 40 m Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxPxA) : 805x330x554 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 31,6 Kg   Facili da usare e installare, versatili e raffinati, i climatizzatori Climate di Bosch sapranno “semplicemente” stupirti Semplicemente l’atmosfera giusta Fuori non si respira dal caldo? Oppure il tempo si è improvvisamente rinfrescato? Ti basterà scegliere la funzione giusta dal semplice e intuitivo menù del telecomando per avere la tua oasi di comfort e benessere in casa, con il giusto grado di raffrescamento o riscaldamento.  Respira aria pura I livelli di inquinamento atmosferico salgono? La stagione dei pollini minaccia il tuo benessere? Non in casa tua, grazie ai potenti filtri che migliorano la qualità dell’aria nell’abitazione, catturando microbi e altre impurità. Risparmia energia I climatizzatori della serie Climate di Bosch sono tanto facili da usare quanto convenienti. Funzionano in modo altamente efficiente e utilizzano solo l’energia necessaria per assicurarti il benessere desiderato, senza sprechi, anche grazie alle funzioni "Stand-by" e "Timer".  Rilassati nella massima tranquillità L’elevata silenziosità dei climatizzatori Climate li rende compagni discreti nella tua abitazione. Rilassati e goditi la climatizzazione Bosch! Le nostre due App: da sole eccezionali, in coppia sbalorditive App Climate Select: Trova la configurazione perfetta Punta la fotocamera del tuo device sulla parete dove vorresti installare il tuo climatizzatore e guardalo comparire in realtà aumentata. Visualizza le differenti taglie e scegli la più adatta al tuo ambiente.Trova la posizione migliore per un’ottimale resa estetica e una pratica manutenzione. Scatta e salva una foto, per memorizzare le impostazioni definite. App HomeCom Easy: Controlla le funzionalità dei tuoi climatizzatori Visualizza tutti i tuoi apparecchi a colpo d’occhio e regolane le funzioni principali già dalla Home tramite Wi-Fi. Imposta modalità di funzionamento, temperatura e direzione del flusso d'aria, per il massimo comfort in ogni stanza. Rimani sempre informato sullo stato di funzionamento dei tuoi climatizzatori e su eventuali anomalie, grazie a notifiche push. Necessario accessorio opzionale G 10 CL-1 Climate 3000i La soluzione compatta e silenziosa Efficienza e compattezzaClasse di efficienza A++ in raffrescamento e A+ in riscaldamento e estrema compattezza dell'unità interna. Massimo comfortCon la modalità "Seguimi" il climatizzatore regola la temperatura in base a dove ci si trova nella stanza, grazie alsensore di temperatura nel telecomando. Estremamente silenziosoLa modalità "Silent" impostabile facilmente da telecomando garantisce il massimo comfort. Risparmio energeticoIn modalità "Eco" e "Gear", Climate 3000i garantisce consumi ridotti e risparmio energetico. Aria sempre pulitaLe funzioni "I-Clean" dell'unità interna e autopulizia dell'unità esterna mantengono il climatizzatore sempre pulitoe libero da polveri e muffe. Inoltre, i filtri impediscono la diffusione di odori e catturano microbi e altre impuritàpresenti nell'aria.    Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-bosch-climatizzatore-condizionatore-bosch-dual-split-inverter-serie-climate-3000i-77-con-cl5000m-412-e-r-32-wi-fi-optional-70007000

    Bosch Climatizzatore Condizionatore Bosch Dual Split Inverter serie CLIMATE 3000i 7+7 con CL5000M 41/2 E R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+7000

    Descrizione prodotto Codice prodotto: 7+7CLIMATE3000_41  Categoria: Dual split Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice G 10 CL-1 ) Unità Interne 1) Modello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 2x CL3000iU W 20E Potenza: 7000 btu/h Aria Trattata : 330~520 m3/h Livello Potenza Sonora : 54 dB(A) Livello pressione Sonora : 20~37 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (LxPxA) : 729x200x292 mm Peso : 8,0 Kg   Unità Esterna Modello: Codice catalogo Unità Interna: CL5000M 41/2 E Max unità interne: fino a 2 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,8 SCOP : 4,0 Classe di Efficienza Energetica Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A+ Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento :4,1 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 4,4 kW Assorbimento in Raffreddamento : 1,27 kW  Assorbimento in Riscaldamento: 1,19  kW Livello potenza sonora : 65 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 56 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Dati Installativi: Diametro tubi refrigerante 2xΦ6,35/2xΦ9,52 Lunghezza massima Tubazioni : 40 m Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxPxA) : 805x330x554 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 31,6 Kg   Facili da usare e installare, versatili e raffinati, i climatizzatori Climate di Bosch sapranno “semplicemente” stupirti Semplicemente l’atmosfera giusta Fuori non si respira dal caldo? Oppure il tempo si è improvvisamente rinfrescato? Ti basterà scegliere la funzione giusta dal semplice e intuitivo menù del telecomando per avere la tua oasi di comfort e benessere in casa, con il giusto grado di raffrescamento o riscaldamento.  Respira aria pura I livelli di inquinamento atmosferico salgono? La stagione dei pollini minaccia il tuo benessere? Non in casa tua, grazie ai potenti filtri che migliorano la qualità dell’aria nell’abitazione, catturando microbi e altre impurità. Risparmia energia I climatizzatori della serie Climate di Bosch sono tanto facili da usare quanto convenienti. Funzionano in modo altamente efficiente e utilizzano solo l’energia necessaria per assicurarti il benessere desiderato, senza sprechi, anche grazie alle funzioni "Stand-by" e "Timer".  Rilassati nella massima tranquillità L’elevata silenziosità dei climatizzatori Climate li rende compagni discreti nella tua abitazione. Rilassati e goditi la climatizzazione Bosch! Le nostre due App: da sole eccezionali, in coppia sbalorditive App Climate Select: Trova la configurazione perfetta Punta la fotocamera del tuo device sulla parete dove vorresti installare il tuo climatizzatore e guardalo comparire in realtà aumentata. Visualizza le differenti taglie e scegli la più adatta al tuo ambiente.Trova la posizione migliore per un’ottimale resa estetica e una pratica manutenzione. Scatta e salva una foto, per memorizzare le impostazioni definite. App HomeCom Easy: Controlla le funzionalità dei tuoi climatizzatori Visualizza tutti i tuoi apparecchi a colpo d’occhio e regolane le funzioni principali già dalla Home tramite Wi-Fi. Imposta modalità di funzionamento, temperatura e direzione del flusso d'aria, per il massimo comfort in ogni stanza. Rimani sempre informato sullo stato di funzionamento dei tuoi climatizzatori e su eventuali anomalie, grazie a notifiche push. Necessario accessorio opzionale G 10 CL-1 Climate 3000i La soluzione compatta e silenziosa Efficienza e compattezzaClasse di efficienza A++ in raffrescamento e A+ in riscaldamento e estrema compattezza dell'unità interna. Massimo comfortCon la modalità "Seguimi" il climatizzatore regola la temperatura in base a dove ci si trova nella stanza, grazie alsensore di temperatura nel telecomando. Estremamente silenziosoLa modalità "Silent" impostabile facilmente da telecomando garantisce il massimo comfort. Risparmio energeticoIn modalità "Eco" e "Gear", Climate 3000i garantisce consumi ridotti e risparmio energetico. Aria sempre pulitaLe funzioni "I-Clean" dell'unità interna e autopulizia dell'unità esterna mantengono il climatizzatore sempre pulitoe libero da polveri e muffe. Inoltre, i filtri impediscono la diffusione di odori e catturano microbi e altre impuritàpresenti nell'aria.    Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-bosch-climatizzatore-condizionatore-bosch-dual-split-inverter-serie-climate-3000i-99-con-ms-18-oue-r-32-wi-fi-optional-90009000-ean-8059657007209

    Bosch Climatizzatore Condizionatore Bosch Dual Split Inverter serie CLIMATE 3000i 9+9 con MS 18 OUE R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000

    Caratteristiche TecnicheUnità InterneModello Codice Catalogo Unità Interna : 2x CL3000iU W 26 E Potenza: 9000 btu/h Capacità di Raffreddamento : 2,80 kW Capacità di Riscaldamento : 2,93 kW Aria Trattata : 330~520 m3/h Livello Potenza Sonora : 54 dB(A) Livello pressione Sonora : 20~37 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni Unità Interna (LxPxA) : 729x200x292 mm Peso Unità Interna : 8,0 Kg Wi-Fi Optional ( Codice G 10 CL-1 ) Unità EsternaModello: Codice catalogo Unità Interna: MS 18 OUE Max unità interne: fino a 2 unità interne Efficienza Energetica: SEER : 6,1 SCOP : 4,0 Classe di Efficienza Energetica Raffreddamento : A++ Classe di Efficienza Energetica Riscaldamento : A+ Performance: Capacità Raffreddamento : 5,3 kW Capacità Riscaldamento : 5,6 kW Assorbimento in Raffreddamento : 1,63 kW  Assorbimento in Riscaldamento: 1,50 kW Livello potenza sonora : 65 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 56,5 dB(A) Caratteristiche: Alimentazione (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1      Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito: - Raffreddamento: -15° ~  50° C - Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 24° C Dati Installativi: Diametro tubi Liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x2 Diametro tubi Gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x2 Lunghezza massima Tubazioni : 40 m Dislivello massimo Unità Interna / Unità Esterna : 15 m Dimensioni: Dimensioni Unità Esterna (LxPxA) : 800x333x554 mm Peso Unità Esterna : 35,5 Kg Il massimo comfort in tutti gli spazi interni con una sola unità esterna I climatizzatori multisplit Bosch offrono diverse combinazioni di installazione: con unità interne a parete, cassette e canalizzate. Le diverse funzioni di utilizzo consentono di ottenere la migliore efficienza energetica Massima flessibilità Diverse tipologie di unità interne disponibili (a parete, cassette e canalizzate). Per impianti fino a 4 unità interne, disponibili in varie potenze. Semplici da usare con i comandi intuitivi Per dormire bene In modalita "sleep", la temperatura viene regolata automaticamente per garantire un clima interno piacevole durante la notte Ampio range di temperature di funzionamento Il Climate 5000 MS può climatizzare a temperature esterne da -15 °C a +50 °C, offrendo quindi la soluzione giusta per ogni applicazione Bosch Climate 3000i Aria nuova in casa per una vita sana Facili da usare e installare, versatili e raffinati, i nuovi climatizzatori Climate di Bosch sapranno “semplicemente” stupirti Semplicemente l’atmosfera giusta Fuori non si respira dal caldo? Oppure il tempo si è improvvisamente rinfrescato? Ti basterà scegliere la funzione giusta dal semplice e intuitivo menu del telecomando per avere la tua oasi di comfort e benessere in casa, con il giusto grado di raffrescamento o riscaldamento Risparmia energia, tua e del pianeta I climatizzatori split della serie Climate di Bosch sono tanto facili da usare quanto convenienti. Funzionano in modo altamente efficiente e utilizzano solo l’energia necessaria per assicurarti il benessere desiderato, senza sprechi, anche grazie alle funzioni stand-by e timer. E anche l’ambiente ringrazia! Respira aria pura I livelli di inquinamento atmosferico salgono? La stagione dei pollini minaccia il tuo benessere? Non in casa tua, grazie ai potenti filtri che migliorano la qualità dell’aria nell’abitazione, catturando microbi e altre dannose impurità Rilassati nella massima tranquillità L’elevata silenziosità dei climatizzatori split Climate li rende compagni discreti nella tua abitazione e neanche i tuoi vicini ne saranno disturbati. Rilassati, e goditi la climatizzazione garantita da Bosch! Le nostre due App: individualmente eccezionali, in coppia sbalorditive Scegli la corretta configurazione dei tuoi climatizzatori e impostane le funzioni ideali, in pochi tap App Climate Select Trova la configurazione perfetta Punta la fotocamera del tuo device sulla parete dove vorresti installare il tuo climatizzatore e guardalo comparire in realtà aumentata. Visualizza le differenti taglie e scegli la più adatta al tuo ambiente. Trova la posizione migliore per un’ottimale resa estetica e una pratica manutenzione. Scatta e salva una foto, per memorizzare le impostazioni definite App HomeCom Easy Controlla le funzionalità dei tuoi climatizzatori Visualizza tutti i tuoi apparecchi a colpo d’occhio e regolane le funzioni principali, già dalla home tramite il Wi-Fi. Imposta modalità di funzionamento, temperatura e direzione del flusso d'aria, per il massimo del comfort in ogni stanza. Rimani sempre informato sullo stato di funzionamento dei tuoi climatizzatori e su eventuali anomalie, grazie a notifiche push. Necessario accessorio opzionale G 10 CL-1 Tante funzioni per ottimizzare il clima di casa Il climatizzatore monospilt Climate 3000i è dotato di un eccezionale design esclusivo Bosch per differenziare e rendere unica la tua casa Tecnologia all'avanguardia per un clima su misura Ottimo prodotto per il raffrescamento ed il riscaldamento in grado di soddisfare ogni esigenza grazie alle molteplici funzioni di serie. Una migliore qualità dell’aria è garantita dalla funzione “I-clean” che elimina fino al 99% dei batteri. Inoltre i filtri impediscono la diffusione di odori e catturano microbi e altre impurità presenti nell'aria. La protezione anticorrosione assicura una lunga durata di vita del prodotto Massimo comfort Con la modalità "seguimi" il climatizzatore regola la temperatura in base a dove ci si trova nella stanza, grazie al sensore di temperatura nel telecomando HomeCom Easy è la app sviluppata da Bosch che ti consente di controllare il tuo impianto di condizionamento da remoto, comodamente dal tuo smarthphone, ovunque ti trovi Caratteristiche e funzioni • Impostazione della temperatura ambiente • Modalità AUTO, RISCALDAMENTO, RAFFREDDAMENTO, VENTILAZIONE, ECO. • Direzione del flusso d'aria • Necessario accessorio opzionale G 10 CL-1 • Disponibile per smart device iOS e Android Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-daikin-climatizzatore-condizionatore-daikin-bluevolution-dual-split-inverter-serie-emura-black-iii-915-con-2mxm68n-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-900015000-colore-nero-garanzia-italiana

    Daikin Air Conditioner Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter EMURA BLACK III 9+15 series with 2MXM68N R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+15000 Black Color - Italian Warranty

    Technical Features 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ25AB Series : Emura Black III Color : Black Power: 9000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 11.4 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~40 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ42AB Series : Emura Black III Color : Black Power: 15000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 14.4 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling: 60 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 21~45 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi External unit Model: Catalog code : 2MXM68N(9) Maximum number of indoor units that can be combined: 2 Energy Efficiency: Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling: A+++ Energy Efficiency Class in Heating: A++ Performance: Cooling capacity: 6.5 kW Heating capacity: 8.2 kW Sound power level Cooling : 61 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 61 dB(A) Sound pressure level Cooling : 48 dB(A) Sound pressure level Heating: 48 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Installation Data: Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 2x Maximum pipe length: 50 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and Weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 734x958x384 mm External Unit Weight: 60.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 Guarantee The Daikin Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit Systems Superior efficiency The new Multisplit range includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, combinable with Daikin indoor units. Designed with high energy efficiency refrigerants and compressors that guarantee optimal performance, all multisplit units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All this in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to a single multi outdoor unit . The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool multiple rooms. " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future When you choose Daikin for your home, you simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can enjoy maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. High seasonal efficiency levels ensure the best atmosphere in both summer and winter, while minimising consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and wide range of products mean reliable, long-lasting systems that are perfect for your home. And even when you're not at home, you can control and adjust the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Halve your consumption and save on energy costs. This way you are doing good for the environment and your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4 years warranty 2 years free warranty extension Daikin Kizuna will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad odors, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed to make the air conditioner a piece of furniture. Why choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just about comfort. Daikin systems are also respectful of the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy-saving technologies ensure high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a product in class A+++ is up to 40% more efficient than a product in class A++ . Seasonal efficiency is a new way of classifying heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency throughout the year. R-32 More Efficient and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant that emits less CO 2 . This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. Good for the environment! Extremely quiet Noisy units are a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that you won't even notice them. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. Control via app Not at home? Thanks to the Onecta App by Daikin, the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, whenever and wherever you want. In addition, you can keep an eye on energy consumption, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin once again sets the standard for residential air conditioning. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to improve the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control. A 3-component system, a unique design Your heat pump air-to-air Daikin Emura offers cooling and heating and consists of a wall mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Every component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. The Daikin Emura design is attractive, yet subtle. The curved lines of the wall mounted unit and remote control mimic the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a signature. Pure elegance that blends harmoniously into your interior. Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design that matches your interior Smart Control Climate control from anywhere, anytime Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on your bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With over a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with soft lines and shadows, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user demands throughout Europe. Made to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Designed and engineered entirely by Daikin. Attractive and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional appearance. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment. Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view. The emotion of action The movement of the panel is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is special about the movement of the panel of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow plays depending on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin air conditioner Emura not only boasts an attractive appearance and flowing lines, but thanks to the movement of the panel it also improves the distribution of air in the room. The well-known design aphorism "form follows function" truly applies to Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the design is well thought out. Slim design Want to make the most of your home space but don't want your air conditioning to take up all the attention? Daikin Emura is just 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even thinner than it actually is. The sophisticated design continues in the remote control, perfectly ergonomic. Solid colors The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three solid colors : silver, matt white And matt black . The remote control front cover matches the colours of the indoor unit while the body is anthracite grey to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura enhances comfort in your home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying the indoor air. It is clear that a room should not be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Intelligent technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the air flow to obtain a better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent thermal sensor to detect the actual temperature of a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs hot or cold air to the areas that need it most. 3D airflow To ensure a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, distributing the air uniformly throughout all rooms, even large ones. Using the Coanda Effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimise the air flow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the fins direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards. Heat Boost Function Daikin Emura heats the room quickly after starting and reaches the set temperature faster. Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation Do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility at home? Daikin Emura is so quiet you’ll almost forget it’s there. A special fan optimizes airflow for high performance while keeping noise levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible when in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM Technology Using chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology breaks down allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner, better quality air Titanium deodorizing filter Breaks down unpleasant odors (e.g. tobacco and pet odors) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Eliminates airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. Thanks to the integrated purifying filters and technology Flash Streamer TM , Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better and cleaner indoor air. This is how the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy Control is in your hands Daikin Emura is designed to provide you with optimal comfort when you are there. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the convenient remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and whenever you want. Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has clean, sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also store it on a wall thanks to the magnetic support. Available in silver , matt white And matte black to match the colours of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control your indoor climate with the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Not at home? With the Onecta app, this is not a problem. The app gives you instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust the settings of your Daikin Emura via your smartphone, anywhere and anytime. Check all the features of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different programs and operating modes Monitor energy consumption on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home. The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to your Wi-Fi network and control your air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you are not at home, you can turn on, off, set the cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner . It's very simple Voice Control To further increase comfort and convenience, the app Daikin Onecta - Residential Controller now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free eliminates the need for clicking and allows for faster unit management than ever before. Cross-platform and multilingual, the voice control It can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant And Amazon Alexa Always Connected Unit The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated into the unit Programming Set a schedule to define when the system will run, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize your system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the room temperature Activate Powerful mode to enhance operation Availability of features depends on the system type, configuration and operation mode. App features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection. Whether it's very cold or very hot outside, you expect your air conditioner to operate steadily all year round. Daikin Emura is designed to perform exceptionally in every season and provide year-round comfort in the most energy-efficient way. Bluevolution technology ensures best-in-class performance with a low environmental impact and low energy bills Air conditioning solutions sustainable The evolution of comfort Daikin Emura combines the best performance with maximum efficiency to ensure a comfortable indoor environment all year round. The heat pump with Bluevolution technology has a highly efficient compressor with R-32 - the refrigerant of the future - which allows you to save a significant amount of energy Seasonal efficiency up to energy class A +++ Top-level performance with seasonal efficiency values ​​up to Energy class A +++ in heating and cooling and reduced operating costs. Energy savings guaranteed! Reduced environmental impact Thanks to the new generation refrigerant R-32 , Daikin Emura is also able to reduce its impact on the planet. At the same potential as standard refrigerants, R-32 offers a low GWP (global warming potential) and ensures greater energy efficiency and lower CO 2 emissions. . External unit The newly designed Daikin Emura outdoor unit uses cutting-edge technology to minimize environmental impact and energy bills. Most of the energy used comes from the outside air, a free and infinitely renewable resource. Elegant design The Daikin Emura heat pump's front grille extends horizontally, hiding the fan inside. And the color choice? The off-white paneling reflects sunlight and keeps the unit cool in the warmer months. How does it work? The air-to-air heat pump takes heat from the outside air (even at low temperatures) and releases it as warm air inside the home. In summer, the process is reversed: the internal heat is transported outside. It is an efficient solution for maintaining a constant internal temperature all year round. Eliminate energy waste Air conditioners and heat pumps maintain the set temperature by cooling when the room temperature exceeds the set temperature and heating when the room temperature falls below the set temperature. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter adjusts the motor speed to be higher or lower, so that it runs continuously and more efficiently in the long run. By maintaining a constant pace, our inverter technology reduces consumption by 30% compared to traditional on/off systems. Our inverter technology is similar in operation. It takes more energy to sprint and stop than to run at a continuous pace. Non-inverter type air conditioner When a unit operates on a pattern of starting and stopping, sleeping, and then starting and stopping again, it uses more energy. Inverter type air conditioner When an appropriate pace is maintained, the unit continues to operate without wasting energy. Continuous Comfort with a Stable Climate The inverter continuously adjusts its cooling and heating power based on the room temperature. Combined with short start-up times, it constantly maintains the ideal temperature. Reduce energy consumption by up to 30% The inverter monitors and adjusts the ambient temperature whenever necessary. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter regulates the speed of the motor so that it runs more efficiently in the long run. Monosplit or Multisplit system? Daikin Emura is available in monosplit or multisplit versions. Which is the right solution for you? An authorised Daikin installer will help you choose the outdoor unit that best suits your needs Monosplit Combination A system designed for a single space, in which a single internal unit is connected to a single external unit Multisplit Combination Connect one outdoor Multi unit with up to five indoor units. This is a smart solution to reduce environmental impact and save space in your garden or terrace. Less bulk, less visibility, less noise Ease of installation (wiring, piping) and maintenance Lower power consumption, higher energy efficiency Flexibility: Each unit can be controlled separately New Multi+ Connect additionally a domestic hot water tank directly to the multi outdoor unit The best of Stylish, the best of Design Pure and super-compact design to personalize any environment The best of Technology, the best of Comfort • Coanda effect: better distribution of air flow • Humidity sensor: the right balance between temperature and humidity • Flash Streamer Technology + Titanium Apatite Filter + Silver Filter: constantly pure and regenerated air • Intelligent Thermal Sensor: constant temperature in every corner of the room • Energy class A+++ in cooling and heating up to size 35: significant energy savings • Improved fan: virtually inaudible unit (up to 19 dBA) • Smart Wi-Fi: remote control, anytime, anywhere, via smartphone with the “Daikin Residential Controller” app • R32 refrigerant: high energy efficiency and low environmental impact Try Daikin 3D! With a new look, Daikin 3D is the app that lets you see your new air conditioner or boiler in your home even before purchasing it. Choosing the right model has never been so easy and fun! How does it work? After opening the app, just point the camera of your smartphone or tablet at the wall where you would like to install your product. Choose the air conditioner you prefer and watch it appear in 3D in its real size, thanks to augmented reality! With Daikin 3D , you can also: Customize the size of your air conditioner or heater. Rotate and move the unit as you like. Find the best position for proper operation and maintenance. Take a photo to always have a reference with you. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-daikin-climatizzatore-condizionatore-daikin-bluevolution-dual-split-inverter-serie-emura-white-iii-715-con-2mxm50a-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-700015000-colore-bianco-opaco-garanzia-italiana

    DAIKIN Air Conditioner Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter EMURA WHITE III series 7+15 with 2MXM50A R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+15000 Matt White Color Italian Warranty

    Technical Features 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ20AW Series : Emura White III Color : Matt White Power: 7000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 11.1 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~39 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ42AW Series : Emura White III Color : Matt White Power: 15000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 14.4 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling: 60 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 21~45 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi External unit Outdoor unit catalog code: 2MXM50A Maximum number of indoor units that can be combined: 2 Energy efficiency SEER : 8.57 SCOP : 4.66 Energy efficiency class in cooling: A+++ Energy efficiency class in heating: A++ Performance Cooling capacity: 5.0 kW Heating capacity: 5.6 kW Cooling power consumption: 1.22 kW Heating power consumption: 1.40 kW Sound power level cooling : 60 dB(A) Sound power level heating: 62 dB(A) Sound pressure level cooling : 46 dB(A) Heating sound pressure level: 48 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Installation data Liquid tube diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 2x Maximum pipe length: 30 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight External unit dimensions (HxWxD): 552x852x350 mm Outdoor unit weight: 41.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 Guarantee The Daikin Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit Systems Superior efficiency The new Multisplit range includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, combinable with Daikin indoor units. Designed with high energy efficiency refrigerants and compressors that guarantee optimal performance, all multisplit units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All this in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to a single multi outdoor unit . The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool multiple rooms. " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future When you choose Daikin for your home, you simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can enjoy maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. High seasonal efficiency levels ensure the best atmosphere in both summer and winter, while minimising consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and wide range of products mean reliable, long-lasting systems that are perfect for your home. And even when you're not at home, you can control and adjust the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Halve your consumption and save on energy costs. This way you are doing good for the environment and your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4 years warranty 2 years free warranty extension Daikin Kizuna will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad odors, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed to make the air conditioner a piece of furniture. Why choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just about comfort. Daikin systems are also respectful of the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy-saving technologies ensure high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a product in class A+++ is up to 40% more efficient than a product in class A++ . Seasonal efficiency is a new way of classifying heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency throughout the year. R-32 More Efficient and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant that emits less CO 2 . This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. Good for the environment! Extremely quiet Noisy units are a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that you won't even notice them. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. Control via app Not at home? Thanks to the Onecta App by Daikin, the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, whenever and wherever you want. In addition, you can keep an eye on energy consumption, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin once again sets the standard for residential air conditioning. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to improve the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control. A 3-component system, a unique design Your Daikin Emura air-to-air heat pump offers cooling and heating and consists of a wall-mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Every component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. The Daikin Emura design is attractive, yet subtle. The curved lines of the wall mounted unit and remote control mimic the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a signature feature. Pure elegance that blends harmoniously into your interior. Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design that matches your interior Smart Control Climate control from anywhere, anytime Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on your bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With over a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with soft lines and shadows, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user demands throughout Europe. Made to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Designed and engineered entirely by Daikin. Attractive and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional appearance. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment. Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view. The emotion of action The movement of the panel is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is special about the movement of the panel of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow plays depending on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin Emura air conditioner not only boasts an attractive appearance and flowing lines, but also improves the distribution of air in the room thanks to the movement of the panel. The well-known design aphorism "form follows function" truly applies to the Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the design is well thought out. Slim design Want to make the most of your home space but don't want your air conditioning to take up all the attention? Daikin Emura is just 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even thinner than it actually is. The sophisticated design continues in the remote control, perfectly ergonomic. Solid colors The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three solid colours : silver, matt white and matt black . The front cover of the remote control matches the colours of the indoor unit while the body is anthracite grey to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white . Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura enhances comfort in your home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying the indoor air. It is clear that a room should not be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Intelligent technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the air flow to obtain a better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent thermal sensor to detect the actual temperature of a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs hot or cold air to the areas that need it most. 3D airflow To ensure a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, distributing the air uniformly throughout all rooms, even large ones. Using the Coanda Effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimise the air flow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the fins direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards. Heat Boost Function Daikin Emura heats the room quickly after starting and reaches the set temperature faster. Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation Do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility at home? Daikin Emura is so quiet you’ll almost forget it’s there. A special fan optimizes airflow for high performance while keeping noise levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible when in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM Technology Using chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology breaks down allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner, better-quality air. Titanium deodorizing filter Breaks down unpleasant odors (e.g. tobacco and pet odors) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Removes airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air Purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. With built-in purifying filters and Flash Streamer TM technology, Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better, cleaner indoor air. This is how the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy Control is in your hands Daikin Emura is designed to provide you with optimal comfort when you are there. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the convenient remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and whenever you want. Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has clean, sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also store it on a wall thanks to the magnetic support. Available in silver , matt white and matt black to match the colours of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control your indoor climate with the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Not at home? With the Onecta app, this is not a problem. The app gives you instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust the settings of your Daikin Emura via your smartphone, anywhere and anytime. Check all the features of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different programs and operating modes Monitor energy consumption on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home. The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to your Wi-Fi network and control your air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you are not at home, you can turn on, off, set the cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner . It's very simple Voice Control To further enhance your comfort and convenience, the Daikin Onecta - Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free eliminates the need for clicking and allows for faster unit management than ever before. Cross-platform and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Always Connected Unit The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated into the unit Programming Set a schedule to define when the system will run, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize your system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the room temperature Activate Powerful mode to enhance operation Availability of features depends on the system type, configuration and operation mode. App features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection. Whether it's very cold or very hot outside, you expect your air conditioner to operate steadily all year round. Daikin Emura is designed to perform exceptionally in every season and provide year-round comfort in the most energy-efficient way. Bluevolution technology ensures best-in-class performance with a low environmental impact and low energy bills Sustainable air conditioning solutions The evolution of comfort Daikin Emura combines the best performance with maximum efficiency to ensure a comfortable indoor environment all year round. The heat pump with Bluevolution technology has a highly efficient compressor with R-32 - the refrigerant of the future - which allows you to save a significant amount of energy Seasonal efficiency up to energy class A +++ Top-level performance with seasonal efficiency values ​​up to energy class A +++ in heating and cooling and low operating costs. Energy savings guaranteed! Reduced environmental impact Thanks to the new generation R-32 refrigerant, Daikin Emura is also able to reduce its impact on the planet. At the same potential as standard refrigerants, R-32 offers a low GWP (global warming potential) and ensures greater energy efficiency and lower CO 2 emissions. External unit The newly designed Daikin Emura outdoor unit uses cutting-edge technology to minimize environmental impact and energy bills. Most of the energy used comes from the outside air, a free and infinitely renewable resource. Elegant design The Daikin Emura heat pump's front grille extends horizontally, hiding the fan inside. And the color choice? The off-white paneling reflects sunlight and keeps the unit cool in the warmer months. How does it work? The air-to-air heat pump takes heat from the outside air (even at low temperatures) and releases it as warm air inside the home. In summer, the process is reversed: the internal heat is transported outside. It is an efficient solution for maintaining a constant internal temperature all year round. Eliminate energy waste Air conditioners and heat pumps maintain the set temperature by cooling when the room temperature exceeds the set temperature and heating when the room temperature falls below the set temperature. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter adjusts the motor speed to be higher or lower, so that it runs continuously and more efficiently in the long run. By maintaining a constant pace, our inverter technology reduces consumption by 30% compared to traditional on/off systems. Our inverter technology is similar in operation. It takes more energy to sprint and stop than to run at a continuous pace. Non-inverter type air conditioner When a unit operates on a pattern of starting and stopping, sleeping, and then starting and stopping again, it uses more energy. Inverter type air conditioner When an appropriate pace is maintained, the unit continues to operate without wasting energy. Continuous Comfort with a Stable Climate The inverter continuously adjusts its cooling and heating power based on the room temperature. Combined with short start-up times, it constantly maintains the ideal temperature. Reduce energy consumption by up to 30% The inverter monitors and adjusts the ambient temperature whenever necessary. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter regulates the speed of the motor so that it runs more efficiently in the long run. Monosplit or Multisplit system? Daikin Emura is available in monosplit or multisplit versions. Which is the right solution for you? An authorised Daikin installer will help you choose the outdoor unit that best suits your needs Monosplit Combination A system designed for a single space, in which a single internal unit is connected to a single external unit Multisplit Combination Connect one outdoor Multi unit with up to five indoor units. This is a smart solution to reduce environmental impact and save space in your garden or terrace. Less bulk, less visibility, less noise Ease of installation (wiring, piping) and maintenance Lower power consumption, higher energy efficiency Flexibility: Each unit can be controlled separately New Multi+ Connect additionally a domestic hot water tank directly to the multi outdoor unit The best of


  • immagine-1-daikin-climatizzatore-condizionatore-daikin-bluevolution-dual-split-inverter-serie-emura-white-iii-712-con-2mxm40a-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-700012000-colore-bianco-opaco-garanzia-italiana

    Daikin Air Conditioner Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter EMURA WHITE III series 7+12 with 2MXM40A R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+12000 Matt White Color Italian Warranty

    Technical Features 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ20AW Series : Emura White III Color : Matt White Power: 7000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 11.1 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~39 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ35AW Series : Emura White III Color : Matt White Power: 12000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 11.8 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling: 60 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~41 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi External unit Outdoor unit catalog code: 2MXM40A Maximum number of indoor units that can be combined: 2 Energy efficiency SEER : 8.19 SCOP : 4.60 Energy efficiency class in cooling: A+++ Energy efficiency class in heating: A++ Performance Cooling capacity: 4.0 kW Heating capacity: 4.2 kW Cooling power consumption: 0.95 kW Heating power consumption: 0.95 kW Sound power level cooling : 60 dB(A) Sound power level heating: 62 dB(A) Sound pressure level cooling : 48 dB(A) Heating sound pressure level: 50 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Installation data Liquid tube diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 2x Maximum pipe length: 30 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight External unit dimensions (HxWxD): 552x852x350 mm Outdoor unit weight: 36.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 Guarantee The Daikin Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit Systems Superior efficiency The new Multisplit range includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, combinable with Daikin indoor units. Designed with high energy efficiency refrigerants and compressors that guarantee optimal performance, all multisplit units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All this in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to a single multi outdoor unit . The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool multiple rooms. " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future When you choose Daikin for your home, you simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can enjoy maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. High seasonal efficiency levels ensure the best atmosphere in both summer and winter, while minimising consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and wide range of products mean reliable, long-lasting systems that are perfect for your home. And even when you're not at home, you can control and adjust the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Halve your consumption and save on energy costs. This way you are doing good for the environment and your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4 years warranty 2 years free warranty extension Daikin Kizuna will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad odors, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed to make the air conditioner a piece of furniture. Why choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just about comfort. Daikin systems are also respectful of the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy-saving technologies ensure high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a product in class A+++ is up to 40% more efficient than a product in class A++ . Seasonal efficiency is a new way of classifying heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency throughout the year. R-32 More Efficient and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant that emits less CO 2 . This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. Good for the environment! Extremely quiet Noisy units are a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that you won't even notice them. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. Control via app Not at home? Thanks to the Onecta App by Daikin, the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, whenever and wherever you want. In addition, you can keep an eye on energy consumption, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin once again sets the standard for residential air conditioning. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to improve the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control. A 3-component system, a unique design Your Daikin Emura air-to-air heat pump offers cooling and heating and consists of a wall-mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Every component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. The Daikin Emura design is attractive, yet subtle. The curved lines of the wall mounted unit and remote control mimic the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a signature feature. Pure elegance that blends harmoniously into your interior. Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design that matches your interior Smart Control Climate control from anywhere, anytime Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on your bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With over a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with soft lines and shadows, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user demands throughout Europe. Made to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Designed and engineered entirely by Daikin. Attractive and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional appearance. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment. Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view. The emotion of action The movement of the panel is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is special about the movement of the panel of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow plays depending on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin Emura air conditioner not only boasts an attractive appearance and flowing lines, but also improves the distribution of air in the room thanks to the movement of the panel. The well-known design aphorism "form follows function" truly applies to the Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the design is well thought out. Slim design Want to make the most of your home space but don't want your air conditioning to take up all the attention? Daikin Emura is just 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even thinner than it actually is. The sophisticated design continues in the remote control, perfectly ergonomic. Solid colors The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three solid colours : silver, matt white and matt black . The front cover of the remote control matches the colours of the indoor unit while the body is anthracite grey to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white . Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura enhances comfort in your home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying the indoor air. It is clear that a room should not be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Intelligent technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the air flow to obtain a better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent thermal sensor to detect the actual temperature of a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs hot or cold air to the areas that need it most. 3D airflow To ensure a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, distributing the air uniformly throughout all rooms, even large ones. Using the Coanda Effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimise the air flow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the fins direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards. Heat Boost Function Daikin Emura heats the room quickly after starting and reaches the set temperature faster. Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation Do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility at home? Daikin Emura is so quiet you’ll almost forget it’s there. A special fan optimizes airflow for high performance while keeping noise levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible when in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM Technology Using chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology breaks down allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner, better-quality air. Titanium deodorizing filter Breaks down unpleasant odors (e.g. tobacco and pet odors) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Removes airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air Purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. With built-in purifying filters and Flash Streamer TM technology, Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better, cleaner indoor air. This is how the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy. Control is in your hands Daikin Emura is designed to provide you with optimal comfort when you are there. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the convenient remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and whenever you want. Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has clean, sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also store it on a wall thanks to the magnetic support. Available in silver , matt white and matt black to match the colours of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control your indoor climate with the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Not at home? With the Onecta app, this is not a problem. The app gives you instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust the settings of your Daikin Emura via your smartphone, anywhere and anytime. Check all the features of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different programs and operating modes Monitor energy consumption on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home. The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to your Wi-Fi network and control your air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you are not at home, you can turn on, off, set the cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner . It's very simple Voice Control To further enhance your comfort and convenience, the Daikin Onecta - Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free eliminates the need for clicking and allows for faster unit management than ever before. Cross-platform and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Always Connected Unit The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated into the unit Programming Set a schedule to define when the system will run, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize your system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the room temperature Activate Powerful mode to enhance operation Availability of features depends on the system type, configuration and operation mode. App features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection. Whether it's very cold or very hot outside, you expect your air conditioner to operate steadily all year round. Daikin Emura is designed to perform exceptionally in every season and provide year-round comfort in the most energy-efficient way. Bluevolution technology ensures best-in-class performance with a low environmental impact and low energy bills Sustainable air conditioning solutions The evolution of comfort Daikin Emura combines the best performance with maximum efficiency to ensure a comfortable indoor environment all year round. The heat pump with Bluevolution technology has a highly efficient compressor with R-32 - the refrigerant of the future - which allows you to save a significant amount of energy Seasonal efficiency up to energy class A +++ Top-level performance with seasonal efficiency values ​​up to energy class A +++ in heating and cooling and low operating costs. Energy savings guaranteed! Reduced environmental impact Thanks to the new generation R-32 refrigerant, Daikin Emura is also able to reduce its impact on the planet. At the same potential as standard refrigerants, R-32 offers a low GWP (global warming potential) and ensures greater energy efficiency and lower CO 2 emissions. External unit The newly designed Daikin Emura outdoor unit uses cutting-edge technology to minimize environmental impact and energy bills. Most of the energy used comes from the outside air, a free and infinitely renewable resource. Elegant design The Daikin Emura heat pump's front grille extends horizontally, hiding the fan inside. And the color choice? The off-white paneling reflects sunlight and keeps the unit cool in the warmer months. How does it work? The air-to-air heat pump takes heat from the outside air (even at low temperatures) and releases it as warm air inside the home. In summer, the process is reversed: the internal heat is transported outside. It is an efficient solution for maintaining a constant internal temperature all year round. Eliminate energy waste Air conditioners and heat pumps maintain the set temperature by cooling when the room temperature exceeds the set temperature and heating when the room temperature falls below the set temperature. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter adjusts the motor speed to be higher or lower, so that it runs continuously and more efficiently in the long run. By maintaining a constant pace, our inverter technology reduces consumption by 30% compared to traditional on/off systems. Our inverter technology is similar in operation. It takes more energy to sprint and stop than to run at a continuous pace. Non-inverter type air conditioner When a unit operates on a pattern of starting and stopping, sleeping, and then starting and stopping again, it uses more energy. Inverter type air conditioner When an appropriate pace is maintained, the unit continues to operate without wasting energy. Continuous Comfort with a Stable Climate The inverter continuously adjusts its cooling and heating power based on the room temperature. Combined with short start-up times, it constantly maintains the ideal temperature. Reduce energy consumption by up to 30% The inverter monitors and adjusts the ambient temperature whenever necessary. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter regulates the speed of the motor so that it runs more efficiently in the long run. Monosplit or Multisplit system? Daikin Emura is available in monosplit or multisplit versions. Which is the right solution for you? An authorised Daikin installer will help you choose the outdoor unit that best suits your needs Monosplit Combination A system designed for a single space, in which a single internal unit is connected to a single external unit Multisplit Combination Connect one outdoor Multi unit with up to five indoor units. This is a smart solution to reduce environmental impact and save space in your garden or terrace. Less bulk, less visibility, less noise Ease of installation (wiring, piping) and maintenance Lower power consumption, higher energy efficiency Flexibility: Each unit can be controlled separately New Multi+ Connect additionally a domestic hot water tank directly to the multi outdoor unit The best of Stylish, the best of Design Pure and super-compact design to personalize any environment The best of Technology, the best of Comfort • Coanda effect: better distribution of air flow • Humidity sensor: the right balance between temperature and humidity • Flash Streamer Technology + Titanium Apatite Filter + Silver Filter: constantly pure and regenerated air • Intelligent Thermal Sensor: constant temperature in every corner of the room • Energy class A+++ in cooling and heating up to size 35: significant energy savings • Improved fan: virtually inaudible unit (up to 19 dBA) • Smart Wi-Fi: remote control, anytime, anywhere, via smartphone with the “Daikin Residential Controller” app • R32 refrigerant: high energy efficiency and low environmental impact Try Daikin 3D! With a new look, Daikin 3D is the app that lets you see your new air conditioner or boiler in your home before you buy it. Choosing the right model has never been so easy and fun! How does it work? After opening the app, just point the camera of your smartphone or tablet at the wall where you would like to install your product. Choose the air conditioner you prefer and watch it appear in 3D in its real size, thanks to augmented reality! With Daikin 3D , you can also: Customize the size of your air conditioner or heater. Rotate and move the unit as you like. Find the best position for proper operation and maintenance. Take a photo to always have a reference with you. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-daikin-climatizzatore-condizionatore-daikin-bluevolution-dual-split-inverter-serie-emura-black-iii-918-con-2mxm68n-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-900018000-colore-nero-garanzia-italiana

    Daikin Air Conditioner Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter EMURA BLACK III 9+18 series with 2MXM68N R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+18000 Black Color - Italian Warranty

    Technical Features 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ25AB Series : Emura Black III Color : Black Power: 9000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 11.4 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~40 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ50AB Series : Emura Black III Color : Black Power: 18000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 5.2 ~ 15.0 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling: 60 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 24~46 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi External unit Model: Catalog code : 2MXM68N(9) Maximum number of indoor units that can be combined: 2 Energy Efficiency: Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling: A+++ Energy Efficiency Class in Heating: A++ Performance: Cooling capacity: 6.5 kW Heating capacity: 8.2 kW Sound power level Cooling : 61 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 61 dB(A) Sound pressure level Cooling : 48 dB(A) Sound pressure level Heating: 48 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Installation Data: Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 2x Maximum pipe length: 50 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and Weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 734x958x384 mm External Unit Weight: 60.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 Guarantee The Daikin Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit Systems Superior efficiency The new Multisplit range includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, combinable with Daikin indoor units. Designed with high energy efficiency refrigerants and compressors that guarantee optimal performance, all multisplit units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All this in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to a single multi outdoor unit . The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool multiple rooms. " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future When you choose Daikin for your home, you simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can enjoy maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. High seasonal efficiency levels ensure the best atmosphere in both summer and winter, while minimising consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and wide range of products mean reliable, long-lasting systems that are perfect for your home. And even when you're not at home, you can control and adjust the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Halve your consumption and save on energy costs. This way you are doing good for the environment and your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4 years warranty 2 years free warranty extension Daikin Kizuna will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad odors, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed to make the air conditioner a piece of furniture. Why choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just about comfort. Daikin systems are also respectful of the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy-saving technologies ensure high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a product in class A+++ is up to 40% more efficient than a product in class A++ . Seasonal efficiency is a new way of classifying heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency throughout the year. R-32 More Efficient and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant that emits less CO 2 . This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. Good for the environment! Extremely quiet Noisy units are a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that you won't even notice them. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. Control via app Not at home? Thanks to the Onecta App by Daikin, the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, whenever and wherever you want. In addition, you can keep an eye on energy consumption, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin once again sets the standard for residential air conditioning. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to improve the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control. A 3-component system, a unique design Your heat pump air-to-air Daikin Emura offers cooling and heating and consists of a wall mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Every component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. The Daikin Emura design is attractive, yet subtle. The curved lines of the wall mounted unit and remote control mimic the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a signature feature. Pure elegance that blends harmoniously into your interior. Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design that matches your interior Smart Control Climate control from anywhere, anytime Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on your bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With over a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with soft lines and shadows, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user demands throughout Europe. Made to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Designed and engineered entirely by Daikin. Attractive and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional appearance. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment. Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view. The emotion of action The movement of the panel is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is special about the movement of the panel of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow plays depending on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin air conditioner Emura not only boasts an attractive appearance and flowing lines, but thanks to the movement of the panel it also improves the distribution of air in the room. The well-known design aphorism "form follows function" truly applies to Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the design is well thought out. Slim design Want to make the most of your home space but don't want your air conditioning to take up all the attention? Daikin Emura is just 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even thinner than it actually is. The sophisticated design continues in the remote control, perfectly ergonomic. Solid colors The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three solid colors : silver, matt white And matt black . The remote control front cover matches the colours of the indoor unit while the body is anthracite grey to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura enhances comfort in your home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying the indoor air. It is clear that a room should not be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Intelligent technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the air flow to obtain a better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent thermal sensor to detect the actual temperature of a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs hot or cold air to the areas that need it most. 3D airflow To ensure a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, distributing the air uniformly throughout all rooms, even large ones. Using the Coanda Effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimise the air flow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the fins direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards. Heat Boost Function Daikin Emura heats the room quickly after starting and reaches the set temperature faster. Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation Do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility at home? Daikin Emura is so quiet you’ll almost forget it’s there. A special fan optimizes airflow for high performance while keeping noise levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible when in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM Technology Using chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology breaks down allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner, better quality air Titanium deodorizing filter Breaks down unpleasant odors (e.g. tobacco and pet odors) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Eliminates airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. Thanks to the integrated purifying filters and technology Flash Streamer TM , Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better and cleaner indoor air. This is how the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy Control is in your hands Daikin Emura is designed to provide you with optimal comfort when you are there. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the convenient remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and whenever you want. Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has clean, sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also store it on a wall thanks to the magnetic support. Available in silver , matt white And matte black to match the colours of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control your indoor climate with the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Not at home? With the Onecta app, this is not a problem. The app gives you instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust the settings of your Daikin Emura via your smartphone, anywhere and anytime. Check all the features of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different programs and operating modes Monitor energy consumption on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home. The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to your Wi-Fi network and control your air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you are not at home, you can turn on, off, set the cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner . It's very simple Voice Control To further increase comfort and convenience, the app Daikin Onecta - Residential Controller now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free eliminates the need for clicking and allows for faster unit management than ever before. Cross-platform and multilingual, the voice control It can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant And Amazon Alexa Always Connected Unit The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated into the unit Programming Set a schedule to define when the system will run, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize your system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the room temperature Activate Powerful mode to enhance operation Availability of features depends on the system type, configuration and operation mode. App features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection. Whether it's very cold or very hot outside, you expect your air conditioner to operate steadily all year round. Daikin Emura is designed to perform exceptionally in every season and provide year-round comfort in the most energy-efficient way. Bluevolution technology ensures best-in-class performance with a low environmental impact and low energy bills Air conditioning solutions sustainable The evolution of comfort Daikin Emura combines the best performance with maximum efficiency to ensure a comfortable indoor environment all year round. The heat pump with Bluevolution technology has a highly efficient compressor with R-32 - the refrigerant of the future - which allows you to save a significant amount of energy Seasonal efficiency up to energy class A +++ Top-level performance with seasonal efficiency values ​​up to Energy class A +++ in heating and cooling and reduced operating costs. Energy savings guaranteed! Reduced environmental impact Thanks to the new generation refrigerant R-32 , Daikin Emura is also able to reduce its impact on the planet. At the same potential as standard refrigerants, R-32 offers a low GWP (global warming potential) and ensures greater energy efficiency and lower CO 2 emissions. . External unit The newly designed Daikin Emura outdoor unit uses cutting-edge technology to minimize environmental impact and energy bills. Most of the energy used comes from the outside air, a free and infinitely renewable resource. Elegant design The Daikin Emura heat pump's front grille extends horizontally, hiding the fan inside. And the color choice? The off-white paneling reflects sunlight and keeps the unit cool in the warmer months. How does it work? The air-to-air heat pump takes heat from the outside air (even at low temperatures) and releases it as warm air inside the home. In summer, the process is reversed: the internal heat is transported outside. It is an efficient solution for maintaining a constant internal temperature all year round. Eliminate energy waste Air conditioners and heat pumps maintain the set temperature by cooling when the room temperature exceeds the set temperature and heating when the room temperature falls below the set temperature. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter adjusts the motor speed to be higher or lower, so that it runs continuously and more efficiently in the long run. By maintaining a constant pace, our inverter technology reduces consumption by 30% compared to traditional on/off systems. Our inverter technology is similar in operation. It takes more energy to sprint and stop than to run at a continuous pace. Non-inverter type air conditioner When a unit operates on a pattern of starting and stopping, sleeping, and then starting and stopping again, it uses more energy. Inverter type air conditioner When an appropriate pace is maintained, the unit continues to operate without wasting energy. Continuous Comfort with a Stable Climate The inverter continuously adjusts its cooling and heating power based on the room temperature. Combined with short start-up times, it constantly maintains the ideal temperature. Reduce energy consumption by up to 30% The inverter monitors and adjusts the ambient temperature whenever necessary. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter regulates the speed of the motor so that it runs more efficiently in the long run. Monosplit or Multisplit system? Daikin Emura is available in monosplit or multisplit versions. Which is the right solution for you? An authorised Daikin installer will help you choose the outdoor unit that best suits your needs Monosplit Combination A system designed for a single space, in which a single internal unit is connected to a single external unit Multisplit Combination Connect one outdoor Multi unit with up to five indoor units. This is a smart solution to reduce environmental impact and save space in your garden or terrace. Less bulk, less visibility, less noise Ease of installation (wiring, piping) and maintenance Lower power consumption, higher energy efficiency Flexibility: Each unit can be controlled separately New Multi+ Connect additionally a domestic hot water tank directly to the multi outdoor unit The best of Stylish, the best of Design Pure and super-compact design to personalize any environment The best of Technology, the best of Comfort • Coanda effect: better distribution of air flow • Humidity sensor: the right balance between temperature and humidity • Flash Streamer Technology + Titanium Apatite Filter + Silver Filter: constantly pure and regenerated air • Intelligent Thermal Sensor: constant temperature in every corner of the room • Energy class A+++ in cooling and heating up to size 35: significant energy savings • Improved fan: virtually inaudible unit (up to 19 dBA) • Smart Wi-Fi: remote control, anytime, anywhere, via smartphone with the “Daikin Residential Controller” app • R32 refrigerant: high energy efficiency and low environmental impact Try Daikin 3D! With a new look, Daikin 3D is the app that lets you see your new air conditioner or boiler in your home before you buy it. Choosing the right model has never been so easy and fun! How does it work? After opening the app, just point the camera of your smartphone or tablet at the wall where you would like to install your product. Choose the air conditioner you prefer and watch it appear in 3D in its real size, thanks to augmented reality! With Daikin 3D , you can also: Customize the size of your air conditioner or heater. Rotate and move the unit as you like. Find the best position for proper operation and maintenance. Take a photo to always have a reference with you. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-daikin-climatizzatore-condizionatore-daikin-bluevolution-dual-split-inverter-serie-emura-white-iii-718-con-2mxm68n-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-700018000-colore-bianco-garanzia-italiana

    Daikin Air Conditioner Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter EMURA WHITE III 7+18 series with 2MXM68N R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+18000 White Color - Italian Warranty

    Technical Features 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ20AW Series : Emura White III Color : Matt White Power: 7000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 11.1 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~39 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ50AW Series : Emura White III Color : Matt White Power: 18000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 5.2 ~ 15.0 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling: 60 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 24~46 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi External unit Model: Catalog code : 2MXM68N(9) Maximum number of indoor units that can be combined: 2 Energy Efficiency: Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling: A+++ Energy Efficiency Class in Heating: A++ Performance: Cooling capacity: 6.5 kW Heating capacity: 8.2 kW Sound power level Cooling : 61 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 61 dB(A) Sound pressure level Cooling : 48 dB(A) Sound pressure level Heating: 48 dB(A) Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Installation Data: Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 2x Maximum pipe length: 50 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and Weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 734x958x384 mm External Unit Weight: 60.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 Guarantee The Daikin Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit Systems Superior efficiency The new Multisplit range includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, combinable with Daikin indoor units. Designed with high energy efficiency refrigerants and compressors that guarantee optimal performance, all multisplit units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All this in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to a single multi outdoor unit . The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool multiple rooms. " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future When you choose Daikin for your home, you simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can enjoy maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. High seasonal efficiency levels ensure the best atmosphere in both summer and winter, while minimising consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and wide range of products mean reliable, long-lasting systems that are perfect for your home. And even when you're not at home, you can control and adjust the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Halve your consumption and save on energy costs. This way you are doing good for the environment and your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4 years warranty 2 years free warranty extension Daikin Kizuna will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad odors, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed to make the air conditioner a piece of furniture. Why choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just about comfort. Daikin systems are also respectful of the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy-saving technologies ensure high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a product in class A+++ is up to 40% more efficient than a product in class A++ . Seasonal efficiency is a new way of classifying heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency throughout the year. R-32 More Efficient and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant that emits less CO 2 . This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. Good for the environment! Extremely quiet Noisy units are a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that you won't even notice them. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. Control via app Not at home? Thanks to the Onecta App by Daikin, the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, whenever and wherever you want. In addition, you can keep an eye on energy consumption, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin once again sets the standard for residential air conditioning. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to improve the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control. A 3-component system, a unique design Your Daikin Emura air-to-air heat pump offers cooling and heating and consists of a wall-mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Every component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. The Daikin Emura design is attractive, yet subtle. The curved lines of the wall mounted unit and remote control mimic the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a signature feature. Pure elegance that blends harmoniously into your interior. Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design that matches your interior Smart Control Climate control from anywhere, anytime Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on your bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With over a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with soft lines and shadows, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user demands throughout Europe. Made to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Designed and engineered entirely by Daikin. Attractive and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional appearance. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment. Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view. The emotion of action The movement of the panel is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is special about the movement of the panel of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow plays depending on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin Emura air conditioner not only boasts an attractive appearance and flowing lines, but also improves the distribution of air in the room thanks to the movement of the panel. The well-known design aphorism "form follows function" truly applies to the Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the design is well thought out. Slim design Want to make the most of your home space but don't want your air conditioning to take up all the attention? Daikin Emura is just 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even thinner than it actually is. The sophisticated design continues in the remote control, perfectly ergonomic. Solid colors The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three solid colours : silver, matt white and matt black . The front cover of the remote control matches the colours of the indoor unit while the body is anthracite grey to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white. Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura enhances comfort in your home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying the indoor air. It is clear that a room should not be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Intelligent technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the air flow to obtain a better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent thermal sensor to detect the actual temperature of a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs hot or cold air to the areas that need it most. 3D airflow To ensure a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, distributing the air uniformly throughout all rooms, even large ones. Using the Coanda Effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimise the air flow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the fins direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards. Heat Boost Function Daikin Emura heats the room quickly after starting and reaches the set temperature faster. Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation Do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility at home? Daikin Emura is so quiet you’ll almost forget it’s there. A special fan optimizes airflow for high performance while keeping noise levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible when in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM Technology Using chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology breaks down allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner, better-quality air. Titanium deodorizing filter Breaks down unpleasant odors (e.g. tobacco and pet odors) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Removes airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air Purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. With built-in purifying filters and Flash Streamer TM technology, Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better, cleaner indoor air. This is how the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy Control is in your hands Daikin Emura is designed to provide you with optimal comfort when you are there. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the convenient remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and whenever you want. Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has clean, sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also store it on a wall thanks to the magnetic support. Available in silver , matt white and matt black to match the colours of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control your indoor climate with the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Not at home? With the Onecta app, this is not a problem. The app gives you instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust the settings of your Daikin Emura via your smartphone, anywhere and anytime. Check all the features of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different programs and operating modes Monitor energy consumption on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home. The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to your Wi-Fi network and control your air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you are not at home, you can turn on, off, set the cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner . It's very simple Voice Control To further enhance your comfort and convenience, the Daikin Onecta - Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free eliminates the need for clicking and allows for faster unit management than ever before. Cross-platform and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Always Connected Unit The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated into the unit Programming Set a schedule to define when the system will run, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize your system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the room temperature Activate Powerful mode to enhance operation Availability of features depends on the system type, configuration and operation mode. App features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection. Whether it's very cold or very hot outside, you expect your air conditioner to operate steadily all year round. Daikin Emura is designed to perform exceptionally in every season and provide year-round comfort in the most energy-efficient way. Bluevolution technology ensures best-in-class performance with a low environmental impact and low energy bills Sustainable air conditioning solutions The evolution of comfort Daikin Emura combines the best performance with maximum efficiency to ensure a comfortable indoor environment all year round. The heat pump with Bluevolution technology has a highly efficient compressor with R-32 - the refrigerant of the future - which allows you to save a significant amount of energy Seasonal efficiency up to energy class A +++ Top-level performance with seasonal efficiency values ​​up to energy class A +++ in heating and cooling and low operating costs. Energy savings guaranteed! Reduced environmental impact Thanks to the new generation R-32 refrigerant, Daikin Emura is also able to reduce its impact on the planet. At the same potential as standard refrigerants, R-32 offers a low GWP (global warming potential) and ensures greater energy efficiency and lower CO 2 emissions. External unit The newly designed Daikin Emura outdoor unit uses cutting-edge technology to minimize environmental impact and energy bills. Most of the energy used comes from the outside air, a free and infinitely renewable resource. Elegant design The Daikin Emura heat pump's front grille extends horizontally, hiding the fan inside. And the color choice? The off-white paneling reflects sunlight and keeps the unit from overheating in the warmer months. How does it work? The air-to-air heat pump takes heat from the outside air (even at low temperatures) and releases it as warm air inside the home. In summer, the process is reversed: the internal heat is transported outside. It is an efficient solution for maintaining a constant internal temperature all year round. Eliminate energy waste Air conditioners and heat pumps maintain the set temperature by cooling when the room temperature exceeds the set temperature and heating when the room temperature falls below the set temperature. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter adjusts the motor speed to be higher or lower, so that it runs continuously and more efficiently in the long run. By maintaining a constant pace, our inverter technology reduces consumption by 30% compared to traditional on/off systems. Our inverter technology is similar in operation. It takes more energy to sprint and stop than to run at a continuous pace. Non-inverter type air conditioner When a unit operates on a pattern of starting and stopping, sleeping, and then starting and stopping again, it uses more energy. Inverter type air conditioner When an appropriate pace is maintained, the unit continues to operate without wasting energy. Continuous Comfort with a Stable Climate The inverter continuously adjusts its cooling and heating power based on the room temperature. Combined with short start-up times, it constantly maintains the ideal temperature. Reduce energy consumption by up to 30% The inverter monitors and adjusts the ambient temperature whenever necessary. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter regulates the speed of the motor so that it runs more efficiently in the long run. Monosplit or Multisplit system? Daikin Emura is available in monosplit or multisplit versions. Which is the right solution for you? An authorised Daikin installer will help you choose the outdoor unit that best suits your needs Monosplit Combination A system designed for a single space, in which a single internal unit is connected to a single external unit Multisplit Combination Connect one outdoor Multi unit with up to five indoor units. This is a smart solution to reduce environmental impact and save space in your garden or terrace. Less bulk, less visibility, less noise Ease of installation (wiring, piping) and maintenance Lower power consumption, higher energy efficiency Flexibility: Each unit can be controlled separately New Multi+ Connect additionally a domestic hot water tank directly to the multi outdoor unit The best of Stylish, the best of Design Pure and super-compact design to personalize any environment The best of Technology, the best of Comfort • Coanda effect: better distribution of air flow • Humidity sensor: the right balance between temperature and humidity • Flash Streamer Technology + Titanium Apatite Filter + Silver Filter: constantly pure and regenerated air • Intelligent Thermal Sensor: constant temperature in every corner of the room • Energy class A+++ in cooling and heating up to size 35: significant energy savings • Improved fan: virtually inaudible unit (up to 19 dBA) • Smart Wi-Fi: remote control, anytime, anywhere, via smartphone with the “Daikin Residential Controller” app • R32 refrigerant: high energy efficiency and low environmental impact Try Daikin 3D! With a new look, Daikin 3D is the app that lets you see your new air conditioner or boiler in your home even before purchasing it. Choosing the right model has never been so easy and fun! How does it work? After opening the app, just point the camera of your smartphone or tablet at the wall where you would like to install your product. Choose the air conditioner you prefer and watch it appear in 3D in its real size, thanks to augmented reality! With Daikin 3D , you can also: Customize the size of your air conditioner or heater. Rotate and move the unit as you like. Find the best position for proper operation and maintenance. Take a photo to always have a reference with you. Product Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packaged. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-daikin-climatizzatore-condizionatore-daikin-bluevolution-penta-split-inverter-serie-emura-white-iii-999912-con-5mxm90n-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-900090009000900012000-colore-bianco-garanzia-italiana

    DAIKIN Air Conditioner Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter EMURA WHITE III series 9+18 with 2MXM50A R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 9000+18000 Matt White Color Italian Warranty

    Technical Features 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ25AW Series : Emura White III Color : Matt White Power: 9000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 11.4 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~40 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ50AW Series : Emura White III Color : Matt White Power: 18000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 5.2 ~ 15.0 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling: 60 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 24~46 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi External unit Outdoor unit catalog code: 2MXM50A Maximum number of indoor units that can be combined: 2 Energy efficiency SEER : 8.57 SCOP : 4.66 Energy efficiency class in cooling: A+++ Energy efficiency class in heating: A++ Performance Cooling capacity: 5.0 kW Heating capacity: 5.6 kW Cooling power consumption: 1.22 kW Heating power consumption: 1.40 kW Sound power level cooling : 60 dB(A) Sound power level heating: 62 dB(A) Sound pressure level cooling : 46 dB(A) Heating sound pressure level: 48 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Installation data Liquid tube diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 2x Maximum pipe length: 30 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight External unit dimensions (HxWxD): 552x852x350 mm Outdoor unit weight: 41.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 Guarantee The Daikin Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit Systems Superior efficiency The new Multisplit range includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, combinable with Daikin indoor units. Designed with high energy efficiency refrigerants and compressors that guarantee optimal performance, all multisplit units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All this in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to a single multi outdoor unit . The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool multiple rooms. " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future When you choose Daikin for your home, you simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can enjoy maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. High seasonal efficiency levels ensure the best atmosphere in both summer and winter, while minimising consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and wide range of products mean reliable, long-lasting systems that are perfect for your home. And even when you're not at home, you can control and adjust the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Halve your consumption and save on energy costs. This way you are doing good for the environment and your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4 years warranty 2 years free warranty extension Daikin Kizuna will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad odors, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed to make the air conditioner a piece of furniture. Why choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just about comfort. Daikin systems are also respectful of the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy-saving technologies ensure high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a product in class A+++ is up to 40% more efficient than a product in class A++ . Seasonal efficiency is a new way of classifying heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency throughout the year. R-32 More Efficient and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant that emits less CO 2 . This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. Good for the environment! Extremely quiet Noisy units are a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that you won't even notice them. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. Control via app Not at home? Thanks to the Onecta App by Daikin, the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, whenever and wherever you want. In addition, you can keep an eye on energy consumption, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin once again sets the standard for residential air conditioning. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to improve the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control. A 3-component system, a unique design Your Daikin Emura air-to-air heat pump offers cooling and heating and consists of a wall-mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Every component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. The Daikin Emura design is attractive, yet subtle. The curved lines of the wall mounted unit and remote control mimic the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a signature feature. Pure elegance that blends harmoniously into your interior. Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design that matches your interior Smart Control Climate control from anywhere, anytime Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on your bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With over a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with soft lines and shadows, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user demands throughout Europe. Made to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Designed and engineered entirely by Daikin. Attractive and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional appearance. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment. Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view. The emotion of action The movement of the panel is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is special about the movement of the panel of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow plays depending on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin Emura air conditioner not only boasts an attractive appearance and flowing lines, but also improves the distribution of air in the room thanks to the movement of the panel. The well-known design aphorism "form follows function" truly applies to the Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the design is well thought out. Slim design Want to make the most of your home space but don't want your air conditioning to take up all the attention? Daikin Emura is just 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even thinner than it actually is. The sophisticated design continues in the remote control, perfectly ergonomic. Solid colors The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three solid colours : silver, matt white and matt black . The front cover of the remote control matches the colours of the indoor unit while the body is anthracite grey to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white. Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura enhances comfort in your home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying the indoor air. It is clear that a room should not be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Intelligent technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the air flow to obtain a better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent thermal sensor to detect the actual temperature of a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs hot or cold air to the areas that need it most. 3D airflow To ensure a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, distributing the air uniformly throughout all rooms, even large ones. Using the Coanda Effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimise the air flow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the fins direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards. Heat Boost Function Daikin Emura heats the room quickly after starting and reaches the set temperature faster. Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation Do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility at home? Daikin Emura is so quiet you’ll almost forget it’s there. A special fan optimizes airflow for high performance while keeping noise levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible when in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM Technology Using chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology breaks down allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner, better-quality air. Titanium deodorizing filter Breaks down unpleasant odors (e.g. tobacco and pet odors) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Removes airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air Purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. With built-in purifying filters and Flash Streamer TM technology, Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better, cleaner indoor air. This is how the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy. Control is in your hands Daikin Emura is designed to provide you with optimal comfort when you are there. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the convenient remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and whenever you want. Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has clean, sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also store it on a wall thanks to the magnetic support. Available in silver , matt white and matt black to match the colours of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control your indoor climate with the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Not at home? With the Onecta app, this is not a problem. The app gives you instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust the settings of your Daikin Emura via your smartphone, anywhere and anytime. Check all the features of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different programs and operating modes Monitor energy consumption on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home. The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to your Wi-Fi network and control your air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you are not at home, you can turn on, off, set the cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner . It's very simple Voice Control To further enhance your comfort and convenience, the Daikin Onecta - Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free eliminates the need for clicking and allows for faster unit management than ever before. Cross-platform and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Always Connected Unit The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated into the unit Programming Set a schedule to define when the system will run, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize your system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the room temperature Activate Powerful mode to enhance operation Availability of features depends on the system type, configuration and operation mode. App features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection. Whether it's very cold or very hot outside, you expect your air conditioner to operate steadily all year round. Daikin Emura is designed to perform exceptionally in every season and provide year-round comfort in the most energy-efficient way. Bluevolution technology ensures best-in-class performance with a low environmental impact and low energy bills Sustainable air conditioning solutions The evolution of comfort Daikin Emura combines the best performance with maximum efficiency to ensure a comfortable indoor environment all year round. The heat pump with Bluevolution technology has a highly efficient compressor with R-32 - the refrigerant of the future - which allows you to save a significant amount of energy Seasonal efficiency up to energy class A +++ Top-level performance with seasonal efficiency values ​​up to energy class A +++ in heating and cooling and low operating costs. Energy savings guaranteed! Reduced environmental impact Thanks to the new generation R-32 refrigerant, Daikin Emura is also able to reduce its impact on the planet. At the same potential as standard refrigerants, R-32 offers a low GWP (global warming potential) and ensures greater energy efficiency and lower CO 2 emissions. External unit The newly designed Daikin Emura outdoor unit uses cutting-edge technology to minimize environmental impact and energy bills. Most of the energy used comes from the outside air, a free and infinitely renewable resource. Elegant design The Daikin Emura heat pump's front grille extends horizontally, hiding the fan inside. And the color choice? The off-white paneling reflects sunlight and keeps the unit from overheating in the warmer months. How does it work? The air-to-air heat pump takes heat from the outside air (even at low temperatures) and releases it as warm air inside the home. In summer, the process is reversed: the internal heat is transported outside. It is an efficient solution for maintaining a constant internal temperature all year round. Eliminate energy waste Air conditioners and heat pumps maintain the set temperature by cooling when the room temperature exceeds the set temperature and heating when the room temperature falls below the set temperature. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter adjusts the motor speed to be higher or lower, so that it runs continuously and more efficiently in the long run. By maintaining a constant pace, our inverter technology reduces consumption by 30% compared to traditional on/off systems. Our inverter technology is similar in operation. It takes more energy to sprint and stop than to run at a continuous pace. Non-inverter type air conditioner When a unit operates on a pattern of starting and stopping, sleeping, and then starting and stopping again, it uses more energy. Inverter type air conditioner When an appropriate pace is maintained, the unit continues to operate without wasting energy. Continuous Comfort with a Stable Climate The inverter continuously adjusts its cooling and heating power based on the room temperature. Combined with short start-up times, it constantly maintains the ideal temperature. Reduce energy consumption by up to 30% The inverter monitors and adjusts the ambient temperature whenever necessary. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter regulates the speed of the motor so that it runs more efficiently in the long run. Monosplit or Multisplit system? Daikin Emura is available in monosplit or multisplit versions. Which is the right solution for you? An authorised Daikin installer will help you choose the outdoor unit that best suits your needs Monosplit Combination A system designed for a single space, in which a single internal unit is connected to a single external unit Multisplit Combination Connect one outdoor Multi unit with up to five indoor units. This is a smart solution to reduce environmental impact and save space in your garden or terrace. Less bulk, less visibility, less noise Ease of installation (wiring, piping) and maintenance Lower power consumption, higher energy efficiency Flexibility: Each unit can be controlled separately New Multi+ Connect additionally a domestic hot water tank directly to the multi outdoor unit


  • immagine-1-daikin-climatizzatore-condizionatore-daikin-bluevolution-quadri-split-inverter-serie-emura-silver-iii-791518-con-4mxm80n-r-32-wi-fi-integrato-700090001500018000-colore-argento-garanzia-italiana

    DAIKIN Air Conditioner Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter EMURA SILVER III series 7+15 with 2MXM50A R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+15000 Silver Color Italian Warranty

    Technical Features 1) Model : Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ20AS Series : Emura Silver III Color : Silver Power: 7000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 11.1 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 57 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 19~39 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi 2) Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x FTXJ42AS Series : Emura Silver III Color : Silver Power: 15000 Btu/h Air Flow Rate : 4.6 ~ 14.4 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling: 60 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 21~45 dB(A) Liquid Pipe Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 305x900x214 mm Internal Unit Weight: 12.0 Kg Built-in Wi-Fi External unit Outdoor unit catalog code: 2MXM50A Maximum number of indoor units that can be combined: 2 Energy efficiency SEER : 8.57 SCOP : 4.66 Energy efficiency class in cooling: A+++ Energy efficiency class in heating: A++ Performance Cooling capacity: 5.0 kW Heating capacity: 5.6 kW Cooling power consumption: 1.22 kW Heating power consumption: 1.40 kW Sound power level cooling : 60 dB(A) Sound power level heating: 62 dB(A) Sound pressure level cooling : 46 dB(A) Heating sound pressure level: 48 dB(A) Electrical data Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas: R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Installation data Liquid tube diameter: 6.35mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 2x Maximum pipe length: 30 m Maximum height difference between internal unit and external unit: 15 m Dimensions and weight External unit dimensions (HxWxD): 552x852x350 mm Outdoor unit weight: 41.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 Guarantee The Daikin Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit Systems Superior efficiency The new Multisplit range includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, combinable with Daikin indoor units. Designed with high energy efficiency refrigerants and compressors that guarantee optimal performance, all multisplit units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All this in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to a single multi outdoor unit . The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool multiple rooms. " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future When you choose Daikin for your home, you simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can enjoy maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. High seasonal efficiency levels ensure the best atmosphere in both summer and winter, while minimising consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and wide range of products mean reliable, long-lasting systems that are perfect for your home. And even when you're not at home, you can control and adjust the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Halve your consumption and save on energy costs. This way you are doing good for the environment and your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4 years warranty 2 years free warranty extension Daikin Kizuna will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad odors, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed to make the air conditioner a piece of furniture. Why choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just about comfort. Daikin systems are also respectful of the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy-saving technologies ensure high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a product in class A+++ is up to 40% more efficient than a product in class A++ . Seasonal efficiency is a new way of classifying heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency throughout the year. R-32 More Efficient and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant that emits less CO 2 . This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. Good for the environment! Extremely quiet Noisy units are a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that you won't even notice them. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. Control via app Not at home? Thanks to the Onecta App by Daikin, the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, whenever and wherever you want. In addition, you can keep an eye on energy consumption, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura An icon of contemporary air conditioning Designed for maximum comfort, without losing sight of quality. With the new generation of Emura, Daikin once again sets the standard for residential air conditioning. Its design speaks for itself: elegant in appearance, Daikin Emura is designed for comfort and to improve the user experience, and therefore your daily well-being. By choosing Daikin technology, you can count on year-round comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and control. A 3-component system, a unique design Your Daikin Emura air-to-air heat pump offers cooling and heating and consists of a wall-mounted indoor unit, a remote control and an outdoor unit. Every component of the system respects the Daikin design philosophy. The Daikin Emura design is attractive, yet subtle. The curved lines of the wall mounted unit and remote control mimic the flow of air, with the blue Daikin Eye sensor as a signature feature. Pure elegance that blends harmoniously into your interior. Maximum comfort Choose the climate that suits your lifestyle Attractive aesthetics Choose an elegant design that matches your interior Smart Control Climate control from anywhere, anytime Energy efficiency Reduce your environmental impact and save on your bills High quality Relax and enjoy the benefits of a reliable solution Design made in Daikin With over a century of experience in air conditioning and climate control solutions, Daikin combines the best of design and technology to help you achieve the ideal climate. Daikin Emura is the result of continuous research and studies aimed at creating superior quality air conditioning solutions for the interiors of European buildings. The first model was launched in 2010, the second in 2014, redefining the concept of wall mounted air conditioner in the world of interior design. The third generation of Daikin Emura has an attractive design with soft lines and shadows, additional intelligent functions and an improved user experience that make it a benchmark for architectural aesthetics, technical standards and user demands throughout Europe. Made to catch the eye Are you looking for an air conditioning system that combines excellent performance and design? Emura is the climate control solution that perfectly balances aesthetics and functionality. Designed and engineered entirely by Daikin. Attractive and intelligent aesthetics that adapt to your environment: it is refined and at the same time accessible Sinuous lines The curved front and rear panels give the indoor unit a unique three-dimensional appearance. The sinuous lines refer to the harmonized air flow, but also create a pleasant visual effect within your environment. Delicate play of shadows The curved panels of the indoor unit create a play of shadows that bring them to life, while the outdoor heat pump uses the shadows to hide the moving fan from view. The emotion of action The movement of the panel is a hallmark of Daikin design units. But what is special about the movement of the panel of a Daikin Emura air conditioner? It moves forward, slightly angled, creating new dynamics and shadow plays depending on the operating mode. The special angle gives an emotional value to the action of the panel Form follows function The Daikin Emura air conditioner not only boasts an attractive appearance and flowing lines, but also improves the distribution of air in the room thanks to the movement of the panel. The well-known design aphorism "form follows function" truly applies to the Daikin Emura. Every single detail of the design is well thought out. Slim design Want to make the most of your home space but don't want your air conditioning to take up all the attention? Daikin Emura is just 90 cm wide. And thanks to its curved lines, the unit looks even thinner than it actually is. The sophisticated design continues in the remote control, perfectly ergonomic. Solid colors The Daikin Emura air conditioning unit is available in three solid colours : silver, matt white and matt black . The front cover of the remote control matches the colours of the indoor unit while the body is anthracite grey to create a floating effect. The newly designed outdoor unit is ivory white. Intelligent airflow Optimized air distribution Designed to create the perfect indoor climate, Daikin Emura enhances comfort in your home. Daikin Emura keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, making your home healthy by purifying the indoor air. It is clear that a room should not be cooled or heated only when there are people in it. Intelligent technology allows Daikin Emura to (re)direct the air flow to obtain a better temperature distribution throughout the room Intelligent thermal sensor Daikin Emura uses an intelligent thermal sensor to detect the actual temperature of a room. After determining the room temperature, the intelligent thermal sensor distributes air evenly throughout the room before switching to an airflow pattern that directs hot or cold air to the areas that need it most. 3D airflow To ensure a constant and homogeneous temperature throughout the room, the three-dimensional air flow system combines with the horizontal and vertical movements of the fins, distributing the air uniformly throughout all rooms, even large ones. Using the Coanda Effect To ensure a comfortable climate, Daikin Emura uses the Coanda effect to optimise the air flow in heating and cooling mode: in heating mode, the fins direct the air downwards, while in cooling mode they move it upwards. Heat Boost Function Daikin Emura heats the room quickly after starting and reaches the set temperature faster. Acoustic comfort Ultra-quiet operation Do you like to immerse yourself in an oasis of tranquility at home? Daikin Emura is so quiet you’ll almost forget it’s there. A special fan optimizes airflow for high performance while keeping noise levels low: Daikin Emura is almost inaudible when in operation. Indoor unit fan Flash Streamer TM Technology Using chemical reactions between electrons and particles in the air, Flash Streamer TM technology breaks down allergens (such as pollen and fungal allergens) and eliminates unpleasant odors, ensuring cleaner, better-quality air. Titanium deodorizing filter Breaks down unpleasant odors (e.g. tobacco and pet odors) Silver Allergen Removal Filter Captures allergens, such as pollen, to ensure a constant supply of clean air Air filter Removes airborne dust particles, ensuring a constant supply of clean air Air Purification Better indoor air quality We spend 90% of our time indoors. With built-in purifying filters and Flash Streamer TM technology, Daikin Emura captures dust particles and removes allergens and unpleasant odors, for better, cleaner indoor air. This is how the Daikin Emura air conditioning unit keeps our homes healthy. Control is in your hands Daikin Emura is designed to provide you with optimal comfort when you are there. But you can easily take control: just press a button or touch the screen and you can manage Daikin Emura with the convenient remote control or with the intuitive Onecta app on your smartphone, wherever you are and whenever you want. Essential design The Daikin Emura remote control has clean, sinuous lines, a graphic display and the blue Daikin Eye sensor. The refined two-tone finish creates a floating effect. It is compact and perfectly ergonomic. You can also store it on a wall thanks to the magnetic support. Available in silver , matt white and matt black to match the colours of the Daikin Emura unit Intuitive control Easily control your indoor climate with the new Daikin Emura remote control: it has an essential design and is focused on the main functions. All other functions are easily accessible via the intuitive menu or the equally simple Onecta app Onecta App Full control, wherever you are Not at home? With the Onecta app, this is not a problem. The app gives you instant access to all functions. You can easily adjust the settings of your Daikin Emura via your smartphone, anywhere and anytime. Check all the features of your Daikin Emura air conditioner Create different programs and operating modes Monitor energy consumption on a daily, weekly or yearly basis Identify the room in your home to easily control different units Simply connect to the WLAN network and download the Onecta app to start creating the perfect climate for your home. The Onecta app allows you to connect Daikin to your Wi-Fi network and control your air conditioning system from anywhere, using Apple or Android devices. Even when you are not at home, you can turn on, off, set the cooling or heating operation , adjust the room temperature and the air flow of the air conditioner . It's very simple Voice Control To further enhance your comfort and convenience, the Daikin Onecta - Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free eliminates the need for clicking and allows for faster unit management than ever before. Cross-platform and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Always Connected Unit The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Onecta App - Residential Controller and is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated into the unit Programming Set a schedule to define when the system will run, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize your system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the room temperature Activate Powerful mode to enhance operation Availability of features depends on the system type, configuration and operation mode. App features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection. Whether it's very cold or very hot outside, you expect your air conditioner to operate steadily all year round. Daikin Emura is designed to perform exceptionally in every season and provide year-round comfort in the most energy-efficient way. Bluevolution technology ensures best-in-class performance with a low environmental impact and low energy bills Sustainable air conditioning solutions The evolution of comfort Daikin Emura combines the best performance with maximum efficiency to ensure a comfortable indoor environment all year round. The heat pump with Bluevolution technology has a highly efficient compressor with R-32 - the refrigerant of the future - which allows you to save a significant amount of energy Seasonal efficiency up to energy class A +++ Top-level performance with seasonal efficiency values ​​up to energy class A +++ in heating and cooling and low operating costs. Energy savings guaranteed! Reduced environmental impact Thanks to the new generation R-32 refrigerant, Daikin Emura is also able to reduce its impact on the planet. At the same potential as standard refrigerants, R-32 offers a low GWP (global warming potential) and ensures greater energy efficiency and lower CO 2 emissions. External unit The newly designed Daikin Emura outdoor unit uses cutting-edge technology to minimize environmental impact and energy bills. Most of the energy used comes from the outside air, a free and infinitely renewable resource. Elegant design The Daikin Emura heat pump's front grille extends horizontally, hiding the fan inside. And the color choice? The off-white paneling reflects sunlight and keeps the unit from overheating in the warmer months. How does it work? The air-to-air heat pump takes heat from the outside air (even at low temperatures) and releases it as warm air inside the home. In summer, the process is reversed: the internal heat is transported outside. It is an efficient solution for maintaining a constant internal temperature all year round. Eliminate energy waste Air conditioners and heat pumps maintain the set temperature by cooling when the room temperature exceeds the set temperature and heating when the room temperature falls below the set temperature. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter adjusts the motor speed to be higher or lower, so that it runs continuously and more efficiently in the long run. By maintaining a constant pace, our inverter technology reduces consumption by 30% compared to traditional on/off systems. Our inverter technology is similar in operation. It takes more energy to sprint and stop than to run at a continuous pace. Non-inverter type air conditioner When a unit operates on a pattern of starting and stopping, sleeping, and then starting and stopping again, it uses more energy. Inverter type air conditioner When an appropriate pace is maintained, the unit continues to operate without wasting energy. Continuous Comfort with a Stable Climate The inverter continuously adjusts its cooling and heating power based on the room temperature. Combined with short start-up times, it constantly maintains the ideal temperature. Reduce energy consumption by up to 30% The inverter monitors and adjusts the ambient temperature whenever necessary. Instead of spending energy on starting and stopping, the inverter regulates the speed of the motor so that it runs more efficiently in the long run. Monosplit or Multisplit system? Daikin Emura is available in monosplit or multisplit versions. Which is the right solution for you? An authorised Daikin installer will help you choose the outdoor unit that best suits your needs Monosplit Combination A system designed for a single space, in which a single internal unit is connected to a single external unit Multisplit Combination Connect one outdoor Multi unit with up to five indoor units. This is a smart solution to reduce environmental impact and save space in your garden or terrace. Less bulk, less visibility, less noise Ease of installation (wiring, piping) and maintenance Lower power consumption, higher energy efficiency Flexibility: Each unit can be controlled separately New Multi+ Connect additionally a domestic hot water tank directly to the multi outdoor unit The best of Stylish,


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