Dualsplit Wall Air Conditioners
DAIKIN Climatizzatore Condizionatore Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter serie FTXM/R PERFERA WALL 7+7 con 2MXM40A R-32 Wi-Fi Integrato 7000+7000 Garanzia Italiana
Caratteristiche tecniche Unità interne Codice catalogo unità interna : 2x FTXM20R Potenza : 7000 Btu Capacità raffreddamento : 2,0 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 2,5 kW Portata d'aria : 4,3 ~ 10,5 m3/min Livello potenza sonora : 57 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 19~41 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni (AxLxP) : 295x778x272 mm Peso : 10,0 Kg Wi-Fi integrato Unità esterna Codice catalogo unità esterna : 2MXM40A Numero massimo di unità interne abbinabili : 2 Efficienza energetica SEER : 8,19 SCOP : 4,60 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A+++ Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A++ Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 4,0 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 4,2 kW Potenza assorbita raffreddamento : 0,95 kW Potenza assorbita Riscaldamento : 0,95 kW Livello di potenza sonora raffreddamento : 60 dB(A) Livello di potenza sonora riscaldamento : 62 dB(A) Livello di pressione sonora raffreddamento : 48 dB(A) Livello di pressione sonora riscaldamento : 50 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V/Hz/Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito:- Raffreddamento: -10° ~ 46° C- Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 18° C Dati installativi Diametro tubi liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x2 Diametro tubi gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") 2x Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 30 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna ed unità esterna : 15 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità esterna (AxLxP) : 552x852x350 mm Peso unità esterna : 36,0 kg Garanzia Kizuna 2+2 La garanzia di Daikin Italia può essere attivata entro 1 mese dalla data di acquisto all’indirizzo https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Sistemi Multisplit Efficienza superiore La gamma dei nuovi Multisplit comprende 8 unità esterne da 2 a 5 attacchi, con potenza da 4 a 9 kW, combinabili con le unità interne Daikin. Progettate con refrigeranti e compressori ad alta efficienza energetica che garantiscono prestazioni ottimali, tutte le unità multisplit consentono di tagliare i consumi fino all'80%. Tutti i multi Bluevolution sono in classe A+++/A++. Il tutto in dimensioni ancora più compatte. Rispetto alla gamma precedente, significativi miglioramenti sono stati raggiunti anche in termini di silenziosità. È possibile collegare fino a cinque unità interne a una sola unità esterna multi. La soluzione ideale per rispondere alle esigenze di chi desidera riscaldare e raffrescare più stanze "Daikin Bluevolution ridefinisce gli standard di mercato per efficienza, silenziosità, aria pura e controllo dei consumi, con particolare attenzione all’impatto ambientale. " Scoprite il benessere del futuro Chi sceglie Daikin per la propria casa, sceglie semplicemente il meglio. Oggi, Daikin ha portato il concetto di comfort a un livello assolutamente nuovo, reinventando l'ambiente grazie alla sua gamma Bluevolution. Scegliendo le tecnologie Daikin, potete avere il massimo dell'efficienza, della silenziosità e dell'aria pura. Gli elevati livelli di efficienza stagionale garantiscono l'atmosfera migliore sia d'estate sia d'inverno, minimizzando i consumi. Il nuovo refrigerante R-32 è più eco-compatibile rispetto ai refrigeranti standard. La vasta esperienza di Daikin e l'ampia gamma di prodotti offerti sono sinonimo di affidabilità e di sistemi duraturi nel tempo, perfetti per la vostra casa. E anche quando non siete in casa, potete controllare e regolare la temperatura nelle stanze e la modalità operativa tramite un'app per smartphone semplicissima da usare. Lasciatevi guidare da Daikin per creare l'atmosfera perfetta. Il vostro climatizzatore ha piu di 10/15 anni? Scoprite i vantaggi di sostituirlo con un nuovo Daikin Bluevolution. Ecco i principali benefici: Consumi dimezzati risparmiando sui costi di energia. In tal modo fate bene all’ambiente e al vostro portafoglio Silenzio assoluto con un prodotto di 10 decibel meno rumoroso, praticamente impercettibile: per dormire, ascoltare musica e studiare senza alcun disturbo 4 anni di garanzia l’estensione di 2 anni di garanzia gratuita Daikin Kizuna sarà riservata alla nuova gamma residenziale BLUEVOLUTION. Aria pura grazie al sistema brevettato Flash StreamerTM, per rimuovere polveri, pollini, acari, muffe e tanti altri allergeni; persino odori cattivi, virus e batteri Nuovo design con prodotti progettati affinché il climatizzatore risulti un elemento d’arredo. Perché scegliere Daikin? Efficienza stagionale in riscaldamento e raffrescamento Creare un clima piacevole nella propria casa non è solo una questione di comfort. I sistemi Daikin sono anche rispettosi dell'ambiente e del portafoglio. Le avanzate tecnologie Daikin per il risparmio energetico garantiscono elevati livelli di efficienza stagionale sia in riscaldamento sia in raffrescamento, fino alla classe A+++. Considerate che un prodotto in classe A+++ è fino al 40% più efficiente di un prodotto in classe A++. L'efficienza stagionale è un nuovo modo di classificare i prodotti per il riscaldamento e il raffrescamento sulla base della loro efficienza energetica nell'arco dell'anno. R-32 Più efficienza ed eco-compatibile Daikin utilizza l'R-32, un refrigerante che comporta minori emissioni di CO2. Ciò significa che le unità hanno un potenziale di riscaldamento globale più basso e, in generale, sono più efficienti. A tutto vantaggio dell'ambiente! Estrema silenziosità Le unità rumorose fanno ormai parte del passato. I sistemi Daikin sono così silenziosi da risultare impercettibili. Potete leggere, studiare e dormire senza alcun rumore di fondo. Controllo tramite app Non siete a casa? Grazie a All'App Onecta di Daikin il problema è risolto. Potete regolare la temperatura interna, la portata d'aria e la modalità di funzionamento dal vostro device, quando e dove volete. In più, potrete tenere sotto controllo i consumi energetici, gestendo il vostro clima in modo responsabile Daikin serie Perfera Wall FTXM-R Unità eleganti per l'installazione a parete, che garantiscono la massima qualità dell'aria interna e prestazioni uniche Design innovativo L'unità a parete Perfera si rinnova con un nuovo design dalle linee decise e moderne, perfetta espressione delle sue alte prestazioni. Grazie al flap maggiorato si ha una gestione ottimale del flusso d'aria. Il massimo del Comfort Silenziosità e Aria Pura Estrema silenziosità Le unità rumorose fanno ormai parte del passato. I sistemi Daikin sono così silenziosi da risultare impercettibili. Potete leggere, studiare e dormire senza alcun rumore di fondo Tutto sotto controllo per un clima perfetto Distribuzione dell'aria intelligente I climatizzatori creano una piacevole atmosfera nei locali distribuendo aria pulita all'interno delle stanze. Come sempre Daikin ha dato il meglio di sé e grazie all'avanzata tecnologia utilizzata non sentirete nessun movimento d'aria sulla vostra pelle Motion Detection Sensor con controllo di presenza e di posizione Se la stanza rimane vuota, il sistema passa in modalità risparmio energetico. In presenza di persone, torna alle impostazioni originali. L'aria viene soffiata lontano dalle persone: mai più correnti d'aria fredda/calda dirette Flusso dell'aria tridimensionale La temperatura della stanza rimane costante grazie alla combinazione di oscillazioni automatiche verticali e orizzontali delle alette. L'aria viene distribuita in modo uniforme in tutta la stanza, fino a raggiungere ogni angolo, anche nei locali più grandi. Una climatizzazione controllata per un'aria più fresca e pulita Daikin rende confortevoli le vostre stanze pulendo e distribuendo l'aria al meglio. L'aria passa attraverso il filtro deodorizzante che elimina i cattivi odori. La tecnologia Flash Streamer™ di Daikin neutralizza allergeni e odori prima di rilasciare aria nella stanza. Il flusso tridimensionale fa circolare l'aria sia in verticale sia in orizzontale per un comfort avvolgente. La tecnologia Motion Detection Sensor a doppia area di controllo direziona l'aria lontano dalle persone presenti nella stanza e, quando non c'è più nessuno, attiva la modalità risparmio energetico App Onecta Pieno controllo, ovunque ti trovi Non sei a casa? Grazie all'app Onecta, questo non è un problema. L’app permette di accedere all'istante a tutte le funzioni. Puoi regolare facilmente le impostazioni tramite smartphone, ovunque e in qualsiasi momento. Controlla tutte le funzionalità del tuo climatizzatore Crea diversi programmi e modalità operative Monitora il consumo di energia su base giornaliera, settimanale o annuale Identifica la stanza della tua casa per controllare facilmente le diverse unità Ti basterà connetterti alla rete WLAN e scaricare l'app Onecta per iniziare a creare il clima perfetto per la tua casa L'app Onecta permette di collegare Daikin alla rete Wi-Fi e di controllare il sistema di climatizzazione da qualsiasi luogo, utilizzando dispositivi Apple o Android. Anche quando non sei in casa puoi accendere, spegnere, impostare il funzionamento in raffrescamento o riscaldamento, regolare la temperatura ambiente e il flusso d’aria del climatizzatore. È semplicissimo Controllo vocale Per aumentare ulteriormente il comfort e la praticità, l’app Daikin Onecta ora è disponibile con controllo vocale. La possibilità di controllare l’applicazione a mani libere abbatte i clic necessari e permette una gestione delle unità più rapida che mai. Trasversale e multilingue, il controllo vocale si può combinare con gli smart speaker, come Google Assistant e Amazon Alexa Unità sempre connessa L'unità è gestibile tramite la nuova App Daikin Onecta e compatibile con gli assistenti vocali Amazon Alexa e Google Home. La connessione Wi-Fi è garantita grazie alla scheda SD integrata nell'unità Programmazione Imposta un programma per definire gli orari di funzionamento del sistema, e crea fino a sei azioni diverse al giorno Programma la temperatura ambiente e la modalità di funzionamento Abilita la modalità vacanza per risparmiare sui costi energetici Monitoraggio Ottieni una panoramica completa delle performance del sistema e dei consumi energetici Verifica lo stato del sistema Accedi ai grafici dei consumi energetici (giornalieri, settimanali, mensili) Controllo Personalizza il sistema in base al tuo stile di vita e alle tue esigenze di comfort per tutto l'anno Cambia la temperatura dell’ambiente Attiva la modalità Powerful per potenziare il funzionamento La disponibilità delle funzioni dipende dal tipo di sistema, dalla configurazione e dalla modalità di funzionamento. Le funzionalità dell’app sono disponibili solo se sia il sistema Daikin che l’app utilizzano una connessione Internet affidabile Vantaggi : > Daikin App Onecta : Controllo del clima interno da qualsiasi luogo tramite smartphone o tablet > Filtro in argento per la rimozione degli allergeni e la purificazione dell'aria : Elimina le particelle di polvere aerodisperse, ad esempio i pollini, per assicurare la pulizia dell'aria > Funzione Silent unità esterna : Il pulsante "Silent" del telecomando riduce di 3dB(A) il livello sonoro di funzionamento dell’unità esterna per non disturbare il vicinato. > Applicazione Multi : Possibilità di collegare fino a 5 unità interne, anche se di diversa capacità, a una sola unità esterna. Ciascuna delle unità interne può essere azionata singolarmente nell’ambito della stessa modalità raffreddamento o riscaldamento > Estremamente silenziosa : Estremamente silenziosa: l'unità è talmente silenziosa che ti dimenticherai di averla > Riscaldamento Ausiliario : Riscalda rapidamente la vostra abitazione quando si avvia il climatizzatore. La temperatura impostata viene raggiunta il 20% più rapidamente rispetto a un normale climatizzatore (solo monosplit) > Modalità Econo : Riduce la potenza assorbita, rendendola disponibile per altre applicazioni che richiedono potenze elevate. Consente inoltre di risparmiare energia > Sensore di Movimento a 2 Aree : Questa funzione consente di direzionare il flusso d'aria verso una zona diversa da quella in cui si trova la persona in quel momento. Se non viene rilevata la presenza di persone, l’unità passerà automaticamente alla modalità efficienza energetica > Modalità Stand By con Risparmio di Energia : I consumi energetici si riducono di circa l'80% in modalità standby > Modalità Notturna : Risparmia energia impedendo che la temperatura salga o scenda eccessivamente durante la notte > Solo Ventilazione : L'unità può essere utilizzata anche nella sola modalità di ventilazione, senza raffreddamento o riscaldamento > Modalità Comfort : Garantisce un funzionamento ottimale senza generare fastidiose correnti d'aria, impedendo che l'aria fredda o calda venga soffiata direttamente sulle persone > Modalità Powerful : Permette il raffreddamento o riscaldamento rapido dell'ambiente; una volta disattivata la modalità “Powerful”, l’unità torna alla modalità preimpostata > Commutazione Automatica Modalità di Funzionamento : Seleziona in automatico la modalità raffreddamento o riscaldamento per mantenere la temperatura impostata > Modalità Silent Unità Interna : il pulsante "Silent" sul telecomando consente di diminuire di 3dB(A) il rumore emesso durante il funzionamento dell'unità interna > Flusso Dell'Aria Tridimensionale : Utilizza l'oscillazione automatica verticale e orizzontale per assicurare la circolazione di aria calda o fredda anche negli angoli degli ambienti di grandi dimensioni > Oscillazione Verticale Automatica : Possibilità di selezionare il movimento verticale automatico dei deflettori di mandata, per rendere uniformi il flusso d'aria e la distribuzione della temperatura in tutto il locale > Oscillazione Orizzontale Automatica : È possibile selezionare l’oscillazione automatica orizzontale del deflettore di mandata, per ottimizzare il flusso d’aria e la distribuzione della temperatura > Regolazione Automatica Velocità Ventilatore : Seleziona automaticamente la velocità del ventilatore per raggiungere o mantenere la temperatura impostata > Velocità Ventilatore a gradini ( 5 gradini ) : Consente di selezionare differenti valori di velocità del ventilatore (2 gradini) > Programma di Deumificazione : Riduce l'umidità dell'aria evitando un eccessivo raffreddamento > Flash StreamerTM : Grazie all'uso di elettroni che attivano le reazioni chimiche con le particelle sospese nell'aria, il Flash Streamer decompone allergeni quali pollini e funghi e rimuove gli odori fastidiosi, assicurando un'aria migliore e più pulita > Filtro Deodoratizzante All'apatite di Titanio : Decompone odori fastidiosi ad esempio di tabacco e animali > Filtro Aria : Elimina le particelle di polvere disperse nell'aria, migliorando la qualità dell'aria > Timer Settimanale : Può essere impostato per avviare il raffreddamento o il riscaldamento in qualsiasi momento, su base giornaliera o settimanale > Timer 24 Ore : Può essere impostato per avviare l'unità in qualsiasi momento, in un periodo di 24 ore > Telecomando a Raggi Infrarossi : Permette il controllo delle funzioni del climatizzatore a distanza > Funzione di Riavvio Automatico : Dopo un’interruzione di corrente, l’unità si riavvia automaticamente con le impostazioni originali > Autodiagnostica : Semplifica la manutenzione indicando malfunzionamenti del sistema o anomalie di funzionamento Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Ferroli Offer Air Conditioner Ferroli Dual Split Inverter R32 Diamant M 7000+7000 Series With 14-2 7+7 Integrated Wi-Fi
Technical features Indoor units: Model: Indoor unit catalog code : Diamant M 20 x 2 Power (BTU/h) 7000 Indoor Unit HxWxD (mm): 285 x 805 x 194 ; 7.5kg Outdoor Unit: Model: Outdoor unit catalog code : 14-2 Energy efficiency: SEER/SCOP (W/W): 5.6/3.80 Energy Efficiency Class (cooling) : A+ Energy Efficiency Class (heating): A Performance: Nominal cooling capacity (kW): 5.5 Nominal heating capacity (kW): 5.1 Min-max outdoor unit sound pressure (dB-A): 57 Nominal sound power dB(A): 64 Characteristics: Power supply (V/Hz/Φ) : 230/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed operating range: Cooling °C: -10 ~ +46 Heating °C: -15 ~ +24 Dimensions: HxWxD (mm) : 554 x 800 (70) x 333; 35.5 kg; General characteristics THERE IS NEW AIR IN FERROLI The latest proposal by Ferroli in terms of wall multi-split is particularly appreciated for the elegant lines and compactness of the unit. It combines great performance, energy efficiency and silent operation. This equipment perfectly combines respect for the environment with the importance of energy saving, where Ferroli has always been at the forefront. - Ecological refrigerant R32 - Class of Efficiency A++ / A + - Remote control with dedicated smartphone App - Temperature visualization on the display on the machine - Equipped with DC inverter technology - Indoor unit with a particularly attractive and modern design - External unit equipped with connection cap and soundproof hood - Easily removable suction grille and filters for quick cleaning - Automatic reset in case of voltage drop - Night operation mode / “AUTOMATIC” mode / Timer function - Outdoor unit treated with anti-rust protective substances LIMITS ON LENGTH AND DIFFERENCE IN LEVEL OF REFRIGERANT PIPES The length of the refrigerant pipes between the indoor and outdoor units must be as short as possible, and is in any case limited by respecting the maximum height difference values between the units. By decreasing the difference in height between the units (H1,H2) and the length of the pipes (L), the load losses will be limited, consequently increasing the overall efficiency of the machine. Respect the limits shown in the following tables. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Electric Dual Split Inverter Series Kirigamine Zen Silver Msz-Ef 7+7 With Mxz-2f33vf R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi Color Silver 7000+7000
Technical features Indoor units Model: Indoor Unit Catalog Code: 2x MSZ-EF22VGKS Power : 7000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.2 kW Heating Capacity : 3.0 kW Treated Air : 4,0 ~ 11,9 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 21~45 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 299x885x195 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.5 kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code Outdoor Unit : MXZ-2F33VF2/3 Max indoor units: up to 2 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 6.13 SCOP : 4.0 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 188 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating : 908 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 3.3 kW Heating Capacity: 4.0 kW Cooling absorption: 0.85 kW Heating absorption: 0.91 kW Sound power level : 60 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 49~50 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x2 Maximum piping length: 20 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 10 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 550x800x285 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 33.0 Kg Multi-split DC Inverter The Inverter system is an electronic device that allows the speed of the compressor to be varied efficiently and, consequently, the power supplied by the air conditioner, based on the cooling or heating demand. Compared to traditional fixed speed (On/Off) air conditioners, inverter air conditioners reach the required temperature sooner and keep it stable, without annoying sudden changes, to the full advantage of comfort and electricity consumption. High seasonal efficiency Operating economy is the great advantage of Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners. Thanks to the DC Inverter regulation system and the accurate design of the components used, energy efficiency reaches extraordinary levels. The entire range of multi-split air conditioners (MXZ-D) achieves high efficiency values even on a seasonal basis. Maximum Silence for Maximum Comfort The DC Inverter multisplit units are characterized by the very low noise level emitted. By activating the silent mode, this level can be further reduced automatically when the demand is lower (e.g. during the night in cooling mode). Efficiency Thanks to careful planning and the introduction of R32 refrigerant, the efficiency of the new multi-split outdoor units is significantly increased, reaching class A+++ in cooling (sizes 2F42,2F53,3F54) and A++ (sizes 2F42,2F53,3F54) in heating. Connectivity The extraordinary connectivity available with the new external units allows to satisfy every need. The MXZ-F unit demonstrates all-round versatility , being connectable to most of the indoor unit range of the Residential and Commercial Line, whether they are wall mounted, ceiling cassette or ducted. Quietness The new MXZ-F multisplit outdoor units reach a new level of operating silence, reducing the sound emission by up to 4dB compared to the previous model in cooling mode and up to 3dB in heating mode. R32: reduced environmental impact Thanks to the use of R32 refrigerant and a reduced pre-charge of the units compared to the previous model, the MXZ-F units introduce a significantly lower quantity of equivalent tons of CO2 into the environment. Automatic noise reduction mode By setting this function, it is possible to automatically decrease the noise level of the external unit as the internal loads to be satisfied decrease, such as for example during night cooling. Auto-correct links It is enough to press a button (MXZ-3E/F to MXZ-6D) or activate only one indoor unit (MXZ-2E/F) to ensure the correct connection between indoor and outdoor units. In the event of a connection error, the system will automatically correct it Mitsubishi Electric Kirigamine Zen MSZ-EF Top design and compact size A design of impeccable elegance , colors that adapt to any kind of interior, precious materials and compact dimensions: it is Kirigamine Zen new from Mitsubishi Electric. An exclusive style combined with a high technological content and performance The R32 refrigerant gas complies with the European directives on the reduction of the greenhouse effect, presenting a lower GWP than R410A and not damaging the ozone layer. The advantages? High energy efficiency Reduction of the quantity of refrigerant gas used Reduced environmental impact Easily loaded and recoverable as pure gas Low toxicity and flammability Silver ion air purifier filter The irregular surface of the purifying filter is more effective in capturing dust and simple and regular cleaning keeps it in perfect working order for over 10 years, allowing you to neutralize bad odors thanks to its deodorizing power. The supplied silver ion air purifying filter is able to guarantee even cleaner and healthier air. Integrated MELCloud The new MSZ-EF (in the VGK version) offers the user experience of MELCloud integrated into the machine. Ready to be configured and used, it allows the user to remotely manage all the air conditioner functions thanks to the Wi-Fi controller. Color is elegance The elegance of Kirigamine Zen also passes through the colour. Defined colors, sober colors, clean shapes enclose the Mitsubishi Electrci technology in a precious air conditioner. Elegant remote controls The new Kirigamine Zen let themselves be commanded with elegance. The new remote controls, backlit, are even more beautiful. In two colors (black and white), elegant and easy to use, they enrich the user experiences of the Kirigamine Zen lines with a touch of design. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioner Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Dual Split Inverter Kireia Plus Titanium Series 7+7 With Scm40zs-W R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+7000
NB: THE PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE ON ORDER ONLY Technical features Indoor units Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 2x SRK20ZSX-T Power: 7000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating Capacity : 3.0 kW Treated Air : 300 ~ 732 m 3 /min Sound pressure level : 19 ~ 38 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxPxH): 920x220x305 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 13 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AM-MHI-01 ) Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: SCM40ZS-W Max indoor units: up to 2 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER : 9.10 SCOP : 4.7 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 154 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating : 1222 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 4.0 kW Heating Capacity: 4.5 kW Std cooling absorption: 0.80 kW Std heating absorption: 0.83 kW Sound power level : 64 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 51 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 46° C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x2 Maximum piping length: 30 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 15 m Dimensions: Dimensions Outdoor Unit (LxPxH): 780(+90)x290x595 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 40 Kg Mitsubishi Heavy Industries KIREIA PLUS Japanese Technology, Italian Design A'Design Award KIREIA Plus received the Silver A'Design Award in the “Engineering and Technical Design” category for “having met the demanding expectations of the European air conditioning market”. Stylish Simplicity Soft curves and rounded corners that give the machine a 'floating effect' making it elegant and compact Color White and Titanium The elegance of white, the hi-tech style of titanium Human Sensor (Optional) It knows when you give it your all, it recognizes your moments of relaxation, and if you leave, it saves energy. Three functions to achieve the optimal level of energy savings with the HUMAN SENSOR device • Eco Operation By Human Sensor • Auto OFF By Human Sensor • Fuzzy Auto Operation Breathe clean air Thanks to the combined action of the antiallergenic and photocatalytic filters, KIREIA PLUS retains and neutralizes pollen and eliminates bad smells. With the Allergen Clear function all bacteria, viruses and molds collected on the surface of the anti-allergenic filter are eliminated Optimized Airflow The 3D auto function ensures better distribution and circulation of the air in the room. The control logic optimally regulates the airflow , automatically controlling the fan speed and the direction of the flow Smart remote control The remote control supplied as standard with KIREIA guarantees simple and intuitive use, allows complete control of the temperature and air distribution in the room • Weekly timer: up to 4 daily schedules for a total of 28 weekly schedules • Modes: auto, cooling, heating, dehumidification and ventilation • Available functions: Eco, Night Setback, Silent Wi-Fi Optional Thanks to the Wi-Fi module, it is possible to access the remote control of the air conditioner via the app for smartphones and tablets Home Air Conditioning Control, even outside the home With the app it is possible to turn on, turn off, adjust the room temperature and the air flow of each air conditioner in the house Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
HAIER Haier Air Conditioner Dual Split Inverter Series Flexis Black 7+7 With 2u40s2sc1fa R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000 Color Black - New
Haier Dual Split Inverter Air Conditioner FLEXIS BLACK 7+7 series with 2U40S2SC1FA R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000 - New Model: White model catalog code: AS20S2SF1FA-MB Power: 2 x 7000 Btu/h Performance: Dimensions WxDxH 866x196x301 mm; 9.5 kgs Standard YR-HQ remote control Outdoor unit Model: Catalog code: 2U40S2SC1FA Max indoor units: 2 Energy efficiency RAFF energy class. SEER 6.2 (A++) Energy class RISC. SCOP 4.0 (A+) Annual energy consumption RAFF kWh/a 226 Annual RISC energy consumption kWh/a 1151 Performance Nom COOL output power (min~max) kW 4.0 (1.1~4.8) Nom heat output power (min~max) kW 4.4 (1.8~5.2) Sound power dB(A) 62 Sound pressure dB(A) 52 Treated air volume 1900 m3h Power supply 230-1-50V-Ph-Hz Hydraulic data R32 refrigerant Liquid/gas pipe Ø mm 2x6.35 / 2x9.52 Total pipe length max m 30 Single EU-UI line max piping length m 20 Max height difference IU - UE m 15 Max height difference IU - IU m 15 Function limits: - COOL. min~max °C -10÷46°C - HEAT. min~max °C -15÷24°C Dimensions Dimensions WxDxH mm 780x270x540 ; 34.2 kgs FLEXIS extension The new Haier FLEXIS internal unit is available in Matt White and Matt Black , i.e. matt white and matt anthracite grey. It supports R32 gas which at the moment represents the best in yields and reduced environmental impact on the greenhouse effect, it is easy to use thanks to a complete and intuitive remote control, and a refined and pleasant aesthetic which thanks to the opaque color is very modern and integrates well into the home environment. The performance is top notch from all points of view and the use of DC fans combined with design optimization can reduce noise up to 16d B(A ) , practically imperceptible to the human ear. Haier FLEXIS is equipped with a double motion sensor with an angle of 120° and a reading up to 8m. distance, which ensures a comfortable air flow by detecting the presence of people in the room according to your needs. In fact, the "follow" or "avoid" functions can be set. The air deflectors are also adjustable by remote control both for the classic movement on the horizontal axis and on the vertical ones to direct the flow to the right or to the left as desired. To the delight of the installer, Haier FLEXIS was designed with criteria that facilitate assembly by reducing installation times and simplifying the steps to be done for the hydraulic and electrical connections and was born in an inverter heat pump with high energy efficiency and with all the characteristics necessary to take advantage of the tax breaks provided for by the legislature for 2019. Eco Sensor Double motion sensor Double motion sensor capable of covering an area of 120° (2 direction area horizontally). Maximum detection distance 8m. Quietness The noise level of the indoor unit is 19 dB(A) The use of DC Inverter fans and design optimization decrease the noise level of the indoor units. With the Quiet setting the level of only 19dB(A) is reached. Easy installation 1. Easy installation of the mounting template Thanks to detailed instructions, the mounting template can be installed quickly and easily. 2. Easy clip Easier to install due to the additional support clip, which increases the working space. 3. Quick and easy repair of the PCB and motor Allows the removal and maintenance of the PCB and motor without the need to disassemble the unit and the evaporator. 4. More space for piping reduces installation time by increasing the operating space for easy access to piping and electrical connection area. 6. Removable bottom panel Allows the installer to connect pipes and cables with more operating space Wifi Allows you to set the air conditioner remotely even when you are away Easy installations Eco Sensor 16dB(A) Wi-Fi as standard Energy class in cooling: A+++ Energy class in heat pump: A++ Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase. Double motion sensor Double motion sensor capable of covering an area of 120° (2 direction area horizontally). Maximum detection distance 8m. Quietness The noise level of the indoor unit is 19 dB(A) The use of DC Inverter fans and design optimization decrease the noise level of the indoor units. With the Quiet setting the level of only 19dB(A) is reached. Easy installation 1. Easy installation of the mounting template Thanks to detailed instructions, the mounting template can be installed quickly and easily. 2. Easy clip Easier to install due to the additional support clip, which increases the working space. 3. Quick and easy repair of the PCB and motor Allows the removal and maintenance of the PCB and motor without the need to disassemble the unit and the evaporator. 4. More space for piping reduces installation time by increasing the operating space for easy access to piping and electrical connection area. 6. Removable bottom panel Allows the installer to connect pipes and cables with more operating space Wifi Allows you to set the air conditioner remotely even when you are away Easy installations Eco Sensor 16dB(A) Wi-Fi as standard Energy class in cooling: A+++ Energy class in heat pump: A++ Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hitachi Hitachi Dual Split Inverter Air Conditioner Performance Series 7+7 With Ram-33np2e R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+7000 - New
Technical features Indoor Units Model : Indoor Unit Catalog Code : 2x RAK-18RPE Power : 7000 Btu Cooling Capacity : 2.0 kW Heating Capacity : 2.5 kW Treated Air : 312~440 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 51 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 280x780x230 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card: ( Code SPX-WFG01 ) Simplified Wall Control : ( Code SPX-RCDA ) Optional Wall Control with Weekly Timer : ( Code SPX-WKT3 ) Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code Outdoor Unit : RAM-33NP2 Maximum number of connectable indoor units: 2 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.5 SCOP: 4.6 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 3.3 kW Heating Capacity: 4.0 kW Std cooling absorption: 0.73 kW Std heating absorption: 0.9 kW Sound power level : 60 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 48~50 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x2 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 570x750x280 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 38 Kg Warranty The residential and light commercial series of Hitachi air conditioners are covered by a 2-year warranty from the date of purchase and a further 5-year warranty on the electronic boards of the outdoor and indoor units as well as on the compressors. This warranty includes parts and labor. Multizone Premium E Series Extended Range Today, 8 models of outdoor units are available with capacities from 3.3 kW to 10kW in cooling, to which it is possible to combine 6 different types of indoor units with powers from 1.5 kW to 6.0 kW in cooling. Low consumption and high yield The entire range of Multizone Premium E Series outdoor units can boast very high efficiency with a minimum absorption in modulation of only 200 W (depending on the model). All models therefore meet the requirements necessary for obtaining tax bonuses and deductions. Furthermore, the exclusive "HIBERNATE" function with which the systems are equipped, is programmed to switch off the sub-circuits of the inactive components and all the LEDs not required for operation, so as to allow for a reduction in consumption during the heating phase. 70% standby Building automation and complete integration With the new Multizone Premium E Series systems, integration with home automation networks or advanced centralized control systems is now easier by connecting a single SPX-RAMHLK interface directly to the outdoor unit. Thanks to this device it is possible to command and monitor the Multizone systems through home automation interfaces of the MODBUS, LONWORKS, KONNEX and BACNET type or through the traditional HITACHI centralized commands Hitachi Performance High performance in Class A+++, compact dimensions, Frost Wash and presence sensor Silent and Compact Air Conditioner Not sure where to install your air conditioner? Performance FrostWash is perfect for smart installation! With only 780 mm in length, it is ideal to be inserted even above a door. The performance of this air conditioner is truly special, like its silence which reaches up to 19 dB(A). All the Performances you want Air conditioner with heat pump function for heating the air, high energy efficiency in class A+++, presence sensor and 4-way swing mode which allows for optimal air distribution. Performance FrostWash really has everything you could wish for for your well-being, just choose it! And if that weren't enough, you can also use Hi-Kumo, the App available for iOS and Android dedicated to the control of Hitachi Cooling & Heating systems. Frost Wash For clean air conditioning and a healthy environment The result of research and development in the laboratories of the Japanese company and exclusive to Hitachi, the Frost Wash function captures, freezes and washes away dust, mold and impurities, guaranteeing perfect hygiene of the air conditioner and a healthy environment. The function is programmed automatically and can also be activated from the remote control. Always clean air conditioning thanks to the internal components made of stainless steel, a material that reduces the percentage of bacteria by over 99% and dust by 62%. And, with the self-cleaning robot that activates periodically and does not require the air conditioner to be opened to clean the filters, classic maintenance is not necessary. More comfort with the 4-Way-Swing Thanks to the 4-Way-Swing you can direct the air flow in the most comfortable way Presence sensor The sensor activates operation when it identifies human presence in the room and progressively reduces operation when it does not detect the presence of people Compatible with Hi-Kumo Wi-Fi system Thanks to the Hi-Kumo APP you can turn on, turn off, change the temperature or make programming anywhere in the world you are. The system can be controlled via a smartphone with internet connection to the Wi-Fi device (optional) Small size Thanks to the width of only 780 mm you can also install it above a door. Silent operation The Performance Series features a sound level reaching 19dB(A) Minimum absorption and maximum energy efficiency Thanks to a very low absorption of only 250 W of the compressor in minimum modulation, the system offers efficiency in class A+++ Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Samsung Samsung Dual Split Inverter Air Conditioner Windfree Light 7+7 Series With Aj040ncj R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000
ATTENTION : In case of unavailability we will supply the new WindFree Evo model ----> Click Here Technical features Indoor Units Model: Series: Windfree Light Model: 2 x AR07NXWXCWKNEU Power: 7000 btu Indoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 828x267x265 Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code: AJ040NCJ2EG/EU Gases: R-32 Max indoor units that can be combined: 2 Nominal Capacity (Cooling/Heating) kW: 4.0 / 4.4 Sound Pressure Outdoor Unit Max (dB(A)): 52/45 Sound power (Max) dB(A): 61 Cooling/Heating operation range (°C): -5°~46°/-15°~24° Electrical data: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 790x548x285 ; 32 kgs Liquid/Gas connection pipes Ømm (inch) 2x6.35 (1/4”) - 2x9.52 (3/8”) Pipe length (max per unit): 25 m Piping length (min per unit): 3 m Indoor-outdoor unit max height difference: 15 m Indoor-indoor unit max height difference: 7.5 m General characteristics Samsung Wind Free Light Samsung Windfree Light air conditioners are designed to make the most of it and give you maximum comfort with extremely low consumption, reaching very high levels of energy efficiency (A++). Designed with innovative and elegant lines, to satisfy any need, with a backlit LED display to view the temperature or the functions you want, it is also managed by a high-tech 8-pole inverter, which in addition to ensuring effectiveness and efficiency, allows for less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Designed to last over time and to withstand the most extreme temperatures, the outdoor units and its components are protected by a particular anti-corrosion and anti-mould protection, and its BLDC (double rotation) compressor, in turn made up of 2 cams and the two balancing weights, so as to obtain very low levels of vibrations, and be extremely silent. . Refreshes quickly without direct air jets The new WindFree air distribution system is the only one that transforms the powerful and direct air fl ow, often the cause of muscle pain and colds, into enveloping coolness. WindFree is ideal for maintaining the desired temperature while avoiding the classic drawbacks associated with the use of air conditioning. Goodbye annoying air jets only the pleasure of the climate you want 2 step cooling is the exclusive two-phase cooling system that allows Samsung air conditioners to obtain surprising results in a very short time and to maintain ideal climatic conditions in absolute comfort. Once the temperature has been selected, the air conditioner automatically sets maximum power to reach the goal in 25% less time than traditional air conditioners. Once the set temperature has been reached, the air conditioner autonomously reduces the emission of cold air, directing it upwards to avoid unpleasant chills for the people present in the room. What is the WindFree technique? The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct air jets. Triangle design Windfree function The WindFree system, thanks to 21,000 micro-holes in the air conditioning units, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. Smart Wi-Fi Control Your well-being can be programmed even when you are not at home. By connecting the air conditioner via the integrated Wi-Fi module, it is possible to manage the air conditioner easily from your Smartphone or tablet, even when the heat suddenly breaks out and you are not at home, in fact by downloading the a special Samsung Smart Home App allows you to activate the air conditioning, to create the ideal climate to better enjoy moments of relaxation when you return home. Downloadable on all Android or IOS platforms. Main features Air conditioner that works with R32 gas , a new type of environmentally friendly refrigerant. The WindFree system , thanks to 21,000 micro-holes located on the front surface of the air conditioner, allows for a more uniform and delicate diffusion of fresh air without direct jets of air. The exclusive Smart Control technology allows you to manage the main functions of the air conditioner using an app that can be installed on a smartphone or PC, even when you are away from home. The noise level of just 16 db(A) is made possible by the use of advanced technologies and by an internal unit designed to minimize any type of vibration or noise. Digital Inverter and 8-Pole Compressor The Digital Inverter compressor modulates the power according to actual needs, significantly reducing energy waste compared to traditional compressors. The new and exclusive 8-Pole Inverter ensures more effective and effi cient operation with less vibration and noise, cooling environments more quickly and also reducing consumption. Purification The Easy Filter of Samsung air conditioners is located on the outside, on the top. So it's easier to take out, clean and put back without having to open any lid or pull hard to detach it. Spi Air Purifier Active hydrogen, together with oxygen ions, neutralizes bacteria that cause allergies and respiratory problems, guaranteeing always pure and healthy air. Design The triangular design allows for a larger impeller, a wider intake grille and a larger delivery surface. The room is cooled faster and more evenly. The elegant and luminous digital display , visible only when the air conditioner is on, reveals the temperature of the room in which the internal unit is installed. Comfort The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Auto Change Over automatically selects the operating mode (cooling or heating) required to maintain the set temperature. Just press the appropriate button and the special fins distribute the air flow evenly and quickly in the desired direction. The Good Sleep function regulates the room temperature by reproducing the body temperature curve during the night, thus ensuring a more comfortable rest. The dehumidification function allows you to eliminate humidity from the rooms, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The auto clean function , which starts automatically once the air conditioner is switched off, eliminates humidity in the internal unit, preventing the proliferation of mould, bacteria and bad odours. 2-Step Cooling The air conditioner works at maximum power to quickly reach the desired temperature. Then direct the fins up to keep them as comfortable as possible. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Samsung Samsung Air Conditioner Dual Split Inverter Series Maldives Quantum 7+7 With Aj040mcj R-410 7000+7000
Technical features INDOOR UNITS Model: Series: MALDIVES (without display) Model: 2 x AR07RXFPEWQ Power : 7000 btu Performance: Cooling Capacity (kW): 2.0 Heating capacity (kW): 2.2 Min-Max sound pressure dB(A): 23 - 37 Dimensions: Connection tube (liquid): 6.35mm (1/4”) Connection tube (gas): 9.52mm (3/8”) Indoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 820 x 285 x 205 *2 Infrared remote control included OUTDOOR UNIT Model: Catalog code: AJ040MCJ2EH/EU Gases: R410A Max indoor units that can be combined: 2 Nominal Capacity (Cooling/Heating) kW: 4.0 / 4.4 External Unit Sound Pressure Max (dB(A)): 45 Sound power (Max) dB(A): 61 Cooling/Heating operation range (°C): -5°~46°/-15°~24° Electrical data: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Dimensions: Outdoor Unit WxHxD (mm): 790 x 545 x 285 ; 37 kgs Pipe length (max per unit): 20 m Piping length (min per unit): 3 m Indoor-outdoor unit max height difference: 15 m Indoor-indoor unit max height difference: 7.5 m 7+7 COMBINATION: Cooling down Rated Capacity (W): 4000 Nominal absorption (W): 1180 SEER Seasonal energy efficiency in cooling mode: 6.1 Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Rated Capacity (W): 4400 Nominal absorption (W): 1160 SCOP Seasonal energy efficiency in heating mode (W/W): 4.0 Energy Efficiency Class: A+ General characteristics MALDIVES MALDIVES , the Samsung Monosplit Inverter air conditioner is the ideal solution for any environment. MALDIVES is beautiful and pure. MALDIVE is a breath of pure well-being, it offers clean, fresh air and completely transforms the climate of the environment where it is installed into an island of absolute well-being . MALDIVE creates all this with low energy consumption. MALDIVES air conditioners are available in four power sizes and satisfy all housing needs ; they guarantee excellent performance, comfort and well-being everywhere and during all seasons. Thanks to the Digital Inverter compressor , the 18,000 and 24,000 BTU sizes fall into class A++ , while the 9,000 and 12,000 BTU sizes fall into energy efficiency class A+ . The MALDIVES have very low energy consumption ; they produce a relaxing well -being thanks to the maintenance of a constant temperature without sudden changes ; they contribute to the protection of our planet because they respect the environment . The new high-density filter removes even the smallest and most microscopic dust particles and transforms polluted air into absolutely pure and clean air. Even the cleaning of the filter is carried out in the purest way since it is enough to wash it under the jet of water. MALDIVES air conditioners offer a series of functions which enhance their practicality of use. Turbo Cooling makes the desired temperature reach in a very short time . The Good Sleep function makes your sleep peaceful thanks to the air conditioner's ability to regulate the temperature based on your body temperature . The Dehumidification function offers perfect relaxation, fighting the heat of the hottest months. Finally, with the Auto Clean eliminates mould , bacteria and bad smells with the simple pressure of a button on the remote control. With their 23 dB(A) of noise, Samsung MALDIVES air conditioners are also very quiet; you will feel only a breath, but of pure well-being. Zero energy in stand-by By avoiding wasting energy to start and stop the device and thanks to its improved control technology, the Samsung air conditioner helps you significantly reduce energy waste. The new Samsung air conditioner lets you save money even when it's turned off. The improved control panel uses minimal amounts of energy when turned off, resulting in greater savings than traditional air conditioners. Full HD filter With the Samsung High Density Filter, you can rest assured that your room will always be kept fresh and clean. The Full HD Filter offers improved filtration by removing even microscopic dust particles and transforming polluted air into clean air. Filter cleaning also becomes convenient. To clean the filter, simply remove the dirt with running water. Always keep your air clean and fresh with quick and easy filter maintenance. Digital Inverter compressor Samsung air conditioners with Smart Inverter technology not only use less power than conventional models, but also achieved one of the best Energy Efficiency Ratings (EER) of A+++/8.5 (K 9k series). Utilizing the full capacity of the compressor, they quickly reach the desired temperature setting, faster than non-inverter models. In addition, our Smart Inverter air conditioners regulate fluctuations to maintain a constant temperature and avoid excessive changes. good sleep If you don't sleep peacefully, you risk starting the day on the wrong foot. That's why the Samsung Good Sleep function creates an ideally comfortable climate in your bedroom. Thanks to a precise temperature control system and automatic humidity regulation, all three vital phases of your sleep are protected from humidity and heat so that when you wake up you feel rested and ready to face a new day. Good Sleep not only saves you vital minutes and hours of potentially lost sleep, but also saves up to 36% in energy consumption compared to normal cooling mode. HD80 filter Thanks to the unique structure of the anti-bacterial coating, this filter can collect fine particles of dust and viruses that you can't even see. Enjoy complete protection from unwanted bacteria and breathe cleaner, fresher air. Turbo cooling The new Samsung air conditioner runs at its maximum speed in Turbo mode to quickly reach the set temperature while instantly cooling your space thanks to Samsung's Turbo cooling technology. Auto Clean You probably already know this, but it's good to remember that an air conditioner can produce mold and spread bacteria. This is because the difference between the internal and external air temperatures creates the formation of humidity inside the unit and humidity is synonymous with bacteria. Our solution? Samsung air conditioners are equipped with the automatic cleaning function, which automatically activates the fan even after turning off the climate, keeping everything dry and odor-free. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
DAIKIN Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter Air Conditioner Emura Silver 7+7 Series With 2mxm40m/N R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000 Silver Color - Italian Warranty
Technical features Indoor Units Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 2x FTXJ20MS Series: Emura Silver Silver colour Power: 7000 Btu/h Cooling / Heating Air Flow: 8.9 ~ 10.2 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 54 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Cooling: 19~38 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.50 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 303x998x212 mm Weight : 12kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code : 2MXM40M/N Max indoor units that can be combined: 2 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.19 SCOP: 4.60 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 4.0 kW Heating Capacity: 4.2 kW Absorbed power Cooling: 0.95 kW Absorbed power Heating: 0.95 kW Sound power level Cooling : 60 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 62 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 2x Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Dimensions and weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 550x765x285 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 36.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 guarantee The Daikin Italia guarantee can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit systems Superior efficiency The range of new Multisplit includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, which can be combined with Daikin indoor units. Designed with energy efficient refrigerants and compressors for optimum performance, all multi-split units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to one multi outdoor unit. The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool several rooms " Daikin BLUEVOLUTION redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future Those who choose Daikin for their home simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken the concept of comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can have maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. The high levels of seasonal efficiency guarantee the best atmosphere both in summer and in winter, minimizing consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and the wide range of products offered are synonymous with reliability and long-lasting systems, perfect for your home. And even when you're not at home, you can control and adjust the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Consumption halved by saving on energy costs. In doing so, you are good for the environment and for your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4-year warranty Daikin Kizuna's 2-year free warranty extension will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash StreamerTM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad smells, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed so that the air conditioner becomes a piece of furniture. Why Choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just a matter of comfort. Daikin systems are also kind to the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy saving technologies guarantee high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a class A+++ product is up to 40% more efficient than a class A++ product. Seasonal efficiency is a new way of rating heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency over the year. R-32 more efficient and eco-friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant which results in lower CO 2 emissions. This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. For the benefit of the environment! Extreme silence Noisy units are now a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that they are inaudible. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. App control Not at home? Thanks to Daikin's Residential Controller App the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, when and where you want. In addition, you will be able to keep energy consumption under control, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura A perfect synthesis of technology and design, Daikin Emura was designed in Europe for Europe and guarantees exceptional climate control. The intelligent technology on which it is based will make your home so comfortable that you will practically forget you have it. Air purification Clean and healthy air. Filters inside Daikin Emura trap microscopic particles of dust, allergens and odours, keeping the air clean and healthy Heating Innovative technologies that increase energy savings. Heat pumps extract heat from the air, reducing your bill each month and increasing energy efficiency Cooling Energy-efficient air conditioning: with Daikin's exclusive Inverter technology, air conditioning reduces costs by increasing energy savings Unique European design Daikin Emura, with its sophisticated design and elegant European look, is the most attractive air conditioner on the market. Daikin Emura, available in white and silver to suit any interior decor, has won several international awards for its design Award-winning design Designed for your comfort Daikin 's 2-zone Intelligent Eye sensor can detect the presence of people and can direct the airflow, in both cooling and heating modes, away from them. The system automatically switches to Energy Saving mode when it detects no presence in the environment. Voice Control The Daikin Residential Controller application is designed for those who live a busy life and want to manage their system via smartphone. To further increase comfort and convenience, the Daikin Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free cuts down on necessary clicks and allows for faster drive management than ever before. Transversal and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Unit Always Connected The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Residential Controller App and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit Programming Set up a schedule to define system operating times, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize the system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the ambient temperature Turn on Powerful mode to boost operation Feature availability depends on system type, configuration, and mode of operation. The app features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Hisense Hisense Dual Split Inverter Air Conditioner New Comfort 7+7 Series With 2amw42u4rgc R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 7000+7000
Technical features Indoor units Internal Unit Catalog Code : 2x DJ20YD00G Power: 7000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.1 kW Heating Capacity : 2.5 kW Absorption : 43W Rated Current : 0.2A Treated Air: 8.3 m 3 /min Sound Pressure Level : 19~39 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 745x270x212 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 7.5 Kg Optional Wi-Fi Card (Code AEH-W4E1 ) Optional Wire Control ( Code YXE-C01U ) Outdoor Unit Model: External Unit catalog code: 2AMW42U4RGC Number of connectable indoor units : up to 2 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER: 7.6 SCOP : 4.4 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption Cooling : 189 kWh/a Annual energy consumption Heating : 1114 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 4.1 kW Heating Capacity: 4.5 kW Std cooling absorption: 0.95 kW Std heating absorption: 0.95 kW Sound power level : 58 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 47~53 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 50°C - Heating: -20° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x2 Maximum piping length: 30 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (WxHxD): 715x540x240 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 28.5 Kg 3 year warranty (5 on the compressor) The Hisense Italia warranty can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address http://www.hisenseitalia.it/clima/supporto Multisplit Outdoor Unit Technologies High Efficiency Twin Rotary DC Inverter Compressor The design of the new dual rotor BLDC Inverter compressor ensures better balancing and reduced vibrations. This translates into the maximum level of silence and excellent performance in terms of efficiency and energy saving. Full DC Inverter Hisense Inverter Expert technology guarantees high efficiency and low sound level thanks to the combined action of the DC Inverter compressor, the DC Inverter fan motor and the electronic expansion valve Smart Defrost Based on the historical data, the system adapts the conditions for activating the defrost to ensure maximum comfort in heating mode Operating range The new Free Match outdoor units guarantee maximum efficiency even at low temperatures, down to -20° in heating Operating range The dimensions of the new Free Match outdoor units have been reduced by 10% to allow them to be installed even in small spaces DC drive technology with 180° sine wave The system constantly monitors the compressor frequency and creates the most efficient waveform to determine effective consumption savings. Curve control Compressor with rubidium magnet Thanks to the greater compression of the gas molecules, the rubidium magnet compressor guarantees greater efficiency and lower absorption Electronic expansion valve The outdoor unit uses an electronic expansion valve that regulates and optimizes the refrigerant amount of all operating indoor units. Operation with wide voltage range The outdoor unit can work with voltage from 176V to 264V. In the new models, the use of an automatic voltage regulation technique ensures that the protection value adjusts according to it, keeping the operating frequency at an optimal value. Exchanger design: designed to improve its efficiency The design of the external exchanger was designed to increase the heat transfer in order to make the refrigeration circuit more efficient and avoid the creation of blocks of ice. Another advantage is that it can support long-distance connections between outdoor units and indoor units without reducing the cooling capacity. Hisense New Comfort Easy installation The New Comfort models are easy to install thanks to the new design of the indoor unit and the mounting plate. 1 . The mounting plate has two tabs that allow you to distance the indoor unit from the wall for more usable space while connecting the pipes 2. The panel on the bottom of the indoor unit is easily removed to ensure convenient access to the piping 3. You can choose the side to connect the drain pump according to your installation needs Wi-Fi control Hisense air conditioners are managed comfortably inside and outside the home with a mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection. HiSmart Life is the easy-to-use app with an intuitive interface that allows you to control the air conditioner wherever you are. The app is available for iOS and Android. After downloading the app and pairing the air conditioner, the app allows you to manage operating modes, temperature, fan speed and air flow. From the «Intelligent function» section it is also possible to set daily or weekly timers. Smart Voice Control The new HiSmart Life app is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant: thanks to voice interaction, it is possible to switch on, switch off, adjust the temperature and set the desired operating mode (cooling or heating). Find HiSmart Life in the Alexa Skills and in the Google assistant catalog. Optimal airflow The new Hisense air conditioners guarantee an ideal air flow according to the operating mode or according to the type of activity carried out by the people in the room. You can select the airflow direction directly from the remote control Universal unit for mono and multi systems The universal indoor units can be connected to Monosplit and Multisplit outdoor units to ensure maximum installation versatility Functions • Dimmer : Pressing this button on the remote control will turn off the display light on the front panel • i FEEL : The sensor inside the remote controller is able to detect the surrounding temperature and transmit this information to the indoor unit. The indoor unit works according to the detected temperature. Intelligent temperature control ensures a more comfortable environment and more precise temperature control, saving energy • Special restart at 8°C : The special 8°C heating mode is very useful especially for homes located in areas with colder temperatures (and in second homes). During your absence, in fact, the unit will start in heating mode as soon as a temperature below 8°C is detected, allowing your rooms not to freeze and reducing the level of humidity in the air ON/OFF contact for hotel room control ON/OFF contact for fire control Total Protection : 4 Filters in 1 • Catechin filter : removes odors and dust • HEPA filter : removes pollen and dust • Silver Ion Filter : sterilizes bacteria by acting on their composition • Aroma filter: releases a pleasant scent into the environment Characteristics Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
GREE Gree Dual Split Inverter Air Conditioner Pular 7+7 Series With Gwhd(14)Nk6oo R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000
Technical features Indoor unit Model: Indoor unit catalog code : 2x GWH07AGB-K6DNA1B/I Power : 7000 Btu Cooling Capacity: 2.1 kW Heating Capacity: 2.6 kW Treated Air Indoor Unit : 280~480 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 34~55 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 21~40 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 260x779x185 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8 Kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: GWHD(14)NK6OO Max indoor units: up to 2 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER: 6.5 SCOP : 4.0 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Annual energy consumption in Cooling : 220 kWh/a Annual energy consumption in Heating: 1330 kWh/a Performance: Cooling Capacity: 4.1 kW Heating Capacity: 4.4 kW Absorption in cooling: 1.1 kW Heating absorption: 0.98 kW Sound power level : 62 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 50~52 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15°~48°C - Heating: -15°~24°C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x2 Maximum piping length: 10 m Maximum piping length with additional charge: 40 m Maximum height difference between indoor units: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 550x745x300 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 30.0 Kg Gree Pular Purity in Design and Comfort The finish is matte, velvet effect, the color is pure white Thanks to the use of opaque, simple and easy-to-match injection molding techniques, for a contemporary, captivating style The design is seamless The integrated double flap, completely closed, has no joints, because the details make the difference Cleanliness and linearity are the distinguishing features of the design Flowing curves and transitions, maximum simplicity, for a minimal approach, ideal for any environment Superior Comfort Advanced functions of Pular, capable of giving unprecedented comfort i-FEEL Plus The sensor on the remote control, which measures the room temperature and sends inputs to the unit to ensure the desired temperature where the remote control is placed, now has an even higher frequency of sending inputs. Every 10 minutes it connects with the unit, ensuring maximum comfort Ad hoc technology for each mode Cooling with shower air flow. Heating with flow from bottom to top. Air flow increased by 17% compared to previous ranges. Very long air throw, up to 10 m. High precision in the air delivery thanks to the double flap 3D airflow Customize your comfort thanks to the 3D SWING function. Both horizontal and vertical flaps can be individually directed via the remote control. It is possible to select the oscillation angle for both flaps Multi-speed airflow Up to 7 fan speeds from Quiet to Turbo Auto manages ventilation intelligently Sleep function with 3 options Silent modifies the set point in the following two hours Smart intelligently adjusts the set point DIY choose your personalized Sleep schedule Turbo in cold and in heat For instant comfort, bring the compressor and fans to maximum power Intelligent car mode Relax and let the climate control decide how to behave to achieve the desired comfort. For the first time, even in Auto mode it is possible to select the desired room temperature Cold air prevention In Heating, a special intelligent function allows the conditioned air to enter the room only if and when it is sufficiently heated, for maximum comfort. Save Energy Dedicated to those who want to save as much as possible, it decides the temperature independently, according to the default settings. Operation is managed automatically Intelligent auto-restart It guarantees continuity of your comfort because after a black-out the unit restarts automatically when the power is restored, keeping the last settings. Low Voltage Startup In an intelligent way, the unit starts with minimal starting, so as not to interfere with the use of other appliances Intelligent Defrosting If the cold external temperature causes the formation of ice on the condenser coil, the correct functioning of the air conditioner in hot mode requires that there is a stop of the introduction of hot air into the room to allow defrosting of the external exchanger. In this specific case, these stops are not programmed at regular intervals, but take place only if and when really necessary, guaranteeing continuity of hot air flow into the room Maximum silence With Pular you can sleep peacefully it is SUPER QUIET its sound level is record-breaking! 3 dB(A) below standard values: in Sleep mode it does not exceed 21 dB(A) TOP air quality with the COLD PLASMA PLUS Purification System Its sterilization effectiveness against bacteria is the best ever: it reaches 93%, against an average value of 80% for similar systems. It releases ions capable of neutralizing bacteria, fungi, pollen, mites and, in general, pollutants present in indoor air. Removes over 400 kinds of odors. It makes the air lighter by enriching it with negative ions Single filter accessible without any disassembly for cleaning The dust filter is external, integrated in the structure, easy to reach and to clean frequently, without having to disassemble it. The fully enclosed double flap has no joints and thus prevents dust and other pollutants from entering the unit Optional Filters Even purer air with the new optional filters, which you can apply to the standard Pular filter Anti-Bacterial Filter The structure is realized by adding the biological anti-bacterial agent on the filter net. Effectively eliminate Escherichia coli and staphylococcus, etc Tio 2 anti-bacterial deodorant filter Takes activated carbon as a carrier, mixed with titanium dioxide Mite Clear Anti-Mite Filter New anti-mite and antibacterial material and can defend or prevent the mite, to improve indoor air quality Composite filter Silver Ions, Catechin, Mite Clear Silver ions: Effectively eliminate carcinogens, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, etc. Catechin : Effectively sterilizes bacteria and other pollutants; prevents the causes of unpleasant odors Mite Clear : Defends against mites and effectively prevents their formation Auto-Clean Manage the cleaning of your internal drive with Pular Condensate, frost, defrost, dry You can decide to activate evaporator cleaning when you wish: with the unit off, just press two buttons on the remote control. The function will see phases of condensation, ice formation, defrosting and drying take place in sequence aimed at eliminating all residues of dust and pollutants and all traces of condensation. This will allow clean air to be introduced into the room at all times and to preserve the efficiency of the heat exchanger X-Fans The prevention of mold formation is also guaranteed by this function, which is activated simply by holding down the speed button for 2 seconds: the indoor unit fan will continue to operate, even with the unit off, for a few minutes, in order to dry perfectly the evaporator User Friendly and Smart Controlling Pular's features is a breeze . From Remote Control to Infrared Easy to use It has a minimal but technological design, a pure white, high gloss finish and is characterized by a large LCD display and easy-to-use buttons. The integrated temperature sensor is activated by pressing the IFeel key and the Light key turns off the backlighting of the LED display of the indoor unit. The wifi button allows immediate activation of the function on the remote control From a Smartphone, thanks to the integrated Wi-Fi as standard across the entire range Thanks to the very intuitive G+ App, available for download in the versions for Android and iOS systems in Google play or the App store, you can control all the functions remotely. Downloading and installing the app, connecting to the home wifi and adding the unit are very simple operations: from your office or sofa at home you can thus easily control all the air conditioning parameters. With the same app you can manage multiple units. Advanced controls It is possible to centrally manage, via BACNET (BMS) or CENTRALIZED CONTROL or SMART ZONE in combination with wired controls (1 for split units), even several units within the same building (up to 16 with SMART CONTROL - up to 36 with CENTRALIZED CONTROL, up to 255 with BACNET), as if it were a small system Programmable Wired Control Pular can also be controlled with a wired control, to be installed on the wall. It allows you to program switching on and off, select the operating mode and speed, flap position, daily timer and weekly programs Door Control Contact The on/off contact on the unit allows you to manage the switching on and off of the unit with the magnetic card for opening the entrance door (for example of a hotel room). By inserting the card, the air conditioner is activated; by removing the card, the unit switches off: in this way energy waste is avoided. Wired controller is required for this application Easy Installation Pular is built with features that facilitate installation, as well as access to parts for maintenance Easy Maintenance The electrical box and the electronic board are easy to open and remove. The self-diagnosis function, which shows errors on the indoor unit display, facilitates the identification of any malfunctions and speeds up their solution. The special design of the outdoor unit's valve cover makes it easier to access the connections. Versatility of Application Up to 5 indoor units that can be combined with multi-split outdoor units Green technology Choose the GREEN technology of GREE air conditioners: renewable energy, which therefore captures the thermal energy present in the air and transfers it where it is needed. The use of R32 refrigerant, with a low impact on global warming, makes environmental comfort even greener: there is no impact on the ozone layer and the quantity of gas required to ensure good performance is 30% lower than that of earlier gases such as R410A, due to its higher yield High Energy Efficiency and Low Consumption Inverter G10 is the latest generation DC Inverter technology that allows you to optimize performance and consumption thanks to the modulation of the compressor and fans according to the real comfort needs. In fact, as the desired temperature approaches, both the compressor and the fans of the outdoor and indoor units modulate capacity and consumption, ensuring: • rapid achievement of the desired comfort • constant maintenance of comfort conditions • precise temperature control • containment of consumption • minimization of the sound level Mono and Multi Compatible The Pular indoor unit is available for single and multi applications with nominal cooling capacity from 2.7 to 6.5 kW. The indoor unit with a capacity of 2.1 kW is dedicated to Dual, Trial and Quadri applications: possible matchings and related data will be available shortly Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
DAIKIN Daikin Bluevolution Dual Split Inverter Air Conditioner Emura White 7+7 Series With 2mxm40m/N R-32 Integrated Wi-Fi 7000+7000 White Color - Italian Warranty
Technical features Indoor Units Model: Internal Unit Catalog Code: 2x FTXJ20MW Series : Emura White White color Power: 7000 Btu/h Cooling / Heating Air Flow: 8.9 ~ 10.2 m 3 /min Sound Power Level Cooling : 54 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level Cooling: 19~38 dB(A) Liquid Piping Diameter: 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas Pipe Diameter: 9.50 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 303x998x212 mm Weight : 12kg Integrated Wi-Fi Outdoor Unit Model: Catalog code : 2MXM40M/N Max indoor units that can be combined: 2 Energy efficiency: SEER: 8.19 SCOP: 4.60 Energy Efficiency Class in Cooling : A+++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 4.0 kW Heating Capacity: 4.2 kW Absorbed power Cooling: 0.95 kW Absorbed power Heating: 0.95 kW Sound power level Cooling : 60 dB(A) Sound power level Heating : 62 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x2 Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") 2x Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -10° ~ 46°C - Heating: -15° ~ 18° C Dimensions and weight: External Unit Dimensions (HxWxD): 550x765x285 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 36.0 kg Kizuna 2+2 guarantee The Daikin Italia guarantee can be activated within 1 month from the date of purchase at the address https://standbyme.daikin.it/it/ Multisplit systems Superior efficiency The range of new Multisplit includes 8 outdoor units from 2 to 5 connections, with power from 4 to 9 kW, which can be combined with Daikin indoor units. Designed with energy-efficient refrigerants and compressors that ensure optimal performance, all multi-split units allow you to cut consumption by up to 80%. All Bluevolution multis are in class A+++/A++. All in even more compact dimensions. Compared to the previous range, significant improvements have also been achieved in terms of silence . Up to five indoor units can be connected to one multi outdoor unit. The ideal solution to meet the needs of those who want to heat and cool several rooms " Daikin Bluevolution redefines market standards for efficiency, silence, pure air and consumption control , with particular attention to environmental impact. " Discover the well-being of the future Those who choose Daikin for their home simply choose the best. Today, Daikin has taken the concept of comfort to a whole new level, reinventing the environment with its Bluevolution range . By choosing Daikin technologies, you can have maximum efficiency, silence and pure air. The high levels of seasonal efficiency guarantee the best atmosphere both in summer and in winter, minimizing consumption. The new R-32 refrigerant is more environmentally friendly than standard refrigerants. Daikin's vast experience and the wide range of products offered are synonymous with reliability and long-lasting systems, perfect for your home. And even when you are not at home, you can control and regulate the temperature in the rooms and the operating mode via an easy-to-use smartphone app. Let Daikin guide you to create the perfect atmosphere. Is your air conditioner more than 10/15 years old? Discover the advantages of replacing it with a new Daikin Bluevolution. Here are the main benefits: Consumption halved by saving on energy costs. In doing so, you are good for the environment and for your wallet Absolute silence with a product 10 decibels less noisy, practically imperceptible: to sleep, listen to music and study without any disturbance 4-year warranty Daikin Kizuna's 2-year free warranty extension will be reserved for the new BLUEVOLUTION residential range. Pure air thanks to the patented Flash Streamer TM system, to remove dust, pollen, mites, mold and many other allergens; even bad smells, viruses and bacteria New design with products designed so that the air conditioner becomes a piece of furniture. Why Choose Daikin? Seasonal efficiency in heating and cooling Creating a pleasant climate in your home is not just a matter of comfort. Daikin systems are also kind to the environment and your wallet. Daikin's advanced energy saving technologies guarantee high levels of seasonal efficiency in both heating and cooling, up to class A+++ . Consider that a class A+++ product is up to 40% more efficient than a class A++ product. Seasonal efficiency is a new way of rating heating and cooling products based on their energy efficiency over the year. R-32 More Efficiency and Eco-Friendly Daikin uses R-32, a refrigerant which results in lower CO 2 emissions. This means that the units have a lower global warming potential and are generally more efficient. For the benefit of the environment! Extreme silence Noisy units are now a thing of the past. Daikin systems are so quiet that they are inaudible. You can read, study and sleep without any background noise. App control Not at home? Thanks to Daikin's Residential Controller App the problem is solved. You can adjust the internal temperature, the air flow and the operating mode from your device, when and where you want. In addition, you will be able to keep energy consumption under control, managing your climate responsibly. Daikin Emura A perfect synthesis of technology and design, Daikin Emura was designed in Europe for Europe and guarantees exceptional climate control. The intelligent technology on which it is based will make your home so comfortable that you will practically forget you have it. Air purification Clean and healthy air. Filters inside Daikin Emura trap microscopic particles of dust, allergens and odours, keeping the air clean and healthy Heating Innovative technologies that increase energy savings. Heat pumps extract heat from the air, reducing your bill each month and increasing energy efficiency Cooling Energy-efficient air conditioning: with Daikin's exclusive Inverter technology, air conditioning reduces costs by increasing energy savings Unique European design Daikin Emura, with its sophisticated design and elegant European look, is the most attractive air conditioner on the market. Daikin Emura, available in white and silver to suit any interior decor, has won several international awards for its design Award-winning design Designed for your comfort Daikin 's 2-zone Intelligent Eye sensor can detect the presence of people and can direct the airflow, in both cooling and heating modes, away from them. The system automatically switches to Energy Saving mode when it detects no presence in the environment. Voice Control The Daikin Residential Controller application is designed for those who live a busy life and want to manage their system via smartphone. To further increase comfort and convenience, the Daikin Residential Controller app is now available with voice control. The ability to control the application hands-free cuts down on necessary clicks and allows for faster drive management than ever before. Transversal and multilingual, voice control can be combined with smart speakers, such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa Unit Always Connected The unit can be managed via the new Daikin Residential Controller App and compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice assistants. The Wi-Fi connection is guaranteed thanks to the SD card integrated in the unit Programming Set up a schedule to define system operating times, and create up to six different actions per day Program the room temperature and operating mode Enable vacation mode to save on energy costs Monitoring Get a complete overview of system performance and energy consumption Check system status Access energy consumption graphs (daily, weekly, monthly) Check Customize the system to fit your lifestyle and year-round comfort needs Change the ambient temperature Turn on Powerful mode to boost operation Feature availability depends on system type, configuration, and mode of operation. The app features are only available if both the Daikin system and the app use a reliable internet connection Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.