icon Climaveneta | CaldaieMurali


Discover our exclusive selection of Climaveneta, perfect for enriching your home or workspace with style, comfort and functionality. Each piece is chosen to guarantee the best quality and satisfy your every need.

23 products

  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-con-ventilatore-tangenziale-e-motore-inverter-climaveneta-i-life2-slim-270-versione-2-tubi-comando-a-bordo-incluso

    Climaveneta Ventilconvettore Fan Coil con Ventilatore Tangenziale e Motore Inverter Climaveneta i-LIFE2 SLIM 270 Versione 2 Tubi Comando a Bordo Incluso

    Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : i-LIFE2 370 Codice prodotto : 411404 Comando a bordo incluso Numero di tubi : 2 Efficienza energetica FCEER : 320 FCCOP : 387 Classe di efficienza energetica in raffreddamento : A Classe di efficienza energetica in riscaldamento : A Performance Veloce media Potenza in raffreddamento : 2,18 kW Potenza in riscaldamento : 2,41 kW Portata acqua in raffreddamento : 0,10 l/s Portata acqua in riscaldamento : 0,12 l/s Alimentazione (V,Hz,Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Portata aria : 334 m³/h Livello potenza sonora : 46 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 37 dB(A) Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 1137x579x131 mm Peso : 23,0 Kg I-LIFE2 Slim Eleganza e design per il comfort residenziale Perfetta sinergia tra eleganza e risparmo energetico Nato per rendere più confortevole ogni tipo di ambiente residenziale, i-LIFE2 Slim combina performance eccellenti con un design dal fascino irresistibile. Design elegante Massima espressione di stile ed eleganza, i-LIFE2 Slim è il nuovo ventilconvettore a marchio Climaveneta pensato per fondersi completamente nell’ambiente in cui è collocato. Caratterizzato da un design armonioso e da una profondità straordinariamente ridotta di soli 13 cm, i-LIFE2 Slim diventa un vero e proprio complemento d’arredo adatto alle più moderne esigenze architettoniche. Consumi ridotti Grazie al motore DC con tecnologia Inverter presente su tutte le unità, i-LIFE2 Slim realizza un consumo specifico inferiore di oltre il 50% rispetto a ventilconvettori tradizionali di pari taglia. L’innovativo abbinamento effetto radiante - batteria alettata permette inoltre di riscaldare l’ambiente sfruttando temperature dell’acqua molto più basse rispetto ad un tradizionale radiatore, 45°C invece di 65°C, garantendo una spesa energetica estremamente ridotta La soluzione per il riscaldamento, raffreddamento e la deumidificazione Respirare aria più pulita è una prerogativa fondamentale per uno stile di vita sano e salutare. Grazie al nuovo ventilconvettore i-LIFE2 SLIM il benessere si vede, si sente ed è silenzioso. Comfort ideale e silenzioso i-LIFE2 Slim è sinonimo di massimo benessere in ambiente, in ogni stagione. Grazie al motore con tecnologia Inverter, il nuovo ventilconvettore i-LIFE2 Slim consente di raggiungere rapidamente la condizione di comfort desiderata e di mantenerla nel tempo limitando al minimo le oscillazioni di temperatura. Il gruppo ventilante permette inoltre una modulazione continua della portata d’aria riducendo al minimo il livello sonoro. Aria più pulita per un ambiente più sano Il risultato è nell’aria. Finalmente si respira aria pulita! Per una perfetta sterilizzazione degli ambienti, i-LIFE2 Slim può essere dotato di una lampada con emettitore UVC posizionata all’interno dell’unità che permette di trattare il volume d’aria circolante nella stanza. E’ riconosciuto infatti che i raggi UVC svolgono un’azione antibatterica e anti virologica molto efficace. L’utilizzo di questo accessorio contribuisce a creare la condizione ideale per una vita sana e salutare in un ambiente realmente purificato. Deflettori di mandata aria L’innovativo sistema automatico di apertura e chiusura dei deflettori regola il flusso dell’aria di mandata, assicurando un rapido raggiungimento del massimo comfort in ambiente. Mobile struttura i-LIFE2 Slim pone la massima attenzione all’integrazione in ambiente anche da un punto di vista estetico. Il design semplice e lineare del mobile di copertura è caratterizzato da superfici continue e curve dolci, frutto dell’integrazione di materiali plastici di alta qualità con la più tradizionale lamiera zincata e verniciata a polveri epossidiche. Filtro aria e griglia di aspirazione Tutte le versioni sono provviste di filtro aria a nido d’ape in polipropilene, rigenerabile con lavaggio o soffiatura e facilmente accessibile attraverso la griglia anteriore rimovibile. Per ambienti con esigenze elevate di sterilizzazione dell’aria, è disponibile come accessorio il kit dispositivo UVC che grazie all’azione dei raggi UV garantisce alti livelli di purificazione contribuendo al benessere e alla salute degli occupanti. Scelte tecnologiche intelligenti e funzionali concepite per garantire un livello di comfort assoluto in ogni momento della giornata. Raffreddamento, riscaldamento, ventilazione e purificazione dell’aria all’insegna del risparmio energetico e della silenziosità; tutto questo grazie a componenti e accessori d’alta qualità pensati per il benessere degli occupanti. Rapida messa a regime Grazie alle funzionalità del pannello comando con logica PID, è possibile raggiungere rapidamente la temperatura richiesta. Basta un click e in pochi minuti la temperatura in ambiente raggiunge il livello desiderato, garantendo un notevole risparmio di energia. Scambiatore di calore Una batteria con ampia superficie frontale consente di raggiungere elevati flussi d’aria con basse perdite di carico. Le unità sono disponibili come standard con attacchi idraulici a sinistra e su richiesta anche con attacchi a destra. Gruppo ventilante I-LIFE2 Slim è dotato di un ventilatore tangenziale a pale asimmetriche gestito da un motore inverter DC a commutazione eletronica della velocità. La tecnologia inverter assicura una modulazione continua della portata d’aria, per un comfort perfetto in ambiente e un concreto risparmio energetico. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.


  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-professionale-climaveneta-modello-a-life3-202-versione-2-tubi-da-165-kw-nessun-comando

    Climaveneta Climaveneta Professional Fan Coil Fan Coil Model A-Life3 202 Version 2 Pipes From 1.65 Kw No Command

    Technical features Model : a-LIFE3 202 Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 White color Indoor Unit Power: 1.6 kW Number of Pipes : 2 NB : The control is not included in the package, it is available as an accessory. General characteristics The a-LIFE3 fan coil is designed to adapt to any environment thanks to a modern and discreet design that concentrates all the experience and know-how of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronic & IT Cooling Systems SPA in this family of products. Double suction centrifugal fan unit and 6 selectable speed autotransformer. Thanks to the availability of various versions, cabinet or built-in, with front or bottom air intake, for horizontal and vertical installations, it is easy to identify the optimal solution for every need. ClimaVeneta Fancoil a-LIFE3-2T-DLMV-102 for professional applications of 1.41 kW in the 2-pipe version with cabinet, with lower air intake, for vertical installation. This fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal-type fan assembly with double suction and forward-facing blades with 3 speeds. The left hydraulic connections are easily convertible into right connections with a simple rotation of the exchanger. The class G2 air filter is fitted on all models, whose cover is in galvanized and pre-painted sheet metal. Characteristics Centrifugal type fan unit with double intake to ensure the best performance with the lowest noise level. Directly coupled multi-speed electric motor 6-speed autotransformer Coil with corrugated aluminum fins and copper tubes. Coil with large frontal surface which allows to reach high air flows with very low pressure drops. Hydraulic connections on the left, easily convertible into connections on the right with a simple rotation of the exchanger. Auxiliary condensate collection tray with thermal insulation, in galvanized sheet metal, for all horizontal versions. Auxiliary condensate collection tray in plastic material, for all versions. Configurations for 2 and 4 pipe systems. Air filter on all models. Automatic closing of the control door and protection of the electric controls from possible water falls (compliant with directive CEI EN 60335-2-40). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €298,00 - €437,00

  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-professionale-climaveneta-modello-a-life3-102-versione-2-tubi-da-141-kw-nessun-comando

    Climaveneta Climaveneta Professional Fan Coil Fan Coil Model A-Life3 102 Version 2 Pipes From 1.41 Kw No Control

    Technical features Model : a-LIFE3 102 Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 White color Indoor Unit Power: 1.4 kW Number of Pipes : 2 NB : The control is not included in the package, it is available as an accessory. General characteristics The a-LIFE3 fan coil is designed to adapt to any environment thanks to a modern and discreet design that concentrates all the experience and know-how of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronic & IT Cooling Systems SPA in this family of products. Double suction centrifugal fan unit and 6 selectable speed autotransformer. Thanks to the availability of various versions, cabinet or built-in, with front or bottom air intake, for horizontal and vertical installations, it is easy to identify the optimal solution for every need. ClimaVeneta Fancoil a-LIFE3-2T-DLMV-102 for professional applications of 1.41 kW in the 2-pipe version with cabinet, with lower air intake, for vertical installation. This fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal-type fan assembly with double suction and forward-facing blades with 3 speeds. The left hydraulic connections are easily convertible into right connections with a simple rotation of the exchanger. The class G2 air filter is fitted on all models, whose cover is in galvanized and pre-painted sheet metal. Characteristics Centrifugal type fan unit with double intake to ensure the best performance with the lowest noise level. Directly coupled multi-speed electric motor 6-speed autotransformer Coil with corrugated aluminum fins and copper tubes. Coil with large frontal surface which allows to reach high air flows with very low pressure drops. Hydraulic connections on the left, easily convertible into connections on the right with a simple rotation of the exchanger. Auxiliary condensate collection tray with thermal insulation, in galvanized sheet metal, for all horizontal versions. Auxiliary condensate collection tray in plastic material, for all versions. Configurations for 2 and 4 pipe systems. Air filter on all models. Automatic closing of the control door and protection of the electric controls from possible water falls (compliant with directive CEI EN 60335-2-40). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €254,00 - €401,00

  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-con-ventilatore-tangenziale-e-motore-inverter-climaveneta-modello-i-life2-slim-320-versione-2-tubi-con-comando-incluso

    Climaveneta Fan Coil Fan Coil With Tangential Fan And Climaveneta Inverter Motor Model I-Life2 Slim 320 2 Pipe Version With Control Included

    Technical features Model : i-LIFE2 320 Cooling power: 2.52 kW Heating power: 3.08 kW Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 Number of Pipes : 2 Treated volume : 430 - 593 m3 Sound pressure : 46 (dB) Sound power : 55 (dB) Dimensions and weight Dimensions : 1337x131x579mm Weight : 26.0 Kg General characteristics ClimaVeneta Fan Coil I-LIFE-2-SLIM-080-DLMV, version with cabinet for vertical installation, with tangential fan and motor with Inverter technology, for residential applications. i-LIFE2 SLIM is the new Climaveneta fan coil with inverter technology for heating, cooling and dehumidification. The minimal design and reduced depth (only 13 cm) make it the perfect solution for installations in residential environments. The motor, with electronic speed switching, allows perfect adaptation to the internal load of the environment without temperature variations. Furthermore, the tangential fan unit allows continuous modulation of the air flow without step variations and without the annoying switching of the relays. Basically, this fan coil has been designed to maintain the set temperature with very low sound levels and, above all, with high energy efficiency. Characteristics: DC Inverter motor with continuous speed regulation in order to guarantee high performance with very low noise levels Elegant design and depth of only 13 cm for installation in residential environments Coil with a large frontal surface which allows the achievement of high air flows with minimum pressure drops Air filter with honeycomb structure in polypropylene (PP) regenerable by washing or blowing Tangential fan with asymmetrical blades to ensure continuous modulation of the air flow for high comfort and significant energy savings On-board control unit complete with touch keyboard with 8 "touch" keys, backlit LCD display with colored light symbols. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-con-ventilatore-tangenziale-e-motore-inverter-climaveneta-modello-i-life2-slim-370-versione-2-tubi-con-comando-incluso

    Climaveneta Fan Coil Fan Coil With Tangential Fan And Climaveneta Inverter Motor Model I-Life2 Slim 370 2 Pipe Version With Control Included

    Technical features Model : i-LIFE2 370 Cooling power: 2.82 kW Heating power: 3.43 kW Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 Number of Pipes : 2 Treated volume : 499 - 697 m3 Sound pressure : 47 (dB) Sound power : 56 (dB) Dimensions and weight Dimensions : 1557x131x579 mm Weight : 29.0 Kg General characteristics ClimaVeneta Fan Coil I-LIFE-2-SLIM-080-DLMV, version with cabinet for vertical installation, with tangential fan and motor with Inverter technology, for residential applications. i-LIFE2 SLIM is the new Climaveneta fan coil with inverter technology for heating, cooling and dehumidification. The minimal design and reduced depth (only 13 cm) make it the perfect solution for installations in residential environments. The motor, with electronic speed switching, allows perfect adaptation to the internal load of the environment without temperature variations. Furthermore, the tangential fan unit allows continuous modulation of the air flow without step variations and without the annoying switching of the relays. Basically, this fan coil has been designed to maintain the set temperature with very low sound levels and, above all, with high energy efficiency. Characteristics: DC Inverter motor with continuous speed regulation in order to guarantee high performance with very low noise levels Elegant design and depth of only 13 cm for installation in residential environments Coil with a large frontal surface which allows the achievement of high air flows with minimum pressure drops Air filter with honeycomb structure in polypropylene (PP) regenerable by washing or blowing Tangential fan with asymmetrical blades to ensure continuous modulation of the air flow for high comfort and significant energy savings On-board control unit complete with touch keyboard with 8 "touch" keys, backlit LCD display with colored light symbols. Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.


  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-professionale-climaveneta-modello-a-life3-1002-versione-2-tubi-da-645-nessun-comando

    Climaveneta Climaveneta Professional Fan Coil Fan Coil Model A-Life3 1002 Version 2 Pipes From 6.45 No Control

    Technical features Model : a-LIFE3 202 Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 White color Indoor Unit Power: 6.4 kW Number of Pipes : 2 NB : The control is not included in the package, it is available as an accessory. General characteristics The a-LIFE3 fan coil is designed to adapt to any environment thanks to a modern and discreet design that concentrates all the experience and know-how of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronic & IT Cooling Systems SPA in this family of products. Double suction centrifugal fan unit and 6 selectable speed autotransformer. Thanks to the availability of various versions, cabinet or built-in, with front or bottom air intake, for horizontal and vertical installations, it is easy to identify the optimal solution for every need. ClimaVeneta Fancoil a-LIFE3-2T-DLMV-102 for professional applications of 1.41 kW in the 2-pipe version with cabinet, with lower air intake, for vertical installation. This fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal-type fan assembly with double suction and forward-facing blades with 3 speeds. The left hydraulic connections are easily convertible into right connections with a simple rotation of the exchanger. The class G2 air filter is fitted on all models, whose cover is in galvanized and pre-painted sheet metal. Characteristics Centrifugal type fan unit with double intake to ensure the best performance with the lowest noise level. Directly coupled multi-speed electric motor 6-speed autotransformer Coil with corrugated aluminum fins and copper tubes. Coil with large frontal surface which allows to reach high air flows with very low pressure drops. Hydraulic connections on the left, easily convertible into connections on the right with a simple rotation of the exchanger. Auxiliary condensate collection tray with thermal insulation, in galvanized sheet metal, for all horizontal versions. Auxiliary condensate collection tray in plastic material, for all versions. Configurations for 2 and 4 pipe systems. Air filter on all models. Automatic closing of the control door and protection of the electric controls from possible water falls (compliant with directive CEI EN 60335-2-40). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €460,00 - €594,00

  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-professionale-climaveneta-modello-a-life3-402-versione-2-tubi-da-248-kw-nessun-comando

    Climaveneta Climaveneta Professional Fan Coil Fan Coil Model A-Life3 402 Version 2 Pipes From 2.48 Kw No Control

    Technical features Model : a-LIFE3 402 Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 White color Indoor Unit Power: 2.5 kW Number of Pipes : 2 NB : The control is not included in the package, it is available as an accessory. General characteristics The a-LIFE3 fan coil is designed to adapt to any environment thanks to a modern and discreet design that concentrates all the experience and know-how of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronic & IT Cooling Systems SPA in this family of products. Double suction centrifugal fan unit and 6 selectable speed autotransformer. Thanks to the availability of various versions, cabinet or built-in, with front or bottom air intake, for horizontal and vertical installations, it is easy to identify the optimal solution for every need. ClimaVeneta Fancoil a-LIFE3-2T-DLMV-102 for professional applications of 1.41 kW in the 2-pipe version with cabinet, with lower air intake, for vertical installation. This fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal-type fan assembly with double suction and forward-facing blades with 3 speeds. The left hydraulic connections are easily convertible into right connections with a simple rotation of the exchanger. The class G2 air filter is fitted on all models, whose cover is in galvanized and pre-painted sheet metal. Characteristics Centrifugal type fan unit with double intake to ensure the best performance with the lowest noise level. Directly coupled multi-speed electric motor 6-speed autotransformer Coil with corrugated aluminum fins and copper tubes. Coil with large frontal surface which allows to reach high air flows with very low pressure drops. Hydraulic connections on the left, easily convertible into connections on the right with a simple rotation of the exchanger. Auxiliary condensate collection tray with thermal insulation, in galvanized sheet metal, for all horizontal versions. Auxiliary condensate collection tray in plastic material, for all versions. Configurations for 2 and 4 pipe systems. Air filter on all models. Automatic closing of the control door and protection of the electric controls from possible water falls (compliant with directive CEI EN 60335-2-40). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €352,00 - €493,00

  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-professionale-climaveneta-modello-a-life3-802-versione-2-tubi-da-533-nessun-comando

    Climaveneta Climaveneta Professional Fan Coil Fan Coil Model A-Life3 802 Version 2 Pipes From 5.33 No Control

    Technical features Model : a-LIFE3 202 Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 White color Indoor Unit Power: 5.3 kW Number of Pipes : 2 NB : The control is not included in the package, it is available as an accessory. General characteristics The a-LIFE3 fan coil is designed to adapt to any environment thanks to a modern and discreet design that concentrates all the experience and know-how of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronic & IT Cooling Systems SPA in this family of products. Double suction centrifugal fan unit and 6 selectable speed autotransformer. Thanks to the availability of various versions, cabinet or built-in, with front or bottom air intake, for horizontal and vertical installations, it is easy to identify the optimal solution for every need. ClimaVeneta Fancoil a-LIFE3-2T-DLMV-102 for professional applications of 1.41 kW in the 2-pipe version with cabinet, with lower air intake, for vertical installation. This fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal-type fan assembly with double suction and forward-facing blades with 3 speeds. The left hydraulic connections are easily convertible into right connections with a simple rotation of the exchanger. The class G2 air filter is fitted on all models, whose cover is in galvanized and pre-painted sheet metal. Characteristics Centrifugal type fan unit with double intake to ensure the best performance with the lowest noise level. Directly coupled multi-speed electric motor 6-speed autotransformer Coil with corrugated aluminum fins and copper tubes. Coil with large frontal surface which allows to reach high air flows with very low pressure drops. Hydraulic connections on the left, easily convertible into connections on the right with a simple rotation of the exchanger. Auxiliary condensate collection tray with thermal insulation, in galvanized sheet metal, for all horizontal versions. Auxiliary condensate collection tray in plastic material, for all versions. Configurations for 2 and 4 pipe systems. Air filter on all models. Automatic closing of the control door and protection of the electric controls from possible water falls (compliant with directive CEI EN 60335-2-40). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €416,00 - €553,00

  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-professionale-climaveneta-modello-a-life3-602-versione-2-tubi-da-377-kw-nessun-comando

    Climaveneta Climaveneta Professional Fan Coil Fan Coil Model A-Life3 602 Version 2 Pipes From 3.77 Kw No Control

    Technical features Model : a-LIFE3 202 Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 White color Indoor Unit Power: 3.7 kW Number of Pipes : 2 NB : The control is not included in the package, it is available as an accessory. General characteristics The a-LIFE3 fan coil is designed to adapt to any environment thanks to a modern and discreet design that concentrates all the experience and know-how of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronic & IT Cooling Systems SPA in this family of products. Double suction centrifugal fan unit and 6 selectable speed autotransformer. Thanks to the availability of various versions, cabinet or built-in, with front or bottom air intake, for horizontal and vertical installations, it is easy to identify the optimal solution for every need. ClimaVeneta Fancoil a-LIFE3-2T-DLMV-102 for professional applications of 1.41 kW in the 2-pipe version with cabinet, with lower air intake, for vertical installation. This fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal-type fan assembly with double suction and forward-facing blades with 3 speeds. The left hydraulic connections are easily convertible into right connections with a simple rotation of the exchanger. The class G2 air filter is fitted on all models, whose cover is in galvanized and pre-painted sheet metal. Characteristics Centrifugal type fan unit with double intake to ensure the best performance with the lowest noise level. Directly coupled multi-speed electric motor 6-speed autotransformer Coil with corrugated aluminum fins and copper tubes. Coil with large frontal surface which allows to reach high air flows with very low pressure drops. Hydraulic connections on the left, easily convertible into connections on the right with a simple rotation of the exchanger. Auxiliary condensate collection tray with thermal insulation, in galvanized sheet metal, for all horizontal versions. Auxiliary condensate collection tray in plastic material, for all versions. Configurations for 2 and 4 pipe systems. Air filter on all models. Automatic closing of the control door and protection of the electric controls from possible water falls (compliant with directive CEI EN 60335-2-40). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €404,00 - €544,00

  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-professionale-climaveneta-modello-a-life3-302-versione-2-tubi-da-211-kw-nessun-comando

    Climaveneta Climaveneta Professional Fan Coil Fan Coil Model A-Life3 302 Version 2 Pipes From 2.11 Kw No Control

    Technical features Model : a-LIFE3 302 Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 White color Indoor Unit Power: 2.1 kW Number of Pipes : 2 NB : The control is not included in the package, it is available as an accessory. General characteristics The a-LIFE3 fan coil is designed to adapt to any environment thanks to a modern and discreet design that concentrates all the experience and know-how of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronic & IT Cooling Systems SPA in this family of products. Double suction centrifugal fan unit and 6 selectable speed autotransformer. Thanks to the availability of various versions, cabinet or built-in, with front or bottom air intake, for horizontal and vertical installations, it is easy to identify the optimal solution for every need. ClimaVeneta Fancoil a-LIFE3-2T-DLMV-102 for professional applications of 1.41 kW in the 2-pipe version with cabinet, with lower air intake, for vertical installation. This fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal-type fan assembly with double suction and forward-facing blades with 3 speeds. The left hydraulic connections are easily convertible into right connections with a simple rotation of the exchanger. The class G2 air filter is fitted on all models, whose cover is in galvanized and pre-painted sheet metal. Characteristics Centrifugal type fan unit with double intake to ensure the best performance with the lowest noise level. Directly coupled multi-speed electric motor 6-speed autotransformer Coil with corrugated aluminum fins and copper tubes. Coil with large frontal surface which allows to reach high air flows with very low pressure drops. Hydraulic connections on the left, easily convertible into connections on the right with a simple rotation of the exchanger. Auxiliary condensate collection tray with thermal insulation, in galvanized sheet metal, for all horizontal versions. Auxiliary condensate collection tray in plastic material, for all versions. Configurations for 2 and 4 pipe systems. Air filter on all models. Automatic closing of the control door and protection of the electric controls from possible water falls (compliant with directive CEI EN 60335-2-40). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €308,00 - €445,00

  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-professionale-climaveneta-modello-a-life3-502-versione-2-tubi-da-327-kw-nessun-comando

    Climaveneta Climaveneta Professional Fan Coil Fan Coil Model A-Life3 502 Version 2 Pipes From 3.27 Kw No Control

    Technical features Model : a-LIFE3 202 Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 White color Indoor Unit Power: 3.2 kW Number of Pipes : 2 NB : The control is not included in the package, it is available as an accessory. General characteristics The a-LIFE3 fan coil is designed to adapt to any environment thanks to a modern and discreet design that concentrates all the experience and know-how of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronic & IT Cooling Systems SPA in this family of products. Double suction centrifugal fan unit and 6 selectable speed autotransformer. Thanks to the availability of various versions, cabinet or built-in, with front or bottom air intake, for horizontal and vertical installations, it is easy to identify the optimal solution for every need. ClimaVeneta Fancoil a-LIFE3-2T-DLMV-102 for professional applications of 1.41 kW in the 2-pipe version with cabinet, with lower air intake, for vertical installation. This fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal-type fan assembly with double suction and forward-facing blades with 3 speeds. The left hydraulic connections are easily convertible into right connections with a simple rotation of the exchanger. The class G2 air filter is fitted on all models, whose cover is in galvanized and pre-painted sheet metal. Characteristics Centrifugal type fan unit with double intake to ensure the best performance with the lowest noise level. Directly coupled multi-speed electric motor 6-speed autotransformer Coil with corrugated aluminum fins and copper tubes. Coil with large frontal surface which allows to reach high air flows with very low pressure drops. Hydraulic connections on the left, easily convertible into connections on the right with a simple rotation of the exchanger. Auxiliary condensate collection tray with thermal insulation, in galvanized sheet metal, for all horizontal versions. Auxiliary condensate collection tray in plastic material, for all versions. Configurations for 2 and 4 pipe systems. Air filter on all models. Automatic closing of the control door and protection of the electric controls from possible water falls (compliant with directive CEI EN 60335-2-40). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €384,00 - €522,00

  • immagine-1-climaveneta-ventilconvettore-fan-coil-professionale-climaveneta-modello-a-life3-902-versione-2-tubi-da-597-nessun-comando

    Climaveneta Climaveneta Professional Fan Coil Fan Coil Model A-Life3 902 Version 2 Pipes From 5.97 No Command

    Technical features Model : a-LIFE3 202 Power supply (V/Hz/n°) : 230/50/1 White color Indoor Unit Power: 5.9 kW Number of Pipes : 2 NB : The control is not included in the package, it is available as an accessory. General characteristics The a-LIFE3 fan coil is designed to adapt to any environment thanks to a modern and discreet design that concentrates all the experience and know-how of Mitsubishi Electric Hydronic & IT Cooling Systems SPA in this family of products. Double suction centrifugal fan unit and 6 selectable speed autotransformer. Thanks to the availability of various versions, cabinet or built-in, with front or bottom air intake, for horizontal and vertical installations, it is easy to identify the optimal solution for every need. ClimaVeneta Fancoil a-LIFE3-2T-DLMV-102 for professional applications of 1.41 kW in the 2-pipe version with cabinet, with lower air intake, for vertical installation. This fan coil unit is equipped with a centrifugal-type fan assembly with double suction and forward-facing blades with 3 speeds. The left hydraulic connections are easily convertible into right connections with a simple rotation of the exchanger. The class G2 air filter is fitted on all models, whose cover is in galvanized and pre-painted sheet metal. Characteristics Centrifugal type fan unit with double intake to ensure the best performance with the lowest noise level. Directly coupled multi-speed electric motor 6-speed autotransformer Coil with corrugated aluminum fins and copper tubes. Coil with large frontal surface which allows to reach high air flows with very low pressure drops. Hydraulic connections on the left, easily convertible into connections on the right with a simple rotation of the exchanger. Auxiliary condensate collection tray with thermal insulation, in galvanized sheet metal, for all horizontal versions. Auxiliary condensate collection tray in plastic material, for all versions. Configurations for 2 and 4 pipe systems. Air filter on all models. Automatic closing of the control door and protection of the electric controls from possible water falls (compliant with directive CEI EN 60335-2-40). Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.

    €438,00 - €570,00

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