Discover our exclusive selection of Junkers bosch, perfect for enriching your home or workspace with style, comfort and functionality. Each piece is chosen to guarantee the best quality and satisfy your every need.
Junkers Bosch
Junkers Bosch Junkers Boiler Bosch Condens 2300 W Gc2300w 24 CA Condensing Complete With Methane Or LPG Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp / LPG
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERTING TO LPG, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED ASSISTANCE SERVICE IN ADVANCE Technical features Heating efficiency class A Sanitary efficiency class A XL load profile Nominal thermal power in DHW kW 25.2 DHW nominal heat input kW 3.1 / 24.5 Performance stars (Dir. 92/42CEE) ★★★★ NOx class 6 Nominal flow rate in heating (ΔT=30K) l/h 1033 Expansion vessel capacity l 8 Maximum operating overpressure bar 3 Domestic hot water production (ΔT = 30K) l/min 12.2 kW Domestic hot water comfort stars (prEN 13203) ★★ Power supply V/Hz 230/50 Dimensions H x W x L: 300x400x713; 36.0 kgs Power supply: METHANE Condensed 2300 W Condens 2300 W is designed to find space anywhere: its small size makes it easy to install in any domestic environment and makes it an ideal solution for modernization projects. First-class reliability Robustness and reliability of the compact wall-mounted condensing boiler are guaranteed thanks to the primary exchanger in Al-Si WB6 aluminum alloy Maximum seasonal yield The maximum seasonal efficiency obtainable from a condensing boiler (94%). Possibility of having a Class A+ boiler with the combination of a modulating thermoregulator with climatic function Extremely compact The extremely compact dimensions of this boiler make it the ideal replacement when you decide to change the old one Modulation ratio 1:10 The modulation ratio reaches up to 1:10, and is constant over time thanks to the modulation system without mechanical parts. This is to obtain greater gas savings and high comfort even with low domestic hot water requests EasyControl thermostat (optional) Wherever you are, you will feel at home, thanks to the wifi thermostat that can be managed with the app The revolutionary EasyControl thermostat from Bosch allows you to control it via app , wherever you are. All you need is an internet connection on your smartphone to control the temperature in all the rooms of your home directly from work. Our app guarantees continuous control over your system, giving you the possibility of deciding on a weekly schedule for both heating and domestic hot water. Remote management also helps you in some particular situations in your life: the children leave school early and are about to go home, but normally at that time there is no one at home and you have set a temperature of 19° degrees? No problem! While the children come home you can raise the temperature slightly directly from work thanks to the EasyControl thermostat app, so they will find the right warmth when they arrive. Furthermore, with the app you can also control your energy savings, monitoring your annual, monthly and weekly consumption. Finally, in the event of malfunctions in your heating system, you can request immediate assistance with a simple "touch" , directly from the app installed on your smartphone. The app is available for Android and iOS devices. Advantages Robust and reliable boiler thanks to the aluminum alloy primary exchanger Maximum seasonal efficiency of the boiler Modulation ratio up to 1:10 Extremely compact size boiler Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Junkers Bosch Caldaia Junkers Bosch Condens 4300 W GC4300W 24/25 C 23 a condensazione con di kit scarico fumi sdoppiato
ATTENZIONE LA CALDAIA VIENE FORNITA A METANO. PER LA TRASFORMAZIONE A GPL, RIVOLGERSI PREVENTIVAMENTE AL SERVIZIO ASSISTENZA AUTORIZZATO Caldaia Junkers Bosch Condens 4300 W GC4300W 24/25 C 23 a condensazione con di kit scarico fumi Caratteristiche Tecniche Dati del prodotto per il consumo energetico (ErP), secondo requisiti dei regolamenti UE n. 811/2013 e 812/2013 e s.m.i. a completamento della direttiva 2017/1369/UE C4300i W 24/25 Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento (A+++ → D) A Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua (A+ → F) A - Potenza termica nominale kW 24 Profilo di carico dichiarato XL - Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d’ambiente ηs* % 94 Dati tecnici Portata termica nominale (Qn) di riscaldamento kW 3,2-24,6 Potenza termica nominale (Pn) 80/60 °C kW 3-24 Potenza termica nominale (Pcond) 50/30 °C kW 3,3-24,7 Portata termica nominale massima acqua calda sanitaria (Qn,maxWW) kW 25,5 Portata specifica secondo EN 13203-1/2 (ΔT = 30 K) l/min 11,9 Rendimento utile alla potenza massima ηu,Hi,100% 50/30 °C % 103,1 Rendimento utile alla potenza massima ηu,Hi,100% 80/60 °C % 97,6 Rendimento utile alla potenza minima ηu,Hi,30% 50/30 °C % 107,5 Rendimento utile alla potenza minima ηu,Hi,30% 80/60 °C % 98 Capacità vaso espansione riscaldamento l 6 Classe NOx (secondo EN 15502/1) 6 Grado di protezione elettrica IP X5D Potenza sonora dB(A) 45 Peso kg 35,25 Dimensioni (LxAxP) mm 400x710x300 Condens 4300 W Un’installazione così semplice non l’hai mai provata prima Grazie ai nuovi attacchi idraulici, Condens 4300i W è la caldaia a condensazione ideale per la sostituzione e l’ammodernamento di qualsiasi modello di caldaia a gas. Così, ai tuoi clienti proponi qualità ed efficienza, e tu ti assicuri un lavoro semplice e veloce. Perfetta per gli interventi di sostituzione Con nuovi attacchi idraulici che distano ben 11 cm dal muro, Condens 4300i W è la scelta ideale in casodi ristrutturazione e per completare i lavori di sostituzione in tutta semplicità e in poco tempo. Inoltre, questa caldaia non necessita dello spostamento dello scarico fumi, perché è possibile mantenere il foro pre-esistente. L’ampia gamma di modelli di scarico fumi Bosch, disponibile in diverse lunghezze, consente di scegliere anche il nuovo scarico fumi con sdoppiatore compatto (disponibile come accessorio).Trova spazio in ogni contestoCondens 4300i W è pensata per trovare spazio ovunque e adattarsi a diversi contesti abitativi, risultando ancora una volta la scelta ideale per i lavori di ammodernamento. Le sue dimensioni estremamente compatte (con soli 30 cm di profondità, 40 cm di larghezza e 71 cm di altezza) fanno sì che possa trovare spazio in ogni ambiente domestico, anche all’interno dei pensili. Il peso estremamente contenuto, con soli 35 chili, ne conferma ancora una volta la grande praticità di installazione.Altamente efficiente, estremamente silenziosaSemplicità di installazione, dimensioni compattem e peso contenuto: cosa chiedere di più? Condens 4300i W è la soluzione perfetta anche per la sua grande silenziosità di funzionamento, per cui la sua presenza passa praticamente inosservata! Con una potenza sonora di 45 dB(A), Condens 4300i W c’è, funziona alla perfezione, ma non si sente! Modernità e robustezza, la scelta ideale per le ristrutturazioniCondens 4300i W è funzionale e moderna sotto ogni aspetto, sia a prima vista che al suo interno. Componenti di alta qualità, design elegante e affidabilità nel tempo, uniti alla semplicità di installazione, la rendono la scelta ideale per i progetti di ammodernamento in ogni tipo di abitazione I principali vantaggi Nuovi attacchi idraulici distanti 11 cm dal muro Possibilità di mantenere il foro esistente dello scarico fumi Dimensioni ultra compatte e peso contenuto Elevata efficienza garantita dall’ampio range di modulazione fino a 1:10 Comfort sanitario a 3 stelle, il massimo ottenibile secondo la normativa EN13203-1/2 Elevata silenziosità di funzionamento con soli 45 dB(A) di potenza sonora Controllabile tramite display LCD o da remoto tramite app Consente di accedere agli incentivi fiscali previsti per l’efficientamento dell’impianto di riscaldamento Il riscaldamento domestico a portata di manoCondens 4300i W è facile da controllare tramite l’intuitivo display LCD, ma non solo: grazie alla compatibilità con un’ampia gamma di regolazioni, gestire questa caldaia è semplicissimo! Un’ampia gamma di regolazioni per incrementare l’efficienza energeticaCondens 4300i W dispone di un display LCD che consente all’utente di regolare con facilità tutte le impostazioni di base della caldaia. Inoltre è compatibile con un’ampia gamma di termoregolazioni.Questo consente di: mantenere la regolazione pre-esistente sostituire la vecchia regolazione con un modello Bosch abbinato ad una sonda esterna, in modo da incrementare l’efficienza energetica del sistema di riscaldamento e ridurre i consumi. La scelta della regolazione impatta sugli incentivi fiscali a cui è possibile accedere. Consumi ridotti e prestazioni al top: installa solo il meglio! Condens 4300i W, grazie all’ampio range di modulazione e all’elevato rendimento stagionale, è sinonimo di efficienza energetica e consumi ridotti. Così, non solo il tuo lavoro è subito fatto, ma sei certo di aver offerto ai tuoi clienti solo il meglio della tecnologia Bosch! Comfort domestico sempre al topIl bruciatore modulante di Condens 4300i W, con range fino a 1:10, si adatta in automatico al reale bisogno di calore del momento, raggiungendo un’elevata efficienza stagionale per il riscaldamento d’ambiente con valori fino al 94%. Questo, per il cliente, si traduce non solo in un elevato comfort domestico, ma anche in consumi ridotti e costi di riscaldamento più contenuti.Acqua calda sanitaria subito disponibileL’elevata efficienza di Condens 4300i W è anche garanzia di tanta acqua calda sanitaria a temperatura costante con tempi di attesa davvero ridotti. Così, con un comfort sanitario a 3 stelle, il massimo ottenibile secondo la normativa EN13203-1/2, la soddisfazione desl cliente è garantita! Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Junkers Bosch Caldaia a Condensazione Junkers Bosch CONDENS GC 4300i W 24/30 kW con kit fumi Metano o Gpl
Caldaia a Condensazione Junkers Bosch CONDENS GC 4300i W 24/25 kW con kit fumi Metano o Gpl Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento (A+++ → D) A Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua (A+ → F) A Potenza termica nominale kW 24 Profilo di carico dichiarato XL Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d’ambiente ηs * % 94 Potenza sonora dB(A) 45 Peso (senza imballo) kg 32 Dimensioni (LxAxP) mm 400x710x300 Regolabile per funzionamento a GPL rivolgendosi al servizio assistenza autorizzato CONDENS 4300i W Semplicemente perfetta per la tua casa Compatta e innovativa: la soluzione ideale per sostituire la tua vecchia caldaia! La caldaia murale a condensazione Bosch Condens 4300i W è efficiente, affidabile e silenziosa. Le sue dimensioni ultra compatte e il design elegante la rendono installabile in ogni ambiente domestico, anche in spazi ridotti. In più, consente di accedere agli incentivi fiscali previsti. Tutti i vantaggi in breve Dimensioni ultra compatte (40x71x30 cm) Massima silenziosità con soli 45 dB(A) di potenza sonora Elegante design arrotondato Efficiente e affidabile per una lunga durata nel tempo Controllabile tramite display LCD o da remoto tramite App dedicata* in abbinamento al termostato smart EasyControl Perfetta per ogni ambiente domesticoCondens 4300i W è la scelta ideale per ammodernare l’impianto di riscaldamento, perché trova spazio in ogni contesto abitativo e ha un design moderno ed elegante. Le dimensioni compatte la rendono perfetta anche per gli ambienti più piccoli, senza necessità di opere murarieQualità, efficienza e semplicità di controlloI materiali di prima scelta utilizzati per Condens 4300i W la rendono estremamente robusta, affidabile e resistente nel tempo. Inoltre, questa caldaia garantisce un’elevata efficienza perché, in abbinamento alla termoregolazione Bosch, adatta il proprio funzionamento in base all’effettiva domanda di calore, consentendoti di accedere agli incentivi fiscali e di risparmiare sui costi energetici. Infine, il comfort sanitario a 3 stelle (il più alto secondo la normativa EN13203-1/2) assicura tanta acqua calda sanitaria. Cosa chiedere di più? La caldaia Condens 4300i W è abbinabile sia al termostato esistente sia, per ottenere maggiori incentivi fiscali, ai termostati Bosch. Se vuoi ottenere proprio il massimo, migliorare le prestazioni energetiche e ridurre ulteriormente l’impatto ambientale, puoi aggiungere anche una sonda esterna per regolare la caldaia anche in funzione della temperatura esterna. Così ottieni il meglio dalla tua nuova caldaia Condens 4300i W! Garanzia Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Junkers Bosch Caldaia a Condensazione Junkers Bosch CONDENS GC 4300i W 24/25 kW con kit fumi Metano o Gpl
Caldaia a Condensazione Junkers Bosch CONDENS GC 4300i W 24/25 kW con kit fumi Metano o Gpl Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento (A+++ → D) A Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua (A+ → F) A Potenza termica nominale kW 24 Profilo di carico dichiarato XL Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d’ambiente ηs * % 94 Potenza sonora dB(A) 45 Peso (senza imballo) kg 32 Dimensioni (LxAxP) mm 400x710x300 Regolabile per funzionamento a GPL rivolgendosi al servizio assistenza autorizzato CONDENS 4300i W Semplicemente perfetta per la tua casa Compatta e innovativa: la soluzione ideale per sostituire la tua vecchia caldaia! La caldaia murale a condensazione Bosch Condens 4300i W è efficiente, affidabile e silenziosa. Le sue dimensioni ultra compatte e il design elegante la rendono installabile in ogni ambiente domestico, anche in spazi ridotti. In più, consente di accedere agli incentivi fiscali previsti. Tutti i vantaggi in breve Dimensioni ultra compatte (40x71x30 cm) Massima silenziosità con soli 45 dB(A) di potenza sonora Elegante design arrotondato Efficiente e affidabile per una lunga durata nel tempo Controllabile tramite display LCD o da remoto tramite App dedicata* in abbinamento al termostato smart EasyControl Perfetta per ogni ambiente domesticoCondens 4300i W è la scelta ideale per ammodernare l’impianto di riscaldamento, perché trova spazio in ogni contesto abitativo e ha un design moderno ed elegante. Le dimensioni compatte la rendono perfetta anche per gli ambienti più piccoli, senza necessità di opere murarieQualità, efficienza e semplicità di controlloI materiali di prima scelta utilizzati per Condens 4300i W la rendono estremamente robusta, affidabile e resistente nel tempo. Inoltre, questa caldaia garantisce un’elevata efficienza perché, in abbinamento alla termoregolazione Bosch, adatta il proprio funzionamento in base all’effettiva domanda di calore, consentendoti di accedere agli incentivi fiscali e di risparmiare sui costi energetici. Infine, il comfort sanitario a 3 stelle (il più alto secondo la normativa EN13203-1/2) assicura tanta acqua calda sanitaria. Cosa chiedere di più? La caldaia Condens 4300i W è abbinabile sia al termostato esistente sia, per ottenere maggiori incentivi fiscali, ai termostati Bosch. Se vuoi ottenere proprio il massimo, migliorare le prestazioni energetiche e ridurre ulteriormente l’impatto ambientale, puoi aggiungere anche una sonda esterna per regolare la caldaia anche in funzione della temperatura esterna. Così ottieni il meglio dalla tua nuova caldaia Condens 4300i W! Garanzia Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Junkers Bosch Junkers Bosch Mod. Condens 7000i Gc7000iw 24 Kw Methane Condensing Boiler Complete With Black Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp
JUNKERS BOILER BOSCH mod. CONDENS 7000i 24 kW GC7000i W 24 A CONDENSING BLACK - NEW ErP Heat and DHW energy efficiency class (ErP) A For heating and domestic hot water production Declared load profile XL Nominal heat output: 24.0 kW Max nominal heat input: 24.6 kW Seasonal space heating energy efficiencies ηs % 93.0 Useful efficiency (Hi - 50/30 °C) % 102 Degree of protection X4D NOx class 6 Net weight Kg 43 Dimensions 350x440x840 CONDENS 7000i W Design and innovation love at first sight. Ask her for the best, she will give it to you. Aesthetics, innovation and savings. The new Condens 7000i W wall-hung gas condensing boiler has a refined and exclusive design, with a black or white titanium tempered glass shell, and a heart full of technological innovations. Simple to use, it guarantees you high savings and low consumption. Condens 7000i W is available in several versions to satisfy all your heating and hot water needs: heating only version (with power of 14 and 24 kW) and combined version to also produce domestic hot water (with power of 24, 28 and 35 kW). Designed to offer you excellence Whether you want to modernize your heating system or you are looking for a boiler for your new home, the advantages of Condens 7000i W are a guarantee: by choosing this boiler you can ensure only the best under every point of view. Consumption only according to your needs Condens 7000i W automatically adjusts power and consumption to your real domestic comfort and hot water needs, reducing waste. Furthermore, the condensing technique makes it possible to exploit the heat of the exhaust gases, increasing the efficiency of the boiler. Control your system via the dedicated App Condens 7000i W is perfectly compatible, in the case of single-zone heating systems, with the Bosch CT100 digital thermostat. This refined and elegant thermostat allows you to adjust the heating based on your presence in the house and allows you, thanks to the Bosch Control app*, to control your boiler wherever you are and at any time. Only the best for you: quality is Bosch Thanks to the use of top quality components, such as the aluminum-silicon alloy heat exchanger designed, patented, built and guaranteed by Bosch, the reliability of this boiler over time is a certainty you can always count on. White or Black: a matter of style Choosing it is a real pleasure Condens 7000i W is the optimal choice for those looking for beauty and innovation. The refined and captivating design, with titanium tempered glass casing with rounded corners, available in the white or black version, is ideal for adapting to all domestic environments, even the most modern and sophisticated. This innovative material gives your boiler many advantages: it is robust, unbreakable, easy to clean and does not show signs of ageing. Thanks to the elegant and refined look, the boiler is transformed into a real piece of furniture. Quick and easy installation Condens 7000i W includes the pre-installation plate as an accessory to facilitate assembly; it is also compatible with the connections of previous models of Junkers Bosch wall boilers, so as to be able to use the existing water and gas connections and save time. Quick and easy maintenance The internal design of the Condens 7000i W allows easy access to all components, which are clearly recognizable at first glance. The industrial design of this boiler means that it is assembled in a modular and orderly manner, guaranteeing speed and precision in maintenance operations. All-round reliability Bosch carefully selects all components, focusing on quality. The electronics are developed by Bosch; the heart of the boiler, the aluminum-silicon alloy exchanger, is also developed, produced, certified and guaranteed directly by Bosch. The aluminum-silicon alloy resists temperature swings, giving the exchanger qualities of lightness, sturdiness, efficiency and silence. It adapts to every need The wide continuous modulation of the power of Condens 7000i W, with a range up to 1:8, will make it possible to satisfy all comfort and consumption needs. The wide modulation is allowed by the Venturi tube, an innovation that makes the boiler highly efficient. Furthermore, the choice between LPG and methane is simplified to minimize setting operations. Intuitive and fast programming The circular and backlit display of Condens 7000i W allows fast and intuitive programming thanks to the easily understandable menu. Furthermore, the integrated climatic thermoregulation further simplifies the commissioning of the boiler. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Junkers Bosch Caldaia Junkers Bosch Condens 5300i WT 24/48 23 kW GC5300iWT A Condensazione Con Bollitore Di 48 lt Kit Fumi Omaggio Metano o Gpl low NOxl
ATTENZIONE LA CALDAIA VIENE FORNITA A METANO. PER LA TRASFORMAZIONE A GPL, RIVOLGERSI PREVENTIVAMENTE AL SERVIZIO ASSISTENZA AUTORIZZATO Caldaia Junkers Bosch Condens 5300i WT a condensazione con bollitore di 48 lt kit fumi omaggio Metano o Gpl low NOx Dati sul prodotto Simbolo Unità 7716701562 Profilo di carico dichiarato XL Classe di efficienza energetica A Classe di efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua A Potenza termica nominale Prated kW 22 Consumo annuo di energia (condizioni climatiche medie) QHE kWh - Consumo annuo di energia QHE GJ 6778 Consumo annuo di energia elettrica AEC kWh 48 Consumo annuo di combustibile AFC GJ 18 Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d'ambiente ηS % 93 Efficienza energetica di riscaldamento dell’acqua ηwh % 83 Livello della potenza sonora all’interno LWA dB 46 Alla potenza termica nominale e a un regime ad alta temperatura P4 kW 22,0 Al 30 % della potenza termica nominale e a un regime a bassa temperatura P1 kW 7,5 Efficienza Alla potenza termica nominale e a un regime ad alta temperatura η4 % 88,0 Al 30 % della potenza termica nominale e a un regime a bassa temperatura η1 % 98,7 Consumo ausiliario di elettricità A pieno carico elmax kW 0,034 A carico parziale elmin kW 0,011 In modo stand-by PSB kW 0,002 Altri elementi Dispersione termica in stand-by Pstby kW 0,066 Consumo energetico del bruciatore di accensione Pign kW 0,000 Emissioni di ossido di azoto (solo per gas e olio combustibile) NOx mg/kWh 39 Altri elementi per gli apparecchi di riscaldamento misti Consumo quotidiano di energia elettrica (condizioni climatiche medie) Qelec kWh 0,220 Consumo quotidiano di combustibile Qfuel kWh 23,259 Dimensioni AxLxP mm 900x600x508 Condens 5300i Caldaia a condensazione altamente efficiente con bollitore da 48 litri integrato Bollitore da 48 litri per avere sempre a disposizione tanta acqua calda sanitaria a temperatura costante Design elegante e interfaccia comandi intuitiva Massima silenziosità Comfort sanitario senza compromessiIl bollitore integrato da 48 litri consente di avere il massimo livello di comfort sanitario. In questo modo, avrai sempre e subito a disposizione tutta l'acqua calda di cui hai bisogno alla giusta temperatura. Gestione intuitivaL’intuitiva interfaccia comandi permette di gestire la caldaia in modo semplice. Gestione da remotoAbbinando la caldaia al termostato smart EasyControl, puoi impostare i parametri di funzionamento anche da remoto, tramite app dedicata. Massima efficienzaGrazie all’elevato range di modulazione, la caldaia adatta automaticamente i consumi alle tue reali esigenze, riducendo gli sprechi. Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Junkers Bosch Caldaia a Condensazione Junkers Bosch CONDENS GC 4300i 24 P Solo Riscaldamento Metano/Gpl Completa di Kit Scarico Fumi
ATTENZIONE ! LA CALDAIA VERRÀ FORNITA A METANO, PER LA TRASFORMAZIONE A GPL RIVOLGERSI AL CENTRO ASSISTENZA DI ZONA AUTORIZZATO Caratteristiche tecniche Modello : GC4300i W 24 P solo riscaldamento Codice prodotto : 7733601281 Alimentazione : Metano/gpl Performance Classe di efficienza energetica : A Potenza termica nominale : 24 kW Efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento d'ambiente : 94 % Livello potenza sonora : 45 dB(A) Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni (LxAxP) : 400x710x300 mm Peso : 32,0 Kg Caldaia murale a condensazione Junkers Bosch CONDENS 4300i W Semplicemente perfetta per la tua casa Compatta e innovativa: la soluzione ideale per sostituire la tua vecchia caldaia! La caldaia murale a condensazione Bosch Condens 4300i W è efficiente, affidabile e silenziosa. Le sue dimensioni ultra compatte e il design elegante la rendono installabile in ogni ambiente domestico, anche in spazi ridotti. In più, consente di accedere agli incentivi fiscali previsti. Tutti i vantaggi in breve Dimensioni ultra compatte (40x71x30 cm) Massima silenziosità con soli 45 dB(A) di potenza sonora Elegante design arrotondato Efficiente e affidabile per una lunga durata nel tempo Controllabile tramite display LCD o da remoto tramite App dedicata in abbinamento al termostato smart EasyControl Perfetta per ogni ambiente domestico Condens 4300i W è la scelta ideale per ammodernare l’impianto di riscaldamento, perché trova spazio in ogni contesto abitativo e ha un design moderno ed elegante. Le dimensioni compatte la rendono perfetta anche per gli ambienti più piccoli, senza necessità di opere murarieQualità, efficienza e semplicità di controllo I materiali di prima scelta utilizzati per Condens 4300i W la rendono estremamente robusta, affidabile e resistente nel tempo. Inoltre, questa caldaia garantisce un’elevata efficienza perché, in abbinamento alla termoregolazione Bosch, adatta il proprio funzionamento in base all’effettiva domanda di calore, consentendoti di accedere agli incentivi fiscali e di risparmiare sui costi energetici. Infine, il comfort sanitario a 3 stelle (il più alto secondo la normativa EN13203-1/2) assicura tanta acqua calda sanitaria. Cosa chiedere di più? La caldaia Condens 4300i W è abbinabile sia al termostato esistente sia, per ottenere maggiori incentivi fiscali, ai termostati Bosch. Se vuoi ottenere proprio il massimo, migliorare le prestazioni energetiche e ridurre ulteriormente l’impatto ambientale, puoi aggiungere anche una sonda esterna per regolare la caldaia anche in funzione della temperatura esterna. Così ottieni il meglio dalla tua nuova caldaia Condens 4300i W! Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Junkers Bosch Junkers Cerapur Balcony Zwb 24-1 Eb Methane Condensing Boiler For Outdoor Complete With Smoke Kit - New Erp
JUNKERS CERAPUR BALCONY ZWB 24-1 EB CONDENSING BOILER for outdoor use COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT - NEW ErP Technical specifications Heating and DHW energy efficiency class (ErP): A/A For heating and domestic hot water production Loaded profiles declared XL Nominal heat input (heating): 24.6 kW Nominal thermal power (sanitary): 24 kW Nominal heat input (sanitary): 24.4 kW Thermal efficiency at nominal power 40/30°C: 104.3% Efficiency thermal useful at 30% nominal load 40/30°C: 109.2% Continuous sanitary production: 11.5 l/min Sanitary temperature range that can be set: 40/60°C NOx class: 5 Absorbed electric power: 140 W Degrees of protection: IP X5D Dimensions (Depth x Width x Height): 285 x 535 x 775 mm; 54kg Version: CNG Main features CERAPUR BALCONY Wall-mounted condensing boiler for outdoor use with DHW production, which can be combined with solar thermal systems for DHW using the Solar Kit. Small and compact, CERAPUR BALCONY has been designed to solve the problems of space, resist bad weather, while ensuring maximum comfort in the production of heat and domestic hot water. Advantages: Wall-mounted condensing boilers for outdoor use with DHW production, which can be combined with solar thermal systems for DHW using the Solar Kit. Certifications achieved of tipC13, C33, C63, C83, B33. Suitable for use with 60 mm drains. Class 5 emissions required by UNI EN 297, UNI EN 483 and UNI EN 15502 standards. External installation. We will remotely control the digital room chronothermostat with the following functions: two fixed heating programs P1 and P2; a programmable P3 heating program with 22 available time slots; setting of the operating temperatures both in heating and in DHW; display of boiler operating status and any anomalies; in combination with the external probe (accessory) the functioning as a climatic control unit is activated which automatically regulates the delivery temperature according to the external temperature. Automatic antifreeze function up to an external temperature of -15°C, on both the sanitary and heating sides. Fully automatic filling function for the heating circuit. Continuous power modulation (DHW heating). Primary heat exchanger in patented high efficiency aluminosilica alloy. Domestic hot plate heat exchanger for condensing also in DHW. 6 liter heating expansion tanks. Circulator in Energy Class A. The ErP legislation and the new energy labels The future of heating systems Starting from 26 September 2015, heating and hot water production systems must comply with the ErP (Energy Related Products) regulations issued by the European Union in order to be placed on the market. The ErP standards favor the eco-compatible design of products that consume energy from fossil fuels and have the aim of reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as providing consumers with transparent and homogeneous information on the energy efficiency of appliances, favoring comparisons. Regulations N 811/2013 and 812/2013 provide for a specific energy labeling of appliances for heating and the production of domestic hot water. Regulations N 813/2013 and 814/2013 prescribe, among other things, the minimum energy efficiency and pollutant emissions requirements that manufacturers of equipment for heating and domestic hot water production must comply with. These regulations therefore raise energy efficiency standards, improving system performance and excluding underperforming technologies from the market. The energy label will be supplied by the manufacturer with the appliance and will represent a concrete aid for the consumer, allowing him to better understand the characteristics of the system, acquire greater awareness of energy saving, and allow him to choose better what to buy. The energy label will provide information on the energy class of the product, on a scale between A++ and G, and on other additional notations, such as power and noise emissions. The ErP legislation provides for two types of labelling: the former is supplied by the manufacturer together with the product for heating and/or domestic hot water production appliances the second for systems composed of several elements. In this second case, the label indicates the levels of energy efficiency that can be reached thanks to all the components used, allowing for an increase in the score attributed to each appliance and increasing the energy class of the system: therefore, the task of whoever builds/installs the system is to provide the consumer with the correct explanatory label . The ErP standards represent an opportunity to develop a market of highly efficient technologies, such as condensing, heat pumps, solar thermal, cogeneration and the integration of different energy sources in a single system. These technologies will have an impact on consumption in the home, approximately 80% of which is due to heating and the production of hot water, and are now tax-incentivized. Junkers Bosch, already in line with the dictates of the ErP legislation, represent a future that has always distinguished the brand. Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Junkers Bosch Junkers Bosch Open Chamber Boiler Cerastar 24 Kw Zwr 24-7 Ke 23 Low Nox
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERTING TO LPG, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED ASSISTANCE SERVICE IN ADVANCE Junkers Bosch Open Chamber Boiler Cerastar 24 KW ZWR 24-7 KE 23 low NOx Product data Symbol Unit 7736900325 Declared load profile M Energy efficiency class C Water heating energy efficiency class B Rated thermal power Prated kW 24 Annual energy consumption QHE GJ 59 Annual electricity consumption AEC kWh 35 Annual fuel consumption AFC GJ 9 Seasonal space heating energy efficiency ηS % 77 Water heating energy efficiency ηwh % 52 Sound power level within LWA dB 49 Information on operating capacity outside peak hours no Specific precautions to be taken at the time of assembly, installation or maintenance (if applicable) see technical documentation Condensing boiler no Low temperature boiler no Boiler B1 yes Cogeneration space heater no Mixed heater yes Useful thermal power At rated heat output and high-temperature regime P4 kW 24.3 At 30 % of rated heat output and low temperature regime P1 kW 7.3 Efficiency At rated heat output and high-temperature regime η4 % 81,0 At 30 % of rated heat output and low-temperature regime η1 % 80,7 Auxiliary electricity consumption At full load elmax kW 0.019 At partial load elmin kW 0.018 In stand-by mode PSB kW 0.007 Other items Heat loss in stand-by Pstby kW 0.193 Nitrous oxide emissions (for gas and fuel oil only) NOx mg/kWh 22 Other items for combination heaters Daily electricity consumption (average climatic conditions) Qelec kWh 0.160 Daily fuel consumption Qfuel kWh 10,850 Dimensions HxWxD mm 850x440x380 Junkers Bosch CERASTAR boiler Environmentally friendly and NOx class 6 The Cerastar conventional boiler uses the best technologies to respect the environment. In fact, thanks to its components, the level of polluting emissions is reduced, following the new ErP 2018 regulation. Management via EasyControl smart thermostat The boiler can be controlled via the Bosch EasyControl smart thermostat. The new regulator that allows you to manage home heating directly from your smartphone and that simply adapts to your habits. Zero noise, zero stress The Cerastar boiler is among the quietest in its category, in fact with its 46 decibels (18 kW Cerastar) it will allow you to use all its functions in silence. Hot water, when you want it The Cerastar boiler achieves 3 stars in sanitary comfort according to European standards EN13203-1/2 and allows you to use domestic hot water when you wish. The boiler's Comfort function offers you the possibility of preheating the water, programming the appliance at specific times based on your routine. The Eco function, on the other hand, is designed to save energy and have a lower impact on bill costs. Product Warranty The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Junkers Bosch Junkers Cerapur Built-in Condensing Boiler Zwb 24-1 Ei 24 Kw LPG Including Smoke Kit -New Erp
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERTING TO LPG, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA ASSISTANCE SERVICE IN ADVANCE JUNKERS BOSCH CERAPUR BUILT-IN CONDENSING BOILER ZWB 24-1 EI 24 kW INCLUDING FUME KIT - NEW ErP ErP energy class (Heating and DHW) For heating and domestic hot water production Nominal heat input in DHW kW 24.49 Nominal heat output (heating) 40/30 °C: 25.7 kW Nominal heat output (heating) 80/60 °C: 24.0 kW Minimum heat input (sanitary): 7.4 kW Sanitary flow rate ΔT = 30 K: 11.5 l/min NOx class: 5 Voltage v(AC): 230 HZ frequency: 50 Absorbed electric power: 140 W IP Protection Degree: X5D Dimensions: 243 x 533 x 775; 47 kgs Standard: Controllable from home - Management of the boiler directly from inside the home, using the TF 25 remote control , supplied as standard Junkers Bosch With the strategic plan 20/20/20, Europe has the objective of producing 20% less CO2, using 20% more renewable energy and consuming 20% less primary energy. All this by 2020. To achieve these objectives, the EU has issued the ErP Directive (energy related products) which specifies the minimum eco-design requirements for equipment that uses energy, including energy efficiency. The world of heating will also be affected by this revolutionary change. In fact, from 2015 the energy efficiency of boilers will be based on new performance indexes that will take into account seasonal performance. Among the most significant changes to the new methodology for measuring seasonal efficiency are the introduction of different nominal temperatures, operation also at partial loads and in standby mode. The new methodology will make it possible to evaluate the performance of a boiler in real conditions, based on the level of efficiency calculated over an entire year. CerapurRecessed CERAPUR INCASSO is designed for concealed installations and encloses maximum comfort in just 250 mm of depth. Ideal for solving space problems, it does not alter the aesthetic beauty of homes. In fact, CERAPUR INCASSO integrates perfectly into the façade thanks also to the possibility of painting the "shell" with the same color as the wall. Boiler for concealed installations - Space saving inside the home and no aesthetic impact on the outside thanks to the installation in the niche in the wall Controllable from inside the house - Management of the boiler directly from inside the house, using the TF 25 remote control, supplied as standard Robust and reliable - Robustness and reliability of the boiler are guaranteed thanks to the aluminum alloy construction of the primary exchanger Electrical insulation - The boiler has an IPX5D degree of electrical insulation Characteristics: Wall-mounted condensing boilers for outdoor use with DHW production that can be combined with solar thermal systems for DHW using the Solar Kit. C13, C33, C63, C83, B33 type certifications obtained. Suitable for use with Ø 60 mm drains. Class 5 emissions required by UNI EN 297, UNI EN 483 and UNI EN 15502 standards. External installation indicated in a special niche, dedicated to the built-in Guscio (acc. 978). Automatic antifreeze function up to an external temperature of -15 °C, both on the DHW and heating sides. Fully automatic filling function for the heating circuit. Continuous power modulation (DHW and heating). Patented high efficiency silicon-aluminum alloy primary heat exchanger. Oversized sanitary plate heat exchanger for condensing also in DHW. Heating side expansion vessel of 6 litres. Circulator in Energy Class A. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Junkers Bosch Junkers Cerapur Balcony Zwb 24-1 Eb LPG Condensing Boiler For Outdoor Complete With Smoke Kit - New Erp
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERTING TO LPG, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA ASSISTANCE SERVICE IN ADVANCE JUNKERS CERAPUR BALCONY ZWB 24-1 EB CONDENSING BOILER for outdoor use COMPLETE WITH FUME KIT - NEW ErP Technical specifications Heating and DHW energy efficiency class (ErP): A/A For heating and domestic hot water production Loaded profiles declared XL Nominal heat input (heating): 24.6 kW Nominal thermal power (sanitary): 24 kW Nominal heat input (sanitary): 24.4 kW Thermal efficiency at nominal power 40/30°C: 104.3% Efficiency thermal useful at 30% nominal load 40/30°C: 109.2% Continuous sanitary production: 11.5 l/min Sanitary temperature range that can be set: 40/60°C NOx class: 5 Absorbed electric power: 140 W Degrees of protection: IP X5D Dimensions (Depth x Width x Height): 285 x 535 x 775 mm; 54kg Version: LPG MAIN FEATURES CERAPUR BALCONY Wall-mounted condensing boiler for outdoor use with DHW production, which can be combined with solar thermal systems for DHW using the Solar Kit. Small and compact, CERAPUR BALCONY has been designed to solve the problems of space, resist bad weather, while ensuring maximum comfort in the production of heat and domestic hot water. Advantages: Wall-mounted condensing boilers for outdoor use with DHW production, which can be combined with solar thermal systems for DHW using the Solar Kit. Certifications achieved of tipC13, C33, C63, C83, B33. Suitable for use with 60 mm drains. Class 5 emissions required by UNI EN 297, UNI EN 483 and UNI EN 15502 standards. External installation. We will remotely control the digital room chronothermostat with the following functions: two fixed heating programs P1 and P2; a programmable P3 heating program with 22 available time slots; setting of the operating temperatures both in heating and in DHW; display of boiler operating status and any anomalies; in combination with the external probe (accessory) the functioning as a climatic control unit is activated which automatically regulates the delivery temperature according to the external temperature. Automatic antifreeze function up to an external temperature of -15°C, on both the sanitary and heating sides. Fully automatic filling function for the heating circuit. Continuous power modulation (DHW heating). Primary heat exchanger in patented high efficiency aluminosilica alloy. Domestic hot plate heat exchanger for condensing also in DHW. 6 liter heating expansion tanks. Circulator in Energy Class A. The ErP legislation and the new energy labels The future of heating systems Starting from 26 September 2015, in order to be placed on the market, heating and hot water production systems will have to comply with the ErP (Energy Related Products) regulations issued by the European Union. The ErP standards favor the eco-compatible design of products that consume energy from fossil fuels and have the aim of reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as providing consumers with transparent and homogeneous information on the energy efficiency of appliances, favoring comparisons. Regulations N 811/2013 and 812/2013 provide for a specific energy labeling of appliances for heating and the production of domestic hot water. Regulations N 813/2013 and 814/2013 prescribe, among other things, the minimum energy efficiency and pollutant emissions requirements that manufacturers of equipment for heating and domestic hot water production must comply with. These regulations therefore raise energy efficiency standards, improving system performance and excluding underperforming technologies from the market. The energy label will be supplied by the manufacturer with the appliance and will represent a concrete aid for the consumer, allowing him to better understand the characteristics of the system, acquire greater awareness of energy saving, and allow him to choose better what to buy. The energy label will provide information on the energy class of the product, on a scale between A++ and G, and on other additional notations, such as power and noise emissions. The ErP legislation provides for two types of labelling: the former is supplied by the manufacturer together with the product for heating and/or domestic hot water production appliances the second for systems composed of several elements. In this second case, the label indicates the levels of energy efficiency that can be reached thanks to all the components used, allowing for an increase in the score attributed to each appliance and increasing the energy class of the system: therefore, the task of whoever builds/installs the system is to provide the consumer with the correct explanatory label . The ErP standards represent an opportunity to develop a market of highly efficient technologies, such as condensing, heat pumps, solar thermal, cogeneration and the integration of different energy sources in a single system. These technologies will have an impact on consumption in the home, approximately 80% of which is due to heating and the production of hot water, and are currently incentivized at the tax level. Junkers Bosch, already in line with the dictates of the ErP legislation, represent a future that has always distinguished the brand. Warranty: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this article is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Junkers Bosch Junkers Bosch CERAPUR INCASSOZWB 24-1 EI 24 kW Methane Condensing Boiler Complete with Flue Gas Exhaust Kit
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERTING TO LPG, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED ASSISTANCE SERVICE IN ADVANCE JUNKERS BOSCH CERAPUR BUILT-IN CONDENSING BOILER ZWB 24-1 EI 24 kW INCLUDING FUME KIT - NEW ErP ErP energy class (Heating and DHW) For heating and domestic hot water production Nominal heat input in DHW kW 24.49 Nominal heat output (heating) 40/30 °C: 25.7 kW Nominal heat output (heating) 80/60 °C: 24.0 kW Minimum heat input (sanitary): 7.4 kW Sanitary flow rate ΔT = 30 K: 11.5 l/min NOx class: 5 Voltage v(AC): 230 HZ frequency: 50 Absorbed electric power: 140 W IP Protection Degree: X5D Dimensions: 243 x 533 x 775; 47 kgs Standard: Controllable from home - Management of the boiler directly from inside the home, using the TF 25 remote control , supplied as standard Junkers Bosch With the strategic plan 20/20/20, Europe has the objective of producing 20% less CO2, using 20% more renewable energy and consuming 20% less primary energy. All this by 2020. To achieve these objectives, the EU has issued the ErP Directive (energy related products) which specifies the minimum eco-design requirements for equipment that uses energy, including energy efficiency. The world of heating will also be affected by this revolutionary change. In fact, from 2015 the energy efficiency of boilers will be based on new performance indexes that will take into account seasonal performance. Among the most significant changes to the new methodology for measuring seasonal efficiency are the introduction of different nominal temperatures, operation also at partial loads and in standby mode. The new methodology will make it possible to evaluate the performance of a boiler in real conditions, based on the level of efficiency calculated over an entire year. CerapurRecessed CERAPUR INCASSO is designed for concealed installations and encloses maximum comfort in just 250 mm of depth. Ideal for solving space problems, it does not alter the aesthetic beauty of homes. In fact, CERAPUR INCASSO integrates perfectly into the façade thanks also to the possibility of painting the "shell" with the same color as the wall. Boiler for concealed installations - Space saving inside the home and no aesthetic impact on the outside thanks to the installation in the niche in the wall Controllable from inside the house - Management of the boiler directly from inside the house, using the TF 25 remote control, supplied as standard Robust and reliable - Robustness and reliability of the boiler are guaranteed thanks to the aluminum alloy construction of the primary exchanger Electrical insulation - The boiler has an IPX5D degree of electrical insulation Characteristics: Wall-mounted condensing boilers for outdoor use with DHW production that can be combined with solar thermal systems for DHW using the Solar Kit. C13, C33, C63, C83, B33 type certifications obtained. Suitable for use with Ø 60 mm drains. Class 5 emissions required by UNI EN 297, UNI EN 483 and UNI EN 15502 standards. External installation indicated in a special niche, dedicated to the built-in Guscio (acc. 978). Automatic antifreeze function up to an external temperature of -15 °C, both on the DHW and heating sides. Fully automatic filling function for the heating circuit. Continuous power modulation (DHW and heating). Patented high efficiency silicon-aluminum alloy primary heat exchanger. Oversized sanitary plate heat exchanger for condensing also in DHW. Heating side expansion vessel of 6 litres. Circulator in Energy Class A. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.