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Bosch Trapano A Percussione Bosch-B Con 2 Batterie GSB12 V-15
TRAPANO BOSCH-B CON 2 BATTERIE GSB12 V-15 MODALITA' DI PAGAMENTO DISPONIBILE SOLO CON CARTA E BONIFICO BANCARIO Info prodotto: Trapano BOSCH-B modello GSB 12V-15 a percussione. Batteria 12,0 V - 2,0 Ah - Litio. Tempo di ricarica 30 min. Velocità a vuoto 0-380/1300 giri/min. Percussioni 19500 colpi/min. Coppia di serraggio 15-30 Nm. Frizione 20+1 regolazioni. Foratura legno 19 mm. Foratura metallo 10mm. Foro muratura 10 mm. Lunghezza testa di soli 169 mm, che offre grande compattezza e maneggevolezza ottimale Ingranaggi a 2 velocità, che garantiscono una potente coppia di 15 Nm (avvitamento in materiale elastico) nei lavori di foratura (fino a 19 mm) e avvitamento (fino a 7 mm). Robusto mandrino autoserrante da 10 mm. Dotazione: - 2 batterie da 2,0 Ah. - Caricabatteria GAL 12V‐20. - Borsa in nylon.
Bosch Trapano Elettrico Bosch-B GSB16RE
TRAPANO ELETTRICO BOSCH-B GSB16REMODALITA' DI PAGAMENTO DISPONIBILE SOLO CON CARTA E BONIFICO BANCARIOInfo prodotto: Trapano elettrico modello GSB 16 RE. Potenza 750 W. Velocità a vuoto 2800 giri/min. Percussioni 47600 colpi/min. Coppia di serraggio 18 Nm. Mandrino autoserrante 13 mm. Foratura legno 30 mm. Foratura metallo 13 mm. Foratura muratura 18 mm. Peso 2,200 kg. Reversibile.
Bosch Trapano Avvitatore A 2 Velocità Bosch Con Batteria A Litio PSR 1440 LI-2
Bosch Lavatrice a Carica Frontale Bosch 9 Kg Serie 6 i-DOS EcoSilence Drive 1400 Giri WAU28S29IT Classe C
Tempi di spedizione 3/5 giorni lavorativiPER QUESTO PRODOTTO NON E' PREVISTO IL PAGAMENTO IN CONTRASSEGNO LAVATRICE BOSCH WAU28S29ITSerie | 6 Lavatrice a carica frontale9 kg 1400 rpm. La lavatrice i-DOS, con il sistema di dosaggio intelligente, fa tutto automaticamente per avere sempre risultati perfetti.Caratteristiche principali:-EcoSilence Drive™: Motore Inverter estremamente silenzioso ed efficiente. Con 10 anni di assistenza.-SpeedPerfect: pulito perfetto con tempi di lavaggio ridotti fino al 65%.-Cestello Wave™: lavaggio delicato grazie alla struttura speciale del cestello.-ActiveWater™ Plus: Sistema di sensori in grado di regolare automaticamente e con estrema precisione l'afflusso di acqua nel cestello, in base alle esigenze di lavaggio, minimizzando i consumi di acqua.Indicazione del tempo residuo e programmazione fine lavaggio attraverso l'ampio display.Parete laterale anti-vibrazione: più stabilità e meno vibrazioneIl nuovo design delle pareti laterali non è solo accattivante dal punto di vista estetico: il sistema fornisce anche maggiore stabilità e riduce la vibrazione. Il potenziamento dell'isolamento regola inoltre i livelli acustici, rendendo Bosch Logixx e Avantixx molto silenziose anche durante il ciclo di centrifuga.Regala un pulito di alta qualità, delicato ed efficiente ai capi che ami di piùI tuoi vestiti preferiti o quelli delicati si possono rovinare lavaggio dopo lavaggio. La speciale ed esclusiva struttura brevettata del cestello VarioDrum lava in modo delicato ed efficiente qualunque tipo di indumento, distribuendo l'acqua uniformemente senza deformare, sgualcire o danneggiare i tessuti. A seconda del programma selezionato, la speciale conformazione del cestello e dei trascinatori convogliano delicatamente il bucato verso il centro indipendentemente dal senso di rotazione. In questo modo viene garantito un lavaggio dei capi più sporchi, e anche più rapido e accurato per l'intero carico. La pulizia ed il trattamento del tuo guardaroba sarà di qualità professionale, lavaggio dopo lavaggio.Proteggi l'ambiente e risparmia denaro grazie alla gestione idrica particolarmente efficienteLa lavatrice fa risparmiare tempo e fatica, a volte al costo di un eccessivo consumo di acqua. La nostra tecnologia ActiveWater porta a risultati perfetti utilizzando solamente la quantità di acqua necessaria. I sensori integrati regolano il consumo d'acqua in base al tipo di tessuto e alla quantità caricata, mentre il nostro cestello brevettato e i sistemi di induzione dell'acqua permettono un ammollo più rapido. Scegli il lavaggio che ti aiuta a gestire l'utilizzo di acqua e che riporta la tranquillità in casa. GENERALE Classe efficienza consumi Pre-2020 A+++-30% Classe efficienza energeticaC Consumo energia per 100 cicli di lavaggio 66 kWh Consumo di acqua per ciclo di lavaggio 44 lt Durata modalità Eco 40-60 a pieno carico 217 min Classe efficacia Lavaggio A Classe efficacia Centrifuga B Capacità lavaggio9 kg Velocità Centrifuga 1.400 RPM Consumo annuo acqua 11.220 Consumo annuo energia 152 Emissione rumore aereo 72 Tipo di installazioneA Libera Installazione Visualizzazione stato avanzamento del programma Sì Visualizzazione tempo restante alla fine del programma Sì DIMENSIONI E PESO Profondità 59 cm Larghezza 59,8 cm Altezza 84,5 cm Peso senza imballo 70,99 kg TIPOLOGIA SISTEMI DI SICUREZZA Sicurezza Antiallagamento Sì Controllo Schiuma Sì GARANZIA 24 mesi PROGRAMMI/FUNZIONI/OPZIONI Lana Sì Mezzo Carico Sì Delicati Sì Rapido/Giornaliero Sì A vapore No Ciclo Trapunte/PiumoniNo Lavaggio a Mano Sì Misti Sì Sporco difficile Sì Regolazione ed esclusione centrifuga Sì Regolazione ed esclusione temperatura Sì CARATTERISTICHE STRUTTURALI Display Sì Colore primario Bianco Colore secondario Nero
Bosch Lavatrice a Carica Frontale Bosch 9 Kg Serie 6 EcoSilence Drive 1400 Giri WAU28R29IT Classe C
LAVATRICE BOSCH WAU28R29ITSerie | 6 Lavatrice a carica frontale 9 kg 1400 rpm. La lavatrice Serie|6 con il sistema Anti macchia rimuove efficacemente le macchie più comuni ed ostinate senza necessità di additivi o di pre-trattamenti.Caratteristiche principali:-Sistema Anti macchia: rimuove efficacemente 4 tipi di macchie tra le più comuni ed ostinate, senza necessità di pre-trattamento a mano con additivi chimici.-EcoSilence Drive™: Motore Inverter estremamente silenzioso ed efficiente. Con 10 anni di assistenza.-SpeedPerfect: pulito perfetto con tempi di lavaggio ridotti fino al 65%.-Cestello Wave™: lavaggio delicato grazie alla struttura speciale del cestello.-ActiveWater™ Plus: Sistema di sensori in grado di regolare automaticamente e con estrema precisione l'afflusso di acqua nel cestello, in base alle esigenze di lavaggio, minimizzando i consumi di acqua.Parete laterale anti-vibrazione: più stabilità e meno vibrazioneIl nuovo design delle pareti laterali non è solo accattivante dal punto di vista estetico: il sistema fornisce anche maggiore stabilità e riduce la vibrazione. Il potenziamento dell'isolamento regola inoltre i livelli acustici, rendendo Bosch Logixx e Avantixx molto silenziose anche durante il ciclo di centrifuga.Regala un pulito di alta qualità, delicato ed efficiente ai capi che ami di piùI tuoi vestiti preferiti o quelli delicati si possono rovinare lavaggio dopo lavaggio. La speciale ed esclusiva struttura brevettata del cestello VarioDrum lava in modo delicato ed efficiente qualunque tipo di indumento, distribuendo l'acqua uniformemente senza deformare, sgualcire o danneggiare i tessuti. A seconda del programma selezionato, la speciale conformazione del cestello e dei trascinatori convogliano delicatamente il bucato verso il centro indipendentemente dal senso di rotazione. In questo modo viene garantito un lavaggio dei capi più sporchi, e anche più rapido e accurato per l'intero carico. La pulizia ed il trattamento del tuo guardaroba sarà di qualità professionale, lavaggio dopo lavaggio.Proteggi l'ambiente e risparmia denaro grazie alla gestione idrica particolarmente efficienteLa lavatrice fa risparmiare tempo e fatica, a volte al costo di un eccessivo consumo di acqua. La nostra tecnologia ActiveWater porta a risultati perfetti utilizzando solamente la quantità di acqua necessaria. I sensori integrati regolano il consumo d'acqua in base al tipo di tessuto e alla quantità caricata, mentre il nostro cestello brevettato e i sistemi di induzione dell'acqua permettono un ammollo più rapido. Scegli il lavaggio che ti aiuta a gestire l'utilizzo di acqua e che riporta la tranquillità in casa. DIMENSIONI E PESO Profondità: 59.0000cm Larghezza: 59.8000cm Altezza: 84.8000cm Peso senza imballo: 70.4600kg PROGRAMMI/FUNZIONI/OPZIONI Lana: 1 Mezzo Carico: 1 Delicati: 1 Rapido/Giornaliero: 1 A Vapore: 0 Ciclo Trapunte/Piumoni: 0 Lavaggio a Mano: 1 Misti: 1 Sporco Difficile: 1 Regolazione ed esclusione centrifuga: 1 Regolazione ed esclusione temperatura: 1 CARATTERISTICHE STRUTTURALI Display: 1 Colore primario: Bianco Colore secondario: Nero GENERALE Classe efficienza consumi Pre-2020: A+++-30% Classe efficienza energetica: C Consumo energia per 100 cicli di lavaggio: 66.0000kWh Consumo di acqua per ciclo di lavaggio: 44.0000lt Durata modalità Eco 40-60 a pieno carico: 217.0000min Classe efficacia Lavaggio: A Classe efficacia Centrifuga: B Capacità lavaggio: 9.0000kg Velocità Centrifuga: 1400.0000RPM Consumo annuo acqua: 11220.0000 Consumo annuo energia: 152.0000 Emissione rumore aereo: 72.0000 Tipo di installazione: A Libera Installazione Visualizzazione stato avanzamento del programma: 1 Visualizzazione tempo restante alla fine del programma: 1 TIPOLOGIA SISTEMI DI SICUREZZA Sicurezza Antiallagamento: 1 Controllo Schiuma: 1 SOLUZIONI Smart home: 0 SMART HOME Compatibilità Amazon Alexa : 0 Compatibilità Apple Homekit : 0 Compatibilità Google Home : 0 Compatibilità IFTTT : 0 Compatibilità Samsung SmartThings : 0 Altre Caratteristiche : 0
Bosch Bosch Air Conditioner Quadri Split Inverter Climate 3000i Series 9+9+9+18 With Ms 36 Oue R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+9000+18000
Technical features Indoor Units 1) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 3x CL3000iU W 26 E Power: 9000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 2.80 kW Heating Capacity : 2.93 kW Treated Air : 330~520 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 54 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 20~37 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxWxH): 729x200x292 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 8.0 Kg Wi-Fi Optional (Code G 10 CL-1 ) 2) Model Internal Unit Catalog Code: 1x CL3000iU W 53 E Power: 18000 btu/h Cooling Capacity : 5.30 kW Heating Capacity : 5.62 kW Treated Air : 500~800 m 3 /h Sound Power Level : 56 dB(A) Sound Pressure Level : 20~41 dB(A) Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal Unit Dimensions (LxWxH): 971x228x321 mm Indoor Unit Weight: 11.2 Kg Wi-Fi Optional (Code G 10 CL-1 ) Outdoor Unit Model: Indoor Unit catalog code: MS 36 OUE Max indoor units: up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency: SEER: 6.5 SCOP : 4.0 Cooling Energy Efficiency Class: A++ Heating Energy Efficiency Class: A+ Performance: Cooling Capacity: 10.55 kW Heating Capacity: 10.55 kW Absorption in cooling: 3.27 kW Heating absorption: 2.84 kW Sound power level : 70 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 32.5 dB(A) Characteristics: Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 50°C - Heating: -15° ~ 24° C Installation data: Pipe diameter Liquid : 6.35 mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 + 12.70 mm (1/2") 1x Maximum piping length: 60 m Maximum height difference Indoor Unit / Outdoor Unit: 15 m Dimensions: External Unit Dimensions (LxWxH): 946x410x810 mm Weight of Outdoor Unit: 68.8 Kg Maximum comfort in all internal spaces with a single external unit Bosch multi-split air conditioners offer different installation combinations: with wall-mounted, cassette and ducted indoor units. The different functions of use allow you to obtain the best energy efficiency Maximum flexibility Different types of indoor units available (wall-mounted, cassette and ducted). For systems up to 4 indoor units, available in various powers. Simple to use with intuitive controls To sleep well In "sleep" mode, the temperature is automatically adjusted to ensure a pleasant indoor climate during the night Wide range of operating temperatures The Climate 5000 MS can air-condition at outdoor temperatures from -15 °C to +50 °C, thus offering the right solution for every application Bosch Climate 3000i Fresh air in the house for a healthy life Easy to use and install, versatile and refined, the new Climate air conditioners by Bosch will "simply" amaze you Just the right atmosphere Can't you breathe from the heat outside? Or has the weather suddenly refreshed? Just choose the right function from the simple and intuitive remote control menu to have your own oasis of comfort and well-being at home, with the right degree of cooling or heating Save energy, yours and the planet The split air conditioners in the Climate series from Bosch are as easy to use as they are affordable. They work highly efficiently and use only the energy necessary to ensure the desired well-being, without waste, also thanks to the stand-by and timer functions. And the environment thanks too! Breathe pure air Are air pollution levels going up? Is pollen season threatening your well-being? Not in your home, thanks to powerful filters that improve air quality in the home, capturing microbes and other harmful impurities Relax in complete tranquillity The very low noise level of split Climate air conditioners makes them discreet companions in your home and your neighbors won't be disturbed either. Relax, and enjoy the air conditioning guaranteed by Bosch! Our two Apps: exceptional individually, astounding as a pair Choose the correct configuration of your air conditioners and set the ideal functions, in just a few taps Climate Select app Find the perfect configuration Point your device's camera at the wall where you would like to install your air conditioner and watch it appear in augmented reality. View the different sizes and choose the most suitable for your environment. Find the best position for optimal aesthetic performance and practical maintenance. Take and save a photo, to store the defined settings HomeCom Easy App Control the functions of your air conditioners View all your appliances at a glance and adjust their main functions, right from the home via Wi-Fi. Set the operating mode, temperature and air flow direction, for maximum comfort in every room. Always stay informed on the operating status of your air conditioners and any anomalies, thanks to push notifications. Optional accessory G 10 CL-1 required Many functions to optimize the home climate The Climate 3000i monospilt air conditioner features an exceptional Bosch exclusive design to differentiate and make your home unique State-of-the-art technology for a tailor-made climate Excellent product for cooling and heating able to satisfy every need thanks to the multiple standard functions. Better air quality is guaranteed by the "I-clean" function which eliminates up to 99% of bacteria. Furthermore, the filters prevent the diffusion of odors and capture microbes and other impurities present in the air. The corrosion protection ensures a long product life Maximum comfort With "follow me" mode, the air conditioner adjusts the temperature based on where you are in the room, thanks to the temperature sensor in the remote control HomeCom Easy is the app developed by Bosch that allows you to control your air conditioning system remotely, from the comfort of your smartphone, wherever you are Features and functions • Room temperature setting • AUTO, HEAT, COOL, FAN, ECO modes. • Direction of airflow • Optional accessory G 10 CL-1 required • Available for iOS and Android smart devices Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Bosch Bosch Front Loading Washing Machine 7 Kg Wan28257it Series 4 Ecosilence Drive 1400 Rpm Class D (Classe Pre/2021 A+++)
BOSCH WASHING MACHINE WAN28257IT Series | 4 Front loading washing machine 7 kg 1400 rpm. Washing machine with EcoSilence Drive™ motor: silent, reliable and long-lasting.Main features:-EcoSilence Drive™: Extremely quiet and efficient Inverter motor. With 10 years of assistance.-AllergyPlus: specific program for allergy sufferers.-SpeedPerfect: perfect cleaning with washing times reduced by up to 65%.-LED display with programming start or end of washing (1-24h).-Anti-vibration design ™: extremely stable and silent washing machine. Anti-vibration sidewall: more stability and less vibrationThe new design of the sidewalls is not only visually appealing: the system also provides more stability and reduces vibration. The enhanced insulation also regulates sound levels, making Bosch Logixx and Avantixx very quiet even during the spin cycle. Perfect and efficient automatic washing. With ActiveWaterThe automatic regulation recognizes the load conditions in three stages and ensures that you use only the amount of electricity and water you need. The automatic and continuous regulation of the load in appliances with ActiveWater water management allows to obtain even more accurate results. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Depth: 55.0000cm Width: 59.8000cm Height: 84.8000cm Weight without packaging: 70.9700kg PROGRAMS/FUNCTIONS/OPTIONS Wool: 1 Half Load: 1 Delicates: 1 Express/Daily: 1 Steam: 1 Quilts/Duvets cycle: 0 Hand wash: 1 Mixed: 1 Dirty Hard: 0 Spin adjustment and exclusion: 1 Temperature regulation and exclusion: 1 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Displays: 1 Primary Color: White GENERAL Pre-2020 fuel efficiency class: A+++-10% Energy efficiency class: D Energy consumption for 100 washing cycles: 69.0000kWh Water consumption per wash cycle: 45.0000lt Duration of Eco 40-60 mode at full load: 200.0000min Washing efficiency class: A Centrifuge efficiency class: B Washing capacity: 7.0000kg Spin Speed: 1400.0000RPM Annual water consumption: 9020.0000 Annual energy consumption: 157.0000 Airborne noise emission: 75.0000 Delayed departure: up to 24 hours Delayed departure until: 24.0000h Installation type: Freestanding Viewing the progress of the program: 1 Displaying time remaining to the end of the program: 1 TYPE OF SAFETY SYSTEMS Anti-flooding safety: 1 Foam control: 1
Bosch Bosch Srs2ikw04e Slim Freestanding Dishwasher 9 Covered Series 2 Class F
BOSCH SRS2IKW04E DISHWASHER Series | 2 Freestanding dishwashers 45 cm White EcoSilence Drive: powerful, durable, silent and efficient The EcoSilence Drive brushless motor is extremely efficient, fast and silent and accurately adjusts the water pressure on the dishes for an adequate treatment for each type of load. All this to use less water, less energy and always have impeccable results. Thanks to the effective dissolution of the detergent, EcoDosage guarantees optimal results Also in terms of cleaning and silent washing. The detergent comes out of the relative dispenser into a special container on the upper rack where it dissolves completely. DIMENSIONS Height: 84.5000cm Width: 45.0000cm Weight: 38.0100kg Depth: 60.0000cm BASKETS Adjustable lower basket: 1 Cutlery basket: 1 Adjustable upper basket: 1 Primary Color: White PROGRAMS Delicates: 0 Echo: 1 Intensive: 1 Half Load: 1 Normal: 1 Prewash: 1 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Displays: 1 Filter Type: Three-level filter system GENERAL Load capacity (number of seats): 9.0000 Drying efficiency class: A Washing efficiency class: A Total disappearance dashboard: 0 Delayed departure until: 9.0000h Sound Power: 48.0000dB(A) Displaying time remaining to the end of the program: 1 Primary Color: White Energy efficiency class: F Energy consumption for 100 operating cycles (with ECO programme): 78.0000kWh Water consumption per operating cycle (with ECO programme)” : 6.5000lt Number of place settings with ECO programme: 9,0000 ECO program duration: 215.0000min
Bosch Bosch Wth85v08it Heat Pump Dryer 8 Kg Series 4 Easyclean Drying System Class A++
BOSCH WTH85V08IT DRYER Series | 4 Heat pump dryer 8kg. Very efficient dryer: energy efficiency class A++.Main features:-Dryer with EasyClean class A++ filter: very efficient drying and easy-to-clean filter.- AutoDry : dries clothes gently and automatically to the precise desired dryness level.- Display LED with the possibility of postponing the end of the program (1-24h).-Sensitive drum: thanks to its special shape it is able to dry clothes keeping them soft and cared for.-Fast drying program, suitable for a small load. To have dry and ready-to-use garments in a very short time. Just press a button to have the desired drying At Bosch, we know that ensuring gentle but perfect drying results can be difficult. Tumble dryers and washer-dryers with Bosch's AutoDry system do just that. The sensors present constantly measure the temperature and humidity level and protect the laundry from excessively high temperatures and excessive drying times that stress the fabrics and increase consumption. To obtain delicate and perfect drying, both for storing the garments directly in the wardrobe and for being able to iron them with extreme ease. Just press the appropriate button and let AutoDry do the rest. Light drying on fabrics thanks to the Sensitive 'Drying System With the Sensitive Drying System, your laundry is dried by light, warm air from all directions and gently mixed by the Soft curvature vectors, rather than lying flat on the fabric-friendly drum structure. The result is soft, wrinkle-free laundry. Quick 40 min Fast drying and clothes ready in about 40 min. Program suitable for a small load of synthetic items or cotton items with fine fibres. Precise temperature control system that monitors the temperature of wet and dry garments in real time. Garments that do not require ironing are ready to use once the drying program has ended. GENERAL Drying capacity 8 kg End of program buzzer Yes Consumption efficiency class A++ Noise Level 65 dB(A) Drying mode Heat pump Type of installation Free-standing Drying cycle progress display Yes Drying cycle time remaining display Yes Primary color White Annual energy consumption 236 Duration of the full load cotton program 205 Condensation efficiency class B Secondary color Black STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Display Yes Condensate container full indicator Yes Interior light No Basket material Stainless steel Filter Type EasyClean filter PROGRAMS/FUNCTIONS/OPTIONS Anti crease/Iron less Yes Cold air/Refresh cycle Yes Delayed departure up to 24 hours Quick Yes Delicate Yes Wool Yes DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Height 84.2cm Width 59.8cm Weight without packaging 47.75 kg Depth 5 9.9cm WARRANTY 24 months
Bosch Bosch Front Loading Washing Machine 8 Kg Series 4 Ecosilence Drive 1200 Rpm Wan24258it Class C
BOSCH WASHING MACHINE WAN24258IT Series | 4 Front loading washing machine 8 kg 1200 rpm. Washing machine with EcoSilence Drive™ motor: silent, reliable and long lasting. Main features: -EcoSilence Drive™: Extremely silent and efficient Inverter Motor. With 10 years of support. -AllergyPlus: specific program for allergy sufferers. -SpeedPerfect: perfect cleaning with washing times reduced by up to 65%. -LED display with programming start or end of washing (1-24h). -Anti-vibration™ design: extremely stable and silent washing machine. Anti-vibration sidewall: more stability and less vibration The new sidewall design is not only visually appealing: the system also provides more stability and reduces vibration. The enhanced insulation also regulates sound levels, making Bosch Logixx and Avantixx very quiet even during the spin cycle. Perfect and efficient automatic washing. With ActiveWater Automatic regulation recognizes load conditions in three stages and ensures that only the amount of electricity and water needed is used. The automatic and continuous regulation of the load in appliances with ActiveWater water management allows to obtain even more accurate results. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Depth 55cm Width 59.8cm Height 84.8cm Weight without packaging 69.12 kg TYPE OF SAFETY SYSTEMS Anti-flooding security Yes Foam Control Yes WARRANTY 24 months PROGRAMS/FUNCTIONS/OPTIONS Wool Yes Half Load Yes Delicate Yes Express/Daily Yes Steam Yes Quilts/Duvets Cycle No Hand wash Yes Mixed Yes Difficult dirt No Spin adjustment and exclusion Yes Temperature regulation and exclusion Yes SMART HOMES Amazon Alexa compatibility No Compatibility Apple Homekit No Google Home compatibility No IFTTT Compatibility No Compatibility Samsung SmartThings No Other Features No STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Display Yes Primary color White GENERAL Consumption efficiency class Pre-2020 A+++-10% Energy efficiency class C Energy consumption for 100 washing cycles 63 kWh Water consumption per wash cycle 48 litres Duration of Eco mode 40-60 at full load 209 min Washing efficiency class A Efficiency class Centrifuge B Washing capacity 8 kg Spin Speed 1,200 RPM Annual water consumption 9,900 Annual energy consumption 175 Airborne noise emission 76 Delayed departure up to 24 hours Delayed departure up to 24 hours Type of installation Freestanding View program progress Yes Display of time remaining to the end of the program Yes
Bosch Bosch Condenser Dryer 8 Kg Front Loading Series 4 Easyclean Wth83008ii Class A+
BOSCH WTH83008II DRYER Just press a button to get the drying you want. At Bosch, we know that ensuring delicate but perfect drying results can be difficult. Tumble dryers and washer-dryers with Bosch's AutoDry system do just that. The sensors present constantly measure the temperature and humidity level and protect the laundry from excessively high temperatures and excessive drying times that stress the fabrics and increase consumption. To obtain delicate and perfect drying, both for storing the garments directly in the wardrobe and for being able to iron them with extreme ease. Just press the appropriate button and let AutoDry do the rest. Light drying on fabrics thanks to the Sensitive' Drying SystemWith the Sensitive Drying System, the laundry is dried by warm, light air coming from all directions and gently mixed by the Soft curvature vectors, rather than lying flat on the drum structure that is gentle on the fabrics. The result is soft, crease-free laundry, which makes moving it particularly easy.
Bosch Bosch Slim Dishwasher 9 Covered Srs2hki59e Ecosilence Class E
BOSCH SRS2HKI59E DISHWASHER Series | 2 Freestanding dishwashers 45 cm in stainless steel colour EcoSilence Drive: powerful, durable, silent and efficient The EcoSilence Drive brushless motor is extremely efficient, fast and silent and accurately adjusts the water pressure on the dishes for an adequate treatment for each type of load. All this to use less water, less energy and always have impeccable results. Thanks to the effective dissolution of the detergent, EcoDosage guarantees optimal results Also in terms of cleaning and silent washing. The detergent comes out of the relative dispenser into a special container on the upper rack where it dissolves completely. GENERAL Load capacity (number of seats): 9.0000 Drying efficiency class: A Washing efficiency class: A Total disappearance dashboard: 0 Delayed departure until: 24.0000h Sound Power: 46.0000dB(A) Displaying time remaining to the end of the program: 1 Primary Color: Grey Primary color tone: Inox Energy efficiency class: E Energy consumption for 100 operating cycles (with ECO programme): 70.0000kWh Water consumption per operating cycle (with ECO programme)” : 8.5000lt Number of place settings with ECO programme: 9,0000 ECO program duration: 220.0000min DIMENSIONS Height: 84.5000cm Width: 45.0000cm Weight: 38.9000kg Depth: 60.0000cm BASKETS Adjustable lower basket: 1 Cutlery basket: 1 Adjustable upper basket: 1 Primary Color: Grey PROGRAMS Delicates: 0 Echo: 1 Intensive: 1 Half Load: 1 Normal: 1 Prewash: 1 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Displays: 1 Filter Type: Three-level filter system