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BERETTA AREA OCCASIONI Caldaia Beretta CIAO X 25 C a condensazione low NOx 6 completa di kit scarico fumi GPL - ErP cod. 20197877 Wi-Fi Optional
ATTENZIONE IL PRODOTTO È NUOVO E FUNZIONANTE MA PRESENTA UN'AMMACCATURA SULLA PARTE FRONTALE E L'IMBALLO È USURATO (PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SUI DANNEGGIAMENTI VISUALIZZA LE FOTO ACCANTO ALL'IMMAGINE PRINCIPALE). Caldaia Beretta CIAO X 25 C a condensazione low NOx 6 completa di kit scarico fumi GPL - ErP cod. 20197877 Wi-Fi Optional Caratteristiche Tecniche Codice: 20197875 Specifiche etichetta energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Classe di efficienza energetica stagionale del riscaldamento A Classe di efficienza energetica del sanitario A Portata termica riscaldamento (max-min) 20,0 - 3,1 kw Portata termica ACS nominale (max-min) 25,0 - 3,1 kw Tensione di alimentazione V-Hz 230 - 50 Grado di protezione IP IPX5D Classe NOx 6 Alimentazione GPL RISCALDAMENTO Pressione-temperatura max bar-°C 3-90 Vaso d’espansione a membrana l 8 SANITARIO Pressione max bar 8 Produzione ACS a ?T= 25 °C / 30 °C / 35 °C l/min 14,3/11,9/10,2 Portata ACS minima l/min 2 DIMENSIONI, PESO Dimensioni caldaia (AxLxP) mm 700x400x275 CIAO X, il comfort che ti meriti CIAO, UNA DELLE CALDAIE MURALI PIÙ VENDUTE DI SEMPRE NEL PORTAFOGLIO BERETTA, È STATA COMPLETAMENTE RIPROGETTATA, DANDO VITA AD UNA NUOVA GAMMA A CONDENSAZIONE CON MOLTE CARATTERISTICHE E VANTAGGI INNOVATIVI: CIAO X La nuova gamma Beretta conserva le caratteristiche distintive degli omonimi modelli precedenti in termini di affidabilità e semplicità di utilizzo, aggiungendone molte altre, importanti e innovative: dal nuovo scambiatore primario in acciaio inox, all'innovativa interfaccia touchpad fino alle connessioni idrauliche con standard DIN.Con CIAO X, Beretta potenzia la ricerca di comfort e innovazione nel rispetto dell'ambiente, che rappresenta uno dei punti di forza delmarchio, a partire dalle origini. Questa rinnovata consapevolezza energetica si traduce in alta efficienza, bassi consumi e un elevato rapporto di modulazione (1:8), che uniti alla flessibilità di installazione, alle dimensioni compatte e al peso contenuto, consentono di collocare CIAO X ai vertici della sua categoria. Ma c'è di più. CIAO X guarda avanti per le generazioni future. La nuova gamma può giàprocessare una miscela di idrogeno fino al 20%, la fonte di energia sostenibile che costituirà la vera svolta ecologica dei prossimi anniLA GAMMACiao X è disponibile in una gamma completa di 5 modelli, per soddisfare le varie esigenze diriscaldamento: CIAO X 25 C (combinata, con codici dedicati per metano e GPL) CIAO X 30 C (combinata) CIAO X 15 R (solo riscaldamento) CIAO X 25 R (solo riscaldamento) Le dimensioni compatte e il peso ridotto di CIAO X ne consentono l'installazione praticamente ovunque all'interno dell'abitazione, anche anche in un pensile in cucina. Il prodotto può essere installato anche all'esterno dell'abitazione (a incasso in BOX o in luogo parzialmente protetto). CONTROLLA IL TUO COMFORT CON UN TOUCHUna delle caratteristiche distintive della nuova CIAO X è l'interfaccia digitale touchpad, che coniuga design e innovazione con la facilità d'utilizzo. Con un semplice touch su 7 punti del pannello, è possibile accedere in modo intuitivo a tutte le impostazioni e aiparametri della caldaia e dell'impianto. Ad ogni touch si attiva un buzzer, che genera un feedback acustico a conferma dell'operazione.Il display LCD comunica con l'utente e l'installatore attraverso icone, senza utilizzare testi, al fine di consentire una comprensione immediata della funzione visualizzata.OVUNQUE CIAO X Le linee morbide ed essenziali dell'innovativo controllo touch conferiscono a CIAO X un carattere moderno e gradevole, che facilita l'integrazione in ogni contesto. Le dimensioni compatte e il peso contenuto permettono alla caldaia di essere facilmente installatapraticamente ovunque, non solo all'interno dell'abitazione, ma anche all'esterno (a incasso in box o in luogo parzialmente protetto). CIAO X è quindi ideale per la sostituzione di vecchie caldaie, sia con sequenza di connessioni DIN che Beretta, grazie alla disponibilità di kit accessori che ne semplificano la conversione.Un'ampia gamma di accessori completa l'offerta di CIAO X: kit fumi, filtri acqua compatti (addolcitore e magnetico) e copertura delle connessioni idrauliche, facilitandone l'installazione e armonizzandone l'integrazione, sia in ambienti indoor che outdoor. NUOVO SCAMBIATORE A CONDENSA ZIONE IN ACCIAIO INOXCIAO X è dotata di un nuovo scambiatore primario in acciaio INOX, con tubo liscio ad elevata sezione, per assicurare ottima efficienza e pulizia nel tempo. L’acciaio INOX, oltre all’elevata resistenza all’azione corrosiva della condensa acida, previene la formazione interna di ossidi e di altri fenomeni elettrochimici tipici in installazione su vecchi impianti. La geometria a spira unica avvolta (circuito idraulico in serie) assicura portata costante in tutte le sezioni dello scambiatore e previene intrinsecamente fenomeni di intasamento. L’accesso frontale agevola le operazioni periodiche di manutenzione e pulizia della camera di combustione NUOVE FUNZIONI PER UN MAGGIORE COMFORT IN SANITARIONei modelli combinati, lo scambiatore a piastre ad alto rendimento, collegato al circuito primario dell'acqua calda, permette di riscaldare l'acqua sanitaria in modo istantaneo, senza la necessità di un bollitore esterno. Il nuovo scambiatore sanitario è stato ottimizzato da Beretta per ottenere prestazioni elevate e massimo comfort per l'utente finale in termini di stabilità della temperatura e ridotti tempi di attesa. Questi plus, che pongono CIAO X ai vertici della categoria di riferimento, si traducono in ultima analisi in risparmio idrico ed energetico, per un maggior rispetto dell'ambiente.Ecco alcune tra le funzioni speciali di CIAO X: La funzione PRERISCALDO e la sua evoluzione in PRERISCALDO SMART sono state concepite per ridurre ulteriormente i consumi di acqua e gas. Queste funzioni permettono, infatti, di mantenere calda l'acqua all'interno del nuovo scambiatore a piastre ad alta efficienza, prodotto nei nostri stabilimenti, riducendo nel contempoo i tempi di attesa. La funzione TOUCH & GO permette di attivare un preriscaldo istantaneo, solo per una richiesta specifica. Altre funzioni speciali come RITARDO SANITARIO, ANTI-OSCILLAZIONE, VENTILATORE SMART permettono di migliorare le prestazioni della caldaia in condizioni di funzionamento particolarmente difficili, come ad esempio nel caso di temperatura dell'acqua in ingresso molto bassa o molto alta, o una portata d'acqua molto bassa HI, COMFORT IL TUO COMFORT A PORTATA DI MANO CIAO X* È COMPATIBILE CON HI, COMFORT, LA NUOVA PIATTAFORMA DI SOLUZIONI IOT DI BERETTA, CHE PERMETTE DI GESTIRE IL COMFORT IN MANIERA SEMPLICE E INTUITIVA L’utente finale può gestire il clima di casa con il tradizionale controllo con termostato HI, COMFORT T100, tramite la nuova App HI, COMFORT, che si può connettere al termostato attraverso Wi-Fi box. La nuova App è scaricabile gratuitamente per i sistemi Android e iOS e permette di monitorare gli stati, impostare da remoto la temperatura dell’acqua calda sanitaria e definire i setting della caldaia in modosemplice e sicuro. Inoltre, installare HI, COMFORT T100 è facile e veloce e, in caso di sostituzione di un vecchio termostato,non necessita di interventi sull’impianto elettrico dell’abitazione. HI, COMFORT T100, alimentato a batteria, permette anche l’installazione “senza fili”, se si dota l’impianto di un ricevitore in radiofrequenza SMART KEY K100 La nuova gamma CIAO X nasce predisposta per la Smart Key K100, un accessorio pensato per le caldaie a condensazione Beretta di ultima generazione, che segna la loro evoluzione verso un comfort sempre più eco-sostenibile. La Smart Key K100, attraverso l’Appproprietaria HI, COMFORT, permette di conoscere lo stato di funzionamento della caldaia, modificarne i parametri e tanto altro, il tutto da remoto. Di sicuro interesse per l’utente le diverse funzioni della Smart Key K100: dalla “Funzione Biberon”, per proteggere bambini e utenti non autosufficienti dal rischio di scottature, alla “Funzione Booster”, per massimizzare la velocitàdi riscaldamento dell’ambiente, fino alla “Funzione Benessere”, per mantenere una temperatura dell’acqua calda costante per il massimo comfort e altre ancora, tutte da scoprire. E per l’utente sempre più attento all’ambiente, è possibile, attraverso l’App HI, COMFORT, monitorare e gestire l’utilizzo di energia del proprio sistema di riscaldamento, arrivando a risparmiare fino al 15%* deiconsumi ed evitando inutili sprechi. Per un futuro sostenibile CIAO X nasce già predisposta per funzionare con miscele di gas naturale e idrogeno - fino a un massimo del 20% - una prima importante tappa verso il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di sostenibilità ambientale e il percorso di decarbonizzazione avviato dall’Unione Europea. Disponibilità in enormi quantità Producibilità mediante metodi a basso impatto e in modo sostenibile da fonti rinnovabili, quali l’energia eolica, fotovoltaica e le biomasse Riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti nella percentuale relativa al suo impiego Reale opportunità di cambiamento per avviare il percorso di decarbonizzazione, contrastare il cambiamento climatico globale, migliorare la qualità dell’aria e della vita Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
BERETTA Beretta Mynute X 25 CA Boiler Low Nox Condensation Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit 20163564 LPG - New
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERTING TO LPG, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA SERVICE CENTER IN ADVANCE Beretta MYNUTE X 25 C Low NOx condensing boiler complete with flue gas kit 20163564 LPG - NEW Boiler code 20163564 Seasonal heating energy efficiency class A Energy efficiency class of the sanitary fixture A Declared load profile XL NOx emission class 6 HEATING EXERCISE Heating thermal capacity (max-min) kW 20.00-3.60 Maximum pressure-temperature bar-°C 3 - 90 Expansion tank capacity l 9 HEALTHCARE EXERCISE Nominal DHW heat input (max-min) kW 25.00-3.60 DHW energy efficiency ηwh % 83 DHW production at ∆T= 25°C / 30°C / 35°C l/min 14.3/11.9/10.2 CONNECTIONS Heating inlet - outlet Ø 3/4” DHW inlet - outlet Ø 1/2” Gas inlet Ø 3/4” DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT Boiler dimensions (HxPxL) mm 740x420x275; 35 kgs MYNUTE X BERETTA PRESENTS MYNUTE X, THE NEW RANGE OF CONDENSING BOILERS, WITH MANY INNOVATIVE AND ADVANTAGEOUS FEATURES From the primary exchanger in stainless steel to the modern electronic interface, there are numerous new elements that distinguish MYNUTE X in the Beretta offer. The new condensing range, with its 5 models from 20 to 35 kW, with "combined" and "heating only" versions, meets every need for residential comfort. High efficiency, low consumption and ease of installation make MYNUTE X the winning choice, both for new homes and for the replacement market. With MYNUTE X, the novelty of the project merges with Beretta's tradition of excellence, matured in almost half a century of experience in the home comfort sector. Its aesthetics, in line with the Beretta style of the latest generation products, easily integrates into any living context, thanks also to its compactness and installation flexibility. NEW DIGITAL INTERFACE MYNUTE X is equipped with a modern and user-friendly control panel, elegantly covered by a door that lets you glimpse the light of its "green gem", the LED light bar that signals its current operating status. Through a modern backlit LCD display, which communicates with the user through icons and scrolling texts (multilingual), it is possible to access the functions of MYNUTE X. Through 7 silk-screened operating keys, it is possible to navigate the panel in a simple and intuitive way, accessing to the settings and parameterizations of the boiler and the system. MYNUTE X FEATURES MANAGEMENT OF UP TO 2 HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS, HIGH AND/OR LOW TEMPERATURE, THROUGH SPECIFIC PREHEATING ACCESSORIES PREHEATING ACTIVATION TO REDUCE DOMESTIC HOT WATER WAITING TIMES CLOCK FUNCTION WEEKLY PROGRAMMING INTEGRATED IN THE DISPLAY POSSIBILITY OF CONNECTION WITH DOMESTIC HOT WATER TANK (R MODELS) Technology and benefits NEW PRIMARY EXCHANGER IN STAINLESS STEEL THE NEW MYNUTE X EXCHANGER IS MADE OF STAINLESS STEEL, WITH A HIGH SECTION SMOOTH PIPE TO OFFER THE BEST EFFICIENCY AND CLEANLINESS OVER TIME. In addition to the high resistance to the corrosive action of acid condensate, AISI 304 L stainless steel reduces the internal formation of oxides and other electrochemical phenomena typical of installation on old systems. The single wound coil geometry (hydraulic circuit in series) offers a constant flow rate in all sections of the exchanger and intrinsically limits clogging phenomena. Front access facilitates periodic maintenance and cleaning of the combustion chamber. INTEGRATED CLAP MYNUTE X is C10 * approved (formerly 3CEp approved), integrating the non-return valve (clapet) as standard on all models, which makes it "ready to install" in case of installations in pressurized collective flues, for which the non-return valve is a mandatory device. The non-return valve is a specific device which allows the combustion fumes to flow through the ducts in only one direction, i.e. from the burner to the flue gas outlet. Its function is therefore to prevent the fumes from returning to the combustion chamber, compromising the correct functioning of the boiler. This could happen for various reasons, for example in the event of overpressure in the duct of a collective flue system. The non-return valve is generally supplied as a specific optional kit, to be installed at the flue outlet of a boiler in the case of C10 type collective exhausts. In MYNUTE X the non-return valve is positioned inside the boiler (see detail), which translates into quick installation and cost reduction. HYBRID READY MYNUTE X is a HYBRID READY solution. The boiler was born within the offer of HYBRID READY products, which make up the new hybrid technology system conceived and developed in the Beretta Research Laboratories. This system, created to meet the current and future integration and management needs of the various energy sources (Gas/Electricity/Renewables), also includes the most innovative methods of energy accumulation and distribution. Characteristics INNOVATIVE STAINLESS STEEL CONDENSING HEAT EXCHANGER WITH FRONT ACCESS WIDE MODULATION RANGE (UP TO 1:8) LOW CONSUMPTION MODULATING CIRCULATOR (EEI ≤ 0.20), 6 m EQUIPPED WITH STANDARD FUME CLAP (CHECK VALVE) AND C(10) APPROVED.* LOW POLLUTANT EMISSIONS: CLASS 6 (UNI EN 15502) MYNUTE X IS HYBRID READY: IT WAS BORN TO BE INTEGRATED INTO BERETTA MULTI-ENERGY SYSTEMS THROUGH THE HYBRID REC 10H AND THE HYBRID CONNECTS, AVAILABLE AS ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION FLEXIBILITY: INDOOR, OUTDOOR** AND RECESSED*** INSTALLATION (IN A PARTIALLY PROTECTED PLACE) CLICK-FIT FLUE CONNECTION: FAST AND SAFE, WITHOUT THE NEED OF AN EXTERNAL COLLAR ANTIFREEZE RESISTANCE KIT, HYDRAULIC CONNECTIONS AND EXTERNAL PROBE AVAILABLE AS ACCESSORIES ELECTRICAL PROTECTION DEGREE IPX5D SUPPLIED "DOUBLE T" TEMPLATE COMPATIBLE WITH HYBRID CONNECTORS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF UP TO TWO SYSTEM ZONES FOR GAS CONVERTING, PLEASE CONTACT AUTHORIZED BERETTA TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTERS COMPATIBLE WITH BeSMART WIFI COMFORT CONTROL AS THERMOSTAT (OTBUS COMMUNICATION), ALLOWING THE MOST ADVANCED FUNCTIONS POSSIBILITY OF INTUBATING FLUES WITH THE SPECIFIC FLUE IN PP Ø60 AND Ø50 Product Warranty The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Exclusive 30c Methane Condensing Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - Erp
Energy label specifications according to the European directive ErP: Heating energy efficiency: Class A XL profile DHW energy efficiency: Class A (EXCLUSIVE plus only the BeSMART Wi-Fi Comfort Control (optional) forms a class A+ system) Characteristics of operation in heating and DHW: Heating thermal capacity kW 24.00 Nominal DHW heat input kW 30.00 Nominal thermal power (80°/60°) kW 23.54 Nominal thermal power (50°/30°) kW 25.56 QHE Annual Power Consumption GJ: 42W Sound power level, within LWA dB 53 NOx emissions: mg/kWh 33 Max heating pressure-temperature: bar-°C 3-90 Diaphragm expansion vessel capacity: 8 l Hot water quantity at: ΔT 25 K / ΔT 30 K / ΔT 35 K l/min 17.2 / 14.3 / 12.3 Electrical protection degree: IP X5D NOx emission class: 6 Dimensions HxWxD:740x420x275 mm; 37kg Power supply: methane NEW EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE, A NEW STORY BEGINS. Through the innovative ACC electronic injection combustion, HYBRID READY integration and the new project design, EXCLUSIVE offers exclusive advantages in every installation variation. From the new EXCLUSIVE, A NEW STORY BEGINS. construction, redevelopment; from hybrid application in a multi-energy system to simple single installation, EXCLUSIVE represents the current and winning choice for those who are not satisfied and want to look beyond. Characteristics: Electronic injection combustion via ACC system EXCLUSIVE plus only the BeSMART Wi-Fi Comfort Control (optional) forms a class A+ system 94% (ETAs) of energy efficiency in heating Universal installation : Indoor, outdoor and recessed installation. IPX5D electrical protection degree Tempozero installation: Removing the casing NO longer necessary for electrical connections and calibration Low consumption modulating circulator (EEI≤ 0.20) 6 m head, electronically modifiable up to 7 m Hydraulic connections and external probe available as options Frost protection down to -5 °C as standard HYBRID READY boiler , Can be integrated via BUS in a multi-energy system to make boiler operation more effective in relation to other energy sources (can be combined with a Beretta hybrid system using the REC 10H interface available as an accessory) Talking display: User interface for direct communication using TEXT and ICONS Self-adapting: The boiler automatically adapts to different types of gas and installation - ZERO calibrations CO alarm Boiler CO level constantly monitored and calibrated for maximum safety Small size: Thanks to its compactness, EXCLUSIVE can also be easily installed in a wall unit LPG version selectable from parameter Gas transformation kit not necessary Europe strategy With the opening towards the management of multi-energy plants, the reduction of emissions and the optimization of consumption, Beretta signs with EXCLUSIVE the highest contribution in terms of respect for the environment, in view of the 20-20-20 objectives of the Union countries expected by 2020, reconfirming their commitment to an increasingly eco-sustainable future. Exclusive: a milestone in the evolution of Beretta Combustion and electronics, i.e. the heart and brain of EXCLUSIVE, entirely designed in the Research and Development Laboratories of the historic Lecco headquarters, mark a turning point in Beretta's mural evolution and are the result of the spirit of innovation that has distinguished the brand since its origins. With EXCLUSIVE, the novelty of the project fits perfectly into the tradition of know-how and takes on a linear design, which reworks some aesthetic lines of the first boiler models in a modern key, in perfect continuity of style. Continuity that is also manifested in the re-proposition of the EXCLUSIVE name, which has always characterized the top of the Beretta range, with exclusive features and advantages. Class A+ system using only the BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control (optional) . "talking" interface The control panel is one of the distinctive elements of EXCLUSIVE which confirms its innovative profile. In fact, there are many EXCLUSIVE functions, all to be discovered, through a modern 3.5” backlit LCD display, which communicates with the user through texts and icons. By means of the intuitive silk-screened operating keys it is also possible to access the settings and parameterizations of the boiler and the system. GREEN GEM OF EXCLUSIVE: LED light bar that signals the current operating status of the boiler, reflecting on the casing even with the door closed. Exclusive Features: HOURLY PROGRAMMING : Programmable heating by hour and by single zone INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FILLING Autonomous filling activation and total safety SYSTEM PRESSURE Displayed DATE AND TIME Display as screensaver PREHEATING Domestic hot water preheating activation SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Intelligent system that warns the user when boiler maintenance is due Everywhere Exclusive: Thanks to BeSMART, Beretta's WiFi Comfort Control, controlling and managing home comfort is now possible wherever you are, through a simple and intuitive App, via smartphone and tablet. EXCLUSIVE is compatible with all BeSMART functions, even the most advanced. From home heating professionals, easy management of home comfort. Even away from home Electronic injection combustion The ACC system, designed and developed by Beretta, allows in all circumstances to offer "first class" functionality, efficiency and low emissions. Using a sensor for detecting the flame ionisation current, which allows the electronics to continuously modulate the quantity of fuel injected, the system keeps the air/gas mixture constant at optimal values over the entire modulation range of the delivered power. Thanks to the ACC system, combustion adjusts itself, thus eliminating the need for any calibration and allowing the boiler to operate with different gas compositions. Particular attention is paid to CO emissions, through a self-diagnosis that intervenes on the burner before the emission threshold allowed by the legislation is exceeded. [A] Cylindrical burner in stainless steel [B] Integrated electronic board [C] Traditional ga valve with modulator [D] Modulating fan with Hall effect Hybrid Ready EXCLUSIVE is a HYBRID READY solution. The boiler was born as a fundamental element of the offer of HYBRID READY products, which constitute the new hybrid technology system conceived and developed in the Beretta Research Laboratories. This system, created to meet the current and future needs of integration and governance of the various energy sources (Gas/Electricity/Renewables), also includes the most innovative methods of energy accumulation and distribution. EXCLUSIVE, AS A HYBRID READY SOLUTION, IS THE IDEAL CHOICE FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO LOOK AHEAD AND INVEST IN A PRODUCT WHICH WILL MAINTAIN ITS ITS VALUE UNCHANGED OVER TIME. Thanks to the new communication BUS with which it is equipped, EXCLUSIVE is able to interact perfectly with the Energy Manager REC 10H, a real thinking brain that constantly monitors the hybrid system created, to always offer the best comfort in an efficient and effective way. The Beretta hybrid, distinguishing itself for its modular approach to the world of multi-energies, is therefore able to offer increasingly tailored comfort and to evolve over time, with the inclusion of new components that increase efficiency Beretta is “ERP”. The concrete commitment towards an eco-sustainable future The acronym ErP, acronym of "Energy related Products" (Products connected to the use of energy), identifies the Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design. Starting from 26 September 2015 , the date of its effective entry into force in the European Union, it will mark an epochal turning point for heating products and the production of domestic hot water. On that date, other regulations simultaneously issued for the energy labeling of products will also become effective in addition to the corresponding Directive 2010/30/EU. The regulation provides that all products intended for heating and for the production of domestic hot water with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW can only be placed on the market with an energy label that highlights the efficiency class * . Different energy efficiency labels have been provided based on the different types of appliances/technologies, but all have the same graduated color scale that identifies the various levels of efficiency at a glance. The purpose of the labels is to give the consumer the possibility to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pumps, the efficiency data is reported by climatic bands. In addition to the product labels, the European regulation has provided for the creation of a system label in case systems are created with different appliances, components and related controls. This second type of labeling, thanks to the virtuous synergy between the different elements, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual appliances. Also starting from the same date, new seasonal efficiency limits will be triggered for products intended for heating and combined. These for products with nominal thermal power equal to or less than 400kW, will prevent less efficient products from being placed on the market. The obligation to comply with minimum heat loss limits will also apply to DHW tanks. For primary water tanks, these will be subject to compliance with an energy classification based on heat dispersion. For sanitary accumulations, up to 500 liters there will be a labeling obligation, from 500 to 2000 liters will be bound to compliance with the energy classification. For heat pumps for heating and mixed appliances, in addition to the seasonal efficiency limits, there will be specific noise emission limits for power sizes. Even water heaters, whether gas, heat pump or solar, in order to be placed on the market, in addition to energy labelling, will have to comply with a series of requirements in terms of efficiency. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
BERETTA Beretta Mynute Sinthesi 29 Csi Condensing Boiler Complete With Methane Fume Exhaust Kit New Erp
BERETTA MYNUTE SINTHESI 29 CSI CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH CNG FUME EXHAUST KIT NEW ErP Characteristics: Mynute Sinthesi presents itself in a renewed guise, keeping unchanged all the characteristics that they have always distinguished it. Mynute Sinthesi is the innovative condensing boiler studied specially by Beretta for traditional systems ad high temperature (radiators and radiators). The boiler is equipped with a fume heat recovery unit and combustion in sealed chamber; this allows for obtain very high performance in terms of yield and therefore significant savings energetic. Mynute Sinthesi therefore represents the ideal solution both in the first installation and in the replacement. MYNUTE SINTHESI 29 CIS Class B heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency Class A Sanitary load profile - XL Seasonal heating efficiency % 86 CHARACTERISTICS Nominal heat input kW 29 Nominal thermal power (80 - 60 °C) kW28.30 Reduced thermal power (80 - 60 °C) kW 14.28 Reduced heat input kW 15 Electric power Watt 114 Electrical protection degree IP X5D X5D Useful efficiency at Pn max ((80 - 60 °C) % 97.6 Useful efficiency at 30% of Pn (47 °C return) % 95.2 HEATING EXERCISE Maximum pressure and temperatures bar/°C 3 / 90 Heating temperature selection range °C 40 / 80 Pump: pump head available for the system mbar 266 at a flow rate of 1000 litres/h Expansion vessel capacity 9 litres HEALTHCARE EXERCISE Maximum pressure 6 bar Minimum pressure bar 0.15 Quantity of hot water with ∆t=25°C litres/min 16.6 Minimum domestic water flow rate litres/mini 2 DHW temperature selection range °C 37 - 60 CONNECTIONS Heating inlet - outlet Ø 3/4” DHW inlet - outlet Ø 1/2” Gas inlet Ø 3/4” COAXIAL FUME EXHAUST AND AIR INTAKE PIPES Diameter mm 60 - 100 Maximum length 4.5 m Loss for inserting a 90° / 45° bend m 1.6 / 1.3 Diameter mm 80 - 125 Maximum length 11m 9 Loss for inserting a 90° / 45° bend m 1.5/1 SEPARATE FUME EXHAUST AND AIR INTAKE PIPES Diameter mm 80 + 80 80 + 80 Maximum length m 12 + 12 Loss for inserting a 90° / 45° bend m 1.5/1 DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT, GAS Boiler size (HxLxP) mm 780x452x338 Weight kg 44 Gas versions available (*) MTN (*) For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres General characteristics Mynute Sinthesi - ErP Mynute Sinthesi by Beretta is a wall-mounted condensing boiler for high temperature single-family systems. Continuous electronic modulation of the gas antifreeze device as standard (up to 0°C). Environmental Self-Regulation System (SARA). Mynute Sinthesi keeps all the peculiarities of the Mynute range unchanged but evolves towards new needs. The boiler is equipped with a heat recovery unit on the fumes and combustion in a sealed chamber; this makes it possible to obtain very high performance in terms of efficiency and therefore significant energy savings. Mynute Sinthesi therefore represents the ideal solution both in the first installation and in the replacement. Product Guarantee The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Meteo Green E 25 Csi Ag LPG Condensing Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit - New Erp
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERTING TO LPG, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA SERVICE CENTER IN ADVANCE Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Nominal heat input: 25 kW Nominal heat output: 24.38 kW Classification European Directive EEC 92/42: **** Efficiency at rated power: 99.7% Efficiency at reduced load (30%): 109.4% Total electric power: 88W Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14.3 l/min Dimensions (hxwxd) mm 890x553x275; 44kg Standard antifreeze down to -15°C Standard Built-in antifreeze system (SAI) METHANE power supply Legend: HE (Hi Efficiency) C (heating + sanitary water) S (sealed chamber) I (electronic ignition, ionisation control) AG (antifreeze (-15°C). Weather Green E (Hi Efficiency) Beretta boilers offer reliability and excellent technology, such that they can be used in solar thermal systems and in systems with the most recent and innovative technologies. Beretta presents Meteo Green e , the new range of outdoor and built-in condensing boilers designed to offer high energy efficiency. The boiler is in fact equipped with a wide modulation range (1:10), range rated approval, low consumption circulator (class A) with variable speed and all the advantages of the Meteo range. Condensing exchanger : Designed to provide high performance in compliance with the strictest European directives in terms of energy efficiency and low emissions. The innovative condensing exchanger and the production process have allowed Beretta to file an application for a European Patent (Patent Pending). The exchanger is born in a single aluminum tube and without welding. The high thermal conductivity of aluminum allows for a more uniform distribution of temperature so as not to create overheating points for the benefit of greater durability of the exchanger. Furthermore, aluminum offers a high resistance to corrosion. The single pipe architecture (series circuit) allows to obtain a large section for the passage of water in the exchanger with the advantage of having low pressure drops and preventing both the deposit of limescale and impurities The innovative aluminum condensing exchanger allows you to recover a large part of the heat of the fumes by reducing losses to the chimney, and a large part of the latent heat of condensation of the water vapor present in the fumes, reaching a four-star energy efficiency value (according to European Directive EEC 92 /42). The exchanger is born in a single aluminum tube and without welding. Modulation 1:10 The range offers a wide range of modulation to respond to real energy needs, while simultaneously offering high reduction of consumption. Beretta realizes this system through a totally pneumatic and therefore safe and reliable model. The electronics in fact act only on the number of revolutions of the fan (inlet air flow rate) without intervening on the injection of the quantity of gas which is automatically aspirated. Beretta therefore introduces a new double distribution mixer: a mechanical damper with a calibrated weight that opens or closes a part of the venturi section in order to divide the modulation range into two stages (smaller section with low air flow or larger section with high air flow rates). Beretta has also developed a specific silencer in the air intake to reduce any resonances generated by the new mixer. Low consumption modulating circulator (Class A) It reduces electricity consumption by up to 60%, thanks also to self-adaptation in proportion to the power supplied or to operation at constant ΔT. Thanks to the new technology adopted, the electric motor of the circulator offers an Energy Efficiency Index EEI<0.23, which means considerably reduced electricity consumption and already in line with energy saving requests. The new low consumption modulating circulator (class A) offers technologically advanced control and allows a high reduction in consumption thanks also to the modulation in a wide range of flow rates. Comfort Technological innovation combined with advanced electronics allow obtaining the "Three stars" in sanitary comfort: the maximum foreseen by Pr EN 13203. Intelligent Management Meteo Green he is equipped with Easy Climate function (standard temperature control with external probe) and Remote Control Panel (REC07) with Easy Filling function (system filling that can be activated from the remote control), (only csi model). Characteristics: Modulation 1:10 Low consumption modulating circulator (Class A): self-adaptation in proportion to the power supplied or operation at constant DELTA T, (EEI<0.23) RANGE RATED certification which allows you to adjust the heat input of the boiler to the actual needs of the system Performance 4 STARS according to European Directive EEC 92/42 Efficiency at 100% Pn > 93+2 log Pn according to DL 311/06 Low polluting emissions: class 5 according to UNI EN 483 Patented condensing exchanger (Patent Pending) in aluminum with high flow rate Sanitary comfort 3 STARS: the maximum required by Pr EN 13203 Thermoregulation with standard external probe REC 07 remote control panel as standard Standard antifreeze protection down to -15°C (mod. AG) IPX5D electrical protection degree For gas transformation, contact the Assistance Centres Authorized Beretta technique Beretta is “ERP”. The concrete commitment towards an eco-sustainable future The acronym ErP, acronym of "Energy related Products" (Products connected to the use of energy), identifies the Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design. Starting from 26 September 2015 , the date of its effective entry into force in the European Union, it will mark an epochal turning point for heating products and the production of domestic hot water. On that date, other regulations simultaneously issued for the energy labeling of products will also become effective in addition to the corresponding Directive 2010/30/EU. The regulation provides that all products intended for heating and for the production of domestic hot water with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW can only be placed on the market with an energy label that highlights the efficiency class * . Different energy efficiency labels have been provided based on the different types of appliances/technologies, but all have the same graduated color scale that identifies the various levels of efficiency at a glance. The purpose of the labels is to give the consumer the possibility to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pumps, the efficiency data is reported by climatic bands. In addition to the product labels, the European regulation has provided for the creation of a system label in case systems are created with different appliances, components and related controls. This second type of labeling, thanks to the virtuous synergy between the different elements, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual devices. Also starting from the same date, new seasonal efficiency limits will be triggered for products intended for heating and combined. These for products with a nominal thermal power equal to or less than 400kW, will prevent less efficient products from being placed on the market. The obligation to comply with minimum heat loss limits will also apply to DHW tanks. For primary water tanks, these will be subject to compliance with an energy classification based on heat dispersion. For sanitary accumulations, up to 500 liters there will be a labeling obligation, from 500 to 2000 liters will be bound to compliance with the energy classification. For heat pumps for heating and mixed appliances, in addition to the seasonal efficiency limits, there will be specific noise emission limits for power sizes. Even water heaters, whether gas, heat pump or solar, in order to be placed on the market, in addition to energy labelling, will have to comply with a series of requirements in terms of efficiency. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Mynute Green E 25 Csi Methane Condensing Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit -New Erp
Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Seasonal heating efficiency % 94 Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating/DHW nominal heat input: 20/25 kW Heating nominal heat output: 19.64 kW Efficiency at rated power: 98.2% Efficiency at reduced load (30%): 103.4% Max electric power heating Watt 80 Electrical protection degree IP X5D Expansion vessel capacity 8 litres Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 780x400x365 ; 38kg METHANE power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water) S (sealed chamber) I (electronic ignition, ionisation control) Mynute Green E - ErP System energy class A+ (in combination with external probe and Rec 08 remote panel) Heating energy class A Energy class of the sanitary A New condensing exchanger Modulation 1:5 Flex low consumption circulator (IEE≤0.20) Ducting with flue Ø 50 mm The new Mynute Green E range is designed following the ecodesign indications provided for by the European ErP Directive and is made up of two combined models and a heating only model. The combined versions have a thermal capacity of 20-25 kW and 25-30 kW, values which refer respectively to heating and DHW; similarly, the heating only version has a thermal capacity of 25-30 kW. The range offers as standard the new front access condensing exchanger with improved efficiency (94% seasonal efficiency), the low consumption modulating circulator, the predisposition for the clapet kit (optional) to be used for pressurized flues and the high pressure fan. prevalence to be able to carry out the ducting of flues with Ø 60 or Ø 50 exhausts. Mynute Green E: high energy efficiency, low gas consumption and low emissions. The entry into force of the European Directive ErP (26.09.2015) provides that even generators for the production of heating and domestic hot water are classified through the appropriate energy label indicating the class. Compulsory labeling provides greater transparency on the characteristics of the products which can be easily compared, helping the user to find those with greater efficiency. Consequently, even with boilers it will be easier to contribute to the achievement of the "20-20-20" objective set for the year 2020 which consists of: reducing greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 ) by 20%, increasing by 20 % use of renewable energies and reduce energy consumption by 20% in EU countries. The new Beretta condenser exchanger with front access The Mynute Green E boiler is equipped with the new Beretta condensing exchanger with front access. An innovative system of guides allows it to move like a drawer, making disassembly for cleaning required by current regulations much faster. Continuous research has allowed Beretta to obtain an exchanger characterized by a considerable increase in performance: 94% average seasonal efficiency calculated according to the European ErP Directive. The exchanger comes from a single aluminum tube, without welding thanks to an innovative production process. The high thermal conductivity of aluminium, much higher than that of steel, allows for greater uniformity in temperature distribution. The single pipe architecture (series circuit) allows for a large section for the passage of water with the advantage of reducing pressure drops and preventing the deposit of impurities, keeping the exchanger performing over time. With the new Beretta condensing exchanger, boiler performance improves up to an average seasonal efficiency of 94%. Mynute Green E, the elegant The new Mynute Green E is characterized by a particularly elegant aesthetic and is equipped with a simple and intuitive digital display which makes information on the status of the appliance immediately usable. The modern ergonomic knobs allow you to easily select all the functions necessary for using and setting the boiler. Flex modulating circulators: optimized performance, low consumption Mynute Green E uses a synchronous modulating circulator with low energy consumption, as required by the European ErP Directive. Thanks to this new technology, the electric motor of the circulator offers an Energy Effi ciency Index of less than 0.20, which means significantly reduced electricity consumption. The new circulator works proportionally to the power supplied by the boiler, thus contributing to a further reduction in electricity consumption. In case of need on the heating system, it is possible to change the head without having to replace the standard circulator with a high head one, the name “Flex” derives from this feature. Up to 49 meters of ducting With Mynute Green E it is possible to comfortably intubate even the most "difficult" flues thanks to the approval for flue Ø 50mm. The main 50mm flue ducts are available in the Beretta price list catalogue, while the boiler manuals provide indications of the maximum length, which differ according to the boiler power. Characteristics: MYNUTE GREEN E + external probe + REC 08 remote control forms a class A+ system Designed according to the ecodesign indications provided for by the European ErP Directive Energy Class > heating (class A) > DHW profile XL (class A) Seasonal heating efficiency 94% Low polluting emissions: class 5 (UNI EN 483) New high-flow aluminum condensing exchanger with front access Standard thermoregulation (optional external probe) ErP boilers with low consumption modulating circulator (EEI0.20) modifiable up to 7m head Hydraulic connections cover (optional) Possibility of intubating flues with the special flue ø 60 in PP and ø 50 in PP (only ErP boilers) Template, plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps supplied For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Beretta is “ERP”. The concrete commitment towards an eco-sustainable future The acronym ErP, acronym of "Energy related Products" (Products connected to the use of energy), identifies the Directive 2009/125/EC aimed at reducing the energy consumption of products through eco-compatible design. Starting from 26 September 2015 , the date of its effective entry into force in the European Union, it will mark an epochal turning point for heating products and the production of domestic hot water. On that date, other regulations issued at the same time for the energy labeling of products to supplement the corresponding Directive 2010/30/EU will also become effective. The regulation provides that all products intended for heating and for the production of domestic hot water with a nominal thermal power lower than or equal to 70 kW can only be placed on the market with an energy label that highlights the efficiency class * . Different energy efficiency labels have been provided based on the different types of appliances/technologies, but all have the same graduated color scale that identifies the various levels of efficiency at a glance. The purpose of the labels is to give the consumer the possibility to easily identify the level of efficiency of a product and to be able to make a homogeneous comparison between products that use different technologies. For products whose transformation efficiency is influenced by external conditions, such as heat pumps, the efficiency data is reported by climatic bands. In addition to the product labels, the European regulation has provided for the creation of a system label in case systems are created with different appliances, components and related controls. This second type of labeling, thanks to the virtuous synergy between the different elements, will make it possible to create systems capable of reaching levels of efficiency even higher than those of the individual devices. Also starting from the same date, new seasonal efficiency limits will be triggered for products intended for heating and combined. These for products with nominal thermal power equal to or less than 400kW, will prevent less efficient products from being placed on the market. The obligation to comply with minimum heat loss limits will also apply to DHW tanks. For primary water tanks, these will be subject to compliance with an energy classification based on heat dispersion. For sanitary accumulations, up to 500 liters there will be a labeling obligation, from 500 to 2000 liters will be bound to compliance with the energy classification. For heat pumps for heating and mixed appliances, in addition to the seasonal efficiency limits, there will be specific noise emission limits for power sizes. Even water heaters, whether gas, heat pump or solar, in order to be placed on the market, in addition to energy labelling, will have to comply with a series of requirements in terms of efficiency. Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
BERETTA Gas Boiler Beretta Exclusive X 25c Methane Condensing Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Double Fume Kit
Technical features Model : EXCLUSIVE X 25C CNG item code: 20187794 Nominal Power : 20 kW Heating efficiency class: A Sanitary Efficiency Class: A Seasonal Heating Energy Efficiency : 93% Seasonal ACS Energy Efficiency : 86% Auxiliary Electricity Consumption In Standby mode: 3 W At partial load : 13 W Full Load: 27W Technical specifications Heating thermal capacity: 3.6 ~ 20 kW DHW heat output : 3.6 ~ 25 kW Nominal thermal power (80°/60°) : 19.5 kW Nominal thermal power (50°/30°) : 21.32 kW Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 NOx class : 6 Degree of protection : IP X5D Declared load profile : XL Heating Maximum pressure : 3 bars Temperature : 90°C Membrane expansion tank : 9 l Sanitary Maximum pressure : 8 bars DHW production : 10.8 ~ 15.1 l/min Minimum DHW flow rate : 2 l/min Installation data Heating Inlet-Outlet / Gas Inlet Pipe Diameter: 19.05 mm (3/4") DHW outlet diameter / Boiler flow-return: 12.70 mm (1/2") Maximum length for coaxial outlet (Ø 60-100 mm): 10 m Maximum length for split outlet (Ø 80+80 mm): 60 + 60 m Dimensions and weight Boiler dimensions (HxPxL): 740x275x420 mm Boiler weight: 35 Kg Condensing boiler Beretta Excusive X Technology for a green lifestyle From the R&D laboratories of Beretta comes EXCLUSIVE X , the new condensing boiler that marks a further step in the evolution of the EXCLUSIVE range , whose name has always characterized the top of the brand's wall-mounted offer Combustion and electronics, which represent the heart and brain of the boiler, have been completely redesigned to offer an even more performing product that meets European environmental sustainability objectives EXCLUSIVE X is the ideal choice for those who are not satisfied and are looking for green solutions Exclusive Innovation The new stainless steel exchanger , the innovative electronics with hybrid function integrated in the boiler , without external remote controls, and the ability to process mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen up to 20% give EXCLUSIVE X a highly technological profile, ensuring maximum energy saving, which translates into an economic advantage for the user Exclusive Performances EXCLUSIVE X represents the spearhead of the Beretta offer. Thanks to the new optimized plate exchanger, the range achieves sanitary performance at the top of the category in terms of efficiency, temperature stability and waiting times. The refined ACC electronic combustion system, which allows for continuous modulation of the quantity of fuel delivered, offers "first-class" efficiency and functionality in all circumstances, reducing harmful emissions to a minimum. Exclusive Beretta The new range represents the synthesis of Beretta's advanced research, in continuity of style with the best tradition of the brand . Continuity that manifests itself both in the aesthetics of the product, which takes up the lines of the first Beretta boiler models, reinterpreting them in a modern key, and in the simplicity of use and installation flexibility , among the distinctive features of the brand, which have always been appreciated by the market Technology for Maximum Efficiency A New Heart of Steel EXCLUSIVE X is equipped with a new primary exchanger in stainless steel, with a smooth tube with a large section , to ensure the best efficiency and cleanliness over time. In addition to the high resistance to the corrosive action of acid condensate , stainless steel prevents the internal formation of oxides and other electrochemical phenomena typical of installation on old systems. The single wrapped coil geometry (hydraulic circuit in series) guarantees constant flow in all sections of the exchanger and intrinsically prevents clogging phenomena. The front access facilitates periodic maintenance and cleaning of the combustion chamber Electronic Injection Combustion ACC Combustion The ACC system, refined by Beretta for the EXCLUSIVE X, allows in all circumstances to offer functionality, efficiency and low emissions that are "first in class". Using a sensor for detecting the flame ionisation current, which allows the electronics to continuously modulate the quantity of fuel injected, the system keeps the air/gas mixture constant at optimal values over the entire modulation range of the delivered power (value of constant CO2 ). Thanks to the sophisticated ACC system, combustion adjusts itself, thus eliminating the need for any calibration and allowing the boiler to operate with different gas compositions. Particular attention is paid to CO emissions, through a self-diagnosis that intervenes on the burner before the emission threshold allowed by the legislation is exceeded Advantages of the ACC System Self-adaptation of the system to the type and composition of the gas. Gas conversion kits no longer needed. No Mechanical Calibration or manual interventions on combustion to be carried out on the boiler Maintaining the stoichiometric ratio Constant Air-Gas ratio under any circumstances Continuous Control of Emissions in compliance with operating limits Gas savings maximized compared to traditional systems. Thanks to the constant maintenance of the efficiency at the modulation of the power Self-learning Optimized efficiency and reliability over time, thanks to self-learning with compensation by the ACC system Innovative air filter that prevents the entry of impurities from the air drawn into the burner and exchanger, which can compromise the efficiency of the boiler, also facilitating maintenance. The filter also helps to reduce the noise emissions of the boiler in operation Lower connection cover available as an option for the 25 C and 25 R models, to improve the aesthetic impact and facilitate the integration of filters and accessories New color system display EXCLUSIVE X is equipped with a new advanced interface, which constitutes the intelligence of the boiler's hybrid system . In fact, the new range was born HYBRID READY, i.e. with the possibility of directly managing multi-energy systems, through the boiler interface, without external remote controls. Elegantly covered by a flap with the Beretta logo, the new interface features a backlit color LCD display which communicates with users and/or installers using texts and icons. Using 4 keys it is possible to navigate the display in a simple and intuitive way , accessing all the settings and parameterizations of the boiler and the system. The advanced self-diagnostics , together with the EXCLUSIVE X functions that can be activated from the interface, complete its innovative profile Hourly Programming Programmable heating by hour and by single zone Intelligent System Filling Activation of filling in autonomy and total safety System pressure Displayed Now also display as a screensaver Preheating Domestic hot water preheating activation Scheduled Maintenance Intelligent system that warns the user when boiler maintenance is scheduled The Efficient choice of Hybrid Ready Energies The range was created as a fundamental element of the offer of HYBRID READY products, which make up the hybrid technology system conceived and developed in the Beretta Research Laboratories . This system, created to meet the current and future needs of integration and governance of the various energy sources (Gas/Electricity/Renewables), also includes the most innovative methods of energy accumulation and distribution. EXCLUSIVE X was born with the system intelligence integrated in the boiler , REC 10CH, a real thinking brain that constantly governs and controls the hybrid system created, to always offer the best comfort in an efficient and effective way. The Beretta Hybrid, standing out for its modular approach to the world of multi-energies, is able to evolve over time, with the introduction of new components that increase its overall efficiency Exclusive X See the Future EXCLUSIVE X was born today, designed for the generations of tomorrow. The new range is already set up to operate with mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen - up to a maximum of 20% - in line with the objectives of environmental sustainability and the decarbonisation process launched by the European Union Hydrogen is the sustainable energy source of the future Availability in huge quantities Producibility using low-impact methods and in a sustainable way from renewable sources, such as wind energy, photovoltaics and biomass Reduction of polluting emissions in the percentage relative to its use Real opportunity for change to start the decarbonization process, fight global climate change, improve air and life quality Use cycle of hydrogen Hydrogen is a safe and clean gas, present and available in enormous quantities even in nature. Mixed with natural gas up to a maximum ratio of 20 to 80%, hydrogen makes it possible to generate heat and domestic hot water , helping to minimize polluting emissions. From the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen, and in the quantity of the latter used, water vapor is generated: hydrogen is returned to its most common source of origin, water, and reintroduced into nature Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
BERETTA Beretta New Mynute Boiler Green 32 Bsi Condensing Boiler Complete With Smoke Exhaust Kit - Erp
Technical features: Heating energy efficiency Class A; Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A; Nominal heat input 25 kW; Sanitary thermal capacity: 32 kW; Nominal thermal power 6 kW; Expansion capacity: 10 l; Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 18 l/min; flow rate sanitary water: 2 l/min; Sanitary water temperature: 35 - 60°C; Power supply: Methane NOx class 5; Max temperature pressure /°C3/90 bar; Pressure (min./max.): -/8 bar; Boiler capacity: 60 l; Pump: from max system to flow rate mbar /lt/h 375 / 1000; Smoke exhaust kit; General characteristics Effective and Safe The boiler is made up of control systems for the presence of the flame, the correct emission of fumes, temperatures and pressures. It is also equipped with a circulator and a three-way valve with anti-blocking cycles which guarantee correct operation. The boiler allows climatic regulation, which can be activated via the external probe set up for connection to the Beretta remote control panel (optional) which allows you to easily check and check the status of the appliance. High technology Mynute Boiler Green, thanks to the stainless steel kettle, is able to dispense a lot of hot water. The accumulation is equipped with a magnesium anode to offer protection against stray currents and, thanks to the wide flange, the boiler is easily inspectable. To reduce gas consumption, protective insulation is used which prevents the water from cooling down, minimizing the need to ignite the burner to bring the storage back up to temperature. Mynute Boiler Green also offers a standard DHW expansion vessel and is equipped with a predisposition for DHW recirculation (via optional kit). Thanks to the display on the dashboard, information on the status of the appliance is immediately available. Filling the system is easy to do through the appropriate tap. The new Mynute Boiler Green is equipped with a simple control panel. Composed Two knobs that allow you to select all the functions necessary for using the boiler. The heating knob also allows activation of the Amico Climate System. FRIENDLY CLIMATE system: And the function that manages according to the external climatic situation, regulates the temperature inside the house, in fact it is active only when the delivery temperature in heating mode is set between 55 and 65 °C, in fact it automatically increases by 5 ° C every 20 minutes if heat is required. Dimensions (HxWxD): 950x600x450mm; 61kg
BERETTA Beretta Meteo Green E Box 25 Methane Or LPG Condensing Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - New Erp
BERETTA METEO GREEN AND BOX 25 CNG or LPG CONDENSING BOILER COMPLETE WITH FUME EXHAUST KIT - NEW ERP Code: 20104066 METEO GREEN E BOX : it is a class A+ system without the addition of options Very high modulation BeSMART comfort control as standard Frost protection down to -15°C as standard Thermoregulation with standard external probe New condensing exchanger in aluminum with high flow rate and front access Specific for use in built-in BOX Low polluting emissions: class 6 (UNI EN 15502) Low consumption modulating circulator head 6m (can be modified up to 7m) IPX5D electrical protection degree Possibility of intubating flues with the special flue in PP ø 60 (up to 23 m) and ø 50 (up to 19 m)* Plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps supplied For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres model 25 E Technical data table: Heating Nominal heat input kW kcal/h 20.00 17200 DHW Nominal heat input kW kcal/h 25.00 21500 Warm-up exercise Maximum pressure bar 3 3 3 Minimum pressure for standard operation bar 0.25 - 0.45 0.25 - 0.45 0.25 - 0.45 Maximum temperature °C 90 90 90 Sanitary practice: Maximum pressure bar 6 6 - Minimum pressure bar 0.15 0.15 - Dimensions and weight Height - Width - Depth Height - Width - Depth (BOX version) mm 890 - 553 - 274 1223 - 655 - 287 Weight kg. 46 Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
BERETTA Beretta Exclusive Green E 25 Csi Condensing Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit Cod. 20104060 Methane
Beretta EXCLUSIVE GREEN E 25 CSI condensing boiler complete with flue kit cod. 20104060 Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Heating nominal heat input: 20 kW Heating nominal heat output: 21.44 kW Classification European Directive EEC 92/42: ★ ★ ★ ★ Sanitary comfort ★ ★ ★ (EN 13203) NOx emission class: 5 (UNI EN 677) Efficiency at rated power: 98.7% Efficiency at reduced load (30%): 109.6% Total electric power: 93W Electrical protection degree: iP X5D Expansion tank capacity: 9 lt Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 14.3 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Sanitary water temperature selection range: 35 - 60°C Dimensions (hxlxp) mm 845x453x358 ; 44kg METHANE power supply Legend: C (heating + sanitary water) S (sealed chamber) I (electronic ignition, ionization control). EXCLUSIVE GREEN E HI-EFFICIENCY ECOLOGICAL CONDENSING WALL-MOUNTS The new Exclusive Green E condensing boilers , equipped with the innovative Beretta front exchanger, in addition to implementing the requests of the ErP standards, improve all the peculiarities confirming themselves as top of the range. Seasonal efficiency up to 94%, very wide modulation range (up to 1:10), low consumption modulating circulator with the possibility of increasing the head up to 7m and reduced consumption are some of the main features. The new Exclusive Green E boilers also offer excellent reliability and technology and, thanks to their high performance, are an excellent solution in hybrid systems with solar thermal and heat pumps. The external probe that allows you to activate the climatic thermoregulation is standard as standard. Furthermore, by adding the optional BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control kit and the LINK MODE interface board kit, Exclusive Green E constitutes a class A+ system and home comfort can be governed by remotely via APP for smartphones and tablets. The boilers are equipped with a special high-head fan designed to be able to pipe flues with Ø 60 mm or Ø 50 mm flues. Front access condensing heat exchanger ( New ! ) The Exclusive Green E boiler is equipped with the new Beretta condensing exchanger with front access . An innovative system of guides allows it to move like a drawer, making disassembly for cleaning required by current regulations much faster. Continuous research has allowed Beretta to obtain an exchanger characterized by a considerable increase in performance: 94% average seasonal efficiency calculated according to the European ErP Directive. The exchanger comes from a single aluminum tube, without welding thanks to an innovative production process. The high thermal conductivity of aluminium, much higher than that of steel, allows for greater uniformity in temperature distribution. The single pipe architecture (series circuit) allows for a large section for the passage of water with the advantage of reducing pressure drops and preventing the deposit of impurities, keeping the exchanger performing over time. Modulation 1:10 The range offers a wide range of modulation to respond to real energy needs, while simultaneously offering a high reduction in consumption. Beretta realizes this system through a totally pneumatic and therefore safe and reliable model. The electronics in fact act only on the number of fan revolutions (inlet air flow rate) without intervening on the injection of the gas quantity which is automatically sucked in. Beretta therefore introduces a new double distribution mixer: a mechanical damper with a calibrated weight which opens or closes a part of the section of the venturi so as to divide the modulation range into two stages (smaller section with low air flow rates or larger section with high air flow rates). Beretta has also developed a specific silencer in the air intake to reduce any resonances generated by the new mixer. Up to 19 m of ducting with Exclusive Green E 25 With Exclusive Green E it is possible to duct even the most "difficult" flues with ease thanks to the approval for Ø 50mm flues which is added to the traditional Ø 80 mm and Ø 60 mm ducting flues. The main 50mm flue ducts are available in the Beretta price list catalogue, while the boiler manuals provide indications of the maximum length, which differ according to the boiler power. Flex modulating circulator, optimized performance, low consumption ( New ! ) Exclusive Green E uses a low energy consumption synchronous modulating circulator with an Energy Efficiency Index of less than 0.20, which means significantly reduced electricity consumption. The new circulator is set as standard to modulate proportionally to the power supplied by the boiler, thus contributing to a further reduction in electricity consumption. Alternatively, it can modulate with a constant ΔT logic in order to maximize the phenomenon of condensation in the exchanger. If necessary on the heating system, it is also possible to modify the maximum head which is normally set on the 6 m curve, opting for the 4 m, 5 m or 6 m curve without having to replace the circulator, from this characteristic comes the name "Flex". Smart management The control panel is the boiler management device. Simple and intuitive, it allows you to adjust the parameters and activate the numerous functions. A large liquid crystal display shows all important information. By turning the knobs, the heating water and domestic hot water temperature can be set easily and intuitively. The simple pressure of a key allows you to choose the season and, when the boiler asks for it, the Easy Filling function is activated by pressing a key. The panel integrates the Clima Facile function: thermoregulation and external probe as standard. Compatible with BE Smart ( New ! ) The BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control Panel, optional compatible with Exclusive Green E, is the remote boiler management device with modulating chronothermostat functions. With the WiFi Box accessory, included in the BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control, it is also possible to manage comfort remotely using Smartphones and Tablets. The BeSMART WiFi control is very simple to install and intuitive to use and allows you to adjust the parameters and activate the many functions on the boiler. A large liquid crystal display shows all important information. Using the buttons on the control, the temperature of the heating water and domestic hot water is set easily and intuitively and the heating time programming is carried out. Exclusive Green E and the optional BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control Kits and LINK MODE interface card form a class A+ system. Characteristics: Exclusive Green E* with the BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control (optional) or with the REC 07 Remote Control (optional) forms a class A+ system Compatible with the BeSMART WiFi Comfort Control for remote control via iOS or Android APP from Smartphone or Tablet Very high modulation (up to 1:10) New high-flow aluminum condensing exchanger with front access Low polluting emissions: class 5 (UNI EN 483) Low consumption modulating circulator (EEI≤0.20) 6 m head adjustable up to 7 m Thermoregulation with standard external probe Standard hydraulic fitting cover Possibility of intubating flues with the special flue in PP ø 60 (up to 23m) and ø 50 (up to 19m)** Template, plumbing fittings, gas and sanitary taps supplied For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres *except model 35E **model 25E Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The guarantee on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
BERETTA Beretta Exclusive Green He 30 Csi Methane Condensing Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit - Erp
Technical features Heating nominal heat input: 30 kW Heating nominal heat output: 29.13 kW Classification European Directive EEC 92/42: ★ ★ ★ ★ Sanitary comfort ★ ★ ★ Expansion vessel capacity: 10 l Quantity of hot water with Δt=25°C: 17.2 l/min Minimum domestic water flow rate: 2 l/min Sanitary water temperature selection range: 35 - 60°C Total electric power: 125W Electrical protection degree: IP X5D NOx emission class: 5 Power supply: methane Characteristics Modulation 1:10 Low consumption modulating circulator (Class A) Patented condensing exchanger (Patent Pending) in aluminum with high flow rate Thermoregulation with standard external probe Standard hydraulic fitting cover For gas conversion, contact authorized Beretta Technical Assistance Centres Dimensions Dimensions (HxWxD): 845x453x358 mm Weight: 42Kg
BERETTA Beretta Mynute X 30c Low Nox Condensing Boiler Complete With Fume Exhaust Kit 20163565 LPG New
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS SUPPLIED WITH METHANE. FOR CONVERSION TO LPG, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED ASSISTANCE CENTER IN ADVANCE Beretta MYNUTE X 30C Low NOx condensing boiler complete with flue gas exhaust kit 20163565 LPG - NEW Boiler code 20163565 Seasonal heating energy efficiency class A Sanitary ware energy efficiency class A Declared load profile XL NOx emission class 6 WARM-UP EXERCISE Heating thermal capacity (max-min) kW 25.00-4.90 Maximum pressure-temperature bar-°C 3 - 90 Membrane expansion vessel capacity 9 l HEALTH EXERCISE Nominal ACS heat output (max-min) kW 30.00-4.90 ACS energy efficiency ηwh % 85 DHW production at ∆T= 25°C / 30°C / 35°C l/min 17.2/14.3/12.3 LINKS Heating inlet - outlet Ø 3/4” Sanitary inlet - outlet Ø 1/2” Gas inlet Ø 3/4” DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT Boiler dimensions (HxDxL) mm 740x420x275; 35 Kg MYNUTE X BERETTA PRESENTS MYNUTE X, THE NEW RANGE OF CONDENSING BOILERS, WITH MANY INNOVATIVE AND ADVANTAGEOUS FEATURES From the stainless steel primary exchanger to the modern electronic interface, there are numerous new elements that distinguish MYNUTE X in the Beretta offer. The new condensing range, with its 5 models from 20 to 35 kW, with “combined” and “heating only” versions, meets every need for residential comfort. High efficiency, low consumption and ease of installation make MYNUTE X the winning choice, both for new homes and for the replacement market. With MYNUTE X, the novelty of the project merges with the tradition of excellence of Beretta, matured in almost half a century of experience in the domestic comfort sector. Its aesthetics, in line with the Beretta style of the latest generation products, easily integrates into any living context, thanks also to its compactness and installation flexibility. NEW DIGITAL INTERFACE MYNUTE X is equipped with a modern and user-friendly control panel, elegantly covered by a door that allows you to glimpse the light of its “green gem”, the LED light bar that indicates its current operating status. Through a modern backlit LCD display, which communicates with the user through icons and scrolling texts (multilingual), it is possible to access the functions of MYNUTE X. Through 7 silk-screened operating keys, it is possible to navigate the panel in a simple and intuitive way, accessing the settings and parameterizations of the boiler and the system. MYNUTE X FUNCTIONS MANAGEMENT OF UP TO 2 HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS, HIGH AND/OR LOW TEMPERATURE, THROUGH SPECIFIC PREHEATING ACCESSORIES PREHEATING ACTIVATION TO REDUCE WAITING TIMES FOR HOT WATER CLOCK FUNCTION WEEKLY PROGRAMMING INTEGRATED IN THE DISPLAY POSSIBILITY OF CONNECTION WITH HOT WATER BOILER (R MODELS) Technology and advantages NEW STAINLESS STEEL PRIMARY EXCHANGER THE NEW MYNUTE X EXCHANGER IS MADE OF STAINLESS STEEL, WITH A SMOOTH PIPE WITH A HIGH SECTION TO OFFER THE BEST EFFICIENCY AND CLEANLINESS OVER TIME. AISI 304 L stainless steel, in addition to its high resistance to the corrosive action of acid condensation, reduces the internal formation of oxides and other electrochemical phenomena typical in installations on old systems. The single wound coil geometry (hydraulic circuit in series) offers a constant flow rate in all sections of the exchanger and intrinsically limits clogging phenomena. Front access facilitates periodic maintenance and cleaning operations of the combustion chamber. INTEGRATED CLAPET MYNUTE X is C10 approved * (formerly 3CEp approved), integrating the non-return valve (clapet) as standard on all models, making it “ready to install” in the case of installations in pressurized collective flues, for which the non-return valve is a mandatory device. The non-return valve is a specific device that allows combustion fumes to flow through the ducts in one direction only, i.e. from the burner to the flue outlet. Its function is therefore to prevent the fumes from returning to the combustion chamber, compromising the correct functioning of the boiler. This eventuality could occur for various reasons, for example in the case of overpressure in the duct of a collective flue system. The non-return valve is generally supplied as a specific optional kit, to be installed at the flue outlet of a boiler in the case of C10 type collective flues. In MYNUTE X the non-return valve is positioned inside the boiler (see detail), which translates into quick installation and reduced costs. HYBRID READY MYNUTE X is a HYBRID READY solution. The boiler is part of the HYBRID READY product range, which constitutes the new hybrid technology system conceived and developed in the Beretta Research Laboratories. This system, created to meet current and future needs for the integration and management of different energy sources (Gas/Electricity/Renewables), also includes the most innovative methods of energy storage and distribution. Characteristics INNOVATIVE STAINLESS STEEL CONDENSING EXCHANGER WITH FRONT ACCESS WIDE MODULATION RANGE (UP TO 1:8) LOW CONSUMPTION MODULATING CIRCULATOR (EEI ≤ 0.20), 6 m EQUIPPED WITH STANDARD SMOKE CLAPE (NON-RETURN VALVE) AND C(10) APPROVED.* LOW POLLUTING EMISSIONS: CLASS 6 (UNI EN 15502) MYNUTE X IS HYBRID READY: IT IS DESIGNED TO BE INTEGRATED INTO BERETTA MULTI-ENERGY SYSTEMS THROUGH THE REC 10H HYBRID AND THE CONNECT HYBRID, AVAILABLE AS ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION FLEXIBILITY: INDOOR, OUTDOOR** AND BUILT-IN INSTALLATION*** (IN A PARTIALLY PROTECTED PLACE) CLICK-FIT FLUE CONNECTION: FAST AND SAFE, WITHOUT THE NEED FOR AN EXTERNAL COLLAR ANTIFREEZE RESISTANCE KIT, HYDRAULIC CONNECTIONS AND EXTERNAL PROBE AVAILABLE AS ACCESSORIES ELECTRICAL PROTECTION DEGREE IPX5D “DOUBLE T” TEMPLATE SUPPLIED, COMPATIBLE WITH HYBRID CONNECTS FOR MANAGING UP TO TWO SYSTEM AREAS FOR GAS CONVERSION CONTACT THE AUTHORISED BERETTA TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTERS COMPATIBLE WITH BeSMART WIFI COMFORT CONTROL AS A THERMOSTAT (OTBUS COMMUNICATION), ALLOWING THE MOST ADVANCED FUNCTIONS POSSIBILITY OF PIPETING FLUES WITH THE SPECIFIC PP FLUE PIPE Ø60 AND Ø50 Product Warranty The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.