Ariston boilers
Ariston Scaldabagno a pompa di calore Ariston monoblocco Nuos Plus 250 Twin SYS codice 3079055 A+ Wi-fi Integrato
Scaldabagno a pompa di calore Ariston monoblocco Nuos Plus 250 Twin SYS codice 3079055 A+ Wi-fi Integrato Caratteristiche Tecniche Codice prodotto: 3079055 Specifiche etichetta energetica secondo direttiva Europea ErP Efficienza energetica: Classe A+ PROFILO DI PRELIEVO XL Caratteristiche esercizio riscaldamento/sanitario: Tipologia monoblocco Montaggio u.i basamento RANGE FUNZIONAMENTO ARIA (°C) 7/42 COP** 3.54 RENDIMENTO STAGIONALE (CLIMA MEDIO) (%) 132 TEMPO DI RISCALDAMENTO IN POMPA DI CALORE (h,min)** 5.43 SERPENTINI INTEGRATIVI 2 POTENZA SONORA (dB) 55 MODALITÀ DI FUNZIONAMENTO Green, Boost, Boost 2, Auto, Programmazione oraria prelievi, Voyage, Antilegionella FUNZIONE SILENCE FUNZIONE FOTOVOLTAICA FUNZIONE EDF Dimensioni AxLxP: 199,7x60x68 Peso 95 kg NUOS PLUS WI-FI Scaldabagno a Pompa di calore monoblocco ARISTON Modello Monoblocco a pavimento. La rivoluzione della pompa di calore con nuovi standard di efficienza grazie all'utilizzio del calore dell'aria come fonte di energia rinnovabile per ottenere maggiore comfort ed elevato risparmio energetico. *Accede alla detrazione fiscale del 65% per interventi di riqualificazione energetica. L'intervento deve essere realizzato rispondendo ai requisiti richiesti dall'Agenzia delle entrate per gli interventi di riqualificazione energetica. Caratteristiche Generali: Range di lavoro in pompa di calore contemperature dell’aria da -7 a 42°C Gas ecologico R134a consente di raggiungeretemperature dell’acqua fino a 62°C in pompa di calore Condensatore avvolto alla caldaia (non immerso in acqua) Caldaia in acciaio smaltato al titanio Resistenza elettrica in steatite a doppia potenza Anodo attivo (protech) + anodo magnesio Funzioni: green, auto, boost, boost 2, programmazione oraria dei prelievi voyage e antilegionella Uno o due serpentini e portasonda per integrazione solare, caldaia o biomassa (NUOS PLUS 250 SYS e TWIN SYS) Ricircolo sanitario (NUOS PLUS 250 SYS e TWIN SYS) Funzioni per l’integrazione di altre fonti energetiche: fotovoltaico, smart grid, hybrid Possibilità di attivazione carico esterno Ottimizzazione del funzionamento con caldaiacombinata o solo riscaldamento Prodotto per installazione interna Prima accensione gratuita Garanzia Prodotto : Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Ariston Scaldabagno a Gas Camera Aperta ad Accumulo Ariston S/SGA X 50 Litri codice 3211185 ErP Low NOx NOVITA' Metano o Gpl
Scaldabagno a Gas Camera Aperta ad Accumulo Ariston S/SGA X 50 Litri codice 3211185 ErP Low NOx NOVITA' Caratteristiche Tecniche Modello : S/SGA X 50 Codice Prodotto: 3211185 Camera Aperta ad Accumulo Efficienza Energetica Classe Energetica : B Profilo di Prelievo : M Performance Capacità Nominale : 50 Litri Potenza Termica : 5 kW Potenza Utile : 4,3 kW Tempo di Riscaldamento ΔT = 45° C : 53 minuti Acqua in continuo a 40° : 105 l/h Consumo Metano G20 : 0,53 m3/h Consumo Propano / Butano : 0,39 Kg/h Pressione Nominale : 8 bar Alimentazione : Metano o Gpl (Kit ugelli incluso) Dimensioni Dimensioni (Altezza x diametro) : 700x495 mm Scaldacqua a Gas ad Accumulo Ariston S/SGA X Scaldacqua murale a gas a fiamma pilota Low NOx indicato per installazioni domestiche La Qualità Ariston per sempre a casa tua 100% Garantito da Ariston Ogni singolo componente è sviluppato allo scopo di garantire prestazioni di lunga durata ed elevata efficienza, con la garanzia del marchio Ariston 100% Controllato e Testato Ogni singolo prodotto Ariston è rigorosamente testato in termini di qualità, efficienza e sicurezza prima di essere consegnato, con risultati superiori garantiti dal nostro impegno 100% Costruito per durare Materiali forti e super resistenti, componenti e prodotti sviluppati per funzionare in condizioni estreme per fornire risultati ad alto livello con la massima durata Basso NOx: conforme a ErP 26/09/2018 NOVITA' Nuovo bruciatore pilota più robusto ed affidabile Funzionamento senza collegamenti elettrici Sistema di accensione piezoelettrico Caldaia smaltata Anodo di magnesio Predisposto per gas metano trasformabile GPL (kit ugelli incluso) Funzionamento anche a pressioni idriche minime Valvola gas con tripla sicurezza Garanzia Prodotto: Tutti i prodotti in vendita sul nostro sito sono nuovi ed imballati. La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Ariston Climatizzatore Condizionatore Ariston Penta Split Inverter serie PRIOS 9+9+9+9+9 con PENTA 121 XD0C-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+9000+9000+9000
Caratteristiche tecniche Unità interne Modello : PRIOS R32 25 UD0-I Codice catalogo unità interna : 5x 3381254 Potenza : 9000 Btu Aria trattata : 587 m3/h Livello potenza sonora : 52 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 23~36 dB(A) Diametro tubazioni liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") Diametro tubazioni gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") Dimensioni unità interna (LxPxA) : 805x194x285 mm Peso unità interna : 7,5 Kg Wi-Fi optional : 3381359 Unità esterna Modello : PENTA 121 XD0C-O Codice catalogo unità esterna : 3381263 Numero di unità interne collegabili : Fino a 5 unità interne Efficienza energetica Classe di efficienza energetica raffreddamento : A++ Classe di efficienza energetica riscaldamento : A++ Performance Capacità raffreddamento : 12,4 kW Capacità riscaldamento : 12,3 kW Livello potenza sonora : 68 dB(A) Livello pressione sonora : 64 dB(A) Dati elettrici Alimentazione (V/Hz/Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Gas refrigerante : R-32 Range temperature garantito:- Raffreddamento: -15° ~ 50° C- Riscaldamento: -15° ~ 30° C Dati installativi Diametro tubi liquido : 6,35 mm (1/4") x5 Diametro tubi gas : 9,52 mm (3/8") x4 + 12,70 mm (1/2") x1 Lunghezza massima tubazioni : 80 m Dislivello massimo tra unità interna e unità esterna : 10 m Dimensioni e peso Dimensioni unità esterna (LxPxA) : 946x410x810 mm Peso unità esterna : 73,3 Kg Ariston PRIOS R-32 Il design elegante e compatto dell'unità Prios R-32 si adatta perfettamente a qualsiasi ambiente interno, garantendo un'installazione discreta e armoniosa. Grazie alla tecnologia inverter, questo climatizzatore offre una regolazione precisa della temperatura, riducendo i consumi energetici e mantenendo un funzionamento silenzioso. Le tecnologie Ariston ottimizzano il funzionamento dei prodotti per ridurre quanto possibile il consumo di energia e le emissioni, sempre in anticipo sui tempi rispetto ai regolamenti europei. Ogni singolo componente è sviluppato allo scopo di garantire prestazioni di lunga durata ed elevata efficienza, con la garanzia del marchio Ariston. È rigorosamente testato in termini di qualità, efficienza e sicurezza prima di essere consegnato, con risultati superiori garantiti. Materiali forti e super resistenti, componenti e prodotti sviluppati per funzionare in condizioni estreme per fornire risultati ad alto livello con la massima durata. La manutenzione semplificata e l'affidabilità dei materiali rendono l'unità interna Ariston Prios R-32 una scelta ideale per chi cerca una soluzione di climatizzazione efficiente, sostenibile e di alta qualità Il clima perfetto, sempre ai tuoi comandi Le funzionalità smart, accessibili tramite app mobile, permettono un controllo remoto intuitivo e una gestione personalizzata del clima, assicurando un comfort ottimale in ogni momento. Grazie al nuovo accessorio 3381359 specifico per il climatizzatore PRIOS R32, il clima perfetto Ariston non conosce davvero confini. Controllo totale del clima in mobilità e a casa "Ariston Clima", l'app dedicata per smartphone e tablet Il nuovo kit è composto da una sola chiavetta USB che deve essere semplicemente collegata alla scheda display. Terminata l’installazione non resta che configurare l' App ARISTON CLIMA per avere il clima perfetto sempre ai tuoi comandi. Gas refrigerante R-32 Il Gas refrigerante R-32, con un GWP pari a 675 e con le sue minori emissioni di CO2, garantisce un basso impatto ambientale. Inoltre grazie alle sue caratteristiche il quantitativo di gas da caricare nella macchina è inferiore rispetto ad altri refrigeranti Memory Questa funzione permette di impostare e memorizzare sia la temperatura che la velocità della ventola (anche la funzione sleep se attivata) per garantire maggior comfort alla successiva accensione. Auto pulente La funzione Auto-Pulente inverte il senso di rotazione della ventola nell’unità esterna. Questa inversione del flusso d’aria ripulisce lo scambiatore esterno dalle impurità, garantendo una migliore manutenzione ed efficienza dell’intero impianto. Follow me Con la funzione Follow Me è possibile un controllo più puntuale della temperatura. Con il telecomando, inviando un segnale al condizionatore, è possibile regolare perfettamente la temperatura desiderata nel punto esatto dell’ambiente in cui si trova il telecomando. 12 velocità Ariston Prios dispone di 12 velocità in tutto: tre velocità impostabili oltre ai tre sottolivelli e alle velocità delle funzioni deumidificatore, turbo e silence Filtro antiodore L'unità è dotata di un sistema di filtraggio avanzato che purifica l'aria, rimuovendo particelle di polvere, allergeni e altre impurità, migliorando la qualità dell'aria. Garanzia prodotto : La garanzia su questo articolo è 24 mesi dalla data dell'acquisto.
Ariston Vado Expansion Ariston 3078155 From 10 Liters Insulated For Ckz Hh
Technical features Product code : 3078155 Storage capacity: 10 litres Working pressure : 3 bars Precharge pressure : 1.5 bar Operating temperature : 80°C Product guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
Ariston Ariston 3083059 Valves And Filter Kit Consisting Of Three Ball Taps And A Y Filter For Heat Pumps
Technical features Product code : 3083059 Composed of : Three ball valves Y filter Product guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase
Ariston Ariston Monoblock Heat Pump Water Heater Nuos Plus 250 Sys 3079054 A+ Integrated Wi-Fi
Ariston monobloc heat pump water heater Nuos Plus 250 SYS code 3079054 A+ Integrated Wi-Fi Technical features Product code: 3079054 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Energy efficiency: Class A+ Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Nominal accumulation capacity 245 l Resistance power W 1500+1000 Standard air flow (automatic modulation) m3/h 700 IP24 electrical protection Sound power**** dB(A) 55 Min/max air temperature °C -7/42 Class A+ XL profile Dimensions HxWxD: 199.7x60x68 Weight 95kg NEW PLUS WI-FI ARISTON monobloc heat pump water heater Model Monoblock on the floor. The heat pump revolution with new standards of efficiency thanks to the use of the heat in the air as a source of renewable energy to obtain greater comfort and high energy savings. * Access the 65% tax deduction for energy redevelopment interventions. The intervention must be carried out in compliance with the requirements requested by the Revenue Agency for energy requalification interventions. General characteristics: Working range in heat pump with air temperatures from -7 to 42°C R134a ecological gas allows water temperatures to be reached up to 62°C in heat pump mode Condenser wrapped around the boiler (not immersed in water) Titanium enamelled steel boiler Electric resistance in steatite with double power Active anode (protech) + magnesium anode Functions: green, auto, boost, boost 2, hourly programming of voyage and anti-legionella samples One or two coils and probe holder for solar integration, boiler or biomass (NUOS PLUS 250 SYS and TWIN SYS) DHW recirculation (NUOS PLUS 250 SYS and TWIN SYS) Functions for integrating other energy sources: photovoltaic, smart grid, hybrid Possibility of activating external load Optimization of operation with combined boiler or heating only Product for internal installation First ignition free Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ariston Kit Two Wooden Shelves Lynea 286+692mm
ARISTON CONDENSING BOILER CLAS ONE 24 KW EU COMPLETE WITH METHANE FUME EXHAUST KIT - ErP Technical features Product code: 3301021 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Sanitary energy efficiency profile XL Class A Characteristics of heating/DHW operation: Nominal thermal power kW 22 Annual energy consumption in heating 40 gj Annual electricity consumption 44 kWh Seasonal space heating energy efficiency % 94 Water heating energy efficiency % 83 Sound power level inside 49 dB DHW flow rate ?T 25 °C (l/min) 14.5 Dimensions 24 kW mm (HxWxD) 745 x 400 x 315 Indoor installation and partially protected places Power supply: methane or LPG Functionality: Wi-Fi optional XtraTech™ stainless steel primary exchanger AUTO, Comfort functions Indoor installation and partially protected places New XTRATECH™ exchanger: Maximum quality. XtraTech™ is the new exclusive* Ariston stainless steel heat exchanger, the heart of the ONE condensing boilers, developed to guarantee reliability and performance over time. Increased passage sections: +142% compared to the previous exchanger. Higher prevalence, lower risk of clogging, better performance. Every day, as if it were the first. Every single component has been designed to guarantee performance and durability over time: Ariston guarantee, shown in each component. Every single component has been rigorously tested and controlled on the production line. 100% of the boilers are tested again before being shipped to our customers. The best materials have been selected, to work for a long time even in the most critical situations. Always connected with Ariston NET Wherever you are, always within reach of your Smartphone. Managing the comfort of your home has never been easier! Wherever you are, you can control the climate in your home using your smartphone. Use only the energy it needs. Easy to manage weekly time programming, directly from the app. Also, choose the savings "leaflet" for a real reduction in bill costs! Technical support always ON. Thanks to the innovative remote control system, the app warns your customer in case of malfunctions. By signing a maintenance contract, the Assistance Center will be able to intervene in the event of breakdowns, even remotely. Customer serenity is at the heart of Ariston NET. Absolute efficiency: Thermoregulation in class A+ The ONE condensing boilers achieve very high seasonal performance and thanks to the thermoregulation they reach class A+! Alteas and Genus ONE are also equipped with the innovative IGNITION system, which makes combustion always perfect thanks to the electronic control. Gas transformation? No problem, from the technical menu in one touch. Total Comfort: Innovative functions to meet your needs ONE is equipped with an innovative set of smart functions to guarantee comfort every day with minimum waste of energy. Auto function: Patented function that allows you to automatically optimize the operation of the boiler, eliminating continuous switching on and off, reducing the stress on the components to a minimum. Comfort function: Hot water without any waiting! Lots of water with minimum energy consumption. Integrated Programming: Weekly hourly programming integrated into Alteas and Genus ONE products. Care function: Automatic reminder of routine maintenance. New XtraTech™ heat exchanger in Ariston exclusive* stainless steel , with high head Exchanger passage sections +142% compared to the previous version LCD display Class A+ in heating reachable with thermoregulation Modulation ratio 1:7 Prepared for Ariston NET connectivity BusBridgeNet® communication protocol AUTO function, Comfort Optimized internal silencer Installation in partially protected places Smoke outlet 80, 60, 50 mm Product Guarantee All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ariston Ariston Trial Split Inverter Air Conditioner Alys 9+9+18 Series With Quad 110 Xd0c-O R-32 Wi-Fi Optional 9000+9000+18000
Technical features Indoor units 1) Model Indoor unit catalog code : 2x ALYS 25 UD0-I Product code : 3381251 Power: 9000 btu/h Capacity : 2.5 kW Treated air : 587 m 3 /h Sound pressure level : 23~36 dB(A) Liquid piping diameter : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 9.52 mm (3/8") Internal unit dimensions: 805x194x285 mm Weight : 7.5Kg Wi-Fi Optional 2) Model Indoor unit catalog code : 1x ALYS 50 UD0-I Product code : 3381253 Power: 18000 btu/h Capacity : 5.8 kW Treated air : 795 m 3 /h Sound power level : 54 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 23~42 dB(A) Liquid piping diameter : 6.35 mm (1/4") Gas pipe diameter: 12.70 mm (1/2") Internal unit dimensions: 957x213x302 mm Weight : 9.0 Kg Wi-Fi Optional Outdoor unit Model: Outdoor unit catalog number : QUAD 110 XD0C-O (3381262) Number of connectable indoor units : Up to 4 indoor units Energy efficiency SEER : 6.1 (W/W) SCOP : 4.0 (W/W) Annual energy consumption in cooling : 607.8 kW/a Annual energy consumption in heating : 2939 kW/a Performance Cooling capacity : 10.6 kW Heating capacity : 11.0 kW Sound power level : 65.4 dB(A) Sound pressure level : 63 dB(A) Electrical data Power (V/Hz/Φ) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R-32 Guaranteed temperature range: - Cooling: -15° ~ 50°C - Heating: -25° ~ 30° C Installation data Liquid Pipe Diameter : 6.35mm (1/4") x4 Gas pipe diameter : 9.52 mm (3/8") x3 + 12.70 mm (1/2") Maximum piping length: 35 m Maximum difference in height indoor unit / outdoor unit: 15 m Dimensions: External unit dimensions: 946x410x810 mm Outdoor unit weight: 68.8 Kg Alys R-32 Quad 12 Speed The product has 12 speeds in all: three settable speeds in addition to the three sub-levels and speeds of the dehumidifier, turbo and silence functions. Anti-odour filter Eliminates bacteria and molds and prevents the causes of the most common allergies, capturing the allergens present in the air and breaking down their structure Low Ambient Low Ambient Cooling function for cooling 1W Standby Stand-by mode to optimize consumption up to 80% Characteristics R32 refrigerant gas 2D INVERTER technology Compatible with ARISTON CLIMA R32 Wi-Fi KIT Memory function BOOSTER function Refrigerant leak sensor SELF-CLEANING function Auto-matching function for multisplit, for a correct hydraulic connection, automatically and in every situation Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
ARISTON Air-Water Monoblock Heat Pump Inverter Ariston Nimbus Pocket M Net 150 R-32 Single-Phase 3301876 Class A+++/A+++
ATTENTION ! IN CASE OF NO IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY, THE PRODUCT WILL BE ORDERED AND SHIPPED IN 10 WORKING DAYS FREE FIRST START-UP Technical features Model : NIMBUS POCKET M NET 150 Product code : 3301876 Sensys HD as standard Energy efficiency Energy class in heating at 35° C: A+++ Energy class in heating at 55° C: A+++ Heating External air temperature -7°C - Water temperature 30/35°C Nonimal thermal power: 11.00 kW Absorbed electrical power: 3.55 kW COP: 3.10 External air temperature 7°C - Water temperature 30/35°C Thermal power: 15.00 kW Absorbed electrical power: 3.19 kW COP: 4.70 External air temperature 7°C - Water temperature 40/45°C Thermal power: 9.90 kW Absorbed electrical power: 2.48 kW COP : 4.00 Cooling External air temperature 35°C - Water temperature 7°/12°C Nonimal cooling capacity: 11.00 kW Absorbed electrical power: 3.75 kW EER: 2.93 External air temperature 35°C - Water temperature 18°/23°C Nonimal cooling capacity: 12.50 kW Absorbed electrical power: 2.66 kW EER: 4.70 Electrical data Power supply (V,Hz, Ø) : 220~240/50/1 Refrigerant gas : R32 Installation data Plumber's Pipe Diameter: 1" inch Male Dimensions and weight Dimensions (WxHxD): 1016x1506x374 mm Empty weight: 124.0 kg Ariston Nimbus Pocket M Net heat pump Heat pump for hot, cold and domestic hot water functions High efficiency packaged inverter heat pump capable of heating and cooling the environment. Thanks to optimal energy management, maximum performance efficiency is guaranteed at any outside temperature. POCKET I do not include the hydraulic module for a space-saving as much as possible. Optimized performance The innovative Energy Manager technology manages the entire hardware and software system, ensuring stable performance at any external temperature and the lowest noise level in its category Total efficiency High levels of efficiency across the entire range for both heating and cooling functions. Already prepared for energy labeling A+++ for heating Built-in connectivity The Ariston NET App allows you to control the heating, cooling and hot water functions directly from your smartphone and provides 24-hour assistance 360° control Through the interface of the integrated Sensys NET system it is possible to effectively control multiple zones, also integrating renewable solar energy, both thermal and photovoltaic, and auxiliary generators Quality 100% GUARANTEED BY ARISTON Every single component is developed with the aim of guaranteeing long-lasting performance and high efficiency, with the guarantee of the Ariston brand. 100% CHECKED AND TESTED Every single Ariston product is rigorously tested in terms of quality, efficiency and safety before being delivered, with superior results guaranteed by our commitment. 100% BUILT TO LAST Strong and super resistant materials, components and products developed to perform in extreme conditions to deliver high-level results with maximum durability Totally safe Designed with the most modern technology and built with selected materials, Ariston heat pumps are totally safe Advantages Inverter packaged heat pump R32 ecological gas COP up to 5.1 Quietness, up to 53 dB(A) Power range from 1.7 to 17.7 kW Sensys HD as standard Light Box electrical box that can also be installed outdoors Plug & Play solution Back up electrical resistance available as an accessory WI-FI connectivity as standard Remote management with the Ariston NET app Optional 24/7 teleassistance Photovoltaic function Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ariston Simat By Ariston Electric Water Heater 10 Liters Above Sink
Technical features Model: Simat By Ariston Energy efficiency: Class C Withdrawal profile: XXS profile Power ; 1200W Voltage : 230V Capacity: 10 litres Dimensions : 360x360x280mm Weight : 6.3Kg Simat By Ariston Electric Water Heaters Compact electric water heaters with a high design, created to solve any space requirement with functionality and style and able to provide high efficiency in the smallest possible space. Available in storage capacities of 10, 15, 30 litres, these models guarantee extremely rapid heating times and maximum reliability. Characteristics: Complies with the new ErP directives Insulation with ecological expanded polyurethane foam Enamelled steel boiler Magnesium anode 4 bolt flange Warning lamp Product Guarantee: All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ariston Ariston Condensing Boiler Clas One System 24 Kw Methane Complete With Smoke Kit Wi-Fi Optional Heating Only 3301031- New Erp
Product code: 3301031 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Combustion and Efficiency: Nominal heat input max/min heating: kW 22.0-3.7 Nominal DHW max/min heat input: kW 26.0-3.7 Heating max/min useful heat output: kW 21.4-3.4 Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C): 97.5% Efficiency at 30% (30°C): 109.8% Performance: Heating max/min temperature (high temperature) °C 82-35 Heating max/min temperature (low temperature) °C 45-20 DHW max/min temperature °C 60-40 Minimum operating temperature (-5°C with antifreeze kit)**> 0° Characteristics: Total absorbed electrical power W 77.0 Degree of protection of the electrical system IP X5D Dimensions 24 kW mm (HxWxD) 745 x 400 x 315 Installation in partially protected places Power supply: methane ONE Series, the new generation of condensing boilers Serie ONE is the new generation of Ariston condensing boilers, studied down to the smallest detail to guarantee maximum performance for a long time. New XTRATECH™ exchanger: Maximum quality. XtraTech™ is the new exclusive* Ariston stainless steel heat exchanger, the heart of the ONE condensing boilers, developed to guarantee reliability and performance over time. Increased passage sections: +142% compared to the previous exchanger. Higher prevalence, lower risk of clogging, better performance. Every day, as if it were the first. Every single component has been designed to guarantee performance and durability over time: Ariston guarantee, shown in each component. Every single component has been rigorously tested and controlled on the production line. 100% of the boilers are tested again before being shipped to our customers. The best materials have been selected, to work for a long time even in the most critical situations. Excellent results, over time. Always connected with Ariston NET Wherever you are, always within reach of your Smartphone. Managing the comfort of your home has never been easier! Wherever you are, you can control the climate in your home using your smartphone. Use only the energy it needs. Easy to manage weekly time programming, directly from the app. Also, choose the savings "leaflet" for a real reduction in bill costs! Technical support always ON. Thanks to the innovative remote control system, the app warns your customer in case of malfunctions. By signing a maintenance contract, the Assistance Center will be able to intervene in the event of breakdowns, even remotely. Customer serenity is at the heart of Ariston NET. Absolute efficiency: Thermoregulation in class A+ The ONE condensing boilers achieve very high seasonal performance and thanks to the thermoregulation they reach class A+ ! Alteas and Genus ONE are also equipped with the innovative IGNITION system, which makes combustion always perfect thanks to the electronic control. Gas transformation? No problem, from the technical menu in one touch. Total Comfort: Innovative functions to meet your needs ONE is equipped with an innovative set of smart functions to guarantee comfort every day with minimum waste of energy. Auto function: Patented function that allows you to automatically optimize the operation of the boiler, eliminating continuous switching on and off, reducing the stress on the components to a minimum. Comfort function: Hot water without any waiting! Lots of water with minimum energy consumption. Integrated Programming: Weekly hourly programming integrated into Alteas and Genus ONE products. Care function: Automatic reminder of routine maintenance. New Class One System Clas ONE system is the condensing boiler with AUTO function for heating only. Available in heating only 24 and 35 kW versions. Characteristics: New XtraTech™ exchanger in exclusive* Ariston stainless steel, with high head Exchanger passage sections +142% compared to the previous version LCD display Class A+ in heating reachable with thermoregulation Modulation ratio 1:7 Prepared for Ariston NET connectivity BusBridgeNet® communication protocol AUTO function, Comfort Optimized internal silencer Installation in partially protected places Smoke outlet 80, 60, 50 mm Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.
Ariston Ariston Condensing Boiler Clas One System 35 Kw LPG Complete With Optional Wi-Fi Smoke Kit - New Erp
ATTENTION THE BOILER IS BORN WITH METHANE. THEREFORE, THE STANDARD TRANSFORMATION KIT WILL BE SUPPLIED. FOR INFO, CONTACT THE AUTHORIZED AREA ASSISTANCE CENTER IN ADVANCE ARISTON CONDENSING BOILER CLAS ONE SYSTEM 35 kW LPG COMPLETE WITH OPTIONAL Wi-Fi FUME KIT - NEW ErP Technical features Product code: 3301032 Energy label specifications according to the European ErP directive Class A heating energy efficiency Combustion and Efficiency: Nominal heat input max/min heating: kW 31.0-5.0 Heating max/min useful heat output: kW 30.2-4.7 Efficiency at nominal heat input (60/80°C): 97.5% Efficiency at 30% (30°C): 109.6% Performance: Heating max/min temperature (high temperature) °C 82-35 Heating max/min temperature (low temperature) °C 45-20 DHW max/min temperature °C 60-40 Minimum operating temperature (-5°C with antifreeze kit)**> 0° Characteristics: Total absorbed electric power W 84 Degree of protection of the electrical system IP X5D Dimensions 24 kW mm (HxWxD) 745 x 400 x 385 Installation in partially protected places Power supply: methane or LPG XtraTech™ is the new exclusive* Ariston stainless steel heat exchanger, the heart of the ONE condensing boilers, developed to guarantee reliability and performance over time. Increased passage sections: +142% compared to the previous exchanger. Higher prevalence, lower risk of clogging, better performance. Every day, as if it were the first. Every single component has been designed to guarantee performance and durability over time: Ariston guarantee, shown in each component. Every single component has been rigorously tested and controlled on the production line. 100% of the boilers are tested again before being shipped to our customers. The best materials have been selected, to work for a long time even in the most critical situations. CLAS ONE SYSTEM Condensing boiler for heating only, ideal for creating systems (hybrid, solar, boiler with external storage tank). It is built on the basis of the new ONE Series Per4mance System with four technologies that ensure particularly high performance. Durability maximized thanks to the Ariston exclusive XtraTech™ heat exchanger Compact structure for easy installation LCD display Compatible with the CUBE S NET Wi-Fi thermostat which allows connection to the Ariston NET App Compatible with the Ariston NET App for remote control AUTO FUNCTION maximum comfort, efficiency and energy savings based on the automatic analysis of the environmental conditions, connected external devices and required performance. COMFORT FUNCTION speeds up hot water dispensing in two modes: Comfort Plus Mode (always hot water in just 5") and Comfort Mode (hot water for 30' after the last tap). SMALL SIZE small footprint for easy installation. SYSTEM MANAGEMENT new communication protocol set up to guarantee complete management of the system. Product Warranty All products for sale on our site are new and packed. The warranty on this item is 24 months from the date of purchase.